METRO College of Theological Studies

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Stewardship Honour Excellence


An ! n o i t a t i v n I

FROM THE COLLEGE PRESIDENT Dear prospective college student, METRO College has several unique distinctives.

1. A primary focus on the ministry of the New Covenant Discovering the vivid beauty and power of the New Covenant from cover to cover in the Bible is a life changing adventure. All believers in Christ are called to be ‘ministers of the New Covenant’ and especially those who desire to teach and preach the Word to others. At METRO College our central objective is to prepare students as ‘good stewards of the mysteries of God’ and most importantly to ‘rightly divide the word of truth’.

2. A strong culture of Stewardship, Honour & Excellence Most of what really matters in life is ‘caught more than taught’. METRO College is a place to imbibe the unique cultures and mandates that define the ministry of METRO Church. The life-giving spirit that flows from these is worth ‘catching’ and will serve every student well, whatever their future holds. Friend, Bible College is not to be entered into lightly; it requires a commitment of time, energy and focus. Having said that, the rewards last a lifetime and if you are sincerely willing to place yourself firmly on the potter’s wheel of study and accountability for such, you will be greatly blessed. I look forward to seeing you in class.

Garry Mac College President



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Who is College for? WHO IS COLLEGE FOR?

M 1.

ETRO College of Theological Studies is for:

Those who strongly desire a deeper understanding and grasp of God’s Word.


Those who wish to diligently prepare for a life of leadership ministry in Jesus’ church. If this is you, then you need to also consider combining METRO College with our METRO Internship, either simultaneously or sequentially. Together these form a strong training foundation for a life of ministry service.

Consider us as...

servantsm Christ & stewardsm the

mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. One Corinthians Four:One-Two (NKJV)

What is the time commitment? commitment? TIME COMMITMENT


ETRO College is purposefully designed to fit seamlessly with a balanced life of good stewardship in all things.

We encourage our students to work full time so that they may be fruitful in their finances as contributors rather than dependants. Thus METRO College runs only in the evening. We believe that quality time with family and friends is a vital part of a balanced and successful life. Thus METRO College courses are intensive and compacted so as to maximise your time invested. There is also flexibility built into the way in which you can complete the assessment criteria.

Mandatory: Tuesday night lectures 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Optional but highly recommended: Wednesday night tutorial group 6:30pm to 9:30pm Outside of the three hours of mandatory class time each week there is an approximate 3-5 hours of required reading and assignment work required. For many the best way to maximise this workload is to join with other

TIME COMMITMENT [CONT’] students and commit the specific time every Wednesday night. There is also tutoring available on these nights with some of our support faculty. This simply means that with focus and passion a student can complete their studies by committing two nights per week. Alternatively students can complete their reading and assessments in their own time and only be out one night per week. As METRO College provides an intensive night course study environment we do not take normal school term break. The college runs two semesters a year (each running for 22 weeks) with a mid-semester break in June/July. Intakes are in January and July each year.

· He has made us ·

competent as ministers of a new covenant — not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but

the Spirit gives life. 2 Corinthians Three:Six (NIV)

What courses are on offer? COURSES ON OFFER

Certificate IV in Ministry (91389NSW) - 1st year The Certificate IV in Ministry consists of 8 topics which include: • Introduction to the Old Testament • Discipleship • Introduction to the New Testament • Christian Leadership • Evangelism • Field Study 1 • Christian Worldview • Field Study 2

Diploma in Ministry (91392NSW) - 2nd year Entry into Diploma in Ministry is dependent on successful completion of Certificate IV in Ministry. The Diploma in Ministry consists of 8 topics which include: • Introduction to Pastoral Ministry • Genesis • Field Study 3 • Romans • Introduction to Biblical languages • Holy Spirit • Christian Ethics • Church History

Alphacrucis College

* METRO College of Theological Studies operated under the auspices of Alphacrucis College (RTO 90525). We offer two levels of theological training, Certificate IV in Ministry which is Austudy approved and Diploma in Ministry which is approved for Austudy and VET FEE-HELP.

Study to shew th y self G od , appro v ed u ntoneedeth a workman that , ashamed e b to not

y l t h g i r g n i d i v di . h t u r t f o d r o w the (K J V ) 2 T imoth y 2 :1 5

What are the costs? COSTS

What are the costs?


ost per year for the Certificate IV in Ministry is $3600. The total cost for the Diploma in Ministry is $4600. This covers all notes and text books, lecturers etc. with nothing more to pay. However due to the generosity of our METRO College scholarship programme many students qualify for at least a part scholarship, so you would be crazy not to apply.

What Scholarships are Available?

Part Scholarship: Most students will be considered for this Scholarship if they can demonstrate a passion and commitment to the process. Part will provide a 50% discount on course fees. This means a student can study for $40 per week including all text books and notes. Full Scholarship: Full Scholarships are on offer for every intake and are reserved for those who we feel have a strong sense of calling to leadership in ministry.


How do I apply for a scholarship?


he process is as simple as writing to the College Board and stating your case. If you are approved you will need to come and sit for a final interview. Applications for scholarships close two weeks before each new intake.

Payment Criteria


ourse fees can be paid weekly, fortnightly, monthly or upfront. Individual payment arrangements can be made with the college administration office. All fees must be at least four weeks in advance and no student will be permitted to take part in classes if their fees are in arrears.

Austudy & VET FEE-Help Approved


he Certificate IV in Ministry is Austudy approved and the Diploma in Ministry is VET FEE-HELP approved. VET FEE-HELP is a Government student loan scheme which allows eligible students to study now and pay later. Alphacrusis College is a VET provider.

College OF




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