Senior Living NOLA May 2017

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from left to right: Dr. Leon Watkins, Dr. Maria Markiewicz, Dr. Anthony Perry, and Dr. Charles Caplis


Senior Resource Festival presented by HUMANA May 25th MANDEVILLE CASTINE CENTER

Can I change my Medicare Advantage plan? Fall Fall Open Open Enrollment Enrollment may may be be over over but but you you could could be be eligible eligible for for a a special special enrollment enrollment period. period. Humana Humana can can help. help. We We have have plans plans available available in in Louisiana. Louisiana. You may have the opportunity to choose or change You may have the opportunity to choose or change your your Medicare Medicare Advantage Advantage plan plan if, if, for example, you: for example, you: •• •• •• ••

Are Are newly newly eligible eligible for for Medicare Medicare or or will will soon soon be be age age 65 65 Have just moved into a different service area Have just moved into a different service area Receive Receive Medicaid Medicaid assistance assistance Are losing your retiree Are losing your retiree health health coverage coverage

Knowing Knowing if if you you qualify qualify for for a a Special Special Enrollment Enrollment Period Period can can seem seem confusing. confusing. Humana’s Humana’s local local licensed sales agents are happy to talk with you on the phone or in the comfort of your licensed sales agents are happy to talk with you on the phone or in the comfort of your own own home. home. Let Let us us help help you you find find out out if if you you qualify. qualify. Call Call today today to to learn learn more more about about all all your your options! options! Call Call to to speak speak with with a a licensed licensed Humana Humana Sales Sales Agent Agent 504-667-4367 (TTY: 711) 504-667-4367 (TTY: 711) 8 8 a.m. a.m. to to 5 5 p.m., p.m., Monday Monday through through Friday Friday

You You can can even even get get your your Medicare Medicare questions questions answered answered in in person. person. Just Just stop stop by by your your local local Humana Office and see all we have to offer. Humana Office and see all we have to offer. 1107 1107 Veterans Veterans Memorial Memorial Blvd., Blvd., Ste. Ste. 2B, 2B, Metairie, Metairie, LA LA 70005 70005 504-667-4367 504-667-4367

Humana Humana is is a a Medicare Medicare Advantage Advantage HMO HMO organization organization with with a a Medicare Medicare contract. contract. Enrollment Enrollment in in any any Humana Humana plan plan depends on contract renewal. Humana is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare contract and depends on contract renewal. Humana is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare contract and a a contract contract with with the the Louisiana Louisiana Medicaid Medicaid program. program. Enrollment Enrollment in in this this Humana Humana plan plan depends depends on on contract contract renewal. renewal. This This plan plan is available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from the State and Medicare. Newspaper advertising is available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from® the State and Medicare. Newspaper advertising supplement (HMO) H1951-047-001 H1951-047-001 and and H1951-028. H1951-028. Humana Humana supplement to to Senior Senior Living. Living. Applicable Applicable to to Humana Humana Gold Gold Plus Plus® (HMO) Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Humana”) do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Humana”) do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, origin, age, age, disability, disability, or or sex. sex. English: English: ATTENTION: ATTENTION: If If you you do do not not speak speak English, English, language language assistance assistance services, services, free free of of charge, charge, are are available available to to you. you. Call 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711). Call 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711). Español Español (Spanish): (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: ATENCIÓN: Si Si habla habla español, español, tiene tiene a a su su disposición disposición servicios servicios gratuitos gratuitos de de asistencia asistencia lingüística. lingüística. Llame al 1-844-681-0981 (TTY: 711). Llame al 1-844-681-0981 (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 繁體中文 (Chinese): (Chinese): 注意 注意:如果您使用繁體中文 :如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-530-2645 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711)。 (TTY: 711)。 Y0040_GHHJ4H6EN17 Accepted Y0040_GHHJ4H6EN17 Accepted


On the cover: Teamwork Leads to Patient Success at GSFA. Article by Becky Rolland.

May 2017

Read more on page 18. COVER FEATURE

Teamwork Leads to Patient Success at GSFA page 16

Celebrate Your Mom

May 2017 • Volume 4/Issue 5

pg. 11

Events Going on Around Town pg. 15

from left to right: Dr. Leon Watkins, Dr. Maria Markiewicz, Dr. Anthony Perry, and Dr. Charles Caplis


The Best Docs for You! pg. 18 Hidden Dangers in Your Medicines pg. 28

Senior reSource FeStival presented by HUMANA May 25th MANDEVILLE CASTINE CENTER

Table of Contents

Shark Bait

During a research experiment a marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small bait fish into the tank. As you would expect, the shark quickly swam around the tank, attacked and ate the smaller fish. The marine biologist then inserted a strong piece of clear glass into the tank, creating two separate partitions. She then put the shark on one side of the glass and a new set of bait fish on the other. Again, the shark quickly attacked. This time, however, the shark slammed into the glass divider and bounced off. Undeterred, the shark kept re-


For more info on advertising information, please contact:

Renee Ragucci-Shelton

(504) 201- 4024 email:

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(504) 236-7919

Want the Right Audience? The Right Advertising Prices? ADVERTISE WITH US – CALL OR E-MAIL TODAY!

Pg. 6

peating this behavior every few minutes to no avail. Meanwhile, the bait fish swam around unharmed in the second partition. Eventually, about an hour into the experiment, the shark gave up. This experiment was repeated several dozen times over the next few weeks. Each time, the shark got less aggressive and made fewer attempts to attack the bait fish, until eventually the shark got tired of hitting the glass divider and simply stopped attacking altogether. The marine biologist then removed the fiberglass divider, but the shark didn’t attack. The shark was trained to believe a barrier existed between it and the bait fish, so the bait fish swam wherever they wished, free from harm. The moral: Many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. Like the shark in the story, we believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful. In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our heads, even when no ‘real’ barrier exists between where we are and where we want to go.

Senior Living’s Book Club Corner /Page 8 by Liz Maddox If You Don't Have A Will /Page 9 by Eric M. Schorr Spiritual Maturity /Page 10 by Dr. Larry T. McEwen Focus on GERD (SMH announcement) /Page 12 Celebrate Your Mom on Mother’s Day and Beyond /Page 13 by Becky Rolland NEWS!: Notes from Nigel /Page 15

Dr. Daniel Rupley: Early Detection Saves Lives pg. 22 by Mary Bounds Pedro Serrant, M.D.: Healing Souls with Dr. Serrant and Lulu pg. 24 Regional Radiology: Daniel Harlin, MD and Richard Vanderbrook, M.D. pg. 25 Dr. Terry Kraus, M.D.: Oncology Consulting Services, LLC pg. 26

Events Around Town: for Music, for Fun, and Festive /Page 16 sponsored by: Covenant Home Health

5 Hidden Dangers in Your Medicine Cabinet /Page 30 by Becky Rolland

Teamwork Leads to Patient Success at GSFA /Page 18 by Becky Rolland

Reverse Mortgage Loans - Reversing the Bad Rap /Page 31 by Becky Rolland

Meet the Staff of Senior Living

Publishers Michelle Carollo Kelly Walgamotte

Account Executives Renee Ragucci-Shelton Becky Rolland

Editor Lana Walgamotte

Designer Dan Sause

Photographer Bach Imagery

Contributing Writers: Julie Agan, Michelle Carollo, Marelia Rocasco, Travis Manny, Dr. Larry T. McEwen, Liz Maddox, Ann Mannella, Becky Rolland

Senior Living is published monthly P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459. Copyright 2016 by Senior Living. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written, expressed consent of the publisher. Reproduction of editorial content or graphics in any manner or in any medium is prohibited. Opinions of staff & contributing writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Contact the publishers of Senior Living via e-mail at, or call 985-778-6171 or 985-445-3644

Letters to the Editor are Welcome – send signed letters to: Senior Living Magazine P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459. Please include a phone number for verification (it will not be published). E-mail letters to The Editor reserves the right to edit for length, style and spelling. Postmaster : Send address changes to Senior Living P.0. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459


Book Club Corner May 2017

Liz Maddox:

This month's selection: The Fifth Gospel by Ian Caldwell

Between the Wines rating:


Next month's selection: A few of Liz's favorites

for more information on this book or others, email me at:

This month's Between the Wines selection was quite the roller-coaster ride! T he Fifth Gospel written by Ian Caldwell is a murder mystery that takes place at the Vatican. Two brothers are priests. One is a Roman Catholic priest and the other Greek Orthodox. According to the story, there’s a Shroud of Turin and a fifth gospel that the Catholic Church is desperate to keep hidden from the public. In the meantime, a mysterious exhibit is under construction at the Vatican Museum. The museum’s curator, also a priest, is murdered right outside of Rome a week before the grand opening. The same night, a violent break-in occurs at the residence of one of the brothers, Father Alex Andreou. Father Alex realizes that in order to solve the mystery and find the killer, he must reconstruct the secret of the Diatessaron, the true fifth gospel which reveals the church’s most holy and controversial relic. Don’t let the B-movie title dissuade you; this is a rtkar, this is a story that will appeal to a male audience as much as a female. If you’re thinking this is another Da Vinci Code, you’re mistaken! This novel is so full of history and tradition that even a hardcore, 12year graduate of Catholic schools learned so much. Ian Caldwell took over ten years to write this book, and that wasn’t due to the writing, it was the research! The details about the church are incredibly detailed and accurate. T he Fifth Gospel discusses the ancient rift that split the two largest Christian sects, and


It was an enjoyable read. I was engrossed in it because I DO believe in conspiracy theories, especially among complicated bureaucracies (like the church). I don’t, however, believe in the veracity of relics but am intrigued by the simple faith of those who venerate them.


The book was interesting in that you get a rare look behind the walls of the Vatican and learn the history of the Roman Catholic vs the Greek Orthodox religion. The story is slow at times, but worth reading if you are interested in Catholicism and its longstanding traditions.

Pg. Pg. 88

can trace that split all the way back to the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ. It breaks down the four gospels in an intelligent and understandable way in order to pave way for the fifth gospel which gives clear answers about the resurrection of Christ. We selected this book choice to coincide with the Easter season. So if you’re a conspiracy buff, a product of Catholic schools, an historian, or just a history buff…this may be a novel for you. We didn’t all like it (as you can see from our Between the Wines’ blurbs), but those of us who loved it, LOVED it!


Part murder mystery, part family drama, part historical, The Fifth Gospel is well-researched and offers an inside peek at the workings of the Vatican. Ian Caldwell reportedly spent ten years researching for the novel, and it shows in the amount of detail regarding an intriguing world that few have access to. If you enjoyed Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, as I did, you will most likely appreciate this novel.


I learned a lot about the workings of the Vatican and the papal justice system. But the storytelling was slow, and I thought the brothers were pretentious. Also, I hate conspiracy theories, and I’ve never believed in relics.

If you don’t have a will,the state will take care of your family–or not.


ccording to a 2015 Harris Poll, 64% of American adults don't have a will. Of those without a will, many say they simply don’t need one. Unfortunately, many people have a poor understanding of how their property will be distributed if they die without a will. If you die intestate, i.e., without a will, the laws of the state where you lived determine how and to whom your property passes. Because Louisiana is a community property state, how your assets are distributed to your heirs depends on whether those assets are your “separate property” or “community property.” Generally, a married couple’s community property includes property acquired during the marriage with earning of either spouse – salaries, for instance, and income derived from separate property. Separate property includes property that you owned prior to the marriage, and property

that you receive through a donation or as an inheritance. Under Louisiana’s intestacy laws, your separate property passes to your descendants in equal shares, by roots. So, if you have children, your separate property goes to your children, equally. If a child predeceased you, then your deceased child’s share is inherited by his children, and, if they are deceased, by their children, and so on. If you have no descendants, then your assets are inherited by your siblings (and then their descendants), but subject to the usufruct in favor of your parents. Many people are surprised to learn that your surviving spouse only inherits your separate property if you leave no surviving descendants, no surviving parents, no siblings, and no descendants of siblings. Community property is treated differently than separate property; one-half goes to your surviving spouse, and the other half belongs to your estate.

If you die with no descendants, then your spouse is entitled to your share of community property. However, if you are survived by descendants, your descendants inherit your community property subject to your spouse’s usufruct. The surviving spouse’s usufruct lasts until the spouse either dies or remarries. The word “usufruct” is derived from the Latin words usus “to use” and fructus “fruits,” i.e., profits. Thus, the usufruct is the right to use and enjoy property, but it is not equivalent to full ownership. Among other limitations, the person having a legal usufruct does not have the right to alienate some property without the consent of the “naked owners,” the people who take the property when the usufruct terminates. Dying intestate can cause unintended consequences, and it can lead to resentment among heirs, and even litigation. So, before you let the state decide who will inherit your assets, make sure you know what the state has in mind.

Eric M. Schorr is a par tner at Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel, L.L.C., and is cer tified by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization as a Specialist in Estate Planning and Estate Administration. If you have a question or issue concerning estate planning or administration that you would like Mr. Schorr to discuss in a future issue, you can email him at: eschorr @

Our Focus is Your Legacy Since 1958, Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel, L.L.C. has been serving clients throughout the state. As New Orleans’ most renowned Estate Planning & Administration Law Firm, we offer exceptional qualifications and personal, attentive service. With an Estate Planning and Probate Group that boasts of some of the most distinguished attorneys in Louisiana, Estate Planning isn’t one of the things we do. It is what we do.

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Spiritual Maturity by Dr. Larry T. McEwen







by: Dr. Larry T. McEwen

Working With All Your Heart

Some lessons we lear n early in life and the truth of those lessons are cemented in our hearts and minds by life experience! I lear ned such a lesson in one of my very first jobs. I know this will seriously date me, but as a teenager I

Pg. 10


worked for a dollar store known as F.W. Woolworth’s. They were also known as five and dime stores. They had a small diner on one side of the store. A part of my job was to sweep and mop that part of the store and it was expected to be spotless. It was during this time that my pastor preached a message on Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. I took this to heart and did my work as if I were doing it for my Savior. One day my boss came to me and told me the company was downsizing and because I was the last hired, I would be the first to be let go. He then told me he remembered the first day we met and how I looked him straight in the eye and shook his hand

As we mature in life, most of us have a strong desire to remain independent as long as humanly possible! This desire motivates our plans for the retirement years as we think about financial independence, housing independence, health firmly. He thanked meandfor myindependence! hard work There is nothing wrong with pursuing these goals with a passion! and told me he was sad to lose meis true. as an However, when it comes to spiritual maturity, the opposite The more we growHe in our walk with God,to thetake more we to employee. asked me a come walk realize our increasing dependence upon Him in every area of our with him. We went across the street to a lives. Why? Because a mature person has experienced times in Fred’s Dollar Store he introduced their life when they chose to live and independently of God’s direc- me tion, guidance, wisdom and He strength. In retrospect, those times to my new boss! had personally gotten were some of the darkest and most difficult of their lives. A spirme another job. This man was not a reliitually maturing person is very willing to lay down their human gious man, the presence, work power, ethicandmy Chrispride and admit theybut need God’s protection every day. Spiritual this fact: depend-to tiansingle values had maturity givenrecognizes me had spoken ence upon God is the key to living with meaning and purpose. hisPsalmist heart. The lesson learned? The stated this concept beautifully in PsalmActions 62:5-8…

really do speak louder than words!

Psa 62:5 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.

For62:6 more onisthis concept, visit our website Psa He alone my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, at: I will not be shaken. Psa 62:7 My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my Clickrock, on my resources, then either watch a mighty refuge.

sermon orinread andoutthen one Psa 62:8 Trust him atsermon all times, Onotes people; pour your hearts to him,follow for God is our refuge. messages. Selah the through


Dr.Dr. Larry McEwen is a graduateis a graduate of Larry McEwen of New Orleans Baptist TheologiOrleans Baptist Theological calNew Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry degree inwith Leadership Seminary a Doctor of Ministry and has over thirty years of mindegree in Leadership and has over istry experience.

thirty years of ministry experience.









F.D. S.TB. E A U T#3










Focus on G.E.R.D. May 2017

Feeling Heartburn? Indigestion? Most people have heartburn or indigestion from time to time. In fact, more than 60 million American adults experience heartburn at least once a month. Usually it being a case of overindulgence or that particularly spicy food you love so much. However, if you feel that burning sensation in your chest more than twice a week, you might have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). While GERD affects millions of people, the odds of developing this disorder increases with age. Thus, the elderly are more likely than younger adults to suffer from GERD. Wheth er i t i s l abel ed a s h ea r tbu r n , a c i d ref l u x o r GER D, this bur ning feel ing s tr i k es wh en c o n ten ts f ro m th e sto m a ch travel back up the esopha gu s. I n n o r mal d i g esti o n , th e l ower eso p h a g eal sphincter (L ES) o pen s to al l ow fo o d to p a ss i n to th e sto m a ch a n d c l o ses to prevent food an d a cid i c s to mach j ui c es f ro m f l ow i n g b a c k i n to the esophagus. T he main cau s e o f GE R D is wh en th e L E S wea k en s, o r d oes not function p roperl y, an d al l ows th e c o n ten ts i n th e sto m a ch to freely move back into th e es o p h agu s.

In the elderly, symptoms often show up in the mouth, throat or lungs. Signs and symptoms of GERD, include: • Chest or upper abdominal pain/burning, sometimes spreading to your throat, along with a sour taste in your mouth • Painful or difficulty swallowing • Dry, persistent cough • Throat problems – soreness, hoarseness, or laryngitis (voice box inflammation) • Feeling of a lump in the throat or food stuck in the throat • Respiratory problems

GERD in the elderly could be initiated or worsened by coexisting diseases that affect the esophagus, including diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and ALS, among others. One factor likely to be important in this population is the use of medications known to decrease the lower esophageal sphincter pressure and thereby increase gastroesophageal reflux. An increase in body weight with age may also predispose to gastroesophageal reflux, which is important because the older population is now more likely to be obese than in the past.

Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce your chances of having GERD, or managing your current GERD symptoms, to improve your overall digestive health. • Eat a healthy and balanced diet

• Maintain a healthy weight

• Avoid fatty, greasy and spicy foods and beverages like coffee and alcohol

• Eat smaller portions

• Quit smoking

Pg. 12

• Don’t lie down after eating • Sleep elevated • Wear loose clothing

In addition, speak with your doctor about possible over-the-counter and prescription medication that can be used to treat GERD. In a few cases, GERD may be treated with surgery or other procedures.



Spring is a great time of year! As we look around and appreciate life’s renewal, it is a great time to also think about the woman who brought you into this world or raised you as her own child. Show your mom your appreciate all that she does on Mother’s Day! Here are some suggested gifts that she is sure to love year round.


In a survey of over 350 American adults between the ages of 60 and 86, researchers at Pennsylvania State University found that older people primarily use Facebook to bond with old friends, develop relationships and keep tabs on their loved ones. Why not get your Mom an iPad or other tablets with a larger screen. GrandPad is a simplified tablet that is excellent for the basics like connecting with family through email, photos and videos, listening to music or playing brain exercise games.


Not only will Mom appreciate a comfortable blanket or throw, you can now add photographs of the family to make it really special. Check out Shutterfly to find some great gift options that will warm the soul along with the aging body. If your Mom spends a lot of time on her feet, why not buy her some compression Socks. These fun and fashionable socks and tights will help her circulation; put a spring in her step and a smile on her face. Need a place to write? A lap desk is a great gift for any mom who likes to write letters. It fits most chairs and will allow her a writing space of her own.


Ergonomic kitchen gadgets and gardening tools are great gifts for an active Mom with nagging arthritis pain or limited hand strength. Show your mom that you care about her health by getting her some low impact exercise equipment. This will not only help your mom maintain balance and strengthen her extremities, it may prevent her from having a stroke, heart condition or other common ailment that is associated with age.

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Notes from Nigel


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Spring is here and Nigel attended his first Crawfish boil. He was impressed by all of those critters crawling around. He is 9months old now and is still continuing to gain weight. He is still hand fed about once a day. However sometimes he requires a little extra feeding now and then. His mommy thinks that he is having a growth spur t. Nigel is looking forward to seeing ever yone at the 18th Annual COAST Festival on May 25th at the Mandeville Castine Center. Make sure you stop by to say hello!


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3/8/17 1:45 PM

New ns a Orle MAY 2017


M usic , for F un , and F estive

JUNE 2017

2nd • Neil Diamond, Smoothie King 5th • Whitney Zoo-To-Do 4th-7th • Jazz and Heritage Festival 13th • Jessica Lang Dance Mahalia Jackson th 13 • Louisiana Veteran’s Festival 9th-14th • Finding Neverland, Saenger Theatre th st 17 -21 • Bayou Boogaloo 25th COAST Senior Resource

3rd-4th • New Orleans Oyster Festival 9th • Journey, Smoothie King 6th-11th • Mamma Mia, Saenger

25th-28th • New Orleans Wine and Food Experience, French Quarter 26th-28th • Bayou Country Superfest 26th-28th • Greek Fest

Saenger Theatre

Festival, Mandeville Castine Center

Pg. 16


10th-11th • French Market Creole Tomato Festival 22nd-24th • Festigals 24th-25th • Louisiana Cajun Zydeco Festival 26th-27th SALT Elder Abuse Conference 27th • Boston - Hyper Space Tour, 30th • ESSENCE Festival he world

JULY 2017 1st-3rd • ESSENCE Festival 4th • Independence Day French Quarter Fireworks 9th • Roger Waters, Smoothie King 12th-10th • San Fermin en Nueva Orleans 15th-16th • Gun & Knife Show, Harbor Center

16th • David Blaine magician, Saenger Theater

TBA • Tales of the Cocktail 25th • Idina Menzel, Saenger Theatre







F.D. S.TB. E A U T#3









Teamwork Leads to Patient Success at GSFA

By: Becky Rolland

Gulf South foot & Ankle

“Our patients really appreciate the team approach at GSFA. They receive the benefits of our doctors’ combined expertise and they also have the convenience of being treated at one location for several medical conditions.” Sarah Calame, Office Manager

From left to right: Dr. Leon Watkins, Dr. Maria Markiewicz, Dr. Anthony Perry, and Dr. Charles Caplis

Did you know that 25% of all bones in your body are in your feet? The foot is one of the most intricate parts of the body, containing 26 bones with thirty-three joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and multiple tendons. And with all the medical conditions associated with that many moving parts, doesn’t it make sense that you would want your feet examined and treated by the best podiatry team available? Unlike the 58% of podiatric physicians who are in solo practice, the experienced, board certified podiatrists at Gulf South Foot & Ankle (GSFA) offer a collaborative approach to patient care. Dr. Leon Watkins, Dr. Maria Markiewicz, Dr. Charles Caplis, Dr. Anthony Perry and Dr. Beau Willis assume complementary roles while working together whether they are problem-solving or preparing a treatment plan. In GSFA’s collaborative atmosphere, team members feed off of one another’s knowledge and skills, ensuring that their patients are offered the best possible care. Before they implement a strategy for success, the GSFA method is to approach each medical situation as a team and consider multiple treatment options and scenarios. “Each doctor has their own area of interest and expertise. While one doctor in the practice specializes in wound care, there is another doctor in the practice who specializes in surgery. With 5 doctors in the practice, we have a podiatric subspecialist for any foot condition,” Dr. Watkins explained. Keys to effective teamwork include having the team share a common purpose and intent along with mutual trust, respect, and effort. Collaboration is at its best at GSFA because the physicians combine their talents to improve the outcome for their patients, “We are here to assist one another in everything from pre-operative work-ups to reconstructive surgeries. One of the added benefits of having a larger team is that our patients receive

Metairie Office

Dr. Beau Willis

the due diligence of everyone’s input. We constantly share the most recent information with one another whether it is an article we just read about the latest treatment or an advanced technique we learned from a medical conference,” Dr. Caplis added. Sarah Calame, GSFA’s Office Manager since 2011, explained how well the team collaboration works. “Our doc-

Covington Office

tors are always discussing different treatment options along with various techniques. They put ego aside and bounce ideas off one another because they really want to make sure our patients receive the best possible care,” she said. “It also helps that our Northshore and Southshore offices are electronically linked, that way our doctors can collaborate on the best approach by viewing x-rays from either office in real time.” The effective team collaboration by the skilled doctors at GSFA extends beyond their two locations. In their team approach to foot care, they ensure that the lines of communication are open between all other members of the patients’ medical care team (primary care physicians, surgeons, infectious disease doctors, endocrinologists and dietitians). “We want to make sure that everyone is on the same page and that every aspect of a patient’s care is covered,” Dr. Caplis said. The final component that makes GSFA’s model a success is that each doctor makes a commitment to patient education. “We want our patients to understand the cause of their discomfort or pain and the different treatment options available. By helping our patients find a treatment program that offers them the highest quality of care, we can get them back to full, pain-free function as quickly as possible,” Dr. Watkins said. “We go above and beyond in providing our patients with the latest information. In both our offices we have informational pamphlets on everything from fungal treatments to the proper shoe gear for runners and we participate in expos and wellness fairs to make sure the public is educated as well,” Calame added. Due to a lifetime of wear and tear and neglect, it is estimated that 56% of older patients will need medical attention for their feet. By utilizing the team approach, the doctors at GSFA can often evaluate, diagnose, and treat a variety of medical conditions all in one visit. Because a wide array of diagnostic services is offered, patients can leave their appointment with a clear diagnosis and treatment plan. Gulf South Foot & Ankle also strives to make it convenient for patients by offering Saturday office hours and

Dr.Dr.Leon Watkins, Maria Markiewicz Leon Watkins, Dr. MariaDr. Markiewicz even home visits for the immobile or less mobile patients. “I like going on house calls because I like to build a relationship with my patients and I can educate them on how to take care of their feet in their home environment.” Watkins said. Equipped at both locations with on-site digital x-ray, ultrasound, and vascular testing equipment, GSFA is truly a “one stop shop” for all ailments related to foot and ankle. “Because we specialize in treating all conditions of the foot and ankle, we are not limited in our ability to provide our patients’ pain relief. We can treat the more physical ailments such as hammer toe or fungal toenails as well as the vascular and neurological aspects of a medical condition,” Dr. Watkins said. Sources for the data are the American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine, American Hospital Association, American Podiatric Medical Association, Council on Podiatric Medical Education, Podiatry Insurance Company of America, United States Bureau of the Census, and United States Department of Health and Human Services.


SOUTHSHORE 2520 Harvard Ave. Suite 2B Metairie, LA 70001 504.708.4537

NORTHSHORE 71121 Hwy. 21 Covington, LA 70433 985.218.3195

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(TTY 711) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week Blue Advantage from HMO Louisiana, Inc. is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in HMO Louisiana depends on contract renewal. HMO Louisiana is a subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana and its subsidiaries, HMO Louisiana, Inc. and Southern National Life Insurance Company, Inc., comply with applicable federal civil rights laws and do not exclude people or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. SPANISH: ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-866-508-7145 (TTY: 711). FRENCH: ATTENTION: Si vous parlez français, des services d’aide linguistique vous sont proposés gratuitement. Appelez le 1-866-508-7145 (ATS: 711). Customer Service hours are 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., 7 days a week. 01MA1203 04/17

H6453_17-019_MKLA CMS Accepted

Finding a physician can be a daunting task. Putting your life in someone else’s hands needs to be a well thought out and educated decision. This decision, however, should not wait until you develop a medical issue. Experts suggest that a person should find a physician and establish a relationship while they are in good health. If you think about it, you wouldn’t buy a new vehicle or home without checking it out first. However, A good number of people rely simply on the word-of-mouth from friends or colleagues.

Dr. Daniel Rupley Early Detection Saves Lives

by Mary Bounds As a board certified Diagnostic Radiologist Dr. Rupley has personally diagnosed thousands of patients with breast cancer over the course of his career, detecting more than 200 cases in 2014 alone. Rupley, who is currently affiliated with Regional Radiology, LLC, recognizes increased breast cancer awareness and improved screening modalities as essential in early detection and increased long-term survival. Yet with estimates of over 200,000 new cases of breast cancer in the US each year, Daniel Rupley is keenly aware his work is not yet done. Pg. 22

There are many online resources that you can use to do some research on physicians in your area, health, ratemds. com,,,, to name a few. Google can be your friend. Most doctors and hospitals have at least some degree of online presence that can give you valuable insights. Over the next few pages you will find a great resource to find the best docs in the New Orleans area: Senior Living’s Top Doctors Special Section.

In 1974 Daniel Rupley was busy earning his undergraduate degree from the Louisiana State University. Six years later Rupley received his medical degree from LSU, later completing an Internal Medicine internship and residencies in Internal Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology at the University of California Irvine. His ultimate decision to enter the subspecialty of mammography set the stage for his dedicated, esteemed career. Dan Rupley admits he did not initially plan to wage a war on breast cancer. He did, however, develop a true hatred for the disease during his Internal Medicine residency. “I took care of so many vibrant women whose lives were being cut short by this horrible disease. I hated it.” Rupley could not have known this growing hatred would one day fuel a passion toward

his future career in mammography. On the first day of his mammography rotation in Long Beach, California, Dan Rupley stood face-to-face with Dr. Laszlo Tabar, the renowned Swedish physician whose pioneering research helped lay the foundation for early detection through screening mammography. Rupley, who in his own words was enamored by diagnostics and imaging, studied under Dr. Tabar in California and later in Sweden. It is Tabar, an internationally renowned pioneer and educator in the field of breast imaging, that Rupley credits as being his “foremost inspiration and pivotal influence when deciding my career path.” Today, as an experienced diagnostic radiologist, Dan Rupley is passionately focused on finding breast cancer at its earliest point possible, with the goal of

minimizing required treatment and potentially negating the need for chemotherapy. Rupley admits mammograms are not a perfect tool, but on the large scale they are “the best tool we’ve got.” Rupley adds that long term studies have shown, “Mammograms decrease a woman’s chance of dying from breast cancer by greater than 30 percent.” In 2016, mammography remains the most commonly used method for screening for breast cancer worldwide. The American Cancer Society recommends the following guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer: • Yearly mammograms starting at age 40 and continuing for as long as a woman is in good health. • Clinical breast exam about every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over. Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report breast changes to a health care provider right away. Breast self-exam is an option for women starting in their 20s. Some women – because of family history, genetic tendency, or other factors – should be screened with MRIs along with mammograms. Other women may bene t from the addition of screening ultrasound depending on their risk and mammogram pattern. Talk with a doctor about your history and whether you should have other tests or start testing at an earlier age. This year, October 21st is National Mammography Day. First proclaimed by President Clinton in 1993, this annual observance serves to remind women that early detection is their best defense. Dr. Daniel Rupley joins other health care professionals in encouraging women to take time to have a screening mammogram. Early detection saves lives.

Regional Radiology 1202 S Tyler St Covington, LA 70433

Pg. 23

Better hearing takes more than just a hearing aid. Expert care is your key to a better life. Associated Hearing, Inc. is a full-service audiology practice offering comprehensive hearing testing, state-ofthe-art hearing aid technology, and a patient-centered approach focused on finding the best solutions for your hearing needs. What sets us apart is our patient care - care that is specific to you, with exceptional follow-up that ensures your hearing needs are being met at each stage of your journey to better hearing. Our Doctors of Audiology, Daniel Bode, Alaina Johnson and Courtney Beatrous-Cooke provide the utmost in quality hearing health care. Their unique approach to hearing care involves close, personal contact with patients at every phase of their treatment. They provide a broad range of diagnostic services for children as well as adults. A strong patient-provider relationship based on honesty, integrity and values is our goal, as we feel this is the best approach to making sure you don’t miss any of the precious moments in your life.

7 REASONS TO VISIT ASSOCIATED HEARING: • We believe that educated patients are our best patients. • Our expertise and variety of services mean you get the care you deserve. • Detailed audiometric testing means we address the specific nature of your unique loss. • State-of-the-art hearing aids optimize your ability to hear. • We offer exact hearing aid fitting and programming to your satisfaction. • Exceptional follow-up care means you get ongoing, personalized customer service. • We absolutely love what we do! At Associated Hearing, our mission is to improve the quality of our patients’ lives by providing the best hearing care possible through experienced professionals, expert advice, exceptional technology, excellent value, and extraordinary service. Call today to schedule your professional hearing exam and consultation!


802 W. 10th Ave., Suite 4 Covington, LA 70433 985-249-5225 Fax: 985-249-5223


433 Metairie Rd., Suite 101 Metairie, LA 70005 504-833-4327 Fax: 504-833-4768

Website: Email:

Daniel Harlin, MD Daniel Harlin, MD, attended the University of Alabama School of Medicine and completed residency training in Diagnostic Radiology at the University of South Alabama Hospitals. In addition, he completed a fellowship in Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Harlin has received specialized training in neurologic, musculoskeletal, and whole body interventional procedures and advanced imaging utilizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT). He enjoys performing minimally invasive procedures with a special interest in spine procedures, pain intervention, musculoskeletal/sports medicine procedures, and interventional oncology. Dr. Harlin has been a leader in bringing the most modern interventional procedures to Louisiana. Dr. Harlin is the 1st physician in the state to perform ultrasound guided percutaneous tenotomy/fasciotomy with the Tenex TX1 device. This procedure brings relief to sufferers of chronic tendon pain (tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, jumper’s knee, Achilles pain and plantar fasciitis). For more information please go to: www. or visit the Regional Radiology page on Tenex located here.

Richard Vanderbrook, M.D. Dr. Richard Vanderbrook, M.D. is a graduate of the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. He completed an internship in General Surgery at the University of Virginia, and his residency in Diagnostic Radiology at Ochsner Medical Center. Following his Diagnostic Radiology Residency, he returned to the University of Virginia to complete a fellowship in Vascular and Interventional Radiology. He is board certified in Diagnostic Radiology and holds a certificate of added qualification in Vascular and Interventional Radiology. Dr Vanderbrook has a special interest in uterine artery embolization for symptomatic uterine fibroids, as well as oncologic embolotherapy. He also performs a vast array of minimally invasive spinal procedures for both acute and chronic neck and back pain. REGIONAL RADIOLOGY, LLC P.O. Box 1089 Covington, LA 70434 504-277-0191 504-277-0195

Pg. 25

Dr. Terry Kraus, M.D. Oncology Consulting Services, LLC

In an instant, everything changed. The words, “You have cancer” had never been so intimately personal to Dr. Terry Kraus. In that isolated moment he emotionally transformed into a shell-shocked husband lost in a fog, dealing with his beloved wife’s cancer diagnosis. “What is her prognosis?” “Will our lives ever be the same?” His personal journey with his wife, their questions and fears, echoed the concerns of thousands dealing with cancer. Cancer had been the focus of Dr. Terry Kraus’s renowned career as a radiation oncologist since 1976. Over the course of his career, Dr. Kraus was on the cutting edge of cancer treatment, counseling and treating over 16,000 patients with all types of cancer. Yet his wife Sally’s cancer diagnosis added a new dimension to his already fervent dedication, and when he retired from radiology in 2014, he knew his work with cancer patients was far from complete. Dr. Kraus opened Oncology Consulting Services, LLC in Metairie, drawing from his personal and professional experiences and years of practice as a radiation

Pg. 26

oncologist. In a relaxed and home-like workspace, Dr. Kraus answers questions and provides information/direction to patients making decisions regarding their cancer treatment. Services include evaluation of medical records and scans, treatment recommendations, emotional support, referrals to major medical centers, and hospice recommendations upon request. Patients are treated with dignity, compassion, and the utmost respect. Kraus wears a multicolor cancer wristband in support of all types of cancer which is inscribed with the word, “Hope.” It is his desire to assist patients and their families as they journey through cancer toward their own personal hope. And he is prepared to accompany them every step of the way. His own compelling words con- firm his dedication and passion, “It’s not my job. It’s my life.”

Oncology Consulting Services, LLC 111 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Suite 403 Metairie, LA 70005 | 504-717-3237

Pedro Serrant, M.D. Healing Souls with Dr. Serrant and Lulu

Early in my career in upstate New York, one of my older and more experienced colleagues would take his golden retriever when he made rounds in the nursing home. As a physician, he took care of their physical ailments while his sweet dog healed their souls. Having witnessed the wonderful results inspired me to bring Lulu to the office, knowing she would provide the love and happiness that only an innocent fourlegged friend can give. Dr. Pedro Serrant is an internist in Slidell, Louisiana and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Ochsner Medical Center-North Shore and Slidell Memorial Hospital. He received his medical degree from Ponce School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. PEDRO SERRANT, M.D.

1850 Gause Blvd E Suite 103 Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 646-4464

Senior Medicare Patrol

Empowering Seniors To Prevent Healthcare Fraud Medicare waste, abuse and fraud cost taxpayers anywhere from $60 billion to $100 billion a year and threaten the viability of the program. Massive fraudulent schemes are reported throughout Florida. An example is the recent conviction of the operator of three home health care agencies who falsely billed Medicare $57 million for services such as insulin injections, physical therapy and nursing care that were unnecessary or never provided and who paid kickbacks to doctors and recruiters for referrals. As disturbing as these headline-grabbing examples are, they may paint only a partial picture of the totality of the problem. Most Medicare overpayments are not the result of these horrific fraud schemes but rather are the result of everyday errors and abuse. While every beneficiary should become proactive in protecting against waste and abuse, they do not have to shoulder this responsibility alone. Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) exists to empower and assist seniors, their families and their caregivers to prevent and report healthcare fraud, errors and abuse. SMP recruits and trains retired professionals to teach Medicare beneficiaries how to recognize and report possible healthcare fraud in the Medicare

and Medicaid systems. SMP also works to resolve beneficiary complaints of potential fraud, waste and abuse. Working alongside state and national fraud control and consumer protection entities, SMP has been instrumental in returning millions of dollars to the Medicare system. SMP offers education sessions, community outreach events and one-on-one counseling. To learn more about the many services that SMP provides, please visit our website at To report any suspicious activity, report it at 877-272-8720. SMP needs volunteers to help educate seniors on the steps they can take to protect themselves and our Medicare dollars. If you would like to become a volunteer and protect the ones who have protected us for so many years, call 877-272-8720.

This project is supported, in part by a grant (Nos. 90MP194-02-01, 90MP0196-02-01 90MP0242-01-01 and 90MP195-02-01), from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.

VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED NEEDED VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS • Medicare loses an • Medicare loses VOLUNTEERS • Medicare loses an estimated estimated • Medicare loses an estimated NEEDED $60,000,000,000 $60,000,000,000 billion) each year to NEEDED $60,000,000,000 (60 (60 billion) billion) each each year yearto to NEEDED $60,000,000,000 (60 billion) each fraud, waste and fraud, waste and abuse. NEEDED fraud, waste and abuse. • Medicare loses an estimated

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• Educated seniors are our best “front line

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Attention Homeowners 62+

FREE Reverse Mortgage Seminar. Call today to reserve your spot at our next event. Marilyn Cox

$60,000,000,000 (60 billion) each yearyear to to fraud, waste and abuse. ofdefense” defense” against Medicare fraud. volunteers to spread our important $60,000,000,000 (60 billion) each of against Medicare fraud. fraud, waste and abuse. $60,000,000,000 (60 billion) each year to of defense” against Medicare fraud. fraud, waste and abuse. fraud, waste and abuse. Medicare fraud and education “front line of prevention defense” against fraud, waste and abuse. fraud, waste and abuse. message. •Educated Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for • seniors are our best “front line Medicare fraud. • Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for Educated seniors are our best “front • Educated seniors are our best “front line line • of Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for Educated seniors are our best “front line Willseniors you help us educate volunteers to spread our important defense” against Medicare fraud. • Educated are our best “front line of defense” against Medicare fraud. volunteers to spread our important • Senior Medicare Patrol is looking defense” against Medicare fraud. • of Educated seniors are our best “front line volunteers toloses spread our important of defense” against Medicare fraud. • Medicare an estimated Louisiana’s Medicare Medicare fraud prevention and education • Medicare loses an estimated of defense” against Medicare fraud. Medicare fraud prevention and education of against Medicare fraud. Medicare fraud and education for volunteers to our im$60,000,000,000 (60 billion) each year to Senior Medicare Patrol isislooking for •defense” Medicare losesprevention an estimated beneficiaries? $60,000,000,000 (60spread billion) each year to message. • Senior Medicare Patrol looking for message. • Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for fraud, waste and abuse. volunteers to spread our important • message. Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for $60,000,000,000 (60 billion) each year to fraud, waste and abuse. portant Medicare fraud prevention to spread our important Ifyou you are: • Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for volunteers to spread our important Medicare fraud prevention and education Will help us educate fraud, waste and abuse. • volunteers Senior Medicare Patrol is looking for volunteers to spread our important Will you help us educate •Internet savvy Medicare fraud prevention and education education message. •and Educated seniors are our best “front line volunteers to spread our important Will you help us educate message. • Educated seniors are our best “front line Medicare fraud prevention and education volunteers to spread our important Louisiana’s Medicare Medicare fraud prevention and education of defense” against Medicare fraud. •Self-directed message. • of Educated seniors are our best “front line Louisiana’s Medicare defense” against Medicare fraud. Medicare prevention and education Louisiana’s Medicare message. Medicare fraud prevention and education Willfraud youagainst help us educate message. beneficiaries? of defense” Medicare fraud. •Comfortable speaking message. beneficiaries? message. Medicare • Senior Medicare Patrol is looking beneficiaries? you help us educate • Will SeniorLouisiana’s Medicare Patrol is looking for for to small groups Will you help us educate If you are: Will you help us educate volunteers to spread spread ourisimportant important beneficiaries? • Will Senior Medicare Patrol looking for volunteers to our If you are: you help us educate Louisiana’s Medicare If you are: Will you help us educate Medicare fraud prevention and education Louisiana’s Medicare volunteers to spread our important Medicare fraud prevention and education •Internet savvy Louisiana’s Medicare Ifbeneficiaries? you are: WE NEED YOU! •Internet savvy message. Louisiana’s Medicare Medicare fraud prevention and education message. •Internet savvy Louisiana’s Medicare beneficiaries? •Self-directed •Internet savvy beneficiaries? message. •Self-directed beneficiaries? Will you help educate Will you help us usspeaking educate •Self-directed beneficiaries? If you are: For more information, visit or call: •Self-directed •Comfortable If you are: If you are: Will you help us educate Louisiana’s Medicare •Comfortable speaking Louisiana’s Medicare •Comfortable speaking If you are: •Comfortable speaking •Internet to small groups If you are: savvy •Internet savvy Louisiana’s Medicare beneficiaries? •Internet savvy

beneficiaries? 1-877-272-8720 small groups to small groups •Internet savvy toIf to small groups •Self-directed beneficiaries? •Internet savvy •Self-directed you are: are: If you •Self-directed •Self-directed •Comfortable WE NEED YOU! If you are: •Internet savvy •Self-directed •Comfortable speaking •Internet savvyspeaking •Comfortable speaking •Internet savvyspeaking •Comfortable •Self-directed to small groups •Self-directed •Comfortable speaking to small groups to small groups For more information, visit call: For more information, visitoror call: •Self-directed •Comfortable speaking •Comfortable speaking to small groups to small groups Sponsored by eQHealth Solutions and funded in part through a For more information, visit or •Comfortable speaking to groups For more information, visit or call: call: to small small groups grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living 1-877-272-8720 to1-877-272-8720 small groups WE NEED YOU! 1-877-272-8720 1-877-272-8720 For more information, visit or call: WEinformation, NEED YOU! For more visit or call: For For more information, visit or call: more information, visit or call: For more information, visit or call: For more information, visit or call: For more information, visit or call: For more information, visit or call: 1-877-272-8720 1-877-272-8720 Sponsored by eQHealth Solutions and funded in part through a 1-877-272-8720 1-877-272-8720 1-877-272-8720 grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living 1-877-272-8720 1-877-272-8720 1-877-272-8720 Sponsored by eQHealth Solutions and funded in part through a


grant fromeQHealth the U.S. Administration for Community Living a Sponsored Sponsored by by eQHealth Solutions Solutions and and funded funded in in part part through through a STOP BY TO SEE US AT 1600 VETERANS IN METAIRIE. grant grant from from the the U.S. U.S. Administration Administration for for Community Community Living Living

Marilyn: 504-378-3153 NMLS# 685994

Sponsored Sponsored by by eQHealth eQHealth Solutions Solutions and and funded funded in in part part through through a a

These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency. Home Bank NMLS# 483958.

Home Bank Senoir Living 9-16.indd 1

Sponsored by from eQHealth Solutions andfor funded in part through a grant the Administration Community Living grant the U.S. U.S.Solutions Administration Community Livingthrough Sponsored by eQHealth Solutions and funded in part through a Sponsored by eQHealth and funded in a Sponsored by from eQHealth Solutions andfor funded in part part through grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living a grant from the U.S. Administration forfor Community Livingthrough Sponsored by eQHealth Solutions and funded in part grant from the U.S. Administration Community Living Sponsored by eQHealth Solutions and for funded in part through a grant from the U.S. Administration Community Living a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living 8/19/16 6:00 PM

HIDDEN DANGERS IN YOUR MEDICINE CABINET by Becky Rolland Usually, all is well if you follow your physician’s instructions on medications, taking the right dosage at the right time. However, many of us are guilty of taking mixing an over the counter (OTC) drug with a current prescription drug and that could be dangerous. Before taking an OTC, check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure it is compatible with your current medication. When you are taking different prescriptions for different medical conditions, make sure you keep your primary care doctor informed. He or she can advise you about safe use of medication based on your individual health history.

Here are the possible side effects of 5 of the most common drugs in your medicine cabinet:


We don’t drink expired milk, however many of us feel it is safe to take expired medications? This poses two risks, first, because different ingredients in your medication lose their effectiveness at different speeds, one ingredient may suppress the effectiveness of another, and second, if one of the ingredients loses effectiveness, you may not you may not get the effect you desire.

Pg. 30



Although quite effective when used appropriately to treat pain, hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine and codeine may become addictive and often cause the unwelcome side effect of constipation. When taking any of these make sure you do not take more than the intended dose and drink plenty of water.


If you’re being treated for a heart condition, medicine cabinet staples such as aspirin and ibuprofen may not be good for you. Depending on your condition, aspirin or ibuprofen may increase the risk of bleeding, clotting and arrhythmia.



If you struggle with urinary incontinence take a look at the side effects of your medications. Diuretics, alpha blockers, antidepressants, narcotic pain relievers and sedatives could be contributing to your problem.




Before taking these OTC’s, make sure your kidneys are healthy because they can cause serious side effects.

READ AND FOLLOW your medicine label to avoid taking too much

Reverse Mortgage Loans

Reversing the Bad Rap O

ver the years these loans have gotten a bad rap because of misinformation. Designed for borrowers who are at least 62 years old, reverse mortgages allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their home. The borrower, who may choose to receive the loan payment in a cash lump sum, as a monthly payment stream or as a line of credit, is not obligated to make monthly mortgage payments unless certain events take place. The homeowner is obligated to pay the real estate tax or property insurance bills that become due and to keep up with any maintenance/repairs on the property the entire life of the loan. Upon the death of the last remaining borrower or eligible non-borrowing spouse, the reverse mortgage becomes due and must be paid in full. The loan will also become due in any event in which the borrower or nonborrower’s spouse fails to comply with the terms of the loan. To understand how the reverse mortgages got a bad rap, you need to know some of its history. Although reverse mortgages officially started in 1961, up until 2008, only a limited amount of reverse loans were processed

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and all of them were at an adjustable rate. Everything changed when the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) began to allow fixed rates on these loans. Borrowers began asking for lump sum cash payment at closing rather than receiving money over time and borrowing went from 36% to 80% of the homes principal limit. Unfortunately by February, 2012, 1 out of every 10 reverse mortgages were in default because the borrowers could not meet their real estate tax or insurance obligations. NEW RULES NEW SUCCESS In 2013 and 2014 the FHA announced new rules and regulations in order to help reverse mortgages get back on track. The new guidelines require that a borrower undergo a financial assessment to ensure that the loan is suitable for them and to set aside a portion of the loan proceeds for future use, such as covering property taxes and insurance for years to come. Originally designed to help cash-poor older people stay in their home and as a loan of "last resort", reverse mortgages are now attracting a younger crowd. According to a recent survey by MetLife Mature Market Institute, boomers aged 62 to 64 now representing represent 20 percent of

by Becky Rolland

Applying for a Reverse Mortgage? You will need to bring the following documents: • Signed Original Counseling Certificate • Valid Driver’s License or State ID Card • Social Security Card or Medicare Card • Current Mortgage Statement • Home’s Property Tax Bill • Home Owner’s Insurance Declaration Page • Flood Insurance Declaration Page • Social Security Award Letter • Two of your monthly bank statements • Check for the cost of an appraisal of your home Home Bank NMLS# 483958. These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a governmental agency.

Pg. 31

prospective borrowers and nearly half the people considering a reverse mortgage today are under 70. “Reverse mortgages have now become a component of retirement planning. With the Baby Boomer generation living longer, they are now choosing to tap into their home equity in order to maintain a certain lifestyle in their aging years without having to worry about making a monthly mortgage monthly payment. I know there is a lot of misinformation out there. I believe borrowers who receive factual and accurate information will be better able to make the right decision about whether a reverse mortgage fits into their retirement plan,” says Marilyn Cox, a Reverse Mortgage Specialist (NMLS #685994) with Home Bank. g&p senior living 10-16 R2_Layout 1 11/10/16 8:47 AM Page 1 g&p senior living 10-16 R2_Layout 1 11/10/16 8:47 AM Page 1

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Using Legal and Social Using Work Legal and Social Work to Stop Harassing Experience to AssistExperience with to Assist with ction Practices Comprehensive ElderComprehensive Needs Elder Needs

E. Gesund Carrie H. Pailet Carrie H. Pailet

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Cox, who is a member of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association, explained how she advises someone who is considering a Reverse Mortgage at Home Bank. “First, I ask the borrowers what they are looking to accomplish. Are they looking for extra cash to supplement household income, make home improvements, or pay off a mortgage and/or credit card debt? Is it important for them to stay in your current home throughout retirement or would they consider downsizing and/or renting at some point in the future?” Once Cox determines whether the borrower is a “good fit” for a loan, she sends them to speak with an independent certified approved counselor (a requirement of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). After the counselor explains the features, advantages and obligations of a reverse mortgage to the borrower, the borrower receives a counseling certificate that must be presented to the lender. After the borrower has completed the counseling, Cox provides a minimum of three different loan options. “Before we complete the application for a reverse mortgage, I make sure the borrower understands all of the different payment options (fixed, lump sum, a line of credit or a combination of these) and understands the total cost of the loan,” Cox said. UNDERSTANDING LESA In April, 2015, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development added an additional financial tool to assist reverse mortgage lenders. Before approving a Reverse Mortgage, lenders are required to perform a credit history analysis and a cash flow / residual income analysis. If a borrower does not meet the criteria set forth by HUD, the lender is required to withhold a Life Expectancy Set-Aside (LESA) from the Reverse Mortgage proceeds. These funds will be utilized for the payment of property charges during the life expectancy of the borrower. Similar to the concept of an escrow account or a set aside to pay forward mortgage taxes and insurance, this LESA is calculated based on the youngest borrower’s age and life expectancy and helps plan for these ongoing payments. It allows them to plan for future payments in advance, removing the possibility that they will exhaust their proceeds and end up unable to meet their obligations. Using a reverse mortgage is no longer just for the cash poor and house rich. Instead, reverse mortgages can be used strategically as one part of a retirement income plan to help defer Social Security benefits or reduce cash outflow from traditional mortgage payments. Reverse mortgages if used properly are a great financial or investment strategy. That being said, in order for a reverse mortgage to be successful for you, you must first have a good understanding of the risks and costs associated with this type of loan. This means that you should find out as much information as you can, find a reputable lender, and make sure your decision to enter a reverse mortgage fits overall into your retirement plan.

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