Strategic Plan
Chapter 2: A Pathway to the Future
Goal: Support Thriving, Equitable, Transit-Oriented Communities that Foster Economic Development Encourage vibrant, economically thriving, sustainable, mixed-use, mixed-income, transit-oriented communities. Minimize displacement, increase affordable housing options in urban areas, and advocate for community-centered development.
Objective: Support healthy communities, a thriving economy, and a sustainable environment. Metro will work with partners to provide a mobility system that advances equity, addresses the climate crisis, and supports economic vitality and the region’s vision and strategy for growth. Metro collaborates with jurisdictions and agencies to develop strategies and make investments to make communities more livable, inclusive, pedestrian-friendly, and transit-supportive. Strategies include encouraging transit-supportive land use and partnering with jurisdictions, other agencies, and the private sector to spur equitable transit-oriented development. Intended outcome: Investments support equitable economic development and vibrant, sustainable, mixed-use, and mixed-income transit-oriented communities. Strategy: Support Metro’s equitable transit-oriented communities’ policy, using Metro’s authority and influence as a transit provider and property owner. On property it owns, Metro will strive to realize equitable transit-oriented communities when appropriate. In communities where Metro provides service but does not own property, Metro should be an advocate, partner, and resource for strengthening transit-oriented communities.
King County Metro