Enjoy Accra No82 sept2013

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ENJOY No 82 September 2013 |


2 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 |


C O N T E N T s

F eat u r e S torie s

Interview with


Chale Wote 2013 Street Art Festival


Moroccan Ambassador

Benin honours HE John Mahama


Julie Adjomayi Dacaud Marketing Manager julie@enjoyaccra.com Karen Balchin Sr. Creative & Graphic Designer karen@enjoyaccra.com Alain Gbeasor Publication Manager alain@enjoyaccra.com Kekeli Logo Administrative & Accounts Clementina A. Acquah Graphic Designer HervĂŠ-Daniel Osnou Web Designer Vicky Murray Copywriter

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Enjoy Accra Magazine is published by Orion Advertising Company Ltd. Tel.: (+233) 030 278 70 25 / 0302 544 377 mail : mag@e n j oya c c ra . c om September w2013 w wENJOY . e n jNoo 82 yaccra.com

News Update In & Out Ghana

Launch of Cedi Tourism



Event Calendar


Parent Corner


Health Corner






Diaspora News


Recipe : Special Salad


Summer 2013


Games : Sudoku


Movie Guide


Fashion Spread




Useful numbers


Printed by Type Company Limited

Dear Friends, It was nice to hear that you missed Enjoy last month. It was time for our annual break and it was good to get away but you were all dearly missed too. In this 82nd edition of your favourite magazine, we are happy to share a taste of some of the activities that took place during the break. ARTS The 2013 “Chale Wote Street Arts Festival” was held for the the third year running in Jamestown. Over 500 painters, musicians, actors and vendors exhibited their creative arts and talents in a fun and festive atmosphere. GOVERNANCE At long last the battle for evidence has ended, and a judgment given on the court action and uncertainties of the presidential elections held last December. It is worthy of mention that Ghana has moved up the ladder in terms of its democratic credentials. We congratulate all the political actors in our beloved country for their commitment to peace and development. We take this opportunity to congratulate his Excellency, John Mahama, on the national award bestowed on him by the President and people of the Republic of Benin. We bring you a report on the ceremony. DIPLOMACY Morocco was our featured country destination in the March edition of Enjoy. To follow up we met up with Her Excellency, Nesha Alaoui M’Hammdi, the new and first female Moroccan ambassador on the continent, on the occasion of their national day. TOURISM Coasters Travel and Tour brought together stakeholders and public institutions for a full and frank discussion of the future of tourism in Ghana, its growth and promotion. Well dear friends this and much more in this new edition of your favourite magazine and we hope our “skin pain” travelogue pages dont invite too much envy. Enjoy

Don’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.com

Dominique Paravicini Editor


Letter of the Editor

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 |


Benin confers highest

national award on President Mahama

6 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82


resident Thomas Yayi Boni of Benin on behalf of the people and government of his country awarded President John Dramani Mahama “The Great Cross of the National Order of Benin. This award is the highest honour that is bestowed on an individual by the Republic of Benin.

THE National Order of benin



he Government and people of Benin decorated President John Mahama with the country’s highest award, the Great Cross, The National Order Of Benin. The award was in recognition of his exemplary leadership and the significant contribution he has made to democratic governance in Ghana. Conferring the award at an investiture held in the People’s Room of the Benin Presidential Palace, President Boni Yayi recalled

President Mahama’s commitment to the African renaissance and the need for greater sub-regional and African integration. He expressed admiration for Mr Mahama’s determination to push through and his willingness to seek the support of colleague heads of state at all forums, at ECOWAS and the African Union, for the development of the continent; describing him as a worthy replacement to the late President John Atta Mills who he described as a blessing to Africa.

President Mahama in an address thanked the people of Benin for this award, noting that the former presidents of Ghana are the real recipients of the award.

“The country has continuously achieved GDP growth of around ENJOY N 82 September 2013 | 8% per annum.” o



8 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

The National Order of benin

“According to HE Mahama, the democratic path adopted by Ghana has brought with it several advantages, which he called the ‘the democratic dividend’.”


he President dedicated the award to the people of Ghana for giving him the mandate for the next four years and he pledged to fulfill all his campaign promises. On Ghana’s ties with Benin, he said the two countries have historical ties , which will be honoured by the two leaders for their mutual benefit. The programme was witnessed by Mr Mahama Ayariga, Minister for Information and Media Relations, Mr Emmanuel Kofi Armah Buah, Minister for Energy and Petroleum, Nii Afotey Agbo, Volta Regional Minster, and Mr Thomas Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, among other personalities. e

In the last decade Ghana has experienced unprecedented economic growth. Inflation has been arrested while the country has continuously achieved GDP growth of around 8% per annum. Just last year Ghana was judged the fastest growing economy in the whole world while the country achieved a middle income status.

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10 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82



HE Mrs Nesha Alaoui M’hammdi

(Moroccan Ambassador)


he Moroccan Embassy in Accra on July 30th, marked La fête du trône (the Throne day) which is a Moroccan celebration marking the ascension of King Mohammed VI to the throne. As a follow up we bring you this exclusive interview with Her Excellency, Mrs Nesha Alaoui M’hammdi. HE Nesha Alaoui is the first female Ambassador from the Kingdom of Morocco to have been posted by the King to represent her country in Africa. We caught up with her at the Embassy in Accra and asked her a few questions.

Alain GBEASOR (AG): Good morning Your Excellency, congratulationson your appointment and thank you for the interview. I understand that you are not entirely new to Ghana, tell us a bit about yourself and how you got to become Ambassador to Ghana. Nesha Alaoui M’hammdi (NAM): After obtaining a degree at the National School of Public Administration in Rabat, I began work in 1989 with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, on EEC-Morocco relations. I also served in diplomatic missions

for the Kingdom of Morocco in Rome, Italy, as an economic and commercial counsellor and then in Accra as the second Ambassador. From 2005 to 2009, I was in charge of relations between Morocco and the European Parliament. I have a postgraduate degree from the Department of Public Law at the University Mohamed V in Rabat and I am working on a state doctorate at the same University, under the theme of “ the Morocco-EU political cooperation of the association agreement with advanced status “. My appointment by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI to Ghana

is an illustration of His Excellency’s resolve to strengthen ties between Ghana and Morocco. It is my ardent belief that deepening of relations between our two countries will see the construction of an enviable model of southsouth friendship, for sustainable development. Coming back to Ghana after having served here and made friends previously feels like coming back home and I look forward to helping develop the cooperation between the two countries that I love. ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 11

ENJOY AG: What is the role of the Moroccan Embassy in Ghana? NAM: The bilateral cooperation between Morocco and Ghana has existed since the 1960’s. Today the role of the embassy is to strengthen the partnership through a strong South – South cooperation as well as sharing expertise in various key sectors such as water management, housing, energy, telecommunication, transportation, fisheries and tourism. The embassy plays an essential role in developing and promoting commercial, cultural and academic cooperation between our two countries as well as to provide consular services for Togo and Benin. AG: How are Ghana - Morocco relations? Tell us about some of the projects being undertaken by your country in Ghana. NAM: The alliance between our two countries stems from the ties of brotherhood and goodwill that existed between the late King Mohammed V and the late Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Both leaders, forebears of PanAfricanism prepared the launching pad on which the development of the African Union has been built over the last 50 years. Our bilateral cooperation takes into account human resource development through promotion and training. Moroccan investments

12 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

HE Mrs Nesha Alaoui M’Hammdi and HE John Mahama

“The alliance between our two countries stems from the ties of brotherhood and goodwill that existed between the late King Mohammed V and the late Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah.” in the sub-region through trade in the past decade has increased to 460.

Moroccan investments in Ghana include Colina Insurance, Bank of Africa and Air Maroc.

Numerous large and medium scale Moroccan enterprises have already been established in Ghana with many more looking forward to investing in Ghana and establishing sustainable trade between the two countries.

Morocco has a long history of innovations in the fields of housing and construction,the media and tourism to name but a few. The fisheries industry in Morocco has evolved so much over the years that a number of our products find their way indirectly onto the Ghanaian market notable among which is the TITUS brand of canned sardines.

AG: In what field of the economy are most Moroccan businesses involved in Ghana? NAM: Economic relations between Ghana and Morocco have grown at a slower pace than expected since the reopening of our Embassy in Accra in the year 2000, and we are working hard together to increase this. It is my belief that there is a lot of potential for trade between our countries. Morocco is currently the leading African investor in the West African Sub Region. Some notable

AG: What is your main vision for your tenure as ambassador in Ghana? NAM: Morocco as an African country has challenges common to most countries in Africa and has developed solutions to them. It is my resolve to facilitate interaction between our governments in order to enhance cooperation and exchange in such endeavors.

Interview institute an Economic Day program where Ghanaian and Moroccan entrepreneurs get together to be held in both countries in order to facilitate cooperation and trade. AG: what have been some of your high moments in your career?

AG: What is your vision for your tenure as ambassador in Ghana? NAM: Morocco as an African country has had challenges common to most countries in Africa and has developed solutions to them. It is my resolve to facilitate interaction between our governments in order to enhance cooperation and exchange in such endeavours. The potential for the growth of our established relationship still exists and it is very important. My commitment as Moroccan ambassador in Ghana is to preserve and enhance the legacy left behind by the late Dr Kwame Nkrumah and King Mohammed V, and to serve the common ambition of our two countries for the benefit of all citizens. Furthermore, I want to strengthen the presence of Morocco in Ghana as an investment destination and as a partner for Ghanaians and to share expertise in key sectors such as water management, housing, energy, the airline industry, telecommunications, youth development, transportation, fisheries and tourism. I also intend to

NAM: The first would be the day I met His Majesty King Mohammed VI to receive my letters of credence as an ambassador to Ghana and most touching is that I became the first woman to have been given such an assignment in Africa by His Royal Highness. Another highlight is coming back to Ghana with a new mission in a country that I love and cherish just as my own country, Morocco.

AG: Finally any message to our readers NAM: I want to entreat your readers to start taking the lead on the discussions concerning Africa and not allow others to tell our story for us. Whatever story they tell can never be totally accurate. I will also advise that we all are part of a mission, for God and country and to remember at all times these words “don’t let your mission change you and drive you away from your inner self”. e AG: Thank You.

AG: Your Excellency what are your hobbies? NAM: As a mother, I treasure time spent with my family very much as it enables me to be myself without my official status. I love reading, researching and as an avid Pan Africanist, Ghana abounds in research material and data on this passion of mine and I spend my time researching and re-educating myself.

HE Mr & Mrs Aggrey Orleans

Hon Samia N’Krumah

HE Mr & Mrs M’Hammdi interacting with Hon. Rashid Pelpuo & wife ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 13

Moroccan Throne DAY


La fête du trône (The Throne day)

H.E. Mrs M’Hammdi in a handshake with Hon Rashid Pelpuo, Minister of State

Distinguished guests

Distinguished guests

“The Throne day is a Moroccan celebration marking the ascension of King Mohammed VI to the throne of his ancestors.”

Royal Air Maroc Ghana 14 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

HE Gomez, Spanish Ambassador & her host

Distinguished guests

Distinguished guests

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 15

16 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82


News updates

New Ambassadors

The Indian High Commissioner, HE K Jeeva Sagar HE Mr Dileep Nair, Singaporean Ambassador

Outgoing Ambassadors

HE Margit Thomson, Danish Ambassador HE M Sini Pierre Sanou Ambassador of Burkina Faso

HE Timothy Mwaba Walamba, Zambian Ambassador German Ambassador, HE Dr Mrs Renate Schimkoreit

HE Mrs Claudia Turbay Quintero, Colombian Ambassador HE Trudy Kernighan, Canadian High Commissioner

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 17

18 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 19


ACCRA [dot] ALT and their collaborators, the Foundation for Contemporary Art Ghana, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Institut Franรงais, Alliance Franรงaise, Dr Monk, No Limits Charity, Absolut Vodka and the Attukwei Art Foundation successfully organized the 3rd annual CHALE WOTE Street Art Festival on September 7th to 8th 2013 on the High Street of Jamestown.

Mantse, organiser

20 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

CHALE WOTE 2013 FESTIVAL “A 2 day festival with more than 200 artists including some from South Africa, Germany, France, US and Nigeria.”


rganizers and patrons turned Jamestown’s streets into an exciting outdoor art festival with artists exhibiting their stock in trade.There were demonstrations of stencil work, body painting, chalk art and graffiti on the walls of the old James Fort Prison to name but a few. The two day festival, had more than 200 participating artists, with eight international artists from South Africa, Germany, France, US and Nigeria. Participating Ghanaian visual artists erected cutting edge exhibitions of their work. Art lovers who visited the event were treated to live music at the High Life Café, with Rockstone’s Office and the Republic bars pitching miniature venues on the grounds.

Graffiti painting ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 21



hotography is a new found passion among young Ghanaians, and this was evident in the work that was displayed. Theatre, spoken word performances, a cookout and the fashion marketplace were among the many fun events available to entertain visitors.

22 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

CHALE WOTE 2013 FESTIVAL “Over 5,000 people visited the festival.�

F Photos by Onefotos & Artkojo

or the first time in its 3 year history, the festival lasted two days and attracted over 5,000 people.Some of the leading artists who made the show a success include Bernard Akoi-Jackson, Nana Ofori Atta Ayim, Zohra Opoku, Attukwei Clottey and I.U.B.

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We can only congratulate all the organizers and helpers who made this event a success, and call for more events that allow local artists to showcase their talents. e Enjoy!

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EN J OY am-Before 6:00pm



Golden Gate Hotel



KFC at Marina Mall


A delicious spread of continental dishes 25ghc pay yours and bring another person to eat. Venue : Amakom- Kumasi Time : 11:30am-4pm

Chicken popcorn,large fries and a drink

The Republic Bar & Grill

A new bar in town with so much buzz. You are sure to run into a good friend.

Live Band

Chezz Afrique, East Legon TIme: 8pm


Event : Bless The Mic Arts & Music Festival- 5th Edition


Invictus Cocktail Party

Alliance Française Accra & Various places - 7:00 PM

Paris II Perfumery, Maxmart 37 Liberation Road, Accra Time 6pm-8pm

Public Holiday: Founder’s Day (3-day week-end)

Event: Circuits Fermés – DeFracto Company Alliance Française Accra - 7:30 PM

The Founder’s day is celebrated in commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Nkrumah


3212-Sushi in Osu


Pass by Golden Tulip after work to unwind and relax with a drink and tasty treats from our menu after a first day of the week. Time 6pm


Afternoon Tea

Millionaires Casino

Golden Tulip Bingo Nite Time 9-10pm


Villa Monticello Hotel

African Regent hotel Airport, West. Join us every afernoon for a tasty selection of cakes & desserts time : from12-5pm

Come and experience our new terrace and refreshed menu. Venue: Airport residential Time:6-10pm

Be Shaken not stired

Happy Hour

Cocktails at the Lexington Come try their innovative drinks


Grab a drink and something nice from our wide range of delicious food before heading home. Time: 6pm to 10pm


Unwind Monday Blues

Tops n Tails Pub Spintex Rd Spintex rd opp Stanchart


The Hang Out Pub & Grill 36 Olympics Road Kokomlemle Accra Ghana time 8pm

Toro Tapas Bar

Share a bottle of rioja and some tapas with friends Venue : Afrikiko Compound Time : from 7pm


La Paillote Takpekpe Orientale - Abaji

Venue: Alliance Française Time- 7:30 PM.

Akwaba Burger

Venue Dzorwulu heading to the traffic light. Next to finest gifts. Come enjoy the best burgers in town everyone is talking about. Open till 12am


Ci Gusta at Koala

Frozen yoghurt with fresh fruit. Enjoy an italian food experience.

Salsa Dance Nite

Venue : Coconut Groove Hotel. time : 7pm

02 Monsoon

Venue Sisters or the East Time: from 6pm


Public Holiday: Eid ul - Adha Shaka Zulu-Bar/Club

Pop in for a drink on your way home from work. Unwind & dance da stress away. Time:6:30-10-30pm

Cafe Des Amis

Invite your friends for a drink & a chat. Venue: Kanda

Chase Restaurant and Takeaway.

Try the pizza! From 6pm Labone


Nourish Lab Smoothy’s

come try our special combination of fruit drinks on Oxford Street, Osu

Mama Mia Restaurant

Come try our pizza and a nice atmosphere. Venue : Osu, Oxford time : 6pm-10pm

16 World Food Day 2013 Happy Hour @ Tulip

Avoid the stress of rush hour at the poolside of tulip time 6pm

Deli France

Meet friends for a pain au chocolat and a coffee Venue Airport Residental

pm-After 6:00pm




Movenpick Lounge

Come enjoy a nice chilled evening, good music & food Time 7pm

Thirsty Thursdays

Sasa Culture Band 50% off drinks Venue: African Regent Hotel Time: 6-8pm


Happy Hour

TASTY JERK Barbecue Joint Venue: Osu Down Chez Lien Annex Time: 5 pm

“Asian Night” @ Tulip

Enjoy the very best of Asian dishes this & every Thursday Branche Restaurant & Terrace Time: 6.30pm till 10.00pm


Try the chef’s taster menu for a tasty Thursday treat Venue Airport West, opp African Regent Hotel Time: 6pm-11pm


Jazz bar with a good ambience and tasty menu. Venue: Ringroad Central. time: 6:30pm


Happy Hour

At Cuzzy Bros Buffet or grill available great kebabas Venue: Osu old Ryan’s

Happy Hour Celsbridge Pub Labone Time : @5pm

All Day


Ghana Club 100 2013

Banquet Hall, State House Time- 7:00 PM

Ghana Domestic Tourism Fair & Exhibition (GDTFE) 2013 National Theatre Accra and Efua Sunderland Children’s Park


Tulip Mirror Ball

Come and enjoy old school music at the Tulip Mirror Ball. from 10pm

From the Office to the Office

Swing by after work to Reggie Rockstone’s Office From Monday thru Sat. Time : 6pm till late


Dance: Banlieue – Diagn’Art Company

Alliance Française Accra Time- 7:30 PM

Mövenpick Lounge

Enjoy good musi=c with good company. Our selection of our cocktails will keep you coming for more. @8pm till late


Accra Diplomatic Club annual Welcome Reception

La Palm Royal Beach Hotel Time 8:00PM

Concert: Fran Molina Jazzpanish project

Alliance Française Accra Time : 8:00 PM

17 Teazy Thurs

At Bella Roma Osu with da hottest DJs Klla Fingaz and Busty Blaze from 10pm

Happy Hour

Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm

Start your `thursday right

18 Concert: Bambouman

Alliance Française Accra Time- 8:00 PM

Firefly @ Osu

Catch up with friends, have a drink and relax in the pleasant surroundings time 9- late

Duplex Bar and Lounge Osu

There are a lot of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar to events@enjoyaccra.com 28 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

events Calendar






The Great Escape 2013 to Sunday 22 A weekend of Rest & Renewal for Working Women. Venue is the plush Beige Village Resort & Spa.

Brazilian Rodizio Churrascaria Night Branche

Restaurant & Terrace Time: 6.30pm till 10.00pm


The CEO’s Network

African Regent Hotel Time - 1:00 PM

Soprano Restaurant at La Villa Boutique Hotel Fabulous place to sit and have a drink and maybe explore the menu


Labadi Beach Hotel BBQ

The best BBQ in Accra. The chefs best selections of meats fired up. Come with your family to enjoy.@ 12-3pm

Discovery Sunday

Come with Enjoy to discover hidden treasures outside Accra. The Royal Senchi Resort, Akosomboo


Discovery Sunday

Come with Enjoy to discover hidden treasures outside Accra. Ada Resort, Ada

Arlecchino Ice Cream Parlour Treat the kids to an ice cream, Venue : Osu Oxford



- An international traveling Exhibition (till Oct. 10) Guestroom of Goethe-Institut Ghana

Put on Your Jogging Pants Exercise is good for your health. Take a walk around the block or to the beach. every saturday.


Akwasidae (2 Days/ 1 Night)

Mini Golf Course Bring the kids and enjoy an afternoon of golfing from 1pm-6pm.

Take a trip outside Accra Kokrobite, White Sands or Bojo Beach. Come enjoy!!

Oktoberfest” @ Tulip

Branche Restaurant & Terrace Time: from 6.30pm


Mövenpick Brunch

Kumasi (Ghana) Time- 7:00 AM

Sumptuous spread to tempt your taste buds. time: 10am

Movie Friday

AMEWU - Concert

Fantastic movie experience with popcorn & a drink @ Accra mall time :6- 10pm


Oktoberfest Accra 2012 NOT CONFIRMED venue to be announced 7:00 PM

Hollywood Boulevard

ANC Square-Come enjoy hip hop music with hot djs and smoking atmosphere time from 9 till daddy calls

venue to be announced email: program@accra. goethe.org


Ghanaian Brunch

Enjoy authentic Ghanaian cuisine at our Sunday Brunch with a complimentary drink Branche Lounge Time from10pm till 5.00am

Sisimbo Beach Resort

Spend the day at the beachlovely food and luxurious rooms.

See you when I see you !

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 29

30 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 31


Parent corner

6 Tips To Help Teens Successfully Transition To High School


n the next two months thousands of children will take one more step toward a significant rite of passage: they will transition from being primary school students to becoming fullfledged high schoolers. This transition for kids is scary, the fear of anonymity, unfamiliar surroundings and higher expectations, all play a central role in the anxiety leading up to the start of one’s high school career. There are things, however, that parents can do to assist with this transition. 1. Listen Parents should not discount their children’s fears by just telling them “it will be all right.” Change can be frightening. Parents should reassure their kids that they will not be alone in this process. Children at this age need emotional security, support and a listening ear. Your child is anxious about this transition and wants to know that you are an ally.

2. Get Involved

Jabari Akil, counsellor, educational consultant & leadership specialist

schedules over the summer. Parents should look over their child’s schedule to ensure it appears to be correct. Scheduling mistakes do happen, and if there is a problem counsellors are usually available a couple of weeks prior to the start of classes to get these issues resolved. Addressing any scheduling errors early can save your child from waiting in line and missing classes while his/her schedule is changed.

5. Adjustments To Curriculum Take Time

When students are involved with extra curricular activities, such as theatre, art club or sports, it helps promote belonging. Encouraging involvement in organized school activities fosters teamwork and a sense of place, which ultimately leads to confidence. Confidence comes with inclusion.

The higher academic standards of high school and increased competition will take some time and adjustment. Often students earn their lowest GPA during this time, and then begin to figure things out. Some freshman for example, don’t understand that their freshman grades are part of the high school transcript that is submitted when they apply to college.

3. Help Your Child Learn The Ropes

6. Know When To Seek Help

Many schools have new student orientation programmes that allow time for incoming students to look round the school. Schools may let students come in and try out locker combinations, locate classrooms and get comfortable with their new surroundings. For students who have their schedules, parents can suggest that they walk through the building as if they were coming and going from classes.

4. Eliminate Stress By Focusing On Details The more attention that parents pay to small details, the easier things will be for a student on day one. For example, most schools mail students their new 32 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

After the first couple of weeks, if your child is having debilitating anxiety or is abnormally worried about school, parents must seek help. Students may exhibit uneasiness and a decrease in self-esteem, but adjustment problems lasting longer than a few weeks may require special help. During this time never forget to love your children unconditionally. Parents, teachers, counsellors and school leaders need to work together to promote a favourable school adjustment. Nobody can do it alone. e

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 33


Cedi Tourism Fair launched @ the zbar


oasters Travel and Tour, a bespoke tourist destination company launched the Cedi Tourism fair as part of a drive to promote tourism in Ghana.The media launch was held at the plush Zbar restaurant in the World Trade Centre building in Accra. Mr George Spencer Quaye, the Chief Executive Officer of Coasters Travel & Tour, speaking on the theme “Tourism a Tool for Sustainable Job Creation and Accelerated Economic Growth’, said that Ghana’s discovery of

On the high table : Zita, Hon Julius Debrah, Greater Accra Regional Minister, Dr Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije, Mayor of Accra, Ms Olivia Opoku-Agyeman

oil places the country in a more favourable position to attract revenue from tourism into the country. Mr Quaye intimated that aside from the financial contribution that the oil discovery brought to the Ghanaian economy, it further positions Ghana as country with the right economic, social and infrastructural environment for both investors and tourists. He urged the private sector not just to focus on the core oil industry but also on the tourists who will flood into the country in years to come.

34 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Cedi Tourism Fair 2013 “The Cedi Tourism Fair is slated for the 12th -14th November 2013 at the National Theatre with the theme “Tourism, a tool for sustainable job creation and accelerated economic growth’.”

Mr George Spencer Quaye, CEO, Coasters Travel & Tour

The Cedi Tourism Fair is slated for the 12th -14th November 2013 at the National Theatre with the theme “Tourism, a Tool for Sustainable Job Creation and Accelerated Economic Growth’. The fair will bring together the major players in the tourism industry to exhibit their services and products to both national and international clientele.

A Director at the Ministry of Tourism, Ms Olivia Opoku-Agyeman in a speech said the ministry had plans in place to boost the tourism industry in the country. Dr Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije, Mayor of Accra, in his speech reiterated the importance of tourism and the need to market the proverbial Ghanaian hospitality. The Chairman of the occasion was Hon Julius Debrah, Greater Accra Regional Minister, he urged all stakeholders especially the private sector to participate in the fair in order for them to get the right exposure and he pledged the commitment of Government in supporting the private sector. e

“Aside from the financial contribution the oil discovery brought to the ghanaian economy, it further positions Ghana as country with the right economic, social and infrastructural environment for both investors and tourists.”

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 35


health corner

Exercise Your Body And Ease Your Mind The




aren’t just physical


– exercise can also stave off sadness and boost your mood when you’re battling depression. So why does moving your body help your brain and what are the best ways to make use of this powerful, natural antidepressant?

If you exercise regularly, the emotional benefits become longterm. Physical activity can produce chemical changes in the brain that lead to the eventual ‘rewriting’ of memory, which makes an event seem less traumatic. So you feel less drained, depressed or sad. Staying fit can also stave off side effects – both from depression and antidepressant medications – such as weight gain.

“When you exercise, your brain instantly revs up production of endorphins, the chemicals that help elevate mood, improve brain function and concentration.” If you’re depressed, the first step is to see your doctor or a psychologist to start treatment with talk therapy and/or medication but it is worth noting that for women with severe depression, physical activity can boost the effectiveness of antidepressant medication. And in some instances a woman with mild to moderate depression can control symptoms with exercise.

Why Moving Your Body Helps Your Brain

Working out sets off a chemical reaction in the brain that’s good for everyone, depressed or not. When you exercise, your brain instantly revs up production of endorphins, the chemicals that help elevate mood, improve brain function and concentration. Staying active also balances cortisol, a steroid hormone produced under stress that creates the fight-or-flight feeling. Reducing cortisol levels helps prevent an anxiety attack and stabilizes mood. 36 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Starting an effective exercise program is as simple as walking out your front door.

• Exercise Effectively

You don’t have to run marathons or spend hours in the gym to get the mood-boosting benefits. Even moderate aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week will produce a pronounced effect in a relatively short time.The types of movement you choose targets different depression issues. A long, peaceful walk can relieve stress and recharge mental batteries. Free weights maintain muscle tone, enhancing appearance and leading to a greater feeling of well-being.

• Short,

intense workouts – 30 minutes of exercise at a level that gets you breathing hard helps release pain-inhibiting endorphins quickly, immediately enhancing your mood.

To avoid burnout, start slowly and work your way up. Don’t try to do more than you’re willing to accomplish on a regular basis. No matter what kind of exercise you do, be consistent. That’s what will keep your brain’s production of mood-altering chemicals balanced.

• Make it enjoyable. Don’t exercise

alone: Ask a friend to join you on a power walk through a park or around a mall. Incorporating some social activity makes exercising more fun.

• Mix it up. It’s easy to get bored walking the same route every day or running on a treadmill. Alternate routes, cross-train on different exercise machines, listen to a variety of music and even wear different colours of clothing. • Be

accountable. Ask a friend or family member to track your exercise schedule and check in once a week for progress updates, to discuss any obstacles and offer kudos when you’ve hit an exercise milestone.

• Go easy on yourself. Berating yourself over a missed workout or shortened routine will only make you feel worse. Instead, remind yourself of how often in the past month you did work out, and use those successes to stay motivated. • Reward yourself. Set obtainable

workout goals. For example, if you follow your exercise plan for a week, treat yourself to a massage, movie or new workout gear. Earning treats through hard work will boost your confidence even more. e

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 37


2013 This Month Libra


Famous Libra : Susan Sarandon BORN: OCTOBER 4, 1946 - NEW YORK CITY,USA Whether you know Susan Sarandon from her memorable roles in The Rocky Horror Picture Show or Bull Durham, you definitely know she oozes sex appeal, even at her current age, which is most likely a product of having three planets - Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in sensual Scorpio. In addition to acting, Susan and her much younger partner Tim Robbins are involved in political activism, where she proves she’s not only a smokin’ hot mama, but she’s also one smart cookie!

Famous Libra : Usher Raymond BORN: OCTOBER 14, 1978 - DALLAS, TEXAS, USA Usher’s Sun Sign may be Libra, but his chart is dominated by powerful and intense Scorpio: four planets, including Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Uranus, are all in the biting Scorpion’s constellation. This potent combo makes this R&B singer one hot.

Aries 21/3-20/04

Taurus 21/4-21/05

Gemini 22/5-21/06

Although your main focus is on work and organization in September, dear Aries, others are easily charmed by your warmth and sincere approach to the world. You may be investing more time and energy in hobbies, creative activities, and pastimes this month, even though more serious goals are also demanding of your time. Once again, a good mix of work and pleasure is in your forecast. The 5-7 are very strong for new beginnings in a sixth house pursuit, which can be about work, service, selfcare, or health. It’s a time for taking charge. Beautiful energy is with your for creating something new, moving a project forward, and for romance on the 13-14. Many of the projects that have been put on hold begin to gain momentum from the 18th, especially career, business, and finance-related ones. This is a time when you’re more accountable and realistic, and the need to make a commitment to your future arises.

September promises to be a mobile, active month, dear Taurus, and family members are demanding more attention and energy from you. If walls need to be broken down with family, the 13-14 can be strong for doing so. Romance can come full bloom this month. The 5-7 brings great energy for communicating your intentions and for starting fresh, while the 9th can stimulate a conflict between family and partnership. Disapproving relatives or partners can discourage you at this time, but it might help you to rethink how you’ve been handling things. A commitment made to or with a partner can be part of the picture around the 18th. It may be time to take a relationship to a new level of responsibility, or to re-evaluate your romantic needs altogether. By month’s end, you know exactly where you stand in love matters, and you have a fair idea of where you are heading. Around the 19th, a creative project reaches culmination, or a speculative venture reaps exciting rewards.

Even though you have a lot to do and get done this month, dear Gemini, you are bound to be feeling especially domestic with the Sun and Mercury spending time in your family and home sector. You may already sense that changes are necessary on the home front, and by the 5-7, new domestic plans can emerge. You continue to be busy running errands and taking care of business, a trend that began in August, and there will be times when you feel quite harried, such as on the 9th. Watch on that day, as well as on the 14th, for over-sensitivity and harsh, impulsive words. It’s also a time to watch for impatience on the road and even while walking and running or working mechanical operations. Haste can not only lead to waste, it can lead to minor accidents as well. Otherwise, this is a solid time for energetic and motivated efforts to learn, write, and communicate. Your career or reputation hits a high note around the 19th. You are thrust into the spotlight and called upon to perform.

38 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82


Cancer 22/6-23/07

Libra 24/9-23/10

Capricorn 22/12-20/01

A sociable and energetic month is in store, dear Cancer, with plenty of errand-running, communication, and activity. You have big plans and plenty of spunk in September, sometimes surprising those around you. You are feeling especially independent and spirited, and you receive an energetic boost from the cosmos that helps you to accomplish much from the 5-7. Whatever is a priority to you, it’s a great time to tackle it now, as you’ll be amazed at how much ground you can cover at this time. You may be called upon to become more active in your neighborhood and with immediate family. You could also begin a new course to boost your skills.

September can be a pleasant month if you take extra time to relax, listen to your intuition, and avoid pushing matters, dear Libra. A lot is going on in the background now, hidden connections are being made, and while at times life may seem as if it’s slowing down, it’s a good time for allowing things to emerge naturally. Venus in your sign until the 11th boosts your powers of attraction, so that your personal magnetism soars even while you are slightly unavailable and insular. While September begins rather quietly for you, by the last week of the month, you are in demand and on show.

You could enjoy a rich and spirited month, dear Capricorn. You may be searching for more exciting or involving experiences now, but at the same time, your famous determination and perseverance are applied to special goals and projects. An opportunity to travel or to meet people from a different background than yours around the 5-7 whets your appetite for adventure. Step back and review rather than push ahead on the 9th, when a reality check may be in order. Treat delays and blocks as chances to fine-tune goals rather than allowing yourself to feel discouraged, as discouragement can lead to poor choices and missed opportunities.

Leo 24/7-23/08 While energies are high all month, dear Leo, generally speaking, emotions settle in September up until the last week, when the pace quickens again. This is a time for building, and your larger focus is on immediate practical concerns and the infrastructure of your personal plans. If you need to get organized, use the energy of the New Moon on the 5th to your advantage, and ride on smooth, helpful energy coming your way on the 6-7. You could feel that you have a guardian angel at this time. Money matters should be strong. While the 9th requires some slowing down and dealing with possible delays, the 13-14 is powerful for progressive, original, and fresh ideas as well as for fruitful connections.

Virgo 24/8-23/09 September is a strong month for making an impression, dear Virgo, but you are not necessarily ready to make your intentions known. That will come more naturally when Mars enters your sign in mid-October. While you may be feeling misunderstood at times, you are nevertheless getting noticed and appreciated, even if it’s simply admiration from afar. The New Moon is in your sign on the 5th, and this brings good energy for moving your personal and professional plans forward. Others are noticing your abilities, and if you need work, there is a good chance opportunities will pop up now. Activities with groups or friends are energizing and supportive this month, and especially from the 6-7. Be sure to network at this time.

Scorpio 24/10-22/11 A wonderful feeling of renewal is with you this month, dear Scorpio. The 5-7 is especially strong for your social life. Start new and fresh. Your personal projects begin to move forward and a sense of relief contributes to a hopeful mood, especially after the 20th. You are picking up much important information intuitively this month, so keep an “idea” journal. Venus in your sign from the 11th forward is a strengthening force for existing relationships, and also for attracting what and who you want into your life. A strong time to ease challenges and to bridge gaps between you and a special someone arises on the 13th, although something communicated on the 14th can stir up some real drama.

Sagittarius 23/11-21/12 September is a time to shine on a professional or public level, dear Sagittarius. The more responsible and competent side of your nature is activated, and others more easily place their faith in you. It’s a good time to ask for what you have been wanting from a higher-up, or for promotion and sponsorship, and the 5-7 is excellent for moving projects ahead. While your personal life may be on the backburner much of September, your family and domestic life requires special attention around the Full Moon on the 19th. There can be a reality to face about the past on the 18th, but it’s an empowering time in general, as you are in need of some grounding. Personal responsibilities become clear. You may have more resources to invest into your career or business.

Aquarius 21/01-19/02 You can cover a lot of ground in your endeavors, personal and professional, this month, dear Aquarius, as you are more focused and willing to put in the effort. If a relationship can benefit from a new beginning, the 5-7 is a fine time for starting fresh. It’s also a good period for managing finances, work, and research. Your close personal relationships can be fiery, demanding, and stimulating with Mars in your partnership all month. The 9th can bring a delay or obstacle and a strong urge to fight back, when your better bet is to choose your battles wisely. The 12-14 is a power period for communications, new ideas, and relationships.

Pisces 20/02-20/03 Your close relationships with others come into strong focus this month with the Sun and Mercury in your partnership and intimacy sectors, dear Pisces. It’s a strong time for taking charge of your relationships. Even so, you’ll have more work to do come mid-October when Mars begins its transit in the same house. The 5-7 is powerful for making or enhancing connections. This is a period for fresh starts or new beginnings in the relationship department. Personal charisma skyrockets around the 10th and then again on the 13-14. The 1819 is another significant period when a Full Moon in your sign occurs close to a conjunction of Venus, Saturn, and the North Node.

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 39

Kay’s Fashion Police


Ladies, we bring you a few warm weather essential make up items that you shouldn’t leave the house without. This season, embrace the rising temperatures and try this assortment of sleek and shimmery makeup. These products will give you an edge that will enhance your true beauty and bring out the bronze goddess in you. 40 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82




Enjoy Accra Congratulates

all our friends

who took the plunge this summer

Mr & Mrs Amarkah of The Ramada Resort

Mr & Mrs Feghali, Imexco Ghana

Mr & Mrs Attoh of Multimedia Group

Mr & Mrs Feghali, Imexco Ghana Mr & Mrs Attoh of Multimedia Group

Albert & Angela Tullow OIl

Mr & Mrs Amarkah of The Ramada Resort ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 41


The Diaspora


Party in the park


Augustine’s College often called Augusco, is an all-male academic institution in Cape Coast, Ghana. The school is located on the old Elmina Road and is near the University Of Cape Coast, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a Roman Catholic institution that was established to serve as a training college and seminary. The school was named after St. Augustine of Hippo. The motto of the college is Omnia Vincit Labor, meaning, “perseverance conquers all”. “The barbecue in the park

saw guests treated to some

succulent dishes cooked by the Old Boys themselves.”

42 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

The St Augustine’s College Old Boys Association Canada branch held a barbecue for friends, family and old boys to mark the summer. The barbecue in the park was held on July 27th, 2013 and saw guests treated to some succulent dishes cooked by the Old Boys themselves.

Diaspora News Even though the rains nearly marred the celebration, the Boys (now men) resorted to singing “Jama” and supping a special Barima Nkwan prepared by APSU Shaka to keep the party rocking. The party brought together Ghanaians and the Canada branch of the Old Boys as they reminisced, had fun, ate and danced to some azonto tunes. e Thanks for the fun summer APSU- Canada and friends.

“The party brought together Ghanaians and the Canada Branch of the Old Boys “

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 43

Diaspora News


Sam Boison & Chief Amanquandoh’s

BBQ in Brampton (Ontario)

Ghana Mission - New York

Brigadier General Enusah Abdulai, Mr Alain Gbeasor, Mr James Tiigah 44 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Mrs Linda Aryeh

HE Mr Ken Kanda, Permanent Representative of Ghana to the UN, Mr Moses Kanduri



Orecchiette Salad with Roast Beef

Total time




•Meanwhile, combine the bocconcini, artichokes, marinated peppers and mint in a serving bowl. Add the olive oil, lemon zest and juice, and salt and pepper to taste and toss. Add the pasta and toss again.

» 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil » 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest » 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice » Freshly ground pepper » 4 cups baby arugula » 6 ounces deli-sliced roast beef, cut into strips



» » » » »

Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


• Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook as the label directs; drain but don’t rinse.

He m i n g w ay D a iqu i r i 2 ounces agricole rum 1/4-ounce maraschino liqueur 3/4-ounce fresh lime juice 1/4-ounce fresh grapefruit juice Ice cubes



Kosher salt 8 ounces orecchiette pasta 1 cup bocconcini (small mozzarella balls), halved 1 cup marinated artichoke hearts, quartered 8 small sweet marinated peppers (such as Peppadew), quartered 3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint or basil



» » » » » »



Great Gr i l le d S a l mon


Prep time

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 45


Round The World In 30 Days...


Skin Pain






Every summer the Enjoy team travels around the World on holidays. Enjoy these pages as you discover the World wth us. Enjoy



PARIS 46 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82




Solutions for Jul-Aug 2013

Solutions for Jul-Aug 2013


The Sudoku rule : Complee the Sudoku puzzle so that each and every row, column and reion contains the number one through nine only once.


Solutions forJul-Aug 2013




C RO SS P U Z Z LES Play these special puzzles and find the Answers next time. Enjoy

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 47








48 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82








RICCIONE ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 49

Movie Guide


A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group of characters in order to save their world.

Epic The Movie

Director: Chris Wedge Writers: James V. Hart William Joyce Stars: Amanda Seyfried, Josh Hutcherson, BeyoncĂŠ Knowles, Blake Anderson, Colin Farrell Genres: Animation | Adventure | Family | Fantasy Release Date: 24 May 2013 (USA) Showing Soon at a cinema near you

When a poor college student who cracks an online poker game goes bust, he arranges a face-to-face with the man he thinks cheated him, a sly offshore entrepreneur. Director: Brad Furman Writers: Brian Koppelman, David Levien Stars: Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake, Gemma Arterton, Diana Laura, Bob Gunton Genres: Crime | Drama | Thriller Release Date: 4 October 2013 (USA Showing at Silverbird, Accra Mall

Runner Runner

50 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Enjoy Fashion


Enjoy Fashion

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 51


Enjoy Fashion

52 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Enjoy Fashion

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 53


Afrikiko Asanka Local Buka Ethiopian Rest. Red Chilli Tante Marie Home Touch Country Kitchen

(030) 222 9997 (030) 278 6328 (030) 278 2953/ 024 484 2464 (024) 306 8165 (024) 790 2809 (030) 277 8914 (030) 277 7662 (030) 222 9107


The Grill Le Tandem Frankie’s Livingstone Au Grand Ecuyer Captain Hook La Chaumière Le Bouquet Landing Rest. Le Magellan Mama Mia(delivery) Monsoon Zanzibar

(024) 966 6333 (030) 276 2959 (030) 277 3567 (030) 276 7740 (030) 276 8643 (030) 276 2228 (030) 277 2408 (030) 277 2417 (030) 276 0775 (030) 277 7629 (024) 426 4151 (030) 278 2307 (030) 278 6099


Bali Hai Chez Lien China House

City Garden Rest.

Dragon House Dynasty Noble House Hinlone Kohinoor Pearl Chinese Heritage Zanzibar

(030) 277 1700 (030) 277 5356 (030) 276 0284

(030) 222 1710/29

(030) 276 2988 (030) 277 5496 (030) 278 5151 (030) 277 2782 (030) 277 1999 (024) 440 6748 (030) 278 5252 (024) 489 0990 (030) 278 6099


Arlecchino Cuppa Cappuccino Bella Roma Sunshine Akroma Plaza KFC, Osu LA GALETTE Foodies Fali’s Hot Pot Stellar Catering IL Cavaliere Pazzo The Lexington Taverna Tropicana

(024) 541 0403 (024) 820 4441/ (030) 295 3981 (024) 747 4007 (030) 278 0599 (031) 202 5513 (030) 296 3086 (024) 675 2429 (030) 266 1858 (030) 225 8473 (024) 477 3403 (030) 282 3131 024 676 7777 0240 959 406 (030) 222 9101

54 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82


Melting Moments Le Must French Rest. Michelangelo Chase Lounge Cafe Dez Amis Red Chilli Firefly Lounge Bar Rhapsody’s Rest. Osekan Rest. 3121 Sushi Bar Picasso (Crown Apartmento) Magnolias Rest. Bar The Grill Chez Marie Lou Rest.

Jade Garden Koffee Lounge Eddy’s Pizza Le Bistro Rest. Rice ‘n’ Salads Ristorante Sol Moi

0244-661 069 (030) 277 0834 0244-661 069 0244 233 533 (030) 277 8477 0544 104 204 (0302) 782 9371 024 790 2809 (030) 277 7818 0244 337 825 0245 352 912 / 0302 775 496 026 777 3121 (030) 277 1712/ (030) 277 1713/12 (030) 291 7527 0206 400 615 024 433 1000 024 966 6333 (030) 277 4891

024 460 8281 (030) 292 5067 / (030) 250 0185 054 413 3397 (030) 776 738 027 740 1009 (030) 278 4015 Sweet Rose Chinese (030) 281 6252 Escobar Lounge 024 428 8882 / 024 823 2222 Robi’s Dutch Pub 024 220 1087 / 024 526 3582 Toros Tapas Bar 0242 880 163 / 020 094667 Appetite Rest. Lounge (030) 254 3439 Star Bites (030) 293 6156 NourishLab Smoothy’s 024 393 9855 La Table de Cocoaline 030 279 7207 (Homemade chocolate shop)


Santoku Rest.

024 340 1503

(030) 273 7027 / 0544 311 511


Bywel Bar Bus Stop Ryan’s Irish Pub Jokers Center Chester’s Bar The Honey Suckle The Republic Bar Shaka Zulu Bar & Restaurant BEAUTY

(030) 276 7793 (030) 222 0930 (030) 276 2334 024 437 0752 (030) 276 2771 (030) 278 0774 027 5 55 6006 024 631 4044 020 140 4164

L’eden Afro-European Unisex Salon Tel: (024) 426 5179


FIRST CHOICE SALON Tel:+(233)-030 268 2997 / 24 437 4894 info@firstchoicehair.com


Tel: +(233)-030 276 8751 info@saloncityspa.com


Tel: +(233)-030 277 6952

HOLY TRINITY SPA Tel: +(233)-0362091334


Tel: (020) 871 4892/ 0302 777 837 lajen-bshop@hotmail.com

Beauty Square

Tel: (054) 272 7235 www.beautysquareghana.com CASINOS

Lapalm Casino (030) 278 5420/1 www.kairointernational.com Piccadilly Casino (030) 276 3095 www.kairointernational.com Millionaires Accra (030) 277 4339 info@millionairescasino-gh.com Millionaires Kumasi (032) 204 9868 info@millionairescasino-gh.com CAR HIRE

VRS Cole Consult Atlas Rent-A-Car

(030) 277 9387 (024) 4035856 (024) 427 7871


Alliance Française British Council Goethe Institute Nebuke Foundation

(030) 277 3134 (030) 268 3068 (030) 277 6764 (028) 910 2163

Express Delivery Services

DHL Fedex Ground Sky Net TNT Express

Aramex Express Ltd

United Parcel Service UPS

(030) 224 1595 (030) 266 6659 (030) 223 0516 (024) 205 0501 (030) 276 6518 (030) 340 9090 (030) 276 2509 / (030) 276 2510


Greet Kids Concept Village Pet Shop Office Furniture PPAK Motors

(030) 277 2955 024 095 4262 024 406 2796 054433005/6 (030) 268 8780

hospitality HOTELS - ACCRA

LA PALM ROYAL BEACH HOTEL Tel: +(233) 030-277 1700 lapalm@gbhghana.net

LABADI BEACH HOTEL (ACCRA) Tel: +(233) 030-277 2501 labadi@legacyhotels.com


Tel:+(233) 030-214 233/232 670 info@alisahotels.com


Tel:+(233) 030-277 3567 frankies@frankiesghana.com


TEL: +(233) 030-266 7546 h1021@accor.com


Tel: +(233) 030-277 4542 / 277 4542 mplazahotel@4u.com.hg


Tel:+(233) 030-271 1111-8 info@dutchotel.com


Tel: (030) 221 3161 info@goldentulipaccra.com


Roots Hotel Apartment

Tel :+(233) 0302 278 0283 / 0302 701 3276

cell: 024 331 0310

Villa Monticello Hotel Tel: +(233) 030-277 3477 / 026 630 7398 info@villamonticello.com

MÖVENPICK AMBASSADOR HOTEL Tel: +(233) 030-261 1000 reservations.accra@moevenpick.com


Tel:+(233) 024 435 8042-020 478 5113 info@airportwesthotel.com


Tel:+(233) 302 520 784 / 302 520 785 info@royalrichester.com

La Villa Boutique Hotel

TEL: +(233) 030-273 0333-6 info@lavillaghana.com

Coconut Grove Regency Hotel

Tel: +(233) 030-222 5155 / 226 310 regency@coconutgrovehotels.com

Oak Plaza East Airport Hotel Tel:+(233) 030-281 6460-3 res@oakplazahotels.com


Erata Hotel Tel:+(233) 544 336 761 / 544 336 738 info@eratahotel.com

HOLIDAY HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030 277 3660/1 holidayhotel@ghana.com

Protea Hotel

TEL: +(233)-030 274 0811 info@fiestaroyalehotel.com


Tel :+(233) 030 274 0930


TEL:+(233) 030 277 5356 chezlien@ighmail.com


TEL:+(233) 0302 216 570/0302 216 571 www.bestwesternpremier.com.gh

Tel: +(233) 030 251 7454 reservations@proteaaccra.com

Mirage Royal Hotel

Tel :+(233) 030 252 0570-2

RAMADA RESORT COCO BEACH Tel :+(233) 030 271 7235 www.ramadaresortaccra.com

The Landsdown, aburi Tel :+(233) 269 601 541


TEL:+(233) 0302 765 180-2 info@african-regent-hotel.com

THE AKNAC HOTEL Trasacco Valley

Tel :+(233) 030 282 4235 www.theaknachotel.com

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 55





Tel:+(233) 289 113 600 reservation@crownapartmento.com


BEAUFORT PROPERTIES Tel: + 233 0302 544 345 www.beaufortghana.com



Tel:+(233) 030-222 8700 reservations@palomahotel.com

Crystal Palm Hotel

Tel:+(233) 030-225 8164 cpalm@africaonline.com.gh HOTELS - KUMASI


+(233)-032-208 3777 sales@goldentulipkumasicity.com


Tel :+(233)-032 20 60144 / 20 60169 royalbasin@gh.com


Tel: +(233)-032 20 37073 / 20 37074


Tel: +(233)-032 20 39121 / 20 39122 / 39123


Tel: +(233)-032 20 92026 / 20 91986

Tel: + 233 244 20 1884 info@redrowghana.com


Tel: +233 030 251 5055 info@aandcdevelopment.com


Tel:+233 030 222 1742/24 966 6633 business@polygroupgh.com

Express Property Management Ltd Tel: +233 030 2768 886 Fax: +233 030 2784 210 info@expresspropertyghana.com RESORTS

Lou Moon Lodge New Coco Beach Dutch Hotel Elmina Beach Busua Beach Busua Inn Ramada Resort Hillburi Aburi The Lansdown

(020) 824 1549 (030) 271 7235 (030) 271 1111 (033) 234 00102 (020) 638 8029 (207) 373 579 (030) 271 7235-7 (024) 438 5008 (026) 960 1541




Amadeus Ghana (030) 276 5590 Global Village Travel (030) 276 9273 Melcom Travel (030) 225 2984

Tel: +(233)-24 393 3399

Tel: +(233)-032 20 27238 / 248-641 357 cdarcrescent@yahoo.com


RAYBOW INT HOTEL Tel +(233) 031- 202 2072, 202 5438 raybowhotel@yahoo.com AKROMA PLAZA Tel: +233 31 202 3745 / 202 3790 STELLAR LODGE Tel: +(233) 031 269 98 NIGHT CLUBS



Accra Mall

Koala (Osu) Lara Mart A&C Square Marina Mall

(030) 276 6734

email : travels@melcomgroup.com

NomadAfrica Stellar Travel Travel Bureau

(030) 701 1234 (030) 276 4557-8 024 288 2009 (030) 282 3004/5



Tel: (024)-664 3208 Bacchus Wine Shop Tel:+(233)-244 142 026 / +(233)-243 308 737

CAPE TRADING COMPANY LTD Tel: +(233) 30 277 6705 / 276 1715 sales@capetrading.biz

SAY CHEERS (WINES & SPIRITS) (030) 282 3040/1 (0302) 773 455 (030) 276 6834 030 251 7518 030 267 8121

Melcom Plus Kaneshie (030) 225 1789

email : melcomplus@melcomgroup.com

Melcom Plus Tema (030) 321 6368 email : tma@melcomgroup.com

56 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Tel: +(233) 30 281 1407

Places to be in Accra

Le Magellan

Monday- Friday from 12:00pm to 11:00pm Saturday dinner only from 6:30pm-11pm Sundays off location ring road east Accra Tel: 0302 777629 / 0244585858

TO ADVERTISE HERE email:mag@enjoyaccra.com call : 0204 652 679

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 57

Useful Numbers


Embassies Algeria Australia Austria Belgium Benin Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada China CÔte d’lvoire Denmark Ethiopia Finland France Gambia Germany Guinea Hungary India Iran Ireland Italy Korea Japan Lebanon Liberia Mali Morocco Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Philippines Poland Spain Russia Rwanda Czech Rep. Senegal Togo Congo Turkey U.K. U.S.A. Switzerland

(030)-277 6719 (030)-221 6400 (030)-278 3368 (030)-277 6561 (030)-277 4860 (030)-277 4908 (030)-277 2404 (030)-222 1988 (030)-277 3791 (030)-277 7073 (030)-277 2611 (030)-222 6972 (030)-276 5682 (030)-277 7500 (030)-221 4550 (030)-231 5840 (030)-222 1311 (030)-277 7921 (030)-240 0770 (030)-277 5601 (030)-276 0521 (030)-251 8112 (030)-277 5621 (030)-277 7533 (030)-276 5060 (030)-277 6727 (030)-277 5641 (030)-266 3276 (030)-277 5669 (030)-221 4350 (030)-222 4962 (030)-277 6158 (030)-222 0101 (030)-251 6442 (030)-250 2829 (030)-277 4004 (030)-277 5611 (030)-225 1894 (030)-222 3540 (030)-277 0285 (030)-277 7950 (030)-224 5977 (030)-276 8567 (030)-222 1665 (030)-277 5347 (030)-222 8125

INT. DIALING CODES Angola 244 Australia 61 Austria 43 Belgium 32 Benin 229 Botswana 267 Brazil 55 Burkina Faso 226 58 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

Burundi 257 Cameroon 237 Canada 1 Cape Verde 238 Cntrl African Rep 236 Chad 235 Czech Republic 420 Denmark 45 Egypt 20 Equatorial Guinea 240 France 33 Gabon 241 Gambia 220 Guinea 224 Italy 39 Japan 81 North Korea 850 South Korea 82 Liberia 231 Libya 218 Mali 223 Mauritania 222 Mauritius 230 Morocco 212 Namibia 264 Rwanda 250 Senegal 221 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Togo 228 Uganda 256 U.S.A. 1 DRC 243 Zambia 260 Zimbabwe 263

AIRLINES kotoka Airport Aero Contractor Aerogem Aviation American Airlines Asky airline Air Ghana Air Ivoire Air Senegal Int. Antrack Air Alitalia Belview Airlines British Airlines Brussels Airlines Cathay Pacific City Link Air Ltd Delta Airlines Egypt Air Emirate Airlines Ghana Int.

(030)-277 6171 (030)-268 1978/9 (030)-276 9298 (030)-268 8804 (030)-224 0442/3 (030)-277 4007 (030)-224 2056 (030)-278 0567 (030)-276 5377 (030)-278 3319/21

(030)-223 0329 (030)-221 4996 (030)-224 3893 (208)-213 8270 (030)-277 0445 (030)-276 5262 (030)-277 7756 (030)-277 3537/8 (030)-223 0319 (030)-221 3555

Kenya Airways KLM Lufthansa Middle East North American Royal Air Maroc Royal Dutch Slock Air Int. South African Air UNMIL Virgin Nigeria

(030)-224 1560 (030)-221 4700 (030)-224 3893 (030)-223 0867 (030)-291 1087 (030)-276 6333 (030)-277 6509 (030)-276 6740 (030)-278 3676 (030)-277 3890 (030)-291 1721

24 HR EMERGENCY CENTRE Trust Hospital Nyaho Clinic

(030)-277 6787 (030)-277 5341

BANKS Access Bank Agri. Dev.Bank Bank of Ghana Barclays Bank Cal Bank Ltd CDH Securities Ltd Credit References Databank Group Ecobank NIB SG-SSB

(030)-278 4143 (030)-266 2640 (030)-266 6902 (030)-278 4049 (030)-268 0061 (030)-266 7425 (030)-278 2581 (030)-266 9421 (030)-268 1147 (030)-266 1701 (030)-220 2020

FIRE SERVICE Headquarters Cantonments Central (Makola) Industrial Area Dansoman Madina Aviation Trade Fare

(030)-277 2446 (030)-266 6576 (030)-277 9635 (030)-222 3169 (030)-231 0903 (030)-250 1744 (030)-277 3285 (030)-277 3949

HOSPITALS Akai House Clinic Akai House (Osu) 37 Military Hospital Korle-Bu Lister hospital Nyaho Clinic Princess Marie Louise West African Rescue

(030)-278 4772 (030)-276 3821 (030)-277 6111 (030)-266 5401 (030)-281 2325/6 (030)-277 5341 (030)-266 4137 (030)-278 1258

POLICE Emergency Regional Headquarters Mobile Force Accra Central Achimota Adabraka Airport

191 (030)-266 4611 (030)-276 0273 (030)-266 3625 (030)-240 1999 (030)-222 1368 (030)-277 7592

ENJOY No 82 September 2013 | 59

60 | September 2013 ENJOY No 82

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