Summer is the perfect season to enjoy all that Merriam has to offer!
Our special events include the Turkey Creek Festival in May and Family Fun Fridays, Cruise Night, and Dive-In Movie Night throughout the rest of the season.
I encourage you to walk the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail and stop next to one of our beautiful City parks along the path. Or, better yet – meet your neighbors at a block party. The City offers a grant worth up to $300 to help pay for food, paper goods, and entertainment if you host one. Learn more about this grant on page 11.
Don’t forget to stop by the new Merriam Plaza Library – next to the Merriam Community Center! I had a great time at the ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 20. The new branch offers a wide range of services, including a drive-thru window for holds and book drops. It’s exciting to see how Merriam continues to grow even as we sit on 4.3 square miles.
Of course, these City programs and services wouldn’t be possible without your tax dollars at work!
Last issue, we told you how we made an “oops” on the City’s portion of your property tax. That oops was good for you – the average resident saved about $145 in 2024! But, as we mentioned, we’ll most likely have to raise the property tax rate this year. We’re not sure what that increase will look like, but we want to be transparent with you. Look on page 6 to see our calendar for upcoming budget discussions. Please feel free to attend one or all of these meetings.
We live, work, and play in an amazing City. Let’s explore it and see all that it has to offer this summer!
Bob Pape
Jacob Laha
Jason Silvers
Whitney Yadrich
Amy Rider
Chris Evans Hands
Bruce Kaldahl
David Neal
Staci Chivetta
Your Mayor, Bob Pape
Esta edición de Highlights también está disponible en español. Encuéntrelo por medio de escanear el código QR o visitando
City offices will close in observation of holidays on May 27, June 19, and July 4. In each case, offices will reopen at 8 a.m. the following weekday. Closing information for the Merriam Community Center is on page 38.
City Council meetings are held at Merriam City Hall on the second and fourth Monday of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. All meetings are open to the public.
M–F 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Slater St.
KS 66202 913–322–5550
M–Th 5 a.m.–9 p.m.
Fri. 5 a.m.–8 p.m.
Sat. 8 a.m.–6 p.m.*
Sun. 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
*Open until 8 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day
Emergency: 911
Dispatch: 913–782–0720
Main: 913–322–5560
@merriamfarmersmarket @merriampolice
@merriamksparksandrec @exploremerriam @merriampolice
City of Merriam, KS
Be more happy, healthy, and productive as you spread kindness within the community, with colleagues, and with yourself. It has proven positive physical and mental effects on the human body. Merriam is partnering with SevenDays® to make an impact across our City. Find ways to promote kindness at
Utility companies routinely collect franchise fees from their customers throughout the year. This program provides eligible Merriam families the opportunity to apply for franchise fee rebates paid on electric, gas, and landline phone bills in 2023.
Our Public Works crews are picking up large items , such as furniture, appliances, and rugs that don’t fit in your garbage can.
Place your items curbside before 7 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day. Find more information at merriam .org/ largeitem
Many items can be donated or recycled by different providers in the Kansas City area. Find where to take these items at
Pickup Map
Contact the Community Development Department at 913–322–5520 or visit to learn more about the program or to get an application. Applications are due by May 1.
We’re celebrating Public Works Week to give thanks to the men and women of Team Merriam who help beautify our City and keep our roads safe.
Randomly selected residents and business owners will soon receive a satisfaction survey in the mail. This survey guides City leaders in prioritizing community needs and how to spend taxpayer dollars.
Once analyzed, we’ll post the complete report online at
City codes help keep Merriam Just Right throughout the year. Here are things you can do this summer to help beautify our city:
▶ Keep grass and weeds trimmed below 10 inches in height. Don’t blow the grass clippings into the street or storm drains, as this causes drainage issues and pollutes our streams and waterways.
▶ Store trash and recycling containers behind your home’s front building line.
▶ Make sure your vehicles are in working condition and have a current license plate attached.
▶ Boats, campers, and trailers must be parked behind the front building line and on a hard surface.
Learn about our 10 Codes to Know at
Michael Lincoln has been a part of Team Merriam his entire work life. He worked his way up from the former Merriam Aquatic Center in 2013 as a concessions attendant to the Merriam Community Center as the aquatics coordinator. When he’s not working, Michael enjoys being outside playing disc golf, trail running, and attending Sporting KC games.
What do you do at the MCC?
I hire and train staff. I also do timesheets, scheduling, and the daily maintenance that goes into operating a swimming pool, like making sure the chemicals in the water are balanced and cleaning out filters so everything runs smoothly.
What do you like most about aquatics at the MCC?
The best part is that we can offer something for everyone at different times of the day, whether that be a fitness class, swimming laps, doing water aerobics, or going for a leisurely swim. Watching everyone enjoy the pool atmosphere in completely different ways is the best part.
What pool event do you look forward to the most each year?
I look forward to the Cardboard Regatta. I love watching everyone be super creative in how they build their boats and then watch them slowly sink to the bottom of the pool as they try to paddle across to the other side.
What do you want visitors to know about the pools?
Pools can be dangerous places, and most of the rules lifeguards enforce are there to prevent injuries. Also, watch your kids as they swim. Kids get tired quicker than you think.
What do you do with the Dolphins Swim team?
I staff lifeguard-certified coaches to make sure the team has a safe environment to practice. I also help run the swim and dive meets that we host every year. Swim team registration opens on April 1!
Last November, you received a postcard in the mail about a clerical error we made when submitting budget documentation to Johnson County and the State of Kansas. This error resulted in a significantly lower City property tax rate for 2024. The postcard said we would likely need to correct the error in 2025 and increase the property tax rate, so the City can continue to provide a high level of service to our residents and businesses.
While we don’t know exactly what a potential increase will look like, we’re starting to discuss the 2025 budget and want to remain transparent with you about any changes and how they may
impact you.
April 22 // City Council Work Session
Capital Improvement Program review and City Council priorities discussion
June 10 // City Council Meeting
Preliminary operating budget and revenue projections review
June 24 // City Council Work Session
Detailed draft budget review and mill rate discussion
Aug. 26 // City Council Meeting
Public Hearing to adopt the 2025 budget
On the right is our budget calendar for upcoming discussions. Please feel free to attend and share your thoughts, or visit our Q&A webpage anytime at
Congratulations to Kathy Stull, who was recently honored with the Distinguished Board Member Award from the Kansas Recreation and Parks Association.
Stull has served as a member of Merriam’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for 15 years and has volunteered at countless special events throughout her years as an advisory board member.
June 20 ▶ 4–6 p.m. ▶
Merriam Community Center
We’re excited to honor Merriam’s business owners at an upcoming appreciation event! Licensed Merriam business owners are invited to enjoy a happy hour filled with networking, city news and updates, a presentation on the 2024 business survey results, and a few praises for longtime businesses. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Two people per business, please. Scan the code, or visit to register!
Look for two big street improvement projects across Merriam this year.
This project includes repaving roads and replacing curbs, sidewalks, and ADA ramps, as needed. The construction work is expected to be completed by the end of this summer. City streets affected include:
▶ W. 49th Terrace
▶ W. 50th Terrace
▶ W. 51st St.
▶ W. 51st Terrace
▶ Booker St.
▶ Benson St.
▶ England St.
▶ Grandview Ave.
▶ Grant St.
Construction crews are lining or replacing 50-year-old metal pipes and stormwater drains along residential streets and some homeowners’ yards. Construction is expected to take place between May and September. Drainage improvements are located:
▶ Between England St. and Kessler St.
▶ 47th Terrace to Booker St. at Brown Park.
Watch for lane closures this spring along eastbound Shawnee Mission Parkway. Construction crews are undergrounding utilities from I-35 to just east of Antioch Road.
The $5 million project, coming out of the I-35 TIF Fund, will improve utility service reliability and help beautify the corridor.
Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, weather permitting.
June 29 – July 6
Stop by Merriam Marketplace and downtown Merriam to see more than 1,000 American flags on display during the week of July 4.
Visit Merriam Marketplace on July 4 at 1 p.m. to enjoy live patriotic music by the American Legion Band of Greater Kansas City and various food trucks.
Volunteers needed: Help place flags at Merriam marketplace on June 29 or take them down on July 6. Visit to volunteer and find more details about the event.
Merriam Plaza Library is officially open for business! Johnson County Library staff opened its doors after a ribboncutting ceremony on March 20.
Mayor Bob Pape and County Librarian Tricia Suellentrop welcomed the community and invited everyone to pop in to see all of the amenities the new library offers.
Located next to the Merriam Community Center, the one-story library features natural light, reading nooks, meeting rooms, and a green roof with more than 7,000 native plantings.
Readers also can enjoy easy access to books with a drive-thru window for holds and a drive-up book drop.
Hundreds of volunteers passed the final 50 books from Antioch Library down Slater St. to Merriam Plaza Library.
The Slater St. Storybook Relay on March 2 saw Historic Merriam as one of its last books to enter the new library.
Before the relay started, Mayor Bob Pape welcomed the volunteers to the Merriam Community Center campus. After the storybook relay, the volunteers received a bag of goodies for their help in the oncein-a-lifetime event.
Mary Webb helped place the final books inside Merriam Plaza Library. Members of the Webb family have lived in the South Park neighborhood since before Merriam became a city. The meeting room inside the new library is dedicated to the Webb family. Mary's parents filed a lawsuit with the Kansas Supreme Court that helped pave the way for school desegregation.
Check out the wildflower sculptures designed by artist Sage Vaughn outside the building and a mural by Emily Alvarez inside the meeting room.
Merriam Plaza Library was years in the making. Antioch Library was the oldest library in Johnson County, having served the community since 1956. Knowing they needed a new library, Johnson County Library staff and Merriam city leaders worked together to build a facility next to the Merriam Community Center.
Community members in 2021 gave input to what they wanted to see in the new library. Designed by Dake Wells Architecture, the goal was to complement the existing Merriam Community Center landscape and create “a jewel for the City and a destination for residents and visitors from across the metro to play, work, relax, and discover.”
Construction began in 2023 and was completed in early 2024.
Last year, you helped the City collect 1,000 pounds of plastic bags to create two benches.
Public Works staff installed those benches along the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail, where you can enjoy them on your next stroll.
You can find the benches on the trail between 69th and 75th streets.
April 26
Merriam City Councilmembers, City staff, and students from Crestview and Merriam Park elementary schools celebrate Arbor Day each year. Festivities include the City Councilmembers reading an Arbor Day proclamation, students reading a poem about trees, and planting a tree at each school in honor of Arbor Day.
Merriam is celebrating 37 years (in a row!) as a Tree City USA!
April 22 ▶ 2–4 p.m. ▶ Turkey Creek Streamway Trail Volunteer and help us clean up the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail. Trash bags, trash grabbers, safety vests, and gloves are provided.
To volunteer, contact Ingrid Berg at
Sept. 14 ▶ 9 a.m.–Noon
Powell Community Center, 6200 Martway St. This free, family-friendly fair aims to show you how each small step you take can help reduce your carbon footprint.
Sept. 28 ▶ 9 a.m.–Noon
Nations Holding, 9001 W. 67 th St. We're collecting eyeglasses and electronics. Fees apply to TVs and computer monitors. We'll also have free paper shredding.
Let us partner in your 2024 home improvement project!
Apply for the Merriam Residential Exterior Home Improvement and Sustainability grants, and the City will reimburse you up to $3,000 for projects, including:
▶ New fence, deck, roof, windows, and driveway
▶ Exterior house painting
▶ Solar panels
▶ Energy-efficient HVAC
▶ Landscaping
Learn more about these and our other grant and rebate programs and apply today at Contact the Community Development Department at 913-322-5520 with any questions.
Merriam residents know how to party!
Last year, more than 20 of your neighbors hosted block parties. They received up to $300 from the City to help pay for items, such as food, paper goods, party favors, and to hire entertainment.
You can host a block party this year and make it extra fun! They’re a great way for neighbors to come together, build relationships, and engage in family fun activities.
We’re accepting applications through Oct. 15. Visit for more information
Merriam residents are invited to choose a free tree for their home.
We’re planting 165 new trees this year in partnership with Heartland Tree Alliance. The trees, and planting of trees, are free for residents!
Pick from a selection of ornamental or shade trees. Options are first come, first served and limited to one tree per home.
Learn more about the Residential Tree Grant program and apply for a free tree at
The Madam C.J. Walker School is one of Merriam's most well-known historic sites. The school was built in 1888 at 9420 W. 50th Terrace after Johnson County organized School District 90. Black and white children went to the school until around 1900, when the school district began separating the students based on race.
Now known as the Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church, this iconic landmark serves as a testament to the remarkable narrative of Black history in Merriam, particularly the pivotal Walker School Walkout. This historic event played a crucial role in the Webb v. School District No. 90 case, contributing to the end of segregation in Kansas and laying the groundwork for the nationally renowned Brown v. Board of Education case.
Recognizing the historic significance of the former Madam C.J. Walker School, the Kansas Historical Society included it in the Kansas Registry of Historic Places in February.
Merriam resident and church board member
Tony Adams is leading the preservation effort. This recognition on the Kansas Registry of Historic Places isn’t just a celebration of the past but an invitation to all to delve into the inspiring history of our community.
"Telling the story of how the South Park neighborhood in Merriam was the first community in the nation to desegregate will propel people to learn more about our history and this remarkable achievement by local Black families in the 1940s. Their pursuit wasn’t for notoriety or press, but simply to secure equal education and equal rights for their children," Adams said.
To learn more about the project, timeline, and story behind Walker School, contact Adams at
Scan the code or visit to find more information about Walker School, the South Park community, and key leaders who made a difference in our City.
Walker School Interior Walker School Walkout ParticipantsTony Adams is passionate about the Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church.
As a board member, trustee, Sunday School superintendent, and project manager of the church, he wanted to get it registered with the State of Kansas because of its deep history. Tony succeeded. Tony is a former student of South Park Elementary School and a graduate of the University of Kansas. He’s now an employment consultant.
How did the process start to get the Madam C.J. Walker School nominated for the state historic designation?
Around August 2022, my small church congregation was struggling with repairs needed for our church. Someone mentioned that maybe we could get a grant. An epiphany occurred! Our building was historic because it was once the Madam C.J. Walker School.
What were your thoughts after the school was added to the Kansas Registry of History Places?
Our quest to receive a grant to repair the Lord's house turned into something very significant!
Why was it deserving of this state recognition?
Historically, the South Park community, now a neighborhood in Merriam, was the first community in the nation to legally desegregate education! Local Black and white families in the 1940s came together to simply secure equal education and rights for their children. It’s worthy of a footnote in history books.
What plans do you have for Walker School?
I’m putting my consulting skills to work! We want to raise money to restore the Walker School. This includes building an addition to the back part of the building, putting in a courtyard, and creating a mobile exhibit to tell the story of the Walker School’s fight against racial discrimination.
What’s next?
We’re on the Kansas Registry of Historic Places. Now, I'm going for the National Registry!
Follow us on social media:
Find out why police officers were in your neighborhood!
We created a Call for Service log so anyone can see the last 24 hours of calls for service made by Merriam police officers. The log was made to address transparency concerns after the City of Merriam complied with federal policy to encrypt its police radios.
The public also can view the City’s Crime Map, which shows data on alleged criminal conduct in Merriam.
Visit to view the service log and crime map.
Let the Merriam Police Department help celebrate your child’s birthday. Officers will drive by your home with lights and sirens blaring!
Mayor Bob Pape and Police Chief Darren McLaughlin honored two Merriam police officers at the Feb. 26 City Council meeting. Nick Weiler was promoted from sergeant to captain, and Matthew Hirsch moved up the ranks from master police officer to sergeant. Weiler is a 19-year veteran in the Merriam Police Department, and Hirsch is an 8-year veteran.
Officer David Vincent also was promoted in February. He’s now a master police officer. Vincent has worked at the police department for 11 years. He currently acts as the department liaison for Merriam schools and apartment complexes.
McLaughlin said the three are deserving of these promotions. Weiler and Hirsch are previous Merriam Police Officer of the Year recipients.
“The future is bright at the Merriam Police Department,” McLaughlin said. “I’m excited to see how these leaders continue to grow our department and be a positive light as they serve our community.”
Learn more at
Contact the police department at 913-322-5560 to schedule a police birthday parade.
In February, Team Merriam raised more than $2,550 for Special Olympics Kansas!
Sgt. Matthew Hirsch and Capt. Nick Weiler MPO David Vincent and Police Chief Darren McLaughlinApril 25 ▶ 6–7:30 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center
Discover essential survival skills at this hands-on workshop. Learn techniques about being aware of your surroundings and how to defend yourself. Wear comfortable clothes. Call Merriam Parks and Recreation at 913-322-5550 to reserve your spot.
May 1 ▶ 5:30–7 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center
Hosted by Johnson County Mental Health staff, this workshop is a great opportunity to ask questions, learn about Johnson County’s Co-Responder Program, and find out what mental health resources are available in our region. Merriam police officers are available to answer questions.
June 13 ▶ 4–5:30 p.m. ▶ Sonic, 5440 Merriam Drive
Enjoy Sonic drinks with our Merriam police officers! No agenda, just fun conversations with the men and women in blue who serve our community.
Wednesdays ▶ Aug. 21 – Oct. 23 ▶ 6–9 p.m.
Merriam Police Department, 9010 W. 62nd St.
Get involved and be on the Merriam Citizens Police Academy! You’ll learn what it takes to be a police officer. Apply online at or call the Merriam Police Department at 913-322-5560
Congratulations to Master Police Officer Chris Meyers for being named the 2023 Merriam Police Department Officer of the Year! As a 9-year veteran of the department, his peers call him steady, reliable, and dependable. Meyers is an instructor in firearms, emergency vehicle operations, and stop sticks. He’s also the lead drone pilot, police training officer, and the communications liaison for the department’s radio system. We thank Meyers for his many dedicated years of service in the Merriam Police Department.
Saturday, May 18 ▶ 10 a.m.–4 p.m. ▶ Antioch Park ▶ FREE
Join the fun at this annual tradition in Merriam! The Turkey Creek Festival is a full day of family entertainment featuring a 5K run/walk. Free activities include live music, Drum Safari, Home Depot wood crafts, balloon creations, face painting, inflatables, kids fishing, and so much more! New this year is a pie eating contest, Elemental Performance Bubble Party, and Dinosaur Takeover!
Unplugged ▶ 10–11:30 a.m.
Uproot ▶ Noon–1:30 p.m.
Landrush ▶ 2–4 p.m.
9001 W. 67th St.
FREE shuttles will run from Nations Holding to Antioch Park.
7–10:30 a.m. ▶ Merriam Marketplace ▶ $5
Enjoy a pancake breakfast that includes sausage and hash browns. The breakfast is hosted by Boy Scout Troop 0247.
8 a.m. ▶ Merriam Marketplace
Start your morning at Merriam Marketplace with the Turkey Creek Festival 5K Run/Walk for individuals and teams, plus a 50–yard dash youth sprint. Register at
1 p.m. ▶ Ages 6+ ▶ Antioch Park - Kids Area
Enjoy many food trucks that cater to a variety of tastes and preferences. Creek
To sign up to volunteer or learn more, scan the code or visit
Race against the clock to claim the title of pie-eating champion! There are a limited amount of slots available, so make sure to register early! Register at $10 / person
April 30 | 4–6 p.m. | MCC
Join us at the wizarding school and stop by all the Hogwarts’ houses for magical crafts and activities! Wear your favorite Harry Potter costume and house colors for some fun photo ops!
▶ June 14 | 6–8 p.m.
Brown Memorial Park
▶ July 12 | 6–8 p.m.
Quail Creek Park
Join us at our annual Family Fun Fridays! We’ll celebrate all summer long with parties in our parks. Enjoy live entertainment, food, and fun activities for all!
June 21 | TBD
MCC Courtyard
Make Music Day is a free celebration of music from across the world. Festivities include live music and activities for kids.
June 21 | 8:30–10:30 p.m.
MCC Outdoor Pool
Join us for a special screening of Lilo & Stitch while you swim in the outdoor pool. Concessions are available for purchase.
FREE / members
$9 / nonmembers
June 29 – July 6
For details, go to page 7.
July 13 • Aug. 10 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Don’t miss out on these popular nights for car and motorcycle enthusiasts of all ages. All show-quality models are welcome. Food is available for purchase from Eat Schmidt. Enjoy live music from One More Round and the Dennis Laffoon Trio!
July 14 | 10–11:30 a.m.
MCC Outdoor Pool | 212013
Build a cardboard boat, and race it across the pool! Donuts, drinks, and materials to build the boats are provided. Register by July 7.
$30 / two-person team
July 26 | 6–8 p.m.
MCC Outdoor Pool
Celebrate our 4th birthday with us! The fun includes a DJ, mermaid, games, and prizes. Free ice cream from Polar Oasis. Concessions are available for purchase.
FREE / members
$9 / nonmembers
Aug. 16 | 6:30–8 p.m.
MCC Courtyard
Enjoy an evening of live music by Troubadour Retrievers, yard games, face painting, and strolling entertainment. Frozen treats from Polar Oasis and adult beverages from Embrace the Grape are available for purchase.
Aug. 24 | 10–11:30 a.m. | MMP
Join us for paws-itively fun activities like a scavenger hunt, pup-cooling station, photo op, and other furry fun finds. Stop by the Merriam Farmers’ Market on your way out!
$10 / dog
May 7 – June 11 • July 16 – Aug. 20
Morning Session: 8:30–9:30 a.m.
Afternoon Session: 6–7 p.m.
MCC | Ages 16+ | 210202
MCC | Ages 12+ | 209303
▶ May 7 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Best Recovery Strategies for the Active Individual
Whether you’re new to the sport or looking to enhance your skills, this six-week clinic is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of pickleball and provide a solid foundation for your game. Join us for the entire clinic or just a few weeks. All skill sets are welcome!
Instructor: Geoff
$48 / person
$10 / drop-in fee
June 12 | 6–8 p.m. | MCC
Ages 18+ | 209306
Self-reflect and set your goals for the year as you create a vision board. Bring your favorite photos and magazines to personalize your experience. Snacks and adult beverages are provided. Register by June 7.
Instructor: Portia
$20 / person
▶ June 4 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Fitness and Injury Prevention
▶ July 2 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Are Your Social Media Exercises Really Effective?
▶ Aug. 6 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Tech Neck: Managing Posture in the Digital Age
This workshop series provides a comprehensive exploration of wellness, covering physical health, mental well-being, and critical evaluation of fitness in the age of social media. Lights snacks are included.
Instructor: Luke
$5 / person
June 20 | 6–8 p.m.
MCC | Ages 21+ | 212004
Make a Lego flower bouquet that lasts forever! Drinks, adult beverages, and all necessary supplies are included. Register by June 3.
Instructor: Renee
$25 / person
June 27 | 6–7:30 p.m. | MCC
Ages 18+ | 209301
Are you a compassionate critter companion and want to learn how you can help? Join us for this informational class to find out more about local animal rescue groups and unique volunteer opportunities.
Instructor: Tina $5 / person
July 12 | Noon–1 p.m. | MCC
All Ages | 201106
Join fellow enthusiasts as you learn about fun facts and test your wit at this lunch and learn event. Enjoy games and make new friends! Bring a tasty dish to share. Instructor: Kim $5 / person
In its 28th year, the Tim Murphy Art Gallery strives to support quality art experiences in the City and strengthen the community culturally and educationally. The gallery is located inside the Merriam Community Center. All exhibits are free to the public and can be viewed online at
Mon.–Thurs. 5 a.m.–9 p.m.
Friday 5 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday* 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
*8 a.m.-8 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Located in historic downtown, the Merriam Farmers’ Market offers a pavilion in a beautiful park environment with access to the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail and Werner Park. We offer free, paved parking right next to the vendors.
Enjoy fresh produce, baked goods, and homemade products each Saturday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Say hello to our friendly staff at the information table.
We’ll have special features and giveaways throughout the season. Opening day is May 4, and the first 200 shoppers can stop by the information table to pick up a free Farmers’ Market reusable bag. Be sure to bring it back each week to fill with your market favorites.
Parks &
Month July is Parks and Recreation month! We honor our employees who foster connections, promote wellness, and inspire a love of nature for all ages.
indoor pool with slides, lazy river, lap lanes, and a warm water therapy pool; outdoor pool with lap lanes, diving boards, and zip line; industry–leading fitness equipment;
Add these options to your membership at the Welcome Desk.
Additional Dependent applies to the six–person Household membership.
Take a different class every day! For an additional $25 per month, members can attend select classes as many times as they like. See page 24 for the list of classes, and look for the logo in the class listings.
This is the perfect add–on for families! You can add this pass to any household membership.
We want everyone active in recreation activities – no matter what! Merriam families may be eligible to receive a scholarship for membership or other programs. Please call 913–322–5550 for more information or visit
Building Hours
Monday – Thursday
5 a.m.–9 p.m.
5 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday* 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
10 a.m.–6 p.m.
*Memorial Day –Labor Day 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Open swim begins at noon every day!
Residency is defined as someone who resides within Merriam city limits or someone who owns taxable real estate within city limits. Proof is required with a valid driver’s license or state ID, current city business license, or Notice of Appraised Value issued by the Johnson County Assessor’s Office.
1 Household memberships include 2 adults and up to 4 dependent children as defined by the IRS Qualifying Age Rule. Children age 18–24 must provide proof of residency. Additional dependents can be added for a fee.
2Two–Person Household includes two people who live at the same address, one of which must be at least 18 years old.
3Senior Household includes two adults who live at the same address, one of whom must be 60 years old.
4 Continuous monthly memberships are automatically billed on the 5th of the month until a 30–day written notification of cancellation is received from the member. When the 5th occurs on a weekend, the transaction will be processed on the following Monday.
What do you like about the MCC? We love using the workout facility. The kids and I enjoy spending time at the pool. The staff here is always welcoming and makes you feel like family.
What’s your typical workout routine, and what do you use most at the facility? We typically lift weights. On rest days, I’ll use the elliptical or walk the track. When we have more time, the kids and I enjoy the pool.
How do you spend your time when you’re not at the MCC? Activities as a family, making memories, or resting. We stay pretty busy with three kids.
Tell us something that might surprise us about your family. We’re a family that chooses faith, family, and time over money.
If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do? Pay off debt, then go on a long luxurious vacation somewhere warm.
When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time? Scrolling Facebook or checking in with family.
Maryellen Potts, Ph.D.
With more than 20 years of experience and a background in dance and correct postural alignment, Maryellen specializes in yoga and strength training. She believes fitness should improve physical functioning while being fun and habit–forming.
Phyllis Peterson
Energetic, fun, and knowledgeable, Phyllis can help you with your fitness quest! With more than 30 years of experience, she specializes in core, strength, cardio, weight management, and senior fitness.
▶ April 12
▶ Aug. 16
Merriam residents are invited to enjoy free days exploring the community center and all its amenities. Proof of residency required. Classes not included.
Tessa Pierce
Tessa started personal training in 2020. She loves living an active lifestyle, whether it be walking her dog, playing pickleball, or lifting weights. Her approach to training clients is making sure they have fun while catering to their needs to reach their fitness goals!
Let our certified trainers guide you toward your fitness goals.
Package Rates for 60–Minute Sessions*
▶ $45 per session
▶ $160 for 4 sessions
▶ $280 for 8 sessions
▶ $360 for 12 sessions
*Nonmembers are also required to buy a day pass each session.
Indoor Pool Hours
5 a.m.–9 p.m. ▶ Mon.–Thurs.
5 a.m.–8 p.m. ▶ Friday
8 a.m.–6 p.m.* ▶ Saturday
10 a.m.–6 p.m. ▶ Sunday
*Open until 8 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day
Closed Aug. 12–18 for maintenance.
Open Swim begins at noon.
Memorial Day until Aug. 13 Noon–8 p.m. ▶ Mon.–Sat. Noon–6 p.m. ▶ Sunday
Aug. 14 until Labor Day
4–7 p.m. ▶ Mon.–Fri. Noon–8 p.m. ▶ Saturday
Noon–6 p.m. ▶ Sunday
Scan the code, visit, or call 913–322–5550.
Swim lessons are all–inclusive and specific for each child’s skill set and include lifesaving and safety techniques. Children should be able to work with an instructor and participate in swim lessons independently and willingly.
Parent/Child: 6 months–2 years
This lesson is an introduction for parents and children. Learn safety tips while your child becomes familiar with the water and picks up basic water movement taught through songs, dances, and other fun forms of teaching. Parents must be in the water with their children.
Preschool: 3–5 years old
Your child will learn basic water safety skills while also growing more comfortable in the water. Students learn how to safely enter and exit the water, blow bubbles underwater, float, kick, and work on arm movements.
Youth: 6–12 years old
Beginning swimmers are introduced to basic stroke movement and learn how to be more comfortable in the water. More advanced swimmers are instructed in stroke technique, endurance, and safety skills.
Junior Dolphins
This program is designed for students who want to be part of the Merriam Dolphins swim team. The ideal student has gone through several rounds of swim lessons and is looking for more of a challenge. Students learn starts, flip turns, and swim team workouts.
Private and Semi–Private Lessons
Get four, 30–minute lessons tailored just for you. Available for ages 3+. $100 for private lessons, $90 for semi–private. Call 913–322–5550 for more information.
Aqua Toddler / Sensory Time Free for members!
▶ $50 for 10 punches, $90 for 20 punches
▶ 1 punch = 1 adult and 1 child
Time specific for families with children sensitive to loud noises or big splashes of water. During this time, all fountains, slides, and water features are turned off. This isn’t a swim lesson and won’t be instructor-led. Parents must be in the water with their children.
Infant Aquatic Survival Swim (Nonwalking)
This six–week program teaches infants and toddlers between 6 months and 1 year old to roll over from a face–down or submerged position onto their backs to relax and breathe. Children learn to swim and flip back onto their tummy to continue to swim to safety while fully clothed. Lessons are 15 minutes, one–on–one, four days a week. Instructor: Mary Jo
Infant Aquatic Survival Swim (Walking)
This eight-week program teaches toddlers and younger children the swim-float-swim sequence. Children learn to swim a short distance with their face fully submerged, roll onto their back, float and rest whenever they need to breathe, and flip back onto their tummy to continue to swim to safety while fully clothed. Lessons are one-on-one, four days a week for eight weeks. Instructor: Mary Jo
Participants learn leadership, rescue response, drowning prevention, and professionalism. They’ll receive a t-shirt, hip pack, whistle and lanyard, and certificate of completion. Junior lifeguards may be asked to volunteer for future Merriam aquatic activities. Instructor: Cole/Michael
KU Sensory Aquatics - Youth
This program provides swim lessons for children with autism spectrum disorders. Individual and small group lessons are available to meet the children’s learning needs. Registration opens May 10 at 6 p.m. Instructor: The University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Occupational Therapy Education Staff
MJ’s Kids
Mary Jo Klier works with children specifically focusing on strokes and stroke development. This punch pass class includes two 15–minute sessions. The instructor and guardian will determine times and days that work best for them. Instructor: Mary Jo
Advanced swimmers learn correct freestyle breathing, streamlines, backstroke, and other swim techniques. They’ll spend 45 minutes on instruction and 15 minutes playing games. Choose two days per week. Saturday is an extra bonus day! Instructor: Mary Jo
Be a part of Merriam’s swim and dive teams! Athletes can choose to swim only, dive only, or swim and dive! Swim caps and shirts are provided. Athletes will need a blue suit. Parent communication is through SwimTopia. For more information, scan the code or visit
Thursday, May 2 ▶ 7 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center
Thursday, May 16 ▶ 7 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center
Your child can meet the Dolphins’ coaches and learn about expectations for the upcoming season.
Precompetitive Swim and Dive
This team is designed for young swimmers who are learning to swim and dive and working on increasing their skills and endurance. This isn’t intended to be swim lessons. A qualified swimmer should be able to swim across the pool for 25 yards. They don’t need to know all four strokes.
Competitive Swim and Dive
This team is designed for high–level swimmers who are able to swim 50 yards without stopping and know all four strokes.
For information on swim team scholarship assistance, scan the code, visit, or call 913–322–5550.
Saturdays / Warm Up at 8 a.m.
6/8 @ Lenexa
6/15 @ Merriam
6/22 @ Overland Park
6/29 @ Olathe
Thursdays / Warm Up at 5:30 p.m.
6/6 @ Merriam
6/13 @ Lenexa
6/20 @ Prairie Village
6/27 @ Leawood
7/1 (Monday) @ Overland Park
7/10 @ Prarie Village – All City
• Warm up at 7 a.m.
• Meet starts at 8:15 a.m.
• Rain date: July 11
Tuesdays / Warm Up at 5:30 p.m.
6/11 @ Merriam
6/18 @ JCC
6/25 @ Merriam
7/2 @ Merriam
7/9 @ Shawnee
7/12 & 7/13 @ Lenexa – All City
7/12: 7&U, 9&U, 11&U
• Warm up at 4 p.m.
• Meet starts at 5 p.m.
7/13: 13&U, 15&U, 18&U
• Warm up at 7 a.m.
• Meet starts at 8 a.m.
• Rain date: July 13 and 14
In the event of inclement weather cancellations, you’ll receive an update on SwimTopia by 8:30 a.m. for competitive swim and beginning dive and 10 a.m. for precompetitive swim and intermediate and advanced dive. Information about SwimTopia is provided at the parents’ meeting.
Visit or call 913–322–5550.
This class is designed to strengthen bodies and relationships through sweat, smiles, and laughter. Your child will learn basic ki–aikido self–defense and ki–meditation techniques. Parent participation is encouraged.
Instructor: Derrick (1st degree)
Competitive Cheer Team
Learn a combination of gymnastics, dance, and cheerleading skills to create high-energy and entertaining performances.
Instructor: Wendy, USASF certified
These lessons are designed to introduce new tumbling skills in each class, focusing on improving balance and flexibility. Athletes must be able to perform a backbend from a standing position and return to a standing position independently to participate. An intermediate class is also available.
Instructor: Wendy, USASF Certified
Watch your kids learn practical street smarts and become more aware of their surroundings in this fun, proven method. Children 4 years old must be accompanied by a guardian.
Instructors: John/Rafael (2nd degree)
This one-month program is designed to make the learning process fun for young players, ensuring they develop a solid foundation in pickleball skills. Kids will learn essential techniques and game rules. Instructor: Geof
Gymnastics is a fun and safe way for children to begin to develop confidence and coordination. Each class focuses on improving balance, flexibility, coordination, and tumbling skills. These classes aren't designed for professional gymnastic competition but are fun ways to learn and improve basic tumbling skills. The age listed is a guideline, but skill level will take priority. An intermediate class is also available.
Instructor: Wendy, USASF Certified
Saturday, June 8 • Wednesday, June 12
9–10:30 a.m. ▶ MMP ▶ Ages 8–11 ▶ 209301
Explore nature and the ecology along the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail and discover the hidden treasures and beauty of Merriam! Bring sunscreen and a water bottle.
Instructor: Tina
$15 / child per tour
11:15 a.m.–Noon ▶ Ages 3–6 ▶ 204507
May 23 // Flower Power
June 27 // Stars & Stripes
July 25 // Bubble Party
Aug. 22 // Name Game
Get your kiddo prepped and ready at Preschool P.R.E.P.! You and your child can play, research, explore, and participate in STEAM workshops that will help them get ready for kindergarten!
Instructor: Margo Free / members
$5 / nonmembers
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m.–Noon
Monday – Thursday 4:30–7:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m.–Noon
6 months – 8 years
Rates Per Visit – Two hours max
$3 / child – Members
$4 / child – Nonmembers
Punch cards are also available.
^No class on June 11
Get listings of special events, programs, and classes dedicated just for kids! Call 913–322–5550 to join our email list or pick up a copy at the Welcome Desk.
Punch cards: $10 for 10 visits
Too hot to play in the park?
Ride and slide with us during Preschool Indoor Playground!
Parents must supervise their children during playground time.
Visit or call 913–322–5550.
Shape up with this exciting blend of step–interval and strength training! Workouts include a variety of equipment, including steps, free weights, TRX, slam balls, and more.
Instructor: Phyllis
This boot camp–inspired workout focuses on building strength and endurance through a combination of functional fitness movements. Fit Camp can be adapted to all fitness levels.
Instructors: Wanda
Kettlebell AMPD combines great music with simple, effective kettlebell movements for a calorie–torching workout that is fun, safe, and accessible to all fitness levels.
Instructor: Maryellen
This class focuses on maximum calorie burn, combining cardiovascular and endurance training. Each workout is unique, challenging, and fun with adaptations for all skill levels.
Instructor: Caitlin
This class consists of high–intensity exercises featuring cardio and resistance training to improve endurance, build strength, and increase energy. Instructor: Caitlin
Join us at the fitness desk on the last Wednesday of every month, and find healthy snacks or workout tips.
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check the Group X calendar (QR Code on page 35) or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
M–W–F ▶ 8 a.m.–Noon ▶ Ages 16+
$20 for 10 punch pass ▶ $40 for 20 punch pass
Part tennis, part badminton, part pingpong, all fun! This easy–to–learn, eye–hand coordination game is growing in popularity. With all equipment provided, the only thing you need is a partner and a positive attitude!
M–F ▶ 8:30–11:30 a.m. ▶ $12.50 for 20 punch pass
This program allows you a simple, affordable way to exercise at a pace that fits your level. This program isn’t instructor–led, but ask one of our fitness attendants if you need guidance.
Tuesdays ▶ 4:30–6 p.m.
$20 for 10 punch pass
From seasoned players to beginners, everyone can join in for a fun and supportive environment to enjoy friendly matches and drills.
Visit or call 913–322–5550.
TaijiFit is a series of slow movements and stretches that flow without pause, staying in constant motion connecting the mind, body, and breath. Water provides a gentle resistance and added balance. Instructor: Kim
This class combines cardio and strength training intervals using noodles and dumbbells at varying intensities. Water shoes or sneakers are encouraged. Instructors: Maryellen
This class is full of fun, energy, music, and laughs! Regardless of your age, size, or fitness level, Cardio
Splash enhances your overall fitness and improves your stability and balance in and out of the water.
Instructor: Kim
With the support of float belts and the use of water weights, this class will intensify your resistance training and sculpt your muscles.
Instructor: Caitlin
This program provides swim lessons for adults with autism spectrum disorders. Individual and small group lessons are available to meet learning needs. Registration opens May 10 at 6 p.m.
Instructor: The University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Occupational Therapy Education Staff
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check the Group X calendar (QR Code on page 35) or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
Ballet Yoga
All yoga classes require participants to supply their own props, unless otherwise stated.
This class combines gentle yoga with ballet to blend mindful movement with the art of dance. Designed with all bodies in mind, it introduces a whole body workout. Instructor: Portia
Gentle Iyengar Yoga
This slower–paced class aims to increase mobility and reduce discomfort. Poses are taught with additional modifications for those with ongoing or mild–to–chronic conditions and older students. A doctor’s permission note is requested. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
Iyengar Yoga Level 1
Developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, this class emphasizes detail, precision, and alignment for maximum balance and flexibility. This style often uses props, such as mats, chairs, and blocks for deeper and more easily accessible postures. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
Iyengar Yoga Level 2
For continuing students who have attended Iyengar Level 1 for two or more years or those who have previous Iyengar experience. Instructor’s permission is required for new students. Bring four yoga blankets and one 6–foot yoga belt. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
Restorative Yoga
Indoor & Outdoor
This slower–paced, meditative yoga is a gentle practice designed to promote slowing down and opening the body through gentle stretching. The class is designed to increase flexibility and mobility, reduce stress and anxiety, and release body tension. Instructor: Portia
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check the Group X calendar (QR Code on page 35) or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
Sunday, May 5 ▶ 10–11 a.m. ▶
Waterfall Park ▶ Ages 16+ $25 / person ▶ $30 / drop in ▶ 207105
Have fun with goats while reducing your stress and anxiety! It’s proven science that interacting with animals reduces stress hormones while increasing hormones that trigger happiness. Goat yoga will help release the tension you’ve been holding on to while reconnecting with everyone around you. Limited spots are available. Secure your spot before they're gone!
Visit or call 913–322–5550.
Aikidō Yōshinkan – Traditional Martial Arts
The Yoshinkan style of aikido is a dynamic system of throwing, joint–locking, striking, and pinning techniques. It’s a self–defense martial art used by many law enforcement agencies as an effective way to safely neutralize aggression. Classes are structured so beginner and advanced students alike have a fun and challenging experience.
Instructors: Rafael (2nd degree)
The Ki Society
You’re invited to have a new experience learning the five disciplines of the Ki Society (ki–breathing, ki–meditation, aikido, kiatsu, and bell meditation). These practices are fundamental to an awareness of our natural state of being. Please wear pants and a shirt that are suitable for mild exercise.
Instructors: Vic (4th degree)/Derrick (1st degree)
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
Visit or call 913–322–5550.
This wildly addictive dance fitness class is based on the hottest hip–hop music. Beyond being easy to follow for all levels, WERQ is an effective cardio class that feels more like a dance club experience. Instructor: Wanda
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check the Group X calendar (QR Code below) or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
MCC staff publishes monthly calendars for the gym, Group Exercise Room (Group X), and the outdoor and indoor pools. Find these at or scan the QR codes below.
Keep moving with this low–impact physical activity program proven to reduce pain and decrease stiffness. This chair–based class includes range of motion exercises that are suitable for every fitness level and ability. A $3 donation is suggested.
You become the music in this full–body workout that leaves you smiling and ready for the day. This class is done seated in a chair while drumming on a big stability ball or floor. We provide everything you need. All abilities are welcome; we don’t go down to the floor.
Instructor: Kim
This is a gentler form of practicing yoga postures while sitting or standing, using a chair for support. It’s beneficial for anyone as it increases flexibility, improves strength, and reduces tension. Breathing techniques are also part of the practice. All classes end with a short period of deep relaxation.
Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
You’re invited to have a new experience learning the five disciplines of the Ki Society (ki–breathing, ki–meditation, aikido, kiatsu, and bell meditation). These practices are fundamental to an awareness of our natural state of being. Please wear pants and a shirt that are suitable for mild exercise.
Instructor: Vic (4th degree)/Derrick (1st degree)
This senior strength class is specifically designed to cater to the fitness needs and abilities of older adults, typically aged 50 and above. The primary focus of this class is to improve and maintain overall strength, flexibility, balance, and functional mobility.
Instructor: Tessa, CPT
Enjoy a variety of music while you tap your troubles away! Class begins with simple technique exercises, working your body and your brain. From there, we’ll learn rhythms and a combination of tap steps to favorite Broadway tunes and other music types. Bring your tap shoes. Instructor: Treva
Wednesdays ▶ 1 p.m.
Enjoy a free showing of a recent movie in a relaxed environment. Schedules are available at the Welcome Desk and highlighted in the bimonthly “Boomer Buzz” newsletter. Snacks are provided weekly on the first and third Wednesdays, thanks to Merriam Gardens. Movies are subject to change.
May 23 ▶ 1–2:30 p.m. ▶ 201107
May is Older Americans Month, and we’re celebrating the joy and wisdom of our 50+ community. Come enjoy freshly popped popcorn and refreshments while playing sudoku, crosswords, and
Second Thursdays of the Month
1:30–3:30 p.m. ▶ 101104
May 9 // Springtime
June 6 // Slide into Summer (First Thursday)
Sandwich sliders, chips, and drinks provided. $7 / person
July 11 // Beach Day
Aug. 8 // Sunflower
Join us on the second Thursday of each month for a fun–filled afternoon! Prizes include gift cards and consumables. Call 913–322–5550 to preregister. $5 / person
Thank you to our sponsors: Stockton & Kandt: Attorney at Law, Atriums Senior Living Community, and the Forum at Overland Park Merriam Gardens.
Merriam residents only ▶ Ages 60+
This scholarship is for patrons 60 and older who have a Merriam Community Center membership and want to get a Fit Class Pass. Limited to Merriam residents. Low–income guidelines apply.
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check the Group X calendar (QR Code on page 35) or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
The Merriam Parks and Recreation Department’s mission is to provide first–class facilities and parks and enhance the quality of life for all residents and visitors through educational, recreational, and cultural opportunities.
Please register at least three working days before the class start date. Register early as many of our classes reach capacity due to popularity.
Occasionally, portions of the Merriam Community Center may be closed for specially–scheduled activities and holidays. Anticipated closures will be posted as early as possible.
Holiday Hours and Closings
Monday, May 27: Memorial Day | 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth | 5 a.m.–9 p.m.
Thursday, July 4: Fourth of July | 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Facility users are expected to respect MCC property and fellow users. Destruction of property, profanity, and abusive behavior won’t be tolerated. Violators will be asked to leave the facility, and repeat offenders will have privileges permanently revoked. The use of tobacco products is prohibited in the MCC and within 10 feet of all entrances.
Children 8 and under must be accompanied by a responsible person age 14 or older. No person under the age of 16 is allowed to participate in, or attend, adult fitness classes. The MCC isn’t staffed to provide individual child supervision. Please don’t drop children off and leave them unattended.
Established in 1988, the Foundation has provided more than $186,000 to support the Parks and Recreation Department.
Recreation scholarships are available to help defray the cost of swim lessons and memberships. Limited to Merriam residents, low–income guidelines apply. For an application, contact us at 913–322–5550 or visit
The City of Merriam doesn't discriminate against anyone on the basis of age, race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, gender identity, disability, military status, genetic information, marital status, or familial status. Merriam Parks and Recreation is committed to making accommodations as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act. Requests for reasonable accommodations must be made to Merriam Parks and Recreation one week before the start of a program. Please indicate what accommodations are needed.