Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die INHORGENTA MUNICH lädt Sie ganz herzlich ein zur
INHORGENTA JEWELRY UND OPENING SHOW am Samstag, 18. Februar 2017 um 17:30 Uhrof INHORGENTA MUNICH, Dear Friends
Messe München, Halle B1, Am Messesee, 81829 München.
Thanks to digitization, communication has long since overcome its former limits. Our friends, our families, Es erwarten Sie auf dem Catwalk internationale Modelsand mitnaturally also our business partners are now never more than a click away, no in matter where Earth they may happen to be. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. hochkarätigen Schmuckstücken ausgewählter Hersteller Couture vonon ESCADA. Although all this admittedly exerts a positive influence on our lives, nothing can lastingly Empfang & Red Carpet: 17:30replace Uhr genuine personal contacts.
Beginn Highlight Show: 18:30 Uhr This is where INHORGENTA MUNICH comes into its own! Because this isn’t just a trade fair: Aftershow Party: 19:00 Uhr it’s also a wonderful opportunity to talk with the people behind the brands. This ensures that the fair is an ideal networking platform.
Diese Einladung ist persönlich, nicht übertragbar und nur für eine Person gültig. Weoder lookper forward even more exhibitors from around the globe to our fair in 2019. Wir bitten Sie um verbindliche Zusage bis 10.02.2017 per Fax an +49 89 32496090 E-Mailtoanwelcoming weum cordially invite you to be part of INHORGENTA MUNICH! Sollten Sie trotz Zusage verhindert sein, bitten And wir Sie Mitteilung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Yours truly,
Klaus Dittrich Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Messe München GmbH
Stefanie Mändlein
Stefanie Mändlein Project Projektleiterin Director INHORGENTAMUNICH MUNICH INHORGENTA
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International status Excellent display areas Pe r f e c t n e t w o r k i n g p l a t f o r m Glamorous shows High-class awards ceremonies Greater revenue through media attention I n s p i r i n g I N H O R G E N TA F O R U M
“We’re happy to have been present in Munich this year. The award is a great honor for us. We’ll definitely return next year!” Laura Bicego, owner and designer at Nanis
JEWELRY HIGHLIGHTS ON THE CATWALK “This fair is indispensable as a contact and order platform. It’s an important source of inspiration and ideas.” Stephan Lindner, B. Fridrich Jewelers, Munich
Sparkling jewelry, plenty of glamour – plus sets selected by famous DJs and the latest designer fashions: the JEWELRY SHOWS surely rank among the highlights of INHORGENTA MUNICH. The Opening Show on the first day of the fair and the subsequent shows feature the exhibitors’ elegant, dream-come-true pieces presented by international fashion models in the spotlight on the catwalk. A genuine “must see!”
The INHORGENTA AWARD is the absolute climax of INHORGENTA MUNICH: chosen by an expert jury, awardwinners in the categories of Fine Jewelry, Fashion Jewelry, Designer, Watch, Smart & Connected Watch, and Retailer receive the coveted award in the context of an exclusive gala evening. The audience has a voice too: online balloting prior to the fair determines the winner in the Best Piece of Jewelry category.
EXPERTS SHARE THEIR KNOWLEDGE “We gladly participate in Inhorgenta because we meet all of the manufacturers who are relevant for us and we can simultaneously search for new talent here. This fair is ideal for discovering the latest moods and trends.” Holger Baetzen, owner of Schmuck + Form, Cologne
Discovering the latest trends or networking with new and existing contacts is important, but gaining insights into the industry’s current themes is equally important or perhaps even more important. That’s why INHORGENTA MUNICH’s program also features interesting discussions and seminars. Entertaining and stimulating lectures by internationally renowned experts convey new knowledge, while round table discussions explore the very latest themes, for example, the progress of digitization.
INHORGENTA MUNICH is by no means over at the close of each day, because that’s when the fair’s legendary After-Work Party begins putting an outstanding “dot” atop the “i” of each successful day! These parties are perfect for raising a glass to toast a successful deal or to make a new contact – and all this happens in an absolutely unconventional and stylish atmosphere.
s p e ci a l ize d v i s ito r s f ro m ove r
72 co unt r i e s
exhibitors from 42 countries
90 %
of visitors are decision-makers
square meters of exhibition area
85 %
of v i s ito r s h ave a lre a d y d e ci d e d to re tu r n to INHO RG ENTA in 2019
> 119,000,000 co nt a c t s v i a m e d i atizati o n
“As the leading jewelry fair, this event is becoming increasingly important for us and for the entire industry.� Sandro Erl, CEO of Niessing Jewelry Manufactory
HALL B1 – FINE JEWELRY Valuable jewels, gorgeous gemstones, precious metals: the world of exclusive jewelry creations and extraordinarily precious creations makes itself at home in Hall B1 during INHORGENTA MUNICH. Alongside pieces of jewelry crafted with gold, platinum, palladium or diamonds, wedding ring manufacturers also present their most beautiful rings to a global audience.
Here’s where hearts throb in synch with the ticking of timepieces: in Hall A1, watch connoisseurs from around the world find exclusive manufactured watches and multifunctional chronographs, as well as the latest smartwatches and designer watches.
HALL C1 – CARAT Hall C1 is an absolute paradise for everyone who loves elegant pearls, colored gems and diamonds. That’s because the opulent gems and pearls not only show themselves in the most flattering light, but also in diverse variations with countless colors and shapes.
Anyone who is simultaneously searching for traditional jeweler’s artistry and trendy lifestyle jewelry is guaranteed to feel happy in Hall B2, where timelessly classical jewelry design meets unconventional and unique creations. The result is an exciting experience and stimulating contrasts that can be felt throughout the hall.
HALL A2 – TECHNOLOGY & BIJOUX Visitors who are interested in technology and enthusiastic about fashionable costume jewelry will no doubt feel magically attracted to Hall A2. Alongside offers for shop fittings, workshops, watchmaker’s tools, packaging materials and other accessories, exhibitors from around the globe also present their costume jewelry here.
Visitors in Hall C2 can discover the latest creations by young designers and artists, innovative goldsmiths and silversmiths, as well as attention-getting one-of-a-kind items. Contemporary jewelry design is the unmistakable focus here. Not without good reason, this area of INHORGENTA MUNICH is internationally regarded as the largest and most important platform for this segment of the industry.
Messe München GmbH, D-81823 Munich
Tel.: +49-89-9492-0181, Fax: +49-89-9492-0189,
Ever since it began in 1973, INHORGENTA MUNICH has been at home in Munich: Bavaria’s capital city enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide – not only because of its Oktoberfest and the outstanding Bayern München soccer team, both of which are famous far beyond the city’s gates, but also thanks to the city’s longstanding history as a venue for trade fairs. People from around the world meet here at the trade fair in Munich-Riem!
Photo: Raupach/