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you sly devil


star netminding by new jersey’s martin brodeur forces stanley cup playoffs to game 5 on saturday night


$43 Million page 24

WEEKEND, June 8-10, 2012 News worth sharing.

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The future starts now

Prosperity. Saturday meeting a first step in long journey to London’s fresh start angela mullins


takin’ it to the streets

Ryan Craven, organizer of Car Free Day, stakes his claim on Dundas Street, Thursday afternoon. For details about Saturday’s event — and a guide to London’s summer festival season — turn to page 4. Angela Mullins/Metro

Pink slip for golden coach Local skating champs Virtue and Moir, left, will still train in Michigan despite the firing of one of their coaches page 8

Soul man

Yo, jicama!

He’s sung backup for Adele and been voted Britain’s top act to watch. Now Michael Kiwanuka is set to headline Nashville’s giant Bonnaroo festival page 19

It looks like a potato and tastes like a water chestnut. Mixed with shrimp in a delicious spring roll, jicama makes for a refreshing summer treat page 22

Taxpayers are looking at a possible bill of $84.35 million as city councillors hear the first proposals on Saturday to revitalize London. Western University’s pitch to turn city hall and the surrounding grounds into a downtown campus is by far the most expensive, at about $35 million. But there are also proposals from the Grand Theatre ($25 million), St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation ($10.3 million) and Museum London ($10 million). Those projects — some of 40 submitted in an open call for ideas — are just the tip of a financial iceberg expected to comprise the 10-year prosperity plan. Only 12 proposals will be heard on Saturday. Council’s investment and economic prosperity committee has spent the past several months developing a framework for fielding projects and creating the plan. In a nutshell,

Investing in London • The investment and eco-

nomic prosperity committee meeting starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday in council chambers at city hall. To learn more, go to prosperityforlondon.ca. For a closer look at some of the proposals, turn to page 6.

here’s how it works: • Proposals will be presented on the overall cost, suggested investment from the city and number of jobs created. • Proposals will be ranked in these categories: Creating jobs, fuelling economic change, getting outside investment, creating positive spinoff, building partnerships and benefiting key sectors. • The rankings will be used to assign priorities in the massive plan that city staff are expected to present in September. A major component of the prosperity discussion has been how cash-strapped city coffers can afford to dream big. Funding formulas are expected to be part of the final plan. Follow Angela Mullins on Twitter @MetroAngela

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