21st international trade fair and congress for optical technologies— components, systems and applications
light applied
inforMation for visitors
years driving innovation
May 13–16, 2013 www.world-of-photonics.net/visitor
Messe MĂœnchen
40 years of laser world of photonics. that Means: in the lead for 40 years
dear visitors, years driving innovation
It is a driving force behind innovations and a source of momentum for an entire industry—and has been for 40 years. when it opens its gates from May 13–16, 2013, those are the credentials that will launch the leading trade fair for photonics into its next decade of success.
so what is it, exactly, that distinguishes LAser world of PHotoNICs? on the one hand, its consistent orientation to practice and business. with a range of exhibits that closely reflects the marketplace—and is even a step ahead of it at times! on the other, the presence of all leading international companies from industry and research: this is where you find a complete market overview and concrete solutions to all of the questions that come up in your day-to-day business.
All of these factors of success characterize LAser world of PHotoNICs. But for us—the ones who are in a constant dialog with the industry and with our exhibitors—there is one more key aspect: the fact that the fair is so easy to identify with. this is where the laser and photonics industry is at home. this is where the industry goes to explore potential and work together to set new ideas, concepts and inno vations in motion that will shape the future. Not just for the industry, but for everyone who profits from photonics-based applications and products. this “we” feeling is what makes the leading international trade fair so special to us. And why we are all the more pleased to welcome you to the 21st LAser world of PHotoNICs!
your LAser world of PHotoNICs team
the quickest way to get your ticket: www.world-of-phot onics.net/tickets
Make the market of the future your own.
In-depth knowledge. First-rate contacts. A complete market overview. No other event offers you more industry know-how and comprehensive answers to future issues such as economic growth, energy, the environment, health and safety than the world’s leading trade fair for lasers and photonics. Profit from its consistent orientation to actual practice and find what will promote your business: solutions.
How you profit: Leading position No other trade fair represents the global market for lasers and photonics in a manner that is as extensive, concentrated and transparent as the leading international event for optical technologies. Market overview The combination of research, innovative technologies and industrial application sectors and the fact that the fair depicts the entire product portfolio, from components to systems, gives you a unique overview of the market. Contacts A marketplace and think tank for the industry’s leading international key players in research and industry. You profit from direct contacts at the highest level. Identification The confirmed industry gathering for 40 years. The best proof: the high percentage of people planning to participate again (exhibitors: 98%, visitors: 97%) and excellent satisfaction rates (exhibitors: 94%, visitors: 97%). Transfer of know-how Global leader: The World of Photonics Congress is a unique networking and knowledge platform that gives you valuable know-how for your daily business. Ongoing education The congress is rounded out by advanced forums, panels and exclusive CEO roundtable discussions with prominent representatives of all branches of industry.
Where can you find the right contacts? In the right surroundings.
Who attends LASER World of PHOTONICS. 04
• Automotive and auto-supply industry • Aviation and aerospace • Biotechnology and medical technology • Contract manufacturing • Data and information technology • Electronics/electrical engineering • Environmental technology • Image processing • Optics • Photovoltaics • Plastics technology • Precision mechanics • Research and science • Safety technology • Sensor and measuring technology • Toolmaking and machine manufacturing
In addition: Agricultural science, astronomy, construction technology, lighting technology, chemistry, printing and reproduction, energy management, food analysis and production, pharma- ceuticals, shipbuilding, transportation and communications, defense technology; as well as commerce, skilled trades, services and public administration/government agencies.
Find all the exhibitors who have the right solution for you: www.world-of-photonics.net/catalog
on the road to business success? tackle it directly.
Compact hall layout and growth-oriented focus Clearly organized breakdown of exhibits according to product categories direct connections between halls, which keeps distances to a minimum west entrance and Northwest entrance 2 passageways from ICM congress center to Halls B1 and C1
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Laser and Optoelectronics
Biophotonics and Medical Engineering
Optical Information and Communication
B2 B2
Optics / Manufacturing Technology for Optics Sensors, Test and Measurement / Optical Measurement Systems
Lasers and Laser Systems for Production Engineering
World of Photonics Congress
always in focus: MaXiMuM utility for your business.
MAIN tHeMes IN 2013: LAsers & LAser systeMs For ProduCtIoN eNgINeerINg Lasers and laser systems for production engineering have been a central theme of LAser world of PHotoNICs since the fair was founded in 1973. As the world’s largest trade fair for this application sector, it depicts the entire range of solutions: exhibitors present their products for use in various branches of industry and for various materials. ILLuMINAtIoN & eNergy
New manufacturing techniques in photovoltaics and battery production, energysaving lighting concepts, the use of renewable energy sources and increased energy efficiency are helping to master the global challenges of producing and storing energy and climate protection. topics that LAser world of PHotoNICs and the world of Photonics Congress address with new product developments, application examples and lectures. BIoPHotoNICs & MedICAL eNgINeerINg Biophotonics has been indispensible in medicine and biotechnology for quite some time. As a driving force behind innovations and a technology that will shape the future, it can play a key role in a company’s ability to tap new markets. the exhibition sector in Hall B1 focuses on its applications, methods and techniques. exhibitors there present their products and solutions for spectroscopy, microscopy, imaging, therapy and manipulation techniques—and give important impetus for an interdisciplinary exchange and future investment decisions.
see the fair’s focal points: www.world-of-photonics.net/focustopics
Subscribe for free *
Electro Optics, with more than 40 years of history, is the magazine, website, and e-newsletter (EONewsline) for the photonics market, covering technology, business and applications. It is Europe’s leading publication for all those involved in the supply, integration or use of photonics components. www.electrooptics.com/subscribe
Imaging and Machine Vision Europe is the leading magazine, website, and e-newsletter (IMVENewsline) for those involved in the integration and use of vision technologies across a wide range of disciplines, including manufacturing, traffic, security, military and medicine. www.imveurope.com/subscribe
Laser Systems Europe is the magazine for integrators and users of laser systems, with a focus on applications, alongside upto-date information on suitable products and technologies. The publication is supported by the LIA (Laser Institute of America). www.lasersystemseurope.com/subscribe
*Subscription is free for qualifying individuals All titles are published by Europa Science Ltd, 9 Clifton Court, Cambridge, CB1 7BN, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1223 211170. www.europascience.com
Register online now
the best perspective of industry topics: several difference ones.
tHe reLAted-eveNts ProgrAM IN 2013: PHotoNICs ForuMs “tALkINg treNds” enhance your know-how in the exhibitor lectures and application panels in our three theme-related forums:
• Photonics Forum Hall B1: Biophotonics and Medical engineering
• Photonics Forum Hall B2: optical technologies • Photonics Forum Hall C2: Lasers and Laser systems for Production engineering Ceo rouNdtABLe Be there when the industry’s heavyweights, i.e. leading Ceos in the photonics industry, get together. date: tuesday, May 14, 2013 in Hall B2. 08
PHotoNs IN ProduCtIoN experience a special show in Hall C2, the motto of which is “Building Blocks for the Future,” in conjunction with the Institute for Machine tools and Industrial Management at tu Munich (iwb) and the Bavarian Laser Center erlangen (blz). topics:
• rapid laser-based welding and milling (live) • Laser-based joining of lightweight materials (live) • Fiber-reinforced plastics using metals • Plastic composites • Joining and separating CFrP components
• Additive manufacturing • Precision processing with (ultra) short laser pulses
• systems technology for beam shaping and delivery • Production of a high-voltage battery for electromobility (demonstrator)
insider knowledge that can help you: www.world-of-ph otonics.net/relatedevents
INdustry rePort PHotoNICs For the first time ever, the trade association sPeCtArIs, the vdMA (german engineering Federation), the ZveI (german electrical and electronic Manufacturers‘ Association) and the Federal Ministry of science and research are publishing a special report on photonics in 2013. the report will be presented at an economic-policy meeting on the industry and will shed light on the latest industry trends in light of recent economic developments. date: Monday, May 13, 2013 (11:00 in Photonics Forum, Hall B2) PHotoNIk CAMPus deutsCHLANd— tHe PHotoNICs INdustry’s Future tALeNt INItIAtIve A joint future talent initiative for the photonics industry known as “Photonik Campus deutschland” (www.photonikcampus.de) has been established. the Federal Ministry for education and research, the trade associations sPeCtArIs, vdMA and ZveI, institutes in the Fraunhofer society and important companies in the photonics industry are collaborating on the project. the industry initiative will be introduced at a small event at LAser world of PHotoNICs, during which other organizations will be encouraged to participate. date: Monday, May 13, 2013 (in the morning in the west entrance) New BusINess get an overview of “New, innovative companies in germany” at a joint stand in Hall C2. CAreer CeNter whether you are a college graduate or an engineer/physicist with career experience, you can get competent advice on topics such as application forms and salary requirements at the Career Center. together with the wirth + partner Consulting group, Messe München offers free coaching sessions and can give you career tips as well as concrete job offers and trainee/ apprenticeship offers.
solutions don’t prove theMselves in theory. only in practice.
THE APPLICATION PANELS IN 2013: the world of Photonics Congress bridges the gap between theory and practice with the Application Panels—applicationoriented series of lectures to which trade visitors, exhibitors and congress participants are invited where industry representatives speak about the latest challenges and discuss solution approaches in photonics. Among other things, they include megatrends such as e-mobility and lightweight design as well as sustainability and energy efficiency. Among other things, the lecture program’s highlights include laser applications in ophthalmology, high-power diode lasers and vCseLs, organic and printed electronics, smart bricks for e-mobility and laser-based generative manufacturing. experience examples of concrete applications, gain firsthand knowledge and make promising contacts. your benefits: 10 • Application-oriented presentations and opportunities to exchange ideas and information directly with the speakers • First-rate lecture event—included in price of admission • Concrete practical knowledge and new impetus for your company • All presented applications and systems are also on display at the fair In 2011, the Application Panels featured 70 lectures that were attended by more than 2,000 participants. 95% of them gave the program a rating of good to very good.
up to date schedule: www.photonics-congress.com/panels
Biophotonics and Medical Engineering Biophotonics und Medical Engineering
Hall / Halle B1
13 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Laser applications and optical diagnostics in ophthalmology / Laseranwendungen und optische Diagnostik in der Augenheilkunde
14 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Unmet needs in biophotonics technology
14 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Latest Laser Developments for Life Sciences English and Bioinstrumentation / Laser für die Analytik und Bildgebung in der Biophotonik
15 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Visions for future diagnostics—Endoscopy / Visions for future diagnostics – Endoskopie
Lasers and Laser Systems for Production Engineering Hall / Halle C2 Laser und Lasersysteme für die Fertigung 13 / 05 / 2013 11:00 – 13:00
Photovoltaics and Lasers / Photovoltaik und Laser
13 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Advanced applications of ultra-short pulsed English laser systems / Neueste Anwendungen von Kurzpulslasersystemen
14 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Laser–Additive Manufacturing / Laserbasierte Generative Fertigung
German, Slides in English
15 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Latest Laser Applications in Automotive Industry / Neueste Laseranwendungen im Automobilbau
15 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Photons in Production: Smart bricks for e-mobility
16 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Microtechnical Laser Applications / Mikrotechnische Anwendungen des Lasers
Optical Technologies Optische Technologien
Hall / Halle B2
13 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Optronical Systems in Security Applications / Optronische Systeme in Sicherheitsanwendungen
14 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Advanced Solid State Lasers / Festkörperlaser – Neueste Entwicklungen
15 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Solid State Lighting / Festkörperlichtquellen
15 / 05 / 2013 14:00 – 17:00
English High power diode lasers and VCSELs: most efficient and flexible beam sources / Hochleistungs-Diodenlaser und VCSEL – Strahlquellen höchster Effizienz und Flexibilität
16 / 05 / 2013 10:00 – 13:00
Beam Shaping and Delivery: Optical Systems English between Laser Source and Workpiece / Strahlformung und -führung: Komponenten zwischen Werkstück und Laserquelle
Individually: outstanding. Combined: pioneering.
Incorporating the World of Photonics Congress—the leading scientific congress in Europe – into the international trade fair gives you a unique knowledge platform that not only promotes innovative ideas, but also their implementation. That is because research and industry converge directly with one another and scientific know-how is combined with an orientation to actual practice. For you, that means twice the expert knowledge as a basis for successful business. At the World of Photonics Congress, six leading international research organizations bundle their R&D know-how, which allows them to cover the entire value chain for this key technology—from basic research to industrial applications— in all areas of application.
Bring industry and research together: www.photonics-congress.com/preview
that includes the latest research findings in the fields of optics, biophotonics and medical engineering, metrology and industrial image processing, and laser systems in production engineering.
good to know. good to note.
key FACts IN 2013 dAtes LAser world of PHotoNICs May 13–16, 2013 Messe München worLd oF PHotoNICs CoNgress May 12–16, 2013 ICM – Internationales Congress Center München FAIr’s oPeNINg Hours Monday to wednesday, May 13–15, 2013: 09:00 – 17:00 thursday, May 16, 2013: 09:00 – 16:00 14
MuNICH Munich is not just an important economic center. the metropolis’ wide range of cultural attractions is also captivating. And most importantly for you: As a european hub, the cosmo politan city is quick and easy to reach from everywhere. gettINg tHere the trade-fair center is perfectly integrated into the infrastructure, which makes it easy to reach by car, airport shuttle or public transportation. Information about getting to the fair and special fares from Lufthansa and germany railway is available online: www.world-of-photonics.net/travel
ACCoMModAtIoNs Book your accommodations for LAser world of PHotoNICs 2013 the convenient way. A wide range of alternatives awaits you online: www.world-of-photonics.net/accomodation PrICes 1-day ticket: eur 40 2-day ticket: eur 70 Permanent pass: eur 90 group/discount ticket: eur 19 order your tICket oNLINe Now No waiting at the fair. order your ticket to LAser world of PHotoNICs 2013 online now and profit in two ways: www.world-of-photonics.net/tickets PAss It oN good news should be shared. enter up to five business partners and colleagues on our online form and we will send them a recommendation to attend LAser world of PHotoNICs on your behalf: www.world-of-photonics.net/ recommendation
years driving innovation
organiZer and contact: Messe München gmbH Messegelände 40 Jahre 81823 München germany www.world-of-photonics.net
laser world of photonics das heisst
we would be pleased to assist you: www.world-of-photonics.net/contact +49 89 949-11468 wichtigster Marktplatz und denkfabrik zugleich: als welt-weiinfo@world-of-photonics.net
40 Jahre fÜhrungsposition te nr. 1 bringt die laser world of photonics seit 40 Jahren alle key player aus industrie und wissenschaft Partners: zusammen. durch ihre verbindung von forschung und anwendung fördert sie die technologische entwicklung. und verschafft ihnen einen kompletten Marktüberblick sowie konkrete lösungen für ihr daily business. innovationen und trends? hier werden sie zuerst präsentiert. praxisorientierung? wird & machine vision europe in unseren anwendungsspezifischen praxisvorträgen gelebt. gehen auch sie mit uns in führung und registrieren sie sich online auf www.world-of-photonics.net
Published by Messe München, Munich. Printed in germany. Besucherprospekt Laser e/2/2013