Momeala Satanei MOI CUA SATAn Экстраординарная жизнь 为着神的国度 سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun • 撒但的饵Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижимые вечностью • Tamaan Luanke AyaHawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • S Fall 2011Taw | Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZun Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem Sawinak Движимые вечностью • Tam Htet Luanke Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawin Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • خف • Zungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижи • Приманка сат вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw AyaHawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايح Truth. News. Outreach. • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординар John & Lisa Bevere жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Sawinak Движимые вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • اهعفاد ةايح • Приманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATA Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижимые вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw AyaHawi Hl Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Mom Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem Sawinak Движимые вечностью • Tamaan Htet Lu Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZun Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • بإ خف Zungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижимые вечнос • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw AyaHawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神 度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem Sawinak Движи вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сата Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная ж • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординар жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • • يداعلا 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قوفSetan Leem Sawinak Движимые вечностью • Tam Htet Luanke Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawin Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • خف • Zungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижи вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw AyaHawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сат • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординар жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Sawinak Движимые вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • اهعفاد ةايح • Приманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATA Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижимые вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw AyaHawi Hl Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Mom Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun Lam • 撒但 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem Sawinak Движимые вечностью • Tamaan Htet Luanke Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawinak • Satan Ih Nga Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Nun L 撒但的饵 Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • • سيلبإ خفZungzal Lam • 撒但的饵Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem SawinakДвижимые вечностью • Tam Htet Luanke Taw AyaHawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan Leem Sawin Satan Ih Nga Hmia Sa Momeala Satanei • MOI CUA SATAn • Экстраординарная жизнь • 为着神的国度 • بإ خف Zungzal Nun Lam • 撒但的饵 Htawara Phihin Ih Suaiaa • يداعلا قوفSetan Leem Sawinak Движимые вечнос • Tamaan Htet Luanke Taw Aya Hawi Hlei in Acuang Khun • • ةيدبألا اهعفاد ةايحПриманка сатаны • Setan
9/3-4 (John) Madison, TN Cornerstone Church
10/21 (John) West Haven, CT Living Word Ministries
9/2-4 (Lisa) Copenhagen, Denmark Transformation 2011 Pentecostal Church of Copenhagen
9/8 - TV (John & Lisa) TBN Praise the Lord
10/21-23 (Lisa) Newark, DE Fulfilled Women’s Conference Word of Life Christian Center
9/12 - TV (Lisa) 700 Club 9/16-17 (John) Los Alamitos, CA Men’s Conference Cottonwood Church 9/16-17 (Lisa) Martinsburg, WV Adored Women’s Conference The Living Room 9/18 (John) Clovis, CA Celebration Church 9/18 (Lisa) Minneapolis, MN Church Services & SHE Women’s Night Cedar Valley Church 9/23-24 (John) Phoenix, AZ International Marriage Conference NAME-National Association of Marriage Enhancement 9/23-24 (Lisa) Milwaukee, WI Life Untangled Women’s Conference Faith Builders International Ministries
10/22-23 (John) Canton, OH Faith Family Church 10/23-25 (John) Sterling Heights, MI Grace Christian Church 10/26 (John) Munster, IN Family Christian Center 10/30 (John) Knoxville, TN Redemption Church International
Nov. 11/3 (John & Lisa) Lindale, TX Teen Mania 11/3-6 (John) Miramar Beach, FL Men’s Retreat & Regular Services Destiny Worship Center 11/4-5 (Lisa) Houston, TX Lioness Arising Women’s Conference Grace Community Church 11/18-20 (Lisa) Fort Wayne, IN Lioness Arising Women’s Conference & Regular Services First Assembly of God 11/27 (John & Lisa) Carlsbad, CA Christian City Church
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9/29-10/1 (John & Lisa) Sofia, Bulgaria National Leadership Conference New Generation Church 10/2-3 (John & Lisa) Scotland The Bridge Church 10/5-7 (John & Lisa) Ireland Rhema Resource Ministries 10/9 (John) Paris, France Charisma Christian Church 10/15-16 (John & Lisa) Germany Mosaik - Conference 10/28-29 (Lisa) Saskatoon, Canada Annual Women’s Conference Women’s Journey of Faith 11/11-13 (Lisa) Thessaloniki, Greece Be the Change Women’s Conference Equip & Empower 11/12-13 (John) Singapore City Harvest Church 11/17 & 20 (John) Surabaya, Indonesia Bethany Graha Church
Dear friends,
After three years of powerful, transformational ministry, Jesus said, “He who believes in Me…greater works than these he will do.” (John 14:12, NKJV) This year, we set out to believe God for the impossible. We know that we begin to witness the extent of God’s ability when we reach the end of our own. Countless lives are being transformed because of our conviction to see greater things. We have always had a passion for reaching the nations and empowering the broken. Messenger International’s commitment to share and show God’s truth around the world has not changed (and will not change). What has grown and expanded—to something more marvelous than ever before—is our understanding of how much God can accomplish with our obedience and faith. As we share the amazing things God is doing, we know you will feel the same excitement and enthusiasm for all that is to come. The words and images you are about to see represent the things God has always called us to: Teaching His Word. Reaching the lost. Rescuing the oppressed. But our prayer is that you too will embrace the grand adventure of all God is doing on the earth. What we are witnessing now is only the beginning. Together, we will do greater things! With love,
John & Lisa | 1.800.648.1477
The church on the corner. The devastated community across state lines. The victimized woman in a distant metropolis. There are so many needs! Some people simply need to be shown the love of Jesus through a hot meal or new clothes while others have never even heard His name. Some are physically bound or broken while others are held captive to offense, fear, or deception. How do we know where to start? What we’ve learned is that we don’t have to pick and choose. It would be impossible for us to reach all of these people in our own strength, but this isn’t about us individually. When we, as the body of Christ, do what we are called to do, the empowerment of the Spirit enables us to go beyond our abilities and respond to every need He places before us. We know that the Church carries the divine solution to every human problem. As part of the expression of the global Church, we believe that God has ordained us to proclaim life, hope, and freedom in every corner of the earth. Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (NLT) As we have prayed and dreamed about these eternal plans, we have refined our efforts into three strategic focuses: teach, reach, & rescue.
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So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. - Colossians 1:28 NLT Messenger International always has been and always will be committed to the teaching of life-transforming truth. We are transformed through the power of God’s Word, so it is our aim to further equip individuals, churches, and leaders through God-inspired teaching.
Afterward Jesus himself sent them out from east to west with the sacred and unfailing message of salvation that gives eternal life. - Mark 16:8 NLT We have a dedicated global focus to make these messages available to pastors and leaders regardless of location or financial position. We support this work through the translation and distribution of our resources in over 60 languages and through our broadcast, “The Messenger,” which reaches into over 200 nations.
The LORD replies, “I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do.” - Psalm 12:5 NLT The Church is His hands and feet to a lost and hurting world. Poverty and the tyranny of human trafficking have imprisoned multiplied millions. Messenger International is committed to rescue, restoration, and empowerment both near and far. | 1.800.648.1477
“The Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it.” - Matthew 24:14 NLT We don’t do what we do because it’s our cause. We do it because it’s His. It’s been 2,000 years since Jesus first told His followers to “Go into all the world,” and this call to action is still as fresh and exhilarating as ever. Nothing compares to the joy of sharing His work with you, our brothers and sisters worldwide. We are determined to do everything we can to invest in the local church, and now is the time for us to expand our reach to the darkest corners of the world! This year God has opened doors to publish and distribute books and resources to pastors and leaders in third world and closed nations including Vietnam, China, Thailand, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Armenia, Cuba, Indonesia, and Liberia. Because of inside connections, we can print books and replicate media for $1 to $3. We have heard stories of elders memorizing the messages to teach those in their care. A few dollars has the potential of impacting a church, a village, or even a nation. Because the people will multiply what they read, the potential is almost limitless. Our goal is to give away over 250,000 books and curriculums during the course of this year—but we cannot do it without you. Here’s how you can get involved:
Pray 1 John 5:14-15
Give $50 = 25 books $100 = 50 books $1,000 = 500 books
Purchase Your purchase helps us give away more resources than we sell!
Because of you, Farah (name changed to protect identity) is reading Breaking Intimidation in Farsi, the official language in Iran.
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As a Messenger International partner, what you supply in faith will be multiplied to the ends of the earth. We’ll celebrate together as lives are changed, nations are transformed, and God’s kingdom is advanced. And together, we’ll keep saying “yes” to the call of our King. Friends, our best and brightest days are ahead. Join us! To become a Messenger International partner, call 1-800-648-1477 or visit
This June, 92 golfers and their spouses joined us for the 1st Annual Messenger Cup at the BROADMOOR resort in Colorado Springs—the longest-running fivediamond, five-star hotel in the world. During their three days here, our guests enjoyed the BROADMOOR’s championship golf courses—home to the 2011 US Women’s Open—award-winning day spa, fitness center, swimming pools, and more. We had a fun and relaxing time connecting with friends new and old.
Even more exciting than where we were or what we were doing, though, is why we gathered in the first place. Due to the generosity of our sponsors, 100% of each participant’s registration fee benefitted international efforts of reach and rescue. Not only did our guests have a wonderful time, but they also did an amazing amount of good for the Kingdom of God.
2011 Messenger Cup Take-Away: • 15,000 pastors in China will be given the Bait of Satan curriculum in simplified Chinese • Virtue and dignity is being restored to formerly exploited and trafficked girls as they are healed and empowered in a healthy community of believers. Each girl is receiving a full scholarship to pursue trade as a seamstress and gain invaluable skills at the Sak Saum Vocational Training Center. • Over 75,000 translated books will be given to pastors and leaders in some of the darkest corners of the world. Countries that will receive these resources include Cuba, Myanmar, China, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, and Tajikistan.
We look forward to seeing what more God will do through our 2nd Annual Messenger Cup, and we hope golfers and non-golfers alike will join us as kingdom-minded friends for an enjoyable, meaningful experience. We’d love to see you there! For more information, to see photos from this year’s Messenger Cup, or to register for the Second Annual Messenger Cup (July 10-12, 2012), visit
PO Box 888 Palmer Lake, CO 80133 1.800.648.1477 1.719.487.3000 This newsletter is published by Messenger International, Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. The amount of your gift over and above the fair market value of any products is tax deductible as allowed by law. Messenger International is a 501c[3] tax exempt organization and reserves the right to redirect funds to various areas of need.