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Your spin class could be causing these injuries. 9


Tuesday, March 28, 2017 metro.us | t: MetroBOS | f: MetroBoston

FREE SHAILENE! The hippie activist actress strikes a plea deal. 6

‘Religious left’ rises as counterforce to Trump administration. 5



Paramedics treat combatants and ‘the innocents’ in Iraq. 4 PHIL SUAREZ





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A Russian bank under U.S. economic sanctions over Russia’s incursion into Ukraine disclosed that its executives had met Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s sonin-law and a top White House adviser, during the 2016 election campaign. Kushner has agreed to testify to a Senate committee investigating whether Russia tried to interfere in the election. Allegations by U.S. intelligence

agencies that Russian actors were behind hacking of senior Democratic Party operatives and spreading disinformation linger over Trump’s young presidency. Democrats charge the Russians wanted to tilt the election toward the Republican, a claim dismissed by Trump. Russia denies the allegations. REUTERS

Two teenage girls wearing leggings were barred from boarding a United Airlines flight on Sunday because they did not meet a dress code for special pass travelers, a company spokesman said amid a furor on social media. The two girls, who were traveling with a companion, would not have been turned away for wearing leggings had they been paying customers, United spokesman Jonathan Guerin

said as the airline responded to the backlash. “[The two girls] were instructed that they couldn’t board until they corrected their outfit. They were fine with it and completely understood,” Guerin said, adding that all three passengers missed the flight. He did not know if they had boarded a later plane or made alternate travel arrangements. The three passengers did not complain about their treatment. REUTERS


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was committed to working with President Donald Trump to advance peace efforts with the Palestinians and with the broader Arab world. Netanyahu made the pledge in a speech to the largest U.S. pro-Israel lobbying group at a time when the Trump administration is seeking agreement with his right-wing government on limiting settlement construction

on land the Palestinians want for a state, part of a U.S. bid to resume longstalled peace negotiations. But Netanyahu, speaking via satellite link from Jerusalem, avoided any mention of the delicate discussions, and stopped short of reiterating a commitment to a two-state solution to the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. REUTERS




The sunken Sewol ferry on a semisubmersible transport vessel during the salvage operation in waters off Jindo in Jindo-gun, South Korea. The Sewol sank off the Jindo Island in April 2014, leaving more than 300 people dead, nine of them still remain missing. Workers are in the process of an attempt to raise the ferry from the water in the hope that the disasters’ final victims will be found. PHOTO BY SOUTH KOREAN MINISTRY OF OCEANS AND FISHERIES VIA GETTY IMAGES



An avalanche in central Japan killed seven high school students and a teacher who were among a group of almost 50 on mountain climbing training, police said. The avalanche swept down the hillside at around 8.30 a.m. near a ski slope in Nasu, 100 miles north of Tokyo, where 40 high school students, accompanied by eight teachers, were climbing, a local government official said. Thirty-

eight of the group were injured and two were in critical condition, the official said, adding that there had been no fatal avalanches in the region for at least three years. “We have avalanche incidents once or twice a year around here, but haven’t had anything this big,” a fire department official said. An avalanche warning from a local meteorological observatory was in place for the area at the time of the accident. REUTER


President Trump hit the links this weekend for the 13th time since taking office in January. With the price tag for some of these jaunts as high as $3 million, here’s a look at how much the president’s tee times are costing taxpayers total: metro.us/news



Every Monday, we pick a random winner from the participants who answered correctly one of the quizzes from the previous week.



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Mission to Mosul: NYC Medics saves lives The humanitarian aid group was founded in 2005 by two New York paramedics, and has had 250 volunteers. AMY RUSSO @MetroNewYork letters@metro.us

The medical team attempts to stop the bleeding on an Iraqi soldier shot by an ISIS sniper. PHIL SUAREZ

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Phil Suarez knows trauma. He’s seen it up close as a paramedic for more than 20 years in New York City, responding to calls in the Bronx, Washington Heights and Hell’s Kitchen. But that experience still couldn’t prepare him for what he encountered during a recent mission to Mosul, the ravaged city in Iraq that government and coalition forces are trying to reclaim from Islamic State. Suarez is co-founder of NYC Medics, a humanitarian aid group partnered with the World Health Organization to provide global disaster relief. While the organization and its volunteers have been helping around the world for more than a decade, this is the first year it has set up inside a war zone. NYC Medics’ mission in Mosul began in February when the World Health Organization recognized that the number of casualties was certain to mount as the fighting to retake the city intensified. In his three weeks

there ending in early March, Suarez treated dozens of wounded civilians and soldiers. Two children stand out in particular, one was a 4-year-old girl believed to have been shot by an ISIS fighter, and another was a young boy who suffered gunshot wounds to his abdomen. “The innocents are always the most difficult thing to digest,” Suarez, 46, said last week. “They’re noncombatants. They’re victims and it’s just hard to process who, what kind of individual, what do they tell themselves justifies such barbaric behavior to be able to hurt an innocent person.” But Suarez said he had to treat the wounds and move on, because there were more injured every day. “We just wouldn’t last long in the industry if you took this stuff to heart and you really weren’t able to process it. So, I think we have an incredible resilience to be able to bury these things deep into our souls that allows us to go back day after day and keep doing the work.” While the work is grueling, co-founder Steve Muth, who was also a New York City paramedic, said that his years serving the culturally diverse communities of New York prepared him to work abroad, where he met a range of people in need.

NYC Medics began in 2005 when 13 paramedics from the city responded to the Kashmir earthquake in South Asia that killed 75,000 people and left tens of thousands more injured. From that one emergency response, an organization was born, Muth said. “I don’t think any of us thought that we would be successful, but that wasn’t really the question,” he said. “The question was, are you willing to try?” Now in its 12th year, NYC Medics has had 250 volunteers who have operated in 11 countries. But Mosul is different. There aren’t many aid organizations willing to travel there because of the danger, despite the desperate need for medical professionals. “That’s what gets you, actually. It’s tragedy,” Muth said. “It’s nothing else. It’s not the blood, it’s not anything like that. Tragedy is what weighs on you, and you see a lot of it.” The operation in Mosul sees a week’s worth of trauma at an ordinary hospital in one hour, said Tim Tan, NYC Medics medical director. “I think all of us working in health care, working in ERs, we’re used to seeing a certain level of chaos and trauma,” he said. “This is obviously at a whole other level. It’s a war zone. It’s just that much more intense.”




‘Religious left’ emerging as political force in Trump era A surge of congregations offering to provide sanctuary to immigrants seeking asylum is one example of religious activism.

Since President Donald Trump’s election, monthly lectures on social justice at the 600-seat Gothic chapel of Union Theological Seminary have been filled to capacity with crowds three times what they usually draw. In January, the 181-year-old Upper Manhattan graduate school, whose architecture evokes London’s Westminster Abbey, turned away about 1,000 people from a lecture on mass incarceration. In the nine years that the Rev. Serene Jones has

served as its president, she has never seen such crowds. “The election of Trump has been a clarion call to progressives in the Protestant and Catholic churches in America to move out of a place of primarily professing progressive policies to really taking action,” she said. Although not as powerful as the religious right, which has been credited with helping elect Republican presidents and boasts well-known leaders such as Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson, the “religious left” is now slowly coming together as a force in politics. This disparate group, traditionally seen as lacking clout, has been propelled into political activism by Trump’s policies on immigration, health care

and social welfare, according to clergy members, activists and academics. A key test will be how well it will be able to translate its mobilization into votes in the 2018 midterm congressional elections. “It’s one of the dirty little secrets of American politics that there has been a religious left all along and it just hasn’t done a good job of organizing,” said J. Patrick Hornbeck II, chairman of the theology department at Fordham University, a Jesuit school in New York. “It has taken a crisis, or perceived crisis, like Trump’s election to cause folks on the religious left to really own their religion in the public square,” Hornbeck said. Religious progressive activism has been part of American history. Reli-

Panel discussion at Union Theological Seminary on Feb. 23 with (left right) Gary Dorrien, Jerusha T. Lamptey, Wesley Morris, Anthony Romero and Serene Jones. DAN LEE

gious leaders and their followers played key roles in campaigns to abolish slavery, promote civil rights and end the Vietnam War, among others. The latest upwelling of left-leaning religious activism has accompanied the dawn of the Trump presidency. Some in the religious left are inspired by Pope Francis, who has been an outspoken critic of antiimmigrant policies and a champion of helping the needy. Although support for

the religious left is difficult to measure, leaders point to several examples, such as a surge of congregations offering to provide sanctuary to immigrants seeking asylum, churches urging Republicans to reconsider repealing the Obamacare health law and calls to preserve federal spending on foreign aid. The number of churches volunteering to offer sanctuary to asylum seekers doubled to 800 in 45 states after the election,

said the Elkhart, Indianabased Church World Service, a coalition of Christian denominations which helps refugees settle in the United States — and the number of new churches offering help has grown so quickly that the group has lost count. “The religious community, the religious left is getting out, hitting the streets, taking action, raising their voices,” said the Rev. Noel Anderson, its national grass-roots coordinator. REUTERS

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Val Kilmer is still very obsessed with Cate Blanchett


Cuba Gooding Jr. is up to no good During Paleyfest in L.A., Cuba Gooding Jr. took it upon himself to lift Sarah Paulson’s dress. Maybe it was some sort of egregiously unfunny joke or just one of those things where men feel like they can do whatever to women without consequences. It’s impossible to say! Anyway, Paulson played it off and laughed about it. But she was the only one — on Twitter, fans were outraged.

“It turns out Cuba Gooding Jr is a d—head who has no respect for women,” one fan wrote. “Um.. so is Cuba Gooding Jr allowed to get away with liftin Sarah Paulson’s skirt at Paley Center?” another wrote. “Total disrespect to a woman.” The two actors, who starred in “The People vs. O.J. Simpson,” and “American Horror Story: Roanoke” together are reportedly good friends, which still

isn’t exactly an excuse for this behavior. More importantly, what would Holland Taylor say?! Probably, “Hands off my lady, scum.” Probably.

the word RACHAEL CLEMMONS rachael.clemmons@metro.us

Angelina Jolie’s heartwarming tribute Angelina Jolie has a perfume to shill, and so she is opening up about her mother. And it’s actually really heartwarming. Chatting with Hello! magazine, the actress, director and activist explains why she’s now adding “beauty icon” to her impossibly long list of passions. On choosing to be the face of Guerlain’s new fragrance Mon Guerlain, Jolie says “it was a brand my mother loved, and that I knew from my childhood. It

spoke to her, as it does to me, of beauty, history and quality.” The actress continues, “My mother was a very natural woman.” The 41-year-old rarely talks about her mother, Marcheline Betrand, who died in 2007 after a long battle with ovarian and breast cancers. Honestly, it’s just nice to hear Jolie recalling fond memories of her mother, even if it is in promotion of a product. Keep shilling, girl. I’m here for it.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter welcome baby boy There are now at least two young children in the word with the last name Cumberbatch, poor souls. That’s right — according to an exclusive from People, Benedict Cumberbatch’s wife Sophie Hunter gave birth to a baby boy on March 3. His name? Hal Auden Cumberbatch. That’s different! I’m kind of into it. The couple married in 2015, and already

lia just to talk to Cate Blanchett. Her husband met me first. Or, instead, I guess, to be accurate.” Charming! “Once I did a cameo just to hang with Cate Blanchett who picked up a shovel in our sc. I was so dazzled by HOW she picked it up I forgot my line.” OK! When someone pointed out how creepy he was being, Kilmer said, “Nothing in the least creepy about loving someone.” Yikes! Val Kilmer is probably most famous for playing Batman that one time. Cate Blanchett has two Academy Awards.

A long time ago — 2006 in fact — actor Val Kilmer gushed about Cate Blanchett in an interview with Elle. He said things like, “I just love Cate Blanchett, and I’ve lost her number.” Creepy! Now, the 57-year-old is taking his obsession to Twitter. In a series of unprompted tweets, Kilmer elaborated on just how the flawless 47-year-old has changed his life. “Recently I’ve had two dreams with Cate Blanchett in them. Her husband wasn’t in either of them.” Fascinating! “Once I flew all the way to Austra-

share a son, Christopher “Kit” Carlton, 21 months. Hunter, a director, recently changed her last name to Cumberbatch, formally. The 40-year-old “Dr. Strange” star has called having a baby “massive … on a very unexpected level,” which is chill. Imagine what he would think if he was the one with a baby sitting on his bladder for nine months! Congratulations to the happy couple.

Phew: Shailene Woodley reaches a plea deal Shailene Woodley could be catching a break. The star of “Big Little Lies” — which, for the record, is not remotely related to “Pretty Little Liars” like I thought it might be — was one of 27 arrested for protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline in October. According to Perez Hilton, she livestreamed her arrest on Facebook. Young people these days, am I right? Now, the actress has reached a plea deal. According to The Hollywood Reporter,

Woodley will plead guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct, serve one year of unsupervised probation and forfeit $500 bond. Most importantly, she won’t get a lick of jail time. Not bad, considering she didn’t actually do anything wrong: At the time of her arrest, she noted she was only arrested because she was recognizable. Rude. It’s been really nice to see the 25-yearold actress blossom from Marissa’s original little sister on “The O.C.” to a hippy activist type. You go, girl.




Dakota Fanning is still trying new things For “Brimstone,” the longtime actress had to spend most of the movie mute. MATT PRIGGE @mattprigge


At 23 years old, Dakota Fanning is a Hollywood veteran. She’s been acting for 18 years, making her debut in a Tide commercial. She’s done blockbusters like “War of the Worlds” and played evil Jane Volturi in the “Twilight” movies. Nowadays she mostly does indies. (She will be in the starstudded “Ocean’s Eight,” and she’s producing and starring in Kirsten Dunst’s adaptation of Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar.”) Even now, so long into her career, she’s still finding new things to try. So it goes in “Brimstone,” a brutal, epic Western in which she plays a mute frontierswoman who’s mysteriously pursued by a scarred, mur-

Dakota Fanning plays a frontierswoman in the 19th century who has to fend off a brutal killer (Guy Pearce) in “Brimstone,” now in theaters and VOD. MOMENTUM PICTURES

guage. And playing a character who spends most of the film unable to speak, communicating only with facial reactions. “That was what I was most excited about,” she admits. Over the last handful of years, Fanning has been drawn to quiet, withdrawn characters; see her turns in “The Last of Robin Hood,” “Effie Gray” and “Every Secret Thing.” (That hasn’t

derous preacher played by Guy Pearce. “I knew there were challenges to it that I was excited about,” Fanning tells us. “You want to push yourself to do something different. It was a lot of fun to push myself.” The challenges were many: filming in Berlin, Austria and Hungary during the dead of winter. Riding horses up muddy hills. Learning sign lan-

always been the case: In “A m e r i c a n P a s t o r a l ,” she had to deal with a severe speech impediment.) To her, dialogue isn’t the most interesting part of acting.


“In real life we convey more things with our body language and our facial expressions and the vibes we give out,” she explains. “That speaks so much louder than the words we’re saying. It’s not often you get to explore that in movies, but it’s such a huge part of communication in general.” Indeed, our chat with Fanning takes place over the phone, meaning I can’t see what she’s doing. “We might have a completely different conversation if we were in person,” she says. “You would be able to see that I talk with my hands a lot. I’m always partly talking to the air with my hands.” One thing that wasn’t new for Fanning was doing a period


Dakota’s got a gun She also had to use a gun — also not her first time. “I’m not the biggest fan of that, to be honest,” Fanning says. “The precautions they have to take on films when there’s guns involved, it’s serious business. Even though there are blanks in there, blanks can really injure people. When they say ‘Cut!’ I hand it off. I don’t want to have it in my hands for any longer than I have to. I don’t look forward to those scenes because they just make me nervous.”

film, which has a unique kind of challenge. It’s never fun “when you’re wearing a corset; you move differently, you speak differently,” she says. “This was my second time wearing one, so I was a little used to it. But the sweet relief of taking it off at the end of the day is never lost on me.”

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Bathing suit shopping? Try an indie designer It’s getting to be swimsuit season. KATE MOONEY @yatinbrooklyn


As of March 21, it’s officially spring, and if you stand in the sun with an iced coffee in hand, it even sorta feels like it. Whether you have a tropical getaway planned or a year-round jacuzzi connect, it’s getting to be bathing suit shopping time. Instead of combing the racks at Target, or flipping through a J. Crew catalog, why not support an independent designer this year? Here are five independent brands offering creative looks at affordable prices.

Alea Swimwear Pink mermaid bikini by MessQueen MESSQUEEN NEW YORK

Twenty-nine-year-old designer Siobhan Barrett sells her handmade swimsuits via her Etsy shop, Alea Swimwear. The Chico, California, native’s feminine, retro cuts — from “monokini� one pieces to halter bikini tops and high-waisted bottoms — are adorned with fanciful patterns, like her 31 Flavors Ice Cream and Lisa Frank

Unicorn prints. “Game of Thrones� fans will covet her Sansa Stark silver metallic one-piece. For extra inspiration, check out Barrett’s travel writing series #bikiniswithoutborders on aleaswimwear.com, featuring photos and stories from women rocking the Alea brand around the world (FYI, Barrett trades suits for blog posts). etsy.com/shop/aleaswimwear, prices from $35.

newyork, prices from $38.

Amara Felice Retro Swim At this Etsy shop, you can find custom handmade vintage swimsuits from independent designer Amara Felice. Choose between the likes of a pin-up style one piece in peacock feather print, or a black and white polka dot high-waisted bikini.

Kayleigh Connor Design Fancy a crocheted bikini this season? Designer Kayleigh Connor provides made-to-order, hand-knit suits, complete with adjustable wooden beaded tassels, ideal for beach or poolside sunbathing — and maybe a casual wade out during low tide. etsy.com/shop/kayleighconnordesign, from $65.

Fair Harbor Clothing

MessQueen New York Whether you’re mermaid crazed or just a sucker Sansa Stark for glittery “GOT�inspired sequins, designer one piece Courtney Gamble, by Alea ALEA SWIMWEAR aka MessQueen New York, has hand-crafted creations that will transform you into a finned water goddess. Mix and match the pink mermaid bikini halter top with purple mermaid If you need an outfit for booty shorts and you’ll be your beach blanket coma seapunk queen on the panion, Felice repurposes boardwalk this summer. leftover fabric scraps to We also dig her pineapple make sequined mermaid print bikini halter top tail-and-top sets for Barbie and high-waisted botdolls. toms. etsy.com/shop/amarafeliceetsy.com/shop/messqueenretroswim, from $148.

Dudes, we didn’t forget you. In 2015, Jake and Caroline Dehaney, two siblings out of Westchester, New York, and family friend Sam Jacobson formed an eco-friendly men’s swimwear brand. Named after Fair Harbor in Fire Island, where they spent summers growing up, their nautical-themed boardshorts — like the palm tree-patterned Navy Dunewood — are made of recycled plastic bottles and available to order online. Here’s to cleaner beaches and stylin’ swim trunks. fairharborclothing.com, from $65.

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Are you overdoing it in spin class? Going hard several days a week at spin class might feel great, but improper form, preparation and rest can lead to injuries. ISTOCK

The most common injuries — and how to prevent them. MEGAN JOHNSON @MetroNewYork letters@metro.us

The music is pumping, the sweat pouring down your forehead, and you’re dead set on reaching the finish line. Legions of men and women swear by indoor cycling classes, thanks to the calorie-torching intensity and addictive rush of endorphins. But while hitting the bike is often praised for its low impact on joints, it’s still quite easy for even seasoned riders to injure themselves during spin class. “I often see improper form on the bike that could lead to injuries,” says Christina Lodde, senior instructor at Flywheel Sports, who cites pain in the knees, hips, lower back and shoulders as common cycling injuries. In fact, improper bike setup is a surefire way to injure yourself in a cycling class, particularly in the knee area. “People have a tendency to ride too low,” says Emily Southworth, lead instructor at Recycle Studio in Boston. “Your ideal bike setup is when your leg is totally extended, there should be a soft bend in your knee.”

Keep your ears open for the cues given by your instructor, says Lodde. Those postural instructions they’re shouting out during class aren’t just for effect. “Listening to cues from the instructor, like relaxing your shoulders, keeping your core engaged with your weight back over the seat, and keeping your head in line with your spine, are all important reminders to keep your body safe and your workout effective,” says Lodde.

Hip-abductor strengthening exercises. BRONCORE FITNESS

Even if you’re not feeling a specific ache or pain, some riders simply need to learn to give themselves a break. (Also, uh, be careful when you’re dismounting.) Overexerting oneself to the point of exhaustion is a common yet dangerous habit for cyclers, many of whom live for

the feeling of pushing their limits. Doubling up on classes that are specifically designed to last only 45 minutes can be harmful, says Southworth, especially if you’re doing it seven days a week. “If you’re doing two classes back to back, you’re probably not putting your resistance up as high as you can, which can lead to knee problems,” says Southworth, who herself rests one to two days a week. “Your body’s going to perform better when you’re giving yourself a break.” Fitness professionals outside the world of cycling say they frequently see the hazards of spending too much time on the bike. “With too much spin, you may start to notice knee pains, quadricep tears and injured hip flexors,” says Bron Volney, founder and personal trainer at BronCore Fitness in Boston. “You need to counterbalance your spin workouts with at least one hamstring, glute and [hip] abduction-specific workout during the week.” Volney suggests moves like curtsy lunges and abduction side steps using circle bands. Stand in a slight squat position with your toes pointed forward, and perform reps of 20 in each direction to contrast the sagittal plane

of motion (forward and backward) that indoor cycling focuses on. Both Lodde and Southworth suggest varying one’s routine through Pilates, yoga and barre

classes. But they say it’s being in tune with your own body that can really ensure a safe and effective workout. “Exercise and the fitness industry has totally

blown up and it becomes such a social thing,” says Southworth. “But you have to listen to your body, and if you’re having any pain, maybe take a couple days off.”

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No excuse for B’s to miss playoffs The Bruins need to get back on track in a hurry. RICH SLATE @RichSlate


Only the Bruins (39-306) could transition from safely in the Eastern Conference playoff picture to not in control of their own fate anymore in the matter of a week. But that’s exactly what happens when you lose four games in a row (all in regulation) like they did last week. Boston finally regained a bit of positive momentum over the weekend though as it pulled out a huge 2-1 win at Barclays Center over the Islanders (35-27-12). The win put them back in the second wild card spot. New York came into that matchup technically tied with Boston but ahead on a tiebreaker since it had won the season’s first two meetings (both at TD Garden) and also possessed a game in hand. If you didn’t see that one, you’d probably be shocked to know that the two best players in Boston’s most vital two points of the season were journeyman forward Riley Nash (two goals in his third career NHL multi-goal performance) and backup goaltender Anton Khudobin (6-5-1) who made 18 saves in his fifth straight victory. Tuukka Rask (33-20-4) was out with a mysterious

Frank Vatrano and the Bruins celebrate a goal that was disallowed against the Islanders. GETTY IMAGES

lower-body injury but he was back at practice on Monday and claimed he’d be able to play the rest of the campaign. For a guy with only 15 points on the season (7 goals, 8 assists), Nash has stepped up at the right time as he had a goal and assist in Thursday’s 6-3 loss at the Garden to Tampa Bay (3629-9). He followed that up with his best outing as a Bruin. “We got back to playing stingy, especially in


BRAD MARCHAND HAS 80 POINTS IN 2016-17, FOURTH BEST IN NHL. the neutral zone denying their speed,” explained Bruins center Patrice Bergeron. “They want to get the puck into the zone without having to dump it too many times. We were

trying to deny that and limit their speed. We got away from that the last few games and tonight it was good to be back playing the way we want to play: a low-scoring game like we’re used to.” If the B’s should miss the postseason for the third straight spring, the schedule down the stretch will not be a crutch for them to lean on. Of their seven remaining games, they are only away from the Garden once more

(this Sunday in Chicago). The six home contests are a mixed bag of contenders (Washington, Nashville and Ottawa), a team hanging on in the playoff race (Tampa Bay) and two playing out the string (Dallas and Florida). Interim head coach Bruce Cassidy (137-0 overall since taking over) personally has plenty at stake as well, since he needs to avoid the two most recent late-season collapses of his predecessor — Claude Julien — if

he wants to earn that extension that seemed inevitable just a few weeks ago. Center David Krejci (21 goals, 29 assists) exited practice early on Monday with an upper-body injury but Cassidy said “I believe he’ll be fine [Tuesday].” The Bruins host the Predators (38-25-11) on Tuesday (7, NESN) and Nashville is in a somewhat similar position in the Western Conference — hanging onto third-place in the Central Division.

Cold start projected for Red Sox

David Price is not likely to pitch until May. GETTY IMAGES

Whomever came up with the 2017 MLB regular season schedule has likely never been to Boston in early April. While it’s typical for the Red Sox to open their season on the road given that it’s still basically winter here, the Sox will be playing real baseball at Fenway starting next Monday. In fact, nine out of the Sox’ first 13 games will take place at the old ballpark in the Fens. Boston will host the Pirates for three games to open the year, then will play at Detroit for four games over that

first weekend before returning home to face the Orioles in a twogame set and the Rays in a four-gamer. It’s the first time the Red Sox will open the regular season at home since 2010. The Price is wrong David Price will not be available until late April at the absolute earliest due to his elbow injury, but the high-priced lefty was able to play catch this past weekend. “There was a series of strength tests done in the training room

and we felt like he was improved to the point of initiating more throwing,” Red Sox manager John Farrell told the AP. “Not off a mound but just to get the arm moving with a ball in flight and will continue in this phase for a period of time. There’s not set distance and volume yet to the throws.” With Price out, the Sox’ rotation lines up as follows: Rick Porcello, Chris Sale, Steven Wright, Eduardo Rodriguez and Drew Pomeranz. MATT BURKE


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LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Olasehinde Ogundipe and Adenike Ogundipe to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Lighthouse Mortgage Company Ltd., its successors and assigns, dated December 31, 2002 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 30246, Page 310, as affected by a Loan ModiďŹ cation Agreement recorded in said Registry of Deeds at Book 52463, Page 191, subsequently assigned to EverHome Mortgage Company by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Lighthouse Mortgage Company Ltd., its successors and assigns by assignment recorded in said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 46284, Page 283 and subsequently assigned to Green Tree Servicing LLC by EverBank as successor by merger to EverHome Mortgage Company by assignment recorded in said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 53173, Page 308; of which Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 AM on April 18, 2017 at 32 Old Morton Street, Boston (Mattapan), MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage,


Are You Depressed and Not in Treatment? The Department of Psychiatry at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is conducting a research study of novel therapies to help people with depression. Eligible participants will receive compensation, psychiatric evaluations, and all study medications.

For more information, reach us at: 617-525-3161 RAPID@partners.org

Do you need Memory Aid? The MemAID research study evaluates potential long-term beneďŹ ts of insulin sprayed into the nose on memory, gait and blood ow in the brain (not affecting blood sugar) as compared to placebo in older adults 50-85 years old. s Group 1: type 2 diabetes mellitus s Group 2: controls without major health problems Six-month treatment and six-moth follow-up requires (12 visits). The sub-study includes continuous glucose monitoring and/or MRI. Stipend: up to $1,000 for completing the study. If interested, please call:

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NEWSPAPER PROMOTERS WANTED Boston’s only free daily newspaper is seeking energetic, part-time newspaper promoters to distribute the Boston Metro at select MBTA commuter locations throughout Greater Boston. Successful candidates will be able to interact comfortably and politely with the public and be energetic, outgoing and imaginative. Reliability is essential: you must be on time and have a awless attendance record. Three hour shifts, Monday through Thursday, typically run from 6:00 AM until 9:00 AM. Some mid-day shifts also may be available for able-bodied promoters on bicycle routes. Compensation is $11.00 per hour. All candidates are welcome to visit our ofďŹ ces at 234 Congress Street (4th Floor), Boston to complete an application between the hours of 11 AM and 4 PM and have a brief interview. Also, bring a government-issue picture ID and your social security card. PLEASE: no email applications.

The land and buildings thereon, in Dorchester, suffolk County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of Old Morton Street at the comer of Lot A and Lot B as shown on said plan; thence; WESTERLY by Old Morton Street as shown on said plan, ďŹ fty and 00/100 (50.00) feet, thence; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Rue as shown on said plan, one hundred thirty-one and 50/100 (131.50) feet, thence; EASTERLY by land now or formerly of Girvids as shown on said plan, twentyone and 62/100 (21.62) feet, thence; NORHTERLY by Lot A as shown on said plan, forty-one and 50/100 (41.50) feet, thence; EASTERLY by Lot A as shown on said plan, ďŹ fteen and 56/100 (15.56) feet, thence; NORTHERLY by Lot A as shown on said plan, three lines totaling ninety-two and 27/100 (92.27) feet, to the point of beginning. Containing 5,109 square feet of land being shown as Lot Bon a plan entitled “Subdivision Plan of Land in Boston, MA (Dorchester District)â€? dated December 5, 2002, by Toomey-Munson & Associates, Inc., and recorded at Suffolk County Registry of Deeds herewith. Lot B being a portion of the land of Bowen in a deed recorded at Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 21026, Page 166. Being the same premises as conveyed by deed of LaRosa Development Corporation to be recorded herewith. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the beneďŹ t of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, liens, attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to M.G.L.Ch.183A, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certiďŹ ed check, bank treasurer’s check or money order will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certiďŹ ed check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. Ditech Financial LLC fka Green Tree Servicing LLC Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, ORLANS MORAN PLLC ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS PO Box 540540 7ALTHAM -! s 0HONE March 28, 2017, April 4, 2017 and April 11, 2017 16-000974

INVITATION TO BID Church Restoration Request for Bids



To advertise call Gregory Manning at 617-532-0121 or email gregory.manning@metro.us

SHEIKH MANSOUR ).4%2.!4)/.!,ä30)2)45!,ä (%!,%2ä7)4(ä"/2.ä ')&4%$ä0/7%2ä!.$ä%80%2)%.#%ä 3UPERäNATURALäGIFTEDäMANäWHOäHELPSäBOTHä INTERNALä äEXTERNALäMATTERSäINäMARRIAGE ä LOVE äCOURT äBUSINESS äLUCK äGAMBLING ä PROTECTION äRETURNINGäLOVEäONEäBACK %80%24ä).ä!,,ä/##5,4)34ä (5-!.ä02/",%-3 ä /.,9ä/.%ä6)3)4ä7),,ä,%!$ä 9/5ä4/ä4(%ä2)'(4ä0!4( ä #!,,ä./7ä&/2ä*/9 ä 2%35,43ä).ä!ä&%7ä$!93ä '5!2!.4%%$ä ä #ALLä



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Saint Paul’s Parish, Malden, Massachusetts, the Awarding Authority, request bids from qualiďŹ ed contractors for masonry restoration and repair of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Malden, Massachusetts, including removal and replacement of deteriorated cast stone units. The building was constructed in 1912 and is listed in the National and State Registers of Historic Places. This project is being partially funded through a grant from the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund through the Massachusetts Historical Commission. All work must be performed in accordance with the documents prepared by Cram & Ferguson Architects, 23 Bradford Street, Concord, MA 01742, (978) 451-0900 and meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. State law prohibits discrimination. Awarding of this contract is subject to AfďŹ rmative Action and Equal Opportunity guidelines. A copy of the bidding documents may be obtained by writing or telephoning the architect at the address below. A pre-bid meeting will be held at St. Paul’s Church at the corner of Florence and Washington Streets, Malden, MA on Friday March 31, 2017, at 3:30pm. Visit to the site is mandatory. All prospective bidders must either attend this scheduled meeting or coordinate with the architect a visit to the property on another day and time. Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of price, previous experience with similar types of construction projects, ability to perform the work in a timely manner, and references. All bids must be delivered to the owner & architect’s ofďŹ ce prior to Friday April 7, 2017 at 2:00pm, to be eligible for consideration and all of the grant-funded work must be completed by June 30, 2017 SUBMIT OFFERS TO: (one electronic and one paper copy to each address given)

Saint Paul’s Parish 26 Washington Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148 Attn.: Glenn A. Ringdahl Email: clerk@stpaulsmalden.org Cram and Ferguson Architects LLC 23 Bradford Street, Concord, MA 01742 Attn.: Kevin M. Hogan khogan@cramandferguson.com

CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad call 866-900-9473 or visit us at www.metro.us

Dina’s Unisex Hair Salon UĂŠ*iĂ€Â“ĂƒĂŠf{xĂŠUĂŠ ÂœÂ?ÂœĂ€ĂŠf{ä Includes Cut & Style UĂŠ*>Ă•Â?ĂŠ ÂˆĂŒVÂ…iÂ?Â?‡,iÂŽÂˆÂ˜Ăƒ

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12 Boston Tuesday, March 28, 2017



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13 Boston Tuesday, March 28, 2017



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NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Peggy Borgard to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Finance America, LLC dated August 11, 2005, recorded at the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 37786, Page 92; said mortgage was then assigned to Bank of New York as Trustee for the CertiďŹ cate Holders CWABS, Inc. Asset-Backed CertiďŹ cates, Series 2005-IM3 by virtue of an assignment dated May 8, 2008, and recorded in Book 48186, Page 105; of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION at 12:00 PM on April 12, 2017, on the mortgaged premises. This property has the address of 244 Hyde Park Avenue, Unit No. 3, 244 Hyde Park Condominium, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. The entire mortgaged premises, all and singular, the premises as described in said mortgage: Unit No. 3 (the “Unitâ€?) of 244 Hyde Park Avenue Condominium (the “Condominiumâ€?), located in Jamaica Plain, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, a condominium established pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 183A, by Master Deed dated May 20, 1985, and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book , Page , as amended. The Unit is laid out as shown on the plans ďŹ led with said Master Deed and on a copy of a portion of said plans attached to the ďŹ rst deed of the Unit recorded with said Suffolk County Registry, to which is afďŹ xed the veriďŹ ed statement in the form required by Section 9 of said Chapter 183A. The Unit is conveyed together with an undivided percentage interest in the common areas and facilities of the Condominium as set forth in said Master Deed, and the same appurtenant percentage interest in the 244 Hyde Park Avenue Condominium Trust created by Declaration of Trust recorded with said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds, as amended. For reference to title, see Deed recorded immediately prior hereto and herewith. A deed from James R. Siener and Carolyn J. Naczas to Peggy Borgard to be recorded. Subject to and with the beneďŹ t of easements, reservation, restrictions, and taking of record, if any, insofar as the same are now in force and applicable. In the event of any typographical error set forth herein in the legal description of the premises, the description as set forth and contained in the mortgage shall control by reference. Together with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property and all easements, rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and proďŹ ts, water rights and stock and all ďŹ xtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this sale.

Terms of Sale: Said premises will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes and assessments, tax sales, tax titles and other municipal liens and water or sewer liens and State or County transfer fees, if any there are, and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00) in cashier’s or certiďŹ ed check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale as a deposit and the balance in cashier’s or certiďŹ ed check will be due in thirty (30) days, at the ofďŹ ces of Doonan, Graves & Longoria, LLC, (“DG&Lâ€?), time being of the essence. The Mortgagee reserves the right to postpone the sale to a later date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the sale and to further postpone at any adjourned sale-date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the adjourned sale date. The premises is to be sold subject to and with the beneďŹ t of all easements, restrictions, leases, tenancies, and rights of possession, building and zoning laws, encumbrances, condominium liens, if any and all other claim in the nature of liens, if any there be. In the event that the successful bidder at the foreclosure sale shall default in purchasing the within described property according to the terms of this Notice of Sale and/or the terms of the Memorandum of Sale executed at the time of foreclosure, the Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the property by foreclosure deed to the second highest bidder, providing that said second highest bidder shall deposit with the Mortgagee’s attorneys, the amount of the required deposit as set forth herein. If the second highest bidder declines to purchase the within described property, the Mortgagee reserves the right to purchase the within described property at the amount bid by the second highest bidder. The foreclosure deed and the consideration paid by the successful bidder shall be held in escrow by DG&L, (hereinafter called the “Escrow Agentâ€?) until the deed shall be released from escrow to the successful bidder at the same time as the consideration is released to the Mortgagee, whereupon all obligations of the Escrow Agent shall be deemed to have been properly fulďŹ lled and the Escrow Agent shall be discharged. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale.

Dated: March 6, 2017 The Bank of New York Mellon f/k/a The Bank of New York as Trustee for the CertiďŹ cateholders of the CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed CertiďŹ cates, Series 2005-IM3

3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17

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By its Attorney DOONAN, GRAVES & LONGORIA, LLC, 100 Cummings Center Suite 225D, Beverly, MA 01915 s WWW DGANDL COM 52266 (BORGARD)

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TO WIT: The Unit known as Unit No. 3 in the Beauford Green Condominium located in Roxbury, County of Suffolk, Massachusetts and established pursuant to the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 183A by Master Deed dated 6/24/90, and recorded with Suffolk Registry of Deeds in Book 16357, Page 72. (The ‘’Master Deed’’.) Said Unit contains approximately 1092 square feet as shown on the oor plan of the building ďŹ led simultaneously with said Master Deed, and on a copy of the portion of the plan attached to the Unit Deed recorded herewith, (‘’The First Unit Deed’’) to which is afďŹ xed the veriďŹ ed statement of a professional engineer in the form required by Section 9 of said Chapter 183A. Said Unit is conveyed together with an undivided 3.444 percentage interest in the common areas and facilities of the property (‘’Common Elements’’) as described in an amendment to said Master Deed as being attributed to the Unit. The Unit is conveyed subject to and with the beneďŹ t of the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 183A, and the Master Deed and the Declaration of Beauford Green Condominium Trust recorded in Book 16357, Page 108, all as may be amended. (Collectively the ‘’Condominium Documents’’.) Together with all rights and easements for the beneďŹ t of said unit, as set forth in the Unit Deed to the Mortgagor. The Unit is intended only for residential purposes. The post ofďŹ ce address of this unit is: 3 Beauford Lane, Roxbury, MA For title see deed recorded herewith. Said unit is conveyed subject to the following permitted exceptions: 1) The provisions of M.G.L.A. Chapter 183A, the Condominium Documents, and the easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions as set forth in the First Unit Deed all referred to above. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 36271, Page 171. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the beneďŹ t of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certiďŹ ed or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certiďŹ ed or bank check at Harmon Law OfďŹ ces, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE (CWALT 2005-01CB) Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street, Newton, MA 02458 s n 020 3/28/2017, 4/04/2017, 4/11/2017

NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Virginia Diranian, Evelyn K. Diranian to The CIT Group/Consumer Finance, Inc. dated April 8, 2002, recorded at the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 28357, Page 14; said mortgage was then assigned to The Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a The Bank of New York on behalf of the CIT Home Equity Loan Trust, 2002-2 by virtue of an assignment dated May 8, 2009, and recorded in Book 44941, Page 187; of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION at 10:00 AM on April 12, 2017, on the mortgaged premises. This property has the address of 296 Washington Avenue, Chelsea, MA 02150. The entire mortgaged premises, all and singular, the premises as described in said mortgage: The land in Chelsea, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, being now numbered 296 Washington Avenue and being shown as Lot 19 on a plan entitled “Plan of Land in Chelsea belonging to the heirs of Joshua Carterâ€? by John Low, dated October 1853 and recorded with Suffolk Deeds, Book 970, Page 56, bounded and described as follows: Northeasterly by Washington Avenue, ďŹ fty (50) feet; Southeasterly by Lot 21 as shown on said plan, one hundred twelve (112) feet; Southwesterly by Lot 20 as shown on said plan, ďŹ fty (50) feet; Northwesterly by Lot 17 as shown on said plan, one hundred twelve (112) feet. Said premises are conveyed together with rights of way in the passageway over Lot 20 in common with others entitled thereto. For our title see deed of Evelyn K. Diranian dated September 13, 1996 and recorded in Book 20880, Page 98. Subject to and with the beneďŹ t of easements, reservation, restrictions, and taking of record, if any, insofar as the same are now in force and applicable. In the event of any typographical error set forth herein in the legal description of the premises, the description as set forth and contained in the mortgage shall control by reference. Together with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property and all easements, rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and proďŹ ts, water rights and stock and all ďŹ xtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this sale. Terms of Sale: Said premises will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes and assessments, tax sales, tax titles and other municipal liens and water or sewer liens and State or County transfer fees, if any there are, and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00) in cashier's or certiďŹ ed check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale as a deposit and the balance in cashier's or certiďŹ ed check will be due in thirty (30) days, at the ofďŹ ces of Doonan, Graves & Longoria, LLC, (“DG&Lâ€?), time being of the essence. The Mortgagee reserves the right to postpone the sale to a later date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the sale and to further postpone at any adjourned sale-date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the adjourned sale date. The premises is to be sold subject to and with the beneďŹ t of all easements, restrictions, leases, tenancies, and rights of possession, building and zoning laws, encumbrances, condominium liens, if any and all other claim in the nature of liens, if any there be. In the event that the successful bidder at the foreclosure sale shall default in purchasing the within described property according to the terms of this Notice of Sale and/or the terms of the Memorandum of Sale executed at the time of foreclosure, the Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the property by foreclosure deed to the second highest bidder, providing that said second highest bidder shall deposit with the Mortgagee's attorneys, the amount of the required deposit as set forth herein. If the second highest bidder declines to purchase the within described property, the Mortgagee reserves the right to purchase the within described property at the amount bid by the second highest bidder. The foreclosure deed and the consideration paid by the successful bidder shall be held in escrow by DG&L, (hereinafter called the "Escrow Agent") until the deed shall be released from escrow to the successful bidder at the same time as the consideration is released to the Mortgagee, whereupon all obligations of the Escrow Agent shall be deemed to have been properly fulďŹ lled and the Escrow Agent shall be discharged. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. Dated: March 6, 2017 The Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a The Bank of New York on behalf of the CIT Home Equity Loan Trust, 2002-2


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NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Shelly Britto to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Full Spectrum Lending, Inc., dated December 14, 2004 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 36271, Page 173, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York as Trustee for the CertiďŹ cateholders of CWALT 2005-01CB dated January 4, 2010 and recorded with said registry on September 29, 2010 at Book 46972 Page 349 and by assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the CertiďŹ cateholders of CWALT, Inc., Alternative Loan Trust 2005-1CB, Mortgage Pass-Through CertiďŹ cates, Series 2005-1CB dated February 2, 2012 and recorded with said registry on February 13, 2012 at Book 49075 Page 46 and by assignment from The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the CertiďŹ cateholders of CWALT, Inc., Alternative Loan Trust 2005-1CB, Mortgage Pass-Through CertiďŹ cates, Series 2005-1CB to The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2005-01CB) dated October 14, 2015 and recorded with said registry on October 20, 2015 at Book 55203 Page 184 and by assignment from The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the CertiďŹ cateholders of CWALT 2005-01CB to The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2005-01CB) dated August 10, 2016 and recorded with said registry on September 26, 2016 at Book 56829 Page 278, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 p.m. on April 24, 2017, on the mortgaged premises located at 3 BEAUFORD LANE, UNIT 3, BEAUFORD GREEN CONDOMINIUM, ROXBURY (BOSTON), Suffolk County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,

3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17

By its Attorney DOONAN, GRAVES & LONGORIA, LLC, 100 Cummings Center Suite 225D Beverly, MA 01915 s WWW DGANDL COM 30201.10 (DIRANIAN)

14 Boston Tuesday, March 28, 2017



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Aries Do your best to stabilize your personal and professional positions. Gather information and look at all sides of a situation before you form or present your opinion.

Libra Be realistic and refuse to let anyone lure you into a heated debate. Overreaction and indulgence will be costly and will cause you to miss out on a great opportunity.

Taurus Good things will happen if you lend a helping hand. Positive actions will bring greater opportunity. It’s up to you to contribute if you want to make improvements.

Scorpio Enforce any ideas you have that will encourage productivity. Offering an incentive or joining forces with someone you find inspiring will help you reach your goals.

Gemini You’ll be pulled in different directions. It’s up to you to find out exactly what transpired before you make a move. Trust and integrity should be your motivation.

Sagittarius You’ve got all the right moves to get what you want. Put your agenda in place and bring about changes that will secure your position and enhance your reputation.

Cancer Stick to what you do best. Work behind the scenes in preparation for what you want to present. Don’t let anyone pressure you to make a move prematurely.

Capricorn Taking care of home and family matters should be your prime concern. Compensate for delays while traveling or dealing with institutions.

Leo Don’t get angry, get moving. Make choices that will benefit you. Show your leadership ability. The more confidence you possess, the greater stability you will have.

Aquarius Let the past be your guide to a better future. The experience you have gathered will help you find alternatives to the way you have been handling your finances.

Virgo Look at an offer from all angles before you move forward. If something sounds too good to be true, take a step back. Don’t succumb to high-pressure tactics.

Pisces Good things are heading your way, but so is your tendency toward excess. Control your spending and rein in your indulgent behavior. EUGENIA LAST

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