Set course for the industry’s future. At the world’s leading exhibition for transport and logistics.
June 4 – 7, 2013 Messe München
The world of logistics under a single roof
Concrete solutions for you Experience what moves the industry Upcoming new markets around the world need efficient logistics solutions that preserve resources: In the future, the conflict between economy and ecology will call for large numbers of novel concepts and technologies. Many of them can already be seen at transport logistic. The world’s leading exhibition for logistics, mobility, IT and supply-chain management is the hub for challenges and solutions—which makes it a source of impetus for the international logistics industry. You can profit from the fact that the entire value chain will be represented in the form of market leaders from around the world. Find out more about the latest trends in the first-rate program of related events that apply to all countries. Take advantage of this business platform to make contacts and pave the way for new business.
Be there—at transport logistic 2013.
Save valuable time and money when you get to the fair: with the online ticket.
Always on the move: transport logistic.
Innovations that move you forward Two strong partners—Your gain Hall B1 will revolve entirely around intralogistics: For the first time ever, the two leading exhibitions ceMAT and transport logistic are bundling their strengths. You’ll be inspired by FUTUre FriDAY Globalization and intelligent urbanization are topics that will engage the logistics industry during the next few years. What are the consequences for the industry? FUTURE FRIDAY will give you impetus, prospects and answers. Move your career forward Prepare the next steps in your career. The “Career Market” in Hall A6 and the “Future Professionals and Careers” initiative on June 7, 2013 are the perfect opportunity to do so. Additional information and a service for setting up personal appointments are available here:
experience the exhibition’s focal points Services, freight transport and logistics Intralogistics, warehouse management systems, auto ID, packaging Freight-transport systems IT/telematics, e-business, telecommunications Research and development
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Forum hall A6
10:00 – 11:30
13:00 – 14:30
15:30 – 17:00
mariLOG 2013 7th International Conference for Maritime Logistics
Express services: guarantor for accurate, rapid and reliable inner-city logistics
A change of course in container shipping: Federal Association of International more quality instead Express and Courier of quantity? DVV Media Group Service Companies GmbH
Forum hall B1
Forum hall B2
12:00 – 13:30
14:00 – 15:30
16:00 – 17:30
E-commerce makes Focus on Russia— Interconnection of logistics / Intra Trendsetting global and regional logistics—what the Strategies chemical industry industry can learn in a Growing Market as an opportunity from each other? for intralogistics BVL International Wiley-VCH Verlag Vogel Business GmbH & Co. KGaA/ Media GmbH & Co. CHEManager KG /MM Logistik
10:00 – 15:30 The Navigation Conference— finding your way in the intelligent world
16:00 – 17:30
Realtime Location Systems (RTLS) for logistical Objects, Federal Ministry of Transport, Humans and Animals Building and Urban Development/ Overview about elecBITKOM – Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommuni- tronical and optical technology solutions cations and New Media AIM-D e. V. Germany Austria Switzerland
Conference room B11
An up-to-date schedule with additional information is available here
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
10:00 – 13:00
13:30 – 15:00
Air Cargo Europe Conference 2013 Moving with the times Session 1: In search of innovation Session 2: Getting the message Messe München international
15:30 – 17:00
Creating efficient Economic and ecoTender Management logical challenges BvL international of the road haulage. Can new technologies help us to solve the future problems of the goods transport? Federal Association of road Haulage Logistics and Disposal
10:00 – 11:30 Efficiency pressure across the board: costs, security, sustainability & co. German Transport Forum
10:00 – 11:30 Country Special China Supply Chain Challenges in Asia Supply chain Asia Magazine
12:00 – 13:30
14:00 – 15:30
16:00 – 17:30
After Sales Intralogistics for Open item fundLogistics: logistics service ing—financial flow Chances and risks providers—highly and competitive for companies flexible and versatile capacity for inland as a Chameleon waterways LOGiSTiK HeUTe HUSS-verLAG GmbH
Fraunhofer institute for Material Flow and Logistics (Fraunhofer iML)
12:00 – 13:30
14:00 – 15:30
Transalpine InterCountry Special modal Transport— Baltic States—The Solutions hub for Northern for forwarder and Eastern Europe Innovation / TechGerman-Baltic nology / Service chamber of commerce in DvWG Südbayern e. v., logistic com- estonia, Latvia, Lithuania e.v petence center Prien GmbH, SGKv e. v.*
Inte Federation of Inter Mes Mess German inland ports
16:00 – 17:30 Does the train of liberalisation drive on the right track? In which direction does the European rail freight transport develop? Association of German Transport Undertakings (vDv)
10:00 – 16:00 Telematics applications for the transport of dangerous goods—solutions for the three inland transport modes and necessary legislative amendments Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMvBS) * DVWG Südbayern e. V. – German Association of Transport Sciences, District Association Südbayern e.V. / logistic competence center Prien GmbH / SGKV e.V. – Research Association for Intermodal Transport e. V.
Last update: December 2012. Subject to change without notice.
CeMAT@transport logistic CeMAT@transport logistic intralogistics area intralogistics area
Telematics Telematics e-business e-business Telecommunications Telecommunications
Thursday, June 6, 2013
10:00 – 11:30
12:00 – 13:30
14:00 – 15:30
16:00 – 17:30
Intra- und ExtraNew Drive Technol- Lean Management Transport policy ogies for Trucks in Warehouses meets Logistics: logistic within the and Vans: new concept of BvL international what happens after Environment the election? Industry 4.0— Protection— is there Springer wish and reality anything new? Fachmedien München GmbH, BiTKOM – Federal TrANSPOrT verlag Heinrich Association for HUSS-verLAG GmbH vogel, verkehrs- information Techrundschau nology, Telecommunication and New Media 10:00 – 11:30
12:00 – 13:30
14:00 – 15:30
16:00 – 17:30
How will Germany Professional Request of shippers Intralogistics solubecome Logistics purchase of logistics of intermodal trans- tions for logistics World Champion services port concepts service providers— again from the task to the SuT verlags German Associefficient solution GmbH / German Transport ation Materials national onal al Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition for for Logistics, for Logistics, Logistics, Mobility, Mobility, ITSupply IT and and ITSupply and Supply Supply Chain Chain Chain Management Management Management hibition Exhibition for for Logistics, Logistics, Mobility, Mobility, ITMobility, and IT and Supply Chain Chain Management Management Schiffahrt Hafen vereinigte Forum Management, München, se nchen, München, June June 4June –7, 4 –7, 2013 4 2013 –7, 2013 n, hen, June June 4 –7, 4 –7, 2013 2013 Fachverlage Purchasing and Bahn und Technik GmbH / f+h fördern Logistics (AMMPL) und heben 10:00 – 11:30
12:00 – 13:30
14:00 – 15:30
16:00 – 17:30
Security in Trans- Risk Management in Country Special port logistics— Freight Forwarding Spain—The role of Challenges and and Logistics. Spanish ports in the practical solutions Supply-Chain European Economy. Connected and Fraunhofer insti- Security—maintain Competitive. tute for Material business continuity Puertos del Flow and Logistics in difficult times estado – (Fraunhofer iML) German AssociMinisterio de ation for Freight Forwarding and Fomento / iceX Logistics (DSLv) 10:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 14:30
Service center logistics property— How logistics providers can use technological advances as a market opportunity Logrealcampus
15:00 – 16:30
Logistics Hub Italy— Telematic EU Project CASThe Development Systems— SANDRA—Supof the Logistics New products and porting Tomorrow’s Infrastructures markets Logistics Chains: in Italy within the The Future of Gesellschaft für Framework of the verkehrsbetriebsSupply Chain Trans-European Visibility wirtschaft und Corridors iSL – institute of Logistik Shipping economitalian chamber (GvB) e. v. ics and Logistics of commerce – Munich
Logistics Logistics Logistics services services services Air Cargo Freight Freight transport Freight transport transport systems systems systems stics ogistics services services Freight transport transport systems systems AirEurope Cargo AirEurope Cargo Air Europe Cargo Europe Europe Freight Air Cargo
Open-air site site site Open-air Open-air siteOpen-air siteOpen-air Entrance Entra Entrances Entrances Rails Rails RailsRailsRails
FUTUre FriDAY, June 7, 2013
10:00 – 11:30
12:30 – 13:30
Careers in logistics: Opportunities and limitations of a dual education programme
Richard David Precht: Moral feelings. Who is making our own decisions?
Springer Fachmedien München GmbH, verlag Heinrich vogel, verkehrsrundschau
Messe München international
10:00 – 11:30 Intra-what? Intralogistics—Career chances and prospects in an exciting future-oriented sector
Forum hall A6
Forum hall B1
vDMA Materials Handling and Logistics Technology
10:00 – 11:30 intelligent urbanization Logistics for the city of tomorrow Fraunhofer institute for Material Flow and Logistics (Fraunhofer iML) / Messe München international
Forum hall B2
International Exhibition for Logistics, Mobility, IT and Supply Chain Messe München, June 4 –7, 2013
Konferenzraum B11
Helpful services
Prepare for your exhibition success transport logistic App Profit from the exhibition search function, an interactive hall diagram and other useful functions. Register now. Exhibitor database Complete information about exhibiting companies—including their job offers—with just a few clicks! Exhibitor highlights Find out today what you can discover at transport logistic 2013. Newsletter News about the world of logistics. Keep your finger on the pulse of the times. Hotel reservations Use our services to find a room in Munich. Getting there Gather information about the various ways there are to get to the fair.
Dates/Times June 4 –7, 2013 Tue. –Thu. 9:00 –18:00 Fri. 9:00 –16:00
Contact Messe München GmbH Messegelände 81823 München Germany Tel. +49 89 949-11368 Fax +49 89 949-11369 w
Messe München EAST and WEST ENTRANCE
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