metroMAGAZINE: The HEALTHCARE Issue 2021

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Marjorie M. Maas, SHARE Omaha executive director

lifting up do-gooders


giving tuesday The people of the Omaha metro area showed up in a big way on December 1 for Giving Tuesday, powered by SHARE Omaha, almost doubling giving from the 2019 event. Locally, 2020 marked the second year of SHARE Omaha organizing this community engagement campaign specifically for hundreds of local nonprofit organizations as a part of the global Giving Tuesday movement. Over $3.15 million was given to nonprofits by generous everyday philanthropists. Thirty-two percent of these donors gave to an organization for the first time and the average donation for the day was $114. In addition, 28,692 items valued at an additional $32,784 were lovingly collected including diapers, hygiene products, winter gear, canned goods and supplies. Throughout the day, Giving Tuesday participants also shared immeasurable acts of kindness. The Pottawattamie County Community Foundation increased the impact of the day by contributing a 20 percent match to gifts to southwest Iowa nonprofit endowment funds. This match of 64 donations totaling $369,040 equated an additional $72,153 in support for nonprofit programs. Individuals, businesses and groups stepped up to provide much-needed financial assistance for our local nonprofits, fulfilled the wish lists of organizations and found new, distanced volunteer opportunities. It was invigorating to see community members like Bridgette Watson of Council Bluffs take initiative and recruit friends to participate. Watson created a fun “pass-along” sign game, complete with a holiday poem, to encourage her network to donate and spread cheer for Giving Tuesday. Businesses and community pillars like WoodmenLife, Physicians Mutual, the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge, BLUEBARN Theatre, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium Desert Dome, The Rose Theater, PayPal, Emspace + Lovgren, Do Space and the Iowa West Foundation towers in Council Bluffs were lit in purple to celebrate an impactful Giving Tuesday in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro area. Local nonprofits were bolstered to receive much-needed support, often from unexpected sources. City Spouts shared, “One donor, who was an active recipient of produce from our free farm stand over the summer, was able to donate $5 just to say ‘thanks.’ I personally felt a lot of gratitude for this gesture because someone that received food from our program is trying to contribute what they can.” A key ingredient of the success of the day was the overwhelming support of local media, including metroMAGAZINE. By joining together to reach the whole community—including messages in Spanish—television, print and radio outlets broadcast the local Giving Tuesday message and call to action to be heard by metro area residents more than 19.2 million times. SHARE Omaha thanks the whole community for participating in this powerful day! #GivingTuesday402 in the metro was presented by Core Bank and #GivingTuesday712 in southwest Iowa was presented by TS Bank. Alhough Giving Tuesday happens just once a year, SHARE Omaha encourages the metro to give every Tuesday and continuously throughout the year. SHARE Omaha provides easy ways to do good 365 days a year and support 500-plus local causes. All gifts, acts of service, and generosity usher in a brighter future for our community. 26

mmagazine • THe HeaLTHCaRe iSSUe 2021

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