Metro Herald, Thursday, April 3, 2014

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Thursday, April 3, 2014


From the catwalk to the studio »p15

Who left hoax at Shatter’s house?

Molly Spain, 13, from St Brendan’s Community School, Birr, Co Offaly, with her Jeddy Bears, at the County and City Enterprise Boards’ 12th Annual Student Enterprise Awards National Final, at Croke Park yesterday. Jeddy Bears is a unique soft toy made from a child’s favourite jumper or blanket. A record 17,000-plus Irish students signed up to the awards this year Picture: Photocall A












TAOISEACH Enda Kenny has described an anti-semitic hoax threat to Alan Shatter as a ‘new low’ in Irish politics. Army bomb experts were called to the home of Justice Minister to deal with a suspicious package containing white powder and racist abuse early yesterday morning. It was quickly declared a hoax and declared safe at about 10.45am. Mr Kenny told the Dáil the material proved to be harmless when analysed, but that the incident was a low point for the Irish political system, which has seen Jewish representatives for most of the mainstream parties through the years. He added that a ‘stream of similar material’ has also been sent to the Department of Justice. Gardaí are investigating the incident, Mr Kenny said. Last year, Mr Shatter was targeted by antisemitic posters in Limerick, reportedly posted by a far-right extremist group. In recent weeks the Justice Minister has come under huge political pressure over his


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Grin and bear it

by Brian huTTon

role in a number of controversies involving the Gardaí. Last week, Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan stood down after revelations of a secret system recording telephone calls at Garda stations since the 1980s, which could impact on the outcome of past and present court cases. A legal action by former English journalist Ian Bailey for wrongful arrest in the investigation into the 1996 murder of French film producer Sophie Toscan du Plantier in west Cork exposed the recording system. A State inquiry has been launched into the recordings. Two other investigations into the suspected bugging of the Garda watchdog’s headquarters and whistleblower allegations of wrongdoing within the force are expected to be completed later this month. Last night, Mr Shatter survived a Fianna Fáil Dáil motion of no confidence by 95 votes to 51.

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