ENJOY Accra Magazine No 96

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Feature d Sto ri e s

Ghana's Opera Star

Valentine's Day Special

C O N T E N T s


Chinese Horoscope


This Month In Focus


Fashion : Miss Universe


Event Calendar


Student's Opinions


GIWC Golf Tournament


Health Corner -Pulled Muscle


Child Protection Through Drama


Movie Guide : Valentine's Day Movies


Recipe : Shrimp Scampi


Games : Crossword Puzzle


Enjoy Index


Useful Numbers


Karen Balchin Sr. Creative & Graphic Designer karen@enjoyaccra.com


Juanito Mario de Medeiros Publication Manager juanito@enjoyaccra.com Clementina Ayirebi-Acquah Graphic Designer HervĂŠ-Daniel Osnou Web Designer Priscilla Tia Sales & Marketing sales@enjoyaccra.com

CAN 2015


Kingsbite Truffles

Enjoy Accra Magazine is published by Orion Advertising Company Ltd. Tel.: (+233) 0302 544 377 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96 4 mail : mag@enjoyaccra.com / sales@enjoyaccra.com www.enjoyaccra.com


Vicky Murray Copywriter Adele N. Memegnon Administrative & Accounts Printed by Type Company Limited

Editorial “No one gets a mouthful of food by picking between another person's teeth” ! Dear Friends,

any of you might have missed or lost last year will be recovered in full and, perhaps, more than ever before. Good health, joy and prosperity will come the way of each and everyone! These are also the auspicious prospects that the Chinese Year of the Goat, (Sheep) which we have stepped into, bring us since it is a symbol of peace, harmonious co-existence and tranquility. Therefore, let us all look ahead with confidence, togetherness and trust in goodness, for happiness and success will follow. So, let wisdom prevail all over the world, let calmness underlie all our actions and let peace be our guiding principle! The Ghana International Women’s Club have not been resting on their laurels. They kicked off the year’s activities with their 2nd Charity Golf Tournament at the Celebrity Golf Club in Sakumono. You will also get to see how some couples we interviewed are planning to celebrate Valentine's Day with their loved ones. By the way, Happy Valentine to everyone! Kokui Selormey no longer needs an introduction. She has earned our admiration, both as a media personality and as a classical music songbird. We are featuring her as our Star of the Month because we love what we see in her. Our gallant Black Stars are sparkling in Equatorial Guinea… though giving us cold sweats at times. Will they make it this time round? Now, keep being active readers of this magazine and ENJOY!



Happy New Year to you all! It is my fervent wish that whatever

Don’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.com

Dominique Paravicini Editor

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T i s s oT LA Dy P oWE rm AT i c 8 0 . auto m at i C m ov e m eN t a N d a m ot h e R - o F- p e a R l d i a l . u p to 8 0 h o u R S o F p ow e R R e S e R v e . i N N oVATo r s By T r A D i T i o N .

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ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 7

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A Ghanaian Opera Singer

Kokui Selormey

“She has very happy memories of her encounter with legendary South African musician Hugh Masekela, whom she fondly and most humbly calls ‘Uncle Hugh’, and with whom she completed Nubian Noel, an album of popular Christmas songs.” ccra-born Kokui Selormey is a well-known and much appreciated radio personality and television presenter in the Ghanaian audiovisual landscape. She is also an accomplished opera singer, who has had a fairytale journey with classical music.


As a child, Kokui had her first school experience in England, but she proudly admits to being a product of the Ridge church school in Accra and of the Holy Child secondary school in Cape Coast. After sitting for the Senior Secondary School Examination in Cape Coast, Kokui moved to the United States of America to complete her education. She studied at Allen Academy in Texas and enrolled in university where she did extremely well. Throughout her education musical activities were ever present in her schedule, from successful stage performances to singing competitions, she has patiently, passionately and methodically carved out a propitious career in music. She is a graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and Theatre, and of the New England Conservatory in Boston, Massachusetts, with a Master’s degree in Music. How did Kokui become an opera singer, which is not the commonest musical option in Ghana? “I did not chose the opera. Opera rather chose me”, she told ENJOY. She explained that while in university, she was doing some research on Leontyne Price. In the process, she came across an album from her Prima Donna collection that comprised Ave Maria, a song she had to sing during a stage performance then. She sat down and played the song… and got swept off her feet. The decision was taken and from then she felt she had to become an opera singer.

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Star Of the MOnth

In Ghana, Kokui has been performing her art before selected audiences. Most importantly, she performs in classical music concerts to support charitable organisations with their fundraising programmes. She has very happy memories of her encounter with legendary South African musician, Hugh Masekela, whom she fondly and most humbly calls ‘Uncle Hugh’, and with whom she completed Nubian Noel, an album of popular Christmas songs. Kokui is married with three children. She is full of admiration and praise for husband Michael, who has been very supportive, encouraging her to fulfil her dream of establishing herself as an opera singer to reckon with. e

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IPMC signs Strategic Partnership Agreement with Chinese Giant HUAWEI


nformation Technology company, IPMC, has signed a strategic partnership agreement with China’s leading telecom conglomerate, Huawei. The lavish signing ceremony, attended by their top brass, took place at the Huawei head office in Shenzhen, China in October 2014. This is part of the tremendous effort by IPMC to keep West Africa abreast of the latest innovations from the Asian tigers. IPMC is deeply committed to supporting the development of IT infrastructure in this region. Partnering with HUAWEI, whose technological acumen is simply second to none globally, was certainly the best choice. The Ghanaian delegation present at the signing ceremony at Huawei's corporate office in Shenzhen were much impressed by its 325-acre campus which is divided into 12 sectors, each having a cluster of 4-6 sleek, glass and steel buildings, all with artificial lake, sprawling grass areas and gardens. One could also not fail to notice Huawei’s own private 5-star hotel and staff residential areas along with a Huawei technology learning centre.

The delegation also visited the billion dollar Huawei research and development centre in Chengdu, with its state of the art laboratories and impressive product display areas. The highly advanced test scenarios running across different competitive platforms not only proved Huawei’s supremacy but also demonstrated its compatibility and inter-operability standards. IPMC with its two decades of experience in the IT industry is proud to be associated with the world’s largest telecom and IT infrastructure giant. e

“The Huawei city boasts its own hotel, staff residential area and Huawei technology learning centre.”

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E NJ OY THE YEAR OF THE GOAT (Sheep) 2015, The Sheep (Goat) is a Yin energy, a symbol of Peace, Harmonious coexistence and Tranquility. That is the primary and fundamental mood for this year. Though there are cries for War and a countdown is soon to begin, if any almanac serves me well – War will be averted and a period of mending and compromise will be undertaken to ensure Peace is maintained. The Sheep is the symbol of the Arts. It relates to passive and nurturing times. It will help the healing process with regard to past events caused by individuals who have little respect for the human race or life itself. It will be a year of banding together in faith and in belief that good will prevail and win out over the forces that refuse to comply to a peaceful way of life. For those who trust in goodness, happiness and success will follow. The emphasis will be on joining forces in order to fight the evil and destruction that has been brewing. With the planet Saturn into the sign Scorpio and the planet Pluto in its long stay in the sign Capricorn, there will be greater concern with structure, getting back to basics and using greater intuition to find solutions to problems that have been plaguing the world for some time. Much will depends on this – the balance of international economy and social harmony is in peace. The call for war is not a step to be taken lightly. Though sabers are rattling on either side, as the calming vapours of the Sheep year spreads over the Nations, sentiments will be kindled and wisdom will prevail. Fate will send emissaries to change the faces of aggression towards a more Peaceful compromise. It does not kill the doubts, anger or desire for violence, but it puts a blanket of constrain over it. e Month & Year Animal sign Month & Year Animal sign Feb 5, 1924 & Jan 23, 1925 Rat Jan 27, 1952 – Feb 13, 1953 Dragon Jan 24, 1925 – Feb 12, 1926 Ox Feb 14, 1953 – Feb 2, 1954 Snake Feb 13, 1926 – Feb 1, 1927 Tiger Feb 3, 1954 – Jan 23, 1955 Horse Feb 2, 1927 – Jan 22, 1928 Rabbit Jan 24, 1955 – Feb 11, 1956 Goat Jan 23, 1928 – Feb 9, 1929 Dragon Feb 12, 1956 – Jan 30 1957 Monkey Feb 10, 1929 – Jan 29, 1930 Snake Jan 31, 1957 – Feb 17, 1958 Rooster Jan 30, 1930 – Feb 16, 1931 Horse Feb 18, 1958 – Feb 7, 1959 Dog Feb 17, 1931 – Feb 5, 1932 Goat Feb 8, 1959 – Jan 27, 1960 Pig Feb 6, 1932 – Jan 25, 1933 Monkey Jan 28, 1960 – Feb 14, 1961 Rat Feb 15, 1961 – Feb 4, 1962 Ox Jan 26, 1933 – Feb 13, 1934 Rooster Feb 14, 1934 – Feb 3, 1935 Dog Feb 5, 1962 – Jan 24, 1963 Tiger Feb 4, 1935 – Jan 23, 1936 Pig Jan 25, 1963 – Feb 12, 1964 Rabbit Jan 24, 1936 – Feb 10, 1937 Rat Feb 13, 1964 – Feb 1, 1965 Dragon Feb 11, 1937 – Jan 30, 1938 Ox Feb 2, 1965 – Jan 20, 1966 Snake Jan 31, 1938 – Feb 18, 1939 Tiger Jan 21, 1966 – Feb 8, 1967 Horse Feb 19, 1939 – Feb 7, 1940 Rabbit Feb 9, 1967 – Jan 29, 1968 Goat Feb 8, 1940 – Jan 26, 1941 Dragon Jan 30, 1968 – Feb 16, 1969 Monkey Jan 27, 1941 – Feb 14, 1942 Snake Feb 17, 1969 – Feb 5, 1970 Rooster Feb 15, 1942 – Feb 4, 1943 Horse Feb 6, 1970 – Jan 26, 1971 Dog Feb 5, 1943 – Jan 24, 1944 Goat Jan 27, 1971 – Feb 14, 1972 Pig Jan 25, 1944 – Feb 12, 1945 Monkey Feb 15, 1972 – Feb 2, 1973 Rat Feb 13, 1945 – Feb 1, 1946 Rooster Feb 3, 1973 – Jan 22, 1974 Ox Feb 2, 1946 – Jan 21, 1947 Dog Jan 23, 1974 – Feb 10, 1975 Tiger Jan 22, 1947 – Feb 9, 1948 Pig Feb 11, 1975 – Jan 30, 1976 Rabbit Feb 10, 1948 – Jan 28, 1949 Rat Jan 31, 1976 – Feb 17, 1977 Dragon Jan 29, 1949 – Feb 16, 1950 Ox Feb 18, 1977 – Feb 6, 1978 Snake Feb 17, 1950 – Feb 5, 1951 Tiger Feb 7, 1978 – Jan 27, 1979 Horse Feb 6, 1951 – Jan 26, 1952 Rabbit Jan 28, 1979 – Feb 15, 1980 Goat Feb 16, 1980 – Feb 4, 1981 Monkey 16 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Month & Year Animal sign Feb 5, 1981 – Jan 24, 1982 Rooster Jan 25, 1982 – Feb 12, 1983 Dog Feb 13, 1983 – Feb 1, 1984 Pig Feb 2, 1984 – Feb 19, 1985 Rat Feb 20, 1985 – Feb 8, 1986 Ox Feb 9, 1986 – Jan 28, 1987 Tiger Jan 29, 1987 – Feb 16, 1988 Rabbit Feb 17, 1988 – Feb 5, 1989 Dragon Feb 6, 1989 – Jan 26, 1990 Snake Jan 27, 1990 – Feb 14, 1991 Horse Feb 15, 1991 – Feb 3, 1992 Goat Feb 4, 1992 – Jan 22, 1993 Monkey Jan 23, 1993 – Feb 9, 1994 Rooster Feb 10, 1994 – Jan 30, 1995 Dog Jan 31, 1995 – Feb 18, 1996 Pig Feb 19, 1996 – Feb 6, 1997 Rat Feb 7, 1997 – Jan 27, 1998 Ox Jan 28, 1998 – Feb 15, 1999 Tiger Feb 16, 1999 – Feb 4, 2000 Rabbit Feb 5, 2000 – Jan 23, 2001 Dragon Jan 24, 2001 – Feb 11, 2002 Snake Feb 12, 2002 – Jan 31, 2003 Horse Feb 1, 2003 – Jan 21, 2004 Goat Jan 22, 2004 – Feb 8, 2005 Monkey Feb 9, 2005 – Jan 28, 2006 Rooster Jan 29, 2006 – Feb 17, 2007 Dog Feb 18, 2007 – Feb 6, 2008 Pig Feb 7, 2008 – Jan 25, 2009 Rat Jan 26, 2009 – Feb 13, 2010 Ox

Chinese horoscope


The Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, helps witty but cautious Rat break free in important new directions. This New Year may begin as a bumpy ride. The powerful March 20 Total Eclipse asks you to surrender what no longer works in your life. The added stability of Wood helps Rats feel safe but daring all at once. Practicality and creativity intertwine in potent synergy. Goat emphasizes greater trust and cooperation to empower careful, independent Rat. Embracing change helps you soar on the wings of your own ingenuity. Who says rats can't fly?


In the Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, hardworking and reliable Ox will experience some highly refreshing impulses. Time spent close to nature will renew your spirit. Goat helps Ox experience the loadlightening effect of teamwork. You might occasionally choose play over work! After a slow start, the April 18 New Moon promises renewal in any area close to your heart. Have the courage to surrender any habit or situation that no longer serves your best interests. Sensible Wood energy helps others appreciate down-to-earth Ox. Your loyalty and determination will be rewarded.


The Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, can bring a disconcerting un-wild and un-Tigerlike calm. Fear not. You haven't lost your edge, nor are you going soft. You remain the magnificent creature you always were. Tiger's speed, brains, grace, and courage will be tempered by social Goat's laid-back, nurturing ways. Refuse to be discouraged if faced with any disappointments or delays in March and April. The strength of your ideas is being tested. Practical wood energy rewards slow growth. You'll feel more confident about yourself and your prospects after the October 12 New Moon.


Despite a slow start, the Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, can renew your faith in luck. Rabbit is naturally lucky. As the year begins, things are unsettled. Don't take this personally. There's nothing wrong with you. Play to your strong suit: your ability to mix with others. Goat's love of bringing people together makes this a power year for Rabbits to build lasting and influential contacts. The March 20 Solar Eclipse offers a critical opportunity to set boundaries or clarify long-term goals. Wood rewards a careful analysis of any relationship or problem.


In the Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, imperious Dragon is offered a subtle set of tools to help recruit new loyal followers. Peace-loving Goat encourages you to be more collaborative in pursuing your interests. A grounded, sensible Wood influenced approach spells success for any subject that arouses your passions. The March 20 Total Eclipse brings Dragons to a crossroads at the height of their personal power. While some things will need to be surrendered, what remains becomes the foundation for a brighter future. Your confidence in the face of change attracts admiration and support.


In the Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, you'll notice many of the people and things you most desire will come to you. They'll practically fling themselves at your feet! Trust that what you must surrender (or lose) this year, you no longer need. Despite your sardonic wit, which not everybody understands, the friendly energy of Goat makes you a much more approachable Snake. After a slow start early in the year, the mysterious gears of destiny begin to turn in your favor. Don't surrender your native Snake skepticism. Some things are too good to be true. ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 17

Chinese Horoscope



In this strong, calming Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, be ready to experience new reserves of not just energy, but also focus, patience, and perspective. This will help you overcome certain unavoidable delays and frustrations. In Wood years, things take longer to mature. The analytical reasonableness of Wood helps you control your temper. It's a big plus as Goat values diplomacy and teambuilding over going it alone. The March 20 Total Eclipse marks a critical point of decision making. Throughout the year, you and others will be challenged to surrender what no longer works..


You'll find your namesake year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, to be richly rewarding. The Goat tendency to attract helpful benefactors will be especially strong. Expect to find sympathetic friends wherever you go. This can lead to improved working or financial conditions. You simply have to have the courage to ask. The March 20 Solar Eclipse can be a point of critical decision-making. Powerful forces for change are best managed with the careful analysis and practical planning Wood energy encourages. This could be a landmark problem-solving year for creative, happy Goat.

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The Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, is complicated for Monkeys. You, and the world, may be challenged in unexpected ways. You may look back on the March 20 Solar Eclipse as a point where everything changed. Set goals early and refuse to give up. The social graces encouraged by Goat help you be even wittier, wiser, and quicker than usual. Wood years encourage slow growth and practical solutions. Monkey will find it easy to be in the center of projects where kindness, teamwork, and unusual collaborations open exciting doors of possibility.


The Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, brings a softening of Rooster rigidity. Your love of rules and order remains strong, but you'll find it easier to be a team player. Gentle, social Goat eases a tendency to judge the world and find it wanting. Not that you'll be thrilled with people's careless, incompetent ways. Influenced by Wood, you may discover benefits in being extra tolerant. The March 20 Eclipse sparks a time of significant change. Goat energy helps Roosters surrender familiar things, ideas, or methods that no longer serve your best interests.


The Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, combines two energies that easily harmonize with your reliable, devoted nature. This is not to say there won't be challenges. Delays and unexpected turns of fortune can have you questioning your ability to care for others as you would like. Events near the March 20 Solar Eclipse may demand both courage and diplomacy. Goat optimism helps you see and appreciate the true value of all you do. Goat's need for happy relationships coupled with the slow growth of Wood can help you heal and overcome any longstanding family problems.


In the relaxed, easygoing Year of the Wood Goat, February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, you'll be lighter on your feet than usual, and ready for spontaneous action of all sorts as your like-minded compatriot, Goat, beckons you to come out and play. By all means, just say yes. Beware, though, of overdoing it - you don't want to wake up on the floor wearing someone else's glasses! If you let sensible Wood temper the urge to overindulge, this will be a year of growth and pleasure. Pigs just want to have fun!


Valentine's Special

Happy Valentine's Day


aint-Valentine's day! It is the universal season of love and its symbols are back: cupid, the roses, chocolate, the red and white colours… Oh, one can always argue whether it is about romantic or sexual love, agape love, platonic love, or love for your brother. Sticking to the romantic connotation of the day of Saint-Valentine, it is said to date back to the 14th century in England, where it was believed that February 14 was the day when birds would pair. This was mentioned in Geoffrey Chaucer’s writings in the 14th century. It was common then for lovers to exchange words written on pieces of paper and they would call each other ‘My Valentine’. One of these tickets from the 14th century can be found in the British Library. Now, regardless of the country, there are great similarities in the way the day is observed around the world. Chocolates, sweet words, flowers, other gifts and dinners at restaurant remain ever popular. • In Japan, women are the ones who offer chocolates. In return, men give a present to the lady of their heart: it is the white day.

In the United States of America, Saint Valentine 's day is a very important day. Everyone reserves their day to express their love to all their relatives, not only to the love of their heart. The Americans also have a particular practice: evening performances are organised for children and compered by them. Some schools carry out a whole program in which children sing, dance, and play. They also offer their friends and their teachers gifts that they made themselves.

In China, older people remain faithful to their traditions. They offer their lovers an object that they would wear: a medallion, a silk handkerchief, a belt, etc. Apart from Saint-Valentine's day, the Chinese people have a traditional festival for lovers from an ancient legend, Qi Qiao Jie, whose date is the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

• In France, just like in Italy, couples exchange gifts for the occasion. Flowers are a classic and always appreciated gesture. Many of them also go to the restaurant for a romantic dinner. • In Brazil, Brazilians would rather observe the ‘dia dos namorados’ (the lovers‘ day), celebrated not on 14th February, but on 12th June.

• In Ghana, like elsewhere in Africa, Valentine's day is celebrated as in the West (since it is a tradition coming from the West). Basically, couples go out on dinner and exchange gifts. What more beautiful way to celebrate the love they have for each other. e

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Valentine Victor and Evelyn Owusu will “take the opportunity to traveloutside Accra, have good time together and plan what comes next”. When Victor intimated that they both had been looking forward to this year’s Saint Valentine's day, a first in their lives, as they just got married, Evelyn nodded with her eyes sparkling with blissful excitement and happiness. Yet, they hold a very altruistic opinion on what Saint-Valentine's day should also be: “Because the day is all about love, we ought to extend that to everyone, not only your wife or husband”, says Victor. And Evelyn agrees: “Yes, you don’t forget family and friends. You show them love too one way or the other”. e Dr Edward and Helen Appah have been married

for ‘only’ 45 years and have celebrated many idyllic Saint-Valentine days together! Their secret? Here is what Helen had to say, while her husband looked on: “Valentines' day is all about love. And on such a day, many people think of ‘Eros’, but there is a deeper love that people should factor in, which is ‘Agape love’, given only by Jesus. So if you base your marriage on Agape love, you will definitely get through”. Dr Edward Appah won’t say anything to the contrary: “That way, Valentine day is the more meaningful, isn’t it”? Helen explained that they would go out on 14th February, have a meal together and “reflect on the past 45 years”. e

Robert and Jacqui Ahomka-Lindsay are a happy couple. Simple proof is, after well over 35 years of perfect love, these turtledoves are offering themselves a special package for Saint Valentine's day 2015: a romantic weekend in the Queen’s city, London! An exultant Robert took time to expatiate on the true meaning of Saint Valentine day, to share love, affection and gifts. Robert is of the opinion that true love must radiate all around: family and friends must feel that you love them too. e 20 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Valentine's Special

Alex and Precious Adofo are obviously much in love. Alex sees Saint-Valentine's day as an occasion to celebrate love and, “in the midst of our busy lives, we could use the reminder”, he added. He says: “Of course, if you have a romantic love, you are the perfect audience for the day, whether you choose to celebrate it or not. But I also think that the day can be used to celebrate all the loves of your life, your family, your friends, and even yourself”. Precious would borrow Carrie Bradshaw’s words to buttress the point Alex is making: “If you can find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s fabulous”. Hasn’t Alex found the perfect match in Precious? e

Charles and Cookie Cofie have spent tens of Saint Valentine days together as husband and wife. They relish that spirit of caring for loved ones, and sharing and making the partner feel very special. That certainly explains why between Charles and Cookie, every day is Valentines day. Nonetheless, they will mark the day this year also, but, says Cookie, “let’s just keep how we do it to ourselves for now”. e Michel and Aline Juillerat have been married for 10 years and are still feeling much in love “like the first year”, says Aline! When Michel states that “Love is also respecting your partner, sharing, understanding and being one while existing by yourself”, Aline seconds and adds: “We do not wait for Saint-Valentine's day to celebrate ‘us’ as we celebrate 'us' each day we are together; however Saint-Valentine honours lovers and we acknowledge it by celebrating double, sharing a great dinner, and good wine with good friends”. e

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January/February in History .........January 1, 1622 The Catholic Church adopted 1st of January as the beginning of the New Year (instead of 25 March).

.........January 10, 1946 The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly took place in London with delegates from 51 countries.

January And February In Origin: January, the first month of the year was named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. Deemed the protector of gates and doorways, Janus was depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other into the future. As for February, it came from the Latin word februa, i.e. "to cleanse" referring to the festivals of purification celebrated in Rome during this month. The Roman Februalia was then a month of purification and atonement. e

.........January 10, 1996 The Government of the Republic of Benin inaugurated National Voodoo Day, giving the religion practiced by 65% of the 10.32 million Beninese an official place alongside Christianity and Islam. The day has been observed annually so far.

.........February 11, 1990 In South Africa, Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), at age 71, was released from prison after serving 27 years of a life sentence on charges of attempting to overthrow the apartheid Government. In April 1994, he was elected president in the first all-race elections.

Fun Facts about January / February −

January and February both date from about the year 700 BC They were added to the Roman calendar that had been divided into ten month-like periods whose lengths varied from 20 to 35 or more days. They were then given 29 and 23 days respectively.

− Over subsequent centuries, the lengths and positions of both months changed on the calendar. It was Roman emperor Julius Caesar who, in 46 BC, added one more day to a previously 30 day January to make it the 31 day month that we know today.

.........February 21, 1965 Former Black Muslim leader Malcolm X (1925-1965) was shot and killed while delivering a speech in a ballroom in New York City.

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February is the only month that can pass without a full moon. This last happened in 1999 and will next happen in 2018.

According to Match.com and PlentyOfFish, two American online dating giants, January is the best month to find love on the Internet. e

Got some? Send to editorial@enjoyaccra.com Also do join us on Facebook.

Monthly facts

n Focus

Love In Action

They once said... Jean de La Bruyère (1645-1696)

“The sweetest of all sounds is that of the voice of the woman we love”.

Ingrid Bergman (1915-1982)

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous”.

One night a man came to our house and told me: “There is a family with eight children. They have not eaten for days”. I took some food and I went. When I finally came to the family, I saw the faces of those little children disfigured by hunger. There was no sorrow or sadness in their faces, just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the rice to the mother. She divided it in two, and went out, carrying half the rice with her. When she came back, I asked her: “Where did you go?” She gave me this simple answer: “To my neighbours; they are hungry also”. I was not surprised that she gave – because poor people are generous. But I was surprised that she knew they were hungry. As a rule, when we are suffering, we are so focused on ourselves we have no time for others. e -Mother Teresa.

Franklin P. Jones (1908-1980)

“Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile”.

Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)

“Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing”.


(427 BC-347 BC) “Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods”.

Samuel Lover (1797-1868)

“Come live in my heart, and pay no rent”

Did You Know? • Ants survive in a microwave switched on! The microwave beams are stationary waves. These waves are always in a constant position. So, in a microwave that is switched on, there are places where energy density is very high, while in other places, it is very weak. Being relatively small, ants can easily move between these waves and thus survive. • The lighter was invented before matches! Indeed, the Döbereiner lighter was the first lighter invented in 1823 by a German chemist by name Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner. It was a kind of cartridge filled with hydrogen and triggered by a platinum catalyst. However, the matches we know today appeared in 1827 when a British chemist by name John Walker created a combination of sulphide of antimony, chlorate of potassium, gum and starch. The first box of matches was produced in 1832. • Pope Francis worked as a nightclub bouncer in his youth! Indeed, before he became Pope (since March 13, 2013 at age 76), Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then a student, was a nightclub bouncer in Buenos Aires, Argentina. That was how he learnt to bring folks to the Church when he became priest, he averred later! • Google has hired 200 goats to cut/chew the grass around their head office! Hear the director of the Department of real estate and workplace at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California: "Instead of using noisy mowers that consume gasoline and thus pollute the air, we rented goats which cost us about the same as the mower, and goats are very cute to see, far more than lawn mowers". e ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 23


(L-R) HE Babikir Elamin, Sudanese Ambassador, his spouse and counsellors

Sudan’s independence Celebrations in Accra


is Excellency Mr Babikir Elsiddig Mohamed Elamin, Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan in Accra spoke about the brilliant relationship that exists between Sudan and Ghana. Receiving his colleagues from the diplomatic corps, as well as friends and associates at his residence recently to celebrate the anniversary of his country's independence. He recalled the efforts Ghana has expended in helping restore peace in Sudan. Ambassador Elamin offered a toast to the health and prosperity of the host country, which was responded to by Honourable Dr Mustapha Ahmed, Minister of State at the Presidency, in charge of Development Authorities. e

Mr Naji, Mr Sabear and Mr Usama 24 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Honourable Mustapha Ahmed & HE Mr Elamin

Mrs Karen and Mr Timothy A. Miller, US Embassy

HE the Ambassador of South Sudan and his Counsellor

Who's who

Sudan nationals at the function

Dr Mahamadu Bawumia and HE Mr Gerhard Brugge, Swiss Ambassado

HE Mr Soleymani (Iran), HE Mr Halabi (Liban) and Mr Samadi, Counsellor, Iran Embassy

HE Mr Loon-Lai Cheong (Malaysia) and Mr. Zhou You Bim (China)

Mr Naji, Mr Sabear and Mr Usama

Counsellors, Burkina Faso Embassy

Mr Nayef Abdellah and Mr Elhosiny Khaled

Mr Robert Kopecky (Czech Republic), Ms Florence Brouna (Liberia) and Mr Amadou Sall (Senegal)

Counsellors from South African, Angolan, Malian and Algerian Missions

HE Mr Dmitry Suslov, Russian Ambassador, and spouse

Hajia Mariam Sinare and Mr Kofi Attor ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 25


Miss Columbia Winner

Miss Universe 2015 - The top ten finalists

26 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96


The 63rd edition of the Miss Universe pageant, held at Florida International University, geared up with the traditional parade of eye-catching national costumes before a full house of enthusiastic fans. It was won by 22-year-old model and business student who triumphed over 87 other women from around the world on Sunday 25 January, and is only the second beauty queen from Colombia to take home the prize.

Evening wear fashion from the Miss Universe 2015 contest held in Florida on Sunday 25 January. Colombia’s Paulina Vega was crowned Miss Universe, beating contenders from the United States, Ukraine, Jamaica and the Netherlands at this the world's top beauty pageant.

The last time Colombia won the crown was in 1956 when Luz Marina Zuluaga took home the title. Ms Vega spoke proudly of her country, and said in the question round Colombia "has been a role model for the rest of the world". "We are persevering people, despite all the obstacles, we keep fighting for what we want to achieve. After years of difficulty, we are leading in several areas on the world stage." Ms Vega, wearing a long silver sequined gown, was beaming and tearful as she accepted her sash and crown from reigning Miss Universe, Venezuelan Gabriela Isler. She edged out first runner-up, Nia Sanchez from the United States, hugging her as her win was announced. Ms Vega won the highest possible score of 9.9 in every presentation at the Miss Universe Colombia contest. e

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 27

EN J OY am-Before 6:00pm


09 February

New York Style Near Bosphorous Time : 6pm

Happy Hour at Champs

Everyday from 5pm to 9pm 1/2 off draft and local beers, and chosen daily cocktail


Shisha Lounge Accra

Come relax and have fun with your friends. Selected flavours of Shisha. Venue Osu on Koala road @ 7pm

DInner at Bread & Wine

Enjoy our amazing dishes from 7pm

Relax Free Mondays

La Villa Boutique Hotel. Venue Osu Enjoy a drink in their classy pool bar. Time: 6 till whenever..

Beddouin Pool Lounge

Come relax and have fun with your friends @Lizzy Sports Complex, East Legon


Afternoon Tea

Stop Over Hour at Santoku

Beat the traffic and take a pitstop at Santoku between 5.30-7pm. Reduced prices on selected drinks.



Jazz bar with a good ambience and tasty menu. Venue: Nima Police Station

The Republic Bar & Grill

Buzzing. Have a drink - you are sure to run into a good friend.


Barbecue Joint Venue: Osu Down Chez Lien Annex Time: 5 pm

Salsa Dance Nite

Venue : Coconut Groove Hotel. time : 7pm


Happy Hour

Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm

Kana Khazana Indian restaurant behind the filling station in Adabraka. Try the fish curry


Goethe-Institut Music Festival (3 days)

Goethe Institut Accra time- 7:00 PM

Red Chilli, same road as jerk chicken. continental restaurant and bar and outdoor catering events.


Thursday Film: Paths in the Night Goethe-Institut Ghana time- 7:00 PM

The Stanbic Jazz Festival (2 evenings) International Conference Center - 7:00 PM


Grab a drink and something nice from the extenisve menu Time: 6pm to 10pm

Try the chef’s taster menu for a tasty Wednesday treat Venue Airport West Time: 6pm-11pm

The Hang Out Pub & Grill

Dinner At Coco Lounge

Maestro Fine dining for a

805 - Bar, Grill and Restaurant


Stanbic heights Airport City Time : 7pm


Happy Hour at Champs Everyday from 5pm to 9pm 1/2 off draftand local beers, and daily cocktail

Bella Roma

Eat, drink and be merry with excellent music and lovely people. Venue : Osu Time : 7pm

New York Style Near Bosphorous Time : 6pm

Meet your friends and indulge in luscious temptations Time : 7pm @ A&C square

Golden Tulip Time : 9pm


Villa Monticello Hotel

Come and enjoy the new menu on the new terrace. Venue: Airport residential Time:6-10pm

Arlecchino Ice Cream Parlour

romantic evening. Next to Koala in Airport


Nourish Lab Smoothy’s

36 Olympics Road Kokomlemle Accra Ghana

Airport Residential next to Cuppa Cappachino. - Outdoor Grill


Honey Suckle

A special combination of fruit drinks on Oxford Street, Osu

Come and unwind at a hard days work with great company. @7pm, Osu

El Paso for a cheeky taco. Opposite Koala in Osu.


Girls Table

5 people minimum, Welcome drinks, special cocktail menu African Regent Hotel

Start your `right

Duplex Bar and Lounge Osu




Bistro 22

Luscious Temptations

Millionaires Casino



African Regent hotel Airport, West. Every afternoon for a tasty selection of cakes & desserts time : from12-5pm




10 Bistro 22



All Day

pm-After 6:00pm

13 The Occupy Love Project Nubuke

Foundation @ 7:30pm

Infanta Malaria Prevention Foundation fundraising concert Ghana College of Physicians & Surgeons Time - 6:00 PM


Aphrodisiac Night Club

This and every friday with good music. @ Dzorwulu. From 8pm

World Day of Social Justice The world


Bliss Yoga Studio

Mövenpick Hotel in Accra call : 0509546723

Movie Friday

Fantastic movie experience with popcorn & a drink @ Accra mall time :6- 10pm


Public Holiday: Independence Day Ghana

Asa Baako(3 days-2 nights) Busua Beach

12 Bosphorous

True Turkish Delights Authentic & Delicious turkish food to satify your taste of the orient. No Alcohol Next Labone Coffee shop Time : 7pm


Live Bingo Night Lapalm Casino Time : 11pm

Happy Hour at Cuzzy Bros

Venue: Osu old Ryan’s

Treat the kids to an ice cream, Venue : Osu Oxford

There are a lot of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar to events@enjoyaccra.com 28 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

events Calendar






The Red Tour


Sajuna Beach, Akosombo Time- 9:00 AM

3121 Sushi Bar

Afia Hotel - 10:00 AM


LCA Ghana Chapter Charity Golf Day


DInner at Bread & Wine

Enjoy our amazing dishes from 7pm

Burger and Relish

Cupcake Boutique dellicious

- The best burgers in Accra - New York style. Great vibe in this Osu restaurant.


cupcakes baked fresh every day. Choose your flavour.

01 Mรถvenpick Brunch

Cuppa Cappuccino

Meet your friends for a tasty breakfast. Time 8am @ Airport residential

Sumptuous spread to tempt your taste buds. time: 10am

19th Ghana International Trade Fair (Feb. 26-Mar. 08)

DInner at Bread & Wine


08 Play Tennis At Accra Lawn Courts available

International Women's Day 2015

Cafe Des Amis

Barbecue Sundays at Santoku

from 7am

Invite your friends for a drink & a chat. Venue: Kanda



International Trade Fair Center - 10:00 AM

Enjoy our amazing dishes from 7pm

Happy Hour

the World over -

Bask in the sun with DJ Fuidogg and DJ Tamzin on the wheels of steel whilst enjoying a cool draught beer and some succulent platters


Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm


Twist Sisters of the East, Osu time: 7pm

Ghana Bead Society Valentine Bead Bazaar

Lunch Buffet

Labadi Beach Hotel from 11:30-3pm

Mini Golf Course Bring the kids and enjoy an afternoon of golfing from 1pm-6pm.

See you when I see you !

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 29

30 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 31


who's who

Farewell Reception For Czech Ambassador is Excellency Mr Miloslav Machálek, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic, has completed his duty tour in Ghana. He presented his letters of credence to then President John Evans Atta Mills on 11th February 2010. During his tenure, Ghana’s relationship with the Czech Republic was consolidated with heightened co-operation in multiple areas, especially energy, health, industry, food, sports, etc.


On the occasion of a farewell reception they hosted at their residence in Accra on 13th January 2015, Ambassador and Mrs Machálek, said goodbye to colleagues, partners and friends including Mr Akwasi Agyeman Agyare, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Mr Fritz Baffour, former Minister of Information, Dr Afia Agyen Assel and Dr Noble Ayitey Ayayee. e

32 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

School News


Bye-bye 2014

In the run-up to the end-ofyear festivities, schools all over the country organized special treats for wards and teaching staff to wind up the term’s activities beautifully.


The ENJOY team was in town and came back with the following photo reportage from the Holy Child International School at Tetegu, a suburb of Accra. Activities of the day include dance competition, horse riding, bouncy castle, the trampoline, the cadet corps performance and the traditional dance. All went on well. The new year can only be perfect. e

“Schools all over the country organized special treats for wards and teaching staff to wind up the term’s activities beautifully.”

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 33


STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ew Year, they say, brings about new resolutions, as people decide to make a change in their lives for the better. Alternatively we may acknowledge what went wrong the previous year was not always the fault of our friends, family, colleagues or neighbours and we show contrition and take responsibility for our fate.


What about students? What range of resolutions did they make on the occasion of the New Year? ENJOY magazine visited Ancilla Primary & Junior High School, in the North of Accra, and talked to Magdalene, Francisca, Kezia, Akwasi et al. e

Nana enjoyed the past year, even though there were things she did not feel comfortable about. So she has decided to scale up her efforts “in order to make the best of 2015”. To that end, Nana would “strive to grow spiritually, follow the ways of the Lord and move with perfection”. She will also go political by standing for election as a prefect and work hard to make her “dear parents” as well as school authorities proud. Her overall goal for now is to get “fully prepared for the BECE next year”. e

34 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Francisca’s resolution is “to excel in the upcoming mock exams, learn harder in order to do well in [her] academics, follow Christ and make sure [she] shows respect to everyone, as human beings are the centre of everything”. She averred she did not have any particular regret about the previous year but then, “everything is perfectible”. e

“She averred she did not have any particular regret about the previous year but then, “everything is perfectible”.

Stephen is the incumbent school

prefect of Ancilla School. He has resolved to “build [him]self spiritually and academically”. He understands he has enormous responsibility and would feel bad if a bad report were to be made of his school. So he wants to “lead the school to many victories as the school prefect”. Also Stephen wants to “ensure the values of Ancilla School are upheld”. e

“Akwasi wants his country Ghana to count on him so he will work toward that aim. But he is aware he has to “walk with God” to achieve his goals! ”

school news

Kezia Naa is grateful for every

day, for “today is a gift, the reason why it is the present”! She has strong resolutions for the New Year, the first of which is “to worship God a bit better every day”. She is set to perform better in class and to improve upon her work as the assistant school prefect. Kezia Naa will not allow any situation to weigh her down because she has the potential to become a great person. e

For 2015, Akwasi has made the resolution to make his parents “very proud of their son”. Therefore, he intends “to study harder, make an impact in class and end the year with flying colours”. Akwasi wants his country Ghana to count on him so he will work toward that aim. But he is aware he has to “walk with God” to achieve his goals! e

Magdalene says she experienced

“a lot of ups and downs both socially and academically” during the past year. That is why she has decided not to make any formal resolution for the New Year lest she feel disappointed. Nonetheless she is confident that with God on her side, 2015 will be better her best year ever. e


ENJOY is suggesting now a checklist of resolutions. Sign the contract and check in a year! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Quit smoking Lose weight Adopt healthier eating habits Get involved in a sporting activity Reduce stress by avoiding getting angry over petty issues Try as much as possible not to procrastinate Call my in-laws from time to time, but not too often... Read at least one book per month Spend less on clothes and shoes Listen with attention to my wife’s gossip stories Laugh at my husband’s jokes Work to achieve a pay increase at work and ask for it Go to bed earlier and also wake up earlier Give to charity Lower the music ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 35



who's who


hana International Womens Club members took time during the festive season to visit and give love to the children of the orthopedic centre at Nsawam and Berekusu Daycare centre in Berekusu. The children were treated to great goodies. GIWC definitely have chidren at heart. e

Lunch with the royals o celebrate all their hard work fundraising throughout the year members of GIWC were given a royal treat at The Royal Senchi hotel in Akosombo in the Eastern Region.


They were hosted by Mrs Winnie Wienties owner of Royal Senchi and a member of the club. A lovely lunch was served and members had a memorable day. e 36 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96


who's who

2nd Annual GHANA INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s CLUB CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT t was an exciting day at the Celebrity Golf Course at Sakumono on 24th January 2015 when the GIWC held their 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Their main sponsor for the day was telecommunication giant MTN. The tournament was a stableford competition and there was a golf clinic for beginners. The climax of the event was when Mrs Cynthia Lumor, Corporate Service Executive of MTN, presented a cheque for twenty thousand (20,000.00) Ghana cedis on behalf of MTN to support the noble cause of the GIWC, Mrs Helen Appah, GIWC President, was very grateful to MTN and other sponsors. She also expressed appreciation to the management of the Celebrity Golf Club. e


Sadia Venu,Segment Controller MTN

Joy Arkutu - overall Winner (female)

Aileen Conteh & Captain Akwasi Opoku

Ex-Captin Kwaku Okyere

GIWC members & award winners

Cynthia Lumor, MNT Corporate Service Exe, Mrs Helen Appah,GIWC President, Akwasi Opoku, Captain of Celebrity Golf Club

Taggoe Sisters & Theodore Asampong, Golfer at Celebrity Club

Mr. Charles Coffie & Golfer

GIWC members with the overall (female) Winner

Hannah & Harod Sackey Events & Channel MTN

Donation from MTN to GIWC

Afia Agyepong, Darkoa & Linda participants at the tournament

Guest, Dr Appah,Renee, Mrs. Helen Appah & Mrs Karen Hendrickson ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 37



ixteen (16) African national football teams have been battling it out with one another in Equatorial Guinea since 17th January 2015 at the 30th Africa Cup of Nations aka the Orange Africa Cup of Nations Equatorial Guinea 2015.

“The mascot of the 30th Africa Cup of Nations is Chuku Chuku the Porcupine.” •

In the race for the ultimate glory are

− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −

The Fennecs (Les Fennecs) of Algeria The Stallions (Les Étalons) of Burkina Faso The Indomitable Lions (Les Lions Indomptables) of Cameroon The Blue Sharks (Tubarões Azuis) or Creoles (Crioulos) of Cape Verde The Red Devils (Les Diables Rouges) of Congo The Elephants (Les Éléphants) of Côte d’Ivoire The Leopards (Les Léopards) of the Democratic Republic of Congo The National Thunder (Nzalang Nacional) of Equatorial Guinea The Panthers (Les Panthères) of Gabon The Black Stars of Ghana La Syli Nationale (National Elephants) of Guinea The Eagles (Les Aigles) of Mali The Lions of Teranga (Les Lions de la Teranga) of Senegal Go Boys Go Boys (Bafana Bafana) of South Africa The Eagles of Carthage (Les Aigles de Carthage) of Tunisia The Bullets (Chipolopolo) of Zambia

The totem

The mascot of the Africa Cup of Nations is Chuku Chuku the Porcupine. It characterizes the specificity of tropical forests, which are found in abundance in Equatorial Guinea. 38 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96


• • • • − − −

The youngest team participating in the African Cup of Nations 2015 is Gabon. Among the Panthers, the average age of the 23 players is 23.5 years. The second youngest selection is Guinea with 23.7 years, followed by Cameroon with 23.9 years. The Eagles of Mali are the oldest selection of the competition. Their average age is 26.2 years. Only three (3) teams out of the 16 are coached by their own nationals: DR Congo: Florent Ibenge is the coach South Africa: Ephraim Shakes Mashaba is the coach Zambia: Honour Janza is the coach


Henryk Kasperczak

Hervé Renard

• France is represented at the Orange Africa Cup of Nations Equatorial Guinea 2015 with the highest number of foreign coaches with:

− Christian Gourcuff for Algeria − Claude Leroy for Congo − Hervé Renard for Côte d’Ivoire − Michel Dussuyer for Guinea − Henryk Kasperczak for Mali − Alain Giresse for Sénégal − The rest of the coaches come from Belgium (Paul Put for Burkina Faso and Georges Leekens for Tunisia); Portugal (Jorge Costa for Gabon and Rui Aguas for Cap Vert); Germany (Volker Finke for Cameroun); Israel (Avram Grant for Ghana); and Argentina (Esteban Becker for Equatorial Guinea). • Tens of African players have deserted momentarily the France Ligue 1, the English Premier League and other leagues in Europe and elsewhere to play for their countries during the Equatorial Guinea AFCON 2015. • The most hit by the brief exodus seems to be the France Ligue 1 with 52 players gone for the continental mass. • Lyon and Bordeaux will miss 10 of their players, five (5) each while Reims, Toulouse and Metz will have to manage each with four (4) players off. Lille have lost three (3) important elements, just like Bastia, and Olympique de Marseille and Saint-Etienne two (2).

André Ayew

Avram Grant

• Ghana have been enjoying the contributions of Marseille’s André Ayew, Lorient’s Jordan Ayew and Evian’s Jonathan Mensah. • The English Premier League have had to part company with 26 African players. They are: Kolo Touré, Yaya Touré, Cheick Tioté and Wilfried Bony (Côte d’Ivoire); Jeff Schlupp, Christian Atsu, Wakaso Mubarak and Kwesi Appiah (Ghana); Gabriel Zakuani, Youssouf Mulumbu and Yannick Bolasie (DR Congo); Cheikhou Kouyaté, Papiss Cissé and Mame Biram Diouf (Senegal); Nabil Bentaleb and Riyad Mahrez (Algeria); Bruno Ecuele and Frédéric Bulot (Gabon); Dean Furman and Tokelo Rantie (South Africa); Dominique Malonga (Congo); Emilio Nsue (for Equatorial Guinea); Kamil Zayatte (Guinea); Bakary Sako (Mali); Bilel Mohsni (Tunisia); and Emmanuel Mayuka (Zambia). •

In Guinea, the party has turned to a tragedy:

While the celebration was going on in a refreshment bar after a Guinean goal against Côte d'Ivoire on 20th January, three people died in a grenade explosion in a neighbourhood of Conakry. Indications are that the explosive device was accidentally activated just as Mohamed Yang scored for the Silly Nationale. The question is: ‘what was a grenade doing in a bar on such an occasion’? e

Jonathan Mensah

Gervais Kouassi ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 39


Muscle Strains/ Muscle Pull Brought to you by Enjoy Accra

What Are Muscle Strains?


muscle strain, or pulled muscle, is when your muscle is overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or improper use of a muscle. Strains can happen in any muscle, but are most common inthe lower back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring (the muscle behind your thigh). A muscle strain causes pain and may limit movement within the affected muscle group. Mild to moderate strains can be successfully treated at home with ice, heat, and anti-inflammatory medications. Severe strains or tears may require medical treatment. Diagnostic imaging may be necessary to learn the extent of the damage to your muscle. Physical therapy may be recommended. In severe cases, surgical repair may be necessary. Symptoms of mild to moderate muscle strains are usually gone within a few weeks. More severe strains may take months to heal. “A muscle strain causes pain and may limit movement within the affected muscle group.”

Symptoms of Muscle Strains You will generally feel a muscle strain as it occurs. Symptoms include: • sudden onset of pain

Causes of Muscle Strains An acute muscle strain is when your muscle tears suddenly and unexpectedly. This can be due to: • not warming up properly before physical activity

• soreness

• poor flexibility

• limited range of movement

• poor conditioning

• bruising or discoloration • swelling

• overexertion and fatigue An acute strain can happen when you:

• a "knotted up" feeling

• slip or lose your footing

• muscle spasms

• jump, run, or throw • lift something heavy

• stiffness • weakness In the case of a mild strain, a torn muscle may feel slightly stiff, but still flexible enough for use. A severe muscle strain is when the muscle is severely torn, resulting in pain and very limited movement.

• lift in an awkward position Chronic muscle strains are the result of repetitive movement. This can be due to: • sports like rowing, tennis, golf, or baseball

• holding your back or neck in an awkward position for long periods of time, such as when you work at a desk • poor posture

40 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Health corner

First Aid for Muscle Strains

What Is the Outlook for Muscle Strain?

Most muscle strains can be successfully treated at home. Minor muscle strains can be treated with the R.I.C.E. method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation

Recovery time depends on the severity of the injury. For a mild strain, you may be able to return to normal activities within three to six weeks with basic home care. For more severe strains, recovery can take several months.

• Rest. Avoid using your muscle for a few days, especially if movement causes an increase in pain.

With proper treatment, most people experience a complete recovery. Follow your doctor’s instructions after surgery, and do not engage in strenuous physical activity until your muscles have healed.

• Compression. To reduce swelling, wrap the affected area with an elastic bandage until swelling comes down.

How to Prevent Muscle Strains

• Elevate. Whenever possible, keep the injured muscle raised above the level of your heart.

Other self-care methods include:

Anti-inflammatory medications. Use an overthe-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Heat. After three days, apply heat to the muscle several times a day. Stretching. Do not rest your muscle for too long. This can cause stiffness and weakness. Begin light stretching as soon as possible. Warm up. When you return to normal activity, make sure to stretch and warm up before exercising. When to Call a Doctor

For mild to moderate strains, home treatment should be enough. Seek medical attention if: • pain does not subside after a week • the injured area is numb • there is blood coming from your injury • you can’t walk • you can’t move your arms or legs. A physical examination and imaging tests, such as X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, can help your doctor determine the extent of your injury.

You can decrease your chances of straining a muscle if you take some basic precautions. Try not to sit in one position for too long. Take frequent breaks to move and change position. Use a chair that provides good support for your lower back or use a pillow for support.

• Maintain good posture when standing and sitting. If you spend a long time in one position, try to alternate putting one foot and then the other on a low footstool. • Lift objects carefully. Keep your back straight, bend at the knees, and always lift with your legs. Hold the weight close to your body. • Always stretch and warm up before engaging in physical activity. • If you are new to exercising, start slowly and build up your activity a little at a time. • Exercise regularly to keep your muscles healthy and strong. • Understand your body’s limitations—don’t overdo it! e

“Always stretch and warm up before engaging in physical activity.”

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 41


• Ice. Apply ice immediately after injuring your muscle and not directly on your skin—use an ice pack or wrap ice in a towel. Keep the ice on your muscle for about 15 minutes. Repeat every hour on the first day. For the next several days, apply ice about every four hours.

Also In The News


Also in the News 1



Artificial human sperm

irst steps toward artificial human sperm? After neurons, cardiac or retinal cells created to measure from skin or blood cells, here comes the turn of reproductive cells. Researchers have produced gamete (sperm and oocytes) generating cells from skin cells. Those cells, present at a very early stage in the fetus, would evolve according to the sex of the latter in spermatogonia and oogonia, which will give sperm and oocytes in adolescence. Treatment of infertility from that angle is not at hand yet, but…. e

Richest person in the world

The Jeju Island Restaurant In China


he Jeju Island restaurant, a plush South Korean fare facility in Zhengzhou, China, is currently offering free meals to the first 50 attractive customers to enter each day. Before customers order, they are taken to a "beauty identification area" where their faces are scanned and considered by a crack-team of local plastic surgeons — who happen to be working with the restaurant to promote their own services. Customers are said to be evaluated on the "quality of their faces, eyes, noses and mouths," and "protruding foreheads are a particular advantage". (Source: Mashable). e



At Liège criminal court

n Belgium, a divorcee in her fifties has been slapped by the Liège criminal court with a six-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 100 euros for proven harassment of her former mother-in-law. The accused had indeed given 3,300 abusive calls — at times up to 120 calls a day from various numbers — over a 3-year period to the 74-year-old woman, whom she considered responsible for the breakup of her marriage. e


A unique name for a future child


he richest person in the world recently drank a glass of clean water derived from piles of human faeces. There was no bet, dare or quirky fundraising spin involved here; it was simply Bill Gates doing Bill Gates things, raising awareness for a machine — the Omni Processor — that processes human waste to generate electricity and produce drinkable water. Here is the process: Sewage sludge arrive by treadmill in the Omni Processor, where it is heated. The process generates steam that, once filtered, becomes perfectly potable water. Dried sludge is then burned and the burning powers a generator that produces electricity (Source: DigitalTrends). e

42 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96



s coming up with an original name for baby an achievement for nowadays’ future parents? In any case, a Swiss company is proposing to handle things in your place. It has assembled a team of experts capable of finding a unique name for a future child. The service will cost parents lacking inspiration the modest sum of 23.330 euros (over 89,000 Ghana cedis). e


who's who

Child Protection Through Drama

Mark Nii Lomotey

HSI Orient Health and Wellness Center


riends and supporters of the African Movement for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (AMPCAN) gathered for an intimate fund raising dinner and also to celebrate the success of the newly launched ChildLine and the AMPCAN recent education program serving local schools called - The Freedom of Beauty. The fund raising dinner was sponsored by generous donations from Olam, Stanbic Bank and a private anonymous donor. When combined with individual donations of the fifty supporters in attendance, nearly GCD40,000 was raised. All enjoyed an evening of friendship with a focus on the needs of Ghanaian children. The dinner took place outdoors, at the HSI Orient Health and Wellness Centre Restaurant in Dzorwulu. Entertainment for the evening featured famed Ghanaian musical artist, Yasmin Helwani, and the beautiful ethnic dance of Mark

Yasmeen Helwani

Nii Lomotey. The highlight of the programme was the performance of the Obaale Dance Group, who dramatized in song and dance the plight of abused children and presented the prevention strategies and approaches being taught to local school children through this new and innovative education program of AMPCAN. e

Obaale Drama Group, organizers & invited guests

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 43


HORROR – SCOPE 2015, know your signs AQUARIUS

Loves the Water (January 20 to February 18) Sharing, inventing and revolting are the qualities of an Aquariusborn. Modernity infuses life into them and novelty delights them. An Aquarius-born is very kind hearted and generous to the point of being peculiar, even eccentric at times, yet so wise, they are a mystery to many. Set in their own personal priorities, style and thoughts, they desire, propagate and promote change. With it comes the duality that surprises other people. By nature, most Water Bearers are fearless and professional, true investigators, wishing to unearth the hidden secrets, while by ability they are intuitive to the fault. Gifted with an ability to question, unravel, experiment and analyse without emotion, they are very logical and make great scientists, mathematicians and inventors. Most Aquarius find pleasure in flouting norms and tradition, and are rarely scared of conflict.


The Partner for Life (February 19 to March 20) The dreamy and romantic Sign is known for its charming creative side, which, to some, is like free flowing poetry, while to others is akin to a fresh floral blossom. Many find generous and compassionate Pisces to be selfless, while others may feel that they (Pisces-born) are a tad rigid or fixed. Well, when it’s about the Pisces, just like it’s symbol of two fish aligned to swim in opposite direction, the paradoxes abound. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces

44 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

are seen to live in a world of their own; they tend to be detached, spiritual and quite focused on their inner journeys aimed at finding peace and harmony. Known to effortlessly ride the waves, without causing agitation, the Pisces natives hate confrontations. They prefer to take roundabouts, instead, and would do all they can to avoid conflicts. Modest and calm, they love to have and foster a feeling of security and cosiness around them. These natives love their cosy nests, and also make wonderful nurturers and parents. Caring, loving and loyal, Pisces are often a treat in love, unless they take to a negative manifestation (of their personality) or are, often irretrievably, jilted in love.

ARIES The Aggressive (March 21 to April 19) Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny… Excellent kisser. EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an Aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be ‘Right’. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world.

TAURUS The FIghter (April 20 to May 20) Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight. Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for the love of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in

times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They can be self-centered and if they want something they will do anything to get it. They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!

GEMINI The Twin (May 21 to June 20) Lovers of talking, Gemini individuals love to interact with others, and are found to be very sociable people. Also, being intellectually inclined, Gemini-born love to gather as much information as they possibly can, and they will also, without hesitation, share this information with their loved ones, as this gives them much fun. Most Gemini-born are versatile, lively, quick-witted and enthusiastic people, whose company is rarely boring. Geminiborn would choose the career that keeps them busy enough, and one that offers ample opportunities to communicate. Gemini are also skillful and talented, when it comes to work involving their hands and gross motor skills, but they don’t usually prefer repetitive tasks. Thus, the careers, which demand new ideas, plenty of communication and fresh, new approach are ideal for Gemini.

CANCER The Beauty (June 21 to July 22) MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer’s love is one of a kind… Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An ultimate freak. Extremely funny and

HorroR-scope is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a fighter, but will kick your ass well if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!

LEO The Lion (July 23 to August 22) Leos, much like their name, are strong, fierce, bold, courageous and regal in their lifestyles, ways and expression. Amazingly creative in almost all spheres of their lives, Leo individuals are independent and dominant. Known to be the most authoritative amongst all the Signs of Zodiac, Leos or Lions are often brave-hearts, and their confidence, ambition and positive thinking are exemplary and unparalleled. The word ‘doubt’ or, for that matter, ‘self doubt’ is not a part of a Leo’s dictionary. Driven and determined, often to the degree of excess, most Leo individuals precisely know what they want from a situation, in particular, and the life, in general.


The One that Waits (August 23 to September 22) Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one and only.

LIBRA The Lame One (September 23 to October 22) Unsurprisingly, most Libra individuals are balancers – of varying degrees. Also, since a pair of Scales always has two aspects, two sides – Libra-born too has two sides to his/ her personality and thinking. Yet, unlike Gemini, the most Libra individuals don’t let this aspect rule their personalities. They are, rather, what you would call, as ‘the weighing options and then deciding (and picking the peaceful option) kinds’. They value fairness and justice above most things, and are natural soothers and harmonizers. On their own, most Libras will steer clear of conflict or arguments, and would also not prefer to create or cause conflicts and disagreements. Owing to this trait, they make for good team players. SCORPIO The Addict (October 23 to November 21) Driven, dedicated and loyal, they also are ambitious and securityloving. Inquisitive and ready to learn, Scorpio individuals are intelligent, motivated people, who can contribute amply to any project. However, it is noteworthy that if the strength of the Scorpioborn lies in these qualities, his/ her deepest weaknesses too are rooted in them. Yes, these charming individuals don’t like to quit, and their impassioned efforts are to die for. Yet, this same ‘never say no’ attitude becomes painful, when the Scorpio takes and treats every ‘no’ as an insult. And, when an otherwise beautifully ardent passion gets misdirected and becomes fanaticism, the Scorpio-born is, as always, sadly unstoppable. This, though, is not to say that Scorpios are fearsome or negative.


The Promiscuous One (November 22 to December 21) Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.

CAPRICORN The Passionate Lover (December 22 to January 19) Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy, but when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs in sports, especially Gemini’s. Likes to cook but would rather go out to eat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 45





riddles fashion

storieS jokes


Short StorY » kids Why Anansi has thin Legs!


nansi is a clever and friendly spider. He has many friends in his place. But Anansi has very thin legs. This story is about what happened to Anansi and why he has thin legs. Anansi had a very strange habit. He was always hungry. He could not satisfy his hunger. One day he visited many friends. He saw rabbit cooking greens and was pulled by the flavours. The rabbit asked him to wait for a while until the greens were cooked. The restless Anansi provided a spider web, tied it to one of his legs and asked the rabbit to pull the leg once the greens were ready so he could return and eat the greens. Next, he met his friend monkey and was attracted by the flavor of beans cooked by monkey. Since it wasn’t completely cooked, he again tied a web to another leg and asked monkey to pull the leg once the beans were ready. The restless Anansi moved on, visiting all animals and asking them to call him once the food was ready. Anansi had webs tied on all his eight legs. All the food got ready and all the animals pulled at the web tied to Anansi’s legs. So this is why Anasi has thin legs. This is a funny story to hear. You can’t be so greedy and if you are, you will end up losing something valuable. e

Quotes for Kids

Inspirational Quotes for Children and Parents

***Do all you can to make your dreams come true --Joel Osteen ***You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back. -- Wayne Dyer ***You’ll see it when you believe it. -- Wayne Dyer ***Start your child’s day with love and encouragement and end the day the same way. --Zig Ziglar To understand your parents love you must raise children yourself. --Chinese Proverb


Great collection of amazing and interesting facts abou

any thing in the world. Amazing facts about animals, th

universe, weather, the human body, language, insect birds and many other amazing and funny facts.

***People with blue eyes see better in dark. ***Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. ***The sun is 330330 times larger than the ear 46 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Kids Corner

Riddle Time – WHO AM I? WHO AM I? LAST (A) I will always come, never arrive today. NOVEMBER Answers What am I?

(B)What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

What am I?

(C) I have no life, but I can die, what am I?

(D) What belongs to you but is used more by others? What am I?

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)

(E) What has to be broken before you can use it?. What am I?

(F) It’s been around for millions of years, but it’s no more than a month old. What am I?

2015 africa style» kids






ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 47


Parent corner

The People to People Ecology “When you go for walk with someone, something happens unconsciously. Either you adjust to their pace or they adjust to your pace.” Sidney Poitier


here are only four types of people in the world we live in no more and no less. These people help to inspire or dampen our spirit. They help to establish our pace! One or more of these 'types' may have a tremendous influence on your life right now! The four types of people are:

1. The Adder- we really enjoy these people, they tend to add some value and support. They make the lives of others pleasanter and more enjoyable. They are nourishers! 2. The Subtractor- we tolerate these people, they do not bear our burdens, and they make heavier the ones we already have. If you have a problem, they have a worse problem. The sad thing about subtractors is what they do is usually unintentional. If it is raining, they will undoubtedly not have an umbrella and if so the umbrella would have gaping holes in it. 3. The Multiplier- we really value these people, they go the extra mile to uplift and inspire people around them. They operate with intention, strategy, and skill using their talent and resources to help. They’re always generating great ideas, solutions to problems, and kind words. They are passionate about making a difference and value partnerships. 4. The Dividers- we avoid these people like the plague! These people move dirt and crap fast. Anything negative or divisive they are the ones moving it about. Dividers are people who will take you to the basement, meaning they’ll take you down as low as they can, as often as they can. These people are bad news losers. They are so damaging because, unlike subtractors, their actions are usually intentional. 48 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Jabari Akil, counsellor, educational consultant & leadership specialist

They are hurtful people who make themselves look or feel better by trying to make someone else do worse than they do. They create havoc in people’s lives. They are toxic! Who’s pace have you adjusted to? Which type of people surrounds you? Les Brown said, “Most people never achieve their true goals in life because they’re surrounded with too many toxic, negative energy draining people”. You have to look at the people in your life and ask yourself this question, “what is this relationship doing for me?”, “Is this relationship helpful to me?”, “How is it impacting my life?” and “Am I a better person?” After you assess you must act to remove those unwanted elements from your life to achieve the goals of your life. Joe Frazier says, “your network determines your net-worth”, the people you associate with will bring the most support toward achieving your goals in life. Think about some people you need to bring into your life. If you look at the 5-6 closest people to you, you can determine how far you will go toward fulfilling your goals. Everyone has a team of supporters, so as you bring forth your team, make sure they’re smarter, more creative than you. They should be great in an area that distinguishes them from you and the rest of the team. You must be around people that are doing what you want to do! e

Les Brown said, “Most people never achieve their true goals in life because they’re surrounded with too many toxic, negative energy draining people”.

movie guide


A poor and passionate young man falls in love with a rich young woman and gives her a sense of freedom. They are soon separated by their social differences. Director: Nick Cassavetes Writers: Jeremy Leven, Jan Sardi Stars: Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Rachel McAdams, RenĂŠe Amber, Ryan Gosling, Starletta DuPois Genres: Drama | Romance Release Date: 25 June 2004 (USA)

The NoteBook A seventeen-year-old aristocrat, expecting to be married to a rich claimant by her mother, falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic. Director: James Cameron Writers: James Cameron Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zanel, Frances Fisher, Bill Paxton, Suzy Amis, Jenette Goldstein Genres: Drama | Romance Release Date: 19 December 1997 (USA)


ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 49

The Best Love Movies Of All Time This Valentine


Valentine's Chocolate Recipe

Val's Recipe

Kingsbite Irish Cream Truffles

Recipe by DecoKraft

The National Chocolate Day is just around the corner and below is a delicious chocolate candy recipe which you can make and give out to your friends on Valentine’s day. This recipe uses the famous chocolate bar KINGSBITE and other Ghanaian cocoa products that one can easily find on the streets and in the shops.

Ingredients : • • • • • • •

225g Kingsbite chocolate (2 1/4 bars of 100g bars) 150ml Heavy whipping cream 30ml Irish Cream 25g unsalted butter 2/3 cup sifted Royale cocoa powder Dessicated coconut, crushed nuts, candy sprinkles 300g Chocobake (Dark Chocolate for coating)- optional.

Directions : 1. Break Kingsbite chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl. 2. Pour the heavy whipping cream into a small saucepan and heat until it boils. 3. Pour heated cream onto the pieces of chocolate and cover for 3 mins. 4. Stir in Butter and Irish cream until smooth. 5. Refrigerate for 2 hours. 6. Remove the truffle mixture from the fridge about 20-30 minutes before you intend to use it. Using a teaspoon, scoop the mixture and form into a ball. 7. Rolling in your palms, and place on a parchment or wax paper lined baking sheet (a simple glass plate can be used) and refrigerate. 8. While the truffle filling is in the fridge, prepare the chocolate coating by tempering the chocolate in your preferred method (optional) or roll the truffles in sifted unsweetened cocoa powder Royale cocoa, dessicated coconut, crushed nuts, candy sprinkles and store in an airtight container. 9. Coat the truffles in the tempered chocolate and top as desired. 10. When all the truffles are made, place them back in the fridge for a couple of hours before packing them into cellophane gift bags or chocolate boxes.

Decokraft Valentine Season

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50 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Chocolate Shoe Customised Chocolate


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Shrimp Scampi

20 mins

Cook time





Ingredients »

» » » » » »



Prep time


Total time


1 1/2 pound jumbo shrimp, shelled and deveined Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 teaspoons minced garlic 1/4 cup dry white vermouth 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon zest


Put the shrimp on a large pie pan or plate and pat them completely dry with a paper towel. Arrange the shrimp so they lay flat and are evenly spaced. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper. Add the butter to the skillet. When the foaming subsides, raise the heat to high, and invert the plate of shrimp over the pan so the shrimp fall into the pan all at once. Cook the shrimp, without moving them, for 1 minute. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Turn the shrimp over and cook for 2 minutes more. Transfer the shrimp to a bowl. Return the skillet to the heat and pour in the vermouth and lemon juice. Boil the liquid until slightly thickened, about 30 seconds. Scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. Stir the zest and parsley into the sauce. Pour the sauce over the shrimp, season with salt and pepper to taste and toss to combine. Divide the shrimp among 4 plates or arrange on a platter and serve.

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 51



Games 56. Folded card for short informal letter 57. Affirm 58. "___ have died trying." (contraction)


1. Magazine 2. Juliet's monologue location 3. Egg cells 4. "___ the word." (contraction) 5. Pipe material 6. Correct, as text 7. Cause for concern 8. ___ Khan 9. V.I.P. 10. Female beneficiary 11. Muzzled dog 12. Circus performer 13. Cake topper 14. Frightening 19. Kind of income 22. Staggered Play these special puzzles 28. Wuss 24. Malicious coward and find the Answers 29. Rhapsodic 26. Devout next time. Enjoy 31. He took two tablets 28. Nonmalignant growth 32. Checked item from mucous lining 33. Bank deposit 30. Video maker, for short 34. Blah (2 wds) Across 31. "Cool" amount 36. Rope for raising a sail 1. Nuclear fission weapon (hyphenated) 33. Dry 39. Hollow passages 6. Internet-based system for 34. Occurs underground anonymous funds transferral 35. Exaggerate a role 40. Fifth note 11. Brilliant performance 36. "Where the heart is" 41. Intro 13. Adult insects 37. In a way that is not gentle 43. Kind of column (2 wds) 15. Lunar calendar beginning A.D. 622 38. Reduced in rank 44. Chart anew 16. Earthenware 39. Cousin of a raccoon 46. Russian assembly 17. P.I., e.g. 40. Bulrush, e.g. 47. 30-day mo. 18. Small, edible herring 42. "Thou ___ enter." (archaic) 48. Strong surface current 20. Victorian, for one 44. Dentist's direction flowing outwards from shore 21. Carbon compound 45. One who steers a ship 50. Non-Jew 23. Pub order 48. Hair colorer 51. Mocking playfully 24. Live wire, so to speak 49. Core 53. Comes down and 25. Incurred 52. Caribbean, e.g. settles, as a bird would 27. Breathalyzer attachment 54. "Fancy that!" 55. Burn up 52 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96


places to be

Places to be in Accra

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ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 53



Afrikiko African Regent Rest. Asanka Local Azmera Rest. Buka Bush Canteen Country Kitchen Ethiopian Rest. Home Touch Red Chilli Sankofa Rest. Tante Marie Tam Tam


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Le Tandem La Chaumière Le Bouquet Le Magellan La Terrasse

(030) 276 2959 (030) 277 2408 (030) 277 2417 (030) 277 7629 054 340 9180


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(031) 202 5513 (024) 541 0403 (030) 277 0606 (030) 277 1700 (030) 297 1272 (024) 747 4007 (057) 651 9799 (030) 277 5356 (024) 222 0011 (020) 785 4319 (030) 276 0284 (030) 222 1710 (030) 277 4891 (030) 277 8477 (030) 277 1713 (030) 276 2988 (030) 277 5496 (024) 340 1503 (030) 266 1858 (030) 225 8473 (030) 278 5252 (030) 282 3131

54 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Jade Garden (024) 460 8281 KFC, Osu (030) 296 3086 Champs Bar & Rest. (024) 095 9406 Koyla Bon Appetit (027) 100 0002 Kohinoor (030) 277 1999 Le Must French Rest. (024) 466 1069 La Table de Cocoaline (030) 279 7207 La Galette (024) 675 2429 Le Bistro Rest. (030) 277 6738 Mango & Wheat (026) 777 0278 Michelangelo (024) 423 3533 Noble House (030) 278 5151 NourishLab Smoothy’s (024) 393 9855 Osekan Rest. (024) 535 2912 Pearl Chinese (024) 440 6748 Red Chilli (024) 790 2809 Rice ‘n’ Salads (027) 740 1009 Ristorante Sol Moi (030) 278 4015 Robi’s Dutch Pub (024) 220 1087 Smollenky’s Rest. (030) 277 5830 Sunshine Café (030) 278 0599 Sweet Rose Chinese (030) 281 6252 Star Bites (030) 293 6156 Stellar Catering (024) 477 3403 Santoku Rest. (030) 273 7027 Toros Tapas Bar (024) 288 0163 Trésence Café (026) 621 0321 The Venue (024) 332 3425 Taverna Tropicana (030) 222 9101 The Grill (024) 433 1000 Veda Indian Rest. (054) 530 0699 3121 Sushi Bar (026) 777 3121 COFFEE / TERRACE

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(030) 278 5420 (030) 276 3095 (030) 277 4339 (032) 204 9868


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(030) 276 7793 (030) 222 0930 (024) 747 4007 (030) 276 2771 (026) 608 6003 (024) 599 9999 (024) 818 6604 (030) 277 7818 (030) 209 7958 (024) 437 0752 (020) 813 3122 (024) 923 6666 (030) 282 3148 (030) 277 6167 (020) 140 4164 (024) 849 5704 (027) 577 2058 (030) 278 0774 (024) 631 4044 (020) 992 5531 (030) 277 2179 (024) 631 4044 (030) 223 2988 (030) 278 2250 (030) 277 5830 (030) 278 2250 (024) 477 8479 (030) 223 7675


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(030) 277 3044 (027) 417 8376 (024) 459 5599 (024) 382 7724 (030) 278 1792 (030) 223 6781 (024) 675 2429 (028) 923 1283 (024) 431 2870


Accra Mall A&C Square Marina Mall

(030) 282 3040 (030) 251 7518 (030) 267 8121 Melcom Plus Kaneshie (030) 225 1789 Melcom Plus Tema (030) 321 6368 Palace (030) 281 5444 Koala (Osu) (030) 277 3455 Lara Mart (030) 276 6834 CULTURAL CENTRES

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(030) 268 3068 (030) 268 3068 (030) 277 6764 (028) 910 2163

enjoy index




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Richierich Estate


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Westfields Estates

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(030) 270 2332


Afrikiko Al Saidy Big Base Black White Rest Brian’s Place Chakwa Chicken Licken Central Gill Cuppa Espcesso Fridays Bar


(030) 222 9997 (024) 550 0003 (030) 320 6918 (030) 320 6905 (030) 330 4177 (024) 464 9113 (030) 321 1092 (020) 105 6556 (002) 650 8994 (030) 340 1431 Imperial Pekin Chinese (030) 330 5573 Korean Rest (030) 330 6244 Mayflower Rest (030) 330 4970 Maria’s (020) 784 6337 Olympic Rest (024) 924 2726 Pastsone Tradi. Kitchen (024) 454 0556 Peterpan (028) 612 0003 Seoul Grill Rest (030) 330 6305 Southern Fried Chicken (030) 320 6905 The Page (030) 320 6068 Trafix Rest (030) 320 2357 Golden Bowl Chop (030) 320 6424 Vienna City (030) 330 4084 Winner’s (030) 340 4515

African Rainbow (031) 203 2149 Ahenfie (031) 202 1267 Akroma Plaza (031) 202 5513 Alrose (031) 202 4230 Ambassador (031) 202 7431 Bocadilos Rest. (031) 202 0356 Captain Hooks Rest. (031) 202 7084 Chinese Fast Food (031) 202 6565 Cool Spot Rest. (031) 202 1640 Crisking Rest. (031) 204 6813 Furama Chinese Rest. (031) 202 3556 Maame B’s Kitchen (031) 203 0540 Memories Rest. (031) 202 1679 Nsempa (031) 202 4230 Ocean Bar (031) 203 3693 Planter’s Lodge (031) 202 2233 Palace Continental (031) 202 3463 Silver Pot Rest (020) 507 6166 You 84 Rest (031) 202 2945 Twin-City Chinese (031) 202 6888 Royal Park (032) 202 3388


Cape Café & Rest Casanova Spot Court Cateen Friends Gardens Hacienda Plaza Precious Canteen Seven Up Rest

Club Felisa (030) 330 3003 Osmosis Night Club (030) 330 4362 Subin Valley Night Club(030) 330 6477


4 Aces (032) 202 9855 Accadia Rest (024) 393 3399 Adhyeman Gardens (032) 202 6076 Babitex (032) 202 7476 Baboo (032) 202 5725 BigDaddy’s (024) 481 0822 Boss Burger (024) 437 3091 Black Berry MegaBite (032) 202 2543 Chinese Rest (032) 202 9893 Chopsticks Rest. (032) 202 3221 Couples (032) 202 2146 Flo-Tru (032) 202 5360 Hollywood Rest (032) 202 5792 Kentisn Kitchen (032) 202 2748 NIGHT CLUBS IN KUMASI

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(024) 488 0054 (033) 213 2425 (024) 428 2862 (033) 213 2956 (024) 437 7815 (033) 213 4681 (033) 213 2505


Gihoc Distilleries Co (033) 213 2713 SUPER MARKET IN CAPE COAST

Melcom Stores (033) 213 4118 Sonturk Super market (033) 213 2207


Bafana Banyana Civil Sport Crest Rest Evesak Fast Food Executive Cuisine Gym 1000 Palace Jay and Jay Sunset Bar Swad Fast Food Sweet Garden Tisa Rest

(027) 759 1727 (037) 202 3324 (037) 202 4898 (037) 202 3505 (024) 447 8710 (037) 202 3239 (037) 202 4654 (024) 420 1643 (037) 202 5188 (037) 202 3539 (037) 202 4217

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 55




Alisa Hotel (030) 221 4244 Airport West Hotel (024) 435 8042 Airport View Hotel (027) 775 3305 Airside Hotel (030) 276 0480 Akwaaba Lodge (024) 427 7261 Alema Court (024) 432 1175 Angehill Hotel (030) 251 7515 African Regent Hotel (030) 276 5180 Aristocrat Hotel (024) 318 4447 Ascension Hotel (030) 251 7452 Bayous Court Hotel (030) 240 0806 Bellview Hotel (030) 266 7730 Brookvale Hotel (030) 285 3443 Byblos Hotel (030) 278 2250 Best Western Premier (030) 221 6570 Crystal Palm Hotel (030) 225 8164 Capital Court Hotel (030) 222 6199 Casanova Hotel (030) 267 9470 Crown Apartmento (030) 277 1712 Chez Lien (030) 277 5356 Central Hotel (030) 276 6606 Charlys Hotel (030) 250 5125 City Apartments (024) 480 7888 Coconut Grove Regency (030) 222 5155 Coconut Court Hotel (030) 222 6310 Cottage Hotel (030) 222 2736 Crystal Palm Hotel (024) 369 0014 Crystal Rose Hotel (024) 280 1622 Dutch Hotel (030) 271 1111 Dukes Palace Hotel (030) 251 0668 Earlbeam Hotel (030) 277 0523 Eastgate Hotel (030) 250 7441 Ebis Hotel (030) 277 8559 Ellking (024) 347 8814 Erata Hotel (054) 433 67454 Esther’s Hotel (030) 277 2368 Fiesta Royale (030) 461 3677 First Choice Hotel (028) 954 8271 Frankie’s Hotel (024) 277 3567 Ghasom Hotel (030) 223 4953 Golden Tulip (030) 221 3161 Green Oak (024) 811 0319 Global Summer Hotel (030) 276 0199 Golden Spoon Hotel (030) 224 0295 Great Gardens Hotel (030) 230 6249 Green Oak (024) 811 0319 Gye Nyame Hotel (030) 222 3321 Hibiscus Hotel (024) 426 6522 Hotel Elegance (030) 224 0809 Holiday Hotel (030) 274 0811 Highgate Hotel (030) 223 3315 Holiday Inn Hotel (030) 274 0930 Hotel Western Sun (054) 433 5533 Just Sands (024) 218 3955 56 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96



Kensa (030) 276 8291 Kuku Hill Hotel (030) 278 2571 La Palm Royal Beach (030) 277 1700 Little Acra Hotel (026) 612 1945 La Villa Boutique Hotel (030) 273 0333 Labadi Beach Hotel (030) 277 2501 Luna Guest House (024) 401 6629 Luxury West Hotel (020) 813 4370 M Plaza Hotel (030) 276 3425 Mainland Hotel (030) 277 8243 Mariset Plaza (030) 277 4542 Miklin Hotel (030) 250 0708 MJ Grand Hotel (054) 775 3908 Mövenpick Ambassador (030) 261 1000 Mirage Royal Hotel (030) 252 0570 Monarch Hotel (030) 251 8653 Naks Hotel (030) 250 0435 Novotel Hotel (030) 263 3863 Nova Hotel (030) 277 5579 Niagara Plus Hotel (024) 477 1710 Oak Plaza East Airport (030) 281 6460 Ocean Sky Hotel (030) 278 2951 Otumfuo Hotel (030) 277 4827 Oriental Guest House (026) 513 3244 Pekan Hotel (024) 429 7520 Protea Hotel (030) 251 7454 Paloma Hotel (030) 222 8700 Riviera Beach Hotel (030) 266 2400 Royal Richester (030) 222 5155 Ramada Resort Coco (030) 271 7235 Roots Hotel Apartment (032) 278 0283 Robinhood Hotel (030) 281 6251 Sunsplash Hotel (024) 426 2086 Tenko Plaza Hotel (030) 251 9523 The Guest Hotel (030) 251 1370 The Rest Inn (024) 363 9174 The Volta Lodge (030) 277 8396 Tropical Concepts (027) 492 1774 Tropical Encalve (024) 480 9090 The Aknac Hotel (030) 282 4235 The Landsdown (026) 960 1541 The Royal Senchi (030) 340 9180 The Congress Hotel (030) 274 0750 Villa Monticello Hotel (030) 277 3477

Accadia Cafe & Rest Cedar Crescent Hotel Miklin Hotel Golden Gate Hotel Golden Tulip Royal Basin Resort Paparazzi Hotel


Applel Hotel Asia Hotel Commville Hotel Janus Hotel Oak Royal Hotel Sakumono Royal

(030) 320 4617 (030) 320 6121 (030) 320 6264 (030) 341 1163 (030) 320 6926 (030) 320 4911

(024) 393 3399 (032) 203 7238 (032) 203 9121 (032) 203 7073 (032) 208 3777 (032) 206 0144 (032) 209 2026


Abuesi Beach Resort (024) 435 9100 Akroma Plaza (031) 202 3745 Africa Beach Hotel (031) 202 5148 Alor Hotel (031) 202 2703 Alrose Hotel (031) 2024230 Amenla Hotel (031) 202 2543 Animens Hotel (031) 202 4676 Arvo Hotel (031) 701 0180 Atlantic Hotel (031) 202 2091 Beach Hotel & Resort (031) 202 1021 Beachway Hotel (031) 202 4734 Blue Water Hotel (031) 209 2116 Busua Beach Resort (031) 209 3307 Cane Basket Hotel (031) 202 7213 Cath’s Lodge (031) 202 6854 Devon Hotel (031) 202 2194 Embassy Hotel (031) 202 1611 Franfaus Hotel (024) 671 0349 Fred Mexico (031) 202 1611 Harbour View Hotel (031) 202 3576 Hillcrest Hotel (031) 202 2277 Hotel Animens (031) 202 4676 Hotel Applause (031) 202 3941 Hotel Be Ruco (031) 202 1248 Hotel Majestic (031) 204 6784 Melody Hotel (031) 202 4109 Nalex Hotel (031) 202 0669 Pacific Court Guest (031) 203 4259 Palm Lines Hotel (031) 204 6550 Palme Hotel (031) 202 4596 Planter’s Lodge (031) 202 2233 Railview Hotel (031) 242 0136 Raybow Int Hotel (031) 202 2072 Royal Palm Hotel (031) 204 4596 Sammar Lodge (031) 202 8363 Super Gardens (031) 202 8363 Takoradi Beach (031) 202 1021 Twin City Hotel (024) 457 3596 Valley Beach Hotels (031) 202 6900 Victoria Beach (031) 202 5693 Westline Hotel (031) 204 4679 Whin River Hotel (031) 202 4074 Zenith Hotel (031) 202 2359

enjoy index


Ankwanda Beach Biriwa Beach Hotel Cape Coast Hotel Elimina Bay Elmina Beach Fespa Hotel Hacienda Hotel Haizel Guest House Hans Cottage Heavens Lodge Jubilee Lodg Mighty Victory Hotel Mudek Hotel Prospect Lodge Rainforest Lodge Savoy Hotel Sisimbo Beach White Sands Beach

(033) 213 3797 (024) 442 6277 (033) 213 3457 (054) 161 4812 (033) 214 0010 (024) 232 3611 (024) 437 7815 (033) 213 3044 (024) 427 4340 (033) 213 4999 (033) 213 3424 (033) 213 0135 (024) 467 1137 (024) 687 3557 (033) 219 2498 (033) 213 2805 (054) 795 2844 (031) 202 2072



Gariba Lodge Andi Lodge Gariba Lodge Guest De Favzie King’s Guest House Klass-One Court Modern City Picorna Hotel

(037) 203 3371 (037) 202 2975 (037) 203 3371 (037) 202 4340 (037) 202 4316 (037) 202 7079 (037) 202 4473 (037) 202 207



Amadeus Ghana Melcom Travel Nomadafrica Global Village Travel Stellar Travel Travel Bureau Sunseekers Tours

(030) 276 5590 (030) 225 2984 (030) 701 1234 (030) 276 9273 (030) 276 4557 (030) 282 3004 (030) 222 5393


Cape Trading Ltd Say Cheers X O Wine Shop Bacchus Wine shop

(030) 277 6705 (030) 281 1407 (024) 664 3208 (024) 348 0047


The Gift Bag Sytris, Osu Finest Gifts Plus Obsession Gift Shop Placito Ltd.



(024) 322 3519 (027) 730 0800 (030) 277 7810 (030) 277 4682 (030) 222 0051

Silverbird Accra Mall (054) 431 0140 ACCRA KIDS BOOK, TOYS & MORE

Kidz Cottag Ltd A & C Kiddy Ground Marvels Mini Golf e-toys & More Lego Play & Learn Kiddie’s

(030) 276 5616 (030) 251 5055 (030) 291 5400 (030) 278 1076 (030) 222 3235 (030) 277 0837 Mom & Dad Befa Rock (030) 278 1076 Kids Planet (054) 550 0000 Aviation Social Center (020) 703 9797 RESORTS

Busua Beach Busua Inn Dutch Hotel Ramada Resort Hillburi Aburi Loo Moon Lodge New Coco Beach Jays Lodge

(020) 638 8029 (020) 737 3579 (030) 271 1111 (030) 271 7235 (024) 438 5008 (020) 824 1549 (030) 271 7235 (030) 297 5356


Coaching & Dev. Greet Gyawaa Kids Concept Orca Deco Office Furniture PPAK Motors Village Pet Shop

(024) 894 8242 (030) 277 2955 (024) 641 5459 (024) 095 4262 (030) 222 0732 (054) 433005/6 (030) 268 8780 (024) 406 2796



Accra Mall Pharmacy (028) 940 0400 Bedita Pharmacy (030) 277 8375 Equity Pharmacy (020) 253 2496/7 Ernest Chemist (030) 222 9293 East Legon Pharmacy (030) 250 2174 Korle-Bu Pharmacy (030) 263 7033 Jinlet Pharmacy, Tesano (030) 222 1225 Jinlet Pharmacy, Osu (030) 278 3361

Roman Ridge Pharmacy (030) 276 9166

Tica Pharmacy Wencol Chemist

(030) 281 7458 (030) 277 3858


The Diagnostic Center (030) 298 0243 MDS-Lancet (030) 261 0480 Medilab Diagnostic (030) 276 9680 Mediclinic (030) 297 4154 PEDIATRICS

Akai House Clinic Phillips Clinic North Ridge Hospital International SOS

(030) 268 2162 (030) 276 8681 (030) 222 7328 (030) 279 9978


The Chiropractic

(024) 636 3411


Vodafone (020) (050 Glo (023) MTN (024) (054 Airtel (formerly Zain) (026) Tigo (027) (057 Expresso (028) LANDLINE

Accra Ada Aflao/Denu Akosombo Axim Bawku Bekwai Bolgatanga Cape Coast Dunkwa Ho Keta/Akatsi Koforidua Konongo Kumasi Mampong/Ashanti Navrongo Nkawkaw Obuasi Sekondi/Takoradi Sunyani Swedru Tema Wa Winneba

(030) 2 (030 35 (036 25 (034 30 (031 21 (038 22 (032 24 (038 20 (033 21 (033 22 (036 20 (036 26 (034 20 032 21 032 20 003 222 038 21 034 31 032 25 031 20 035 20 033 20 030 3 039 20 033 23

ENJOY No 96 Jan-Feb 2015 | 57

Useful Numbers


Embassies Algeria Australia Austria Belgium Benin Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada China CÔte d’lvoire Denmark Ethiopia Egypt Finland France Gambia Germany Guinea Hungary India Iran Ireland Italy Korea Japan Lebanon Liberia Mali Morocco Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Philippines Poland Spain Russia Rwanda Czech Rep. Senegal Togo Congo Turkey U.K. U.S.A. Switzerland

(030)-277 6719 (030)-221 6400 (030)-278 3368 (030)-277 6561 (030)-277 4860 (030)-277 4908 (030)-277 2404 (030)-222 1988 (030)-277 3791 (030)-277 7073 (030)-277 2611 (030)-222 6972 (030)-276 5682

(030)-277 6854 (030)-277 7500 (030)-221 4550 (030)-231 5840 (030)-222 1311 (030)-277 7921 (030)-240 0770 (030)-277 5601 (030)-276 0521 (030)-251 8112 (030)-277 5621 (030)-277 7533 (030)-276 5060 (030)-277 6727 (030)-277 5641 (030)-266 3276 (030)-277 5669 (030)-221 4350 (030)-222 4962 (030)-277 6158 (030)-222 0101 (030)-251 6442 (030)-250 2829 (030)-277 4004 (030)-277 5611 (030)-225 1894 (030)-222 3540 (030)-277 0285 (030)-277 7950 (030)-224 5977 (030)-276 8567 (030)-222 1665 (030)-277 5347 (030)-222 8125

INT. DIALING CODES Angola 244 Australia 61 Austria 43 Belgium 32 Benin 229 Botswana 267 Brazil 55 Burkina Faso 226 58 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

Burundi 257 Cameroon 237 Canada 1 Cape Verde 238 Cntrl African Rep 236 Chad 235 Czech Republic 420 Denmark 45 Egypt 20 Equatorial Guinea 240 France 33 Gabon 241 Gambia 220 Guinea 224 Italy 39 Japan 81 North Korea 850 South Korea 82 Liberia 231 Libya 218 Mali 223 Mauritania 222 Mauritius 230 Morocco 212 Namibia 264 Rwanda 250 Senegal 221 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Togo 228 Uganda 256 U.S.A. 1 DRC 243 Zambia 260 Zimbabwe 263

AIRLINES kotoka Airport Aero Contractor Aerogem Aviation American Airlines Asky airline Air burkina Air NAMIBA Air Ghana Air cote d'ivoire Air Senegal Int. Antrack Air Alitalia AFRICA WORLD AIRLINE Belview Airlines British Airlines Delta Airlines Egypt Air Emirate Airlines FLY 540 Ghana Int.

(030)-277 6171 (030)-276 3657 (030)-221 3111 (030)-222 1170/9 (030)-224 0442/3 (030)-276 8892 (030)-276 6602 (030)-277 6171 (054)- 012 1188 (030)-278 0567 (030)-276 5377 (030)-278 3319/21

(030)-276 4288 (030)-223 0329 (030)-221 4996 (030)-221 3111 (030)-277 7756 (030)-224 353/8 (030)-221 3131 (030)-340 0540 (030)-221 3555

Kenya Airways KLM Lufthansa Middle East North American Royal Air Maroc Royal Dutch STARBOW South African Air Turkish Airlines UNMIL Virgin Nigeria

(030)-221 5300 (030)-221 4700 (030)-224 3893 (030)-223 0867 (030)-291 1087 (030)-276 6333 (030)-277 6509 (030)-245 00000 (030)-278 3676 (030)-273 4560 (030)-277 3890 (030)-291 1721

24 HR EMERGENCY CENTRE Trust Hospital Nyaho Clinic

(030)-277 6787 (030)-277 5341

BANKS Access Bank Agri. Dev.Bank Bank of Ghana Barclays Bank Cal Bank Ltd CDH Securities Ltd Credit References Databank Group Ecobank NIB Societe generale Gh

(030)-278 4143 (030)-266 2640 (030)-266 6902 (030)-278 4049 (030)-268 0061 (030)-266 7425 (030)-278 2581 (030)-266 9421 (030)-268 1147 (030)-266 1701 (030)-220 2020

FIRE SERVICE Headquarters Cantonments Central (Makola) Industrial Area Dansoman Madina Aviation Trade Fare

(030)-277 2446 (030)-266 6576 (030)-277 9635 (030)-222 3169 (030)-231 0903 (030)-250 1744 (030)-277 3285 (030)-277 3949

HOSPITALS Akai House Clinic Akai House (Osu) 37 Military Hospital Korle-Bu Lister hospital Nyaho Clinic Princess Marie Louise West African Rescue INTERNATIONAL SOS

(030)-278 4772 (030)-276 3821 (030)-277 6111 (030)-266 5401 (030)-281 2325/6 (030)-277 5341 (030)-266 4137 (030)-278 1258 (030)-279 9978

POLICE Emergency Regional 191 Headquarters Mobile Force Accra Central Achimota Adabraka Airport

(030)-266 4611 (030)-276 0273 (030)-266 3625 (030)-240 1999 (030)-222 1368 (030)-277 7592

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60 | Jan-Feb 2015 ENJOY No 96

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