ENJOY Accra Magazine No90

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ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 1

2 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 3

C O N T E N T s F eat u r e S torie s

SG Ghana Launched 250 Deposit Campaign

French Chamber of Commerce Launched


Julie A. Dacaud General Manager & Sales julie@enjoyaccra.com Karen Balchin Sr. Creative & Graphic Designer karen@enjoyaccra.com Juanito Mario de Medeiros Publication Manager juanito@enjoyaccra.com Clementina Ayirebi-Acquah Graphic Designer Hervé-Daniel Osnou Web Designer Priscilla Tia Marketing Executive Vicky Murray Copywriter Adele Noellie.M Administrative & Accounts

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Enjoy Accra Magazine is published by Orion Advertising Company Ltd. Tel.: (+233) 030 278 70 25 / 0302 544 377 a il : m g@ e njoy a c c ra . c om June 2014mENJOY No a90 www.enjoyaccra.com

Raising The Sails At Sogakope


Ghana International





Woman’s Club

Kofi Ansah

Interview : H.E. Mr. Frédéric Clavier


Italian Embassy 68th National Day


LG Unveils Curved Oled TVs


Celebrating African Union Day 2014


Event Calender


Brazil Football World Club Calender Schedule


Beauty Tips : How To Take Care Of Your Skin


Awards Night For Courage & Inspiration




Ghanaian Success : Coby Asmah


Health : What Is Breast Cancer


Enjoy Index


Useful numbers


Printed by Type Company Limited

Editor’s Letter Dear Friends, It is because the fish is in the water that you won’t see it is crying!


I hope this month, you will enjoy reading about the activities of the Ghana International Women’s Club, the Endless Possibilities

and Hope Development Organisation and the Ekua Kuenyehia Foundation, three non-profit organisations, whose members

spend time and resources in initiatives to better the lot of the needy in society. Another








Commerce and Industry in Ghana to promote trade relations

between Ghana and France. And do not forget to take

advantage of The-Power-of-250, the new promotion campaign launched by SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE, your bank!

The rains are here again in abundance! I suggest we do not dwell too much on the little miseries they bring along. Let us rather receive the blessing since the African saying asserts that there is much blessing in the rain falling on you?

As the Black Stars head for the country of football, Brazil, to battle it out with the world elite for the third time. We wish them well! Vá, Gana! Vá!!!

Also, we introduce new segments in your magazine: for the next twelve months, we shall be offering a

double-page of mixed content including great quotes, events of interest or historical significance that occurred in the past on a date of the month under review, did-you-knows, motivational stories.

Just take a moment to relax here, grab your favourite refreshment and bask in the warmth of these new

pages. You might seize some inspiration and feel that you have the full right to go after your heart’s desires and dreams!

To our Fathers, we say Happy Father’s Day on 15th June. You have done well! You deserve recognition, love and attention from us all!

Enjoy!!! Don’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.com

Dominique Paravicini Editor

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 5


The Chairman of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana


Mr. Patrick Prado, a French national, is the Managing Director of Allianz Ghana, an Insurance Company fully owned by Allianz Group based in Munich, Germany. It started operation in Ghana in December 2009. Mr. Prado is also the President of the newly-commissioned French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana (CCFG). This latter cap is the one he has been wearing for the sake of this interview. Read on. Mr. Patrick Prado, Managing Director, Allianz Ghana


Mr. Patrick Prado, ‘Enjoy Accra’ wishes to congratulate you on the grand launch of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana. How do you feel now that your Chamber is formally inaugurated? PATRICK PRADO (P.P): Thank you. Simply put, I feel elated. The launch ceremony was extremely successful with close to 350 people in attendance. We share HE the Vice-president’s vision on the need to foster trade relations between France and Ghana. Lots of Ghanaian entrepreneurs were there, as well as French businesses.

want to nurture a strong dynamic amongst the French-Ghanaian business community through the organization of conferences, forums, cocktails, experts’ meetings, etc. One ought to understand that for business to thrive, it is very important to make the right contact, to get the right information and to interact with the experts in specific areas of activity. Secondly, we want to assist French SMEs hoping to set up in Ghana, thereby contributing to the growth of French companies geared up to export.

What is the CCFG’s role and how relevant is its setting-up to the economies of the two countries?

That we can now do, thanks to the partnership agreement signed by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana with UBIfrance, a counterpart in France to the Ghana Export Promotion Council.




The Chamber of Commerce is the French Ambassador’s brainchild, with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. We 6 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Could you revisit the objectives of the Chamber for our readers? What was the basis for its creation?

P.P: It all started with French and Ghanaian entrepreneurs requesting the setting up of a formal, supportive body that to facilitate exchanges. The number of French businesses eager to invest in Ghana has been on a steady rise because Ghana is an attractive country which has demonstrated resiliency in difficult times. Ghanaian enterprises that are willing to tie business relations with French companies are also on the increase. The Chamber of Commerce is open to all nationalities and we were surprised at the inauguration

“Secondly, we want to assist French SMEs hoping to set up in Ghana, thereby contributing to the growth of French companies geared up to export.”


“Ghanaian enterprises that are willing to tie business relations with French companies are also increasing in number.” ceremony — which, incidentally, will remain one of the greatest moments in the year — at how enthusiastic our colleagues from other European countries were about getting on board. In fact, the French Chamber of Commerce in Ghana can be an engine for both local and foreign businesses.


What are the Chamber’s criteria to admit members? P.P: This Chamber shall welcome all businesses irrespective of size, from the multinational to the small-size venture, and area of activity. They will select the level of service they wish to have access to, depending on their need and their financial wherewithall. We have made provision for a one-man enterprise to have access to a minimum level of services.

in our members’ yearbook and you will have access to the Chamber’s database as well. We have a website under construction plus a newsletter subscription is available. Seminaries, conference-dinners, debate nights, networking cocktails, will be part of your normal schedule

“The partnership agreement signed by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana with UBIfrance, a counterpart in France to Ghana Export Promotion Council. as a member, depending of course on your category. By the way, the categories are: Golden, Silver, Ivory, Individual and Small enterprise.

P.P: Listen, and let your readers understand that ethics, transparency and good governance are enshrined in our constitution. This French Chamber of Commerce won’t accommodate any individual who will not abide by our rules. All members will have to sign a charter of ethics prior to being admitted. e


ENJOY bids you good luck!

“Your visibility is enhanced and you are referenced as a privileged contact and partner of the Chamber.”


In all human institutions, we have the good, the bad and the ugly. How do you expect to separate the wheat from the chaff?


How does membership of the CCFG benefit a company? P.P: The benefits are numerous. As a member, you receive information on the latest economic, fiscal and social trends of the market. Your visibility is enhanced and you are referenced as a privileged contact and partner of the Chamber. You will have opportunities during functions to meet with leading business and political figures as well as renowned experts. Moreover, you will feature

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 7


His Excellency Mr. Frédéric Clavier, Ambassador of France to Ghana


they all were convinced of the economic importance of Ghana. We’ve made it now! J.M: Obviously, the creation and launch of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to address one or more needs. What are they? A.F.C:

H.E. Mr. Frédéric Clavier, French Ambassador to Ghana

Juanito Mario (J.M) :


Your Excellency, ‘Enjoy’ Magazine thanks you for this interview. In your opinion how far have relations between France and Ghana travelled?

When I arrived in Ghana a little over two years ago, I immediately ranked this project a priority. Right away, French Foreign Trade Advisors and the Head of the Economic Mission set to it. Likewise, Ghanaian businessmen told me: ‘we need a Chamber of commerce to strengthen further our trade and investment relationship.

Ambassador Frédéric Clavier (A.F.C): Our relations are excellent, based on great confidence between political, and economic officials. That is something very tangible, I would even say something new, to have reached such level of maturity in the relationship between our two countries. Exchanges are constant, and they encompass all the issues. J.M: I also wish to congratulate you on the launch of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana. My information is that you were especially keen on the creation and launch of the Chamber. Would you explain why? 8 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

J.M: How did you make the Chamber of Commerce a reality? A.F.C: Together with Foreign Trade Advisors of France, we have work ed for the past two years. The process has been a complex one, involving lots of people, including officers of the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economy and Finance; we also had to involve Ubifrance, the investment promotion agency. Everyone has been very receptive and has pushed in the same direction, as

There was first the need to let people know what France can bring to Ghana in terms of economic partnership and investment. Also, it was necessary to showcase the destination France to Ghanaian businessmen and investors. In all my interactions, I perceived on either side an appetite to work together. The Chamber will enable each and everybody to know one another and generate business opportunities. J.M: Between the French enterprises and the Ghanaian enterprises, which ones craved the creation of this institution the most? A.F.C: Frankly speaking, both! When I met a Ghanaian or a French businessman and I talked to them about this project, they would show interest and even enthusiasm at once. Companies need a body which would support them in their moves and give them information on the markets. The Chamber will be dedicated to that.

“Some French companies which work and create jobs in Ghana need that agreement. The Chamber will fulfil, I think, its part in this debate.”

Interview JM: So kindly tell us whom the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is targeting? A.F.C: All businessmen who want to work with France, with Ghana but also with the French-speaking neighbouring countries. We will be listening to them and, above all, we will be accompanying them in their projects. J.M: How would you express your hopes, on the economic front, after the creation of the Chamber? A.F.C: I want to set myself an ambitious but reasonable goal: to increase twofold the trade flows between our two countries in the coming five years. I think that it is realistic. Today, the figure is USD1.7 billion. That is good but there is room for more. That applies to investment, including SMEs. J.M: Can we expect impact also in other areas? The “Francophonie”, tourism, culture...? A.F.C: Yes, nothing is to be left out. I have strong beliefs in our ability to create bridges between individuals and institutions, what is termed as de-compartmentalization. To create links between Anglophone countries and Francophone countries falls in line with the logic of history. The idea is also to refuse to consider any areas as out-ofbounds including tourism and cultural industries. J.M: Here in Accra, the Ambassador put his shoulders to the wheel alongside other personalities so that everything is on track today. But in Paris, to what levels did

the Quai d’Orsay and Bercy get involved? Maybe even of the Elysée Palace? A.F.C: Indeed, the highest French authorities were informed and they readily supported the project. That tells you about the unprecedented mobilization by the French officials around the President of the Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development to promote economic diplomacy, adapted to the challenges of today’s world. J.M: On the Ghanaian side, what has been their contribution to this achievement? A.F.C: I had all the necessary support not only from the Ghanaian authorities but also from the business community and professional associations (GIPC; PEF; AGI), which have been encouraging me. Let me pay my respects to them here and convey my appreciation. J.M: This brings me to the next question: what does Ghana represent in the French diplomatic set-up, on a continent en route for more freedoms and economic comfort?

A.F.C: It is a friendly country which France exchanges with on many issues in a most transparent manner. Ghana has come extraordinarily far in 20 years. Today, it is a pillar of development. It is also a country well-respected abroad for its contribution to freedom, democracy, peace and stability. Our diplomats work confidently on an almost daily basis with each other on all the big issues on the international agenda. J.M: Your Excellency, the big issue of the moment is undoubtedly the Economic Partnership Agreements. To what extent can the CCFG contribute to the debate here in Ghana? A.F.C: This is an important issue for the future of the EU-Ghana relationship because it is about access rights of each of our markets. Negotiations are well advanced. There is still some way to go but I believe an agreement is at hand. Some French companies which work and create jobs in Ghana need that agreement. The Chamber will fulfil, I think, its part in this debate. J.M: A while ago, you mentioned economic diplomacy and that is the order of the day for all diplomatic set-ups nowadays. Your word for economic operators in the host country? A.F.C: France has strengths. French companies are known for their techniques, their know-how, and their seriousness in business. They want Ghanaian entrepreneurs to take advantage of that. To know better the Ghanaian market and to know better the French market; to join possibly: That is what is called a win-win situation. e ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 9


French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Ghana Launched

Mr. Patrick Prado, Managing Director, Allianz Ghana

H.E Kwesi Amissah Arthur, Vice President of Ghana & H.E. Mr. Frédéric Clavier, French Ambassador to Ghana

“Delivering his speech, the Ambassador explained that the Chamber of Commerce aimed at increasing French investment in Ghana and Ghanaian investment in France by encouraging companies from both countries to prospect and set up businesses in the other.“


he French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ghana (CCFG) was formally launched at the French Residence in Accra on 27th May 2014. The ceremony was marked by a cocktail jointly organized by the Board of Directors of the CCFG and His Excellency Frédéric Clavier, Ambassador of France to Ghana. In attendance around Mr. Frédéric Clavier and Mr. Patrick Prado, Chairman of the CCFG, were His Excellency Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur, Vice-president of Ghana, and guest of honour for the occasion, Honourable Ebo Barton Odro, First Deputy-speaker of Parliament, Honourable Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, Minority Leader, Honourable Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo, Minister of State in charge of Public Private Partnership and Honourable Isaac Adjei Mensah, Deputy Minister for Roads and Highways. Of course Corporate Ghana was beautifully represented, as well as other prominent citizens from the two countries. Delivering his speech, the Ambassador explained that the Chamber of Commerce aimed at increasing French investment in Ghana and Ghanaian investment in France by encouraging companies from both countries to prospect and set up businesses in the other. 10 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Jean Louis Chanel (Renault Truck) & Mr Guillaume Larroque Managing Director Total Ghana

H.E Kwesi Amissah Arthur & Mr Ekow Otoo, Country Director, Nespresso

Who’s who

“France is currently Ghana’s fifth supplier Mahesh Gokals (Managing Director, GokalsLaborex Ltd.), High Commissioner Shri K. Jeeva Sagar & Czech Republic Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Miloslav Machalek

and tenth Daniel Adai (UbiFrance, Côte d’Ivoire) & distinguished guests


He did not fail to stress the importance of building economic bridges between Ghana and her francophone neighbours. It should be recalled that economic and commercial exchanges between Ghana and France have drastically increased over the past few years. France is currently Ghana’s fifth supplier and tenth client. Bilateral trade is estimated at 1.7 billion dollars. Moreover, in the last decade, an increasing number of French companies have successfully established their businesses in Ghana. Today 60 French companies are doing business in the country in many different sectors: oil equipment, petrol, agro-industries, transport, construction, ITEC, electrical equipment, cosmetics and banking and financial sectors. On his part, the Chairman of the CCFG made it a point to indicate that the Chamber would be open to all scales of companies i.e. multinationals and SMEs alike. All would be offered various services and lots of activities are said to be in the pipeline, geared at adding “dynamism to the French Ghanaian community”, according to Mr. Prado. Effecting the launch, Vice-president Kwesi Amissah-Arthur tasked the CCFG to support Ghanaian businesses to invest in neighbouring French-speaking countries, in order to help

Nuetey Adzeman, Executive Director, GOGSPA

Holy-John Smile, Marcashé Carnegie, Frances Hagan, distinguished guest and Emmanuel A. Abbey

Cécile Vigneau (1st Counsellor, French Embassy), Osei Tsei-MensahBonsu, Honourable Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo Minority Leader and guest

Anne-Marie, Baaba and Adwoa

Giel du Toit, General Manager, AVIS Fleet Services Ghana

Laura,Charles & Adobia ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 11

who’s who


Pauleska Zee and Eric Abeaku Amonoo

Guillaume, Benoît Jouve (Louis Dreyfus) and Vincent (Necotrano)

advance ECOWAS’s endeavour at integrating the subregion and also enhancing the living conditions of the people. He availed himself of the opportunity to laud the French Government for all the support it had been lending Ghana in almost all the sectors of the economy, and to express the hope that the CCFG would only contribute to deepening the relations between Ghana and France. e

Carsten Düwer, Managing Director, C. Woerman (Gh.) Ltd. & guests

“Today 60 French companies are doing business in the country in many different sectors: oil equipment, petrol, construction, ITEC, cosmetics and banking and financial sectors.”

Olivier Epp (CCI International) & distinguished guests

Nicolas Pauly (Newrest) and Jacob Kahl Jepsen (Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Denmark)

Edith and George

Priscilla, Belinda and Efua

Kwaku Owusu-Ansah (HR Manager, Air Liquide) and Hubert Gati (Business Dev. Manager, Air Liquide)

French Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Tel: 0260838637 Email : ccifranceghana@gmail.com 12 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 13



SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE GHANA LAUNCHES THE-POWER-OF-250-DEPOSIT CAMPAIGN “The only prerequisite is to have a savings account at Société Générale Ghana. Common denominator to qualify for the raffle draws is GHC250.00 only.”


s part of activities that Société Générale Ghana has scheduled for 2014 with a view to demonstrating its commitment towards its customers, the Bank launched its maiden deposit mobilisation campaign dubbed “The Power of 250” at its Accra Main Branch building on Friday, 23rd May 2014. The promotion, running from 27th May to 22nd August 2014, includes three (3) raffle draws to be held to reward customers: • Two (2) mini-raffles in two zones across the country for customers within the zones, during which thirty prizes will be up for grabs, consisting of Samsung Galaxy S5 handset, 32” LED Digital TV, 24” LED Satellite TV, Samsung 7.0” Tab3 Lite, Samsung Pocket Smart Handset, Refrigerator, washing machines, and many more exciting consolation prizes. • One (1) major draw in Accra on 29th August 2014. Ultimate prizes here are GHC75,000.00, GHC25,000.00 and GHC12,500.00 cash. All individuals can participate in the promotion. One of the leading banks in Ghana, Société Générale Ghana has 39 networked branches across the country and is listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. It is also a member of the prestigious Ghana Club 100. e 14 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 15


Ghana International Women’s Club Holds Charity Bazaar In Accra

From L- R Mrs Helen Appah, GIWC President, Mrs Prudencia Igbokwe, GIWC Deputy PRO, Cookie Coffiie, Mrs Koko Nikai, GIWC Deputy Welfare Officer, and HE Mr Naoto Nikai, Japanese Ambassador to Ghana cutting the ribbon to open the exhibition.


he Ghana International Women’s Club (GIWC) hosted over 150 exhibitors from Ghana and across the West-African sub-region at the Ghana International School at Cantonments, Accra on 10th May 2014 for their annual bazaar to raise funds to support charity activities and projects the Club has dedicated itself to. His Excellency Mr Naoto Nikai, Japanese Ambassador to Ghana, kick-started the day’s proceedings when he cut the symbolic red ribbon at 9:45. The GIWC is an organisation which cares for the lessprivileged in society. They have been operating for the past 34 years. So far, these ladies have undertaken roughly 300 projects nationwide. One such project involved refurbishing the maternity wing of Ridge hospital in Accra.

WARA was around, ready to render first aid 16 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

BMW, Proud Sponsor of the GIWC Bazaar

who’s who

GIWC members and their guests

Items exhibited include wooden artefacts, jewellery, earthenware, Ghana-made clothes, fabrics, books, etc. Visitors and exhibitors could enjoy Ghanaian, African, American, Lebanese and European foods. The Ghana International Women’s Club (GIWC) says a big thank you to all their sponsors, BMW, GUINESS GH LTD, BELLACQUA, WARA & GIS, IFFCO TRADING LTD. e www.ghanaiwc.com

“His Excellency Mr Naoto Nikai, Japanese Ambassador to Ghana, kick-started the day’s proceedings when he cut the symbolic red ribbon at 9:45.”

Patrons admiring Ghanaian beads

Clementina(EnjoyAccra), Guzel Atadja & Makafui Atadja ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 17


ITALIAN EMBASSY COMMEMORATES 68TH NATIONAL DAY “Energy for Life”, will provide a unique occasion to contribute to the global debate on sustainability and food and nutrition security, given that it would happen at a crucial time for the negotiations on the Post2015 Development Agenda.”


he Italian Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency Ms. Laura Carpini, hosted a reception at her residence on Monday, 2nd June 2014 to mark and commemorate the 68th Anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic. Addressing


high-profile Ms Laura Caprini, Ambassador of Italy

Distinguished guests 18 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

who’s who

Mr Gene Cretz, Ambassador of United States of America

Mr Mahama Ayariga (MP) Minister for Information and Media Relations

Mrs Gifty Abasiya Ababulgu Ethiopian Ambassador

Still focusing on the future, Ms. Carpini explained that 2015 World Exhibition, scheduled to take place in Milan, under the main theme “Feeding the planet. Energy for Life”, will provide a unique occasion to contribute to the global debate on sustainability and food and nutrition security, given that it would happen at a crucial time for the negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. “We expect millions of visitors in Milan and a global media coverage of the event”, she said. Francesco Paldera

audience the Ambassador extolled the relations between her country and Ghana, mentioning a series of visits and achievements in that regard, including an exchange of visits between the two Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the success of the Ghana Country Presentation in Turin and Palermo and the week of Italian Culture here in Accra, among others.

Ms Laura Carpini and her husband Mr Gaetano Squitieri

She considered it a good omen for their bilateral relations that her country would take up the presidency of the European Union while the host country Ghana would be leading the Economic Community of West African States.

The Government of Ghana was represented by Hon. Mahama Ayariga, Minister for Information and Media Relations. Also in attendance were members of the Council of State, ministers of State, members of Parliament, members of the diplomatic corps, Ghanaian traditional leaders and guests from the corporate world. Renowned Chef Francesco Paldera had been flown from Italy to treat the Ambassador’s guests to exquisite cuisine. “It is the best way for us to reciprocate the warm hospitality that Italian institutions and people enjoy in Ghana”, Her Excellency Ms. Laura Carpini said. e

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 19


who’s who

Mr Pallav Rastogi( Senior Product Manager-Somotex Ghana Ltd), Mr Pranab Mohanty, R. Negi, LG Regional Director & staff

Mr Pranab Mohanty taking Julie through the unique features(4.33mm thickness) of the Curved OLED TV.

Mr Pranab Mohanty , Juliet Ibrahim and dignitaries from the Korean Embassy in Ghana

Mr Pranab Mohanty (VP- Somotex Ghana Ltd) answering questions from the Press about the World’s First Curved OLED TV.

R. Negi, LG Regional Director & Hon. Rev. Joyce Aryee

LG Unveils Curved OLED TVs At Movenpick Hotel


istinguished guests invited to the unveiling of the World’s First Curved OLED TV by the Korean firm LG at Movenpick Hotel in Accra on Thursday, May 22, 2014, were wowed by the technology. Being positioned as the consistent market leader in the electronics industry, LG Electronics aims to reiterate its commitment towards the Ghanaian consumer with its cutting edge solutions and innovations. OLED? The acronym stands for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. Still not clear? Don’t worry, the explanation goes this way: OLED TVs work by using new display technology. Those self-emitting diodes create real colours, perfect contrast and motion clarity for a picture that is almost blur-free and better than any created by other technologies. e

Mr Nii Ayi Hyde and Mr R.S Negi(LG Electronics) interacting with some special guests at the event. 20 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Mr Sunil Mohinani (Director - Mohinani Group)

Mr Pranab Mohanty and Mr Nii Ayi Hyde officially unveiling the Curved OLED TV

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 21


Raising The Sails At Sogakope

The sailing teams ready to set sail!!!


xperienced sailors and amateurs gathered at the Ghana Sailing Club in Ada for the 2014 Sogakope Regatta on May 10.

Fair winds blew on this sunny Saturday morning and the first hobie cats reached Sogakope after just over three hours of sailing up the Volta River. Sailors and friends gathered for an evening of fun before completing the second leg of the race on Sunday. The boats had to paddle their way through the starting line for lack of wind before reaching a windy path with rough waters, making for a sporty day. It took the winner Pawel Rosiecki about 4h30 to cross the finish line at Subhi Island, where all sailors received a warm welcome from the race’s sponsor, Universal Motors CEO, Subhi Accad, who sponsored the race for the 7th year in a row. e

Third place winner 22 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Racing along

who’s who

Second place winner

Christel & Carole

“Sailors and friends gathered for an evening of fun before completing the second leg of the race on Sunday.” The ladies were there to cheer the teams on

All on board to Sogakope

The beautiful peacocks & kids were not left out

First place winner

Jake, Sailing Commondore

hmmm! I like pepper

The Mercury rescue team ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 23


Ghana & The African Group of the Diplomatic Corps Commemorate AU@50 By Enjoy! Juanito Mario

Mr. Serguei Martinenko (Counsellor Russian Embassy) & Mrs Lilia Martinenko

from R-L : H.E. Hajia Hajio Abdoulmoumine (Niger), H.E. Mrs. Konandji Aissata (Mali) & Mrs. Margarita Oyono Obama (Equatorial Guinea)


t was fun, laughter, music and dance at the sports complex of Burma camp in Accra on Saturday, May 24, 2014 when the African members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Ghana, converged on the venue with friends, sponsors, Ambassadors from other world regions and ordinary citizens to commemorate Africa Day 2014 and celebrate AU@50.

H.E. Hesham Meshal al-Sowilem (Saudi Araba) & H.E Pavelyn Tendai Musaka (Zimbabwe)

“It was solidarity, friendship and partnership at their peak! We can’t wait for Africa Day 2015!”

They all attended this all-important function: Ambassadors, High Commissioners and/or Counsellors from Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Senegal, South Sudan, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Hon Ebo Barton Odro, first Deputy-Speaker was there too, representing the Speaker, along with the Deputy-Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Defence and Youth and Sports. It was an “improved way” to commemorate Africa Day. Indeed, there used to be an African potluck dinner to mark the Day. This time, in addition to a sumptuous African potluck lunch, the whole day programme lineup featured aerobics, football, basketball, swimming, lawn tennis, table

Ama, Anita, Shriey, Vivian, Naa & Anita (Cal Bank) 24 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

H.E. Ahmed Balafre (Morocco) & Mrs. Pamela Yeboah

who’s who tennis, board games and... tug-of-peace: “Here, today, we won’t call the contest tug-of-war because we want to stress that we need peace in Africa and peace we demand”, the Dean explained. Addressing





H.E. Mrs. Clémence Traoré-Somé (Burkina Faso) and colleagues ready for the Tug-of-Peace & Far right H.E Mrs Jeanette Ndhlovu (South Africa)

“Here, today, we won’t call the contest tug-ofwar because we want to stress that we need peace in Africa and peace we demand.”

Tug-of-Peace: H.E. Mrs. Claudia Turbay Quintero (Columbia) leading the ‘Rest of the World’

Pavelyn Tendai Musaka, Ambassador of Zimbabwe and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps appealed to Ghana to take advantage of her birthright to uphold the Dean’s request to African Governments that all regional groupings’ flags i.e. ECOWAS, SADC, EAC should be raised alongside the African Union’s and the country’s at each and every Ministry of Foreign Affairs building throughout Africa. “Once a first born, always a first born”, she said, referring to the host country with admiration and appreciation. By the way, who said Ambassadors and High Commissioners were only happy wearing lounge suits, sipping champagne, moving in a world of their own? At Burma camp sport complex on 24th May, our African diplomats and their colleagues from Russia, Colombia, Brazil, Cuba, Palestine, Denmark were so beautifully comfortable, dancing, singing, doing sports, cheering, pulling on the tug-of-peace rope with ordinary citizens. It was solidarity, friendship and partnership at their peak! We can’t wait for Africa Day 2015! e

Counsellors from the Embassies of : Angola, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Mali, Togo, Burkina Faso

Prudencia & colleagues ( Nigeria High Commission)

Eva, Nancy & Joyce (ABL)

Honourable Barton Odour, First Deputy speaker of Paliament giving trophy to the winner of the football tournament ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 25


It is the Month of June June in History

.......... June 22, 1633

The Holy Office in Rome forced Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the centre of the Universe.

.......... June 11, 1935

Inventor Edwin Armstrong gave the first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the U.S.

.......... June 16, 1816 Lord Byron read Fantasmagoriana to four house guests at the Villa Diodati. They were Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Claire Clairmont, and John Polidori. Byron challenged each guest to write a ghost story, which culminated in Mary Shelley writing Frankenstein, John Polidori writing The Vampyre, and Byron writing the poem Darkness.

ORIGIN There are two theories for the etymology of ‘June’, the name given to the sixth month of the year. What is certain is that ‘June’ was initially named ‘Iunius’. Some say the name comes from the Roman goddess Juno, the goddess of marriage and wife of the supreme deity Jupiter. Others assert it originates from the Latin word iuniores, meaning ‘younger ones’. But really, who cares what sex the angels are? Note however that in the early Roman calendar, June only had 29 days. It was Julius Caesar who added the additional day giving June 30 days. e

Fun Facts about June: June is known as a great month to get married. The longest day of the year occurs on either June 21 or 22. The famous Wimbledon tennis tournament in the United Kingdom is played during the month of June.

............ June 4, 1972

Did you know ??

Black militant Angela Davis was acquitted of murder, kidnapping and criminal conspiracy charges related to a California courtroom shooting in which a judge and three others were killed.

Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. The Grand Canyon can hold around 900 trillion footballs.

Honouring June with a Poem So sweet, so sweet the roses in their blowing, So sweet the daffodils, so fair to see; So blithe and gay the humming-bird a-going From flower to flower, a-hunting with the bee. by Nora Perry, In June. 26 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

All the blinking in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes. The human body of a 70 kg person contains 0.2mg of gold. Rubber bands last longer when kept refrigerated.

Monthly facts

Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

“It has been observed that one’s nose is never so happy as when thrust into the affairs of others, from which some physiologists have drawn the inference that the nose is devoid of the sense of smell”.

George Eliot (1819-1880)

“I’ve never had any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them”. “Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms”.

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)

“Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow firm there, firm as weeds among stones”.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them”.

Don’t Hope… Decide!

While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about — the kind that sneaks up on you unexpectedly. This one occurred a mere two feet away from me. Straining to locate my friend among the passengers deplaning through the jet way, I noticed a man coming toward me carrying two light bags. He stopped right next to me to greet his family. First he motioned to his youngest son (maybe six years old) as he laid down his bags. They gave each other a long, loving hug. As they separated enough to look in each other’s face, I heard the father say, “It’s so good to see you, son. I missed you so much!” His son smiled somewhat shyly, averted his eyes and replied softly, “Me, too, Dad!” Then the man stood up, gazed in the eyes of his oldest son (maybe nine or ten) and while cupping his son’s face in his hands said, “You’re already quite the young man. I love you very much, Zach!” They too hugged a most loving, tender hug. While this was happening, a baby girl (perhaps one or one-and-ahalf) was squirming excitedly in her mother’s arms, never once taking her little eyes off the wonderful sight of her returning father. The man said, “Hi, baby girl!” as he gently took the child from her mother. He quickly kissed her face all over and then held her close to his chest while rocking her from side to side. The little girl instantly relaxed and simply laid her head on his shoulder, motionless in pure contentment. After several moments, he handed his daughter to his oldest son and declared, “I’ve saved the best for last!” and proceeded to give his

wife the longest, most passionate kiss I ever remember seeing. He gazed into her eyes for several seconds and then silently mouthed. “I love you so much!” They stared at each other’s eyes, beaming big smiles at one another, while holding both hands. For an instant they reminded me of newlyweds, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn’t possibly be. I puzzled about it for a moment then realized how totally engrossed I was in the wonderful display of unconditional love not more than an arm’s length away from me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if I was invading something sacred, but was amazed to hear my own voice nervously ask, “Wow! How long have you two been married? “Been together fourteen years total, married twelve of those.” he replied, without breaking his gaze from his lovely wife’s face. “Well then, how long have you been away?” I asked. The man finally turned and looked at me, still beaming his joyous smile. “Two whole days!” Two days? I was stunned. By the intensity of the greeting, I had assumed he’d been gone for at least several weeks – if not months. I know my expression betrayed me. I said almost offhandedly, hoping to end my intrusion with some semblance of grace (and to get back to searching for my friend), “I hope my marriage is still that passionate after twelve years!” The man suddenly stopped smiling. He looked me straight in the eye, and with forcefulness that burned right into my soul, he told me something that left me a different person. He told me, “Don’t hope, friend… decide!” Then he flashed me his wonderful smile again, shook my hand and said, “God bless!” e By Michael D. Hargrove and Bottom Line Underwriters, Inc. ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 27

EN J OY am-Before 6:00pm





Independence Day Bahamas INDIAFRICA Awards Ceremony

Lincoln Community School Summer Camp

2014 (till July 18) Lincoln Community School @ 9AM

GIMPA - 5:00 PM


Information Session on Oxford University


Try the chef’s taster menu for a tasty Wednesday treat Venue Airport West Time: 6pm-11pm

Labadi Beach Hotel Time - 6:30 PM


Football Camp at Lizzy


Live on the Terrace: every Tuesday :the Terrace Bar of

Sports Complex (till Aug. 16) Lizzy Sports Complex, next to A&C Mall -

the boutique hotel Villa Monticello located in the Airport Residential Area of Accra time :7pm-9pm

Shisha Lounge Accra

Come relax and have fun with your friends. Selected flavours of Shisha. Venue Osu on Koala road @ 7pm


National Day Luxembourg Relax Free Mondays

The Republic Bar & Grill

A new bar in town with so much buzz. You are sure to run into a good friend.

24 Grab a drink and something nice from the extenisve menu Time: 6pm to 10pm

Happy Hour at Champs

2nd West Africa Microfinance Conference

Everyday from 5pm to 9pm 1/2 off draftand local beers, and daily cocktail

(WAMIC 2014) Accra International Conference Centre



Be Shaken not stirred

at Champs come try their innovative drinks @7pm

07 Luscious Temptations

Meet your friends and taste luscious temptations Time : 7pm @ A&C square

The Gingerbread House Summer School

The Gingerbread House Time : 8:00 AM

Residential Summer Club


African Regent hotel Airport, West. Every afternoon for a tasty selection of cakes & desserts time : from12-5pm

Canada Day Republic Day (Public holiday)

Afternoon Tea


11 Certificate In Customer Service Excellence

SigmaStrat Training Centre, Spintex Road Accra Time: 8am

Millionaires Casino Golden Tulip Time : 9pm


National Day Seychelles Calabash Corner

Jam Jar and Cafe Dez Amis are celebrating with a cultural twist and bringing you ‘Calabash Corner’ @11pm.

Cafe Des Amis

Invite your friends for a drink & a chat. Venue: Kanda



La Villa Boutique Hotel. Venue Osu Enjoy a drink in their classy pool bar. Time: 6 till whenever..


Anomabo Beach Resort

Happy Hour at Cuzzy Bros

Venue: Osu old Ryan’s

Villa Monticello Hotel

Come and experience the new terrace and refreshed menu. Venue: Airport residential Time:6-10pm

Arlecchino Ice Cream Parlour Treat the kids to an ice cream, Venue : Osu Oxford

Independence Day Mozambique Salsa Dance Nite

Venue : Coconut Groove Hotel. time : 7pm

Live in Accra Jazz Festival Alliance Française d’Accra Liberation Link, 9am-5pm


Water Africa and West Africa Building & Construction Exhibition (3 days)

pm-After 6:00pm

Independence Day Philippines 2014 World Cup (till July 13) Stop Over Hour at Santoku Beat the traffic and take a pitstop at Santoku between 5.30-7pm. Reduced prices on selected drinks.


Cocktail Conference (two evenings) Hush Lounge - 7:00 PM

Toro Tapas Bar

Share a bottle of rioja and some tapas with friends Venue : Afrikiko Compound Time : from 7pm


Independence Day Madagascar Gossip Ladies Night at Duplex Gossip Ladies Night

at Duplex Every Thursday With ladies only specials Venue Duplex, Osu


Ladies night at Santoku

Accra International Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana Time- 10:00 AM

Ladies’s Nights at Santoku is held on the first Thursday of every month with special drinks promotions and a DJ

Nourish Lab Smoothy’s

3121 Sushi Bar

Twist Sisters of the East, Osu time: 7pm

A special combination of fruit drinks on Oxford Street, Osu


Happy Hour

TASTY JERK Barbecue Joint Venue: Osu Down Chez Lien Annex Time: 5 pm


Best ice cream in town Try it for yourself Venue: Old American Embassy Road 11th Ln, Osu




10 Mövenpick Lounge

Come and listen to the latest Dj spin his best music to get you dance & forget your stress Time : 9pm

Happy Hour

Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm

All Day

13 Book Launch: I have Time & Other Stories

La Villa Boutique Hotel, Osu Time - 7:30 PM

Ci Gusta at Koala

Frozen yoghurt with fresh fruit. Enjoy an italian food experience. Osu & Airport close to Villa Monticello


Akwaba Burger

Venue Dzorwulu heading to the traffic light. Next to Finest Gifts. Enjoy the best burgers in town everyone is talking about.12am


Jazz bar with a good ambience and tasty menu. Venue: Nima Police Station


Independence Day Djibouti Bliss Yoga Studio

Mövenpick Hotel in Accra call : 0509546723

Aphrodisiac Night Club

This and every friday with good music. @ Dzorwulu. From 8pm


Independence Day USA

Chicks and Ribs

For authentic American take away. Tasty fries and delicious bbq sauce on the ribs. Time: 6pm-11pm

Start your `right

Duplex Bar and Lounge Osu


Independence Day Mongolia Live Bingo Night Lapalm Casino Time : 11pm

Girls Table

5 people minimum, Welcome drinks, special cocktail menu African Regent Hotel

areNoa90lot of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar to events@enjoyaccra.com 28 | June 2014There ENJOY






Cuppa Cappuccino

Meet your friends for a tasty breakfast. Time 8am @ Airport residential


Father’s Day Accra Cocktail Week

Vintage and Vinyl

from 10:00 PM. 20 bars shall be participating by offering Ghanaians the very best cocktails at discounted prices

Exhibition of works

Non-Fiction Writing Workshop

Nubuke Foundation Garden - 7:00 PM Nubuke Foundation 10:00 AMden - 7:00 PM


Longest day Greenland International music day / Fête de la musique - with Akwaaba sound system Alliance Française Accra Time 7:00 PM

Akwaaba Sound System Venue : Alliance Française d’Accra time : from 2pm

Felicia’s Spot - 10:30 AM


Barbecue Sundays at Santoku

Bask in the sun with DJ Fuidogg and DJ Tamzin on the wheels of steel whilst enjoying a cool draught beer and some succulent platters

Play Tennis At Accra Lawn Courts available Time 7am


28 Happy Hour Celsbridge Pub

Labone Time : @5pm

Bella Roma

Come and have a nice drink with excellent music and lovely people. Venue : Osu Time : 7pm

Mövenpick Brunch

Sumptuous spread to tempt your taste buds. time: 10am

DInner at Bread & Wine

Enjoy our amazing dishes from 7pm

The Hang Out Pub & Grill 36 Olympics Road Kokomlemle Accra Ghana



Independence Day Comoros Lunch Buffet

Independence Day Cape Verde Afrotastic 2014

Labadi Beach Hotel from 11:30-3pm

Young Womens Christian Association 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Movie Friday

Fantastic movie experience with popcorn & a drink @ Accra mall time :6- 10pm

Take your running shoes out There is nothing like a

good run on Saturday 6am


Mozilla Party GH:HTML5/ CSS3 Web Dev,Potential for Youth Employment in Ghana Zongo Junction, Dansoman Russia Road, Club Conner @10am

Happy Hour Celsbridge Pub Labone Time : @5pm



t s

events Calendar

Honey Suckle

Come and unwind at a hard days work with great company. @7pm, Osu

Mini Golf Course Bring the kids and enjoy an afternoon of golfing from 1pm-6pm.

See you when I see you !

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 29

30 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 31


32 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90


ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 33




e believed he had the duty of bringing happiness to fashion lovers with his God-given talent. He believed that hard work would allow him to discharge his principled duty, and he managed to put elation in hearts, smiles on faces and admiration in beholders’ eyes. He made sure he played his part and now, he has quietly taken a bow! He was 62. We wish his family well in these trying moments, and urge them to take deserved consolation both in the fact that The Great Maker made His sovereign decision and in the joyful stories that their celebrated son always told with his designs. Kofi Ansah was interested in “bringing happiness” to people who were inspired to choose his designs. That was how he achieved recognition and respects from far and near. Truly, Kofi Ansah mastered his fashion designing art. He loved fabrics and he translated that into splendid creations.

“Among many other achievements, he won the prestigious Millennium 2000 African Fashion Awards and then the much-coveted Ghana Quality Awards Diamond Division October 2003.”

34 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

He was given so many awards, he was trusted with so many significant projects… Among many other achievements, he won the prestigious Millennium 2000 African Fashion Awards and then the much-coveted Ghana Quality Awards Diamond Division October 2003, for clothing and textile with his company ArtDress Ltd. He also designed the costumes for the performers in the 2008 African Cup of Nations opening and closing ceremonies. Indeed Kofi Ansah was a credit to fashion designers and to creativity, innovation, dedication and hard work. ENJOY Magazine says: “Chapeau, l’Artiste”! e


Kofi Ansah Fashion

Images from : www.google.com & http://www.kofi-artdress.com/

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 35



Akua Kuenyehia Foundation Holds Motor Festival By Enjoy!! Juanito Mario

Winner: 1969 Mercedes 280 SL Pagoda

1st Runner-up: 1989 Mercedes 560SL


here there is a will, they say, there is a way! By way of fundraising activity, the Akua Kuenyehia Foundation stepped out of the box and organized a “Vintage & Exotic Motor Exhibition” on May 1 with the assistance of Auto Jewelling, a Ghana-based company which provides a polishing and detailing service. As expected, the “Goodwill Motor Festival”, attracted a sizeable number of patrons, who had the opportunity to behold, admire and vote for the best cars. The Akua Kuenyehia Foundation(AKF) is a Ghana-based not-for-profit organization founded in honour of,H. E. Justice Akua Kuenyehia, former first vice-president of the International Criminal Court in the Hague, by her children. This private foundation is committed to the development and empowerment of women in Ghana through formal education.

2nd Runner-up: 1950 Bugatti Roadster

The Akua Kuenyehia says a big thank you to all its sponsors La Palm, Systris (Silverbird), Euro Star, S.Ex.Life Ltd, Navitis,Beaufort Properties and IEIC. e “This private foundation is committed to the development and empowerment of women in Ghana through formal education.”

Chris Kusi (CEO of Auto Jewelling) & Lily Kissi (coordinator of AKF) 36 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Muna Illogu(GIWC)

Mrs Akofa Bentsi-Enchill (Executive Director of The Akua Kuenyehia Foundation (AKF)

Selorm, Fidelity Bank

From L-R, Joana Foster (Board Chairperson), Judge Akua Kuenyehia (Live Patron), beneficiaries of AKF, Mrs Bentil-Enchill



ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 37


TheBenefits Of

Skin Care Therapies Brought to you by Nouvelle Parfumerie Gandour


sthetics is the application of various treatments to the skin, to maintain its health and vitality. Estheticians are trained in skin wellness, helping their clients balance oil and moisture content and achieve a healthy, youthful complexion. As well as various facial treatments (described in more detail below), they commonly also perform body treatments such as salt or sugar scrubs, moisturizing or slenderizing body wraps, hair removal techniques such as waxing or threading, and hand/foot treatments to rejuvenate the skin. A variety of treatments and products are used to protect skin from environmental hazards and combat fine lines, wrinkles, and a dull, uneven skin tone. Estheticians are also skilled in managing conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, and dry skin, to name just a few. And finally, skin care treatments are wonderfully relaxing and rejuvenating. If smooth, healthy skin is your goal, visiting a skin care professional can benefit you.

What’s the difference between dermatology, cosmetology, and esthetics? Dermatology is a branch of the medical profession, practiced by licensed physicians who specialize in disorders of the skin. Esthetic practice specifically excludes diagnosis, prescription, or any other service, procedure, or therapy that requires a medical license. If you’re being treated by a dermatologist, your esthetician can provide complementary and support therapies. In addition, estheticians are trained to recognize early signs of many medical conditions affecting the skin, and will refer you to a dermatologist in such a case.

38 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Cosmetology is the study of beauty treatments including nail care, hair care and styling, makeup application, skin care and more. Esthetics is one branch of cosmetology; some estheticians work in other branches of cosmetology in addition to their skin care practice.

Techniques and products Techniques used by estheticians include facial steaming, wrapping, exfoliation, waxing, pore cleansing, extraction, and chemical peels. Creams, lotions, wraps, clay or gel masks, and salt scrubs are used. Machines may also be used to help deliver high-tech services.

beauty tips

• Chemical peel:

An exfoliation process, very effective in treating a large range of skin concerns such as aging, sun damage, acne, mild scarring, improving overall skin brightness and evening skin tone. Peels can be light, moderate or deep. Light peels require no down time from work or normal activities. Moderate peels may require a day or two of down time, and deep peels can require a week or more to allow the skin to fully heal. Estheticians who are not working in a medical setting perform light to moderate peels only. Deep peels are performed by a physican, or under a physician’s supervision, for your safety.

• Exfoliation: The removal of dead skin cells manually (scrubbing, brushing, or using a system such as microdermabrasion), with a chemical peel (a product that causes dead skin cells to shed) or with an enzymatic product that digests dead skin cells. • Extraction: This is the process of deep cleansing

the pores, either manually (using gloved hands and cotton or tissue around the fingers, with gentle pressure to remove the impacted pore) or using a metal extraction implement designed to clear blocked pores. This can also include the use of a lancet (a small sharp blade to lift the dead cells of the skin prior to extraction).

“Microdermabrasion can be very helpful in improving

skin texture, fine lines and the effectiveness of home care product penetration”.

• Facial: A facial is the most popular treatment performed by estheticians. It is a good way for your therapist to get a good understanding of your skin prior to suggesting more aggressive treatments. A facial generally includes makeup removal and skin cleansing, exfoliation by mechanical, enzymatic or chemical means, steaming, extractions, facial massage, a treatment mask, serum/ moisturizer and sunblock. For most people, facials can be scheduled every four weeks, although your therapist may recommend a different schedule based on your individual needs. • Microdermabrasion: The process of resurfacing the skin using a machine that sands the skin’s epidermal (outer) layer, using either a wand tipped with crushed diamonds, or a spray of special crystals which are then suctioned back up along with the dead skin cells. It can be very helpful in improving skin texture, fine lines and the effectiveness of home care product penetration. • Waxing:

Waxing removes unwanted hair at the root. There are two different types of waxes: hard and soft. Soft wax is applied warm to the skin in a thin layer in the direction of hair growth. Cloth strips are then applied to the warm wax, rubbed in the direction of hair growth, and quickly pulled off in the opposite direction. This method is best used on larger areas of the body such as the legs, back or chest. Hard wax is used without cloth strips. It is applied warm, in a layer about the thickness of a nickel, allowed to dry and then removed quickly in the opposite direction of hair growth. Hard wax is less irritating to sensitive skin and is excellent for the bikini, underarm and facial areas. e

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 39

source :http://www.ascpskincare.com, Gettyimages.com

Some common therapies:


who’s who



From L- R Hon. Rev. Dr Joyce Aryee, Mrs Jeremie Van-Gershon, Mrs Annick André-Modera, Ms Doris Ama Bramson, Ms Regina Agyare, founder Anna Aidoo, Mrs Angela Dwamena Aboagye, Ms Gladys Amorkor-Commey, Dr Catherine Segbefia, Mrs Grace Sheila Bennet.


onouring our Mothers, Daughters, Sisters and Friends: an evening of inspiration, class and honour”: thus was worded the theme for the Awards Night prepared by Endless Possibilities and Hope Development Organisation, Ghana on Friday, 9th May 2014 at Kama Conference Centre, Accra, with guest speaker Hon. Rev. Dr Joyce Aryee. The night was colourful, music came from the Harmonious Choral, a local choir. Nine women were presented with the Women Of Courage Awards, in recognition of their impressive achievements, especially in the areas of the empowerment of women and support for deprived children.

Evergreen Hon. Rev. Dr Joyce Aryee delivering her keynote address

Founder Anna Aidoo (Mrs) bidding her guests welcome

This maiden presentation of the Women of Courage Awards in Ghana fell in line with the objectives of “uplifting women and girls” and being “a source of hope for humanity”, set to herself by the founder of the Organisation, Mrs. Anna Owusu Prempeh Aidoo, a Ghanaian-born Canadian motivational speaker. The meritorious awardees included, among others, Dr Catherine Segbefia, a haematologist/oncologist at the Department of Child Health at Korle-Bu Teaching

Issiaka, Mr John Andre, Annick Andrée

Hospital, Nigerian by birth and Ghanaian by marriage; Mrs Annick André-Modera, an Accra-based Canadian teacher and a whole-hearted benevolent worker who, for the past eleven years, has been impacting significantly on the lives of countless pupils in Africa generally and in Ghana specifically; and sprightly Hon. Rev. Dr Joyce Aryee, the former Chief CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Mines and the first ever woman to head an African Chamber of Mines. Congratulations to all nine (9) Awardees and bravo! to Mrs Anna Aidoo. e


Ladies of all ages graced the function with their presence o |

June 2014 ENJOY N 90





Solutions for May 2014


The Sudoku rule : Complee the Sudoku puzzle so that each and every row, column and reion contains the number one through nine only once.


Solutions for May 2014


Solutions for May 2014



CROSS PUZZLES Play these special puzzles and find the Answers next time. Enjoy

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 41



Horoscope Th i s M o n t h Gem i n i

Famous Gemini : Chris Attoh BORN: May 17, 1974 Accra, Ghana Chris Attoh is a television show host, actor and meteoric master of ceremonies (MC). Chris attended Achimota High School in Accra, Ghana. He also attended Accra Academy School and later went to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where he read painting and later moved to London to study Banking and Security. His acting career began when his icon, Kwaku Sintim-Misa (KSM) starred him and Shirley Frimpong-­Manso in a TV series called ‘Choices. Ever since, he has starred in a number of movies and TV series’.

Famous Gemini: Samia Yaba Christina Nkrumah BORN: 23 June 1960, Aburi, Ghana Samia Nkrumah is a Ghanaian politician and Chairwoman of the Convention People’s Party. In the 2008 parliamentary election, she won the Jomoro constituency seat at her first attempt and recently became the first female to chair a major political party in the country. She is the daughter of the first president of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah and his Coptic Egyptian wife Fathia Rizk. She was born at Aburi in the Eastern Region of Ghana in 1960. She was forced to leave Ghana with her mother and brothers on the day of the 1966 coup. They were resettled in Egypt by the Egyptian government. She returned with her family in 1975 at the invitation of General Acheampong’s National Redemption Council government and attended Achimota School.

Aries 21/3-20/04

The June 12 Full Moon expands your horizons, widens your world, and maybe blows your mind. Keep some control so you’ll recognize yourself afterward. Don’t be afraid to blunder into a great learning experience. June 19 and June 20 are powerful days for you. If your critical mind takes a break on June 19, your instincts could take up the slack. You may be supercharged to the point of hyper on June 20, so do something physically demanding. Your family position gets a boost under the June 27 New Moon. Start something new that makes you happy, and conclude or decide something that makes everyone glad.

42 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Taurus 21/4-21/05

Gemini 22/5-21/06

People might make a lot of demands on you during the June 12 Full Moon. Do what you can, accept graciously what is offered in exchange, and then let it go. You may feel less secure and grounded from June 21 through June 23. Keep track of your wallet, phone, and keys, and relax. This won’t last long. Siblings (or a few close friends) could descend on you during the June 27 New Moon. Watch your Ps and Qs a few days before. Be well situated and ready to jump in and turn a new corner in a relationship.

Big love is possible at the June 12 Full Moon - so is a generous new lover. Be on guard since these things rarely come without strings attached. You should be able to communicate and network more effectively starting June 20. Try to keep it toned down, though. Avoid getting chatty or overbearing. You can charm your way into almost anything on June 24. Control your temper and impatience on June 25. Money matters are highlighted at the June 27 New Moon. You might have more resources (and fewer problems) at home than you realized. Don’t let anyone or anything spook you.


Cancer 22/6-23/07

Libra 24/9-23/10

Capricorn 22/12-20/01

Try to stick close to home at the June 12 Full Moon. Good things will find you there and tend to last. Don’t wait idly - keep busy in the meantime. The Sun enters your sign on June 21 and brings the first day of summer with it. Feel comfortable in your own skin no matter what’s happening in the world around you. It’s a fresh, powerful New Moon for you on June 27. If you’ve needed to project a stronger self-image of your choosing, you can do it now. Just remember to include your roots and background.

June 7 and June 8 are powerful, if not easy, days. Self-motivation and energy could spike, but you’ll still be able to slow down the pace of life to suit yourself. The June 12 Full Moon could whet your curiosity and set you exploring something that interested you before but has since been dropped or forgotten. If work or office life gets a bit rocky before June 27, the New Moon lets you touch up any rough spots with co-workers or superiors. You could even make a major change in career direction. Don’t be brash, but don’t be anxious, either.

Let the June 12 Full Moon boost your self-confidence and sense of security. Don’t hide from people, but expect to do your best work and thinking out of sight and out of the minds of others. There’s less criticism that way. June 14 could be a busy and emotionally intense day. Stay cool and calm, and refuse to get rattled. A love interest or romantic involvement could appear close to home at the June 27 New Moon. If a friend of a friend of a sibling has a crush on you, don’t be surprised (or rude). Roll with it if it appeals to you.

Leo 24/7-23/08

Scorpio 24/10-22/11

Aquarius 21/01-19/02

You could be the center of attention for the first few days of the month, so look good, behave well, and see if you can’t gain some extra respect and good memories out of it. Cravings for big fun might rock your world at the June 12 Full Moon, or perhaps it will be an explosion of creativity. Either way, it won’t be boring. The June 27 New Moon lets you make some personal changes and start a new approach to an old problem without a lot of people interfering with you. You don’t have to tell anyone about anything unless you really trust them.

June 9 and June 10 could pack a punch that brings to a head something that most people have been avoiding. You may not like it either, but the resolution will be well worth it. Have your finances in order - or at least in hand - for the June 12 Full Moon, since this lunation affects your money and material possessions. Think no surprises, and perhaps an opportunity or two for increase. The June 27 New Moon might drag you out of seclusion and push you more into the public. Step up, be yourself, and maybe make some new contacts.

It’s a hot social scene at the June 12 Full Moon. People are going to want to be with you. Don’t have so much fun that you’re exhausted the next day, however. June 16 and 17 could be a roller-coaster ride. Be mentally sharp and bright on June 16, but don’t be surprised if you’re washed away on a tide of emotion the next day. The June 27 New Moon is a great time to start a bunch of small but significant changes or additions to your work routine or diet. Be good to yourself in a million little ways.

Virgo 24/8-23/09

Sagittarius 23/11-21/12

Pisces 20/02-20/03

Your powers of critical thinking will get a big boost on June 7. You can make things perfect and correct many minor errors. Fully embrace your discriminatory powers. The June 12 Full Moon shines on your family and home environment. Try to keep things quiet, don’t force anything, and let the magic of the night provide its comfort and blessings. If there’s friction with friends before June 27, the New Moon brings you a chance to shift things around socially and make some new friends and different alliances. Satisfy yourself and let the chips fall where they may.

The June 12 Full Moon is all yours. Be prepared to shine and attract attention. There’s no point in being shy or not speaking up. Be nice about it all. You could be drawn into someone else’s affairs just before the New Moon on June 27. Anything you do to help will only benefit you and your family in the long run, but don’t get nervous about the preconceived notions of anyone else. The day after the New Moon, June 28, watch for a special personalized blessing, pop of good luck, or simply a chance to do a very good deed.

The June 12 Full Moon brings extra light into your work and career efforts. Act generously but speak modestly for the best and most long-lasting results. June 18 could be profoundly touchyfeely. Be generous but respectful about hugs. The June 27 New Moon opens doors and provides lots of opportunities for fun and creativity. Psychodrama could peak, too, especially with family, so try to minimize or completely skip that part. Not getting scared or feeling inferior can help. The last few days of the month set you up to do great things for someone else and earn massive karmic brownie points.

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 43

artist Kwame Osa, Cheers Time to share success and happy moments

For | more information about the artist, email: art@enjoyaccra.com 44

June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Ghanaian Success


COBY ASMAH oby Asmah is the founder of TYPE Company Limited. His journey began in November 1993 from his living-room. A young couple with no formal training in business. Audacious?


Well, his audacity has paid off, for the past 20 years, he has managed to carve a niche for the company as a brand to rely on when it comes to the printing industry. No wonder TYPE has been a proud member of the prestigious Ghana Club 100 for more than a decade now! Like Frank Loyd Wright said, “The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen”! Obviously, Coby Asmah has had a strong belief he can make it. ENJOY says Ayekoo… to Coby Asmah and TYPE for their successful journey so far. Because we have ground to testify to TYPE’s commitment to Transform Your Printing Experience like they have done ours over the years, we know the best is yet to come. e Enjoy!

“Like Frank Loyd Wright said, “The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 45


World Bank Supports Secondary Education In Ghana “Government to increase access to secondary education in under-served districts and improve quality in lowperforming senior high schools, has received a $156 million support from the World Bank.”


urray! The Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP) initiated by the Government to increase access to secondary education in under-served districts and improve quality in low-performing senior high schools, has received a $156 million support from the World Bank. What is expected of the SEIP is to build on existing government systems and also on the key objectives of the Education Strategic Plan 2010-2020, especially in its focus on equity and quality of services and on efficiency and accountability of education management. The Ghana Secondary Education Improvement Project is being developed as part of a larger program to support the secondary education sub-sector. Its targets are areas that complement the government’s expenditures. The SEIP supports the Government’s long term vision for expansion of Secondary Education. Government strategy aims to rapidly expand both access and quality of secondary education, making it gradually universal and also progressively free for students who are unable to afford access to secondary education. Besides, construction works for the 200 community day SHSs promised by President John Mahama have started. e

Happy 50th Anniversary Ecole Française

46 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

school news

Congratulations LCS Class of 2014: Stay Classy This includes the student’s “friendliness, collegiality and community among students and between students and staff”. The Award recognizes the winner’s concept of service to the human family either within or outside the school environment. Winners of AISA awards are also appreciative of African cultures and finally, the student is awarded for embracing a world view which celebrates human unity and diversity, demonstrated through service or student activities, cultural events, membership in clubs or organizations. ressed in sky blue graduation gowns with matching caps and a specially woven kente scarf incorporating the school emblem, 52 graduates of the Lincoln Community School Class of 2014 received their diplomas on Friday evening, May 30 at the Accra’s National Theatre.


From the day that Mr. Nukala joined LCS three years ago students have made him feel “welcome and valued”, he explained. “I love the optimism that graduation brings, the hope that these people are ready for the world beyond LCS. I love the memories that I have of these students. To say that I am proud of them does not even begin to The class of 2014 has been offered more than $500,000 convey how I feel about them,” said Mr. Nukala. in Financial Aid Awards from universities across North At the ceremony, Head of School, Dr. Larkin presented America, Europe and the Middle East. the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Award for Excellence to a deserving Senior student, Astouline Nutakor. Ms Nutakor was nominated by LCS as the one student who exemplifies the traits expressed in AISA’s philosophy.

Students will be carrying with them the confidence that their Lincoln education has nurtured, an important element that will prepare them for the next stage of their lives. e

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 47

Photos by Capture

“We are proud of our students and wish them well. We are pleased for their families and for our LCS community,” said Head of School Dr. Dennis Larkin. This year’s commencement celebration “is a high mark for the LCS community” and naturally for graduates and their families, he continued. “The Class of 2014 is the largest graduating class in our Student speakers paid special tribute to their parents, school’s history, which is a fitting culmination to our 45th siblings and teachers. All those in attendance Anniversary,” said Dr Larkin. celebrated the accomplishments of the class, emotional moments were triggered by the SS Principal and Secondary School English teacher Dan Nukala who accompanied the students at every step of their journey in their Senior year.


Parent corner

F.A.T.H.E.R. F - friendly & loving A - always there for me T - thinks I am special

“It is easier for a father to have

H - honest & honourable

children, than it

E - ever encouraging excellence

is for children to

R - resilient, resourceful & reliable

have a father”. Jabari Akil, counsellor, educational consultant & leadership specialist


athers play a critical role in the development of their children. Those fathers who are actively involved in raising their children can make a positive and lasting difference in their lives. Here are my top five reasons why active fathers are essential: • Love-love involves more than the words “I love you”; it is demonstrative of quantity and quality of time together. Building emotional bonds that improve self-esteem. •

Model-modeling tends to impact children’s behavior that they witness on a consistent basis. Stability brings balance.

Emotional support-by listening and supporting their children when they experience joy, sadness, anger, fear, and frustration; developing empathic interaction skills and greater moral development.

Physical/Monetary support-children with fathers that put money where the sperm was, have a higher academic succession, reduced teen sexual activity, reduced suicide rate, lower criminality, and clearer understanding of the world around them.

Life Skills-most of the essential skills children need to learn to survive are learned at home. Fathers can teach their children valuable skills that will enable them to grow up to be healthy and productive adults.

48 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Pope John Paul II stated, “It is easier for a father to have children, than it is for children to have a father”, that was said when addressing the State of the World Address many years ago. What was he saying? The role and functionality of a father cannot be replaced by video games, smart phones (or some other form of artificial intelligence), money, and/or “things”. When I think of the word “father”, two other words come to mind immediately, ‘headship’ and ‘protector/ guide’. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The institution of the family is decisive in determining not only if a person has the capacity to love another individual but in a larger sense whether he is capable of loving…the whole of society rests on this foundation for stability, understanding, and social peace. It is in the family that obligations and values are learned.” There is no institution that is functional, effective, and successful without headship---the father is the “head of the family”. This rather means high level of accountability not a dictatorship or absenteeism. A man can have many children, some have countless, but a man does not truly become ‘a man’ until he becomes ‘a father’. The word “father” is a title of great distinction, reverence, and privilege. A male can have children, but it takes much more to be a father. I am eternally grateful to my fathers, thanks Dad & Pops. e


EN J OY Total time



Prep time


9 mins

Cook time





fillets (about 3/4 inch thick)


Kosher salt and freshly

ground pepper


4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/2 head cauliflower, florets

» » » »



4 6 -ounce skinless mahi mahi


Mahi Mahi With


» »

cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1/4 cup sliced almonds

1/4 cup golden raisins 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley Lemon wedges, for serving

Directions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Season the fish with salt and pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sear the fish until golden brown on one side, about 3 minutes. Transfer to a rimmed baking sheet, cookedside up, and roast in the oven until just cooked through, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the remaining 3 tablespoons butter in the skillet over medium-high heat. Add the cauliflower and cook, stirring, until golden brown and crisp-tender, about 6 minutes. Add the almonds, raisins, coriander, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste; cook until the almonds are golden, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and parsley. Divide the fish among plates and serve with the cauliflower and lemon wedges.

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 49



What Is Breast Cancer? changes in the breast that can make them lumpy, tender, and sore. Cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that can develop in the breast. What Is a Normal Breast?


ancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the breast, it is called breast cancer. Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women. Breast cancer screening means checking a woman’s breasts for cancer before she has any symptoms. A mammogram is an X-ray picture of the breast. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. Can Men Get Breast Cancer?

Men can get breast cancer. In men, breast cancer can happen at any age, but is most common in men who are between 60 and 70 years old. Male breast cancer is not very common. Less than 1% of breast cancers occur in men.

What Is Breast Cancer? This diagram shows the parts of the breast and the chest wall. Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the breast, it is called breast cancer. Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women. A breast is made up of three main parts: glands, ducts, and connective tissue. The glands produce milk. The ducts are passages that carry milk to the nipple. The connective tissue (which consists of fibrous and fatty tissue) connects and holds everything together. Lumps in the Breast Many conditions can cause lumps in the breast, including cancer. But most breast lumps are caused by other medical conditions. The two most common causes of breast lumps are fibrocystic breast condition and cysts. Fibrocystic condition causes noncancerous 50 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Are There Different Kinds of Breast Cancer?

There are different kinds of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast, like the ducts or the lobes. Common Kinds of Breast Cancer—

• Ductal carcinoma. The most common kind of breast cancer. It begins in the cells that line the milk ducts in the breast, also called the lining of the breast ducts. • Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The abnormal cancer cells are only in the lining of the milk ducts, and have not spread to other tissues in the breast. • Invasive ductal carcinoma. The abnormal cancer cells break through the ducts and spread into other parts of the breast tissue. Invasive cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body. • Lobular carcinoma. In this kind of breast cancer, the cancer cells begin in the lobes, or lobules, of the breast. Lobules are the glands that make milk. • Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). The cancer cells are found only in the breast lobules. Lobular carcinoma in situ, or LCIS, does not spread to other tissues. • Invasive lobular carcinoma. Cancer cells spread from the lobules to the breast tissues that are close by. These invasive cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body.


For men, signs of breast cancer and treatment are almost the same as for women.

No breast is typical. What is normal for you may not be normal for another woman. Most women say their breasts feel lumpy or uneven. The way your breasts look and feel can be affected by getting your period, having children, losing or gaining weight, and taking certain medications. Breasts also tend to change as you age.

Some warning signs of breast cancer are—

• New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit). • Thickening or swelling of part of the breast. • Irritation or dimpling of breast skin. • Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast. • Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. • Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood. • Any change in the size or the shape of the breast. • Pain in any area of the breast. Keep in mind that some of these warning signs can happen with other conditions that are not cancer. e

Movie Guide


A vindictive fairy is driven to curse an infant princess only to realize the child may be the only one who can restore peace. Director: Robert Stromberg Writers: Linda Woolverton, Charles Perrault Stars: Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sharlto Copley, Lesley Manville, Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple Genres: Action | Adventure | Family Release Date: 30 May 2014 (USA)

Maleficent When the one you truly love turns out to hate you the most, who wins the battle of supremacy! Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Stars: Jackie Appiah, Yvonne Nelson, Okawa Shaznay, Koffi Ajorlolo, Frank Artus, Eddie Watson, and Bismark Odoi Genres: Drama Release Date: 14th February, 2014 (Ghana)

Devil In The Detail

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 51



Afrikiko African Regent Rest. Asanka Local Azmera Rest. Buka Bush Canteen Country Kitchen Ethiopian Rest. Home Touch Red Chilli Sankofa Rest. Tante Marie Tam Tam


(030) 222 9997 (030) 261 1000 (030) 278 6328 (054) 119 4119 (030) 278 2953 (024) 019 3523 (030) 222 9107 (024) 306 8165 (030) 277 7662 (024) 790 2809 (030) 261 1000 (030) 277 8914 (024) 461 3677


Au Grand Ecuyer Captain Hook Frankie’s Landing Rest. Monsoon The Grill Zanzibar

(030) 276 8643 (030) 276 2228 (030) 277 3567 (030) 276 0775 (030) 278 2307 (024) 966 6333 (024) 489 0990


Le Tandem La Chaumière Le Bouquet Le Magellan ORIENTAL CUISINE

Akroma Plaza Arlecchino Azmera Bali Hai Bamboo Bella Roma Bread & Wine Rest Chez Lien Chicken Republic Chix ‘n’ Ribs China House City Garden Rest. Chez Marie Lou Rest. Chase Lounge Crown Apartmento Dragon House Dynasty Escapade Foodies Fali’s Hot Pot Heritage IL Cavaliere Pazzo

Jade Garden

(030) 276 2959 (030) 277 2408 (030) 277 2417 (030) 277 7629

(031) 202 5513 (024) 541 0403 (030) 277 0606 (030) 277 1700 (030) 297 1272 (024) 747 4007 (057) 651 9799 (030) 277 5356 (024) 222 0011 (020) 785 4319 (030) 276 0284 (030) 222 1710 (030) 277 4891 (030) 277 8477 (030) 277 1713 (030) 276 2988 (030) 277 5496 (024) 340 1503 (030) 266 1858 (030) 225 8473 (030) 278 5252 (030) 282 3131 (024) 460 8281

52 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

KFC, Osu (030) 296 3086 Champs Bar & Rest. (024) 095 9406 Koyla Bon Appetit (027) 100 0002 Kohinoor (030) 277 1999 Le Must French Rest. (024) 466 1069 La Table de Cocoaline (030) 279 7207 La Galette (024) 675 2429 Le Bistro Rest. (030) 277 6738 Mango & Wheat (026) 777 0278 Michelangelo (024) 423 3533 Noble House (030) 278 5151 NourishLab Smoothy’s (024) 393 9855 Osekan Rest. (024) 535 2912 Pearl Chinese (024) 440 6748 Red Chilli (024) 790 2809 Rice ‘n’ Salads (027) 740 1009 Ristorante Sol Moi (030) 278 4015 Robi’s Dutch Pub (024) 220 1087 Smollenky’s Rest. (030) 277 5830 Sunshine Café (030) 278 0599 Sweet Rose Chinese (030) 281 6252 Star Bites (030) 293 6156 Stellar Catering (024) 477 3403 Santoku Rest. (030) 273 7027 Toros Tapas Bar (024) 288 0163 Trésence Café (026) 621 0321 The Venue (024) 332 3425 Taverna Tropicana (030) 222 9101 The Grill (024) 433 1000 Veda Indian Rest. (054) 530 0699 3121 Sushi Bar (026) 777 3121 COFFEE / TERRACE

Cuppa Cappuccino Cafe Dez Amis Koffee Lounge Fine Things Delifrance Sky Eli Cont.Rest Picasso Melting Moments

(024) 820 4441 (030) 782 9371 (030) 292 5067 (030) 223 6781 (030) 223 6781 (024) 331 0310 (030) 277 1712 (024) 466 1069


Eddy’s Pizza Mama Mia (delivery) Papa’s Pizza Pizza Town

(054) 413 3397 (024) 426 4151 (024) 115 0555 (024) 085 9444


La Palm Casino Piccadilly Casino Millionaires Accra Millionaires Kumasi

(030) 278 5420 (030) 276 3095 (030) 277 4339 (032) 204 9868


Bywell Bar Bus Stop Bella Roma Chester’s Bar Cuzzy Bro’s Duplex Devino Lounge Firefly Lounge Bar Hollywood Boulevard Jokers Center KQ Lunch Box Luscious Temptation Rhapsody’s Rockefellas Shaka Zulu Bar Shisha Lounge Spikes Bar & Grill The Honey Suckle The Republic Bar Traphic Twist The Republic Bar The Orange Crepes The Venue +233 Jazz Club Venus Pub Tilly’s Cocktail Yoko’s Pub

(030) 276 7793 (030) 222 0930 (024) 747 4007 (030) 276 2771 (026) 608 6003 (024) 599 9999 (024) 818 6604 (030) 277 7818 (030) 209 7958 (024) 437 0752 (020) 813 3122 (024) 923 6666 (030) 282 3148 (030) 277 6167 (020) 140 4164 (024) 849 5704 (027) 577 2058 (030) 278 0774 (024) 631 4044 (020) 992 5531 (030) 277 2179 (024) 631 4044 (030) 223 2988 (030) 278 2250 (030) 277 5830 (030) 278 2250 (024) 477 8479 (030) 223 7675


Bake Shop CakeOoo Cakes & Bakes DecoKraft Dream Desserts Fine Things La Galette Sweet Dreams Simply Desserts

(030) 277 3044 (027) 417 8376 (024) 459 5599 (024) 382 7724 (030) 278 1792 (030) 223 6781 (024) 675 2429 (028) 923 1283 (024) 431 2870


Accra Mall A&C Square Marina Mall

(030) 282 3040 (030) 251 7518 (030) 267 8121 Melcom Plus Kaneshie (030) 225 1789 Melcom Plus Tema (030) 321 6368 Palace (030) 281 5444 Koala (Osu) (030) 277 3455 Lara Mart (030) 276 6834 CULTURAL CENTRES

Alliance Française British Council Goethe Institute Nubuke Foundation

(030) 268 3068 (030) 268 3068 (030) 277 6764 (028) 910 2163

enjoy index




Beauty Square First Choice Salon Lady Pam Salon Holy Trinity Spa Lajen Unisex Salon Salon City Spa Tranquility Spa

(054) 272 7235 (024) 268 2997 (030) 277 6952 (036) 209 1334 (030) 277 7837 (030) 276 8751 (030) 278 2737


Atlas Rent -A-Car Cole Consult VRS

(024) 427 7871 (024) 403 5856 (030) 277 9387


Aphrodisiac Devino

(030) 276 6734 (024) 818 6604

Express Delivery Services

Aramex Express Ltd Fedex Ground Service UPS Sky Net TNT Express United Parcel

(030) 340 9090 (030) 266 6659 (030) 276 2510 (030) 223 0516 (030) 276 6518 (030) 276 2509


A & C Developments (030) 251 5055


Arabella Residency

(030) 222 1742

Beaufort Properties

(030) 256 4345

business@polygroupgh.com www.beaufortghana.com

Redrow Developmnts (024) 420 1884 info@redrowghana.com

Richierich Estate


(054) 899 0343

Express Property Ltd (030) 276 8886 info@expresspropertyghana.com

Westfields Estates

(020) 897 0080



(030) 270 2332


Afrikiko Al Saidy Big Base Black White Rest Brian’s Place Chakwa Chicken Licken Central Gill Cuppa Espcesso Fridays Bar


(030) 222 9997 (024) 550 0003 (030) 320 6918 (030) 320 6905 (030) 330 4177 (024) 464 9113 (030) 321 1092 (020) 105 6556 (002) 650 8994 (030) 340 1431 Imperial Pekin Chinese (030) 330 5573 Korean Rest (030) 330 6244 Mayflower Rest (030) 330 4970 Maria’s (020) 784 6337 Olympic Rest (024) 924 2726 Pastsone Tradi. Kitchen (024) 454 0556 Peterpan (028) 612 0003 Seoul Grill Rest (030) 330 6305 Southern Fried Chicken (030) 320 6905 The Page (030) 320 6068 Trafix Rest (030) 320 2357 Golden Bowl Chop (030) 320 6424 Vienna City (030) 330 4084 Winner’s (030) 340 4515

African Rainbow (031) 203 2149 Ahenfie (031) 202 1267 Akroma Plaza (031) 202 5513 Alrose (031) 202 4230 Ambassador (031) 202 7431 Bocadilos Rest. (031) 202 0356 Captain Hooks Rest. (031) 202 7084 Chinese Fast Food (031) 202 6565 Cool Spot Rest. (031) 202 1640 Crisking Rest. (031) 204 6813 Furama Chinese Rest. (031) 202 3556 Maame B’s Kitchen (031) 203 0540 Memories Rest. (031) 202 1679 Nsempa (031) 202 4230 Ocean Bar (031) 203 3693 Planter’s Lodge (031) 202 2233 Palace Continental (031) 202 3463 Silver Pot Rest (020) 507 6166 You 84 Rest (031) 202 2945 Twin-City Chinese (031) 202 6888 Royal Park (032) 202 3388


Cape Café & Rest Casanova Spot Court Cateen Friends Gardens Hacienda Plaza Precious Canteen Seven Up Rest

Club Felisa (030) 330 3003 Osmosis Night Club (030) 330 4362 Subin Valley Night Club(030) 330 6477


4 Aces (032) 202 9855 Accadia Rest (024) 393 3399 Adhyeman Gardens (032) 202 6076 Babitex (032) 202 7476 Baboo (032) 202 5725 BigDaddy’s (024) 481 0822 Boss Burger (024) 437 3091 Black Berry MegaBite (032) 202 2543 Chinese Rest (032) 202 9893 Chopsticks Rest. (032) 202 3221 Couples (032) 202 2146 Flo-Tru (032) 202 5360 Hollywood Rest (032) 202 5792 Kentisn Kitchen (032) 202 2748 NIGHT CLUBS IN KUMASI

Aphrodisiac Nite (020) 095 5550 Plus 2 Pub & Kitchen (032) 229 9544 Ultimate Three Fun (054) 882 3745




(024) 488 0054 (033) 213 2425 (024) 428 2862 (033) 213 2956 (024) 437 7815 (033) 213 4681 (033) 213 2505


Gihoc Distilleries Co (033) 213 2713 SUPER MARKET IN CAPE COAST

Melcom Stores (033) 213 4118 Sonturk Super market (033) 213 2207


Bafana Banyana Civil Sport Crest Rest Evesak Fast Food Executive Cuisine Gym 1000 Palace Jay and Jay Sunset Bar Swad Fast Food Sweet Garden Tisa Rest

(027) 759 1727 (037) 202 3324 (037) 202 4898 (037) 202 3505 (024) 447 8710 (037) 202 3239 (037) 202 4654 (024) 420 1643 (037) 202 5188 (037) 202 3539 (037) 202 4217

ENJOY No 90 June 2014 | 53




Alisa Hotel (030) 221 4244 Airport West Hotel (024) 435 8042 Airport View Hotel (027) 775 3305 Airside Hotel (030) 276 0480 Akwaaba Lodge (024) 427 7261 Alema Court (024) 432 1175 Angehill Hotel (030) 251 7515 African Regent Hotel (030) 276 5180 Aristocrat Hotel (024) 318 4447 Ascension Hotel (030) 251 7452 Bayous Court Hotel (030) 240 0806 Bellview Hotel (030) 266 7730 Brookvale Hotel (030) 285 3443 Byblos Hotel (030) 278 2250 Best Western Premier (030) 221 6570 Crystal Palm Hotel (030) 225 8164 Capital Court Hotel (030) 222 6199 Casanova Hotel (030) 267 9470 Crown Apartmento (030) 277 1712 Chez Lien (030) 277 5356 Central Hotel (030) 276 6606 Charlys Hotel (030) 250 5125 City Apartments (024) 480 7888 Coconut Grove Regency (030) 222 5155 Coconut Court Hotel (030) 222 6310 Cottage Hotel (030) 222 2736 Crystal Palm Hotel (024) 369 0014 Crystal Rose Hotel (024) 280 1622 Dutch Hotel (030) 271 1111 Dukes Palace Hotel (030) 251 0668 Earlbeam Hotel (030) 277 0523 Eastgate Hotel (030) 250 7441 Ebis Hotel (030) 277 8559 Ellking (024) 347 8814 Erata Hotel (054) 433 67454 Esther’s Hotel (030) 277 2368 Fiesta Royale (030) 461 3677 First Choice Hotel (028) 954 8271 Frankie’s Hotel (024) 277 3567 Ghasom Hotel (030) 223 4953 Golden Tulip (030) 221 3161 Green Oak (024) 811 0319 Global Summer Hotel (030) 276 0199 Golden Spoon Hotel (030) 224 0295 Great Gardens Hotel (030) 230 6249 Green Oak (024) 811 0319 Gye Nyame Hotel (030) 222 3321 Hibiscus Hotel (024) 426 6522 Hotel Elegance (030) 224 0809 Holiday Hotel (030) 274 0811 Highgate Hotel (030) 223 3315 Holiday Inn Hotel (030) 274 0930 Hotel Western Sun (054) 433 5533 Just Sands (024) 218 3955 54 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90



Kensa (030) 276 8291 Kuku Hill Hotel (030) 278 2571 La Palm Royal Beach (030) 277 1700 Little Acra Hotel (026) 612 1945 La Villa Boutique Hotel (030) 273 0333 Labadi Beach Hotel (030) 277 2501 Luna Guest House (024) 401 6629 Luxury West Hotel (020) 813 4370 M Plaza Hotel (030) 276 3425 Mainland Hotel (030) 277 8243 Mariset Plaza (030) 277 4542 Miklin Hotel (030) 250 0708 MJ Grand Hotel (054) 775 3908 Mövenpick Ambassador (030) 261 1000 Mirage Royal Hotel (030) 252 0570 Monarch Hotel (030) 251 8653 Naks Hotel (030) 250 0435 Novotel Hotel (030) 266 7546 Nova Hotel (030) 277 5579 Niagara Plus Hotel (024) 477 1710 Oak Plaza East Airport (030) 281 6460 Ocean Sky Hotel (030) 278 2951 Otumfuo Hotel (030) 277 4827 Oriental Guest House (026) 513 3244 Pekan Hotel (024) 429 7520 Protea Hotel (030) 251 7454 Paloma Hotel (030) 222 8700 Riviera Beach Hotel (030) 266 2400 Royal Richester (030) 222 5155 Ramada Resort Coco (030) 271 7235 Roots Hotel Apartment (032) 278 0283 Robinhood Hotel (030) 281 6251 Sunsplash Hotel (024) 426 2086 Tenko Plaza Hotel (030) 251 9523 The Guest Hotel (030) 251 1370 The Rest Inn (024) 363 9174 The Volta Lodge (030) 277 8396 Tropical Concepts (027) 492 1774 Tropical Encalve (024) 480 9090 The Aknac Hotel (030) 282 4235 The Landsdown (026) 960 1541 The Royal Senchi (030) 340 9180 The Congress Hotel (030) 274 0750 Villa Monticello Hotel (030) 277 3477

Accadia Cafe & Rest Cedar Crescent Hotel Miklin Hotel Golden Gate Hotel Golden Tulip Royal Basin Resort Paparazzi Hotel


Applel Hotel Asia Hotel Commville Hotel Janus Hotel Oak Royal Hotel Sakumono Royal

(030) 320 4617 (030) 320 6121 (030) 320 6264 (030) 341 1163 (030) 320 6926 (030) 320 4911

(024) 393 3399 (032) 203 7238 (032) 203 9121 (032) 203 7073 (032) 208 3777 (032) 206 0144 (032) 209 2026


Abuesi Beach Resort (024) 435 9100 Akroma Plaza (031) 202 3745 Africa Beach Hotel (031) 202 5148 Alor Hotel (031) 202 2703 Alrose Hotel (031) 2024230 Amenla Hotel (031) 202 2543 Animens Hotel (031) 202 4676 Arvo Hotel (031) 701 0180 Atlantic Hotel (031) 202 2091 Beach Hotel & Resort (031) 202 1021 Beachway Hotel (031) 202 4734 Blue Water Hotel (031) 209 2116 Busua Beach Resort (031) 209 3307 Cane Basket Hotel (031) 202 7213 Cath’s Lodge (031) 202 6854 Devon Hotel (031) 202 2194 Embassy Hotel (031) 202 1611 Franfaus Hotel (024) 671 0349 Fred Mexico (031) 202 1611 Harbour View Hotel (031) 202 3576 Hillcrest Hotel (031) 202 2277 Hotel Animens (031) 202 4676 Hotel Applause (031) 202 3941 Hotel Be Ruco (031) 202 1248 Hotel Majestic (031) 204 6784 Melody Hotel (031) 202 4109 Nalex Hotel (031) 202 0669 Pacific Court Guest (031) 203 4259 Palm Lines Hotel (031) 204 6550 Palme Hotel (031) 202 4596 Planter’s Lodge (031) 202 2233 Railview Hotel (031) 242 0136 Raybow Int Hotel (031) 202 2072 Royal Palm Hotel (031) 204 4596 Sammar Lodge (031) 202 8363 Super Gardens (031) 202 8363 Takoradi Beach (031) 202 1021 Twin City Hotel (024) 457 3596 Valley Beach Hotels (031) 202 6900 Victoria Beach (031) 202 5693 Westline Hotel (031) 204 4679 Whin River Hotel (031) 202 4074 Zenith Hotel (031) 202 2359

enjoy index


Ankwanda Beach Biriwa Beach Hotel Cape Coast Hotel Elimina Bay Elmina Beach Fespa Hotel Hacienda Hotel Haizel Guest House Hans Cottage Heavens Lodge Jubilee Lodg Mighty Victory Hotel Mudek Hotel Prospect Lodge Rainforest Lodge Savoy Hotel Sisimbo Beach White Sands Beach

(033) 213 3797 (024) 442 6277 (033) 213 3457 (054) 161 4812 (033) 214 0010 (024) 232 3611 (024) 437 7815 (033) 213 3044 (024) 427 4340 (033) 213 4999 (033) 213 3424 (033) 213 0135 (024) 467 1137 (024) 687 3557 (033) 219 2498 (033) 213 2805 (054) 795 2844 (031) 202 2072



Gariba Lodge Andi Lodge Gariba Lodge Guest De Favzie King’s Guest House Klass-One Court Modern City Picorna Hotel

(037) 203 3371 (037) 202 2975 (037) 203 3371 (037) 202 4340 (037) 202 4316 (037) 202 7079 (037) 202 4473 (037) 202 207



Amadeus Ghana Melcom Travel Nomadafrica Global Village Travel Stellar Travel Travel Bureau

(030) 276 5590 (030) 225 2984 (030) 701 1234 (030) 276 9273 (030) 276 4557 (030) 282 3004


Cape Trading Ltd Say Cheers X O Wine Shop Bacchus Wine shop

(030) 277 6705 (030) 281 1407 (024) 664 3208 (024) 348 0047


The Gift Bag Sytris, Osu Finest Gifts Plus Obsession Gift Shop Placito Ltd.



(024) 322 3519 (027) 730 0800 (030) 277 7810 (030) 277 4682 (030) 222 0051

Silverbird Accra Mall (054) 431 0140 ACCRA KIDS BOOK, TOYS & MORE

Kidz Cottag Ltd A & C Kiddy Ground Marvels Mini Golf e-toys & More Lego Play & Learn Kiddie’s

(030) 276 5616 (030) 251 5055 (030) 291 5400 (030) 278 1076 (030) 222 3235 (030) 277 0837 Mom & Dad Befa Rock (030) 278 1076 Kids Planet (054) 550 0000 Aviation Social Center (020) 703 9797 RESORTS

Busua Beach Busua Inn Dutch Hotel Ramada Resort Hillburi Aburi Loo Moon Lodge New Coco Beach Jays Lodge

(020) 638 8029 (020) 737 3579 (030) 271 1111 (030) 271 7235 (024) 438 5008 (020) 824 1549 (030) 271 7235 (030) 297 5356


Coaching & Dev. Greet Gyawaa Kids Concept Orca Deco Office Furniture PPAK Motors Village Pet Shop

(024) 894 8242 (030) 277 2955 (024) 641 5459 (024) 095 4262 (030) 222 0732 (054) 433005/6 (030) 268 8780 (024) 406 2796



Accra Mall Pharmacy (028) 940 0400 Bedita Pharmacy (030) 277 8375 Equity Pharmacy (020) 253 2496/7 Ernest Chemist (030) 222 9293 East Legon Pharmacy (030) 250 2174 Korle-Bu Pharmacy (030) 263 7033 Jinlet Pharmacy, Tesano (030) 222 1225 Jinlet Pharmacy, Osu (030) 278 3361

Roman Ridge Pharmacy (030) 276 9166

Tica Pharmacy Wencol Chemist

(030) 281 7458 (030) 277 3858


The Diagnostic Center (030) 298 0243 MDS-Lancet (030) 261 0480 Medilab Diagnostic (030) 276 9680 PEDIATRICS

Akai House Clinic Phillips Clinic North Ridge Hospital International SOS

(030) 268 2162 (030) 276 8681 (030) 222 7328 (030) 279 9978


The Chiropractic

(024) 636 3411


Vodafone (020) (050 Glo (023) MTN (024) (054 Airtel (formerly Zain) (026) Tigo (027) (057 Expresso (028) LANDLINE

Accra Ada Aflao/Denu Akosombo Axim Bawku Bekwai Bolgatanga Cape Coast Dunkwa Ho Keta/Akatsi Koforidua Konongo Kumasi Mampong/Ashanti Navrongo Nkawkaw Obuasi Sekondi/Takoradi Sunyani Swedru Tema Wa Winneba

(030) 2 (030 35 (036 25 (034 30 (031 21 (038 22 (032 24 (038 20 (033 21 (033 22 (036 20 (036 26 (034 20 032 21 032 20 003 222 038 21 034 31 032 25 031 20 035 20 033 20 030 3 039 20 033 23

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places to be

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Useful Numbers


Embassies Algeria Australia Austria Belgium Benin Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada China CÔte d’lvoire Denmark Ethiopia Egypt Finland France Gambia Germany Guinea Hungary India Iran Ireland Italy Korea Japan Lebanon Liberia Mali Morocco Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Philippines Poland Spain Russia Rwanda Czech Rep. Senegal Togo Congo Turkey U.K. U.S.A. Switzerland

(030)-277 6719 (030)-221 6400 (030)-278 3368 (030)-277 6561 (030)-277 4860 (030)-277 4908 (030)-277 2404 (030)-222 1988 (030)-277 3791 (030)-277 7073 (030)-277 2611 (030)-222 6972 (030)-276 5682

(030)-277 6854 (030)-277 7500 (030)-221 4550 (030)-231 5840 (030)-222 1311 (030)-277 7921 (030)-240 0770 (030)-277 5601 (030)-276 0521 (030)-251 8112 (030)-277 5621 (030)-277 7533 (030)-276 5060 (030)-277 6727 (030)-277 5641 (030)-266 3276 (030)-277 5669 (030)-221 4350 (030)-222 4962 (030)-277 6158 (030)-222 0101 (030)-251 6442 (030)-250 2829 (030)-277 4004 (030)-277 5611 (030)-225 1894 (030)-222 3540 (030)-277 0285 (030)-277 7950 (030)-224 5977 (030)-276 8567 (030)-222 1665 (030)-277 5347 (030)-222 8125

INT. DIALING CODES Angola 244 Australia 61 Austria 43 Belgium 32 Benin 229 Botswana 267 Brazil 55 Burkina Faso 226 58 | June 2014 ENJOY No 90

Burundi 257 Cameroon 237 Canada 1 Cape Verde 238 Cntrl African Rep 236 Chad 235 Czech Republic 420 Denmark 45 Egypt 20 Equatorial Guinea 240 France 33 Gabon 241 Gambia 220 Guinea 224 Italy 39 Japan 81 North Korea 850 South Korea 82 Liberia 231 Libya 218 Mali 223 Mauritania 222 Mauritius 230 Morocco 212 Namibia 264 Rwanda 250 Senegal 221 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Togo 228 Uganda 256 U.S.A. 1 DRC 243 Zambia 260 Zimbabwe 263

AIRLINES kotoka Airport Aero Contractor Aerogem Aviation American Airlines Asky airline Air Ghana Air Ivoire Air Senegal Int. Antrack Air Alitalia Belview Airlines British Airlines Brussels Airlines Cathay Pacific City Link Air Ltd Delta Airlines Egypt Air Emirate Airlines Ghana Int.

(030)-277 6171 (030)-268 1978/9 (030)-276 9298 (030)-268 8804 (030)-224 0442/3 (030)-277 4007 (030)-224 2056 (030)-278 0567 (030)-276 5377 (030)-278 3319/21

(030)-223 0329 (030)-221 4996 (030)-224 3893 (208)-213 8270 (030)-277 0445 (030)-276 5262 (030)-277 7756 (030)-277 3537/8 (030)-223 0319 (030)-221 3555

Kenya Airways KLM Lufthansa Middle East North American Royal Air Maroc Royal Dutch Slock Air Int. South African Air Turkish Airlines UNMIL Virgin Nigeria

(030)-224 1560 (030)-221 4700 (030)-224 3893 (030)-223 0867 (030)-291 1087 (030)-276 6333 (030)-277 6509 (030)-276 6740 (030)-278 3676 (030)-273 4561 (030)-277 3890 (030)-291 1721

24 HR EMERGENCY CENTRE Trust Hospital Nyaho Clinic

(030)-277 6787 (030)-277 5341

BANKS Access Bank Agri. Dev.Bank Bank of Ghana Barclays Bank Cal Bank Ltd CDH Securities Ltd Credit References Databank Group Ecobank NIB Societe generale Gh

(030)-278 4143 (030)-266 2640 (030)-266 6902 (030)-278 4049 (030)-268 0061 (030)-266 7425 (030)-278 2581 (030)-266 9421 (030)-268 1147 (030)-266 1701 (030)-220 2020

FIRE SERVICE Headquarters Cantonments Central (Makola) Industrial Area Dansoman Madina Aviation Trade Fare

(030)-277 2446 (030)-266 6576 (030)-277 9635 (030)-222 3169 (030)-231 0903 (030)-250 1744 (030)-277 3285 (030)-277 3949

HOSPITALS Akai House Clinic Akai House (Osu) 37 Military Hospital Korle-Bu Lister hospital Nyaho Clinic Princess Marie Louise West African Rescue INTERNATIONAL SOS

(030)-278 4772 (030)-276 3821 (030)-277 6111 (030)-266 5401 (030)-281 2325/6 (030)-277 5341 (030)-266 4137 (030)-278 1258 (030)-279 9978

POLICE Emergency Regional Headquarters Mobile Force Accra Central Achimota Adabraka Airport

191 (030)-266 4611 (030)-276 0273 (030)-266 3625 (030)-240 1999 (030)-222 1368 (030)-277 7592

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