Warm days are finally ahead of us, and I’m looking forward to it! This time of year brings our residents out of their homes and to City-sponsored events, such as the Turkey Creek Festival, Family Fun Fridays, Cruise Night, and Dive-In Movie Night.
We offer dozens of community events and programs throughout the year. Attend any or all of them, or you can meet your neighbors by hosting a block party. The City offers a grant worth up to $300 to help pay for food, paper goods, and entertainment. If you want more solace, I encourage you to walk the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail and stop at one of our beautiful City parks along the path.
Our City continues to grow, and I’m heartened to see business booming in Merriam. More than 40 new companies opened shop last year in our City. This is a great time to see what’s out there and what they have to offer. You can learn about a few of these new businesses on page 6.
Watch for road construction and lane closures in downtown Merriam this summer. Businesses will stay open throughout the project, so please continue to shop local. Learn more about this street improvement project on page 11.
What a great time to live, work, and play in Merriam. Now, go out and explore our beautiful community!

Your Mayor,
9001 W. 62nd St. Merriam, KS 66202
M–F 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. cityofmerriam@merriam.org Merriam.org
Bob Pape
6040 Slater St. Merriam, KS 66202
M–Th 5 a.m.–9 p.m.
Fri. 5 a.m.–8 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.–6 p.m.*
Sun. 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Memorial Day - Labor Day 8 a.m.-8p.m. mcc@merriam.org
Emergency: 911
Non–Emergency Dispatch: 913–782–0720
Main: 913–322–5560
@cityofmerriamks @merriamksparksandrec @exploremerriam @merriampolice
Merriam City Council

4 ▶ City Services
6 ▶ New Businesses
BOB PAPE MAYOR 913–707–9316


WARD 2 913–303–1017
BRUCE KALDAHL WARD 3 913–708–3043

8 ▶ City Grants
10 ▶ 5701 Steering Committee
12 ▶ Public Safety
14 ▶ Team Merriam
16 ▶ Events
JACOB LAHA WARD 1 913–608–7636
WARD 2 913–735–0828
DAVID NEAL WARD 4 913–908–5072
20 ▶ Tim Murphy Art Gallery
23 ▶ MCC Membership
26 ▶ Aquatics
30 ▶ Youth Classes
32 ▶ Adult Classes
WARD 1 913–370–9910
WARD 3 913–384–5340
STACI CHIVETTA WARD 4 913–303–0594
City Council meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. at Merriam City Hall. All meetings are open to the public.

Two Churches Reach Milestone Anniversaries
Mt. Olive Baptist Church celebrated its 100th anniversary in October. The church became a refuge for some Walker School students during the 1949 court decision involving school desegregation.
Merriam Christian Church was established in 1913 and celebrated its 110th anniversary in February.

Mayor Bob Pape issued proclamations praising the churches’ contributions to serving our community and their outstanding milestones.

36 ▶ 50+ Programs
39 ▶ Merriam Parks
City offices will close in observation of holidays on May 29; June 19; and July 4. In each case, offices will reopen at 8 a.m. the following weekday. Closing information for the Merriam Community Center is on page 38.
April 1–Oct. 1: Apply for a Property Tax Rebate
Merriam residents who meet national requirements for low-income households can receive a rebate on the City’s portion of their 2022 property tax.

For example, a two-person household income must be at or below $62,000. A four-person household income would need to be at or below $77,450. See if you’re eligible at merriam.org/propertytax
April 17–21: Spring Large–Item Pickup
It’s time for spring cleaning! Our Public Works crews are picking up large items – such as furniture, appliances, and rugs – that don’t fit in your garbage can.

Place your items curbside before 7 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day. Find more information at merriam.org/largeitem.
Many items can be donated or recycled by different providers in the Kansas City area. Find where to take these items at RecycleSpot.org
May 1: Franchise Fee Rebate Program Applications Due
Utility companies routinely collect franchise fees from their customers throughout the year. This program provides eligible Merriam families the opportunity to apply for franchise fee rebates paid on electric, gas, and landline phone bills in 2022.

Contact the Community Development Department at 913–322–5520 or visit merriam.org/franchisefee to learn more about the program or to get an application. The City will accept applications through May 1, 2023.
Sept. 30: Save the Date - Fall Recycling Event
A community recycling event is happening at Nations Holding on Saturday, Sept. 30, from 9 a.m.–noon. We’ll shred paper, recycle electronics, and collect eye glasses.
Find more information at merriam.org/recyclingevent.

City codes are in place to keep Merriam Just Right throughout the year. Here are a few ways you can help us improve our City:
▶ Keep grass and weeds trimmed below 10 inches in height.

▶ House numbers need to be placed on your home and clearly visible and easily readable from the street.

▶ Store trash and recycling containers behind your home’s front building line.

▶ Make sure your cars, trucks, and motorcycles are in working condition and have a current license plate attached.
▶ Boats, RVs, campers, and trailers must be parked behind the front building line and on a hard surface, such as asphalt or concrete.
Learn about our 10 Codes to Know at merriam.org/10codes.
Flags 4 Freedom
July 1–8 ▶ Merriam Marketplace
Each year, downtown Merriam and the surrounding area transforms into perfect rows of patriotic pride as United States flags fly at Merriam Marketplace and along Merriam Drive and Johnson Drive. Everyone’s invited to view the astonishing display that honors our nation.

Volunteers Needed: Help place flags at Merriam Marketplace on July 1 or take them down on July 8. Visit merriam.org/f4f to volunteer and find more details.
Random Acts of Kindness
April 5–16
Be more happy, healthy, and productive as you spread kindness within the community, with colleagues, and with yourself. It has proven positive physical and mental effects on the human body. Merriam is partnering with SevenDays® to make an impact across our City. Find ways to promote kindness at merriam.org/kindness.

Merriam’s economic development continues to grow and shine!
In 2022, 42 new businesses opened in our City. You can now buy burritos at Chipotle. The restaurant opened on Shawnee Mission Parkway late last year. In July, Ross Dress for Less opened shop next to Bob’s Discount Furniture at Merriam Town Center.

Two companies changed ownership: Merriam Feed and Seed and Skate City. They’re still open for business at the same locations.
It’s exciting to see growth in Merriam! Here’s why a few new business owners chose Merriam as their forever work home.

Indigo Rose Salon
Kellie Overrocker opened Indigo Rose Salon in 2013 but moved from Mission to Merriam last year.
In the hair industry for 20 years, Overrocker said she wanted to own her building and that Merriam appealed to her. She fell in love with a house on Johnson Drive and reopened Indigo Rose Salon.

“When I saw that this amazing craftsman–style house was for sale, I felt like I had to take a chance, and I’m so glad I did,” Overrocker said. “This historic home is perfect for my eclectic antique style. I love quaint small downtown areas, so I just felt like a great place to call my forever business home.”
Overrocker said they had a great clientele following from her previous location but said business continues to be amazing.
“I love Merriam. I’m super excited to see what downtown Merriam looks like after renovations!” Overrocker said. “Location is key, and Merriam has one of the best downtown locations. I really love the feeling of a close-knit small business community.”
Stay in the Know
Sign up for Merriam’s new economic development e-newsletter. We’ll keep you informed and connected with business happenings across the City. Email our Tourism and Economic Development Manager Karen Crane at kcrane@merriam.org to be in the know.
Slater St. Antiques
Located near the Merriam Community Center, Slater St. Antiques offers all types of vintage and antique merchandise for the home and office.

As the only antique store in Merriam, owner Sara Garcera said it’s been a learning curve.
“We’ve only been open for six months, so we’re still trying to understand trends [of] what sells,” Garcera said. “We’re here for the long haul.”
Garcera said she didn’t want to be in downtown Kansas City because of logistics of loading and unloading furniture and other antiques. She said Merriam was perfect because of its location.

“The City has attracted a great business base,” Garcera said. “I really like how Merriam is business-friendly and that I’m located next to Merriam Town Center. It’s been super convenient, like everything in Merriam.”
Sunflower Market
The Sunflower Market opened in 2016, but owner Sarah Orozco didn’t open its retail location until March 2022.
“We loved the location and that it was in Historic Downtown Merriam,” Orozco said.
The store is known for its custom t-shirts and locally handmade items, from home decor to soaps and lotions. Getting their name out is challenging, but Orozco said it’s like any business starting anew.

“We’ve received a very welcoming response from Merriam residents!” Orozco said.
New Businesses Opening Soon
▶ AdventHealth Shawnee Mission is building a new cancer center on its campus.
▶ Merriam Plaza Library is under construction and set to open in 2024.
▶ The old Kmart will soon be Merriam Grand Station with two apartment complexes and space for restaurants and retail businesses. Construction began late last year and is expected to open in 2026.
Home Improvement, Block Parties, and Trees
Summer’s the Perfect Time to Apply for Home Improvement Grants
It’s time to get the new HVAC system, siding, or deck you’ve always wanted! The City can help pay for a portion of your costs thanks to many City–funded grants.
We still have money available for you to make improvements to your home through the Residential Exterior Home Improvement and Sustainability grants.

Visit Merriam.org/grants to learn more or call our Community Development Department at 913–322–5520 with any questions.
Neighborhood Block Party Grants
Merriam residents know how to party – and how to get paid to party! Last year, nearly 20 of your neighbors hosted block parties. They received about $3,000 from the City to help pay for items, such as food, paper goods, party favors, and to hire entertainment.

You can host a block party this year and make it extra fun! Merriam City Councilmembers increased the maximum reimbursement amount to $300 per block party.
We’re accepting applications between April 1 and Oct. 15. Visit merriam.org/blockparty for more information.
Merriam Residents — Get a Free Tree This Fall!
We’re planting 85 new trees this year in partnership with Heartland Tree Alliance.
The trees and planting of trees are free for you! They must be planted in the front yard, or you can choose the side yard if you live on a corner lot. Choose from a selection of ornamental or shade trees. Options are first come, first served, and limited to one tree per home.
Learn more and apply at merriam.org/treegrant

Home Energy –Saving Kits

Make your home more energy–efficient! Merriam residents can pick up a free home energy–saving kit starting Earth Day, April 22. Kits are available at the Merriam Community Center and City Hall during business hours. We have 500 kits, one kit per household. Each kit includes:
▶ Outlet and light switch insulators
▶ Window insulation kit
▶ LED light bulb
Make a Plastic Bench with Us
▶ Fridge/freezer thermometer
▶ Night light
The plastic film packaging that you normally throw away can now become a bench in Merriam!

We have collection bins at the Merriam Community Center and City Hall. Our goal is to collect 500 pounds of plastic film packaging through the end of July.
We’re collecting:
▶ Plastic grocery bags
▶ Bubble wrap
▶ Paper towel or toilet paper packaging
Compost Bin Rebate

▶ Newspaper sleeves
▶ Cereal and bread bags (no food debris)
▶ Produce bags
Be more environmentally friendly by composting food and yard debris!
Merriam residents who buy or build a compost bin can apply to receive a $40 rebate from the City. Residents can also get an additional $35 if they at tend a composting workshop. Visit merriam.org/compost for more information.
Yard of the Month
Showcase your beautiful yard and you may get recognized as the City’s Yard of the Month! City staff will pick well-maintained properties each month from May through September.
Winners are announced in e-Merriam, the City’s newsletter that’s emailed to subscribers. Visit merriam.org/emerriam to sign up for the newsletter.

Future of 5701 Steering Committee
5701 Merriam Drive is the green space across from the Merriam Farmers’ Market. The Future of 5701 Steering Committee plays a key role in shaping the future of this site.

In 2020, the steering committee submitted a report to Merriam City Councilmembers. They decided to tear down the old community center building and create green space until a future date.

The future is now as conversations are continuing about what this site could soon become.
The steering committee is made up of two City Councilmembers and residents interested in the development of 5701 Merriam Drive. Stay involved by visiting merriam.org/5701.
Public Art Committee
We have Planting the Seeds at the Merriam Farmers’ Market and a caterpillar sculpture called Hmmm... at Waterfall Park. You may love it or hate it, but public art speaks to people!

Merriam City Councilmembers believe it’s important to continue supporting the arts in our City and recently reestablished a five – year budget for public art totaling $575,000.
The City’s Public Art Committee is reforming to help determine what and where the new works of art should go. Committee members will meet as needed between 2023 and 2027.
The Public Art Committee was created in 2014 and is made up of community members and two City Councilmembers. Learn more at merriam.org/publicart
Road Construction in Downtown Merriam Begins This Year

Watch for lane closures later this year along Merriam Drive in downtown Merriam.
The roadway from Johnson Drive to 55th St. will change to two and three lanes throughout.
Other improvements include:
▶ New pavement, sidewalks, and curbs.
▶ Raised crosswalks.
▶ New LED streetlights.
▶ A shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists.
▶ A new Merriam Marketplace entrance.
▶ Diagonal parking spaces in front of Merriam Marketplace.
▶ A gateway monument into downtown Merriam.
Merriam City Councilmembers approved the final street design in February. Johnson County is helping pay for the $4.2 million project.
Learn more about this project at merriam.org/downtown.
Merriam Plaza Library Update

Work continues on Merriam Plaza Library. Construction crews recently poured more than 80 truckloads of concrete to build the 15,000-square-foot library!
A beam-raising ceremony is happening in April. It’s an event that celebrates the completion of the building’s steel structure and leads to the next stage of construction.
Stay updated with their progress. Watch monthly time-lapse videos on our Facebook page. Merriam Plaza Library is expected to open next year.

Free Police Events
Rx Drug Take Back Day
April 22 | 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Walgreens, 8701 Johnson Drive
Women’s Situational Awareness
July 19 | 5 –7 p.m.
Merriam Community Center
6040 Slater St.
Meet the Officers
Pop with a Cop
July 26 | 4–6 p.m.
Sonic, 5440 Merriam Drive
Open House
Aug. 5 | 9–11 a.m.
Merriam Police Department 9010 W. 62nd St.
2022 Police Officer of the Year
Master Police Officer
Trey Daniels has served with the Merriam Police Department for six years. He’s dedicated to his job and always willing to help others, especially when it comes to covering staffing shortages and coordinating the police department’s role in the Turkey Creek Car & Motorcycle Show.

Daniels has taken on numerous responsibilities in addition to his regular duties. He’s the lead instructor of defensive tactics, a taser instructor, a police training officer, and a drone operator. He also serves on the department’s bicycle unit and the employee appreciation committee.
Daniels always maintains a high fitness level and encourages other officers to do the same. He also has high range scores. Daniels’ peers noted that the most impressive quality about him is that he always has an upbeat, positive attitude.

Daniels is a shining example of the police department’s core values of courage, sacrifice, and compassion.
Birthday Parades
Let the Merriam Police Department help celebrate your child’s birthday. Officers will drive by your home with lights and sirens blaring! Contact Maj. Chris Brokaw at 913-322-5566 or cbrokaw@merriam.org to schedule a police parade.

Merriam Police Officer Retires After 28 Years

Capt. Troy Duvanel is handing over his badge and handcuffs after 28 years with the Merriam Police Department.
Duvanel first interned with the police department before being hired as a rookie officer in 1995. He worked his way up the ranks and was promoted to captain in 2014.
Duvanel has served as the investigation’s commander in Merriam and on two specialized investigative teams in Johnson County: investigating officer-involved shootings and murders in smaller cities that don’t have homicide units.
“Merriam has a top-tier group of men and women going out of their way serving and protecting,” Duvanel said. “I couldn’t have asked for a better place to serve for over half my life.”
Join the 2023 Citizens Police Academy
Apply for the Merriam Citizens Police Academy and learn what it takes to be a police officer. The 10-week program starts Aug. 23 and runs through Oct. 25. Sessions are held on Wednesdays, from 6–9 p.m. at the Merriam Police Department.

Apply online at merriam.org/citizensacademy or call the Merriam Police Department at 913-322-5560.

We’re Hiring!
Fire Department Adds JoCo Med-Act Truck
As construction crews rebuild an Overland Park fire station on 75th St., the Johnson County Med-Act team housed there is moving to Fire Station 46 in Merriam.
They’ll cover medical and fire calls in northeast Johnson County, including Merriam, Mission, Lenexa, Overland Park, and Shawnee.
Tylor Hultgren and Justin Smith are two paramedics who moved to the Merriam station and are getting the job done for our community. They said they are busier at the Merriam location and look forward to expanding their services. Their station, Fire Station 41, should be completed by mid –2024.

The City of Merriam is such a great place to work that several Team Merriam employees recruited their family members to work for the City, too! We have dads and sons, moms and sons, and even siblings working together to make Merriam Just Right for you.
Learn More About Team Merriam
Nathan and Herb Marsh
Nathan Marsh and his dad, Herb, are facility attendants at the Merriam Community Center. Nathan started working at the MCC nearly two years ago. Herb, a year later.
Nathan grew up in Merriam and said he applied because of his fond memories.

“I remember when this place used to be the Merriam pool and would always come up here and swim when I was little,” Nathan said. “Then we saw they built the new community center, so I thought it would be cool to apply here.”
Herb already has a full–time job, but he wanted to find part–time work. Nathan told him about the facility attendant opening, and the rest is history.
“I first thought it would be a little weird working with my dad, but it ended up being fun!” Nathan said. “I always enjoy working shifts with him and spending time with him. It was also fun to teach him how the system worked and let him know how the center ran.”
Diane and Tybalt Teague
Diane and her oldest son, Tybalt, started working at the MCC in July 2020. Diane is a slide and concessions attendant, and Tybalt is a head lifeguard.
“I worked in the Shawnee Mission North High School cafeteria and needed a job for the summer,” Diane said. “Our family loves to travel, and this position helps provide funds to explore the U.S.”

It also helps pay for her middle son’s travel fees, so he can play on the USA Wheelchair Rugby Team.
Diane said she and Tybalt use this time to talk about what’s happening in life. Diane said she finds out how community college is going and what concerts and sporting games he’s attending.
“Although we work at different times sometimes, I really enjoy working with Tybalt because we get to catch up on some family time,” Diane said.
Ray Volavongsa and Kesone Bouvilom
Ray is Kesone’s younger brother. For the last four years, he’s served as a Team Merriam facility maintenance employee in public works. Big sister has him beat. Kesone joined the City of Merriam 23 years ago. The office coordinator is the first face you see when you visit City Hall.

“I’ve always wanted to work for the local government and a public service organization,” Kesone said. “I like my job, have gained some knowledge, and the City provides many great benefits.”
That’s why she told her brother about the Public Works Department job opening.
“I don’t work directly with my brother, but do see him and run into him occasionally,” Kesone said. “I like the fact that he brings me breakfast sometimes.”
It must run in the family. Ray said the same thing about his sister.
“I still get the benefits of being the younger sibling, like her bringing me breakfast, lunch, and snacks,” Ray said.
Joe and Joey Segura
Back in the gym is where Joe Segura wants to be. His dad was a recreation director in Kansas City, Kansas, at the Joe E. Amayo Argentine Community Center. So, when a facility assistant position opened up at the MCC eight years ago, he applied.
“I love being around the sports and community,” Joe said. “I enjoy working with the public and interacting with all the patrons that come through the MCC!” Now, it’s a third generation of guys working in a gym. His son, Joey, joined him at the community center last year as a fitness and facility attendant.
“I encouraged Joey to apply because it was a good part–time job for a student and would help him learn interpersonal and communication skills working with staff and the public,” Joe said. Joe loves being with his son and watching him grow as a person.

“I enjoy working with my son. I’m especially proud when folks say he’s a good kid!” Joe said. “Learning respect and how to interact with patrons are some great positives to come out of Joey working with the patrons and staff at MCC. I’ve enjoyed watching him grow up to become a responsible and respectful young adult!”
Arlene and Henry Duff
Arlene and Henry Duff are a brother and sister duo who started working at the MCC a year and a half ago.
The siblings looked for summer jobs and both chose the City of Merriam.

“I’ve been a part of the Merriam community my entire life, so when I started applying for jobs, it made sense to stay close to home,” Arlene said.
Arlene now works part–time in Child Watch, and Henry’s a lifeguard.
“I love that both Henry and I have jobs that fit our interests and get to work in the same building but not directly with each other, so it doesn’t feel like we are invading each other’s space,” Arlene said.

Turkey Creek Festival

Saturday, May 20 ▶ 10 a.m.–4 p.m. ▶ Antioch Park ▶ FREE
Join the fun at this annual tradition in Merriam! The Turkey Creek Festival is a full day of family entertainment featuring free activities, including live music, a petting zoo, Drum Safari, Home Depot wood crafts, balloon creations, Star Wars characters, face painting, inflatables, pony rides, kids fishing, and so much more!

Food truck concession favorites include tacos, kettle corn, philly cheesesteaks, ice cream, shaved ice, and more!
Live Music
Jillian Roscoe ▶ 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Howard Mahan ▶ Noon–1:30 p.m.
Vigil Annie ▶ 2–4 p.m.
Learn more at merriam.org/tcf.
Parking Free shuttles will run from Nations Holding to Antioch Park
Sign up to volunteer at merriam.org/tcf.

Pancake Breakfast ▶ 7–10:30 a.m. ▶ Merriam Marketplace ▶ $5
Enjoy a pancake breakfast that includes sausage and hash browns. The breakfast is hosted by Boy Scout Troop 0247.
5K Run/Walk ▶ 8 a.m. ▶ Merriam Marketplace
Start your morning at Merriam Marketplace with the Turkey Creek Fesitval 5K Run/Walk for individuals and teams, plus a 50–yard dash youth sprint. Register at merriam.org/tcf5k.
3 Scoops of Fun – Birthday Party
Friday, July 28 ▶ 6–8 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center Pools
It’s the Merriam Community Center’s 3rd birthday, and we want to celebrate with you! The party includes a “Mermaid & Pirate Show,” games, and prizes throughout the night. Concessions are available for purchase.

FREE for members / $9 non–members

Thank you to our sponsors!

Topeka State Capitol and Mulvane

Art Museum Tour
Friday, April 28 ▶ 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ▶ 16+ ▶ $125
Take a guided tour of the Topeka State Capitol and the best–kept secret in Topeka, the Mulvane Art Museum. The art museum opened in 1924 and is the oldest accredited art museum west of the Mississippi River. The museum’s collection highlights the works of artists from Kansas and the Midwest. Lunch, snacks, and water are included. Led by: Just One Day Tours 109301
Harry Potter Day New!
Tuesday, May 2 ▶ 3:30–5 p.m. ▶ All Ages
Join us at the wizarding school and stop by all the Hogwarts’ houses for magical crafts and activities, including designing a wand, creating a magic potion, and playing Quidditch! Wear your Harry Potter costume and house colors for some fun photo ops! This event is brought to you in part by the Johnson County Library. Supplies are limited.

Dirt Road Comedy Tour New!

Friday, May 19 ▶ 7–8 p.m. ▶ MCC ▶ 16+ ▶ $15

Bringing the laughs where the blacktop ends! Bryce Stanley and Jerad Langley started Dirt Road in 2015. Their goal was to bring laughs to rural America. Since then, Dirt Road has become the Midwest’s premier small–town comedy solution. Come laugh, drink, and have a great time! The ticket price includes soft drinks, adult beverages, and lots of laughs!
Make Music Day
Wednesday, June 21 ▶ 5:30–8 p.m. ▶ All Ages ▶ MCC
Make Music Day is a free celebration of music from across the world. Festivities include a live painting performance by Coloratura, which engages you in a multisensory celebration of art and music. Then, enjoy a concert by the Kansas City Symphony Mobile Music Box. We’ll end the night with a performance by Chill Phil, who will have you feeling like you are on a tropical vacation.

Family Fun Fridays
Friday, June 9 ▶ 6–8 p.m. ▶ Brown Memorial Park
Friday, July 14 ▶ 6–8 p.m. ▶ Quail Creek Park
Party with us at our free Family Fun Friday events at Brown Memorial Park and Quail Creek Park. Live music includes The Supermatics on June 9 and Tony Rustici on July 14. Enjoy hot dogs, lawn games, and other entertainment, including our awesome playground equipment! Find more information at merriam.org/events. FREE

Dive–In Movie Night
Friday, June 23 ▶ 8:30–10:30 p.m. ▶ MCC Outdoor Pool

Join us for a special screening of Spider–Man: Into the Spider–Verse in the Merriam Community Center outdoor pool. Concessions are available for purchase.
FREE for members ▶ $9 / non–members
Cardboard Boat Regatta

Sunday, July 16 ▶ 10–11:30 a.m. ▶ $25 per two–person team
MCC Outdoor Pool
Build a cardboard boat and race it across the pool against other creative competitors! It’s a challenging, fun, and wet adventure that combines cardboard, tape, creativity, and engineering. All materials to build the boats are provided. Two–person teams will build the boats but only one will race it across the pool. Advanced registration is required for this event. Regular pool admission fees apply if you wish to swim after the event. Donuts and drinks are provided! 212013
Cruise Night
Saturday, July 8 ▶ 6:30–8:30 p.m. ▶ Merriam Marketplace

Saturday, Aug. 12 ▶ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. ▶ Merriam Marketplace
Get your motor running and head to these popular nights for car and motorcycle enthusiasts of all ages! All show–quality models are welcome. Live music entertainment includes Route 66 Band KC on July 8 and The Rippers on Aug. 12. Food is available for purchase from Eat Schmidt. Cruise Night will get you revved up for the Turkey Creek Car & Motorcycle Show on Sept. 9. FREE

Concert in the Courtyard
Friday, Aug. 18 ▶ 6:30–8 p.m. ▶ MCC Courtyard
The Green Shoebox Band
Enjoy an evening of free entertainment! We’ll have live music by The Green Shoebox Band, games, face painting, caricature and balloon artists, and inflatables. You can purchase food from Eat Schmidt and Polar Oasis and adult beverages from Embrace the Grape. Merriam residents can enjoy a FREE day at the Merriam Community Center. Come for the day – stay for the party at night! FREE

Friendship Art – The Art of Connections
Thursday, May 11 ▶ 6:30–8:30 p.m. ▶ $45 ▶ 16+
Celebrate friendship during this painting party while enjoying a fun and relaxing evening filled with art and adult beverages! We’ll create a spring floral piece in honor of Mother’s Day. You’ll paint on an 8x8 canvas with a pre–drawn design. All designs are created to connect with other canvasses – like a best friend necklace – to celebrate connections to others! All supplies provided.

Instructor: Suzanne 209302

Safety Around Water

Tuesday, May 16 ▶ 6:30–8:30 p.m. ▶ $20 ▶ 16+
Swimming is a great exercise and fun activity, but it’s also a lifelong skill. Bodies of water can be dangerous if not treated with respect. Join the Merriam Community Center Aquatics Team to learn ways to eliminate danger and develop a plan to stay safe around water. No matter your age or experience with bodies of water, this workshop provides the necessary information to be safe in and around water. You won’t swim in this workshop.
Instructors: Cole/Michael 203109
Goat Yoga
Sunday, May 21 ▶ 10–11 a.m. ▶ $40 ▶ 16+ ▶
Merriam Marketplace
Reduce your stress and anxiety while interacting with goats! Goat yoga reduces your stress hormones while increasing hormones that trigger your happiness to help release body tension. Instructor: Portia 207105

Exercises to Help Mobility: Knee, Hip, and Low Back
Saturday, June 3 ▶ 1–2 p.m ▶ $20 ▶ 16+
Tight hips can lead to a domino effect of other body pain hotspots and even injuries. Since the hip flexors originate in the low back, tightness there can lead to stress on the low back and can continue down the line to the ankle. Learn techniques and exercises to help release pain and improve mobility, stability, and flexibility for your knees, hips, and low back. Instructor: Phyllis 209207
Adult DIY: Sip, Sip, Hooray + Wine

Tuesday, June 27 ▶ 6–7 p.m. ▶ $25 ▶ 16+
Enjoy an evening of crafting and wine as you make these super fun and easy wine glasses and gift bag! Be sure to bring your friends! All supplies plus wine included. Instructors: Ingrid/Emily 209301

In its 27th year, the Tim Murphy Art Gallery strives to support quality art experiences in the City and strengthen the community culturally and educationally. Located inside the Merriam Community Center, all exhibits are free to the public with an opening reception the first Thursday of each month from 7–8:30 p.m. Exhibits may also be viewed online at merriam.org/artgallery.
Upcoming Exhibits
APRIL 6 – 29
MAY 4 – 27
JULY 6 – 29
AUG. 3 – SEPT. 2
Call for Artists: 2024 Monthly Exhibits
Application Deadline: July 30, 2023 ▶
Free to Submit
The Tim Murphy Art Gallery is accepting applications for its 2024 monthly exhibits. Interested artists may submit five digital images of their work. All exhibited paintings and photographs must be matted and framed unless a wrap–around–canvas technique is utilized. Any works accepted in the Heartland Artist Exhibition aren’t eligible.

Considered media includes photography, watercolor, pastel, oil or acrylic, ceramics, sculpture, fiber arts, and glass. At least 90% of the show’s work must be for sale. For more information, contact Ingrid Berg at iberg@merriam.org or 913–322–5550. Find applications online at merriam.org/artgallery.

Saturdays ▶ May – September ▶ 7 a.m.–1 p.m. Merriam Marketplace, 5740 Merriam Drive
Located in the historic district, the Merriam Farmers’ Market offers a pavilion in a beautiful park environment with access to the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail and Werner Park. We offer free, paved parking right next to the vendors. Enjoy fresh produce, baked goods, and homemade products each Saturday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Say hello to our friendly staff at the information table.

Opening Day Giveaway: May 6
The first 200 shoppers who stop by our information table will get a FREE Farmers’ Market reusable shopping bag. Be sure to bring it back each week to fill with your market favorites.
Live Music: 10 a.m.–Noon
May 6 ▶ Jillian Riscoe
June 3 ▶ Anchovy Fisherman
July 1 ▶ Erica McKenzie
Aug. 5 ▶ Sean McNown
Sept. 2 ▶ Miguel Antonio
Free Kids Activities: While Supplies Last

May 20 ▶ Flower Bookmarks
June 17 ▶ Home Depot Kits

July 15 ▶ Plant a Veggie
Aug. 19 ▶ Nature Journals
Sept. 16 ▶ Decorate a Pumpkin
Merriam Community Center
Try a Staycation with Us!
Every day is swimsuits, flip – flops, beach towels, and fun in the sun at the Merriam Community Center!
With many membership options available – including a Summer Membership – it’s affordable, with something for everyone to enjoy. Membership provides access to the indoor and outdoor pools, fitness center, walking track, and gymnasium.

Before relaxing by the pool, shoot some hoops, hit the weight room, or take a run on a treadmill. Make this summer the time to rejuvenate and reconnect with family and friends!
Registration Begins April 3!
Membership isn’t required to take a class or participate in events. All classes and programs take place at the Merriam Community Center unless noted otherwise. Find something that’s just right for you!
Monthly Classes
See the complete class schedule at merriam.org/mcc to find out when your class starts for each month. Prices may vary depending on the number of classes per month.
Building Hours
Monday – Thursday
5 a.m.–9 p.m.
Friday 5 a.m.–8 p.m.
8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

*Memorial Day – Labor Day 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Open swim begins at noon every day.
The MCC participates in Silver Sneakers, Prime Fitness, Silver & Fit, Active & Fit, Peerfit, and Renew Active.
Membership provides full access to the 66,000–square–foot community center, including an indoor pool with slides, lazy river, lap lanes, and a warm water therapy pool; outdoor pool with lap lanes, diving boards, and zip line open Memorial Day through Labor Day; industry–leading fitness equipment; walking/jogging track; and full–size gym with options for basketball, volleyball, and pickleball. Find more information at merriam.org/membership.
Children under 2 are free!
Day Pass
Resident/Member Guest ▶ $9/Adult $7/Senior or Youth
Non–Resident ▶ $11/Adult $9/Senior or Youth
Membership Add–Ons
Add these options to your membership at the Welcome Desk. Additional Dependent
Additional Dependent applies to the 6–person Household membership.
Fit Class Pass
Take a different class every day! For an additional $25 per month, members can attend select classes as many times as they like. See page 22 for the list of classes, and look for the Fit Class Pass logo in the class listings.
Nanny Pass
▶ April 7
▶ June 2
▶ Aug. 18
Merriam residents are invited to enjoy free days exploring the community center and all its amenities. Proof of residency required. Classes not included.
This is the perfect add–on for families! You can add this pass to any household membership.
We want everyone active in recreation activities – no matter what! Merriam families may be eligible to receive a scholarship for membership or other programs. Please call 913–322–5550 for more information or visit merriam.org/scholarship.
Residency is defined as someone who resides within Merriam city limits or someone who owns taxable real estate within city limits. Proof required with a valid driver’s license or state ID, current city business license, or Notice of Appraised Value issued by the Johnson County Assessor’s Office.
1Household memberships include 2 adults and up to 4 dependent children as defined by the IRS Qualifying Age Rule. Children age 18–24 must provide proof of residency. Additional dependents can be added for a fee.
2Two–Person Household includes two people who live at the same address, one of which must be at least 18 years old.
3 Senior Household includes two adults who live at the same address, one of which must be 60 years old.
4 Continuious monthly memberships are automatically billed on the 5th of the month until a 30–day written notification of cancellation is received from the member.
Fit class pass
Take a different class every day for only $25 a month!
Check at the Welcome Desk or with the class instructor for schedule updates. $25/individual member per month. Add the Fit Class Pass to your membership at the Welcome Desk.

MCC Member Spotlight // George Moore

What do you like about the MCC?
The MCC is a very modern facility with a friendly staff.
What’s your typical workout routine?
My workout routine includes water classes and cardio drumming.
How do you spend your time when you’re not at the MCC?
I enjoy reading.
Tell us something that might surprise us about your family. My family members are Mayflower descendants.
If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?
I would donate to the local animal shelters.
When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?
When I have free time, I usually spend it texting friends and family.
Fitness Center
▶ 23 LifeFitness cardio machines
▶ Treadmills, cross trainers, arc trainers, powermills, recumbent bikes, upright bike, spin bike, and rowers
▶ 2 SciFit StepOne recumbent steppers
▶ Coming Soon! Preacher Curl Bench
▶ Hammer strength selectorized machines
▶ Half–racks
▶ Smith machine
▶ Cable stations
▶ Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, wall balls, medicine balls, resistance bands, and loops
Life Fitness SYNRGY 180 & 360
▶ Battle ropes
▶ Pull–up, chin–up, and dip stations
▶ TRX suspension trainers
▶ Power pivot station
Walking Track
▶ 3 lanes
▶ 16 laps = 1 mile
Orientations and Evaluations
General Fitness Center Orientation
Personal Training
We offer personal training! Let our certified trainers guide you toward your fitness goals.
Certified Personal Trainers
Phyllis Peterson
Energetic, fun, and knowledgeable, Phyllis can help you with your fitness quest! With more than 30 years of experience, she specializes in core, strength, cardio training, weight management, and senior fitness.

Maryellen Potts, Ph.D.
With more than 20 years of experience and a background in dance and correct postural alignment, Maryellen specializes in yoga and strength training. She believes fitness should improve physical functioning while being fun and habit–forming.
Package Rates for 60–Minute Sessions*
▶ $45 per session
▶ $160 for 4 sessions
▶ $280 for 8 sessions
▶ $360 for 12 sessions
Small Group Rates
▶ $35/person for two people
▶ $30/person for three people
▶ $25/person for four people
*Non–members are also required to buy a day pass each session.
If you’re new to the gym or interested in learning more about how to use the fitness equipment, we can help! Ask any fitness attendant how to safely and effectively use the strength and cardio machines.
Fitness Evaluation
Receive a personal evaluation of your current fitness level. The evaluation includes testing your cardiovascular health and strength, mobility, and flexibility levels. You’ll receive an explanation of your results and have the option to talk about creating a plan to help you reach your goals. Dress in comfortable athletic clothing and wear closed–toe shoes.
Youth Fitness Orientation
Youth members between the ages of 12–15 are welcome to use the fitness center after completing a free youth fitness center orientation and are under parent/guardian supervision. Sign up at the Welcome Desk.

Fitness Program Consultation
Work with a fitness consultant to help establish a program based on your goals. During this one–hour visit, a fitness professional will help you identify your fitness goals, formulate a plan, and walk you through the program to ensure you’re comfortable with the routine. Contact our fitness coordinator at fitnessspecialist@merriam.org to schedule your session.
$45 | Preregister 108201
Pool Rules
▶ Shower before you enter the pool.
Parks & Rec ▶ Aquatics Lap Swimming & Water Walking
▶ Proper swimsuit attire is required.
▶ Swimsuits with metal or plastic zippers, buckles, rivets, buttons, or metal/plastic ornamentation aren’t allowed on the slides.
▶ United States Coast Guard approved life jackets are allowed. No floaties, inner tubes, or rafts.
▶ Alcoholic beverages aren’t allowed at any time.
▶ Water features will only be turned on during open swim times.
▶ Children 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
▶ Children 4 and under must have an adult in the water with them at all times.
▶ Swim diapers required for children who aren’t potty–trained.
Swim Lessons
Indoor Pool Hours
5 a.m.–9 p.m. Monday – Thursday
5 a.m.–8 p.m. Friday
8 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday*
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Sunday
*Memorial Day – Labor Day
8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Closed Aug. 14 –17 for maintenance.
Outdoor Pool Hours
Memorial Day until Aug. 14
Noon – 8 p.m. Monday – Saturday
Noon – 6 p.m. Sunday
Aug. 14 until Labor Day
4 –7 p.m. Monday – Friday
Noon – 8 p.m. Saturday
Noon – 6 p.m. Sunday
There are four lap lanes available for swimming in the indoor pool. Lap swimming times vary along with the amount of lane space available. You can water walk in the lazy river or the lap lanes. Check the pool schedule for lap lane times at merriam.org/aquatics.
Water Walking Procedures:
All walkers must be 16+ years of age. Walkers may walk with or against the current. Slower walkers remain to the right.
Scholarships are available for memberships, swim lessons, and swim team. Learn more at merriam.org/scholarships.

Swim lessons are all–inclusive and specific for each child’s skill set and include lifesaving and safety techniques. Children should be able to work with an instructor and participate in swim lessons independently and willingly.

Parent/Child: 6 months–2 years
This lesson is designed as an introduction for parents and children alike. Learn safety tips while your child becomes familiar with the water and picks up basic water movement taught through songs, dances, and other fun forms of teaching. Parents must be in the water with their children.
Preschool: 3–5 years old
Your child will learn basic water safety skills while also growing more comfortable in the water. Students learn how to safely enter and exit the water, blow bubbles underwater, float, kick, and work on arm movements.
Youth: 6–12 years old
Beginning swimmers are introduced to basic stroke movement and learn how to be more comfortable in the water. More advanced swimmers are instructed in stroke technique, endurance, and safety skills.
Private and Semi–Private Lessons
Get four, 30–minute lessons tailored just for you. Available for ages 3+. $90 for private lessons, $80 for semi–private. Call 913–322–5550 for more information.
Swim Lesson Scholarships ▶ Available Online or In Person
Need proof of Merriam residency and proof of public assistance. Apply online at merriam.org/scholarships.
INDOOR POOL CALENDARSee page 23 for membership and daily admission rates!

Youth Aquatics
Aqua Toddler / Sensory Time Free for members!
▶ $50 for 10 punches, $90 for 20 punches
▶ 1 punch = 1 adult and 1 child
Time specific for families with children sensitive to loud noises or big splashes of water. During this time, all fountains, slides, and water features are turned off. Children can explore the zero depth, shallow water, and therapy pool without fear of big kids splashing. This isn’t a swim lesson and won’t be instructor led. Parents must be in the water with their children.
Infant Aquatic Survival Swim
This six-week program teaches infants and toddlers between 6 months and 3 years old to roll over from a face-down or submerged position onto their backs to relax and breathe. Children learn to swim a short distance with their face fully submerged, roll onto theirback, float and rest whenever they need to breathe, and flip back onto their tummy to continue to swim to safety while fully clothed. Lessons are 15 minutes, one-onone, four days a week. Instructor: Mary Jo
Infant Aquatic Survival Swim (Advanced)
This eight week program is a continuation of the Infant Aquatics Survival Swim program and teaches the swim–float–swim sequence. Instructor: Mary Jo
Junior Lifeguard New!
The Merriam Aquatics Jr. Lifeguard program helps teens build a foundation of skills needed to be responsible volunteers and future lifeguards. Participants learn leadership, rescue response, drowning prevention, and professionalism. Candidates receive a t–shirt, hip pack, whistle, and certificate of completion and may be asked to volunteer at future Merriam Aquatics activities. Must be at least 13 years old by the first day of class.
Instructors: Cole/Michael
MJ’s Kids
Mary Jo Klier works with children specifically focusing on strokes and stroke development. This punch pass class includes two 15–minute sessions. The instructor and guardian will determine times and days that work best for them. Instructor: Mary Jo
Advanced swimmers learn correct freestyle breathing, streamlines, backstroke, and other swim techniques. They’ll spend 45 minutes on instruction and 15 minutes playing games. Choose two days per week. Instructor: Mary Jo
^No class the week of 7/3
KU Sensory Enhanced Aquatics
This class provides swimming and water safety lessons for children who are on the autism spectrum. Traditional learn–to–swim methods are combined with sensory strategies matched to the unique needs of each swimmer. Individual and small–group lessons are available.
Instructors: The University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Occupational Therapy Education Staff

Be a part of Merriam’s swim and dive teams! Athletes can choose to swim only, dive only, or swim and dive for the same fee. Swim caps provided. Athletes will need a blue suit (swimoutlet.com). Information is available at merriam.org/aquatics. Parent communication is through SwimTopia; information is provided at registration.
Tuesday, May 2 ▶ 7 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center
Your child can meet the Dolphins’ coaches and learn expectations for the upcoming season.
Wednesday, May 17 ▶ 7 p.m. ▶ Merriam Community Center
Precompetitive Swim and Dive
This team is designed for young swimmers who are learning to swim and dive and working on increasing their skills and endurance. This isn’t intended to be swim lessons. A qualified swimmer should be able to swim across the pool for 25 yards. They don’t need to know all four strokes.
Competitive Swim and Dive
This team is designed for high–level swimmers who are able to swim 50 yards without stopping and know all four strokes.
Dolphin Fund Scholarships

For information on swim team scholarship assistance, visit merriam.org/scholarship or call 913–322–5550.

6/15 @ Overland Park
6/22 @ Prairie Village
6/29 @ Merriam
7/6 @ Overland Park
7/12 @ Lenexa – All City
• Warm up at 7 a.m.
• Meet starts at 8:15 a.m.
• Rain date: July 14
Tuesdays / Warm Up at 5:30 p.m.
6/13 @ JCC
6/20 @ Merriam
6/27 @ Prairie Village
7/5* @ Merriam
7/11 @ Merriam
7/14 & 7/15 @ Lenexa – All City
7/14: 7&U, 9&U, 11&U
• Warm up at 4 p.m.
• Meet starts at 5 p.m.
7/15: 13&U, 15&U, 18&U
• Warm up at 7 a.m.
• Meet starts at 8 a.m.
• Rain date: July 17
*7/5 due to holiday
In the event of inclement weather cancellations, you’ll receive an update on SwimTopia by 8:30 a.m. for competitive swim and beginning dive and 10 a.m. for precompetitive swim and intermediate and advanced diving. Information about SwimTopia is provided at the parents’ meeting.
Parks & Rec ▶ Youth
Fitness & Sports
Aiki Kids Child/Parent Fundamentals
Your child will learn basic stretching, rolling, Ki–Aikido self–defense techniques, and Ki–meditation techniques. Parent participation is encouraged but not required. This class is designed to strengthen bodies and relationships through sweat, smiles, and laughter.
Instructor: Derrick (1st degree)
Jump–Start Gymnastics
Gymnastics is a fun and safe way for children to develop confidence and coordination. Lessons are designed to introduce new tumbling skills in each class, focusing on improving balance and flexibility. Recommended for kids ages 7 and older. Athletes must be able to perform a backbend from standing position and return to a standing position independently to participate.
Instructor: Wendy, USASF Certified
Kawaii Kids Martial Arts
Kawaii is a popular Japanese term meaning cute. While it’s kawaii to see kids in uniforms, it’s also rewarding to watch them learn practical street smarts. Kids become more aware of their surroundings in this fun, proven method. Children 4 years old must be accompanied by a guardian.
Instructors: Mick (6th degree)/John (3rd Degree)/Rafael (2nd degree)
Pee Wee Soccer Clinic
This soccer clinic is geared toward kids ages 3 to 7. They’ll learn the basic rules of soccer, including footwork, drills, and passing. Your kids will have a blast while being active! Pee Wee Soccer takes place at Waterfall Park. Instructor: Jayla
Tumbling for Tots
Gymnastics is a fun and safe way for children to begin developing confidence and coordination. Lesson plans are specifically designed to introduce new tumbling skills in each class, focusing on improving balance and flexibility. Recommended for kids ages 3 to 6. Instructor: Wendy, USASF Certified
Zumba® Kids
Develop a healthy lifestyle and make fitness fun with Zumba® Kids! This class includes dancing, games, mat time, and much more! Instructor: Maki
^Check at the Welcome Desk or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
Preschool Indoor Playground
Tuesdays ▶ 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Free for members!
$2/child ▶ Punch cards available: $10 for 10 visits
Too hot to play in the park? Ride and slide with us during Preschool Indoor Playground! Drive, pull, or push your favorite Little Tykes® vehicles. Parents must supervise their children during playground time.

Youth Workshops
Kids DIY: Earth Day Upcycled Oriole Bird Feeders

Saturday, April 22 ▶ 9:30–11 a.m. ▶ $3 ▶ Ages 5–10
Make every day Earth Day! Drop off your kids for this earth–friendly upcycling craft session. They’ll make oriole bird feeders and learn about the oriole migration through Kansas. All supplies provided.
Instructors: Ingrid/Emily 104501
Creative Crafty Kids
Tuesday, June 6 and Thursday, June 8 ▶ 6:30–8:30 p.m. ▶ $95
Ages 8–12
Calling all creative and crafty kids! Join us as we design three art projects: painting with rocks, using polymer clay to make a coil pot, and painting with yarn. Bring your friends and make it an art–plosion of fun!

Instructor: Suzanne 204503
Power Wheels Racing Day New!

Saturday, Aug. 19 ▶ 10 a.m.–Noon ▶ $10
Two Age Groups: 2–5 years and 6–9 years
Come battle it out on the track (well, the top level of the MCC parking structure)! Each contestant must provide their own Power Wheels car, and helmets must be worn. Each participant receives a diecast miniature car for participating. 206002
Host your next birthday party at the MCC!

Party times are available on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Party for 15 ▶ $125
Party for 20 ▶ $150
Party for 25 ▶ $175
Visit merriam.org/birthdays for more info.
Youth members between the ages of 12-15 are welcome to use the fitness center after completing a free youth fitness center orientation.
Parent or guardian permission is required.
Child Watch
Drop off your kids at Child Watch while you work out or attend a fitness class at the MCC. Child Watch is for children ages 6 months to 8 years old. Learn more at merriam.org/childwatch.

Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–Noon
Monday–Thursday 4:30–7:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m.–Noon
Rates Per Visit – Two hours max $3/child Members $4/child Non–Members
Punch cards are also available.
Parks & Rec ▶ Adult Fitness
Beginner Pickleball
Learn how to play this easy–to–learn and addictive game that’s growing in popularity. Figure out game fundamentals, scoring, and strategy. Equipment is provided. Join us outdoors on Tuesdays at Brown Memorial Park or indoors on Wednesdays at the MCC.
Instructor: Anna
Cardio & Strength
Shape up with this exciting blend of step–interval and strength training! Workouts include a variety of equipment, including steps, free weights, TRX, slam balls, and more. Instructor: Phyllis
Cross Training
This strength and conditioning program combines many activities, including weightlifting, rowing, gymnastics, plyometrics, and medicine ball training. All movements can be modified. Come in over your lunch break for a 45–minute workout! Instructor: Cecilia
Fit Camp
This bootcamp–inspired workout focuses on building strength and endurance through a combination of functional fitness movements. Fit Camp can be adapted to all fitness levels. Instructor: Wanda
Get ready to combine great music with simple, effective kettlebell movements for a calorie–torching workout that is fun, safe, and accessible to all fitness levels! The class focuses on building muscular endurance with high repetition and low weights. Instructor: Piper
Morning Burn Bootcamp
Wake up and work out before your day and excuses start. Bootcamp workouts are designed to elevate your results and push your limits. This class focuses on maximum calorie burn, combining cardiovascular and endurance training. Each workout is unique, challenging, and fun with adaptations for all skill levels from beginner to advanced. Instructor: Caitlin
Shape Up
This class consists of high–intensity exercises and features cardio and resistance training to improve endurance, build strength, and increase energy.
Instructor: Caitlin
Walk with Ease New!
This six-week walking program is designed for individuals with arthritis. Walk with Ease focuses on self–management health education, stretching and strengthening exercises, and motivational tools to help you get safely moving toward better health. Each participant receives a program booklet.
Instructor: Johnson County K-State Research & Extension
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check at the Welcome Desk or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
Water Fitness
Aqua Flow – A TaijiFit Experience
TaijiFit is a series of slow movements and stretches that flow without pause, staying in constant motion connecting the mind, body, and breath. Water provides a gentle resistance and added balance.
Instructor: Kim
Aqua Interval Fitness
This class combines cardio and strength training intervals using noodles and dumbbells at varying intensities. Increase stamina, strength, flexibility, and joint range of motion. Appropriate for all fitness levels; ability to swim not necessary. Water shoes or sneakers are encouraged.

Instructor: Maryellen
Aqua Tae Kwon Do
Movements in this class are based on Tae Kwon Do and its philosophy to help with elasticity, focus, and energy. Students must be able to move within the pool without assistance. Instructor: Claudia
Cardio Splash
This class is full of fun, energy, music, and laughs! Regardless of your age, size, or fitness level, Cardio Splash enhances your overall fitness and improves your stability and balance in and out of the water.
Instructor: Kim
Warm Water Therapy
Improve balance, reduce joint stiffness, increase flexibility, and have better overall mobility. This class is held in the warm water therapy pool. Instructor: Bennie
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
^Check at the Welcome Desk or with the class instructor for schedule updates.
KU Sensory Enhanced Aquatics
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
This class provides swimming and water safety lessons for adults who are on the autism spectrum. Traditional learn–to–swim methods are combined with sensory strategies matched to the unique needs of each swimmer. Individual and small–group lessons are available.
Instructors: The University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Occupational Therapy Education Staff
Show us your dedication by joining the 100 Mile Swim Club! Swim 100 miles within the calendar year, and you’ll earn a custom t–shirt! Track your laps with a Google form. You’re welcome to start the program any time during the year, but we’ll refresh the 100 miles and start anew on Labor Day 2023. This program is open to all ages, swim styles, and techniques. You’ll have a dedicated swim lane when available. Join the club and meet new friends at the pool! Sign up at the Welcome Desk. $25
All yoga classes require participants to supply their own props, unless otherwise stated.
Gentle Iyengar Yoga
This slower–paced class aims to increase mobility and reduce discomfort. Poses are taught with additional modifications for those with ongoing or mild–to–chronic conditions and older students. A doctor’s permission is requested. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
Iyengar Yoga Level 1
Developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, this class emphasizes detail, precision, and alignment for maximum balance and flexibility. This style often uses props such as mats, chairs, and blocks for deeper and more easily accessible postures. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
Iyengar Yoga Level 2
For continuing students who have attended Iyengar Level 1 for two or more years or those who have previous Iyengar experience. Instructor’s permission is required for new students. Bring four yoga blankets and one six-foot yoga belt. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
Restorative Yoga
This slower–paced, meditative yoga is a gentle practice designed to promote slowing down and opening the body through gentle stretching. The class is designed to increase flexibility and mobility, reduce stress and anxiety, and release body tension. There are indoor and outdoor classes available.
Instructor: Portia
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month.
◊ Inclement weather in Esther Brown
^Check at the Welcome Desk or with class instructor for schedule updates
Goat Yoga
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
Sunday, May 21 ▶ 10–11 a.m. ▶ $40 ▶ 16+ ▶ Merriam Marketplace
Reduce your stress and anxiety while interacting with goats! Goat yoga reduces your stress hormones while increasing hormones that trigger your happiness to help release body tension. Instructor: Portia 207105

MCC staff publishes monthly calendars for the gymnasium, Group Exercise Room (Group X), and indoor and outdoor pools. Find all the facility calendars at merriam.org/mcc or scan the QR codes below.

Martial Arts
Aikidō Yōshinkan – Traditional Martial Arts
The Yoshinkan style of aikido is a dynamic system of throwing, joint–locking, striking, and pinning techniques. At its core, aikido is a self–defense martial art used by many law enforcement agencies across the world as an effective way to safely neutralize aggression. Classes are structured so beginner and advanced students alike have a fun and challenging experience. Instructors: Mick (6th degree)/Rafael (2nd degree)
Dance Fitness
Kindle Your Fire with Kerri
This dance class will get your heart pumping with simple steps, plus awesome music and themed classes! Keep your pajamas on because this class is offered virtually. Must have a Fit Class Pass. A weekly link will be sent to your email on file. Instructor: Kerri
This wildly addictive dance fitness class is based on the hottest hip–hop music. Beyond being easy to follow for all levels, WERQ is an effective cardio class that feels more like a dance club experience. Instructor: Wanda
The Ki Society
You’re invited to have a new experience learning the five disciplines of the Ki Society (ki–breathing, ki–meditation, aikido, kiatsu, and bell meditation). These practices are fundamental to an awareness of our natural state of being. Please wear pants and a shirt that are suitable for mild exercise.
Instructors: Vic (4th degree)/Derrick (1st degree)
ZUMBA® is a fusion of Latin and international music–dance themes that create a fun, dynamic, and effective fitness system! The routines feature aerobic and fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Instructor: Geniya
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month. Check at the Welcome Desk or with class instructor for schedule updates.
M–W–F ▶ 8–11 a.m. ▶ $20 for 10 punch pass
Ages 16+ ▶ $40 for 20 punch pass
Part tennis, part badminton, part pingpong, all fun! This easy–to–learn, eye–hand coordination game is growing in popularity. With all equipment provided, the only thing you need is a partner and a positive attitude! Must have a punch pass or be a member to play.
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
Walking Track
M–F ▶ 8:30–11:30 a.m. ▶ $12.50 for 20 punch pass
Walking has a lot of health benefits and is a great way to begin or enhance your fitness routine. This program allows you a simple, affordable way to exercise at a pace that fits your level. This program isn’t instructor–led, but ask one of our fitness attendants if you need guidance on how to begin your walking program!
Senior Fitness
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program (AFEP)
Keep moving with this low–impact physical activity program proven to reduce pain and decrease stiffness. This chair–based class includes range of motion exercises that are suitable for every fitness level and ability. $3 donation suggested.
Cardio Chair Drumming
You become the music in this full–body workout that leaves you smiling and ready for the day. Class is done seated in a chair while drumming on a big stability ball or floor. We provide everything you need. All abilities are welcome; we don’t go down to the floor.
Instructor: Kim
Iyengar Chair Yoga
This is a gentler form of practicing yoga postures while sitting or standing, using a chair for support. It's beneficial for anyone as it increases flexibility, improves strength, and reduces tension. In addition to yoga poses and Iyengar principles, breathing techniques are also part of the practice. All classes end with a short period of deep relaxation. Instructor: Rafael, CIYT
A graceful form of exercise to improve balance, enhance cognitive function, and reduce stress. There is nothing to learn or get right, you just follow along as the instructor guides you through a series of movements. This class is for any age or fitness level and can be completed seated or standing.
Instructor: Kim
The Ki Society
You’re invited to have a new experience learning the five disciplines of the Ki Society (ki-breathing, ki-meditation, aikido, kiatsu, and bell meditation). These practices are fundamental to an awareness of our natural state of being. Please wear pants and a shirt that are suitable for mild exercise.
Instructors: Vic (4th degree)/Derrick (1st degree)
Senior Fit Class Pass Scholarship New!
For patrons 60 and older who have a membership to the MCC and want to get a Fit Class Pass. Limited to Merriam residents. Low-income guidelines apply.
*Fees may vary due to the number of classes offered each month. ^Check at the Welcome Desk or with class instructor for schedule updates
“Boomer Buzz” Bimonthly Newsletter
Get listings of special events, programs, and classes dedicated to the 50+ age group. Call 913–322–5550 to sign up for the mailing list – print and digital options are available!
Members can access all of these classes for only $25 per month! See the full list of classes on page 24.
Johnson County Nutrition Program
This program provides volunteer–delivered hot lunches to homebound older adults. Call 913–715–8907 for more information.
Special Events
Silver Screen Matinée
Every Wednesday ▶ 1 p.m. ▶ FREE
Enjoy a free showing of a recent movie in a relaxed environment. Schedules are available at the Welcome Desk and highlighted in the bimonthly “Boomer Buzz” newsletter. Snacks are provided weekly with the first and third Wednesdays, thanks to Merriam Gardens. Movies subject to change.

Second Thursdays ▶ 1:30–3:30 p.m. ▶ $3
May 11: Springtime • July 13: Beach Day • Aug. 10: Sunflower
Join us on the second Thursday of each month for a fun–filled afternoon! Prizes include gift cards and consumables. 201104 Call 913–322–5550 to preregister.
Slide into Summer Bingo
Thursday, June 8 ▶ Noon–3 p.m. ▶ $5
Join us early for lunch and stay for bingo. Sandwiches, chips, and drinks are provided. We’ll visit, eat, and enjoy our bingo community! 201104

Board Game Bonanza
Fourth Fridays ▶ 10–11:30 a.m.
May 26 • June 23 • July 28 • Aug. 25
Join us for a morning of gaming (the board type) to increase your cognitive function and decrease stress. Who knew fun is so beneficial? Games are provided, but if you have a favorite, feel free to bring it and teach the group. Beverages and a light snack are provided. 201108
FREE for members / $3 non-members
Fun and Weird Fitness Facts Lunch and Learn

Friday, July 14 ▶ Noon–1 p.m. ▶ $5
Join fellow enthusiasts as you learn about fun facts and test your wit at this lunch and learn event. Enjoy games and make new friends! Register online or at the Welcome Desk. Bring a tasty dish to share!
Instructor: Kim 201106
Merriam Community Center Information and Policies

The Merriam Parks and Recreation Department's mission is to provide first–class facilities and parks and enhance the quality of life for all residents and visitors through educational, recreational, and cultural opportunities.
Department Leadership
Anna Slocum, Director
Dave Smothers, Assistant Director
Renee Nagle, Recreation Manager
Cole Surber, Recreation Manager - Aquatics
Lisa Naughton, Guest Services Manager
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Scott Diebold
Katie Leary
Christopher Leitch
Laura Sagan
Kathy Stull
Evan Quinley
George Vesel
David Zuckley
Monthly meetings are open to the public.
Fourth Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at the MCC
Community Center Closures
Occasionally, portions of the Merriam Community Center may be closed for specially-scheduled activities and holidays. Anticipated closures will be posted as early as possible.
Cancellation Hotline: 913–322–5591
Holiday Hours and Closings
Sunday, April 9: Easter | CLOSED
Monday, May 29: Memorial Day | 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday, July 4: Fourth of July | 9 a.m.–5p.m.
C onnect
Please register at least three working days before the class start date. Register early as many of our classes reach capacity due to popularity.
Recreation scholarships are available to help defray the cost of swim lessons and memberships. Limited to Merriam residents, low–income guidelines apply. For an application, contact us at 913–322–5550 or visit merriam.org/scholarship
Refund / Cancellation / Transfer
The City of Merriam Parks and Recreation Department prides itself on providing first–class recreational opportunities. Although patrons desire to attend all sessions for which they are registered, there may be circumstances that prevent them from completing programs. Recognizing the need to assist in these situations, programs, memberships, and rental refunds will be handled per the policy posted on the website and available at the Merriam Community Center. Administration reserves the right to review and alter policies as needed. Policy changes and notifications will be provided in writing on the website and posted at the MCC Welcome Desk.
Facility users are expected to respect MCC property and fellow users. Destruction of property, profanity, and abusive behavior won't be tolerated. Violators will be asked to leave the facility, and repeat offenders will have privileges permanently revoked. The use of tobacco products is prohibited in the MCC and within 10 feet of all entrances.
The MCC isn't staffed to provide individual child supervision. Please don't drop children off and leave them unattended. Children 8 and under must be accompanied by a responsible person age 14 or older. No person under the age of 16 is allowed to participate in, or attend, adult fitness classes.
Merriam Parks, Recreation, and Community Center Foundation Sharing in Your Community’s Future
Established in 1988 as a means to provide support for Merriam's recreation facilities, programs, and parks, the Foundation has provided more than $186,000 to support the Parks and Recreation Department. The Foundation’s largest fundraising activity is the annual Flags 4 Freedom event, held during the week of July 4.
Individuals or groups wanting to contribute in honor or memory of a loved one should contact Anna Slocum by email at aslocum@merriam.org or call 913–322–5550 for more information.
Scott Diebold
Frank Dover
Carol Eubank
Lori Hanson
Shannon Heffron
Nancy Hupp
The City of Merriam doesn't discriminate against anyone on the basis of age, race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, gender identity, disability, military status, genetic information, marital status, or familial status. Merriam Parks and Recreation is committed to making accommodations as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act. Requests for reasonable accommodations must be made to Merriam Parks and Recreation one week before the start of a program. Please indicate what accommodations are needed.
Merriam Parks & Trail Map
Turkey Creek Streamway Trail
There's approximately four miles of paved, multi–use trail running from 75th St. to Antioch Road in Merriam.
The Turkey Creek Streamway Trail passes through wooded areas, a butterfly garden, the AT&T pocket park, and several larger neighborhood parks. Paved parking and access points are provided at the 75th St. entrance, Chatlain Park, Campbell Park, Merriam Marketplace, and Waterfall Park.
Distances between locations in miles

Trail mileage markers are available every 1/2 mile. Emergency (E911) trail markers are available every 1/10 mile.