Enjoy Accra Mag No 78

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M O N T H L Y •








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April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 1

2 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 3

Featu re S to r i e s


International Women’s Walk

The World We Want post 2015 - UN


Julie & Jean-Marie



Sea Fishing Experience In Ada



Interview with Nyornuwofia


Emma Bird Creative World


Dinner With French Ambassador


Japanese Art Of Flower Arranging


Yacht Club Casino Opening


Event Calendar




Administrative & Accounts

Kaleidoscope Exhibition


Clementina A. Acquah

Recipe : Mom’s Crispy Breakfast Pita


Places to Be


Land Of Gold Designer Footwear




Useful Numbers


Julie A. Adjomayi

Marketing Manager julie@enjoyaccra.com

Karen Balchin

Sr. Creative & Graphic Designer karen@enjoyaccra.com

Alain Gbeasor

Publication Manager alain@enjoyaccra.com

Kekeli Logo

Graphic Designer

Herve-Daniel Osnou Web Designer

Vicky Murray Copyrighter

Enjoy Accra Magazine is published by Orion Advertising Company Ltd. Tel: (+233) 0302 787 025 | (+233) 0302 544 377 mail : mag@enjoyaccra.com 4 | April w 2013 w wENJOY . e nN j oo78y a c c r a . c o m

Printed by Type Company Limited

Letter from the Editor

My Friends, In this 78th edition of your favourite magazine, we report on the WORLD WE WANT - POST 2015. Read the interview with Ruby Sandhu–Rojon, the United Nations Resident Co-ordinator in Ghana, as we look at the progress Ghana is making with the millennium development goals that are due for review in 2015. This month we celebrate women, by focusing on a number of different women in Ghana involved in diverse fields. In our arts and culture pages we cannot fail to be inspired by Nyornuwofia, (that means the queen of women in Ewe) an exceptional artist, mother, teacher and gender activist. We delve into her life and discover her aspirations and inspirations. We take a look at Donia, a shrewd businesswoman who has just opened a casino and nightclub business in Osu and Naa Amanua Williams, who has just opened a new fashion accessories shop for women of all ages. Our own marketing manager, our friend and sister Julie just got engaged and we could not miss the opportunity to wish her good luck for her forthcoming nuptials and share the pictures of her engagement. To all the women who work to make the magazine such a success, Jihane, Karen, Priscilla, Ruby, Julie, Naa, Nyornuwofia, Donia, Naa Amanua, Akweley, Carole, Sophie, Keli, Tina and Vicky, we wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. The Francophonie week has come and gone and to bring it to a musical close, the French Ambassador hosted a dinner at his residence for his fellow Ambassadors who were lucky enough to be serenaded by Sessimé. There was a wine tasting event organized by the Swiss embassy and many other reports of happenings in and around Accra. To all friends of Enjoy, the very best of love from the team. ...Enjoy Don’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.com

Dominique Paravicini Editor

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 5


F R E E M O N T H L Y L I F E S T Y L E • T E MA • K U MA S I • TA KO R A D I •

6 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 7


THE WORLD WE WANT Post 2015 Consultations Held In Ghana

The 8 Millennium Development Goals

Some members of the UN and NDPC Team


he Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that were officially established at the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 193 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve these goals by the year 2015 and each of the goals has specific stated targets and dates for achieving them. The United Nations Country Team in Ghana in partnership with the National Development Planning Commission held nationwide consultative processes to elicit views on development agenda post 2015. These consultations were also held simultaneously in over 50 countries. Although Ghana is said to be making tremendous progress in some of the MDGs as the country approaches the target year of 2015, there are still some challenges in reaching the child mortality, maternal health, and environmental sustainability targets.

8 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


Ruby Sandhu-Rojon UN Resident Coordinator

Enjoy Accra was invited to the validation session of the consultative programme and we bring you in this report the views and thoughts of some stakeholders on the World They Want Post 2015. Alain Gbeasor (AG): Hello Ruby, as UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana how does the picture look for Ghana with regards to the attainment of the MDGs? Ruby Sandhu-Rojon (RSR): The UN system applauds Ghana for its achievement on the MDGs and in particular for the progress achieved on MDG 1 in reducing poverty, MDG 2 on primary education as well as MDG 6 in reducing the HIV/ AIDS prevalence. However, there is still a lot more work to be done especially on maternal mortality, infant mortality and sanitation. AG: Why this global consultative programme now? RSR: There has been a wide debate as to what developmental goals the global community should set next as we approach the 2015 target date. The UN Secretary-General (UNSG), Ban Ki-moon has therefore

Ruby in an interview with Alain

appointed a high-level panel to advise on the global development agenda beyond 2015. The panel will draw on information gathered from the consultative process to deliver a report to the 2013 September General Assembly. AG: What is the essence of the current consultative meetings being held across the country and globally? RSR: The worldwide consultative program in effect is a way of directly involving the people of the world in the formulation of a future development agenda. April 5th 2013 marks the 1000 days countdown to the 2015 targets set to achieve all MDGs. In support of this process, the United Nations Development Group is therefore leading efforts to catalyze a global discourse on the post-2015 agenda through a series of global thematic consultations and more than 50 national consultations. Many of the issues raised in Ghana, concerning sanitation, inequality, gender issues and education will be useful inputs into the national development agenda for the country and hence the active

collaboration and participation of the National Development Planning Commission. AG: So what world would Ruby want post 2015? RSR: On the World I want Post 2015, I will want a World where it is not an offence for young girls to have an ambition; one in which they are treated equally in all spheres. A world where many more women are involved and participate actively in governance; where there is Security and access to Quality Health Care for all. e

“Although Ghana is said to be making tremendous progress in some of the MDGs as the country approaches the target year of 2015, there are still some challenges in reaching the child mortality, maternal health, and environmental sustainability targets .� April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 9



Dr. Isaac Frimpong Mensa-Bonsu Director, Plan Coordination NDPC

Dr. Malcolm Ebenezer Distance Learning Lecturer

Dr. Isaac Frimpong Mensa- Bonsu Director, Plan Coordination, (NDPC)

Dr. Malcolm Ebenezer Distance Learning Lecturer, University Of Professional Studies-Accra

In my World Post 2015, I would like to see a development agenda centred on people; our developmental agenda should be such that people should not go hungry, beg or sleep on the street. I want to see a people empowered economically, socially, educated and living in an environmentally safer setting.

There are three things I want to see in the World Post 2015: Equal internet accessibility for all Ghanaians, especially children from both rural and urban schools, to enable them gain a wider access to the large stock of knowledge available online. Affordable internet: Internet use and bandwidth is currently quite expensive and if we want to get more people educated online in an Open University kind of system, we need to make it almost free. Set up E-rates and develop the necessary infrastructure. The E-rate is a system where government together with the TELCOs can set up specific tariffs for internet use in relation to educational purposes.

The role of the NDPC is therefore to achieve this vision and design a developmental framework to put Ghana on the map as the most evolved country in Africa. To achieve this we need political support and goodwill. There is also the need to emphasize the setting up of proper implementation, monitoring and evaluation procedures.

10 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

Nana Ekua Awotwi Africa 2000 Network (NGO) Accra

Nana Ekua Awotwi Africa 2000 Network (NGO) Accra In my World Post 2015, I want to see Ghana able to achieve the targets set for the MDGs and go on to add some more aimed at improving the inequalities currently observed during the consultation process. There is the need to get more people especially the youth, involved in sensitizing the populace on the MDGs. There is a need for people to know that the MDGs are a responsibility for all and not government alone. We all have a role to play in improved sanitation, education, maternal healthcare among others.

“I want to see a people empowered economically, socially, educated and living in an environmentally safer setting.�


Pa Lamin Beyai Economic Advisor UNDP

Pa Lamin Beyai Economic Advisor UNDP, Accra Working on these consultative meetings granted me an opportunity to learn and see firsthand what the people want. It was vital to hear communities communicate their wishes for their world post 2015 and get information on what the MDGs were and to hear about how to improve them. The reports on the nationwide consultations since they are country specific information will be given to Government as inputs into the national agenda as these are the wishes of the country.

Akweley Mantey 2nd Runner Up Ghana Most Beautiful Contest

Akweley Mantey 2nd Runner Up Ghana Most Beautiful Contest MDG Youth Ambassador It is worthy to note that Ghana has achieved some great feats in the MDGs but we still have a long way to go since these are targets that must be met and constantly improved upon. In my world post 2015 I would like to see a world with increased sanitation, reduced rates of maternal and child mortality, increases in school enrolment numbers and Affordable Education.

Dr Lamourdia Thiombiano FAO Country Representative Ghana

Dr Lamourdia Thiombiano FAO Country Representative Ghana I would love to see a world at peace with itself, secured with equal respect for all cultures and genders. A world where agriculture is increasingly becoming an engine for growth, reduced poverty and youth unemployment. I can’t stress enough the need to emphasize the importance of agriculture in wealth and job creation.

With the consultation, one sees a desire for increased employment, better sanitation, heath, quality education and good governance. I would like to see a reduction in the inequalities observed in some of the current MDG targets.

“A world where agriculture is increasingly becoming an engine for growth, reduced poverty and youth unemployment.”

A cross section of participants at the validation session April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 11



Bour Judith Seamstress

Osisiadan Obrempong Oxford Youth and Social Media Activist

Martha Tia-Adjei Environmental Officer

Bour Judith Seamstress and a JSS Leaver

Osisiadan Obrempong Oxford Youth and Social Media Activist

Martha Tia-Adjei Environmental Officer Northern Region

As a seamstress and a school dropout who could not further my education due to the lack of funds, I would want to see a world where education is more affordable for all at all levels.

The World I want Post 2015, is one where education is a priority for all; where there is an increase in information technology and the use of internet in Ghana such that many more people will gain access to information which they ordinarily will not have been privy to. As a young person I know with education and internet we can greatly reduce unemployment and streetism and that is the World I want to see Post 2015.

For Post 2015, I would love to see a world which is more environmentally friendly, with safer environs and cleaner water bodies for our younger generation. If we fail to achieve these, many more children will keep on falling sick and many more under five year olds will die due to an unclean environment.

I would also want to see a situation where government will set up a Youth Educational and Vocational Fund to help those interested in learning a trade or vocation to start their own business as well as to get easy access to funding. Most of the Youth idle about not because they enjoy it, but because they don’t have funds to start something on their own.

We also need to engage ourselves in generating energy and improving the economy through waste-toenergy projects and I pray our World Post 2015 is not one of “business as usual”.

Makinam Francis Snuk Farmer, Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo District

Makinam Francis Snuk Farmer 12 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

As a farmer, I want to see a world where farming will become easier due to increased mechanization as well as decreased cost of fertilizers and other inputs. I don’t doubt that we will get there considering government support for enhancement of farming and farmers livelihood. I would also like to see more support for education, especially in the North, currently quality education has become very expensive. We want more infrastructure, books and more access to quality in the public schools in the North so that our children can also compete with their counterparts in Accra and private schools. e

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 13




he Ghana International Women’s Association organized a sponsored walk on 16th March 2013. The event which began at the Golden Tulip Hotel Accra combined, fun, fitness and fundraising.

Mrs Nagwa Kattah, leading the ladies during the walk

Stretching before the walk

Last lap

Ghana International Women’s Association 14 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

The enthusiastic ladies led by Nagwa Kattah, walked from the Golden Tulip Hotel through Cantonments alongside Flagstaff house past the Ministry of Defense and back to the Golden Tulip Hotel where they were treated to a well deserved breakfast.

who’s who

Namear and guests

The walk was used to raise funds for the numerous social programmes undertaken annually by the association. e

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Products for your

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Mrs Nagwa Kattah about to enjoy her breakfast

Chris Foulke & Priscilla

“The enthusiastic ladies led by Nagwa Kattah, walked from the Golden Tulip Hotel through Cantonments alongside Flagstaff house.”

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Security forces were not left out April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 15





MMA BIRD is a new shop, named after the grandmother of the owner, a driving force in the life of Miss Amanua Williams and her inspiration to join the creative world of fashion. It is the latest place for you to fulfill all your shopping desires. Located in Osu, on the first floor of Frankies fast food building, it offers a total shopping experience. A unique and bespoke array of womens clothing, bags and accessories all under one roof. Believing everything is possible, the beautiful Naa Amanua Williams created the brand in February 2013. She is a graduate of the London College of Fashion, and holds a degree in Surface Design Technology. The winner of many awards including the prestigious Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) design project award that she received in 2005 from Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York. Arriving in Ghana, Naa Amanua quickly brought her presence to bear on the Ghanaian fashion landscape when she became the first ever style co-ordinator and fashion designer for DaViva. She took the brand to some of the renowned fashion shows in London and Paris as well as Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo. Naa Amanua is acknowledged for her role in creating and launching the first ever DaViva clothing line in September 2009 which she has since showcased on renowned fashion design shows such as LABO Ethnic Paris, FTV fashion show in Nigeria, FIMA in Niger and many more. Naa Amanua was also a stylist for the contestants of Nigeria’s Next Top Model in 2011 and Miss Naiade Benin in 2010 and 2011. Stirred by her quest to bring quality affordable fashion to her fans, Naa is on another mission and invites you to her shop to view her collection. e

Shop location : Frankies building, Osu, 1st floor E-mail : naaamanuawilliams@gmail.com Tel : 0242 84 56 25 Stockist : Afro Mode (Osu) and Zigzag (Marina Mall)

16 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 17


DinNer with the French Ambassador


o mark the celebrations of the 2013 Francophonie week, the French Ambassador to Ghana, HE Frédéric Clavier hosted his fellow ambassadors at a dinner that was held at his residence. The occasion saw the vast majority of Ghana’s diplomatic corps enjoying good food and music provided by renowned Beninois artist, Sessimé. e

H.E Frédéric Clavier French Ambassador

Distinguished guests

Sessimé’s singing

H.E Frédéric Clavier, H.E. Omar Selim, Ambassador of Egypt

H.E. Omar Selim, Ambassador of Egypt, Carole, Dominique Paravicini

Distinguished guests 18 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


Wine Tasting organized by the Swiss Embassy in Accra.


Pierre Thomas

o be a connoisseur of good wine is a skill that must be mastered, to be able to tell the age, perceived flavours, aromas and general characteristics of a wine just by tasting it. The Swiss Embassy in Accra organized a wine tasting event for a cross section of people to savour and learn about Swiss wines. An expert sommelier was invited from Switzerland and he took the guests through the steps of identifying a good wine and then enjoying it! e

The audience receiving some tasting tips Swiss Ambassador to Ghana, HE Andrea Semadeni

Claudia Tobiassen, Deputy Head of Mission, Swiss Embassy Time to taste.

Invited guests

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 19


who’s who


Japanese Art of Flower Arranging


he Japanese Embassy held an Ikebana demonstration lecture at the Best Western Premier Hotel in Accra. Ikebana has an important place in Japanese culture and it means more than putting flowers together to make them beautiful. Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arrangement a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity are brought together. Contrary to the idea of floral arrangement as a collection of part coloured or multi-coloured blooms, Ikebana often emphasizes other areas of the plant, such as its stems and leaves, and draws emphasis from the shape, line and form. Though ikebana is a creative expression, it has rules governing its form. The artist’s intention is shown through a piece’s colour combinations, natural shapes and graceful lines.

Our modern, complex and busy lifestyle can take away from us the pleasure of relishing nature and enjoying its beauty. The art of flower arrangement is an opportunity to appreciate nature in a special way through some of nature’s beautiful and precious gifts, flowers and plants. As we learn to appreciate nature through Ikebana we will be inspired to protect, preserve and conserve the nature around us.

HE Naoto Nikai, Japanese Ambassador

Mr. Joichi Teshigahara & Ms. Maki Takatsu

the Teshigahara Ikebana School who were visiting Ghana for the first time took the gathering through this ancient Japanese art.

The Japanese Ambassador, HE Naoto Nikai applauded this event and expressed his hope that this demonstration Mr Joichi Teshigahara, Master of the Teshigahara would help to deepen the cultural understanding between Ikebana School and Ms Maki Takatsu, Instructor of Ghana and Japan. e

Mehek Mohinani and guests 20 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


Mrs Nikai

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 21


Donia invites her friends to join the party at the opening of her new club/casino.

Yacht Club Casino Opening High rollers and big spenders were invited to the opening of a new casino in the heart of Osu. Champagne, sushi and beautiful women were the order of business for the evening and a great night was had by all. e

22 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

who’s who

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 23


Mother’s Day

y a D s ’ r e h t o M y p p a H My mother is a special part Of all that’s cherished in my heart, She is my pearl, my soul, my mate; She is the one to make life great. She is an angel without the wings, Who makes life special with the littlest things, Whenever I’m in need of love, She is there from the heavens above; Whenever I’m in need of a shoulder, There’s no one as devoted as my mother. Her presence and love have always been there, Everything in her nature is to only care. With every soft hug and kiss The world seems more beautiful and blessed. I’m sorry for all the times I caused you pain, But after these brief storms my love still remains. I love you so much, I will love you forever. I wrote your name on my heart And it will stay there forever, and ever…

24 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

MOTHER means LOVE in all the languages.

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 25


My Deep Sea Fishing Experience in GHANA

The fishing squad



t was a weekend like any other and as early as 5am in the morning, we set off to Ada to catch some fish. Quickly we left the worries and stress of Accra behind and before we knew it we were at the sailing club where we got ready for our journey, an expedition to catch the famous blue marlins that the coast of Ghana is now very common for. Marlin fishing is considered by some game fishermen to be the pinnacle of deep-sea game fishing, due to the size and power of marlin and the relative rarity of this species. In the past it required considerable skill to capture and kill marlin. These days it is made much easier by modern technology.

26 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

A lot of resources are committed to the activity, particularly in the construction of private and charter bill fishing boats to participate in this rather uncommon sport. These are expensive purposebuilt offshore vessels with powerfully driven deep sea hulls. Our charter boat, was built to the latest luxury standards and equipped with many technologies to ease our lives as amateur deep sea recreational fishermen, it had outriggers, flying bridges and fighting chairs, and state of the art electronic aids, such as fish finders and navigation electronics.

A blue marlin in the sea


One had to be bundled into a special seat on board the boat for the battle with the blue Marlin. The Blue marlin have become possibly the most sought-after marlin species. Capable of spectacular fighting ability and having the potential to reach great sizes, blue marlin have inspired and continue to inspire the dedicated pursuit of thousands of skippers, crews and anglers. e

Sea birds

who’s who

The Blue Marlin Expedition Enjoy these photos as you daydream about your own possible encounter with these fishes only imagined but rarely seen. Unfortunately we could not catch one this time but I look forward to that day when we will pull one on board. e Bismark

Ahoy !!! my pirate friends


Fishing lesson with the Captain

Philippine Sebastien


Fabrice with the Captain

A Ghanaian boat at Ada beach

Leaving the sea April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 27


am-Before 6:00pm



16 Golden Gate Hotel

A delicious spread of continental dishes 25ghc pay yours and bring another person to eat. Venue : Amakom- Kumasi Time : 11:30am-4pm





Movenpick Lounge

Come enjoy a nice chilled evening, good music & food Time 7pm

Happy Hour

Venue : Coconut Groove Hotel. time : 7pm

Lexington Live Lounge

Hollywood Boulevard

Duplex Happy Hour

Le Must restaurant your

Salsa Dance Nite

Chicken popcorn, large fries and a drink - Tasty!

Osu, Time : 7pm



Earth Day

Happy Hour Celsbridge Pub

Jerk Masters @ Airport West next to Afro

Blow away the Monday blues with jerk chicken From 7pm

Take a chance and gamble @ La Palm Casino


Grown n Sexy

Rickstone’s Office this and every Wednesday time : 9:00pm

Labone Time : @5pm

Rhapsody Restaurant Bar Accra Mall Time : 7:00 PM

1st West Africa Microfinance Conference (till April 26) M Plaza Hotel : 8:00 AM

Time : 11:00 PM


Homes and Interiors Exhibition (till May 1)


Accra International Conference Centre

Queen’s Birthday Party at Afrikiko Time : 20:30


African Students and the African Crisis

Join your friends for a drink @ Xcobar Osu. from 7pm


University of Ghana Time : 2:00 PM

07 Shaka Zulu - Bar/Club

Pop in for a drink on your way home from work. Unwind & dance da nite away

Peter Pan

Happy Hour

Tops n Tails Pub Spintex Rd Spintex rd opp Stanchart

Ice Skating

Lizzie Sports Centre From 6pm

Easy start to the week, grab a burger at Peter Pan’s A &C shopping mall



Happy Hour

Happy Hour

3212 - Sushi in Osu


Apo's Spot Osu Time 6:00pm

Toro Tapas Bar at Afrikiko Time : 5 - 7pm

Venue : Sisters of the East TIme from 6pm


Try the chef’s taster menu for a tasty midweek treat. Venue : Airport West, Opp. African Regent

yourself with special food from Thailand @ Golden Tulip Time: 12-4pm & 6pm-11pm

The Lexington - 8:00 PM midweek dinner joint.


World Malaria Day ANZAC Day 2013

Christianborg War Cemetery Time- 5:30 AM

Thirsty Thursdays

Sasa Cultural Band 50% off drinks Venue: African Regent from Time : 6-8pm

02 Public Holiday - Labour Day Firefly @ Osu

Catch up with friends, have a drink and relax in the pleasant surroundings.




Thai Food Festival Treat

Venue : Golden Tulip tSlots Tournament

KFC at Marina Mall.




Million Casino

All Day

pm-After 6:00pm

08 Happy Hour @ Tulip

Avoid the stress of rush hour at the poolside @6pm


Grab a drink and a plate of sushi and watch the action on Oxford St.

Girls Table at African Regent

Fun night, Hen night or bridal shower. Welcome drinks on arrival, 10% offf total bill.

09 Happy Hour

Toro Tapas Bar at Afrikiko Time : Thursday only - All day

TASTY JERK Barbecue Joint Venue: Osu Down Chez Lien Annex Time: 5 pm ANC Square - Come enjoy hip hop music with hot djs and smoking atmosphere. Time : From 9 - late


Ghana Job Fair

British Council Venue - Liberia Road TIme 10:00 am

African Diaspora World Tourism Awards & Travel Show Expo Atlanta

03 Car Draw @Lapalm Casino, @9pm

Tribeca Hotel Grand Opening Behind Ghana Link in East Legon time- 11:00 AM

World Press Freedom Day

10 Jazzy VIBE At +233 Jazz Club

Time: 8pm Rate: Free

Afternoon Tea Tropicana

Jazz bar with a good ambience and tasty menu. Venue: Ringroad Central. time: 6:30pm

15 Be shaken not stired

Cocktails at the Lexington come try teir innovative drinks.

Happy Hour

La Bamba Pub Latino Music, Salsa and fun. comm 11 Tema

Teazy Thurs

At Bella Roma Osu with da hottest DJs Klla Fingaz and Busty Blaze from 10pm

16 Pizza Nite At Mama Mia's

African Regent hotel Airport, West. Join us every afernoon for a tasty selection of cakes & desserts time : from12-5pm

17 Chase Restaurant and Takeaway.

Share a peter pan or pepperoni with the family time: 6pm

Try the pizza! From 6:30pm Labone

Happy Hour

Movenpick Lounge

Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm

Come enjoy a nice chilled evening with drinks and music.

There are a lot of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar to events@enjoyaccra.com 28 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

events Calendar

Apr & May2013 Sunday




Art Exhibition “Beyond boundaries” (till May 4) Nubuke Foundation (and other venues) - 9:00 AM

Vintage Gh Launch Party and Shopping Bazaar

Play Tennis At Accra Lawn Courts available Time : 7am

Queen’s Birthday

Happy Birthday to Queen Elizabeth in the UK

Venue : The Republic- Osu Time- 3:00 PM


United Nations Spouse Association Fundraising Dinner & Dance Coconut Grove Regency Hotel - 7:00 PM

World Malaria Day Surfing Competition Busua Beach


Poetry: With the Eha la kasa group Nubuke Foundation time- 5:30 PM

Take a trip outside Accra Kokrobite, White Sands or Ada. Come enjoy!!


04 Africa Day 2013 UEFA Champions League Final

Sisimbo Beach Resort:

Swimming Lessons

Horse Riding at Accra Polo Club

Wembley Stadium

Venue : African Regent 10 - 12 - Every Saturday


Spend the day at the beach - lovely food and luxurious rooms. Great life-guards for peace of mind.

Visit the stables for more info about lessons etc


Marina Mall

Eat, shop and pray - that you have enough money to pay for all your goodies. Enjoy

The Republic Bar & Grill

A new bar in town with so much buzz. You are sure to run into a good friend.


Movie Night

Movie popcorn & a drink @ Silverbird Cinema at Accra Mall

Mother’s Day Don’t forget that gift and take your mother somewhere nice for lunch

19 Deli France

La Palm Casino

Wheel of Fortune time : 11:30pm

Kids Pancakes Weekend 2pm-6pm @ African Regent

Kids Concept

Workshops for children between the ages of 2.5 yrs - 6 yrs. Timing: 11am-1pm/ 2pm-4pm.

Venue Airport Residental Area Anytime

Arlecchino Ice Cream Parlour

Treat the kids to an ice cream. Venue : Osu, Oxford

See you when I see you !

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 29

30 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 31


Enjoy’s Our Marketing

her fiancé Jean


marriage ceremony on Sat u

classy setting with decor typ The bride was exquisitely

Jihane of ZahraVet and

class French designi

colleagues adde

in their outfi you to


AND T h eauty

32 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78



Manager Julie & had their traditional

urday 30th March 2013 in a

pical of fairytale love stories. adorned and made up by

d the groom by a world

ier.. Friends, family &

ed to the glamour

fits. We invite Enjoy...



April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 33


Christelle & Noa


Kumar & Jihane








Jean-Marie & Julie

May your marriage

bring you all the exquisite excitements a marriage should bring, and may life grant you also patience, tolerance, and understanding.

Victoria 34 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78




Baaba Banda

Fareida, Eyram, Khadijah, Rasmiya & Kalsoume




Judith & Papa Shamo

May you always need one another - not so much to fill your emptiness as to help you to know your fullness.

Joseph & Wissam

Rodney, Ruby & James

Nada & Nana Aba





Sandra & Mimi


Phyllis April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 35


Performing the traditional dance

Dr. Kofi Amoah & Lady Yaa



Eyram & Vivian

A mountain needs a

Jihane, Julie & Kumar

Alain 36

| April 2013 ENJOY No 78

valley to be complete; the valley does not make the mountain less, but more; and the valley is more a valley because it has a mountain towering over it. So let it be with you and you.

Danny & Jean-Marie


Lina, Julie & Linda

Valentine & Julie

Pastor Cyrille & Anne Camille


Patience, Keziah, Juliet, Julie, Patricia & Karen

May you need one another, but not out of weakness May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you entice one another, but not compel one another. May you embrace one another, but not out encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with one another, and not fail in the little graces.

Carole, Lauretta Julie, Dominique & Karen

Julie & Pamela


Elie & Vera

Richie, Fady & Elena

Julie, Pastor Roger & Jean-Marie April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 37


Cheers to the Beautiful & the Hunk

Julie, Samir & Jean-Marie

May you have happiness, and may you find it making one another happy.

Whitney, Julie & Vastie

Emma & Elizabeth 38 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


Lady Yaa


May you enter into the

May you look for things to praise, often say,

“I love you!” and take no notice of small faults. If you have quarrels that push you apart, may both of you hope to have good sense enough to take the first step back.



mystery which is the awareness of one another’s presence - no more physical than spiritual, warm and near when you are side-by-side, and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or even distant cities. May you have love, and may you find it loving one another. Special Appreciations: Citizen Kofi, Enjoy Accra, ZahraVet, Raju Gh Ltd, Don Emillo, African Green Peppers

Tina & Priscilla

Photos by Feel Your Image Tel: 0245 888 868

Beatrice April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 39




Solutions for March 2012

Solutions for March 2012

Solutions for March 2012





The Sudoku rule : Complete the Sudoku puzzle so that each and every row, column, and region contains the numbers one through nine only once.



This Month Taurus A ries 21/3-20/04

Taurus 21/4-21/05

Gemini 22/5-21/06

You hold a lot of power this month, dear Aries, for making important changes and for beginning new endeavors. This is particularly the case around and after the New Moon on the 10th. Not only does it occur in your sign, it’s aligned with Venus and Mars, adding creative and attractive sizzle to your life and emphasizing these things in your personality. You are magnetic and more noticeable than usual. People are attracted to your lively spirit. You are forward and straightforward when it comes to love, and you are a priority or headline in a partner’s and love interest’s life. The 20-30 can be a little rocky for intimacy and money matters, as circumstances occurring now force you to take a hard look at either life department, and for some, both areas of life. In the second half of the month, others may have some wise advice for you, and while it might not feel comfortable, it would be a good idea to look at the more practical side. Security and stability become bigger needs. A Lunar Eclipse in the last week of the month brings unpaid debts and power dynamics to a head.

After a period of living in the relative backwoods, dear Taurus, you are ready to share yourself with a bigger audience once cosmic bodies begin entering your sign, one by one. Venus, the Sun, and Mars all enter Taurus on the 15th, 19th, and 20th respectively, and you emerge from a period of withdrawal and emotional renewal. Until then, much is going on behind the scenes. You keep your emotional distance and a low profile. Major decision making may be deferred until you feel more confident later in the month. Desires are complex and either difficult to fulfill or you could struggle with whether you should go after them. Private and past matters tend to assume larger importance in your life, particularly around the 10th. From the 20th, you’re more assertive and opportunities that emerge are clearer and more straightforward. Personal magnetism skyrockets now. For single Taureans, romantic opportunities abound. Nevertheless, some relationship hurdles can figure strongly on the 2022 and then the 28-30 in more serious partnerships.

April is likely to be a busy and notable month when it comes to networking and friendships, dear Gemini, although the last ten days of the month can bring an entirely different and more reclusive pace. There can be romantic opportunities or attention through networking, friendships, or group affiliations from the 5-18. Others are supporting your efforts. You can have many ideas that you’re birthing now, and they can be truly creative and unique. Think in terms of the team or group, as this is where opportunities lie right now. The 2022, besides the slowing down of your social life, can bring some challenges regarding dealing with matters from the past. It’s time to bring some closure to those things that have run their natural course or that are part of your past for good reason. Health or work matters can reach a challenging point in the last week of April. You may have recently been lost in a routine that feels monotonous, and this could take its toll on your spirit and health. Circumstances, possibly involving the loss of a particular support system or the onset of a minor health problem, are such that might force you to make needed changes.

40 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78



Cancer 22/6-23/07

Libra 24/9-23/10

Capricorn 22/12-20/01

This is a month of more visibility than usual, dear Cancer, as well as more creative and professional power. Creative and possibly even romantic opportunities can arise through business affairs in April. You are more interested in the long term when it comes to love, although towards the end of the month, friendship and camaraderie assume more importance. You may get the chance to show your unique qualities, and you’re certainly more courageous than usual when it comes to both expressing and asserting yourself. Rebellious behaviors may be tempting now when it comes to fathers or father figures and authority figures in your life. You might see a friend or an old acquaintance in a more romantic light later this month.

Fun energy is with you in the first few weeks of April when it comes to close relationships, dear Libra. As long as you remain flexible to changes of plans and open to taking a few emotional risks, this can be a time of sudden attractions, enhanced relationships, and new beginnings. The New Moon on the 10th is a powerful one, putting close committed relationships into sharp focus. Your personal magnetism is strong and others are more willing and able to spend quality time with you. Some of you could begin a new long-term relationship, and it might seem to come out of nowhere. Even so, watch that you don’t see what you want to see in others, rather than what is. As well, family responsibilities or possibly disapproval can interfere with your relationships.

L eo 24/7-23/08

Scorpio 24/10-22/11

This is a time of great discoveries and much activity on the home front, dear Capricorn. You’re in a nesting phase, although you are unlikely to be idle around the home. In fact, there may be changes with family or in the home, whether or not you bring them on. This is an excellent time for entertaining in the home and also for making creative changes, such as redecorating. Adjustments need to made, and for some of you, family and home life are unsettled for the time being. Venus, the Sun, and Mars move into your romance and creative sector on the 15th, 19th, and 20th, respectively, and this brings a shift of interest and attitude. You’re entering a very expressive and exciting period for romance, recreation, and hobbies. You’ll be attracting a lot of attention for your more unique qualities. Nevertheless there are some hurdles to clear. The last week of April can bring some social or romantic drama into your life.

The competitive side of your nature comes to the fore in April, dear Leo, but in an entirely pleasant and likely playful way. You are more enthusiastic than you have been, and your confidence in yourself is natural and easy. Your interest in the world beyond your usual boundaries expands, and some of you could have opportunities to travel or study somewhere/something new. Love may be especially adventurous or exotic, and some of you could have a faraway romance opportunity. Your tastes and attractions are as non-routine as your interests these days. Benefits can come, and possibly quite suddenly, through your connection to classmates, distant relatives, or teachers. Publishing and promotional activities can thrive now. The pace of your life changes rather dramatically by the fourth week of April, when responsibilities to family and to your career or business call.

The details are more important this month than the big picture, dear Scorpio, as you have considerable energy and support for shaping up your daily routines, and these include work and health efforts. Supermotivated and energetic, you can get a whole lot done. You are bringing innovative, unique, and creative energy to your daily life, and while you can’t quite say that you’re getting everything in order, as you have a rather slapdash on-off approach right now, you’re certainly shaking things up. You are sure to find ways to make daily life, more pleasurable, interesting, and creative. Alternative therapies and approaches to health and fitness can present themselves and inspire you. Some of you will find love opportunities while going about your daily routines - through work or the pursuit of health goals, for example. Later in April, you move into a relationship-focused period.

Virgo 24/8-23/09 The first few weeks of April are strong for hobbies, work, and self-improvement endeavors, dear Virgo. New projects launched now can be especially unique and creative. Most importantly, they fuel your passions. Whatever your obsession now, it’s consuming. You might be heavily involved in research and development, as you’re not quite ready to share your projects with others. For some of you, however, this is a passionate time on an intimate level. You are discovering new means of expression, and attractions can pop up without warning. If you’re craving deep connections with others, it may not be the easiest of times, but if you’re looking for excitement, then you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised. Sudden financial findings can spur you into action, particularly around the 10th and 17th. There can be some drama with debts or support now. It’s time to take charge.

Sagittarius 23/11-21/12

This is one of the biggest months of the year for romantic and creative opportunities, dear Sagittarius. There is plenty of activity in your sector of romance, recreation, self-expression, hobbies, and children in April, and the New Moon on the 10th is an especially powerful one for all of these matters. Your powers of attraction are tremendous right now, and your more playful, unique, and entertaining qualities are truly appreciated, and possibly even applauded. This is a flirtatious, impulsive time for you. It’s also a fabulous time for expressing whatever it is that is your art. Creativity is blossoming, and you are likely to have a receptive audience. You could pick up a new hobby or revive an old one. As the month progresses, your attention begins to shift towards more practical matters. You’ll be concentrating on the details and daily routines of your life, and aiming to change up things in these areas.

A quarius 21/01-19/02

In April, you are sure to wow others with your words, ideas, and knowledge, dear Aquarius. Love and communication are tied together in wonderful ways, and this can mean you meet a love interest through an online or phone connection, for example. or it might even point to an exciting new interest or project. Love may be found in your own neighborhood, through siblings’ connections, or through learning endeavors. This is probably the best time of the year for speaking engagements, communication project launches, or simply presentation and sharing of your ideas. You can find yourself in high demand, as you are currently the go-to person for advice or simply for good company. The Lunar Eclipse in the last week of the month can bring some harsh criticism or some other form of unpleasant scrutiny, but whatever does occur now pushes you in the direction towards making important changes. Balancing family and career, or your personal and public lives, can be the challenge now.

Pisces 20/02-20/03

As long as you don’t succumb to tension, April can be a pleasant month in which you make new contacts and learn a great deal about the people in your life, dear Pisces. Beware of impulse buys this month. Although you possess considerable energy to make money, you are similarly inclined to spend it! Financial activity, including pressures or concerns, can be the focus for the first three weeks of the month. Imaginative undertakings could boost your income in April. Shake things up, experiment with new ideas, and don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. More involvement with your immediate environment, community, and neighborhood figure strongly from mid-month forward. Communications are strong, and love may even come through April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 41 them, or through learning environments.


who’s who Conseiller du Commerce Exterieur

Mr Patrick Prado, MD Allianz Insurance, President of the French Foreign Trade Advisors (Ghana)

The French Foreign Trade Advisors Call on H.E Frederic Clavier French Ambassador


he French Foreign Trade Advisors (Conseiller du Commerce Exterieur) is a group numbering in all about 4,300 French corporate executives, involved in international business for France. For more than a hundred years, this network of private business people has shared on a voluntary basis the experience of its members in providing government with their recommendations, sponsored small companies in their international expansion as well as educating and informing young people about international trade careers and options. Chosen for their expertise and international experience, the French Foreign Trade Advisors are appointed for three years by decree of the Prime Minister on the proposal

of the Minister of Foreign Trade. For over 114 years, they volunteer their experience to the service of French economic presence in the world advising government; passing on their expertise to businesses, particularly SMEs, they sponsor in their international development; as well as holding seminars to educate young students in careers in international trade. The council after their meeting called on the French ambassador to discuss among others issues of trade and developing business opportunities between Ghana and France. e

“4,300 French corporate executives, involved in international business for France.�

French Foreign Trade Advisor with the French Ambassador 42 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 43


Happy April Art Lovers

Kaleidoscope Exhibition Organized By Ghana Contemporary

Subhi Accad, Managing Director of Autoparts Limited & Alice Masamino


pring is the time for all things new. Ghana Contemporary showcased new fresh works from some of Ghana’s favourite painters in an exhibition at La Villa Boutique Hotel in Accra last month.

At a star studded soiree guests were greeted by luxury cars at the entrance, courtesy of Eurostar Global Limousine Ltd, and then escorted up to the wine terrace to mingle under the stars and admire some 30+ artworks over a glass of champagne. The event was about bringing art to the people and was held outside, away from the ‘traditional’ gallery space.

Mrs Nana Konadu Rawlings and Kofi Gamamiwosror Agorsor, the husband of Nyornuwofia Agorsor 44 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

One of the most talked about artists of the night was Nyornuwofia Agorsor. This Lagos born Ghanaian with a Beninoise mother is a truly multi talented person. An artist unlike any other. Nyornuwofia was born

Art & CUlture 1983 and has from an early age taken a keen interest in art. Not only is she a painter she is also a musician, vocalist, instrumentalist, composer and performer. Her paintings can somewhat be characterized by a childlike innocence on the surface yet with closer study display a thoughtful seriousness. Nyornuwofia’s friendly, almost jovial canvases readily disperse their poignant messages without the dizzying pretentious trappings of the adult world. Ghana Contemporary caught up with Nyornuwofia in the aftermath of Kaleidoscope to find out more about this wonderful person. e

“The event was about bringing art to the people and was held outside, away from the ‘traditional’ gallery space.”

Free your mind

Wiz Kudowor admiring art works at Kaleidoscope Exhibition

Larry Otoo in front of Nyornuwofia gorsor’s works at Kaleidoscope Exhibition

Sophie, Carole, Miss Tourism Ghana & Mr Fabrice Parodat (MD Pens & Plastics GH)

Leeni Ojaniemi Managing Director of Ghana Contemporary Showing artworks to Mrs Nana Konadu Rawlings at Kaleidoscope Exhibition April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 45


Leeni Interviews... Nyornuwofia Agorsor

“The women should also not give up too easily, if there is a problem or lack of support they could express this and paint it on the canvas and help other females.” Leeni: You are not only of the most talented and exciting contemporary artists in Ghana, but also a mother, teacher to your children, musician and a traditional priestess. Which of these roles is most important to you? Nyornuwofia: For all the roles that you have given to me I wouldn’t say one is stronger than other, they all go hand in hand. Music is art, in painting art, even the art of being a mother, taking care of your children, husband and being a wife is also a form of art, so they are all the same and a part of the same circle. I am there stretching out to all I can. Leeni: What is the thriving force for you to be an artist and create?

46 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


Nyornuwofia: I am being inspired by the society, every day life around me, what I see, when I sit down here talking to you is all what inspires me and what makes me always return to the canvas. Leeni: You are the wife of Kofi Gamamiwosror Agorsor, one of the best and most loved artists in Ghana. Your work is very different to his but how would you say he has influenced you and what is it like to work side by side with a master artist and your husband? Nyornuwofia: We are actually just two workaholics being crazy![laughter]. Agorsor has his own style. Even though we work side by side, the only influence of him to me is that he works a lot and I do too so I am influenced by his energy to work hard - it just flows and its fun! Leeni: The message of your work is the importance of education. Can you elaborate on this and tell us why we repeatedly see a blackboard in your works?

Nyornuwofia: If we look around everything is based on education and that does not necessarily mean going to sit in a classroom and learning maths. I am concerned about education of kids because they are absent minded and they don’t know who they are and education is the ONLY tool that a parent can give to the child that can drive their future. This is why I paint the blackboard. Even as an adult when you see the blackboard you immediately get shifted back to your class room days, so you can sense the fun moments of learning. I repeat the blackboard because it gives harmony, peace, understanding and positive energy. Leeni: One of my favourite works of yours is called ‘Professorship’ [see picture]. Can you tell me about this work? Nyornuwofia: In my dialect that is Ewe, professors are known as ‘Hubnor’, these people are priests, mathematicians, philosophers and historians. They are very important people in this African Knowledge System. Anything you want to know

Art & Culture


based on the knowledge system of a particular country is in their hands. The work ‘Professorship’ was inspired by the Hubnor’s. Leeni: Recently at Ghana Contemporary’s ‘Kaleidoscope’ exhibition you were the only female artist amongst 7 male artists. You were amongst the best selling and your works were mainly bought and admired by women. What are your thoughts about being a female artist? Nyornuwofia: There are female artists in Ghana but most come out of school and they are unable to pursue their art due to family issues. I wish that in every relationship there was team work and the necessary support for whatever you are doing, but particularly in the case of an artist so that women can be encouraged to work and paint. The women should also not give up too easily, if there is a problem or lack of support they could express this and paint it on the canvas and help other females. Leeni: An avid arts supporter and a spokesperson for woman’s issues, the former first lady Mrs Nana Rawlings says, when women are

empowered a whole community is empowered. What would your thoughts on this?

Leeni: If you could exhibit anywhere in the world or alongside any artist where would that be?

Nyornuwofia: I share the same view as Nana, because women if empowered, as she said, can help the community, if not the world, women spiritually are most powerful creatures. It just happens that physically they are weaker.

Nyornuwofia: I don’t know but it should be in an African country. Because in the Western World they are blessed with art but in Africa

Leeni: Your artistic career is on the up with international exhibitions and requests for your work from abroad. Ghana Contemporary definitely forecasts a great future and lots of potential for Nyornywofia. What is in the pipeline in the near future? Nyornuwofia: Right now I am working on a series of heads and faces, and I am enjoying it so much! For what I expect the future to be there is only one thing – growth. In what ever I do there should be absolute growth.

it’s limited, so if I could get to show my works in African countries and spread my message this would help. This is my dream. e Leeni : leeni@ghanacontemporary.com. Tel : +233 235 840 000 April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 47

48 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


Recipe Total time

M o m’s C r i s py Breakfast Pita

Prep time






6 people

Directions : Crispy Breakfast Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat or preheat a gas or charcoal grill. Brush each side of the pita breads with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil and grill 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until crisp. Remove from the grill and cool slightly. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium-high heat. Crack the eggs directly into the pan and cook until the egg whites are set, 2 to 3 minutes. Combine the mascarpone cheese, lemon zest, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper in a small bowl. In a medium bowl, whisk together 3 tablespoons olive oil, the lemon juice, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper until smooth. Add the arugula and toss until coated.

» Ingredients • 6 6-inch pita breads • Extra-virgin olive oil • 6 large eggs • 3/4 cup (6 ounces) mascarpone cheese • Grated zest of 1/2 large lemon • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice • 3 packed cups (3 ounces) arugula or baby spinach • 8 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto


Spread each pita with 2 tablespoons of the mascarpone mixture. Divide the prosciutto on top. Divide the arugula and mound on top of the prosciutto. Carefully place a fried egg on top of each pita. Season the eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper, and serve.

Peach Ginger Bellini Begin by making the ginger simple syrup. Peel and grate the ginger. Add it together with the sugar and cold water to a saucepan. Bring it to the boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain, discard ginger pieces and set simple syrup aside. In a blender add frozen peaches and ginger simple syrup. Blend until completely pureed then place into the refrigerator to cool. For serving: Add ice cubes to a cocktail shaker and fill half way with peach puree. Top off with Champagne and shake vigorously to combine. Pour into Champagne glasses and repeat process as needed.

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 49


Places to be in Ac Lodge & French Restaurant Gastronomy East Cantonments Tel : 0302 762 959


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Cusine :Continental & Local Dishes The Mรถvenpick Ambassador Hotel, Accra Tel : 0302 611 000 Mon-Sun 7am-11pm 50 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

Places to be



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Maquis Tante Marie

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Shop G29 Accra Mall, Tetteh Quarshie Interchange, Accra tel:- +233 244 612 832 5th Norla Link, Labone Accra Near Metro TV tel: +233 302 778 914 Monday-Sunday: 8am-10pm

For Purchase Enquires Contact : 024 641 6666 April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 51


shopping in accra

Shopping in Accra

024 095 4262 sg.kidsconcept@gmail.com

6 Otublohum Road P.O. Box : 10348, Accra North Tel : (233) 302-213 457 / 220 802

More than 5 weekly flights from Ghana to Morocco Located At Silver Star Building Call center: +212 522 489 797 / Ghana: +233 302 78 71 82 www.royalairmaroc.com 52 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78


who’s who

Land of Gold Designer Footwear


and of Gold shoes (L.O.G) is a Ghanaian footwear brand which reflects and embodies contemporary youth culture with a classic twist. This concept was fashioned in 2012 by Kwabena Asiedu and Mubarak Kamaru, two young Ghanaian entrepreneurs. Their aim to produce top quality international standard shoes with a Ghanaian twist. The brand name with a basic meaning of Ghana, which is our dear Land of Gold. Their collection takes its inspiration from the iconic 1960’s and 1970’s era. The evolution of this iconic era is shown through stylized pieces reflecting rockabilly through to glam rock class using timeless footwear techniques, with cutting edge materials to create luxury footwear. Designer footwear can be a tad expensive, but comfort is guaranteed when you purchase L.O.G. Acquiring L.O.G shoes not only makes your feet sense comfort but L.O.G shoes make you stand out from the crowd making them a worthwhile puchase.

These shoes are available in a wide range of hues and are suitable for any occasion. The well heeled man could wear these shoes at a business meeting, a social gathering casual get-togethers or formal evening dinners. A man’s shoes reflect his taste and temperament . It is important not to overlook the impression that your footwear will make. Your shoe is a statement. Think carefully about your footwear as it is critical to a man’s total style. L.O.G shoes are men’s preferred footwear they can be worn for every formal and informal event. e Shoes built to last and love.


Land of Gold

Tel : 0264 440 555 / 0244 886 526

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 53


Afrikiko Asanka Local Buka Ethiopian Rest. Red Chilli Tante Marie Home Touch

030) 222 9997 (030) 278 6328 (030) 278 2953 (024) 306 8165 (024) 790 2809 (030) 277 8914 (030) 277 7662


The Grill Le Tandem Frankie’s Livingstone Au Grand Ecuyer Captain Hook La Chaumière Le Bouquet Landing Rest. Le Magellan Mama Mia(delivery) Monsoon Zanzibar

(024) 966 6333 (030) 276 2959 (030) 277 3567 (030) 276 7740 (030) 276 8643 (030) 276 2228 (030) 277 2408 (030) 277 2417 (030) 276 0775 (030) 277 7629 (024) 426 4151 (030) 278 2307 (030) 278 6099


Bali Hai Chez Lien China House

(030) 277 1700 (030) 277 5356 (030) 276 0284

City Garden Rest.

(030) 222 1710/29

Dragon House Dynasty Noble House Kohinoor Pearl Chinese Heritage Zanzibar

(030) 276 2988 (030) 277 5496 (030) 278 5151 (030) 277 1999 (024) 440 6748 (030) 278 5252 (024) 489 0990


Arlecchino Cuppa Cappuccino Bella Roma Sunshine Akroma Plaza KFC, Osu LA GALETTE Foodies Fali’s Hot Pot Stellar Catering IL Cavaliere Pazzo The Lexington Taverna Tropicana Melting Moments Le Must French Rest. Michelangelo Crown Apartmento 3121 Sushi Bar Chase Lounge

54 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

(026) 321 4621 (024) 820 4441 (024) 747 4007 (030) 278 0599 (031) 202 5513 (030) 296 3086 (024) 675 2429 (030) 266 1858 (030) 225 8473 (024) 477 3403 (030) 282 3131 024 676 7777 0240 959 406 (030) 222 9101 0244-661 069 (030) 277 0834 0244-661 069 0244 233 533 (030) 277 1713 026 777 3121 (030) 277 8477 0544 104 204



Cafe Dez Amis Red Chilli Firefly Lounge Bar Rhapsody’s Rest. Osekan Rest. Picasso Magnolias Rest. Bar The Grill

(0302) 782 9371 024 790 2809 (030) 277 7818 0244 337 825 0245 352 912 / 0302 775 496 (030) 277 1712/ (030) 291 7527 0206 400 615 024 433 1000 024 966 6333

FIRST CHOICE SALON Tel:+(233)-030 268 2997 / 24 437 4894 info@firstchoicehair.com

Chez Marie Lou Rest.

(030) 277 4891


Jade Garden Koffee Lounge Eddy’s Pizza Le Bistro Rest. Rice ‘n’ Salads Ristorante Sol Moi

024 460 8281 (030) 292 5067 / (030) 250 0185 054 413 3397 (030) 776 738 027 740 1009 (030) 278 4015 Sweet Rose Chinese (030) 281 6252 Escobar Lounge 024 428 8882 / 024 823 2222 Robi’s Dutch Pub 024 220 1087 / 024 526 3582 Toros Tapas Bar 0242 880 163 / 020 094667 La Table de Cocoaline 030 279 7207 Cocoaline 030 279 7207 (Homemade chocolate shop) Appetite Rest. Lounge (030) 254 3439 Star Bites 0202 266 200 NourishLab Smoothy’s 024 393 9855 Santoku Rest. (030) 273 7027 / 0544 311 511 BAR

Bywel Bar Bus Stop Ryan’s Irish Pub Jokers Center Chester’s Bar The Honey Suckle The Republic Bar Shaka Zulu Bar & Restaurant

(030) 276 7793 (030) 222 0930 (030) 276 2334 024 437 0752 (030) 276 2771 (030) 278 0774 027 5 55 6006 024 631 4044 020 140 4164

SALON CITY SPA Tel: +(233)-030 276 8751 info@saloncityspa.com

LADY PAM SALON Tel: +(233)-030 277 6952

HOLY TRINITY SPA Tel: +(233)-0362091334 Tel: (020) 871 4892/ 0302 777 837 lajen-bshop@hotmail.com

L'eden Afro-European Unisex Salon Tel: (024) 426 5179

Beauty Square Tel: (054) 272 7235 www.beautysquareghana.com CASINOS

Lapalm Casino (030) 278 5420/1 www.kairointernational.com Piccadilly Casino (030) 276 3095 www.kairointernational.com

Millionaires Accra (030) 277 4339 info@millionairescasino-gh.com Millionaires Kumasi (032) 204 9868 info@millionairescasino-gh.com CAR HIRE

VRS Cole Consult Atlas Rent-A-Car

(030) 277 9387 (024) 4035856 (024) 427 7871


Alliance Française British Council Goethe Institute Nebuke Foundation

(030) 277 3134 (030) 268 3068 (030) 277 6764 (028) 910 2163

Express Delivery Services

DHL Fedex Ground Sky Net TNT Express Aramex Express Ltd

United Parcel Services UPS

(030) 224 1595 (030) 266 6659 (030) 223 0516 (024) 205 0501 (030) 276 6518 (030) 340 9090 (030) 276 2509 (030) 276 2510

Hospitality HOTELS - ACCRA



Mirage Royal Hotel

Tel: +(233) 030-277 1700 lapalm@gbhghana.net

Tel :+(233) 030 252 0570-2

LABADI BEACH HOTEL (ACCRA) Tel: +(233) 030-277 2501 labadi@legacyhotels.com

ALISA HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030-214 233/232 670 info@alisahotels.com

FRANKIE’S HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030-277 3567 frankies@frankiesghana.com

NOVOTEL HOTEL TEL: +(233) 030-266 7546 h1021@accor.com

MARISET PLAZA Tel: +(233) 030-277 4542 / 277 4542 mplazahotel@4u.com.hg

DUTCH HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030-271 1111-8 info@dutchotel.com

GOLDEN TULIP Tel: (030) 221 3161 info@goldentulipaccra.com

FIESTA ROYALE TEL: +(233)-030 274 0811 info@fiestaroyalehotel.com

HOLIDAY HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030 277 3660/1 holidayhotel@ghana.com

Villa Monticello Hotel Tel: +(233) 030-277 3477 / 026 630 7398 info@villamonticello.com

MÖVENPICK AMBASSADOR HOTEL Tel: +(233) 030-261 1000 reservations.accra@moevenpick.com

ROYAL RICHESTER Tel:+(233) 030-252 0786 / 520 791 info@royalrichester.com

La Villa Boutique Hotel TEL: +(233) 030-273 0333-6 info@lavillaghana.com

Coconut Grove Regency Hotel Tel: +(233) 030-222 5155 / 226 310 regency@coconutgrovehotels.com

Oak Plaza East Airport Hotel Tel:+(233) 030-281 6460-3 res@oakplazahotels.com

Erata Hotel Tel:+(233) 544 336 761 / 544 336 738 info@eratahotel.com Protea Hotel Tel: +(233) 030 251 7454 reservations@proteaaccra.com

CROWN APARTMENTO Tel:+(233) 289 113 600 reservation@crownapartmento.com


Tel :+(233) 030 274 0930

Tel:+(233) 030-222 8700 reservations@palomahotel.com




TEL:+(233) 030 277 5356 chezlien@ighmail.com

BEST WESTERN PREMIER TEL:+(233) 0302 216 570/766 902 www.bestwesternpremier.com.gh

AFRICAN REGENT HOTEL TEL:+(233) 0302 765 180-2 info@african-regent-hotel.com


Tel:+(233) 030-224 8444 maidenhotels2003@yahoo.com

DE HOLIDAY BEACH HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030 292 0710 www.deholidaybeachhotel.com

MIDINDI HOTEL Tel:+233 302 770007 www.midindihotel.com HOTELS - TEMA

Tel:+(233) 030-276 7870 / 77 1388 info@airportwesthotel.com


Roots Hotel Apartment

Tel:+(233) 030-320 5186 info@royalnickhotel.com

Tel:+(233) 030-270 13276/8

6 Otublohum Road P.O. Box : 10348, Accra North Tel : (233) 302-213 457 / 220 802 April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 55







+(233)-032-208 3777 sales@goldentulipkumasicity.com

Tel:+233 030 222 1742/24 966 6633 business@polygroupgh.com

Express Property Management Ltd

ROYAL BASIN RESORT Tel :+(233)-032 20 60144 / 20 60169 royalbasin@gh.com

GOLDEN GATE HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 37073 / 20 37074

MIKLIN HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 39121 / 20 39122 / 39 123

PAPARAZZI HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 92026 / 20 91986


Tel: +233 030 2768 886 Fax: +233 030 2784 210 info@expresspropertyghana.com RESORTS

Lou Moon Lodge New Coco Beach Dutch Hotel Elmina Beach Busua Beach Busua Inn Ramada Resort Hillburi Aburi

(020) 824 1549 (030) 271 7235 (030) 271 1111 (033) 234 00102 (020) 638 8029 (207) 373 579 (030) 271 7235-7 (024) 438 5008

Tel: +(233)-24 393 3399

CEDAR CRESCENT HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 27238 / 248-641 357 cdarcrescent@yahoo.com

RAYBOW INT HOTEL Tel +(233) 031- 202 2072, 202 5438 raybowhotel@yahoo.com AKROMA PLAZA Tel: +233 31 202 3745 / 202 3790

Melcom Plus Tema


Amadeus Ghana Antrak Travel Global Village Travel Melcom Travel

(030) 321 6368



(030) 276 6734

Club Citizen

(030) 278 7811/ (030) 278 7822

Hollywood Boulevard

(054) 476 4069

(030) 276 5590 (030) 277 7134 (030) 276 9273 (030) 225 2984

email : travels@melcomgroup.com

NomadAfrica Stellar Travel

STELLAR LODGE Tel: +(233) 031 269 98

(030) 701 1234 (030) 276 4557-8 024 288 2009

Signature Luxury Travel (030) 2731 554 info@signature-luxury-travel.com Starbow 024 500 0000

Travel Bureau

(030) 282 3044/5



OTHERS Marina Mall

(030) 282 3040/1 (030) 267 8121 0245 500 0000

Greet Kids Concept Lara Mart Village Pet Shop Office Furniture

(030) 277 2955 024 095 4262 (030) 276 6834 024 406 2796 054433005/6


REDROW DEVELOPMENTS LTD Tel: + 233 244 20 1884 info@redrowghana.com

A&C DEVELOPMENT Tel: +233 030 251 5055 info@aandcdevelopment.com 56 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

(030) 225 1789

email : melcomplus@melcomgroup.com email : tma@melcomgroup.com


Accra Mall


Melcom Plus Kaneshie

Tel: (024)-664 3208 Bacchus Wine Shop Tel:+(233)-244 142 026 / +(233)-243 308 737

SAY CHEERS (WINES & SPIRITS) Tel: +(233) 30 281 1407

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 57


Useful numbers

Embassies Algeria Australia Austria Belgium Benin Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada China CÔte d’lvoire Denmark Ethiopia Finland France Gambia Germany Guinea Hungary India Iran Ireland Italy Korea Japan Lebanon Liberia Mali Morocco Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Philippines Poland Spain Russia Rwanda Czech Rep. Senegal Togo Congo Turkey U.K. U.S.A. Switzerland

(030)-277 6719 (030)-221 6400 (030)-278 3368 (030)-277 6561 (030)-277 4860 (030)-277 4908 (030)-277 2404 (030)-222 1988 (030)-277 3791 (030)-277 7073 (030)-277 2611 (030)-222 6972 (030)-276 5682 (030)-277 7500 (030)-221 4550 (030)-231 5840 (030)-222 1311 (030)-277 7921 (030)-240 0770 (030)-277 5601 (030)-276 0521 (030)-251 8112 (030)-277 5621 (030)-277 7533 (030)-276 5060 (030)-277 6727 (030)-277 5641 (030)-266 3276 (030)-277 5669 (030)-221 4350 (030)-222 4962 (030)-277 6158 (030)-222 0101 (030)-251 6442 (030)-250 2829 (030)-277 4004 (030)-277 5611 (030)-225 1894 (030)-222 3540 (030)-277 0285 (030)-277 7950 (030)-224 5977 (030)-276 8567 (030)-222 1665 (030)-277 5347 (030)-222 8125

INT. DIALING CODES Angola 244 Australia 61 Austria 43 Belgium 32 Benin 229 Botswana 267 Brazil 55 Burkina Faso 226 Burundi 257 58 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

Cameroon 237 Canada 1 Cape Verde 238 Cntrl African Rep 236 Chad 235 Czech Republic 420 Denmark 45 Egypt 20 Equatorial Guinea 240 France 33 Gabon 241 Gambia 220 Guinea 224 Italy 39 Japan 81 North Korea 850 South Korea 82 Liberia 231 Libya 218 Mali 223 Mauritania 222 Mauritius 230 Morocco 212 Namibia 264 Rwanda 250 Senegal 221 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Togo 228 Uganda 256 U.S.A. 1 DRC 243 Zambia 260 Zimbabwe 263

AIRLINES kotoka Airport Aero Contractor 1978/9 Aerogem Aviation American Airlines Asky airline 0442/3 Air Ghana Air Ivoire Air Senegal Int. Antrack Air Alitalia

(030)-277 6171 (030)-268 (030)-276 9298 (030)-268 8804 (030)-224 (030)-277 4007 (030)-224 2056 (030)-278 0567 (030)-276 5377 (030)-278-


Belview Airlines British Airlines Brussels Airlines Cathay Pacific City Link Air Ltd Delta Airlines Egypt Air 3537/8 Emirate Airlines

(030)-223 0329 (030)-221 4996 (030)-224 3893 (208)-213 8270 (030)-277 0445 (030)-276 5262 (030)-277 7756 (030)-277 (030)-223 0319

Ghana Int. Kenya Airways KLM Lufthansa Middle East North American Royal Air Maroc Royal Dutch Slock Air Int. South African Air UNMIL Virgin Nigeria Virgin Atlantic

(030)-221 3555 (030)-224 1560 (030)-221 4700 (030)-224 3893 (030)-223 0867 (030)-291 1087 (030)-276 6333 (030)-277 6509 (030)-276 6740 (030)-278 3676 (030)-277 3890 (030)-291 1721 (030)-221 5200

24 HR EMERGENCY CENTRE Trust Hospital Nyaho Clinic

(030)-277 6787 (030)-277 5341

BANKS Access Bank Agri. Dev.Bank Bank of Ghana Barclays Bank Cal Bank Ltd CDH Securities Ltd Credit References Databank Group Ecobank NIB SG-SSB

(030)-278 4143 (030)-266 2640 (030)-266 6902 (030)-278 4049 (030)-268 0061 (030)-266 7425 (030)-278 2581 (030)-266 9421 (030)-268 1147 (030)-266 1701 (030)-220 2020

FIRE SERVICE Headquarters Cantonments Central (Makola) Industrial Area Dansoman Madina Aviation Trade Fare

(030)-277 2446 (030)-266 6576 (030)-277 9635 (030)-222 3169 (030)-231 0903 (030)-250 1744 (030)-277 3285 (030)-277 3949

HOSPITALS Akai House Clinic Akai House (Osu) 37 Military Hospital Korle-Bu Lister hospital Nyaho Clinic Princess Marie Louise West African Rescue Diagnostic centre

(030)-278 4772 (030)-276 3821 (030)-277 6111 (030)-266 5401 (030)-281 2325/6 (030)-277 5341 (030)-266 4137 (030)-278 1258 (030)-221 1930

POLICE Emergency 191 Regional (030)-266 4611 Headquarters (030)-276 0273 Mobile Force (030)-266 3625 Accra Central (030)-240 1999 Achimota (030)-222 1368 Adabraka (030)-277 7592 Airport

April 2013 ENJOY No 78 | 59

60 | April 2013 ENJOY No 78

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