Strategic Plan
Chapter 2: A Pathway to the Future
advance equity by serving lower-income and essential employees, and reduce GHG emissions by expanding alternatives to driving alone. The Service Guidelines and Metro Connects contain more information and guidance about service, capital, and other partnership opportunities. Strategy: Encourage transit-supportive land use. Metro will continue exploring ways to support and encourage jurisdictions to implement transit-supportive land uses, especially those that support more frequent transit service. The Service Guidelines include land use as a factor in the methodology for service growth. They also outline which types of land uses support different transit service levels.
Objective: Partner with local jurisdictions and other organizations to minimize displacement and increase affordable housing in urban areas near transit. As the region grows and housing becomes more expensive, displacement can result in the suburbanization of poverty. Suburban land use can complicate Metro’s efforts to provide service that connects people to opportunities. Additionally, as transit service improves, communities often become more desirable and expensive, creating a challenging cycle. Affordable, dense, mixed-use zoning near high-capacity transit that minimizes displacement can advance equity and sustainability goals. Intended outcome: The amount and types of affordable housing near frequent transit increase. Strategy: Enable development of affordable housing on suitable Metroowned property. Affordable housing is a critical piece of transit-oriented developments that include residences. Metro will work with developers to include affordable housing on its property when feasible, supporting its equitable transit-oriented communities’ policy. Strategy: Advocate for and support jurisdictions in adopting policies and land uses to minimize displacement near transit. Metro will encourage jurisdictions to adopt policies to minimize displacement and encourage affordable housing near transit. Examples include land-use policies that include dense, affordable development and low parking ratios near frequent transit service and multimodal access networks. Such policies leverage the transit network and support transit-oriented communities. When Metro works with jurisdictions to develop new policies, deep, collaborative engagement with priority populations should be central to these efforts.
Goal: Improve Access to Mobility Options Partner with jurisdictions and community organizations to ensure that public spaces are used King County Metro