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MER. Paper Kunsthalle FALL 2015

Museum Museumcultuur Strombeek/Gent Luk Lambrecht, Roland Jooris, Wim Van Mulders, Nicola Setari, Frederik Leen, Christel Stalpaert, Patrick Van Rossem, Rik Pinxten, Ulrich Loock, Silvano Manganaro, Francesco Poli, Tommaso Trini

Between 2013 and 2014 CC Strombeek displayed several works from the collection of the S.M.A.K., Ghent. By joining forces with this internationally acclaimed museum of contemporary art and private collectors; the cultural centre of Strombeek, located close to Brussels, was able to show an impressive body of work by established and up-and-coming international artists. In no less than ten project exhibitions, CC Strombeek gathered work by such artists as Franz West, Daniel Buren, Raoul De Keyser, Honoré ∂’O, Willy De Sauter, Jef Gheys, Ann-Veronica Janssens, Sol LeWitt, Gerhard Richter, Andy Warhol and many more. Focussing on art from the sixties until this day, the exhibition program of curators Luk Lambrecht and Lieze Eneman opens art practice from the last five decades. The book contains a full complement of exhibition views with an impressive body of accompanying essays.

Museumcultuur Strombeek/Gent & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Oct 2015 ISBN: 978 94 9232 100 8 € 39 design: Studio Luc Derycke 27,9 × 21,6 cm / 384 pp / SC EN / NL



FALL 2015




FALL 2015


Luc Coeckelberghs AB-I Etienne Van den Bergh, Dirk Snauwaert, Isabelle De Baets

AB-I brings together four decennia of Coeckelberghs’ artistic practice. The main core of the artist’s oeuvre comprises paintings, along with sculptural work and installations. This monograph shows the evolution over time in the use of materials, means, techniques and forms, and of one of the core questions of Coeckelbergh’s practice: a research on the concept of space in art, whether it is expressed in a two or three-dimensional way, or in a four-dimensional way, physically and mentally.

AsaMER Oct 2015 ISBN: 978 94 9177 561 1 € 39 design: Studio Luc Derycke 29,5 × 22,6 cm/ 278 pp / SC EN / NL / FR



FALL 2015


DOMINIQUE STROOBANT Dirk Pörschmann, Angela Thomas, Axel Vervoordt

Dominique Stroobant (°1947, Antwerp) is a Belgian artist living and working in Carrara, Italy. A sculptor and graphic artist, he set up the Floating Stones Group with Kenneth Davis and Philippe Toussaint in 1972. He experimented with his first heliograph, a pinhole camera that photographs the movement of the sun, in 1977. Dominique Stroobant has had numerous solo exhibitions, in Belgium and abroad, and has also participated in group exhibitions and symposia about stone sculpture. He was a close friend of ZERO artist Jef Verheyen, and they collaborated on a number of projects. Throughout his early career, Stroobant recorded anti-authoritarian movements and victim memorials. Stroobant is particularly puzzled by the shapes of things that hint at infinity.

AsaMER Oct 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 582 6 € 45 (tbc) design: Studio Luc Derycke 26 × 29 cm / 228 pp / HC EN



FALL 2015


Ni Co Lo Di RENATO NICOLODI Wim van den Bergh, Ben Overlaet, Joannes Késenne, Marie-Pascale Gildemyn

Ni Co Lo Di not only provides an overview of 10 years of artistic practice by Renato Nicolodi (° 1980), but also brings seven tributes to sources of inspiration. This voluminous book is designed by Onno Hesselink. Because the square is an important constant in Nicolodi’s work, the book too has that shape and contains four texts by writers from different fields. The monograph is an ‘encounter’ between the artist and Dutch architect Wim van den Bergh, philosopher Ben Overlaet, psychologist Joannes Késenne and art historian Marie-Pascale Gildemyn. It’s a beginning, a foundation, in the way that this baggage of images and stories is decisive for the path the artist will follow with his work.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle June 2015 ISBN: 978 94 9177 592 5 € 45 design: Onno Hesselink 24,5 × 24,5 cm/ 324 pp / HC EN / NL



FALL 2015


ZERO the artist as curator Tiziana Caianiello, Dirk Pörschmann, Johan Pas, Ulrike Schmitt, Andres Pardey, e.a.

Between the late 1950s and the mid-1960s, a new artistic movement emerged in Europe that came to be known under the name of ZERO, as artists from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Switzerland sought new ways to collaborate and create new platforms for their art. In a cultural landscape bereft of conventional networks and opportunities, many avant-garde artists of postwar Europe took it upon themselves to function as the managers and editors of their own exhibitions, events, and publications. From today’s perspective, one might say that within their own exhibition spaces and in the few private galleries run by like-minded owners, these artists were also active as “curators.” This book focuses on the main projects realized by artists in the context of ZERO and is the first comprehensive study on this subject. Based on extensive archival research, it presents the result of several years of collaboration by an international group of scholars put together by the ZERO foundation.

AsaMER Sept 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 568 0 € 45 (tbc) design: Studio Luc Derycke 20 × 21 cm / 536 pp / HC EN



FALL 2015


Personally, I’m Most Interested in The Shapes and Colours Ludovik Vermeersch, Sarah Hayden, Marc Holthof, Erik Porath, Jens Presser, Rahel Schrohe, Kristof van Baarle e.a.

Marking a symbolic hundred years since Malevich painted his iconic Black Square, this publication investigates the continued potential of abstract art as a disruptive, iconoclastic or radical practice. Taking the form of a pastiche and integrating fictional elements within a theoretical framework, this book offers an experience of contextual abstraction, while using the specific case of abstract painting today to reflect on the role of narrative constructions in our experience of contemporary art. Twelve authors and six artists respond to a theoretical proposal put forth by the Belgian artist and curator Ludovik Vermeersch. Vermeersch suggests that in order to allow paintings to successfully “perform” their abstraction, one has to subvert the narrative framework they operate in. The book is a carefully composed attempt – a script, in fact – to do exactly that.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Kunstraum Ossastrasse May 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 590 1 € 25 design: Toon Leën and Kato Six in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke 23 × 16,5 cm / 304 pp / SC EN



Tomorrow Joris Ghekiere Ulrich Loock, Martin Germann, Philippe Van Cauteren

This artist book presents 32 paintings of Joris Ghekiere between 2007 and the present, and accompagnies the first retrospective exhibition of the artist in S.M.A.K. Ghent, from March to May 2015, curated by Ulrich Loock. With this publication the fascinating world of this ‘artist’s artist’ is made accessible to a broader public. Ghekiere usually paints in series: a series of camgirls, a series of optical delusions, a series of thistles, etc. For this publication work from different groups has been rearranged to a complex and unexpected combination, that reveals the inner coherence of the artist’s work. Ulrich Loock, the curator of JORIS GHEKIERE/ TOMORROW commented on the oeuvre as follows: ‘Ghekiere engages in painting to reshuffle the deck. Slippage and disorder are the conditions he attempts in his work. The picture plane is turned into a place where seeing and blindness merge.’ Ulrich Loock contributed to this publication with an essay, while S.M.A.K. director Philippe Van Cauteren adresses a letter to the artist. A conversation between Joris Ghekiere and Martin Germann concludes the text part.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle & S.M.A.K, Gent March 2015 978 94 9177 586 4 € 25 design: Studio Luc Derycke with Joris Ghekiere 35 × 24,5 cm / 32 + 8 pp / SC EN / NL

FALL 2015


Hervé Martijn Ounce Sven Vanderstichelen

Hervé Martijn’s years of experience as a painter drive him to the extremes of his technical ability and question the nature of the true-to-life reality that he as an artist should allow to appear on canvas. Giving shape to a painted reality forces him to make artistic choices each time anew. Martijn’s lifelike translation consists in a painted diversity of reproductive possibilities with an inexhaustible and multipliable creative interpretation of a subtle, emotionally charged reality. His world, consisting mostly of beautiful women, is subtly manipulated on canvas by means of creative reinterpretation. Hervé Martijn’s muses shrink from the viewer’s gaze, or are stripped of their ability to look. A feeling of shame dominates the visible reality of those portrayed. In every painting the face is hidden or averted from the viewer’s judgment. As if the outside world can only observe fragments of a reality that has been made fragile. A visible, emotionally suppressed pain is sublimated in the beautiful reproduction of long, vulnerable suffering. As if recording it on canvas would bear witness to a painted conviction that acceptance is the only way to deal with wounds in life. A way of being marked for life in paint. A merciless “Ounce” upon a time in a fragile reality.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle June 2015 ISBN: 978 94 9177 587 1 € 34 design: Studio Luc Derycke 24 × 17 cm/ 128 pp / HC EN / NL



CHEVALIER-MASSON DES CHOSES À FAIRE Tim Ingold, Laurence Mauderli, Peter Swinnen

This catalogue on the work of Chevalier-Masson is published to mark the occasion of their invitation to exhibit at the Grand Hornu CID in autumn 2015. For a decade now, Anne Masson and Eric Chevalier have been joining forces to work together in the field of textiles. They examine design by adopting an experimental approach to the materials, and not a priori to the results. Driven by spontaneity and the pleasure of making, they approach textiles in different contexts, as a medium linked to cultural, collective, and intimate concerns, and to questions of function and pleasure. The catalogue aims to shed light on the organic, dynamic, and elastic spirit of the work, in which the processes invested are never really brought to an end, but are to some extent always likely to be reactivated according to circumstance. The catalogue will also present the collaborative practice that has been initiated in recent years in the company of architects, designers, and choreographers, notably the architects 51n4e and Baukunst, the designer Diane Steverlynck, and the choreographers Pierre Droulers and Thomas Hauert, projects that extend the horizon of their work and examine different statutes and dimensions of textiles. The catalogue for Des Choses à Faire is presented as a state of play for an approach with movable perimeters, liable to open up any number of tracks for inspiration and reflection.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Oct 2015 ISBN 978 94 9232 104 6 € 35 design: Olivier Lamy 23 × 16 cm / 210 pp / SC EN / FR

FALL 2015


Marcin Dudek The Department of Subterranea Harlan Levey, Anna Stüler

Marcin Dudek’s book delves into the captivating universe of a literal and figurative underground, which took form in works he created below and above ground in the past ten years. The Department of Subterranea takes us into the artist’s living space usurped by a parasitic mass of adhesive tape and plastic film (Tunnel Recording), through the illusion of a painting out into a space behind the exhibition (How to Rumble Painting), and into underground mazes constructed from tape, wood or jute fabric (I Will Eat This Sleepy Town, Cathedral of Human Labour, Land of Space and Optimism), out to public space (Winter Pavilion, Pumping Station). It also allows us to revisit composite shows and performances (Too Close for Comfort, Wild, Punch to the Sky), and see a few of Dudek’s unique hand-made books (Coal, Strata) as well as his extensive series of meticulously composed collages (When I Think About Painting, Unexplained Ground Subsidence, 17972 and many others) – unveiling many of Dudeks’s intricate references in its concise project descriptions and an insightful interview.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Sept 2015 ISBN 978 94 9232 103 9 € 35 design: Amélie Bouvier and Rita Máximo 24 × 16 cm / 200 pp / HC EN



Ayşe Erkmen & Ann Veronica Janssens Guillaume Desanges, Jan Verwoert, Philippe Van Cauteren

Ayşe Erkmen (°1949, Istanbul) and Ann Veronica Janssens (°1956, Folkestone) are sculptors of roughly the same generation. In both their cases, sculpture is a concept that goes far beyond the three-dimensional nature of the work of art and the spatial relationship between the work and the viewer. Ayşe Erkmen’s artistic practice is characterised by a marked interest in the historical and social context in which a work of art is born. She makes invisible elements and structures in the surroundings temporarily or permanently visible. Ann Veronica Janssens is engaged with the sensory experience and the moment when the body and space meet. She experiments with the intangible and employs light, colour and sound in her research into the perception of space and movement. In 2016, at the invitation of the City of Ghent, Erkmen and Janssens will each be installing a permanent sculpture on the Korenmarkt. The S.M.A.K., in a double exhibition (31 October 2015 – 14 February 2016), takes the opportunity to set the designs in the broader context of the two artists’ oeuvres and to examine how these two relate to each other.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Oct 2015 ISBN 987 94 9232 105 3 € 20 design: Studio Luc Derycke 27,5 × 21 cm / 280 pp / SC EN / NL

FALL 2015


Polly Apfelbaum Deep Purple, Red Shoes

The artist’s book Deep Purple, Red Shoes of Polly Apfelbaum (°1955, Abington, Pennsylvania) was published on the occasion of her eponym exhibition held at Be-Part, Waregem (B) in the Spring of 2015. Apfelbaum’s oeuvre is situated where the arts of painting, sculpture and installation intersect. Her work is a mix of two and three-dimensional art. With her installations, Apfelbaum introduces various ‘female’ techniques such as weaving, into today’s contemporary art world. In Be-Part she combined a modern-day discourse with the tradition of handwoven carpets in a special in-situ project. The traditional woven woolen carpets come from the village of Teotitlán del Valle in the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, where the whole community is involved in carpet making. For this exhibition, Polly Apfelbaum designed carpets that practically cover the exhibition spaces. This publication renders a printed interpretation of her show. The book starts off with a few enigmatic cut out pages in bright red, orange and purple, representing the shapes of the Be-Part rugs. These are followed by installation views in black and white that only partly reveal the actual show’s experience. A series of details in full color unveil the installation bit by bit. The books are numbered and signed by the artist.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle June 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 596 3 € 65 design: Luc Derycke with Polly Apfelbaum 29 × 29 cm / 32 pp / HC EN



Yorgos Maraziotis Night of the World Sotirios Bahtsetzis

Night Of The World is a publication of Yorgos Maraziotis’ (°1984) work, shown between 2013 and 2015 in Athens at Beton7 gallery, in New York at the School of Visual Arts and in Thessaloniki at Nitra gallery. His work is inspired by the German philosopher Hegel, and his reference on the night of the world. Maraziotis’ oeuvre consists of sculptural compositions, silkscreen prints and large scale installations that propose a study on the concept of time, the absence and the limits of our sensibility. The publication, along with the photos of the works, also contains a theoretical text by art historian and curator Sotirios Bahtsetzis.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle April 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 591 8 € 20 design: Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza 24 × 17 cm / 64 pp / HC EN / GR

FALL 2015


Honoré ∂’O Vibrations Off Luk Lambrecht, Bart De Baere, Philippe Van Cauteren, Tom Van Imschoot e.a.

The fragility, the antimatter and the weightlessness of the material are typical of Honoré ∂’O’s oeuvre, where the door to coincidence is always wide open. An Honoré ∂’O will never appear in the same form or in a cloned shape. It is his way of evading the trap of prejudice, the urge and the longing for the familiar, the glorification of the materialised object.

AraMER & Kristof De Clercq Gallery May 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 589 5 € 20

This book unfolds as one long story of images in which the continuous plastic activity of Honoré ∂’O develops into a chain reaction of cross fertilisation. Starting from a symbiotic relationship with Viennese artist ManfreDu Schu and other kindred artists, students from KASK, thinkers, curators, poets, museum directors,…

design: Honoré ∂’O, Kahil Janssens, Fien Rebry in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke 24 × 16,5 cm / 224 pp / SC EN / NL


With texts by Inge Braeckman, Yves Coussement, Bart De Baere, Marc De Bie, Kristof De Clercq, Nikolaas Demoen, Helena De Preester, Honoré ∂’O, Martin Germann, Luk Lambrecht, Filip Luyckx, ManfreDu Schu, Philippe Van Cauteren, Tom Van Imschoot, Wim Waelput, Yunkyung Kam…


Jasper Rigole Addenda

Addenda is the joined title of a series of publications, which reflects on the practice that artist Jasper Rigole (°1980) developed in the past ten years. In that period, the artist manifested himself as collector, artist, archivist, researcher, founder and employee of the fictitious International Institute for the Conservation, Archiving and Dissemination of Other People’s Memories (IICADOM).

AraMER Sept 2015 ISBN 978 94 9232 101 5 € 35

These seven publications can be viewed as an addendum to the artist’s practice as well as to each publication as such. However, this statement could also be inverted, in which the work itself would function as an addendum to the publication. Central in Rigole’s book is the work “81 things which I thought I had forgotten”, in which Rigole researches the mnemonic quality of 81 objects stored in his studio and how these operate within the artist’s practice.

design: Studio Luc Derycke 16,5 × 11,5 cm / 224 pp / SC NL

FALL 2015


FRAGILE CITY Tülay Atak, David Bergé, Elke Krasny

Fragile City revisits Le Corbusier’s Voyage d’Orient of 1911 in the contemporary context of urbanization with essays and work by Elke Krasny, David Bergé and Tülay Atak. It is based on urban curatorial research by Krasny and photographic explorations by Bergé and Krasny. In dialogue with local experts in Athens, Belgrade, Istanbul, Rome and Vienna, Le Corbusier’s formative route was re-contextualized in contemporary terms. Atak’s contribution is an essay on Le Corbusier’s photographs as documents of an urban context corresponding to a moment at the end of imperialism and beginning of nation states. With these essays and photographs, Fragile City is a visual, critical and historical reflection on contemporary urbanization.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Sept 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 557 4 € 20 design: Studio Luc Derycke 15,7 × 17,7 cm / 156 pp / SC EN



FALL 2015


Mekhitar Garabedian Table, Gentbrugge (Kitchen) 2012–2015 Pieter Van Bogaert

Table, Gentbrugge (Kitchen), 2012–2015 and Table, Gentbrugge, (Living Room), 2012–2015 are two collections of photographs, moments in time from the life of Mekhitar Garabedian, chronologically singled out and arranged in book form. Such selections of photographs based on repetition and autobiographical elements touch the core of Garabedian’s work. Mekhitar Garabedian is Armenian by descent, spent his early childhood in Aleppo and Beirut and has lived in Gentbrugge, Belgium, since his youth. For the last fifteen years, he has repeatedly been preserving specific moments and places in his family home in photographic form. Brought all together, it gives the artist an ever-growing physical and digital photographic archive that questions, supports and complements actual memory. Both publications contain 68 images and each contains an original essay by Liene Aerts and Pieter Van Bogaert.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle with BOZAR Sept 2015 ISBN 978 90 7481 646 5 € 20/piece € 35/both design: Céline Butaye 23 × 17,7 cm / 80 pp / SC + annex 17,4 × 13,4 cm / 16 pp EN

Mekhitar Garabedian Table, Gentbrugge (Living room) 2012–2015 Liene Aerts

Table, Gentbrugge (Kitchen), 2012–2015 and Table, Gentbrugge, (Living Room), 2012–2015 are two collections of photographs, moments in time from the life of Mekhitar Garabedian, chronologically singled out and arranged in book form. Such selections of photographs based on repetition and autobiographical elements touch the core of Garabedian’s work. Mekhitar Garabedian is Armenian by descent, spent his early childhood in Aleppo and Beirut and has lived in Gentbrugge, Belgium, since his youth. For the last fifteen years, he has repeatedly been preserving specific moments and places in his family home in photographic form. Brought all together, it gives the artist an ever-growing physical and digital photographic archive that questions, supports and complements actual memory. Both publications contain 68 images and each contains an original essay by Liene Aerts and Pieter Van Bogaert.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle with BOZAR Sept 2015 ISBN 978 90 7481 647 2 € 20/piece € 35/both design: Céline Butaye 23 × 17,7 cm / 80 pp / SC + annex 17,4 × 13,4 cm / 16 pp EN


The main focus of To a Stranger From a Stranger by Mekhitar Garabedian is ‘return’: return as in artistic ‘modes of repetition’ and return as in hauntology, the return of the dead, or revenants. The text is deliberately constructed as ‘a tissue of quotations’ from cinema, literature, philosophy, theory, etc., a montage of carefully selected references – weaving writings, countering ‘ones with others’. Garabedian investigates in four chapters and an epilogue the following themes: citation and reference; the construction of a self and identity; diasporic subjectivity and diasporic haunting; and spaces of non-knowledge. In his text Garabedian examines how language and the other both fundamentally constitute and define us as human beings. Mekhitar Garabedian is Armenian by descent, spent his early childhood in Aleppo and Beirut and has lived in Gentbrugge, Belgium, since his youth.

AraMER Oct 2015 ISBN 978 94 9232 102 2 € 29 design: Céline Butaye 22,4 × 17 cm / 208 pp / HC EN



FALL 2015


SOFIE VAN DER LINDEN Coin Perdu Cornel Bieren

In the late 19th century, Emile Van Doren painted the Genk landscape from his artist villa Coin Perdu. Artists from home and abroad visited there to put their impressions of the then desolate Campine landscape on canvas. In the early 20th century, the environment changes abruptly. Three mines, three districts, three churches, three shopping streets. A large town hall is built in the old village centre, worthy of a city. Major roads connect the new mining sites. Now that mining has disappeared, fragmented remnants of built urbanity are all that remains. The roads are too large, the neighbourhoods have grown tired and the old town hall seems misplaced. The irregularities in the landscape come to the fore and give the city an unusual character. Like the landscape painters of the 1900s, Sofie Van der Linden (°Turnhout, 1986) draws the surroundings of Genk in Coin Perdu. The publication Coin Perdu was set up as a road atlas. A series of ten drawings were printed life-size, folded and cut. The drawings were realized during a work residency at FLACC in Genk. Cornel Bierens wrote a text to accompany the drawings by Sofie Van der Linden.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Sept 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 599 4 € 25 design: Studio Luc Derycke 34 × 24,5 cm / 80 pp / SC EN / NL



Off Work Drawing Review Parcifal

This new 64 pages magazine shows various drawings in black & white, printed on recycled paper. All drawings are anonymous. Off Work Drawing Review is an artwork in progress by Parcifal Neyt, published three times a year by MER. Paper Kunsthalle.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Brangel July 2015 ISBN 2406 6176 € 13 design: Parcifal Neyt 27 × 20cm / 64 pp / SC EN

FALL 2015


Remi Verstraete x

This volume does not have a subject or source. It is a series of images, a trompe l’œil carefully staged. It tries to span great distances. It refers to itself as X.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Sept 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 595 6 € 40 design: Studio Luc Derycke 29,7 × 22 cm / 98 pp / HC



Dimitri Vangrunderbeek Through and Through

For this artist’s book, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek carefully placed old mirrors and glass from second-hand table tops -often large, heavy and fragile- on drying paper, and subsequently traced them with a pencil. A 10-metre long drawing of partly overlapping tracings was used to connect to the space of Vangrunderbeek’s studio. It was laid out on working tables across the three rooms of his studio on a structure of hardboard sheets. In an attempt to connect the drawing to space, a couple of mirrors were again positioned on the tracings and were partly traced with a cutter. When cutting out forms from the drawing, the hardboard appeared through the paper. When cutting further across the hardboard, fragments of tabletops of the supporting working tables and fragments of the studio floor became visible. A selection of tables, objects and sculptures present in Vangrunderbeek’s studio was used to compose the views of the different holes in the drawing, with the intention of accentuating the essences of their formal and material qualities. This artist’s book was published within the framework of the author’s PhD research and in conjunction with the exhibition “Dealing with Ordinary Form” held at Netwerk, Aalst from March 29th til June 13th 2015.

AraMER April 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 585 7 € 50 design: Studio Luc Derycke with Dimitri Vangrunderbeek 34,5 × 26,5cm / 20 pp / SC EN Edition of 125 copies signed and numbered by the artist

FALL 2015


Michalis Pichler De enige en zijn eigendom

Berlin-based conceptual artist, poet and publisher Michalis Pichler’s work evolves around the notions of appropriation and authorship. De enige en zijn eigendom is the Dutch edition of his publication Der Einzige und sein Eigentum, in which he appropriates and creates a new vision of the classic Manifesto of individual anarchism published in 1844 by German philosopher Max Stirner under the very same title: The Ego and Its Own. The chapter titles and headers have been maintained, while the main text has been edited down to include first-person-signifiers only. Layout, typeset and dimensions follow the German version, which has been in print and almost unchanged for the last 37 years by Reclam Universal-Bibliothek.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle March 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 584 0 € 15 design: Laura Garcia Cabanillas with Michalis Pichler 15 × 10 cm / 464 pp / SC NL / DE / EN



PROPORTIO Axel Vervoordt, various

Presented from May until November 2015 at the Palazzo Fortuny in Venice by the Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation and Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, the exhibition Proportio examines the ways we experience proportion in our lives and the complex universe in which we live. By presenting wide-ranging and diverse expressions found in art, nature, physics, economics, history, science, music, medicine and many other subjects, the study of proportion uncovers the natural patterns that are used to create everything in the material world. Throughout the course of known human history, the knowledge of proportions has been applied across civilizations for thousands of years. The sophisticated knowledge of sacred geometry, and the golden ratio in particular, was considered highly advanced and closely linked to secretive spiritual wisdom and religious traditions.

AsaMER Spring 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 583 3 (EN) ISBN 978 9177 593 2 (IT) € 65 design: Studio Luc Derycke 29 × 29 cm / 440 pp / HC

YUKO NASAKA Axel Vervoordt, various

Yuko Nasaka (°1936, Japan) is one of the few female members of the Gutai Art Association, Japan’s most important avant-garde movement (1954–1972). Nasaka is a prominent voice of Gutai’s last generation artists who used experimental technology and cutting edge materials to give body to Gutai leader Yoshihara’s credo to “be original” and to create something that has never been created before in a manner that has never been used before. Almost obsessively Nasaka used a pottery wheel and acrylic resin lacquer to make circles on wooden boards. These circles where assembled into large works that could fill entire exhibition walls, giving the viewer a dazzling experience. This book is the first monograph about Yuko Nasaka. It brings together many historic images and documents of the Gutai period, from the artist’s personal archive and from the archives of the Ashiya City Museum of Art & History.

AsaMER Spring 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 581 9 € 45 design: Studio Luc Derycke 24 × 24 cm / 164 pp / HC EN

Women’s work is Never Done Catherine de Zegher

In this impressive anthology, internationally acclaimed curator and director Catherine de Zegher (°1955, Groningen) compiles 27 influential essays on women artists from the numerous books she has written and edited throughout her career. Like many of de Zegher’s previous projects and books, Women’s Work Is Never Done promotes the feminine principle, showcasing the work of female artists from across the world. Though her approach to art often has a global reach, de Zegher directs her attention deeper, to the intimate and the relational, to the specific work and the distinctive project of each artist. Artists include: Cecilia Vicuña, Mona Hatoum, Ann Veronica Janssens, Martha Rosler, Nancy Spero, Ellen Gallagher, Anna Maria Maiolino, Hilma af Klint, Emma Kunz, Agnes Martin, Gego, Eva Hesse, Joelle Tuerlinckx, Julie Mehretu, Bracha L. Ettinger, Ria Verhaeghe, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker.

AsaMER December 2014 ISBN 978 94 9069 347 3 € 65 design: Studio Luc Derycke 25 × 20 cm / 620 pp / HC EN



Carole Vanderlinden crEole & vanitY Hans Theys, Philippe Van Cauteren, Inge Braeckman

Creole & Vanity unravels the diversity in the work of painter Carole Vanderlinden. The publication highlights an oeuvre, which plays with pictural changes, methodical steps and the mixture of genres. Vanderlinden is especially interested in concepts of approaching and departing; which are present in several of her paintings. This monograph includes texts by curators Hans Theys and Philippe Van Cauteren, and by poet Inge Braeckman. The book came out during the eponym show of Vanderlinden in Kristof De Clercq Gallery, Ghent, from March 8th til April 12th.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle March 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 578 9 € 29 design: Studio Luc Derycke 28 × 21,6 cm / 72 pp / SC EN / NL / FR

Peggy Wauters THE BIG ESCAPE

Peggy Wauters (°1968, Aalst) once stated that she paints quicker than she talks about things. For her, painting is like language, like speech, a way of thinking. The exhibition The Big Escape, for which this publication comes out, displays Wauters’ work of the past ten years, comprising small (sometimes not even bigger than 4,5 × 4,5 cm) and larger paintings, drawings, collages and sculptures. Striking is the almost serene and obvious manner in which she demonstrates the soft cruelty of daily life through everyday situations and scenes. In a kaleidoscopic way, Wauters’ work provides alternative contents for banal situations, creating alienations of the things that move and shake us. The sublime and the abject are naturally and subtly intertwined. Her works are riddled with humour.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle January 2015 ISBN 978 94 9177 574 1 € 45 design: Studio Luc Derycke 34 × 25,5 cm / 170 pp / HC EN / NL / FR

This publication has a foreword by Alain Liedts and is accompanied by a text and a poem by Inge Braeckman.

the DARK GALLERIES A Museum Guide to Painted Portraits in Film Noir, Gothic Melodramas and Ghost Stories of the 1940s and 1950s Steven Jacobs & Lisa Colpaert

Imagine a museum in which the portrait of Carlotta Valdes, an important prop in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, hangs on a wall next to the painted portrait of the title character of Otto Preminger’s Laura and opposite the uncanny portraits of the desired or murdered women in Fritz Lang’s Scarlet Street, George Cukor’s Gaslight, and Nicholas Ray’s Born to Be Bad. In an adjacent gallery, the visitor of this imaginary museum can contemplate the portraits of patriarchs that feature in films such as House of Strangers, Suspicion, Gilda, and Strangers on a Train. This is precisely the concept of this book. The Dark Galleries deals with American (and some British) films of the 1940s and 1950s, in which a painted portrait plays an important part in the plot or the mise-en-scène. Particularly noir crime thrillers, gothic melodramas, and ghost stories feature painted portraits that seem to have a magical power over their beholders.

AraMER November 2013 ISBN 978 94 9177 579 6 € 25 design: Studio Luc Derycke 24,5 × 16,5 cm / 176 pp / SC EN MER. PAPER KUNSTHALLE


Peter Beyls Simple Thoughts Sahra Kunz, Helena De Preester, Frieder Nake, Luc Steels, Filip Luyckx, Grant Taylor, Peter Beyls

Peter Beyls is an interdisciplinary artist who’s been developing computer software as an artistic statement since the early seventies. His work is situated in the broad field of Generative Art and constitutes a hybrid of drawings, films, interactive installations and audio-based work. The present publication provides an in-depth overview of his career spanning nearly four decades. Six well-known contributing scholars address a number of specific issues, ideas and methodologies underpinning his work. Beyls’ work is contextualised in terms of today’s artistic and scientific tendencies. Many illustrations provide evidence of a diverse yet coherent body of work.

AsaMER November 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 560 4 € 39,50 design: Studio Luc Derycke 26 × 21 cm / 240 pp / HC EN

Adriaan Verwée under a poor cloak you commonly find a good drinker Sophie Van Loo, Valerie Verhack Interview with Asta Vaičiulyte

Adriaan Verwée (°1975, Ghent) makes objects and installations that are caught in the middle ground between the literal and figural, between construction and image. It is as if that decision is still under consideration, or left hanging in the air. Yet many of Verwée’s objects appear to have a specific function, and as a result are an integral part of the here and now. The temporal and spatial character of his work is enhanced through the tension that the artist quite literally puts on his combinations of different objects: by giving gravity an active role, or by introducing elements that look incomplete or redundant. Additionally an enormous amount of attention is lavished upon certain materials and their relationships. This lends these objects an aesthetic clarity and quality, which in turn appears to completely contradict their suggested functionality. This artist book is published on the occasion of Verwée’s show held at Museum M, Leuven, from August 28th until November 2nd, 2014.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle September 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 555 0 € 39,50 design: Studio Luc Derycke 28 × 21,6 cm / 218 pp + Japanese binding / SC EN / NL

Raoul De Keyser The Last Wall Jef Van Eynde

The Last Wall is centred around the last exhibition project that painter Raoul De Keyser conceived on his studio wall. Due to the painter’s untimely death in October 2012, the project never made it to the exhibition venue; Jef Van Eynde’s pictures of it being the sole testimony, a tribute to this wonderful artist. This small volume, the sole exhibition.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle June 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 528 4 € 24,50 design: Studio Luc Derycke 23 × 17 cm / 48 pp / SC EN



Shooting Range Photography & the great war Shooting Range Fotografie in de Vuurline? Inge Henneman, ed.

Shooting Range draws the story of the use of film and photography during World War I. This was a time when both media were used as new means of mass propaganda. The book questions what exactly was shown and what was deliberately omitted for the public. Shooting Range takes the stance from the public view and sheds new light on the historical context in which these images emerged, and were used and reused as genuine weapons of war.

AsaMER ISBN 978 94 9177 554 3 (EN) ISBN 978 94 9177 552 9 (NL) € 39

This publication accompanies the eponym exhibition held at the Antwerp FOMU, from June 26 till November 11, 2014.

design: Studio Luc Derycke 31,2 × 24,5 cm / 224 pp / SC

Nick Ervinck GNI_RI_2014 Julia Kelly, Neil Spiller, Freddy Decreus & Christine Vuegen

Fostering a cross-pollination between the digital and the physical, Nick Ervinck (°1981, Belgium) explores the boundaries between various media. As a pioneer in 3D-printed sculptures the artist takes a vanguard position in the field of digital technology while at the same time his works hold numerous references to the tradition of sculpture and architecture. This first monograph focuses on this tension between innovation and tradition and gives an inside to the artist’s abundant archive. The concepts body, building, history and nature that are crucial for the artist’s oeuvre, are the leitmotifs in the book. The authors explore Ervinck’s work from different angles while a great quantity of images show the genesis of form, some of his most succesfull works and futuristic ideas that till this day were impossible to create.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle Spring 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 529 1 € 67 design: Studio Luc Derycke, Studio Nick Ervinck 33 × 27,5 cm / 264 pp / HC EN / NL

Johan Clarysse Walden & other suspicions Willem Elias, Isabelle De Baets Interview with Hans Theys

Walden & other suspisions presents Clarysse’s artistic output of the past seven years, in which concepts of identity construction, communication and non-communication are key, along with the drives and aspirations of the condition humaine. Clarysse’s figurative paintings display a layered, hybrid imagery that questions and researches the ambiguity proper to human nature. His paintings tease and confuse, destabilize well-known images and themes, giving them power and force. Thus an oeuvre is created that is both playful and serious, clear and equivocal, subdued and intense.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle October 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 559 8 € 39,50 design: Studio Luc Derycke 26 × 21 cm / 192 pp / HC EN / NL




This publication includes six fictive conversations on the dynamism and processes that are at the basis of the actor’s dramaturgy. These conversations never really took place – or at least not outside the author’s own thinking process. The interlocutors are not based on real people. They are not psychologically realistic characters, but ‘voices’ that speak and argue from the perspective of their specific functions within the field of theatre. They are perspectives and functions that the author himself has experienced and through which he has reasoned throughout his whole professional life, being an actor, a director, a teacher and still considering himself to be a student. The dialogue format offers an opportunity to engage in a dynamic and open ‘conversation’ with these different functions and with the reader of the text, without any hierarchy among them. Complementary to the text, there are photos and a DVD with images of the author’s work.

AraMER September 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 556 7 € 35 design: Studio Luc Derycke 29,7 × 21 cm / 308 pp / SC EN / with GPRC-label (peer-reviewed)

Ruben Bellinkx NO obstacle, no image

No Obstacle, No Image makes reference to the fact that the majority of Bellinkx’ projects are extremely hard to realize. Whenever he presents his drawings and models, the public is always surprized to learn that these are the precursors of still to develop projects. Bellinkx always pushes the limits of what can safely be realized: the path along the realisation of his projects is covered with potential failures and tricky obstacles. These obstacles are a necessity in his work. This publication covers ten years of Bellinkx’ artistic practice, between 2004 and 2014, and offers insights into his preliminary works, his drawings, models and final realisations.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle April 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 523 9 € 39 design: Studio Luc Derycke with Ruben Bellinkx 25 × 21 cm / 208 pp / HC with dust jacket and DVD EN / NL / FR


Ever since its foundation in 1990, design studio Visionandfactory has always played a prominent role in the Belgian and international graphic design scene. The studio’s key figure is Hugo Puttaert, designer, professor, editor, publisher and one of the sector’s movers and shakers. Instead of a complete overview, this book offers a selection, a kaleidoscopic view of Visionandfactory’s multifaceted output. The selected work is contextualised with texts by Rick Poynor and Steven Cleeren offering insight into the studio’s history and work processes as well as into Hugo Puttaert’s vision on design as a discipline and the social responsibility of the designer. With a split-fountain cover that changes colour when heated and hundreds of colour pages, this book provides a striking illustration of the credo that is so central to his vision, ‘Think in Colour’.

MER. Paper Kunsthalle April 2014 ISBN 978 94 9177 518 5 € 45 design: Dimitri Jeannottat & Visionandfactory 23,5 × 17 cm / 384 pp / SC EN



267. Off Work Parcifal ISBN 2406 6176 retail: € 13

255. Yuko Nasaka Various ISBN 978 94 9177 581 9 retail: € 45

266. Ni Co Lo Di Various ISBN 978 94 9177 592 5 retail: € 45

254. Proportio Various ISBN 978 94 9177 583 3 (EN) ISBN 978 94 9177 593 2 (IT) retail: € 65

265. Ounce Hervé Martijn ISBN 978 94 9177 587 1 retail: € 34 264. Deep Purple, Red Shoes Polly Apfelbaum ISBN 978 94 9177 596 3 retail: € 65

252. Palimpsest Sébastien Capouet ISBN 978 94 9177 571 0 retail: € 34 251. UPDATE_5 Technology as Context Zebrastraat ISBN 978 94 9177 575 8 retail: € 29

262. Night of the World Yorgos Maraziotis ISBN 978 94 9177 591 8 retail: € 20

250. Urban Cave Drawings Carl Uytterhaegen ISBN 978 94 9177 577 2 retail: € 20

261. Vibrations Off Honoré d’O ISBN 978 94 9177 589 5 retail: € 20

249. Unforced Errors in the Desert Joachim Coucke ISBN 978 94 9177 576 5 retail: € 20

259. Tomorrow Joris Ghekiere ISBN 978 94 9177 586 4 retail: € 25 258. De enige en zijn eigendom Michalis Pichler ISBN 978 94 9177 584 0 retail: € 15 257. In memory of the exhibition Published by: MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN 978 94 9177 544 4 retail: € 10 256. Creole & Vanity Carole Vanderlinden ISBN 978 94 9177 578 9 retail: € 29


242. Bart Van Dijck Great-hearted All Friends Horizonno Matter What My Line Annelies Nagels en Christine Vuegen ISBN 978 94 9177 569 7 retail: € 34

253. The Big Escape Peggy Wauters ISBN 978 94 9177 574 1 retail: € 45

263. Personally, I’m Most ­interested in the Shapes and Colours Ludovik Vermeersch ISBN 978 94 9177 590 1 retail: € 25

260. Through and Through Dimitri Vangrunderbeek ISBN 978 94 9177 585 7 retail: € 50

243. ZERO The Artist as Curator Initiatives in the international ZERO movement, 1957–1967 Various ISBN 978 94 9177 568 0 retail: € 65

241. Simple Thoughts The Art of Peter Beyls Peter Beyls ISBN 978 94 9177 560 4 retail: € 39,50 240. PRO-POSITIONS: Art and / as Education Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp Johan Pas, Nico Dockx & Els De Bruyn ISBN 978 94 9177 547 5 retail: € 59 239. Bokoros Christos Bokoros ISBN 978 94 9177 549 9 retail: € 45 238. Ghent Royden Rabinowitch ISBN 978 94 9177 562 8 retail: € 29,50

248. 50 fictieve gebouwen Christophe van Gerrewey (red.) ISBN 978 94 9177 572 7 Sold out

237. Under a poor cloak you commonly find a good drinker Adriaan Verwée ISBN 978 94 9177 555 0 retail: € 39,50

247. Women’s work is never done Catherine de Zegher ISBN 978 94 9069 347 3 retail: € 65

236. Being in Playing Jan Steen ISBN 978 94 9177 556 7 retail: € 35

246. Cylinder # 6 Joris Van de Moortel ISBN 978 94 9177 570 3 retail: € 10

235. C. STONE – A Case Study of Research and Fieldwork on Processing Art Report of a Fulbright Scholarship in Rio Grande Valley, 2011­–2012 Mark Cloet ISBN 978 94 9177 558 1 retail: € 35

245. Shooting Range Photography & The Great War ISBN 978 94 9177 554 3 (EN) retail: € 39 244. NO PATENT PENDING: Self-made performative media Matteo Marangoni ISBN 978 94 9177 567 3 retail: € 29,50 38

234. Walden & other suspicions Johan Clarysse ISBN 978 94 9177 559 8 retail: € 39,50 233. Visual Reinaart Vanhoe ISBN 978 94 9177 563 5 retail: € 20 232. Kortrijk Reinaart Vanhoe ISBN 978 94 9177 564 2 retail: € 20 231. Front Reinaart Vanhoe ISBN 978 94 9177 565 9 retail: € 20 230. Life on a Leaf Jan-Erik Andersson ISBN 978 94 9177 553 6 retail: € 29 229. Tussenwereld. Actuele kunst tussen het zijn en afscheid nemen Roger Dhondt ISBN 978 94 9177 566 6 retail: € 29 228. REBELS REBEL AIDS, Art and Activism in New York, 1979–1989 Tommaso Speretta with an afterward by Loring McAlpin ISBN 978 94 9069 323 7 Sold out 227. Shooting Range Fotografie in de vuurlinie? ISBN 978 94 9177 552 9 (NL) retail: € 39 226. Hommage Robert Hoozee ISBN 978 94 9177 551 2 retail: € 69 225. The Last Wall Raoul De Keyser ISBN 978 94 9177 528 4 retail: € 24,50 224. The Root Cellar Ida Ekblad ISBN 978 94 9177 539 0 retail: € 65 223. GNI_RI_2014 Nick Ervinck ISBN 978 94 9177 529 1 retail: € 67

222. Een leeg Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven ISBN 978 94 9177 543 7 retail: € 20

211. One In Many Heidi Voet ISBN 978 94 9177 525 3 retail: € 33

221. No Obstacle, No Image Ruben Bellinkx ISBN 978 94 9177 523 9 retail: € 39

210. OHO and the Korean Avant-Garde Association Ištvan Išt Huzjan ISBN 978 94 9177 531 4 retail: € 150

220. Think in Colour Hugo Puttaert ISBN 978 94 9177 518 5 retail: € 45 219. Kodak, T-Max 400 Film 135-36, 2014 – Kristien Daem ISBN 978 94 9177 548 2 retail: € 44

209. The Dark Galleries A Museum Guide to Painted Portraits in Film Noir, Gothic Melodramas and Ghost Stories of the 1940s and 1950s Steven Jacobs & Lisa Colpaert ISBN 978 94 9177 519 2 retail: € 29,50

218. Some use for your broken clay pots Christophe Meierhans ISBN 978 94 9177 542 0 retail: € 5

208. One Hundred Seventy One Entertainment Celebrities Julião Sarmento ISBN 978 94 9177 533 8 Sold out

217. Tsuyoshi Maekawa Various ISBN 978 94 9177 541 3 retail: € 45

207. Cylinder # 5 Joris Van de Moortel ISBN 978 94 9177 514 7 retail: € 10

216. Que le importa al tigre una raya mas Ricardo Brey ISBN 978 94 9177 535 2 retail: € 35

206. Bell An Pierlé ISBN 978 94 9177 515 4 retail: € 25

215. OPA-TISHAWOCKA-LOCKA Anne Daems & Kenneth Andrew Mroczek ISBN 978 94 9177 540 6 retail: € 25 214. Kalender 09. 365 Dagen in actie in Antwerpen Benjamin Verdonck ISBN 978 94 9069 352 7 retail: € 29 213. Ghosts, Brides & Other Companions Elly Strik ISBN 978 84 8026 483 9 retail: € 35 212. Hobbs McLaughlin Marie Angeletti ISBN 978 94 9177 536 9 retail: € 20


200. More Light Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art ISBN 978 94 9177 530 7 retail: € 39,50 199. Belgian Solutions David Helbich ISBN 978 94 9177 513 0 Sold out

188. The Making of Meeting Els Silvrants-Barclay, Defne Ayas and Davide Quadrio ISBN 978 94 9177 509 3 retail: € 25

198. Wagner. L’Opera hors de soi: la pensée et l’art ISBN 978 94 9177 524 6 retail: € 39,50

187. Capturing the Sensible Lara Mennes ISBN 978 94 9069 376 3 retail: € 29

197. Thing Anouk De Clercq & Marianne Van Kerckhoven  ISBN 978 94 9177 516 1 retail: € 20

186. Lo sguardo dell’artista Antoni Tàpies ISBN 978 94 9177 507 9 Sold out

196. Book #1 L01 2018 Pieter Huybrechts & Erki De Vries ISBN 978 94 9069 392 3 retail: € 350 195. CONTRADIcTIES Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen 2013–1663 ISBN 978 94 9069 375 6 retail: € 59 194. The Star Alphabet by E.L.T. Mesens. Dada & Surrealism in Brussels, Paris and London ISBN 978 94 9177 511 6 (EN) ISBN 978 94 9177 510 9 (NL) ISBN 978 94 9177 512 3 (FR) retail: € 65 (NL, FR) retail: € 39 (EN)

205. C.Stone Mark Cloet ISBN 978 94 9177 534 5 retail: € 20 204. Drawings Niels Trannois ISBN 978 94 9177 522 2 retail: € 25

193. Uit of Thuis Marijke van Warmerdam ISBN 978 94 9069 34 374 9 Sold out

203. A No Can Make Space Daniel Linehan ISBN 978 94 9177 517 8 retail: € 65

192. Three by Three Gábor Ösz ISBN 978 94 9069 334 3 retail: € 39

202. MOP Museum of Photography Jessica Vaughan & Kyla McDonald ISBN 978 94 9177 527 7 retail: € 35

191. Scènes Robert Devriendt ISBN 978 94 9177 505 5 retail: € 29,50

201. Clean Speach Goele De Bruyn ISBN 978 94 9177 520 8 retail: € 20

190. Cylinder # 4 Joris Van de Moortel ISBN 978 94 9177 506 2 retail: € 10 39

189. Mooi is nuttig Kristof Van Gestel ISBN 978 94 9069 370 1 retail: € 39

185. We are all flesh Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee ISBN 978 94 9069 390 9 retail: € 19,50 184. Here Art Grows on Trees Simryn Gill ISBN 978 94 9069 371 8 retail: € 39,90 183. ik wordt Johan De Wilde ISBN 978 94 9177 504 8 retail: € 29 182. Scattering of the Fragile Cherry Blossoms An van. Dienderen & Lisa Spilliaert ISBN 978 94 9069 391 6 retail: € 19,50 181. Margarita Production Micro, Contact, Strings & Things Valérie Wolters, Agnès Quackels, Pieter T’Jonck & André Eiermann ISBN 978 94 9069 302 2 retail: € 20 180. Ida Barbarigo Ida Barbarigo ISBN 978 94 9177 503 1 retail: € 39 179. Time Space Poker Face Sofie Van Loo ISBN 978 94 9177 502 4 retail: € 20

178. a2o architecten On Connectivity Stefaan Evers, Hein Smedts, Luc Vanmuysen (eds.) ISBN 978 94 9069 387 9 (EN) ISBN 978 94 9069 368 8 (NL) retail: € 39,50 177. From the Cutting-Floor of the Public Poem Alain Arias-Misson ISBN 978 94 9069 315 2 retail: € 25 176. Authors Sam Dillemans ISBN 978 94 9069 399 2 retail: € 39 175. Cylinder #3 Joris Van de Moortel ISBN 978 94 9177 501 7 retail: € 10 174. The Backstory Kelly Schacht ISBN 978 94 9069 379 4 retail: € 34 173. Home-made Victories Koen Theys ISBN 978 94 9069 396 1 retail: € 34,50 172. From Contratto Socialle to Colonna di Genk Luciano Fabro ­– His sixteen commisioned public sculptures ISBN 978 94 9069 362 6 retail: € 30 171. L’Origine des Choses De Oorzaak der Dingen The Causes of Things ISBN 978 94 9069 319 0 retail: € 25 170. You can use my skin Jan Van Imschoot ISBN 978 94 9069 398 5 retail: € 24,50 169. Norio Imai ISBN 978 94 9069 332 9 retail: € 39,50 168. Distances Luc Dondeyne ISBN 978 94 9069 397 8 retail: € 29,50


167. After Empire Herman Asselberghs & Dieter Lesage ISBN 978 94 9069 394 7 retail: € 15

156. Words & Coins. From Ancient Greece to Byzantium ISBN 978 94 9069 364 0 (EN) ISBN 978 94 9069 384 8 (FR) retail: € 59,50

166. Love Letters Werner Mannaers ISBN 978 94 9069 389 3 retail: € 39 165. Allen Vlees Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee ISBN 978 94 9069 367 1 retail: € 29,50 164. Cylinder #2 Joris Van de Moortel ISBN 978 94 9069 395 4 retail: € 10 163. Bloodline / Heartline Julião Sarmento ISBN 978 94 9069 342 8 retail: € 85 162. Flemish Art Assets Kurt Ryslavy ISBN 978 94 9069 360 2 retail: € 20

155. Cylinder #1 Joris Van de Moortel ISBN 978 94 9069 366 4 retail: € 10

144. Pietà. Naar een fenomenologie van een creatieproces Ludwig Vandevelde ISBN 978 94 9069 348 0 retail: € 20

154. Victor Servranckx De jaren twintig ISBN 978 90 7469 408 7 retail: € 39,50

143. All Our Relations Biennale of Sydney 2012 ISBN 978 06 4657 199 7 retail: € 39,50

153. The Hunger Nr. 2 – Promiscuity Peter Rogiers ISBN 978 94 9069 388 6 retail: € 20

142. The Hunger Nr. 1 – Snowman vs Squid Peter Rogiers ISBN 978 94 9069 353 4 retail: € 20

152. Dragende Muren Leen De Wilde & Jozefien Muylle ISBN 978 94 9069 340 4 retail: € 29,50

141. Logboek Z33 ISBN 978 94 9069 350 3 (EN) ISBN 978 94 9069 349 7 (NL) retail: € 20

151. As it is done. 57 contemplations Katrin Lohmann ISBN 978 94 9069 378 7 retail: € 17,50

161. The Fields. 12 notes on clarity Toon Van Borm ISBN 978 94 9069 369 5 retail: € 180

150. Paesaggio (Penguin Issue) Blauer Hase ISBN 978 94 9069 359 6 retail: € 15

160. Neonlicht. Paul De Vree & de neo-avant-garde Johan Pas ISBN 978 94 9069 346 6 retail: € 39,50

149. Zien, Doen, Denken Marc De Blieck & Volkmar Mühleis ISBN 978 94 9069 377 0 retail: € 29,50

159. Pleasure In Nonsense Michael Fullerton ISBN 978 94 9069 363 3 retail: € 29,80 /25 £ /38 $

148. Marketplace 76 Needcompany ISBN 978 94 9069 361 9 retail: € 17

158. Architectures 2000–2012 Marc Corbiau ISBN: 978 94 9069 373 2 (SC) ISBN: 978 94 9069 372 5 (HC) retail: € 39,50 (SC) retail: € 85 (HC)

147. Graphology. Drawing from Automatism and Automation Edwin Carels ISBN 978 09 5582 995 6 Sold out 146. C.I.N.V.U. (See I envy you) Christian van der Kaap ISBN 978 94 9069 358 9 retail: € 6,95

157. 95 POLAROIDS SX70 Julião Sarmento ISBN 978 94 9069 341 1 retail: € 20


145. Epilogue. Postcards from the Future C&H ISBN 978 94 9069 355 8 retail: € 20

140. Me Parcifal ISBN 978 94 9069 328 2 Sold out 139. If I Were You Emi Kodama ISBN 978 94 9069 345 9 retail: € 17,50 138. Poëtische machine Jerry Galle ISBN 978 94 9069 336 7 retail: € 29 137. The Borrowed Gaze Variations GTB Karin Hanssen ISBN 978 94 9069 344 2 retail: € 32,50 136. Fake Star Parcifal ISBN 978 94 9069 327 5 Sold out 135. Zonder Titel Parcifal ISBN 978 94 9069 329 9 Sold out 134. Lightning Strikes Again Parcifal ISBN 978 94 9069 335 0 Sold out

133. Instant Ruins Robin Vanbesien ISBN 978 94 9069 318 3 retail: € 15

121. 8 interventies Hans Demeulenaere ISBN 978 94 9069 325 1 retail: € 20

108. architecten de vylder vinck taillieu – 1 boek 1 ISBN 978 94 9069 308 4 retail: € 31,95

132. Hands of Time Johan De Wilde ISBN 978 94 9069 339 8 retail: € 34,50

120. Z33. NU. ISBN 978 94 9069 307 7 Sold out

107. l’éclipse de l’objet, l’éclipse du sujet Nico Dockx & Ann Veronica Janssens retail: € 20

131. Reading Urban Cracks Riet Steel, Elly Van Eeghem, Griet Verschelden & Carlos Dekeyrel ISBN 978 94 9069 338 1 Sold out 130. Parties de voyant Benoit Platéus ISBN 978 94 9069 337 4 retail: € 20 129. Dislexicon Hilde D’haeyere ISBN 978 94 9069 331 2 retail: € 15 128. The Great Subtraction Gabriele Guercio ISBN 978 94 6117 016 3 retail: € 24 127. Semites: The Album Charif Benhelima ISBN 978 94 9069 330 5 retail: € 35 126. Against the Sun Stefaan Dheedene ISBN 978 94 9069 333 6 retail: € 20 125. Sadaharu Horio Various ISBN 978 94 6117 014 9 retail: € 39,50 124. architecten de vylder vinck taillieu – boxset ISBN 978 94 9069 326 8 Sold out 123. architecten de vylder vinck taillieu – 1 boek 3 ISBN 978 94 9069 313 8 retail: € 35 122. architecten de vylder vinck taillieu – 1 boek 2 ISBN 978 94 9069 312 1 retail: € 19


119. Spectropoetics Sven Augustijnen ISBN 978 94 6117 015 6 retail: € 7

106. Le Peintre Flamant Jef Verheyen ISBN 978 94 6117 007 1 retail: € 45

118. TRA ISBN 978 94 9069 317 6 retail: € 49

96. LIQUID GOLD GOLD RUSH Parcifal Neyt ISBN 978 94 9069 300 8 Sold out 95. Without Title Parcifal Neyt ISBN 978 94 9069 301 5 Sold out 94. DIEGO/MICHAEL/ BRITNEY Parcifal Neyt ISBN 978 90 7697 964 9 Sold out

117. Spectres Sven Augustijnen ISBN 978 94 6117 009 5 retail: € 39

105. Art of the Loom 32 Tapestries woven on the looms of Mark Deweer’s factory Max Borka ISBN 978 94 9069 309 1 Sold out

116. De dingen die ik zie Raoul De Keyser ISBN 978 94 6117 010 1 Sold out

104. Dynamic Project Philippe Van Snick ISBN 978 94 6117 002 6 retail: € 39

115. Multiple / Readings 51 kunstenaarsboeken 1959–2009 Johan Pas ISBN 978 94 6117 011 8 retail: € 30

103. Vermeersch J. R. P. V. P. L. T. & R. ISBN 978 94 6117 001 9 retail: € 39

91. Kunst voor het Johannes Enschedé Hof Joost Swarte ISBN 978 90 7697 900 7 retail: € 15

102. About Flowers & Taxis Werner Mannaers ISBN 978 90 7697 943 4 retail: € 29

90. Dark Room Frederik Bruylant ISBN 978 90 7697 993 9 retail: € 20

101. Rehabilitation. The Legacy of the Modern Movement ISBN 978 90 7893 711 1 retail: € 20

89. W.R. said to Kierkegaard Catalogue Sanna Marander ISBN 978 90 7697 991 5 retail: € 29

114. Ostende Jef Van Eynde ISBN 978 94 9069 314 5 retail: € 29 113. Het Huis Huilt Alice Joseph ISBN 978 94 9069 316 9 retail: € 19,50

100. Un-There Giannina Urmeneta Ottiker ISBN 978 94 9069 304 6 retail: € 29

112. Art as Compassion Bracha L. Ettinger ISBN 978 94 6117 008 8 Sold out

99. The Thrill of it All Karin Hanssen ISBN 978 90 7697 923 6 retail: € 35

111. Het Plateel Mina Wu ISBN 978 94 9069 311 4 retail: € 25

98. Book, a Room Frank Depoorter & Lore Rabaut ISBN 978 90 7697 946 5 retail: € 29

110. Dirk Vander Eecken ISBN 978 94 9069 310 7 retail: € 29,50

97. Ni apparence Ni illusion Joseph Kosuth ISBN 978 94 9069 303 9 retail: € 49

109. Juliaan Lampens Various ISBN 978 94 6117 005 7 Sold out


93. Touching the Earth and the Sky Ronny Delrue ISBN 978 90 7697 961 8 Sold out 92. In-Finitum ISBN 978 90 7697 981 6 Sold out

88. Time is a Book Various ISBN 978 90 7697 999 1 retail: € 24 87. (un)balanced Frederic Geurts ISBN 978 90 7697 932 8 retail: € 29 86. Crude Icons Andy Warhol ISBN 978 90 7697 998 4 retail: € 15 85. Ring Siegfried De Buck ISBN 978 90 7697 996 0 retail: € 29,50

84. De l’adresse Isabelle Cornaro ISBN 978 90 7697 997 7 Sold out

72. Blue Garden Lieve Dhondt ISBN 978 90 7697 977 9 Sold out

59. 35 jaar Frans Masereel Centrum ISBN 978 90 7697 951 9 retail: € 24,50

46. Ajour Siegfried De Buck ISBN 978 90 7697 940 3 Sold out

83. Oops Wrong Planet Anouk Declercq ISBN 978 90 7697 995 3 retail: € 20

71. Giga C. ISBN 978 90 7697 976 2 retail: € 65

58. Allegorical Decoys Rebecca H. Quaytman ISBN 978 90 7697 954 0 Sold out

45. Énergie sombre dans une nuit blanche Niek Kemps ISBN 90 7697 937 5 Sold out

82. Optic Nerve and Ruffini Ending Mara Goldberg ISBN 978 90 7697 989 2 retail: € 20 81. Twee Vrouwen Roy Villevoye ISBN 978 90 7697 994 6 retail: € 20 80. Objects of vertu, Artist Instruments and Thingamajigs HAP ISBN 978 90 9023 509 7 Sold out 79. Raphaël Buedts ISBN 978 90 7697 990 8 retail: € 50 78. Hot chocolate Rob Scholte ISBN 978 90 7697 979 3 retail: € 20 77. Tight: Repeating Boredom / Hall / Privaat Koenraad Dedobbeleer & Rita Mc Bride ISBN 978 90 7697 986 1 retail: € 39,50 76. Antwerpen bij 5 graden boven 0 Reinaart Vanhoe ISBN 978 90 7697 984 7 Sold out 75. La Tour, The Vertical Element Christian Philipp Müller ISBN 978 90 7697 980 9 Sold out 74. An Orderly Fashion ISBN 978 90 7697 974 8 retail: € 15 73. Anyth_= Werner Mannaers ISBN 978 90 7697 978 6 retail: € 29 MER. PAPER KUNSTHALLE

70. Werk / Some Works Benjamin Verdonck ISBN 978 90 769 7967 0 Sold out

57. Black Maria Isabelle Cornaro ISBN 978 90 7697 955 7 Sold out

69. ZERO 1957–1966 NY 2008 ISBN 978 90 7697 973 1 retail: € 49,50

56. Walks Jan Dheedene ISBN 978 90 7697 958 8 Sold out

68. Charlotte Beaudry ISBN 978 90 7697 966 3 Sold out

55. Panorama Gerard Richter ISBN 978 90 7697 953 3 Sold out

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COVER IMAGE Bert Huyghe It’s All Going Fine, No Problems At All, 2014 Mixed media, 50 × 60 cm Photo: Ruud Ruttens

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