Rose Williams, 93, is one of few Holocaust survivors still with us today. Until COVID-19 struck our nation, Rose spent much of her time traveling across the country, sharing her inspiring, yet heartbreaking story. On January 10, Rose was taken to Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak after tripping over her oxygen chord and breaking her hip. She had a successful surgery before graduating to Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak Rehabilitation Center; however, her journey there was not easy. Rose’s insurance company initally assigned her to a skilled nursing facility. Considering her traumatic past and current health conditions, she and her family had serious concerns. “Being assigned skilled nursing was going to be a death sentence for her,” said Rose’s ad hoc caregiver and dear friend, Becky Hoag. After multiple denials from the insurance company, Methodist staff such as case managers, administrators and other team members, stepped in and fought on Rose’s behalf to admit her to Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak Rehabilitation Center. “The people at Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak advocated for her,” Becky shared. “From housekeeping to dieticians to nurses to PT to OT and all the way up to the CEO, they made a point to get to know her, and to know her story.” Rose is improving with each day. “I cannot emphasize enough how much they have really helped me,” she said. “They were exceptional. If it weren’t for the rehab, I don’t think I would be in the condition I am in now.” Because of the great lengths this team went to ensuring she got the care she needed, Rose gets to continue telling her story. “There is no way to thank both the hospital staff and rehabilitation people, not just for kindness and compassion, but for the energy and concern they showed her,” Becky commented. “I really don’t think she would be with us today if that didn’t happen.”
16 | Methodist Magazine