Methodist Message: March 2021

Page 24

You & Your Family ¢ Benny Bong has been a family and marital therapist for more than 30 years, and is a certified work-life consultant. He was the first recipient of the AWARE Hero Award, received in 2011, and is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.

Change, obsession and keeping up


am not sure when it happened. Neither do I know

physical body knows it is not so. But what about other

how it happened. What I do know is its signs. What I

aspects of our lives like the cognitive and emotional?

am referring to is losing the fight with change.

Do they “age” at the same rate and manner? There are also those who are so ready to embrace stagnation that

It began with a feeling and then the realisation that

they may actually age faster. “Use it or lose it” we are

I was having difficulty keeping up with change.

reminded. An earlier-than-useful resignation to the

Following this realisation was resignation and a slow

process of aging may lead us to reject trying new ideas

disengagement, at least in certain aspects of life. For

and things with the excuse that we are “old already”.

example, after being hounded to adopt a paperless

So, my suggestion is to adopt an attitude that is open

mode of staying in touch with my bank account, I tried

to change and resist the urge to age before our time.

several times to set up a e-banking. But after several

When it comes, it comes; we need not rush toward it.

failed attempts, coupled with much frustration, I gave up. Secondly, quit whining. The “good old days” are gone, Change, we are often told, is a constant. In order to

so comparing the present with the past is futile. As

progress—nay, survive—in the modern world, we must adapt

believers, we should stop comparing and complaining

and change. Swim with the tide of change; or be engulfed.

because we have the hope of a much brighter future with incorruptible bodies that will neither age nor tire.

It seems that there are two slopes on the trajectory of change. We are either on the upward incline, moving

The third suggestion is to trust not so much in the

up the change curve, or on the downward decline.

constancy of change or on our ability to keep up with it.

Emotionally, we may either feel anxious about keeping

Instead, view change through the lens of God as sovereign

up or setting the pace of change, or be sad about losing

over all. If God, in His infinite wisdom, deems fit for us

the familiar and fearful about being able to cope.

to keep up with some changes, so be it. And if some changes pass us by, we need not be anxious because

What should our attitude towards change be? Let me

our dependency is on Him. He knows exactly what needs

make a few suggestions for consideration.

updating, replacing and improving and what does not.

Firstly, we can embrace change and innovation. This

As we prepare for the season of Lent, let us reflect if we

mindset works on the premise that we can continually

should surrender to Him our obsessions or anxiety about

adapt and grow, and there is no upper limit to growth.

keeping up with change.

Now, the sceptic in me reminds me that with age, my




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