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Set Yourself Up for Success habits to guarantee success in your weight loss journey

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Helping You Reach Goals inhealthy thebalanced New Year meals courtesy of THIS ISSUE’S COVER FEATURE

Putting the Fun Back inFindFitness the right routine for you

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Set Yourself Up for Success habits to guarantee


success in your weight loss journey

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Helping You Reach Goals inhealthy thebalanced New Year meals courtesy of


Putting the Fun Back inFindFitness the right


routine for you


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larryMcEWEN larryMcEWEN garyDRAGON garyDRAGON garyDRAGON Metro Fitness is published kristieANDRES kristieANDRES kristieANDRES monthly by Metro Fitness travisMANNY P.O. Box 752 travisMANNY travisMANNY Slidell, LA 70459 kristenSMITH 985778-6171 kristenSMITH kristenSMITH

volume6 NUMBER 10

Distribution in: New Orleans, Orleans, Metairie, Metairie, Kenner, Kenner, Westbank, Distribution in:  New & Southwest Mississippi Westbank, Slidell, Slidell, Mandeville, Mandeville, Covington, Covington, Hammond, Hammond, & Southwest Mississippi  Distribution in:  NewOrleans, Orleans,  Metairie,  Kenner,  Westbank,  Slidell,  Mandeville,  Covington,  Hammond,  & Southwest Mississippi  Distribution in:  New  Metairie,  Kenner,  Westbank,  Slidell,  Mandeville,  Covington,  Hammond,  & Southwest Mississippi

page 76 page 10 9 page page page 10EATS page 6 page 10 page 6 spiritual FITNESS healthy runnersCORNER Tid BITS runnersCORNER runnersCORNER Tid BITS Tid BITS page 88 page 12 10 page page page 8 page 12 page 8 page 12 runners CORNER supplement REVIEW supplementREVIEW spiritualFITNESS supplementREVIEW spiritualFITNESS supplementREVIEW spiritualFITNESS page 9 page 13 page 12 Chiro Talk CORNER dragon’s areaRACES page12 12 ChiroTalk Talk page Chiro by Dr.   kristinSMITH  by Dr. kristinSMITH  by Dr.   kristinSMITH  page 12 Putting the FUN

Back in Fitness page 17 Eggs What’s the Difference page13 17 Body EggsTyping What’sand theCarb Difference page 17 Eggs What’s the Difference page Schedules (part one) by krisGUNNARS by krisGUNNARS by krisGUNNARS by MarisLEE

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page page 18 9 Fitness Myths Exposed page15 18 PILATES: FitnessMyths MythsExposed Exposed page 18 99Fitness Fitness Training for Everybody by travisMANNY by travisMANNY by travisMANNY InspirationalNOTES NOTES  INSPIRATIONAL NOTES  INSPIRATIONALNOTES  INSPIRATIONAL singular, overwhelming goal on January 1 can help you reach whatever it is you driving for. Remember, it is not the extent of the change that matters, but rather the act of recognizing that lifestyle change is important and working toward it, one step at a time.

Read more about our cover Cover: Trainer’s Choice Cover: Trainer’s Choice subject on page 18. Cover: Trainer’s Choice by Liz Maddox by Liz Maddox Article by Liz Maddox. by Liz Maddox

Page 14 Photos by Kelly Walgamotte. Page 14 Page 14

page 16 Eliminate Negative Thoughts & Lose by TravisMANNY page 20 Pets &&Weight Your Medicine Cabinet page20 20 Pets Pets& YourMedicine MedicineCabinet Cabinet page Your by Dr.   lizaLEDET, DVM by Dr.  lizaLEDET, DVM lizaLEDET, DVM page 22 Pet by Dr. Health: Healthier Pets

in 2016–Healthy Weight Running by LizaLEDET page 22 Fundamentals page22 22 Running RunningFundamentals Fundamentals page

page 24

by aaronPOTTS by aaronPOTTS by aaronPOTTS Set Yourself Up for Success

by KellyWALGAMOTTE page 28 The Bitter Truth About Fructose page28 28 The TheBitter BitterTruth TruthAbout AboutFructose Fructose page by krisGUNNARS page 26 Theby TopThree Barriers to by krisGUNNARS krisGUNNARS Successful Weight Loss, (part one) Lack of Education page 15 page 13 page15 15 page13 13 page page RACES area by JimCABECEIRAS healthyEATS RACES areaRACES healthyEATS area healthyEATS kellyWALGAMOTTE kellyWALGAMOTTE kellyWALGAMOTTE kellyWALGAMOTTE publisher publisher publisher publisher

It can be difficult when your list of New Year’s Resolutions is as long as your holiday shopping list. In addition to the post-holiday Like Metro Fitness LikeMetro MetroFitness Fitness Inspiration is able a profound feeling that precedes change. It’s like a window through Like slump, not being to keep your resolutions Magazine on: Inspiration profound feeling thatprecedes precedeschange. change.It’s It’slike likeaawindow windowthrough through Inspiration isisaaprofound feeling that Magazine on: Magazine on: Like Metro Fitness Magazine bywhich the last January increase your we could weweek mayofbe able can to see the life It can give Resolutions us the ability to Top 3have. New Years which we may be able to see the life we could have. It can give us the ability to whichWhen we may be ableseason to see the and life we could have. It can give us the ability to anxiety. the holiday is over 1. changing Spend More Time on recognize that changing our life begins with the way wewith think,Family since our recognize that changing our lifeThe beginswith withchanging changingthe theway waywe wethink, think,since sinceour our allrecognize have returned tochanging the working world. that our life begins & Friends: Recent polls conducted thoughtsofcreate actions, our actions create the life we could have. frustration lagging our resolutions canand make thoughtscreate create ouractions, actions, andour ouractions actions createthe the lifewe wecould could have. thoughts our and life have. by create General Nutrition Centers, the later winter months feel hopeless. For some, inspiration comes from experiencing a connection to nature—the oceans, rivers, and forests. Immersing ourselves within our environFor some, inspiration comesfrom from experiencing connection nature—the oceans,for rivers, andforests. forests.Immersing Immersinghas ourselves withinour ourenvironenvironQuicken, and others shows thatoceans, fitness. Regular exercise been within associated with For inspiration comes experiencing aaconnection totonature—the rivers, and ourselves Onesome, thing important to remember is that ment can be a powerful and joyful feeling we long to sustain. For others, it may come from the belief that if we can succeed at changing our more than 50% of Americans more health benefits than anything else known to the New Year isn’t meant to serve as the ment can be a powerful and joyful feeling we long to sustain. For others, it may come from the belief that if we can succeed at changing our ment can be a powerful and joyful feeling we long to sustain. For others, it may come from the belief that if we can succeed at changingman. our habits, we can achieve ourchanges. dreams—whether they are about feeling better, having more energy to do things with our loved ones, or even just beginning of sweeping character vow to appreciate loved ones and Tame the Bulge: Over 66 percent ofones, adult habits, wecan canachieve achieveour ourdreams—whether dreams—whetherthey theyare areabout aboutfeeling feelingbetter, better,having having3. more energy dothings thingswith with ourloved loved ones,orAmericans oreven evenjust just more energy totodo our Ithabits, is a timewe for people on work their or at school. performing better to inreflect sports, spend more time with family and are considered overweight or obese by recent studies, performing better in sports, work or at school. past year’s behavior and positive performing better in implement sports, work or at school. thisisyear. Once changes. you are Setting inspired to attainable change, the keyfriends to success in taking small steps each day. whensurprising you find yourself yourloss firstisgoal, so itAnd is not to find reaching that weight oneyou of lifestyle small, Onceyou youare areinspired inspired change,the thekey keytotosuccess successisisinintaking takingsmall smallsteps stepseach eachday. day.And Andwhen whenyou youfind findyourself yourselfreaching reachingyour yourfirst firstgoal, goal,you you Once totochange, Fit inwhat Fintess: is in Thatthe most popular Newgreatest Year’s resolutions. goals the year, instead a maythroughout want to slow down for of a moment to 2. enjoy you The have evidence accomplished. is because one of life's pleasures is in achieving a maywant wanttotoslow slowdown downfor foraamoment momenttotoenjoy enjoywhat whatyou youhave haveaccomplished. accomplished.That Thatisisbecause becauseone oneofoflife's life'sgreatest greatestpleasures pleasuresisisininachieving achievingaa may goal. By taking the time to simply experience joy, you may discover the source of inspiration for your next challenge! - Author Unknown goal.By Bytaking takingthe thetime timetotosimply simplyexperience experiencejoy, joy,you youmay maydiscover discoverthe thesource sourceofofinspiration inspirationfor foryour yournext nextchallenge! challenge!- -Author AuthorUnknown Unknown goal.

God Bless,

God Bless, God Bless,

God Bless, Kelly KellyWalgamotte Walgamotte KellyWalgamotte Walgamotte Kelly (985) (985)778-6171 778-6171• •

(985)778-6171 778-6171•• (985)

4 ∙

January 2016

∙ January 2016

Read us online Readat: us online at: Read us us online at: Read online at:  October 2015  555 October2015 2015  October


TOP 2 PLATEAU-BUSTING STRATEGIES 1. You’re Not Eating Enough Pushing yourself to your max without fueling correctly can definitely be the cause of a plateau. It could even force you to go backwards. Your muscles are fighting back on you and quitting on you because they’re not getting enough energy for them to rebuild. If you’re not getting enough fuel, pushing yourself may be the worst thing you could do. Instead, reevaluate your nutrition plan and make sure it correlates to your training.


2. You’re Not Getting Enough Shut-Eye One of the most overlooked things that can cause a plateau disaster is not getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night, which puts you in a state of stress. It’s important for your muscles to recover so that they can grow and become stronger over time. Often, taking a week off from exercise can help you to bust a plateau so that your sleep patterns ‘recover’ and normalize. Once they do, you’ll be sure to feel a difference in the gym.


As many as 80% of heartburn sufferers experience symptoms at night. Steal back a good night’s sleep by fluffing up two pillows instead of one. In an Archives of Internal Medicine study, people who propped up their heads about 11 inches reduced their symptoms dramatically. Also, sleep on your left side and you’ll cut your heartburn risk in half—that’s because snoozing on your right side relaxes the muscle that keeps gastric acids in your stomach.

Small changes in food, diet and exercise can yield big heart health dividends. The American Heart Association recently revised its guidelines for achieving optimal heart health. Their goal is to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent and reduce deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent, both by the year 2020. The guidelines are easier than you might think. Here are seven things you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease starting today: 1. EXERCISE FOR A HEALTHY HEART




Strength training devotees are known for following a set routine each time they enter the weight room. Here’s some good news for those creatures of habit: Strength routines need to be repeated for a period of time in order to be effective, Stull says. In fact, if you’re just starting a new routine, there are major benefits in doing the same thing consistently, says Darryn Willoughby, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist and professor at Baylor University.That’s because in the first four to six weeks, the improvements you’ll experience are mainly neurological— your brain is learning how to most efficiently recruit your muscles to complete the moves. The bad part:This doesn’t translate into increased muscle size (yet). A good general time frame to expect noticeable progress is 12 to 16 weeks, but it varies by person and intensity of training.




Weave more small touches into conversations with your spouse, family, and friends—it’s another way to show loved ones how much they mean to you. Squeeze your spouse’s hand when you’re riding an elevator together, or rub your daughter’s back when you chat about her day. We’re cuddle bugs by nature—our endocrine systems release a cascade of positive pleasure chemicals when we receive a caring touch, making us feel more connected and content and less anxious. (One study found that waitresses who touched their customers even earned bigger tips.)

6 ∙

∙ January 2016



by: Dr. Larry T. McEwen Senior Pastor,

e thing physical, mental, emo-

tness all have in common: the

getaway, a break, a change in




by: Larry Dr. Larry T.  McEwen by: Dr. T. McEwan Senior Pastor are so important to all areas Think by: of Dr.well-being!  Larry T. McEwen about it, if you have a good reason for doing what you Senior Pastor,

motivate what we do; and reasons and motivations Senior Pastor,

do, it stands to reason

To“Come supplement or not to supplement? to me, all you who are weary and with much greater pasyou will do what you do

There's atI will leastgive oneyou thing physical, mental, That is a and question that has raged in recent years inemothe health burdened, rest. Take my yoke

motivate what we do; and reasons and motivations and fitness sion. And people who world. Now I’m not even going to begin to discuss the pros and cons of are so important to all areas of well-being! Think tional, andand spiritual fitness have common: the upon you learn from me,all for I am in gentle live their life with pasg supplements, with this one exception: Most would agree, supplements and humble in heart, youphysical, will find rest for motivate do;a good and reasons and motivations if youwe have reason for doing what you about it,what Tneed here's oneand thing mental, emoforata least well-timed getaway, a break, a change sioninarethat thecan ones who s should be just supplements. There’s no supplement take the your souls. Forthat, my yoke is easy and my burden are and so important to all areasdo, of itwell-being! Think stands to reason andofspiritual common: scenery, aavacation! As I all have are more highly motigood, fitness well-balanced dietin when it comesthe to eating there’s ttional, isplace light.” you will do what youyou do noonsupplement can(Matthew take the place ofa NIV) achange good and ifgreat you have a good reason for doing what about it,workout vated to achieve beachthat listenkneedsitfor athe well-timed getaway, a break, in consistent 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and regimen. If those two things are not in place, all the supplements in the things, and they usually escenery, withit much pasing to the roar As of I the do, standsgreater to reason a vacation! world won’t really help and could actuallyand hurt,I will especially if yourest. begin burdened, you Take my yoke do!give So where did these s sion. people waves and feeling the you willAnd do what youwho do sit on the listento justbeach depend on the supplements. In other words, don’t neglect the upon you and learn from for I am gentle come from? Did I mention thatme, I'm sitting . It helps us to rest. It helps us lofty ideas “Come to me, all you who are weary and live their life with passea breeze blowing main thing! The reasonby I mention this is that we sometimes make thefind rest for with much greater pasing us to the the and oceanhumble watchinginthe wavesand roll in? Andwill spirituelps tothe focusroar or to of re-focus. heart, you burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke same mistakes when it comes to our spiritual fitness. According to Gorsion are ones who who against my inface, it isally speaking, words can't describe to you how benesion. And the people andthings feeling ewaves clearly the lifethe that your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden don-Conwell Theological Seminary, “There are approximately 6 million upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle are their morelife highly clear to me justficial this getaway has been for me. It's as if the us tovery reflect on why we do live withmotipassea breeze blowing is light.” books about Christianity inand print. Thousands moreand are written everyfind for humble in heart, you will words of Christ have come true for me today. vated to achieve great t's ourhow fitness goals, or our life much this break A few theseitbooks are those11:28-30 NIV) sion are the ones who (Matthew against my offace, is become best sellers, and I’m sure there your souls. For my yoke is easy andand my burden al to examine the reasons that things, andhighly they usually which never make it off the shelf that have some good things to say was needed! Why? Time are more motivery clear to me just is light.” could be helpful to a person wanting to be spiritually fit. However, the do! So where did these off or time away does vated to achieve great how much thisforbreak temptation many is to become dependent on the “supplements.” They NIV) (Matthew 11:28-30 lofty ideas come from? Did I mention that I'm sitting us to rest. It helps us sowait many helpful things. It helps in eager for the next “magic formula” to be published, all things, and they usually was needed! Why?expectation Time by theand ocean watching the waves roll in? And spiritutothe getwhile perspective. Itthe helps usthing. to focus orwhat to re-focus. neglecting main And is the main thing why do! So where did these off or time away does I callusthese books supplements? they booksally written about words can't describe to you how benespeaking, It do helps to see more clearly theBecause things in lifeare that Hso many ideas come us as tosupplemental, rest. It helpsbut us notlofty things. the helpful Bible and shouldItbehelps viewed replacements for from? Did I mention that I'm sitting really matter. It helps us to reflect on why we do ficial this getaway has been for me. It's as if the Word!” In theusPsalmist to say in the by Bible: the ocean watching the waves roll in? And spirituto getGod’s perspective. It fact, helps to focushad or this to re-focus.



what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life words of Christ have come true for me today. It helps us to Psalm 119see more clearly the things in life that ally speaking, words can't describe to you how benegoals, it is so beneficial to examine the reasons that :89 YourItword, LORD, stands firmwein do the heavens. ficial this getaway has been for me. It's as if the really matter. helps us tois eternal; reflectit on why

:90 Your faithfulness continues through all generations; words of Christ have come true for me today. you established the earth, and it endures. goals, it:91 is Your so beneficial laws enduretoto examine this day, forthe all reasons things servethat you. :92 If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. :93 I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life.

what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life


dragon’sCORNER JOINT HEALTH N pple Never, Never Quit! OINT HEALTH

The moment you start believing you’re successful enough to let your guard down, you’re in trouble. You’ve put a lid on your growth! Success is always a possibility, but never a guarantee. It belongs to the man or woman who’s willing to show up early, stay late, go the extra mile, and keep asking, “Is there a better way?” An agency once created an ad for an automobile company. It said, “At sixty miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.” When they ran the ad by the company’s CEO, he smiled and said, “I guess we’ve got to do something about that clock!” A young man once asked Henry Ford, “How can I make a name for myself and be successful?” He replied, “Decide what you want, then stick with it. Never deviate from your course no matter how long it takes or how hard the road, until you’ve accomplished your purpose.” Successful people have one thing in common: They refuse to quit! No matter how many times they fall, they get back up, dust themselves off, learn from it, and start over. Paul J. Meyer says, “Ninety-nine percent of those who fail are not actually defeated, they simply quit.”

ave Y


Have Y supple

Have Y

by: Fred Zoller Owner of Lean Performance Academy

The Bible says:

1 Co 9:25TLB To win… you must deny yourselves… things that… keep you from doing your best. The only people who never fail are those who never try. So keep going; don’t even think about quitting!

runnersCORNER How to Training For a 5K runnersCORNER by: fredKLINGE Whether your goal is personal fitness, a sense of community or a pure sense of accomplishment, you can find yourself

Kids and Running

at the finish line on race day. A 3.1-mile race is the perfect length to aim for as a beginner. Begin by setting attainable goals to keep you motivated and give yourself ample time to move to the next level. If you train correctly and follow a good eightto-10 week training program, running can lead to a lifetime of fitness.

Running comes naturally to children. The as healthy and positive. running coach Arthur The respected publication, The Physician Lydiard world-class Sports Medicine, the followThe lengthtrained of a 5k numerous is a relatively easy goal todisreach as aand novice runner, but it mayreleased also challenge the expert runner ing guidelines for parents of children par- only when tance runners using coaching techniques he depending on intensity and speed. Start out with a simple program that allows you to succeed and move forward innot sports…I guidelines developed by with watching the natural, fluid runyou feel comfortable your current stage. To avoid burnoutticipating or injury, do push yourthink limits.the Remember that your main ning biomechanics of children at play. make great sense and apply to the sport goal is to reach the finish line. For your first race you should plan on enjoying the run and feeling good for having completOccasionally I’m asked what I think about of long-distance running. These guidelines ed your goal. children participating in distance road address the physical as well as the emotionit safe? Is it healthy? How wonderful it must al well-being of children when it comes to Improve your heart and head sports participation: be to have a child showing sincere interest in Accomplishing your goal improves your self-esteem and keeps your cardiovascular system in tune. A regular training prorunning with dad and/or mom in a local 5K ∙ MAKE SUREwhich YOUR CHILDREN THAT, fitness gram or includes at thing least 30 minutes three to five times per week, falls within basicKNOW cardiovascular 10K exercising race. Thefor last any parent wants (WIN OR LOSE), YOU LOVE THEM AND guidelines. Running can lead to a feeling of freedom and independence, and it is also one of the best ways to alleviate stress 11:36 AMto do is discourage his or her children from THAT YOU ARE NOT DISAPPOINTED WITH THEIR PERFORMANCE. participating in an activity so widely accepted Set attainable goals great New Zealand

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healthyEATS Paleo

really matter. It helps us to reflect on why we do

ficial this getaway has

what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life

words of Christ have com

goals, it is so beneficial to examine the reasons that

dragon’sCORNER JOINT HEALTH Aby: dr kristinSMITH New Year... a New You!






When I talk to parents of athletically gifted children interested in distance running, I like to tell them the story of the great Portuguese runner Carlos Lopes, marathon gold medal winner at the 1984 Olympic games in Los Angeles. As a young boy growing up in Portugal, Carlos showed great running ability. He received excellent guidance from his parents and coaches along the way….he first started as a 400 meter runner, moved up to the 800 meter distance, then 1,500 meters, and so on. Carlos completed his first marathon at the age of 36, clocking a 2:08.39 in Rotterdam. The following year he won the Olympic gold medal in just his second marathon. Carlos was a champion during every phase of his career – youth track & field, cross-country, road racing, and he finished his competitive career winning the Olympic marathon. The speed he developed running shorter races as young boy paid huge dividends when he moved up to longer distance racing as an adult. I recommend gently guiding your running kids towards shorter races and track & field. They’ll have plenty of time for long distance road racing when they reach adulthood and they’ll enjoy camaraderie of being on a track team and learning life lessons in process – winning and losing as a team, working with a coach, etc. Children seem to enjoy fun activities. Sports and fitness should be no different.

As we enter 2016, everyone is planning New Year’s resolutions. Gym memberships will increase and new exercise programs will be started. It’s also the time of the year when the body is least prepared for unsupervised exercise, which can cause injuries. As part of our resolution, we are going to help you live a pain-free, healthy life. Here are some ideas for New Year’s resolutions. Please keep in mind that some of these suggestions may need to be modified depending on your individual needs.

There's at least one thing physical, mental, Dr. Kristin 1. When lifting objects, I will use the correct technique (as instructed by my physical tional, andtherapist) spiritual fitness all have in commo so that I can protectSmith my back. need for a well-timed getaway, a break, a cha LifeCare Family Wellness & 2. As I perform my exercises, I will monitor my technique, breathing pattern, and range of motion Chiropractic scenery, a vacation! As I during each repetition. (985) 774-9303 sit on at the beach listen3. I will maintain an upright posture and practice postural awareness exercises regular intervals throughout the day. “Come to me 4. I will make it a habit to stretch at regular intervals while at work. ing to the roar of the burdened, and I w 5. I will follow the home exercise program provided to me by my physical therapist. waves and feeling the upon you and le sea with breeze blowing As your physical therapists, we will teach you how to perform your exercises the correct technique, breathing and humble in hea Fitness pattern and range of motion. WeConnection will always answer your questions and help you exercise in a safe,itprogressive manner. against my face, is your souls. For 4426 St,anMetairie, 70006 Don’t hesitate in asking us for Trenton help to find exercise LA routine that will work for you. very clear topain me just you from Now it’s your turn to make resolutions for a healthy, pain-free year. We don’t want preventing (504)some 885-7855 is light.” reaching your goals and living an active, healthy lifestyle. So if you are experiencing pain or this discomfort with your new how much break routine, or you’re unsure if you are performing your routine correctly, please contact us at Action Physical Therapy and was Time all year long. Sports Medicine for your fitness evaluation. We want to make sure you are ableneeded! to remain Why? in the ACTION From all of us to you and your family: We wish you a Happy New Year off and hope you have a safe,does pain-free, and injuor time away ry-free year ahead in 2016. so many helpful things. It helps us to rest. It he to get perspective. It helps us to focus or to reIt helps us to see more clearly the things in lif really matter. It helps us to reflect on why what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or o goals, it is so beneficial to examine the reason


Maris Lee

Have Y


Cookies with a Kick dragon’sCORNER

Paleo  These cookies are a great way to satisfy that sweet tooth without the guilt.This tasty treat will help robHOWELL To Make:

curb your hunger cravings too, with the protein and fiber in them.They are very easy to make and can be modified for individual taste preferences. I like to add banana and chopped walnuts to make a banana nut cookie.The white beans in this recipe add a creamy texture and fiber to the cookies.


garyDRAGON Heat the oven to 325 and spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray. Combine in a medium size bowl the oats, baking powder and soda, sugars, and spices, then mix well. In another bowl combine the wet ingredients, the eggs, vanilla, beans, banana and mix well. Next mix the wet with the dry ingredients and then add the nuts and spoon onto baking sheet and bake for 14-16 minutes


4 cups rolled oats (grinded in the food processor to resemble rough flour) 1 15oz can white beans drained, rinsed and mashed 2 egg whites 1½ teaspoon Vanilla extract 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground nutmeg ½ cup brown sugar ½³ cup sugar 1 ripe banana mashed ½ cup walnuts chopped or any nuts and dried fruit will work


Have Y

supplementREVIEW by: mikeMILLS Burn More Calories Have Your Cake, and Eat it too!  with a Natural Metabolism Booster The holidays have arrived and with them all

the sugar filled deserts and treats that are loaded









dangerous. Aspartame is used in thousands of

products as aingredients substitute that to sugar, though with emptywe calories and to leaves the feeling of being This month are going compare and analyze the most effective increase ther- conmogenesis of heat production organisms) andwould boost actually the body’s naturalsumers bloated. (the This process year satisfy sugar cravings in without be metabolism better off eating smaller ly.the When thermogenesis occurs, calories are burned at a faster rate resulting in weight loss. We have excess of calories by using all natural, sugar amounts of regular sugar. Aspartame has been all heard that in order to lose weight one must consume less calories in their daily diet and burn freecalories sweeteners when preparing tasty holiday to products possible available causes forthat cancer, more by increasing physical activity, however linked there are have ashort blendterm of snacks! natural With herbssoand supplements that helpavailable burn morememory calories loss, at restgastric resulting in an increase of the many sugar substitutes problems, and neurological RMR (resting metabolic rate). Combining these key ingredients with a low-calorie meal plan, and asold these days, it can be difficult to choose the right disorders. Sucralose is a artificial sweetener daily regime of exercise will increase the odds that more calories are burned than consumed in a 24 one.period, Many this so is called “natural” can under the brand names Splenda . Though markethour how weight losssweeteners occurs. Green teadohasthe been shown studies to have including weight reduction. ed asbenefits, a “No calorie sweetener,” Splenda products actually body moreinharm than goodmany and health Green tea induces thermogenesis and stimulates fat oxidation, boosting the resting metabolic by the 12.4% give diabetics a false sense of security when that also include bulking agents containrate 4% without increasing the heart rate. Garcinia Cambogia has been gaining popularity lately due to calories of Acid the same volume of sugar. a desert or beverage during the holidays. Although the itschoosing high concentration of Hydroxycitric Acid. The Hydroxycitric found in Garcinia Cambogia has several different effects on the The most notable of these effects its ability to inhibit the packAspartame (NutraSweet) is body. one of the most “nutritional facts” is label on Splenda’s retail uptake of carbohydrates that are stored in the body as fat. By prohibiting the fat storage, the carbs are used artificial sweeteners in the world today. It aging states that a single serving contains zero

Stevia instead. Xylitol and Stevia can both be found in local health food and vitamin stores. Make sure to read nutrition labels carefully to avoid ingesting harmful chemicals like Sucralose and Apsartame, and remember portion control is vital during the holidays. With careful planning and preparation, one can truly have their cake and eat it too!

burned as energy thereby increasing energy levels and decreasing fat levels. HCA also works to prevent cravings for sugar heavy and carbohydrate heavy foods, balance the blood sugar levels, and increase the serotonin levels in the brain which signal to us that we are full faster. Apple Cider Vinegar is an “old school” remedy that is great for preventing diabetes, curbing appetite, and increasing energy levels. Kelp, which is a natural source of iodine, promotes proper thyroid function, resulting in an increase in metabolism. Evodiamine, which is extracted from the Evodia plant, increases resting core temperature and body heat resulting in

more calories and fat being burned for energy. Yohimbe is great for increasing thermogenesis and energy levels while boosting RMR and promoting fat loss, it has also been linked to natural virility enhancement as well. N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a more absorbable form of the amino acid L-Tyrosine which aids in energy production and increases core-thermogenesis. Bitter Orange Extract, commonly referred to as Synephrine, is a popular alternative to Ephedrine or Ephedra, due to its ability to burn fat without the adverse side effects of ephedra, irregular heartbeat, palpitations, etc., it also is great for naturally increasing energy levels

throughout the day. Combining caffeine and white willow bark with these ingredients has been shown in studies to increase their effectiveness. Finding an all natural product that has a blend of these nutrients can help increase the amount of calories that are burned ultimately resulting in a reduction in body mass. Adding a natural fat burner and metabolism booster to your daily regime is a great way to “kick start” a weight loss program or get past a “sticking point” or plateau to obtain desired results. Remember to consume plenty of water and always begin with a low dose to access personal tolerance levels.

Mike Mills is an ACSM Certified Mike Personal Trainer,Mills has a B.S. in

Health and Exercise Science is ACSM fromanthe University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), and 10+ Certified years experience in the Vitamin and Supplement Industry. Personal Trainer, has a B.S. in Health and Exercise Science from the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), and 10+ years experience in the Vitamin and Supplement Industry.

Putting the FUN Back in Fitness

We all know that we need to exercise (for our health) but hitting the gym first thing in the a.m. or right after work can be anything BUT fun. Still experts suggest that staying fit (and trim) CAN be fun, by simply finding the right routine (and activity) for you.

1. HOOFING IT Walking and/or running are two of the most popular activities for all ages, especially since walking is something most of us “have” to do, and since neither requires any special equipment. And they add that walking is an excellent activity for fitness “fanatics” of all ages, even those who may have cardiac conditions or other “inhibitory” ailments. Plus you can do it indoors, outdoors, or on a treadmill, the important thing is that you keep moving. Running will burn twice the amount of calories as walking but is also harder on your heart, joints and muscles. And for those already off to a running start, make sure you invest in the best shoes you can afford and that your shoe is comfortable and properly fits. 2. STROKE YOUR EGO Doing the stroke or swimming is one of the best exercises for the entire body building not only muscle but physical endurance as well. If you happen to be a bit overweight or out of shape, you can start by doing some (supervised) aqua aerobics in a pool, which is generally easier on the joints. 3. GETTING A JUMP START ON HEALTH AND FITNESS Skipping rope is an inexpensive way to work out and you can do it practically anywhere. Not only does jumping rope tone and condition muscles, but also builds coordination. However, it can be hard on ankles, knees, feet, and back. And experts suggest looking for another exercise alternative if you already experience orthopedic problems. 4. PUTTING THE PEDAL TO THE METAL Stationary or mobile, biking can be beneficial both indoors and out, as cycling build both muscle and stamina. 5. CAMARADERIE & GROUP CLASSES Group Classes are a great way to get some exercise and some fresh air during those cold winter months. Besides helping to generate heat, the relatively easy to learn sport with a low injury rate, also helps build endurance while working your upper and lower body, heart, and lungs.

12 ∙

∙ January 2016

“You should alw ays consult w ith your v eterinarian before giv ing your pet any m edications w hat w ere not prescribed for that specific pet. If you find your p et ill after hours, there are 24 hour em ergency clinics in all m etro areas and only a phone call aw ay no m atter w here you liv e.”

Area Races Schedule

January 30th February 20th & 21st them. Run on the Bayou Q50 Races Trails symptoms, it is best to bring your pet to your Over-the-counter medications to NEVER give 10K, 5K & ½ mile Extravaganza veterinarian. to catsAspirin, (Tylenol), FullAcetaminophen & ½ Marathon, Walk/Run January 10th Sometimes they are sicker than howSegnette they Ibuprofen (Advil,10Motrin), Pepto Bismol, Bayou State Park & 5 miles, Ultra 50k,and Larry Fuselier Race appear and immediate treatment may save your Kaopectate. plus much more 25k & 5k pet discomfort and save money. This article isBogue not meant to diagnose treat Chitto Stateor Park Lake Front, Metairie February 20th Pounds matter...almost all veterinary med- any animal or medical condition. Always consult Run before administering any medications are dosed based upon LA theParadise patients Bridge your veterinarian & 2 in mileication Walk/Run February weight. We must be very cautious13.1k especially to your pet. If your pet28th is having any perJanuary 17th Irish Bayou Rock’n’Roll Marathon our tiniest pets. Cats are even more sensitive to sistent symptoms, you should bring your pet to Louisiana Marathon 10k, Half & Full Marathon certain drugs, especially medications like Tylenol your veterinarian's office. Full/Half/Quarter/5k/Kids New Orleans, LA and Ibuprofen andLA even one pill can be lethal Baton Rouge, good. If your pet has been ill with persistent because their bodies cannot process and handle


Body Typing Loading and Carb for Peak Schedules by marisLEE

Performance PART ONE

First of all, what is body typing and, ultimately, does it affect the amount and kind of byhow marisLEE complex carbohydrates each body type can consume? Body typing basically assigns the human anatomical features to one of three categories: PART II Ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Now, let’s morph our way each Sorry for the suspense by through making my lasttype. article at First we’ll view the ectomorph. A true least more than one part. The logistics ofectotime and morphand is defined by itlow body mass andtovery space TMI made more reasonable break up low body fat. In addition, ectomorphs have a or segment such a very important and involved very, very high metabolism. Ectomorphs tend process! Remember our goal is to perform better. to resemble Angelina Now back toanthe text! Jolie or Ed Norton type of build. So you get the picture. Now mesomorph Last timelet’s I leftmove off by onto settingthe baseline parameterscatfor carbohyegory.loading Mesomorphs arethelarge bonedand based Thursday load drate goals. During Wednesday individuals. to build muscle phase, aim for 10They gramstend per pound of body weight.rapidly Example: 150while maintaining a low body fat percentage. pound athlete x 10 = 1500 grams during the first two days of Many Again, mesomorphs athletes engaged in seen this loading. this is onlyare a baseline. Trust me, I have strength double. and fitness sports that require a higha 150parameter I personally supervised and witnessed pound athlete load mass 3,000 grams of carbs during this time frame. level of muscle and conditioning. Think That’s 12,000 calories who of carbs. WOW!!!in Cross of theroughly men and women compete IFit sayand just go where the metabolism leads. With this fact in mind, body building. whatever an athlete comfortably tolerate in carb Now let’s movecan onto the final category onconsumption on Wednesday, say 1000 grams total, for the first the list, the endomorph. By definition an load day. On Thursday, weisshould aim forthat 50-75% of the previous load day, endomorph a person exhibits a roundtotal. Since we had 1000a high grams degree on Wednesday ourfattotal for er appearance with of body Thursday should total. We should load carbs in contrast to be the500-750 other grams two body types. True at 2-4-hour intervals of 6-8 total intakes per day. endomorphs basically just have to look at brings and us togain Fridayweight and Saturday. is a dayafor digesThis a calorie whichFriday indicates tion, assimilation, and absorption. Slow down the carbs and reinlower metabolism in general. The true endotroduce protein into the diet. Oh, by the way, as for protein morph has a genetic disadvantage from the intake on Wednesday and Thursday--you don’t need it—except jump. However, there is hope in addressing for pre-bedtime aminos (whole different article). We don’t want the complex carbohydrate needs for each carbs competing with protein for absorption during the load body type. phase. Earlier I mentioned true ectomorphs and Proteins such as egg whites, amino acids, chicken or lean meat true endomorph. The fact of the matter is combined with fruits such as apple, cantaloupe, and raisins are that we are usually a combination of one or excellent choices of foods for Friday. The simple carbs through the other. For instance, you could be a mefruit will allow for quick energy and allow the body to keep the somorph withfrom endomorphic stored glycogen being used. tendencies. As I said more earlier there few trueTHURSOne thing, DO are NOTsome TRAINbut ONvery WEDNESDAY, 100% mesomorph, ectomorph and endoDAY, AND FRIDAY. Next time, I promise to focus in on Saturday morph. day) and tie up any loose ends! Don’t quote me on (competition Understanding your body type and tenthat. dencies will help us arrange a carbohydrate schedule for each type. I’ll cover that next time. And Happy New Year!!!

What? Why? and How?

Maris Lee

Fitness Connection Maris Lee

Fitness 4426Connection Trenton St, 4426 Trenton Metairie, St, LAMetairie, 70006LA 70006 (504) 885-7855

(504) 885-7855

14 ∙

∙ January 2016

PILATES Fitness Training for Everybody

Good health is the secret of a happy life. It is not the absence of physical ailment, but also a state free of mental distress. Good health, however, does not come overnight. There are certain things that should be included in one’s lifestyle to improve overall health. Individuals who want to be fit and healthy should engage in physical activities like Pilates. This fitness regimen has gained popularity because it can be done by anyone at any level of fitness.

engage in Pilates training may develop improved body alignment, enhanced concentration, and improve body shape after pregnancy. According to Joseph Pilates, people who engage in Pilates will feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions, and have a completely new body in 30 sessions. Pilates training are usually done slowly and carefully to promote movements that are smooth and flowing and ends with light stretching and cool down period.

Other health benefits of Pilates may include the following: Pilates is an exercise method that was developed by German boxer Joseph Pilates in the 1920’s. It focuses on slow, controlled movements, smooth breathing, and concentration. There are over 500 exercises that were developed by Pilates. Classical exercises involve several principles which include concentration, flowing movement, and breathing. Other new training exercises are derived from the classical form and were designed to make exercises more accessible to different individuals.

Flexibility, strength, and improved core muscles are the primary health objectives and benefits of Pilates. The core muscles include many different muscles that balance the abdominals, spine, pelvis, and shoulders. These muscles are critical in controlling movements, transferring energy, and shifting body weight and movement

in any direction. A strong core is necessary to distribute the stress of weight-bearing and support the back.

Individuals who have limited movements or those whose ailments limit them to wheelchairs and other contraptions may still engage in Pilates training. This exercise method promotes a sense of physical and mental well-being which may lead to inner physical awareness. Pilates also strengthens and lengthens the muscles without developing additional bulk. This exercise is beneficial for dancers, athletes, and other individuals who don’t want more bulk. Pilates may also aid individuals who want to prevent or are rehabilitating from injuries and are essential in improving posture, circulation, and balance. In addition to its health benefits, pregnant women who

Look and feel better Get stronger, more flexible, balance and become less prone to injury Target and tone problem areas Develop abs, butts, thighs, and arms Repair sports injuries Experience moments of relaxation Pilates training appeals to a wide population because of the various health benefits it may bring. Becoming involved in this exercise program may change the way individuals think about their body, exercise, and overall well-being. Despite its health benefits, Pilates training should not be used as a substitute for physical therapy. Lastly, individuals who want to engage in this kind of training should seek the approval of doctors and other health specialists. People with chronic injuries and other health conditions may not be able to practice Pilates. Physical activities like Pilates, coupled with nutritious diet may lead to good health and improved overall well-being.

Eliminate Negative Thoughts... &


WEIGHT!!! You think thousands of thoughts each day. You talk to yourself more than anyone else. You are your most trusted advisor and confidant. Many of the conversations that you have with yourself you would never share with anyone else because to do so would expose the “real” you. The you that is filled with self doubt, worries, sadness, guilt, hurts and disappointments. But this is not the “real you” at all. This is the you that your ego and belief systems have constructed. These negative beliefs have been constructed by you, and accepted by you as truth. The sad thing is that nothing can be further from the truth.

16 ∙

∙ January 2016

Where did these false ideas about you originate? They mostly came from others; parents, teachers, co-workers, and friends. They might have planted the seed by saying something like “she is fat” and you have cultivated those comments to the point that they have become your truth. You are allowing your entire life to be controlled by some obscure comments made years ago. Nobody has the right or power to dictate who you are. Only you know who you truly are and what’s in your heart. When you were born you entered this world without the burdens of you current negative belief system. You entered this world as a beautiful bundle of joy filled with unlimited potential and possibilities. I’m here to tell you that you have not changed. You are still and will always be a beautiful bundle of joy with unlimited potential and possibilities. The only difference is what you give your attention to. Let me ask you a question. If you stopped all the negative talk that you currently have with yourself such as: • I’m too fat • Why would anyone want to love me? • I will never be thin • I always fail The list can go on and on… How would you feel ? Do you think that you would feel emotionally lighter? Do you think that you would feel happier? Do you think that you would feel more confident? Now how do you think your life would change if you were to go one step further and modify your self talk by only speaking positively about yourself. If you take some time and focus on what you like about yourself and focus on only that your emotional state will become positive to the point that you will be able to accomplish anything.

Once you begin looking for the positive things within you, you will be surprised to realize your magnificence has always been there just below the surface. You have never been anything other then that shining bundle of joy that entered the world years ago. It’s easy to uncover positive aspects of yourself by asking some questions. • What am I good at? • Who has benefited by me being in the world? • Who am I, what is in my heart, that only I know? • What do I like about my body? Your goal is to feel good now. How do you feel now? If you only observe what you feel is positive about you, you will feel good, you will be happy. Decide right here and right now how you want to feel. Decide that you will always look for the good within you and appreciate that goodness. So what does all of this have to do with losing weight? Everything!!! Your emotional state is the control valve that determines what you draw into your experience. How you talk to yourself creates your beliefs and programs your subconscious. So you need to ask yourself do you want your beliefs and subconscious programming to be based on false negative thinking. Or do you want your beliefs to be based on the truth, that you are and always have been a perfect being. Begin today to love and nurture yourself. Allow the joy, playfulness and enthusiasm that you naturally had as a child begin to flow into your everyday experiences. Allow yourself to celebrate each and every success no matter how small. Love and appreciate yourself every opportunity you have. Do this everyday and watch your weight begin to dissolve just as your old negative beliefs about yourself begin to dissolve.

By: Travis Manny Whether You Think You Can, or Think You Can't...

You're Right.

Tk caption tktk

Onlnline Ordering is easy at

Helping You Reach Goals in the New Year

by: Liz Maddox Photos by: Kelly Walgamotte

Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions has never been easier or more convenient than simply getting online. It’s true! More than half of the population makes New Year’s resolutions, and the majority of those resolutions involve getting in shape or losing weight. A staggering 25% of those who’ve made a resolution have given them up only two weeks into the new year. The reason is simple: these great promises of the future don’t always fit into the practicalities of real life. Healthy Course is changing all that! 18 ∙

∙ January 2016

Online Ordering

Healthy Course of Gretna offers a solution by preparing healthy, affordable, prepared meals to go. These meals are a perfectly balanced combination of lean proteins, fresh vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Each meal is portioned, many are gluten friendly, and all of them are delicious. If the biggest edge HC has over the competition is the fresh, delicious taste of all the food, then the second edge is definitely the convenience. Easy, online ordering makes it possible for you to customize your own meals and get them in only 24 hours. Order online from today, eat healthy tomorrow. What’s easier than that? And if that’s not enough, as you are selecting your foods on the website, you can see immediately how many calories, protein or fat grams are in each meal! This is state-of-the-art, yet always user-friendly technology. Don’t think about those boxed meals you find in the freezer at the grocery. These meals are prepared by local restaurant owners Donovan and Betty Archote. These two have been in the restaurant business for over a decade, and Betty has been preparing Healthy Course Meals since 2013. Donovan has been interested in bodybuilding since high school and has competed in several competitions over the years. Not only is he a certified personal trainer, but also a law enforcement commander, husband, and father of two. Betty, the oldest of thirteen children, also runs the daily operations of both Huey P’s Pizzeria and ThanhThanh. As a busy wife and mother of two, Betty knows quite well how difficult it is to have healthy





Eating Healthy Course meals saves me valuable time. I don’t have to cook, clean, or go grocery shopping, and that means I have more time with my family. You can’t go to the grocery store and get 5 healthy meals for $35! The food is fresh and delicious and the meals are balanced. I gained 120 pounds when I had my daughter. I’ve worked hard to get the weight off, and can honestly say I couldn’t have done it and kept it off without Healthy Course. My husband is hooked on the meals too. He already lost 20 pounds. We love Healthy Course!.”


Dr. Marideli Scanlan

I have recommended Healthy Course meals to many of my patients! They love the affordable, great-tasting balanced meals and the convenience. Healthy Course is a great tool for my patients to help manage their diabetes, high blood pressure, weight, and overall health.”

Online Ordering

meal choices for a family always on the go. Satisfying palates that are used to New Orleans cuisine can be a very tricky undertaking, but the Archotes are up to the challenge. Some of the menu items are spaghetti squash, cauliflower crust pizza, and chicken stir-fry lettuce wraps. The most popular option is the 5 for $35 Meal Deal. Ordering is so simple and can be done right online. Just click on your options, get your veggies roasted, or add mushrooms and bell peppers. How about sautéing your vegetables in a coconut spray? Just click the “spruce it up” option. Eating healthy does not have to be boring! It may be most convenient to order online from the website,, but it isn’t the only option. You can call any day of the week at 504-309-5505, email or fax to 504-362-9340. And it’s up to you when you want to start eating your meals. You schedule the delivery or pick up day, in as little as 24 hours from when you placed the order. Meals can be picked up at 139 Huey P Long Avenue between 7 am and 9 pm. You could also opt to have the food delivered to most anywhere in the greater New Orleans Area, the Northshore, and even Baton Rouge!

20 ∙

∙ January 2016

Healthy Course “takes all the excuses away,” says Ashley Cronley, an IFBB Bikini Pro, who works in Recipe Development at HC. Our clients are offered a 24-hour turnaround which means if you want to start eating healthy, you can order today, and get your food tomorrow. “We also have people on staff who will customize a meal plan to fit your individual needs.” There are so many options at Healthy Course. There is truly something for everyone! They offer kids’ meals, meals by the pound, holiday catered dishes, and the most popular 5 for $35 Meal Deal and 5 for $45 Ready Made Meal Deal. They can cater to people on a diabetic, gluten-free, dairyfree, vegan, vegetarian, or organic diet plan. Everything they prepare is free from MSG and preservatives. If you are a body-builder, cyclist, runner, busy mom, working parent, senior, over-scheduled teenager or just anyone looking to start and keep their 2016 resolutions, then Healthy Course is for you! The year 2016 is an exciting one for Healthy Course. The company recently purchased the 30,000 sq ft warehouse that housed the old Heebe’s Bakery at 501 Lafayette Street in Gretna and renovations will

begin soon. This will be the future home for HC. In keeping with the historic landmark, a bakery will offer traditional desserts including fresh baked bread, king cakes, and donuts as well as healthy sweets treats like protein cupcakes and red-velvet protein brownies. But the most exciting aspect of these future expansions is in-state shipping. Finally, residents who live in Monroe, Shreveport, and Lafayette can enjoy the convenience, taste, and nutrition for themselves!!! And why stop there? Nationwide shipping is on the horizon! You can keep your 2016 New Year’s resolutions this year, and Healthy Course makes it so easy. A better, slimmer, healthier, stronger you is within reach. Let someone else with years of experience and knowledge take the guesswork (and hard work) out of your meal preparation. Get online and check them out. Come January 2017, you’ll be glad you did.

139 Huey P Long Avenue Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 309-5505

Expires 01/31/16

PET health

Pets & Your M

Healthier Pets in 2016: cine Cabinet

While there are many similarities in the between dogs humans, there are significan signs like seizures and coma. by Dr. Liza Ledet, DVM how they process certain drugs and medicat We aggressively treated the puppy with fluids, charcoal absorb drug, and eating goals to achieve your It’s a new year.toYou setany newremaining fitness and healthy to prevent stomach likeMaybe Pepcid you New Year’sprotectants Resolutions. joined aany gym, signed up for a boot camp,They are NOT small humans and some eve gastricmeal ulcers. He did have milddiet increase in hisnever tried before. Finding what started planning, or aanew you have works forvalues you long term will create success. These lifestyle changeswe are do not think twice about taking, can be kidney and we kept him in thelasting hospital on great, aboutHe your pet? Your pet and deserves health and wellness too! fluidsbut for what two days. stopped vomiting pets even at what might seem like a small d quickly responded to his fluid therapy. He was

Healthy Weight

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sent hometoeating and feeling great with his akidAccording Pet Obesity Prevention, weight loss regimen. A thorough physney50 values backoftopets normal. over percent in the US are ical exam, history, and routine lab work classified as overweight, makingwith them at veteriincluding a thyroid level can help ensure You should always consult your risk for several serious health problems there are no underlying health conditions because of that excess weight. It is affecting your pet’s weight. Also, ask them time to implement the same eating and to recommend an appropriate diet and u m ay be able goals to ease your sympet ptom sfeeding at exercise for both youpet's and your amount for your pet. This may Lastbeweek, my receptionist came to me with statistics… based on their age, size, breed, lifestyle/ m e w ithina2016. few Some com malarming on household m edications: a question about a client who was on the phone activity level, and existing medical issues. • An estimated 52.7% of US dogs are Remember, your veterinarian is the ultioverweight or obese (BCS 4-5) needing mate source for recommending a diet for advice. The day before I had seen the • 43.8 million US dogs are estimated your pet- not the internet, the pet store, the to be overweight or obese puppy for vaccinatelevision, or a friend. • 13.9 million US dogs are estimated Second measure your pets food. You to be obese control the amount of food they eat, not • An estimated 57.9% of US cats are them. If feeding dry food, use a real meaoverweight or obese (BCS 4-5) suring cup (not a Mardi Gras cup!) and • 55 million US cats are estimated follow your veterinarian’s instructions. to be overweight or obese Remember, that treats can add up and • 26.2 million US cats are estimated should be factored into the daily feeding to be obese total. Breaking treats into smaller pieces If your pet is overweight they are at risk for or feeding green beans can help you heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, give rewards more frequently without too type 2 diabetes, joint problems such as many extra calories. osteoarthritis and ligament tears, and other Third, get moving with your pet! Take obesity related problems, similar to people. them for walks, for a hike, to the park, It is up to you, to get your pet to a healthy throw the ball, get a laser pen for your cat weight and then maintain that healthy to chase, etc. Look in your area for new weight for the life of your pet. Instead of pet activities like doga, yoga with your giving them numerous milk bones to show dog! Reap the health benefits and bond your love or as a reward for good behavwith your pet at the same time! narian before pet any medications terinary ior, give them thegiving gift ofyour health and lonFourth, keep in touch with your veterigevity with an appropriate weight for their narian. what were not prescribed for that specific pet. If If you feel like your pet is not losoes have size. Here are some tips to help achieve ing weight despite your efforts, let them g tablet you find your pet ill after hours, there are 24 your New Year’s Resolutions for your pet. know so you can work together to figure hour make emergency clinics in all andwhat you can try differently to be sucmended First, an appointment withmetro your areas out only a phone callcan away no matter where veterinarian. They make sure that it is you live. cessful. Your pet will thank you! Have a necessary and healthy for your pet to start happy and healthy new year! control- Do not take it upon yourself to give your pet your

by: Dr. Liza Ledet, DVM     Mandeville Animal Ho

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Dr. Liza Ledet, DVM

Dr. Liza Ledet, DVM

Mandeville Animal Mandeville Animal HospitalHospital (985) 377-0800


MandevilleMandeville Animal Hospital Animal Hospital 419 Girod Street 419 Girod Street Mandeville, Mandeville, LA 70448 LA 70448 T: (985)377-0800 T: (985)377-0800 F: (985)377-0805 F: (985)377-0805


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It’s the small things that count and with weight loss it’s the small habits that add up to big changes. By simply doing one or two of the habits mentioned below you notice a difference. The power is in numbers. By combing all of the habits below with a good healthy diet I personal guarantee success in your weight loss journey. Stick to these habits for a good 8 weeks and rejoice in your newly found body. Having someone to hold you accountable while on your weight loss journey could be the difference between success and failure. Everyone needs a second pair of eyes to keep them on track while guiding them to success. 2. STUDY YOUR EATING HABITS Are you eating junk or sugary food late at night, nibbling while cooking, finishing the kids dinner? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings. It’ll be hard to succeed if you truly don’t know yourself. 3. LEARN TO READ THE NUTRITIONAL FACTS ON FOODS Pay attention to serving sizes and the content of the food you’re about to eat. It’s all about the protein, carbs, and fats. Remember knowledge is power. Know what you putting in your mouth. Don’t just put something in there because it taste good. Save that for your cheat meals. 4. FAIL TO PLAN, PLAN TO FAIL You need a plan and strategy for you meals. Take a few hours in the week to cook and pack your meals. Pack into Ziploc bags or storage containers. This is the number one key to success. 5. START YOUR DAY WITH BREAKFAST It is the most important meal of the day. After a long night’s rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and give you energy for the rest of the day. 1. HIRE A PERSONAL TRAINER TO HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE

Set Yourself Up For Success by: Kelly Walgamotte


The best way to snack is with a high protein snack. Throw some fat in there to create a feeling of fullness. Stay away from junk and process foods. 7. EAT FOR YOU BODY NOT YOUR TONGUE Everything you put into your mouth should have a purpose. Think of it like planting a garden. You wouldn’t plant weeds on purpose only plants that add to the beauty of the garden. So is it with food. Your body is the garden. Don’t clutter it up with weeds (junk food). 8. EAT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED Don’t fall victim of the age old saying Don’t eat after dinner. Somebody made that up a long time ago before we knew anything about nutrition. The key to this meal is to ONLY eat protein and fat and keep it somewhat small. 9. EAT CARBS IN THE MORNING AND FATS IN THE EVENING To really maximize your weight loss try eating carbs in the morning then switching to fats in the evening. Remember to keep protein with every meal. 10. REWARD YOUR SELF WITH CHEAT MEALS If you going out with friends go ahead and indulge in some tasty foods. New Orleans has plenty to offer, just don’t go hog wild. Always have a plan, understand what your eating, and why you’re eating it. Remember these meals are designed as rewards for keeping up with you diet. Keep yourself motivated by reading motivational books or quotes, talking with friends and family, or watching motivational videos. Either route you choose the main thing is, Motivation. The amount of free resources we have at our finger tips is unbelievable, use them. Remember, no war has ever been won by an unmotivated leader. You’re the leader in this war on weight loss. Lead the way in your life and change it. Wave your flag high and show the world your colors. You can do this!





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26 ∙

∙ January 2016

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