The 1953
C ·eftain
Publ•sh d onnuolly by the students of
Cap it o l Hi II Hi gh School Grand Boulevard ot South Wol er -
0 lohomo C•ty, 0 lohomo
Student at Capitol Hill High School Are ...
Young America at Work and Play
Th1 wa n tlonal el ctton year-a y r of camp 1 n lo an rooped party prom1 and whi tie top p ch . A th votm pohttc to th poll to br ak prevtou r cord , t zoomed to new hetght . In Oklahom City, tud nt t g d a mock pre td nt1al from laym major plan for nominatmg conv ntton to th of 1 ctoral vot on D c mb r 15. Contr ry to th national Adlm Steven on wa found to b the tud nt cho1c . In k epm wath the nat1onal enthu 1 m for pohttc dunn th pa t year. v. have dec1d d to pre nt m our •earb ok a poht1cnl
youth of today ar
\\ II t 1111
r pr, ntatave platouth w pre nt th 1u11d admuustrattOn of followm pnn 1pl dmm1 r 1011.
c 1\ I til ncourag clean p rt m nslup e To offer lead r hip opporturut1 m xtra-curncular orgamzation • To fo t r and promot ood cholar h1p. Gutded by th pnnctpl • . hf at CHHS 1 a p1ctur of YOU G AMERICA AT WORK A D PLAY. Carolyn Clark Edt tor
B cause he ha been pati nt with her tudents' probl ms; bccau he has al\liay had a ke>n sens of humor; bccau e she ha trived to impart to her tudents an mtelligent knowledge of the ubj ct she taught; bccau thi was her Ia t of many profitable and u eful year at Cap1tol H1ll H1gh School, we re pcctfully d dicatc th" 1953 Chieftam to Mrs. Frances Garlick
activities include sports,
pa e tured of th acttvttt CHHS tud nt . But what 1 CHHS tudent? A f llow makm th hourly da h to cia throu h th crowd d hall , crammm ht h ad wtth w e btt of knowl dg th mght b fore th fmal ex m, and domg ht hom work b tween favonte TV proram and ulp of CocaCola. The trl pau m to dt cu the latest m fa hion and go tp and to r touch h r f c .
Top: "Play a imple m lody" mi~ht be the theme of th thr e boy . But the on they play, from the Alma Mat r to Pomp nd Ctrcum tance, re far from imp/ . l.ookm over th tr mu 1c ar )ame Ston r, Wayne Lathrop, and Walter Baker. Center: Gay colored kut w1rlin~ round danc~ng feet and tram of oft mu IC lloatmg mto the du ky corners t the tag lor the annual KRKC Chri tma ball and the )umorSemor prom. Srrulmg at each oth r w1th tars m th 1r y re Barbara Scott and Kenneth Cox. Bottom: Ball fan can al"'ay be potted by the1r red and wh1te shakers and op n mouth . Ch nng th m1 hty 'lt\'e' on to VICtory are pep club pre ,_ dents P t BTsckw 11, Chteltsm : Bobbl Beall, K1 Y1 : Don Mu grsv , Red km , and Marth Ann Robbm , Knobb r tt
studies, dances-Fun for all! A httl uy carrymg th b II for touchdown , houtm ord r , makm chool h1 tory; the b1g uy backmg h1m up w1th hard work, h r h word , and ch ry
A forw I ct1on , formal dane r du tton-but f hn o ood about th little one p m rad a sp cia I coke d te, th ch r for a champiOn b II team and h1gh- ppm band. 1
Th1 1 a CHHS tud nt.
Top: World allau , poliflCDI n hln , and denwcrut1c problem wer top1 of gen rul int rest throu~hout the eur. Bobb Lam and Mary Gal1ndo w tch a M1 Mar Selk n pomt out pot of v1tal Importance on the ~~>orld m p Center: It only take a rrule, a d1m , nd boy nd ~1rl to ha\'e lot of lun Iter school. Sharmg a m It and u cr t lollo~~>mg hard day' work are B1lly Da\'1 and Norma Kaye Z111k.
Bottom: The ab1l1ty ol Cap1tol H1ll' potent Red km to m yardag d<Mn th rmddle depend I rgely on th three ~ teran p dormer . Bob Puce (left) c nt r the ball and prepar to block, wh1l Bob Burr(center) hand o/1 to Chu k Pug on a qu1ck open r through the rrght 1de. Burr and Puce ar emor , wh1l P JUnior
Organ\zat\ons p 0 ge 10
We're proud of our spactous campus Top: Th Vocatronal bUJidm , ftr t occupid m 195051, ha overflow d dunn th pa t two y ar and frvP cia w..,re tran f rr d to L P Grad ' School Ia fall. Cent r: Holdmg a cap crty crowd of 5,250, h pr nt Torth tand of th Caprtol 1¡1111 ta mm, prctur d, replac d tht old bleacher m 1932. Sou h t r\ I w re compl t d th follo .... m Bottom ¡ Wt from lot.
Oppo tte: Th lar t hr h chool y t m m Oklahom C1ty, Capitol H11l Hrgh S hool, contam flVc nty ere camdmini tratton burlchn , hm n h r , w r b gun m th of 192 and th ftr t cla pr v1ou radut d from th old bUJldm , now C p1tol H11l jumor H1 h S hoot. 9
town rd the of th mam butldtn tud nt f culty parkm
To offer a competent and well - trained administration .
E ighty-three well educated men and women striv' d aily to Impart the1r wisdom to CHH S minds. F aculty memb rs at Capitol H ill are sympathettc, warm and understandmg fn nds. Always wtlhng to guide students through per onal problems, they are often called upon to lend a helpmg hand. Talented and capable, they add life to tudent productions, fun to social , and lead their pupil to honor m special fields of activity. T hey live the lives of good citizens today while they tram the citizens of tomorrow.
A - ~ -
10 -
Administration [8]
MR. C. B. McCRAY Pre idcnt of the School Board
DR.]. CHESTER SWANSON Supcnnt ndent of Oklahoma City Public School
Thi year the five member of the Board of Education of Oklahoma City Schools directed carefully-planned building programs during which three elementary schools were
jiM LOOKABAUGH Vice-President of the School Board
These were our leaders
A in other part of the United State , in Oklahoma City the Board of Education maintains the immediate control of education. However, since Oklahoma City citizen elect the chool board member , the real control re t with the people them elve .
completed, one elementary and three hi h schools were started and in addition mne buildings have been contracted. They approved the addition of many ne ded new cla es and the development of more emphasi on teaching citizen. hip and spiritual values. The board did much to help the patrons and community at large to understand and appreciate the schools.
- 12-
able and understanding Mr. At x Hi don, capable and under tandin pnnc1pal ha b n at CHHS thr y ar now. A overall admini trator and up rv1 or of the chool program, h1s fm mana ment ha brou ht th chool marked improvement. In F bruary, Mr. Ht don attend d th annual S condary School Pnncipal convention in Lo An 1 C hfornia, wh r h made a peech entitled "What Gu1din Principl Will Make for B ttcr School Sch dule ." Whil he I ad an active lif at hool and at hom , h like the qui t r laxation to b had by rai m flow r . He i hown h re in hi gre nhou e with hi fine pointtias.
In th three year h ha b n at CHHS Mr. Alonzo Roop, vice-principal and ports enthu ia t, ha become a familiar figure to Capitol Hill High School tudents. At CHHS Mr. Roop i in charge of di cipline and erve a co-ordmator with the coun elor in helping stud nt adju t thems lve to their hoot pro ram. Mr. Roop is re pon ible for attendance problem urvey and tati tical report made to the State Department of Education, the Oklahoma City central office, and the North Central As ociation. Mr. Roop, an excellent bowler, derive much plea ure from his hobby. He i shown her at one of the local bowling alleys.
MR. ALO ZO RoOP A i tant PTitlClpal
M rth B
Fmanaal Seer t ry
Mr . Alma Le ch R
Mr . Op I Ch ffin S«:ntary to Pnnapal
rs. Ir n Horn
r tary to Vi
Pnn ipal
Grouped around Mr. Ch lim's de Horn, M i L ch nd M i B r
are office stall m mbers, Mr. Ch 1/m, Mr.
The office staff was efficient
Mi A
Marjori Brain rd
' tant Libr rian
Mrs. Myrtl G.
Mrs. Gr c Borthick Caiet
Phmn y Ltbrarian
Mr. G
Cask y
Heltd Custod•an
Mr. Flor n McCiur
S r Cohn AaJVrty Drr tor
S hool Nut
One of the bu iest person t CHHS S ra Coh n, ActiVIty D1t ctor.
and the counselors competent
Ev ry prin niors dev lop an int r t in coli qu ntly coJie,ge bulletins become of utmo t import and Mi ]u nita Cate are discu m~ Ann's colle Mr. Bill Lillard Mi
Ju nit
Mr. M. D
â&#x20AC;˘ tti
B. Le\\ i
EttAlish Dep rtment He d: Mr . Adalin Ball ponsor&hlp ' K1 Yis,
Juanita Bittle
M1 s G orgia Clifton
Mr. W111iam E . Fredem n ponrouhip · National Honor Soc• ty
]uruor Cia
Ehz b th Grah m
ponsor htp R d ktn
Almo tall sophomores read Sll. AS MARNER. Mi s Elizabeth Graham's EttAitsh c/o made the ta k more inter tin~ by v riou proJects. Harry Merson and Su Teajlue are hown here with a miroature loom and a replica of the weaver's cabin .
Mi Said Hazelwood
met interesting literary characters
Mr . Mabel Kincad ponwrslup: Jl wards Committe
Mi s Ila Rog rs •ponrorslup: National
Honor Soaety
- 16-
Mr. Earl Stew rt ponror•lup: Writ r'• Guild
Mr. Em t B. Wri ht pon&ar•hip: Clu ltatns, Ht·Y, Semor C/au
Mr. L. H. Bengtson ponsorslup Boy,' 0 ' Club S rno, Cia , Sqwuc Dance Club, K nobberclle~
Ronald Smith and M ry Sub! tt admir on of th most lamou per orw.lltie of all history, Joan of Arc. Th mural 1 m M r . Lavznia D nni history room.
and colorful historical figures
Mr. Alvin Fr ib r
poruonhip· CJUeiiiUTU
Mr . M ry
~tch rt
poruor hip: Seruor Cia
Mrs. H ttye Summ rs Mr. 0. R. Wtlliarrt on
•ponsor hip· Btbl Ht tory Club
Lavmi D nm
pon:.o, h•p }untor Alumm, FVA
Mi Flor nc McClur •ubJ pon
pam h
EnAli h fUJ"' h Club
There was an art to all our lessons
In tho b ckground, /,ois Stapp, Nina Burke and Ro mnry Avery prep r intre<llent while M rtha Burk watch N dm Hornbeck t k a pie out of th ov n in food cla •
Mrs. Sun
m Fr zi r
ponscmrhip: FHA
Mr . Ruby T&bor poruor hip• Semor CJ
Mr. C. D. Cha
Band D~rector 6pon~uhip. Band
Mr. AI 0
Choir D1r
aponsor hip• Choir,
Ki Y••
Practi mak perfect' Barbar Scott, choir member, and R1ch rd Malone, of th b nd, demon trat their firm belt I m that old m x1m. Throu~hout th year th band and cho•r worked to~th r for th enJoyment of all.
from baking a pie to singing a song Mrs. Oliv Martin t: Speech and En,tltU. ponsor hip: Speech, Red kim
Ann V11Ia, Berni
Brash ars and Marilyn Smith busily desiAn clothes in
•\1ay s' art cia .
Dorothy Maye
wbject: Art •pomonhip: Art Club
J. M. D bn
poruor hip• Sophontore Cia
Mrs. Ruth Croi Jon
pon.oor hip• }r. Red Cro.b, tlonal Honor S i ty
Mrs. B
K lly
ponsorahip• }umor Cia
Experim nt tion with th id of a microscope can prove int re tint as d mon trated by }1JJ71 Whit who z ahowin K y Dubois slid •
Facts and figures furnished food for thought,
Zol LonA how He/ n Sloan nd Sh rnum.
R d how to ork a tough I bra 111 prob1 m.
Math Dep rtment Had: Mi Velma Elm
Zola Lon
•pon.oorU.ip: Mu Alpha
6p0nsor hip• Y-Teem, Mu Alphll Th ,,.
V ra Ballin
aponsor htp Red Cr
I a , FBl.A
Lillian Corl y
Var ana
ponM>r htp: 1<1 Yio
K y Pumphrey, ltke many oth r comm rei I tud nts, finds th typ writ r v ry pr ctical ma.chin .
while typewriters were the tools of our trade
Under th spon orship of Mr. Socc Lewis, a t n vin~ b nk w instig ted t CH HS this ye r. Glynna Ms. Ram y deposit a doll r as Carmen Rodd n mak out receipt.
Mr. Soc Lcwt hip· Red klru, Juruor Cl
Mrs. Julta McPh
t r
poruor h1p· FBLA
Mrs. D II A. ftz
Mrs. Dorothy S tari
ponoor hip• Seruor Cl
rs. poruor
mor W II ip: FTA, l'BLA
Martha Cox Grrl ' Ph> a~cal ducat JOn pon:rorahip Gtrls' '0" Club I
often enJOYed
ICJod S mo of voll y b lJ as hown h re.
We strived for physical perfection,
Cali thenics help butld strong bodies. They can aho be very tiring. Di covermg this fact are Wayne Milton, Grady Frantz, johnnie Bcmen, Erne t Brash ar nd Walter Crick.
Mr. Ray Vaughn 6UbJK.t. PhyGC~tl EduaJtion llpotVOtship: BOY•' "0'' Club
Mr. A. D. Jacob on 6UbJ«:t: Phy 'cal EduCJJtton poruorahip: Boy•' "0'' Club, Squ1or Dance Club
Mr. John Pryor .ubJeCt: Biolo
, Ba ball
Mr. John G. Smith b}
1: ~rdal
Typint, Bua~n
Math, Balr.etba/1, Football, Buebll/1 poruor 1Up.' Boyll' "0'' Club
Mr. C. B. Spe
bJ t· Math, T-nu poruor hip• Boy•' "0" Club, Knobbf!r 11 , Squar DIUICe Club
Mrs. Thelma W. Coleman
Miss Kathryn Yowell
lllb]ect Prmtm , Enllt•h ~PCn rohtp Qutllll.nd Scroll
ub]ect' En,lt•h, Journalt m •ponwrahtp. The Redskm Arrow, The Chieftam, Knobberette8, Quill and Scroll
Mrs Th Jmn Col man's off- t printmg cia h adlm lor the Red kin Arrow. EISt Kuklenski, edttor of th Arrow, look at om h dime JU t up by Don Holltng'>Worth and Rort~~ld Welch.
attained satisfaction from work well done
Mr. H. L. Littlefteld how Bob Peak how to smooth the bottom of the chait legs.
Mr. W. L. Conner wbjcct: MechaniCllt Drawinl spon110rohip: Ki Yi•, Junior Clasa
Mr. D. F. Cool y
Mr. W. H. Krie
Mr. H. L. Littlefield
•ub]ect: Photo raphy, Vtoual Atd• IPO"IJOTihip: Hi·Y, Operator•
mb]ect• Auto and Metal Shop poruorahip: Auto Club
mb]ect: Woodwork
Mr. E.
J. Stockton
b1ect: Off1et Printinl poruonhip.' T & 1, Quill and Scroll
1'r. J ck And rson
IIUb]«t. Dnv Trainrnl, Aviatton education
Mr. H r:ry Appl
t: Dt tnbuttVf! E:dua.tion qxmx>r hip: Dt tributor'• IIUbJ
Club, Sophomor
Mr. J
L . Car-pent r
IIUbJect " V~ttonal Upholn nnl
Vocational skills were developed
Mr. Lowell Donley h Ips D an Cox cabinet for hi home.
D an build
Mr. Low 11 Donley fftJbjoct· Cabinet Malunl
Throu hout th ye r T I Club mcmpr p red xhibits. Shown with hi exhibit i Don ld Bird,
b r
Mr. John Green IIUbj
t: Carptmlty
- 24-
Mr. H . Eldon Hall
Mr. W. 0. Hawkin
IIUbject : Voc.tional E:lectriaty porumahip: T & I
•ub}ect: Body and Fndr ponsouhip: T & 1, Junior Cia
Vocation 1 ntH d : Mr. J K lly Mudd
Mr. H rbert G jon
t Vocational Alrt ultur ponsor h1p f FA
p rtm
Mr . Dor d an
J. B.
rubJ<!CI Vocallona/ W ldml poruor hzp: T & 1
ubJect Varz typml ponsor hip· T & I
t D•ver zfz d Occup41t 1on
ponsor hzp
Senwr Cia
as we prepared to be useful citizens.
co mctolou a McBrid 's h ir.
Mr. Robert P tkoff IIUbJ 1. Auto M haru ponsor hip. T & I
ln pectin~ th n~in of a tru r GI nn Haii, Geor Skmner and joe eedh m. Rollllld M1tchell 1 in the cab of th tru k.
h r abl11ty zn Mrs. Maud
Mr. Ollt B. Ston 'Y111clun hop ponsor h•p: T & I
- 25-
Mr. Vernon Trexler UbJ<!CI R d10 ponsor flip • R d1otrons,
M r. B rt W ard t: Commeraal A rt aponsorslup: T & I
learned that our
When w
began our
chool car e1
ju t
knew that when th 3: 30 b 11 rang, our teacher w re rei as d from th
t1resome dutJC
of m-
tructmg, took th 1r broom out of thetr clo et ,
and after we pmg th floor, they wh1sk d home mystically. Once there, w1th a f1end1sh they mad
out t
t ,
raded papers, and dlh-
gently pract1ced writing F's w1th that httle extra flouri h
ABOVE: In February, 1\fr. AI 0
nkop, vocal muSic m truetor at CHHS, opened a record bar m the new Lar on C pp mu ic tore m Capito/ Hill. He i hown here at the mu IC stor .
CENTER: Everyon l1kes Aood JOk , e pec1a/ly th on who i tel/zng it. Mr. Ern st Wrzght "popped a corny" and thoroughly enjoyed 1t. LEFT BELOW: When Mr. Alvm Fre1b rget and Mi Carolyn Scott were marr1ed m D cemb r, Mr. Freib rger's !Jr t hour h1 tory cia gave th coup/ a weddmg hower. They are hown w1th a blanket, on of the gtft . RIGHT BELOW: Mi s V lma Elam and Mrs. Lavinia Dennis got m the mood lor the Ch1eltam Capers by trymg on C per hats.
teachers are human too! But th ptcture on th pa b he our chtldh uppo ttlon . Throu h the y ar w have dt cov red that our t ach r are human. Ford nd Ch vrol t hav r pl. c d th broom and r ady mtl rae th tr hp . They do di h , tt nd mov1 nd work on commumty proj ct JU t hk } 1
Our t ach r w r not only our mstructors, but w r al o our adVt er , fnend and confld nt . W ar pnvll ed to hav b en member of th 1r cla
BI'~I.OW Mr 7 h Jm Co/em n IS a m mb r of th M d Ma k Mumn r th fllriCD/ group. Sh 1 shown h re dr d lor h r p rt m Geor B rn rd Sh ""s "H artbre k Hou
re, Mr Mudd, 1f you Dr COm w ll g t them clean," wa the r y' l.ltll II ld to Mr. ] . Kelly Mudd
CE TF.R· Mr Faye Spowart came to CHHS m Febru ry Sh t mpor nly r pi cd Mr Sunbeam FrDZI r, hom conormcs t ch r, who w on Je \ of b nee. ABOVf. St w rt,
Sho"n With thcu favorite uy, Mr E-;ar/ Edw rd r E rl Edward (Typee) }r and Shell y St w rt
To further worthy school activities.
I th re nev r a mmute fre ? From momin coff to thr o'clo k coke ther 1 alway om thmg buzzm w1thm the wnll of CHHS. Th re are b1g thmg -out-of-town b 11 game , conf r nc , conv nt1on ; httle thm ft r am d nc , p p a mbh , part-t1m JOb ; -the KRKC, Jumor-S nior Prom and Cap r. W I m and enjoy 1t, all the 1m becomm oc1al lead r of tomorrow.
Section Edrtor: I ack Bennett -2-
School Life [8]
Mr. and Miss Chieftain possessed
Miss Chieftain Norma Kaye Zmk - 30-
the qualities we all admired
Mr. Chieftain Billy Davr -3 1-
Pretty misses, Princess of Print Corinne Miner
Ki Yi King Donald joe Raper
Baseball Queen Martha Ann Robbins
- 3:.!-
handsome lads Band Queen Arda Penny
Knobberette Buddy Bob Burr
F. F. A. Sweetheart ( Futur
Farm r
of Am ric:n)
]eaneen Gers
reigned over Basketball Queen Shirley john on
F. H. A. Beau (Future Homemake
f America)
Horst Kleymann
Chieftain Princess joann Burt - 34 -
CHHS organizations Redskin Sweetheart Carolyn Bumpas
~ ~·
Football Queen joanne Brownlee
Miss Future Voter Larie H eldenbrand -35-
'!-_~·'- ~- ;. . .~ ·:.. ' ..· • _: . _).
· ~;.,-
., .
.. ~.
. -- ."'-..J:....._..:.....o.:. r,.
Carolyn Clark
Pat Petre
The '53 Chieftain recorded That which student lik to look through and write autograph in i just a yearbook to them-a book which records a hi tory of the year and contains a picture of everyone in school. But to any Chieftain taff member, a yearbook is the realization of nine months' work. Nine months of cheduling and taking ptctur s, of arranging tho e picture in orne semblance of order, of writing and reading copy and of having a good time. All the e things combined make up a high school yearbook. A great many problems and discouraging incidents occur throughout the proce of preparing the book. But with an ample amount of patience and work, staff members iron out all the problems, and theirs is a feeling of pride and humility when someone ca. ually says, "It's a wonderful book!"
Pat Blackwell
Joyce Eubank , Marlene Gates
Elsie Kuklen ki
- 36
Marl ne Osteen
Jack B nnett
K thryn Yow II
our work and our fun The 1953 Chieftain STAFF CAROLYN CLARK Jack B nn tt Shirley Wat on
EDITOR Manag r
P t P tr
Jumor Cl Sophomor
Marl n
G t
Mary Bowm:Jn jack Benn tt Pat Bl ckw II Mt K thryn Yow II ret I rt teach r, for
lnd x Photo r ph r
M ry Bo m:Jn
Velma Sand rs, Shirley Wat on
Billi Cr ig
J ni En I , Jan
Ca t1
Billi Crai El.t
Kukl n ki
The Redskin Arrow carried R portin all school n ws i th job of the Red kin Arrow taff. Th chool paper com out bi-w kly fill d with n w , humor and club happemng. Put out e clu ively by CHHS tud nts, the Redskin Arrow i a full-tim job for very staff m mb r. Und r the watchful ey of Mi s Kathryn Yow 11, pon or, and El te Kukl nski, dttor, th taff produc d a p per thi y ar which arned a up rior rating from the ational Scholastic Pre s Association. After all th new has b en ift d out and wntten up, the Arrow i ent on it way to the off-set printing shop wh re it is print d in the r al n w pap r style. Wh n the R d kin Arrow returns, it ts ready for the crutinizing eye of its many reader . It can truly b said that the job of reportin th new of a large and busy school ha aptly be n done by the Red kin Arrow taff.
(Left to right): Jun Hutchen , Hor t Kle.} mann, Pat Lcwi ,
G n
McCollom, T rry Fltz
Ruth Ah muh
r ld.
km, Velma Sand rs
nor Empta
, B v rly P tton
Mack :Fergu on
W nda Arism ndez
ck B nnett
Loyd Vaughn
the latest 1n news and sports The Redskin Arrow STAFF ELSIE
Mana cr Jack
(Left to right): Mrs. Thelma Coleman, Buzzy Cl veland, Freddy King.
(Left to right): Yvonne C ntr 11, Don Demeter, Bill Davidon, Richard Ah muh , Pat Blnckw 11,
(Left to right): D Wayne Chari y Poor, Bobby Ro dl.
Stewart, Wayne
Hours of practice and rehearsal
"Pardon m
Ry I
Junior CI
ed by Carolyn Bump , m th Seruor Cl play, /rom Moth r (played by t r who had th I dm~
"lt' n
from th
5. A Zw1rtz zn th d p rtmcnt.
t t s Don Cr w to D mbly.
Chrr tma
mbly pr
n T
ney in
gave us the best 1n entertainment
mbly pr â&#x20AC;˘
nted by th 4 II p b;g Red km w r on th warpath gam m footb II th1 y r as d mon trnted by th K1-Y1 pep club m th
Money! Hundred dollar bills w r th m in ttt ction of a tour through the C pltol 1/t/1 B nk m d by Mr. Socc Lewt ' bu ine math class. Gazing IHStfully t the bills r (I It to right) B tty Harri , Shirl y john n, Joyce Larson, C rolyn C nt11ell nd Wayn Robin n. ln th ccond row at Mr. Bartl tt, M ri n B t s nd Mr. Lewis.
Class activities made education painless Walter Turnbull, Distributive EducatiOn Club president, pre nts Mr. ]. C. P nncy with 11 pm makin(i him an honor ry m mber of th Capitol Hill DB Club. A ~roup of the club m mber att nded th pr nt tion made at th downtown Penn y store. Looking on are (left to right) Zelma Tyl r, Carol Este , Wayne Lathrop and Ru 11 Amburn.
IJood t rt wah a big m 1 of fried chicken, Red kin Arrow and Chi ftain stall m mbers he d lor Chic go for the National Scholastic Pr ss A soci tion conventton. Attendtng th m tmg r (I It to n ht) J c1c B nn tt, Richard Ahsmuhs, Ruth Ahsmuhs nd Pat Petre . S cond row are Mi Dori Taylor, C ntrel pon or; Mi s K11thryn Yowell, Elsie Kuklenski, Bobby Roedl, Billie Cratg, Carolyn Cl rk and M c1c F rgu n. Off to
and dances became cherished memor1es "And numb r 13 wrn thi beautiful cake!" calb the nSt II Cake Walk and Dance h ld in k w r donated by club pr "d nt nd IVen to th lucky "walk rs" Pappy Lar n's junior jazz B nd, composed of tud nt from CUHS nd j kson junior Hi h, furnished the mu ic.
After th victory comes th fun! Fan nd tar ~ath ri~ in the SOCJ I center for a couple of da.nces alter the Same ar (I It to ritht) Sally Blu , Sh rman Reed, Ardyce BeaJ, Bob Burr, ]osnn BrownJ e and Tommy P arson. Proceeds from most of th dances helped to delray the costs of th KRKC
Clean-up week was something new On of th mor pl , nt JOb of pl d in wn th l, t we k when nll four p p club ponor d a "cl n-up-w k.'
pnmt d the gym, th and wa e the audttorium w pt th tmr , nd hall " pick-and- pan," and th K1 Yt cl an d th cla room and d1d om n d d du tin .
LEFT ABOVE: Cl anit!Jl th /lym m pr p r t1on lor p mtm re Low Mauldin nd Robert Ow ns, Chi 1tain . LEFT CE TER:
but pledging was familiar to us all! Pled in for th upp r-cla men i one of the ven of the four p p club . It i a time confu ion, nd omethin differ nt very day. have to in ongs, run races, pu h pennie , and do numerou other thmgs. It' rath r h rd and embarra in omctim for th pled e to fulfill the pledg -rna ter' command, and th n th p nalty mu t b paid, th wor t pnrt of it all!
RIGHT ABOVE: A group of Ki Yi pledg s crawli~ cro
st d1um aft r a bi
J mcs Piper came m cond in a footrace, but that wa not ood enough-so h recc1ves t from Redskm pledg -ma t r j rry Ham.
RIGHT BOTTOM: "H1t the floor," w Knobber tt M rum B t
, Tr II
th comm nd did JU t th t. Left to )one nd joy Ful¡
BOTTOM: B auti/ul mu ic bur t forth from Ronald John ton nd Tommy Dixon lor the enJoyment of Chi 1tain memb r Harry And 1 on.
We earned while we learned ... Wh n come
orne memb rs throw p p rs, and hold numet the weeki allowance- tretcher!
LEFT: "It looks like a perf ct lit," ys mcnsw r sal n J ck Mowdy to Ronald Harris. CE TER LEFT: Good ey s and t dy hands m ke new 1 welry. Lc li D an Smith hows his spec~ I kn ck 1th a ring and hamm r to Carl Byrl y. CENTER RIGHT : "Her come my dally br d,'' ays Bob Turner s h nd Arv1 Rob rts watch the dough fail in th troi/ y at th Contmental Bakm Company. BELOW: "Rhme tone arc Aood lor any oc 10n." And m~l like th one }o BUicton /Ia he t pro pective cu tomcr, B tty Blackmon, is always a pi a nt I s campsign.
here's where our money went! But it' on b fore you know it! A n w p neil to r ploc th on you left at hom , th blu dr or n w weat r for that extra- p cia! date, hck ts to Friday's ball am , and fiv lunche a w k oon count up to quite n btll. Th n w try to "put a httl away" for tho special thing : th f lla want to buy "th " irl an orchid for the KRKC, or the gtrl want n formal for the prom; mon y for Chri tma pr ent or mon y for that all-important cln nn . Whil we pa out our hard- arn d ca h, we gain experi nc in th art of balancing a bud t and oon learn that ft ure don't he . . . 15 won't pay a bill for 20!
Th y're
th y finallY most stud nt , h p y Lind
Pretty girls, catchy melodies ABOVE: Left¡ "My L dy Lov s to Dan e!" Her th lady' M ry Lou McMtll n, nd wtllm~ p rtn rs r Btl/ F II"' 11, Bob Lamb, Bob Ea t and Bud Pulli m. C nt r: "No Two Peopl Hav Ev r B en So in Lov " vocali t , Don Tall and Fritzi Erwin. Ri~ht: "It's g ttm' /ella n't pick n hone t pock no more," compl m Hotmcn (Mr. AI 0 nkop, ri ht) to son Rocky (Bob Burr, left) and wi/ Moytl (Mi K thryn Yow 11, cent r.) BELOW: Left: "Love th e C pttol Hill Atrl ," ys Danny Willi m , Ma t r of Cer morn s. On look at pr tty C rolyn Bump how why. Center: "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" mot ]uli t (Mi s B tty Gr ham). Romeo (Mr. Ern t Wright) can't understand why all the lu , cause "1' right h re, hon y chi/ !" Right: Pr tty maid n (Hor t Kleymann and Richard Malon ) make with th ch rm on "A Trip to Havana" but ship's capt m Merwyn Str cen r m immune to id charm.
Sparked by cl ver and witty Danny William as Ma ter of Ceremonies and capable and genial Mi Sara Cohen a producer, th 1953 Chieftain Capers provided three full hours of top-notch entertainment for a packed auditorium of .appreciative pectators. Climax of the evening came at the dane which followed the program when Ken Gri som and Jeaneen Gers were crowned King and Que n of the Capers. "What's New" was the theme of the how, and it was een in every act. New talent, new ideas and new acts made the evenin 's show a grand ucce s.
highlighted '53 Chieftain Capers Mr. Bart Ward's commercial art cia e worked long hour to d ign and construct the cenery. A giant ice-cream oda, a ship's d ck, a little red chool hou and a tenem nt hou background were just a few of the remarkably realistic settings built by the e tudent . All the dances were ori inated and taught by Shirley Glasgow and Mary Lou McMillan. Many hours of rehear at were required to make perfect teams out of th boy ' and girls' chorus lines. Week of rehearsal , memorizin line , practicing ong and dance routine . . • then last-minute jitters, tage-fright, general confusion . . . finally, th show, the laughter and applau e of the audience, the thrill of satisfaction a the final curtain fell ... this was 1953 Chieftain Capers!
ABOVE: Left · "Piaym Hookey" from the little red school hou ar Bev rly }in nd Joann Burt. Center: Royal sm1l are llashf.'d by a royalroupiP., Chi f. tain Caper Qu n and Kit1J1, ] aneen Ger and Ken Gns&Om, enJOY th r br~ef r 1~n. Ri~ht: "I re 1/y mu t ~o,'' royly sJate Mr. Alvin Frei· ber~er to which Mr. Harry Apple~ate replie , "But, Baby, It's Cold Outside!" BELOW: l-eft: "P nny C11ndy" w the title of this number, and th ~1rl in th dance lin looked good nou h to ellt. Left to ri ht r Beverly ]in , Myrna Davis, joann Burt and Martha Ann Robb1ns. Other ~iris who appeared m the act were Beverly McArthur, ] ckie Allen, Shirley Johnson and Jewel Lane. Ri ht: Th "d hing yout1J1 ladi s' in th arong and leis are probably more at hom on a football field or basketball rourt. Members of th Boys' 0 Club who make up th1s line include Bob Peak, Edd1e Lookabau~h, Don R id, Bill Dav1s and Charles Hepl r .
To encourage clean sportsmanship.
From "touchdown" to ' trik ou " CHHS offer gam to ati fy th d ire of all port fan .
The athlete whil displaying uperb form dunn gam time, are improving th ir bodie and mind throu h phy teal growth. Good port man htp i ynonomou with a Capitol Hill team, wh ther lo in or winning. Our team rank hi h in city and tat competition; our boys are top on all- tat roll . B ides a well-rounded port pro ram, th chool offer a ound phy teal education cour , r qutred for all high chool raduate .
' Section Editor : Pat Petr jane Ca tl janis EnAlc -50-
Sports [8]
An alert staff of coac es
C. B.
Football · Trl!Clc
]OH SMITH Ba ketb II Ba ball
MARTHA Cox Teams
Athlettc Dtrector
A . D. jACOBSON Tradr. • G n ral Sports
Tra k - Football
L. H . BENGTSON Football - Ba Jc tba/1 T nnu jOHN PRYOR B ball
- 52-
B tt JUnl r
P rkm Ka Ya
B rb ra G ntry JUnl r
Bobby mor
Ka Ya
Red km
1cC mpb II
R d km
plus energetic pep club support A good part of the ucce of the Capitol Htll Red kin thi pa t ea on can be traced to the fin support of the four all chool p p club . Led by ten v ry capable and energ tic y 11 leader , th pep club function d together as on unit during all Capitol Htll athletic ev nt and p p a mblies.
ry Lou McMtll n seruor K nobbcrrtt 8 I tant all mooJ
C rolyn T ylor Juruor • Knobber tte.r
P gy Smith and Mary Lou McMillan were the two per on re ponsible for mo t of the activity. S rvin a all chool yell leader , they invented, discovered, or aniz d, a embled and tau ht new yell that individual cheer leader and th p p club rna e carried out to perfection. Shtrl y Gl 10r
Smith ruor. Kay,. all hoot
Btll Falwell
Btlly Hutton
M!riJOr • C/Ur/tauu
Junaor. CIU /rauu
Ron ld Bruc k
Wayne Cr
Bob Burr ru r
ba k
]Unl r
kl -205
Gave our footballers a co-title Only two football club 10 th outhwe t w able to clmm v1ctone over Cap1tol Htll' R k10 tht pa t a on, th Htllm n roll d ond Mtd-:::,tat co-t1tle 10 th ir
th 10
re dto a
a on op n r. The follow10 we k 1t wa an underdog Redkm 1 v n that trav kd to We t Texa and urpri ed Lon Star tat fan by up ettmg a htghlytouted Amanllo grid crew, 14-12. Ardmor , Cia en and hawn follow d m th wak of th andte' defeat, bowm to the Skm 32-7, 28-12 and 20-6 m that ord r. A w k lat r Emd mov d mto th u uaily
K n Gn om back
H rb H ronomw
JUnl r
ruor d 145
Htlt rbran JUniOr
- 165
Charle Hepler n1or
b.tock 155
Donald Kmg
Benton L dd
cent r
Rich rd M rtm nior
m s Lnry JUniOr
end· 165
back ·150
le • 195
1n Mid-State conference competition fnendly confine of Red km tadium and tunned a urpn d group ot Cap1tol Hillers 12-2. 1. he Red ~ems bounced back the next week to blank North a t 46-0, and follow d that with a 41-12 wm over cro s-town Central. In th final mid- tate battle of the ea on, the H1llmen wamped whnt had b en a h1ghly-rated Norman ag regat10n, 28-0. Playmg one week longer than they u ually did, th Red km wound up the a on on a di appointm note, lo mg to powerful Mu kogee, 20-7, at Cap1tol H1ll. On vera! occa ion mdiv1dual performer equal d team howmg , and at the end of the season th gndmen w re honored. Listed below are the top perform r : B1ll Davi -All-State; All-District; All-City. Tom Pear on-All-State; Ali-Di tnct; Ali-C1ty. Bob Pnce-All-State (alternate); All-District; All-City. B nton Ladd-All-DI rict; AU-City. Chuck Page-All-DI trict; All-City. Conrad Stigler-All-City. Chuck P JUniOr
ba k- 160
tuard -235 Co-Captarn
uard • 190 Co-CaptiUn
Tom P
Bob P ak
Bob Pnce
Bill Davis
Bill Phillips
ruor tackle. 2'ln
end· 170
end·1 0
Donald R p r blt lc- 155
D nm Robm n
Bill Rich y
tor taclcl -190
lc- 153
Lloyd Rumb u h jumor back- 165
Reserves and managers were necessary
Conr d
t1 I r
ruor cent r- 195
Ch rl
r a
Fr d W
ruor nd- 165
tuard, 175
Thr n com r to the manag rial field tri d thcu h nd at th training r cket thi y r. (8 low nd I It to ri ht): } Gab/ , P t Petre nd Tommy Fowlkc .
Two v tcran manag r w re prmcipally r panBible for keepin.Jl th Redskin m tip-top hape through th ir gru fling ten-gam sch dul . Above--Paul Fox and D an Doughty tV Tommy Nicklas a rub-down.
H rold H rv y
Bob Shapm n 111
Darr II Wool y
Don R ad
JUnl r
1unror kl 170
nl r
D v1d Brown twphomort' bD I< 165
and were always ready to perform accurately
j1mmy Cr wford
Charlc Gall
Roy Wal on
1 homorf'
JUntoT • 155
S1mp on phomor.,
end· I 0
1952 Season Football Record C p1tol Cap1tol Cap1tol c p1tol C pltol
H1ll lhll lhll H1ll H1ll
34 14
32 2 20
Capitol Capitol Cap1tol C pltol Capitol
0 Suminol Amanllo-12 7 Cl
Emd-12 North t- 0
H1llH1ll H1ll Hall 7 Hall
VI CTORY on , cro
Chuck Pat , abo~e. i topped by Erod dethe cntiT Red kin t am "a . The undt put d /catu crown was lo t due to the 12 '1
Jimmy Dav1 nror •
Edw rd
H C. Ownby
.-.n, r I rward
Five returning cage lettermen
Bob Burr enior • forward
B1ll Phillips n•or • for'M ard
Capttol Hill' aggregation wa a v teran cr w that truly rat d th ranking of th tate' top team. Although they n ver got pa t the regional in playoff comp tition, dunn th r ular ea on, th y made a tr mendou howin both m and out of conference competition. Tournam nt w re al o a ucce ful Redskin cage venture. The Hillm n e tabli h d a .750 winnin p rcentage in tourn m nts alon . After whipping Tulsa Central 6448 in th ir op ner, th Red kin travel d to Borger, Texa , and captured that crown by whipping two Texas quintet in two nigh . The Central pre- ea on tournament followed that, and it went to Capitol Hill after thr nights of thrilhn cage action again t orne of Oklahoma's top team . Gl n Pia
After rolhn throu h mne game undef at d, Capitol Htll u tam d it ftr t to . It cam t th han of Leed y, Oklahoma, 58-50, m the final of th Cord II invttational tournament. Through th remamd r of th re ular a on, th Htllm n lo only thr mor tlm m 1 7 g m pi y d. The only team Capitol Hill had any real troubl wtth m th wonlo column wa orman. Ch t Bryan' Ti er , who were rated numb r two in th tate und r th R d kin • dumped Capttol Htll twic . Only two other team mana d win ov r john Smith' pow rful Redkin . They w r the El R no Indtan , who did it during th a on, and the eros -town rival Cia n Comet , who accomph h d th f at in th final of the regional playoffs.
Billy R1ch y
1umor • forward
JUruor • forward
Robm on
c nter
J rry W II c
nior - forward
L roy Sn II n
Chuck P
R cd
llu rd
gave roundball fans excitement 1953 Basketball Record Tul
Cap1tol H1l
Capitol Hill Redskins R
ular •
Bor&er Invitational Toumamt'flt CaJlltol H11I-S6 Lubbock (Te:xa 5 CaPitol H1ll-69 Borg r (Texa )-50 ~tral
Pr a n Tournam nt Cap1tol Hilt-56 Putnam C1t -41 Capstol Hlll-49 Central-3 CaPitol H 11-59 El R no-52
Re&ular S a on fkhedule •Capitol HIJI-5 Capstol H1li-'IO
Northu t 56 Cathohc-25
Cord II lnv1tauonal TournamM>t ( Chn tma Hohda ) Clinton SO Caps tot HIJI-5 1 Cap1tol Hill-50 Leedy-5
mor • tudenl tnDna
THEY CAN'T BELIEVE IT . • • Central and Capitol Htll Ca rs watch, lt~htly m zed, jimmy Davi ( 4 ) lit r lly "takes olf" lor a layup hot. W tchin~ from behind ar Eddt T ck r (34) and }lmmy Hammond (55) of C ntr 1 and Red km Bob Burr (44). Capitol Htll won 62-44.
Capitol H1li-SO Capstol Hill SO Capstol Hill-54 •Capitol Hlll-35 •Capitol H1ll El R o-47 • annan-59 Capstol Hill-53 Caps to! H11l S I Cap1tol H1ll 2 Capstol Hill-55 •Capstol Hdl-56 Capstol Hill-57 •CapitOl Hlll-4 Cap1tol H1ll- 9 Cap1tol Hlll-56
Cap1tol Hlll-43 hawn e--49 El R no-45 En1d 2 Classen-34 ~tral-43
Capstol H1ll-'14 Cap1tol Hlll-47 ha n 7 Clau.-n-42 'orthea t-47 Soutbea t-4 7 Emd-41 Clinton-42 Central-45 South a•t-55 Cathohc-44
RegJonal Cia "A" Toumam nt at n H1 h hoot Cap~tol H1ll-62 Central-44 Cia -55 Cap~tol Hill-54
that counted toward C pltol H1ll's leagu toumam
a10r1 ( r
co-champson h1p
V.'on-25 ••• Loot-S
M1d Stat
While the baseballers
Tommy W d nior-rntcher
Bill Davidson nior-nf•eld&
Buzzy Cleveland 8f!nior-•nfi d r
With a cond con ecutiv tate champion hip first and foremost in th ir mind , th 1953 Redskin b eballers work d hard and pl yed hard all year Ion . R turnin 13 letterm n from th 1952 ch mpionship team, the diamond crew had pl nty to work with too. A well- a on d infield r mained intact, with Bob Burr at fir t, Bill David on holdin down econd, jimmy Davi the hortfi ld and Buzzy Cleveland driv t th hot corner. In the outfi ld, Bill Green' raduation 1 ft the way op n for anoth r outfi ld r to br ak in as a r ular, and hu ky Glen Plaster took care of that. Other who w r in the fi ht 'for outfield b rth were pitcher-outfield r J rry Gill, long-baH hittmg Don D m ter, and all-round performer Wayne Craig. Bob Shipm n and Tommy Wade, a b1 righthander and a diminutive outhpaw, resp ctiv ly, headed up a pitchin corp that wa rated as one of the b st in th tate. A w ll a Wad and Shipman, Chuck Pag and n wcomer Don Chamberlain carried big load of the mound work, while Jerry Gill fill d in wh n ver he was n eded. Billy Richey, who wa lated to s e lot of mound duty, jolted Redskin ' hop s li htly during the early part of th ea on when h moved to Duncan, Oklahoma, but the remaining hurler took up th lack and kept ri ht on rolling down victory trail. Behind the bat the Redskin had Willy Mor , and behind him were Crai , and a newcomer, Sophomore Marvin Be t. Over the entire season, it was a pretty good year with all games bein excitin , and victory being very sw et.
rry Gill
Glen Pia t r JUnior-outl•elder
Jimmy Orris
Chuck Pa e
Tom Taylor
Bob Shtpman
Th er cut10n of
ruor-pttch r
the v ry d
pursued another state title
Bill St v ns ·or-rruuUJfe_r
Bob Burr or-inl~ld~
Don Ch mberl in
T)onald Dunn
M rvin Best
aoph •moro-rnl• lder
W yn
Wllly Mor
1uroor--ou tlielder
Don Demeter ~tlilder
' th n Barb r
C rl Bond
Ronald Bruc
Jim Clark
Jim Cr
Dal Dod n
Lapping the oval or clearing the bar,
I Rob rt Dou 1
Ch rle H pl r
K n Gri om
D 1 Li htner
De n Doughty
John Dou hty
Don Raper
Lloyd Flown
W ayne G
Chari s Wade
H arold Harv y
H erb H ronomi
Jimmy Hick
John Hill
Bill Hu
Donald Kin
B ntonL dd
Jame Lary
the track team showed good form Reboundmg from a very di appointing 1952 fmi h, Capitol Hill's 1953 track ers bounced back in championship form to hav a very ucc ful a on. Sparked by i ht r turnin tt rmen, Ray Vaughn' cmd r men loop d th ovnl nnd topp d th timber in top form, and gav the local track fans a team of which they could truly b proud. Amon oth r accomplishm nt a R dkin mile relay t am p rmanently captur d a 13-y ar-old "circul tin "trophy in a Fort Worth invitational m t, won th Aggie relay , swamped two of their oldest rivals, Oklahoma C1ty Central and Oklahoma City Cla n. All in all, it wn n team thnt was looked upon alway a tough competition by rival a gregation .
Bobby McK nzi
Billy P rk r
Eddy McMilli n
Hub rt R
Bill McNutt
T. A. Minton
Laddi N th rcut
Lloyd Rumbau h
Charle Simpson
Fred Thomp on
Doyle Nowlin
J m
Rook r
turuor • on yur
j1m L whon JUru r ·on .s;ear
Minor sports showed mdjor form A urpn m co chm chan JU t b for th r ular a on op n d brou ht Capttol Htll tenm mto th :Sport Spotlight tht pnn at Capttol Htll, and a thou h njoym th tr httl ur of 1mportanc , th netm n turn d 10 xc llent performance. Earl St wart r tgn d after a very ucc ful ftve-year t nure wh1ch had produc d fiv ctty nd Mtd- tate champtonlup . Stewart v.a replaced by a 1 tant football and ba ketball coach, L. H. B ngt on. Led by five returmn lettermen, 10clud10g a tate double champ10n, tl rry Walrav n, the Red k10 fill d th ap left by raduated 10 1 k10 Gene Land, and aga10 romp d to tttle all around th Southw t. Thre of the n t lettermen th1 pnn w r only junior , 10 unng future 10 1954.
D v1d Eldnd J&rmor •
one y ar
Bob W
n1or ... t\ol o ycnrs
Not ptcturcd ar tw lv oth r who m out 1 t , Lu Roy Kna t, Ronald Ben on, Bob, Tommy Brook , }1m J'ownl y, Ch tl s Harrrs, I. roy S Io a, Keith ~ton ctph r, J..croy Sn lien, Wend 11 Ford, D te Sn 11 n, nd G Tllld J. wson.
E rl Edw rd
Eddi Lookob u h
Lewis Morri
•enior-two y an
«mior-two y an
both tennis and golf Two par-busting vet ran teamed with a group of newcomer this sprin a Capitol Hill' golf crew went after its econd state t am title in as many years and al o its fifth crown in the pa t ix years. Heading up a team that coach C. B. Speegle called "inexperienced but olid" were Earl Edward and Eddie Lookabaugh, both s niors and both 1952 lettermen. One o t h e r monogram man joined th Red kin rank thi year. He was Lewis Morris, veteran tran fer student from Southeast Hi h School.
Filling in vacancie left by the graduation of Ab Justice and Orville Moody, two four-year veteran, were Bob Worley and Wayne Tice from the high chool ranks, and "Sug" Lookabaugh, Jimmy Brewer and Duane Cunningham from the junior high ranks. Everything considered, the Redkin had a pretty good ason, however they did get one smudge on their perfect record. In their opening inter-city match of the year, the Redskin lo t to cro town Cia sen, and in doing so, marked th first time that they had lost a match in this area ince 1947.
Woyn Tice IWphomor-none
Bob Worl y junio~
IT'S A COMMON SIGHT-Golfers Lewis Morris, Earl Dean Ednd Buz Lookabaugh vzew a tournament trophy with gall coach C. B. Speegle. TM! Red kim hnve captured some kind ol individual or t am title every year since 1946. ward
Wmt r
Phynila Elliott
R ba Littl JUniOr
M>ilball • lab/ tenn1 • ba It tball volleyball
.altball • tab/ t nnts • b voile) ball
I< lbal/
roitba/1 • t bl
nnu • basketb II
b n /1
Looks plus ability and skill For the fu t t1me in many year the Capitol Hill Girl '0'' Club ha taken up ba ketball a one of their main port . Thi sport wa played year ago but wa omitted becau e of an accident which occurr d on th ba k tball court. Th game wa con idered too rough for girl . However, thi year th girl. prov d that they were capable of playing a clean and fair game u ing good port man. hip! Such wa the ca e in man oth r Oklahoma City high chool . Capitol
H1ll, alon with th oth r c1ty hi h chool , nt red the city tournament. 1 orthea t cam out on top a th champ1on , whtl Capitol Hill' r cord wa two wm and thr lo e Capitol H11l' t am wa compo d of th following pl y r : Paulin Winter, Phynila Elhott, Reba Littl , Wanda Ke I, Joyc Stapp and B tty Jo Barb r.
The team 1 m a huddlp ll co ch, Mt Mllrtha CoK, giVe I t mmut tn tructton . Left to ri~ht liTe Paulm Wmt r, W nda Ke 1, Reba I~ittle, Phymla Ellwtt, Haz I HDn on and Wtlm Rtdl y
Fdth hour cia
s ba k tb 11
characterized the fair-sex sports The Basketball Scoreboard 3
Capitol Htll-34
John Mar hall
Capitol Hill
Cap1tol Htll-29
South a t-17
Capttol Htll-25
orth a t-33
Capitol Htll-32
tty Jo B rb r
jo c St pp .entot'
ba I< tbal/
I Han on JUniOt
B trrnf $0/tball - ba k<>tba/1 voll >ball
ltball â&#x20AC;˘ ba k<'lba/1
Wtlma Ridle phomor
ba ketball â&#x20AC;˘ volle> ball tab/ 1 nrus
Latane Purcell
Mary Qumt ro
Pat Denton
It ball tablv tvnnt ·volleyball
oltball volleyball
softball • vo/1 yball • badnunton
As they won The girls' softball ea on in city high school ended in a three way tie this year, with Capitol Hill, Northeast and Southea t as the city champs. Latane Purcell is in her second year of pitching while catcher, Donna Kuhlman, tar. for the first time this year. Seven other team-mates are Wanda Keel, fir t base; Peggy Gray, second ba e; Pauline Winter, thtrd base; Mary Quintero, hort stop; Phynila Elliott, left field; Reba Little, center field, and Joyce Stapp, right field.
Donn Kuhlm n oftball • B
tnn' b• Jc tba/1
games and
Softball Scores Capitol Hill-7
Capitol Hill-3
Cia en-0
Capitol Htll-7
N orthcast-1 0
Capitol Hill-3
Southeast- !
Capitol Htll- 11 WON 4
John Marsha11-0 LOST 1
practice lor volleyball tournament.
G ttmll few ttp on wimmwfl from Mr . Ruthann Wilson, ar (I It to riflht} M ur n Pncc, Betty Math w , Glenna Gill, D lmll Rayrner and Charlotte Mosley.
glorified their feminine charm. In the city swim me t this year, advanced wimming tudent, Haroldean Dutton, sophomore, cam in third in th back crawl. Pat Thorpe, senior, LaDonna Gri om, ophomor , Yvonne John on, enior, and Joy Fo ter, ophomor , entered a a relay t am. Th trl won fir t in the 80-yard fre tyle relay. Thr school Capitol Hill, Cia en and Centr 1, took part in the m et. In table tennis, Wilma Ridley, ophomore, and Phynila Elliott, junior, captured cond place in doubt in the city tourn y.
r t Dous tt
nior ftbn/1 voll ybn/1 • table tennu t nnis
Volleyball ea on tarted for the Capitol Hill girls March 4, with their opening game against Cia n Htgh. The ason ended March 18.
Volley Boll Record Cla en-13 North a t-26 Southea t-30 John Marshall-IS C ntral-25
Capitol Capitol Capitol Capitol Capttol
Hill-31 Hill-31 Hill-20 Hill-38 Hill-36
Roberta Durbin
P ggy Gray
Norma Harmor
.oltbnll • tabl t nni • volleylutll
tabl t nru
To offer leadership activities m extra-curricula r organizations.
What happ ned to "Rob rt Rule of Order?" Very oft n th excitement of comin parti , th colI ctton of du , and wht per d chat wtth o friend play havoc wtth th correct p rham ntary procedur of CHHS cluh . But after all th mi take ar made, orgamzation m mb r am a n w en of re pon ibthty throu h plannm acttvttl and conducttn m etm . The offtc rs are capable I ad r ond th memb rs are hard worker on all commttt Profttable exp nences are gained by workm wtth oth r for a d fmit cau .
1>osr ~o B\LLS
tion Ed1tor : Shirley W at on V elma Sanders
II Eddm , Jun Br tton, D 1 rt La t
Kleymann, W yn L throp, Ch rl
h ld, Vu int Km ht, Donn Ellm H rn , Joe C
n r, Billy D
VJ ,
orth, Chari
Our platform was to better
Executive Board
FRONT ROW: W yn Lathrop, Corinn Ea t, P y Sm1th, Shut y Wat on.
ROW 2: M nlyn Provmc, jimmi
D II, Gl nn Boyd, jo C vn r. 72
Min r, Bob
A th p ople of th Unit d States have a voice in th national government through Congre , o do the stud nt have a voic in the chool ov rom nt. Thi i done through th Stud nt Council. One way the tudent voice the1r opinion i in th all- chool el ction. In ord r to vote, the tudent regi t r with th Stu. dent Council election board Thi entitl th m to vote for the Student Counc1l office for the followin year. Th council i compo ed of pr 1dent, vice-pr ident, ecr tary-tr a ur r, eta offic rs, on r pre entativ from each hom room, a pon or and th m mb r of the Ex cuhvc Board. The Ex cutiv Board m with M r. Higdon and M i Coh n once a w k and form the agenda for th Stud nt Council m tin
Stud nt Council Pr td nt
MARY Lou McMILLAN A tan I Yell Leader
the plan of our democracy
FRO 1 ROW: Cath rin Ray, D rl S 1, Ann Smil y, Elinor Tompkin , Ruth Willis, P ggy Sm1th, Ch rl Poor. ROW 2: Shirl y Robin on, K y Donna Wood, Shirl y W tson, N ncy Trout, Franc No! n, Martha Robbins, Nancy Young.
Student Council
ROW 3: Sherry T ylor, Bob E
t, Glenn Boyd, Bill Phillips, H. C. Ownbey, Donald Joe Raper, M rilyn Provine â&#x20AC;¢
Ki Yis
FRONT ROW: P rkin , A hworth, lv y, Cantw II, B II, Fox, m scot; Raper, Kmg; Hunt r, rna cot, Doy , Zmk, Ah muh , G ntry. ROW 2: Smallwood, J co, Erwm, H rdy, W tson, Sm1th, Lu r, MeG , John ton, Young, Hardm. ROW 3: Harl n, Gillil nd, McGraw, McClur , Echol , K nn dy, Hamm , Gat , Brown! , Lc. ROW 4: John on, Elliott, H wkin , Sch1 I, Fru1t, Edwards, o t r, Gn , I' rr 11, Kuyk ndall, Me eu. ROW 5: G rs, Empta , F r u on, Elhn worth, Ed ar, Stapp, John on, G1b n, F rnll, Eddm , Early.
We worked as a team
Ki Yis
FRO T ROW: Pflue r, Hall, Parkhurst, Roberts, Sadl r, Ra1>er, Kin ; Pipe , 0 k , O'N al. ROW 2: Sloan, Southw II, Scott, Willi , Smiley, Seal, Patton, Robm on, Ray, Sw n on. ROW 3: Youn , Strie ht, Ros , Vernon, T u , juhl, Peek, Richey, P nnington, P rker, Schreck. ROW 4: Sn ad, Trout, Wilkin on, Travis, Nickla , Thoma , Whitson, Weed, Pridmor . -74-
Ki Yis
nkop, pon or; BaJI, spon or, Mor an, MeAbe , R p r, Km ; Lev nd , Holl nd, Davis, Conn r, pon or. ROW 2: H rdy, M xw 11, D. K lly, Horn, McGuir , Moody, J. K lly, M1l , Leach, Moo . Moor , H il, Jackson, Knight, McM1llan,
for the good of our school
2: 3: 4: 5:
A youn man' fancy tum to thou ht of love in the pring. Perhap on activity wh1ch h Ips thi along 1 th Ki Y 1 Sprin Formal. Thi is an annual affair which the club takes pride in ponsorin . Supportin the various school port i th main purpo of the club but along with th1 the 185 Ki Yi have many festive and colorful parti .
FRONT ROW: Cantr 11, Conn ly, M. Cart r, B rton, Fox, rna cot; R r, Kin ; Hunt r, rna cot; Ca tle, B Di hm, Br nson, C ey. Ak rs, D1xon, C mp 11, Cl v land, Cl hom, AI up, Currin ton, D vi , Bam tt, Di tnch, D avill , Blue, Col rick. Dod n, Collin , B r trand, Dillard, Blackmon, Aubrey, D nn , Chand! r, Artzb rg r, Barr tt, M. D vi , D ds. D. Cart r, Cox, Br dl y, Conway, y, Br tton, Blu , Y. Di trich, And rson, Acton, Be 1, Dunaf n. Dutton, Ab h r, B k r, Arch r, Comb 1 Duboi, Bryant, C. D vi, Bi I, Black, Caudl , Cain.
'I am o H-A-P-P-Y, I am a K- -0-B-B' is a ong you re lik ly to hear any Thursday morning comin from room 116, where 65 irl gath r for the Knobb rette meetin . Every year t the b ginnin of chool any irl can pi d e for and become a m mber of the club. The purpo e of the club i to promote school spirit and to support varsity athl tic teams.
FRONT ROW: GJ o , Bumps, Cl rk, Shapl y, Burr, Buddy; Robbin , Mor y, Davm , T ylor.
ROW 2: Pruatt, John on, Staff , Rob St rr tt, Smith.
ROW 3: W t tt an, Voer t r, Kuhlm n, Wallis, Ptl nm, Thorpe, Tompkm , Set ri, pon or; Yow II, pon or; n t on, pon or.
Competition was high and
FRONT ROW: H ld nbr nd, Cannin , Eld r, Cor! y, Burr, Buddy; Fr Ch nn II.
ROW 2: Tompkins, M son, Cl veng r, H wk, Lester, Mohr, Au tin, Headrick, McArthur. ROW 3: Holmquist, Schindl r, Lane, Dills, D
per, Lancaster, Minnick, Fulk ron, Bat .
m n, Col , Gindl her
Knobberette Officers
Ki Yi Officers
sportsmanship was tops
Plannm and coordinatin the vanous activities of all th pep club th re pon ibility of th Pep Council. I purpo i to promote a bett r f elin amon th pep club . It lays the plan for the pep club dane , partie and a mbh . One activity which wa up rvi ed by the Pep Council wa the p p club Help W k, in which the Chieftain painted the gym, th Ki Yi' h Ip d cl an th tcachr ' room the Knobb r tte waxed th auditorium sta e and the R dkins c1 ancd the auditorium.
Pep Council
FRO T ROW: Don Mu raves, Mary Lou McMillan, Pe gy Smith. ROW Martha Ann Robbm , ret ry; Bobb1 Beall, D lor Ive , B rb ra Gentry, Shirl y Gin ow, Carolyn T ylor. ROW 3: Bill Ever tt, Jimmy D II, Bobby Lam, Pat Bl ckwell, Mi Sara Cob n, ponsor; Bob Ea t, Don Cr w, Don ld Joe R per, pre ident; Billy Hutton.
- 77-
Fillihg ba ket for farmhe at Thank grving trme, a football trip to Shawn e. ocial ru hee party and a watermelon party are ju t a few activrties which have kept memb r of the Red kin Pep Club very busy this year. "Here comes the Brid ," was the name of the annual p p club a. embly. Fifty new memb r were initiated by the club thi. year.
FRONT ROW: McCampb II, B. Brown, L. Brown, Moland, Bumps , Sw eth art; Rob rts, Mu gr v , Thomp on, Cr w, Lorn.
ROW 2: Kmdrick, Co by, Sm1th, G1lham, l·hckmon, F r u on, Dors y, Klmbrou h, Ham, J. Knight. ROW 3: Jarnigm, Ah muh , H m1lton, F r u on, Ca Gregg, Kni ht, Piper. ROW 4: Brook , Harri , Conn r, Kl ym nn, Ford, Mmton, B ck, Bry nt, Harris, Hall.
We yelled at bonfires,
FRONT ROW. Moore, Lyons, W lker, Martin, ponsor; VanDu kirk, Lamb.
pon•or; Bumpa , Sv.
ROW 2: Snort, Roedl, McCI linn, D . Martin, Queen, Snellen, Dor
1 •,
th art; Graham, •ponsor: Lewa ,
Walliam on, Longhwny, Phillip .
ROW 3: Pease, Lewis, Merson , Miller, Young, Tucker, Lcwi , Mcrv.nhan, Salogn, Wirtz. 78
FRONT ROW: F llw 11, D1xon, Rap r, B nn tt, Ev r tt, Burt, Qu n; H1 m , D II, Mor h ad, Hutton ROW 2: Dou hty, John on, Branum, Knv mk, Elh , Allr d, Floyd, Anderson, Bowlw r , Huffman, Dunn, Edward ROW 3· Fr 1b r r, pon or; Bra h r , K I r, Hul t, Canmn Cox, Crou h, Clark, Anthony, Codn r, Bow n, L • ROW 4: Bl Jr, Lurry, Lathrop, C udJII, Laubh n, H rv y, Eat, Jam , G rdn r, John ton. ROW 5: D nn r, G•ll, Lathrop, Kno t, H nd rson.
Mr. Noah W b ter, found r of th d1ct1onary, ha giv n as a d fm1t1on of the word chi ftain, "a ch1 f of a band, tnbe or clan.'' That can b apphed to each and ev ry memb r of the Chieftam P p Club, for th y mak up on of the four p p or anizatJon wh1ch upport our chool port and affmr . During p p club "Help W ek," the 160 m mb r pamted the bleach rs m the m.
assemblies and games
Chieftains ROW 3: B ROW ROW 5:
Connecting the pa t with the present is not hard for the Junior Alumni organization, for it members are tudents whos parents attended CHHS before them. One of the club's largest yearly activitie is sponsoring Alumni Day.
Jun ior Alumn i
nni. Rue, Hel n Sloan, h1 ton n; Ro lyn Collins, tr a ur r; Joyc B II, Carolyn Cantwell, D rl n T agu nt; Barbara Kyle, Wilma Goodm. ROW 2: Jo n B II, Mary McMillan, B v rly McArthur, Shirl y Robm on, P tty Vo r t r, jan C tie, Norma Pru1tt, Su ie Nott, Roy Short. ROW 3: R lph Bum , pre 1d nt; Jan F rnll, Arv I Lyon , Jan D per, Dw1ght Moody, K ty De per, Vernon Hardy, Ronme P rkm , Connn Mm r, VIC pre ident. ROW 4: Bob Brown, ancy Dunlap, Conrad Stigler, B11l Phllhp , Bob M1k , Tommie Stapp, Kay Duboi , Harold Hardy, Charlott Schr ck.
Following the example set
Ch iefta in Officers
our parents,
FRONT ROW: Billy Evertt, vic -prcs1d nt; P at tllackw II, pr id nt; Joann Burt, Pnnce ; Dale H1ggm , tr a urer. ROW 2: Billy Hutton, yell I der; Donald Jo Roper, p p counc1l; j1mmy Moreh ad, sergeant at-arm ; jack Bennett, cretary.
Redskin Officers
FRONT Row: Bill cosby, porliam ntarian; Lloyd Brown,att â&#x20AC;˘nd... ecret r:y D â&#x20AC;˘n Mu grave , pre 1dent; Jerry Knight, econd v1ce-pre ident; Ronald Smith, reporter. ROW 2: Dick Hamilton, recording ecretary; Jerry Ham, pledge master; Bob Brown, trea urer; Don Crew, historian; Charles Kindrick, ergeant-at-arms; Duane McCampbell, yell leader.
QUl'II an d Scro 11
FRO TROW: Ja k n tt, Bllh Cr I ' Kuklcn k1, P t P tre , pr 1d nt, Ruth Ah muh , tary; Carolyn Cl rk, W nd An m ndcz. ROW 2: M1 K thryn Yow 11, ponsor; Mr. E J. Stockton, ponsor; Mrs Th lma Col man, sponsor; Mary Bowman, Mack F rgu on, Shtrl y Wat n, Mar) n 0 t n, Hor t Kl ymann.
Writer's Guild
FRONT ROW: Mr E rl Stewart, pon r; B1lh Cra1 , VIC pr id nt; Sh1rley Cosby, pr td nt; Carolyn Clark, r tory; Bob W t ROW 2: Jamc MeA , Carol Miller, El 1c Ku len kt, joan Mulhall, Ruby Ow n , Tommy Fulton.
Quill and Scroll, honorary journali m oct ty, i for tho jumor and enior who have outstandin ability m thi ft ld. Writer' Guild, another honor club, i tudent who ar intere ted in for tho cr ativ wnting. Tops in all field are members of the tiona) Honor Soci ty who mu t achieve and maintain a 3. 7 grade averge (where 4.0 i trai ht A.)
we made the grades and led the school
National Honor Society Wood ROW ROW Lac fi
n Throckmorton, Lois St pp, 2 : Pauline Wint r, Carol E t 3: Edd1 Loo b u h, Ch rl ld.
n, Nma Burke, Lov tia Wi gin . Pope, Harold Hardy, Bob Burr, D lb rt
ROW: John on, Full r, Sw n on, Mor an, Hin , Archbur r, Lan , Ruyl . Bumpas, Throckmorton, B tt, Downs, Clark Snodgr , P k, Dunlap, Kni ht. \Vilkm on, Wh1t on, Br tton, Hill, H . And r on, Lak , McCork I, V itch. Taylor, M rbury, H wkin , Te ncy, Cox, Fari , R . Dick on, Ho gard.
Appearances on many programs offered Zing! Zm ! Zm ch01r duz!
Choir Kmg and Queen
a little zong. Zi 1 vot da
Training young vo1ces i the main purpo of th CHHS choir, but 1t al o provid nt rtninm nt for CHHS tudents and c1ty orgamzation . In the early part of September the ch01r av a " et-acquamt d p1cmc" for new and old m â&#x20AC;˘mbers m order thnt they mi ht et to know each other. The fir t choir performance of the at the annual Thank 1v1n a mbly vember 24. The Chri tma mbly given by the cho1r. Attending the annual Thank giving F tivnl at Stillwnter was aneth r activity which th choir enjoyed very much.
Gl n Boyd nd J w I Ln.
ROW: Bis I, Pridmor , Blue, Bowmt~n, Aubrey, Scott, Cantr II, Hardy, Oak . Stapp, Caudl , D r, Ro rtson, McWilli m , Snyd r, Martin, Bradley. T ft, Tye, V nHom, O'Dani II, Dickson, G . And rson, Cantw 11, Montgomery, Mr. 0 Kordi , E t, Boyd, Baker. Hammitt, McCoy, Cunnin ham, D1xon.
rolcop, ponsor.
opportunities to train young voices Singing for the Oklahoma City Chamber of Comm rce at the Skirvin Tower Hotel and the di tnct teach r ' meeting in the ocial center of CHHS were ju t a few public appearanc of th1 group. The choir participat d in the annual Chri tmas pag ant at th Mumcipal Auditorium and the annual Oklahoma City Choral Fe ivai, und r the d1r ction of Dr. Harry Robert Wilson of Columbia Univer ity. "Take Time for Love'' was the theme for the annual Extrav anz which was pre nt d on April 17. san
A 1t final p rformance of the year, the choir at the comm ncement.
FRONT ROW : Mr. AI 0 nkop, ponsor; Carolyn c ntwell, vi pr id nt. ROW 2 : Carl n Him s, cr tary; Harry Anderson, pr id nt; Katy D per, tr a urer.
ch0 ir 0 ff ice rs
At ballgames, parades or concerts On of th lar t and mo t ctlv roup at CHHS i th band. Not only do it p rform in activ&tt at chool, but activitt out td of chool. Tht r th band play d at all hom footb II am , .p p ralli , pep a mbli nd a gam at Taft tadium. It al o p rform d at a football am at Norman. It partlc1pat d in th Stat Marchm Band Cont t and r 1 d 100 for the Oklahoma Ct~y Symphony. B nd m mb r and a party for th for Care packa
Playin m a mbly pro ram takm p rt m a numb r of parade , playin at church th YWCA, PTA m tm Band Left: Mr. C. D. Clw , b nd dir
FRONT ROW: B. Willi , S . W1llis, McArthur, Rob rt , J. Smith, Quillin, M on, Ridl y, Do n, Southw II, Bcr str nd. ROW 2: W1lson, Thorton, B. Shnk r, Bry n, M opu t, Stott , Palm r, Cl son, Gib on, Horn, W1lli ms, M ROW 3: A. Smith, Harold, Codn r, Dors y, Walk r, Ard, Cothrum, P. Shnk r, H Jon , D nton, Fritzi r. RO\\' 4: Tyl r, Ph1lhp , T a ue, Johnson, Whit , Foster, Vickrey, R. L throp, D per, L. Lev rich. ROW 5: Martin, Hardin, Goodnow, Duboi, H. Hardy, Short, T nn ry, M. Smith, H rr:i, Own, Minton. ROW 6: Thompson,. F. F r uson, Gilli m, McMahan, Tucker.
we were proud of our band! Parent ' me tin Ch mb r of Commerc , Ktwam and Lton Club affair ar ju t a few of th activttte for whtch the band can take cr d1t On hundr d thirty tudent ar nrolled m the band w1th 114 b m marchin memb rs. Jam Stoner and Walt r Bak r w r cholerhip tud nt to National Mu ic Camp for e1ght we k tudy and four tudent w re cho n for th All-Stat Band at Norman. S1x tudent wer memb r of the All-Stat Band Clinic at Sttllwat r. Two ducatlonal tnp w r taken by th band, one b m in Galve ton, Texa , in Jun of 1952 and the other to Colorado m 1953. Ri~ht:
Arda P nny, band qu
nand Wayne Lathrop, drum maJOr.
FRO 'T ROW: D Lev rich, P nny, Dunl p, W. Lathrop, Ch . ROW 2: Burkhart, L. Lcwts, J 11, Conkwn ht, R id, B. Lc\\is, McCoy, B k r, Whtte, H rri , W lk r, Hu hes. RO 3: Wn ht, J. Fergu on, Gahndo, Pric , Kimbrou h, Davi , Mttch 11, Marburry, Short, Jeflen , V. H rdy, Black, Cordova. ROW 4: K. Cox, Spitl r, Ty , Beck, Merson, W . Jon , H n I y, Km ht, P. Cox, Lyon, McCollum, Hammitt. 1 y, Stone, Weed, H wkin , C. Smith, Ho , S ly r, hort , P rkin , Pi rson. ROW 5: ROW 6: M osland r, Faris, Ston r, Rick rts, Guil .
TWI¡ r 1e rS
(L ft to Ri ht) Ann Roberts, Su Mason, Marcett Rid! y, H I n outhw 11, Fr nc B r trand , Shu I Do n, M ry Quillan, J m Sm1th.
Music was the theme of some groups, Grace, rhythm and beauty are trademarks of the ei ht prancing major tte of th CHHS band. Marching in parad s, appearing at pep ralhe and performing in the band festival were a few of the many activities in which the twirlers took an active part this year. Nme boys plu nine instrument plu smooth arrangemen equals the incomparable music of the CHHS Swing Band. The band, under the leadership of Wayne Lathrop, has appeared veral time in the CHHS soctal center, the Kiwanis Youth Center and the Southea t Social Center. The band at o played in the Chieftain Capers.
FRONT ROW: Waymon Jone , Chari Spitl r, Jerry Beck. ROW 2 : J rry R1ck rts, james Stoner, Wayn Lathrop, Dav1d â&#x20AC;˘ s, J ck Stone, Larry W ed.
Swmg Band
Bible His tory ROW 2: ROW 3: Lon
Sh lton, Ruth K lly, Carolyn Bump
H ld nbrand, Bomta Bell, El
nor Emptage, Ronald H rri,
an Trava , Donn
, r port r.
Gngg, H I n Sloan.
others studied Biblical and world history Furth rin th tudy of hi tory the main objective of both the Hi toric I and Bible History Club . Greater fellowship and tudy i offered to tudent who are intere ed in I arnin th hi tory of the Btble. Payin camp expense for an und r-privtl ed girl from the YWCA was one activity of the club. Tw nty-five tudents arc enrolled a member of the club. To encoura e the preservation of our community and to ob erve national holiday is the object of th Hi torical Club. This year's club activitic have been attending the tate UNESCO conference, oberving Con titution D y, '89ers day, United Nation W eek and PanAmerican D y. The club al o vi ited the H t torical Buildin and the State Le t lature. E nrolled in the club are 35 member::;.
Historical Club
FRONT ROW: Dori M ri Cart r, S"' n on, Lynetta Fo ter, Patty Voerster.
ROW 2: L Qu tta Cunnin ham, V r Hardy, Bath Cr a , Joy Au tan, Mama Moody, ncy William , cretnry ROW 3: Wilm Arthur, C rot Baue:hmnn, D Ita Walkm on, Don D per, Vue:am Kni ht, Mary S I n, pon or; Eula Atkin on, Shut y Ca y.
Key Club
FRONT ROW: Don Cr w, Donald Raper, pr id nt; Chari y Poor, Anderson, john Dou hty.
ROW 2: Richard Malon , Jim Mor h ROW 3:
d, Don R id, H. C. Ownby, Bally Davis, Jimmi
cr tarr, Thunton Cl rk, H rry Dell, Harold H rdy.
Bob Dou la , Horst Kl ymann, Ball Phillip, W yne Lathrop, Bob Burr, Bob Ea t.
We were iunior members
Th Key Club and Y-Tcen ar two of th many rvic organizations at CHHS. The Key Club i a junior or nization to th Capitol Hill Kiwanis Club. Its purpo e is to b tter the chool and community. Som activitie of the club hav b n hining the chool trophie , collecting food for th ne dy at Christma time and takin ¡ entertainment to th vet rans' ho pital.
y -Teens
FRONT ROW: Jerry McMallan, pr id nt; Shirl y Co by, d votional chairman; El i Kukl n ki, r port r; Linda Henderson, recordin re tary; C rolyn Ro brook, tt ndanc cr t ry; Wall tta Wall, int r-club council; Bonita B ll, vac -pr td nt; Kathryn Collins, tr ur r; C rolyn Clark, int r-club council. ROW 2: Mi Velma Elam, ponsor; Mrs. Myrtl Phmney, ponsor; Glenna Jord n, serv1cc cha1rman; Norma Hunter, son lead r; Barbara Straw, Wanda An mend z, Carl ne Stickn y, Donna Retzloff. ROW 3: Shirley K y , Harold an Dutton, Loyce McW1lham , K thryn Hen I y, Tommie Stapp, Donme Clark, Mary Mohr, M ry Martin.
The Y-Teen , a branch of the YWCA, has a memb rhip of 25. Activiti for th year were making scrap books for the children' ho pital and fillin ba ket of food and toys for families at Christmas.
Two club whtch have had many acttviti durmg th y ar ar th jumor R d Cro and th Ht-Y. Th Ht-Y, club ponor d by th YMCA, wa formed to cr at , maintain nd xtcnd hi h tandard of Chri tian character among ht h chool tud nt ; to ncourag hi h chool boy in furth r due tion; and to promot f !low hip amon m mbcr . Th club had a ba k tball t am, which comp ted with oth r Ht- Y t am . Ev ry tud nt in CHHS i a memb r of the Junior R d Cro . On repr ntativ from ach hom room rv in th overning body which plan roup' acttvttt . Activiti tnclud d: ftllin of tft boxe , repainting on room at th Old Folk Hom and nding tud nt to Camp Cl n trainin camp.
ROW 2: Don Wood, Dan R r, Lloyd V u hn, Chari y Poor, Dunn j m , D. F. Cool y, pon or
McC mph II,
J dey
ROW 3: D nni Rob rson, Paul Heath, Jo I Rochell, K ent Stewart, H arry M erson, Ronald B non, G it Cloud, G r e Finl y, Don M cCork I.
of community organizations
2: 3: 4: 5: Tr.avi , Heronim â&#x20AC;˘ Monn, Stopp, H1
Romanc , b auty and glamour of the Spani h speaking people and the great works of art are studied by the m mb rs of the Spanish and Art clubs. Cammo D Amtgos, The Fnend of th Road, 1 the official t.Jtle giVen the Sp m h Club. Cu toms and hvmg of the Spani h p ople are tudied by the club. El Charrito has become a favorite pot for the club's many dmn r . To become a memb r of the club you mu t be a student of Spam h or have a strong intere t in Spam h.
Art Club
FRO, TROW: Reba Little, pre td nt; Jo Gaskill, pledge ; Margaret Carroll, vtce-pre td nt.
ROW 2: B verly Jine , cr tory-treasurer; Vzrginia Sawatzky, Chari Kelly, reporter; Mi Dorothy May , ponsor; B rnice Br h ar , Gloria Bowers.
Plannmg two a emblies, workmg on art projects and decorating the cafeteria for the homeroom teachers luncheon have b en just a few activitie of the Art Club. A "B" average in art clas es is the reqUirement for membership.
We were honor students 1n
Spanish Club
FRONT ROW: Barbara Snodgrass, reporter; Norma Plato, secretary; Marilyn Moyer, president; Adriene Ren haw, trea urer; David Miller, vice-pre ident; Mi s Florence McChire, ponsor. a, historian; Mary Ann Mohr, Jan McGee, Barbara \l,{hite, D !ores McGraw, Billie Miller, Susanne
ROW 2: Norma v¡ Divine. ROW 3: Prestine Whiting, Albert Lee Thomp on, H. C. Ownbey, Bobby Lam, Jerry Rickert , Glynnde~n And ron.
FRO T ROW Robert Dou In 1 e B b Ea t, Bob Burr Bobby M1k• ROW 2 D ·lb~rt I~ c f1 ld '1c pr 1d nt Rhoda FA gar, F. I 1 Kuklen k1 Sturl y Cln tr n urer, Robert Mnrtm pr 1d nt Donald Pope Mr W nd II Hubbard, pon or M rw -n Strac ncr, 11 Zola Lon Ahc Ch h r, V lma E lam
Mu Alpha Theta ROW 3 Mr pon or M1
art, Spanish, math and sc1ence
Are you mtcrc t d m c1enc or math? Jf o, you v.ould b mo t mtere ted m th club wh1ch honor tudcnt who nr out tandm m tho e fa ld . Th honorary math club, Mu Alpha Th ta, 1 compo d of tudcn v. ho have had thr m t rs of math and have obtam d 11 pomt m th ubject. S1 rna Ch1 Iota, c1ence club, 1 for thos tudent who hav a stron mtere t m caence. To b · come a memb r of th club, a tud nt mu t have thre s m t r of c1cnc and a "B'' grad avera A trip to the Arbuckl mountam wa one of th club' Jar e t activitic .
• Ch 1 j OtO SIQmO
FRONT ROW: Bob Wet, R1chnrd Malon , El 1 Kukl n k1, cr tary; M1 H I n 81 rs, pon or; Edd1 Look b U h, VIC -pr id nt. ROW 2. Don ld Pope, Le\\T nc Kordi , H . C. 0\\nbey, Bob E t, Harold H rdy, prestd nt; John Hom, Lloyd Brown. 91
vocational organization m CHHS i the Trade and lndu tnal roup. An event which the club attend d thi year wa th State Vocational me t at Stillwat r. The club also pon or d a banqu t for workin tudent and th ir employ r .
Trade & Industry , B rt on, B ldwm, Hob ood, Ca H II, Coffman, D v1 , H1c
, Bond, Kmdnc , M1ll r, Bo
tt, C rt r,
, Byrl y, H lb1g, Ch ndl r, B1rd,
We worked hard to train
.FRONT ROW: W111i ms, Sulliv n, W tkin , Lind r, L onard, Sh !ton, Mllli n. ROW 2: Rob rt , Ov r tr t, Ward, ponsor; Nutt, pon or; N I, pon or; Spcnc r, ponsor; Hawkin , ponsor; Mudd, pon or; Wool y, N lson. ROW 3: Springer, Thorton, Shipp, Matthews, Mullin, Malicoat , S tt rfi ld, Nu z, To on, McDonough, Taylor, Park r, William. ROW 4: Milburn, Own, Ril y, Smith, M nuel, Ro , Wirtz, Sapp, P rker, Reynolds, Mill r. , Thomp on, Tr at, Thornhill, Ro rs, McNutt, W ROW 5: Wal on, Ramo , Thompson, W rd, Swank, P ROW 6: Chapman, Lov le , Skinner, Rob rts, Spenc , Melton, Stimson, Mann, Park r, Sm1th, Madole, 0. Smith.
Op erators
FRONT ROW: Btlly Howard, Jerry Knight, Billy Lewi , Rtchard Little, J rry Field , Jerry Hamm, Jerry Horn r. ROW 2: B n Holcomb, Henry Reid, J. W. R td, Tommy Pilgrim, H rold Henderson, Frank Nevcll, Don Scott, Truman Tall y, Jerry Abbttt, Mr. Cooley, pon or.
for our chosen occupations The Operators Club can truly be called one of CHHS greatest service organizations. It ts the job of each member to operate movie projection machines for the various classes. Qualifications for membership to the club are one class in movie projection and recommendations from three teachers. Does your car need an overhaul? You needn't fret, ju t take it to '¡Pappy" Krieg's Auto Club. The club i composed of outtanding student who are interested in the study of auto mechanic and they learn how to do everything from cleaning park plugs to overhauling an engine.
FRO T ROW: Ray Sand rs, pledge master; Billy Horn, Glen Self, secretary-trca ur r; Clyd Rice, Glenn Gilliam, Raymond Sanders, pr td nt; Mr. Wallace Kri , pon or; Leon Manek, vic pr tdcnt; Jerry Fttz er ld, Bill Atherton, Don Crain, Arvid Monroe, J N ley.
Auto Club
Tw club whtch h lp lt tt m mber to b l the Futur Vot nd th Futur Am ncn.
The FVA \\a form d to promot th r t of th tud nt b ly m th form of votm CHHS ha th I 1 t memb r htp of ny Okl homa C1ty hool. Offtc r for th club ar n from th FVA Tho nt wh nr m tcrc t d m l commg t ach r ar nroll d m th FT A. Th club 1 to h lp m mb r tud and \\Ork toward a t htn prof ton.
Future Teachers of America pon or, P uhn Wmt r, pr td nt, M Jlod RO\V 2 M ur n Carter, Eleanor Empta Wand D per, J mce Lyl , Jun Palm r, Donn Kuhlm n I
looked towards the future
fRO T ROW: Llh"f'ii u'Onard, Tony Ard, LoUJ W d, Buzzy Clev I nd, J rry Stomp. ROW 2 Tommy P r on, Conrad Su I r, Sally Btu , Bob Lam, Charle Hepl r, Earl D n Edward , Ann K Jly. ROW 3 Donm jo Cl rk, Dorothy Htddl ton, Rtchard Mabn 1 Hor t Kl ym nn 1 Rob rt Dtck on, Wood n Throckmorton, Mr-5. Lavmta D nm
Future Voters Of Amer
Future Business Leaders of America
\\Orth Claborn H nd r on, H athco t LankH ndnck
teaching, voting and business
pon or;
Future Business Leaders of America ROW ROW ROW ROW
2: 3: 4: 5:
Th Ameraca ar nam in vanou nom1 compri hlp. Making garment and coli tmg cloth for the n dy r ju t a few of th roup' many actJv1ti . Thi y ar, for th f1 t hm , the FHA el ct d a b u. H wa Hor t Kleymann, G rman xchan tud nt.
FHA Officers
FRONT ROW: Ann Hood, on~: a(! r; B tr I, p rli m ntari n; dm Ho~b ck, J c 1 B1 I, ecretnry.
ROW 2: Faye Fulton, tre ur r; Hor t Kl ymann, B port r; Glori Thread tll, hi tori n.
u; Billi
M1ll r, r -
In homemaking and farming
Future Homemakers of Amenco ROW 2: Frances H opper, M ary J n
FRONT ROW: Bllh Mill r, Anna Hood, B rb ra ningham, Patsy McK n, Gloria Thr dgill.
K illman, Bum
R OW 3: N adine H ornbeck, F aye.Fulton, J n M eG
Canmng, Hor t Kleym nn, Trev
ntr I, PhJih
G1lh m, Ch rlcn
, Jackie Bi l, M uri I Hurtt, N ina Burk , M i
Corm n.
Blaqche Sm1th, pon or.
â&#x20AC;˘ FUt Ure FOrmerS 0 f AmenCO
FRONT ROW: Kcnn th Sntd r, orman Jon , vice-pr tdent; Bob Sloan, pr td nt; Own Crouch, crt ry; Bill Btllin 1 , Edwin Leslie. ROW 2 . Ronald Ru , Gu Hudson, Leroy Jay, Bob Merrell, D 1 Mor v , Johnny Hu kin on, G n Kam , Jam Brid Mr. H rb Jon s, pon r.
our time was well spent
Flow rs! Shrub ! A b autiful ra lawn! The e ar but a few of the many improvements which th 50 m mbers of the Future Farm r of Am rica Club have contnbuted to the chool. Learnin b tter m thad of farmin and live tock breeding 1 th main purpo of th club. Attending the ational Futur Farm r of Am rica convention at Stillwater wa one of th club' bi t ctiv1tie . M mb rs al o planted flower for th pubhc chool of the City. Any boy 14 year old or older w1th an agnculture proj ct may jom the club. All memb r mu t hav and mamtam a project wh1le enrolled in the club.
FFA Officers
FRO. T ROW: Bob Sloan, pr ident; Jean en G rs, S" th rt; 'orrnan jon , VI -pr idcnt. K nneth Snid r, r porter; Owen Crouch, cr tary; Chuck Ste"art, t- rm ; Hubert Huddl ton, tr ur r; Mr. H rb Jon . spon or
- 97-
To provid soci l activtty for tho tud nt who work h lf a d y and cannot tak p rt in chool oc1 1 i the mom purpo of th D1 tnbutive Educatton Club. prov1d d port1 The club h and octal m wh1ch, oth rwi th student could not hav tak n part.
L1ke to dance? If so, p rhap you would be mo t int r ted m th Square Dane Club, on of the mo t popular club at CHHS.
Distributive Education
FRO 'T ROW: Jo Ann Buxton, p rh m nt nan; Ru II Amburn, ht ton n; Jtm Peck, '\tC -pr td nt; W Iter Turnbull, pr td nt; G rl nd W lk r, vtc pr td nt; G n tve Harrtmnn, cr tory; Jo Ann Tyl r. ROW 2: Z lma Tylor, Chari Lenvtll , Rob rt Full r, Jerome Hoa , Mr. H rry Apple at , spon or; J ck Mowdy, G yl Embr , r port r.
An activtty which the club ponsor d wa quare dance le on wh1ch were h ld to teach tho tud ~nts intere t d in learning to quare dance and b come memb r of the club.
We provided entertainment
Square Donee Club
FRONT ROW: Peggy Smith, Btlh Willi, Shirl y Pipe, Ann Rob rt, Shirl y Robertson, Charley Poor, Pat Bradley. Norman Hunt r, H rb Heronime, Phylli Cox, Jackt Jam . ROW 2: Don R td, Arda Penny, Betty Harn , M ry Jan Hul t, J n n G rs, Mon Curnn ton, Lovita Coin, Chari H pi r, Buzzy Cl " land. ROW 3: Bob Lam, B v rly Ntchol , Kay Donna Wood, Gatl Schindl r, Jo Ann Burt, Norma PI to, Manlyn Moy r, Francâ&#x20AC;˘ i3 rgstr nd. ROW 4: H rold H rvey, Jim Mor h d. Jim D II, Dol Ht in , pr id nt; Mr. A. D. Jacobson, pon or; J. C. McNutt, Mr. C. B. Speegl , pon or; Mr. L. H. Bengtson, pon oT; Mr. John Smtth, ponsor; D n T n y.
To honor out tandm tud n in th f1 ld of port 1 th purpo of both the Girls' nd Boy ' "0'' club . Th G1rl ' "0" Club ha 12 members who have hown high thl tic abihty. In ord r to b com a m mb r of the club, a 1rl mu t have 125 pomt and b activ in thr port . An achv1ty of th club thi year wa pononn a dance. Footb 11, ba kctball, track, golf and ba ball arc the ports m which boy can work for lett r . S v nty-five boy ar memb r of the Boy ' ' 0'' Club. A council wa formed from memb r of the club to di cu th wearing of letter jacket from other hool . The final d cision wa to ban all letter jacke not from CHHS.
. 1 0 Cl b U G1r S
FRO T ROW: P t D nton, Phymla Elhott, vace-pr id nt; P uhn Wanter, pre 1dent; Betty jo B rbcr, M ry Su Quintero. ROW 2: Mrs. Ruth nn Wal n, ponsor; R ba Lattle, La tan Purcell, Wanda K 1, joyc Stapp, P Gr y, Ma Martha Cox, sponsor.
and took honors 1n every sport
Boys 0 Club ROW 3:
Stigl r, Raper, Reid, Rumb u h, Robinson, Gabl , Henderson, Walrav n.
ROW 4: Edward , Kin , Look b ugh, Burr, Dou Ia , W II ce, Phillip , Harv y, Martin, Rachey, Ownb y, Gill. ROW 5: Gn sam, Pia t r, Shipman, Cr i ,
ickl , R
D m
r, G
, W d , Ladd.
To foster and promote good scholarsh ip.
A ound due tion in acad mic fundam ntal or a thorou h trninin in a vocational fi ld can be attained at Capitol Hill High S hool. , and grade card , B ide th u u 1 book , cia th school off r an opportunity for e ploration and study in the f1eld of interest of individual tuden . Through re earch on term pap r field trip , and job related to the cours of tudy, a wid knowledge of basic facts is gained. W e are th students of today trainin to b active community workers of tomorrow.
Section Edito~ : El i Kuklen k1 Marlen Ost en Marlene Gate j oyce Eubanks -
Classes (g)
KATY D P R Vic Pre3tdent
l'resid nt
Our goal At last we'r mighty eniors! Cap and own , baccalaur ate rvic and diplomas wer faraway symbols of graduation wh n w were ju t ophomore . Now we ar looking in a mirror to traight n our cap before leaving for commenc ment xerci e . In Septemb r th glitter of our cia rings blinded us to the dull routin of chool. Then thin picked up and w w r in the mid t of cia election . We repr nt d Capitol Hill at conferences and convention .
As leaders and officer of club w advi d and guided the junior and ophomore for ttin that we once r nt d ''advi in nior ." After th erne ter chan ju t fl w from us. For the 1 t tim we yell d for the var ity team . We then mad our plan for college, marria , the armed ervice or whatever career we had cho en. Now we embark upon the world a citizens of today!
Senior Cla pon or Bl' : (S ted, I ft to ri ht) Mrs. Mary Richert, Mrs. D lla Miz , Mr . Ruby T bor, (Standin , left to ri ht) Mr. Em t Wri ht, Mr. Wend 11 Hubb rd, Mr. L. H. B n t on.
Jim Ad m
M y 26, a b1g day in th Ide of all roor . E tel W 11 md1 t gr du â&#x20AC;¢ t10n d y to Mary j ne Hul t.
Ruby Aum on Pot Al xand r
Bill Aldrich Jo Allen
Row 1, ADAMS, Cht ft m; AIRINGTON; ALDRICH, Cht ftom, FVA. Row 2, ALEXANDER; ALLEN, Chi ftain .
we started a fun-filled year Row 1, Council Row 2, Hi tory
Ru II Amburn Walt r B k r
AMBURN, Junior Alumni, DE (Ht torian); ARMSTRO "G; ARNHART; ASHWORTH, Ki Yi (Pep R pr ntattv ), Stud nt Council; ATKI SO . Ki Ya, Ht toncal Club; AVERY, Honor Soci ty. BAKER, B nd; BARE, FBLA, FVA, Knobb r tt ; BARKSDALE; BAR EY; BARRINGTON, B1ble Club (Vac -Pr td t); BEALL, Ki Yis (Pr id nt).
G yl Arm tron Pat B r
Ronald Amhart Shirley Bark dale
Rita A hworth Don Bam y
Eul Atkinson Janet Barrington
Ros mary Avery Bobbte Beall
the tlUiny ~ nior rve pre idents of vanou ort nizations are R rt Martin, Mu Alpha Theta pre ident; Menvyn Stracen r, Bzble Hzstory pr "d nt, and Nadine Hornbeck, pre ident of FHA.
Leon B a I r Ron ld Ben on
B rb r Belford Jammy B tt
Bonit B II Bill Ballin I y
Row 1, BEASLER, T&l; BELFORD; BELL, Y-T ns (Vic Pre 1d nt), Bibl Hi tory Club, FBLA, Junior R d Cro s; BENNETT. Row 2, BENSON, Hi-Y, FVA; BESETT, T&I; BILLINGSLEY, Chi ft in, FFA; BISHOP, Chieftain, S f ty Council.
We were the big wheels Row 1, BLACK, Junior Alumni, Girl "0" Club; BLACKARD, FVA; BLACKBURN, FHA; BLACKMON, DE (Tr ur r); BLACKWELL, Chieftain (Pr ident), Pep Council, Redskin Arrows ff (Cartoonist); Chi f. tain staff (Arti t); BLAIR, FVA. Row 2, BLANCETT; BORTHICK; BOWMAN, Choir (Librarian), Chieftain staff (Index Editor); BOYD, Choir (King), Stud nt Council (Vace-Pre ident)! BRANDT; BREEDLOVE, Ki Yis.
Helen Black Edd1e Bl nc tt
Phyllis Bl ckard Ronald Borthick
B tty Bl ckburn Mary Bowman
Betty Blackmon Gl nn Boyd
P t Blackwell Fern Brandt
I..av rn Blair Ro lla Br edlove
Cleot Brown M rtha Burk
D r II Brown Nin Bur
Jo nn Brownl Eli Burk y
Ins Bry nt Orvill Burkhart
Geneva Buckn r F m Burl on
Carolyn Bumpas Ralph Bum
Row 1, BROWN, C., Ki Vis; BROWN, D.; BROWNLEE, FBLA, Footb 11 Queen, FVA; BRYANT, Ki Yis; BUCKNER; BUMPAS, Red kin Sw th rt, Knobberett (R port r), Bibl Hi tory Club (R porter), FVA, Choir. Row 2, BURKE, M., FHA (Vic -Pr td nt); BURKE, N., FHA, Honor Society; BURKEY; BURKHART, Redskin, B nd; BURLESON, Ki Yts; BURNS, Junior Alumni (Pr id nt), FVA (Parliamentarian).
and enjoyed the role immensely Row 1, BURR, K y Club, Stud nt Council, "0" Club, Mu Alpha Th ta, Knobber tt Buddy, FVA, Senior Cia Pr id nt, Footb II, B k tball, Ba ball, Honor Soci ty; BURT, Chi f in Princes , Sq r D nee Club, Ki Yts, FVA; BUTLER, Ki Yi (U h r C ptam), FVA; BUXTON, Knobber tte, DE (Parliamentarian). Row 2, BYRLEY, T&I; CABRERA; CALDWELL, Ki Yt , FBLA; CAMPBELL.
Bob Burr C rl Byrl y
jo nn Burt Rich rd C br ra
JoAnn Buxton Bob Camp II
EnjoyinA a big jok
are "big wh
I ,"
Herb Heronimc and Conrad Stigler.
Burna Cannmg Jimmy Chapman
Carolyn Cantwell M ry Chapman
Ronni Caudtll Nicky Chechou ky
Tommy Cavender Ina Ch rry
Louise Csvn r B tty Che hir
Clayton C llier Btlh Cl rk
Row I, CANNING, Knobberette , FHA; CANTWELL, Ki Yis (Tre urer), Junior Alumni (Historian), Choir (Vicc-Pr ident), Student Counctl, Cht ftain Caper (Student Director), S nior Play (Stud nt Director); CAUDILL, Ch~eftain ; CAVENDER; CAVNAR; CELLIER, T I. Row 2, CHAPMA , J., Radiotrons (Secretary), T&I; CHAPMAN, M ., FBLA (Vice-Pr id nt), FVA; CHECHOUSKEY; CHERRY; CHESHIER, FBLA; CLARK, B., Chou.
As a follow-up to our mock convention Row I, CLARK, C., Y-Teen (Inter-Club Council), Honor Society (S cretary), Writers Guild (Secretary), Chteftain t ff, (Editor), Quill and Scroll, FVA; CLARK, D., Knobberettes (D m rit Captain), FVA, Y-Teens; CLARK, P.; CLARK, T., Chieftain , Key Club, Safety Council. Row 2, CLAY, Mu Alpha Theta (Secretaryâ&#x20AC;¢Trea urer), Ki Yt; CLABORN, Knobb rettes, FBLA, FVA; CLEVELAND, Red Cro , "0" Club (Treasurer), Squar Dance Club, FTA, FVA, Chieftain, B eball; CLEVENGER, Knobberette , FBLA, FVA. It was Kerr all the way as far as D an Tesney w s concerned, a he raJses the banner to tart the demonstration for hi favonte candidate at the mock nominatt~ convention.
Carolyn Clark Shirley Clay
Donnie Jo Clark Suzy Clayborl'l
Paul Clark Claude Cleveland
Thurston Clark Joyce Clevenger
Rufus Chfton Cl ud tt Colh r
D n Codn r J n Colh r
W yn Coffm n Lor tta Collm worth
Jerry Cok r D lor s Combs
Ar uing th m rit of th two preSJ· d ntial candid t are Earl Dean Edwards, Ch rle Hepl r, Woodene Throckmorton nd Bob Lam.
we held an election-Adlai won! Row 1, COOPER, FVA, Ki Yi ; CORDOVA; CORMIER, FHA, FVA; COSBY, Bibl Hi tory (Tr a ur r), Writ rs Guild (Pr 1d nt), Y-T n (D votlonal Chairm n); CRAIG, Hi torical Club (Pr id nt), Writers Gutld (Vac -Pr id nt), Honor Soc1 ty, Qu•ll nd Scroll, Red km Arrow taff (A i tant Editor), Chi ftain t ff (Adm•m tr uon S ctton Edator); CRAI , Auto Club. Row 2, CUDD, FBLA, Knobb r tt , FVA; CURINGTO ', Ka Yi , Square Dance Club; DANIELS; DAVIS, B, Mr. Cht f m, "0" Club (Pr td nt), Football, FVA, Stud t Council, Key Club; DAVIS, J., "0" Club, R Cros , B k tb II, B II; DAVIS, M., Kt Yas, FBLA.
Jo Ann Cooper Sh ron Cudd
P dro Cordova Mona Curin ton
Charlen Cormier Lor tta D ni 1
Shirl y Co by Billy D vis
Billie Craig Jimmy Davis
Don Crain Myrna Davis
M rilyn D ring W Iter Die
Cap1tol Hilf sy tern of votin~ is known all over the country. CastillA their ballots are Ruth Kelly, Chari s Lee and Darlene T u â&#x20AC;¢
Row 1, DEA, ; DEERING, Ki Yis, Student Council, FVA; DELL, Chi ftain (PI d Ma ter), Stud nt Council, Si ma Chi Iota, K y Club, P p Council, Square Dane Club; DENHAM, FVA, FBLA. Row 2, DESPER, junior Alumni (P rliam t rian), Choir (Tr ur r), tud nt Council, Knob r tt , Senior Cl Vice-Pr id nt, FVA; DICE; DICKSO , G., Bibl Hi tory Club (D votion I Chairman), FVA; DICKSON, R., FV A, Choir, Chi ftain .
We elected our class officers Row 1, DIES; DITTMEYER; DONNELL; DOUGHTY, Honor Society, Chi ft in, Sigma Chi Iota, "0" Club, Key Club, Hi-Y, FVA, R d Cro , Track; DOUGLAS, "0" Club, Tr ck, Honor Soci ty, Mu AI ph Theta, Key Club, FVA; DOUSETT, Girls "0" Club. Row 2, DOW S, Stud nt Council, Choir; DOYE, Ki Yi (S r tary), Bibl History Club, Senior Cl Seer tary Stud nt Council; DRABEK; EAST, Tennis, Key Club, Student Council (Pre ident), Chi ftains, Mr. Citizen hip, Honor Soci ty, Mu Alpha Th t , Sigma Chi Iota, Choir, FVA, Pep Council; EATIN: EDGAR, Mu Alpha Theta.
Gene Dies Marijo Downs
Barbara Dtttm y r Gl nd Doye
Mabl Donn 11 Eli Drab k
John Dou hty Bob Eat
Robert Dougl Elwin Eatin
Margar t Dou tt Rhoda Edg r
P t Ell d B1ll Ev r tt
John Elhott Lind y Fall r
G yl Embr Bill Fallw II
CarolE te Jim P ul Faris
John Bob E t Erma F rguson
Row 1, EGGI<:RS, Honor Socâ&#x20AC;¢ ty, FBLA;
JLLEDGE; ELLIOTT, Op r tor; EMBREE, DE, K1 Y1, Stud nt Counc1l; ESTES, C, K1 Yt, Honor Soct ty, FVA; ESTES, J, Ht-Y. Row 2, ETHERIDGE, EVERETT, Cht ft m (V1c -Pr 1d nt), FVA, Stud nt Counol; FALLER, T&I; FALLWELl., Stud nt Coun tl, Clu ft m (Y II Lc d r), P p Council, FARIS, Tr ck, Band, Choir, Chi ftains, Sp m h Club; FERGUSON, IF#.
after a week of hard campaigning Row I, FERGUSO
, M., Red kin Arrow staff (Exch n c Editor), FBLA, Key Club, Quill RELL; FIKE; FISH. Row 2, FISHER; FLEEMAN; FLORA; FORSHEE, H1-Y (S cr t ry), Operators.
One of th mo t enjoyable mom nt th camp 1 n a emblt s came "'hen Babette (Bob) Pric made hts debut. of
M c Fcrgu on Don Ft her
Joyc F rr 11 M lvma Fl man
Anna Bell Ftk D I Flora
Johnny Fi h Ru II Forsh
nd Scroll; FER-
Rowena Fritzler J eaneen Gers
Shirley Fuller Jerry Gill
Richard Fulton Shirley Gla gow
Marietta Furr Jane Green
Jes e Gabel Sue Grimes
Mary Galindo Sarahle n Gunt r
Row 1, FRITZLER; FULLER, Choir, Bible History Club, FVA; FULTON; FURR; GABEL, "0" Club; GALINDO. Row 2, GERS, Ki Yis, Hi torical Club, Safety Council, FFA Sweetheart, Square Dance Club; GILL, Chieftains, ''0'' Club, Ba.eball, Key Club; GLASGOW, Knobberette (Yell Leader), FTA (Trea urcr), FBLA; GREEN; GRIMES; GUNTER, FVA.
We had a chance to use our lessons Row 1, GUYTON, T&I; HAGGARD, Chieftain, FVA; HALBIG; HALL. Row 2, HAMMITT; HARDY, Sigma Chi Iota (President), Honor Society, Band, Key Club, Junior Alumni, FVA; HARRAMAN, DE (Secretary), Safety Council, FVA; HARRIS, B., Knobbercttes, Square Dance Club, FBLA.
A helpi~ hand is ~iven as Don Musgrave, Red kin president, pre ents a club jacket to Horst Kleymann, German exchan~e student.
Joyce Guyton Wayne Hammitt
- 110-
Leonard Haggard Harold Hardy
Edward Halbig Genaveve Harraman
Glenn Hall Betty Harris
D v1d H rris W ldon Ha h
Ann Kelly shows Buzzy Cleveland on of the trouble pots of the world durin~J a hi tory cl discu sion.
jun Harris PatH thcoat
Row 1, HARRIS, D., Rod kin, FVA, Band (Pr ident), Swin B nd (Bu in Mana r), FVA; HARRIS, (S cr tory), FBLA; HARRISON, Honor Society, FVA; HART, FVA, FBLA. Row 2, HASH; HEATHCOAT, FBLA; HELDENBRAND, Mi Future Voter, Bibl Hi tory Club, Knobber ttcs (S cr ry), Stud nt Council, FVA, Historic 1 Club; HENDERSON, B., FBLA, FVA, "0" Club, Chieftains, Honor Soci ty (Tr ur r).
J., K1 Y1s, Rod Cro
1n international relations Row 1, HE DERSON, j.; HENDRICK, Knobber tte, FBLA; HENNI G, Girls ''0" Club; HEPLER, "0" Club, Key Club (Vic -Pr idcnt), Football, Track, FVA (Trca urer); HERONIME, "0" Club, Football, Track, R d Cro , Squar D nee Club, FVA; HIBDON. Row 2, HICKS, FVA; HIGGINBOTHAM; HIGGINS, Chieftain (Tr a urer), Squar Dane Club (Pre ident), Red Cro , Historical Club; HILDERBRAND, FBLA, Honor Sod ty; HILE, Ki Yi , FVA; HILL, M., Choir, FBLA.
Jerold Hend ron Marth Hick
Glenna Hendrick Margie Hi enbotham
Shirley Henning Dol Higgens
Chari Hepl r Bettsy Hilderbrand
Herb Heronime B rbara Hile
Martin Hibdon Maudine Hill
The library erves as a good source for rese rch m terial. Makmg u e of th1s information are }imrrry Dell and joyce Ferrell.
Nodin Hill France Hopp r
Shirley Hill john Hom
Cor! n Him din Hornbeck
Jimmy Hold n Su How
Row 1, HILL, N.; HILL, S.; HIMES, Choir (Secretary), FVA; HOLDEN, Hi-Y, Photography Club. Row 2, HOPPER; HORN, Sigmo Chi Iota, Band, Swmg Band, Red kin; HORNBECK, FHA (Pr tdent), FV A, Student Council; HOWE, FV A.
Many hours were spent 1n the library Row 1, HUDDLESTON; HULET, Knobberettes, FBLA, Square Dance Club; HUSKINSON, FFA; HUTCHISON, FVA; IVEY, Ki Yis (Pledge Mitre ), Stud nt Council, P p Council, Honor Soctcty; JACKSO , C., Knobberette , FV A. Row 2, JACKSON, L., Ki Yis, FHA; JAY, E.; JAY, M., T&I; JINES, Ki Yis, Art Club (Secretary), Safety Council; JOHNSON, G., FVA, Kt Yts, T&I (Ht torian, State Seer tory-Treasurer).
Hubert Huddleston Don Jack on
Mary Jane Hulet Loi Jackson
Johnny Hu kin on Ellen Jay
Leroy Hutchison Max Jay
Delore Ivey Beverly Jmcs
Carolyn Jackson Gayle John on
Lor n Johnson 'orma K m s
P t john on Wand K I
Shirl y john on Ann Keith
Yvonne johnson Chuck K ith
Harold jon s Ch rl Kell y
Row 1, JOHNSON, L.; JOHNSON, P.; JOHNSON, S., Knobb r tt (S tion Capt in), B k tball Qu n, FBLA, FVA; JOH SON, Y., Ki Yi, FBLA (R port r), FVA; JO ES, H .; JONES, N. Row 2, KAR ES; KEEL; KEITH, A .; KEITH, C.; KELLEY, C.; KELLY, A., Ki Yas, FVA, Red Cro , Safety Councal.
studying for those inevitable exams Row 1, KELLY, J., FBLA, FTA; KELLY, R., Bible History Club, FVA; KERLEY; Kl G. Row 2, KIRBY; KLIEWER, T I; KLEYMANN, Key Club, R d kms, FVA, Student Council, Quill nd Scroll, FHA Be u, R d km Arrow st ff, Photo r phy Club (Vic -pr id nt), Jr. Rotarian; K IGHT, R d kin (S cond Vic -Pr ad nt), Photo rophy Club (S r nt-at-Arm ), B nd, Opcr tors Club.
"A te t today!" Thi
JoAnn Kelly Kor n Kirby
Ruth K lly J rry Kh wcr
Freddy King Jerry Kni ht
Ann K rley Horst Kleymann
tatement sends many scurryinA to th library lor a lew moment of study before school. TakinA advant te of this pare time are Pat Thorpe, Bob We t and Jim Moreh ad.
Le Roy Knot G n Lakin
IT n Kuhn Bob Lam
Els• Kuklenski Evlyn Lane
Don L 1dl y rol Su Lankford
Row 1, KNOST, Chi hams; KUH KUKLE SKI, Y-T n (R port r), Quill and (R porter), Red km Arrow staff (Editor), S1 rna Chi Iota (S cr t ry), Ch1 ft m taff ( cmor S ct1on Ed1tor), u Alph Thet , FVA, Writ r Guild (Pr 1d nt); LACEFIELD, Mu Alph Th ta (V1c -Pr id nt), Honor Soci ty, R d Cro (County Pre •dent), Stud nt Counc1l; LAIDLEY; LAKE, Chon, K y Club, FVA, Stud nt Council. Row 2, LAKIN, Red km Arrow taff, Chi ftain ; LAM, FVA (Pr 1dent), Spani h Club, R d kin (Yell Lc d r), Squar Dane Club, Hi toricol Club, H1-Y, P p Council, R d Cro ; LANCE; LA E, Knobb r ttc , FBLA, FVA, Choir (Qu n), M• ld I cr tary; LANKFORD, R d Cro , FBLA; LARSO , Ki Vi (U h r C ptain). FVA.
Through our class work Row 1, LATHROP, B nd (Drum Major), Swing Band (Stud nt Du ctor), Stud nt Counetl, K y Club, DE, Chi ftain, FVA; LEE, Mu Alpha Th ta; LeFORCE, FVA; LEO ARD Row 2, LEVERICH, B nd (Qu n E cort); LI VILLE, DE; LITTLE, Opcr tors Club (Pr id nt), Stud t Council, FVA; LOOKABAUGH, "0" Club, Honor Society, S1 rna Chi Iota (V1c -Pr 1d nt), Golf, FVA.
do study! Here i a view of an Entli h "cia s busY r din from th ir literature book .
W yn Lathrop Don Lev rich
Chari Lee Chari Lmv11le
J m s LeForc R1ch rd Little
Larry Leon rd Edwm Look b u h
Rutht Lunow B v rly McArthur
P tsy Luper Du n McC mp
jamc McAb Kenn th McD m
Typical scene around the halls 1 two grrls talkm about JU t anythm . Prelured are Lsn Heldenbrand nd Gat/ Schtndler.
joyc McAlist r jo McDonn I
Row 1, l.UNOW, LUPER, Ki Yis (S tion Cap m), FVA; McABEE, Ki Yis, Red Cr , Writ n1 Guild; McALISTER. Row 2, McARTHUR, Knobb r tt s, Junior Alumni, B nd (S cr tary), FVA, FBLA; McCAMPBELL, R dktn (Y 11 L d r), Ht-Y (Pr tdent), D bat , Red Cro , Bible Hastory; McDANIEL; McDONNAL, Student Council.
we formed life-long friendships Row 1, McDOULETT; McGRAW, Ki Yt, Spani h Club; McKAY; McMAHA , B nd, Red kin; McMILLA , M. Knobbcr tte , Junior Alumni, FBLA, FVA, Pep Councal, Student Council, A i tc.nt All-School Yell Lead r; McMILLA , W. Row 2, Me AIR; McNUTT; MANEK, Auto Club (Vic -Pr id nt); MA UEL; MARBURY, Choir, B nd; MARSHALL, BETTY, FVA.
Ann McDoulett Dtxa Me air
Dolor McGmw j. C. McNutt
G raid McKay Loon M n k
Jerry McMahan David Manu I
M ry Lou McMillan Dan Marbury
Wayne McMillan Betty M arshall
A f andwiche , a coke nd ome potato chip help to era thou hts of a comin' te t, and where is a bctt r pl ce to buy these thin s than the school snack bar?
Billy Marshall Rob rt W. Martin
Clifford Martin Hel M shbum
Rich rd M rtin R. B Mathi
Ro rt L. M rtin Annit M k
Row 1, MARSHALL, BILLY, Auto Club; MARTIN, C.; MARTIN, RICHARD, ''0" club, Footb 11, FVA; MARTIN, ROBERT L, Band, Honor Sod ty, Mu Alpha Th ta (Pr tdent). Row 2, MARTIN, ROBERT W.; MASHBURN; MATHIS; MEEKS.
Thought of food often conflicted Row 1, MELTON; MERCER: MIKES, Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Junior Alumni: MILES, Kt Vis, FTA (Vic -Pr ident), FBLA, FVA, Historical Club, Red Cros; MILLER, C., Knobberett , Writ rs Guild; MILLER, R., T I, Chi ft in . Row 2, MILLIGAN; MINX; MITCHELL, I.; MITCHELL, R.; MOLAND, Red kin (Vice-Pre id nt), Bib! Hi tory Club, Hi-Y; MONROE, Chieftain, Auto Club, FFA.
M ry Melton Milli an
La Ru
P t Mercer jimmy Mtnx
Bobby Mikes Irene Mitchell
Mellod Mile Ronald Mitchell
Carole Miller Jerry Moland
Ron ld Miller Arvid Monro
D vid Moor J ck Mowdy
Gwendolyn Moose M rilyn Moyer
D le Morava J n Mulhall
Jimmy Mor head Jo nne Mu rave
JoAnn Morey Don Mu ravea
Row 1, MOORE, Redskin; MOOSE; MORAVA, FFA; MOREHEAD, Chieftain (S r D nc Club, Key Club, Safety Council; MOREY, Knobber tt (S cr tary), FBLA, FTA; Row 2, MOWDY, DE, Operators Club, Chieftain; MOYER, Spani h Club (Pre id nt}, Club; MULHALL, Writ rs Guild, FVA; MUSGRAVE, Red Cros; MUSGRAVES, Red Council, Hi-Y, FVA, T I; NASH.
Lewis Morris Donnie Nash
eent-at-Arms), Square MORRIS, Golf, FVA. Ki Yis, Square Dance kin (Pre id nt), P p
with thought of class assignments Row 1, NEELEY, Band, Auto Club; NORTON; OAKFORD, Knobberettes; OGLE, Square Dance Club, FFA, Ba k tball, Ba b 11. Row 2. OVERSTREET, Student Council, T&I; OWENS, DALE; OWENS, DEAN, T&I; OWENS, J.
Joe Neely Charles Ov rstre t
Ralph Norton Dale Owens
Jeri Oakford Dean Owen
John Ogle J me Owen
With books laid a ide, ~hool work tal<e a back at to food and talk. Di~ussm~ the events of the day are Marilyn Deerin~, joAnn Burt and Beverly ]ine .
Ruby Own Pennin on
J m
H. C. Ownbey Arda Penny
J ne P rk
P t P tree
Lila P lay Bill Phillips
Tommy P rson R !ph Pic rd
Jimmy P ck Lor ne Pipkin
Row 1, OWENS, R., Ki Yi, Writ r Guild (Vic Pr 1d nt), FBLA, Stud nt Council; OWNBEY, Stud nt Council, Si ma Chi Iota, Hi torical Club, Sp ni h Club, "0" Club, B k tb II, K y Club, FVA, FBLA; PARKER; PASLAY, Ki Vi , T&I; PEARSON, "0" Club, FVA (S r eant t-Arm ), Football, Stud nt Counc1l, K y Club; PECK, Chi ftain , T&I, DE (Vic -Pre 1d nt). Row 2, PENNINGTON; PENNY, Ki Vi (Vic -Pre id nt), FBLA, B nd Qu n, FVA; PETREl-:, ''0'' Club, FVA, Quill and Scroll (Pr id nt), Saf ty Council (Vic -Pr id nt), Red km Arrow taff (Sports Editor), Chi ftain t ff (Sports Editor), Tenni ; PHILLIPS, Footb 11, B k tb II, "0" Club, Junior Alumni, Stud nt Council, FVA, K y Club; PICKARD; PIPKIN.
"Seventeenth Summer" was the play Row 1, PLATO, Ki Vi, Spanish Club (S r tary), Square D nc Club; PLUMLEY, FBLA; POPE, Honor Soci ty, Mu Alpha Th ta, Sigma Chi Iota; PRICE, "0" Club. Row 2, PROVINCE, Honor Soci ty (Vic -Pr id nt), Red Cro (Pre ident), Student Council ( ere ry), Girl' Stat D I at , Mi Citiz n hip; PUMPHREY, Ki Vi , FVA, FBLA (Vic -Pr ident); RAMOS, T&l; RAPER, K y Club (President), Ki Vi Kin , Pep Council (President), Stud nt Council, Tr ck (C ptnin), Football, Ch1 ftain , "0'' Club, FV A.
"Tha(IJ the ri~ht hade.' ]o Bu~ton makes up Hsrold Hardy lor h1 appearance a Martm in th nior play.
Norma Plato Marilyn Province
Earlene Plumbly Kay Pumphrey
Donald Pope Jack Ramo
Bob Price Don ld Raper
Let R d Johnny R ynold
V da R id M ry Loi Richmond
Donna R tzlaff N din Rich rd on
drsn1lltic mom nt came m th nior play when Jack (Bob Ea t) t 1/s Antic (Linda Lancaster) th t his ll!IlUly IS movint away.
Row 1, REED, FVA; REID, B.; REID, V.; RETZLAFF, B1bl Ht tory Club (Hi tori n), Y-T Row 2, REYNOLDS; RICHARDSON, j.; RICHARDSON, N.; RICHMOND.
brought to life by talented sen1ors Row 1, RICKERTS, Redskins, B nd, Swin B nd, Sp nih Club, FVA; ROACH, Ki Yi, FHA; ROBBINS, Knobber tt (Pre td nt), P p Council (S cr tary), Stud nt Council, FVA, FBLA, Junior Altru n, B b 11 Que n; ROBERTS, Radiotrons (Vice-Pr tdent), T I, Stud nt Council, Red Cro ; ROBERTSON, Chou, FBLA, FVA. Row 2, ROBISON, '0" Club, Football, Hi-Y, T&I (. r ant-at-Ann, District Vice-Pre id nt), Chieftain ; ROGERS, T I (Pre id nt); ROSE; ROWLAND; RUYLE, Choir; RYE.
Jerry Rick rt D nnis Robison
P t Roach Doyl Ro rs
Martha Ann Robbin B tty Ann Ro
Ralph Robbins JoAnn Rowland
Franklin Roberts Rob rta Ruyle
Carol Sue Robertson Chari s Ry
I.atm is cor1s1d red by orne of the studenL, a one of the hardest ubject5 tau~ht, o natural/y mdny que twn arise cxmcerning lt. Billie Cra1g a ks I'.tr . Fran e Gorlick, Latin instructor, about the day's asSignment.
RayS nd rs Nova Jean Scarberry
Raymond Sander Burl Schiel
Tommie Ann Sandlin Gail Schindler
Garri IS uls Shirl y Schnu lie
Row 1, SANDERS, RAY, Auto Club; SANDERS, RAYMOND, Auto Club (Pre ident), SANDLIN, FVA; SAULS. Row 2, SCARBERRY, FVA; SCHIEL; SCHINDLER, FBLA, Knobb r tte : SCHNUELLE, Safety Council.
went to our teachers for help
Row 1, SCHULTZ; SCOTT; SCROGGINS, Auto Club; SEALS, FBLA, FVA; SELF, Auto Club; SHIPLEY, Knobberette (Vice-President), FBLA, FVA, Pep Council, Red Cross. Row 2, SHIPMAN, Red kin , "0" Club, Ba eball, Football; SHIPP, T&I Sweetheart; SHREVE; SIEGFRIED, Ki Yi, FVA; SIMMONS; SIMPSON, C., "0" Club, Track.
Nadine Schultz Bob Shipman
Don Scott Shirl y Shipp
Lavern Scroggin Eddie Shreve
Naomi Seals Glenda Sie fried
Glen Self Joan Simmons
Shirley Ship! y Charles Simpson
G org Skinn r L• tt. Jo Smoyk f r
Bob Slo n K nn ~th Smd r
Le h Sm llwood
Col •n Sp rk
Chari Smith Jammy St cy
Lc li D an Smath JoAnn Staffa
ER, SLOAN, FFA (Pr ad nt), Student Councrl, Track; SMALLWOOD, Row 1, SIMP ON, E, T&I; SKI Ka Ya, I'H Ro.., 2, MITH C Bond; SMITH L, Cha ham , T I, SMITH J', Stud nt Councal, All-School Y 11 Lc d r, FBLA, TA. FBLA, Ka Ya , P p Councal SMOYKEFER, Knobb r tt
working the more difficult problems Row 1, S IDER, FFA (R port r), SPARKS; STACY, Cha ham (S r ant-at-Arm ); STAFFA, Knobb rett , FBLA, STA fORD, STAPP, J, Garl '0" Club, Knobb r tt (Pled Ma tr ). Row 2, STAPP, L, Honor Soca ty, TAPP, T., Ka Ya Jumor Alumm, Red Cro , Y-T n; STARR; STEDDUM; STEELMA ; STEGEL 1A , Ka Ya .
Ann Stanford lb St rr
Tommi Jo Stapp M ry St lman
"I ju t don't underst nd!" This tatemcnt by je G ble tarts Mr. Hubbard on a lon~ explanatzon of n even Jon~ r al~ bra problem.
Bill St v n Dale Sun 1 y
Dor thy t J rry tomp
R tt St w l..ou1
Conrad Su I r B •tty l..ou Stott
M r
Bob Sun n Str c n r
R1t M rl md
tm r tn kl nd
Row 1, STEVE. , lu ft m FVA; • TEWART, D, FBLA, STEWART, R, STIGLFJR, '0" Club, Jumor Alumm (. rg ant-at-Arm ) , H1 toncal Club ( er ant- t-Arm ) , K y Club, F VA ( rg nt l Arm ) , STI 1:., STINER. Row 2, TI. 'GLEY; STOMP, R d km ; STOOPS; STOTT , K1 Y• , FBLA (Pr 1d nt), B nd; STRACE FJR, Mu Alph Th to, Honor Soc• t •, B1bl H1 tory Club (Pre •dent), FVA, STRICKLA D, Op r tor Club, H1 Y, Ch• ft m .
carefully counted our credits
Ro.,., 1, SULLIVA. , 8, FVA, SULLIVA, , C, SUMMERS, Honor Soo ty; SWFJE. EY. Row 2, TAFF, Choir; TAYLOR, B.; TAYLOR, D.; TAYI.OR, E.
A certam number of credits is reqwred lor ~r duation, o Mona Curin~ton, actm~ on advice of tl'le coun lor , checks her credits with Mr . Alma Le ch, re~i trar.
Bonnie Sullivan Don Taff
Charlene Sullivan B1lli Ruth Taylor
Lucille Summ r D1ck Taylor
Don Sweeney I-:umc • Taylor
lor Tt'mpl ton Mont' Thomp on
Tommy Taylor Sh1rl y Thorn
n T n y r t Thornhill
W1th th n arn cruor ' thou~hts are turrunA toward lutur plan . Lookm r coli bull tm rc Manlyn Moyer and john Bob Est . '
Ro" I, TAYLOR, T, B b II, TEAGUE, Jumor Alumm (S ond Vac Pr ad nt), FVA; TEMPLETON, Kt Ya FBI.A, I'VA, Ha tone I Club, TE EY, quar D nt" Club (First Vac -Pr id nt). Row 2, THOMAS; THOMA 0 , I'BLA, FVA, Squ r D nc Club (S cond Vac -Pr ad nt); THOMPSON, l'VA, TH R HILL
and began reading college bulletins nt- t-Arm ); THROCKMORTON, FVA, Choir, Honor SoR d Cro , nt Counctl, Square Dane Club, FVA, FBLA; TREAT; ct t , TLAPAK; TOMPKI 'S TROUT, T l. Row 2, TUCKI-:R; TUR BULL; TUR ER; TUTTLE; TWEED, D ; TYLER, J., DE. Ro
P t Thorp Low II Tuck r
Wood n Throe ·morton Wolt •r Turnbull
Thomas Tl p k Bob Tum r
Elinor Tompkins Norm Tuttle
jack Treat
J rry Tw ed
Yvonna Trout JoAnn Tyl r
Many hour were p nt 1n v. rttmg the zll and proph }'lor the eruor Cia . Pau zr!J1 mom nt from th :r work re committee me m b r s 811/y D v1s, Shirley W t~on, M rzlyn ProHnce, Carolyn Clark and Bob Burr.
Z lma Tyler Slnrl V rn r
Audr y Tync Manon V u h n
at lm f r nee
Ur nd V rn r
n Horn V1ckr y
Row 1, TYLER Z, DE: TY. 'E,, URENDA, K1 Y1, FBLA, VA, HOR , Chou Ch• ft m Row 2, VAR, 'ER, FVA; VAUGHAN; VERRir:R; VICKRr:Y, Band
Committees planned our final activities Rov. I, VILLA, FVA, WADE j , K1 Y1, FBLA ( cr t rJ) l·VA \ ADE. T, "0' Club, B ball; WALKI!.R, 01-: (V1c -Pre •dent), WALl. 1-BLA, \'\.'ALLACb, j, · 0' Club, B k th II (All Stat ) Row 2, WALLACE L WALRAVE '0 Club, T nm WARD. I·BI.A. WARDE Ctu ft 111 WATSO , K1 Y1 ectl n m) tud nt un II. FBLA Rt.•d ro Squ rc I) n Club, Quill nd Scroll, Ch1 ft 111 t H ( Bu m r) \\ EBB C
Ann V11l Lloyd W II c
joan W d Barry \V lrav n
Tomm Y·.' d Dorothy Ward
G rland \ lk r Duane Y,' rden
E tl W II Sturley Wat on
n t W bb
M n
Wh t
Chari W Loveta W1g m
Dorothy Wh1t B•lh WJ!h
Bob W t 01 tha WJ!bank
M lvm Whit Marth Wilh
John Wh1tl y Fr d W1l on
Row 1, WEBB, J, Stud nt Councll, B1bl H1 tory Club, WEED, Footb II, Track, "0" Club (S cretary); WEST, '0" Club, T nm, S1 rna Ch1 Iota; WHITE D, WHITE, M, FVA; WHITLEY. Row 2, WHETSELL; WIGGI 'S, Honor Soc• ty; WILBA KS, WILLIS, B, B nd, BLA, K1 Y1 , Squ r D nc Club; WILLIS, M , Kt Y1 ; WILSON, T I.
while we hummed "Pomp and Circumstance." Row I, ALO 'E, B nd, St m Ch1 Iota, FVA (Pubhc R I uon M n r); WI DSOR; WI TER, K1 Yis, FTA (Pr 1d nt), G1rl "0' Club (Pr 1d nt), Honor Soc1 ty; WITHROW. Row 2, WOODSIDE, K1 Y1, FBLA ( r ry), S f ty Council; YOU G, S; YOUNG, Y.; ZI K, K1 Y1 (D m nt C ptam), Honor SoC1 ty (Pr id nt , R d Cro {County V1ce-Pr td nt), Mi Chieft m.
"We mu t look neat lor comm n ment," y Shuley Cosby a &h lltnuthtens Ch rl Weed's hirt coli r,
Richard lone jo c Wood id
n Wmd or y Youn
Pauline Wmt r Wanda Youn
Buddy Wnhrow • orma K y Zmk
jACKIE jAMES Pr "d nt MARLE GAT Seer tary
As juniors we felt like old hands on publications. We offered our id work in makin th m realiti .
Another year ha on by, another mne month of book , cla e , teach r and grade . Aneth r year of partie dance and club work. Thi year, as always, we made la ting fri nd hips and we thought 1ife was pretty wonderful.
and did the
Maybe this is ju t another year, but to u junior it was a very pecial year. We look t that eta rin for which w wait d o Ion and re lizc that the e experience we've had are importan to u , and that they will help u to b a cla of leader when we ar mor .
As th months w nt by w tried our hand at producin a play, and with everyone cooperating, it went over big. Then we honor d the enior with a prom and ev ryon a r ed it wa a wonderful affair. We've rv don variou committee and councils. We performed in the Chieftain Caper and various a emblie. . We helped teacher and worked Prom committ
jumor pon on are (st ndin ) Mr. W . 0 . Hawkin , Mr. Soc Lewis, Mr. W. L. Conn r nd ( ted) Mrs. Ad lin Ban, Mt He! n Bt g rs, Mrs. Be i Kelly nd Mrs. Franc Garlick.
- 126-
ROW 1: J rry Abbttt, P ut Ab I, Gayl
Ad ms, Ruth Ah muh .
ROW 2: W nd II Akan, Elvera AI m n, LoUJ Allr d, Sh1rl â&#x20AC;¢ Allred. ROW 3 Harry And r n, Glynnd an And rson, Tony Ard, W nda An m nd z.
We woncl red all summ r if w ould let th ubJ t w \1-antcd and what t ch rs e would have. dme Kuhlman and B1ll Sm1th ar at Ia t recervm theu hedule from M1 Vera 81/11 lea.
at Capitol Hill High School life ROW 4: Glona Arnold, Wlllrul Arthurs, Arl n ROW 5. D nm
B rk r, Eug n
ROW 6: Man Bn
D rn
, Robban II
r, Mar aret Aubr y, Joy
Au in, Twana Axl y, Be ty Jo Barber.
B m tt, H rold B m y, John Darri , V mi
Ba , V mon Ba .
a!, S ra Jan Bell, J ck B nnett, Elizabeth B nton, Franc
127 -
Ber strand.
ROW 1: Mary Birchfield, Donald Bird, Harry Bird, Jackie Bi I, B verly Blackmon, June Bl ckwood, Jim Blair. ROW 2: Virgil Blake, Mary Lee Blake Icy, Donna Blue, Sally Blu , Shirley Blu , Monte Bodin , AI
ROW 3: Earl Boggs, Ina Ray Bonds, Billie Borthick, Gloria Bowers, Ray Bowling, Don Boyles, Pat Dracll y.
We had busy days The deadline loomed ahead on tho e inevitable history reports, and Delma MontAomery, Don Crew and joyce Eu¡ banks find it necessary to pend some time in the library.
ROW 4: Maxine Brady, Berniece Brashears, june Bratton, D mice Brown. ROW 5: Bob Brown, Lloyd Brown, Martha Brown, Ronald Bruce. ROW 6: Alice Bry nt, Louise Bryant, Pat Burch, Billy Burke.
ROW 1: Alma Bum tt, Morris Bum , Lavita Cain, Lloyd Canary. ROW 2: Dar bar Com s.
Cantrell, Carolyn
ntrcll, Suzanne Carey, Gene
ROW 3: Chari Hom r Co â&#x20AC;¢
Carpenter, M r aret Carroll, Doris Mane Carter,
A ba ketball game ollered last and lurwu ent rtmnment. This ~arne must be tn th Red km's favoT. Judgmg by the expre Sion on the. I of Delores Enckson, jam Lary and Darla Marw 11.
and fun-filled nights ROW 4: Shul y C
Ca tl , Jackie Caudl , jimmy Cave, Joe Cavnar, Faith Ell n Chamb rs, Colleen Chandl r.
ROW 5: M1ck y Chann 1, Mary Ann Ch stnut, Dorothy Circle, Ronald Clanton, Chri tin Cl rk, Jerry Clayton, Betty Cline. ROW 6: Don Coffman, La Ru Cohron,
on E rl Col rick. K thrvn Collin . Bill Connor, Myra Conway, Kenneth Cook.
ROW 1: Peggy Cordett, Gregorio Cordova, Delores Covington, Dean Cox. ROW 2: Kenneth Cox, Phyllis Cox, Kay Cozby, Wayne Craig.
On of the many talented jumor Cnp1tol H11/ 1 Danny Reccr who wa Ma ter of Ceremorue at the Democracy A embly.
ROW 3: Edward Cramer, Nancy Cramer, Don Crew, Walter Crick.
offered our talents and
ROW 4: George Cronk, Jimmy Crawford, Jerry Cubbage, John Curry, Donald Davt , Joyce Davi on, Patti D aton. ROW 5: Joe Deaver, Pat Denton, Dori
De per, Yvonne Dietrich, Susanne Divine, Ida Mane Dixon, Shirley Doan.
RO\\' 6: Bob Donald on, Jimmy Dorey, Shirley Doty, Ronald Doughty, Jo Ann Dougla , C. A. Dunafan.
ROW 1: Carolyn Dunn, Morolyn Dunn, Rob rta Durbm, Juamta Dy , Bill Ea t, M rvm Edwards, David Eldridge. ROW 2
Elhng worth, Bobby Ell;ot, Phymla Elhott, Dolor
ROW 3: Joyc Eubanks, Betty Fallw II, Bob Fom y, Conm
Fath rr
Enck on Fntzte Erwm, Wayne E t s, Joe Esquivias. , Frank Fer u on, Davad Fergu on, Frances Fielder.
received our share of honors ROW 4: Jerry Fatzg raid, Terry Fitz erald, Martin Fl tchcr, Norman Fl tchcr. ROW 5: Frctda Fhppo, D lb rt Flow rs, Charle Floyd.
Floyd, Wanda
ROW 6: JoAnn Forsyth , G raid Fo t r, Lyn tta Foster, Paul Fox.
Pat Bradley won the admiration of the DeMolays and was elected to be the1r sw eth art. Here Don Reid helps Pat with h r honorary sweetheart jacket.
J cket w r popular mon th boy . R1chard Lathrop and Don Km~ find they s rv the purpo on In id
ROW 1: Fr m n.
rmon Fr
ROW 2. F Gardn r.
m n, t;dw rd Fr
El me
man, John Fr Rodolph
ROW 3: Monnn G rr tt, jo Ga ktll, Marl n
man, ' ncy
Gahndo, Lanny
Gat , W yn
G e.
When Jack Frost turned the weather cool ROW 4: B rb ra G ntry, J nice Gtbb , Ch rl
Gtll, Gl nn
ROW 5: Jaunice Gordon, Wilma Gramlin , P
Gr y, R
ROW 6: Gen
Gill, Glenn Gtlli m, Kt th Gilli m, Wilma Goodm.
y Grey, Shtrl y Gr gory, Donn
Guil , l<: thy Gull , M rion Gustm, Bill H ck tt, Benm
, Lloyd Grubb . r, D rn I Hal t ad, J rry H m.
ROW 1: Wayn Hamilton, H z I H nson, V r ROW 2: Ronald H rri , Ro
Hardy, Norm
H rmon, Alphus Harr II, Rich rd Harr II, Chrl tin
r H rtman, H rold H rv y, Mahlon H rville, Rog r H rw II, Jim Hawkms, M 1b
ROW 3: Su H wkin , Bobb1 H y , Emily H
drick, P ul H ath, Bobbi H nd rson, Est 1 n Hend rson, Linda H nd rson.
we wore suede jackets and crested sweaters ROW 4: Jo Hiddl ston.
H n ley, Kathryn H n I y, Jimmy Hicks, Dorothy
ROW 5: John Higganboth m, E rl n Hilterbran. ROW 6: Mary Hittl , Glori H oiling worth.
Hill, John Hill, Ch rles
Holl nd, H z 1 Holliday, Donnie
A very attractive fashion the girls sported wa cr t d sweaters. Melba Hawkins, Su nn D1vinc and on E rl Go/erick show th r is a choice of sever I style and colors.
ROW 1: j&mmy Holh , Anna Hood, Mar ROW 2: Chari ROW 3: D rl n
Huffman, Chari Jam , Jacki
Hu Jam
Hood, Joyc Houdmon, B rbara Howard, J
How rd, Don ld Huff.
Su Hurd! , B1lly Hutton, Ch rlen Ivey, Cl r nc J ck on, B v rly Jeter, B tty Jo John on, Dolor
me .
John n, Don John on.
We had a prom to be remembered ROW 4: Billi Ruth John ton, Clifford Jon , D Flow rs /or the occasion are ~~v n to Phyll1 Cox by h r date jackie }am , on the rught of th juruor.Seruor prom
ROW 5: W 1 y Jon , Gl nn Keltn r.
Jon , Jack Jon .
Jordon, Myrna Karn , P tric&a
ROW 6: B tty Jo K mp, N ncy Jo K nn dy, Mary K1llm n, Chari Kmdnck.
mona Ko 1 ch, Lawr nc
ROW 1: Don Km , Vn tma Km ht, Kordt
ROW 2. Conm Mac Knvan k, Donna Kuhlman, Landa Lanca t r. ROW 3: L u hlin.
J m
Kuhlm n,
The ntrcs of "Glamour Boy" wer up· roariou . Susann Drvin , Jacki J me , Barbara G ntry, Don Crew nd Sally Blue, part of the ca t, are shown m typical cene from th JUnior play.
Lory, Rtchard Lathrop, Rich rd Laubhan, Wtlma
and a typical high school play , Glenda Lcmmin , Donald Jo
ROW 4: Jimmy Lawlon, Oletha Lc ch, Virgini ROW 5: Reba Ltttl , Eul
a, D
Lon , Vir inia Lon ,
ROW 6: W yn M dol , Charlott Ma
Lcwi , Dale. Li htner, Lyndall Lindet n Lovele , Freda Loyd.
rl M hon y, Don M hcot , G r ld M ngham, Donald Mann, Ronald
ROW 1: Mary Lou Martin, Don M Matthews.
hbum, Alic
ROW 2: Darla Maxw II, Don May, Joyc
ROW 3: Thcodor Melton, B rb ra Tedd r M1lbum, Anita Miller.
ruors ar Lnn.
I ton, Chari
The ROW 4: Billie M11l r, Earl n
1s fun wh n you can assi
M lro , Doyl
low r c1 man t uch pretty the Senior Cl . Th
Bob Brown find
on, Donald
and J
sen1ors we respected,
Mill r, Car y Minor, Corinne Mmer, jam
Mitch II, ]1mmy Mitch 11, Mary Ann Mohr.
ROW 5: D lma Montgom ry, M rna Moody, Lorry Moon, Donald Moor , Mary Ell n Moor , B rb ra Mor Moran.
n, Joy Ann
ROW 6: Willie Mors , G rald Morton, Thom s Mo , Carol Mulhn
, Mary Murray, Ro lyn Mu , Lor n
ROW 1: Bcv rly My rs, G n McKinz1.
McCollom, B rb ra McDonou h, jan MeG
ROW 2: J rry McM111 n, Loyc McWilliam , Charlc N nc , Ev n ROW 3: Bcv rly
1ckla , Chari
Nixon, Franc s Nol n, Johnny
, Juanita McGr w, Pat y McKean, Carol
' I on, G r ld N1chol , Mary â&#x20AC;¢ 1chol , 'ordqui t, Ev r tt
'unn, Jocki
J m
N1chol on.
Nu z, jo Ann Oakes.
the sophomores we endured ROW 4: Tommy Oldak r, Ohv r Lurry, J rry O'Qumn, Marl ne Oste n. ROW S: Millard Oxford, B1lly Parker, Betty Pa chal, Chari n P ak. ROW 6: Geor Pickens.
P nd II, B tty P rkin , Jimmie P
rs, Ch rl
Karla Ed~ar, phomore, to be ready with th answer cau ing juniors jack }ones, Harry Anderson nd Carolyn C ntr 11 to wonder wh re tho "soph " learned o much.
Ba ketb II tar Hubert Re d (6 9") shows lootb II letterm n B nton Ladd th art of htttm~ th b k t. The }umors hzwe many athlete to be proud of.
ROW 1. Carol P1 rc , J RO\V 2 Puck t
n Pal nm Gl n PI
Charley Poor, H len Po ton, J
ROW 3: Bud Pulh m
Lat n
Pure II
t r, jo nn P II rd
Pndmor , Shari y
Mary Qualhn Cl o Quann.
We were proud of our athletes RO\V 4. ju mta Quant ro, M ry Su Quant ro, Ruth R ROW 5: Hub rt Re d, Don Read, Henry R ad, ROW 6 \ Robert on
r, Barbar R m d n, C th nn
R y, Eug n
R ymond D n R c r
W . R ad, Dyth I Rich, Jo Ann Rach rd on, Ball Rach y.
, Marcetta Radl y, Patncaa Ral ;): , Carolyn Rang
Rob rt on, Gl dy
Rob rt on Glon
ROW 1: R donda Robm
n, Shul y Robinson, Dolor
ROW 2· Llo d Rumb u h, Math I Ru , D Lan R
Romero, Jam I , Ch rl
r, Sonny Ro , Carolyn Rosebroo , Sonja Ru .
Ry , R yrnond S I z r, Ben S tt rfi ld, Vir nia S w tzky.
ROW 3: La Wanda Schi I. Mtldr d Sc:hn 1d r, B rbar Scott, jeanm Scott,
cudd r, Elm r Shannon, Jun
Sh ffield.
and contrived to get their letter jackets ROW 4: Allan Shipman, M ry Lou Shoe I y, Rich rd Stmonton, B tty Slmk r. ROW 5: H I n Sloan, Bill Smith, Harold Smith, Marilyn Smtth. ROW 6: Lorna Sn Snodgr
, Leroy Sn II n, Mary Ann Smd r, Barb r
"Ev ryone know a Jetter j cket looks better on a ~tTl than a boy,'' ar u Shirley Doan nd Wanda Floyd. Uoyd Rumbaugh i strll very dubrou .
ROW 1: Mary Sochor, Glennol Staliby. ROW 2: S ndra Staton, Arli ROW 3: T ddy Sul1enbcr Carolyn T ylor.
Soph r, B nny Sorr 11 , H I n Southw 11,
Staubu , Aim Steph n , Ch rl
r, Ca y Sw nk,
Sterlin , Jam
F y
Sp nc r, K nn th Spradl y, Jo Ann
Ston r, Barb r
J cki Ann Sw n on, Chn tin Swinn y, T 1m d
Straw, B tty Str
T 11 y, Vir ini T rkin on,
Our class rings remind us ROW 4: H rry Taylor, Donn T nn ry, Bill T rr 11, Loyd T rr 11, Mtke Thorn on, Albert Thompson, B rb r ROW 5: Ervin Thomp on, Ev lin Thomp on, Donna Thornton, Mina Thornton, P t Thorpe, Glori Thr ROW 6: B v rly Tice, John Tic , Jo n Timmi , Joyc
Tinkl , Ch rl s Tr mer, B rnic
-1 0 -
Thomp n.
d ill, Marl Tibr tt.
t, D nnis Treat.
j me
W 2. l..o1
Tr nt,
ancy Trout, j n t Turn r, j1m Ty , Fred Tyl r, Jam
V u hn, Loyd V u hn, Mary
rn r,
W11l tta Wall, J ck W rd, Jerry Ward, Fr d W
that our big year ROW 4: R nd 11 W
t, Col
ROW 5: J.AVoyd W1lh m ,
n Wh
Un 11, Lucy V nd rb r
V11l , Glenn W lch r, Cl r nc
Walk r.
d, Larry W ed, Ron ld W lch, R1ch rd W lis.
t. Ch rl s Wh1te, Pre tm Wh1tmg, M r a ret Wh1t on, D Ita W1lkm
n, Buddy W1lh m .
ancy W1lh m , Tommy William on, Shirl y Willis, El me W1l on, Keith Wil on, Roy Wil n.
ROW 6. Shul y Wmt r, B11l Wolf, K y
Wood, Don
-1 1-
Woo I y, Bob Worl y, Bobby Wnght, Amy Le
ELL jANE EDDING V1ce Pr d nt
It m lik only ye t rday w enter d a n w chool! Wobbly kn , shaky hand and eye btg a auc r w r charact n tlc of all ophomore a w fir t explored the long, wide hall of CHHS. W thought w would n ver fmd our cia room , but wtth a littl help from our upper c1 wer ventudlly 1 d to them. W oon b cam accu tom d to our urroundings and decided to make orne plans of our own. We rem mber the good(?) t1me we had pledging. We took an active part in th lection along w1th our many other activiti . Bein abl to vote in thi new way made us fe 1 like full-fl dgcd citiz of CHHS. W recall our ock hop and th st pped on. Now we are lookin forward to our junior year with renewed hop and ambition for another succe ful year of hi h school life.
Sophomor Cl s pon ors ore (s t d, I ft to ri ht): Mr. H . Eldon H II, Mrs. Jan t Spencer, Mr. Joe Dabn y, ( tandin ) : Mr. H rry Appl at and Mr. J Carpentar.
With eager anticipation ROW 1: Dolor Ab h r, D nn Acton, Chari n Allen, Ora Lena Allgood, Billy Altstatt. ROW 2: Shirl y AI up, Wand Jerry Baker, Loi Barber.
Adam , Navarro Addâ&#x20AC;˘ on, Rach rd Ah muhs, Matti
Andrew, Bob Anthony, J rry Arch r, J
n Aubrey, Bett
Ak rs, Fr nc
B k r, Jaurito Ann Baker,
En termS th doors of CH HS /or th first tunc ar Donni H rris, Dt1rla Se I, Shirl y Pipe and Br/1 M utt.
ROW 1. Nathan Barber, H vcdy B mett, B tty Barnett, M ry Jo 8 rton, Marion 8 t ROW 2: Ro a Bat , J rry D an Beck, Bev rly B II, Joan Bell, Joyc B II. ROW 3: G org Ronald Bloc ·.
t, Marvin B
t, Bt!flny Bar
, Danny Black,
we entered a new school ROW 4: Wayn tte Bl ck, Haz I Bl ckburn, Dora Blake, Sammy Blanc tt, Carl Bond, Jack Boulwar , June Bourn , Johnni Bow n, Sandra Bow rs. ROW 5: C rl Bowlware, Ramona Brady, Andrew Brandt, Sandra Branson, Donald Branum, Billy Bray, Franc Tommy Brooks, David Brown.
Brook ,
ROW 6: K thryn Brown, Joann Bry n, Keith Lynn Bryant, Tillmon Bull, Bally Burton, jo Linn Campbell, Ha~ry Cannin , Yvonn Cantrell, Terry Carr. RuW 7: Ruby C rson, Mary Jane Carter, Maureen Carter, Barbara Ca cy, Dorothy Ca h, James Ca h, John Chapman, Don Ch nault, Lavon Chalders.
ROW I· Carol Chile , Jack Ch1 holm Cl on
Clark, j1m Clark,
P t
ROW 2. P t Cl hom, Beryl Cl rd Cloud, Lou Aim Cock r
ROW 3: Ron ld Co gm , Lou Alma Colem n, B1lh D Comb
h1rl ) J
n CI v land, Rlch-
ok r, C thnn
Col ,
We finally found our classrooms ROW Don Conkwn ht, Rna Conn lly, Carol Cothrum, J tmmy Cr tg.
Conn lly, Ov II
Cook, Rob rt Cooper, Vargm1 Corl y, Btlly Co by, V rne
ROW 5: Ruth Cr n£1 ld, G org1 Cr v n , Ketth Cr w, Mildr d Cri p, Robert Crook hank, Chri m Cummmg: Phylh Cunmn h m, Don ld Dail y. ROW 6
D nn r, H z I Dav1d on, Ther d .
D vid on, Chari n
Davt , Dona D vi , Gl nd
D vi , M r i
, Mary D
'lit ,
J me D avtll , P ggy D
D M rcu , J ne D Dtll .
per, Don Dtcker on, Edith Dtck on, Rtchard Dick
n, B rb r
Dt hm
ROW 1: Tommy Daxon, Shtrley Dobb , J mce Dod on, B tty Dor y, Jomc Drabek, Betty Drop r, Coli ryn Dubot , Var ma Dun f n. R W 2. Amt Dunn, Donald Dunn, Vir inia Dunn ton, Harold K ria Ed r, at Ednngton.
n Dutton, M
n Du ne, KathII Jan
J an Early, Gaal Echo! ,
ROW 3 K • Edward , Joyc Stan) y F old. ROW 4. J ck F r u W nd II Ford.
r, El
nor Empt
Avt Emry 1 Jam En I
n, Pat F>r u on, N ncy Fcrr II, Jamc
En h h, Bally Ev n
F rnll J rry held , Dol
Ev n,
'aomt Flud, M ry Fo I ,
and settled down to ser1ous study ROW 5: J 1 For h nd, Jo n Fo t r, Joy Fo t r, Tommy Fowlk , Buddy Franci . ROW 6: 'orm J n Frank , Full r, H I n Fulton. Str mmg th 1r bram ar Enuly He drick
lor a te t nd Mattie
mce Fruit, Joyce Fulk
ROW 7: Ch rlotte Gadd, Barb r It m, Pat Gtlhland
on, jtmmt
Gtb on, P t Gilb n, Trev
ROW 1: Shirl y Gilli , Shirl y Gindle b rger, Jerry Gold n, L Patta Gr n, Larry Gre , D inty Gri by.
Goli htly, Carolyn jani
ROW 2: LaDonna Gri om, P tty Gri om, Darlene Grov , E rl n Jody Hale, Clo Ann Hall.
Goodnow, Ch rlott
Grov , Bob Hack tt, Gr
ROW 3: P t y Hall, Robert H II, Arma D II Hamilton, Dick H milton, Le he Hammitt, Bob Hardin.
Gr n,
gard, Nova Hainin ,
J rry Hammack, â&#x20AC;˘ oma H mmonds, B tty Han y,
ROW 4: El nor Hardin, Jerry Hardy, V mon Hardy, Myrna Harland, Richard Harper, Donna Harrell, Floyd H rrell, B tty H rri , C rl Harri .
The ROW 5: Chari H rri , Donni Hatchell, Ann Hawk.
sen1ors eyed us from head to toe Harri , Pnscslla H rri on, Bill
ROW 6: Emily H ndrick, Rachnrd H d epath, Glenda H nd rson, Hel n Hendrick , Ronald Hickm n. ROW 7: Ern t Hick , Wand ton, Donald D I Holl nd.
Hick , H 1
Hilli , Carolyn Hin-
"Hmmmmmmm not b d," &Dy 81/1 David n, nior, a h ~iv s sophomor Gail Echols, Jerry Hardy nd N ncy Sadler the "once ov r."
"Frv to w lk your a re Tammy Pe~~Y D eds.
' nd
ROW 1· Lawonna Holl nd, Mary Holl nd, Holl1day, Phylh Hollow ROW 2: jo}C Holmqu• t, Ler th Hou h, Bob Ho.,..ard
Holland, J rry
Hopkm , Mary Horn, Ehzab th
ROW 3: C rol Ho I y, Pat Huff, Billy Hu h M ry Humphn s.
, Clayton Hul t,
and decided we were here to stay ROW 4: Norm Hunt r, Cl t Von Hurst, Margi Irby, Don tte j ckson, V..' nd J ck on.
Hurtt, Muriel Hurtt, C rolyn Hutchin s, Erne tin
ROW 5: El nor Jaco, Don J ffr y , Richard Jenkin , Carolyn J nn r, Sonny J nnin P tncia John on, Lew1s John ton.
Hutchm , M r hall
, Donald J well, N il John on,
ROW 6: B rb ra Jone , Betty jon , Trell F ye Jone , Kelly jon , Lor tt jon , Ruth Jon , Fay Jon , Waymon Jon , M rgo Juhl. ck Kea I r, Shirley Kelh n, Dai y Kelly, J •e K lly, Bobby Kennedy, Shirley K ys, Jimmy Kim-
- 147-
Doe anyone claim th m:» Trela }ones, Marian 8 te and joyce Fulker on, Knobber tte pled~ didn't think they could look o terrzbl •
ROW 1: Dorth Kno , lng l y K!!y~endall.
Ko bab Don Krou , P t Kru , Sh•r·
ROW 2: B rbar Kyl , Viv1 n Ky Pat y Ledford.
r, G r ld Law on, Trav1 La on
ROW 3: C rol Le p r, F.dwin L h , Alfr d I L t r, Larr Lev nch.
m nn, M h
Oh, what a mess we were ROWI Lyon. 4 · Marilyn Lcverid Arv
, Billy Lcwt , Leon rd Lcwi , P t L wi ,
ROW 5: jo Ann MeAd m, Shirl y McCammon, Jerr McCoy, Martha MeG , Chari MeG h . ROW 6: Bobby McKmzi , M bry, Dick M ddox, Ch rl ROW 7: Donald C rol M opu t,
J rry Littl , Mary Lop z, Otto Lo on, J me Lyl
McCI II n, K ith McClung, Carol McCiur , Phylli McCollum, D I McKinzy, Eddie McMillan, judy Me
Malon y, John Mann, D lore Morrow, D I
w, Jmo
M rtin, Leon Martin, M ry Su
n, Lur M
ROW 1: B tty M tth w , Eyvonn M tth ws, Brie M r on, Dav1d Mtll r, John Edwm Mtll r. Mtlligan, Orvtll ROW 2: Lmd Mtll r, Ch rl en f, J cki Mood , Ard II Moon. ROW 3: Barb r Moor , Loy Moor , D w y Mor Ch rlott Mo I y, Vivi n Mo .
M uldm, I..oui
Mauldm, Stant y M
k , N ven
Mill , B v rly Minmck, T. A. Minton, Chari
Mitch II,
J son Mon-
y Morn , T re a Morri , Loretta Marton, Philip ~o lander,
n, P
ROW 4: Bobby Mowl , joyce Mulhall, Mary Su Laddt th rcutt, Lannt V~;Comb.
M lton, Harry
Murray, Bob Murr 11, J~n Mu , Mar · Loui
I, lola
at the end of Transition Day~ ROW 5: Fred Doyl Nowlm
II, Dav
ROW 6: W nda • 'unl y, Ronm On m Orr.
h rman
'u z:, Dotty 0
ROW 7: Shtrl y Ov rc t, H rold Ow n, Vtr tnt Ow n , B tty Oxford.
o I, Su
I, M lvm Orr,
Ow n, Rob
-149 -
Enjoyif18(?) thi ta ty m I duri~ Transition Day are Mickey Yount and other Ki-Yi pledlfes.
ROW 1: Bonny Painter, June Palmer, Mary Helen Papejoy, H 1 n Park r, Mary Parkhur t, Verna B 11 Parte , B v rly P tton, Bobby P tton, Lyn tt P yne. , Toronto P ek, Evelyn P nnin ton, Ronnie P rkin • M ry Pflue r, Ro r Ph r , ROW 2: Fred Pearson, Bobby P
J ck Phillip , Roy Phillip . ROW 3: Chari Pi r n, Tommy P1l nm, Etleen Port r, Kenneth Porter. ROW 4: Olen Pr 1 y, Maurin Quintero, Billy Rae .
Ptper, Shirl y Pipe , Larry Pittman, F y Plack r,
orma Pruitt, Betty Pulliam, Ruth Pury
r, Jimmy Pyle-, Rob rt Qu
We participated ROW !l: Billy R ckley, E ki Raym r, Mary R cd. We kept up with our upper cJ men when it came to a mbl1e . Doin' his part in the yearbook a mbly is Bobby Roedl.
v rly Plum! y,
n, Anita
R dford, Glynna R
ROW 6: Nedra R , Ro mary Re v Rensh w, Patsy Lou R x.
"'-'Y• D lma
, M rgar t R nfro, Adri nn
Reynold , P tsy Rho d , B r-
Vir im Corl y nd ]ody Brown re promotinA the p1rit of Chri t¡ mas by decoratinA th ir homeroom.
ROW 1: Shtrl y Rach rd on, Vir inia Rich y, Fr nk RaJ y, Leon Rin h rt, Mary Robbm . ROW 2: Thoma Robbin , Ann Ro Rob rt , C rm n Rodd n
rt , G n v
rt , Lucill
ROW 3: Bobby Roedl, M r hall Ro Barbar Rub lin.
rs, V nita Ros , Gloria Roark,
and decorated for special days ROW 4: Ronald Ruyl , N ncy S dl r, Leroy S lo Bill Sc 1 , Charlotte Schr k. ROW 5: D rl S al, Froni Shore , Bobbi Sh lton.
, Nath 1
Saly r, Kenneth S nd rs, Janie
S ay, Wydena S ll , Haz l Shac elford, Grsc
ROW 6: Mary Sh lton, Lloyd Sh pp rd, Alin Sampson, P t Slinker. ROW 7: Ann Smil y, Alta Smith, Smith.
Shillin , Roy Short,
J !f
S pp, Janice Satt rv.hite,
Sharp, Shirl y Sharp, Melvin Shatsw 11, Lee Sifford, Jani
Simmons, Roy Simmon, Mike
J nie Smith, Margie Smith, Patricia Fay Smith, Ronald Smith, Vernon Smith, Willa
ROW 1 Dale Spradl , Momca ROW 2. Rudy Spnn er, J arr II St th m, Dori Frank Sum on, Rob rt Stodd rd.
St ph n , K y St w rt, K nt St< w rt, L
RO\\' 3 D lm r Ston , J ck Ston , K tth Ston cipher, Sulhv n, Onal Summers. ROW 4 jon II Swinney, Geor Mary T ylor, Tomm • T ylor.
'on Stor y, Flora Stow , Ann Str
St wart, C rl n tm n,
ancy Str
Sttckn y, 1
ht, J m
Taf lm i r, Truman T lly, L voy T t , johnn y Tatum, Bobby Taylor, Dou Ia Taylor,
With happy memor1es and high hopes ROW 5: Su T u , M r Thomp on, Fr d Thomp on "Look t me h re," y Su Ma· on to Harold Sanders a th y recall p t expetl nc s /rom th yearbook.
Thoma , B rb ra Thomp on, Btlly
ROW 6 G r ld Thomp on Vtvt n Thomp on H 1 n Thurmond Btlly Ttdw II ROW 7: Marcia Ttll r, Jtmm•e Town! y,
B tty Thornton,
n Travt , Juh
S ymg good by to th IT ophomor } ar and /ookmiJ forward to b m~J Jumor 1 M 1 h II RoA r , JJIIJ, Comb , Patti Gr n and D v1d
ROW 1 Dav Tuck r V Don Und rwood.
ch I Tuc er Leona Tyn r,
ROW 2: Rachel Val nc1 , Edw rd V nBu ktrk, Arl ta V nc , D lor V rnon
ROW 3: Patty V Carolyn Walk r.
rst r, G n \Ia Vo
ell L ta Vo s,
we completed our sophomore year. ROW 4. H L. W lk r, jo Whit , Lot Whttn y.
nn W rd, Larry Ward n, Don Watkm , Su W
t 1i on, B rb r
Whit , jam
Whit ,
ROW S B rb r Wtlb nk , Billi F y Wtlkin , Carolyn Will tt, Carolyn William , j rry William , Claude Williamson, Jo Wtlh m on, Glona Wtlli , Ruth Ann W1lh. ROW 6: Harry Wtl on, Lind Wooldnd , G yn II Wool y.
Wtl on, Mary W1lson, P
y Wtl on, Harv y Wincent n, johnny Vlirtz, Don Wood, B. T.
ROW 7: D rr II Wool y, B v rly Wri ht, Mary Lou Wn ht, Shirley Wri ht, D vid Yo t, Mick y Youn , Nancy Youn , Roâ&#x20AC;¢ M n Youn , Vtr mi Zwirtz.
Top sen1ors Ru sell Amburn
mary Avery
Walter Baker
AWARDS: AMBUR , Di tributiv Educ tion; AVERY, Letzei r Medal; BAKER, Out tanding Mu 1cian (Band).
Bobbie Beall
Betty Blackmon
Gl nn Boyd
Martha Burke
Ntna Burke
R lph Bum
AWARDS : BEALL, Civitan Citiz n hip; BLACKMO , Di tnbutive FA!uc lion; BOYD, Vocal Mu ic; M. BURKI<:, DAR Hom makin ; N . BURKE, Hom makin (Food ); BURNS, Alumni M moria! (Fir t) .
Bob B urr JoAnn Buxton Carolyn Cantwell Carolyn Clark Shirley Co by Billie Croi AWARDS: BURR, M th matics, Phi B ta Kappa; BUXTO. , Di tributivc Education; CANTWELL, C pitol Hill Chamber of Comm rc ; CLARK, Chieftain Yearbook, I.etz iscr Medal; COSBY, DAR Hi tory; CRAIG, Quill and Scroll, Oklahoma Coli g for Worn n Scholar hin
J immi 0 II
Katy D
G yle Embree
Bob East
CarolE t
D I Flor
AWARDS: DELL, Bauch nd Lomb Scicnc ; DESPER, Vocal Mu ic; EAST, St v P nnington Award; l':MBREE, Di â&#x20AC;¢ tributive Education; ESTES, Commercial (Secretarial), Distributive Education ( chota tic), FLORA, Commercial Art.
Shirl y Fuller J n n G rs Harold H ardy G nav ve H rr man D vid II rri N dino Hornb AWARDS: FULLER, Hi tory, Mu Phi Ep ilon Mu ic; GERS, Speech (Dramatic); HARDY, M chanica! Drnwin (Engin rin ), Letz i er Med I; HARRAMAN, Di tributiv Education; HARRIS, B nd Citiz n hip; HORN BECK Horn making (Clothing). IS
received awards Charle KcliP-y AWARDS: KELLEY, Art; KUKLENSKI, Redskin Arrow, Oklahom Coil e for Women Schol rship, S rs-Roebuck Foundation Schol r hip.
I> I
rt f1 ld
W yn Lathrop
Eddi Looknbau h Uu n
Dolore McGraw
AWARD : LACEFIELD, K . G lord Ph1l nthropi Award; LATHROP, D1 tnbutiv BAUGH, Bau h nd 1.omb Scicnc ; McCAMPBELL, S MALON~<:, C p1tol Hill Ch mber of Comm rc . h
Rob rt 1•. M rtin
Pat P tr
Donald Pope
M rilyn Provine
Rich rd Malon
Education (Schol tic); LOOKA· hip;
Donald Raper
Denni Robison
AWARDS: MARTIN, B nd S rvic ; PETREl<:, Public tions Servic ; POPE, Science; PROVINCE, Engli h, Honor Society Rin ; RAPER, M ch nical Dr wmg (Architectural); ROBISON, Home Work hop.
Doyle Rog rs
Shirl y Schou II
Le lie D
n Smith
Loi Stapp
Betty Lou Stott
M rwyn Stracener
AWARD : ROGERS, Trad and lndu tri 1 Stat Award; SCHNUELLE, Comm rcial ( Boo ke pin ); SMITH, Am rican I. 1on Citiz n hip; STAPP, Hom ltUlkinlt (Food ): STOTT , B nd Citiz n hip; STRACENER, HistorY, Letz i er M edal.
Norma K ye Zink Zelma Tyler D nn Ten y Wooacn Throckmorton AWARDS : SUMMERS, Letzei r M dol; THROCKMORTO , S1gma Alpha Iota Mu ic; TEAGUE, Alumni Memorial ( cond); TE NEY, ch S rvic ; TYLER Distributiv Education; ZINK_, Honor Socie~ Rin Not Pictured : CHARLES ALTMAN, Letz i r Medal: JANICE McABEE, DAR S rvtce Award. Lucill Summ rs
We, today's students of CHHS,
I,U7 142, 145
95 9
are the leaders of tomorrow 7!1 12 14
97 II 107 !Ill,
145 !Ill
134 131 010!1
113 ISS Ill 113
9 Ill
As 135
we look towards the future 79
• 136 116
!II, 104,
I, 91
• 136
!13 IJ7 92 135 133
with humble enthusiasm
7 141
149 153 9 153
153 74
nd Operat d by Bu
r Snod ra
Dellclou c ke! P t Blackwell, Don Tall, Rol181d Thompon nd Ow n Fr nee enjoy th m lve at th te.ll cake w lk.
Let 'er roll/ Stanley Baldwm, Mr. E. ]. Stockton and Harold Harvey run the late t i :rue ol the Redskin Arrow.