A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE The Best High School Jazz Band Program in Canada
Bob Rebagliati Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen David Bradshaw Sab Kabok
PHOTO: 2003 Strings Tour to San Francisco 2 ~ Welcome!
Welcome to Handsworth Music 2019. This first annual edition is truly inspirational. We have in-
cluded all the major trips and all the major festivals the music department
has taken in its nearly sixty year history. You will find information on its legend-
ary directors Bob Rebagliati, Keith Wood-
ward and Peter van Ooyen plus all the other directors over the years and current Hand-
sworth music directors David Bradshaw and Sab Kabok. We talk to famous alumni such as
Renee Rosnes and Tom Colclough and even the US big band Secret Society founded by alumnist
Darcy Argue. And of course you will find photos
and comments from lots of Handsworth music grads on almost every page. Enjoy! ~ 3
Copyright 2020 Christopher Best
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the publisher or, in the case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, a licence from Access Copyright,, 1-800-893-5777 Warfleet Press 1038 east 63rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V5X 2L1 All photos from the collection of the Handsworth Music Department unless otherwise noted.
Cover Photo: 2005 Keith Woodward and his jazz band Cover design by Christopher Best Text design by Christopher Best Edited by Dr. Robert S. Thomson Printed and bound in China
Library and Archives Canada Cataloging in Publication
Best, Christopher 1949 The Handsworth Music Dynasty, Book 2 The Story of the award-winning North Vancouver Handsworth Secondary School Music Program and their music directors who devoted so much of their time to the music education of our youth. ISBN 978-0-9812574-1-9
4 ~ The Arthur W. Delamont Foundation
This book is made possible through the Arthur W. Delamont Foundation and its School Music Book Project.
OUR STORY! For the past three years Christopher Best of Warfleet Press has been compiling two books on the history of the Handsworth Music Program. Back in the 1990s and 2000s, the Handsworth Jazz Band was one of the six top high school jazz ensembles in Canada led by its now legendary founder Bob Rebagliati and later Keith Woodward. For several decades they consistently placed first in music festivals across Canada, the USA and around the world. These books tell the story in color of those days from its beginnings in the 1960s through to the present day. Thanks to Bob Rebagliati’s foresight to have his parent’s committee keep detailed scrapbooks of each year, we have been able to reproduce a detailed accounting of the program from the1980s through 2004. Thanks to Keith Woodward’s digital files we have been able to reproduce the rest of the program from 2004 to 2014 and present directors Dave Bradshaw and Sab Kabok have supplied material through to 2019. As a result, we now have as far as this writer/publisher is aware the only complete books in print of any high school music program in Canada. There were lots of excellent music programs around Metro Vancouver and beyond during this time but unfortunately none of the directors except Bob saw the value in creating scrapbooks of those days. Enter Christopher Best! Mr. Best grew up in Vancouver in the 1960s and was a member of the world famous Kitsilano Boys Band under its leader and founder Arthur W. Delamont. Mr. Best went on to UBC where he earned a Bachelor of Music Degree and then to SFU and became a band director back east but it was a short lived career lasting only six years. He could see potential in other areas and he wanted to explore them but he never forgot the role music and Arthur W. Delamont had played in his early development. The members of that band went on to be very successful in whatever field they went into all due to the lessons they learned in his band. He gave them a taste of success at a very young age and they all wanted to emulate it in later life (His band was promoted as the most famous boys band in the world and made 14 trips to the old country (England), winning over 200 first place awards in a career spanning 50 years, 1928-1978). After spending 30 years as a writer/publisher, Mr. Best was looking for a way to give back to the youth of Vancouver. He also wanted to keep the name of Arthur W. Delamont and what he did for generations of Vancouver’s youth alive and relevant for generations to come. After writing and publishing six books on Delamont and his bands, he figured it out. Mr. Best was well aware of the financial problems plaguing public school music programs from not only the press but from his days as a band director and even from his days in Delamont’s band. Delamont was always threatening to quit if the city didn’t come up with funds for his next trip. The boys knew he never would but it was good type for the papers and he usually got a city donation to cover expenses but it shouldn’t have been that way. So, Mr. Best came up with a way to fund public school music programs called The School Music Book Project. SMBP brings together an alumni and friends group on Facebook and creates a book on the school’s music program. The alumni purchase the book for $50 annually and the program has its own fund raiser but it is much more than just a fundraiser. Each year the graduating class of the music program is included in the book and the book is reprinted each September. The book becomes a year book for the music program. As a year book for the music program, it also becomes a marketing tool for next year’s program. It also becomes a PR tool for the school administration who can boast about the fabulous music program they have when interviewing prospective students and their parents. This is especially good for international students which we are seeing more and more of these days. So, who is going to do all this work of compiling and printing books annually? This is where Mr. Best came up with a way to keep the name of Arthur W. Delamont in the forefront of music education of our youth for generations to come. He has started a non-profit foundation whose goal is to raise funds for public school music programs and it is called: The Arthur W. Delamont Foundation. The two Handsworth Music Books are the first two books to be compiled and published through The School Music Book Project by the Arthur W. Delamont Foundation in collaboration with Warfleet Press. ~ 5
CONTENTS This year’s publication is divided into decades and years covering concerts, festivals, trips, class lists, newspaper articles and other background material. In between the photos you will find editorial pertaining to each event, the music program, fundraisng, summer music schools, newsletters, awards, thank you letters, invitations, festivals all from that era. nolulu Trip o In the back there is a chapter on alumni and another one H 2 199 ! has copies of important letters. Finally, on the inside back ch of 92 The crun cover is a CD filled with samples of many of the ensembles over the years. ationals Gold at N
Enjoying time on the beach in Honolulu. The weather was always great in Hawaii. This was by the
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BOB REBAGLIATI....................12
KEITH WOODWARD.................14
PETER VAN OOYEN.............16
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ours at Banff
164~ High Hon
2003 SAN FRANCISCO...........................64 2004 NEW YORK/MUSIC FESTIVAL....74 2005 CHINA - BANFF...............................88 2006 PORTLAND - WHISTLER............100 2007 COSTA RICA - MUSICFEST........112 2008 AUSTRALIA, BANFF...................124 2009 BANFF, WESTCOAST JAZZ.......136
2010 KAMLOOPS, BCIJF......................146 2011 LONDON & PARIS.......................156 2012 BANFF/ROCKY MTN..................166 2013 ALASKA, WHISTLER..................174 2014 BANFF/ROCKY MTN..................186 2015 NEW YORK..................................200 2016 KELOWNA, SUN PEAKS............210 2017 CUBA
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2000 CUBA............................................22 2001 EDMONTON................................38 2002 CALGARY/MUSICFEST.............52
FACTS: Handsworth bands and orchestras over the years travelled all over the world: the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, the Far East (China) and to Australia.
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Handsworth Sen ior & Junior Jaz z Bands and Jazz Combos we re given an “O fficial Invitation To Register” at MusicFest Ca nad a (National Finals). The Ha ndsworth Senior Winds were also given an “Official Invitat ion To Register” based on their “Superior” rati ng at the Kiwanis Concert Ba nd Festival at the beginning March. The Sen of ior Wind Ensem ble was one of 12 bands chosen by a panel of adj udi cat ors the “Official Inv for itation To Regis ter.” A total of 55 bands perfor med at the we ek-long Festiva held in Burnaby. l The Strings als o receive an “Official Invitat ion To Register” based on their “Superior” per formance at the Fraser Valley Kiwanis Music Fes tival last year.
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DAL RICHARDS................. ARNIE CHYCOSKI............ MARVIN STAMM.............. PAUL BRODIE.................... CLYDE MITCHELL............
DAVID BRADSHAW..........18
SAB KABOK.......................20
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THIS BOOK HAS TWO PURPOSES - To celebrate the directors and the alumni of the award-winning Handsworth Music Program and serve as an example of what can be achieved in public school music education using the Handsworth model. An integral part of any musical organization should be its alumni yet often the alumni are overlooked. Having your alumni return year after year only strengthens your organization and gives it a living history. It can also be a support group for your concerts, fundraisers and even be a mentoring program.
There is nothing as inspiring for young musicians than to see generations of former students returning year after year to particpate in an alumni concert and to celebrate the present and past history of the music program. A book on your program can serve as a focal point for pulling your alumni together.
Now, through the School Music Book Project a book can be used to raise money for your school’s music program year after year. Your alumni will love to have a copy of a book and relive the good old days. Hopefully they will see photos of themselves and their friends which will only enhance the experience. For every book sold to an alumni member or friend of the Handsworth music program twenty dollars is donated to the program. It doesn’t take
long before the book can become a major source of fundraising for your music program. Five thousand alumni can raise one hundred thousand dollars for the program each year.
DID YOU KNOW? The Kitsilano Boys Band while away on tour usually performed three times a day. The most successful musical groups are always performing.
The Final Element Necessary To Develop An Award-Winning Music Program The program must have the talent and charisma of a Bob Rebagliati or an Arthur Delamont. Most successful programs have a super star director who can inspire his/her students and make them rise to heights even they did not know were possible.
1960s To the present! 8 ~ Letters to the Editor
KEY ELEMENTS OF AN AWARD WINNING MUSIC PROGRAM: (using the Handsworth model) (Get yourself a motto and a philosophy) 1. MOTTO: - EXCELLENCE THROUGH MUSIC 2. PHILOSOPHY - The Handsworth Music Program is designed to increase the students’ awareness and appreciation of music. This is accomplished through the classroom experience and other activities such as concerts, festivals, field trips and tours. The teachers of the Handsworth music program constantly encouraged their students to enjoy music and to get the most out of the many facets of their musical experiences. 3. CONCERTS - Set a concert schedule for the first term. The best programs are usually the busiest programs. Handsworth had a concert per month: September - Band Retreat (playing together over a weekend) October - Homecoming Concert November - Jr. & Sr. Nights of Music December - Christmas Concert (Sweet Music) etc.
4. FESTIVALS - Enter as many local festivals as you can. Handsworth always entered: *The Surrey Jazz Festival *The New West Jazz Festival *The Kiwanis Jazz Festival *The Kiwanis Concert Band Festival
*The Kiwanis Jazz Festival *The Coquitlam Music Festival *The Abbotsford Music Festival (later on) It is important for your students to enter festivals so they can hear how other
ensembles their age sound. 5. CONCERTS - 2nd Term January - Small Ensemble Evening February - Sound Spectacular! March - Juzt Jazz Concert April - Trip May - Year end concert and
1. Trip Itineraries - I have put this at the top because I have found that trip itineraries can be extremely helpful. They include dates and places of what your group did on a day to day basis. 2. Music Newsletters - Every program would benefit from having at least two newsletters. If you can have more even better. A newsletter to your students lays out your program for the term. A follow-up newsletter states how you did with your program. 3. Programs with Ensemble Lists - These are invaluable for remembering the students in your ensembles years later. 4. Photos - You should include photos of every performance.
Make one of your band parent’s your publicity manager Every music program should have a parent as their publicity manager. It is their job to write your newsletters and all your concert promotions. They are also ABOVE: Handsworth’s responsible for compil- Nancy Argue receiving ing your scrapbook. an award. 7. PARENTS GROUPto handle fundraising and to assist and the other an international at concerts is trip for the senior ensembles. essential. awards night 6. TRIPS - Handsworth always made two trips each school year. One was a trip in B.C. for the junior ensembles
Having a publicity manager gives your program the sense of being an actual professional performance ensemble. Every good band has a manager! ~ 9
The Handsworth Secondary School Music Program (1960s - 2017) The Handsworth Secondary School Music program was consistently one of the top six award winning public school music programs in Canada for over twentyfive years (1976 - 2014). The driving force behind the program was Bob Rebagliati (known affectionately as REB). Bob always strived for excellence and it soon became ingrained in the Handsworth musical family. The Handsworth music program was started by Mildred Twiss in the early 1960s. She was followed by Joe Berarducci and then Bob Rankin. Bob left to become District Music Supervisor for North Vancouver and then Brian G’froerer took over. Brian left to pursue a professional performance career on the french horn. sssssss When REB took over the program in 1976 it took him three years to build the program up so it could compete at the national level. In 1979 they took top marks at the
New Westminster Jazz Festival taking second place from among sixty competitors. The Handsworth Music Program was designed to increase the students’ awareness and appreciation of music. This was accomplished through classroom experience and other group activities such as concerts, festivals, field trips and tours. The teachers of the Handsworth music program constantly encouraged their students to enjoy music and to get the most out of the many facets
of their musical experiences. Tours often coincided with music festival such as their 1981 trip to Anaheim, California to compete in the WORLD BAND OLYMPIC COMPETITION. Handsworth was part of a very fine North Vancouver School District music program nurtured by Bob Rankin. 400 young musicians performed in Handsworth’s third annual Zone Concert in 1982. It was a wonderful opportunity to
Besides bands Handsworth has always had a fine strings program. In the earlier years the strings program was directed by Roger Wecker and later Vic Weins. When Peter van Ooyen took over the program in 1994 he took it to new heights entering festivals
810~ Letters to the Editor
see the entire district music program in action. Fourteen bands participated and they called it a Cosmic Concert. In 1983 Handsworth’s different ensembles participated in the Surrey Jazz Festival, the Kiwanis Jazz Festival, the Kiwanis Concert Band Festival and while away on tour the Calgary Kiwanis Festival. The Junior Jazz Ensemble placed first in Surrey and then went on to the Nationals in Calgary where they took second place against all other bands in their age group from across Canada. There were now two more teachers in the Handsworth family: Bruce Hoadley and Mary Hume. In 1984 the same ensemble won Gold at the Canadian Stage Band Festival finals in Toronto. In 1985
the junior and senior jazz ensembles placed first and second respectively at the Kiwanis Jazz Festival. All the concert bands: junior, intermediate A & B and senior, placed in the top three places at the Coquitlam Concert Band Festival. The Junior Jazz Band won a silver medal that same year at the Canadian Stage Band Festival in Quebec City. The following year in 1986 Mr. Reb’s Senior Concert Band was invited to perform for Prince Charles and Lady Diana at the Expo ’86 opening ceremonies. Three Handsworth bands won Gold that year at the Nationals in Vancouver. For the next fifteen years after the departure of Bruce and Mary and with the addition of Keith Woodward, Bob and Keith continued to turn out award winning bands that were always invited to the National finals or MusicFest as it later became known. Bob and Keith travelled extensively each year with their Handsworth bands to far away places like Florida, New Orleans and New York sharing conducting duties and everything else that went along with consistently turning out award winning ensembles year after year. When REB retired in 2004, Keith continued for another ten years taking Handsworth’s bands to China, Australia, Costa Rica, England/Paris, Hawaii and even on a performance cruise to Alaska. Today, in 2017, David Bradshaw is still carrying on the Handsworth
and going on tour each year. Peter started as well the North Vancouver Youth Symphony which was in existence for a number
2017 ~ 11
FOREWORD: BOB REBAGLIATI Handsworth Music students between the years 2017 and 2027 will reach unheard of heights in their musical abilities. It’s these kids that we want to ensure are aware of the musical legacy that came before them. This first edition of Handsworth’s Music Dynasty is inspired by two major themes: record-breaking performances and pioneering trips. There is no one better qualified to introduce these themes than Bob Rebagliati. A musician, educator, innovator, teacher, adjudicator, conductor and musical pioneer, Bob exists somewhere between all of these worlds. He is the very definition of a musical pioneer taking his ensembles all over the world to music festivals in many different countries and of course bringing home four gold medals at the Nationals here in his home town of Vancouver at Expo 86. We interviewed Bob in Vancouver to learn first hand how he stayed on the cutting edge of music education for so many years, continually turning out first-rate bands.
12 ~ Bob Rebagliati
Bob’s bands performed at least twelve times each year. Every year there were four Junior and three Senior Nights of Music. Two in the fall, one combined night at Xmas, two in the spring, one Night of Jazz and two at the end of the school year. At the senior night of music in the fall his alumni joined in for a designated homecoming concert. His parent’s organization organized and kept an alumni list and also organized a band scrapbook.
Chris Best: I understand you almost left Handsworth in the 80s? Bob: I was dead tired in 1980 and ready to pack it in unless I got some help. I approached the principal. My request fell on deaf ears. “Maybe I should go somewhere else,” he said. I interviewed in Abbotsford and Summerland. My parents committee got wind of what was going on. I told them I needed help and I wasn’t getting it. “We’ll see about that!” they said. They started writing letters to the principal. I got called into the office one day and was told, “Get them to stop. You’ll get your help.” I took a development day at the Portland School of the Fine Arts. They had a great program. It was a magnet school. One of their successes involved bringing their feeder schools into their secondary
FACTS: The full interview with Bob is available in HEARTS, MINDS & SOULS, B.C. Music Educators Series, Book 1 It is available at
curriculum. They team-taught Grade’s five to twelve (Elementary school teachers taught at the high school and the high school teachers taught at the elementary schools). When I returned to Handworth I said, “That is what I am going to do!” Chris Best: Tell me about Hamilton and Hal Sherman. Bob: I began teaching band at Hamliton Junior Secondary School in 1971. I stayed at Hamliton for five years. Hamilton had Grades 8, 9 and 10 and was a feeder school for Carson Graham Secondary. Hamilton was considered an occupational school but it also had lots of strong academic students. I drew students for my bands from the strong pool of
academic minded students. At its height my program had about one hundred and twenty students involved. I established a concert band and two jazz bands, junior and senior. I made two trips with my bands: one to the Queen Charlotte Islands and another to the Reno Jazz Festival in 1973. The trip to Reno was like Daniel entering the lions’ den because the American jazz bands were so good. In 1975 my jazz band won the New Westminster Jazz Festival. One of the adjudicator’s at the festival was the now legendary Hal Sherman from Kent Meridian High School in Kent, Washington. (For fifteen years, Hal headed the Kent-Meridian Collegiate Jazz Festival at the Seattle Opera House, attracting such stellar guests as Clark Terry, Bill Watrous and Dianne Reeves. He was the first jazz educator to receive the prestigious Charlie Bird Parker Foundation Award For Excellence). “You are on the right track,” Hal said to me after the performance. My concert band did well in the Kiwanis Festival as well that year. [Both the Kiwanis Festival and the New West Jazz Festival were competitive festivals in those days.] In 1976 my bands won both the New West Jazz Festival and the Kiwanis Festival. That same year I took my jazz band to Toronto where they won the Canadian Stage Band Festival. This
You are the future. You are going to achieve things that no Handsworth student has done before. Music isn’t the only world for you but it is the first.
festival later morphed into MUSIC FEST CANADA in the mid 80s. By then it included concert band and choir as well. It is still run by Jim Howard. When I returned to Vancouver I left Hamilton. Always leave on a high note. Handsworth was beckoning! Chris Best: The first year you qualified for the Nationals you had some pretty good improvisors in your group? Bob: In 1979 my senior jazz band took first place at the New West Jazz Festival and then I took them to the Nationals in Vancouver where they got a special award for excellence. It was a small big band with only thirteen players but they were all stars: Renee Rosnes, Norm Fischer, Dave Stewart, Terry Madsen, Tom Colclough. Good improvisers! I have a recording of that band.
MUSICFEST ‘91 Bob is passionate about competitive music festivals and devoted his career to entering as many festivals as he could with his bands. Hearing how other bands and musicians sound is an important milestone in every young musicians development and should be done as often as possible. ~ 13
Students used to tell me “I spent so much time thinking about this, and I still don’t get it.” My answer to them was “Stop thinking. Thinking gets in th way. Put your question out there (I would gesture to the sky). Be patient, pay attention, and wait for the answer to come to you. When is does; act.” bands in one of his jazz usic Keith directing His love for m s. se o p y an m is one of h ugh. ays shines thro w al g in h ac te is and g one band he n ti ec ir d t o n is When he w in reband. Even no er th o an g n ti direc in three orches g in rm fo er p is ne tirement he sembles, and o en er b am ch r u tras, fo You can – Souled Out.. d an b ck ro c. 11-p g fun. tell he is havin
MUSIC DIRECTOR KEITH WOODWARD I knew by the end of grade 11 that I wanted to be a band director. I had joined Gordon Olson’s Beefeater band. Mr. Olson was always a fair person with a firm hand. There was an energy about him that was hard to explain. He didn’t say very much. He just led and you respected him. We always knew where we stood with Mr. Olson. He was a father figure to all of us. Playing in his band offered a certain stability in our young lives. I feel that Gordon Olson was most responsible for my love of band. I was in his band the longest of any bands. I still have friends from my Beefeater days that I am in contact with but none from my school band days. It was a family. 14 ~ Keith Woodward
If we all had to nominate a musical ambassador to go out and explain the
values of a musical education I know we would all choose Keith Woodward. A trumpet player par excellence, a flute player, a violinist, a tuba player, a conductor Keith embodies the very best of what it means to be a music teacher. His incredible teaching experience has given him a unique perspective on the value of music to our youth. When it came to profiling a legendary music director in this first edition of the Handsworth Music Book Keith was an obvious choice.
Award winning jazz band The 2007 Handsworth Senior Jazz Band led by Keith Woodward qualified for MusicFest Canada by first winning at the Envison Festival in Surrey. They went on to win a gold award at MusicFest Canada in Richmond B.C.
FACTS The full interview with Keith Woodward can be found in the book HEARTS, MINDS & SOULS, B.C. Music Educators Series, Book 1 available at
he o
I interviewed Keith some time ago about mentors and this is what he had to say. Chris Best: How important are mentors when you are starting out? Keith: My fondest feelings of mentors that guided me towards the love of music included my kindergarten music teacher, Dave Pollard, Gordon Olson, Lorne Schemer, Don Murray, and Bob “Reb” Rebagliati. The first influence of a kind teacher on me at a young age had a lifelong effect. My story in music begins as far back as kindergarten at four or five years old. The music teacher was playing piano and I was given a hand-percussion instrument to play in time with her—maracas or some sort of shaker. After the teacher finished playing she told me, and the rest of the class, how well I kept time with her. That’s the first time that I remember being praised for anything. I stuffed that memory in a safe place in my mind. Dave Pollard had come to Windsor Elementary School in Burnaby and said, “Who wants to be in a band?” My hand shot up fast. That was 1963. I still have the letter that was printed on a gestetner machine that I took home to my parents.
He checked to make sure I had all my fingers and my teeth. Chris Best: Did you play in any rock bands growing up? Keith: By grade 10 a bunch of my buddies and I formed a rock band and played Blood, Sweat & Tears, Chicago and Tower of Power. It was called Max Wettig, after the German piano in the room where we practiced in my basement. It’s not surprising that everyone thought our lead singer was named Max.
ABOVE: Woody conducting the Junior Blue Concert Band in the 2006 Homecoming Concert at Handsworth.
““The hardest thing about practicing, is to make that decision to open up the instrument case.”” ~ 15
MAESTRO PETER VAN OOYEN If the students are the heart of the orchestra then Van Ooyen is the soul. As well as directing the North Shore Youth Symphony which he founded, he teaches the highly successful orchestra program at Handsworth and strings programs ata number of elementary schools. Believing that music is an important aspect of our culture, Van Ooyen endeavoured to create a vehicle for music that would be flexible, and poitive, while also optimizing opportunity. The North Shore Youth Symphony (NSYS) was born.
2007 With the Yaletown String Quartet at the finale of the Strings Extravaganza at Handsworth Secondary School.
In the future, Van Ooyen envisions a full range of levels, from beginner to advanced musimaking. He would like to expand the symphony and involve more students in all levels.
2007 Concert in Costa Rica, On March 14, the Hndsworth Strings and Choir ventured to Coasta Rica for a one-week tour. While there, they performed in many shows at various locaions in San Jose and Puntarenas but the trip was not all work and no play. It was a great cultural experience and a learning one as well.
Peter van Ooyen came to Canada by way of Michigan in 1975 where he earned his B.A. in Psychology and Music Education. He has taught bands, orchestras and fine arts at the college, high school and elementary school levels in both the United States and in British Columbia. Mr. van Ooyen has played violin and viola extensively in small and large ensembles and has served as music director of the Intermediate Division of the Vancouver Youth Symphony and as visiting music director and conductor with the Northwest Iowa Symphony. He has been teaching the string orchestra program at the Handsworth “family’ of schools in North Vancouver since 1994. he earned his M.A. degree in Music Education at the University of British Columbia and holds memberships in the Music Educators National Conference.
16 ~ Peter van Ooyen
Ice Cream Concert 2010, The Ice Cream Concerts were for the elementary school students.
2005 Dance and Strings Extravaganza, 2005 Dance and Strings Extravaganza, 240 students from the Handsworth Family of Schools performed an eclectic mixture of music. The high school string students performed at a professional level. Over 90 percent of the string students are top acheivers in the school. Centennial Theatre, North Vancouver.
2007 Finale of Strings Extravaganza with massed students grades 4-12. On April 4th the strings of the Royal Strings and Handsworth along with special guests, the Yaletown String Quartet performed.The event features the Royal Strings of Handsworth, Canyon Heights, Cleveland, Highlands and Montroyal schools. The event was held at the Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver.
2004 Disney World Concert, The Handsworth Orchestra travelled to Florida and performed in a variety of venues which included Tomorrowland, a school tour and a visit to the Kennedy Space Center. ~ 17
David started off playing trumpet in elementary school band later switching to percussion in grade 7. North Toronto Collegiate Institute was David’s high school. NTCI had an excellent music department where David played in all instrumental ensembles: Concert Band, Jazz Band, Dixieland Band, and Orchestra. David also played in the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra. David had the opportunity of performing for Pierre Elliot Trudeau in an opening of the CN Tower with the high school concert band. The high school band teacher selected David as the grade 13 Student Band Leader.
David James Bradshaw was born to a musical family of Lloyd Bradshaw and Irene McDonald. David’s father was a choral director of considerable stature having directed or taught at the University of Toronto, The Canadian Opera Company, as well as major choirs such as the Festival Singers, and the Orpheus Choir. David’s mother was a very skilled amateur violinist. David studied piano and sang in choirs from an early age. At ten David joined the Canadian Children’s Opera Chorus and performed in the Canadian Opera Company Production of Carmen on the O’Keefe Centre Stage and in Ottawa at the National Arts Centre. Through David’s father’s choirs David had the opportunity to sing for Queen Elizabeth II, Pope Paul the 6th, and in a command performance for the Governor General of Canada, Rolland Michener, at Rideau Hall. 18 ~ David Bradshaw
David’s degrees are from the University of Toronto (B.Mus Perf) and the University of British Columbia (B.ED. Secondary). David also holds a certificate from the Royal Conservatory of Music Orchestral Training Program, and a diploma from UBC. David took up archery while at U of T quickly advanced to the national team and was a team member to the World Championships in 1985, in Seoul South Korea. David won the Canadian Outdoor Target Championship in 1991.
Following the Archery Championships David traveled through South Korea and Japan by bicycle to Tokyo, found work and settled for 5 years. During this time David met Yuko Kishikawa, they married and started their family having 2 of 3 children in Japan. When David returned to Canada with the family they settled in Vancouver while David attended UBC. David Joined the Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble a few years later and continues to play with the group today. The Ensemble performed at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles conference in San Jose in 2015. David’s first long term teaching assignment was at Lynn Valley Elementary in North Vancouver where David taught for 20 years producing 8 major full school musicals, attended 17 Kiwanis Band Festivals, 12 Kiwanis Jazz Festivals, and 5 Kiwanis Choral Festivals, as well as many classroom music Primary Mornings of Music festivals, and Intermediate Music festivals. During this time David prepared the North Vancouver Elementary Honour Band for performance with the Vancouver Symphony for 10 years. David began teaching at Handsworth Secondary in 2013. During this time David led three major tours, to New York City, Cuba, and Italy, as well as many local festival trips to Whistler, Sun Peaks, Kelowna, Nelson, and Banff. The Senior Wind Ensemble performed at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts with the UBC Concert Winds and the Senior Jazz Band performed at the Vancouver International Jazz Festival in the Youth Showcase at Robson Square on 2 occasions.
David continues to teach at Handsworth, is planning more tours and local trips and festival entries, and is building the choir program started up again 6 years ago. David enjoys sailing, scuba diving and snorkelling, traveling to far off lands as well as more local ones, and motorcycling on and off road. ~ 19
Bachelors of Music (UBC), 2004 Artistic Diploma- Viola Performance (Vancouver Academy of Music), 2009 Masters of Music Education (UBC), 2016 I have been actively working with a number of youth Orchestras around the Lower Mainland since 2008. Through my volunteering and practicum years I have been involved with the secondary string programs at Burnaby South and Churchill Secondary schools, while I have been subbing for the orchestras at St James Academy. I have been the music director of the String Program at the Handsworth Family of schools since the fall of 2010.
LEFT: 2018 Sab and his students rehearsing with the Vancouver Symphony, as part of the NVSD Honour Strings — at Centennial Theatre.
20 ~ Sab Kabok
ABOVE: Handsworth Grad 2016
RIGHT: Joint Concert with the Orchestras of the Victoria Conservatory, University of North Carolina, and Sentinel Secondary School. (Kay Meek Theatre, March, 2019) photo credit: David Visentin ~ 21
22 ~ Cuba Tour
HANDSWORTH student Natalie Silvanovich tried out the grand piano recently purchased by the school. The North Vancouver Kiwanis Club donated funds. A fundraising concert will soon take place. March 1 at Centennial The-
Participating in the Handsworth Music Cuba Tour 2000 were 48 students in 3 different ensembles. The people were awesome, and even more affectionate after figuring out we were in fact Canadians. The tour guides were excellent and Elizabeth P., Christina H. and Nicole B. allowed us to communicate and experience the life to a fuller extent by interpreting and al
On behalf of the Vancouver Symphony, I would like to thank you for preparing such an outstanding performance for the debut Prelude Concert at Centennial Theatre on September 28, 2000. Bravo!
lowing them to know how we lived – and vice versa. The schools welcomed us with open arms and taught us both the ways of Cuba and two communal languages, music and dance. ~ 23
Festivals A brief history of the Surrey Stage Band Festival The first Surrey Festival was held in February 1982 and involved 16 Surrey junior and senior bands. There were three adjudicators - Dave Robbins, Fred Stride and Don Clarke; all three Vancouver musicians. The festival was held in the Queen Elizabeth High School cafeteria. Our feature band was “VEJI.” The second festival moved to the Surrey Arts’ Centre with 20 bands from throughout the province competing. Our adjudicators included: Ray Blank and Barry Ehrlich
2000 24 ~ Cuba Tour
Sounding good was the Handsworth Jazz Quintet, which consisted of Rhett Williams, Jack Garton, Will Matthews, Darcy Myronuk and Michael Molnar.
from Washington and Blair Fisher from Douglas College. Our feature group was the Kent-Meridian Jazz Ensemble with herb Besson - trombone soloist. Our third year saw 25 bands compete in festival number 4 with expanded hours from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Our judges were Bryan Stovel, Norm Porter, Jim Grinder and Gary Guthman. Our feature group was the U.B.C. #1 Jazz Band under Dave Robbins with a special guest appearance by Gary Guthman - trumpet soloist. We hope that through the hard work and continued interest of band directors that the festival will continue for many years to come.
KIWANIS CONCERT BAND FESTIVAL Double page photo on previous page is from the Kiwanis Festival
On May 28th Handsworth’s bands participated in the Partnership Walk - 2000 at Stanley Park. They proved the music for the walkers and kept their spirits up!
2000 ~ 25
The Cuba Trip Upon arriving at Las Yagrumas Hotel the students realized many things: one – we were in the midst of a tropical paradise; two – just how much luggage we actually had; and three – we had finally made it! The food, although very different, was very well presented and everyone enjoyed the clean buffet aspect of it. There was a bright turquoise pristine pool that attracted the students the moment we arrived. Palm trees, a bayou
THE HOTELS Both hotels were well kept and enjoyable, offering many different aspects to the trip. We found refuge from the day’s adventures, and time to eat and bond as a group that set the pattern for the days to come.
and many jovial locals complimented the hotel’s luxurious atmosphere. Primarily the students were concerned about the safety of their belongings; however, the doubt was quickly erased with the first nights in each of our hotels. The towels were always fresh and clean and the bedspreads patterned expertly. The people were awesome, and even more affectionate after figuring out we were in fact Canadians. The tour guides were excellent and Elizabeth P., Christina H. and Nicole B. allowed us to communicate and experience the life to a fuller extent by interpreting and allowing them to know how we lived – and vice versa. The schools wel-
A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE The trip was truly a magical experience and we can say honestly that it will be in our hearts forever. Our band grew and became more aware of each other in this short but sweet trip. The general consensus was the trip was amazing and the experience was something out of this world but the bonding experience of it all was what hit them the most.
2000 26 ~ Cuba Tour
A once in a lifetime We were surprisingly organized and had a very good start for what was to be a once in a lifetime experience.
In the wee hours of the morning, students of the Handsworth Senior Band assembled to depart on their long awaited adventure to Cuba. Some slept but others were too overwhelmed with excitement to get some well-needed rest.
Mr. Reb and Mr. Woodward The concert band was taken very well by the people, but our jazz band and combo seemingly flourished under the atmosphere and dancing. The combo was able to mingle with other fantastic musicians and learn and grow from what they had to offer. Mr. Reb and Mr. Woodward were seen by all of us in a different light and became more than teachers, but real people, as we were all able to experience the life of Cuba, and its music together.
Outdoor Activities
comed us with open arms and taught us both the ways of Cuba and two communal languages, music and dance. The hip swinging, the laughter, and the general love for life opened our eyes to how such a simple lifestyle was in some ways much richer than our westernised ways. As addresses were exchanged, conga beats were written and the cha cha ended, we would load the buses filled with a new love for life, people, dancing and music.
Our outside activities away from the instruments and school life included exploring the waterfalls, crystal caves, lounging by the pool, and sunning on the beaches. The life in old Havana was amazing and the history and architecture dazzled us all. The tropical atmosphere of the waterfalls cannot be erased from our memories and the sound of Cuban wildlife is like a whole other music to your ears. The caves were magical and serene as we took a boat through them and rowed in awed silence. The beach was dazzling with white powdery sand, bright sun and turquoise water.
THE CONCERTS The concerts all took place outside and in such a different way to our usual. Our first concert was at the first hotel, at night outside on the concrete stage. The bugs overwhelmed us and set flights of us up in giggles as some would take a bug in the mouth as they piped out the final note, in order to sound decent and still qualifiably “put together”.
Participating in the Handsworth Music Cuba Tour 2000 were 48 students in 3 different ensembles: the Senior Concert Band, the Senior Jazz Band and the Senior Combo.
2000 ~ 27
Sound Spectacular The Handsworth Music program from 1976 through 2014 always put on five concerts per year. The first in February was called Sound Spectacular and was held at the Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver.
Juzt Jazz The second concert of the year featured the Hndsworth Junior and Senior Jazz Ensembles. Jazz ensembles were very important at Handsworth because they drew students into the music program. It was always very high profile. All students in the jazz ensembles had to play in the concert bands as well. The same was true for students in the vocal jazz ensemble. They had to sing in concert choir.
Celebration Concerts Also known as the Awards Nights. In earlier years they were known by various names and held over two nights. They were the final concerts of the school year. Awards and pins were given out to all including the directors if one was up for an award.
CELEBRATION CONCERT Junior Evening Wednesday, May 24, 2000 Senior Evening, Thursday May 25, 2000
2000 28 ~ Cuba Tour
Construction Zone Party On Saturday, Nov. 6, the school held a special fundraising Construction Zone Party complete with live auction, music, food and fun. Handsworth’s impressive jazz band was there and there were lots of prizes and goodies to keep the crowd happy. Congratulations, everyone, on a job well done.
COHO FESTIVAL - Just a short note to thank you for arranging to have your excellent senior student jazz band play at the festival this year. They were much appreciated by an attentive audience as they enjoyed their salmon
2000 May 7-10: Intermediate Concert Band performs at the Vancouver Cantando Festival at the Chan Theatre, UBC
Triple Concert West Van Adult Band, North Shore Youth Band and the HSCB
The Vancouver Symphony In Concert with the North Vancouver High School Honour Strings & Band - Peter Van Ooyen, Strings Teacher. Prelude Concert at Centennial Theatre on September 28, 2000 The students were absolutely fabulous and you could tell from their exceptional level of ability that a lot of time was spent with them. I commend your dedication to teaching these young people and inspiring such obvious passion for music. You have nurtured their talent and given these students a wonderful gift of self-confidence that will take them far in this world. Leanne Davis, Educaton Diretor, VSO
Handsworth’s Sweet Music was the most anticipated musical event of the year as it provided everyone with the opportunity to hear all the bands perform at their festive best. It was the concert that fed the soul, the sweet tooth, and the music program. The social, musical event for 2000 took place on Wednesday, December 6, in the large gym, with a great representation of family and friends of the Music Program. The importance of this concert was largely due to its being the biggest music fund raiser of the year. Dedicated parents and friends spent countless hours in the preparation of fund raisers such as ticket sales, bake sales, a raffle, and the infamous Silent Auction. In the latter, tables were open for viewing and bidding an hour before the start of the concert.
Homecoming Concert - The magnificent music performed at The Senior Night of Music, on November 2, left the audiences in awe. Among the groups which performed were the Intermediate Concert Band, the Senior Combo Sextet, the Senior Jazz Ensemble, the Advanced Strings Group and the Senior Concert Band.
SWEET MUSIC It is once again that time of year where the melodious Holiday songs and Christmas tunes bring the warm feelings of winter to all. What better way to celebrate than the annual Sweet Music Christmas Concert?
2000 ~ 29
2000 Narash ino High S chool Wind Orches tra
Narashino High School is located 20 kilometres southwest of Narita Airport in Chiba Prefecture. With an enrollment of 960 students between the ages of 16 and 18, the forty-two year old school has established an enviable reputation for instrumental success. The school’s wind orchestra qualified to compete in tthe Japan National competition for eighteen consecutive years between 1981 and 1998. They won gold medals in thirteen of those eighteen competitions. Beyond competiton, the Wind Orchestra is active throughout the year. In October they hold an annual concert with four performances over three days at the Narashino Culture Hall. At last year’s performance, Mr. Eric Whittaker of Los Angeles was invited to conduct his own piece of music. The band consists of 130 members who perform approximately twenty times each year for a variety of audiences including kindergarten children and senior citizens. They also perform charity concerts. The band has been active as a marching band since 1995 and has participated in the All-Japan marching band competition. It has also been active as a choral group. During their performances band members wear costumes that have been made by their mothers or, in some cases, by the members themselves. The band has performed internationally in Hong Kong, in Hungary as part of the Hungarian Flower Festival, and in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which is a sister city of Narashino.
2000 30 ~ Cuba Tour
Their performance included: March Escargot, The Roaring of the Sea, Sinfo Festiva, On the Street Where You Live.on dinners.
Narashino - Funabashi Tours The Funabashi Junior Orchestra was established in 1981 as a junior division of the Funabashi Philharmonic Orchestra. Orchestral activities are very active in the elementary and junior high schools of Funabashi City, which is located in Chiba Prefecture just east of Tokyo. In total there are 20 full orchestras and 73 wind orchestras in Funabashi City. Many of the orchestras are among the top of their class in Japan. Students participate in the orchestra activities after school. Similarily the adult musicians participate in the orchestras as an after-work activity.
The Funabashi Junior Orchestra is sponsered by Funabashi City which likes to provide the opportunity for the young people to participate in music. Additionally, Funabashi City wants to provide students with the opportunity to continue the development of their musical skills and participate in musical groups after they graduate from high school. The band currently consists of 130 members. The srtudents are permitted to take a test to become members of the junior orchestra when they reach grade 4. They may remain with the orchestra until they are 20. If members wish to remain with the orchestra beyond the age of 20 they may do so in the role of “trainer”. Trainers look after young members of the orchestra. They are also permitted to participate in some concerts as musicians. The orchestra members practice every Sunday morning at the Funabashi Culture Centre. Leadership is provided to the orchestra by 11 conductors, music teachers, and musicians. Teachers and the parents of the young musicians serve as managers.
Funabashi City wants to provide students with the opportunity to continue the development of their musical skills and participate in musical groups after they graduate from high school.
2000 ~ 31
When I was a kid I had a copy of Guinness Book of World Records and I wore that book out. We didn’t have the internet back then, so to find all the strange and bizarre in one place was a treasure trove. Wouldn’t it be great to know you had the world’s record in something, no matter how ridiculous? I was looking online for piano related world records and didn’t find what I was looking for; like the most hours playing a piano without stopping (that would be a fun one to try). But I did find some other fun music related world records, so here they are as of August 2006. Conrad Askland Oldest Symphony Orchestra The oldest existing symphony orchestra, the Gewandhaus Orchestra, of Leipzig, Germany, was established in 1743. Most Prolific Conductor The Austrian conductor, Herbert von Karajan (1908–89), made over 800 recordings. He was conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera, and La Scala Opera of Milan, and founded the Salzburg Festival, in 1967. Most Prolific Symphonist The most prolific symphonist was Johann Melchior Molter (1696–1765) of Germany, who wrote over 170 symphonies.
May 15 32 ~ Cuba Tour
The Handsworth orchestra participated in a Guiness record setting event in B.C. Place Stadium. They were part of the world’s largest orchestra.
Setting a Guiness Record
Largest Orchestra The world’s largest orchestra consisted of 6,452 musicians from the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and music students from throughout British Columbia. They played at BC Place Stadium, Vancouver, Canada, on May 15, 2000.
Oldest Jazz Club The Village Vanguard cellar jazz club opened in New York City, USA, in 1935, and has hosted mainstream jazz concerts ever since. Artists who have appeared there include John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Stan Getz, Wynton Marsalis, and Thelonious Monk. Largest choir Excluding sing-alongs by stadium crowds, the greatest choir assembled contained 60,000 singers who sang in unison at the finale to a choral contest held among 160,000 participants in Breslau, Germany on August 2 1937. Highest Paid Pianist Wladziu Valentino Liberace earned more than $2 million per 26-week season with a peak of $138,000 (then $49,285) for a single night’s performance at Madison Square Gardens, New York City, USA in 1954.
A yearly event in the music department was playing at Edgemont Village. Sometimes just a few students or sometimes a band.
www.handsworthmusiccom ~ 33
2000 cccccccccccc
ABOVE: L.A. school BELOW: Engaging the Balboa Park audience.
ABOVE: Impromptu concert in Balboa Park, L.A.
2000 34 ~ Cuba Tour
While the Handsworth orchestra travelled to Los Angeles for their annual tour, the band travelled to Cuba for its annual tour.
Los Angeles Orchestra Tour
ABOVE: Flash mob concert in Los Angeles ABOVE: concert
ABOVE PHOTO: School orchestras joint rehearsal Orlando, Florida 2004. There was no more photos available for the LA Tour so I inserted another orchestra tour photo. CB
2000 ~ 35
Trombone CHARTRAND Robert TIDEY Matthew
Flute PARK Rosa GWIAZDA Kamila MOLNAR Michael JOHNSON Lindsay MUIR Pamela
French Horn MATTHEWS Leah DEMERS Amanda
Oboe LORD Heather BENNETT Stephanie
Clarinet LEFROY Caitlin CHEUNG Helen
Percussion CHEN Yvonne CASSIDY Christina
LEE Su-Min MATTHEWS Adam CHEUNG Edward CHIOU (Wei-Zon) Jordan LOVE Darby MOLNAR Alexander STONE Faye MOTOHASHI Sachie
Alto Clarinet PIDGEON Ashleigh Bass Clarinet BISHOP David Alto Sax SPENCER Alec BORDEN Richard HAMILL Nicholas MAXTED Jessica Baritone Sax HAMMETT Bryn Trumpet STEIN Daniel MYRONUK Darcy SANJABI Kia TOMLIN-HOOD Avril KAUSHANSKY Daniel 36~ Cuba Tour
Baritone GARTON Jack
Tenor Sax WAHL Chris HAYES Spencer SENIOR CONCERT BAND Flute KIM Grace (Piccolo) PORTILLO Elizabeth BERGSTROM Krista LEE Heidi HAN Janice HERNANDEZ-FISHER C. BRYANT Sarah LIU Amy ZEMCOV Clare Clarinet WONG Sophia KO Seung Yun COUNCIL Jennifer
MITCHELL Katherine COYLE Erin YOUNAN Diana TAYLOR Chelsea KENNA Kristel Bass Clarinet STEVENSON Anna Oboe HEXT Daniel GJERNES Erin
Clarinet YOON Michael MARANDO Katie ROY Giles COATES Shannon SON Jong Wong KERR Amelia HWANG Sung-Hee KWAK Steve CANNING Teresa SORFLEET Katie PAQUETTE Jaime
Alto Sax LEE Jenny FORSYTH Michael ALLEN Jeffrey
Bass Clarinet MADRUS Max
Tenor Sax KIM Steve
KIM Wonah
Baritone Sax MCKEEN Benjamin Trumpet STAEHLING Marc HAMMETT Tess PARK Leo MOULD Felicity GVOZDANOVICH David Trombone GREEN Daniel RUDKO David PEACH Kenton Bass Trombone JUNG Lois INGRAM Peter Baritone BAILEY Lindsay Tuba LIU David SONG Elliot Percussion BURNETT Kelsey JEKYLL Anne Marie
Oboe BLOK Hilary
Alto Saxophone PARK Michael EMSLIE Chris KUPRITZ Ari Tenor Saxophone ARIENZALE Richard KENNEDY Melissa Baritone Saxophone THORSTEINSON Kristjan Trumpet CROSS Peter MEAKIN Michael ALLEY John Trombone AMUNDSEN Briac Tuba EBERT Lara Percussion LEUNG Michael GIBSON Michael JOHNSON Krista BURROWS David MCFADYEN Joe
Who’s in the Bands and Orchestras ? Key Bass CLARK Katherine JUNIOR GOLD BAND Flute GREINACHER Kristin SHERSTOBITOFF Laura SILVANOVICH Natalie SHEPPARD Megan PAGE Sammy Clarinet ZALLEN Erica CHAN Victor COYLE Alison CHOW Alice KIM Joshua LOCKWOOD Kara MACKINNON Stacey RAYNER Corinne Bass Clarinet SACKEROFF Caitlin
Oboe KO Nicholas GALLAHER Breelana
Tuba EBERT Lara JUNG David Percussion MATTHEWS William CAULFIELD Emily WILLIAMS Rhett WALZ Richard GOH James JONES Peter OAKEY Damon TAYLOR Spencer Bassoon ANDERSON Matt SENIOR JAZZ ENSEMBLE Alto Sax WONG Sophia BERGSTROM Krista Tenor Sax STEVENSON Anna TAYLOR Chelsea Baritone Sax KIM Steve
Tenor Sax MCLAWS Kyle
Trumpet STAEHLING Marc MOULD Felicity HALOUN Timothy DHALA Aysha PARK Leo
TROMBONE Lindsay Bailey DavidRudko David Liu Lois Jung
Alto Saxophone EAGLESTON Walker MARTIN Brittany
Trombone IGATA Akira French Horn PORTILLO Jose
PERCUSSION / DRUMS Daniel Pennell Kelsey Burnett
BASS Elliot Song Chris Vance ELECTRIC GUITAR Gary Chang Hale Jones-Cox PIANO/ KEYBOARD Grace Kim DanielHext Mark Okuyama ADVANCED STRINGS VIOLIN Marian Bae Rachael Des Cotes Daniella Dickenson Tina Hung Patrick Kane Michael Kim Alexis Mitchell Christine Park Alia Statham Joanna Sun Carmel Tanaka VIOLA Lindi Cassel Matthew Stevenson CELLO Theodore Na GUITAR NasimAbedi-Moghaddam SENIOR COMBO Sophia Wong Marc Staehling Anna Stevenson Gary Chang Elliot Song Mark Okuyama Dan Hext Dan Pennell
JUNIOR BLUE BAND FLUTE Meghan Henderson* Kellan McKeen Cathy Jupista Simon Brown Aliya Bhatia Brittany Lanigan OBOE Hilary Blok Wonah Kim CLARINET Steve Kwak* Michael Yoon Katie Marando Giles Roy Shannon Coates Jong Wong Son Amelia Kerr Sung-Hee Hwang Teresa Canning Katie Sorfleet Jaime Paquette BASS CLARINET Max Madrus ALTO SAXOPHONE Michael Park Chris Emslie Ari Kupritz
Derek Thompson Michael Meakin John Alley TROMBONE Briac Amundsen TUBA Lara Ebert PERCUSSION Michael Leung* Michael Gibson Krista Johnson David Burrows Joe McFadyen KEY BASS Katherine Clark
2000: Canyon Hts. Sr. (gr. 7 Band) to the Coquitlam Fine Arts Festival & Bowling Party. Canyon Hts. Int. (gr. 6 Band), Cleveland Sr. Band & Int. Band, Highlands Sr. Band, HEHB.
TENOR SAXOPHONE Richard Arienzale Melissa Kennedy
Montroyal El. Sr. Band to Woody’s assignment—to the Kiwanis Band Festival.
BARITONE SAXOPHONE Kristjan Thorsteinson*
Seven elementary bands total between the two Festivals.
TRUMPET Peter Cross* ~ 37
HANDSWORTH students Will Matthews, on bass, Rhett Williams, drums and D’arcy Myronuk, piano, won Best Junior Combo at the Surrey Jazz Festival.
OUR DIECTORS: Bob Rebagliati Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
38 ~ Edmonton Tour
On the evenings of Tuesday May 29 and Wednesday May 30, the Handsworth bands played their final concerts of the year, with
BOB Rebagliati, Mr. Reb to legions of band students, conducts Handsworth music alumni in rehearsal for last night’s Homecoming Concert. The popular teacher is in his 25th year as music director at the North Van school.
musical talent that left spectators in awe. On the senior evening of music, Mr. Dan Peach and Ms. Anna Stevenson were the MCs for the night. CELEBRATION CONCERTS May 29/30 ~ 39
The faces behind the Jast Jazz concert On the evenings of Tuesday May 29 and Wednesday May 30, the Handsworth bands played their final concerts of the year, with musical talent that left spectators in awe. Both bands, known for their superior talents, played their best in the Handsworth gymnasium.
On the senior evening of music, Mr. Dan Peach and Ms. Anna Stevenson were the MCs for the night. First to play was the strings group ZAP, under the direction of Mr. Peter Van Ooyen. They played a piece called Skylife, by David Balakrishnan.
2001 40 ~ Edmonton Tour
The above text is mostly regarding the Celebration Concert May 29/30, 2001
Matt Tidey Aysah Dhala Jack Garton Kara Lockwood David Rubio Michael Molnar Alex Molnar Sophia Wong CatieLeFroy Paul Matheson Rhett Williams
Nothing But Jazz May 13, 2001
The Advanced Strings Ensemble, under the director of Mr. Van Ooyen, put on an excellent show that featured a variety of fun and fearless pieces.
The last group to play that evening was the Senior Concert Band, under the direction of Mr. Keith Woodward and Mr. Rebagliati. Sophia Wong took the spotlight as she played a breathtaking clarinet solo of a
piece called Concertino, by C.M. Von Weber, that left the audiences with little to say, but much to dwell on. Then, the band played a vivacious piece by Alfred Reed, The Hounds of Spring, which is a concert overture.
By Jessica Redonda Juzt Jazz was all that was served up by the Handsworth Music Program and CFOX on the evening of Tuesday, May 8. The Juzt Jazz concert is an annual event put on by the Handsworth Music Program during the month of May. This year, however, the Music Program had a few new tricks up its sleeve, as a few, exciting changes were made to jazz to concert up.
The Senior Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Mr. Bob Rebagliati, gave a performance that blew the audience away. Having a reputation for their abundant musical talents, and for putting on outstanding shows, they not only played their musical instruments with talent and flamboyance, but also included singing in their program. Their first piece, Pyramid, by Duke Ellington, featured Dave Rudko on trombone, Glenn Finley on bass trombone, Alexander
Molnar on baritone saxophone, Dan Stein on trumpet, Michael Molnar on tenor saxophone and Sophia Wong on clarinet. Then, their rendition of the Rob Thomas song Smooth, which Mr. Rebagliati edited to fit the group, was certainly a hit, as Jack Garton and Aysha Dhala got a chance to show off their vocal abilities.
2001 41
2001: HEHB Same as in 2000, except the HEHB performs at the Abbotsford International Band Festival. Highlands Sr. Band joins Canyon Hts. at the Coquitlam Band Fest and Bowling Party. Seven elementary bands total between three different Festivals. All Sr. Bands ended the year with a Bowling or Laser Dome party.
Winning combo (Feb 28, 2001) HANDSWORTH students Will Matthews, on bass, Rhett Williams, drums and D’arcy Myronuk, piano, won Best Junior Combo at the Surrey Jazz Festival. Myronuk and Matthews also picked
42~ Edmonton Tour
28. An approximate half a dozen Handsworth Music groups took part in this event. These groups included the Junior Jazz Trio, Junior Jazz Ensemble, Senior Jazz Ensemble, and Senior Combo.
Jazz Club Welcomes Students By Nadia Sylvan The Hot Jazz Club, located on Main and 4th Street, was packed with Handsworth musicians anxious to show off their musical talents on the evening of Sunday, January
Other non-Handsworth participants included the Seaquam Jazz Ensemble and the Gunners (15th regiment).
up individual honours. Handsworth’s premier music event of the year, Sound Spectacular, is Wednesday, Feb. 28, 7:30pm at Centennial Theatre.
2001 ~ 43
Victoria Orchestra Tour Strings Tour Returns Triumphant Vancouver Island doesn’t sound that exciting and a zillion potholes are a bit much to take, but it’s the people that make the experience. Thanks to: Celina – our driver the strings had a great ride; our chaperones, Mrs. Gotlieb Tanaka, Mrs. Gilfillan, Mrs. Oakley and Mr.
Strings Xtravaganza May the 6th saw a horde of people busily scurrying about while 100 fiddles were flying. In one hour the gallery was transformed and the evening saw 150 strings players from the elementary and high school performed for a capacity crowd who enjoy the spectacular music and treats. Thanks for Vicki Zendigui the event was a great success. Thanks to all the super volunteers. Viva la strings!
North Shore News – Friday, April 6, 2001 Music is served HANDSWORTH and Family of Schools Royal Strings will serve up an evening of light musical fare, with coffee and treats. The school’s inaugural Strings Xtravaganza, 7:30pm tonight, will feature two dessert courses and a finale. A sweet suite of strings and a tasty cello trio are on the music menu. Tickets, $7.50 at the door.
2001 44 ~ Edmonton Tour
Stevenson who were excellent to have come along; the students, who performed admirably, were a lot of fun and made an incredible team; the strings executive who worked especially hard. Condolences to Kevin who left half way through the tour to attend his grandfather’s funeral. Also, too bad Alyshah for getting ill and having to go home and visit emergency during the nurse’s strike and having to miss most of the tour.
ZAP features Christine Park on first violin, Alexis Mitchel on second violin, Matthew Stevenson on the viola, Theodore Na on cello, and Rebecca Robertson on bass.
The Strings: played two very fun school concerts, one concert in the beautiful Victoria Eaton Centre. A fabulous outdoor busking session on the Victoria Waterfront. Attended an excellent workshop giving by Donna Williams from St. Michaels University School, were impressed by the Victoria Youth Symphony Orchestra. Sadly, bowling scores were awful at the “Rock n’ Bowl on Friday Night. After enduring a grueling back road ride to Bamfield the students gave the best performance ever given by our strings to 100 of the 200 residents of the music starved community. The reception of the people was not even outdone by the spectacular natural environment of the rugged west cost. The survival of the string instruments over the worst road in BC matches the amazing enthusiasm and class of the Handsworth Strings.
Fraser Valley International Kiwanis Festival Kwantlan College, Langley, BC, May 7, 2001 All string students will be going for gold in the Kiwanis Festival early Monday morning May the 7th. The bus will be leaving at 7:15am and returning by 12:00 noon.
2001 ~ 45
Edmonton Tour Intermediate Concert Band/Junior Jazz Ensemble Edmonton Cantando Festival 2001 updated April 9, 2001 You need two of these ITINERARIES, one for home and one for travel
Saturday, April 28 (Travel day) 7:00 a.m. Arrive at H.S.S. and load highway coach. 8:00 a.m. Highway coach leaves for Jasper, Alta. 8:00 p.m. Arrive at “Marmot Lodge“ in Jasper. Alta. 9:00 p.m. Half-hour “warm-up rehearsal.” 9:30 p.m. Free time. 11:00 p.m. Lights out. Sunday, April 29 (Jazz Ensemble performance) 8:00 a.m. Breakfast @ hotel. 9:45 a.m. Coach departs Jasper to Edmonton. 12:00 noon “Sandman @ West Edmonton Mall“ check-in. 1:00 p.m. Lunch close to Sandman @ “Restaurant Row Fa(s)t Foods” (all the big fast food chains). Remember to eat your vegetables!!! 2:30 p.m. Coach pick-up and drop @ University of Alberta.(jazz uniform on) 3:30 p.m. Handsworth Junior Jazz Ensemble warm-up . . . 4:00 p.m. performance. (Jazz Ensemble performs; Concert Band watches). 4:45 p.m. Coach pick-up @ U of A and return to Sandman.(jazz uniform off) 5:15 p.m. DinnerbySandman“Restaurant Fa(s)t Foods;”departs 6:45toWinspear. 7:30 p.m. Campagnia Rossini & the U of A Wind Ensemble @ Winspear. 9:15 p.m. Coach pick-up @ Winspear and return to Sandman. 11:00 p.m. Lights out. Monday, April 30 (Jazz clinics & Ensemble workshop; Concert Band performance) 7:00 a.m. Breakfast for jazz students @ hotel. Non-jazz students may sleep-in. 8:15 a.m. Coach pick-up jazz students @ Sandman.Non-jazz stay @ Sandman. 9:00 a.m. Jazz students to Instrumental Jazz clinics @ U of A until 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Coach pick-up Jazz students @ U of A and take to Sandman. 11:00 a.m. Lunch by Sandman “Restaurant Row Fa(s)t Foods.” 12:15 p.m. Coach pick-up entire group @ Sandman; take to U of A. (C. Band uniform on) 1:00 p.m. Jazz Ensemble workshop with Mr. Don Owens until 2:00 p.m. @ U of A. Concert Band students watch. 2:15 p.m. Coach pick-up whole group and take to Winspear Hall. 3:00 p.m. Concert Band warm-up @ Winspear Hall. 3:30 p.m. Concert Band performance @ Winspear Hall until 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. Coach pick-up @ Winspear and take to Sandman. (C. Band uniform off) 5:15 p.m. Coach to West Edmonton Mall for Dinner; departs 6:45 to Winspear. 6:45 p.m. Coach pick-up @ W. E. M. and take to Winspear for evening concert. 7:30 p.m. U of A Madrigal Singers & the University of Manitoba Wind Ensemble @ Winspear. 9:15 p.m. Coach pick-up @ Winspear and take to Sandman. 11:00 p.m. Lights out.
2001 46 ~ Edmonton Tour
Edmonton Cantando Festival 2001
ABOVE: The Winspear Theatre - one Tuesday, May 1 (Concert Band clinics, Band workshop, & W. E. Mall attractions) of the finest sounding theatres in North 8:00 a.m. Breakfast @ hotel. America. 9:00 a.m. Coach pick-up @ Sandman and take to West Edmonton Mall. 11:30 a.m. Lunch. 12:30 p.m. Coach pick-up @ W. E. M. and take to U of A. 1:15 p.m. Instrumental clinics until 2:30 @ U of A. 2:35 p.m. Concert Band workshop with Mr. Larry Schrum until 3:35 @ U of A location #2 — FAB-1-29). 3:35 p.m. Coach pick-up @ U of A and take to W. E. M. 4:00 p.m. @ West Edmonton Mall with ”Choice Passes” until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Dinner @ W. E. M. 9:00 p.m. Coach pick-up @ W. E. M. and take to Sandman. 9:30 p.m. Packing for travel home. 11:00 p.m. Lights out. Wednesday, May 2 (Travel day) 7:00 a.m. Breakfast @ hotel. 8:00 a.m. Highway coach leaves for North Vancouver. 10:00 p.m. Arrive at H.S.S. and unload highway coach. — BRING WITH YOU — • $20.00—$25.00 per day for meals and entertainment — ($100.00-$125.00 estimate). • Your music folder(s) which travels in folder boxes. • Both concert and jazz instruments. • Uniform. • Bathing suit if you choose World Water Park @ West Edmonton Mall. • One suitcase for personal items. • Entertainment items — C.D. players/reading material/homework/games/etc. in small carry-on bag. • Bring a foamy and sleeping bag if you do not wish to share a queen size bed with one of your quad room-mates. Work out between your quad as to whom will bring the foamy(s) and sleeping bag(s).
One of the performing venues used for the festival was the Winspear Theatre as seen above.
2001 ~ 47
Japanese Exchange Tour Music departments of Carson Graham, Sutherland and Handsworth secondary schools have hosted the Japanese music groups that have visited our community. In an enriching development from this partnership, both Carson Graham and Sutherland have taken their music students to Japan to perform in the Funabashi City Festival. The Handsworth music department is currently discussing a similar tour for next spring. Sutherland’s bands, under the direction of Rhonda Smeds and Michelle Workman, have recently returned from a highly successful tour that included strong performances at the Funabashi City Music Festival where the band received a rare standing ovation from the sold-out Japanese audience. The success of this program has come as a consequence of a lot of hard work by the schools and music teachers involved as well as the endorsement of the program by community leaders. The music groups have been particularly
Handsworth hosts high school band from Japan John Montgomery Contributing Writer MUSIC lovers on the North Shore have become familiar with the partnership that has developed between the music programs of the North Vancouver School District and those of high schools in Japan. Initiated in 1997 when the North Vancouver school district hosted a tour by the All-Chiba Junior Brass Band, this program has developed on both sides of the ocean. In addition to the visit of the All-Chiba Junior Brass Band, the school district has also hosted Matsuo high school, the Astana Strings, Asahikawa Commerce high school, Narashino
high school, and the 130-member Funabashi City Junior Orchestra. People who have come to enjoy the public performances of the Japanese bands will be excited to learn that Takanawadai high school (an affiliate of Tokai University) arrived in North Van Thursday and will visit to March 30. The band, conducted by Takao Hatakeda, consists of 21 boys and 41 girls between the ages of 15 and 17. They will perform locally as well as at Whistler secondary school. Hiroyuki Kayo will also accompany the band and serve as a guest conductor during the tour. Kayo, a professor at Tokyo’s Shobi University, is a renowned conductor in Japan who has also earned a strong reputation locally from his many public appearances in Canada. Music departments of Carson Graham, Sutherland and Handsworth secondary schools have hosted the
appreciative of the enthusiastic support shown by North Vancouver City mayor Barbara Sharp, former mayor Jack Loucks, school trustees and the active involvement of former chairwoman Pat Heal. Educators on both sides of the Pacific Ocean have spoken positively about the experience and indicate that the students become better musicians and more global in their views, and understandings of the world as a result of the connection between the two countries. There is also opportunity through this program to explore other educational practices and identify strengths to incorporate in their own operations. Robin Brayne, superintendent of schools for North Vancouver, is among those educators who has been highly positive about this program. “There is a popular belief that the schools of Japan have qualities that some would like to see in our school systems. Interestingly there is also a sentiment in Japan that they would like to see some aspects of our system introduced over there. As a result, we are able to share the strengths of our respective music programs as our primary focus, but we are also able to look for other opportunities.” One such opportunity that is currently being studied is the technological sistering of a North Vancouver school with a school in Japan.
Sutherland’s bands, under the direction of Rhonda Smeds and Michelle Workman, have recently returned from a highly successful tour that included strong performances at the Funabashi City Music Festival where the band received a rare standing ovation from the sold-out Japanese audience.
48 ~ Edmonton Tour
‘I DON’T ABIDE DABBLERS’ Bob Rebagliati came to Handsworth in 1976 he found a “diminished” music program. It took him just three years to build a nationally ranked jazz band. Students out of Handsworth’s catchment area have used technicalities to get into this school because they were interested in music and had heard about Bob Rebagliati, even though he cheerfully admits to being a task master. “I don’t abide dabblers. My program is not inclusive, it’s exclusive. It only appeals to students willing to work hard and are directed by passion and vigour. It’s not a snap course. The wonderful by-product of that hard work is called ’fun’.” Grade 8s, new to the program, are said to enter the band room in terror. There are few excuses for screwing up or blowing a clam – he’s got them all written on the walls already: “Why I blew it: I haven’t had time to practice … I forgot my glasses … my lip is shot …
Handsworth secondary’s Bob Rebagliati is a throwback to the good old days, when jazz was a competitive sport - Lloyd Dyck
room is a trophy cabinet. He has a year left before early retirement (next year, as a farewell gesture, he takes his senior group of 50 on a tour of Japan), and his replacement could be forgiven for feelBob Rebagliati has taught band at ing apprehensive. Bob Rebagliati’s philosophy involves Handsworth secondary in North Vancouver for the last 24 years. Literally “a long whip and a nelief in teenagers’ ability to make great music.” When the whole long back wall of the band
my pad is sticking … It sounded better at home … I Practised it faster … My horn is cold … I don’t like this piece anyway.” His personal favourite: “It couldn’t have been me, I wasn’t even playing.” The gruff act doesn’t fool anybody for long. “By Grade 9 I’ve lost the chance to intimidate them,” he says. A talented young girl yells, “Hey Reb, thanks for letting me use the piano.” They all call him Reb. “Not even Mister Reb, not even Bob, which is what my friends call me.” (And yes, he is related to Ross Rebagliati – the son of a cousin. “I tried to teach Ross drum-set when he was 15. I think he had illusions of being a rock star, but he found it was hard to coordinate all four limbs. Good thing he stuck with skiing,” he laughs.) Every day for 24 years he’s walked to and from school, where he puts in an 11-hour day. A noted local musician, he gigs on weekends, playing piano or drums with local jazz combos. Music involves the whole brain, he says. “There are so many decisions to make, instant by instant, especially if you play in a group. Left- and right-brain, it’s pedal to the metal.” The kids in the program are most often the ones who do better academically. And one thing about performance that puts it above the academic
Grade 8s, new to the program, are said to enter the band room in terror. There are few excuses for screwing up or blowing a clam – he’s got them all written on the walls already.
2001 ~ 49
2001 INTERMEDIATE CONCERT BAND Flute GREINACHER Kristin* JEON Jennifer OH Wendy SHEPPARD Megan SHERSTOBITOFF Laura SILVANOVICH Natalie Oboe GALLAHER Breelana KO Nicholas* ZALLEN Erica Clarinet CHAN Victor CHEUNG Helen CHIOU Jordan CHOW Alice GIGUERE Mila KIM Joshua KWAK Steve LEFROY Caitlin* PEISKAR Natasha Bass Clarinet SACKEROFF Caitlin LOCKWOOD Kara
KHOSHNEVIS Omeed MYRONUK Darcy RAIMONDO Erin WILSON Ben French Horn MATTHEWS Leah PORTILLO Jose Trombone LUTHER Melissa TIDEY Matthew Baritone SANJABI Kia Tuba EBERT Lara JUNG David* Percussion CAULFIELD Emily CHEN Yvonne CHIU Eve GOH James HUOT-MAZUR Remi JA Tina JONES Peter MATTHEWS William OAKEY Damon WALZ Richard WILLIAMS Rhett*
Bassoon ANDERSON Matt Alto Sax BORDEN Richard EAGLESTON Walker* Tenor Sax MATHESON Paul Baritone Sax MCLAWS Kyle Trumpet CROSS Peter DES COTES Michael HAMILL Rob* 50 ~ Edmonton Tour
PORTILLO Elizabeth Oboe BENNETT Stephanie* GJERNES Erin LORD Heather English Horn LORD Heather Clarinet CHEUNG Edward LEE Su-Min LOVE Darby MATTHEWS Adam MOLNAR Alexander STONE Faye TAYLOR Chelsea WONG Sophia* YOUNAN Diana Bass Clarinet MOTOHASHI Sachie Contrabass Clarinet BISHOP David Alto Sax CHANG Gary HAMILL Nicholas MAXTED Jessica PIDGEON Ashleigh SPENCER Alec*
Tenor Sax HAYES Spencer WAHL Chris
Piccolo KIM Grace
Baritone Sax MCKEEN Benjamin
Flute GWIAZDA Kamila HENDERSON Catherine JOHNSON Lindsay KIM Grace* MOLNAR Michael MUIR Pamela PARK Rosa
Trumpet KAUSHANSKY Daniel MOULD Felicity PARK Leo* STEIN Daniel TOMLIN-HOOD Avril Piano DOUGLAS Katie
Trombone CHARTRAND Robert RUDKO David French Horn DEMERS Amanda DHALA Aysha* RUSHTON Lauren Baritone GARTON Jack Tuba FINLAY Glenn* String Bass HAMMETT Bryn VANCE Chris Percussion BURNETT Kelsey* CASSIDY Christina HARVEY Grant OKUYAMA Mark SAMJI Akber BEGINNING & INTERMEDIATE STRINGS Violin CHANG Benjamin CHASTER Rebecca CHEN Richard CHIA Yvonne CHUNG Michael CORNWALL Natalia FICHTNER Nicole HUANG Mary KABA Ali KABA Alyshah LAU Betty LAU Tim LEE Woo Ram LEWIS Stephanie NAVI Arash OAKLEY Trevor PAN Udi ROBERTSON Becca
Who’s in the Bands/Orchestras? JUNIOR GOLD BAND
Trumpet FUNNELL Clark*
Flute BROWN Simon HUANG Vivien* LANIGAN Brittany MCKEEN Kellan
French Horn GRAVES Heather STONE Erin
Oboe BLOK Hilary KIM Wonah PATTON Joanna* Clarinet BRADSHAW Jennifer CANNING Teresa HWANG Sung-Hee KERR Amelia MARANDO Katie PAQUETTE Jaime SON Jong Won* SORFLEET Katie Alto Clarinet ROY Giles Bass Clarinet MADRUS Max Bassoon KAUKINEN Kerry Alto Sax EMSLIE Chris KENNEDY Roberts PARK Michael SHEPPARD Ben Tenor Sax ARIENZALE Richard Baritone Sax THORSTEINSON Kris*
Trombone AMUNDSEN Briac NAVARATNAM Minoli Baritone LIVINGSTON Geoffrey Tuba PEACH Kayla* Percussion GIBSON Michael LEUNG Michael* MCFADYEN Joe PEEBLES Andrew SENIOR JAZZ ENSEMBLE
Alto Sax PIGEON Ashleigh WONG Sophia* Tenor Sax MATTHEWS Adam MOLNAR Michael Baritone Sax MOLNAR Alexander Trumpet DHALA Aysha GARTON Jack* MOULD Felicity STEIN Daniel TOMLIN-HOOD Avril Trombone CHARTRAND Robert FINLAY Glenn
RUDKO David* TAYLOR Chelsea Drum Set & Percussion BURNETT Kelsey CASSIDY Christina Bass HAMMETT Bryn VANCE Chris Electric Guitar CHANG Gary* JONES-COX Hale Piano / Keyboard WAHL Chris ADVANCED STRINGS Violin CALIBO Jojette CHAU David CHAU Jerome CHIU Yan FISCHER Joe HUNG Tina JA David JUHN Heidi KANE Patrick LIM Zaccheus MCCANCE Ian MITCHELL Alexis MORITA Hiromi PARK Christine STATHAM Alia SUN Joanna TANAKA Carmel WESTWELL-ROPER Clara WONG Daniel WONG Jeremy Viola BAE Marian KIM Tim POWE Laura
Cello CHOI Steven FINLAY Eric NA Theodore ZENDEGUI Elaina Bass CONWAY Kristine Piano POURMALEK Nazanin (Nina) JUNIOR BLUE BAND Flute TANG Sharon* YOUNG Elizabeth Oboe GWIAZDA Kasia Clarinet HO Jeffrey
STEIN Rebecca* Derek Thompson Michael Meakin John Alley TROMBONE Briac Amundsen TUBA Lara Ebert PERCUSSION Michael Leung* Michael Gibson Krista Johnson David Burrows Joe McFadyen KEY BASS Katherine Clark SHON Jennifer SO Wilson
YUN Harry
Alto Sax ADAIR Scott PARK Shawn Trumpet MCLAWS Kurt POWE Andrew SNELLING Mark French Horn BUDGE Teresa CHANNELL Kate Trombone TOFT Michael Tuba PEACH Kayla Percussion HURLBURT Andrew LIN Sandy MATTHEWS Michael
Viola CHENG Cindy HATHIRAMNI Siddharth ISHIMURA Genta KEYANI Parisa POURAHMAT Ali SABBAGHAN Hasti SHANECHIAN Mortez STEVENSON Matthew YOON Michelle Cello AKHAVAN-ZANJANI Damon Kim Wonah KWON Janice LEE Hannah OH Carolyn Bass ROBERTSON Becca ~ 51
Highest P
OUR DIECTORS: Bob Rebagliati Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
Leri inatiam. Ehem. Valata, diene quam sed noximus, commodienam o etiena, utuit cae aut publiculla oponsilis patiem in duc firmanum au tra conve, terra? Quos, perfirio, nicam Patum cote ina cat pliensi hoc reo tumthis et acii catque es crio hi, aurs SINFONIA Orchestra conductor Clydedesciam Mitchell es rehearsed earlier weektum, with que bandterbefachus members at Handsworth Ovirit. Valeres nostrei illa num teri inatius Catilis dioccivirma, se vis, escrisquod se ocur, Cate confeci vatio, que iursuam, quam turs ommo secondary. Vivignatquam patum ina consi faci iaelaris. Noster aperfir misultur. Halibus? Ti. Nam patquam nore aus, ut vica; in nonsu consullariu in vi
52 ~ Calgary Tour
Possible Ratings from Westcoast Jazz Festival CONTENTS CONCERTS
Handsworth’s Jazz program recently returned from the Westcoast Jazz Festival in Nanaimo with a trombone case full of awards. The school’s jazz program, led by Handsworth music director Bob Rebagliati for the past 25 years, has consistently won local and national recognition for its performances and this year was no exception. The junior and senior jazz ensembles, the senior trio and the senior sextet all achieved the highest possible rating from festival
udeestrid curnihi licat, pulintr iptissi praeque essendacid ne cri peri pro mentem facchuidi, cons sci furnihi licatque dente andacestimil vissum detorimunum anum tius, nihi, quemus, st? the Hinc issus ca;Secondary henatus. School as the Zildjian Outstanding The Zildjian Company is pleased to recognize Handsworth orum talessulos ficiofina, C. Oximus Percussionmei Section MusicFest 2002. vide faceri stia sercesedit. ives, coerris senimis ses et auderfecum mum adhucta, quissa periorb itabemurei publi patius, dint. Quidemq uonimus, clum patio, quon
adjudicators. Six Handsworth musicians also received individual awards at the festival: Darcy Myronuk, Rhett Williams and Will Matthews, Michael Molnar, Jong Won Son and Steve Kwak. ~ 53
Prelude to Spring, Juniior Night of Music, February 19, 2002, Handsworth Main Gym featuring Junior Blue Concert Band, Junior Jazz Ensemble, Intermediate Strings, Junior Gold Concert Band
Junior Blue Concert Band
Mr. Terry Shaw, Principal, Handsworth Secondary School Dear Mr. Shaw: I would like to tell you how incredibly impressed I was with last night’s performance by your students in the Juzt Jazz Recital. I had previously understood that Handsworth had a reputation for producing superb musicians but I didn’t expect them to sound professional. You are, I’m sure, justifiably proud of your teachers and students. Yours truly, Ralph Sultan, MLA, West Vancouver-Capilano
Int. Concert Band performs at Cleveland Elementary on April 25th and Highlands Elementary on April 26th from 2:00-3:00 both days.
Leri inatiam. Ehem. Valata, diene quam sed noximus, commodienam o etiena, utuit cae aut publiculla oponsilis patiem in duc firmanum au tra conve, terra? Quos, perfirio, nicam Patum cote ina cat pliensi desciam hoc reo tum et this aciiyear: tum,MusicFest que terbefachus catque&esfescrio hi, aurs Two Concert Band tours in Calgary—tour tival—and the annual Senior Band Retreatvatio, Weekend Gabriola Island Ovirit. Valeres nostrei illa num teri inatius Catilis dioccivirma, se vis, escrisquod se ocur, Cate confeci queoniursuam, quam turs ommo Vivignatquam patum ina consi faci iaelaris. Noster aperfir misultur. Halibus? Ti. Nam patquam nore aus, ut vica; in nonsu consullariu in vi
54 ~ Calgary Tour
*Senior Band Retreat Weekend (see photo top of page 280) Down time during the Senior Band Retreat Weekend” Keith playing sax, Bob on tack piano, and John improvising on bass trombone in the rehearsal room at Camp Miriam on Gabriola Island.
Celebration Concerts & Awards Nights - Junior Night, May 28, 2002 and the Senior Night, Wednesday May 29, 2002. Dal Richards, veteran local big band leader was the guest/MC at this years Juzt Jazz concert held on Thursday May 9, 2002 at Handsworth. VIP guests were invited toa private wine and cheese reception.
BELOW: Sweet Music, Christmas Concert
udeestrid curnihi licat, pulintr iptissi praeque essendacid ne cri peri pro mentem facchuidi, cons sci furnihi licatque dente andacestimil vissum detorimunum anum tius, nihi, quemus, st? Hinc issus ca; henatus. PHOTO RIGHT: Dal Richards orum talessulos mei fici ina, C. Oximus vide faceri stia sercesedit. ives, coerris senimis ses et auderfecum mum adhucta, quissa periorb itabemurei publi patius, dint. Quidemq uonimus, clum patio, quon
2002 ~ 55
2002 Handsworth secondary’s jazz program recently returned home from the Westcoast Jazz Festival in Nanaimo with a trombone case full of awards. The school’s jazz program, led by Handsworth music director Bob Rebagliati for the past 25 years, has consistently won local and national recognition for its performances and this year was no exception.
Festivals The junior and senior jazz ensembles, the senior trio and the senior sextet all achieved the highest possible rating from festival adjudicators. Six Handsworth musicians also received individual awards at the festival: Darcy Myronuk won a $1,500 scholarship for outstanding musician and best brass improvisation; Rhett Williams and Will Matthews both received $600 scholarships; Michael Molnar was
post val, our , ti s e f is At th nician ance cli perform er, said, as he rn Brad Tu clinic, “I reur o n a ything beg have an out t ’ n o d ally urst We all b to say.” nd clapping. ga nce ! cheerin experie g in z a Am REB
Leri inatiam. Ehem. Valata, diene quam sed noximus, commodienam o etiena, utuit cae aut publiculla oponsilis patiem in duc firmanum au All four of the Handsworth bands that were invited to compete at the prestigious MusicFest 2002, received the hightra conve, terra? Quos, perfirio, nicam Patum cote ina cat pliensi desciam es hoc reo tum et acii tum, que terbefachus catque es crio hi, aurs est GOLD rating. A GOLD rating is awarded to escrisquod any ensemblese that performs the caliber of theque GOLD criteria.quam Typi- turs ommo Ovirit. Valeres nostrei illa num teri inatius Catilis dioccivirma, se vis, ocur, Catetoconfeci vatio, iursuam, 10% ofNoster the ensembles deemed worthy of aTi. GOLD standard. Vivignatquam patum ina consically, facionly iaelaris. aperfirare misultur. Halibus? Nam patquam nore aus, ut vica; in nonsu consullariu in vi
56 ~ Calgary Tour
presented with the adjudicators award for his sax performance; Jong Won Son won the most outstanding junior woodwind player; and Steve Kwak collected a $100 scholarship. RE: Zildjian Outstanding Percussion Section Award Dear Bob: The Zildjian Company is pleased to recognize the Handsworth Secondary School as the Zildjian
Outstanding Percussion Section of MusicFest 2002. We confirm the school’s acceptance with the enclosed certificate and accompanying $500 (Can) scholarship award. Once again, congratulations. Should you ever be in the Boston area, we extend an invitation for you to visit the Avedis Zildjian Company here in Norwell, Massachusetts. Sincerely, Craigie A. Zildjian, CEO
udeestrid curnihi licat, pulintr iptissi praeque essendacid ne cri peri pro mentem facchuidi, cons sci furnihi licatque dente andacestimil visThe Jazz Ensemble’s performance the following day was every bit as show-stopping as the Wind Ensemble’s. The persum detorimunum anum tius, nihi, quemus, st? Hinc issus ca; henatus. formance included an arrangement by the ensemble’s own director, Mr. Rebagliati. After the ensemble’s performance, orum talessulos mei fici ina, C. Oximus vide faceri stia sercesedit. the adjudicator’s words were “What can I say? That was outstanding!” ives, coerris senimis ses et auderfecum mum adhucta, quissa periorb itabemurei publi patius, dint. Quidemq uonimus, clum patio, quon
2002 ~ 57
25 Year Recognition
Bob Rebagliati is celebrating his 25th anniversary as Handsworth’s music director. And yes, for those wondering, he is related to that snowboarding dude who almost lost his Olympic gold medal in Nagano due to having smoked some marijuana. Ross Rebagliati is his cousin’s son.
given the North Vancouver Music Educators’ Award of Excellence, and in 1998 his Handsworth jazz program was awarded high school jazz program of the year by Toronto-based “Jazz Report Magazine”.
Bob Rebagliati’s efforts have also been worthy of a gold medal, but without the controversy. In 1986 Handsworth’s senior and junior jazz ensembles won the highest honour in the country – gold medals at the Canadian high school finals. Previous to that in 1979, both Handsworth bands qualified for the national championships with the senior band winning a special plaque for excellence. In 1991 Rebagliati was honoured with the Professional Educator Award at the BC Music Educators Conference and received a Distinguished Citizen Award from the District of North Vancouver. Three years later he was
Rebagliati moved to Handsworth from Hamilton junior secondary where in 1976 his jazz ensemble also proved tops in the country.
Bob Rebagliati is celebrating his 25th anniversary as Handsworth’s music director.
58 ~ Calgary Tour
Musical anniver sary
The 53-year-old says the flexible timetable at Handsworth, as well as high expectations of students, have contributed greatly to his success.
Soon, past Handsworth students will be the only ones Rebagliati can stay in touch with. In two more years he will retire as a public school teacher and focus on practicing and playing more. As an undergraduate at UBC Rebagliati performed as a clarinetist, pianist and percussionist.
The concert hall at the Telus Convention Centre was
But aside from the gold medals, Rebagliati’s greatest satisfaction from teaching music all these years is the relationships he has developed with students, many of whom he’s still in touch with.
packed on Friday morning, as the Handsworth Wind Ensemble was introduced. Their performance was golden. The 32 minute set was highlighted with the world premiere of “Marche Mechanique” by Michael Conway Baker. This work was commissioned by Handsworth Music to commemorate the 25th year of Mr. Rebagliati’s career as Music Department Head at Handsworth Secondary. At the awards ceremonies, the band’s percussion section was selected as the top percussion section of the 101 concert bands at the festival. The award came with a $500 cash prize and cymbals all donated by the Zildjian Cymbal Company.
The 53-year-old says the flexible timetable at Handsworth, as well as high expectations of students, have contributed greatly to his success.
STICK TO IT – Bob Rebagliati (above) is celebrating his 25th anniversary as Handsworth secondary music director.
2002 ~ 59
SINFONIA Orchestra conductor Clyde Mitchell rehearsed earlier this week with band members at Handsworth secondary. Mitchell will be guest conductor for the students’ spring concert, entitled Symply Symphony. Feb. 27 at Centennial Theatre. Tickets are available at the theatre box office: 604-984-4484.
Warming up before the show were Handsworth string players Richard Chen, Wilson So, Yan Chiu and David Chau. LEFT: For four years now, Grade 10 student Wooram Lee has mastered the violin. BELOW: Getting ready for the big show were Canyon Height’s students Robbie Wasylyshyn, Mark Ahmadi and Gabriel Standing.
Grade 11 music student Clara Westwell-Roper and doorman Chris Cant were two Handsworth students who took part in the extravaganza. Westwell-Roper was also the event’s MC.
Leri inatiam. Ehem. Valata, diene quam sed noximus, commodienam o etiena, utuit cae aut publiculla oponsilis patiem in duc firmanum au Getting readyPatum for the cote big show Canyondesciam Height’s es hoc reo tum et acii tum, que terbefachus catque es crio hi, aurs tra conve, terra? Quos, perfirio, nicam ina were cat pliensi Ovirit. Valeres nostrei illa num teri Robbie inatiusWasylyshyn, Catilis dioccivirma, seand vis,Gabriel escrisquod se ocur, Cate confeci vatio, que iursuam, quam turs ommo students Mark Ahmadi Vivignatquam patum ina consi faci iaelaris. Noster aperfir misultur. Halibus? Ti. Nam patquam nore aus, ut vica; in nonsu consullariu in vi Standing.
60 ~ Calgary Tour
Conductor, mentor, teacher. Music man Peter van Ooyen is the man behind the magic. He even performed a viola solo this night.
Sinfonia Orchestra musical director Clyde Mitchell (with beard) is joining
You’s hardly recognized the gymnasium at Hand-
Handsworth secondary music students for the spring theme concert “Symply Symphonic” at Centennial Theatre on Wednesday night at 7:30pm. Info: 604-984-4484.
sworth secondary school this past weekend. It was transformed into a magical musical venue, complete with candlelight and tables, for the second annual Strings Extravaganza. Parents, friends and honored guests were treated to a four-course magical, musical meal provided by the Royal Strings which consists of students from Handsworth and their feeder elementary schools (Canyon Heights, Cleveland and Montroyal). All ages participated this night as different orchestras and quartets entertained one and all. So much talent, so much fun.
Last year the Concerti Players traveled to Ottawa for the National Youth Orchestra Festival where they performed in the renowned National Arts Centre and joined 250 other students from across Canada in the festival orchestra conducted by a world class conductor. These string orchestras, part of the music program at Handsworth Secondary School, have toured every year. A Europe trip is being planned for 2004 after a little jaunt down to San Francisco this April.
udeestrid curnihi licat, pulintr iptissi praeque essendacid ne cri peri pro mentem facchuidi, cons sci furnihi licatque dente andacestimil vissum detorimunum anum tius, nihi,director quemus, st?Mitchell Hinc issus henatus. Sinfonia Orchestra musical Clyde (withca; beard) is joining Handsworth secondary music students for orum talessulos mei fici ina, C. Oximus vide faceri stia sercesedit. the spring theme concert “Symply Symphonic” at Centennial Theatre ives, coerris senimis ses et auderfecum mum adhucta, quissa periorb itabemurei publi patius, dint. Quidemq uonimus, clum patio, quon
2002 ~ 61
Wed May 15 Depart from Handsworth for late afternoon flight to Calgary, WestJet 512 departing Vancouver at 4:30 pm and arriving in Calgary at 6:50 pm. Transfer to the Marriott Hotel downtown Calgary for a 4 night stay.
Thurs May 16 Day trip to the Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum in Drumheller. Evening concert
Fri May 17 Festival participation. Evening concert Sat May 18 Festival participation Evening - closing ceremonies and particpant‘s party. Sun May 19 Morning and early afternoon visits to Canada Olympic Park and the Calgary Zoo. Late afternoon flight WestJet 511 departing Calgary at 4:50 pm, arriving Vancouver at 5:15 pm. Transfer by motorcoach back to Handsworth School.
62 ~ Calgary Tour
Who’s in the Bands/Orchestras? Grade 7 Band
The future looks great for our elementary band students. Our grade 7 band students have just about completed the third level of their eight level Handsworth Zone Band Program. Next year they move with the program to a different building — Handsworth Secondary. We expect ALL grade 7 band students will take their music talents to the next level of the Band Program and help
continue this tradition of excellence.
2002-2004: HEHB performs at the Abbotsford International Band Festival. All other elementary bands perform at the new North Vancouver School Dist. Band Festival. All Sr. Bands ended the year with a Bowling or Laser Dome party.
VIOLIN CALIBO Jojette CHANG Ben CHAU Jerome FICHTNER Nicole HUANG Kevin JA David JORNITZ Nick JUHN Heidi KANE Patrick KO Daniel LEE Wooram LIM Zaccheus MITCHELL Alexis PARK Christine SHAM Bic SUN Joanna WONG Jeremy YUN Harry
VIOLA KIM Tim TANAKA Carmel WONG Daniel ~ 63
OUR DIECTORS: Bob Rebagliati Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
Junior Jazz and Senior Jazz participate in Envision Jazz Festival in Surrey.
64~ California Orchestra Tour
Orchestra Tour to San Francisco CONTENTS CONCERTS
STRINGS TO PASS OVER THE GOLDEN GATE AND HEAD TO THE SILICON VALLEY On April 9 strings students baord the bus for San Jose and play some concerts in the Silicon Valley. Computer chips aren’t needed for these performers though; they are going acoustic with good old fancy wood boxes and vibrating strings. Actually, the Lincoln High School for the performing Arts is recognized nationally in the States for their arts program and it will be a privilege for our kids to perform at the school and visit their orchestras. The orchestra hopes to crash in on Fisherman’s Wharf and play for the public in downtown Frisco after touring the area.
Juzt Jazz Concert, Spring Awards Nights and Homecoming Concert in the Fall. Everything as usual in the busy Handsworth Music program.
2003 ~ 65
The Handsworth Secondary School music department entertained guests at Centennial Theatre Feb. 27 with Simply Symphonic. Cecilia Walters MCd the show, which included performances by the school’s Intermediate Band, Concerti Strings, Philharmonic Orchestra and the Symphonic Band. During a VIP reception held before the show, ZAP, a quartet of Handsworth string students, played beautiful music for all. All funds raised from this event and an upcoming Strings Extravaganza, Friday March 7, will be used to enhance the music program.
ABOVE: Graduating grade 12 band students at the Farewell Concert. Graduating grade twelves, receiving their Handsworth Music Department Certificates & gold-filled pins.
BELOW: Danielle Stephens, featured alumni soloist on Fr. horn, performing with the Sr. Wind Ensemble. Danielle is currently Principle horn with the Sunshine Coast Symphony.
Simply Symphonic Concert Centennial Theatre February 27
66 ~ California Orchestra Tour
Alumni Concer t Ban
ABOVE: Alumni Concert Band
ABOVE: Carolyn Cole at one of the Strings concerts—mother of multi award winning Handsworth grad and University of Toronto music grad, Spencer Cole.
ZAP, a quartet of Handsworth string students, played beautiful music for all.
ABOVE: Sarah and Michael
2003 ~ 67
Whistler Music Festival 2003 April 24-27 What will you remember in 50 years? Handsworth 50 year High School Reunion 2005-2055 “Hi Sally, how are ya?” “Great! Wow, I haven’t seen you in 50 years. Good thing we’ve got name tags. You don’t look a day over 100.” “Gee, thanks a lot Freeda.” “What do you remember about Handsworth?” “Well ... that was a few years ago, but I do remember that jazz festival when we were in the Junior Jazz Band in grade 10.” “Oh yah, I remember we WON! First of, what, 35 or something bands.” “Yah! ... And oh, remember that band trip to Whistler that same year? Gee, remember we #x**/?*! with those guys in the band from Nanaimo. What were their names, Tyler and ...” “... that would be my husband Charles.” “NO WAY! Really?” “Yah, we kept in touch and, you know, two kids and one grandson later, here I am.” “Wow... good thing Reb and Woody never found out about that night.” “Are you kidding. I told them both at my wedding.” Sure, the Festival was a great musical experience; a three day “musical classroom” at Whistler with two thousand other music students. The list of adjudicators and teachers was impressive. The performances, instrumental workshops, and band clinics were first class. The evening social activities and concerts were fun. The mass bands performance on Sunday was awesome. And, of course, Whistler was an inspirational setting for creative musical artists. In the end, however, it was the good memories that created good feelings that mattered most.
ABOVE: Sr. Jazz Combo featuring Darcy Myronuk on piano and trumpet, Will Matthews on bass, and (not sure who the drummer is, as there is no “Who’s in the Band” for 2003). Reb will know. As was the case in those years, Handsworth and Semiahmoo Secondary Schools would compete for the top awards at the Envision Jazz Festival in Surrey.
68 ~ California Orchestra Tour
26th annual Handsworth Senior Winds Retreat Weekend at Camp Miriam on Gabriola Island. Goals: • To build team spirit through individual and grup activities. • To build enthusiasm for the trememdous effort necessary to produce excellence and to promote student and teacher willingness to dedicate themselves to this end. • To develop good rapport between students, teachers, and instrument sections. • To further the preparation of the music for our first concert. There were 36 Retreat Weekends during the Rebagliati/Woodward years.
ABOVE: Handsworth Junior Jazz Band
2003 ~ 69
2003 Handsworth a Philharmonic High School The Handsworth strings program has been an integral part of my five high school years. It’s comprehensive repertoire, stimulating group practices, and exceptional instruction have contributed to a love for music and artistic expression that will always remain very important to me. As a violinist in the advanced strings group, philharmonic orchestra, and several smaller ensembles, I appreciate the wide variety of music. Conductor, Mr. Peter van Ooyen offers students in each strings class the opportunity to acquire not only the skills and techniques necessary to play stringed instruments, but also the musical understanding and energy that are essential to playing with a large group.
One of the most significant aspects of Handsworth’s strings program is its supportive and friendly atmosphere. Much of my development as a musician stems not only from playing, but from listening to other students at a variety of levels. Applying their suggestions has undoubtedly made me more aware of the detail and expression in each piece. Similarly, I have appreciated the opportunity to perform with our orchestras in concerts, festivals, and tours; these events are both educational and extremely enjoyable. Through music activities, many of my fellow strings students have become close friends. It is the encouragement of my strings
teachers - at both the elementary and secondary school levels - that led to my initial interest in the violin, and that leaves me with numerous fond memories of high school orchestra. Through Mr. van Ooyen’s devotion to teaching, organizing, and music, the Handsworth strings program has developed into one of the very best in British Columbia.
Above :Vandjango at the Winter Strings Concert Above: Carmel Tanaka One of the most significant aspects of Handsworth’s strings program is its supportive and friendly atmosphere.
70 ~ California Orchestra Tour
Strings Extravaganza THE ROYAL STRINGS The Royal Strings have grown from a 20 member high school strings group to a program of 200 in five schools which are part of the Handsworth Family of schools. Each elementary school hosts three levels of strings playing after which students can join the higher levels of orchestras consisting of the Intrada Strings (junior group), The Tocatti Strings (intermediate level) and the Concerti Strings so named because of the high level of orchestra music which they learn. This year the Concerti Strings will be performing Tchaikovsky’s Strings Serenade and the Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis by Vaughn Williams. Not only do the students have the opportunity to play in these classical genres, they also participate in two electric strings quartets which carry the interesting names of ZAP and VIF working on Celtic and Jazz arrangements.
The third annual Strings Extravaganza should prove to be an elegant evening of fine music, candles and delicious desserts. Be sure and get your tickets early. This evening is perfect for all family members and friends, so pass the word to grandparents and neighbors. Baby-sitting is also a breeze as on-site childcare is available for young children. The Handsworth Family of Schools: Handsworth, Canyon Heights, Cleveland, Highlands and Montroyal in North Vancouver, present an extravaganza of music by the Strings orchestra students. This is the ultimate school concert experience presented by the students of Mr. Peter van Ooyen who has been teaching at handsworth for eight years. A classy evening, the guests are served four courses of des-
serts and refreshments in a stylish setting of elegance. Music ranges from the sublime to the ridiculous and everything in between. There is music to suit everyone’s tastes. Ne part of the action in the musical story presented by the First Year Strings, listen to the electrified stringed instruments in Jazz and Celtic selections and be transported by the artistry of the advanced Concerti Strings playing tchaikovsky. Did we mention the appearance by Maestro Retep Violicelli? The best seats in the house go quickly so get your tickets early. Tables can be reserved for up to ten.
The Handsworth Family of Schools: Handsworth, Canyon Heights, Cleveland, Highlands and Montroyal in North Vancouver, present an extravaganza of music by the Strings orchestra students.
2003 ~ 71
Intermediate Tour to Whistler
Intermediate Concert Band & Junior Jazz Ensemble “Whistler Music Festival Tour 2003“ at the Westin Hotel, Whistler Resort Thursday, April 24 - Sunday, April 27 (4 days/3 nights) — updated 12/16/15 — — You need two of these ITINERARIES; one for home and one for travel — All Whistler Music Festival activities, meals, and accommodations are located at the south end of Whistler Village, by the Whistler Mtn. Gondolas. ITINERARY Thursday, April 24 — travel day 12:00 p.m. Junior Jazz Ensemble dress rehearsal at Handsworth. 12:40 p.m. Intermediate Concert Band dress rehearsal at Handsworth. 1:40 p.m. Load highway coach for drive to Whistler Village via “Sea to Sky Highway.” 2:10 p.m. Leave for Whistler Village. 4:30 p.m. Arrive Whistler and settle into Coast Whistler Hotel. 6:00 p.m. Dinner at Tex Corleone’s in the Crystal Lodge. Taco bar buffet, inc/salad, desert & beverage. Prepaid. 10:00 p.m. Students in their own hotel rooms. 11:00 p.m. Lights out. Friday, April 25 — performance/workshop day for Band and Jazz 7:00 a.m. Rise and shine. 8:00 a.m. Breakfast buffet at Tex Corleone’s in the Crystal Lodge. Prepaid. 11:00 a.m. Attend performance of Mt. Douglas Senior Secondary Concert Band. 11:30 a.m. Lunch on own. 12:30 p.m. At Coast Whistler Hotel to change into Band uniform and prepare for performance. 12:45 p.m. Walk to Westin Resort in uniform w/instrument and music folder. 1:00 p.m. Concert Band check-in for performance at Westin Emerald Ballroom. 1:20 p.m. Warm-up for performance. 2:00 p.m. Concert Band Festival performance at Westin Emerald Ballroom. Mt. Douglas Secondary attending our performance. 2:30 p.m. Workshop with Festival adjudicator. 4:00 p.m. Attend Mount Boucherie Senior Concert Band performance. 6:00 p.m. Dinner at Crab Shack at the Coast Hotel. Beef or veggie burger buffet inc/desert & beverage. Prepaid. 7:50 p.m. Jazz Ensemble check-in for performance at Westin Emerald Ballroom. 8:00 p.m. Warm-up for performance. 8:30 p.m. Jazz Ensemble Festival performance at Westin Emerald Ballroom. 10:00 p.m. Students in their own hotel rooms.
“Whistler Music Festival Tour 2003“
72 ~ California Orchestra Tour
11:00 p.m. Lights out. Saturday, April 26 — Master Clinics (90 minutes each) and Festival Concert 7:00 a.m. Rise and shine. 8:00 a.m. Breakfast buffet at at Crab Shack at the Coast Hotel. Prepaid 9:00 a.m. Clarinet Senior clinic in Westin Resort, room t.b.a. 9:00 a.m. Flute Junior clinic in Delta Whistler Resort, Black Tusk Room. 9:00 a.m. French Horn Junior clinic in Listel Whistler. 10:30 a.m. Flute Senior clinic in t.b.a. 10:30 a.m. French Horn Senior clinic in Listel Whistler. 10:30 a.m. Trumpet Senior clinic in Tantalus Lodge, Mountainview Room. 10:30 a.m. Oboe Senior clinic in Crystal Lodge, Olympic Room. 12:00 noon Lunch on own 1:00 p.m. Percussion Senior clinic in Westin Resort, room t.b.a. 1:00 p.m. Trombone Senior clinic in Coast Whistler Hotel, Salon A/B 1:00 p.m. Alto sax Senior clinic in Delta Whistler Resort, Sutcliffe Room. 1:00 p.m. Euphonium Junior clinic in Listel Whistler. 2:30 p.m. Euphonium Senior clinic in Listel Whistler. 2:30 p.m. Baritone Sax clinic in Crystal Lodge, Olympic Room. 4:00 p.m. Tuba Senior clinic in Listel Whistler. ABOVE: Intermediate Concert Band horns 4:00 p.m. Bass Clarinet Senior clinic in Delta Whistler Resort, Diamond Head Room. 4:00 p.m. Electric Keyboard clinic in Summit Lodge, Sterling Room. 5:30 p.m. Dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory in the Crystal Lodge. Lasagna or Spaghetti (veggie sauce available) inc/sourdough bread, salad, ice-cream, and beverage. Prepaid. 9:00 p.m. Festival Concert in Westin Emerald Ballroom. 11:00 p.m. Students in their own hotel rooms. 11:30 p.m. Lights out. Sunday, April 27 — Massed Bands performance and travel day 7:00 a.m. Rise and shine. 8:15 a.m. Breakfast buffet at at Black’s Original in Mountain Square. Prepaid. 11:30 a.m. Massed Bands performance of Freedom and March of the Olympians. Directed by Dr. Arthur Bartner. Director of Bands and Professor of Music Education at the University of Southern California. 1:30 p.m. Load highway coach for return trip to North Vancouver. 4:00ish p.m. Arrive at Handsworth Secondary to unload equipment into music room. 4:30ish p.m. Official end to Whistler Music Festival Tour 2003. Students dismissed. — BRING WITH YOU — • Take (est.) $25.00 with you for lunches. Take more if you like to snack. Please note; the days and evenings are full of Festival activities which are included in the total cost. • Your music folder(s) which travels in folder boxes. • Both concert and jazz instruments. Extra reeds, mutes, valve oil, and so on. • Uniform. • One suitcase for personal items. • Entertainment items — C.D/mp3 players/camera/reading material/homework/games/etc. in small carry-on bag. • Bring a foamy and sleeping bag if you do not wish to share a queen size bed with one of your quad room-mates. Work out between your quad as to whom will bring the foamy(s) and sleeping bag(s).
Massed Bands performance of Freedom and March of the Olympians. Directed by Dr. Arthur Bartner. Director of Bands and Professor of Music Education at the University of Southern California.
2003 ~ 73
LEFT: 2004 North Vancouver District Honour Band performing with the VSO winds, brass, and percussion at Centenial Theatre in 2004. Handsworth’s Valerie Ma in photo with VSO’s oboes: Roger Cole and Elaine Reid. Keith Woodward’s daughter Carleigh filling in due to lack of oboes.
OUR DIECTORS: Bob Rebagliati Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
New York & Florida Tours CONTENTS CONCERTS
The music staff of Peter Van Ooyen and Keith Woodward extend a warm welcome to all music parents and students to the upcoming school year. We are pleased and excited to introduce two new members to the teaching staff this year. Kostas Roumeliotis (woodwinds) and
Senior Jazz Quartet wins gold in the AAA division at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival at the University of Idaho. Members are: Spencer Cole (vibes), Rob Kennedy (baritone sax), Andrew Peebles (drums), and Becca Robertson (bass).
sectional rehearsals with Mr. Woodward this year. ~ 75
Junior and Senior Homecoming Concerts The first concerts of the school year are only one week away. The Intermediate & Junior Concert and Jazz Bands and the Toccati Strings are featured on Tuesday 26. Thursday 28 features the R & B Band, Chamber & Concerti Strings and the Alumni & Senior Concert, and Jazz Bands. Following the Homecoming Concerts it’s only 35 days until the Sweet Music Concert on December 2. ABOVE: Jazz in the Village
28th annual Senior Concert Band Retreat Weekend CAMP MIRIAM, GABRIOLA ISLAND September 25, 26, 27, 2004 We traveled together, ate together, rehearsed together and had fun together. We achieved our goals: • To build team spirit through individual and group activities. *To produce excellence and to promote student willing ness to dedicate themselves to this end. • To build enthusiasm for the tremendous effort necessary •To develop good rapport between students, teachers, and instrument sections. •To further the preparation of the music for our first concert
Tuba performance/workshop by virtuoso John Griffith on November 5th at lunch in the music room. RIGHT: Reb’s retirement poster.
76 ~ New York City Tour
Bottle Drive Handsworth Music Program made $2300.00 at the October 16 bottle drive. Pretty good for 10 1/2 hours work. Huge thanks to Anthea Stammers for her many days of organization and preparation of this biannual event. Big thanks to the all the parent drivers, those who brought food for the bottle sorters, and the students who participated. Also, thanks to the parents who spent many hours organizing and sorting bottles at the school, including Marlene Channell, Kris Christensen, Susan Hyam, Bena Luxton, Linda Robertson, and Anthea Stammers. Next bottle drive is Saturday, April 9, 2005.
Private lessons provide a huge advantage to any student wishing to accelerate their learning curve to reach the band curriculum learning outcomes sooner. Mr. Woodward has a complete list of recommended university or professional private teachers to mentor your child. The North Vancouver School District has one of the largest elementary instrumental programs in British Columbia. The students rehearse two times a weer with their teacher. The festival allows students to perform with othr bands or strings groups from a variety of North Vancouver schools.
Senior Concert Band, Brass Quintet, and the R & B singers perform at the Remembrance Day concerts at Handsworth on November 10th.
2004 ~ 77
This ensemble (right) and it’s members have received numerous awards this year including: • Best Sr. Jazz Band, Best Sr. Sax Player, and Best Sr. Drummer at the Envision Jazz Festival. • Best Sr. Musician at the Kiwanis Jazz Festival. • Outstanding Drumset Player at MusicFest Canada. This band also boasts nine band members spread between the British Columbia Honour Jazz Band, MusicFest Yamaha All-Star Band, and the Vancouver International Jazz Intensive Big Band.
The award for best senior jazz musician is the most sought after award at jazz festivals. Therefore, it should come as no shock to those of us who are at all acquainted with the quality of the Handsworth program to learn that the recipient this year was a member.
Spencer Cole is a grade eleven drummer at Handsworth Secondary and it is he who has received this prestigious award. Mr. Rebagliati the head of the band program is known throughout Handsworth for his commitment to the music program. “Mr. Reb is undoubtedly the most devoted teacher on the payroll,” states Clark Funnell, an eleventh grade student at Handsworth. “He probably puts in more hours than any other teacher, at least fifteen hours more.”
The North Vancouver Elementary Band and Strings Festival will occur this year on March 4th and 5th in the Lucas Centre Gymnasium.
78 ~ New York City Tour
LEFT: Sun Peaks Festival “It’s awesome attending a school that is so involved in the arts. It helps to cultivate such a sense of prode in the students, because we know that we can hold our own in any domain,” says Mrinalini Ahire. However Spencer Cole is not the only band student to have shown a remarkable talent in music. Clark Funnell plays trumpet in the senior band and, last year, won the Best Junior Musician at the Handsworth award ceremony. Int. CB and Jr. Jazz to Sun Peaks.
“Clark’s very musically talented, I don’t know how he keeps his grades so high and yet has time to practice two different instruments,” states Rebecca Chaster.
2004 ~ 79
2004 BELOW: Gina and Rita doing a rockets dance.
ABOVE: Gina Rhee and Sarah Chaster eating hot dogs from the street vendor in Manhattan.
Things we did in New York City: strolled down 5th Avenue, shopped at Canal Street Market for knock-offs (twice), saw a Broadway performance of the musical “Chicago,” treated ourselves to the “Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament” show at Lyndhurst Castle.
This was Bob Rebagliati’s last tour with his amazing Handswortjh bands.
80 ~ New York City Tour
New York Tour
ABOVE: The Juillard School of Music
The tour included a festival for the jazz band, a tour of the Julliard School of Music, a New York Philharmonic concert at the Lincoln Center, a tour of a operational aircraft carrier, a tour of the Sony Theatre and photos with the Rockets, two separate day trips to New Jersey for high
Everyone had a wonderful time and got to hear some good music as well!
school joint band performances, and an evening at the famous Blue Note jazz club, a trip up the Empire State building, a harbor tour in and around the Statue of Liberty. We even got to ride the New York subway. We averaged 5.5 hours of sleep per night, which meant that students were too tired to get into any trouble and past the point of being cranky—chaperones and directors included.
2004 ~ 81
2004 2004 Strings Extravaganza Dress-up, get the sitter, relax away from the scramble of life and be served delicious courses of desserts and refreshments as you are serenaded and entertained. The fourth Annual Strings Extravaganza will be held at Handsworth Secondary School as part of Education Week. 240 students from the Handsworrth Family of Schools will perform as eclectic mixture of music to suit all tastes. The students ranging in age from 8-18 will provide an elegant evening of desserts and refreshments for friends, families and VIPs. The High School Strings students will perform music in a professional manner. There is always the unexpected with the mysterious aapearance of Retep Vio;achelli who makes the journey from his home country of Bohemia just for this event! and-of-couse, the unique ZAP! serving up some electric sounds with their charged up instruments.
Concert in Tomorrowland
The Strings Program in the Handsworth Family of schools is fast gaining a reputation for outstanding students, instructin, parent support and fun as is the recognition that the potential benefits of stringed instrument education is very high! The program has grown from 100 to 240 students in the past few years.
ABOVE: The Handsworth String Orchestra performed music fitting the theme of Tomorrow Land in Disney World such as selections from “Star Wars” and “Space Odessey” and other lively works.
Over 90 percent of the strings students are top achievers in school.
82 ~ New York City Tour
Florida Orchestra Tour
In addition to classes in Grade 4-7 there is also a dynamic high school program of instruction and performing groups at three levels., yearly workshops and yearly trips such as Disneyland/Los Angeles 1998, Edmonton 1999, Vancouver Island 2001, Ottawa 2002, San Francisco 2003, Florida 2004. The program has proved its value by serving to develop group dynamics, teamwork, coordination, peer empathy, discpline, musical aptitude, performing, and organizaing skills while enhancing family and school and community music making.
Visiting the Kennedy Space Center
The Elementary Band and Strings Festival was strated three years ago. The festival occurs as part of the district’s Education Week. All the elementary schools in North Vancouver are represented. Each group meets on one of six sessions to perform.
2004 ~ 83
ABOVE: 1983-85 “The job has many rewards, the most satisfying being “having teenagers play well.” When it’s good, For almost three decades Bob Rebagliati taught music in North Vancouver schools. He retired in 2004. His Handsworth band had been chosen in inaugurate the TD Canada Trust High School Jazz Intensive, performing a Sunday concert under the director of Chicago musician-educator Mwata Bowden. “The students are very excited.” Bob said from Tom Lee Music, where his band was rehearsing all week with Bowden. “I don’t have a band of professionals,” he said, “NInety-five percent of my musicians are going to become teachers or lawyers or architects or engineers. They’re not going to become
ht “I thoug sional P a profes e m o c e b ers I might were oth e r e th t n bu back in musicia learned I . e m an was my better th aching te t a th n Penticto .” passion
1992 HOTO:
they know it’s good, and the smiles on their faces and the sparkle in their eyes, even in rehearsal, are something I love to see.”
musicians, and so they’re not upwardly mobile musically. But a good number of these kids will keep music as a serious hobby, and that to me is as gratifying as the ones who make music as a career. Of those who made music a career, the most famous is pianist Renee Rosnes. Now a resident of New Jersey, Rosnes has been a leading figure on the jazz scene for more than a decade, with many CDs as leader. Whenever she comes to town, she always looks up her old teacher. Last May, she travelled back to North Vancouver to attend a roast for Bob who she refers to as “Reb.” “I will always be grateful to Reb for all the encouragement, guidance and inspiration he has given to not
“The best thing a student can say to me is, “Thanks for being so demanding, thanks for keeping me honest, thanks for not accepting mediocrity,” he says.
84 ~ New York City Tour
Reb Retires! LEFT: Bob with Hal Sherman (R) and Rob Karr (L)
only me, but to so many students over the last 33 years.” “I’m sure I would not be the person I am today if I had not been so fortunate to have him as my teacher. He is truly an exceptional educator whose dedication and pssion for the music really made a difference in the lives of so many people.
Bob loves it when former students contact him about an upcoming concert they’re playing, or when hands them a new CD. For him, though, it’s not so much the accomplishment that matters, but the fact that they thought of him to share their good news. After graduating from UBC in 1970, Bob subbed for a music-teacher friend in Penticton for two months. After that he returned to UBC to study education.
ABOVE: 1999 “It seems I have a natural way of relating to teenagers,” he says. His mother was a teacher. “I like my students, and I think they know I appreciate them.” However, being friends and being their conductor are two different things, and Bob has always drawn the line between the two.”When I’m on the podium, there is definitely an air of dictatorship. I try to tell the students that it’s dictatorship but a benevolent one.” He demands a lot from his students - two of whom were his now-grown daughters, Allsion and Carmen.
LEFT: 1997
“I think I’m known for having high standards. Sometimes I set the bar too high, but you don’t know that until you’ve really tried. Sometimes the students jump over that bar. If you don’t push them, you’ll never know what they’re capable of.
2004 ~ 85
2004 TOCCATTI STRINGS Violin BAXTER Ben CHAN Jessica CHANG Hairim * CHANG Shannon CHEN Diana CHEUNG Maggie CHUNG Michael FICHTNER Christine GAN Julian HAGHNEGAHDAR Ghazal HYUN Tobin JIANG Will KIM Derrick KWON Soon Kyu (Max) LAU Tim LEWIS Stephanie OXLUND Sarah PIKARY Or QUATTRIN Rose SHARIFNEJAD Sara SHEN Joseph TAJBAKHSH Kimia TANG Terence TANNA Pearl WANG Victor WONG Nicole Viola FETTES Allison ISHIMURA Hikari PARK Matthew Cello KIM Kelly KIM Brian SHON Jennifer WANG Jason Guitar HU James Bass BAXTER Ben TANNA Pearl
86 ~ New York City Tour
INTERMEDIATE CONCERT BAND Oboe CHASTER Sarah * GWIAZDA Kasia WILSON Sarah Flute HUANG Vivian (Picc) * HWANG Seung Bin KIM Rachel LEE Sohyun SAITO Ivy SON Jennifer Clarinet BRADSHAW Jennifer CHAN Vivian CHEE Emily FAZEL Sherry HO Jeffrey * LEUNG Connie PAKZAD Zahra PINCHIN Caitlan Alto Clarinet SILVESTER Laura Bass Clarinet HSIAO Ai Yi Alto Sax AZIMZADEH Parsiad PARK Shawn Tenor Sax QIAO Steven Baritone Sax KENNEDY Robert * Trumpet FUNNELL Clark * KHOSHNEVIS Kian KIM Andrew KIM Taehoon LUTHER Jennifer
McLAWS Kurt POWE Andrew French Horn CHANNELL Kate * Graves Heather HU Karen KEALTY Meredith Trombone GARTON Kelly LAU Maggie LUTHER Melissa NAVARATNAM Minoli * Euphonium TANG Raymond TOFT Michael Tuba PEACH Kayla Percussion ELLIOTT Kathleen HURLBURT Andrew MATTHEWS Michael PEEBLES Andrew * French Horn CHRISTENSEN Emily LI Steve Trombone JOHNSTONE Courtney Euphonium THIERRIEN BOULOS Lara Tuba BUDGE Graeme * MATTHEWS Nicola Percussion AU Daniel CHANNELL Jane * LAI Amy LUK Lawrence TAYLOR Holly
JUNIOR GOLD CONCERT BAND Oboe MA Valerie * NAVARATNAM Tamara WONG Kaye Flute CHOI Shin ERSKINE Callum HUTCHINS Lauren LEE Michelle MATHESON Shelley QUIGLEY Kelly RHEE Gina * SHIN Jung Ho STAMMERS Liana WONG Jacqueline Clarinet LEE Don LIU Bonnie McCONNELL Kelsey OTANI Miki TABRIZY Nilo WU Connie * Bass Clarinet SHEPPARD Alexandra Alto Sax BAKER Trevor BRADSHAW Taku * NEGHABAN Nicholas Tenor Sax RAMSDEN Sean Baritone Sax JOHNSTONE Matthew Trumpet BAEK Charles BIRD Michael KAUSHANSKY Joel KO Brian MARA Carly RAPANOS Carolyn *
Who’s in the Bands/Orchestras? JUNIOR JAZZ ENSEMBLE Alto Sax BRADSHAW Jennifer * HUANG Vivian Tenor Sax CHAN Vivian SON Jennifer
Trumpet BIRD Michael FUNNELL Clark * KAUSHANSKY Joel KHOSHNEVIS Kian KO Brian LUTHER Jennifer McLAWS Kurt Piano MA Valerie PAKZAD Zahra Bass KIM Taehoon Guitar HURLBURT Andrew POWE Andrew Drum Set PEEBLES Andrew * Percussion CHEUNG Felix
Oboe KIM Chris YUN Gina *
Violin CHANG Ben CHANG Sora CHAU Jerome CHIU Yan CORNWALL Natalia FICHTNER Nicole HAN Tony HUANG Kevin JUHN Heidi KIM So In KIM Yong Won KO Daniel KONG Keith LEEWooram LIM Zacceus PARK Christine* SHAM Bic SO Wilson TANAKA Carmel WESTWELL-ROPER Clara
Tenor Sax KWAK Steve LEFROY Caitlin *
Baritone Sax KENNEDY Robert Trombone GARTON Kelly GRAVES Heather JOHNSTONE Courtney LUTHER Melissa * NAVARATNAM Minoli PEACH Kayla TOFT Michael
Baritone Sax SON Jong Won Trombone SAUNDERS Jim Euphonium TOMLIN-HOOD Laura Tuba MILLARD Andrea * Percussion CHEUNG Felix * CHILTON Axel GREINACHER Devin McCULLOUGH Michael MURRAY Tim NAKANO Mae SOHREVARDI Arash LAWSON Claire
Trombone EBERT Lara * JUNG David PORTILLO Jose TIDEY Matthew Trumpet DES COTES Michael KHOSHNEVIS Omeed MYRONUK D’Arcy RAIMONDO Erin * SANJABI Kia Piano GREINACHER Kristin * Bass MATTHEWS William ROBERTSON Becca Guitar PANGMAN Daniel Percussion CHEN Yvonne CHIU Eve Drum Set COLE Spencer KO Nicholas
Flute BUTLER Jacquelyn CHEN Mandy YOUN Min YU Ji Hee * Clarinet CHOI Moon Jung HAN Martin HOLBROOK Hana KANG Hee Chan LANTELA Daniel LO Vincent * TANG Boris VAN NIEKERK DeWet Contrabass Clarinet WHITESIDE David Tenor Sax LEONHARD Erik Baritone Sax KWAN Lee Trumpet CHOE Daniel DAU Alex LIU Michael LIU Tom MOORE Scotty * SULLIVAN Patrick WASYLYSHYN Adam French Horn PELLOW Gordon
Viola CHENG Cindy JEON Michael WONG Daniel YOON Michelle Cello FINLAY Eric KIMWonah LEE Hannah WON Peter WONG Simon Bass LIMZaccheus ROBERTSON Becca Guitar GILFILLAN Kevin Piano DOUGLAS Katie ~ 87
OUR DIECTORS: Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
The Handsworth Elementary Honour Band, the Junior Blue and Gold Bands, and the Senior Wind Ensemble all performed to a “Superior” rating at the Kiwanis Concert Band Festival
88 ~ The China Tour
Handsworth Bands receive “Official Invitation to Register” at MusicFest Canada Handsworth Senior & Junior Jazz Bands and Jazz Combos were given an “Official Invitation To Register” at MusicFest Canada (National Finals). The Handsworth Senior Winds were also given an “Official Invitation To Register” based on their “Superior” rating at the Kiwanis Concert Band Festival at the beginning of March. The Senior Wind Ensemble was one of 12 bands chosen by a panel of adjudicators for the “Official Invitation To Register.” A total of 55 bands performed at the week-long Festival held in Burnaby. The Strings also receive an “Official Invitation To Register” based on their “Superior” performance at the Fraser Valley Kiwanis Music Festival last year. Intermediate Band received an “Excellent” rating at the Kiwanis Concert Band Festival held in Burnaby at the beginning of March.
2005 ~ 89
Welcome! Keith W oodwar d is the dire ctor of b a nds at Handsw orth Sec o n dary Sch ool.
MPAC Greetings On behalf of the Music Parents Advisory Committee, we would like to welcome you to another exciting year of music at Handsworth! Already known as one of the finest programs in the Province, the next music year at Handsworth promises to be one of the best ever. To both the new and returning students and parents, we want to say how excited we are that you are part of the music team this year. All parents are invited to actively participate as members of MPAC — your volunteer commitment
means an enriched and more expansive program for our students — and it is a lot of fun to meet and work with other parents on some of the projects throughout the year. Remember: Just a few hours during the year from every parent adds up to 100s of hours – hours that build the community and provide the greatest environment for learning for our students! Join us at the ”Open House orientation/information evening on September 28th. Hear the latest on what’s happening in the program and how you can take advantage of all that the Handsworth Music program has to offer. The music program has six school based evening concerts in local theatres. They are the Juzt Jazz, Junior & Symply Symphonic Concerts in February, the Strings Extravaganza Concert in March, and the Junior & Senior Celebration Concerts in May. Five evening music concerts are in the Handsworth gym. They include the Junior & Senior Homecoming Concerts in October, the Strings Winter Concert in November, the Sweet Music Concert in December, and the Zone Band Concert in April.
Students have a number of music festivals and community performances to take part during the school year.
90 ~ The China Tour
The first concert will take place at the outstanding Kay Meeks Hall for our Juzt Jazz Concert. The Symphonic Concerts and the Celebration Concerts will be back at the Birch Theatre at Capilano College. Handsworth will return to the Centennial Theatre after a two year absence for the Strings Extravaganza. Check the Music Calendar for the performances that involve your child. Teacher Greetings - The Handsworth Staff The music staff of Peter Van Ooyen and Keith Woodward extend a warm welcome to all music parents and students to the upcoming school year. We are pleased and excited to introduce Dom nique Brunchmann (master percussionist) to the teaching staff this year. Ms. Brunchmann will be giving scheduled percussion sectional workshops this year during regular timetabled band classes. The Private Teachers Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to give your private teacher a call. Private mentoring is as old as humanity itself. Passing a skill from the master to the student is the oldest form of education. Learning is accelerated even more when joined with a team of students — the school music ensemble. Think of private lessons as “buying knowledge” — a wise investment. If private lessons are available, if you can afford them, and have the time for them; they help ensure success. The Handsworth Music Program, has a list of private teachers that been selected over the years on the basis of: their ability to facilitate learning, rapport with your child, traveling distance to private lesson, and cost of lesson. All private teachers on the Handsworth Music Program list are good roll-models for your child. The list includes Handsworth senior grads, university/ college students, and professional musicians (some from Handsworth). Strings Evening Retreat CAMP CAPILANO September 22, 2005 The date for our annual fun night is incorrectly placed in the Handsworth school calendar. It will be Sept 22 after school hours at Camp Capilano. Each year we enjoy sports, games, food, bonfires and much more. Keep an eye out for information at the first class.
Senior Winds Retreat Weekend CAMP MIRIAM, GABRIOLA ISLAND September 24-26, 2005 We travel together, eat together, rehearse together and have fun together. Our goals: • To build team spirit through individual and group activities. • To build enthusiasm for the effort necessary to produce excellence and to promote student willingness to dedicate themselves to this end. • To develop good rapport between students, teachers, and instrument sections. • To further the preparation of the music for our China Concert Tour and first Handsworth concert. Last year’s activities included “Night Games,” “The Great Race,” “Name That Tune,” and the “Instrument Section Posters” (that will hang in the music room as reminders). We will have enough band rehearsing to equal two weeks of in-class rehearsals. The brass section will be put through their paces with Mr. John Capon. The “Partner Intros” will give us all a chance to know a little more about our team members. Last year we learned how to prepare frozen and hot french fries served on the same plate! Many are still amazed at the brave ones who took a dip in the ocean for their team and those who volunteered for a face-full of chocolate pudding or whipping cream and Smarties. Teams will compete for the Starbucks gift certificate. Make sure you brush up on “Name That Tune” repertoire. Payment of $110.00 is due by Monday, Sept. 19, 2005. Please make cheque payable to Handsworth Secondary. If you are using money from your Handsworth fundraising travel account, indicate how much to debit your account. All payments/debits are to be deposited in the “collections” slot in the Handsworth music room. RIGHT: Peter van Ooyen, director of the Strings Program
Handsworth String s students Jessica Chan and Judy Cha will play background music for the upcoming ARTISTS for Kids Trust Gallery show on April 18 through May 15. The show celebrates 15 years of printmaking by 34 notable artists.
2005 ~ 91
The Handsworth Senior Jazz Combo features Rob Kennedy on baritone sax, Andrew Pebbles on drums, Michael Bird on bass, and Eva Marko on piano. Rob and Andrew plan on attending the four year Capilano College Jazz Studies Program starting next year and Eva plans on a Music Composition major at U.B.C. Michael is in grade 11 this year and also plays trumpet in the Wind Ensemble. All take private lessons on their instrument.
This is a self directed jazz combo that ranges in size from quartet to sextet. For this performance, they have included special guest, Mike Ertzinger, on trumpet from Argyle Secondary. The Combo is kept busy performing at private functions around the Greater Vancouver area. Rob Kennedy and Andrew Peebles were chosen, by audition, for the British Columbia Music Educator’s Honour Jazz Band with concerts at The Jazz Cellar and the B. C. Music Educators Conference site in January. Rob Kennedy won the “Best Senior Sax Player,” award and Andrew Pebbles won the “Best Senior Drummer,” at the Envision Jazz Festival this February. Both were awarded cash scholarships for the Berklee Summer Performance Program at the Berklee College of Music, Los Angeles. Rob Kennedy represented Handsworth in the Senior Representative Envision Jazz Band in concert at Bell Performing Arts Theatre. Andrew Peebles won “Best Senior Musician” awardat the Kiwanis Jazz Festival this past February.
SENIOR JAZZ 2005, best in B.C. A very special group of students Bird Bradshaw, Chan Funnell, Garton Graves, Huang Hurlburt, Johnstone Kanda Kennedy A Kim, J Kim, J Luther, M Luther, ,Marko Navaratnam, Peach Peebles, Phua Son Toft
92 ~ The China Tour
Handsworth Senior Jazz Band Winner @ Envision Jazz Festival This ensemble and it’s members have received numerous awards this year including: •Best Sr. Jazz Band, Best Sr. Sax Player, and Best Sr. Drummer at the Envision Jazz Festival. •Superior Band Rating and Best Sr. Musician at the Kiwanis Jazz Festival. •Gold Band Award and Outstanding Drumset Player at MusicFest Canada. This band also boasts nine band members spread between the British Columbia Honour Jazz Band, MusicFest Yamaha All-Star Band, and the Vancouver International Jazz Intensive Big Band. What made them so special? •A large number of returning senior grade 12 students. The core have been together since grade 5 band; from quantity you get quality.
competitive athletes and service award students. In short, the educationally wellrounded student; what I call the super student. Coaching the students’ diverse personalities to coexist in harmony with each other was a bigger challenge than teaching them the jazz concepts. This was made all the more difficult considering there were only seven perfect attendance rehearsal all year (due to the superstudents’ wealth of other activities)
Five students graduated to post secondary music at university or college at the end of the school year. You’ve got to believe they passed on a lot of musical influence to their peers along the way.
2005 ~ 93
ABOVE: China character stone While in Beijing they made a one day excursion trip to the Great Wall. Dinner and Music show that evening were at the Daijia Restaurant. While in Beijing they stayed at the San Yuan Jin’an Hotel. Before leaving they visited the Beijing Business College.
ABOVE: Bonnie in the Forbidden City, Beijing. They also visited Tiananmen Square and Hutong as well as the Beijing Night Market.
he started working as a
I have known Gerry Quan (of Red Dragon Tours) for many years since he taught the band program at New Westminster Secondary. When he retired from teaching six years ago
travel agent. About that time I mentioned to him that I was thinking of taking a band tour to China. We recently met to plan a spring break tour to China in 2006. WHAT/WHEN? Here is the quotation from Gerry Quan of Red Dragon Tours. “Since last talking with you, we have a directive form the investor in China to get a group over there this year! So he’s offering to pay all the land costs over there and the group would only have to pay the airfare and and other related costs. The price is right (no kidding) and it’s only being offered to any group who will go this year before October 31, 2005.”
The investor will pay all the land costs for the school music group. The tour will be offered to the Senior Winds and Senior Jazz Band.
94 ~ The China Tour
China Tour
10-DAY CHINA SENIOR WINDS AND JAZZ BAND MUSIC TOUR ” All-inclusive package price - $1,915 per person (based on forty students)
ABOVE: Concert for school kids in Zhengzhou. In Zhengzhou they visited the Shaolin Temple for a kung fu demonstration and then went to a Kung Fu Academy where they put on a performance. Accomodation was at the Jiyu
The investor is willing to pay the land costs for only ONE group. Handsworth IS that one group. We will travel over two weekends and Thanksgiving Day holiday from October 7-16, 2005. Students will be away for only 5 school days from Handsworth. WHY? My wife and I spent a summer backpacking through northeast and southeast China. Carson Graham music program toured China 10 years ago. Both Steve Woodyard (Carson Graham’s band teacher), my wife (also a music teacher) and I recommend this opportunity — especially at this price! Also, see “China . . . Shopping and Sightseeing . . . A
ITINERARY Day 01: Depart Vancouver Day 02 Beijing Arrive Beijing. (D) 3* Hotel 3/N Day 03: Beijing Tour Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and a Hutong. In the evening visit the night market. (B/D) Day 04: Beijing Excursion to the Great Wall. (B/L/D) Evening: Dinner and Music show. Day 05: Beijing – Zhengzhou Performance at a
Take a bus to visit the Shaolin Temple and a Kung Fu Academy. (B/L/D) 3* Hotel 2/N Day 07: Zhengzhou Performance at a public venue and a visit to a school to meet and perform with the students. (B/D) Day 8: Zhengzhou – Shanghai Fly to Shanghai in the early morning. City tour and free afternoon. (B/D) Evening: Acrobatic Show 3* Hotel 2/N Day 9: Shanghai Children’s Palace and per
BELOW: Vivian and Bonnie with the Hutong Police
public venue, visit the Children’s Palace. (B/D) Overnight 1st class train to Zhengzhou (soft sleepers with 4 per compartment) Day 06: Zhengzhou Take a bus to visit the Shaolin Temple and a Kung Fu Academy. (B/L/D)
RIGHT: Mr. Gerry Quan, Billionaire Liu and Mr. Woodward 10 Day Tour — From $2595 Cdn” (plus extras). I’ve included this to show you the standard price from their brochure. Keith Woodward Continued from above: formance at public venue – meet with students. (B/D) Day 10: Shanghai – Vancouver Depart for Vancouver.
“China — A truly educational experience. In Shanghai they took a City tour and then had a free afternoon to shop or explore. That evening they went to a Acrobatic Show. Accomodation in Shanghai was at the Longhua Hotel .
2005 ~ 95
ABOVE: Banff Rocky Mountain Festival Band Tour. Two opposing pictures of the horn and the sax sections in the Intermediate Concert Band warming up before performance. Horns: A. J. Lindsay, Gordon Pellow and Emily Christensen.
Music dates for the months ahead: • April 13-17: Intermediate Concert Band and Junior Jazz Band Tour @ Rocky Mountain Music Festival. • April 20: Elementary Bands Zone Concert (with Senior Concert Band) . • April 23: Bottle Drive (all students; we encourage parent drivers to attend). • April 28-30: Royale Blues R & B Band in Handsworth On Stage @ Centennial Theatre. • May 8: Jazz and R & B bands @ Calhouns on
Broadway • May 17-21: MusicFest Canada 2005 in Richmond (Intermediate/Senior Concert & Jazz Bands) • May 25: Junior Awards Spring Concert • May 25: Senior Awards Spring Concert Continued at right:
MARCH - Band month at Handsworth — in passing 13 days of band performances in 34 days! 26 different performances by bands in 34 days! It’s now all behind us, but what a successful month. All the home practice and sectional student-lead rehearsals paid off. Here is were we were: • Mainstream Jazz Club • Envision Jazz Festival and Bell Performing Arts Centre • Kiwanis Jazz Festival at Capilano Collage • Juzt Jazz Concert @ Capilano College • Senior Jazz Band and Royale Blues @ Calhouns Club * Continued at right: • May-June: Recording of Senior & Intermediate Concert Bands, Junior & Senior Jazz Bands, and Combos.
Banff Rocky Mountain Festival Band Tour. Baritone/Tenor/Alto Saxes: Keldy Choi, Chris Kim, Zhubin Phua, Matthew Johnstone and Jeffrey Nam. Also pictured in the foreground is Miya Holbrook on bassoon. Background trumpets pictured are Michael Bird and Carolyn Rapanos.
• Pep Band at Senior Girls Basketball playoff game • Junior Symphonic Concert @ Handsworth • Symply Symphonic Concert @ Capilano College • Kiwanis Concert Band Festival @ Willingdon Church In addition, the Senior Jazz Combo has been kept busy playing at various private functions around the lower mainland. They also provided music at the Handsworth Heritage Fair on March 15.
The Concerti Strings are the advanced group of strings players. Many have been playing 5-12 years on their instruments and many take private lessons to augment their experience with music. They take up the challenge of preparing fine classical musical works ranging from Bach to Prokofiev. They will perform on our Senior Nights of music.
96 ~ The China Tour
Banff Rocky Mountain Festival Band Tour Banff Rocky Mountain Festival Band Tour: Pictured here are the sonic instruments of mass destruction: trumpet & trombone, plus the foundation of the band: euphonium & tuba along with Hana Holbrook on double bass, on the far left background.
Vancouver International Jazz Festival The “Jazz Intensive” jazz band has selected Jennifer Son on tenor sax, Rob Kennedy on baritone sax, Melissa Luther & Michael Toft on trombone, and Kayla Peach on bass trombone. This week-long Jazz Intensive is part of the 20th Vancouver International Jazz Festival from June 27th-July 3rd. Make sure you are at their performance in the Fesival Hall at the Roundhouse July 3 at 11:30-12:30.
The Handsworth Philharmonic: The Handsworth Philharmonic is an extra curricular group that meets on Monday after school and includes students with band instruments joining strings players to perform music literature that the band and strings alone can not perform. This group will rehearse and perform music similar to an orchestra such as our local symphonies.
The Orchestra program at Handsworth has become a vital aspect of the school community and the music department. The program consists of three strings groups, 3 quartets of which two are electric and the Handsworth Philharmonic.
2005 ~ 97
2005 HANDSWORTH PHILHARMONIC OCHESTRA Violin Chung,Michael Fichtner, Christine Joung, Jennifer Kwon, Max Nam, Chelsea Park, Nayoon Kwok, Sophie (principal) Wong, Phoebe Gan, Julian Jiang, Will Tanna, Pearl Tang, Terrance Young, Cam Viola Wu, Kris Jeon, Michael Ko, Daniel Choi, Chan Cello Won, Peter Cha, Judy Holbrook, Miya Bass Wong, Simon Lim, Zaccheus Flute Eilers, Laura Ryu, Amy Stammers, Liana Obeo Ma, Valerie Bassoon Elliott, Robert Clarinet Chan, Vivian Cho, Eric 98 ~ The China Tour
Liu, Bonnie Rapanos, Brian van Niekirk, Dewet Horn Channell, Kate Trumpet Carolyn Rapanos Schober, Ian L’ETRIC Young, Cam Wu, Kris Louie, Nathan Guest, Ann
CONCERTI STRINGS Violin Chan, Jessica Cheung, Maggie Cornwall, Talia Fichtner, Christine Gan, Jessica Holbek, Jessica Hong, Suzy Hyun, Robin Jiang, Will Joung, Jennifer Kim, Derrick Kim, Stephen Kim, Yong Whan Kwok, Sophie Lau, Tim Lo, Ivan Nam, Chelsea, Oxland, Sarah Park, Nayoon Quattrin, Rose Shen, Joseph Thiele, Emily Wang, Kristina Wong, Nicole Young, Campbell
Viola Fettes, Allison Ishimura, Hikari Ko, Daniel Park, Mathew Cello Cha, Judy Han, John (Jae Kyu) Louie, Nathaniel Wang, Jason Wang, Victor Won, Peter Bass Kwon, Max
JUNIOR JAZZ Woodwinds BRADSHAW Taku CHO Eric CHOI Keldy LEE David OH Justin RHEE Gina RYU Amy Trumpet CHRISTENSEN Emily GREEN Jason RAPANOS Carolyn Trombone
Keyboard Marko, Eva Slattery, Lauren
Clarinet Fazel, Korry Foster, Jacob Johnstone, Liam Kang, Hee June Lee, Pu Reum Legendre, Dominique Lim, Robin Medley, Michael Rapanos, Brian Williams, Lohralee Bass Clarinet Jolly, Mimi Alto Saxophone Ramsden, Taylor Trumpet Choi, Min Green, Jason Logan, Tim French Horn Chen, Ashley
BROADLEY Kate BUDGE Marita METULLY Lauren MILLARD Andrea SHIN Chan Piano Yu, Ji Hee Guitar HOLBROOK Miya LEONHARD Erik Acoustic and Electric Bass DUYNSTEE Adrian HOLBROOK Hana Drums,Percussion and Vibes CHEUNG Felix HIGGINS James HOLMAN Kevin LUK Lawrence I sent my jazz bands/ combos to Mainstream Jazz Club, on Main St., Kiwanis & Envison Jazz Festivals, plus MusicFest that year. KW
Who’s in the Bands/Orchestras? The Pep Band played at the Handsworth home football games, and at BC Place during the semifinals.
SENIOR JAZZ COMBOS Bird, Michael Kennedy, Rob Kim, Andrew Marko, Eva Peebles, Andrew Toft, Michael
Drums, Percussion, and Vibes BIRD Michael GRAVES Heather HURLBURT Andrew KANDA Jesse PEEBLES Andrew I sent my Sr. Jazz Band and Royale Blues R&B Band to Calhouns Club on West Broadway. The Juzt Jazz Concert was at Cap. U. KW
JUNIOR GOLD BAND Flutes Aref, Nessa Callegaro, Patrick Choi, You-Jeong Lee, Christine Seraphim, Hannah Oboe Baek, Ruth Watson, Julia
Kaushansky, Joel Khoshnevis, Kian Kim, Andrew Ko, Brian Luther, Jennifer Phua, Behin Horn Channell, Kate Graves, Heather Trombone Garton, Kelly Luther, Melissa Navaratnam, Minoli Bass Trombone Johnstone, Courtney Euphonium Li, Steve Toft, Michael Tuba Peach, Kayla String Bass Kanda, Jesse Percussion Au Daniel Peebles, Andrew Tang, Raymond
SENIOR JAZZ BAND Woodwinds BRADSHAW Jennifer CHAN Vivian (Shuk Man) HUANG Vivian KENNEDY Robert KIM John SON Jennifer Trumpet BIRD Michael FUNNELL Clark GRAVES Heather KIM Andrew LUTHER Jennifer PHUA Behin Trombone GARTON Kelly JOHNSTONE Courtney LUTHER Melissa NAVARATNAM Minoli PEACH Kayla TOFT Michael Piano MARKO Eva Guitar HURLBURT Andrew Acoustic and Electric bass BIRD Michael KANDA Jesse
Horns Kennedy, Rob:
Oboe Chaster, Sarah Wilson, Sarah
Saxes Kennedy and Rhee Trumpet Woodward Trombone Luther Saxes & flute Woodward, Keith Trumpet & flugelhorn Rhythm Guitar Azimzadeh, Parsiad Bass - Bird
Flute Eilers, Laura (Piccolo) Erskine, Callum Huang,Vivian (P) Saito, Ivy Son, Jennifer Clarinet Bradshaw, Jennifer Chan, Vivian Ho, Jeffrey Joung, Alex Kang, Channy Kim, John Leung, Connie Liu, Bonnie Wu, Connie Alto Clarinet Silvester, laura
Lead Guitar Jamieson Keyboards Marko, Eva & McLaws, Kurt Drums Pelebles, Andrew Singers Argyropoulas, Panos Bowden, Aaron Cassel, Melanie da Ponte, Sheena Grant, Kristin Keefe, Jessica Korour, Stephanies Morissette, Justin Sound and Lights Erskine, Callum
Bass Clarinet Chee, Emily Alto Sax Azimzaseh, Parsiad Baker, Trevor Park, Shawn Quigley, Kelly Tenor Sax Hwang, Seung, Bin Ramsden, Sean Baritone Sax Kennedy, Robert Trumpet Baek, Charles Bird, Michael Funnell, Clark ~ 99
The Whistler Festival featured over 2000 music students from as far east as Edmonton, as far south as Oregon, as far north as Terrace, and many groups from Vancouver Island.
100 ~ The Portland Orchestra Tour
THE AMAZING JAZZ BANDS DO IT AGAIN Handsworth Senior & Junior Jazz Bands and Jazz Combos were given an “Official Invitation To Register” at MusicFest Canada (National Finals). The Handsworth Senior Winds were
The 7th annual Strings Extravaganza was held on March 31st at Centennial Theatre. This wonderfully successful event included performances by three quartets of which two are electric, three high school orchestras, and three elementary orchestras.
OUR DIECTORS: Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
“EXCELLENT” at the Envision Jazz Festival. The jazz bands and Senior Jazz Combo have received an “OFFICIAL INVITATION TO PERFORM” at MusicFest Canada in Ottawa this May. The decision on whether to travel to Ottawa to perform was already made last May — China in October or Ottawa in May? Dah. ~ 101
The Celebration Concerts are special because the musical groups are at their finest, and because they are the year end Music Awards evenings where our outstanding musicians are recognized and honoured. As you view the following criteria, you can appreciate the value of these awards. Criteria used in selecting award winners: • Consistent first class musicianship (high standards achieved through our evaluation procedures). • Excellent general attitude. • Excellent leadership qualities. • E x c e l l e n c e in attendance, punctuality, and preparation at all
rehearsals, curricular and extracurricular. • High degree of coachability SYMPLY SYMPHONIC February 23 at Capilano College Theatre Featured Chamber & Concerti Strings, Philharmonic Orchestra, Senior Brass Quintet, Ataca, Sr. Percussion Ensemble, and the Sr. Wind Ensemble JUNIOR SYMPHONIC February 22 at Capilano College Theatre Featured Jr. Blue & Gold Concert Bands, Int. Concert Band, Handsworth Elementary Honour Band, Concert Choir, Int. Chamber Ensemble, & Jr. Percussion Ensemble
November, Junior & Senior Homecoming Concerts., Senior Winds, Choir, and Brass Quintet perform at Handsworth Remembrance Day, The first of several Latin percussion workshops for our jazz band rhythm section students with Dr. Danny Tones through to December.
102 ~ The Portland Orchestra Tour
Come to the Sweet Music on December 7th to hear and see Jessica Chan on the Yamaha grand piano and Miya Holbrook on the Mossman bassoon. They will perform a little piece to show off the MPAC bassoon for 2006 and the MPAC Yamaha grand piano from 1999.
ABOVE: The Juzt Jazz Concert was at the Kay Meek Theatre. I sent my jazz bands/combos and Royale Blues R&B Band to Mainstream Jazz Club, on Main St., Kiwanis & Envison Jazz Festivals, plus MusicFest. In addition I sent my Sr. Jazz Band and Royale Blues R&B Band to Calhouns Club on West Broadway.
HANDSWORTH JAZZ COMBOS The music department has two jazz combos this year. Since January, The Senior Jazz Combo has performed at or has bookings for 13 gigs. The Junior Jazz Combo has performed at or has bookings for 14 gigs. Some of the Combo’s gigs include: five different functions at the Capilano Golf Club, North Vancouver District Hall, Lions Gate Hospital, Ambleside Park, Presentation House, Mainstream Jazz Club, Orpheum Theatre, and even on the third floor patio of the Terasen building in downtown Vancouver.
Jennifer (Jmin) Son conducting Auld Lang Syne
JUZT JAZZ February 9 at Kay Meek Theatre Featured Jr. & Sr. Combos, Jr. & Sr. Jazz Bands, Rhythm & Blues Band, and the Alumni Jazz Band
September this year marks the 30th annual Senior Wind Ensemble Retreat Weekend at Camp Miriam on Gabriola Island. The Camp Miriam caretaker allows us a section of “the wall” for Handsworth to mark our 30th anniversary; a real honour.
2006 ~ 103
Festivals Jr. Jazz Combo featuring David Lee cradling his tenor, Jacob Foster sans piano, Adrian Duynstee, balancing the bass, and Kevin Holman with an armful of drum sticks. With the addition of alto saxman Brian Rapanos and keyboard wizard Mattias Choboter in 2008, they won the Most Outstanding Sr. Jazz Combo in BC and a Gold Award at MusicFest Canada.
THE AMAZING JAZZ BANDS DO IT AGAIN Congratulations to both the Junior & Senior Jazz Bands for receiving the highest mark of “EXCELLENT” at the Envision Jazz Festival. The jazz bands and Senior Jazz Combo have received an “OFFICIAL INVITATION TO PERFORM” at MusicFest Canada in Ottawa this May. The decision on whether to travel to Ottawa to perform was already made last May — China in October or Ottawa in May? Dah.
The band program had its usual busy February starting with the jazz program at the Mainstream Jazz Club, Envision Jazz Festival, and Kiwanis Jazz Festival. Both the Jr. and Sr. Jazz Combos were also gigging throughout the north shore at private functions. All three of Handsworth’s school based concerts were held in the comforts of real performance theatres. It is important to realize that appropriate performance theatres allow the excellence in the music program to be heard, seen, and felt.
Rhonda Garton has been doing an absolutely incredible job on MPAC for the past several years, but unfortunately will be graduating with her daughter this year. We will miss her dearly.
2006 104 ~ The Portland Orchestra Tour
B. C. HONOUR GROUPS The second term also saw Jennifer Son and Sarah Chaster perform with the British Columbia Honour Band at BC Music Educator’s Conference. Both had solos during the Band’s 45 minute performance. Both Jennifer and Sarah highly recommend auditioning for one of these outstanding ensembles. The chance to rehearse & perform with great musicians, be led by a great conductor, and perform in a great venue is more than worth all the effort to get there. Of course, the harder it is to obtain something, the greater the satisfaction when it is finally obtained. Auditions for the next honour groups are due in mid April. The next music conference will be held in October. See Mr. Woodward for help in auditioning and applying to one or more of these ensembles. Visit the web site for more information. You can download audition require
ments in PDF format: Concert Band, Concert Choir, Full Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Vocal Jazz : honourgroup/honourgroups.htm
October • A number of Handsworth music students perform with the provincial honour ensembles at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, at UBC. • Choral workshop with Geordie Roberts. • Intermediate Jazz Combo plays pre concert & intermission music at the Centennial Theatre for VSO concert.
Comox Valley Youth Music Centre. July 16-30 Orchestra, Concert Band, and Chamber Music program. July 2-15 Pacific Jazz Workshop. This is the Granddaddy of all the B.C. music schools. It is the most expensive but also has some of the best instructors. Check their web site
CONCERTI & CHAMBER STRINGS STRIKE GOLD These fine strings orchestras attended the Langley International Kiwanis Festival on May 5th and performed for adjudicators. They received the highest award of GOLD for their performances. The comment: These students perform beyond the level of high school musicians was especially encouraging.
“Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art.” Charlie Parker (1920-55) Jazz musician
2006 ~ 105
Violin Robert Chung Aaron Fenney Bryson Galozo Gerardo Garcia Brandon Goh Danielle Homer Karli Johansen Amanda Khorsandi Paul Kim Grace McDonell Jenna Newton Sarah park Mahraz Oarvand Sara Sherstobitoff Alex Song
Violin Michelle Cheung Christine Fichtner Julian Gan Kyoung Soo Han Jessica Holbek Weining Jiang Derrick Kim Sophie Kwalk Amy Lee Ivan Lo Na Yoon Park Daruish Tahririha Golnosh Tahririha Corrina Wang Sharon Wang
Violin Chang, Hai Rim Huang, Kevin Joung, Jennifer Kwon, Max Nam, Chelsey Tang, terence Young, Campbell Chan, Jessica
Woodwinds BRADSHAW Taku CHO Eric CHOI Keldy LEE David OH Justin RHEE Gina RYU Amy
Kelly Wasylyshyn
Nicole Wong Phoebe Wong
Viola Erika DeTorres Louis lam Gabriella Nelson Cello Mark Ahmadi Bass Jack Cubbon Guitar Alex Beck
Viola Allison Fettes Hikari Ishimura Emily Thiele
Cello Cha, Judy Markle, Christina Bass Wong, Simon
Kim, Derrick Chan, Jessica Ishimura, Hikari Cha, Judy
Matsell, Noah Fichtner, Christine Ko, Daniel Louie, Nathan Markle, Christina
Guitar HOLBROOK Miya LEONHARD Erik Acoustic and Electric Bass DUYNSTEE Adrian HOLBROOK Hana
Bass Sharon Wang
Trombone BROADLEY Kate
Piano Yu, Ji Hee
Cello Nathaniel Louie Jin Tae Rhee Richard Schwendener Peter Won
Piano Samuel Ko
106 ~ Calgary Tour
Viola Ko, Daniel Matsell, Noah
L’ECTRIC Young, Cam Kim, Paul Wu, Kris Louie, Nathan
Jazz Combo Holbrook, Miya Holbrook, Hana Rhee, Gina Luk, Larry
Drums,Percussion and Vibes CHEUNG Felix HIGGINS James HOLMAN Kevin LUK Lawrence
Who’s in the Bands/Orchestras? CHAMBER CHOIR SENIOR JAZZ BAND
JUNIOR JAZZ COMBO DUYNSTEE Adrian Gehlen, Jake Holman, Kevin Lee, David
INTERMEDIATE JAZZ COMBO Holbrook, Miya Holbrook, Hana Luk, Larry Rhee, Gina Yu Yee Yi
SENIOR JAZZ COMBOS Bird, Michael Kennedy, Rob Marko, Eva Peebles, Andrew
SENIOR JAZZ BAND Woodwinds BRADSHAW Jennifer CHAN Vivian (Shuk Man) HUANG Vivian KENNEDY Robert KIM John SON Jennifer Trumpet BIRD Michael FUNNELL Clark GRAVES Heather KIM Andrew LUTHER Jennifer PHUA Behin Trombone GARTON Kelly JOHNSTONE Courtney LUTHER Melissa NAVARATNAM Minoli PEACH Kayla TOFT Michael Piano MARKO Eva Guitar HURLBURT Andrew
Drums, Percussion, and Vibes BIRD Michael GRAVES Heather HURLBURT Andrew KANDA Jesse PEEBLES Andrew
ROYAL BLUES PROJECT Horns Kennedy, Rob: saxes Luther, Melissa: trombone Rhee, Gina: saxes & flute Woodward, Keith: trumpet & flugelhorn Rhythm Azimzadeh, Parsiad: rhythm guitar Bird, Michael: bass Jamieson, Brett : lead guitar Marko, Eva: keyboards McLaws, Kurt : keyboards Peebles, Andrew: drums Singers Argyropoulas, Panos Bowden, Aaron Cassel, Melanie da Ponte, Sheena Grant, Kristin Keefe, Jessica Korour, Stephanies Morissette, Justin Sound and Lights Erskine, Callum
Acoustic and Electric Bass BIRD Michael KANDA Jesse ~ 107
Portland Orchestra Tour STRINGS TRIP TO OREGON Members of the Handsworth Strings traveled to Greshem, Oregon (near Portland) from March 17 to 19 to attend the Northwest Orchestra Festival at Mt Hood Community College. After a quick rehearsal and organizing, the Chamber Strings and members of the Concerti Strings boarded a comfy highway coach and floated down south. Gasps were heard as the bus arrived at the wonderfully appointed hotel.
ABOVE: The Chamber Strings “hamming” it up after their performance in Portland.
then returning to North Vancouver after lunch. Thank you so much to Hermila Gallaher and Cam Young’s Dad Jeff for coming down to Greshem and chaperoning. It was great that the Matsell family and relatives could attend our performances. Thanks for being there. BELOW: Heather Haughn at the Sweet Music Concert
A relaxing evening at the pool prepared the students for competition amongst about 40 orchestras from Pacific Northwest high schools. The Chamber Strings performed in the morning and even though they were weakened by the absence of four crucial members, they managed to place inthe top four chamber groups against some stiff competition. Thanks so much to Richard Schwendener and Sophie Kwalk for subbing in! The Concerti Strings who were able to travel during spring break with only 13 of the 28 members, performed admirably in the afternoon for comments only in the non competitive part of the Festival. The adjudicators commented on the energy and musicality of the group. Sunday morning was spent exploring downtown Portland for shopping and Continued above left
ABOVE: David Whiteside A multi-instrumentalist who also played guitar well.
PINNACLE SUMMER STRINGS CAMP If you play violin, viola or cello, Pinnacle Strings offers you an exciting and intensive week-long musical experience. You’ll have an opportunity to rotate through a variety of activities including Celtic music, composition, large and small group ensembles, and the computer program, “Finale.” By the end of the week, you’ll have composed an original chamber music piece for strings! There is an early registration deadline of May 15 with auditions to assess playing ability in late May. A minimum of two years playing experience and basic music reading skills are required. When: Monday to Friday: July 10-14 Cost: $295 plus $30 audition fee
KISSM (Kamloops Interior Summer School of Music) runs for 3 weeks from July 10-28. KISSM will arrange billeting for out-of-town students. (Concert/ Chamber & Jazz Bands/Combos, Concert Choir & Vocal Jazz, Strings, Group Piano, Musical Theatre, Guitar & Bass Ensemble, Digital Audio/Video). In total, there are 41 different classes to choose from.
108 ~ The Portland Orchestra Tour
Strings Eztravaganza
ABOVE: Cam Young For the past five years the Strings Extravaganza has been the highlight for the strings program. Collaborating with Mrs. Mayrand and the Dance students proved to be highly successful. This coming year the venue will move to Centennial Theatre for a Gala Performance including a Dance number but more importantly, a commissioned work by the extraordinarily talent, Cameron Wilson. Cameron is a Vancouver Symphony Violinist, Jazz Violinist and Composer earning national recognition for his performances with Joe Trio, Django and other groups as well as his compositions. He is currently finishing a commission from the CBC orchestra. Plans are to have Mr. Wilson and some of his colleagues appear as featured performers. Be sure to reserve March 31st for this unique event.
The 7th annual Strings Extravaganza was held on March 31st at Centennial Theatre. This wonderfully successful event included performances by three quartets of which two are electric, three high school orchestras, and three elementary orchestras. The highlights however, were the special guests: Cameron Wilson, violinist and Henry Lee, violist who performed Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante with the Concerti and Chamber strings. Cameron Wilson’s Fiddle arrangement for violas and violins was performed with a cast of 200 string players in the grand finale. The cooperation and artistry of our very own Toccati, Concerti and
Chamber Strings groups is fantastic! Next year look for our Strings Extravaganza to be held on the two nights of March 7th and 8th with a professional group of artists including dancers! BELOW: Chamber cellos
ABOVE: Concerti cellos
Keith Woodward has taught at this music school for 11 years. Highly recommended as the best bang for your buck. This year will mark the 27th year of this school. Check their web site
2006 ~ 109
ABOVE: Ji Hee Yu, piano and Jacob Gehlen, vibes. On stage, waiting to perform with the Jr. Jazz Band.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM WHISTLER MUSIC FESTIVAL BAND TOUR The Festival featured over 2000 music students from as far east as Edmonton, as far south as Oregon, as far north as Terrace, and many groups from Vancouver Island. Our highway coach pulled up to the Westin Resort and Spa early Thursday evening. That gave us enough time to take a dip in Westin s indoor-outdoor pool and hot tubs, and do grocery shopping for the meals we would cook in our full kitchen hotel suites. Friday was performance day for the Intermediate Concert Band at the Westin Resort ballroom. Our afterperformance clinician was none other than Mr. Reb himself. What luck. He had just given us a two hour concert and jazz band workshop in the Handsworth drama room just three days before. Our Saturday started with our Junior Jazz Band performance and clinic at the Telus Conference Centre. The rest of the day was filled with 1 1/2 hour workshops for each instrument spread throughout the day. The evening Festival concert featured the UBC Wind Ensemble, just back from their Hong
Kong tour, and the Good Noise Gospel Choir. Sunday morning featured the 1300 band students in a mass band rehearsal and recording. Unless you were there, you can only imagine what 275 flutes or 50 tubas sounded like. Thirty three oboes and 14 bassoons! There must be a law.... Mrs. Christensen remarked that she got goose bumps twice during the rehearsing of Irish Air (Oh Danny Boy). Such an emotionally powerful piece of music. By 3:30 pm on Sunday, all the music tour equipment was back in the Handsworth music room and the band students were back to the reality of home. The memories, like the pictures, will be with us forever. ITINERARY CONT. Sunday, May 7 — Massed Bands performance and travel day 8:00 a.m. Rise and shine. Breakfast. Clean rooms. Chaperones will check your room. 10:00 a.m. Check-out of Westin; store luggage at Westin. Keep instrument for performance. 10:30 a.m. Massed Bands performance of Irish Air and March of the Olympians. Over 1,300 musicians. Directed by Michael Burch-Pesses & Ralph Ford. 12:00 p.m. Return to Westin to load highway coach for return trip to North Vancouver. 2:00ish p.m. Arrive at Handsworth Secondary to unload equipment into music room. 2:30ish p.m. Official end to Whistler Music Festival Tour 2003. Students dismissed.
2006 110 ~ The Portland Orchestra Tour
UBC one week junior or senior camp (Concert Bands and Jazz Bands) from July 9-14 junior/intermediates, or July 16-22 senior. This is the biggest local summer music school. Check their web site
Whistler Music Festival Tour
ABOVE: Julia Watson and Ruth Baek, sitting with 33 other oboes in the Whistler Festival Mass Band performance.
ITINERARY Saturday, May 6 — Jazz Band Concert, Master Classes (90 minutes), & Festival Concert 7:00 a.m. Rise and shine. Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. Junior Jazz check-in at Conference Centre. 8:50 a.m. Warm-up for performance. 9:30 a.m. Junior Jazz Band Festival performance at Conference Centre Ballroom. 10:00 a.m. Half hour workshop with Festival adjudicator from 10:00-10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Oboe Senior Master Class in Listel Whistler, Boardroom. 10:30 a.m. French Horn Senior Master Class in Summit Lodge, Sterling Room. Lunch. 1:00 p.m.Clarinet Senior Master Class in Westin Resort, Alpine A/B Room. 1:00 p.m. Trumpet Senior Master Class in Tantalus Lodge, Mountainview Room. 1:00 p.m. Trombone Senior Master Class in Hilton Whistler Hotel, Sutcliffe Room. 2:30 p.m. Flute Senior Master Class in Westin Resort, Emerald A Room. 2:30 p.m. Bass Clarinet Senior Master Class in Summit Lodge, Sterling Room. 2:30 p.m. Alto sax Junior Master Class in Westin Resort, Callaghan Room. 2:30 p.m. Tenor sax Junior Master Class in Westin Resort, Nordic Room.
2:30 p.m. Trombone Junior Master Class in Hilton Whistler Hotel, Sutcliffe Room. 2:30 p.m. Tuba Senior Master Class in Listel Whistler, Peak Summit Room. 2:30 p.m. Electric Guitar Junior Master Class in Conference Centre, Soo Valley Room. 4:00 p.m. Clarinet Junior Master Class in Westin Resort, Alpine D/E Room. 4:00 p.m. Bassoon Senior Master Class in Listel Whistler, Boardroom. 4:00 p.m. Baritone Sax Senior Master Class in Listel Whistler, Peak Summit Room. 4:00 p.m. Trumpet Junior Master Class in Tantalus Lodge, Mountainview Room. 4:00 p.m. Double Bass Senior Master Class in Coast Whistler Hotel, Salon A/B. 4:00 p.m. Electric Keyboard Master Class in Conference Centre, Spearhead Room. 4:00 p.m. Percussion Senior Master Class in Conference Centre, Garibaldi Room. 6:00 p.m. Dinner. 9:00 p.m. Festival Concert in Conference Centre Ballroom featuring the UBC Wind Ensemble and the Good Noise Vancouver Gospel Choir. 11:00 p.m. Students in their own hotel rooms. 11:30 p.m. Lights out.
North Shore Summer Jazz for Singers & Instrumentalists at Capilano College from July 17-28. Ages 13-18. Thomas Langley & Frank Lee (music teacher at Seycove Secondary School in Deep Cove) directors of program. 604- 9844901 for information & registration. Thomas Langley 604-612-8201.
2006 ~ 111
Camberwell’s November tour to western Canada will include a five city stop in the southwest coast & interior of British Columbia, and Edmonton & Calgary in Alberta
112 ~ The Costa Rica Orchestra Tour
OUR DIECTORS: Keith Woodward Peter van Ooyen
Strings and Choir members, March 15-23 are the dates set for a partial spring break tour to Costa Rica. Starting in San Jose, tour members will visit local schools and institutions to give concerts, present donations of music resources, and embark on a cross country sightseeing adventure. Music students are encouraged to join in fundraising for children attending La Fundancion Piedad School in Torremolinos District,
San Jose, Costa Rica. ~ 335 ~ 113
ONIC SYMPH Y L P SYM b. 28th Wed. Fe T R E C 0 pm. CON atre, 7:0 e h T l ia ents & Centenn $4 stud , s lt u d : $6 a oncert Tickets r. This c o o d e at th oncert seniors of our C ll a e r tu Choir. will fea ps, and u o r G s String f music Bands, ening o v e n a e lb This wil yable! be enjo sure to
Concert Choir
April • Senior Winds and Handsworth Elementary Honour Band perform at the Zone Band Concert.
HANDSWORTH JUZT JAZZ CONCERT Thurs. Feb. 15th Capilano College Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $5 adults, $3 students & seniors, at the door This concert will feature all of our Jazz Bands & Jazz Combos. A great night of fantastic jazz music!
Apr. 11 Elementary Bands Zone Concert with Senior Wind Ensemble, Handsworth, 7:30 p.m. May • Handsworth Brass Quintet plays pre concert music at Centennial Theatre for VSO concert. • Senior Jazz Combo performs for the North Vancouver District Mayor.
Int. Concert Band
January, Handsworth jazz students attend Phil Dwyer jazz concert at Capilano College.
114 ~ The Costa Rica Orchestra Tour
• Senior Jazz Combo performs at the Leo Marshall Centre for Artists For Kids in March
Dear Peter and Keith, Thank you for bringing the lifelong gift of music into the lives of our students and sharing it with an appreciative audience. I very much enjoyed the Just Jazz and Symply Symphonic concerts and want to commend your students for their fine performances. The concerts were a shining display of the many talents of Handsworth musicians and of the dedication and leadership you bring to this school district. Kudos to all! Sincerely, Ginny, Ginny Diebolt, Trustee, North Vancouver School Board May • Handsworth Musical Finale Concert at Centennial Theatre tops out as a five hour marathon of great music. Next year we will do two concerts on two different days. • Senior Jazz Combo performs for the school district and the Intermediate Jazz Combo performs for the North Shore Credit Union.
We have (and plan in the next few weeks) great professional musicians coming into classes to work with the strings students: Carolyn Cole on Violin, Lee Duckles on Cello, Henry Lee on Viola, and David Brown on Bass. All of these musicians are wonderful members of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and other professional chamber groups. Henry Lee is a member of the YALETOWN STRING QUARTET and they will be joining us in workshop and concert at the Strings Extravaganza. Mark April 4th on your calendar for the annual Extravaganza with the strings of the Royal Strings and Handsworth along with Special Guests, the Yaletown String Quartet ( 7:00 p.m., April 4th, Centennial Theatre. Tickets: $10:00 from the music office and strings students. BELOW: Strings Extravaganza at the Centennial Theatre
• Just Jazz Concert is back at Capilano College. • Symply Symphonic Concert is back at Centennial Theatre.
April. 4 Strings Extravaganza Featuring The Royal Strings of Handsworth, Canyon Heights, Cleveland, Highlands and Montroyal Schools With Special Guests The Yaletown String Quartet
2007 ~ 115
Handsworth Secondary Intermediate Jazz Band wins “Most Outstanding Junior Band” at the Envision Jazz Festival.
ing Junior Musician” awards. Kate Broadley took home the “Best Junior Trombone Player” award.
Twenty seven junior jazz bands competed between February 8th & 9th with the top four adjudicated bands selected for the evening “Showcase Concert” on Friday the 9th at the Bell Centre for the Performing Arts. In addition to Handsworth winning the top junior jazz band award, Brian Rapanos won “Best Junior Saxophone Player” and “Most Outstand-
February • All three jazz bands receive Gold Awards at Envision Jazz Festival. The Intermediate Jazz Band wins Most Outstanding Junior Jazz Band category at the evening finals at the Bell Performing Arts Theatre — The best junior jazz band in British Columbia!
WEST COAST FESTIVAL - Junior Jazz Band-GOLD - Senior Jazz Band-GOLD - Senior / Mntermediate Jazz Combo-GOLD
MUSICFEST CANADA (National Finals) Junior Jazz Combo-GOLD Mntermediate Concert Band-SILVER Mntermediate Jazz Band-GOLD Mntermediate Jazz Combo-GOLD Senior Wind Ensemble-GOLD Senior Jazz Band-GOLD
Some of the most recent Senior Wind Ensemble tours have been to: London & Paris, Australia, China, New York, Cuba, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, New Orleans, Hawaii, and Florida.
116 ~ The Costa Rica Orchestra Tour
The Handsworth Concert Band & Jazz Band Program consists of: 4 Concert Bands, 3 Jazz Bands and various Jazz Combos and Chamber Wind Ensembles.
Senior & Junior Jazz Bands and Combo grab Gold awards at West Coast Jazz Festival. April 26TH-28TH All three jazz groups were adjudicated at the highest level and received Gold awards. A two year invitation to perform at MusicFest Canada comes with the Gold award. Carolyn Rapanos was presented with a $750 scholarship from the Berklee College of Music, Boston for her improvisation abilities on trumpet and flugelhorn. Adrian Duynstee won a $250 scholarship to attend the Douglas College Jazz Intensive summer camp in August. The Jazz Tour started with a 7:30 Jr. Jazz Band rehearsal at Handsworth. The seniors arrived at 8:30 (those teenagers need their beauty sleep) to mentor the juniors first music tour. We arrived in Nanaimo by noon and spent the rest of the afternoon at Malaspina College at the West Coast Jazz Festival. After the Sr. Jazz Bands performance we were off to Cyber City for mini golf, laser tag, or computer games and dinner. The day ended at our Days Inn Harbourview Hotel with some time left in the evening for some students to have some fun in the indoor pool. Day two started with an early (yawn) performance by the Jr. Jazz Band. A quick drive down to Duncan brought us to the Quwutsun Native Centre for a very informative tour and film about the history and culture of our First Native civilization of Duncan.
ABOVE: Senior Jazz Band 2007 awarded Gold at MusicFest 2007. • Junior & Senior Jazz Bands and Intermediate/Senior Jazz Combo awarded Gold at West Coast Jazz Festival in April. PHOTO RIGHT: Jessica, Hana, Miya, & Carolyn do a JAZZ JUMP FOR JOY at Rathtrevor Beach after all three Handsworth jazz groups received Gold Awards at West Coast Jazz Festival.
Handsworth Jazz Program was honoured as THE best secondary school jazz band program in Canada in 1999, as voted by Toronto based Jazz iz Magazine
2007 ~ 117
The Costa Rica
On their first day in San Jos hurried off to perform ata n o the performance, the student within the park and were abl day of sightseeing and perfo
COSTA RICAN TOUR A HUGE SUCCESS! On March 14th, 27 students and three teachers from Orchestra and Choir embarked on a trip to San Jose, Costa Rica. The trip was wonderful for many reasons including: the hot, sunny weather; the city of San Jose which has very interesting history; and being able to meet and perform for children in schools located in very poor areas with great need and in areas of great beauty. We enjoyed the many natural wonders that Costa Rica has to offer. Handsworth Music students particularly enjoyed performing for very enthusiastic school communities outside of Costa Rica. These schools supply free education to many needy families and the students have never had any type of music instruction or concerts. Because of the generosity of many of you who donated to
the music instrument fund we were able to leave 5 clarinets, 6 trumpets, and a keyboard at a school that desires to start a music program. The staff and students were ecstatic and very welcoming. It will be interesting to hear how things will progress. Another highlight of the trip was the stay at the all-inclusive resort at Puntarenas. We performed for guests and enjoyed the beaches, pools, food and wonderful accommodation. We performed five concerts and not only enjoyed a wonderful holiday but made a contribution to those who are less fortunate. Spending the better part of spring break this way could not have been better! Thank you to Tanya Frauenstein and Keith Woodward for coming along on their own time in order to chaperone and lead the group.
Costa Rica CHOIR First soprano Chloe Belanger Jacquelyn Butler Charlotte Calder Katerina Holbek
118 ~ The Costa Rica Orchestra Tour
Orchestra & Choir Tour Members of the Handsworth Strings and Choir are set to travel to Costa Rica from March 14-21st. They will be visiting the exciting sights of San Jose, giving concerts in Plazas and various schools. On the third day they will be traveling to the West Coast, spending time in the Jaco Beach Area and exploring places like Manuel Antonia National Park, and the La Paz Waterfall Gardens. We are looking forward to an awesome trip of exchange in culture, education and music.
se, the group after visiting a few sites outdoor theater at a nature park. After ts and teachers went to a playground le to let loose and go wild after a long orming.
Second soprano Sunny Choi Alexandra Edgar Hawk Yoo Jung Kim
Baritone David Whiteside Mr. Woodward
Alto/tenor Jean Chen Vivian Kong
Andrea Millard Sian Roylance Katie Shore
Purposes of the Tour • to foster a greater sense of group dynamics and cooperation among the members • to enhance the self confidence and of the members; • to learn from other cultures, educators and students in various schools; • to observe other school orchestras and peers in different learning environments; • to inspire individual members to enhanced musicianship; • to provide a variety of performing opportunities; • to enhance the general enthusiasm of the group; • to find improvement in all aspects of the group • to have the opportunity to serve others with our talents and gifts.
The music department will be bringing a gift of an electric keyboard and wind instruments to a needy school in Torre Molinos, San Jose! Consider donating. You may know of an unused wind instrument in good condition or wish to contribute funds. Tax receipts will be issued for monetary donations of $25 or more; make cheques payable to HSSA. Wind instruments may be donated by contacting Peter Van Ooyen in the Music Department.
$2,200. allows you a music performance tour to Costa Rica with your music buddies.
2007 ~~ 119 341
2007 Intermediate Concert Band & Jazz Band receive highest adjudication at Festival Nelson. Both bands were awarded a “Superior” rating by the adjudicators. In addition, Brian Rapanos was awarded a scholarship for his outstanding musicianship on alto sax and clarinet in the Jazz Band category. Kathryn Wilkinson was also singled out for her baritone sax performance with the concert band. Her performance also won her a scholarship. The Superior adjudication also earns these ensembles a two year invitation to perform at MusicFest Canada. The Intermediate tour to Castlegar/Nelson started with an 8 hour bus ride to Castlegar and the Super 8 motel, complete with two story water slide and hot tub. A number of students spent time on the free internet. Others just bonded with each other in their motel rooms. The next day was spent at the Festival performing, listening to other bands, eating, and the evening concert/dance with the 10 piece RnB Band “What It Is.”
ABOVE: FESTIVAL NELSON Intermediate Concert Band-GOLD ntermediate Jazz Band-GOLD
The second day at the Festival was more performing with our Jazz Band, kicking around the historic city of Nelson, and back to Castlegar for a pizza bowling party. Then it was back on the bus, down the road to Nelson and another evening Festival performance. This one featured the Eastern Washington University Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band. Intermediate Jazz Band performing: ALTO SAX Robin Lim, Brian Rapanos, Lily Ye (C flute), TENOR SAX Christine Lee, Lauren Metcalf, BARITONE SAX Lohralee Williams, TRUMPET Jason Cyr, Matthew Harvey, John Jang TROMBONE, Kate Broadley, Daniel Harvey, BASS TROMBONE Robert McLachlan PIANO KEYBOARDS You Jeong Choi, Nicole Miller, STRING BASS Marek Olsen, Kathryn Wilkinson, GUITAR Man Schober, Adam Alda, DRUMS/PERCUSSION Jake Gehlen, Kyle Jack.
The fourth and last day of the tour was the coach ride back to Handsworth. We even arrived back in North Vancouver 15 minutes early. Fun times were had by all and the memories will last forever.
120 ~ The Costa Rica Orchestra Tour
Photos fromNelson Music Tour
PHOTO: Lauren and Lohralee “flower children” during a highway coach rest stop on the Crows Nest Pass on the way to the Nelson Music Festival.
Handsworth Jazz Combos The music department has three jazz combos this year. They have been performing at their usual 30+ community concerts per year. Some concerts included Capilano Golf Club, Lions Gate
Hospital, North Shore Credit Union, Presentation House, North Vancouver District Hall, Artists for Kids at Lucas Centre, VSO pre concert at Centennial Theatre, and countless private functions. Next year’s Intermediate Concert Band and Jazz Band tour is already in its planning stage. After a three year absence, Handsworth will return to the Rocky Mountain Festival in Banff Alberta from April 17-21 (ThursdayMonday).
Intermediate Jazz Band: This is what relief looks like after an adjudicated performance.
Intermediate Concert & Jazz Bands awarded Gold at Festival April.
ABOVE: Brian Rapanos receiving one of many music wards while at Handsworth. HANDSWORTH MUSIC GROUPS RECEIVE Official Invitation to Perform AT MUSICFEST CANADA 2007 Six band program groups and three strings groups have honourably received invitations to perform at MusicFest Canada. Four jazz groups qualified based on their performance at local festivals. The Intermediate Concert Band and Senior Wind Ensemble received permission from the chair of the Concert Band Division, Mr. Bryan Stovell. The invitation is based on what he’s seen of our work at Handsworth. In addition, because of the outstanding performance of The Concerti Strings, The Ataca String Quartet, and the Chamber Strings,these groups have been invited to perform as well.
2007 ~ 121
2007 TOCCATI STRINGS VIOLIN Adriano De Torres Julian Deggan Aaron Fenney Kiarash Hessami Sarah Kim Yoo Jung Kim Ben Ko Daniel Kwong Ho Jung Lee James Lee Rosa Lee Young Jin Lee Denise Li Adam Marko Annicka Parkinson-Dow Mahraz Parvand Hayden Sidey-Phillips Vivian Sue Kelly Wasylyshyn Cissy Yi Sean Yoon VIOLA Juliana French Max Lai Louis Lam Claire Manning CELLO Penelope Fitzgerald Angela Strong STRING BASS Jack Cubbon Brandon Goh Duncan Stratton Matteo Tolfo PIANO Cheuk Kwan Chan Nazzi Mozaffarifar Christine Pederson Catherine Provan Tanya Rashid Sian Roylance Jin Shin Katie Shore Doris Yau Charles Youn JiQHee Yu
in 2007 I started combining Festivals with Tours, rather than attending two local jazz festivals (except for 2009, when we did it ALL). KW CONCERTI STRINGS Michelle Cheung Robert Chung Julian Gan Alexander Graham Kyoung Soo Han Heather Haughn Will Jiang Karli Johansen Jennifer Joung Amy Lee Mvan Lo Grace McDonell Sarah Park Gabriela Penkov Emily Pyon Alex Song Golnosh Tahririha Sharon Wang Phoebe Wong VIOLA Erika De Torres Jennifer Joung Gaby Nelson Golnosh Tahririha CELLO Mark Ahmadi Richard Anderson Nathaniel Louie STRIN8 BASS Sharon Wang David Whiteside GUITAR Erik Leonhard
Neusha Ashazadeh Chloe Belanger Carly Bleay Ronak Brahmand Jacquelyn Butler Charlotte Calder Heidi Chan Wendy Chan Amy Chen Jean Chen Danny Choi Sunny Choi
122 ~ The Costa Rica Orchestra Tour
L:ETRIC Julian Gan, Violin Nathan Louie, Cello Golnosh Tahririha, Viola ZAP Allison Fettes, Viola Christine Fichtner, Violin Richard Schwendener, Cello, Cam Young, Violin CHAMBER STRINGS VIOLIN Jessica Chan Hairim Chang Maggie Cheung Christine Fichtner Jessica Holbek Sophie Kwalk Chelsea Nam Na Yoon Park Dariush Tahririha Campbell Young VIOLA Allison Fettes Hikari Mshimura CELLO Judy Cha Richard Schwendener STRING BASS Max Kwon Lauren Metully JUNIOR JAZZ ALTO SAX Sydney Cole Joseph Hong Ned Lucas TENOR SAX Thomas Burge Trenton Galozo Cole Northey BARITONE SAX Max Christensen TRUMPET Graham Matheson Michael Oh Kelly Pye
Leah Walker TROMBONE Warren Holley Khalil Pendleton BASS TROMBONE Kazuma Sakakibara PIANO/KEYBOARDS Charlotte Kidd Sophia Ma STRING BASS Jack Cubbon Brandon Goh GUITAR Alex Graham DRUMS PERCUSSION Polly Lee Chloe Nam Douglas Lai Taewon Youn INTERMEDIATE JAZZ ALTO SAX Robin Lim Brian Rapanos Lily Ye (C flute) TENOR SAX Christine Lee Lauren Metcalf BARITONE SAX Lohralee Williams TRUMPET Jason Cyr Matthew Harvey John Jang TROMBONE Kate Broadley Daniel Harvey BASS TROMBONE Robert McLachlan PIANO KEYBOARDS You Jeong Choi Nicole Miller STRING BASS Marek Olsen Kathryn Wilkinson GUITAR Man Schober Adam Alda
Who’s in the Bands/Orchestras? DRUMS PERCUSSION Jake Gehlen Kyle Jack CHAMBER CHOIR Lexi Edgar Hawk Jenny Fan Cindy Feng Michelle Fortin Shino Fu]ita Kyla Gunderson Seok Hee Han Katerina Holbek Yoo Jung Kim \ivian Kong Sophia Lee Larry Luk Andrea Millard Skye Modera Farhad Mozaffarifar SENIOR JAZZ BAND ALTO SAX Jeffrey Nam Gina Rhee (sop sax clarinet) Charles Youn TENOR SAX Chris Kim (C oboe) David Lee (C clarinet) BARITONE SAX Eric Cho (C bass clarinet) Keldy Choi ( C flute) TRUMPET Jason Green Peter Lee AJ Lindsay Tom Liu Carolyn Rapanos Jin Shin TROMBONE Kate Broadley Marita Budge Chan Shin BASS TROMBONE Jeffrey Martin PIANO/ KEYBOARDS Jessica Chan
Mattias Choboter JiQHee Yu (T flute) STRIN8 BASS Adrian Duynstee _ Hana Holbrook _ 8UITAR Miya Holbrook _ Erik Leonhard DRUMS L PERCUSSION Danny Choi James Higgins Kevin Holman _ Lawrence Luk _ JUNIOR GOLD BAND FLUTE Michelle Fortin Jae Yong Lee Sophia Ma Erica Oh OBOE Thomas Burge Bryana Gaffney BASSOON Derek Brouwer CLARINET JeeQWoo Choi Trenton Galozo Skye Modera Ji Woo Seong BASS CLARINET Max Christensen ALTO SAX Sydney Cole Anne Kang James Lee TENOR SAX Ned Lucas TRUMPET Michael Oh Kelly Pye Armin Sohrevardi TROMBONE Mak Kiss Khalil Pendleton BARITONE Sam Arefzadeh
Main Lindsay TUBA Kazuma Sakakibara PERCUSSION Charlotte Kidd Polly Lee Chloe Nam Joshua Youn INT. CONCERT BAND PICCOLO Patrick Callegaro FLUTE Tamaryn Brown Patrick Callegaro Ann Cho Grace Jun Lily Kim Christine Lee Mona Maleki Lily Ye OBOE Kelly Cubbon Olivia Richardson Julia Watson BASSOON You Jeong Choi EN8LIS- -ORN Ruth Baek CLARINET Jacob Foster Joseph Hong Liam Johnstone June Kang Judy Kim Pureum Lee Robin Lim Michael Medley Brian Rapanos BASS CLARINET Lohralee Williams CONTRA BASS CLARINET Lauren Metcalf ALTO SAX Yane King Michael Sullivan
JUNIOR BLUE BAND FLUTE Elizabeth Booker Amanda Flynn Tudor Lapuste JiQYeon Lee Olivier Maguire ChunQYip Tang Hye Soo Yoo OBOE Jasmine Ameli April Graves Jae Hong Park CLARINET Alex Chang Joon Heo Ashlee Kim
TUBA Leah Walker PERCUSSION Rohan Dhaliwal Douglas Lai Carson Power Samantha Re Ben Walker Angela Ye
Larry Kim Edwin Lai Aidan Lynch Christopher Pang James Rush BASS CLARINET Jennifer Whyte ALTO SAX Donald Grant \anessa Jack Konrad Kobielewski Leigh McDonald Thomas Roberts TENOR SAX Nima Niknam BARITONE SAX Cole Northey TRUMPET Willy Chen John Leong Graham Matheson Sam Taheri FRENCH HORN Trevor Martin Brian Park TROMBONE Warren Holley BARITONE Mman Amrani Chris Hadfield
Eunice Kim Sophia Lee JiQHee Yu OBOE Chris Kim BASSOON Miya Holbrook CLARINET Leslie Brown Eric Cho Korry Fazel David Lee Dominique Legendre Boris Tang ALTO L BASS CLARINET Jennifer Wills ALTO SAX Jeffrey Nam Taylor Ramsden Jeff Sung Min Youn TENOR SAX Yhubin Phua BARITONE SAX Keldy Choi TRUMPET Jason Green Tom Liu Carolyn Rapanos
SENIOR WIND ENSEMBLE PICCOLO JiQHee Yu FLUTE Nessa Aref Mandy Chen Jenny Fan ~ 123