Intern appform 14

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INTERNSHIP 2014 Say goodbye to sensible, come join our slightly unbalanced team!


Hi friend, Thanks for taking the time to grab this INTERNSHIP information and application document. Kasey and I are constantly amazed by the calibre of people who express interest in serving the House of God as part of our INTERNSHIP program. Internship is one of METRO’s most powerful ministries simply because it is all about ‘proximity’. Jesus changed the world through the act of purposeful ‘proximity’. He chose 12 disciples to walk closely with him and through that access they received intimately of the spirit of Christ. Internship first and foremost greatly empowers the church of Jesus, which is always built by committed, professional and sacrificial service. Internship is a wonderful expression of all these things and therefore develops maturity and allows those who might feel a stirring towards a life of ministry to experience what that life is really all about. Internship also potentially allows you the privilege of ‘proximity’ to key leaders. As such, it is a highly honoured space and it is vital that anyone who applies fully understands the yoke of responsibility that comes with being accepted into the program. Please read the Interns ‘code of conduct’ so that you are aware of what is expected under that yoke. Internship is not a class room, it is a work environment where everyone rolls up their sleeve with a ‘whatever is good for the house’ attitude, happily doing anything that helps the leaders of METRO serve the people and build Jesus’ Church. The work is often tedious, repetitive and regularly requires little imagination. This is much like the work of the first disciples who organised the meals, took care of admin, rowed the boat for Jesus etc. Yet these disciples were the very ones who went on to lay down their lives in the building of the early church. Those interns who demonstrate initiative, stewardship, honour and excellence will often find themselves having a strong say in the shaping of the ministries of the house. We are excited about the 2014 INTERNSHIP intake and look forward to prayerfully considering your application should you proceed. God bless you richly, Garry and Kasey Mac METRO Senior Pastors.


WHAT IS METRO INTERNSHIP? INTERNSHIP is above all an opportunity for PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT and SERVICE to the Lord and His people. INTERNSHIP is the perfect gap year investment for young people seeking to GROW and EXPAND in CAPACITY and MATURITY. INTERNSHIP is a great opportunity for those with time to donate to serving who want to be STRETCHED. INTERNSHIP provides the perfect entry point for any individual with a sense of calling towards full time church leadership work. INTERNSHIP is a chance to join an energised professional team environment. METRO is led by an incredibly talented and sacrificial team of individuals. If you are accepted as a METRO INTERN you will have the privilege to serve these amazing leaders as they serve the church and community. INTERNSHIP is a privilege and an honour (not volunteer work). Anyone with the time to donate can apply for an INTERNSHIP however, only a select group will be accepted into the program each year. It may just be YOU!

WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR IN APPLICANTS: • SERVANTS Above any other attribute or attitude, we are just looking for people who want to HUMBLY SERVE GOD & PEOPLE with their gifts and talents. • FOLLOWERS Leadership begins with follower-ship and our leadership team desperately believe for motivated followers to help them in the expanding work of the Lord. Our leaders need helpers and labourers. Is that you? • LEADERS We are looking for the kind of people who are passionate to develop their capacity to lead others. Confident, gracious, enthusiastic and professional. We are looking for people who want to grow in the art of leadership. • CHARISMA METRO has a certain spark about it and we are looking for the kind of men and women who have that similar spirit; upbeat, positive, grateful, energized, fun-loving, bright RED kind of people! People of GRACE! • PASSION We are looking for those on fire with the vision of a BIG, NOW, YES, GO, LIGHTHOUSE, FORERUNNER HOUSE, ROYAL HOUSE & LIFE GIVING HOUSE. We are looking for the kind of people who want to grow as examples in these things.


• WORSHIPPERS We are looking for the kind of people who ALWAYS consider the lowliest job in God’s house to be the highest privilege to perform. For a METRO INTERN, cleaning a restroom is NEVER WORK but rather an act of worship to the King of Kings. • FAITH Our motto is WHATEVER IT TAKES. We do not believe in IMPOSSIBILITY just temporary limitations until solutions and innovations can be found. We are looking for people with initiative and those who love to overcome obstacles and solve problems.

INTERNSHIP TIME COMMITMENTS Applications for Internship may include request for consideration of prior commitments that require you to be unavailable for some of requirements below. Please make this clear in your application. All interns are expected to have fully counted the TIME COST involved before applying. Most Interns are employed outside their internship commitment HOWEVER it is assumed that application for Internship has been made with the clear understanding that the internship time commitments below will supersede outside employment commitments. A commitment to Internship is a commitment to WORK FOR METRO as part of the staff team on these dates. It is entered into with the same commitment that one would apply to a highly paid professional environment. From time to time, Interns may need to stand down from the program in order to sustain gainful employment, however, outside work rosters will not be considered as an appropriate reason why an intern fails to fulfil their commitment.

WEEKEND SERVICES & MONDAYS are NON NEGOTIATBLES Main weekend services (Saturdays 6.30pm & Sundays 10am) are our days to serve God’s people and INTERNS are required to SERVE on a roster every week in at least one service. INTERNS can apply for up to four weekends per year off roster. Mondays are our full staff team days and INTERNS are required to be working in the office as part of the staff team from 9am to 5pm every Monday. Mondays begins with worship and a message or teaching from our Senior Pastor or key leadership team. Interns then split up and work in their allocated areas and we all have lunch together as one team in the café at 12.30pm. Each week there is an option to have lunch prepared for you (at a cost of $5pp) or you can bring your own lunch and eat with the rest of the team. The afternoon is generally devoted for work back in your allocated department. These base time requirement stand regardless of how many other days you may be serving during the week as a regular METRO volunteer. Many people who do internship are already carrying responsibility in one of the METRO departmental ministries such as METRO Kids, Revolution, Edge, Royal House team, Worship etc. which all have prerequisite time commitments for team members to be involved. Your one weekend service per week plus your Monday 9am to 5pm commitment is a prerequisite to Internship, so please do not apply if you cannot commit completely to this team requirement. INTERSHIP 2014 commences Sunday Feb 2 and concludes Sunday 21 December 2014. INTERNS can apply for up to two weeks leave through the year.


Special note for potential Pastoral Care Interns: The Pastoral Care department is an unique area of service for interns where flexible time commitments may be negotiated. This may be a half day on Monday and the rest of the time on an alternate day. If you are considering interning for this area we will discuss this with you during the application process.



To commence the INTERNSHIP YEAR - ALL INTERNS are required to attend a (sleep over) retreat with the METRO staff team this will be held on Sun & Mon - Feb 2nd & 3rd.

The team will depart for the retreat Sunday afternoon at 1pm from the church and return Monday night at 9pm. All costs for retreats are covered by the church.


The midyear retreat will take place on Sun & Mon July 27th & 28th. This will also run from 1pm Sunday through to 9pm Monday night.

STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY INTERNS are welcome to attend the Staff Christmas Dinner on Wednesday night Dec 10th. The cost is approximately $60 per head and is covered by the individuals themselves who choose to attend.

SPECIAL EVENTS THAT REQUIRE INTERNS ATTENDANCE Interns will be required to serve at the following special events throughout the year: • Christmas Show - Decemeber 20th and 21st 2014 • Breakfast at the Palace - December 6th 2014 • We are looking to hold a weekend conference sometime throughout the year. Details are not confirmed as yet but we would be asking our interns to be involved this weekend.

Please do not apply for internship if you have not fully counted the cost of the time commitment involved as you will be held to account for your timekeeping during the process of internship.

CODE OF CONDUCT Internship is a yoke of responsibility that some are not yet ready for. Internship means bringing your life UNDER AUTHORITY and accountability for your actions. If you do not respond well to being corrected or directed you should not apply for internship. Leadership in the House of God is a great privilege and it comes with some very clear behavioural expectations outlined to us in the Bible. We understand that it is grace and grace alone that transforms a person’s behaviour and that fear of judgement or punishment is not a healthy environment for growth. However, we require our Interns to commit to a base level of Christian character commitments to be involved.


Our code of conduct is based upon the following scripture: 1 Timothy 3 New Living Translation (NLT) Leaders in the Church

This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position.” 2 So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. He must be faithful to his wife. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. 3 He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. 4 He must manage his own family well, having children who respect and obey him. 5 For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church? 1

An elder must not be a new believer, because he might become proud, and the devil would cause him to fall. 7 Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap.


In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money. 9 They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. 10 Before they are appointed as deacons, let them be closely examined. If they pass the test, then let them serve as deacons. 8

In the same way, their wives must be respected and must not slander others. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do. 11


A deacon must be faithful to his wife, and he must manage his children and household well. 13 Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus. The terms ELDER & DEACON are not terms we use at METRO but they are certainly roles of responsibility that are carried out in our church by many faithful and dedicated leaders. INTERNSHIP is a training pathway to such important roles and as such Interns are expected to be an example in the same way. Our code of conduct requires that all INTERNS honour and esteem basic Christian character and integrity in matters pertaining to: a) SEXUALITY AND MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS METRO interns are expected to live a life of example in matters of sexuality. Premarital sex and extra- marital affairs are grounds for termination from internship. b) SUBSTANCE USE, ABUSE AND ADDICTION METRO interns are expected to maintain a life of example in the consumption of alcohol and other substances. Drunkenness or usage of any illicit drugs are grounds for termination from internship. c) FINANCIAL METRO interns are expected to maintain a life of example in regards to the management of money. Any theft or blatant disregard towards a creditor is grounds for termination from internship d) VIOLENCE AND TEMPER METRO Interns are expected to maintain a life of example in regards to the management of their emotions. Outbursts of violence and abusive behaviour towards anyone are grounds for termination from internship.


e) HONESTY METRO Interns are expected to maintain a life of example in the trustworthiness of their word. Lying is grounds for termination from internship.

f) COMMUNICATIONS METRO Interns are expected to maintain a life of example in all of their communication. Pastor Garry has a unique passion for the power of communication and he encourages all staff and interns to aspire to the highest levels of speech and communications. The following has no place at METRO:

• Swearing.

• Speaking negatively or critically about anyone (especially leaders) outside of direct leadership forums of accountability and mediation. Pastor Garry also encourages the entire team to believe for the grace of God to rise above the use of base communication styles by aiming to diminish the use of:

• By words and terminology: Crap, flip, stuff, frigin, flippin, that sucks, that is gay… etc.

• Judgement call speech in subjective matters: “I hate that”, “that is awful” etc.

• Crass slang terminologies: “she’s a cougar”, “he’s a douche”, etc.

Although these matters are not grounds for termination from the Internship program it is important to know that communication will be held to account in the program, especially in regards to social media.


Applications close 5pm Sunday January 26 INTERNSHIP APPLICATION FORM PERSONAL DETAILS First Name: Middle Name/s: Family Name: Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): CONTACT DETAILS Home Phone: (



Work Phone: (



Postal Address: City / Suburb: EMERGENCY CONTACT First Name:

Family Name:

Home Phone: (

Work Phone: (



Mobile: DISABILITY Do you have a disability, impairment or long term medical condition which may affect your involvement?



If yes, please indicate:

Hearing Vision Learning Medical Mobility Other

EDUCATION HISTORY Secondary Level School attended: Year 12 completed:



If Yes, year completed: If No, year last enrolled in school: ATAR / UAI / TER / OP score: Tertiary Level (TAFE, College, University) Institution 1: Course Name: Qualification status:





Institution 2: Course Name: Qualification status: Current Studies Are you currently studying anywhere?


If Yes, complete the following: Institution: Course Name: Qualification status:


Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy): End Date (dd/mm/yyyy): EMPLOYMENT / EXPERIENCE Organisation 1 Role / Position:



Full-time Part-time Casual Voluntary Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy): End Date (dd/mm/yyyy): Key Activities:

Organisation 2 Role / Position: Full-time Part-time Casual Voluntary Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy): End Date (dd/mm/yyyy): Key Activities:

FURTHER DETAILS 1. Please outline your previous church history.

2. Have you completed DNA at METRO?



3. Do you hold a current QLD Government working with children Blue Card? (Please attach a copy) 4. Do you smoke?



5. Do you have a manual or an automatic drivers licence? (Please attach a copy)



6. Do you own a motor vehicle?


7. Do you have a laptop you can use?




8. What area of ministry service within the church would you like to serve within?

9. Are there any dates listed in the time requirements or special events that require Interns attendance in which you have prior commitments?

10. Number of days per week available to serve: Sunday, Monday, plus: APPLICATION PACKAGE CHECKLIST Please make sure the following is with your application (Please note that your application will not be processed until all components of the application are received):

Completed application Copy of current Drivers license (if any) Copy of QLD Government Working with Children Blue Card (if any)

DISCLAIMER I have read and will accept to abide by the METRO Interns Code of Conduct. I hereby declare that all of the information I have given here is correct. I am confident that this is God’s will. If accepted, I undertake to submit to the requirements and discipline of the program and at all times to conduct myself as one called by God to represent Him in the world. Signature: Date: Signature of Parent: Date: (If applicant is under 18 years of age)

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