We are excited and pleased to be holding our annual Fall Fair in 2023. Holding the annual Nicola Valley Fall Fair is a massive undertaking and would not be possible without the many hours of work by innumerable volunteers. We welcome any and all who wish to volunteer, you can volunteer for one hour or endless hours like some of us do, come on out and meet some new friends and see how the Fair comes together.
We anticipate a bigger, better Fall Fair this year and look forward to seeing lots of new faces and many old friends. Be sure to check out the new categories we have this year and if there is a new category you would like to see please be sure to talk to our team, and we will have your suggestions put into next years catalogue.
We would like to thank our business community for your continued support through donations and special prizes for the fair. Our success depend on your continued support and we are thankful that we live in such a generous community.
We would like to thank our dedicated volunteers for soldiering on with our Giant yard Sales. We have been diligently working toward earning funds to have a washroom facility built. We have our drawings done now, with the help of funding for the TNRD, and they are currently out for bids. Our hope is to have shovels in the ground this fall.
We would also like to give a huge shout out to our community for your support through donations to our yard sales and showing up on weekends to purchase all the treasures we have to offer. We could never do it without you.
Marianne Reimer, President, Nicola Valley Fall Fair AssociationThe purposes of the society are:
A. To improve conditions of rural life.
B. To stimulate interest in improving the quality of agricultural and other products, and all phases of the agricultural industry.
C. To provide a medium for exchange of information by members and to educate the public.
D. To arrange and hold at Merritt an annual agricultural and industrial exhibition and any other event which will be of benefit to the community and district, and to enter into any contracts necessary to the carrying on of such exhibitions and events.
E. To encourage 4-H Club work throughout the district.
F. To cooperate with any other associations, societies or organizations, whether incorporated or not, whose objectives are not contrary to those of this organization.
G. To promote, encourage and assist the educational, recreational, charitable and community.
Tom Rafter Diane Funk Sharon Keyser
Please take completed Entry Forms to Black’s Pharmacy or Pharmasave . (PLEASE NOTE THESE DROP OFF POINTS DO NOT SUPPLY ENVELOPES) or mail to the Nicola Valley Fall Fair Association at #319 LIndley Cr Rd , Merritt B C V1K-1L4
1. Entry fees are seventy five cents ($.75) per item, except where otherwise stated.
2. Only one person to each entry form, as any prizes awarded will automatically go to the person whose name appears on top of entry form.
3. Any article not enumerated in this prize list can be entered for exhibition purposes only & may be awarded prizes at the judges' discretion, but does not accumulate points for awards.
4. No substitutions of items will be accepted at any time. No new entries or substitutions will be accepted. Entry fees will not be refunded for any reason. The Fair reserves the right to refuse any entry at the discretion of the executive.
5. Separate entry forms must be used for each section.
6. No exhibitor will be allowed to display any award other than that awarded by the judges for the current Fair year. Previous awards may be displayed following judging.
7. All exhibits must be made or grown by the exhibitor since the Fair of the previous year or not previously entered at the Fair, except Photography, Graphic Arts, Wine & Caged Birds.
8. Decisions of the judges are final. Judges will decide upon the prizes awarded, not necessarily first and second.
9. All protests appeals or inquiries MUST BE MADE IN WRITING, stating plainly the cause of the complaint or the inquiry and mailed to Nicola Valley Fall Fair, #319 Lindley Creek Rd, Merritt, BC V1K 1L4 within 30 days of the Fair. A bond of $25 dollars may be requested at the decision of the board. Any dispute or misunderstanding not governed by the Bylaws or rules & regulations of the society shall be referred to Fall Fair Executive, whose decision shall be final.
10. Prize money will be available at the Fall Fair when entries are picked up. If not picked up, prize money will be considered donated to the Fall Fair Association.
11. Gift Certificates must be presented to merchants before the expiry date.
12. Perpetual trophies are the property of the Nicola Valley Fall Fair. Keeper trophies will be awarded to the winners of perpetuals. Exhibits must be in allotted place by time specified. No responsibility will be taken by the Fair for items left on the premises after time specified for removal.
13. Judges make consideration if only one entry in class.
14. Aggregate winners will be awarded on the following point system: First - 3 points, Second - 2 points, Third - 1 point
15. All goods donated to the Fall Fair will be auctioned & all monies so earned deposited in the Fall Fair building fund. All perishables not claimed by removal time will be included.
16. No public admission during judging.
17. The association will not be liable for loss or damage to any exhibit.
18. All those handling livestock do so at their own risk. Exhibitors of animals, machinery and other exhibits liable to cause accidents, injury or damage to themselves, property or persons coming in contact with them shall guard & control their exhibits.
19. No claim for injury or loss or damage to any persons or property shall ever be asserted or suit instituted or maintained against the Society, its officers or their agents, by or on behalf of any visitor, exhibitor, or any person, firm or corporation, or their agents, representatives, servants or employees, having licence or privilege to visit or exhibit on the grounds of the Society or occupying any space thereon, rented or leased.
• First and foremost, if you are an exhibitor, be a good sport.
• Be on time with your exhibits. The criticism of the public for a show not opening on time is often aimed at the judges, when in fact, it is the fault of the late exhibitors.
• Follow the schedule explicitly. If the rules or schedule are not clear, obtain a ruling before the show, not after.
(Read the Schedule carefully).
• Do not blame the show committee if they fail to bring to your attention that you have entered the wrong number of specimens in a class. It is your responsibility, not theirs.
• Label your entry with the correct cultivar (variety) name even though the schedule may not ask for it. This adds to the educational value of the show.
Please print entries for each section on a separate form or piece of plain paper & put all entry forms & entry fees in an envelope. Extra forms are available at Black's Pharmacy and Pharmasave. These places do not have envelopes.
WEDNESDAY, August 30, 2023
5 pm Deadline for submissions of entry forms at Black’s IDA Pharmacy or Pharmasave.
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023
6 pm - 9 pm Photography entries MUST BE SUBMITTED at the Fall Fair Exhibition Building STUDENTS! Creative Writing, Photography & Fine Arts for Section I - Students section MUST BE SUBMITTED at the Fall Fair Building.
7 pm - 9 pm Fine Arts entries MUST BE SUBMITTED at the Fall Fair Exhibition Building.
NOTE: It is necessary for the entries in these categories to be brought to the Fall Fair Building Thursday evening as they must be hung for judging & display.
FRIDAY, September 1, 2023
7 pm - 9 pm Fall Fair entries accepted at the Fall Fair Exhibition Building
SATURDAY, September 2, 2023
7 am - 8 am Fall Fair entries accepted at the Fall Fair Exhibition Building
Livestock and Poultry entries accepted at the Fall Fair Exhibition Barn
SATURDAY, September 2, 2023
8 am - 12 noon Fair Buildings closed for judging Noon Nicola Valley Fall Fair Buildings open to the public.
7 pm Fall Fair Building Closes.
SUNDAY, September 3, 2023
9:30 am Nicola Valley Fall Fair Buildings open to the public.
10 am Pet Show
12 noon Awards Presentation
2:30 pm Removal of exhibits and payouts of prize money.
EXHIBITORS: Be sure to pick up all your entries/exhibits no later than 3 pm. Prize money is to be picked up between 2:30 pm & 3 pm in the Fall Fair Exhibition Building. Prize money not claimed at this time will be deemed donated to the Fall Fair Association!! (and THANK YOU).
Entries can brought to the Fall Fair Building for judging on Friday, September 1
Pictures will be displayed during the fair.
Prizes for each age group: K-Gr. 3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-9 and Gr. 10-12
Prizes awarded Sunday, September 2 at 12 pm
Colouring contest pages are located on page 6 & 7, can be picked up at the Arts Council, the Merritt Library and H&R Block. For more information contact Susan at 250-315-3940
Grades Completed: K-3 4-6 7-9 10-12
Circle one
Name: `
Phone Number:
3 Bar Farms
A&W Restaurant
Certificate - Forage & Crops and Baking
Cash Prizes - Homecrafts, Flowers, Fruit & Veg, Baking, Fine Arts, Poultry & Pigeons, Rabbits
City of Merritt Aquatic Passes - Elementary & Secondary Students
Creative Company Gift Certificates - Homecrafts
Crystal Liere Photography
Dairy Queen
Empty Keg Brew House
Certificate & Frame - Forage & Crops
& Secondary Students, 4H
Packages, Wine, Forage Crops
H&R Block Cash Prizes - Baking & Hobbies, & Gift Certificate - Photography
Home Hardware Building Centre Gift Card - Hobbies
Hub Barton Insurance
Ignatia Grams, In Memory
Jamara Joyal Massage Therapy
Rabbits, Goats, Sheep and Swine
Cash Award - Students
Gift Certificate - Forage & Crops
Kat Ventures Bookkeeping Cash Prize - Fine Arts & Dairy, Goats, Sheep & Swine
Kathy Reimer/Susan Thompson In memory of Ellenor Graham - Forage Crops
Marianne Reimer.
2 Gift Certificates - Homecraft
Gift Certificate - Baking, Fine Arts
McDonalds.............................................................................. Coupons - Colouring Contests
Merritt Stock Car Association Cash Prize - Elementary & Secondary Students
Michelle Bacon - Monat/Farmisi Cash Prize - Canning and Fruit & Vegetables
Miss Vickies
Certificate & Free Movie - Students
Lumber Cash Award - Hobbies
Nicola Valley Apiaries Bucket of Honey - Canning
Nicola Valley Fall Fair
Nicola Valley Farmer's Market
Nicola Valley Massage Therapy - Tim Kroeker Cash - Canning
Nicola Valley Women's Institute
No Frills
Peggy Fraser, Epicure Consultant
Ralph’s Custom Pens & more
Save on Foods
Sharon Keyser
Trophy - Students Section
Wine Gift Basket
1 Medium Pizza - Students, 4H Club
Cash - Fruits & Vegetables
Gift Certificate and Best in Show Trophy - Photography
Cash Prizes - Photography
Wine Kit - Wine & Save-On-More Points - Canning
Cash Prize - Elementary & Secondary Students
Subway ..................................................................................Coupons - Colouring Contest
Vision Quest Gift Certificates - Hobbies
VSA Highway Services Equipment Donation
Entry fee: $ .75 per entry - One entry per class . Prize money 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
High point winner for section "A" - $50 Gift Certificate from Miss Vickies
Best Overall Flower arrangement for section "A" - $10 Cash - Sponsored by Century 21 Moving Real Estate Ltd .
Best Overall Potted Plant section "A"- $15 Cash - Sponsored by Century 21 Moving Real Estate Ltd
Best Artistic Display of a Single Bloom section "A" - $5 Cash - Sponsored by Century 21 Moving Real Estate Ltd
• All flowers must have been grown by the exhibitor with the exception of dried flowers, which may include wild flowers gathered and dried by the exhibitor.
• All cut flowers must be in plain jars in proportion to the size of the flowers. Stems should be the same length, if possible. If the flowers are a single variety, then the blooms should be approximately the same size.
Flower Section
• Potted plants must be shown in the pot they have been grown in for at least one year, with the exception of seasonal outdoor plants. Fancy pots or baskets are acceptable.
• Arrangements of dried or fresh flowers may be shown in pretty containers.
• Theme arrangements must be named and use mostly cut flowers and vegetation in the display with appropriate artificial objects, if desired.
• Only one entry per class.
• Tea Rose - is a large single bloom on a stem. Grandiflora - large rose - group on a single stem. Floribunda - usually has a spray of flowers at the end of a stem. To show it should be symmetrical from side & top view. Glads - Stem should be straight - bloom should be - Bottom 1/3 of stem fully open - middle 1/3 of stem half open - top 1/3 of stem closed buds. Blooms should be tight together up the stem so stem does not show - blooms should be evenly balanced on both sides of the stem.
• If at all possible, please bring flowers in your own jars and sized appropriately, ie: Glads and other tall flowers in carafes. We do have some jars.
• Try to get as long a stem as possible for showing roses, dahlias, glads, asters, etc. The longer the stem, the better they show.
• There should be no leaves appearing below the water line.
• If a class says 3 flowers, make sure there are no buds. A bud showing colour is considered a bloom and is then disqualified due to too many flowers. If picked at night before show, it has a great possibility of becoming partially open, ie: petunias, dahlias, asters, roses etc.
• All plants should be clean and tidy. No dead leaves or debris in the pot or on the plant. Please remove dust. Loosen soil with a fork.
• African Violets must be a single crown unless they belong to the trailing class.
Cut flowers
Class no .
1. Hybrid tea - 1 bloom with own foliage
2. Hybrid tea - 1 bud with own foliage
3. Rose - Grandiflora - 1 bloom with own foliage
4. Rose - Floribunda - 1 stem with own foliage
5. Rose - Miniature - 3 stems with own foliage
6. Dahlia - Group of 3
7. Dahlia - Cactus - one bloom
8. Dahlia - Semi cactus - one bloom
9. Dahlia - Giant - over 10"
10. Dahlia - Decorative over 8" - one bloom
11. Dahlia - Decorative under 8" - one bloom
12. Dahlia - collection of 6
13. Dahlia - pompon - group of 3 - under 2"
14. Dahlia - ball - round or slightly flat - over 2"
15. Dahila - open
16. Zinnia - 3 blooms over 3"
17. Zinnia - dwarf - 3 blooms on separate stems
18. Chrysanthemum - medium
19. Chrysanthemum - large
20. Asters - separate blooms - 5 blooms
21. Asters - multiple blooms - 3 stems
22. Asters - spider - 5 blooms separate stems
23. Gladiolus - 1 spike
24. Gladiolus - 3 spikes - different colours
25. Gladiolus - 3 spikes - same colours
26. Pansies - 5 blooms - any colour with foliage
27. Sweet peas - 6 cuts - any colour
28. Marigold - large - over 3" in diameter - 3 blooms
29. Marigold - medium- 1’/2" to 3" in diameter - 3 blooms
30. Marigold - small - l" to 1 '/2" in diameter - 3 blooms
31. Snapdragons - double - 3 spikes
32. Snapdragons - ruffled - 3 spikes
33. Snapdragons - single - 3 spikes
34. Carnations - 5 blooms - disbudded
35. Jar of mixed annuals
36. Jar of mixed flowers - any type
37. Community gardens - jar of flowers - any type
38. Petunia - single - 3 blooms, separate stems
39. Petunia - double - 3 blooms, separate stems
40. Daisy - single - 3 blooms, separate stems
41. Daisy - double - 3 blooms, separate stems
42. Bachelor buttons - 6 blooms
43. Cosmos - 6 blooms
44. Lupins - 3 spikes
45. Any flower not mentioned - large - 3 blooms
46. Any flower not mentioned - medium - 3 blooms
47. Any flower not mentioned - small - 6 blooms
48. Any flower - open
49. Fresh flower arrangement - annuals and/or perennials
50. Dried flower arrangement - garden & wild
51. Theme arrangement - please give name
52. Artistic display of a single bloom - can use Ornaments
53. Driftwood arrangement. Local river or lake - must include flowers - no accessories or ornaments
54. Corsage
55. Tea cup arrangement
Potted Plants
Class no
56. Martha Washington Geranium
57. Impatiens
58. Begonia - tuberous
59. Begonia - fibrous
60. Geranium - double
61. Geranium - single
62. Geranium - open
63. African violet - single
64. African violet - double
65. African violet - trailing
66. Cactus
67. Foliage plant - not fern type
68. Hanging plant - flowering
69. Hanging plant - foliage
70. Fuchsia
71. Pot of flowering outdoor plants
72. Outdoor container - any combination
73. In a bottle or glass container
74. Any potted plant not mentioned - large
75. Any potted plant not mentioned - med.
76. Any potted plant not mentioned - small
77. Any tropical plant - large
78. Any tropical plant - medium
79. Any tropical plant - small
80. Special Category (In Memory of Jean Koller, Wild Flower Arrangement)
81. Open - small
82. Open - medium
83. Open - large
Entry fee: $ 75 per entry - One entry per class
Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
1st -2/$25 Gift Cards - Black’s Pharmacy
2nd -$25 cash - Century 21 .
• Vegetables and fruits must be grown by the exhibitor.
• Produce exhibited must be exact number listed for that class.
• All entries must be exhibited on white paper plates.
• Produce exhibited must be in good condition, free from blemishes, disease, dirt and mechanical damage.
• Colour should be attractive, bright, clear and rich.
Fruit Class no
1. Apples - Golden Delicious - 3
2. Apples - MacIntosh - 3
3. Apples - Spartan - 3
4. Apples - Open - 3
5. Apricots - 3
6. Blackberries - 12
7. Blueberries - 12
8. Cherries - Tree - 3
9. Cherries - Ground - 3
10. Crab apples - 6
3rd -$25 Gift Certificate - Nicola Valley Farmers Market
High Point Vegetable Classes #40-#135 - $20 Cash - Peggy Fraser
High Point Fruit Classes #1 - #25 - Gift - Michelle Bacon - Monat
• Specimens should be as uniform as possible in colour, maturity, shape and size.
• Size should be moderate, the size in which all other qualities of the variety are found to their greatest perfection. Bigger is not better.
• All specimens are required to be true to the variety and/or type specified as it is possible to grow and select.
11. Currants - Red - 3 clusters
12. Currants - Black - 3 clusters
13. Gooseberries - 12
14. Grapes - 2 clusters
15. Peaches - 3
16. Plums - 6
17. Prunes - Italian - 6
• All herbs and some vegetables may be displayed in water, ie. Swiss Chard. Please bring jars or bottles, labels removed.
• Tomatoes should have stems.
• Ears of corn should have one third of the husk removed, lengthwise.
• Carrots should have tops removed to one inch from the crown.
• Lettuce should have roots and outside leaves removed, and heads should be washed.
• Onions should have roots. Remove top to one half inch above the bulb. Don't remove all the skins.
Herbs Class no . 26. Basil - fresh - 5 27. Chives - fresh - 5 28. Dill - fresh - 5
29. Lavender - fresh - 5
Vegetables Class no
40. Beans - Green Bush - 6 pods
41. Beans - Yellow Bush - 6 pods
42. Beans - Purple Bush - 6 pods
43. Beans - Broad - 6 pods
44. Beans - Pole - 6 pods
45. Beans - Scarlet Runner - 6 pods
46. Beets - Globe Red - 2 - 3" - 3 beets
47. Beets - Long - 2 - 5" - 3 beets
48. Broccoli - 2 heads
49. Brussel Sprouts - 8
50. Cabbage - Green - 1 head
51. Cabbage - Red - 1 head
52. Carrots - Short - 4” or less - 5
53. Carrots - Medium - 4 - 7” - 5
54. Carrots - Long - 7” or longer - 5
55. Cauliflower - 1 head
56. Celery - 2 Stalks
57. Celeriac - 2 Bulbs
58. Corn - Sweet - 3 Ears
20. Pears - Open - 3
21. Raspberries - 6
22. Strawberries - 6
23. Nicola Valley Wild Berry Collection: Edible Wild Berries
24. Open - please Identify berries minimum 3 kinds named. 12 berries per variety.
25. Basket of fruit - 6 or more items
• Green bunching onions should have roots trimmed to one half inch & loose skin removed.
• Beets should have tops removed to one half inch above crown. Leave 1 to 2 inches of root.
• Radishes should be bunched with tops & roots on.
• Rhubarb should be uniform in size & colour with 1 to 2 inches of top (leaves) showing.
• Cabbages & Kohlrabi should be shown with some outside leaves.
• Potatoes - Do not wash, just brush the dry soil off.
• Herbs to be displayed in water, sprigs or blades of 5.
30. Marjoram - fresh - 5
31. Mint - fresh - 5
32. Oregano - fresh - 5
33. Parsley - fresh - 5
34. Rosemary - fresh - 5
59. Cucumbers - Pickling - 2 - 3” - 6
60. Cucumbers - Dill approximately 4” - 6
61. Cucumbers - Slicing - 6 - 8” - 2
62. Cucumbers - Larger then 8”
63. Cucumbers - Greenhouse - 2
64. Eggplant - 1
65. Garlic - 2 Bulbs
66. Gourds - Ornamental - 2
67. Kale - 2 Stems
68. Kohlrabi - 2
69. Leeks - 2
70. Lettuce - Fancy - 1 head
71. Lettuce - Head - 1 head
72. Lettuce - Romaine - 1 head
73. Melons - Cantaloupe - 1
74. Melons - Honeydew - 1
75. Melons - Watermelon - 1
76. Onions - Green Bunch - 6
77. Onions - Shallots Multipliers - 6
78. Onions - Red, Yellow, White, Brown - 3
35. Sage - fresh - 5
36. Thyme - fresh - 5
37. Open - 5
38. Tarragon - 5
39. Lemon Grass - 5
79. Onions - Spanish - 3
80. Onions - Kelsea Sweet Giant - 3
81. Parsnips - 3
82. Peas - 6 pods
83. Peas - Snow or Snap - 6 pods
84. Peppers - Green Bell - 2
85. Peppers - Red Bell - 2
86. Peppers - Green hot - 2
87. Peppers - Red hot - 2
88. Peppers - Yellow hot - 2
89. Peppers - Open Hottest - 2
90. Peppers - Open - 2
91. Potatoes - White - 3
92. Potatoes - Red - 3
93. Potatoes - Yellow - 3
94. Potatoes - Fingerlings - Open - 3
95. Potato Colours - Open - 3
96. Potatoes - Open - 3
Pie Pumpkins - ie (sugarbaby) - 1
Continued on page 11
127. Kale - 4 leafs
128. Spinach - 4 leafs
129. Most unusual Shaped Vegetable - 1
130. Open - Small
131. Open - Medium
132. Open - Large
133. Community GardenBasket of vegetables6 or more items
134. Basket of Vegetables6 or more items
“Friendly, professional service, from people who care.”
Entry Fee: $ 75 per entry Two entries per class accepted
Prizes Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Highest Points - Baking Section
Sponsored by Century 21 1st - $25 2nd - $15
Special Prizes: Sponsored by H&R Block
White Bread 1st - $15 2nd - $10
Brown Bread 1st - $15 2nd - $10
Apple Pie 1st - $15 2nd - $10
- $10
- $5
- $5
- $5
• Please bring your entry in a clear plastic bag. Use plastic sticks or wood toothpicks to keep the bag from touching icing or meringue.
• Please do remember that the outside appearance counts for 40% of the points. Taste is 40% & inside texture is 20% Please indicate on your entry form if you wish to donate any items to the bake sale.
Highest points in class 46 Display of Baking - Sponsored by Mandolins - $50 Gift Certificate
Highest points in class 28 Pumpkin Pie - Sponsored by 3 Bar Farms - Special Prize - 1 Lb Garlic
Class no
1. Bread - white - 1 loaf
2. Bread - brown - 1 loaf
3. Bread - unbleached flour - 1 loaf
4. Bread - health - 1 loaf
5. Breadmaker bread - white - 1 loaf
6. Breadmaker bread - brown - 1 loaf
7. Artisan Bread - 1 loaf - open
8. Buns - white -6
9. Buns - brown - 6
10. Buns - cinnamon -6
11. Buns - sweet dough - 6
12. Open - any sweet dough recipe
13. Biscuits - baking powder - plain - 6
14. Biscuits - baking powder
- raisins or currants - 6
15. Muffins - bran plain - 6
16. Muffins & fruit - 6
17. Cake - white - 1 layer iced
18. Cake - chocolate - 1 layer iced
19. Cake - spiced - 1 layer un-iced
20. Cake - sponge - 1 layer un-iced
21. Cake - chiffon - un-iced
22. Cake - angel food -un-iced
23. Jelly roll - jam or jelly filling
24. Cake - decorated
25. Pie - apple, covered
26. Pie - any fruit, covered
27. Pie - lemon meringue
28. Pie - pumpkin
29. Tarts - butter - 6
30. Cookies - rolled - 6
31. Cookies - drop - 6
32. Cookies - open - 6
33. Bars (indicate type) - iced - 6
34. Bars (indicate type) un-iced - 6
35. Loaf- banana - 1 loaf
36. Loaf - cherry - 1 loaf
37. Loaf- date - 1 loaf
38. Zucchini - 1 loaf
39. Loaf - open - I loaf
40. Bannock - baked - 6
41. Bannock - fried - 6
42. Doughnut - yeast bread - 6
43. Doughnut - cake - 6
44. Rice Krispies Squares - 6
45. Open - 6
46. Display of baking- 12 items
47. Fudge Plain - 6
48. Fudge Flavoured - 6
Convener: Diane Funk at 250-378-0506
Entry fee: $ .75 per entry . One entry per class . Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
High points in Jams & Jellies - Class 23 - 26 - Massage Therapy - Tim Kroeker - $25 Cash
High Points in Canning - Massage Therapy - Tim Kroeker - $25 Cash
1st prize for Class 163 display - Save on Foods - 5000 Save-On-More points
2nd Prize for Class 163 display - Save on Foods- 3000 Save-On-More points
3rd Prize for Class 163 display - Save on Foods - 2000 Save-On-More points
Special Prize high point class #30 & #31: $21 .50 Bucket of Honey - Sponsored by Nicola Valley Apiaries
Highest Points Class #73 - #79 - In Memory of Joan Jager: $20 .00 Cash - Sponsored by Peggy Fraser
Highest Points Class #126 - #137 - $15 .00 Gift Certificate - Sponsored by Michelle Bacon, Farmisi
• All exhibits must be made by the exhibitor and represent the current year.
• Unlabeled jars will not be judged.
Jams & Jellies
Class no .
1. Red currant jelly
2. Black currant jelly
3. Crabapple jelly
4. Raspberry jelly
5. Strawberry jelly
6. Blackberry jelly
7. Blueberry jelly
8. Apricot jelly
9. Grape jelly
10. Apple jelly
11. Mint jelly
12. Mixed fruit jelly
13. Plum jam
14. Peach jam
15. Apricot jam
16. Strawberry jam
17. Blackberry jam
18. Blueberry jam
19. Raspberry jam
20. Rhubarb jam
21. Combination2 to 3 Fruit jams
37. Mixed fruit jam
38. Open
Wild Fruit Jams & Jellies
Class no
39. Currant jelly
40. Gooseberry jelly
41. Huckleberry jelly
42. Raspberry jelly
43. Strawberry jelly
44. Blueberry jelly
45. Saskatoon jelly
46. Chokecherry jelly
47. Oregon Grape jelly
48. Salmon Berry jelly
49. Mixed Fruit jelly 50. Currant jam
51. Gooseberry jam
52. Huckleberry jam
53. Raspberry jam 54. Strawberry jam
55. Blueberry jam 56. Blackberry jam
• All jars will be opened and must represent the current year products.
• Commercial jars of any standard size only.
• One entry per class
140. Open
Class no .
141. Jelly
112. Mixed Vegetables 113. Swiss Chard
114. Tomato - Stewed, may have onions and green
115. Tomato - only salt may be added
116. Tomatoes with herbs
117. Tomato sauce
142. Jam
143. Fruit
144. Open
Soups -
Class no .
145. Soup - Open
Condiments -
Class no
146. Herbed Vinegar
147. Flavoured Vinegar
148. Vinegar Open
149. Homemade Mustard (may be Flavoured)
150. Garlic Powder
151. Garlic Salt
152. Seasoning Salt
to outside)
124. Trout
125. Open
Dried Herbs
Class no
126. Basil
127. Chives
128. Dill
129. Lavender
130. Marjoram
131. Mint
132. Oregano
133. Parsley
Class no . 138. Fruits
153. Pepper
154. Seasoned Pepper
155. Vinegar - Fruit
156. Vinegar - Herbal
157. BBQ Sauce
158. Mincemeat
159. Cranberry Spread
160. Lemon Curd
161. Salad Dressing
162. Open
Display Collection -
Class no
163. Display to be no larger than 24” x 24” 5 to 7 jars.
For information call: 250-378-9929
Entry fee: $ 75 per item MORE than one entry per class is accepted Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
High Point Aggregate Winners;
Homemade Wine - $75 Growlers/with case 2 fills - sponsored by the Empty Keg Brew House
U-Brew Made Wine - A wine kit - sponsored by Save of Foods
Wine kit wine - $50 Gift Basket - sponsored by No Frills
Highest points section D1 - $16 Value 4 pkg selected cans - sponsored by Empty Keg Brew House
1. Red wine exhibited in clear round unpatterned bottles.
2. Red wine exhibited in green round unpatterned bottles.
3. Entry I.D. attached with elastic bands, not tape.
4. Exhibitors must have two bottles per entry (1 for tasting and 1 for display).
5. Exhibitor must participate in wine production.
Wines will be judged on:
1. Appearance of bottle & label.
2. Clarity and brilliance in bottle.
3. Clarity and brilliance in glass.
4. Bouquet.
5. Taste and texture.
Judges Recommendation: 1 . Wine should be aged 6 months to a year minimum . 2 . Use 5 year corks or less
Homemade Wine
Class no
1. Red - Dry
2. Red - Medium
3. Red - Sweet
4. White - Dry
5. White - Medium
6. White - Sweet
7. Rose - Dry
8. Rose - Medium
9. Rose - Sweet
“Wine Kit” Wine
Class no .
10. Red - Dry
11. Red Medium
12. Red - Sweet
13. White - Dry
14. White Medium
15. White - Sweet
16. Rose - Dry
17. Rose - Medium
18. Rose - Sweet
U-Brew Made Wine
Class no .
19. Red - Dry
20. Red- Medium
21. Red - Sweet
22. Red - Oak
23. White - Dry
24. White - Medium
25. White - Sweet
26. Rose - Dry
27. Rose - Medium
28. Rose - Sweet
29. Rose - Oak
Sparkling Wine
Class no
30. Red - Dry
31. Red - Medium
32. Red - Sweet
33. White - Dry
34. White - Medium
35. White - Sweet
36. Rose - Dry
37. Rose - Medium
38. Rose - Sweet
Cottage Wines
These wines will be made from fruits, berries, herbs, vegetables and flowers
(ie. Dandelion).
Class no .
39. Red - Dry
40. Red Medium
41. Red - Sweet
42. White - Dry
43. White Medium
44. Red - Made from concentrate
45. White Rose - Made from concentrate
46. Red Made - from fresh grapes
47. White Made - from fresh grapes
48. Red Made - from garden fruits, herbs, roots
49. White Made - from garden fruits, herbs, roots
50. Red Made - from wild fruits, herbs, roots
51. White - from wild fruits, herbs, roots
Class no
52. Lager
53. Ale
54. Stout
55. Port Homemade
Liquer Homemade
Class no .
56. Any Flavour
Wednesday, August 30 at 5 pm Nicola Valley Fall Fair ENTRY DEADLINE
Come down and check out all the exhibits on & September 2nd & 3rd
Fall Fair Yard Sale Dates: July 15, 16, 29 & 30 August 5 & 6, 2023
Entry fee: $ .75 per item . One entry per class: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
*All entries must be tied with cream string only . Please leave string long enough to staple cards to them .
High aggregate forage section - $100 Gift Certificate with Frame - Sponsored by Crystal Leier Photography
1st High Points in Classes #27 - 34 - $25 Cash Prize - In memory of Ellenor Graham
2nd High Points in Classes #27 - 34 - $25 Cash Prize - In memory of Ellenor Graham
High Points in Classes #40 - 72 - $27 50 Value Growler & Fill - Sponsored by Empty Keg Brew House
High Points Field Crops #73 -82 - Gift Certificate for a massage - Sponsored by Jamara Joyal Therapy
Part 1: Section VI-E Forage Crops
• Sheaves to be tied in two places, top tie just below heads, sheaf no more the 30" in length; maximum 4" in diameter and minimum 2" in diameter.
• Sheaves may be dried or green unless instructed otherwise.
• All items must be labeled with correct name of Crop and Class #.
• Judging will be based on content and appearance.
Class no
1. Alfalfa Hay - First Cut - 1 bale - 50 lbs or over
2. Alfalfa Hay - Second Cut - 1 bale - 50 lbs or over
3. Mixed Hay - Any variety - 1 bale - 50 lbs or over - first cut
4. Mixed Hay - Any variety - 1 bale - 50 lbs or over - second cut
5. Green Feed Bale - Any Size
6. Silage
7. Haylage
8. Sheaf of Oats
9. Sheaf of Barley - 2 rows
10. Sheaf of Barley - 6 rows
11. Sheaf of Wheat
12. Sheaf of Wheat Durum Red
13. Sheaf of Rye
14. Sheaf of Timothy
15. Sheaf of Alfalfa - green
16. Sheaf of Red Clover - green
17. Sheaf of Alsika Clover - Green
18. Sheaf of Orchard Grass
19. Sheaf of Brome Grass
20. Sheaf of Red Canary Grass
21. Ginseng 2 roots - dried
22. Collection of native forage
23. Collection of cultivated grasses and legumes
24. Display of noxious weeds
25. Soy Beans
26. Open
Part 2: Section VI-E - Sunflowers
Children's Sunflower Section.
Tallest Sunflowers should be dug up and put in water.
Class no .
27. Heaviest head K to Gr. 3
28. Heaviest head Gr. 4 to Gr. 7
29. Tallest - K to Gr. 3
30. Tallest Gr. 4 to Gr. 7
31. Two heads - mature - children
32. Two heads - immature - children
33. Sunflower art - children
34. Sunflower - open - children
Adults Sunflower Section
35. Tallest
36. Two heads - mature (Adults)
37. Two heads - immature (Adults)
38. Sunflower art - seed removed to make design
39. Open - Sunflower
Part 3: Section VI-E - Dairy and Other
Class no .
40. Eggs - 1/2 dozen white
41. Eggs - 1/2 dozen brown
42. Eggs - 1/2 dozen light brown
43. Eggs - bantam or pullet, 1/2 dozen
44. Eggs - duck eggs 1/2 dozen
45. Eggs - any other variety (ie. Green or A.O.V.)
46. Home cured side bacon
47. Home cured ham
48. Home smoked fish - Salmon
49. Home smoked fish - Trout
50. Dried Meat - Please Label
51. Dried Fish - Pleae Label
52. Butter (Adults)- 1/4 pound or larger - salted
53. Butter (Adults) - 1/4 pound or larger - unsalted
54. Butter (Children) - 1/4 pound or larger - salted
55. Butter (Children) 1/4 pound or larger - unsalted
56. Buttermilk (Adults)
57. Buttermilk (Children)
58. Yogurt
59. Sour Cream
60. Cottage Cheese
61. Cheese - Open - A.O.V. - Please Label
62. Honey - any colour
63. Honey - Granulated
64. Frame of Honey - 1 only
65. Beeswax - Three Cakes
66. Fleece of unwashed wool
67. Buckskin Hide - uncut - White - (unsmoked)
68. Buckskin hide - uncut - smoked
69. Wheat flour
70. Oat flour
71. Rye flour
72. Open - Flour
Part 4: Section VI-E - Field Crops
Class no .
73. Red Potatoes - 10 Lbs.
74. Yellow Potatoes - 10 Lbs.
75. White Potatoes - 10 Lbs.
76. Open Potatoes - 10 Lbs.
77. Soft Neck Garlic - 5 Lbs.
78. Hard Neck Garlic - 5 Lbs.
79. White Onions - 5 lbs
80. Yellow Onions - 5 lbs
81. Red Onions - 5 lbs
82. 6 Cobs Corn
Entry Fee: $ 75 per item Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
More than one entry per class permitted All work must be original art . . no copies permitted . All entries must be clean, in good repair, and be ready to hang . Winning entries from previous Fairs are ineligible
**ALL WORKS MUST BE SUBMITTED at the Fall Fair Building THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2023 between 7 pm and 9 pm
NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED FRIDAY OR SATURDAY as entries must be hung for judging and display
1st - $50 Gift Certificate sponsored by Mandolins
2nd - $15 Cash from Kat Ventures Bookkeeping
$25 Best In Show sponsored by Century 21
Judges Choice - $50 00 Basket - sponsored by Mr . Mikes
Honorable Mention Ribbons may be awarded also (Kindergarten to Grade 12 - See student section Fine Arts)
Entry Fee: $ .75 per entry . More than one entry per class accepted . Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Rosettes awarded for "BEST IN SHOW" in classes 1-8 (embroidery) .
Rosettes awarded for "BEST IN SHOW" in classes 139 - 168 (sewing) .
Rosettes awarded for "BEST IN SHOW" in classes 181 - 199 (quilting) .
Marianne Reimer is awarding $25 Gift Card for knitting yarn and pattern for high point classes #70 - #93 .
Nicola Valley Fall Fair is awarding $20 cash card for high points sewing classes #139 - #168 .
Marianne Reimer is awarding a fat quarter bundle ($30 approx) for high points in quilting in classes #181 - #199 .
Highest points in Embroidery: $25 CASH - Sponsored by Century 21
Highest points in Homecraft: $25 Gift Certificate - Sponsored by Creative Company
• All garments must be clean and well pressed . • Points will be forfeited if articles are not new and clean .
Embroidery Class no
1. Pillow case
2. Table cloth
3. Table runner
4. Pillow
5. Open
Machine Embroidery Class no
6. Clothing
7. Table runner
8. Open
Cross stitch Class no
9. Pillow case
10. Table or tea cloth
11. Table runner
12. Picture from counting pattern (copy of pattern must accompany work)
13. Picture (stamped)
14. Any article done in heavier yarn
15. Open - large item
16. Open - small item
Petit Point Class no
17. Picture - framed
18. Picture - unframed
19. Open
Needlepoint Class no
20. Wall hanging
21. Cushion or stool cover
22. Picture from counting pattern (copy of pattern must accompany work)
23. Open
Brazilian Embroidery Class no
24. Small item
25. Large item
Net Lace Embroidery Class no
26. Any article
Hardanger Class no
27. Small item
28. Large item
Crewel Class no
29. Picture
30. Bag
31. Cushion top
32. Wall hanging
33. Open
Bargello Class no .
34. Cushion top
35. Runner
36. Bag
37. Open
Plastic Canvas Class no .
38. Barbie Furniture
39. Christmas Ornament (2” - 6” in size)
40. Christmas Ornament (6” - 18” in size)
41. Christmas Ornament (18” & over)
42. Doll House
43. Open
Crochet Class no .
44. Tablecloth (not less than 36”) 90 cm
45. Cotton doily, any size or colour
46. Bedspread in cotton 72” (180 cm) or over in length
47. Afghan
48. Cushion top
49. Infant set
50. Baby dress/shawl
51. Shawl poncho or vest (Not infant size)
52. Toy
53. Sweater
54. Doll
55. Hat
56. Baby Blanket
57. Scarf
58. Fingerless Gloves
59. Open
Broomstick Class no 60. Small item 61. Large item 62. Open Hairpin Class
Continued Page 19
168. Open
Commercial Buckskin
Class no
169. One pair old style moccasins or mukluks
170. One pair slipper style moccasins
171. One pair of gloves
172. One gauntlets
173. One jacket
174. One vest
175. One dress
176. Open Chicken Scratch Class no
177. Any article
Hand Sewing & Smocking
Class no
178. Any wearable apparel
179. Cushion top
180. Open
Quilting Class no
181. Bed quilt - pieced
182. Bed quilted - appliqued
183. Wall quilt - pieced
184. Wall quilt - appliqued
185. Wall quilt - combined techniques, including embroidery, beads, etc.
186. Small item quilted by hand (Item judged on mainly quilting)
187. Large item quilted by hand (Item judged on mainly quilting)
188. Comforter, tied or tacked by hand or machine
189. Quilted item for use as a table runner or place mat)
190. Quilted cushion top
191. Quilted item for seasonal use (Christmas tree skirt, runner etc.)
192. Quilt for a baby or a child
193. Lap quilt
194. Quilt made by more than one person (includes professionally machine
quilted quilts)
195. Wearable quilted item
Class no
196. Purse or bag
197. Open - small item
198. Open - medium item
199. Open - large item
Class no
200. Hooked rug
201. Braided rug
202. Crocheted rug
203. Recycled rug
204. Open
For Those Over 65
Class no
205. Knitted baby set
206. Knitted medium to large item
207. Crochet, any article
215. Novelty
216. Open
For Those Over 75
Class no
217. Any knitted article
218. Any crocheted article
219. Any embroidery
220. Any sewn article
221. Any needlepoint
222. Any quilt
223. Hardanger
224. Open
For Those Over 85
Class no
225. Any knitted article
226. Any crocheted article 227. Any embroidery 228. Any sewn article 229. Any needlepoint
230. Any quilt
231. Hardanger
2 0 2 3
Merritt & District Chamber of Commerce is proud to express our support for the
FOR INFO: 250-378-7270 or 250-378-9929
(More than one entry per class accepted)
Entry Fee: $ .75 per entry . Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Vision Quest - $25 Gift Certificate - Best in Class 1 - 3
Hub International - $25 - Best in Class 12 - 16
Hub International - $25 - Best in Class 22 - 26
NMV Lumber - $10 - Best in Class 4 - 11
NMV Lumber - $10 - Best in Class 17 - 21
Rosette awarded for best in show in Class 36 - 44
Home Hardware Building Center - $50 Gift - Best in 2x4 Challenge #93
JUDGES CHOICE AWARDS - Vision Quest - $25 Gift Certificate - Most unique in show
Highest Pointes in Section H-Hobbies - $50 Gift Basket - Mr . Mikes
Collections - Class no
1. Stamps, must be mounted
2. Coins
3. Open Wooden furniture - Class no
4. Indoor furniturehandmade 5. Indoor furnitureMachine made 6. Indoor furniture - Mixed 7. Outdoor furniture 8. Novelty 9. Refinished furniture 10. Open
11. 65 years & over - open
Woodworking -Decorative -Hobby Artwork (Not Fine Arts) Class no
12. Lathe work - ie: bowls vases, other 13. Scroll saw work 14. Intarsia 15. Open 16. 65 years & over - open
Bird Houses - Single Family or Bird Feeders
Class no 17. Constructed - finished wood 18. Constructed - all natural ie. gourd, bark, etc. 19. Constructed - mixed 20. Bird Feeder
Constructed 65 years & over - open
Naturecraft - 80% Natural Material Class no
Painting - Class no
34. Open
35. 65 years or over - open
Hobbies - Miscellaneous
Class no
36. Bead work
37. Paper tole
38. Pottery
39. Handmade jewelry
40. Decoration - table
41. Decoration - wall or door
42. Decoration - other
43. Open
44. 65 years & over - open
Dried or Silk Arrangements
Class no
45. Table decorations 46. Wall decoration 47. Door decoration 48. Open decoration
Yard Ornaments - Class no 49. Fence
52. Set 53. Open
Painting on Wood - Class no 54. Small item 55. Medium item 56. Large item
Painting on Glass - Class no . 57. Small item 58. Medium item 59. Large item
Set items
Quilling - Class no 61. Small item 62. Medium item 63. Large item Recycled Class no . 64. Plastic Yarn 65. Metal, cans, etc. 66. Fabric 67. Wood 68. Dolls
69. Any item not listed
Christmas - Class no . 70. Ornaments 71. Wreaths
72. Mr. & Mrs. Santa 73. Open
NMV Lumber - Best in show - $20
Patio & Fountain Stones
Class no 74. Cement 75. Cement & accents
76. Open
Native Arts & Crafts Class no
77. Dream catchers 78. Birch Bark Basket 79. Pine Needle Basket
80. Beaded open 81. Quilled article 82. Open
Scrap-booking - Class no
83. Page Theme 84. Pets or Animals 85. Vacations 86. Holidays (eg. Christmas) 87. Album 88. Open
FLY TYING - Class no .
89. Beginners - Open 90. Intermediate - Open
91. Advanced - Open
92 . Merritt's Western Theme
Using an old cowboy boot or hat, create a piece of ART using any type of accessories to create it.
93 Home Hardware 2X4
Home Hardware Building Center is sponsoring a $50 Gift Certificate for the Judges Choice. What can you make out of a single 8 foot 2 x 4?
As well as ribbons peoples choice ribbon.
94 What can you make from one complete 4’x 4’ palette
Whittle- Carving, Hand Carving (No lathe work)
95. Carving on the round
96. Relief carving
97. Cane or walking stick
98. Chip carving
99. Carricatures - head, face, full body
100. Bark carving
101. Wood burning
102. Inlay
103. Any other item
Homemade Cards Class no .
104. Seasons - Stamps - 1
105. Seasons - Paper Tole - 1 106. Seasons - String Art - 1 107. Seasons
Diamond Art 125. Small <18” 126. Large >18” 127. Open
128. Small item (under 12”)
129. Large item (over 12”)
130. Open
Entry Fee: $ 75 per entry ONE ENTRY PER CLASS ONLY Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
1st Highest Points in each of the four divisions: Sponsored by Century 21 - $10 Cash Prize
2nd Highest Points in each of the four divisions: Sponsored by Dairy Queen - Gift Certificate
3rd Highest Points in each of the four divisions: Sponsored by Movie Experts - $6 00 Ice Cream, 1 Free Movie
4th Highest Points in each of the four divisions: Sponsored by Merritt Stock Car Association - $5 Cash Prize
Highest Points in each of the four divisions in Children’s Fine Arts section: Sponsored in memory of Ignatia Grams - will receive $7 50 cash Best in Show Rosette in each of the four divisions: Awarded by N .V .F .F .A . for the best Vegifruitable
Highest Points in each of the four divisions in Creative Writing: Sponsored by A&W - 1 Free Teen Burger, Regular Root Beer & Fries
Highest Points in each of the four divisions for Collection of seeds: Sponsored by Panago - Gift Certificate Medium Pizza
Highest Points in each of the four divisions for Photography - Sponsored by Sharon Keyser - $5 Cash
Highest Points in each of the four divisions for Homecrafts-10 Free Admission to Nicola Valley Aquatic Centre sponsored by City of Merritt.
STUDENTS!!! ALL Creative Writing, photography & Fine Arts for section XI-I Students' section MUST BE SUBMITTED at the Fall Fair Exhibition Building Thursday evening, August 31st between 6 pm & 9 pm It is necessary for the entries in these categories to be brought to the Fall Fair Building Thursday evening as they must be hung for judging & display.
Please Note: You must include the section number with your registration. For this section only, you may make your registration on a plain piece of paper. Please include the last Grade completed as well as your telephone number. Drop entries off at the designated areas. There are four divisions in this section:
Division A: Kindergarten to Grade Three Division B: Grade Four to Grade Six
Division C: Grade Seven to Grade Nine Division D: Grade Ten to Grade Twelve
Please note: When there is only one entry in any given class, First prize will only be awarded if there is sufficient merit. Some classes may be amalgamated/ combined at the discretion of the convener(s).
1. Prints must be placed on plain construction paper, your colour choice.
2. One inch border around photo.
Class No
1. Penmanship: “0-Canada”, the Alphabet, the Lord’s Prayer (or a selection from your school work approved in advance by your teacher) All work must be in Pencil.
2. Creative Writing: Write or print a short essay on any subject (maximum 200 words).
3. Creative Writing: Poetry - Open
4. Vegifruitable: A creature from your imagination made from fruits & vegetables.
5. Flower arrangement: Must be at least three different types of flowers.
6. Collection of seeds: Must be mounted & identified.
7. Open
Fine Arts (One Entry Per Class)
8. Painting - oils
3. No pictures with any kind of mat or frame will be accepted.
4. Must have been taken by the entrant.
5. Minimum size 4” x 6”
9. Painting - water colours 10. Painting - pastels 11. Painting - paint by numbers
27. Decorative work - any item such as embroidery, needle work, etc. 28. Sewing - any finished items
47. Stamps, coins, trains, buttons
48. Toys - dolls, cars, stuffed animals
49. Open
Class no .
50. Models
51. Lego Boxed
52. Lego Imagination
53. K’Nex
54. Mechano
55. Open
(To be grown by the student)
Class no .
56. Potatoes - 3
57. Peas - 6
58. Beans - 6
59. Carrots - 6
60. Corn - 3
61. Pumpkin - l
62. Zucchini - 1
63. Open
Class no
64. Muffins - bran - 4
65. Brownies - 4
66. Cookies - oatmeal - 4
67. Cookies - chocolate chip - 4
68. Cookies - open any variety - 4
69. Cupcakes - any variety,
iced - 4
70. Cake - any type - judged on decoration & quality (mixes permitted)
71. Baking powder biscuits - 4
76. Penmanship: “0-Canada”, the Alphabet, the Lord’s Prayer (or a selection from your school work approved in advance by your teacher). All work must be in Pencil.
77. Creative Writing: Write or print a short essay on any subject (maximum 200 words).
78. Creative Writing: Poetry - Open
79. Vegifruitable: A creature from your imagination made from fruits and
Class No
153. Penmanship: “0-Canada”, the Alphabet, the Lord’s Prayer (or a selection from your school work approved in advance by your teacher). All work must be in Pencil.
154. Creative Writing: Write or print a short essay on any subject (maximum 200 words).
155. Creative Writing: Poetry - Open
156. Vegifruitable: A creature from your imagination made from fruits and vegetables.
157. Flower arrangement: Must be at least three different types of flowers.
158. Collection of seeds: Must be mounted and i dentified.
159. Open
Fine Arts (One Entry Per Class)
Class no .
160. Painting - oils
161. Painting - water colours
162. Painting - pastels
163. Painting - acrylics
164. Painting - paint by numbers
165. Colouring - by crayon
166. Sculpy Clay
167. Rainbow Loom
72. Pie - any variety
73. Buns - brown or white - 4
74. Bread - brown or whiteone loaf
75. Open
131. Mechano
132. Open
(To be grown by the student) Class no
133. Potatoes - 3
134. Peas - 6
135. Beans - 6
136. Carrots - 6
137. Corn - 3
138. Pumpkin - 1
139. Zucchini - 1
140. Open
Class no .
141. Muffins - bran - 4
142. Brownies - 4
143. Cookies - oatmeal - 4
144. Cookieschocolate chip - 4
145. Cookies - open, any variety - 4
146. Cupcakes - any variety, iced - 4
147. Cake - any type - judged on decoration & quality (mixes permitted)
148. Baking powder biscuits - 4
149. Pie - any variety
150. Buns - brown or white - 4
151. Bread - brown or whiteone loaf
152. Open
168. Colouring - by pencil crayon
169. Sketching
170. Computer Generated Picture
171. Finger painting
172. Open
Class no .
173. Photo story - 6 picture maximum with comment
174. Sunsets
175. Animals
176. Babies
177. Scenery
178. People
179. Open
Class no .
180. Knitting - any item
181. Crochet - any item
182. Decorative work - any item such as embroidery, Needle work, etc.
183. Sewing - any finished items
184. Open
Arts & Crafts
Class no . 185. Ceramics 186. Pottery 187. Beadwork 188. Soap carving
Buckskin - leather work
Fly tying
Rainbow Loom
Class No .
232. Penmanship: “0-Canada”, the Alphabet, the Lord’s Prayer (or a selection from your school work approved in advance by your teacher). All work must be in Pencil.
233. Creative Writing: Write or print a short essay on any subject (maximum 200 words).
234. Creative Writing: Poetry - Open
235. Vegifruitable: A creature from your imagination made from fruits and vegetables.
236. Flower arrangement: Must be at least three different types of flowers.
237. Collection of seeds: Must be mounted and i dentified.
238. Open
Fine Arts (One Entry Per Class) Class no 239. Painting - oils 240. Painting - water colours 241. Painting - pastels
Painting - acrylics 243. Painting - paint by numbers 244. Colouring - by crayon 245. Colouring - by pencil crayon
246. Sketching
194. Plasticine 195. Modelling Clay
196. Macrame
197. Eco dying
198. Paper making
199. Scrapbook - 1 page
200. Open
Collections (one per class)
Class no
201. Card collection - hockey, baseball, Pokemon. etc.
202. Stamps, coins, trains, buttons
203. Toys - dolls, cars, stuffed animals
204. Open
205 Miscellaneous Class no . 206. Models 207. Lego Boxed
be grown by the student)
247. Computer Generated Picture
248. Finger painting
249. Open
Class no
250. Photo story - 6 picture maximum with comment
251. Sunsets
252. Animals
253. Babies
254. Scenery
255. People
256. Open
Class no
257. Knitting - any item
258. Crochet - any item
259. Decorative work - any item such as embroidery, Needle work, etc.
260. Sewing - any finished items
261. Open
Arts & Crafts
Class no
262. Ceramics
263. Pottery
264. Beadwork
265. Soap carving
266. Buckskin - leather work
267. Woodwork
268. Fly tying
269. Sculpy Clay
270. Rainbow Loom
271. Plasticine
272. Modelling Clay
273. Macrame
274. Eco dying
275. Paper making
276. Scrapbook - 1 page
277. Open
Collections (one per class)
Class no
278. Card collection - hockey, baseball, Pokemon. etc.
279. Stamps, coins, trains, buttons
280. Toys - dolls, cars, stuffed animals
281. Open
Class no .
282. Models
283. Lego Boxed 284. Lego Imagination 285. K’Nex
286. Mechano
287. Open
Vegetables (To be grown by the student)
Class no
288. Potatoes - 3
289. Peas - 6
290. Beans - 6
291. Carrots - 6
292. Corn - 3
293. Pumpkin - 1
294. Zucchini - 1
295. Open
Baking Class no .
220. Muffins - bran - 4 221. Brownies - 4
222. Cookies - oatmeal - 4
223. Cookieschocolate chip - 4
224. Cookies - open, any variety - 4
225. Cupcakes - any variety, iced - 4
226. Cake - any type - judged on decoration & quality (mixes permitted)
227. Baking powder biscuits - 4
228. Pie - any variety
229. Buns - brown or white - 4
230. Bread - brown or whiteone loaf
231. Open
Class no
296. Muffins - bran - 4
297. Brownies - 4
298. Cookies - oatmeal - 4
299. Cookieschocolate chip - 4
300. Cookies - open, any variety - 4
301. Cupcakes - any variety, iced - 4
302. Cake - any typejudged on decoration & quality (mixes permitted)
303. Baking powder biscuits - 4
304. Pie - any variety
305. Buns - brown or white - 4
306. Bread - brown or whiteone loaf
307. Open
Entry Fee: $ 75 Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Highest points: $50 Cash Prize - Sponsored by H&R Block
Best Picture in Show: Pharmasave Trophy and $25 Gift Certificate sponsored by Pharmasave .
Judges’ Choice Award: $25, Ralph’s Custom Pens & More .
Highest points: Class 6A to Class 10D: $15, Ralph’s Custom Pens & More
Highest points: Class 11A to Class 15D: $15, Ralph’s Custom Pens & More .
Highest points: Class 16A to Class 23D: $15, Ralph’s Custom Pens & More . More than one entry allowed per class.
Note: All entries must be submitted at the Fair Building Between 6 pm & 9 pm, Thursday, August 31, 2023. No entries will be accepted Friday or Saturday as entries must be hung for judging & display. *prints must be 5x7 to 8x10 in size.
Special Rules
• Winning entries from previous Fairs are ineligible.
• Judging will be conducted as far as possible under the rules of N.A.P.A.
• Prints must be placed on plain construction paper, your colour choice. One inch border around photo. No pictures with any kind of mat or frame will be accepted. Prints may be commercially developed & enlarged but must have been taken by the entrant.
• No photocopies.
• All entries must bear the owner’s name & address on the back. In case of “Photo-Story”, indicate on the back the order of sequence. Place title on front of Photo-story.
• If titled, place title on border. If pictures of Photo-story are separate units, entrant may supervise hanging of pictures to obtain the desired effect & correct sequence.
Class No .
1 . Children (should be the main subject of the picture. No adults)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
2 . People (may include children but not animals)
A. colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
3 . People & animals (may include adults, children & animals)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
4 Action (must clearly convey the frozen action)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
5 Flora (wild or domestic)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
6 . Insects
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
7 . Birds (wild or domestic)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
8 . Domestic Animals (includes pets)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
9 . Wild animals .
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
10 Photo-story (maximum 6 photos - may be of snapshot size, mounted, should have title.) A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
• All entries submitted by mail should be shipped with completed entry forms & fees. Items should be well packaged for shipping and return postage included, or photos will not be returned or judged.
• Closing date for entries by mail is August 28, 2023. Entries may be brought to the Fair Exhibition Building on the Fair Grounds in Collettville on Lindley Creek Road.
• Personal pick-up is at Fair closing time. (See general information in front of catalogue) Exhibits may not be collected until the closing time of the Fair.
• All pictures must be taken by you on your phone or camera.
11 . Night photography .
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
12 . Close-up photography. (includes macro-photography, must be recognized as to subject matter)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
13 . Buildings . (may be anything from city-scapes to architectural details).
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
14 Strictly Scenery, (may include people & animals but must not dominate)
A. Spring. Colour
B. Spring. Black & white or sepia
C. Spring. Digitally enhanced.
D. Spring. Open
E. Summer. Colour
F. Summer. Black & white or sepia
14 . Strictly Scenery - Cont’d
G. Summer. Digitally enhanced.
H. Summer. Open
I. Winter. Colour
J. Winter. Black & white or sepia
K. Winter. Digitally enhanced.
L. Winter. Open
M. Fall. Colour
N. Fall. Black & white or sepia
O. Fall. Digitally enhanced.
P. Fall. Open
15 . Favourite Holiday Snaps. (series of 3, titled, mounted on one mat, snapshot format)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
16 Underwater Photography
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
continued on page 25
2023 Nicola Valley Fall Fair Entries Catalogue
• Welding & Steel Fabricating
• Machining
• Sandblasting & Painting
• Steel & Aluminum Products
• Power Transmission
• Industrial Supplies
• Hydraulic Hoses
• Safety Products
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Safety • Hydraulic • Parts & more!
Shop: 250-378-5395
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• 2795 Pooley Avenue
• 1101 McFarlane Way
17 . Still life . (may include arranged fruits, flowers, food, beverages, containers, bowls, dishes, or anything to enhance the artistic effort of the grouping of subject matter against a suitably chosen background)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced
D. Open
18 . Most bizarre or unusual .
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced.
D. Open
19 . Panoramic Camera Shot . (May be larger than 8x10)
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced
D. Open
20 . Sports .
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced
D. Open
21 . Our town (photo should depict what Merritt is known for, may not be digitally enhanced. Colour or black & white or sepia)
A. People helping people
B. Historical landmarks with or without people
C. Local Business
D. Friendliest face
E. Cowboys or Cowgirls
F. Open
22 . Humor .
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced
D. Open 23 Historical
A. Colour
B. Black & white or sepia
C. Digitally enhanced
D. Open
toll Free: 1-866-378-5395
Day & time: SUNDAY, September 3, 2023 at 10 am
No Entry Fee for Classes
Open to everyone - children & adults & their pets
Special Prize and Ribbon for First, Ribbons for Second and Third
Class No
1. Largest dog.
• Register by entry form.
• Dogs must be on a leash.
• Cats must be on a leash or in a cage.
• No cardboard boxes for cages.
• Animals must be under control at all times. Use Entry form from catalogue & late entry forms will be available at the pet show until show time.
Open Class no
6. Pets - owner look alike contest.
Class no
10. Largest cat.
2. Smallest dog - must be fully grown, not a puppy.
3. Longest coat.
4. Shortest coat.
5. Most different colours in coat.
7. Best dressed pet.
8. Best trick.
9. Most unique
Entry Fee: 75¢ per head
11. Smallest cat - must be fully grown, not a kitten.
12. Most different colours in coat.
Convener: Erica Martindale at 250-378-0242
Prize money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
1st Highest Points 4H - Medium Pizza - Sponsored by Panago
2nd Highest Points 4H - $10 Gift Card - Sponsored by Dairy Queen
3rd Highest Points - Burger, Fries & Root Beer - Sponsored by A&W JUDGING TO BE DONE AS PER DANISH SYSTEM
Rules & Regulations
• Age of animal is their age as of the first day of the Fair.
• Must be owned by exhibitor at least 30 days prior to Fair.
• No animals will be allowed on the grounds with running sores or skin infections of any sort.
• Call for guest club entry information
• All entries must be at grounds by 8 am, September 2nd 2023.
• All entries must remain on the grounds until 2:30 pm closing day of Fair.
• Classes may be added if needed
Saturday, September 2nd
4-H barn/animals open for public viewing 9 am - 3 pm
Cloverbuds presentation at 10 am
Showmanship classes (Junior, Intermediate, Senior) beginning at 11 am
Sunday, September 3rd
4-H Classes (Poultry, Beef, Rabbit, Photography) 10 am - 1 pm
4-H Beef Class No
1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-11)
2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 12-14)
3. Senior Showmanship (ages 15 & over)
4. Cow/Calf Pair
5. Young Beef
6. Heifer
7. Market Steer
4-H Chicken Class No
8. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-11)
9. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 12-14)
10. Senior Showmanship (ages 15 & over)
11. Pheasant Trio
12. Chicken Trio
4-H Rabbit Class No
13. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-11)
14. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 12-14)
15. Senior Showmanship (ages 15 & over)
16. Doe with Litter
4-H Photography Display Board Class No .
17 Junior Showmanship (ages 9-11)
18. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 12-14)
19. Senior Showmanship (ages 15 & over)
4-H Costume Class No .
20. 4-H Animals in Costumes
4-H Photo Graphic Skill & Artistry Collection Class No
21. All ages. One display board per member. A collection of photos demonstrating what they have learned.
Entry Fee $ .75 per head Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Deadline for entry forms: 5 pm August 31, 2023
1st Highest points - $25 Cash - Hub International
2nd Highest points: 1st - $20 Cash from Kat Ventures Bookkeeping
3rd Highest points - $15 Cash - Hub International
Rules & Regulations
• Please list breed for future information.
• (Goats) - This show is for Does only, and no Bucks of any age will be allowed on the grounds.
• No one in during judging but Conveners & Judge.
• No milk to be sold on the Fair Grounds.
• No animals (Goats) may compete in group classes unless previously shown in regular classes.
• Age of the animal is their age as of the first day of the Fair.
• Must be owned by exhibitor at least 30 days prior to Fair.
• Horn ed animals will be faulted & over-distended udders will be disqualified.
• No animals will be allowed on the grounds with running sores,
Dairy Goats
Class No .
1. Junior Doe kid
2. Senior Doe kid
3. Doe milking under 2 years
4. Doe milking over 2 years
5. Goats AOV Get of Sire (3 Does of same Sire)
6. Meat over 2 years
7. Meat under 2 years
Sheep Class No
8. Ewe Lamb
9. Ram Lamb
10. Yearling Ewe
11. Yearling Lamb
12. Market Lamb
13. Aged Ewe
skin infections of any sort.
• Sheep (Open) - all sheep must be clean & free of such things as ticks, foot rot, etc.
• All classes are open to purebred & Grades.
• Swine must also be clean.
• All entries must be in the building by 8 am September 2nd, 2023.
• It shall be at the discretion of the judge to reject any exhibits that show any symptoms of being sick & be removed from the show.
• Judging starts at 8 am September 2, 2023.
• All entries must remain on the grounds until 2:30 pm closing day of the Fair.
Swine (No sow and litter classes)
Class No .
14. Open Senior Swine
15. Junior Swine A.O.V.
16. Swine A.O.V.
Deadline for entry forms 5 pm August 30, 2023
Entry Fees $ .75 Pen Entry $1 .00 Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Highest Points Cash Prizes - Sponsored by Century 21: 1st - $40
Rules & Regulations
• All entries must be entered singly as cockerel, drake or hen, etc.
• Birds entered singly may compete in Pen entry (trio) if additional pen fees are paid.
• Pens shall consist of 2 females and 1 male.
• It shall be at the discretion of the poultry committee to reject any birds that show any symptoms of disease, and be removed from the show.
• No more then two entries per class per exhibitor.
• Non-mature birds will not be judged.
• Exhibits received up to 8 am, September 2, 2023
• No one in exhibit building during judging except Conveners and Judge.
• Chickens under one year of age entered as cockerel and pullet.
• A.C. means any colour * A.O.C. means any other colour • A.O.V. means any other variety.
Class no.
265. Tom
266. Hen
267. Pen - 1 Tom & 2 Hens
Ducks Muscovy Class no.
268. Drake
269. Hen
270. Pen - 1 Drake & 2 Hens
Ducks A .O .V Class no.
271. Drake
272. Hen
273. Pen - 1 Drake & 2 Hens
Geese Chinese Class no.
274. Gander
275. Hen
276. Pen - 1 Gander & 2 Hens
Geese A .O V . Class no. 277. Gander 278. Hen
279. Pen - 1 Gander & 2 Hens
Doves Ring Neck Class no.
280. Brown
281. White
282. A.O.C.
Convener: Lang MacKenzie at 250-936-8605
Entry Fee: $ .75 Prize Money: 1st - $3 2nd - $2 3rd - $1
Deadline for entry forms is August 30, 2023 at 5 pm
1st Highest in points overall - $25 Cash - sponsored by Hub International
2nd Highest in points overall - $15 Cash - sponsored by Century 21
3rd Highest in points overall - $10 Cash - sponsored by Hub International
Rules & Regulations:
• Local entries in by 8 am September 2, 2023.
• Judging at 9 am until 12 on September 2nd, 2023.
• No one in during judging other than Convener and Judges.
• Cages will be available at the Fair Grounds.
Open Rabbit Classes
Medium Breed / Purebreds only
Class No .
1. Senior Buck
Large Breed / Purebreds only
Class No
• No entries will leave the grounds before 2:30 pm the closing day of the Fair.
• Rabbits over 6 months of age shall be seniors, and under 6 months of age shall be juniors. It shall be at the discretion of the rabbit committee to reject any exhibits that show any symptoms of being sick and they will be removed from the show.
Dwarf Rabbit Class / Purebreds only
Class No .
Meat Breed
Cavies - Open
18. Senior Boar
19. Senior Sow
20. Junior Boar
21. Junior Sow
17. Market
(Must be live)
Pet Class
Open to rabbit, cavie, hamsters etc . Animals will be judged on condition Stated on entry form
Class No.
22. Pet class only - owner must be under 14 years of age on day of show.
23. Pet class only - owner must be over 14 years of age on day of show.
Please take completed entry forms to Black’s Pharmacy or Pharmasave or mail to: Nicola Valley Fall Fair Association, #319 Lindley Cr. Rd., Merritt, BC V1K 1L4 All entry forms must be submitted in sealed envelopes containing correct entry fees. Only one person to each entry form.
One section per paper
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30, 2023
Exhibitor Name: ����������������������������
Mailing address ����������������������������
Postal Code
Phone #
“Exhibitor # will be filled out by Fair members”
* Need more entry forms, please use same format on plain paper.
Please check box if you are donating any baking, canning or vegetables.
Please place an asterisk* beside donated items.
1st, 2nd, 3rd prize money not picked up will be considered donated to the Fair unless prior arrangements are made.