Business Connection • July 2022

Page 13

tremely reliable. If something were to happen, like an

“It’s easier to run these service drops during the con-

underground buried fiber cable is cut, we’re local and

struction phase than later on, so we encourage resi-

would know about it right away and would be able to

dents to register now, even if they’re only considering

get to work fixing the problem. We aren’t just offering

Fort Dodge Fiber for the future,” said Pearson. “Reg-

a service; we’re using it ourselves too.”

istering now does not require you to sign up for actual service when it comes time to hook up your neigh-

Registration for Fort Dodge Fiber continues online at

borhood.” Throughout the initial registration period, residents are asked to complete the form

Fort Dodge is now the second largest city in Iowa with

and won’t be charged a fee to have a fiber service drop

a municipal broadband utility. Cedar Falls is the larg-

installed at their home or business.

est in Iowa at this time.


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