Business Connection • June 2022

Page 14

City Connect FORT DODGE


According to the FBI, females made up 27.2% of the total number of law enforcement employees in 2019. Only 12.8% of all officers were female, while 59.9% of civilian employees were female. The

What would you say to other women who may want to do what you do in the future?

I would tell any female looking or considering a career in public

National Fire Protection Association reports that 4.2% of the esti-

safety to 100% GO FOR IT! I believe my job is the scariest, most

mated 358,000 individuals employed as career firefighters in 2019

exciting, beautifully stressful, yet most rewarding position to hold.

were female. 35% of newly-licensed emergency medical techni-

Even though public safety has historically been male dominant, fe-

cians in 2017 were females, while only 23% of newly-licensed para-

males can bring a lot to the table in many different ways that make

medics were females.

people’s worst days not seem so cloudy.

In the male-dominated public safety world, these women have es-


tablished their careers in Fort Dodge and we’re so thankful to have


them as part of the team. Here’s just a little bit about what they have

Why did you decide to

to say about the roles they play in our community:

become a paramedic?

I did not know I was go-


ing to be a Paramedic; it


was never my “dream” I planned on becoming

Why did you decide to become a paramedic?

a lawyer or a chiroprac-

I decided to become a

tor, but after taking the

paramedic because I have

EMT class, I fell in love

a love for adrenaline and

with EMS. I love that it is

helping people. There is no

constantly changing, and

better way to experience

you never really know

both than leading intense-

what is next!

ly stressful situations when people need it the most. What is your favorite part

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of being a paramedic is the constant wealth of

of your job?

knowledge that we are challenged to The best part of my job is

My favorite part of being a

when I can make someone else’s day a little bit better. I love getting

paramedic is the constant

to meet new people and hear their stories!

wealth of knowledge that we are challenged to know. This world we live in, especially in medicine, is ever-changing and we are required to keep up with the times despite some of the things we may have originally been taught in

What would you say to other women who may want to do what you do in the future?

My best piece of advice is to follow your heart. It is not easy to work

school. I also am very fortunate to say one of the best parts of

in public safety, it is extremely stressful at times, but it is such a

my job is getting to work alongside some pretty amazing people at

rewarding career!

the fire department that make most days of “work” seem more like “opportunities”.


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