Boston 12/07/2017

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Dwayne Johnson is closer to running for POTUS. 8


Wednesday, July 12, 2017 | t: MetroBOS | f: MetroBoston

JENNIFER GARNER KNOWS WHAT’S UP The actress confronted Ben Affleck’s not-so-new girlfriend. 8

Residents hope ‘Imagine Boston 2030’ helps establish sense of community. 6

PROBLEM CHILD Donald Trump Jr.’s emails could be the evidence that proves the Trump campaign was collaborating with Moscow. 4




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Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s eldest son eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have information incriminating Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as part of Moscow’s official support for his father, according to an email chain released on Tuesday. The emails in the chain were between Donald Trump Jr., who posted it on Twitter, and

Rob Goldstone, a publicist who helped to arrange the June 9, 2016, meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, who says she is a private lawyer and denies having Kremlin ties. “If it’s what you say I love it,” Trump Jr. said in a June 3, 2016 email that was part of the chain arranging the meeting. For more, see page 4


U.S. officials were investigating the cause of a military transport plane crash that killed 16 service members a day earlier, leaving a 5-mile trail of wreckage in rural northern Mississippi. The KC-130 Hercules aircraft disappeared from air traffic control radar over Mississippi after taking off from Cherry Point, North Carolina. It plunged into a field at approximately 4 p.m. on Monday in Mississippi’s LeFlore

County, about 100 miles north of Jackson, the state capital. Fifteen Marines and one Navy sailor were onboard, the U.S. Marine Corps said. The names of the deceased were being withheld until family members were notified. Further details on the crash were not released by military officials, but Gen. Robert Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps, pledged “a thorough investigation into the cause of this tragedy.”


The United States said on Tuesday it shot down a simulated, incoming intermediate-range ballistic missile similar the ones being developed by countries like North Korea, in a new test of the nation’s defenses. Planned months ago, the U.S. missile defense test over the Pacific Ocean has gained significance after North Korea’s July 4 launch of an intercontinental ballistic

missile heightened concerns about the threat from Pyongyang. The test was the first-ever of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system against an incoming IRBM, which experts say is a faster and more difficult target to hit than shorter-range missiles. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency said the IRBM was designed to behave similarly to the kinds of missiles that could threaten the United States.





Brian Wilson, 10 of Redford smiles after being crowned Mud Day King at Wayne County’s annual Mud Day at Nankin Mills Park on Tuesday in Westland, Michigan. The mud pit contains 200 tons of top soil and 20,000 gallons of water. GETTY IMAGES



A free-speech group on Tuesday sued Donald Trump for blocking Twitter users from his @realDonaldTrump account, arguing the practice violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit, brought by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University in New York and joined by seven individual Twitter users, claims Trump blocked a number of accounts whose owners replied to his tweets with comments that

criticized, mocked or disagreed with the president. Trump’s blocking of the accounts amounted to an unconstitutional effort to suppress dissent, according to the lawsuit filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York. Because Trump frequently turns to Twitter to make policy statements, his account qualifies as a public forum from which the government cannot exclude people on the basis of their views, according to the lawsuit.


Not everyone is a joker, a smoker or a midnight toker. Whether you use marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes, you can now Keurig and chill with the world’s first product line of cannabis-infused coffee, tea and cocoa. A flower-based edibles company, Cannabiniers, launched Brewbudz, a discreee way to sip with Mary Jane.



Every Monday, we pick a random winner from the participants who answered correctly one of the quizzes from the previous week. 3 Boston Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Mayor Kennedy & The City of Lynn announce shows at






Donald Trump Jr. emails may be evidence of crime, experts say

Donald Trump Jr.’s emails might have implicated him in a crime. GETTY IMAGES

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Emails could be the “smoking gun” that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia. ERIN TIERNAN @ErinTiernan

Donald Trump Jr.’s emails released on Tuesday offer fairly clear evidence that the president’s son broke campaign finance law, according to legal experts. It is illegal to solicit or accept campaign contributions from foreign nationals. Campaign contributions are defined as “anything of value,” which includes information and political opposition research. In emails the president’s eldest son posted to Twitter just as The New York Times published an exposé, he explains he met with a Russian lawyer last June to get “incriminating” information on Hillary Clinton. In the email thread with a subject line that read, “Russia — Clinton — private and confidential,” Trump Jr. wrote that he’d “love” to get the information that a mutual contact of Trump and the Russians said would “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to” his father. Rick Hasen, a campaign finance expert and law professor at University of California, Irvine, said it’s “hard to see how there is not a serious case here of solicitation.” “Trump Jr. appears to have knowledge of the foreign source and is asking to see it,” he said. Norm Eisen, special counsel for ethics and government reform under former President Barack Obama, said the

Donald Trump Jr. email “clearly violates campaign finance law and likely implicates Don Jr. and campaign under conspiracy statute.” President Donald Trump, however, defended his son, calling him a “high-quality person.” In an off-camera afternoon White House briefing, Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a prepared statement from the president. “My son is a highquality person, and I applaud his transparency,” the statement read. Trump had so far been silent on the growing controversy around the meeting last summer, which went public on Saturday. Wa s h i n g t o n - b a s e d government watchdogs Common Cause filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department on Tuesday asking them to investigate Trump Jr. for soliciting a foreign contribution. “Whether or not he actually received that information does not matter in the eyes of the law. Trump’s solicitation of the information is what constitutes the violation,” Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause vice president for policy and litigation, said in a statement. The emails refer to “some official documents,” and Ryan said if Trump Jr. accepted any documents as a campaign contribution from a foreign national, it would be an additional crime. A spokesman for Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, declined to comment, the HuffPost reported.

5 Boston Wednesday, July 12, 2017




Jonathan Lopez Wilen, 18, was painting a mural on the road for the Imagine Boston 2030 final draft unveiling. KRISTIN TOUSSAINT / METRO

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Residents hope Imagine Boston 2030 helps establish sense of community At the launch of the final Imagine Boston 2030 draft, residents spoke of wanting a stronger community. KRISTIN TOUSSAINT @kristindakota

No matter which way residents approached the Imagine Boston 2030 launch event in Upham’s Corner on Tuesday, they were greeted with something local and creative. On one street, a local musician performed in front of the Strand Theater; down another alley, Dorchester business owners set up booths hawking their handmade wares, and from another side, pedestrians passed through street blockades where Boston high school students were painting a mural right on the road. The students were part of the Mayor’s Mural Crew, an initiative that gives young Boston artists summer jobs. Though technically separate from Imagine Boston 2030, the high school kids who were painting a traditional Cape Verdean textile pattern on the asphalt were actually carrying out

part of the plan: to improve local culture with arts innovation districts that strengthen local art hubs, starting with Upham’s Corner. “[We’re painting] the Cape Verdean weaving to really spruce up the culture around here and show people that we do see their culture,” said Jonathan Lopez Wilen, an 18-year-old artist who’s been involved with the mural crew for four years. “We don’t want them to not have their culture here since, you know, it’s becoming gentrified,” and changing, he added. Multiple initiatives within Imagine Boston 2030, the first citywide large-scale planning effort in 50 years, overlap in Upham’s Corner — like creating better access to the waterfront and focusing on affordable housing. That’s part of the reason it was the setting for the event launching the final draft of the document, said Natalia Urtubey, director of engagement for Imagine Boston 2030. Still, the plan and the event are for all Boston residents to enjoy, even if they aren’t in Upham’s Corner. Quiana Agbai, a 36-year-old mom of two, lives in Hyde Park, but still

came to the event. “My husband and I attended the local meetings, so when I saw the sign [that said Imagine Boston 2030], I remembered that, and saw this as something the kids could be a part of,” she said. Agbai recently moved back after about nine years away, now with a family. She was interested in Imagine Boston 2030, she said, because “I wanted, now that we have a permanent home here in Boston, to give the kids a sense of community.” Concetta Johnson, 62, echoed that longing. Johnson was manning a table covered in handmade jewelry from her local business, Inspired Creations. She’s lived in Dorchester all her life, she said. “I think there’s been a lack of community, because the neighborhood is more transient,” she said. Johnson has seen how new people moving in, who only stay a short while, don’t establish the same connections with their neighbors. Imagine Boston 2030 can be a way to change that and get people connected over goals within their communities . “I hope this brings people together,” she said.




Iranian cancer researcher traveling to work at Boston Children’s detained The research scholar has been held at Logan Airport with his wife and children. KRISTIN TOUSSAINT @kristindakota

An Iranian doctor traveling to work with Boston Children’s Hospital has been detained at Logan Airport, the hospital announced on Tuesday. Boston Children’s said Dr. Mohsen Dehnavi is a visiting cancer research scholar with a J-1 visa, a nonimmigrant visa issued to research scholars, professors and those pursuing work- and study-based exchange programs. Dehnavi has been detained while traveling with his wife and three children. They are scheduled to be sent back to Iran later on Tuesday, according to the hospital. “Boston Children’s hopes that this situation will be quickly resolved and Dr. Dehnavi and his family will be released and allowed to enter the U.S.,” Boston Children’s said in a statement. “The hospital is committed to doing its utmost to support Dr. Dehnavi and his

Boston Children’s was named the No. 1 pediatric hospital in the country. PROVIDED BY BCH

family.” The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Trump administration could partially enforce an executive order banning people from several majority Muslim countries, also known as the travel ban or the Muslim ban. Iran is one of the countries on that list. The Supreme Court’s

version of the travel ban said that non-U.S. citizens seeking entry from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen will still be allowed to enter the country if they have family here, work here or go to school here. Those looking for travel visas or refuge will be barred from entering the U.S. However, a representa-

“The hospital is committed to doing its utmost to support Dr. Dehnavi and his family.” Boston Children’s Hospital

tive for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement to the Boston Globe that the government can deny entry into the U.S. for many rea-

sons, from health-related grounds to security to immigration violations. “All travelers arriving to the United States must possess valid travel

documents; however, it is important to note that issuance of a visa or a visa waiver does not guarantee entry to the United States,” the statement continued. “A [customs] officer at the port of entry will conduct an inspection to determine if the individual is eligible for admission under U.S. immigration law.”

While opposed, Baker says mind open on sanctuary status Gov. Charlie Baker, not wanting to undercut a brand-new Latino advisory panel sworn in Monday, said he would be a “hard sell” on legislation to make Massachusetts a sanctuary state, but admitted it wouldn’t be the first time he’s changed his mind. The bill, known as the Safe Communities Act, would prohibit state and local police from asking about a person’s immigration status or arresting someone solely because of their immigration status. It would also ban police from holding immigrants on a federal detainer if they had no other cause to do so. “I’ve said many times that I think that decision should be made at the

Gov. Baker recently established a new Latino Advisory Commission.

local level, but I’m an open-minded guy. I’ve been known to change my mind about things before,” Baker said at a press conference where he signed an executive order establishing a new Latino Advisory Commission. The bill has a signifi-


cant amount of support within the Legislature, although it has not emerged for a vote in either branch. Critics have derided it as de facto “sanctuary state” legislation that would put law-abiding citizens at risk. Baker thus far has

been consistent in his opposition to the bill filed by Sen. Jamie Eldridge and Rep. Juana Matias, and reiterated Monday that based on his experience as a selectman in Swampscott and conversations with local officials on this issue that he gets “very nervous” about the idea of taking away the ability for local officials to make decisions on law enforcement for their own communities. “That said, you don’t put a commission like this together with this kind of talent if you don’t expect them to talk about and address some difficult issues and I certainly expect them to do that and I look forward to their recommenda-

tions,” Baker said. A senior aide to Baker said the governor’s comment do not reflect any shift in the administration’s position toward the legislation. The 27-member commission, chaired by Employee Benefit Solutions Senior Partner Josie Martinez, is expected to advise the governor on policies that would make a difference in improving employment, educational and other opportunities in the Latino community. The executive order follows the creation in February of a similar commission to work with the administration on issues of importance to black communities around the state. The

Latino Advisory Commission will meet at least quarterly and submit a formal written report on its work and recommendations to the governor every two years. Martinez said her goal will be to remove obstacles that her parents had to overcome, including discrimination and language barriers, when they emigrated from Cuba in 1962 with her three older brothers. “The mission of the Latino Advisory Commission is to hopefully make that path smoother and easier for those that are struggling to make Massachusetts their home and those that will follow in the same footsteps,” Martinez said. STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE



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Jennifer Garner is nobody’s fool Just three months after Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner filed for divorce in April, not-assad Batman has a new, er, Lady Robin. Last week, People reported that the 44-year-old actor and “Saturday Night Live” producer Lindsay Shookus are officially an item. Apparently the two lovebirds have a bit of a history together. Multiple sources told Us Weekly that the two had an affair back in 2013, two years prior to Ben and Jen’s separation in 2015. And

Don’t mess with Jen, y’all.

now we’ve learned that Garner knew about their illicit history, and confronted Shookus about it back in 2015.

I don’t care about this Lena Dunham drama


Have you heard? Lena Dunham has been involved in a light scandal concerning her pup, Lamby. The news coverage is endless, and I’m over here wondering: Why should we care about a lady and the dog she decided to give up after maybe reinventing his biography and history?

Dwayne Johnson is closer to running for POTUS

Apparently the “Dallas Buyers Club” actress was on a work trip and straight up asked Shookus about canoodling with her former husband — pre-separation. The 37-year-old “refused to back down or quit the affair,” according to a source. Rude. May we suggest that Garner seeks the ultimate revenge and find herself a rebound? Live a little, girl.

As you may recall, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson — star of notthat-good “Baywatch,” This is getting and maybe also your a bit too real dreams, I don’t know for my liking — can’t stop talking about running for president. It appears, basically, that once y’all elected Donald Trump, Johnson had the epiphany that any old America. inexperienced person Now, we’re getting could run for an itty bit closer to the the highreal thing. est ofThe Hill reports that fice campaign committee in “Run the Rock 2020” filed on Johnson’s behalf


the word

After endless back and forth RACHAEL VAUGHAN CLEMMONS between Dunham via Instagram, @rachaelclemz BARC (the facility where she adopted Lamby) and the Zen Dog, where Dunham surWhile rendered Lamby after four mostly years of challenging behavior, it’s funny to the woman who adopted Lamby took think of either Jessica her own turn to speak out. Simpson or Nick Lachey She confirmed, of course, that as relevant these days, a Lamby is “living a great life!” And producer of “The New“showing tremendous progress!” lyweds” is going around Here’s the thing: Why are we exposing supposed talking about this at all? Dunham secrets. Sure! definitely tends to be an easy target Sue Kolinsky, who — what, with her endless bevy of worked on the series ignorant comments and continuing to all three seasons, act like race isn’t really a thing — but said she maybe damn, over this dog who is just trying thinks Simpto mind his business and live his new son wasn’t life? just acting Let Lamby live, y’all. like a

to draft him for the 2020 election. The form was filed by Kenton Tilford, and nobody knows who he is and how or if he even knows the Rock. Also, LOL, what kind of name is Kenton? No word from The Rock yet, or whether or not this is his doing, but at this point, having a wrestler-turnedactor-turned-politician wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to our country. Especially seeing as our current presidency is akin to a poorly scripted reality show as is.

“Newlyweds” producer spills on Jessica Simpson dumb blonde. “There were times when we were like, ‘Hmm, does she really not know what this

A tale as old as time. Really, it’s so old.

means?’” she said. “I truly believe the whole ‘chicken and fish’ situation was accurate. She really did not know. There was a scene where there was a dead mouse by their pool and it had been dead for a while. Nick said, ‘it’s in rigor mortis’ and Jessica said, ‘Riga-what?’” Oh, Jessica. You sweet summer child. Anyway, the two have probably forgotten they were ever married, so we can go back to pretending “Newlyweds” never even existed.

Andrea Savage on redefining the sitcom mom When Andrea Savage created “I’m Sorry,” she took inspiration from comedies that deal with the realities of everyday life, like “Master of None” and “Louie.” “I wanted to do a pure comedy,” says the writer and “Veep” actress over the phone. “It shows a couple that actually likes each other and gets a kick out of each other, because you don’t see that. Everyone’s miserable on TV.” So what does a nonmiserable television series look like? With “I’m Sorry,” it’s a decidedly light and raunchy take on

Savage took inspiration for her series from hits like “Louie” and “Master of None.” TRUTV/SCOTT EVERETT WHITE

your standard sitcom. The series, premiering July 12 on TruTV, follows a semifictionalized Savage in her day-to-day life in Los Angeles — from coffee

sessions with her writing partner to cringe-worthy brunches with her family. Savage, who got her start by performing in musical theater, caught

the comedy bug later than most. While studying political science at Cornell, she took an acting class — where she met future “SNL” alum

Chris Parnell — and he persuaded her to join famed improv troupe the Groundlings. And the rest, as they say, is history. Fast-forward a couple of decades, and Savage is a comedy veteran of both television and film. And with “I’m Sorry” she’s exploring her own life, piece by piece. “I wanted to write a nuanced multidimensional woman who is 40 and who happens to be a mom — but that isn’t the only defining thing about her,” she continues. “I don’t ever take the piss out of anyone but

myself.” Fret not, though: “I’m Sorry” may have its moments of nuance, but it’s not without its naughty sides. The third episode, for example, features a character who considers ice in her, uh, rear orifice foreplay. And it’s based on a real-life experience Savage had with a friend of a friend. “I was so fascinated,” she says in awe. “I hope people sort of know that [these outrageous situations] are real. If you know it’s real, then you’re like, ‘Well it’s not so crazy.’” RACHAEL CLEMMONS




Oscar winner Errol Morris profiles Cambridge photo legend in new film “The B-Side” debuts in Boston this week.

If you go:


Opens July 14, Kendall Square Cinema, 355 Binney St., Cambridge,

After examining the lives and secrets of murderers and sociopaths in many of his past award-winning films, Errol Morris now turns his attention to a more personal subject in “The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait Photography.” The Oscar winner’s latest documentary, which debuts in Boston on July 14, puts the spotlight on his longtime friend and Cambridge photography legend Elsa Dorfman. While Morris admits that his previous work has mostly dealt with subjects grappling with self deception, “The B-Side” is more of a celebration of the famed Polaroid portratist’s legacy. “This is a study of someone I really like,” says the 69-year-old filmmaker. “I liked Elsa long before I decided to make a movie about her. Much to my amazement, I still like her, so that hasn’t changed really.” In the film, Morris peels back the curtain on the photographer’s decades-long career, offering an intimate look at her Cambridge studio as well as peeks inside the artist’s extensive collection and archives. Besides her array of rare photos and tape recordings, Dorfman’s infectious personality is also

Cambridge’s Elsa Dorfman is the subject of Errol Morris’ new documentary. GETTY IMAGES

put on full display. Usually working out of her backyard workshop not too far from Harvard Square, Dorfman has photographed some of the biggest artistic names over the years. She earned praise for her 1974 book “Elsa’s Housebook — A Woman’s Photojournal,” which featured potraits of famous faces like Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, actor Peter Orlovsky and others. Dorfman has also photographed music icons like Bob Dylan and Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. The acclaimed photographer, known for her large prints and use of the Polaroid 20 by 24 inch camera, admits that her notable subjects left a big impact on her as an artist. “You know what influenced me the most — this sounds corny – but [Jack] Kerouac, Ginsberg,” Dorfman says. “I brought that

back with me when I left New York and went back to Boston.” Considering how today’s generation focuses on selfies and ephemeral social media posts, one can understand why Dor-

fman is a bit worried for the future of photography. “I can’t understand it,” Dorfman says. “I can understand wanting to take digital pictures, but I can’t understand not wanting

to take them off the telephone and putting them in a book or a narrative. It’s beyond me.” While Morris agrees that the current technological approach to photos is radically different













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from how past artists used the medium, he believes the artform is constantly evolving as well. Drawing connections to how photos were taken in the past, Morris thinks that it’s difficult to predict where things will go in the future. “We think in the 19th century, people just took a handful of photographs, but they took millions of photographs, a lot of which have vanished,” he says. “What will get preserved and what will get lost in this sea of digital photography, it’s hard to say.”







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(Pats rank No. 1), quarterback (Pats rank No. 7 because of Brady’s age and the unknown of Jimmy Garoppolo), coaching (again No. 1), drafting (tied for ninth), and front office (again, No. 1). The Seattle Seahawks came in at No. 2 in the rankings, followed by the Atlanta Falcons and Green Bay Packers.

What will things look like for the Patriots three years from now? They’ll look pretty damn good, according to ESPN’s “NFL Future Power Rankings,” which ranks all the teams in the NFL in terms of future prospects. The Pats rank No. 1 out of the 32 teams. ESPN did this based on a formula of overall roster projections

Former WWE heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio is being investigated for domestic battery after an a incident at a Florida airport. Police would a not confirm the name of o the alleged victim, but b witnesses say Del Rio was at the airport with w his girlfriend, former WWE Divas f champion Paige. c An audio tape of Del D Rio and Paige at a the airport was released Tuesday r by b TMZ, with Paige telling Del Rio, t “leave me the f— alone.” a Paige’s wrestling career has t taken a nosedive t since she began s dating Del Rio, and d she s has violated the t WWE’s “wellness n policy” twice in i the past year. A sex s tape involving Paige and current P WWE star Xavier W Woods and former W wrestler Brad Maddox was also leaked this year.


MIGGY TO BOSTON? Expect Red Sox boss Dave Dombrowski to place a phone call or two to his former place of employment over the next few weeks regarding a potential trade for Miguel Cabrera. The Tigers would absolutely have to send money the Red Sox’ way (much like the Sox sent cash to the Dodgers in the great purge of 2012) to make this work, as the Red Sox are already the team with the third highest payroll in baseball. Cabrera’s contract is the third highest in MLB as he will earn $28 million this season and that figure will increase to $32 million by the

time he’s 40 years old. He is signed with Detroit through the 2023 season, making this an extremely risky proposition for any rich team — including Boston. The Tigers have recently been considered one of those wealthy franchises, as they are right behind the Red Sox in MLB payroll, in fourth place. Unlike the Red Sox, who are in first place in the AL East at the MLB All-Star break, the Tigers aren’t getting the same bang for their buck though. Detroit is 39-40 this season in the putrid AL Central, eight games behind the Cleveland Indians.

Cabrera brera is having a down year, as he currently owns a .264 batting average. He has 11 home runs and 41 RBIs, with an OBP of .357. Since 2004, Cabrera has driven in at least 100 runs per season with the exception of 2015 when he only played in 119 games (he still had 76 RBIs that year). He bashed 38 home runs last season and drove in 108 runs while posting a .316 batting average. Cabrera has also been extremely durable in his career, having played in at least 145 games in each season since 2004 (again minus 2015 when he missed a chunk of time with a calf strain).





LEBRON WATCH LEBRO The Lakers may have some competition in their pursuit of LeBron James next summer in the form of LeBron’s former team, the Miami Heat. On ESPN, NBA Lockdown podcast host Jorge Sedano said a LeBron — Heat reunion was a decent possibility. “Pat Riley is a go big or go home kind of guy,” Sedano said (via “I look at Pat and he’s saying to himself ‘I want to create enough

mobility for myself with my roster and some flexibility where I can have some cap space for next year in the big 2018 free agency class

and have some tradeable commodities to be able to maybe create some space because I think – and this is just my guess – Pat Riley’s trying for a LeBron reunion. He’s trying for the banana boat tour, the banana boat boys, in Miami.” LeBron, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul are all eligible to become free agents next summer. LeBron has said in the past that he wants to close out his career playing with his buddies.




FANTASY BASEBALL: THE DUDS OF 2017 SO FAR Last week, we looked at the best bargains of the first half. Today, we’ll cover the players who haven’t lived up to their draft cost thus far. Catcher: Jonathan Lucroy, Rangers (ADP: 56) Lucroy suffered through an injury-marred 2015, but enjoyed the best season of his career last year, hitting .292 with 24 homers, 81 RBI, and even chipping in five stolen bases. The pendulum has swung violently in 2017, as he’s put up a middling .256/.303/.364 line with just four home runs. While Lucroy is making more contact than ever before, it’s frequently been of the weak variety, and he’s having trouble elevating the ball. First Base: Miguel


KYLE BISHOP @amoralpanic

Cabrera, Tigers (ADP: 16) For more than a decade, Cabrera has been among the game’s most reliable stars. From 2004 to 2016, he averaged the following line: .323 AVG, 99 R, 33 HR, 115 RBIs, 3 SB. Combined with extreme durability (his first-ever stint on the disabled list came in 2015), this production made him arguably the safest asset in fantasy. Unfortunately, this season has been a much different story. Cabrera has already landed on the DL once and has admitted that he’s playing through multiple injuries right now.

That explains his merely mortal performance: .267/.356/.444 with just 11 homers. Second Base: Jonathan Villar, Brewers (ADP: 21) Villar broke out in a big way last season, leading the majors with 62 stolen bases while also batting .285, scoring 92 runs, and hitting 19 homers. He’s been one of the worst everyday players in baseball this season, hitting just .213 and on pace for half as many steals. Third Base: Manny Machado, Orioles (ADP: 9) Machado’s counting stats aren’t too bad – he’s on pace for another 35 HR season and about 90 RBIs — but he’s been a big batting average drain this year. A player with his contact ability should

never be hitting .228. There’s a bit of poor luck at play here, but Machado has also seen his pop-up rate climb and shown an extreme pull tendency on his grounders, both of which will suppress batting average. Shortstop: Trevor Story, Rockies (ADP: 30) Story dominated as a rookie, posting a .27267-27-72-8 line in just 97 games before injury ended his season. Like the last great homegrown Rockies shortstop, Troy Tulowitzki, year two has been a significant struggle. Story’s already dangerous strikeout rate has ticked up, and his pop-up rate has nearly doubled. Those changes have caused his batting average to crater, and he’s also hitting for less power.

Kyle Schwarber has been brutal this season for the Cubs. GETTY IMAGES

Outfield: Kyle Schwarber, Cubs (ADP: 77) Lots of strikeouts, lots of pop-ups, and lack of footspeed is a combination that all but guarantees a player will be a batting average liability,

but nobody expected Schwarber to be hitting under .180 at the break. He just returned from a demotion to the minors, and the Cubs will need him to get back on track if they’re going to defend their title.

LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by William B. Heath Jr. to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Wachovia Mortgage Corporation, its successors and assigns., dated May 13, 2005 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 37146, Page 187 subsequently assigned to Federal National Mortgage Association by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Wachovia Mortgage Corporation, its successors and assigns. by assignment recorded in said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 49157, Page 90; of which Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 AM on July 19, 2017 at 20 Doone Avenue, Boston (Mattapan), MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage,

TO WIT: That certain lot or parcel of land, with all buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the City of Boston (Mattapan), County of Suffolk, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, formerly Dorchester, being Lot No. 230 (two hundred thirty) and Lot No. 231 (two hundred thirty-one) on a “Revised Plan of Morton Heights, owned by Franklin I. Smith,” made by H.A. Millhouse, Civil Engineer, dated January 26, 1914 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at the end of Book 3795, bounded and described as follows: SOUTHWESTERLY by Doone Avenue, forty (40) feet; NORTHWESTERLY by Lot No. 229 (two hundred twenty-nine) as shown on said Plan, eighty (80) feet; NORTHEASTERLY by Lot No. 227 (two hundred twentyseven) as shown on plan, forty (40) feet; and SOUTHEASTERLY by Lot No. 232 (two hundred thirty-two) as shown of said plan, eighty (80) feet. Containing 3,200 square feet of land more or less. These premises are conveyed subject to restrictions and encumbrances of recording so far; as the same may now be in force and applicable. For further title reference see deed dated 11/6/69 and recorded 11/6/69 in the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, liens, attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to M.G.L.Ch.183A, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or money order will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)

June 28, 2017, July 6, 2017 and July 12, 2017

Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, ORLANS PC PO Box 540540 Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: (781) 790-7800 15-018212




By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Kevin James Fitzpatrick and Jacquelyn Marie Fitzpatrick to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for USAA Federal Savings Bank, its successors and assigns, dated June 15, 2007 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 41982, Page 254 subsequently assigned to U.S. Bank National Association by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for USAA Federal Savings Bank, its successors and assigns by assignment recorded in said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 49953, Page 133; of which Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 AM on July 19, 2017 at 59 Maxwell Street, Dorchester, MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 7/27/2017 at PS ORANGECO, Inc., 195 Ward St Revere, MA 02151. The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupant (s): Unit 0017 Luis, Clifton Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0018 Castro, Idalmy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0019 Clarke, Lucy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0030 Ferullo, Matt Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0040 Belt, Michael Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0055 Silva, Edmar Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0058 Swallow, Timothy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0061 Botticelli, Kristina Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0064 Morgan, Danielle Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0093 Russo, Richard Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0094 St Julien, Ashley Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0108 Zimmer, Darlene Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0125 Coleman, David Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0130 Penta, Tony Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0140 Chandler, George Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0143 Stevens, Terrance Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0152 Arroyo, Luis Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0153 Silk, Claire Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0166 Manzi, Doreen Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0179 Cecca, Diane Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0181 DOrazio, Cherie Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0182 Zimmer, Darlene Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0183 Stallworth, Charlene Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0191 Clarke, Nelly Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0215 Ortiz, Jose Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0219 Renois, Whitney Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0224 Souza, Marcio Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0227 Santiago, Ismaer Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0245 Smith, Jade Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0247 Kocsis, Bernat Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0266 Dilorenzo, Khristina Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0275 Duggan, Sean Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0288 Desouza, Sansiaray Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0309 Connolly, Kellieann Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0315 Ramsay, Lilly Marlaina Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0350 Morelli, Richard Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0353 Torres, Beatriz Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0371 Bushfan, Guy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0424 Vento, Gregory Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0446 Rondon, John Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0450 Dellorusso, Pamela Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0458 Salie, Richard W Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0467 Premont, Lucinda Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0472 Huang, Wei Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0481 Perkins, Jesse Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0484 Dicenso, Darrin Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0517 Moreno, Luis Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0540 Jones, Lionell Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0543 Green, Joseph Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0550 Rodriguez, Ivan Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0554 Chandler, George Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0574 Rosa-Henao, Lisette Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0577 Kembo, Timoleon Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0596 Rizzo, Donna Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0605 Vazquez, Maria Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0627 Candeger, Aylin Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0631 Snipe, Michelle Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0635 Virella, Jordan Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0640 MacDonald, Serena Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0650 Szimanski, Michael Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 0657 Stone, Sabrina Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD “AS IS” and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Ron Hajj, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.

TO WIT: A certain parcel of land in said Dorchester District, bounded and described as follows: Lot 29 on a Supplementary Plan of part of Block 4, Section I of Lands resurveyed and drawn in June 1874 by L. Briggs & Company, Surveyors and recorded with Suffolk Deeds in Book 1355, Page 3. Beginning at the Southeast corner of the granted premises on Maxwell Street at Lot 27 on said plan and running Westerly by Maxwell Street 49.6 feet; Thence turning and running Northerly by Lot 31 on said plan 98.4 feet; Thence turning and running Easterly by Lot 28 on said plan 49.7 feet; Thence turning and running Southerly by Lot 27 on said plan 96.3 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 4815 square feet of land. Subject to the right of way mentioned in the deed recorded with the Suffolk Deeds in Book 8454 at Page 497. For grantor's title, see deed recorded herewith. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, liens, attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to M.G.L.Ch.183A, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or money order will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. U.S. Bank National Association

June 28, 2017, July 6, 2017 and July 12, 2017

Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, ORLANS PC PO Box 540540, Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: (781) 790-7800 13-010616

Rhn fZr jnZeb_r b_3

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The Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Translational Pain Research is conducting a research study to improve opioid therapy.

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WORKER’S COMPENSATION More Than 35 Years Experience

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Please call Karen McLaughlin of CRI’s Research team at 617.502.1707 with any questions or to determine if you qualify.


OBITUARIES Beginning June 15, metro will begin publishing obituaries in our classifieds section.

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to schedule a preliminary interview.

Contact us today to place your loved one’s obituary in metro. HERMAN MILES (617) 532-0105

If so, you may be eligible to participate in a clinical study of an investigational medicine for adults with papulopustular rosacea, a type of rosacea marked by redness and acne-like bumps.

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12 Boston Wednesday, July 12, 2017





By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Beverly A. Barclay to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., dated October 5, 2006 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 40540, Page 93, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. to THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2006-35CB, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-35CB dated March 29, 2012 and recorded with said registry on April 5, 2012 at Book 49322 Page 310, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on July 27, 2017, on the mortgaged premises located at 232 WEST CANTON STREET UNIT 1, 232 WEST CANTON STREET CONDOMINIUM, BOSTON, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,

By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Delia Malqui and George Arias to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for MortgageIt, Inc., dated March 29, 2007 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 41568, Page 161, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to HSBC Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for MortgageIT Securities Corp. Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2007-1, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates dated August 28, 2009 and recorded with said registry on August 31, 2009 at Book 45441 Page 173, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on August 2, 2017, on the mortgaged premises located at 431 West Fourth Street, Unit 2, 431 West Fourth Street Condominium, South Boston (Boston), Suffolk County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,

TO WIT: Unit No. 1 of 232 West Canton Street Condominium, in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Condominium Unit No. 1 (‘’Unit’’) of the 232 West Canton Street Condominium (‘’Condominium’’) created by Master Deed dated March 14, 2003 and recorded with the Suffolk Registry of Deeds in Book 30863 , Page 85. The same may have been amended (‘’Master Deed’’), in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Chapter 183A of the Massachusetts General Laws, as the same may have been or may hereafter be amended (‘’Chapter 183A’’). The Unit is more particularly described in the Master Deed, and is hereby conveyed together with the undivided percentage interest in the common areas and facilities of said Condominium appertaining to said Unit as provided for in said Master Deed (‘’Percentage Interest’’), and together with any other rights set forth in the Master Deed or in any instrument creating, conveying and/or affecting said Unit, insofar as the same are now in force and applicable, including, without limitation, the exclusive easements, use or licenses, etc. to common areas, driveways, decks, porches, parking spaces and storage spaces, if any (‘’Other Rights’’). Said Unit, Percentage Interest and Other Rights are conveyed subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights, agreements, obligations, liens for assessments, options, powers of attorney, phasing rights, limitations on title and other provisions created by said Chapter 183A, and all as referred to or set forth in said Master Deed and in the related Declaration of Trust and related By-Laws and rules and regulations adopted or promulgated from time to time pursuant thereto, and the related Site Plans and Floor Plans as duly recorded with said Registry of Deeds and as any of the above may have been and may hereafter be amended from time to time pursuant to the respective provisions thereof, and subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions and easements as contained in any instrument creating, conveying and/or affecting said Unit (No. 1), insofar as the same are now in force and applicable. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 36448, Page 27. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2006-35CB, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-35CB Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 201601-0575 – PRP

6/28/2017, 7/06/2017, 7/12/2017



13 Boston Wednesday, July 12, 2017

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 07/27/17 PS ORANGECO, Inc., 650 Eastern Avenue, Malden, MA 02148. The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupant (s): Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit

A1029 A1042 A1050 A1055 A1087 A1101 A1161 A1166 A1167 A1189 A1198 A1202 A1221 A1229 A1238 A1246 A1271 A2008 A2022 A2040 A2070 A2093 A2095 A2096 A2115 A2125 A2162 A2194 A2198 A2219 A2227 A2276 A2300 A2307 A2354 A2376 A2396

Toner, Tammi Guillen, Rolando Noone, Joseph Jacques, Kenneth Brophy Long, Carol Eldridge, Kayla Barnes, Starr Ford, Leona Chu, Stanley Yiu Bethea, Lorraine Castillo, Susana Guillaume, Raina Lee Lee, Christine Howard, Patrice Rios, Rebekkah Rabideau, Christopher Louissaint, Florette Smith, Marguerite Yang, Yuanyuan Fraughton, Christine Doherty, James Martins, Felicia Sharp, Andrew Brooks, Joe Barnes, James Martins, Ben Teal, Traci Ingrando, Nickolas Passley, Aaron Manzi, Tracey Bethea, Leah Carr, Mary Paul, Marjorie Heredia, Julia Dutra, Wilson Galvin, Chris Jervis, Debbie

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PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD “AS IS” and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Mark Hrenko, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.

TO WIT: The Condominium Unit known as Condominium Unit Number 2 hereinafter called ‘’Unit,’’ in the Condominium known as the 431 West Fourth Street Condominium, a Condominium established by Master Deed dated March 23, 2007, and recorded at the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 41495, Page 57, in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 183A, with the Master Plans filed therewith. THE UNIT is shown on the floor plans of the building recorded simultaneously with the Master Deed and is conveyed together with: 1. An undivided interest of 50.00% in the common areas and facilities of the Condominium described in the Master Deed and the 431 West Fourth Street Condominium Trust, under declaration of trust dated March 23, 2007, recorded with said Registry in Book 41495, Page 77, and as each may be further amended from time to time, attributable to the Unit. 2. The Unit is intended for residential purposes as set forth in said Master Deed. 3. The Unit has a Post Office Address of 431 West Fourth Street, Unit 2, Boston, Massachusetts 02127. 4. The Unit contains approximately 1,418 Square Feet of Floor Area, as set forth in the Master Deed. The UNIT is laid out as shown on a plan filed with said Master Deed and the first Unit Deed, and to which plan is affixed a verified statement in the form provided in G.L. c. 183A, §9. The GRANTEE acquires the UNIT subject to and with the benefit of the obligations, restrictions, rights, and subject to the provisions and liabilities contained in G.L. c. 183A, et seq., the Master Deed as amended, the Trust as amended, the rules and regulations, and the By-Laws filed therewith, as from time to time amended and adopted thereunder, as a matter of record. For title see Deed dated November 10, 2005 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 38471, Page 112. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 38471, Page 112. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGEIT SECURITIES CORP. MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2007-1, MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 201503-0444 – YEL

7/12/2017, 7/19/2017, 7/26/2017

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Herman Miles: 617-532-0105


We buy ALL Musical Inst. Guitars, Saxes, etc. We travel & PU Cash on the spot!

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Cash for Records

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MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Elizabeth Stanley to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated August 26, 2004 and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 35339, Page 53 subsequently assigned to US Bank National Association, as Trustee for WFMBS 2004-W by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. by assignment recorded in said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 46482, Page 291 and subsequently assigned to U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee, successor in interest to Wachovia Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Wells Fargo Asset Securities Corporation, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-W by U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for WFMBS 2004-W by assignment recorded in said Suffolk County Registry of Deeds at Book 56357, Page 243;of which Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 12:00 PM on July 19, 2017 at 32 Hillock Street, Boston (Roslindale), MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage,

TO WIT: A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated in that part of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, formerly West Roxbury and being Lot NO. 48 on a plan of land made for J.E. and W.B. Blakemore by Clemens Herschel, C.E., dated February 1, 1872 and recorded with Norfolk Deeds Plan Book 6, Plan 229 and bound and described as follows: NORTHERLY by Hillock Street, (formerly called Brook Street) sixty (60) feet; EASTERLY by Lot No. 57 on said plan one hundred ten (110) feet; SOUTHERLY by Lot No. 49 on said plan sixty (60) feet; WESTERLY by Lot No. 47 one hundred ten (110) feet. Containing 6660 square feet of land more or less. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, liens, attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to M.G.L.Ch.183A, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or money order will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee, successor in interest to Wachovia Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Wells Fargo Asset Securities Corporation, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-W Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, ORLANS PC PO Box 540540 Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: (781) 790-7800 14-014017

June 28, 2017, July 6, 2017 and July 12, 2017

Vehicles Wanted


Cars Removal Cash Paid on Spot

Cars, Trucks and Heavy Equipment.

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B013 B054 B076 B135 B137 B140 B141 B162 B203 B205 B207 B243 B247 B248 B294 D001 D019 D048 D050 D067 D117 D118 D137 D154 D179 D191 D223 D236 D261

WHEELER, BETTY Doyle, Robert Caquias, Kelly Iantosca, Kathleen Depalo, Joseph LoRusso, Dominick Parker, Mona Mark Stickney Hart, Tanisha Quinn, Robert Caitlyn Ward Paone, Sarah SHAMSHAK, LYNDA Bergstrom, Amber Riley, Serena Martin, Kimberly Feehan, Melanie Pobiebzinski, John Michael Barbuto Faragi, Jessica Phelan, Cynthia DeCosta, Frank Gormley, Shannen Jackson, Robert Murphy, Scott Janielis, Emily Cassandra Benedict Eng, Michael MCKEEVER, HELEN

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 7/27/2017 at PS ORANGECO, Inc., 233 Newbury St Danvers, MA 09123. The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupant (s):

To place an ad call 866-900-9473 or visit us at




PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD “AS IS” and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Ron Hajj, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 07/27/17 PS ORANGECO, Inc., 140 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149. The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupant (s): Unit 1015 Caruso, Robert Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1041 Sirignano, Orazio Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1072 Leonard, Patrick Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1094 Moreland, Timothy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1107 Ibrahim, Abdelrahim Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1130 Callender, Doreen Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1133 Jean, Ursule Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1136 Sirignano, Orazio Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1152 Dorleans, Junior Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2017 Geffrard, Evangeline Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2040 Barbosa, Miosotis Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2072 Toussaint, Carline Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2077 Hastings, Naomi Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2078 Dornevil, Julson Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2084 Reyes, Jose Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2133 Philippe, Isaac Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2148 Cazeau, Rachel Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2149 Turner, Carmen Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2206 Perez, Ayana Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3013 Foskey, George Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3021 Perry, Jennifer Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3024 Stahl, David Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3072 Mcqueeney, Nancy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3075 Osgood, Mathew Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3098 Turner, Michael Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3108 Paquette, Ben Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3147 Rosa, Antonio Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3172 Dickson, Amanda Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3213 Maia, Pricilla Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3218 Trudeau, Noelle Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3235 Trudeau, Noelle Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3264 Ribeiro, Sonia Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4013 Cha Cha Cha Taqueria, Cha Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4027 Slaughter, Charles Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4064 Vieira-Miranda, Nildete Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4112 Eloi, Marildo Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4113 Douglas, Joshua Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4133 Smith Jr, Jeffrey Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4164 Dufresne, Nivardo Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4180 Anderson, Erik Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4204 Perez, Jonnathan Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4258 Jackson, Shea Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4301 Banks, Erin Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4310 Detoledo, Marcos Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4323 Walker, William Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4329 Ferreira, Osvaldo Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit L56 Montanez, Marcos Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit L64 Quirino, Lizete Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 4166 Joseph, Junie Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD “AS IS” and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Mark Hrenko, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.

Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit

A1029 A1050 A1101 A2053 A2096 A2113 A2118 A2121 A2133 A2148 A2186 A2203 A2215 A2246 B013 B016 B044 B054 B064 B070 B108 B125

Dinis, Christine Vangordon, Mark Campbell, Stacey Ginthwain, Nicole Ciampa, Craig Milano, Andrew Morrison, Debra Coogan, Theresa Gucciardi, Marc Walker, Dorothy Terry, Kendra Morrison, Debra Lorenzana, Mike Lepore, Jonathan Prinz, Logan Klimowicz, Ken Terrat, Peter Daley, Jeffrey Lundgren, Caren Adamo, Donna Piotte, Noah Drew, Joanne

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PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD “AS IS” and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Ron Hajj, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 7/27/2017 at PS ORANGECO, Inc.,12 Goodhue St. Salemm MA 01970. Unit 1001 Bonhiver, Gary Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1024 Ferrer, Ada Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1028 Stanley, Dawn Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1030 Boswell, John Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1033 Rincon, Jaster Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1079 Willis, James Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1083 Fernandes, Fernando Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1084 Gonzalez, Delia Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1087 Curley, Michael Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1102 Cronin, Jessica Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1115 Deleon, Meagan Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1162 Spinelli, Jennifer Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1165 Cunningham, Robert Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1169 Mello, Patience Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 1183 Frank, Rita Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2001 Petsuck, Nadine Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2048 Crader, Simon Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2055 McNeal III, Robert Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2089 Bucco, Brian Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2127 Avagianos, Mark Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2129 Rice, John Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2141 Shamshak, Rosemary Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2154 Coffill, Heather Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2174 Burgos, Evarista Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2187 Banville, Robert Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 2216 Lugo, Gineva Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3001 Thomasson, Jessica Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3007 Brindle, Sherry Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3014 Rich, Amanda Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3028 Bettencourt, Craig Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3047 Warshaver, Dennis Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3055 Sawall, Kathy Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3065 Bellaconis, Walter Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3088 Erps, Barbara Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3100 Genica, Diane Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3130 Hood, Kevin Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3145 Borbon, Analda Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3154 Burke, Lisa Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3167 Gillis, Diane Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3177 Fitzgerald, Sydney Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3179 Wright, Annette Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3182 Halleran, Marty Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3192 Stevens, Kevin Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3198 Sarkes Jr, Daniel Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3202 Carmo, Dawn Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3207 Rijo- Garcia, Cristal Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3228 Frost, Charles Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3233 Burke, Cecelia Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3252 Bedard, Michelle Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3281 Lonergan, Robert Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3282 Grimes, Jonpaul Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. Unit 3308 Fierros, Ruben Boxes, Bags, Totes, Misc. PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD "AS IS" and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Ron Hajj, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 7/27/2017 at PS ORANGECO, Inc., 240 Newbury St Peabody, MA 09160 The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupant (s):





NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING at 9:00 am on 7/27/2017 at PS ORANGECO, Inc., 595 Lynnway Lynn, MA 01905. The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupant (s): Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit

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Tibbitts, Jason Cruz, Yaris Williams, Stan Encarnacion-Gonz, Yinette Munoz-Santos, Lucrecia Jimenez, Miguel San, Nary Harden, Justina Ford, Scott Saint-Jour, Jean Medrano, Sonia Gain, Olivia Guerrier, Philip Ortiz, Altagracia Candela, Teresa Iraola, Jose Iacoviello, Steven Holmes, Kisha Love, Harland Pike, Iris Roussin, Ann Mccaster, Nicholas Adams, Joshua Gates, Michael Wilson, Brian Bascomb, Kevin Wray, Kent Berryman-Simpson, Angela Mewborn, Andrew Martin, Lenette Beaver, Andrew Camacho, Jose Ruiz, Jaylyn Iglesia, Maritza Liberge, Daranee Fisher, Anthony Knight, Stephanie Smith, Jamila Oliver, Shanae Fouhey, William Gomez-Ortiz, Melvin Espinal, Jacqueline Gaye, Irene Heing, Rathana Smith, Jeffrey Izzo-Nicoletti, Amanda Hosking, Wanda Melanson, Lindsey Spence, Terrence Morrison, Sara Pollard, Kelli Davis, Barbara Ruiz, Kevin Best, Frederick Gaudet, Mary Santiago, Kiara BAILLIE, SHANNON Mcmanus, Janis Knight, Doreen Morris, Corey Nkwah, Michael Ford, Jason Pollard, Krista Grandberry, Gina Scaglione, Mark Watson, Amanda Aleo, Christopher Gassiraro, Frank Taylor, JEANANN Charles, Lewis Garceau, Kevin Anderson, Kiera Wallace, Sarah Jacobs, Nina Magnuson, Jean Kadiri, Tarik Conway, Cathy Rose, Fred Tavico, Bessie Guzman, Becky Falasca, Leah Rodriguez, Maria Cohen Bruno, Robin Otero, Kathleen Williams, Maurice Edomwonyi, Franca Kaplan, Monica

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PURCHASES MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF SALE WITH CASH ONLY. ALL GOODS SOLD “AS IS” and must be removed at time of sale. PS ORANGECO, INC. reserves the right to withdraw units from sale and to cancel auction without further notice. Ron Hajj, agent for owners. Notice posted July 12th and July 19th 2017.

14 Boston Wednesday, July 12, 2017



PLAY OUR NEWS QUIZ, WIN $100! (see page 2)


15 Across 1 Make a bet 6 Cookbook meas. 10 Widespread 14 Identical 15 Arm bone 16 Plenty, to a poet 17 Thesaurus compiler 18 Oahu welcomes 19 Police squad 20 Doomsayers 22 Elevator inventor 23 Knocks 24 Olive in the comics 26 Banquets 30 Applause 34 Listens to 35 Attention-getter 36 Tell a whopper 37 “Pretty Woman” lead 38 Leafy recess 40 Medieval humor 41 NBA player 42 Hertz rival 43 Bleated 44 Changed, as a law 46 Utility room 48 Flair for music 49 Upswept hairdo 50 “Family Ties” son 53 Most shabby 59 “Ay caramba!” speaker 60 Zest for life

10 Mutiny 11 Rolling -- -- (rich) 12 Points of convergence 13 Fleecy animals 21 Damage superficially 25 Tasty tuber 26 Doctrine 27 Steel girder (hyph.) 28 Daredevil’s attribute 29 TV’s “Science Guy” 30 Melodramatic cry 31 Helen of Troy’s story 32 Crude hauler 33 Flat broke 35 Delts neighbor 38 Unwillingly 39 Disencumber 40 Make taboo 42 Oklahoma town 43 Polishing 45 Beside (2 wds.) 46 Club car 47 -- Wiedersehen 49 April 1 mischief 50 Help do wrong 51 The Dalai -52 Mr. Clapton 54 Ad award 55 Mega-celebrity 56 Jazzy Fitzgerald 57 Solidifies 58 Three, in Madrid /games 61 Goof-off 62 Throw off heat 63 Ding-a- -64 “Affliction” star 65 Mexican staple 66 Coupler 67 Juice holder

Down 1 Prejudice 2 Healing succulent 3 Band’s bookings 4 Barely gets by 5 Hits the hay 6 Dutch exports 7 Smile upon 8 Angry mood 9 Fail to consider (2 wds.) easy


Aries Make changes to the way you handle your job, responsibilities and the people you care about most. Don’t let anger step in and take control. Offer positive alternatives.

Libra Question anything that appears to be sketchy or doesn’t add up. It’s important to stay on top of the facts and to be precise when dealing with uncertainty or instability.

Taurus If you want to make changes, you are best off doing so secretively. Once you have everything in place and running functionally, the choices you made will be well received.

Scorpio Make a point to take better care of your health. Avoid indulgence, and strive to work and play equally hard. Balance will be the key to lowering stress.

Gemini Personal improvements will help boost your confidence and give you the wherewithal to pursue your goals. Update your skills and new possibilities will develop.

Sagittarius Don’t count on the information that someone offers. You’ll be railroaded into a situation that isn’t in your best interest. Choose intelligence over bravado.

Cancer A bargain isn’t worth it if you don’t have enough cash. Don’t waste money on things you don’t need. Emotionally fueled spending will result in added stress.

Capricorn Don’t walk away from someone or something just because you are shy or fear the unfamiliar. The knowledge and experience you gain will motivate you.

Leo Go over any contracts and financial matters that need to be tidied up. Knowing where you stand will ease stress and give you a chance to start something new.

Aquarius Listen carefully when dealing with partners. Someone is likely to leave out pertinent information to avoid upsetting you. Ask pointed questions and make changes.

Virgo Use innovative methods to take care of demanding people or burdensome responsibilities. It’s how you approach others that will make a difference.

Pisces Emotions will surface that could easily cost you if you aren’t honest about your feelings or expectations with someone you deal with today. EUGENIA LAST

Yesterday’s answers

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