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Jl In J..FY v)." rY.p .Ji Faculty-C~culu7nf- ./ ' VFR\ \ \ l LR .t 'rtJ / / ~ 0/f)S _'Y . \\ \ :\II I II I C' tt Q-/ ,)-/fJ,'f!(JtllzatjyfK . y "1\ \ l\. \U\10\. L1 f)\ l\.1\IBERI I\ ,p,JJ ); # Uje J tn' R00:\1. CAROLE H \ T ifl y / . po Brt)\ \R. \ \\(1 C LBERT. 1LVIA H\I.L. 1 v -r;'J e_ ..\.:; \;v , T0\1 l\. \OTr t,.u-' tY .)/ ·enior.o • II V , ;. \RE\ HALL\! \RJ... ]0 VOl/. y Junior _'f'/ ~ V'O JA\\IE HIVEL1. VI l\.1 \IO(l\. C\ t/ j/ SnrJitnmory;l / )/ VJ"' AROLt. II\ T v-V ,./ . f}~·siune'n V y 'i.. &~;/ \I \RILl\ B \R E1T J C/ t./] Af!/:trector U .Jl Dt 1\.EI Y _/ A S.tajl/~ v AROLY\ A BARR \\11\ER. J H\ GARRI 0\. f _pv PAT IJO TETTER. D\VID i\I('C\RT1. JOII\ / W\RE. BARBARA WILl\.! \ Puhli"h<'d undt•r
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OpeninK •
~Apu r ~ /~ERR\
VOL ME FI E 1960
Taylor Puhll.·.,h.mo- Co )alia T . ~"' mpany
DEDICATIO To all \01th\\e ...l Cla-.~<'nile~. pa"t and
nl. "ho ha,c made the title Kniuht ,., and Lad
we dedicat
the 1960 R ) \D TABLE.
to you
In the brief
hi ... tory of our ...,cJwol you hav
ahlv su ...-
taincd high tandardp of conduct and !:'cholhc~towed.
. 0\ TilE BE!\ \1
Here 'twixt night and morn lie " nborn Tomorrow. and dead Yesterday."
ilent moonbeam
cavorting in the plash and spray await the dawn.
Thi. ntrance off Twenty -~t'venth treet leads to the . tudent lounge. tudent store and the library. Its ircular <lrive make.., it a mo!'t inviting approach.
\\ \1. F. LOTT
l!ember, Ward 3
\JR. OTTO THO\IP 0'\. Ward 2 President, Board of Education
MR. PHIL BE'\'\ E11' Member-at-Large Vice-president \tH .
\IR. Ll 1\.E
1\. \GG
Uember, Tf ard 1
~ \RRE:\ F. ~ ELCH .llember, Ward 1
W. B R ;r:
uperintendenl Oklahoma CLty Public chools
\lR. J. FR \£\. \1 LO\E Principal \ orthzce l Classen
Do you judge p ople by their look ? Ar t peopl jolly? re blonde. dizzy? Teachers can sometime tell omething about ... tudent by looking at him h1.'Cau. they know hat to look for. But rare!) do they tru. t . nap udgm nls. ln!'tead they rely on ientific methods guidance and coun_ lin". lncrea. ing awarenes of the need of under•"l""'-''ng student a individual!' is the cor of ·ng. There are many route._... by which thi nder tanding com -.. T !->l and m a,urcmenh aid in placin" tu\\ here they can best r •alize happines:- in work. But there are other areas of a t' life coun. elor ne d to know before the} competently interpret th ...tudent to him lf nd to other:.. To treat each . tudent as differently as hi. ndi, idual different demand is a near impossible in America's crowded. understaffed public But pointing out to a "tudent's in.tructor more . ignificant different . can lead to h tter ju. tm nt. Thi. is the job of our counselors. o one can predi t a ... tudent'. futur beior. but teachers do feel re...pon ible for an at guiding him a\\ay from calamity. Here coun. lor are worth their weight in
0 PAl T BO
In the , pringtime all . enior ' mind turn to thought of cap and gown . Even at 90 in the . hade they haunt the halL in their gre) roh .
ROL~D TABLE Q EE coronation. which fall on the day the yearbook i di ¡ tributed. i a climax filled with u. pen e-and urpri e . It repre. ent one of our mo. t beloved, and olde t, tradition .. Round Table royalty i Knightland' royale t.
Each year our foreign exchange tudent find new friend awaiting her in her home away from home.
Bigge t mixer of the year is the annual Signature wing. Autographing attains ma.s-production dimention . The 1959 . e .. ion regi tered 1439 loyal Knight and Ladie who came early and tayed late.
'\ot onh on it~ Knight~ and Ladies doe. orthwe t Cia . en pride it elf. but on tho. dedicated to giving 1\.ni~htlandt'r!'i educational fundamentaL and a philo ophy for future life. These de' ot<>d ~oul refu e to let u. give le. s than our he t. They cheri h for u iclcab and principle of true chivalr~.
Arriving a. faltering Page . \\e are molded into Herald . aware of a place amon" fcllm\ 1\.night!'. . we turn qmre, w look to our future with confidcnc<' ha, ed on I\. night . tandard. and appr<' iation of the fellowship that make our path less hazardous. Reward come with h ing dubbed 1\.night- challenge to build for oureh es a place in tomorrow' world.
RT I ARTLES Toda} great empha i i placed on cientific re earch and technologi¡ cal approache . However, in Knightland arti tic skill to provide appreciation for finer thing are equally tre. ed. Among offering of the Art Department are per pective. art de ig-n. impl figure drawing, co tume deign, } earbook art, till life and land cape drawing. Commercial Art include ilk creen, block printing. magazine cover and industrial deign . Ceramic and sculpturing are popular cour es.
Mr¡. Winnie Murray explain element.. of a good di play po ter in Commercial Art de igned to develop the ability to evohe ideas and expre them visually in two and three dimen. ional form.
)ti. far} Lamb Lewi and l\1r . Winnie Murray di cu merit of a di pla}.
De. ign i fundamental in fa hioning material into effective tyle . Member Mary Lamb Lewi ' fa hion cia prepare drawing from live model .
of \1i.
HOMEMAKI G MARK 50th A IVERSARY Homemaking empha~iz'es knowledge for happ) on umer re. pon. ihilitie<;, hudgeting. element. of harmonizin~ decor and de ign arc popular topic . Food and nutrition, fahrics and fa hion are con. idered in practical term . Preparation of menus for family meal. a well a festive time get attention. Patching demand patience but i part of every thrifty homemaker exi tcnce. Even anniver. ary cake sometime fall, even i£ the photographer i waiting. a happened to the departmental 50th anni\¡er ary cake thi year. But with poise becoming Pearl \le ta, the girl en ed their cake and liked it. too. Whether uch trial will be et the. e tyro a the\ face the world on their own thi was a qualif}:in~ experience. ~li s hirley Riddle' chedule included four cia . . e in homemaking, and one advanced food cia. . lr . Ramah Mill r directed home decoration. , Family Relation . and clothing cia e . li~ ing in a changing world.
Company coming may bother some people, but girls who have majored in homemaking have the knowhow for preparing a table properly.
Homemaking art are handy for future homemakers, but what a time for the thread to snap! Jeannie Llo) d repairs damages.
Family Relation , a cour e enjo}ed in the relaxed atmo phere of the homemaking living room, i de igned for di cu ing problem facing today ' youth. Budget . dating do' and don't , family harmony, child care, con ideration~ of uitable background for ucce~ ful marriage. are topic on the agenda for the erne ter cour e.
Re ponsibilit\ for elf development is the creed of DE Club member . Left to right; J. John on. K. Collins, W. Marler, L. Rowe. ]. chell. D. Harri on, B. Mitchell. Z. Cook. 0. Williams. L. Blaylock. R. Travis, G. Clancy. C. Thomas, P. Burt, B. Smith. R. tratton, J. WofkilL \1is Beth We. t. spon or.
To educate and prepare Knightlanders for respon ibilitie of employment i the purpo e of Diver ified Occupation and Di tributive Education. Student enrolled in these cour. es do classroom work and on-the-job-training. DE offer training in the principle and procedure of di tribution of goods. DO offers tudent a survey of requirement. of various trade for the purpose of aiding in deciding on an occupation. Thi preparati~n enable student to have wider knowledge and awarenes of the indu trial world they will oon enter.
Mis Beth West, DE in tructor, find vi ual aids helpful in teaching the technique of getting a job.
VIr . Evelyn Findly helps Kay Shadid with typing lesson while Majorie Buchner, tudent trainee, oberve . 22
Mr . Ivy Copeland explain the mechanics of a Burrough's po ting machine. Student taking Busine Machine have an opportunity to learn mechanic of up to date office equipment.
Vlrs. Lucile pann. \1is. Jo Alice Hendricb. \1rs. \1axine T~ ler :ret to~ether after a class and rom¡ pare achievements of student .
VIr. Alvin Brvan. Bu ine Education De partment head, ee that classe are coordinated and eveq thing run smoothlv in thi department.
VOCATIONS VANISH VACILLATIONS tudents enrolled in Diversified Occupation are trained for a trade. or an indu trial occupation. Mr. Horace Brooks hring~ out high point when student. watch a film on emplo)er- tudent relations.
Even student. in auto-mechanic. li. ten to lecture . ;\lr. Charle Hale explain. to hi . hep:inninp; auto-mechanics class function of the different part of the automobile.
Purpo. e of the Auto-\1echanic course i to create ituation and incentive to enable bov to learn the mechanical and theoretical operation of an automobile' variou units. Among cour e material covered are the function . principle , and repair technique. of engine and brake y tern. unit of the electrical y tern. engine timing and operation. and oil and their propertie . Allen Ale,hire and Jeff William work on the engine-block of a car with up to date tool supplied by the department.
ACCURACY IS VITAL Mr. David Hoke. Driver Education in tructor, confident that a trained driver i a afe drher. indicate to Karen Knott that . he'd bett r , low down. Driver Education department i up to date with facilitie for turning out afe driver .
Printing teache accuracy. This pre-trade cour e rrive the theory of production work. Boys often et and run record and other imple print d form.
Photography ig a department with phy ical facilities that make it a popular ubject. The cour e primarily teache tudent operation of their own camera . Darkroom skill and picture compo ition are algo tau:rht.
Mechanical Drawing begins with le~rning how to u e drawing tool . Hand lettering i . tre.. ed. Succes ful. intere ted tudents may continue with architectural drawing. orne work in machine and drafting pro¡ cedures i offered.
1\Ir. R. ' ¡ mith examine a printing . ample while \1r. Horace Brooh and \lr. Homer loody a\\ a it hi verdict.
Proper and afe u. e of hand tools i empha ized in wood¡work. Machine tool are available for perfecting intricate model and urface~. tudent in the department have an annual exhibition of their fini. hed projeC't . \lr. Gerald Heu el explain . . pecial \\Ood\\Ork kill. to two of his advanC'ed students.
l\lr. Frank app , tudent trainee, a. i ts a tudent adju ting a testing device in electronic . Although equipment i located in the hop. electronics 1 a c;cienC'e cour e. 26
\1r. lvin Bnan instru L audio-vi. ual aide , Jimm) Fahian, jimnn Grigg , Larr) Burton how to op rate projel'tor for u e in cla rooms.
Hamming it up in Pia) Production cla""¡ for the l'ake of the Round Table photographer. left to right. are. ]. John on, L. \1ann, P. Con)er . P. Kim ey, H. Lami¡ rand. C. Ki e. . 1\orton. J. Jamel', . Wil on.J. Boll!'.
C. \1i kov. kv. . Barrett. . \larkham. K. Knott. J. Ho. e. I . Ma ..ter-<. D. ~Iielenze. K. 1\.. Brande . L. Rice. P. Klein. T. ullivan.
ga ps
\1r . Patricia debate coach. i peech maj.<>r. s i her fir. t year in Knightland. he pau es for a word with ick Woodard. and tudent trainee. Mi . Park.
Concert Band, compo~ed of the he. t available mu~ician~. include, concert", entry in district and ~tate fe~ti val , and special appearances in a~ ..emblie-.. Row I: . Wile,-, E. Hefley, M. Thoma~, J. White, P. Kin~r, D. Gih on. Rou) ll: l\1. Van Hook, B. Pitt~. L. Cowie~, R. Purdin, C. McPheeter-., J. :\faier, L. Ander,on, J. :.\lcCord, A. LiJe,., D.
Ander-.on. Row Ill: B. 1c:.\1ain., R. hirley, G. Carlton, J. Hume, C. Ca. ~ady, E. Cain, P. e. tlerode, L. pires, B. mith, D. pire., C. Van Hoo er. Row IV: l\1. Gla. ser, l\1. choap, J. Brad<:haw, E. J u~t, 1. Robin on. Row V: J. Hammett, B. Prock, T. Jenkin~, I. Ward, A. Marco, K. Owen, P. atcrlee, T. 1illigan.
Knightland i si. tently won tests. Row I: on. Row ll:
proud of it orche tra. Thi group ha conuperior and fir-,t rating in tate music conR. Gunning, . Kimerer, L. Royston, J. John. \1uir, J. Heagy, L. Whitwell, :\1. Hutchin on,
D. Helderman, . Jone!", P. Wiles. Row Ill: J. Jone., J. Cummin«, B. Johnson, L. Ca «ady, R. Holman, G. William", E. Hefley, . Wile . RoUt IV: L. E kridge, R. Cobb, L. Woodard, J. William. Row V: J. Hammett, K. Owen.
oncert Band (con't): Row 1: C. Klenk, J. A. Romerman, D. Helderman, . Jonc, P. Wile~. Row II: W. Routen, L. Vernon, R. Howard, P. teelc, '"' andcr, J. ·mith. Row Ill: R. L·e, G. ligcr, B. eeger, G. Hill, C. Ko ted, B. Mullenix, D. Hick., L. Woodard, G. Carter, R. Cobb, R. Bond, J. William , J. Boura. ~a, B. Coat~. Row IV: C. Lott, M. Bickel, M. Arthur Jolm ton, director D. PortL, F. Walker, J. Good, :'\1. Ca ey, R. Dale, R. tile , B. hick, D. Thorup. on, H. l\lyer-., M. Gilbert.
Orche tra (con't): Row 1: B. B}rd, \1. Zachritz, J. cudder, . Olivt.. Row II: J. mith, l\1. Waldrop, R. De pain, J. Pollock. Row Ill: P. Steele, Sanders, A. Liles, D. Ander..,on, W. Routon, L. Vernon. Row IV: l\1. Gilbert, D. Thomp.on, B. hick, M. Bickel, Mr. Arthur John ton, director T. Kalmon.
A Cappella Choir often appear... in '-chon) a•.-;emblie". Row I: . Hall, J. Adam , J. Wilke~. B. . elhy, J. Thom.,on, P. im~, J. :.\lathi", D. Drahe<'k, ~1. \lartz. Row II: C. Vcn-.on, \f. Haff, M. William , B. Wooten, , O'Hara, B. :\Iiller, \ Chri-.,ten on, J. hor.k, C. Ha-.t, P. Carter. Row Ill : R. , lwl
ton. D. mith. K. hadid, V. Ganj!:wer, D. Harri on, P. QuaiL, . hmore, J. Pryor, G. Hale, L. Logan, P. Crump· ler. Row IV: V. Pott., , . La Point~, G. Brady, D. Cheve,, D. Harne , L. Tomlin on, \f. Rapp, D. Baker, J. Haye .., .. Rende!, L. Bartlett, P. Crumby. Betty Dixon, piano.
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~1 HARMONY CHARMS Boy Choru i a newly organized choral group de igned to train male voice . They enjoy en· emble inging.
Row I : B. mith, J. Ray, E. Huey, H. Lamirand. Row Il: D. Kaspercit, T. Engebret~en, C. Weaver, Mr. J. Platt, director.
Girl Chotu is a ~tandard choral ~roup for l!irl from wade~ 9 through 12, pictured with director Mr. Jolm Platt and piani t, Mary Clurk on. Row 1: K. William . P. Fahiun, K. Favor, E. Coffey, C. Dine~, F. Turpin, J. Cox. Row II: R. Grant, J. Cillc~pic, D. Corbin, J. Wilke , N. Kurtz, D. Drabeck, R. Cornell, J. Harne'-, L. Run kin. Row Ill: . Picken", L. Baker, J Roesler, K. Bennett, J. Harmon, L. Harri , J. ~1athi , B. Harholt, . Denham, P. Cornell, .. Davi .
WHAT' A DAY WITHOUT Cn lur;; is an advanced choral group with a fine record in . tate conte~ts. They perform in a emblic~, before civic j!:roup", have appeared on tele,·i ion, and aid in Cia. ic ·. In the foreground, Kathy orri~, \lary Clark on and :\lr. John Platt, director. Row I: R. helton, . Hall, J. Wilkes, J. dam«, R. Homsey, G. Hepler, A. Bla~ke, R. lcCc>nnell, l\1. Haffner, D. Helderman, J. hock, C. Denham. Row ll: O'Hara, R. Long, B. E te", J. hultz, A. ~mith, D. Riley, F.
Lorey, J. Rapp, P. Crumby, K. Knott, G. Hale, V. Lipe, C. Ha_ t, C. Barrett. Row Ill: B elby, '" Ander-.on, L. Pal· more, J. Pryor, T ~ullivan, A. Hill, T. Vrooman, D. Butler, P. Fox, R. Bond . P._llallenbeck, E. Brcker, L. William_, B. Davis, P. Cornell, J. White. Row IV: K. Fair, V. Gangwer, D. mith, K. Favor, G. Good, 2\f. Rapp, R. William«, D. Hames, D. Che,e., \. Pierce, .. Crai~. R. Cornell, . \luir, C. Farha, A. Chri ten on, C. Rile}.
Looks eas' ! But the e hand formations are the result of weeks. of 7 a.m. to 8:15 practice routine in all kind of weather. \Iember al o repre. ent Knightland in do\\ntown. ciYic parade. . "1\o football game would be complete without \lr. John on and the band.
It's not all glamour. There are everal year of training in the making of a Majorette, along with con tant practice. The girl de ign their co tume . and have everal change . Their routine are an important part in pep rallies.
A prelude of organ music by either. ick Woodard, Caroline Point . Pam Clemons, or Jerry Bednar. entertains audiences prior to and following a emblie .
fusic theory give tudents a background of fundamentals. Ear training i stressed. Hi tory of compo ers, major and minor keys, are al o offered. D. Smith, S. Moore, D. C. Riley, G. Hepler, L. Williams, S. Jones, C. Barrett, and Ann Smith listen to Mr. John Platt.
\orthwe. t Cia . en' PT A boa t top member. hip in the nation with 2821 member.. PT A executive board members arranp:e the annual member. hip drive jam e .. ion. teacher appreciation dinner. and Career Day conference. tan Harrison. l\tr . Dan Lac\. \1rs. Gene Vlo... \Ir. J. Frank Malone, Mr . E. D. orton, Mr . E. A. Roesler. \1rs. Earl Gi\en" ;\1rs. Loui Loeffler. \1rs. W. R. Trac well.
ACTIVITIES ABBREVIATE THE DAY tudent Council compo ed of repre entatives from each of 67 home room . meet twice weekly. Action centered on campus safety.
Homeroom unit are the basic element of all activities. Meeting each morning at 9:30 they li ten to admin¡ istrative announcement and hear reports from their tudent Council repre entathe.
KATHLEE ' OWE\ A ctirities Director
Televi ion ha made it po ible for a team of teacher to care for as many a 200 tudents in a single cia . TV ocial study ection met in the auditorium. \1r. Duane ~ einert and ~fi s Glady Shepard, instructors, were aided by Mr . Mary Hanky, instructional assi tant.
THE PAST TIRS 0 Appreciation of hi tory as a day-to-day proces in which each of u is an operative factor i aided by TV, pecial map , current magazine , newspapers and gue t . peaker . Student discu~s cau e and evaluate events. Thu
R CURIOSITY the tory of mankind becomes more than dates, death , and disasters. Oklahoma, American, and World histor}, approached through political, economic, and ocial recounting , p ychology, World and ocial problems, make a rich curriculum contribution.
Mr. Clayton Da, i , Mr . Jeanne Rippee, Mrs. D'orothy Peale, ~1i s Blanche Holland, and \1r. Don Van .Pool meet briefly to di cus an approach to a new unit in ocial studies.
Team clas in American histor} for orne seventy juniors, is taught by Mi s Ophelia Byar and Mr. Steve Ellis. Oral reports, film , and maps supplement textbook material.
Knightland's coaching staff had a succe ful 'ear. \1r. Rex Irwin, football and track; \1r. David Hoke, lenni ; Mr. Don Van Pool, basketball; 1r. Clayton Davis. football; \1r. Jerry Hayne , football; \1r. Paul Cro\\-C, wimming; \1r. Carroll mel. er, athletic director.
An emotional appreciation of good sportsman hip help qualify us for fuller lives. Phy ical education in orne form i required for graduation from orthwe t Cla sen. Boy ' division include major competitive ports; individual port - tenni , track, and cro~ -country ; self te ting activitie , such as tumbling and wrestling, plus conditioning calisthenics. Important health rule are stre. d in all cour ¡es. Girls' divi ion offer team port., individual port , folk and modern dancing. tumbling, and trampoline work. Tho e enrolled in advance individual sport repre ent the chool in city and state competitions. ~is_s _Margaret Doussett, team sports coach, and Mrs. Cortez Copher, mdtndual sports coach, show \1ary Spears the proper way to erve a volleyball.
Mrs. Cortez Copher directs Peggy Spivey's ballet arms in modern dance. S. Gatlin, S. Anderson, A. Fore ter, and . ;\lcCan watch.
The Engli~h language is alway changing, and how well the e teacher!' know it! ew development~ keep 1r. idne\ Ohmart. \!Ti ~ nne Whitehead. Mrâ&#x20AC;˘. Vfadge \!Till~. VIi Dori Tavlor. \1rs. Ruth Warram, and Mr. Gordon Erik en on the alert. Knight may oon he , peaking foreign languag-
e with amazing facility. Provided with microphones. tape rerordings of their own \oire . ~lidr:;. and a teacher in a modern language lahoraton¡. tudent ha\e a !'elf-evaluating situation. \lis. Henrietta Von Tungeln and \lis" Carol Greniger find tudent make marked progrcs~ \\ ith this method of learning.
Mr. Virgil Caldwell. pani h in tructor. advi. e Mi Olga Koenig, German teacher, not to worn. 1i. . Koenig IS from Amberg. Germany.
\li s udrie lherts, Latin-English teacher. and 1r. Leonard i'\Tarcotte. Frenrh teacher. review memorie of the Trojan War. \Ii. s AlherL juggles two language. into a . infl cia . Engli. h to Latin. Latin to Engli. h. \
Latin and French teacher confer O\er a point. "Of cour e it ha a Latin root," Mrs. Wilma Bird tells VIr. Bill Hughe , Fr nrh teacher.
Meeting place for teacher conferences i the Engli h department office. \1:i Helen Bourke, 1rs. Mabel Park. and \fr . Hazel Living ton get together to evaluate a new outline.
\1is Katherine Gib on, Engli h department head. takes great plea ure in her ,reat Book Cia. . Thi cia ha read and di. cu d. among other . \lilton' Aereopagitica, Plato' Apology, Ari totle' Politics, hakespeare' Macbeth, and Marx and Engel' Communist lfanife to.
i\Ir . Ola \1ae Oake., special education director, helps tudent improve their reading kills. Individual attention to problem build confidence. Order i the fir t law in the library. Mr . Alma Doughty and Mrs. Ethel Gay keep tab on orne 13,000 volume .
.Mr. Rodne~ t. Dizier. head of Mathematic department, and Mr~. Helen Willingham, team teacher , confer on pre entation of a daily geometr) a . ignment.
tudent, Jame A kins, rna} look like he' playing bongos, but it' really a chemi tr) experiment. Aiding him are Bill Garrett, Mr . Betty Richard. in tructor, Gail Ellis, and Jann Chri tian.
Berniece Gordon make trigonometry under· tandable by illu tration and example. Her room had an array of geometric de ign fashioned into decoration at Christma time. It' Greek to u., but the e wizard under· \ot intimidated rule, \1r. Arthur Wilmoth. i\lr.. La verna Bo~ le . \fr. Rex Irwin. and ~Ir. Paul Crowe;Iook comfort· able aE!ain t algebraic arabe que.
~tand graph and chart . b~ complexitie. of a lide
\}athematiC' i a bridge to man~ \ocation. : .-cience. enginee:rin~. accounting. and architecture. Tho e wi hinp: to follow a career in llU!<ine" are offered bu. inc . arithme· tic. '.\Iathematicall\ indined . tudent. p:o on to olid p;eome· try. tri"onom tr}. and math anal~~i. Basi<' math cla . . e~ make it possible for C\ ery student to he mathematically literate. Whether dealing with known or unknowns, angle or triangles. ma ter~ and application of ancient kilL is learned. A. new \ocahular) and a \\a) of order!) rea. oning rC\\ards earnest effort. . ientL t plottinrr orbit.. engineer tudying sp cifica· tion. . accountants checking bank ~hortage.. architect draw· in.., floor plan . . each claim a . imilar heritage. rna. tery of basic mathematical procedure:-. At a departmental me tinp:. an attentive trio, \1r . \1argaret Thompson. Miss i\lan Wedding. and Mis Charlotte mith, provide an audience for \Ir . 1\ellie Ecton' parabola ex· planation.
tr·iking up intimate acquaintance with gra!'shopper i one of many topics student discover in hiolo~n. Mr. John Paden, in. tructor, illu . tratc hi eli cus ions \\ ith a diagram of the complicated critter.
cience has ah\a) been a major department at orthwe t Cia en. Equipped with pacious cla, room , laboratories, and lecture room this department ha consistently contributed outstanding students to state colleges. The annual cience Fair re earch project have gained wide re ognition for ) oung cienti t ' experiments. For tho e not planning to follow a career in . cience, biology and plant life introduce them to cienti fie anal y i . ra) fish and frog fall victim to dis ecting knive a ophomore~ pleen and queam at learning the tor) of circulation of blood.
Mr. Jim Conger head the cience department faculty. He teache ph) ics, aero-dynamic , and spon ors the a\ iator's club.
'\ext-door neighbors in the biology department, Mrs. Geraldine Busbee and Mi. Lucille Taylor, experiment with variou commercial product . Plant tudy is only a mall segment of their cour e ·.
TV invades the cla room! Mr. Lawrence Crou e, and ecretary, \1r . 1ary Hankey, tune in a cience lecture program for an over ized cience TV clas of beginner•.
That dreamed of po<~ItJOn on the HIELD taf£ lead uxiliary Journali'lm students to learn the who, what, where, when, and why of new papering. Mrs. Nevva Sartin, director, and helly Safdi, HIELD editor, explain make·up to onny Childer~, M. Ford, L. Baumgarner, L. Richards, J. Cheeve , and J. Brode!!. Row /1 · • . Peter, !\1. Nichol<~, B. McQueen, S. Riley, S. Mu'lallam, C. Jack ..on, P. Railey, G. llen, and P. William .
"Good Morning." chirp helley afdi, SHIELD co-editor, be ide that cheery lion each morning. Thi i helley' fourth year of J.
Judi Ander on, co-editor. is al o Oklahoma Time. stringer, OCIPA reporter. and was Inkslinger ' queen candidate.
HIELD staffer work hard to perfect a paper 2,000 students will read. Pu hing to beat a deadline becomes second nature to La nita 1im , John Ma on, Galen Henegan, Jeanette Reeves, Wally Kamp, and Dianne Chapman. Li tening to photographer, Buck avage explain technique of photography are Mickey Coley and Steve Ender , sports editors.
ue Hinchey, bu ine manager, keeps advertising patron and auditor traight. Thi often te t her patience but prove her ability.
HIELD adverti ing manager, Marie Hin haw, received one of two national adverti ing awards from C PA for h r work in 1959.
Yearbook demand hard labor. Overtime pay for weekend and vacation work comes when bleary-eyed, . taffer gather at u. y' and celebrate having made a deadline. Row I: J. Croom, C. Hat, J. Volz, W. Knlmon, V. Mock. Row II: K. Hallmark, A. mith, J. Hively, . Hall, N. Culbert, L. Kimberlin, and T. Knott.
AT LEAST, WE LEARNED TO COU T! Communications is a wide field with new promises. A tudent journali ts, taff member of the SHIELD and ROU D TABLE feel they have been a significant part in making Knightland history as well as recording it. The privilege of service to others brings atisfaction for the hard work and pressure of deadlines. Qualitie of re pon ibility, accuracy, dependability, and elf reliance developed in journalistic endeavor are invaluable in all future pur uits. Expen e of tudent publications bru hed 11,000 thi } eaif. Thi wa rai8ed by ub criptions and adverti ing. Publications packet sale reached 1750, or 87 per cent of the total enrollment. , Top state, and national rating at the clo e of four years total nmeteen. Veteran yearbook taffers, (top picture), J. Bednar, . Culbert, A. Smith, V. Auer, and J. Keys, spent summer-time days planning the 1960 Round Table. The '60 book was enlarged to 200 page with 16 pages of color. Ingenious ideas and India Ink are tock-in-trade for members of the Round Table art staff. Shown discus ing appeal factors, cover, color, and cartoon , are Pat Hostetter, Carolyn Ashabranner, Barbara Wilkison, Judy Key , John Ware, John Garrison, and David McCarty.
Mr . r evva Sartin, director of tudent publication , i known to mo t everyone in Knightland as " ARGE."
Mr . Lauretta Stauffer, secretary to Mr. ]. Frank Malone, principal
Mr . Doris Taylor, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Dorothy Hamilton, Registrar
Mr . ancy Treichler, secretary to Mr. Jack A. Roblyer, as istant principal
Mrs. Delma Harris, Attendance Recorder
Mrs. Mary Hanky, Instructional A sistant
ola Moore, Nur e
Our future i m the hand of the ecretaries! This hardworking corp check attendance, an wer anxious parents' di tre. calls, keep¡ account traight, takes fee , compile permanent records of te t and grade , sends out transcripts, and keeps the wheel of administrative detail running smoothly twelve months of the year. They are al o the individuals 'who trike fear in our heart with office call lip . But they go to no end of trouble to get u out of trouble if there' an attendance error, or grade mix-up. They man the witchboard from 7:30 a.m. until long after chool o that tudent traggler may have a: way to call home. o one underrates the part the e Knightlander play in the overall heme of orthwest Cia. en.
Mrs. Kathryn Lott, Team Secretary
Mrs. Eulita Griffin, Team Secretary
Pre- chool conferences afford teacher an opportunity to greet old friend and m t new ones.
Mr. J. Frank Malone, principal, welcome new teachers, . eated left to right, Mr . Patricia Gulley, ~li . Dori Taylor, Mr~. Ruth Warram, Mr.. Jeanne Rippee, Mi Olga Koenig, Mrs. Cortez Copher, Mi. Margaret Dou~~ctt; . tanding, Mr. Bill Hughe. , 1r. Malone, Mr. Gordon Eriksen, Mr. Jerry Hayne .
Lo} al patron Mr . Gordon Ervin, ea e the train of the Augu t pre- .chool conference by officiating at a coffee break. "I'll meet you at the mail-box." Many, and trange things arrive via teachers' mail-boxe . A tudy in contra t -8 a.m. VS 5 p.m. Signing in VS signing out. Same day. Same people. Same clock. But, oh, the difference!!!
\fr. Ivan Bee on, head cu todian, and Mr. R. J. Pennington, a i tant, annuall} di trib¡ ute . ome :~00 ke) to the 81 faculty member". Teacher and ke} gi\e them many head-
aches. Ke} u ually knm\ where they are. hut hav a p culiar \\ay of not I tting a di~tre <;eel teacher know th ir whereabout~.
Competent custodians, divided into day and night shifts, keep some 18 miles of corridor and walk potles . Ground are kept clean of carele ly to ed candy and gum wrapper and wa te paper.
Baking 50-60 pie , 1,000 rolls, and 700 cookies each day is the job of Mr . Katherine Price, cafeteria manager, and her staff.
Mr. Floyd Smith, engineer, is kept busy in the boiler room trying to keep a hundred rooms a hundred different temperature .
WC Breathes there a Knight in Knightland who i n't proud of his chool? Each likes the bright reflection of hi image in the parkling di play window and the lounge mirrors. Mr. Ivan Bee on, and Mr. R. J. Pennington, are tirele in their effort to keep a competent staff of cu todians. How would you like to return to the lunch-basket-brigade? Cold boiled eggs and a bologna sandwich? Hot meals at school are a luxury in many ways. For orne, lunch is the only hot meal of the day. Mr . Katherine Price and her 23 helpers prepare food for some 2000 student each day, and wash the di he afterward! These people we would really miss if their ervice halted for even one day. For teachers there are substitutes, but cu todians and the cafeteria staff are vital personnel not readily replaced if absent.
Anticipation ranged high a Knight and Ladie awaited appearance of the purple and gold mystery rider . Jan a and David ~ ay. on mantled teed , raced around the track pr ceding each gridiron bat:
tle. Jan, enior, wa awarded a trophy for her three year of participation in thi spirit rousing prelude. Knight value her valiant service.
p R
ho, e the tumult. of lo) a! knight cheering battling Knights, i. heard. "Wham! Bam! Rickel)ree. Lancer. . Lancers.): e ir-ree!'' orne 175 bo) from all rank of Knightland identify them, lve with the Lancer Pep Club. When club~ reorganized and cho e new name , upon coming to our new chool, thi group found the meaning of Lancer fit their purpo e. Lancer were recognized defender , alway ready to aid a Knight. I'he club initiated 72 new memb r , after four weeks of 'due' training. thi fall. \Jr. Billy Hughe \\a named spon. or to a L t \lr. harle Hale, and \Ir. idne\ Ohmart. \Ir. \!alone, Knightland principal, poke at the annual inductee dinner for pledge, , faculty friend , and familie .. Dehra vers. ern Baker. Jud) room, ara Jo Freen~. ·and L~ nnp wain \\ere '59-'60 Queen candidate . Gerry recehed the honor. Coronation ceremonie featured the annual Chri. tmas formal. Pep Club do more than generate pirit for sport . The) contribute to molding new chool policie , launching civic pride, and carrying the ball in ocial ~en ice projecL. \11
LANCER OFFICER meet regularly to di cuss activitie!. that will bring each member fuller ,benefits from club membership. Back row: Nick Woodard, corre· ponding secretary; J. W. kip Hall, ergeant at arms; teve Robert. on, hi tori an; Ender., ergeant at arm . Front row: Phil Walker, ergeant
at arms; Dale Todd, pledge rna ter; Phil Teet , chaplain; Jimmy Johnson, trea urer. Standing, left to right: Jay McCain, vice president; Earl Hefley, secretary; Joe Wallace, pre. ident. Pre·planning makes happier Lancer .
Row I: D. Andrew,.., R. Au lin, T. Babcock, J. Barne!<, G. Bea\er, R. Bell, P. Bierman, R. BL hop, J. Bowerman, T. Brad. haw, M. Buckwald, C. Bush. Row II: R. Bryne, E. Cain, M. Ca_ey, B. Chilton, K. Colwell, T. Cou~hlin, J. Cri, , D. Crowe, R. Dale, B. Deichler, M. De champ, B. Du kin. Row Ill: J. El wick, . Ender~, R. Fagin, . Fo. ter, R. Gee, L Gilson, G. Green, G. Hall, M. Hall, J. Hammett, D. Harri. on, E. Hefley. Row IV: G. Heiney, R. Hendricks, D. Hcn.ley, D. Hewes, D. Hick , C. Holt, T. Hop, ~· Hubbard, . Jabara, A. Jack, J. Johnson, T. Kalmon. Row V: R. Kennard, J. Keffer, T. Knott, l\1. Lang·ton, L. Lemon, D. Lo~an, R. Lu k, J. lcCain, L. lcDaniel, R. fcNew, H. 1\lerriman, E. :\Iiller Row VI: J. Miller, T. Milligan, J. MilL, R. Mondie, D. Murphy, H. Myers, J. Price, P. Putt, L. Raine}, J. Ratway, L. Roberts, J W. Robertson.
Pros and con of Phil Walker' motion are h ing di cu ed a Joe Wallace, pre. ident, pre«ide library. Democracy get into action.
over Lancer meeting in the
Hopeful mile are fla. hed by Lancer queen candidate~. Clockwise: Judy Croom, ara Jo Freeny, Gerry Baker, Debbie ycr and Lynne wain.
INTER CLUB TITLE YEAR Row 1: . anders, L. colt, B. mith, J. outhard. Row II: B. pear, D. pires, D. piva. Row Ill: B. tewart, L. trickland, P. Teet, J. Tillingha t. Row IV: D. Templin, G. Thompson, D. Todd, M. Tou. aint. Row V: J. ahlberg, T. Vrooman, R. Walker, J. Wallace. Row VI: B. Warren, B. Way, J. Whelihan, R. Wolford. Row VII: N. Woodard, . Wudi.
"Practice make perfect." After about fifty shines per 'due', per hour, during pledge . ea on, 'dues' agree member hip holds promises of brighter days. 'Due' of the year, Jerry Bowerman, decides it wa n't so bad a he put the fini hing touch on pledge rna ter, Dale Todd' hoe . Joe Ratway plug .away hining Ru fcNew's. loafer .
1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
LA'ICER 56 21 14 6 8
FALCO 0 0 0 0 0
CORO ETYELL INSPIRE WI Coronet Pep Club has built a reputation of never lacking vim, vigor, or dependabilit}. Sidelight on first emester activities was the bu trip to aid the Knights in their sea on open at Amarillo, Texas. Second semester, traditionally, finds plans for the annual banquet which honor ba ketball player dominating Coronet activitie . The name Coronet was chosen becau e of its a ociation with sovereignty in days of Knighthood. Coronets were small crowns worn as a mark of rank. \1emorable '59-'60 activity was decorating cars for the football contest with orman's Tigers to decide the AA state football title. Preparing pep rally capers affords fun. Social service i an intere ting part of club activities.
aluting the American flag is an important part of p(â&#x20AC;˘p rallie-. The colorful pep . ection make an in. piring "ight reciting the pledge.
Row I: F. Abramson, J. Adams, Jane Adam., K. Adams, L. Agee, . Agee, G. Allen, P. Allen, S. Ammerman, K. Anderson, L. Anderson,]. Andrews. Row II: C. Ashabranner, N. Ashmore, R. Askin~, J. Au tin, A. Ayer, B. Baker, L. Baker, B. Barber, S. Bar¡ foot, S. Barnett, C. Barrett, B. Barron. Row III : F. Bartlett, L. Baumgarner, E. Beckar, K. Bell, J. Belt, K. Bennett, P. Bennett, S. Berry, S. Biggs, B. Blackstock, L. Blalock, M. Boggs. Row IV: A. Bortzfield, . Bowen, A. Bowerman, K. Boydstun, L. Brady, S. Brady, K. Brandes, S. Brandes, C. Brook, C. Butler, B. Butterworth, C. Cabell. Row V: G. Cannon, K. Cannon, M. Carmichael, A. Carruth, C. Cartmill, K. Cassady, S. Chatham, C. Clark, J. Clark, P. Clemon., C. Cody,]. Cole.
. Gatlin E. Gavin H. Geary
J. Creech J. Cunningham
] . Given G. Good M. Goodell
C. Custer A. Daniel
B. Davi D. Decker F. delValle . delValle
C. Denham
B. Dixon P. Dorman K. Dunbar
A. Goodman
J. Graham C. Gravitt
L. Griffen S. Griffen 1\1. Haffner
]. Dunham L. Easton B. Ervin B. E tes
C. Haight L. Hall J. Harne
]. Ewing P. Faulkner A. File S. Finefrock
J. Hamous
J. Fleetwood J. Florence S. Flynn
C. Hancock
Y. Hancock
B. Harbolt
Hardage K. Heitman
C. Ford G. Fowler ]. Fowler S. J. Freeny J. Fretwell
CORO ET OFFICERS, bribed to an early morning session by hot chocolate, preview ideas for capers at a pending pep rall}. Clockwi e are Lucinda Williams, sergeant at arms; Judy Sims, treasurer; Carolyn Haight, parliamentarian; Winn Kalmon, sergeant at arms; and Jobella James, secretary.
D. Helderman G. Heneghan
J. Hen on
K. Hicks N. Hicock ]. Higdon
B. Hill S. Hinchey L. Holman
D. Horne K. Ho ter P. Ho tetter
' â&#x20AC;˘
N. Houchin D. Hou e P. Hudon
J. James C. Jenckes G. John on
J. John on L John~on J. Jones
J. B. Jone S. Jone W. Kalmon
K. Kauffman J. Keller S. Kemirer
L. Kimberlin
P. Kim ey G. Kincaid
Planning for the next Coronet meeting, sponsors confer in the tudent lounge. Left to right: Mrs. 'ellie Ecton, Mi Ann Whitehead, Mi Dori Taylor, Mi s Ophelia Byars, and ~Irs. Laverna Boyles. M. Lunkley D. McCulley . \1c\1urron N. 1cNew
J. Magruder N. Mangum P. Martin . Martin
T. Martin S. Ma~hore
P. Kinnan M. Kirchner C. Ki e
. Merkle
L. 1eyers
D. K. Kitchen K. Knox K. Kratina
S. Lacy B. Langley S. Lawrence
M. Learning M. Lemon L. Leonard
B. Miller M. filler L. Mims B. Mitchell S. Mitchell V. Mock A. ~loodie
D. . S. C:
A. Moody foore forey Morgan
K. forgan M. Leugemors J. Lloyd A. Lovelace
J. Morri S. Morris J. Murphy
B. Loving S. Loving
J. Mu allam . fu allam P. Nance J. ay
S. Lowe
Row 1: J. ~e,\ton, ichol ..., K. \orri'-', '-!. orton, . Oake-., ·. Oli,e, K. Owen, G. Page, G. Paine, M. N. PaLley, L. Palmore, C. Parri. h. Rou. II: . Perrin, C. Phillip., . Phillip., T. Prater, C. Preble, P. Rahill, l\1. Randle, . Reed, J. Reeves, P. Reinbold, . Reynold., J. Richert. Row Ill: . Ridgeway, C. Riley, . RoberL, J. Roesler, C. Roger, B. Rucker, J Rutledge, L. allinger, C. amara, L. and., E. aul~berry, C. , chick. Row IV: Kathleen choenhals, Kathy choenhals, J. chooley, G. chroeder, Barbara elby, Be,·erly elby, E. everin, \1. ~ewell, G. hick, J. hield, . hirley, J. Sims. Row V: :\L ims, 'kinner, K. lack, G. mith, G. need, L. ollars, C. ~park., L. "'pire., P. "pivey, B. taple~, T. teer, J. teadley. L. ~ teinbeck.
Row 1: J. teven~, W. tory, J. trand, L. Tatum, M. Taylor, R. . Taylor, . Trague, M. Terrell, . Thoma~, A. Thomp on, J. Thomp. on. Row II : . Thomp. on, C. Corbett, G. Tracy, J. Tranter, C. Treece, S. Tucker, F. Turpin, J. . Vaughn, J. Wagner, L. Waldrop, M. Walker, L. Water. Row Ill : J. A. Webb, C. Webber, . Weisiger, B. Welch, B. Wendorff, . We. t, . Wheat, J. White, N. Whittaker, R. Widdifield, S. Wildman, B. WilkLon. Row IV: A. William~, K. Williams, L. William", P. Williams, D. Wil on, N. WiLon, . Winter~, C. Wood, K. Woolley, C. Worthing.
Falcon i a familiar name to orthwe t Cia en Knight. and LacJie . Falcon~. hunting bird of Medieval Time , were remarkabl~ for ability to soar high and alway capture game. Confronted with findin~ a new name at a new chool, former Blue JackeL cho. e Falcon. in keeping with royalt} customs of English Knight . Pled~e ea on found 59 new members being initiated at the annual installation dinner. Bob Flournoy. well known new caster. wa gue t peaker at the October 27 affair, in the ocial center. December 18 marked the 1959 high point in Falcon ocial activitie with coronation of Karen Owen. club queen. Johnny Ro e, pre ident, did the honor and pre ented Karen with a white coat bearing the Falcon legend. and a commemorative necklace. All candidate attending Karen at the fe tival. Beth Gimlin. Jobella Jame , Janet Keller, and Kav Tatum, received necklace . The club paddle. token of upreme authority over members, pa ed to the reigning queen. Social and community drive alway find Falcons bu y. Chip for Polio enli ted their effort and campu parking pace marking were repainted. Annual pring formal honoring graduating eniors wa May 14, 1960. MIS
Regular officer, meeting are a nece ity for advancement of the Falcon Pep Club. Idea are brought before the group to increa e interc t in sport~, and fun in membership. ~ eated left to right: Mike fcMain. , junior secretary; Kip Kirkhuff, inductee chairman; Wally Kamp, parliamentarian; teve herman, ergeant at
arm ; Johnny Ro e, president; Mike Gregory, ecretary; Jerry Bednar, vice pre~ident; Jack Fleming, ergeant at arm ; Jim L ch, pep council repre entative; Glen Griggs, sergeant at arm . tanding: Dan Adams, chaplain; Bob Irnle, trea urer. Officer po. ition develop qualitie of leader~hip and sen ice to others.
Row I: J. Abney, D. Adam", J. Aker, B. Alspaugh, C. Arne~, J. Arm trong, . Baker, C. Bay, T. Bean, B. Bednar, J. Bednar, J. Bendaw. Row II: B. Benefield, T. A. Bla~ke, R. Bond~, J. Boura .. a, E. Carpenter, G. Carter, R. Cobb, J. Cole, D. Confer, \1. Cook, B. Cooper, G. Covington. Row Ill: D. Cromwell, J. Dellitt, 1\I. Dellitt, B. Dolan, M. Dougall, D. Draper, B. Eagleton, A. Elledge, J. Flemming, M. Ford, D. Garri,on, . Goforth. Row IV : :\I. Gregory, J. Griggs, C. Hamilton, W. Hammard, B. Hankin on, C. Harley, C. Harri , J. Haye., . Hayeg, D. Henline, R. Hom ey, J. Houchin. Row V: R. Howard, D. Imle, R. Imle, L. Irving, B. John ton, R. John ton, E. Ju t, W. Kamp, C. Keni. on, K. Kirkhuff, W. Lang, R. Lang ton.
The Falcon flag feature fabled figures from early Knighthood lore. Pep club banner make an exciting di play at pep rallie . 54
Falcon sponsor , Mr. Steve Ellis, Mr. Gordon Erick on, and VIr. Duane Weinert, help plan a flouri h of activitie .
''Oh, to be a queen!" igh the e Falcon queen candidates. Left to right: Jobella Jame , Kay Tatum, Janet Keller, and Karen Owen. In attention at the foot of the stairs are \like regory. Bob lmle, and Johnny Ro e.
Pledge are required to it at trict attention during 'due' meetings. Left to right: Bob Bednar, Bob Cooper, and Chuck Lott.
Row I: J. Leech, J. Lile-, R. Linn, D. Lipe, J. Lofti , C. Lott, J. :\lcCord, B. Md1ain,, l\1. l\1cMain , R. McNeill, P. Mann as, D. Marcum. Row II: A. 1iller, L. ~Iiller, B. Moodie, L. Moore, 0. Moore, J. 1orri, D. Nay, M. Newton, J. Oake, L. Oliver, D. Pendley, B. Pitt . Row III: ]. Ponder, l\1. Quine, D. Ray, ~1. Reeve., R. Reeve,., . Rende!, J. Renfrow, S. Reynolds, D. Rollow, J. Roe, P. Ryan, D. atterlee. Row IV: J. aunder,, T. chwab, . herman, D. Shoebotham, B. Silvernail, L. Sims, B. ·ponhaltz, R. tephen. on, J. trahl, . trong, B. Teed, D. Thomp~on. Row V: J. VanDeventer, L. Walker, E. W ittels, A. Whitter, E. Wilke~, L. Woodard, D. Young, T. Zion.
Sm1le probably how approval of plan~ for next meeting. ygnet officer. are: Row 1: Jerelyn Davi~, cheerleader; Janet Ketchum, sergeant at arm . Row II: Beth Gimlin, vice president; Trisha Young, pre ident; Gerry Baker, parliamentarian. Row Ill: Jean Bainbridge, trea_urer; Judy Ketchum, hi. torian; Betty Klaffke, secretary; Carol Pitzer, sergeant at arms; Linda Lawson, cheerleader; ~far-.ha Points, . ergeant at arm . Row IV: Glenda Lou Donnell, a" istant , ecretary; Billie 1atthcws, cheer· leader.
"Li ten. Knight . and li ten well, Cygnet. have . orne ware to ell." Thi wa the early cry of Cygnet Pep Club member . They began the new year with a bake ale to rai e money to lower co t of member ' a~ e ·sments for the annual banquet honoring football player . An inno\ ation thi year saw letter jacket given Mr. \falone. principaL and Dr. Holden. team phy ician. Cygn t pep ter can really yell. With 350 girl cr aming their heart and lung out to pur a Kni~ht team to victory. thi i. not hard to b lie\ e. Cygnet take pride in being pre. ent at all of the. tournaments of kill in which orthwe t Cla en Knights compete with other team. of the countn. ide. Web ter define the word "cygnet" a a ">oung wa.n." Cygnet graced ca tie moat adding beauty and serenity to the cene. Thi i the goal to which orthwe t Cia. en Cy~net member a pire. A girl can be attractive, but, without kindne. and helpfuln . , beauty goe unnoticed. \1emb r usher at concert and the theatre. ocial ervice project and civic drive get their attention.
Row 1: D. Abraham, D. Acree, . Albert, :\1. Alli~on, J. Ames, Jeanene nderson, Judy nder~on, L. Ander on, andra Ander on, herilea Ander-.on, B. Andrew., I;l. Arden. Row II: W. Au tin, J. Bainbridge, K. Bainbridge, B. Baker, G. Baker, E. Barron, . Bay, P. BeaL, L. Been, C. Ben~on, . Bet, J. Biddy. Row Ill: K. Bleakney, J. Booth, B. Bowen, C. Brace, B. Brannon, P. Breitscauk, P. Brennan, E. Bre sic, V. Brewer, J. Bricker, P. Brown, '\1. Brummitt. Row IV: \1. Bruner, •. Buchner, A. Butt, E. Butt., F. Canada, J. Carter, C. i~~ne, H. Ci per, R. Chamberlain, . Charle~, C. Chestnut, J. Child cr... Row V: A. Chri ten on, K. Clark, V. Clark, , . Clay, J. Colville, P. Conyer,, J. Cooper, :\1. Cornelius, J. Coughlin, I.. Cowie~. S. raig.
Row 1: huron Craig, J. Croom, . Cunningham, P. Curtis, L. Dane;, A. Davis, J. Davis, P. Davis, andra Davi., huron Davi, T. Demopolos, M. Dixon. Row II: G. L. Donnell, ·. Dorman, D. Dunham, K. Earne t, J. Elledge, G. Ellis, J. Ellis, . Elli , J. Ellison, P. Ell worth, D. Embry, :\1. Enos. Row Ill: L. E~erett, C. Farha, C. Fari'-', P. Finefrock, L. Finley, B. Fleischman, J. Fleming, A. Forre ter, C. Fox, J. \. Freeman, J. Friedman, B. Garner. Row H: S. Geiser, J. Gille pie, . Gilmore, B. Gimlin, J. Gray, •. Green, G. Hale, B. Hall, uz; Hall, Sylvia Hall, P. Hulknheck, K. Hallmark. Row ~ · C. Hamilton, J. Hammond, J. Hanna, K. Hardin, C. Harrison, C.. Hast, J. Heagy, B. He bison, U. Heinrich, A. Hender on, '-l. Hes., J. He ter. Row VI: L. Hicock, A. Hill, . Hill, P. Hille;, \1. Hinshaw, J. Hhely, C. Hodam, J. Holdridge, .\1. Rolli , R. Holman, L. Holmberg, C. Howell.
Cygnet are all ear a pre ident, TrLha Young, tell , of past and future activitie . enior, \terrell Whyt law (front row center) wa o excited he di I
her jaw! Thi purple clad pep club keep bu y upporting school function throughout the year.
Row 1: V. Hrbecek, L. Hudson, . Hughe , G. Hunt, L. Hunt, C. Ice, C. Irvine, P. Jackson, L. James, C. Janota, J. Jenkins. Row II: 1. Jenkins, P. Jimenez, A. John on, Jana John on, Janet John~on, Joan John on, K. Jone!l, P. Jone, S. Jones, D. June, \. Kamp. Row Ill: K. Keith, C. Kern!!, Janet Ketchum, Judy Ketchum, J. Keys, K. Keys, D. Kimsey, J. King, K. King, S. King, B. Klaffke, K. Knott. Row IV: B. Koeppel, T. Koeppel, C. Kosted, A. Kraft, P. Kutz, K. Lankford, S. Lanyon, S. La Pointe, L. Lawson, P. Leaf, B. Le. owitz, A. Lile . Row V: . Lindsey, V. Lipe, P. Loeffler, C. Long, J. Long, P. Loveless, S. McCan, K. McCandless, V. .Mcintire, C. McPheeters, A. Magruder. Row VI: J. Mahan, J. faier, C. Mainard, . farkham, B. Matthews, A. Merz, B. Miller, l\1. ~filler, A. Milton, C. fiskovsky, . Moore, D ~forelock.
Row I: D. Morgan, M. Morgan, J. full, J. Mullins, L. Munsinger, Barbara Muzny, Betty Muzny, B. Nance, P. Neal, D. Nidell, L. Norton, K. Norvelle. Row II: S. O'Hara, J. Olson, L. 0 born, A. Painton, G. Pan. ze, B. Pearce, R. Pinkston, J. Pitts, C. Pitzer, l\1. Pointg, K. Pojezny. Row Ill: S. Polk, J. Pollock, K. Prigmore, T. Prime, L. Pulliam, l\1. Pulling, P. Qualls, S. Rahill, P. Railey, L. Rankin, P. Ray, J. Reber.
Cygnet sponsors, Mi Carol Gr niger, Mi" hirley Riddle, :\lr . Evelyn Findly, Mr.. Helen Willingham, and :Mr . Wilma Bird, enjoyed a year of fun and good fellowship. Bu trips or the din of pep rallie never dampen their enthu ia~m.
Row I: 1. Reding, B. Ree. e, L. Ridgeway, I. Roe ch, C. Roger~, ~. Rogul, K. Roller, 1. A. Romerman, T. Ro e, T. Ruff, J. Rut· ledge, C. Ryland. Row II: . afdi, M. allstrom, awvell, B. cott, J. cott, K. cott, R. cott, L. cudamore, J. ear·, K. hadid, P . haHer, R. helton. Row III: K. Shepard, J. hipley, J. hirk, J. hock, J. ieber, A. ingletary, M. ingleton, J. ~ mel er, A. mith, D. mith, G. Smith, J. mith. Row IV: l\1. E. mith, haron mith, uzanne mith, G. need, C. nyder, . on· nenfield, 1. pear, f. pears, J. pigener, C. St. Dizier, P. teele, hirley tewart. Row V : ue tewart, C. tone, . utton, A. wain, S. wartzendruber, B. Taylor, . Telford, K. Terry, P. Thoma. , B. Thomp--on, Deana Thomp. on, Donella Thompson. Row VI: Linda Thomp~on, Linda Thomp on, B. Thrower, L. Tiller, J. Tillman, E. Trout, P . Tucker, L. Turner, M. Turner, D. Vander lice, f. VanHook, K. VanHoo cr. Row VII: J. Volz, P . Volz, N. Young, T. Young, G. Younghein, P. Wade, S. Waldrop, B. Walker, Wallace, C. Warren, . Well~, T. Wet. Row VIII: Z. Whitten, L. Whitwell, l\1. Whytlaw, J. Wilke, A. Wilmoth, K. Wil.on, M. Winkler, J. Wi er, C. Wolff, J. Wood , B. Wooten, T. Wright.
KnighL an<l Ladie love to congregate. Be it a language club. art league, hobl:iy group. or honor ociety, common intere t knit Knightlander clo er together. ;'\lember obligate them elve to uphold tradition worthy of knightly ernce. Knightland ideal feature un elfi!'h gi\ ing of time and talent to carry on club program_. Thi ability to contribute to overall welfare build a en e of leadership u. eful in later life. Perpetuating old club build loyalty. Creating new one timulate pride. In both, Knight and Ladie leave omething of them elve in heritage to their chool and trengthen the meaning of AL\1A \lATER.
'Aarmer .. well lm ed in Knightland. are unfurled b, D e Todd. pledge rna ter of Lancer-.: Tri ha Young. pre ident of C~ gnet : Johnny R ose. presiden ~ of Falcon : ancl Becky Davi. . pre~ident of
mu. t keep orderly note<~. The. e are submitted a evidence that he has served hi po. ition ati. factorily.
event\ tudent Council repre. entative . and officer . bu ily jot note. as the) listen to pre. ident, tan Harri on explain proposal for a C project. Each member
TA\' H RRI President
Vice President
D VID HOWELL Treasurer
BEVERLY ERVIN tudcnt. tore Manager
Learning merchandic;;in~ are the . tudent-. tore worker . Left to ri~ht: Ruth nn Crain. ue Hinche~. :\1ik Ree\C5, David Thomp on. Ka) Tatum. Beverly Ervin. Linda Tatum, Pam Volz, Gage Paine, France Bartlett, Paula Howard. Bill Porch. Jud\ Ketchum.
pproving and "ranting chart r. to new or~anization , amending the school constitution. and making general rules becoming to Knight lander keepc;; T DEl\T COU CIL bu \. Thi has b en a hip: ) ear for pre ident. tan Harri on. Aided by officer". and our indi. pen. ahle activitie director. Mi Kathleen Owen. the Council ha worked to maintain and further high tandard . A ho t to the '61 ational tudent Council Convention. hour ha\e been pent in program planning and in meeting vLitor from the ational A!'sociation of tudent Council in Wa hington,
D. C. CHOEl\'HAL KATHLEE Hi torian
J DY I\1 Parliamentarian
TRI HA YOl~G Correspondin{!. ecrelary
R JO FREE Y Recordin{!. ecretary
Row I ~- Harri~on, G. Tracy, . unnin~ham, J. \. Romerman, . J. Freeny, J. John,on, chaplain; P. Teets, vice pre _ident; D. Howell, pre--1dent; J. im~, ~ccrttary; J. \lcCain, tn•a .. urer; J. Werner. J. reech, K. Owen, J. Keller, B. Boyd. Row II: R. Gunning, L. Water", . Wheat, P. Ho~tettcr, . , afdi, T. oung, G. Page, J. ~·ingleton, R. A. Crain, B. Ervin, J. White, G. John~n. Row Ill: K. Hallmark, :\1. Thomas, J. Key", J. Bainbridge, . \1itchell, C. Point. Row IV: h·. 1adge Mills, sponsor; l\1. Bickel, B. Al~paugh, D. Gib on, T. tcphen., ;\L Gilson, E. Wittels, B. Benefield, D. teelman, K. Hemry, G. Tou. aint, Miss \udrey Albert., spon. or.
~ATIO AL HO OR OCIETY in'ite to member hip 15 percent of the enior and 5 percent of the junior . \1ain activitie · are the fall and pring initiation and ocial . This year the first tate Convention for ational Honor ocietie comened in Guthrie. Jay :\1cCain, Judy im~, and Phillip Teet repre ented '.orthwe t Cia en' chapter. Phillip served on a panel for scholar hip; Judy was chairman of the di cu. ion panel, " hould '. ational Honor ociety be an honor organization only?" Thi year our chool wa honored by 'Lit from two prominent national officer . ;\lr. Paul Elicker, national ~ecretar}. who~e ignature appear on each member hip card, wa here in '\ovember, and Dr. Colburn Hooton, national director of 'ational Honor ocietie , wa luncheon gue t in December. pon or include \lis Audrey AlDi playing the plaque of Knightland' Order of at10nal Honor ciety are officer-., left to right: Jimmy Johnson, bert . \lr . Geraldine Buzbee. ;\lr . chaplain; David Howell, pre. ident; Phil Teet, ~ice pre i- Ruth W arram. \Ii. Katherine Gib on. dent; and Judy imc:, ecretary. \lr . \1axine Tyler, .Mi Henrietta Von Tungeln, Mi. Lucille Ta)lor. \Irs. • ame of memb r. of ational Honor ociety are placed Wilma Bird. \1r . Ramah \tiller. and on a. croll within a plaque which i di played in the \lr . \ladge \lill .
trophy ca. e.
Q ILL '\ D CROLL e. tabli hed a Book of the Month Re· view Club. Journali t and art· i ts met monthlv for ... undav book chats. Pa ternak' Docto-r Zlzim({O, Miller' The Crucible. \fi!ton' Areopagitica, torie of operas. and philo. oph) were di cu .. ed. Combining activitie with Harding high chool promoted inter- chool relation hip. and kept chapter active. Initiation were held at the· beginning of each erne ter for junior and eniors with a B average enrolled in new paper. yearbook, art, and creative writing. Officer were Sue Hinchey, pre ident: helley afdi. vice pre ident; Judy Croom, recording ecretary; \1arie Hin haw, executive ecretary; Judy Keys, trea urer; Judi Ander. on. reporter; Lanita 1im , crapbook chairman; ancy Culbert. chaplain; Steve Enders, parliamentarian. \1r . evva artin pon· sor the chapter.
Row 1: C. Hamilton, L. Kimberlin, P . Railey, J. Bednar, K. Hallmark, ~ - He~, J. Hively, . Hall. Row II: . Ender", I \lim , J. Key ..., . . Hinchey, :\1. Hin haw, :\1. lcMains, . afdik, J. Croom,
. Culhrrt, "· Peter, J.
Initiate of ATIO AL ART HO 'OR OCIETY and their parent. \\ere honored at a reception at the Oklahoma City Art Center at the fall initiation. Left to right: M. ance. R. Rice. P. Ho tetter, B. Butterworth. J. Butler. L. tearn. C. A habranner, J. Key . 1i Mary L. LewL and \1rs. Winnie \lurray are pon. or .
High ~chool juurnali-.b oH~r the nation will lwronw more interested in c;ome field of journali~m for a can•er thankc; to the efforts of 'WC publications director, \Irs. eHa ~art in. "he and other journali-.m in..,tructor-, from Oklahoma <mrouraged the founding ofF T RE JOUR. \LI. TS OF A'IERICA. Chap· ter" "preading to other high c;choob attract <.tudcnt"' of ability and good character to journali-.m career-.. Hardinp: and orthwe-.t Ja.,.,en chaptt:•r, combined for panel di~cu-.<;ions to make their chapters more intere-.tin~ and informathP.. Row I: :'\1. ~ichol-., ~. Peters, T. Knott, . Ender", D. Me-
Carty, J. Mason, G. \lkn, C. J achon, :\I. Coley. Row 1/: J. Reeve , V. \uer, \L Barnett, . Hinchey, . \lock, J. Croom, J. Krys, . Culbert, "'· .'afdi, \L Hin,haw. Rou liT : ]. Ware, J. Garri on, J. ndrrson, G. Heneghan, P. Williams, J. HiH'Iy, K. Hallmark, W. Kamp, \L \lc \lains. Row IV: . Wallare, L. :'\lim", •. \Iu-.allam, K. orri-., L. Kimberlin, C. hahranncr, P. Hostetter, B. Wilkison, E-. Hall, D. Chapman, L. Richard". Row V: J. he eve'-', M. Ford, W. Kalmon, . Riley, L. Baumgarner, C. lla«t, P. Railey, J. Volt, ~. Childer-., J. BrodeII.
FOURTH ESTATERS, - FIRST R TERS JOB ! JOB ! JOB ince mo t of u are going to have to work,-more or le . , member of the TRADE and I DU TRY CLUB try to choose profe sion to their liking. Diver ified Occupations gives opportunitie of on-the-job training. tudents tudy bu. ine~ economics, public relation., health and afety. Each potential worker goes on a job with technical information of the trade. Members have half-day chedule .
T A D I CL B member «tudy different occupation for future care r . Row 1: A. Adair, B. Robert on, J. Thurber, . . te\ens, H. Cisper, F. Wall., E. Reeve. Row II: J. Goskin", I. Ryden, S. Heib, :\L Curley, :'\1. ·en<.ki, R. White, C. Ward, B. L-mmon, K. Cook, G. Pemberton, A. Dorney, Mr. Horace Brook , ponsor.
\ TIONAL THE PIA '\I.,, honorary dramatics organization, ba e member,.,hip on a point ")~tt•m of participation in drama. Row I: K. Knott, L. \lann, J. John--on, J. Jam<''• C. Mi~kO\~ky. Row 11: T. ullivan, . Foqer, C. Pitzer, II. Lurnirand, :\Irs. Ollie Pitt", . ponsor, D. \1cCarty, S. Elli", C. Barn·tt.
'\ \ TIONAL FORE. ~IC LEAG E offer it members recognition for diligence in foren. ic . Row I: B. Benefield, • . Woodard. Row 11: P. Freeny, P. phey, B. .\1. paugh, J. anders, K. ~lack.
Problems and que,..tion of tho. e planning to enter teaching can be answered in F TUR E TE CHER. OF :\IERICA meeting-.. Fir"t acti\·ity of the '59-'60 year wa an initiation dinner in the home of co- pon. or, :\Irs. 'ena arlin. The Annual . tate Comention held at Durant found 22 delegate-. and repre,..entathec; from orthwest Ia sen attending with head pon or, \Ir-.. Hazel Living~ton. t Christma , a de,..ening family recehed food and toy" with . ea. on's greet· ing,., from the organization. Row I: C. Point!', A. Woods, J. ~ingleton, L. ollars. Row 11: M. Greg· ory, :\Irs. ena artin, . pon. or; Peter!', Mrs. Hazel Livin -.ton, sponsor; P. Ehrig.
KEY CL B, youth section of Kiwanis International, offers member, opportunitie for en:ice. They pur¡ cha ..cd a new merican flag and di tributed Christrna. ha..,ket from home rooms. Row 1: T. Bean, C. Rose, T. rnn, J. Lofti , M. Reeve", C. Harley, herman. Row II: J. Fleming, B. Iorin, ]. Ray, J. . Tier, F. White, D. Durfee. Row III: D. McCarty, P. Cornett, . Hammer, J. hock, L. Bartlett, T. Ward, D. Howell, D. Harri. on, B. Rain., Mr. R. mith, sponsor.
ERVI G OTHERS YO TH OF THE KI CD0\1, founded at Knightland in 1955, further religious ideaL . It ~ponsor morning devotional for C and for athletic e\ent.-,. Row 1: A. Hill, . \lerkle, G. Page, C. Hamilton, J. Bricker, C. Haight, pre~ident. Row II: M. im , aw\ell, Kathy choenhaL, G. Baker, P. Railey, P. Kinnan, J. Trantor, . Teague, K. Prigmore, J. L. Olson, K. Hoster. Row Ill: . Winter", C. Harri on, ]. im, ]. White, M. Thomas, K. Owen, \1. Ree\e.-,, J. Bainbridge, . Reynold , G. Paine, Kathleen choenhals, J. Hooper, P. Howard, L. Leonard. 1r . Madge \fill., and i\fr,. Wilma Bird are sponsors.
Like donuts? lo t everyone in Knightland cat. them. Jl ~lOR RED CRO raise money to purcha e supplies for their ovcr~ea ~rhool chc t by donut sales in home rooms. Row I: . Hegs, C. Kern~, .• ichols, . Da'i., . !\-loore, J. Romerman, W. W. Kalmon, P. Martin, K. ]one. Row /1: T. West, . del Valle, Miss Helen Bourke, ~pon~or, C. Fox, M. Gla~ser, D. Cromwell, W. Kamp, R. Holman, G. n<•ed, K. Pllare, D. Ileldt•rman, J. Heagy, D. Heinrich, B. Barber, J. Bricker, . Clay, J. \lnit r, S. Lt'fko\\<itz., P. Dorman, K. Boles, P. Clemons, G. Lewis, J. Hooper, B. <\ndrcws, P. Volz, T. Huff, T. ,\rnn.
rt tudent< decorate the JRC overeas che t. Picture" d('picting American ~chools activitie were feature of the 1959 dc~ign~.
Y-TEE! , high school branch of the Y:'\ICA, keep bu~y with a program desi!ffied for hi~h school chapter,. Each seme,ter Y-Tceno; hold a Regi«tration Tea for tho e intere,tcd in hecoming member... Thi year's hric;tmas party for patient at the Crippled Children's Hospital featured food, games, torie", and lots of fun.
Left to right: :'\Irs. Ola Mae Oakes, . pon. or; l\L Peddicord, R. Holman, J. ~ mith, K. Lent-., L. Peddicord, K. Jone , M. William«, Mrs. Dorothy Peale, . pon or.
Row I: G. Donnell, P Railey, B. K.laffkt>, G. Tracy. Row II: \L Gregory, J. teadly, S. delValle, . Winterq, " . Teague, K. Prigmore. Row Ill: T. Young, C. Haight, J. Trantor, . Moore, C. Hamilton, L. wain. RoU' IV: D. Harri~on, J. ingleton, G. Paine, G. Lcwi , J. Bainbridge, K. Tatum, C. Hancock, N. Wil. on.
Row I: \1. Barnett, J. Bricker, L. Leonard, P. Howard, P. Jackman, C. Point . Row II: P. ance, B. Koeppel, W. tory, . Green, D. Helderman, K. Owen. Row III: G. John on, . Cunningham, J. Heagy, R. A. Crain, J. Creech, C. Webber. Row IV: L. Everett, . He.!', D. Ayers, . Dorman, . Hinchey, J. Higdon, M. PaLley, B. Rains.
K IGHTLA D CO RTESY IS CONTAGIOUS '\orthwe t Cla , en ha at lea t one group of tudent '"ho know it va. t maze of territory well. COURTESY CL 'B member erve as ho t and ho te e on vanou occa.ions, guiding visitor who come to our school. i\fember u hered at the Principal' \1eeting of O.E.A .. P.T.. A. Open Hou. e, Di trict Engli. h Teacher ' meeting. the all- chool play , commencement, enior ermon. and Cla. ic . Dutie of the club al o in-
elude ending out card to pupil who are eriously ill, and to home that have uffered a lo in the family. Organized into junior and enior group , members meet together everal time each year for bu ine s and ocial e sion . ponsor of the groups are .Mr . Mabel Park, Mrs. Lucille Spann, ML Berniece Gordon, and Mis Blanche Holland. head pon or.
Jl I 0 R C 0 R T E Y C L U B member follow in the foot~tep~ of their enior". Rou.! I: B. Thrower, C. Fo ·ler, L. Wood, C. Wood, L. Rice, • ·. Whitaktr, .\nder~on, Judy Ketchum, W Kalmon, Janet Ketchum, D. Elliot, B. Dorney, D. \1ielenz, T. Ruff, C. Brook, I Whitten. Rou II : P. Allen, A. wain, J . cott, J. Biddy, K. iken, B. Dixon, J. Reding, B. ;\latthew, P. ;\lartin, J . Bell, P. orn ll, B. Welch, J. Belt, . Bigg., . Bay, J . Au tin, 'I Cunningham, . 1arkham, A. Forre tor, C. Treece, L. Mim, Mr... :\lab 1 Park, . pon. or. Rou· Ill: :\1i Berniece Gordon, pon or; . mith, P. Kutz, K. teadly, J. MorrL, G. Allen, . Lacy, L. Agee, . Harri on, . Ma. hore, J. Pryor, B. Barber, . onnenfeld, ]. EllL, B. Miller, A. ingletary, K. Hardin, A. Hill, J. Long. Row IV: A. William~, F. Canada, C. Cuter, . Telford, ulbert, T. Koeppel, G. need, K. lack, P. Powell, L. Turner, A Painton, J. Andrews, J. Baker, J. Ro . .ler, A. Bowerman, L. 'teinbeck, V. Auer. Row V: J. Tillman, B. WilkLon, P. Volz, J. Boll•, \f. Hicock, . Wet, G. Cannon, A. Bortzfield, . Thomp.on, L Clark on, J . Reber, D. Embry, V. Potts, P. Tucker, C. Brace, B. Hill.
hoard of pep club i the PEP COUNCIL. Compo. d oi pon or-., pr ·~ident of the club~, and elected repre~entathe~. the council coordinate pep activitie~, and e tabli.he and maintain a high level of chool ~pirit and . port·. man. hip. Election of all- chool cheerleader i al. o done through the Pep Council. Row /: J. Wallace, B. Gimlin, J. Rose, J. B dnar, I. Leech. Row II : Mi Kathleen Owen, I.
\lc ain, Mr 1d Ohmart, :\1i Ophelia Byar~, B. Davi", Mr. ·ve Elli ·, T. Young, Mr . Eve Findly, ln-. ellie Ecton, Mrs. Laverna Boyle . Row Ill: C. Battle. , C. Pitzer, :\Irs. Helen Willingham, 1i Doris Taylor, J. John. on, :\lis hirley nn Whitehead, Mr. Duane Weinert, G. Dye, :\lr. Riddle, :\ti Gordon Erik n, Mr. Bill Hughe . ~~
tudent with a profound intere t in cience meet in a sp cial CIE CE CLUB. Out tanding authoritie come to speak on topics of general intere t. Member prepare cience Fair exhibits. Row I: V. Mcintyre, S. Deaco~~ . Gilmore, J. Fretwell, P. ph'ey, K. lack, B. Davi~, C. Point , Mr . B. Richard, sponsor, A. Collins, B. Teed. Row II: B. Wilson, P. Teet , J. Freeman, J. Phillip., R. Phillips, B. O'Hara, J. Elliot, B. Alspaugh, J. John on. Row 1/1: P. Fox, L. cheid, J. Flemming, B. Garrett, J. Chri tian, B. Hill, R. eba, D. Pendley, E. Ju t, K. ~lcCoy.
LITTLE THEATRE spon.or dramatic production . Medea and The Importance of Being Earnest were first seme ter productions. Row I: T. ullivan, . Markham, D. Mielenz, H. Lamirand, K. Knott, . orton, J. Boll., N. Wilson, J. James, C. Miskovsky. Row II: P. Kim. ey, D. McCarty, Fo ter, C. Pitzer, L. Mann, J. John on, . Elli , C. Barrett, S. Ander on, Mrs. Ollie Pitts, pon. or. Row II/: . Garman, J. Leech.
Row I: D. Andrew,.., C. Pitzer, K. Owen, B. Imle, :\1. Reeve , J. J arne , . Fo ter, H. Lamirand. Row II: ]. Aker, L. wain, T. ullivan, J. Reber, A. Fi!e, . Lacy, P. Loeffler, L. !ann, B. Walker, C. Barret, G. Allen, Mr. Ted N1chols, sponc:or. Row III:]. Croom, P. pivey, J. Given., L. Rice,.\. Forre ter, D. Heinrich; B. Taylor, R. Crain. Row IV: T. Babcock, K . lack, . Woodard, . Reynold., J. Leech, . Garman, B. Hine~.
Each morning at 9:30 a happy voice come over the C aying, "Good morning, Knights and La die . Thi i Paula \1ou e (or someone el e), bringing you the morning announcement ." Function of A NOU\CER ' CL B i to provide per onnel to read daily announcements on CSS. \fember audition at the beginning of each erne ter. Tho e receiving high rating become eligible to announce.
C E GINEER , left to right: G. Warren, ]. Hollis, D. Harrison, T. Ward, L. Dunford.
Member of AERO CLUB fly to Vance and other air field to te t their knowledge of Flight Training. Left to right: Mr. Jim Conger, pon or, R. Gibson, R. Philips, R. Main, J. Price, B. Mill., A. Pea. e, J.Merz, T. Pierce, L. Woodard.
Left to right: J. Oake , J. G. Reed, P. Fox.
tauffer, D. Rollow,
RADIO CL B member are taught the intricacies of ending and receiving roesage "ia hort wave radio. Each boy work for a ham, or amateur, licen e. Learning Mor e code i required. l\lr. Rodney t. Dizier spon or the group. Johnny Oake i president.
G. L. Donnell Pre ident
C. Tanner Vice President
hy Copeland ponsor
\lr. Maxine Tyler pons or
J. Kemp ecretary
A. Davi Treasurer
. Ander,.,on ergeant at Arms
S. Carlton ergeant at Arms
CAREER CL B i pon ored by the Bu ine Education department. Vleetings are conducted during third period once each month. To become a member students mu t enroll in a third hour tudy hall or a bu inel' education cla . Objective of the club i acquainting enrollee with demand of different career . Gue t p aker di. cu.. with member pha e of office procedure from typing to good grooming. Requirement and per onality adju tments helpful for future ucce_ ful employment are tre. sed. Offering of the department are exten ive and thorough. tudents interested in training for bu ine. career are offered tenographic cour e , typing, and shorthand. The e are planned to perfect peed and accuracy in dictation and transcription. Bu ine Engli h, Bu. ine math, bookkeeping, and office practices offer economic are preparation for ecretarial work. Bu ine s law and bu ine one- erne ter cour es. In law, principle of busine living, provision of contract , employer-employee relation . buying, elling, and in urance are taught. Economic extend to bu ines organization , money, banking, and di tribution.
Mi. Jo Alice Hendricks Sponsor
R ow I : P. Allen, J. Ander. on, . Anderson, K. Cannon, C. Bailey, J. Bainbridge, M. Barnett, S. Bay, C. Bowers. R ow II : A. Carruth, . Carter, R. Clanahan, K. Clark, J. Colville, J. Cooper, K. Cordell, . Craig, M. Crain. Row III: J. Creech, J. Croom, P. Curtis, C. Denham, . Dorman, M. Easum, J. Elledge, D. Embry, L. Everett.
Row I: J. Fleming, C. Fox, G. Gardner, :.\L Garlick, . Gatlin, J. Hamou-., C. Heflin, K. Heitman, K. Hick--. Row II: ·. Hicock, J. Hi~don, . Hinrhey, D. Hin ...haw, T. Ho-.hall, D. Housl', V. Hrhart"k, \1. Jenkin~. G. John ..on. Rozt Ill: L. Jone,-, L. Joyce, W. Kalmon, L. Kimb rlin, \1. Kirkpatrick, B. Klaffke, B. Koeppel, .J. Llo)d, J. Mahan. Row IV: P . .Martin, G. :.\lay, . :\lerkle, J. \tiller, V. :\lock, B. \toore, B. Morin, L. \lyer,., J. • 'ay. Row ~ · . '\t"wcll, G. Paine, i\1. ~- Paisley, D. Pate, A. Perkin , C. Phillips, Pink.,ton, .. Pitman, L. Pulliam. Row VI: J. Pricf, 1.. Prigmore, . Reynold", .\. Robcrb, "'· Roo; , J. Rutledge, J. hiple), l\1. hook, J. ieber. Roz1- VII: . mith, C. nyder, L. ~pire ..., D. taley, L. wain, 1 . Teague, A. Thompson, D. Thomp ...on, . Thra ... lwr. Row J' /11: . Tucker, '<. ltll'), J Wagnt·r, ~- Waldrop, J. Wernrr, 'l. Whittaker, R. Winklt-r, L. Wood.
Row I: C. Ryland, C. Hodam, Mr. Barnett, J John~on, P. Kim. cy, C. Ki--e, J. Wagner. Row II: . Rahill, J. Belt, C. tone, A. ingletary, . Ander:son, B. \latthew~, J. Reber, ~. Lawrence, J. Ellis, ~.. onnenfield, T. Prater, . Bay, T. Ruff, A. Williams, . Gatlin, H. O'Leary, . l\lorri«, C. Brace, . Davi«, J. Davi", W. Kalmon, R. Chamberlain, P. Cornell, . Thomp~on. Row III: K. Keys, . Albert, J. Ketchum, A. Forrester, B. Welch, . Whittaker, A. \lagruder, B. Hill, J. Au tin, C. Irvine, L. Been, J. Booth, P. pivey, B. Miller, J. Reding, R. haw, C. Brook, K. Bainbridge, S. \!ashore, K. Hardin, J. teven«, J. Given. Row IV: l\.fr . Cortez Copher, sponsor; J. Cunningham, G. Allen, . Bigg", T. Koeppel, G. Fowler, V. Lipe, J . Cooper, J . .Magruder, Lacy, I. Flanagen, P. Fro t, J. chooly, P. Rahill, J. mel~er, P. Allen, \1. Learning, 2\1. iken, ~1. E. mith, P. Brown, 1\l. Di~on, A. Butt, L. Thompson, T. Rose, D. Kim ey, B. ykes, C. King, B. BowPn, J . Morri~, L. Lawson, Janet Ketchum, P. Clemon , J. Hen. on, . Hall, J. Jenkins, Miss Ann Whitehead, sponsor.
Propelling force behind Knightland's renowned all·school talent production, "CLA IC ," is the CLASSIC EXECUTIVE BOARD. Main function of the Board is to write, produce, and direct the annual extravaganza. Row I: K. Knott, junior act director; J. Ketchum, auditions chairman; M. ance, art chairman; P. Kimsey, junior act director; B. Klaffke, librarian; M. Barnett, continuity chairman; and J. Johnson, act director. Row II: B. Teigen, president; J. Keller, vice president; J. Ketchum, historian; C. Haight, traffic ch.: man; C. McPheeters, treasurer; K. Owen, program chair· ntan; K. K. Brandes, make· up chairman; . Berry, cost:.:.me chairman; J. Leech, stage manager; J. Croom, ecretary; B. Ervin, assistant secretary; B. Imle, purchasing agent; A. Smith, music chairman; . Merkle, ticket chairman; C. Ryland, dance chairman; . Elli, act director; L. Mann, act director. Row III: \1r·. Ollie Ruth Pitt~, spon or; Mr. Ted Nichols, sponsor; Miss Kathleen Owen, sponsor, Mr . ena artin, sponsor.
PIRIT cheerlf'~~r~
COCRT JE. TER. t.as organizf'cl hy the to form a C'orps of girl \\ho would know all chool p•ll . 1\~rn her. intere'-ted in becoming cheerleaders are ~chooled in tef'hnirpJe:; of enmd control. For the Faculty-Varsity game memhers fa.,hioned hats ranging from pill hoxe to lion cage . ancl formed the cheering !'ection for the Faculty Fizzlers. Four girl" arc l'ho. en C\ ery two month to cheer at B and quad game-.. This :;upplcmcnL work of the all- chool cheerleader.., frequently too hu. y to attend the ~arne . Each ) ear a Court Jeo.;ters Award i given to the per,:;on 'otccl hy the cluh as the one who ha contributed mo t to upholdinf! the true . pirit of Kni~hthood.
S CO Q ER C LC LATIO Pupil with a B avera~e in mathematic are eligible to become memh r of HO OR MATH. The purpo. of thi. order i to honor the out tanding and highe t rankinrr tudent. in math cour~c offered in . nior high school.
HO'\;OR MATH, departmental rluh for wizard-., recognize" ability. Row 1. \fr. Arthur Wilmoth, ponsor; :\lic: Berniece Gordon, c:pon.or; Mic:s Carolyn . mith, spon or; \lis" \fary Wedding, c:pon or; P. Teet<., pre ident; K. Owen, secretary; J. John on, 'ire president; Mrs. ellie Ecton, pon or; Mis 1\'[ anrarrt Thomp on, sponsor; \fr. Rodney . t. Dizier, sponsor. Row ll : R. :\filler, T. Prater, M. Aiken, S. Freeny, .. Biggs, P. Kutz. B. Wilki ..on. tl'wart. hirlc\, K. Bell, 1 ingleton, P. Ho.. tettl'r, Hill, K. Adamc:, J. Hester, l\1. Taylor, G. Borrell, R Floyd. Ron TTl: G. Tou aint, C. \ fcPheeter,, . ~litchell, B. \fitchell. . 1\f!'rkll', •. \fu allam, D. Gih--on, B. Butterworth, . . mith. R. \. Crain, J. Keller, L. Rice, C. Point~, . herman, K. Ho trr, S. Craij!:, R. \ londic. Rotc IV: G. Paj!:e, C. Cu ter, • Gilmore. G. Ellic:, J. C'ummin , K. Hemry, W. Younj!:, L. \lcGuire, Jabara, T. Bean, T. tcphen , E. Ju t, D. tcclman. J. Bednar. R. OJ ..on. Row V: E. Wittelc:, \ Collin , 1\f. ewton. J. Vahlhrrj!:, B. hick, 1. Birkel. D Carreker, J. Daniel, R. Gunninj!:, H. B!'nt'fi ! I.
P \\I H CL 'B, organized recently, nt reprc,entativc to the h romention!'l, at OU in intere~t of Pan-American under tandinr Row 1: B. Jmle, S. Lowr, C. Ruiz, C. , tone, C. abolich, A. William~. L. rhird. Roll' TT.· \fi-. Carol Grrniger, "pon or; K. Norri , ~. \Iu allum, .T Tielt, P. Cornell, B. Dixon, S. Main, J. tevens. Row Ill: C. Ford, S. \Iartin, .T. !rand, P. Dormon, E. ewrin, R. haw, C. Brace. Row IV: . Hicork, Tiowen, . Houchin, L. ollar-., J. He ter, B. Taylor, A. \fC'rz. ~ pani
GUAGE CLUB PROMOTE GERM \N CUJn, organized to further undrr,tandinl! of the German proplr-., j., dh idrd into two I!TOUp., fir't yrar ~nd "erond year German. Fir't )Car German (left): Ron· I: C. Fari , C. Klenk, G. , mith, J. OJ,on. Rare II: R. Gih,on, T. Copprdl!r, T. Millig:m. Rou III.· .T. Floyd, J. Lo\rJ!row, D. Dixon, A. herrill, J. Car,on, J. ~aunder,, Mi~ Ol,!!a Korni!!, ~pon--or. C'rond \C'ar Grrman (below): Rou· I: 1\l. Reeve',]. Fleminl!, J. Tioura"a, W Routon, B. Ervin, P .. terl<', ~. afdi, :'\li"" Olga Korni,!!, pon .. or Rou· II: Mr. Virgil Caldwell, pon or: L. Engli,h, D. Boyle,.,, ]. EIJi,, B. "haw, R. Gunnin;r, .., "ander.. , '\, Rt·\no)d .., R. Stilr", A. Ale hirr. ·
m fir,..t or "Ccond year Latin or ha\e completed two year· of the language. Row 1: :\lis Audrey !bert!', !<pon or; D. Hein· rich, :\I. Thoma-., J. ingleton, B. Alpaugh, P. Loeffler, \h ·. Wilma Bird, "ponor. Rou· 2: C Da\i-., . Hill, P. LiJe,.., Lawrt·ncc, G. John!'On, C. Ha,..t, C. Wood, J. Taylor, \1. Point!', C. Points, ~1. inglcton, \1. Walker, . Wildman, . Pricer, J. Coughlin, B. clby, . Kimerer, . Enders. Row 3: P. Fine-
croJ~;gin, . Da\i'<, E. Owen, K. Bole.., •. :\ichol-., B. Andrews, Buchner, K. Kratina, J. Givens, J. Jone,.., :\1. Haffner, J. White, C. Benson, C. ;\1cPhcetl•r, J. hock. Rou J: B. Klaffke, L. Hall, . Thompson, T. Bean, T. Babcock, B. pear, R. Harri on, B. Benefield, W. Au tin, L. Tiller, R. Cobb, D. Thompson, G. Borrell, A. Collins. Row 5: J. • Woodard, M. Runka, D. Able, J. Hiersche, W. Young, P. Howard.
February 15, 1960 marked JUNIOR CLA ICAL LEAGUE's initial Roman Banquet. All attending donned traditional togas and mannerism befitting.
HONOR LANGUAGE members mu t be enrolled in the third year of a language with a B+ average. Row 1 . . Hicock, afdi, f. ingleton, C. Kern , C. Wood. Row 2: :.'\IL Henrietta Von Tungeln, ponsor; :\1. Thomas, J. ingleton, P. Ho tetter, . Pricer. Row 3: mith, K. Tatum, S. Bay, J. Romerman, B. Alspaugh, D. Cromwell, R. Crain, B. E tes, P. Jimenez, C. :\1cPheeter.
KNIGHT LIFE From the je ter'. cup su pen. eful gaiety prinkle amid courtly conduct that accompanie attainment of learning. The e enlivened moment . hine through with a glow that will remam in Knight heart.. orne are rememb red by only a fe\\, other by all. Do 'ou remember Knightland Ro) al Beau tie cho en and cro\\ ned in anticipation and fervor? Dance and victon partie that were prominent in the 1959-60 ocial . tir? chool pirit. revi\ ed in every pep ralh ? Cia sics gaining a repeat core as a distinctive variety . how? 1\lerit and cholar ~hip recognized for high tandard .. of achievement. The. e moment pa . . but a recalled. the cup i. overflowin"'.
Victory partie re tored normal heart action following rousinp; Knightland fete on field or court. The e happ) time we hall remember. Valiant Knight cheerfully refuted wearineL .
ancy Teague
High t honor be towed upon a Lady of Knightland i Round Table Queen. This is the only school wide nomination among queen. hips. Winner i not disclosed until coronation ceremonie which coincide \\ith di tribution of yearbooks. The Queen and her Court ho t the ignature wing, an event which, more-orless, climaxe the year.
ancy Teague
Gloria Tracy
p R
Fir-t royalty named each )eai i. ports Queen. Five girL are nominated by member. of Boys 0 Club and voted on by the entire hool. Candidate. and Campaign manager in '59 were Kathy hoenhal - Joe Wil. on; andy awvell Rick Dunlevy: Gloria Tracy- Tom ~ard: Janet Johnson Bill â&#x20AC;˘ nipes; Charlyne Ryland- Lynn Lovel "¡
Gloria Tracy and dent.
tan Harri!'on.
tudent Presi-
Margo Iiller and Faye choenhals look on with admiration a Brent Buchanan pre~ent the crown of Friend.hip to Kathleen choenhals.
Brent Buchanan-Kathleen Schoenhal
E\er)one knows \\e are heading toward pring \\hen th Knight and Lady of Friend hip conte t i announced. Purpo of thi~ school¡\\idc election i to s lect a hoy and a girl from th nior clas \\ho t)pify th orth\\C....t Cia en c;pirit of frien<Lhip and congenialit). Ten finalist.. five boy and five girL, are cho n b) 'ote of the entire tudent hod}. This ceremony e:--tabli. hed three ) ear:-- ago i. to become a Knight! and tradition. Pre\ iow, winners \\ere Jo Pender and Jim Earne!\l in '58; l\.ipp K tchum and Gary London in '59. WinneN nam. are t.:ngraved on a gold loving cup. When complete<!. th cup will be a record of the Knight; and Ladies of Friend, hip for 20 years.
Kathleen choenhal dub Brent Buchanan Knight of Friendship. Bill Hill, guardian of the blade, will sheath the word for future )ear...
Tom Ward-Judy Wagner; and Charlyne Ryland-Mike ~Iiller, Knight and Lady Friend.hip nominees.
Friend. hip nominee., Bill Teigen-Jean Bainbridge; Jame -Jerry Bednar witne:-, court entertainment.
;\like :\Iiller crowns â&#x20AC;˘ ancy Teague.
Royalty of the 1960 Round Table Court (left to right) were Jann Chri tian- Judy Wagner; Bill Teigen- Carol Hodam; andy Elli - Lon Fo ter; ;\larilyn BarnettDon Harri. on. Enthroned 1 ancy Teague with :,\like ~Iiller, campaign manager. Thi year ceremonies were conducted in the gym to preclude nece,sity of repeat performance required by auditorium presentation.
ports Queen Court with Gloria Tracy reigning is augmented by athlete repre><entative from each competitive, lettered sport. Queen nominee, become Prince e, of \ariou port and receive small loving cup to memorialize the event.
'·I J T CA 'T BELIEVE IT!", cne~ Kann Owt•n, 1960 Falcon Queen, as e-.cort, teve herman a~ ure · her 1t' true. With Karen are Barry Benefield, Ja!let Keller, queen candidate, and escort, Jerry Bednar. Announcer i John Ro, e, pre ident.
Karen Owen received the traditional Falcon Crown from pre~ident, John Ro~e.
Gerry Baker, 1960 Lancer Queen, don official jacket her by Joe Wallace, pre ident.
Karen, a guardian of the official Falcon Queen paddle, will reign over the pep club.
Dedication of the fow1tain in the pring of '59 marked another tep in beautification of our patio. Central figure i a bronze bw:t of a plumed knight, mounted
on a mo. iac ba e of blue and gold tile. Combined fund from senior cia e:, and Clas ics made the Bronze Knight a reality.
Distingui hed vi itor-., Dr. Paul Elicker, and Dr. Ellsworth Thompkin , of National A.. ociation of econdary Principals, commended our school for outstanding citizen hip. Introducing them is Beth Gimlin, assembly chair¡ man.
They aid it couldn't be done-but we did it! Kath¡ leen choenhals, student council historian, tucks happy headline into the school scrap book.
"There be none of Beauty's daughters
With a magic like thee;" Byron
CAR L HODAM Row1d Table Prince-
Round Table Prin
M RILY\' B R lETT Round Table Prince-s
'\D1 ELLI Round Table Prince
'.OY AWVELL ports Prine .
port Prine
JA ET JOH ports Prin
CHARLY E RYLA D port Princess
"More lorely than Pandora, 1thom the gods Enrloued u·ith all their gifts." Milton
DEBBIE AYFR Lancer Prine
JLDl CR00:\1 Lancer Prine
Lan r Prine
Lancer Prince;
JA'ET KELLER Falcon Prince.
BETH GIMLI Fal on Prince.-.
KAY TATU'\1 Falcon Princes
Senior cia Top Teen , Charlyne Ryland and Tommy Hendrickson, pause be. ide the patio fountain amid their bu. y day.
"Nothing like a coke, Dudley Hyde and Gin
to be the thought in the ophomore Top Teens.
Betty Dixon and George Stevens, junior Top Teen choice were interrupted while admiring the Honor Society display ca, e.
Phil Cornett and Janie melser, fre hman Top Teen , discover the chool crapbook in the Student Council room.
CLASSICS, '60, -
Ia~ ic~ Ex<'cutive Board.... huh of Cla!'!'ic.... annual all-school talent production. i~ compo. d of committee heack act director::-. and officers. guided h) facult~ !-<ponc:or~. Memh r. \\rite. organize. and prepare the ~how for rehear...al . Originality and rec:ponsibility are e" entiat qualification for member~hip. Acti\ itie.~ of the Board are highl~ confidential. and theme of the ~how i" a guard l ~ecrct until time to relea"e publicity. Thi d mand that per~on selected for po!'itions he tru!'tworthy. Theme of the 1960 how. \\ hich will go on the 28. 2CJ. 30 of \pril. is "OFF
Gt:-\RD!" Faculty ~pon. or... , f.tuiding power behind Cia ic. , meet to approve act . Left to right, 1i ~lary Lamb Lewis, l\lr. V. E. Caldwell, Mi Kathleen Owen, l\lr. Ted "i'ichoJ.... Seated, :.\tr.... Winnie :.\lurray, :.\lr.;. Ollie Pitt , :\lr... Nevva Sartin.
roiling while they work, tudent member oÂŁ the Cla"ic'Executhe Board di. cus a day's agenda. Deliberation are
frequently drawn out. Pu hing the project through without animo itie developing require patience and tact.
PHILIP TEET Classen Medal of Honor
BEVERLY ERVIN Ella D. Classen Au:ard
KARE OWE Ella D. Classen Atcard
CLA E AWARD , given in memory nd Ella D. Cia. sen, mark "outstanding promise of u;orthy contribution to the progress of the world by r ea n of strength of character, record of scholarship, activitie of leadership, and all-around ar4Ji.ev ent." c a tic excellency i timulated by numerou agenciel'. ch·ic group , and individual outsid ol. AI\ aw d are closely guarded secrets until announced in one of the traditional award eacH which honor seniors.
Art RenaL !<llnce
Renai ance Club
National Art Honor ociety
Commercial Art
A-E Equipment Company
Homemaker of Tomorrow ~latrix
B. C. Clark Jewelry Company
Betty Crocker
Highe t
Theta igma Phi
National Fir-.t Place
chola. tic Pre "'
hola tic Pre ~
Nat'l. chola tic Yearbook A.,,•n First Year German
Herman C. chneider
econd Year German Lar~n
Herman C. chneider
Lar<;en Mu ic Compan)
Honorable ~fention
Lar. en Mu. ic Company
harp- 'ichols Medal
::\Iechanical Drawing
Carl Harley Jim Lofti
A-E Equipment Compan)
Phi Beta Kappa
PBK Alumni
:\lu. ic Company
STANLEY HARRISON Anton H. Classen Award
JUDY SIM Classen Medal of Honor
DAVID HOWELL Anton H. Classen Award
Bau. ch & Lomb Laboratorie: Gaylord Philanthropies Gaylord Philanthropies 0. C. Engineer's Club
\~RIT ~
'6,ke~wn Don
e Ka~ Van Hoos Patric1a Hostetter
Virginia Hunt Jean Ann Romerrnan Ellison Wittels
MERIT CHOLARSHIP Daniel Adams, Paul Fox
AWARD Daughter
merican Revolution (hi tory)
Good Citizen Good Citizen hip American Legion Danforth pirit Award
HO OREE Judy im Phil Teet Karen Owen andra Elli Brent Buchanan Pat Hostetter Elli on Witte! Ruth Ann Crain John Elli
DO TOR DAR DAR Civitan Oub American Legion Post Danforth Foundation Court Je ter and U- elect-It Vendor
1960 MARKS FIFTIETH FACULTY AWARD Recognizing schola tic achievement i. a prime -.en. whether tudent or facult) member. Under tion. the founding faculty e"tabli hed ten a\\ ard sent appreciation of tudent devotion. _ n ·ice.
con ideration amoncr Knight and Ladie of orthwest Cia direction of Mr. W. H. Taylor, fir t principal of the in tituto be known a THE F AC LTY AWARD . These repreacrifice. leader hip and achie\ement.
ART Ceramic
Bonnie Gambril Elaine aulsberry, Judy hipley Wayne Ratcliff, Kathie Roller, Billie Rucker Bille Rucker Judy Key heila Rogul, ue Wheat Pat Ho t tter Carolyn A habranner, Carolyn Bowers, Valerie Graber, Judy Henderc;on, Virginia imons, Linda Water .:\ticki Hager
Honorable Mention Certificate
J. . Tier, Track
Bob Ramc;ey Award
Judy Creed, Judy Fleming, Gayle Johnson, Betty Klaffke, .:\lartha Millrr. Lynne wain, Judy Wagner
Certificat of Achievement
Zada Cook Leon Blaylock, Donna Harrison Leon Pierce
D.E. Certificate DECA Award Honorable Mention
El\'GLI H and
Ruth Ann Crain, Beverly Ervin, ara Jo Freeny, Robin Gunning, tanley Harri on, Pat Ho tetter, David Howell. Jimmy Johnson, ue .:\litchell, Karen Owen, Caroline Point., Jean Ann Romerman, helley afdi, Judy im., Judith ingleton, Philip Teet, Me I in d a Thoma , Jeanne White, Ellison Witte] , Patricia Young
All A Certificates
Karen Hallmark Jo Ann Bricker, Karen Cordell, Gloria Tracy, Renee Widdefield
Major Certificate
Commercial Oa ic Cover Fa hion Fine Art--
Plaque Certificate Certificates Certificate Plaque Honorable .:\lention Plaque
JOuRNAI.ISJf fW~papcr
pani h
helley afdi ue Hinchey Wally Kamp Rex Kennard Judy Key Judy Croom David McCarty, John Ware Pat Ho tetter Karen Hallmark farilyn Barnett, Jerry Bednar, Jo Volz
Four Year ervice Bu~inc Management Promotions pecial De. ign~ Art Director Activitie· Cover De. ign Designs '61 Book Theme '61 Book Honorable ::\fention
Bill ALpaugh, Judi Thomas Pat Ho. tetter
ingleton, Melinda
Karen Bower
AI Colliru, Ken Hemry, Jimmy Johnson, Karen Owen, Philip Teets
A in all Math
Robin Gunning
PHY !CAL EDUCATION Girl ' Team port Girl ' Individual port
Mary pear Kay Bleakney
Certificate Certificate
Beverly Ervin, Jerry John on, Philip Teet
SCIE CE Honor ience
crvice Award Cour~e~
Bill AI paugh, Jean Bainbridge, ::\farilyn Barnett, Clarence Eaton, Virginia Gangwer, Karen Hallmark, tanley Harrison, Pat Ho tetter, Ronald Hunt, Jay McCain, ue Mitchell, Caroline Points, helley Safdi, Judy Sims, Judi Singleton, David tee I m a n, Philip Teets, Melinda Thomas, Karen Van Hooser, Jeanne White, Elli. on Witte!!:, 'Tri ha Young
Elizabeth Mann
Mary ::\fartineau Memorial
Jim Leech
Lewi Irving Bill Alspaugh Ellison Wittels, Pat Freeny Hen;hel Lamirand K. Kay Brande· Steve Garman Robert Imle
Harrison Award Foren ic Award FL Award Be t Actor Bet Actre Be:;t Announcer Announcer' Service Award
Bonnie Gambril, Ronnie Jenkins, Oran Williamson
fary Martineau ervice
Pep band member-., under the direction of Earl Hefley and rt John on, play enthu<.ia<.tically at all pep assemblies.
Girl ! Your hair! But rooter mu t be glamorous de pite a 300-mile bu trip to see the football cason opener at Amarillo, Texas.
"Touchdown!" Charlyne Ryland, Carol Hod am, Marilyn Barnett, Janet Jolmson, and Phyllene Kimsey, cheerleaders, help us tell the team how much we appreciate their efforts.
No vacation for tirele yearbook taffer . They met regularly during summer vacation that they might meet ROUND TABLE deadlines.
Mr. Roblyer, as istant principal, preside over the morning announcements. This a.m. Carol Pitzer and Jim Lofti did the student announcements. Steve Garman i C engineer.
"An apple for the teacher," featured National Educa· tion Week. Beth We t, Mr. ~Ialone, Mr. melser and ~1r. Conger partake of thi PT A treat.
'·Fire!" Bob Leake helped Deanna Elliot ex· tingui h her flaming baton.
andy Elli!', '59 AF student shares ouvenirs from Berlin with AFS candidates Karen Owen, Janet Keller and Beth Gimlin.
AFS SEEKS PEACE In the Chri tma assembly, student Dorotht>a Heinrich phone call home. Dorothea, and grateful. Larry learns
Knights presented exchange money for a long-distance from Berlin, was surprised made the pre. entation.
AF trive to promote world peace by student exchange among countries. Thi program is aided by funds rai ed by mixers, paper drive<>, adie Hawkin Week, and We::;tern Day.
To stimulate interest in the American Field Service program, a window display in Student Store featured books of world-wide origin.
"We'll ne~¡er forget our student from Holland." To prove it we sent Joan tree£, '58-'59 exchange student a letter some 20 feet long.
Chtâ&#x20AC;˘erleader , .\larilyn Barnett, Carol Hodam, Phyllene Kim ey, Carla Ki e, Charlyne Ryland, and Judy Waj!ner with Janet John on are a proud of the All-~tate trophy a wa the team. The,e J!irl hold highe~t honor.. in cheerleading circle~. Champion know prart icc make~ perfect.
SPIRIT SOARS ndefeated! 1\.nightland' '59 football ea on will he long remembered as topping Capitol Hill' long reign a undefeated tate Champ. ; for future ~orthwest team~. a goal to equal. Pom pom and high-..,trung . pirit. . oared into the fro,..t-hitten air a. the Ia. t minute. of the tate pia, -off game between \ortlmc.-..t Ia .. n 1\.nighb and "\orman Tigers ticked off. Final core. 16-11!
Rex Irwin, head football coach, demon trates the technique used by Knights to annihilate the Norman Tigers.
Majorettes ancy Hill, Deanna Elliot, Rae Ours, Gloria Tracy, Nancy McNew, and Barbara Dorney, donned top hats and tail for their pep rally routine before orman game. High pirited {an whv acked Taft Stadium, 'ovember 2 , ~ot'ftheir money's worth, watching our Knigl ts defeat Norman for the II- tate title. "
This is our football coach? Geri Page, ue ~1u, allam, and Mr. Rex Irwin, work diligently stringing popcorn for their homeroom Christma party.
Counting calories, Linda? Linda Law"on and Ruth Chamberland pause before Christ¡ rna goodie brought to Mi. Audie Albert's homeroom Chri tma party.
Combined efforts of :.\lr. Paul Crowe, Mr. Clayton DavL, 1r. Rex Irwin, Mr. Don Van Pool, and ;\Jr. Jt.'rry Ha)ne~, coaching o;;t~tff, brought glory to Knightland. Cygnet pep club member honor football player¡ at an annual banquet. Portraying what they think take place in a locker K. Bainbridge, . Ellis, J. Croom, wain, K. Hardin, !\f. Whytlaw.
This reverent manger ccne wa. witnc:- ed by all at our annual hrio;tma a . embly. L. to R., Ronnie Hudson, ;\like Buckwald, Karen Knott, John Rose, Mark Coleman.
Annuull) fre hmen line up for the ",mile Conte t." D ·nti t chc·ck for dental perfection. Winner~ <·nter tat competition.
Oklahoma City'· Art Center, tate Fairground , . cene of National Art Honor Society's initiation.
"Hiawatha," Longfellow' eternally fa · cinating cia. ic, was feature of English department ovember display.
Queen of
mile wa
Deni e Dunham.
team., Jack Butler, Ralph teed., Marion Nance, Carolyn Booth, and Barbara Butterworth admire exhibit in the
A 13,000 volume library provide· Knightland with re ourc all major topic .
and material on
Homecoming happy affair. For four years Janice and David Nay have provided spectators a colorful moment of romance as they galloped around the arena in regal array. In recognition of loyalty, Jan, who graduate in fay, was presented a loving cup.
CROWNING MOMENTS Celebration \~hich park Knightland spirit var) from athletics to dramatic . Greek tragedy and Engli~h comedy tested thi. )ear' hi tronic abilitie-:. Medea and The Importance of Being Earnest were fir t seme ter all-£chool theatericals. A record high spirit was evident at the never-to-be-forgotten orthwest and orman football game which de¡ cided All- tate Football Champs.
Mike Barkett, president of Alumni Association, presided at '59-'60 Homecoming.
Hd-State cross-country winners were honored in pep assembly. Mr. Leonard Marcotte, coach, presented Mr. Malone the trophy awarded the team.
"Howdy!" Mixer greets new students and teachers. Miss Kathleen Owen greets David Howell.
Excellent dre. _ing room and make-up facilitie encourage drama tudent to study theatrical make-up. Doing Nancy 1 orton for role i andra WallO.ce, Carolyn Ashabranner, and farvin Kincaid.
J u, t why being 'Earne t' wa . o important is finally solved a leading character rejoice in the la. t cene of the Oscar Wilde comedy. Cast included Joe McCord, Kay Hardin, Jim Leech, Nancy ~orton, Bill Al paugh, Liz Mann, Johnny Ro~e, Barry Benefield, and andy Ellis.
How not to impres your future mother-in-law is demonstrated to the horror of andy Ellis by Johnny Ro,e in thi rib-tickling scene from The Importance of Being Earnest.
Behind-the- cene staff of The Importance of Being Earnest take a bow. There's more to a play than the audience beholds coming aero the footlights.
In Medea, first all-school play this year, K. Kay Brandes, as fedea, pleads with Hershel Lamirand, a Ja .on, to return to her. (Above) Larry Crou e, son of 1:r. L. E. Crou. e, faculty, added a winsome touch to Medea. Depicting a tutor is cotty Foster.
" o! There really are two sets of identical twins." Janet and Judy Ketchum, and Ralph and Robert everson ~cored a Cia sic hit with their song, " i ter ."
'¡J want a ghoul," warbles Kirk Hagan, Prince of Hade , and he got one! Kirk and Patte Jackman form a di~torted duo in nderworld scene of '59 Classic .
HARD WORK MAKES Clas ic i. a word with pecial meaning in orthwest Classen Knightland. When \\e mention Classic" we usual!) refer to the annual all- chool extravaganza presented each pring. Hour::. of gruelling compo ition demanding the perfectl) uited \\Ord with an exact meaning precede detailed planning, rehearsing, co turning and ~taging the show. Opening night brings a fe\\ bobbles, but a capacity hou e of appreciative and re pon ive fan quiets cast anxietie . Classics enjO)S a three night run of drama, mu ic, comedy, and dance. Talent presented i the be t available in the department repre~ented. Final apprO\ al of all perfonner rest \\ith faculty directors. "But I can't see with this thing on," protests Mike Reeves. Kelly Miles, hindsection of the donkey, gets a rest during rehearsal.
"It's Cold Outside!" In the polar n;gions, :\Iartha \Iiller and Rex Kennard don't seem to mind a they figure ~kate in Cla~sics '59.
"Pharoah approaches." This colorful Egyptian scene, in Classics '59, was dominated by a huge gold idol.
"Whoops! Something's slipping, girk" This comic ballet from Act One in Cla««ic made even rehearsal-weary cast member · laugh.
Angel, Her~hrl Lamirand, comforts Happy Miller with "Thank Heaven for Little Girl " in Act Three '59 Classics.
Phylli Klein and Randy Roark are happy, but David ~1cCarty? They formed a outh eas trio in Cia sic '59.
Topsy-Part Two! David McCarty and Lynda Marchman created a striking duet with their dance in black and white of ClassieR '59.
Suzanne Thompson ha a novel way of relea«ing her tensions. David Howell watche as they enjoy the Classics cast party.
Clas«ic:; is O\ er- Hurra) ! Happ) ca t part) reveler· relax after a three-night run. Joe Bailey looks as if he must have gone through the mill.
:\lemorie fade, but picture, prevail. Drama and su~pen. e of RO i\D TABLE Queen Coronation i. re-enacted every year with new face but old tradition«.
"Take ~ tate! Take !5tate!" Purple uniform toppt·d with yellow porn poms made an attractive pep . ection for the '\orrnan gamr, • ovember 27.
"Who. book am I . igning?" Yearbook· go from hand to hand at the annual ignature wing in the ocial enter. RO D T BLE Queen candidates and journali~m tudent ho~t the affair. me 1600 Knight. and Ladie jammed the '59 «e,,ion which features DJ' from KOCY.
Festive spmt dominate Junior- enior Prom. "We could have danced all night," echoed long . after the dance ended.
Pre-commencement acllvltle~ includt a farewell a emhly. Tradition of the ceremony i "pa~ ing of the word." cnior cia prc~ident pa <es the ~ymbolic sword to president of the junior class.
;\lr. Chari~ (Bud) Wilkinson, succes · ful mentor of niversity of Oklahoma's Big Red, was ~p ·aker for '59 enior Cla Commencement.
Traditional graduation theme ong, •"Pomp and Circum lance", accompanies the final rite of enior a. embled to receive diplomas. ~fr. Rex Irwin, enior pon. or, makr-; . ure cedure before actual ceremony.
enior know graduation pro·
This i a familiar . cene in clo ing dayof every chool year. Graduate- confi· dentally wi"h about enjoying their hour of tatu-..
All- port Queen. Gloria Tracy, and attendant reign at Knightland's annual ~ port Queen Coronation.
Knight halfback, tuart 1eister, crumple a orman Tiger a if he were a piece of paper. A weird, di puted play highlighted the game. Braving the cold. 12.500 cheering fan watched the fierce
11 0
truggle. Two beautiful new trophies shine among our omenirs- Mid- tate and All-State Clas AA award .
K IGHT TO CH TOP What a ea on! It hegan at Palo Duro in Amarillo. Texa.. orne 500 Kni~ht. and Ladie-. made the 296 mile trek to see their Knight. do\\ n the Don., 20-6. In the \lidtate Conference opener. 1\WC boomed Mid we t Cit}' Bomber . 12-0. With rain pouring down everybody' n ck. WC logged to a 22-0 victory over Hardin~. Putnam Cit)' Pirate and hawnee's Wolve fell a. our Knight . ucce . e continued. 20-0. and 22-8. respective!). orthwe t ran a\Va} from Douglas . 38-6. \1o t pectacular play came when 1\1ike Vliller intercepted a Trojan pa. -flat on hi hack. ·ext was that Capitol Hill raid. Our Knight queaked b) the kins. 19-18. for the hi tory makin"' victory over thi arch rival. The Red kin held a comfortable margin until late in the fourth stanza. Then it happened. With 7:31 remainin~. center. tan Harri on pounced on a Redskin fumble. we ooted to paydirt. and kicked the extra point that decided the victor. Fan went wild. Stopped cold. Hillmen were forced to punt. ix play later the Knight cored the winning TD. Enid' Plain. men were ure they had their game won. But that old fourth quarter rally pulled out a TD with one econd remainin~. Winning 22-18 gave Knight the 1id- tate Conference title. With an unblemi hed 9-0 record. WC triumphed over orthea t, 28-11. Both previouJy undefeated, 'WC emerged mythical City Champ . "\ow they faced Torman' Tiger for tate AA title. What a game; A lateral from \tiller to Law on, deflected by a Tiger, wa called a fumble in tead of an incomplete pa . :vliller, till prone, yelled to fullback, Walt Lawson, "Run, Walt, Run!" Law on galloped 75 yard for the Knight'
/.most~o~•~:;vrvf; f
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The,e .\ -.quadder-. are really top men on Knightland'., totem polt·. Rotc I Harke}, Morelock, Burru-., Sa~agc, Bowman, Harri· ~or., Teigen, Hunt, hock. Rotc II: Bucklin, Mci~tcr, Rawlinson, Bartlrtt, Dunle~y, ~1illcr, Law on, , nipc", Tier. Rotc Ill : \Ir. Rex Irwin. Mr. Don \'an Pool, \lr. Cia) Da\i .... coachc-., Dunford, Dt'C•kt-r, O'Hara, Irwin, Per~, Wca\'Cr.
'·\ o\\. thi i what \\e're going to do . . ." Head coach Rex Irwin brief hi quad on the next game' strategy. Coach Irwin wa named coach of the outh offen ive force in the annual high chool II- tate game. 112
Palo Duro _
\1idwe t City
Knight. knight.
22 20
Harding _ Putnam it)
0 0
Capitol Hill
19 22
0 8
18 - 18 14 14
Thinking and workmg together made the~c men tO)l'-. Row I: Pendley, Ward, chwab. Row ll: Pan~ze, teven~, on. Row Ill: McDowell, Jone~. Overstreet.
Ed Wilke must ha\¡e Jo~t a hN, as the other football manager load him down with team laundry. Wilkes, Bruce Ha~gard, and stati tician, Tom Hendrickson are the un un~ heroe of our grid world.
Mike Miller Quarterback
Larry Bartlett End Senior
Deal Bowman Guard enior
Fred Bucklin Fullback Junior
Bryan Burru Tackle Senior
Joe Decker Tackle Junior
Larry Dunford End- Junior
Tom Ward End enior
Unbeatable team of quarterback, Mike Miller and receiver, Tom Ward were WC' repre cotati' e on the II- tate football . quad for 1959. Both three-year lettermen, they are credited with taking Knight gridder ¡ through an undefeated season. Miller also shared honor with orman's Jay Wilkinson for Back-of-the-Year, and Ward was runner-up for Linemanof-the-year. Out~ide activitie are quite parallel and include Key Club, ba ketball and Boys' "0" Club. Both have held cla. office and participated in "CLA IC ."
11 3
B quad member are: Row I: B. Kent, T. Emer~on, R. Harri. on, R. Graham, J. Hier~che, B. ance, P. Howard, M. Grime_, L. Jone., ;\I. Ritter, J. Wolfe. Row II: C. Harri~, F. tewart, R. eba, J. L>cke, K Duncan, T. Dorri, . Hulett, J. Car~on, B. Ha. tic, G. Thorn. on, H. herill, J. \lcGill. Row Ill: E. Wilke , manager, T. Herald, . Irving, K. McCoy, J. t. John, H. Hcwe., D. Chcve~, J. ~ tcwn , D. Henline, J. Hammack, P. igmon.
Rick Dunlcv} llal/back enwr
Le Jone End Sophomore
Gene Harkey End Se111or
Terry King Halfback- ophomore
Richard Harrison Taclde- 'ophomore
Walt Law~on Fullbacl. Senior
tan Harrison Center enior
George 1\fcDowcll End Junior
Ronnie Hunt Guard Senior
tuart Mei~ter Halfback -J unzor
Rex Irwin Center- Junior
tcvc \forelock End Sf'nior
Wh:un! Enid punched hard, hut Knight came hack for a 22-18 victory. Knight wore dark uniform that night. With 1:14 on the clock, a do or die race cemrd like a nrne haltering eternity. With one f'r.ond remaining, 'WC era. hed into the end zone with the tcllinJ?: TD. Thi one we called the ··~en ational ccond" duel. Play!~ like thi gave us the "tth quarter winner " tag. We de,ened it.
"I know it' in there . omewhere!" cry our Knight a they cramble among the • 'orthea t Viking for the piJ!:~kin. We met thc'e rival in our ninth game. They, too, were undef ted in the sea on. They had fallen, howe\er, in our Ia t four m eting,. Before a crowd of orne 8,000 fan. , thi encounter ended our regular ~cason in a 28-14 \ictory.
Known a Pages, quad member are: Row I: L. Robert., T. Wright, D. Ackerman, T. Thomp.on, M. Willard. Row II: T. T. eha, R. Byrne, L. McCarty, P. Cornell, P. Ryan, J. fcCarty. Rafferty, L Mane" , J. Bla chke, M. Weak, D. Knox, R. Helm,
olter, G. Rohlyer, J. ~outhard, C. Bu h, D. l\lartf>ns. G. DuPrl"e, G. Hawk, M. \lulligan, . Picken~, J. Hadaway, J. Welborn, J. Brown, Row Ill: Mr. Jerry Haynes, coach; Mr. Paul Crowe, coach; D. L. Oliver, D. Grimes, R. Thoma on, R. Hurle}, B. Fagala.
lluddv O'Hara Guard- Junior
Bill 0\er-.trcet Halfback- Junior
lloh PanÂŤze llalfbacl. enior
Da\id Pendley Tackle enior
Kenneth Perry Guard- Junior
Jim Rawlin!'On Fullback- enior ":\1..tke
\~ay, ho}",
I'm romin' through," :\like Miller thun
K IGHTS TICKLED TIGERS econd before bagging the ball, end, Tommy Ward i ready to shuttle down the field.
"Hope he doesn't bite, Walt!" Lawson casually pushes aside a wouldbe, Plainsman tackler with a gentle pu. h in the face.
a' J "'
I it·r and Gent• Harke) dear the right of wa).
Leading Knights to top . tate football honor· thi year were coache.,, Clay Davi.,, Rex Irwin, Don Van Pool, ( tanding), Jerry Hayne , and Paul Crowe.
1951) \'\C
\\\( \\'\ \\C \"C
"' liED
51 6S 63
John 1\lar~hall }larding \orthea~t
:N 18
Tasco a Palo Duro Douglruos ha\\nee Lnid Capitol Hill _ 1\tidwe t City Putnam Cit} Dougla_ Midw t ity Harding hawnee Putnam City ortheast _ __ __ Enid _ Capitol Hill _
61 18
\\ \\'\
\\\( \\\
52 51 55
59 51
\\C \\\(.
- uo
19 57
11 17
16 39 17 19 •13 •16 ll
59 41 16
39 •11 50
46 50
ReaionaL March •1-5 tate :\larch ll-12 RECORD I COMPLETE RegionaL, larch 1-5 tate Play-off, March ll-12
A- QUAD :\1E~1BER are: Row 1: Hendrick. on, Ray, Huey. Row 2: Bartlett, 1r. Don Van Pool, coach; Brett :\Iorin, manager; :.'\tiller. Row 3: Johnson, Boyd, Warren, Howell, Lovele..s. Row 4: Foster, Ward, Carreker, Daniel. Gerald Warren "hoot for a jump shot again. t Dougla. a Larry Bartlett and Tom Ward stand by to ru; ure the two-
Is it going in? Jerry Ray, Bob Boyd, and Dick Powell keep their eye on the ball.
Coaches, Don Van Pool and Jerry Haynes, consult with team members during time-out at Douglass. This heart-breaker ended Knights' 11 game winning streak. For the second year in a row, Tom Ward ranked high point man.
Taking a flying leap, David Howell drives for a lay-up as two Harding Eagle a~~i t him.
B-SQUADDERS look over the starting line-up for a crucial game. Row 1: Martin, McColloch, Locke, manager; Mr. Jerry Haynes, coach; Holt, Freeny, Homsey. Row 2. Royston, Parks, Harrison, Sigmon, McBride, Dunford, Lawson, Hammack. Row 3: McDowell, Sponhaltz, Fleming, Pelton, Wallis.
OTHI G UCCEED S LIKE But Knight ta tic pulled the third p<'riod. and • Victor\ umher 11. chalk 52-ll. till muttering about a thirdquarter rally that era~ a onepoint differen e in their earlier encounter, which ended a tight game. 61-39. th Dougla. Trojan were :intent on vengeance. The Knights winning treak was . napped. 59-51. our only defeat of the '59-'60 sea<:on. This gave Midw t City Bomber hope. They were hack in the running for Mid-, tate title. Whether the Knight ' . teeds drank jet fuel from the Bombers' jet engin . no one will ever know. orne 3,000 title-hungry fans ga. ped and clamored at a nip and tu k, action-packed thriller. In the third quarter, John Daniel, driving for a layup, lo t his grip and kicked the p
Determined Lynn Lovele leave the floor to ink a . hot de pite thwarting effort of l\lidw t ity team. l ·we• gym wa packed with excited fan watching thi headliner.
Knight mapler"' had overthrown four non-confer nee team to the tune of 215 poinb to 166 before launching their conference opener again t the Douglas Trojan . Text cam ~ hawnee. The Wolves all hut devoured u . armor and ored by Enid' Larry all. '\t Enid. teamwork withstood 31 point Ha\\k, and we emerged. after the lead had changed hands 12 timec; during th game. 51-19. Capitol Hill Red , kin were <:ealped. 51-13. Thi victory, as a result of Midwe t ity' lo s to hawnee, advanced the Knights to top conference rating. The Bomher were out for blood. pecially royal Knight cor· pus le . fired-up thriller aw the Knightc; dragging at the end of third quarter. 38-34. uddenly. in true Knight tradition. L) nn LO\ele~ galloped in on a 15 foot jump hot and led the wa} to a 51- 16 Knight victor) . :\'ext feat wa to overpower the Pirate . It looked for av\hile like a cutla was a weapon uperior to a
"Oh, no! There goe another ball in the ba. ket," exclaim Harding's number 45. Jim Johnson and Tom Hendrick.on are in high pirit .
SUCCESS ball. He gave it an upper-cut that landed the hall on the hoop and it fell through as the last ~econd of the quarter expired. With the !iCOre Lied, the Knight"' pulled all the . tops in the fourth "Lanza and \\On 55-.t.J.. ever in trouble. the Knights clipped the Harding Eagles. 75--!6. This et a n w !\.night oring record for a single game. It wa time to go bounty hunting again. hawnee Wolves were licking their chops. Seasoned hy the Dougla experience, determined Knightland hoop ter outhowled the Wolves, 59-39. ports writer called the perfoml¡ ance nearly perfect basketball. By now th Pirates had the bottom hack in their boat. They darned near ranuned u . Larry Bartlett championed a thirdquarter rally that scuttled the Pirate.~,
Pushing the ball ju t a little bit further, ~1ike tiller jump Foster is ready to help if a Putnam City Pirate get in the way.
while Lon
Knight outdid th ir 0\\n record in a tu Je \\ith ortheast Vikings by hiking point in one game to 80 against the Viking ' 50. Toppling Enid, â&#x20AC;˘19-16. we retired a 13 year ~tate record by becoming the first state , hool to win \1id- tate Football and Mid- tate Ba ketball champion hip \vithin a single year. But Capitol Hill Red kin were on our trail.
wmgmg for a hook shot, Denny Carreker is one of 12 graduating eniors on the squad.
Just to make it official. we ambushed them, 57-50. With 18 scalps dangling we're getting a firm grip on our spears. making ready to give good account of ourseh: in the Regional and tate Play-off . Pro pect for taking All- tate look promising.
"Did you see that?" Team members of the Faculty Fizzlers aren't too happy about tactics varsity players used. Discarded cup indicate that even imbibing failed to re-fortify Fizzier forces to offset a resounding 60-40 defeat.
John Daniel practices a lay-up during pre-game warm-up session as Tom Ward and Gerald Warren await the rebound.
As prelude to varsity action, B- quad games provide thrills and chills. While Russell Lawson shoots, team members give support from the bench.
Cia. en's tudent Council president, 167-pound tan Harri on, block an attempted witch by his opponent In addition to four-year letterman in wrestling,
tan' laurel track.
include three-year letter
m football and
MIGHTY MATMEN MAKE MARK Knight ~ ent nine wr tier to tate Tournament at BlackwelL Three of these placed, rounding out one of 'orthwest Cla!'~n's greategt . eason in this port Two recruit from other hool joined Mr. L. Marcotte' matmen, Ronnie Hunt, Putnam City, and Max \1cClain, 01\tA. They have given good a count of them elves. Each of them, along with Larry Len ky and Mike Deal took 2nd places in Regional . Greg Pounds took 3rd place and J. W. Robert. on placed 4th. On December 18, our Knight captured the City
Wrestling Tournament by overcoming the second place team, also an Oklahoma City school, John \1arshall, 96-91. Grapplers won 5th place in the Geary Invitational Tournament. Thi was the greate t howing ever made by orthwest Classen at thi tournament. Fired up by the e accompli hments and a brilliant record at dual meet , the team racked up a 2nd place trophy at. Mid- tate Tournament, then placed nine men at hte Edmond Regional who later represented us at tate.
Wre tiers had a . ucc ·~ful ea. on. Row 1: Reeve. , Len. ky, Aiken, Carpenter, mith, hri. tian, McClain, Pan ze. Row 2:
Thomp on, manager; Gei.endorf, D. Harri .on, Hill, Deal, Hunt, Henthorn, '-. Harri on, trong, Mr. Leonard :"\larcotte, coach.
CHRI TIA . City Champion 4th Place-Geary lst-~fid- tate 4th tate
TA H RRI ON City Champion 1 t Place-Geary L t 1\fid· tate l~t Regional 4th tate
John \1ar...hall .
25 15 22 31 22 15 18 5
\om1an Putnam ity tillwater _ Cia. «en 1idw t it} Tul~a Web ter Capitol Hill Perry
16 8
15 12 ll
10 19 18 - 25
City Champion 2nd Place-Geary
City Champion l~t \lid- tate 3rd Regionals In one of the ~tid- tate Conference's close t and most thrilling matches, Knight, \lax ~fcClain was decisioned by Capitol Hill' Jim Burleson, 4-3.
J ann Chri tian attempts to pin one of Midwe t City's challengers.
\like Deal throws a half- el~on on hi hapless opponent. Mike climaxed hi wre,tling career at Northwe t Cia. en this year by claiming a first place at Mid- tate, a third place at Regionals, and a fourth place at tate.
Femme basketeers practice to gain preci.ion and delivery. City teams form a league and compete for City Champion. hip. This year's schedule had nine game!'. Left to right, Ames, Waldrop,
.Mi Margaret Dou ett, coach; Holmberg, mith, Freeman, Young, . tewart, pears, Nay, Allison, Chance, Staples.
Girl in volleyball are ay, Runka, pears, Allison, Holmberg, W aldrop, Miss Margaret Doussett, coach; Miller, Young, Loeffler, Stewart, Ames, Smith.
Another representative of team ports i OFTBALL. Players thi year were about evenly divided between beginners and . easoned players. Row 1: ML :\fargaret Dou ett, coach; Staples, Spears, Nay, mith, Stewart. Row 2: Arne., Runka, Allison, Holmberg, Flatt. Row 3: Hayes, Hager, Young, Chance, Waldrop. Thi year' team had a 2-2 a. on.
BAD\Il TO\ Row 1: B. Koeppel, Bleakney, .:\lc.:\lurran, .\lartin, Hi~don, Bay, T. Koeppel. Rozt· 2: Lacy, Kuu, Prehlt•, Dixon, Ea~ton, .:\lr-. Corte~.: Copher, foac·h.
GET NEW MENTORS Mr . Cortez Copher and \1i~ .Margaret Doussett are ne\\Comer to \orthw t Ia ,en' girl ' phy. ical education department. Individual sport, termis, badminton, table tenni and archer) were taught b) Mr ·. Copher. Archery was so new that no competition wa held. Mis Dou.. tt wa" in charge of softball, volleyball and basketball. r-..ewe t . port for WC ladic is ARCHERY. Taking aim at an umdentified target, archer, prepare to fill tlw air with arrow .... Who know~? They rna) hrinj!; down a hrar, or may lw a man!
City ,ingle championship in TABLE TENNI wa won by andy Bay. Row 1: \1atthews, File, Bay, Bigg~, Higdon. Row 2: Koeppel, Prater, ~ teadley, Clark on, 1\fr.... Cortez Copher, roach.
o hard feeling, a Bob Coulter and Jim Barne~ hake hand~ after a rul!ged game of tenni. .
etmen trive to develop good form and perfection, important to tennis player . Row 1: Coulter, Arnold, Wiles, Linn, hoebotham. Row 2: Mr. David Hoke, coach; Warren, Barne~, Ly. aught, Ro. e, line.
Hour of hard practice enable a player to return ball without runnmg himself ragged. Tenni quickens mus ular coordination and train nmmg sen. e. Boy ' probable pring starting line-up: Jay Lysaught, Mike Arnold, John Rose, Ben Warren, Bob Coulter, Jim Barnes, Philip Wiles, David hoebotham. Bad pring weather handicapped the racquet squad's program. Mr. David Hoke, of safety education, coached the boys' team. Girls were coached by Mrs. Cortez Copher.
Eager to . how their tenni kill, 1959¡ 60 girl ' tenni team con. ist of: Rou 1: Hancock, Lewi. , iken, Olson. Row 2: Mr,. Cortez Copher, coach; ~lhert, Cox. Cameron, Coit.
Golf reigns ao; an open ra on game. Link men have acce"~ to "<''era! cour:-e;. "ithin the city. and poli h their <.kill. wh n \\Cather permits. throughout the ~ear. \lr. Carroll .~ mel. er. coach. ha. fi,e men \\ho \\ere on the team Jac;t 'ear. A full hedule run \\ell h \Ond the clo;.e of hool. Row 1: Wallace, :\lcLure, ~ imm , :\Iatth w~. Coppedge, William. . Row 2: ;\lr. Carroll mel er, coach; Chochran, Holme", :\Io. , Warren, Davidge, ~pear, Clonce.
Everyone get pu..,hed into the drink ooner or later. In thi ca e it' reluctant :\1r. Crowe. Delighted with new All-City trophy, wimmer.., are: Row 1: McClain, Kennard, \1r. Paul Crowe, coach; Kalmon, 1choL, Irving. Row 2: Todd, Jones, Vernon, Bob :\Ioodie, Cornett, t. John. Row 3: Booth, Hier!-che, Bruce .\loodie.
Jan Richard practic<¡ individual medley.
" Boy will be boys." After having been pu.hed into the pool by hi own wimmer~. :\f r. Crowe take time to regain hi compo ure.
Paul Cornett takes a forward dive with a half-twi t.
They did it again! wunrner added another \fid- tate T r o p h y to Knight ' growing mound of trophies. In Mid- tate Conference ~econd annual me t at Dougla, s pool, '\WC warn awa) with the <:econd title. Winning five event<:. Knight piled up 96 point. . Clo, t opponent was Enid with 73 points. Onl) double winner was Mike ' ichols, freshman. Other winnen, were Jerry Vernon, Le Jones, and the fr style relay composed of Rex Kennard, Jerry Hier he, Jay t. John, and Jerry Vernon.
"Any rag '? Any bones? ny bottle:-. today?" Girl ··o" Clubber' went all out for rummage . ale thi. year. Profit from one paid for the initiation dinner. A . econd financed a . ummer prt·e to Grand Lake. Row 1: Whytlaw, Widdifield, im", !bert, Cox, Bigg. , Bay, J. teadley, Waldrop, File. Row 2: Mr~. Cortez Copher, ~pon. or; Arne~, \latthew!", Prater, Higdon, Bleakney,
B. Koeppel, :\lite hell, :\Iartin, Allison, Co it. Rou· 3: :\Ji,~ \Iargaret Dou~ ett, !<pon. or; Holmberg, Chance, T. Koeppel, pears, Nay, :\fc:'\furran, Loeffler, Dixon, ;'\f. :\filler, taple . Row 4: Haye-, Flatt, mith, K. teadley, Runka, \oung, tewart, ~ollar-., Heinrich. B. \filler.
WEARER OF THE "0" Row I: . chwab, Law. on•, Don Harri. on•, Teigrn•, Harkey, Morin, Fo ter, Wilson. Row 2: Perry, M. \1cCarty, Rawlin on, Deal, Weaver, Chri tian•, Hill•, Bednar, :.\fcDowell, ]. McCarty. Row 3: Huey, Elli", McKeller, Bailey, Duncan, Coley, Dunford, nipe , Bartlett. Row 4: . Harri on, Howell, Booth, Daniel, Decker, Dunlevy, Hendrick. on, mith, Car:-on. (• after name, app ar in both picture_.)
R ow
1: Over treet, teven!", Hunt, Wimpey, Hyde, Wilkes, Buchanan, Bowman, Purdy. Row 2: Len. ky, Warren, Rose, Pendley, Gloria Tracy, QUEEN; Tier, :\Ieister, Aiken, Young, Todd. Row 3: Moncrief, King, R. Harri. on, ]one., Irwin, Coulter, Pan.ze, Teigen, Richard . Row -1: :\terriman, F. Miller, Dan Harri on, Boyd, :\forelock, le hire, Pace, Law on, Vernon, Hill. Row 5: Burru. , Bucklin, Haggard, Arnold, O'Hara, Chri · tian, M. Miller, Don Harri on.
Proud po~. cs,ors of Knightland\ fir ..t :'\lid tate trophy, CRO COU TRY lettermen are: Row 1: Duncan, Young, Buchanan, mith, \lerriman, ~Iiller. Row 2: Wimpey, manager; \loncrief,
HILLS - THRILLS Two-miler', Dudley Hyde, Bob Boyd, and Dan Duncan gained renown. Boyd, econd in All-City; fir,.t in Mid- tate; fourth in tate. Duncan and Hyde, ~phomore., placed 14th and 7th re. pectively at Mid- tate.
Boyd, Harri on, Hyde, Mr. Leonard Marcotte, coach. They were City Champion~.
Running a h\ o-mile course e\¡ery day in fair weather or fouL would make mo. t people cringe. \ot Knightland printer~. Two new trophie. were added thi }ear. Compiling the low score of 31 points. Knight became it) Champ,. by \\inning the ll-Cit} ro. --Country meet. Knight were fir t Annual \1id- tate meet winners '' ith 31 point . t the tate m t. they . ored 99 points. placing third. In 20 degree weather, with biting wind. Knight~ lot only to TuL a' Edi. on and Central.
Bill Smith, Fred ~Iiller, Vince ~loncrief, Woody Young, Don Harri on, Hal 2\lerriman, and Brent Buchanan take off on their two-mile tint around the field.
Row 1: . Harrison, Buchanan, i\1erriman, Boyd, Tier, Pendley, i\lorelock, Elli«, Bowman. Row 2: Dunford, Coley, Young, 1\fackellar, Bailey, Hunt, Wright, Moncrief, Hyde. Row 3:
Grime.-, Ale,hire, Powell, Locke, R. Harri on, Tra\i', pear, Todd. Row 4: Mr. Rex Irwin, coach; Duncan, mith, Ea«ton, ance, herril, fulligan, Chew", Fagin, mana(Zer
Opening at Forth Worth. Texa . 'WC hurdlers placed in finalq. 'udged out of se ond place at the La\\ ton Invitational. . Knight galloped home with 27 point to Lawton' 28. Wichita Fall . Texa .. nabbed 37. }. . Tier wa. the meet's high point man, fir t in high hurdles. cond. behind teve \1orelock. in low. . Tier t ref'ord in both meet hurdle.. 15.2. highq; 19.7. low . prelims. Aggie Rela} at 0 U placed batonmen. Tier. John Ellis. Woody Young. and Fred \Hiler third in mile relay final . \filler, Hal Merriman. Vince \1oncrief. and Bob Boyd placed third in t\\O mile relay . rna ing a record 67% pt. .. Knight \\On All-City Track Title. Tier led indi' idual ·orinO" with 121~ poinL. weepin~ top three place. in the 880 and mile. Kni"hts t ne'\\ records. Bo\ d lowered the mile mark to 4 :4-3.2 @P...-...r:--:-=~:-_._~~""===-___:a~nd \!iller heat the half· mile in 2 :03.1.
Piling up the mo t points in the-.'60 ion for WC were hurdlrr;; J. . Tier and ve :\forelock. Di lance medley relay team. Brent Buchanan, Vince toncrief, Hal Merriman, and Bob Boyd, played important role~ in cindermen' ucces e .
Freeny. RoUJ 2: Hill, Duncan, Chri tian, Dunlevy, McGill, Welborn, King, Purdy, IcBryde, Walli .
Hampered by weather that buried the diamond deep with snow, baseballer ~ot off to a late . tart. Putnam City opener was canceled. In five game played before yearbook deadline. the Knight had a 3-2 record. Knight prowe out. lugged Amarillo Palo Duro. 8-2, and Amarillo high, 8-1. with Tracy Freeny leading Knight hit¡ ter in both game~. Fir t home encounter . aw Knight bagmen tumbled 6-0. by Midwe t City. They tipped Enid' Plainsmen. 3-2. By topping a seventh inning Enid rally, the Knight. pre. erved their meager lead. Shawnee uncorked a three-run rally in the ixth inning to overpower the Knights lead of 5- L and won, 7-6.
Fir&t baseman, Rick Dunlevy, put Midwe t City Bomber.
out a
:\tanager, Jack Tucker, pa e the hat to batter , Jack ;\leG ill, Larry Bartlett, Bill Hill. and Terry Kin!!
BA EBALL \larch 17 18 19 21 24 28 31 pril 4
Putnam City Amarillo Amarillo fidwe t City Enid hawnee Doug} a, Capitol Hill
There There There Here There Here There There ;\fay 13-14
HED LE 11 14 18 21 25 28 May 2 6-7
Putnam City ;\fidwest City Enid O.U. Tournament haw nee Dougla Capitol Hill Regional Tournament
Here There Here There Here Here
tarting ,infield for Knightland dia¡ are Rick Dunlevy, Mike filler, ]ann Christian, Tracy Freeny, and Kokie Duncan.
A catcher' job i to catch, and pitchers, Dave WaliL, Bob Purdy, :\lax McBryde, Phil Wimpey and Jeff Welborn, are eeing that Gene Roblyer doe ju t that.
K IGHTS, CRUSADERS Re\\ ildered Pa~e . . . indu. trious Herald" . . . carefree quire re pon ihle Kni~ht., - heartheat of our ca tic. Innocent. eager, Page know little of the rii!Or h) which the) will become Knights. Earnestly they plod toward the goal of their aspirations. Fri nd, hip that may dim with mounting year". hut never die. are pr ciou pos e . ion . Borrowing. lending. quarrelling. mending. are recollections that will e\oke smiles and tear a ) ear!" pa. . . Knight from varied Wa) • "ith incompatible ideas and rroal . tood together in cia. e . and orrranization . . in one great unit- loyalty to '\ orth"e. t Class n Kni~o ~
-·~ ~d.~~ Po.~~~·/ l
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CLA OF 1960
"We've about got it made," i the combined opmwn of top Knight of the senior class a they pause for a breather. Left to right, Tom Hendrick on, trea urer; Kathy Schoenhals, sec· retary; Jerry Bednar, pre ident; and Mike Miller. sergeant-at-arm .
THE E TOP K IGHTS BELIEVED Thi i the ) ear we looked fom ard year of hard climbing mark u "\JW ' fir. t of four-year Knight~. Cap and go\\n .. once mere myth , are in ig now. We even ,j ualize that trip leading to a f "en · ly handel a p. an approving smile, and a diplo a! We\·e been busy helping make Kni~ht hi tory. chool song. banners, emblems, Court Etiquett . honor tudy hall. .- we helped create them. We'v seen chan(Te made. The patio i paved now. and planted. The fountain and memorial plaque have been dedicated. TV teaching, a Great Book cour. e. ~ ational \Ierit cholarship . electronic.. a Round Table commemo-
ra "ng the fir. t IGY. even before Ru ia di overed oon, a full-time activitie director, and a tate ootball title. e , our four year have built much of Knightnd' brief hi tory. Al our coming we w re charged orthwest Classen can never become greater than um of its parts." i a gloriou feeling to have had a part. In we ~hall walk through these once brimming with memorie that will never dim.
nior pon or can mile at la t. Their fledp;ling are Knight ! It's a nice fe linp; they agree. Left to right: \1r . Ivy Copeland, idney Ohmart, Mr . Dorothy Hamilton, Duane W inert, Rex Irwin. Mr . Lucile "pann, Arthur . J ohnson.
ABEL, JF >\. : AD \IR, \LA German luh AD M~, D Club; YTK; ALE HIRE, German Club
D.E. Club : T. and I.
· Falcon ; German Announcer Club Ll.E1 : "0" luh;
~L. P \ GH, BILL: Falcon ; atJOn· a! Foren-.ic Lca~ue; J unwr C'la ~ical League; '\at'l Honor , ciety LI E , ROBERT\ LI.I 0 , M RILY : "0" luh, Vice-Pre~; ygncts A. 'DER Oi , JEA. E~E: Cygnet Career CI uh; Courte-.y Club
A DER ON, KEVI : Coronet A~DER 0 , LL D : Coronets A:"'TO-.,, ROBERT: German Club; Wrcst!inj!' AR OLD, \UKE: "0" luh; Tcnni
OF '60
\. H\BRAN:".ER, CAR 0 L Y N: l'TK; \rt lub; Round Table taff; Coronet \ l' ER , DEBBIE: Coronet ; Courtc,y Club; YTK; Jr. Red Cro. BAILEY, CLAUDIA: Career Club; nnouncer · Club; Clru, ic BAILEY, JOE: "0" Club; Key Club; Track BAI BRIDGE, JEA . : Cygnets; I at'l Honor Society; tudent Coun· cil; Courtesy Club; YTK; Honor \1ath BAKER, GERRY: Cygnet ; YTK; Courtc y Club; Court J e tcr BAKER, LARR'I: : Football; Base· hall BAR'\ETT, MARILl' N: Cheerlead· er; Coronets; Court J e ter ; Cia · "ic Executhe Board; Quill· croll; Round Table taff; Round Table Queen Candidate
B.\R. ETT, :\liKE: Career
Club~ YTK; Courte..y Club BAR~HILL, EDDIE: FaJ.
B LA C K T 0 C K, BARBARA: i TK; Coronet": Court Je.. ters
BARTLE, LT E BARTLETT, FRA ·cE Coronet·; tudent Store
BLA KE, ALLE. lurs; Falcon.
BARTLETT, LARRY: "0" Club; Football; Ba kethall; Ba.,chall: Track B A T T I E , CAROT .oronet .., Vice-P. dent Coun · ; ep
LEO : D.E. ...:ta~ecrew
BLEAK:'I.EY, KAY: "0" Oub, Pre.; C..~gnet"; Courtesy Club BE EHELD, BARRY: Falcon", ·ll't at Arm BERRi, Z\"\"'E: Coronet ; Career Club; Cia · "ic" Executive Board
BOWER". KAREN: net .., I.ihrary luh
reer Club
BE T, PA LETT : YfK BI KEI ., MIKE: Honor :\lath; Band; Cia "ic.
BOWM N, DEAL: "0" Club; Key Club; Football; Track
BOYD, BOB: "0" Club; Key Club, Pre~; Honor \lath; 'at'! Honor ~· ciety
This 15 foot letter went to our 195SJ exchange -tudent, Joan tree£, Holland.
BO'l D TON, KARE : Coronet ; Courte--y Club
BRICKER, JO A. Cygnet.; YTK; Jr. Red Cro"s; tudent Council BRUCE. GAIL
BRACKEEN, JOHN: Lancerl:t; Aeronautic Club
B CHA. AN, BRE T: "0" Club; Track; Cro ountry B CH A , ~liKE: Lancer ; Football; Cia ic BRAD HAW, JACK: Cia ic ; Band
B RRL , BRYA : "0" Club; Lancer ; YTK; Football; Key Club; Cia ic BURR ' , LARRY
BRA DE , K. KAY: Coronets; at'l Thespian , gt at Arm
BURT, BILL: Lancer ; eience Club BUTLER, DO : Cry- lur ; Courte. y Club
B TLER, J CK:. Nat'l Art Honor ~ociety, Pr CA\1ERO"i, BETfiE. Coronet ; "0" Club; Tenni CA~l 0. , KARE": Coronet ; Career Club
CARLTO , 0 DRA: gt at Arm , Career Club CARREKER, DENNY: Honor Math; Bru ketball CARRUTH, ITA: Coronet ; Carrer Club
CARTER, UE: Career Club; German Club; Cla!'«ic CHARLE , FRED: Larl~T;~~tag~rew CHEVE , JOEL: F
CHRI TIAN, JANN: "0" Club; Key Ba--eball CI PER, HELEN: CygneL; Little Theatre; Team
CLANAHAN, RICHARD: Career Club; Wre tling CLARK, KAY: Cygnet ; Career Club; Office Aide
COATE , BARRY: Clas ics Dance Band; Cia ic COFFEY, JANE: Honor Math; Cygnet ; German Club
COLEY, MICKEY: "0" Club; Track; Football; hield taff; Care r Club; Cla1 ic Executive Board CONDRE , BILLY: D E. Club CO AVAGE, JUDY: Cygnet ; Ca· reer Club CONYER , PAT: Cygnet ; YTK; Court Je ter ·
COOK, ZADA: Cygnet ; D.E. Club; Y-Teens CORNETT, PAUL: wimming CORDELL, KAREN: Coronet ; Career Club; Court y Club CORDER, PATTY: Cygnet. ; Career Club
COUGHLIN, JA E A N: Cygnets; Cry-.lur ·; YTK; tagccrew; Cla1S«ic CRAIG, HARO : C}gnet ; Courte y Club; YTK; Career Cluh CRAIN, RUTH: Honor fath; Honor Language; Courte y Club; Nat'! Honor Society CRA FORD, EOMA
CRAVEN , CLEVE CREECH, JUDY: Coronet ; Career Club; Courtesy Club CROOM, JUDY: Cygnets; Student Council; Cla15 ics Executive Board; Cry-slurs; Round Table taff CROWE, DENNING: Lancers; Honor Math; Science Club; Pep Council
CUNNINGHAM, SARA: Cygnet ; Courtesy Club CURB, TOMMY CURLEY, MOYA: Cygnet ; T. and I. Club; D.E. Club CURTI , CHRI TINE: Career Club
CURTIS, PATI: Cygnet ; Student Council; Career Club; Courtesy Club DANCY, LYNNEA: Cygnets; Jr. Red Cro ; YTK DAVIS, BECKY: Coronets, Pres; Jr. Red Cross, Sec; Courte:;y Club; Court Jesters; Cry- lurs; Pep Council; Girls' State '59 DAVIS, EDDIE
D\VI , LL DA DEACO , HARO : Jr. Red Cro. , Honor Math
DYER, BOBBY: "0" Club; Wre. tling DEAL, MIKE: "0" Club; WrNling DE\1P EY, :\!ARIEL: Cyg. net
EA 'TO., W I
DE HAM, CAROL: ~~d I Club; D.E. Club del V LLE, 0 lA: rontt5; Jr. Red C , Sec
:\tARGARET: Cau ; YTK; Jr. Red
DI E , DO : Foo Track; Wr tling; Club DO ELL, GLE DA LO : Cygnet , Ass't c; tudent Council; Career Club
EI CHE , T0:\1 DOR:\IA , HIRLEY: Cygnet ; Courtesy Club; Career Club DOR, EY, ARDE1 : T. and I. Club; Career Club
ELLEDGE, JAY E: Cygnets; YTK; Career Club D FORD, A N DU LEVY, RICK: "0" Club, Hi t; Football; Track; Cla.,sics
ELLI , JOH : "0" Club; tudent Council, Vice-Pres; Football; Track
ELLI , A• DRA : Clas.Uc. Exl'cuthe Board; Cygnet ; .F. . Exchange • tudent; Court Je~tcr
FIELD , PAT: Coronet Latin Club; Caree'r Club FLATT, DAVID
ENGLI H, LYNN: Cygnets
FLEETWOOD, JA E: Coronets; YTK FLEMMING, JUDY: Cygnets tuERVI , BEVERLY: dent Council; Clas ic Executive Board; Coronet ; Honor ~iath
FORD, BOB FORD, CAROLYN: Coronets; Spanish Club; Nat'! Art Honor· Society EVERETT, LINDA: Cygnet ; German Culb; Courte y Club; Career Club
FO TER, C A R 0 L Y : Girls' Glee Club; Coronet FO TER, LON: "0" Club; Key Club; Basketball FAIR, BARBARA
FOX, CYNTHIA: Cygnet ; Jr. Red Cro ; Career Club FOX, PAUL: Science Club; Radio Club; Cry-slur ; Clas. ics FAVOR, CLIFFORD FREENY; PAT: National Forensic League, Vice-Pres; "0" Club; Announcers Club, Vice-Pres FREENY, SARA JO: tu· dent Council, Sec; Cornets; Courtesy Club, Pres; Court Jesters
fREE\lA , ' ,JIM:
it•n('e Club;
~ pani
h Club; Boy'
FREE\H:\, J .L\E A : Cygnets ; YTK; , tudent Council G \ GWER, VIRGI IA: Cry-.lurs; Cia ic~; Caret·r Club
G \:\IBRIL, BO IE: ygnet ; at'l Art Honor Society; Courtesy Club; Cia sic. GAR ER, BEVERLY: Cygnet ; Bowling League; tudent ouncil; Courte. y Club G PER, LEO ARD
(,EE, BEVERLY: Band GEl ·E DORF, I \RRY · (,Ill 0., DAVID:
GILBERT, lARK: Marching GII ·o , \fAYO: Lancer ; at'l Honor Language; Clas ic
GIMLIN, BETH: Vice-Pr , Cygnet ; Pep Council; YTK; Cia. ics · GLA ER, .MARTI : Jr. Red Cro. ; Clas ic ; Band
GOLDE , WILDA: Coronet ; Career Club; G1rl 'Glee Club GOOD GLORIA: Coronets; Career Club; Cry- lur
GRABER, VALERIE: • ational Foren· ic League; a cappella Choir; Li· bra!) Cluh ,R \ . T, tDDIE: Foothall; Wre,. tling; Ba ...ketball GREEX, DO \ Girls' Glee Club CREE , ' SA '-I: ygnct ; Court y luh
,REGORY, ~liKE : Student Council; Falcons, ec; FTA GRIFFT<;, LI DA: Career Club GRIGGS, GI E : Falcon", . gt at Arms; Office Aide Gl '\ I G, ROlli : Honor ~lath; German Club; at'l Honor ~oc iety; City . ymphony Orchc,tra
HADAWA\, A H FF, :'\O:R A HAGER, \HCKI: " 0" Club HAIGHT, CAROLY : Coronet ; YTK; "0" Club; Courte~y Club; ~tudent Council
HALL, MIKE : Lancer ; D.E. Club; Little Theatre H LDIARK, K.ARE : Cygnet ; Quilkcroll; Round Table taff; at'l Honor Soci ty HA\IILTO , CE ILY: Cygnt:L, Chaplain; YTK, ec, Trea ; Courte:;y Club; tudent Council; QuiJl.Scroll HA~ntER, TEVE: Key Club; Base· ball HAMOU , JUDY: Coronet ; Career Club; Office Aide HA. COCK, CHELl : Coronet ; Court y Club; Announcer Club; YTK; Clas. ics HARKEY, GE E PAUL: "0" Club; Football; Basketball HARLEY, CARL: Key Club, Sec; Falcon ; Cia ic
HARRI O. , DA Y: "0" Club; Wr~tling; Cro" Country; Career Club HARRISO -, DON: "0" Club; Key Club; Courte y Club; Wr tling; Ba!'>Cball; Cro~ Country; Jr. Red
Cro HARRI 0 , DONNA: D.E. Club; Y-Teen ; Career Club HARRI ON, TAN: "0" Club; Foot· ball; Wre.-.tling; Track; tudent Council, Pre·
HEAGY, J CQUE: Cyg. net. ; Jr. Red Cro!' ; Orch tra HEFLEY, E RL: Lancer, 5ec; Band; Cia.. ic
HILL, BILL: "0" Cluh; Football; Wr tling; Baseball
HEFLI , ROL: Care r Club HEI RICH, DOROTHEA: Exchange tudent from Ber· lin, Germany; Jr. Red Cro. ; "0" Club; Coron t Cygnets HILL, PAT: Career Club; German Club; Classics HEIT fA , KARE : Ca. reer Club; Girls' Glee Club HELDER.MA , DON gt a Coronet , Band Girl ; Clas c
UE: Coronet ; Pre:;; Career d taff HEMRY, KEN: "0" Honor Math; Cia ic HE DER ON, JUDY: Cyg. net ; Office Aide
HINE , BILL: Announcers Club; Aeronautic Club; Track HENDRICK ON, TOMMY:
"0" Club; Key Club; Honor Math; tudent Council HEPLER, GUY: Track; Cry-. lur ; Cia ic
HE , ARA: Cygnet ; Jr. Red Cr ; Court y Club; Quill- roll HIGDON, JUDY: Coronets; "0" Club; Courtesy Club; Career Club; Individual port HODAM, CAROL: Cheerleader; Cygnets; Court Jester ; tudent Council; Round Table Queen Candi· date
HOLLI , JERRY : Ba ket· ball ; Lancer
HlD 0 , RON HUEY, EDDIE : "0" Club; Ba k tball; tudent Council
HOPE, TOMl\fY: Lancers; Honor Math
HUME, JOH : Band HUNT, RONALD: Foot· ball; Track; Wrestling HO HALL, TOMMY: Career Oub; Key Club; Jr. Red Cro
HYDE, LARRY IMLE, ROBERT: Falcon ; nnouncers Club; panish Cluh, Vice-Pres: .ourtr"~ Cluh HOSTETTER, PAT: Honor ociety; Coronets; Honor lath; Round Table Art taff
I GLI H, LOREN: German Club; Key Oub; tudent Council; tagecrew INGLISH, LORNA: Cor· onet ; Career Club HOWARD, PAULA: Cyg· net ; YTK; Courtesy Club
IRVING, LEWI : Falcon ; Track; wimming Team JACKMA , PATTE: Cyg· net ; Cia ic ; Little The· atre; YTK; Court y Club, Vice-Pre ; Court J ter
HOWELL, DAVID: Honor Pres; tudent Society, Council, Treas; "0" Oub; Honor Math JACK 0 IE: Cygnet ; Jr. 'Red Cro ; "0" Oub JAME , JOBELLA: Coronets; Little Theatre; tu· dent Council
n:. KI, ·s,
JOHN O, ', ADA, A: Coronet ; T. and I. Club
Honor Society;
r; Cygnet ; Court Director of Cla~... ic~
JOHN ON, JERRY: ciencc Club, JOHN ON, JI:\1\IY: La Honor ciety; Ba.,ketball JOH~ 0. , JOH · Lancer
·o, , MARILYN: Coronet ; Student Council; Courtesy Club; YTK JO E , Ll A AH: Cygnet ; Career Club; Cia ic ; Orch tra
JO E , ANDY: Coronet ; Band; Honor Math; tudent Council KA~IP, WALTER: Jr. Red Cro-: ; hield taff; Cia ic ; Falcon~. Trea
" Landin' On the Corner," these gay blades, Johnny Ro e and Kip Kirkhuff, added parkle to CLASSICS '59.
KEMP, JUDY: Career Cluh; Coronet KEN EDY, TEPHEN KENT, DON KEY , JUDY: Cygnet ; Nat'l Art Honor Society; Round Table Staff; Quill-Scroll Nat'l Honor Society
KINNAN, PAM: Coronet ; Court Jester·; YTK; Courtesy Club; Stu· dent Council; Classics KIRKHUFF, KIP: Falcons; Cia ics KIRKPATRICK, DEAN: T. and I. Club KIRKPATRICK, EDWIN: Projection Club
KIRKPATRICK, MARY: Career Club KLAFFKE, BETTY: Cygnets, Sec; Courte y Club; Career Club; YTK; Classic Executive Board KLEI , PHYLLI : Cry- lur ; tudent Council; Cia. ic KLINETOBE, DEL: Career Club; Key Club
KOEPPEL, BETH: " " Club; Courte y Club; Cygnet KO TED, PHIL KYLE, NICK: Lancer · LAMIRAND, HER HEL: Jr. Red Cro ; Cry- lur ; Oas ic Executive Board; Nat'l Th pian
LAW ON, DELORE : a cappella Choir; Career Club; Jr. Red Cro!< LAWSO , WALT: "0" Club; Foot'ball ; Baseball LEECH, JI f: Falcon. ; Cia. ic Executive Board; tage Manager; German Club; Pep Council LEFKOWITZ, UE: Jr. Red Cro ; Courtesy Club; Library Club; Career Club; Clas ic
LEMON, MARTHA JEAN: Coronets LEN KY, LARRY: "0" Club; Cro Country; Career Club; Wr tling LEO HARD, Ll D : YTK; Career Club; Cla ic LEWI , GLORIA J E: Jr. Red Cro ; Courtesy Club; FTA
LILE-5, JERRY: Falcon ; Key Club LLOYD, JEANNIE : Coronet. ; Caret'r Club
McCO NELL, RICHARD: Cry-.lun;; Falcon LOFT I , JI~I: Falcon. ; Key Club; YTK LOG , LORETTA: Coronets
:\IcC LLAR, LUKE: Aeronautic Club LOGAN, WILLI : Jr. Red Cro. ; D.E. Club LOVELE , LYN Club; Basketball
MALOY, JIM McCAIN, JAY: at'l Honor iety; Honor Math; Nation} Foren ic League; Lancen;, Vice-Pres McCARTY, DAVE: Key Club; Classic ; Round Table Art taff
MANKIN, JERRY McCARTY, MIKE : "0" Club; Wrestling; Falcon McCLAIN, MAX: "0" Club; Wrestling
MA N, LIZ: Oa ic Executive Board; YTK; Little Theatre; Nat'l Thespians; Announcers Club
MERRT\1AL , HAL: Lancers; Track; "0" lub MILLER, 1 RTIL\: Coronet ; "0" Cluh :\1 RKO, :'\liKE: tra; Track
.\liLLER, .\1IKE: "0" Club; Football; Ba.ketball; K y lub; Ba eball; Classic .\fiLLER, RALPH
MAR HALL, LINDA: a cappella Choir; Courtesy Club
MILL , JOH 1 : Lancer·; Key Club :\1ITCHELL, UE: Coronet ; "0" Club; at'l Honor Society; Honor Math
MARTIN, HEILA: Coronets; pan ish Club; Individual 'ports
MOORE, BARBARA: Career Club 100RE, ANDRA: Coronets; Jr. Red Cros ; Office Aide
MATTHEW , GALE: Coronet ; Courte ·y Club
:\IOORE, . LZ \ E: Cy~ net ; YKT: Courte~~ Cluh .\10RELOCK, T E V E: Football
~tORI , BRETT: "0" Club; Key Club; Football; Basketball MORROW, DO
i\1 LL, J.\l ICE : Cygnet :.\1 LLI.· , JOA~ : Cygnet ; YTK ; Office ~IURPHY,
J UDY: Coronets; Jr. Red Cro,.
\1YTHE , JIM : T. and I. Cluh, Dist Rep't A CE, PA LA : oronets ; Little Theatre; at'l The"pi· an : Cia ir-. l \ Y. J ~ · Coront•h : " 0 " Club : Jr. Red Cro.. : Carct•r Club
NEWMA , JOHNNY: NEW 0:\1, TOMMY NORTHCUTT, JAC~IE:~orom~~~~rt~~) Club
OAKE , JOHNNIE: Falcon ; Radio Club .___~--. OWE , KAREN: Coronet , gt at Arm ; YTK, Honor Math, ec; Honor Language; Court ·y Club; ic · Executive Board; at'! Honor ciety
PAGE, GERI: at'! Honor Society; Coronet ; YTK, Chaplain; Honor lath PAINE, GAGE: Coronet ; CourtCl;y Club; Cia ic
PAl LEY, MARY NELL: Court~y Club; Career Club; Coronets PA ZE, BOB: '·O" Club; Football; WrC! tling; Track; Cia ic
PARKER, DO. : "0" Club; Cia ic PATE, DO •• A: Cygnet.; Career Club PEDDICORD, MARIE: Coronet ; Y-Teen PENDLEY, DAVID: "0" Club, Pre ; Key Club; German Club; Football; Cia . ic
PERKI'i , A.\ : Career Club; FT A; Jr. Red Cro PHILI.IP., C ROLE: Coronet ; Career Club; Cia. ic ; YTK PIERCE, LEO. : Lancer ; D.E. Club PITZER, CAROLE: CygneL, gt at Arm ; Court Jester·; tudent Council
POINT , CAROL! E: Nat'l Honor ociety; Honor Math; Courtesy Club; Science Club; Organi t PREBLE, CLL E: Aeronautic Club; Cro. Country; Wrestling PRIG\10RE, KAREN: Cygnet~; YTK; Cia ic ; Courtc y Club PULLIAM, LI. DA: Cygnet ; FTA; YTK; Career Club
PURDIN, RONNIE: Band; Bowling Club RAILEY, PAT: Cygnet ; Court y Club; YTK; Cla!'sic ; Quill- roll RAI EY, GE E RAIN , BEN: Key Club; Courte y Club; Cia ~ic
RATCLIFF, WAY E: tagecrew RAWLI 01 , JIM: tudent Council; Track; Football RAY, JERRY: Key Club; Career Club; Ba ketball; Ba. ball RAY, PATTY: Cygnet ; pani h Club
RYDE , \l RGARET: T . and I. Club
RYLAND, CHARLYNE: Cheerleader; Top Teen; Cygnets; \ TK; ports Queen Candidate ROGUL, HEILA: Cygnet ROLLER, KATHIE: C net
, CAR 0 L E: ub, Hit
RO 1ERMAN, JEAN NN: Nat'l Honor Society; and· Jr. Red Cross RO E, CARL: Key Club; Baseball AFDI, SHELLEY: Coeditor hield; Nat'l Honor Society; Cygnets; QuillScroll
RO E, JOHNNY: "0" Club; Falcons, Pres; D.E. Club; YTK; Pep Council RUCKER, BILLIE: Coronets; D.E. Club, Pres; Jr. Red Cro ; tagecrew
RUIZ, ROBERT RUNKA, EDITE: Jr. Red Cross; "0" Club
AMARA, CECELIA: Coronets; YTK; Student Council
A L Bl RY, ELAI E: Coronets; Courtc-.y Club; Court J e<.tcr"i
HAW, BOB: Key Club; YTK; German Club; ourte y Club HIPLEY, BOB: Band
AWVELL, ANDY: port Queen Candidate; Cygnet YTK; tudent Council
HIPLEY, J D'l. Cygnets; Nat'l Art Honor Society; Sareer Club HOCK, JIM: "0" Club; Key Club CHEID, LARRY: Science Club; panish Club CHOE HAL~. KA THLEE:'<;: Coronf't~; YTK; .·tudent Council; Cla~sic-., ""' ~rc. Excruti,c• Hoard .CHOE HAL", KATHY: Coronet<.; German Club; ports Queen Candidate; Clas ics
CHWAB, VANCE: Foot· ball
HOOK, :lARTHA: Career Club; Court y Club HULTZ, JULIE: Crylur ·; Cia. ic
aWN, VIRGI lA: Fete de Pintr ; Jr. Red Cro"
L\1 , JUDY: Coronet ; "0" Club; YTK; tudent Council; at'l Honor Society IM , PAT: FTA, Trea ; a cappella Choir; '59 Round Table taff Typist
"at'l Honor !"ocit•ty; Cf)urt y Club; tudent Council ::>h K'-', CARROLL: Career luh SI.JC.ER, GARRE'IT: Falcon~; Band
~liTH, BILL: "0" Club; Lancers; Key Club; Wre tlinp;; Cross Country '\11-:r:H. BOB "\11TH, MIKE
\liTH, ROBERT "PARK , CAROL: Coronet ; Jr. PEAR , MARY: "0" Club
TEADLEY, JA E A : Coronet ; "0" Club; Courte y Club; tudent Council; Cl!i! . ic TEEL fA , DAVID: Honor Math; Nat'! Honor Society
._,1 EPIH. , I>\\ ID: Fakons "'1 1-~\ f "'· TO\[ Honor \lath: Cro-.~ Counlr)
TORY, W\ D\: oronct.; Cour· t y Club; YTK Falcon ; ta~eTR HL, JA\1E crew TRA D. JUDY: Coronet.; pani. h Club; YTK TR TTO , RAY: D.E. Club: Band; Lancer·
TRO. G, TEVE: Falcons; Wre,.,. tling lGG , II DA WAIN, LY E: Cygnets, gt at Arms; Courte y Club; Career Club TAN ER, CAROLY : Cygnets; German Club; Career Club, VicePre ; CJa.-.sic
TATUM, KAY: Coronet ; Cry-.lur; tudent Council TAYLOR, BETTY: Cygnet ; pan ish Club; Announcer Club TEAGUE, A CY: Coronet ; YTK; Courtesy Club; Round Table Queen Candidate TEED, BILL: LancN~
TEET , PHILLIP: at'l Honor ciety, Vice-Pr ; Honor Math, Pres; Honor Language; Lancers, Chaplain TEIGEN, BILL: "0" Club, gt at Arm ; Football; Ia sics Executive Board, Pres THO:\fA , \1ELI DA: Band Girl ; Honor La.nguage; Nat'l Honor ociety; YTK THRA HER, CAROL
THURBER, JIM: T. and I. Club TIER, J. .: "0" Club, Treas; Key Club; Career Club; Football; Track TODD, DALE: "0" Club; La.ncer,.;, Pledge 1a ter; Cla ic ; wimming; Track TOU AI 'T, GARY: Honor Math
TRACY, GLORIA: Coronets; Courtesy Club; Majorette; Oas ics; All Sports Queen TRA TER, JUDY: Coronet , gt at Arms; Court y Club; Court Jeter ; YTK TRAVI , RO IE TUCKER, HARO Coronet tudent Council
UTLEY, IT\: ygncts V\ HOO. ER, KAREN: C.y;:nets; Jr. Red Cro-.s; • tudent Council WATER , Lh DA: Coroat'l Art Honor onets; cicty; at'l Honor ,'ociety
VER 0. , JERR\"': "0" luh, .·wimminl!:; Band VOLZ, JO: Cygnet ; tuden t ouncil; Cla~~ic ; Round Table taf£ WEAVER, CHRI ball; Key Club
WADE, JERRY: Career Club; Cia ics W G ER, 1 DY: Cheerleader; Coronet ; "0" Club; Round Table Queen Candidate WEBBER, CAROL: onet ; Bowling Club
WALDROP, LUA N: Coronets, gt. At Arm ; YTK; Court Jc tcr W LDROP, U IE: Cygnet ; Career Club; "0" Club WERNER, JUDY: Career Club; NCTE Award
Patte Jackman awaits her turn at the mike during a pep rally.
WALLACE, JOE: Lancers, Pre ; Golf W 1\RD, CH RLE
WARD, TOMMY: "0" Club, Vice Pres; Key Club, Vice Pre ; Junior Cia. Pre ; Football; Ba ketball W ARRE , CAROLY : Cygnets; tudent Council< Cla<>ic
WE T, TERR 't : Cygnet ; Jr. Rod Cro , V1ce-Pre ; Care ·r Club
WIDDIFIELD, R E ~ E E: Coronet ; Pep Council; tudent Council WILES, TA 'LE't: Band; CIS! <.iC" WHE T, UE: Courte y Club
Coronet ;
WILKE , JUDY: Jr. Red Cro. ; Cygnet ; Cry-~lur WILLIA\1. , LUCIND \: Coronets, gt at rm ; Cry· .lun; WHITE, JEA 'I E. Coronets; YTK; Band Girls, Pre".
WILLIAM , MARY: YTK; Y-Teen WILLIA\f 0 , ORA : D.E. Club
WHITE, ROGER: T. and I. Club
WILMOTH, ALICE: Cygnet WIL ON, DUANE: ience Club; Radio Club
WIL ON, ER E T: German Club WIL O. , JOE: "0" Club; Ba. eball WHYTLA W, :\tERRELL: Cygnets, gt at Arm ; "0" Club
WIUlO. , LEO cronautic Club WIL ON, • A CY: Coronets; Cia. ic .. ; tudent Council
Wh TERs, .SA~ ORA: Coronet ; ) TK; tudcnt Council; Courtc y Club WITTELs, ELLI O. : l at'l Honor .: cicty; Falcon ; Honor Language WOLFKILL, JDIWi WOLFORD, RAY: Lancer~, Wre tling; Cro~~ Country
W Dl, ALA:>.: Lancer· YO G, TRI HA: Cygnet~. Pre ; Courtc. y Club; tudent Council, Corrcs. t·c; 'i at'! Honor ~ ocicty JOH'\ 0\, JI\1: Aeronautic• Club MILLER, DOUG: D.E. Club; Cia ;;ic
Relaxation i. an important part of a Busy nior' da} -and the tudent Lounge i the place to "relaxez-vous." Enjoying a joke by Alan Wudi are Pauletta Bet, ~faril}n Barnett, Karen Hallmark, Jo Volz, Don Harri on. and Paula \ance.
OF 1961
":\o more after-. chool coke .. " igh vict•-pre-..id(•nL George te\ens to . ergeant at arms, Buddy O'Hara. a he digs deep for the depo<;il on hi cia. . ring. Betty Dixon. ecretary; Charlene Harri. on, president; and Georgia Hale. lrea<;urer. agree that he has an acceptable uggestion. ~;{ ·~ ..Q ~ v-. V~--< o.,<U ~ ~~
i~~ l ) ~ · 4 ~ :;-- ,:u:; 6
~0..1\K( ~&'~
~ ~"'---=--a-0-M..
~~ ~-~~-"~ '":~ - ~~
.\..Jo ~~-(
u~.Lo. ~ o )1. VJ ~.
1 , -:-L 11
LE r
-jJ. / ~ ;~- • -0) ~~d-. ~ '-':ltt'~. tanding together we beheld our goal glimmering on the horizon. Its tantalizing splendor wa. more .an inner urge than an outer manifestation. It gave the feeling of following the gleam. From cra\\ny little Pages. with greenhorn action and gla sy tares. \\ e had in two brief year.; b ·orne fairh sophisticated quires. We set about to mend any mmorthy efforts. . uch a. grades belo\\ B. that had an innocuou \\a} of . lipping in when a fellow wasn't \\ atching. Devoted teachers. determined to . ee that we made the most of ourseh es. nipped at our heels. and our da) dreams sailed their long \\ings to height. ometime. he)ond our 'IS JOn. Realization that \\C \\ere in the upper ranks leading to 1\..nighthood wa. exciting but obering.
e pon 1 )-mties 'Oere heaoe ou~~e Juniorenior Prom was in our lap . oon o~~he from our rank would be chosen to head the Student CounciL- and that meant the ational tudent ouncil Convention. One of u would be named AF c..tudent and go abroad to . ell merica. Carrying on Knio-ht tradition took on meaning. Man) of us for the first time were ,eriou ly con. idcring college. Why had we not thoun-ht of all thi!' before? Participation in important activitie tempered our foolhardine. . . The idea of ' quare ' gaye way to appreciation of other ' abilitie . We were a tighter knit group a we faced the obligation. and duties required for full-fledged 1\..night and Ladie.. A new quality,-humility, now modified our approach.
Ahle. Barbara hraham, Donna ,\cree, LeRoy Adam-., Jan~> Adams, Karen
~:etâ&#x20AC;¢, ancy Aiken. Bill Aiken. \Iartv lhert, har~n Allen. Polly
J. A
0-EDITOR OF HIELD Anderson, Judi Anderson, Linda Anderson, andra Ander-.on, herilea Andrew., Judy
Arnn, Lynn A hley, Gerald Ashlock, James Askins, Jame Auer, Vema
Babcock, Tony Baber, ita Bainbridge, Kay Baker, Judy Baker, Linda
Ball, Diane Bannon, Earl Barham, Pam Barrett, Carol Barron, Brenda
Bay, andy Bell, Kay Belt, Janet Bennett, Polly Be-t, andra
Beverly, Don Biddy, J udy Biggs, hirley Booker, Loui. e Booth, Chris
LA OF 1961
Light from the afternoon un et our hall aglow.
Borrell, Gary Bortzfield, Ann Bour", Pat Bowerman, Ann Boyle, Dave
Brady, Glenna Brady, ally Braun, Wanda Bucklin, Fred Butterworth, Barbara
Byrd, William Cain, Bob Canada, Freda annon, Glenda Jo Carlton, Gaylen
Carnahan, John Car...on, Mac Carter, Garland Carter, Peggy Ca ey, Jan
Ca .. ady, Kathleen Chambers, Jeanene Chance, Linda Cheever, Larry Childer , Jan
Clair, Leon Clark, Gary Clark, Joe Clark on, Mary Clayton, Bill
Clemon , Pamela CJt.,eJand, Clcola Clonrc, Da,id Cochran, TommY Coffc~, Ellen ·
Coit, K m·n Collin ... , ,\) Cohill c. Joan npt•land, • • ncy Corbin, Charle
Cornell, Pt•nm: Coughlin, 1\a~cy Coulter, Boh Cox, Jc.tnnie Crain, Mac
Cronmdl, Da'e Crumpler, Pat Culbert, 'ancy Cummins, Judy unningham, Judy
. CULBERT EDIT ROL D TABLE PORT Custer, Carolyn Daniel, John Da'i"', Allene Da'i~. Anne Davi ... , Garry
Da'i"',.Pat Da,i~. andra Decker, Donna Decker, Joe Dixon, BPtty
Doler, Jean Dou~all, "like Dunford, Larry Durfee, Dale Elli ..... Gayle
El ... ,\ick, ]arne Embrv, Dianne Emh~. \ nan Ende~.... te,·e Engebrehen, Tommy
Eno~, .\fury Eskrid~c. Lena
E"tc-., 1kverly Ewing, Janice Fabian, Pat
FaraghN, Gary Farley, J irn Faulkner, Pamela Flatt, haron Flemming, Jack
Florencr, J ranine Floyd, Roland Forgue, Linda Forrc.. tcr, Ann Foster, Loretta
Foqer, Phil Fo~tcr, cotty Friedman, Jane Fro,..t, .\1ary Gambril, herry
Gardner, Glenda Garman, teve Garrison, John Gib on, Charle
Glazener, Dor..ey Gray, Judy Green, Gerald Greer, Hank Guynn, ¡andra
Ha~gard, Bruce Hale, Geor ~ia \nn Hall, ylvia ue Hallenbeck, Phyli Hame. , Duane
Hamlin. John Hamm, Judy Hammond, Jimmy Hardin, Kay Harri on, Charline
Hnrri ...on, lh\aync Houchin .• anry Ha}c', Linda lla) l''• Stt>n• Ilt>hi•rn. lknalt·c
He tcr, Judy IIc-twootl. Brure Hethtrington, "hirlcy Hirb. Kur!'n Hit·ock. 1 ancy
Hill. Ann Hill, Eugene Hileman, Larry Hindman. J dfcry Hine;, Anita
Hin•haw, :\larie HiH·lv. Jannic Hotlg~·. L)nn Holman, Lois Holmberg, Loretta
Hom~cy, Richard Hooper, Judy Ho-.ter, Karen Hou•r. Donna Huddle-ton, Judy
Phone booth jelly "\\as popular in 1960.
CLA OF 1961
IJ udgin , i\like Hughf', , u an Hunt, Linda Jliff, Tom Ingh.tr, FmJdi
lning, andy Irwin, Rt·x Jacob on, Gary Jarnc•,, Phil Ja)nt•, )t•rry
Jenkin , :.\lichelle Jimenez, Pat John-.on, Darryl John ton, Rowell Jone-., uzannc
Joyce, Linda Kamp, Pcglt)' Karr, Da~id Kt·ffcr. Jay Kennard, Rex
Kent, Bill Kern~. Cindy Ketchum, Janet Ketchum, Judy Kimberlin, Linda
Kim ey, Phyllene Kincaid, Marvin King, Judy Ki e, Carla Knott, Karen
Knott, Tom Kramer, Fred Kurtz, ancy Kutz, Pc~t~W Law~on, Linda
Leaf, Pat Led inger, Jeanette Lee, J ohn Le~owitz, Barbara Lile~, Aliene
Lind-ay, Jimmy I.lo ·d Lol'fflcr, Paby Long, Ru• ann Loper, Joe Li~zco,
Lutz, Dick \1cCart), John lcCord, Joe \lcCormack, Don McCoy, Kenneth
~lcDowell, Gt•orge .Mc\Iain~. \like
McPhectcr.... Carol ~facKellar, Jim 1\la~Uirc, Larry
Mane~. Bob \larkham, ·herry .\lar... hall, C..arolyn Martindale. Bill Martz, :\fary
Jerry \latthcw ... , :\lack
Mauldin, Jt•rry May, Gwen
Mci ... tcr, tuart Merkle, ally
:'\lerrill, Terry :'\liddleton, Charle
Buying thing in the
:'\fil'lt'nl, Durlt·nc ~filler, Andy :\filler, Betty :\filler, Bn•nt ,\tillf·r, La rry
:\fill-., Bill Mim"', I.anitu :'\Iiskm ky, Carol :\litclwll, BcH·rly :'\Iitchcll, Jim
.:\lock, \ 1cky :'\1oncrid, Vmre :\Iondit•, R tndy :'\Iontgomery, Robert Moodie, Boh
Moore, Larry .:\forgan, Donna .:\!orin, Vic Morri", Judy Mo--cley, Claudia
BACKBO E OF CLASSIC Moutray, David :\Iullenix, Bob Murray, Dan
:'\fu,allam, ue .:\luzny, Betty l\Iyer-., Homer
ance, Bill Nance, .:\1arion 'ance, Vickie
tudent tore is a lot of fun.
'eal, Pamela ·e"telrode, Pam 'ewton, \like
'ix, Kirk orri~. Kathv \ortnn, Linda orton . • ' ancy .1. 'on·), D.nid
Oake~. \ancy Offutt, \[ichael O'Hara, Buddv O'Hara, <.;h('rry Olive, "lurlt•y
Ol~on, Jemmt• Lynn Ol<.On, Robert o..born, Dick O'Toole, Johnny Our", Rae
Over-.trtt:t, Bill Pace, ~·teve Page, Carolyn Park, Buddy Parmeter, 'haron
Pate, Jim Pearce, Dale Pea~e. Allen Pelton, Charle Ptmherton, George
'59-'60 J
D Perry, John Peter, teve Phillip~. Jim Phillip.., Ridley Phillip , ue
Picken", 'hirley Pierce, .\rchie Pierce, Tom Pink ton, haron Pitman, Sondra
Pitt, Jimmie Poje:my, Kri ti Porte, Charle Porti~. David Powell, Dick
Powell, Roh rt Prater, Tt•rry Prict•, Jack Pricl', ~·u~an Prock, Bob
Purdy, Boh Hupp, John Hay, Don Heding. Janie RecH"·, Mike
Reiff Bill Ht·ndcl, tc\·e H.cutlm~er, Bobby Riel', Linda Rict•, Ruth Ann
Richard ... , Ban H.irhic, Dennis Riley, D. C. Ritter, ~like Robert ...on, alii
Hobin on, Mike Rodj!t'r", Jani Kay Roe ler, Jan Roger,., Carolyn Ror-ton, Lynn
266 GIRL , -535 TOTAL Ru~h. u~an Jane Rutledge, ]arne· Rutledge, Joanne ailor, Jim andel'l, andy
a under", Judy avage, Tom chell, Judy chneider, teve chroeder, Georgia
chwab, Tony chwoerke, Roland cott, Karen eba, Randy hadid, Kay
~haw, Randy ~ lwrman, Ste' e ~hick, Hobert ~ hit'ld, Judy
"hirlcy. _'ht·rri
"hot•hoth,un. David ieber, Janl't 1 rnnn, Mike Smfl.lt'tary, Anita mith. Ann
~ mith,
·mith, ·mith, mith, 'mith,
Bruce J)panna George Joanne ue ·haron
mith, uzanne ni pe!O;, Bi II nyder, arolyn on, Jimmy orcn~on, Greg
pear, Rudy pigencr, Bob pJgener, Judy ·pire-., La Donna ponhaltz, Burton
OF 1961
pringt•r, V •rna teadle , Kathryn ' tea m , Larrv .:teinlwl'k, L!;ui~c lt'phen-.on, Ronnie ~
Stc' en , Ct'orge tcH·n , Joanna tcwart, hirl ey tew.trt, ...'ue trirkl and, L(mnie
~ I) Je._,
Ronnie "ullhan, Trc ~a Ta} lor, Mary Taylor, Huth nn Ta} lor, '> inston
Thoma", Edna Thoma-., Pat Thoma--on, Bill Thomp-.on, Anita Thomp-.on, Be,crly
Thompson, uzanne Tillman, Jackie Treece, Connie Tucker, Jack pton, Reletha
\ ahlher!!. Julian Vander-lice. Deanna \'an DcH·ntcr, Karen Van Hoo-t·r, Curti~ \'au!!hn, Ronnie
Yort, Jo}CC \ ruoman, Tom Wade, Judy W a:!:!Oncr, Victor Walker, Brenda
\Vall, Fred Pat Ware, Carol)n Warren, Gerald Water", Janet Wall~.
Water-., ..\like Way, Bob Welch, Bryanne Weisiger, nn Wells, Davi Ann
Werner, Patti Whitaker, ancy White, Forre-.t Wilki on, Barbara Williams, Alan
William. , William , Williams, William., Williamco,
Ann Carol Dean Jerry Paulette
Williams, Rop;er William~on, like Wil on, Carole Winner, Tom Winton, Pamela
Wood, Carlean Wood, Linda Woodard, Larry Woodward, Bill Woodward, Jim
Worthin~r, Carol Younp;, . ina Young, Woody Yount, Joe Waters, Johnny
OF 1961
L OF 1961
Janet and Jud} Ketchum. twin. , gave forth with " i. ter " for '59 Ia "-ic ..... Pretty.- don 't ) ou think?
L OF 1962
.hoo... ing cia s officer:- got full attention from memher.., of the . ophomore . Their ultimate leader~ Tt·rr~ \11111. ~rrgeant- at-arnh: Billie lallhc\\"i. trea. un·r: Phil Wimpe). pre. ident: Judy Ellis. ecretarr: and l<'rr~ Hier..,che. vice-prc:;idcnl. \\l'rt'
tatu" came •-lo\d~ in kni~htland. Our )Car a:had taught u.., that standarc).., an• rc!->pccted. \\'e \\Crt' a couragt'OU"i ere\\. W(' had our foot in the doon\ ay to Learning and \H' meant to defend our gain. There \\ere di-.tradion::;. Pa) ing homage to our 'ictoriou.., Kni«ht-. of the arena \\a" an exciting di,er-.ion. We proud!) ~hared the glory of their ... tate !!rid champion:-hip. e' era! of our fcllo\\ da ...:-nwn had donned \\ ar gear. horc hattie ~car" and longed for more. Then came the urge to buy publications. AF ~hare ... do-nul~. \\Car tags. or !'illy hats. We did them all.- \\ holchcartedly. Pa~e:-
enous task came our "a). too. We learned to expn•-.s opinion. in The hield. or tudent Council. and did our hit in the do-or-die battle with Round Table deadline-;. When CL IC time came we Yentured forth to offer talent. \\e were sure we had orne, omewhere. ow \\as the time to di co\er it. \s \\e approached the next rung leading to knighthood \\e felt \\e knew what we \\anted and ho\\ to get it. Our brief va. salage ''as but a path to a \\idcning high\\U) to fuller understanding of Knightland. We pu. hcd on eagerly.
\Ji..,s Retha \\ a'e Hulet. head sponsor of our gang. is aided in her dutie-; by ~lr . Jeanne Rippee. \ 1i. s Olga k oenig, Mi. s nn Whitehead. and Mr. Gordon Eriksen.
Ahcl, LaDonna Adair, Brian tlum , Jan ,\ Linda
Ame•, Joanne Ander•on, David ndrcw , Bet~y \ndrcw~. DeWaync rm lead, \like Arm tron~. Richard
Arnn, Terry A~hmore •• ancy Au .. tin, Au tin, Ronald Au•tin, ~'anda Babcock, Tommy
Ballard, J t•rry Barber, Billyc Barkett, :'\lary Lou Barnes, Jimmy Barry, Doug Bcai~. Pamela
285 BOY ,
282 GIRL ,
Bean, Tom Been, Linda Ben on, Carolyn Bi hop, Robert Boever,.., :'\like Boggs, Dalton Bole~. Kaye Boil~. Jan
Booth, Judy Boren, lifford Bourassa, Jon Bowen, Barbara
Bowen, ally Brace, Charla Bragp:, Janice Brandeo;;, haree Brennan, Patty Bre-, ie, Ruth Brook, Connie Brown, Penny Brumley, Doyce Bruner, Mary Bryant, haron Buchner, hcrry
chool expen e muc;t be pretty hi~h to make five thir"tY c;ophomore hare one drink! ipping oda throu~h a traw
are haron Geiser. Richard Armstrong, Richard Ilarri on and Judy Elli .
heryl Sonnerfeld,
WE LEAR ED THE JOY OF HARI G Buchwald, Mike Butler, Cathy Butt, Adele Buttc;, Elaine Butte;, James Cabell, Chris
Cain, Eddie Carlton, Connie Carmichael, Margaret Carpenter, Eddie Carson, Jack Carter, Glenda
Carter, Judy Carter, Richard Cartmill, Collene Ca ey, :\like Chamberlain, Ruth Ann Chase, Robert
Cheve~. Doug Chri ten<;on, Ann Church, Barbara Cissne, Carol Clark, Connie Clark, Judy
Clay, andra Cobb, Reed Cody, Barbara Cole, Jeanne Coleman, Mark Colwell, Keith
Conft•r, David Cooper, Jf'anie Corbett, Joan Cordray, Bill ornell. Pam Cornell. Phil
Cornell, Rosf' '\Iarie Co•grove, Carol oughlin,_Linda Covington, Gary Cowie~. Linda Craig, haron
Crumby, Paul Curtis, Dawn Dabney, Robin Dale, Ronnie Daniel, Darla Davi~, Jerlyn
Davi<~, haron Daw, Bob Dellitt, Mike de!Valle, France Determan, Karen Dormon, Pamela
Dorney, Barbara DorrL, Tracey Doty, Jack Doyle, Mildred Draper, David Duncan, Dan
Duncan, Kokie Eagleton, Bob Ea um, Diane Ehrig, Patrick Elliot, Deanna Elliott, Linda
Elli , Judy Emerson, Tom E te , Margaret Everaard, Ronald Favor, Kathy Fergu on, Glenda
File, Ann Finch, Bob Finefrock, Pat Fi~cher, Martha Fi<~h, John Flanagan, Ilene
Flynn, ondra Fowler, Gerri Fowler, Jerrie Fox, Ha<;kell Freeman, David Freeny, Tracy
Fretwell. J uuy Gappa, Ronald Garrett, Bill Garri-;0n, Oa~iu Ga ei, John Gatlin, â&#x20AC;¢ ydney
Gee, Ronnie Gei~u. O.:haron Gib~on, Robert Gill, Eddie Gilmore, ..: u~an Ghcn~. Judy
Good, Jim Goodell, i\lary Goodman, .Arna Graham, Juanita Graham, Richard Grant, Ruby
IC "! WH T'
IC ?
Gray on, Bev Green, Jay Grij(g., Jimmy Haffner, :\farcia Hall, Barbara Hall, Gary
Hall, Linda Hall,~ uzy Hame~. Janice Hamilton, Charles Hammack, Jim Hammet-t, Jim
Hammond, Judy HamOU'-', Kara Sue Hardage, Kay Hardin, Jerry Harri. , Clyde Harri", Linda Harri~n. Harri~n.
Nancy Joyce Rich Hat, Carole Hastie, Barney Haye, John Heiney, Gary
Helm, Homer Hendricks, Ricky Heneghan, Galen Henline, Don Hen. ley, Don Hen on, Judy
Hcwc , Haydl'n Hick~. Dean li it·r<rht', J t•rry
llill, Bt•cky llill, ancy llilll'y, Put
llind~. Puula Ilodgt·~. Jim
Ilodgt••, Jot•
llolli~, \larily n Holt, Charle ... Holt, Vic
Howard, Paul Howard, Phil Howell, Clwryl
lluhhard, ceil Hud~on, Fred Hud•on. Linda
Hughe,.., Boh Ilul!he-.. Kathleen
Janota, Charlotte; Jencke-., Claudia; Jenkin , Tony. John,on, Jana; John,on, JoAnn; John,..on, Ronald. John. ton, Brett; Jone~, Gary; Jone,.., Janice. Jone~, Janyce; Jonc-., Roger; Ju t, Eric. Kalmon, Winn; Kamp, \nne; Keller, Da,·id. Keller, Pat; Key .• Karen; Kimerer, u an. "It's a mp.tcry," . aid Marcia :\larland and Jeanie Cooper. But it wa an il!loo.
Hunt, Gerry Hur... t, Ronnie Hyde, Dudley
Irvine, Carol Jabara, am Jamc", Kenneth
King, Pat .Kitclwn, Karen Klenk, Carol ue Kot¡ppel, Tunny Ko~ted, Carolyn Ko~ted, Paul
Kratina, Karen Kurk, Valeri' Lary, herry Lanyon, ally LaPointe, haron Lawrence, u~an
Law~on, Ru. sell Leake, Bob Lemon, Larry I.iltâ&#x20AC;˘s, Patricia Lipe, Dan Lipe, Vir"inia
Locke, Johnny Lofton, Arthur Lonj!;, Carolyn Long, Judy Lott, Chuck Lo\ing, ally
Lowe, herry Lu-.k, Randy Lytle, Carole 2\fagruder, Arlene 1aier, Judy Main, ue
\lainard, arolyn \Ianna , Paul \Jarcum, Dudley Marko, Annie !arlin, ~larcia !\tar--hall, Lui~e
\tarrs, Jo \lartin, Pam lartin, Phil \lartin, Taini \fa,hore, ue Lynn 1atthews, Billie
\leek, Howard Merz, nna Meyer , Leeann Miller, tan Milligan, Terry Mills, Rod
Mitchell, Carol 1ontgomery, Larry loodie, Bruce :\loore, Ralph Morey, andra \forgan, Iris Kay
:\forgan, Kan•n Morri , andra :\luir, .. Ut' :\1 un ingt·J, l.y nn :\lurphy, Don :\lycr~. Barh.tra
McCan, , harem McCandless, Karen lcClure, \lax McLun•, Clt·vt· McColloch, .\like McCown, teve
McDowt'll, Joyce .\tcGill, 1ack McHenry, George Mcintire, Vivian .\1clnty rr, Betsy .\lc:\1 urran, u •
\1c w, Rus · \lcQucen, Beverly ance. Gtne :-,ay, David \el'-on, Linda :\clson, Roherta
ancy oe, teven owlin, Jack owlin, Judy O'Leary, Helen Owen , Evelyn
Painton, nn Palmore, Lynda Palmer, Jackie Pearson, Walter Pendani", Don Pendarvis, Ronald
o ophomore, or any loyal Knight, would th;nk of m;_.;., the excitement of the annual ROL D TABLE ;gn.tu" '";"' /
Pernalete, Margaret Wright, Terry
":\ow, vvc know what they mean by a 'ra .. t-party'." uphnnwn·~ w did their bit in CL \ IC · arc Helen O'Leary,
Judy Elli and Judy Chen. agree·, "It wa" a !!reat ..,Jww."
nwearicd with
doing they
Phillii;~. iJoh ·
Pierson, Dixie Pink<.ton, Raelene Points, Marsha Ponder, Jim Potts, Vicky Powell, Patty Preble, Carol Pryor, Janie Pullman, orman Putt, Phil
Qualls, Pam Raglin, Billie Rahill, Pam Rahill, u~an Rainey, Lewis Rankin, Linda Rea, Jerry Reber, Jill Redlinger, Barry Reeve , J anettc Reynolds, am Riley, ~bry
Robert~, haron Robert., kip Robert. on, J. W. Robin~on, Larry Robinson, Randy Rollow, David
Roe, Tina Ro. olowski, nn Rotan, Darlene Routon, '; t•ndell Ruff, Toni Runka, :'\1arite
Ryan, Terry ~t.John, Jay allingl'r, Lt·,mnn amura, .."huron 'attcrlet•, Phil aundcr... , John L
a'I\H'll, Jon choap, ~like choolt-y, Jodi colt, Judy 'cntt, L. Roy Scroggin, Don
cudamon•, Loi rudder, Jim Selhy, Bt•H•rly •·nnin, Elaine ~helton, Rhoda • hnrill, Alan
lurk, Judy hirley, Ron hnell, Doris hock, Joanne 1 rnon, Pat imm~. • 'or"'
im'-, Larry lack, Karen mith, Ginger mith, Jim mith, Ronnie need, Gini
nidt•r, Edward ollar... , Linda ·unnt·nfeld, heryl paeth, Donna pear, Bill pire~. Denni
pi\a, David pi\cy, Pegj!:)' taal, Jerry tamp", Janice taple", Becky tecle, Pat
teven~. teven~,
John haron tewart, Bobby tewart, Fred tont•, Carolyn tone, Owen
tott", irgil tyle ..., J aneth utton, • ancy wain, Anne ykes, Becky Tatum, Linda
Taylor, Judi Telford, usan Terrell, Mary Terr), Karen Thoma .., Ucnni · Thompson, BeH•rly
Thomp-.on, David Thomp-.on, Linda Thom ..on, Janice Thrower, Bt•H•rly Tiller, Linda Tillinghast, John
Tomlinson, Lonnie Tomlin .. on, Ronnie Torbett, Carol Tracewcll, ·uc Traska, Henry Tu<kec, P,u;
Turner, I; nd.p VanHook ..\Ia'rtha Yaugha,n, rie ue Vernon l!oui"e Volz. :Pamela Wade, Phil
Ware, Johnnie Warren, BennY We,..t, herry · Wheeler, \ aljean Whittaker, Iri White, Bob
White, \lary Whitten, ~lex Whitten, Zdvia Wiggins, Ronnie Wildman, heryl Wiles, Philip
Wilke .., Eddie \\ illiam-.. Bill William-., L)nn Wimpt:), Phil Wi-.er, Judy \Volfe, Joe
\\ olfkill, Kenneth; \\ oodartl, "'ick; \\ oolle}, Karen; \\ oott'n, Bett' ; '1\ ri11ht. Hoht.; 1 ounj!, Dantn: Zilar, David; Zukowski, Bill it•.
CLA OF 1963
Freshman cia. president, Gil Wright, may he holding the key to the TOP TEE election a he confer with other fro h executives,
Tommy Thomp on, vice-president; \1ary Dixon, treasurer; and Gipp DuPree . . ecretary. :\ot pictured i Jim Dill â&#x20AC;˘. ergeant at arm .
PAGE PLOD TOW RD PEERAGE We huddled on the thre. hold \\ondering if we'd ne\er get a rhance to lead th parade. or carry the banner. K\IGHTL ~D \\as uch a va L kingdom, should we \enlurc in further? n air of a urance and friendlines drew u tO\\ard the glittering K~IGHT we o admired. Gradually the remotene. of our ambition became less. Devotion to the obligation. we had .a .. umed, knowledge of the tandard of K IGHTHOOD. courage in di charging our dutie. . gave a feeling of belonging. 1enial "due" rvice earned the fidelity of a champion.
Pe rage came lowh. \\ e clung to each other. Then . uddenly. a. pring touched our campu. with ne\\ life. our vista widened. Recognition of our exi tence was touched off when THE HIELD included u in it annual TOP TEE rivalry. Our pictures were in THE ROCJ\ID TABLE. \\-e were. ind d. a part of "-;orthwest Cia. en K IGHTLA D. Oh. happy day! Encouraged. \\e looked tO\\ard our next year with high anticipation.
Mr . Be ie ~lae Henry, head pon or of the freshmen. ac¡ companied b} ~1r . Ola Mae Oakes. \Irs. Helen Willin~ham. Mr.. Ruth Warram and \'li. Jo Alice Hendricks head. for a committee conference.
hdoo, Sherry Ahncy, John Ahramwn, Felice Ackerman, Drew Acree, Darlene Jan, Jack* Ames, Craig rnmerman, haron rden, Dana rmstrong, John Akins, Rudy Avant, Jerry yers, Algene Baker, Barbara Bakt·r. Bnerly B.tkcr, '\at Barfoot, haron Barker. Carolyn Barnett, andra Barron, Esther Baumgarner, Lynda Bca~er,
,eorge Bednar, Bob Bell, Larry Beltz, Henry Bender, Bob Bendau, Jim Bennet, Karen • \lun Jurk, top row hould apprar on page 192.
P GE PATIE TLY PLOD Bennett, Russell Berrinkle, John Bia..,, 'harun Bierman, Paul Black, ~like Blackwell, Bob Blalock, Lynn Bla-.chkt•, John Bog!!'· .\lac"el Butt-., Bohhy Bo\H'rman, Jt·rn Bu\\ cr-.. J o Ann· Boy Ie. .\like Bradshaw, Tim Brad), L)nn Brannon, B '' crly Breit-.dJUh, Pat Brewer, Virginia Brock, Alan Brodell, Joe Brook~, Carol}n Brooks,~ u Brown, Bennie Brummitt, Mary Burdick. Ronald Burton, Larry Bu-.h, Carl Carter, Jim
Ca ey, Paul a'-"adv. Linda uc asweli. ,·hrrry Charh--., haron hatham, la·rri Cheatham, Sandra Che-.nutt, Cindy
~h\' nut, El.tine Chc nut, Su~an Childer , .=onnv Chilton, Bobby Clark, \'audc·anu <.lin •, Phil ochran, Dick
Cole, James Cook, Mikt• Cooper, Boh Copt·land, Judy Comc·liu ... , Margaret Cornc'll, Pt•tt· Cornc•tt, Phil oughlin, Thoma. Cox, lkH"rly Cunningham, Cheryl Daniel, Andrea Deal, Pat 0 l'cker, harlottc Det'n, Tt·rry Dc·ll itt, John Dt•nwpolo ... , Tonia Denham, Charlotte lk pain, Richard Dmt·... , Carol Dixon, .\larv Dixon, Ricl1ard
TOW RD 1963 A D K IGHTHOOD Dolan, llill Doup;]a<;, Mike Dunbar, Kathryn Dunham, Deni e Dunham, Judy DuPree, ,ipp Du kin, Bob Eame ... t, Kay Earn ... t, Jane Easton, Lee Eddin", Billy Elledge, Allen Elli on, Janice Ell worth, Paula Enp;ebret ... cn, Kenneth E terlint•, Bob Fabian, Jim Fagala, Bill Fagin, Ronald Farha, arolyn Fari"-, Carolyn Farrell, Carolyn Fauk ..., teve Fergu ... on, ~like Filippo, Wendell Finefrock, u"an Finley, Lucy Flei chman, Billie Floyd, Judy Foundrcn, teve Ford. \like Fox, DwiJ:Ill Frazier, \ ir~inia Frcden<'J, \nnellc Free. Virginia
Garlick, \lyrna Garrett, andra Garrison, Don Ga'l'in, Elaine Gillt'spie, Jane Goforth, Chuck Goodrich, Kaye Gore, Dick Graham, Pat~y Gra\itt, Chri ... tic Griffin, Linda Griffith, 'herry Grime>-, Don Hadaway, Jerry Hamilton, Kent Hamlin, ancy Hammond, Wally Hancock, Rey Hancock. Yolanda Hankin~on, Bill Hanna, Gary Hanna, Jane Harbolt, Betty Harmon, Jo Harri , Bobby Harris, cott Harri~on, David Ha¥.k, Tommy Haw kin., Brenda Hebi en, • ancy Helm, Randy Hendcr~on, Amy Hender~on, Lou nn Hester, Terry Hicks, Linda Hicock, Linda Holdridge, Judy Holloway, Florrie Holman, Ruth Hol~ey, Bill Horne, Diana Houchin, John Hrbacek, Vicki Hudson, Paul Hume, David Hunt, Barbara Hurley, Robert Hutchin on, :'\lelody Ice, Carol Jo Imle, Da\id Jackman, George Jack~on, .\like Jacob on, Fred Jame., Lynn James, u. an Jenkin~, Ann Jenkin , Jan Jenkin~. Jeanene John on, Ann John on, Barbara John on, Carl John on, Joan
Jone, Karen ]one~. Patty nn June, Doreen Kalmon, Ted Ka per, Gloria Jean Kauffman, Kathryn Keith, Kitty
Ken ion, Chris Kim~I'Y Diann1• Kin~aid, Gail King, Kathy Kinf.!, 'heryl Kirchner. Martha Knox, Doug Knox, Kathr}n Kraft , nne I..an~lcy, Bonny Lanj.!"ton, D. Lang... ton, Hicky Lankford, Kit Lappin, :.\lyra Ann Leamin~~:, Marilyn Lecvt'r, Cheryl Lrnt", Kay l.t"wi~. Barbara LeW I'- I .arry Lind--ey huron Linn, Ricky
Lh·"· Kenneth Lockett, Gary London, Bruce Lorey, Forre t Lovelace, lexi · Lon•land, John Lovele "• Peggy Lunkley, :\Iartha :\IacKillican, Linda IcCant", Carol :\Ic arter, Carol McCarty, Jim 1cCarty, Larry McClain, Dean 1cCown, Janey \1cCulley, Donna \IcDanit•l, Larry \IcEwin, Vicky \lc Kcr, 1\nna \1< Kinney, Gary :\tc,Iahan, Frankie
There'. a long, long trail awinding toward the day of their dream .
lc\fillan, Connie Sue McNeill, Ronnie Me ew, 1 ancy
fagruder, Joanna Mahan, Judy Ma. h, Jim
Marten, Oon Mayo., Donald Milam, Jan
!::;; p,... d'"" . d.... d.,;, ··d ··:: •h::~ ;~ZV r
Miller, Beth Miller, Jame J. Miller, ~lichelle
m~s: ~~Zrny
MHton, Anno
)~ J
Mitch_ell, Don "' JV ,')} Moodlt', Ann ~f' r ..-f Moody, Dee Ann AMoore, Jame v {} foore, Lyman .
) _) ;t}ifJ
1/ YR. (_·, /) . ~a.
i . .V
Nance, Barb ra; Newton, Donna Jo; ewton, Julie; NichoL, Mike; Olim, Lee; Oliver, Larry; 0 born, Linda; Oo.good, Lean; Owen, Mike. Pan. ze, Gina; Pape, Donald; Parrish, Cheryl; Pearce, Barbara; Peddicord, Linda; Pelton, Barbee; Phillip, John; Phinney, Joyce; Pitts, Joan. Poag, Linda; Polk, hirley; Pollock, Joanne; Porch, Bill; Potter, Malett Ann; Potter, Robert; Prime, Tally; Pro. "er, Gary; Pullinp:, Marianna.
r{; ~~ j jl'~
Morelook, mono Morgan, Connie Morgan, .Marie Morri~. Jim Mo "• Ray Mu. allam, Janet Muzny, Barbara
(jY{ ~ f)ff ;r;~'::~ ,j} tt:~~,)
.() /
~(}J' 1P 1()J ~
Quin<>, Mike Randle, Mary Rapp, 1ichael Ray, David Rc, Karen Rector, Judy Redlinger, Phillip Reed, u an Rees<', Becky Rl'cH'~, Ronnie Reinhold, Pat R<·nfrow, JaC'k R(•ynoJdq, ~ heril Richards, Linda Richard on, Don Richert, J o nn Ridgeway, Linda Riley, Carol Riley, hirley Roberts, Bob Roberts, Larry Robert. , haron Robin«<n, Jimmy Robin on, Pat Rohlyer, Gene Roe"ch, Ilene Rogers, Betty Roger , Ch •ryl Roglitz, haron Rotan, ammy Rucker, David Rus ell, Cecil Rutherford, Dorinda Rutledge, Janet Ryan, \1argaret Ryan, Phil allstrom, \1arilyn and , Lynn chick, Carol chmidt, Donna cott, Barbara cott, Ro. emary ears, Jeanne ewell, Martha elby, Beverly haffer, Pat haw, Dou~la hepard, Karen hick, Gay ibel, Dale ieher, Tim impson, Bill im. , ~1arlene ilvernail, Bill kinn r, andi laughter, J1m mith, Gayle mith, 1\fary Ellen mith, Judy mith, Terry moliga, Joe Smel er, Janie olter, Tom outhland, John park. , Harvey Spear, Jane pielman, Donna Sprou e, Larry tacy, Bill teer, Twylla
tcvt'n , Lawrence tcvt'n , Ron , tewart, uc I. Dizicr, Cht>ryl waim, like Swartzrndruht'r, ' uc Swift, Mary
wihart harun Taylor, (ott Tt•rnplin, Don Thoma«, Donnu Thoma«, uc Thompson, Clarric 1:homJN>n, Dc.ma Thornp. on, Donella Judy Thompson, Julie Thompson, Linda Thompson, Richard Tommy Thomp"on Toussaint, Mark Thomp~on,
Trout, EHmnc Truitt, Ronnie Tuckt'r, Dick Turner, :\lary Turpin, France Van De\entt•r, Jerry Violett, :\fikc Wade, Paula Waldrip, .\like Walker, Leroy Warner, Richard Weak , ,\fike Webb, JoAnn Wells, Paula Wells, Saundra Wendorff, Beverly West, Gayle Wetwiska, Cheryl White, Bill Whitwell, Lee William., Kt·rry Wilmoth, Diana Wilson, Donna Kaye Wil on, Kathy Winkler, Maryke Wolff, Conme Woodward, ally Wool ey, Peggy Wnght, Gil Youngheim, Ga~ Zellwep;er, hirle Zinn, Tim ullivan, Paula
ale for 1959-60 to cl
ne the loyalty and sup-
pecial thank To \lr. Malon and
heck and call gave u_ con-
so man} othe1-. \\ho did nice thing~ for U!'.- thank . under...too I and p"Irnitted us to come earl) and . ta} late. brought
The goal toward whirh \\
strive i
students. \II this "'JX'cial kill and talent must '\o band ma~ter would con~ider taking on ra\\ recruits \\ho couldn't e\en read mu. ic. and
ILLY? \1a\he not. Pause and )OU will realize that' ... e ¡actly \\hat )OU are a. king of )OUr )Carbook
taff and pon or. ~e ha\e "in<'erd) done our hc-.l. We ha\e leamed mu<'h more about )earbook production than we have
been able to demonstrate. Fortunate!). se\eral of the taff are junior.. there are e\en a few ophomores. Their knowledge will be a . ignificant contribution to )OUr 1961 book. In a hook a_ large a the Round Table, there will he, we regret, some mistakes. These are not the result of negligence. \1uch time wa gi\en to checking and re-checking. But deadline pre ure require ha~te. We beg )OUr indulgence. We have enjoyed being your 1959-60 hi torian . . May our accounting of thL out tanding ) ear bring ) ou much plea. ure. ~ incerel).
!our Round Table taff \1~.
evva arlin, director
Mis Mary Lamb Lewi. , art upervi or Mr. Ahin Bryan, bu in
A Ab;loo,
~ c-~~~t 1~-~)' INI}E~~ v
J>. \"' ~ ~ ~ u)~
~err-~.. itt
,~, Je~~I,Jil\~ ~' "\01.) lbd,\l~ffina -~"179
'\_.~ ~ r' \
'()0~ &'-f).:j
.JPr a~ o\) ·
~fl ~0 ) ~ake~ ~=~ Ju<11 Ge;~71:.~e.\-o6, i39 S ~ I<h £\ \)
oJ:l •
L.;~ Bakt•r\~arry WJ~·~
. . .~
.A'ble, 'larbara~ 164 ~f-) ,, \- Bl\_k_,,1Lin~ 49, \ l..; \. \oJ ~\ .j){nq, Jottp~t 190\' ~v .A,1 \I" 1 t'1tiVer, ~(t 54, l o~ '\brfhlll Y>o~/t~~6 164 \. ~ fvBal,I'Wnr 1CII ~~ f' / \~br~l,On~, f~1--:-49, 190 ~l''"' " .l3a'lllrd, Je¥'179 "V\Ckern~,\Jbr 'll_5.!iJ.OO' {'r\l'<, .A, \l.Jnnan Earl 161 "-~~c~ee, ~ i;-'~6. ~ r' Ba > il e 49, 69, l, 179 \ol/ 1\r\e, Lt· y /1~ ~ ~~ !3~~ ~ h n 49, 190 , ,'\~~ \Jan ~'139 l\. Blr'r m, P \/"~air, BriaD '179 ..,.\ P ~ ~ rker, · 90 } Adap~Dan 53, Jf:1~"1 , Barket ar} Lo 179 ltrf<, Jan ~19, h9v v ~~ ~rn ~ Jimmy 47, 128, 179 \ am~. J p 30, 19('1 1 "-.\ ne,-, i\lr. :'\lelvin W. 10 \..\ ~~ Ada~.~ren 77, 1 ~\ nett, Maril}n 66, 70, 139, 162 "\ Agee~inda 179 arnett, \like 140 ~ ee, ancy 164 Barnett, "anura 190 tQC ~ c\iken, Bill 12 t, 131, 161 Barnhill, Eddie 140 Aiken, Marty 71, 76, 77, 164 Barrett, Carol 49, 67, 72, 164 Aker, Joe 54, 73, 179 Barron, Brenda 49, 164 Barron, Esthrr 56, 190 Albert, '-'haron 56, 76, 131, 164 Alqert~, \li~ Audrie 36, 64, 79 Barry, Doug 179 le~hire, Allen 131, 139, 78, 21 Bartle, Allen 140 Allen, George 66 Bartlett, France 49, 63, 140 Allen, Ginger 71, 73, 76, 179 Bartlett, Larry 30, 68, 112, 140 Allen, Polly 71, 74, 76, 164 Battle , Carolyn 71, 140 Allt>n, Roberta 139 Baumgarn<·r, Lynda 49, 66, 190 Alli on, Marilyn 56, 126, 131, 139 Bay, Chuck 54 .AJ... paul!h, Bill 54, 64, 67, 139 Ba}, :-andy 56, 71, 74, 164 Ame ..., raig 54, 190 Beal~, Pamela 56, 179 Ame ..., Joanne 56, 126, 131, 179 Bean, Tom 54, 68, 77, 179 Ammerman, . haron 190 Beaver, George 47, 190 Ander...on, David 28, 179 Becker, Elaine 49, 140 Anderson, Jeanene 56, 139 Bednar, Bob 54, 55, 71, 190 Ander,oon, Judi 56, 65, 66, 74, 164 Bednar, Jerry 53, 65, 138, 140 Been, Linda 56, 76, 179 Anderson, Kevin 139 Ander,on, Linda 56, 139 Bee--on, Mr. han 44 Ander,on, Linda 28, 164 Bell, Kay 49, 71, 77, 164 Ander... on, . andra 56, 71, 74, 164 B II, Larry 190 Ander...on, her ilea 35, 56, 74, 164 Belt, Janet 49, 71, 76, 164 Andre,,~, Betty 56, 69, 79, 179 Beltz, Henry 190 Andrew ..., De\\aynr 47, 73, 179 Bendau, Jim 5·1., 190 Andrew", Judy 71, 161 Benefield, Barry 54, 64, 67, 140 .\nton, Robert 139 Bennett, Karen 49, 190 Arden, Dana 56, 190 Bennett, Polly 49, 164 Arm ...tead, :\like 179 Bennett, Ru•<-ell 190 Arm•trong, John 54, 190 Benson, Carolyn 56, 79, 179 Armstrong, Richard 179 Bervinkle, John 190 Arnn, Lynn 1().1. Berry, uzanne 49, 76, 140 Arnn, Ttny 68, 69, 179 Be t, Pauletta 140, 162 Arnold, .\like 128, 131, 139 Be<.t, ... andra 56, 164 A~habrannrr, arolyn 41, 65, 66, 139 Beverly, Don 164 -.h)ey, Gerald 164 Bias, . haron 190 A. hlock, Jim 164 Bickel, \like 61, 77, 140 Ashmore, . ancy 30, 179 Biddy, Judy 56, 71, 164 A kin", J anws 161 Bierman, Paul 47, 190 A kin , Ruby 190 Bigg., ~ hirlcy 49, 71, 76, 164 Auer, Verna H, 66, 71, 164 Bird, ~1r . Wilma 36, 59, 64, 68 Au_tin, Judy 71, 76, 179 Bishop, Robert 47, 179 Au ... tin, Ronald 47, 179 Black, ~fike 190 Au~tin, Wanda 56, 79, 179 Blachtock, Barbara 49, 140 Avant, Jerry 190 Blackwell, Bob 190 Ayer-., )gene 190 Blalock, Lynn 49, 190 Ayers, D bbie 70, 89, 139 Bla chke, John 115, 190 Blaske, lien 51, 140 Blaylock, Leon 27, 140 Bleakney, Kay 56, 127, 131, 140 B Boever!', :\fike 179 Babcock, Tommy 73, 179 Bogg. , Dalton 179 Babcock, Tony 47, 79, 164 Bogg~, \1ae. el 49, 190 Baber, ita 164 Boles, Kaye 69, 79, 179 Bailey, Claudia 74, 139 Boll , Jan 71, 72, 179 Bailey, Joe 105, 131, 139 Bond , Richard 54 Bainbridge, Jean 56, 58, 64, 139 Booker, Loui e 164 Bainbridge, Kay 56, 76, 100, 164 Booth, Chri 101, 131, 164 Baker, Barbara 56, 190 Booth, Judy 56, 76, 179
j '\
Borrn, lifford 179 Borrell, Gary 77, 79, 165 Hortzfield, nn ·1.9, 71, 165 Bott", Bobby 190 Boura "a, Jon 54, 77, 179 Bourkr , li. Helen 37, 69 BouT", Pat 165 Bowm, Barbara 56, 76, 179 Bowen, Sally 49, 78, 179 Bowerman, Ann 49, 71, 165 Bowrrman, Jerry 47, 48, 190 Bowt•rs, Carolyn 74, 140 Bower..., J o nn 190 Bowt·r,o, Karen 140 Bowman, Deal 112, 131, 141 Boyd, Bob 64, 131, 132, 141 Boyd<.ton, Karen 49, 141 Boyle, Dave 77, 165 Boylt•, \like 190 Boyles, :\Irs. Laverna 38, 51, 71 Brace, Charla 56, 71, 76, 179 Brackeen, John 141 Brad... haw, Jack 28, 141 Brad ...haw, Tim 47, 190 Brad}, Glenna 30, 165 Brady, Lynn 49, 190 Brady, ...:ally 49, 165 Braun, Wanda 165 Bragg, Janice 179 Brande , K. Kay 27, 49, 76, 141 Brandt·'-, <;;haree 49, 179 Brannon, Beverly 56, 190 Breit-.chuh, Pat 56, 190 Brennan, Patty 56, 179 Bre,--.ie, Ruth Elaine 56, 179 Brewer, Virginia 56, 190 Bricker, Jo nna 56, 68, 69, 70 Brock, Alan 27, 190 Broddl, Joe 66, 190 Brooh, Carolyn 101, 190 Brook, Connie 49, 71, 76, 179 Brooh, \1r. Horace C. 23, 25, 66 Brook ..., ue 190 Brown, Bennie 190 Brown, Joe 115 Brown, Penny 56, 76, 179 Bruc.:e, Gail 141 Brucher, :'\h. George W. 14, 15 Brumley, Doyle 179 Brummitt, :\lary 56, 190 Bruner, Mary 56, 179 Bryan, 1\1r. Alvin 23, 26 Bryant, haron 179 Buchanan, Brent 84, 131, 132, 141 Buchanan, fike 141 Buchner, herry 56, 79, 179 Buchwald, :\like 47, 79, 100, 180 Bucklin, Fred 112, 131, 165 Burdick, Ronald 190 Burru<., Bryan 27, 112. 131. 141 Burru , Larry 141 Burt, Bill 141 Burton, Larry 190 Bush, Carl 47, 115, 190 Butler, Cathy 49, 180 Butler, Don 141 Butler, Jack 65, 101, 142 Butt, Adele 56, 76, 180 Butterworth, Barbara 49, 65, 77, 101, 165 Butts, Elaine 56, 180 Butt, J ame 180 Buzbee, ~fr . Geraldine 39, 64 Byar , Mi. Ophelia 34, 51, 71 Byrd, William 165
c Cabell, Chris 49, 180 Cain, Bob 165
Cain, Eddit 28, 17, 180 Caldwell, i\lr. Virgil E. 36, 78, 91 alllt'ron, Bl'ltlC 128, 112 Canada, Freda 56, 71, 165 Cannon, C:lt•ntla Jo 49, 71, 165 Cannon, Karen 49, 142 Carlton, Connit• 180 arlton, Gaylen 28, 165 Carlton, Sondra 71, 112 'armichaPl, :\fargaret 49, 180 Caruuhan, John 165 Carpt nh•r, Edtlit· 51, 121, 180 Camhr, Denny 77, 118, 112 Carruth, nita 49, 74, 142 Car~on, J a('k 78, 114, 180 Car'<on, Muc 131, 165 Cartt•r, Carland 51, 165 .artt·r, Glr·nda 180 Cartt•r, Jim 190 artcr, Judy 56, 180 .artrr, Peggy 30, 165 artt•r, Richard 180 'artt'T, Sue 74, 112 artmill, ollene 49, 180 Ca•t·}, Jan 165 a n, i\likt• 47, 180 Ca t-~·. Paul 190 Ca~ acly, Kathleen 28, 49, 165 a.-ad}, Linda "ue 28, 190 Ca~wt·ll, . herry 190 hamllt'rlain, Ruth nn 76, 100, 180 hamhrr-., Jeanene 165 Chunn•, Linda 126, 131, 165 haprnan, Diane 66 Charlt--., Fn·d 27, 112 harlf·-., "baron 190 Cha-.t•, Robert 180 hatham, . herri 49, 190 Cheatham, andra 190 bet'\ t·r, Larry 165 he,e-., Doug 30, 11-1, 180 .hc\t''-, Jorl 66, 142 Clw•nut, Elaine 191 Cht·~nut, '-iu-.an 191 Chc"inutt, Cindy 191 hildn, Jan 165 Chiltlt•r-., "nnn\ 66, 191 hilton, Bobby 17, 191 ( hri-.tt·n-.on. \nn 30, 121, 131, 180 hri-.tian, J ann 72, 124, 135, 142 Clnm h. Barbara 180 i'-pt·r, Helen 56, 66, 142 Ci-... nt•, Carol 56, 180 lair, Lt•on 165 Clanahan, Ri chard 7-1, 142 lark, Connit• 19, 180 Clark, Can 165 lark, J or· 165 lark, Judy 49, 180 Clark, Kay 74, 112 Clark, \ audeana 191 Clark-.on, \lary 31. 71, 127, 165 Cia), "andra 69, 180 Ia\ ton, Bill 165 lt•mon", Pamda 19, 69, 76, 166 Clnt'!antl. Cleola 166 line, Phil 128, 191 lonn•, Da' id 129, 166 oatt• .. , Barn 112 Cobb. Rt•t·d . 28, 54, 180 Cochran, Dirk 191 Corhran, Tommy 129, 166 Cody, Barbara 180 Cofft-y, Ellen 31, 166 Cofft·y, Jane 142 Cuit, Kan•n 131. 166 ult•, Jamt'-. 19 olt•, Jt·annt· 180 Coleman, :\lark 100, 180 Colt·\, :\lie key 40, 66, 131, 113 ollin-., AI 72, 77, 166 .ohille, Joan 74, 166 Colwdl, Kt'ith 180 Cundn·n, Billy 143 Conft·r, Da,id 24, 181
Congt•r, fr. J nnw II. 39, 72, 73, 97 on avagr, Judy 113 Convt•r•, Pat 143 Cook. Kt·nm·th 66 ,ook, \likt 51, 191 ook, Zada • ue 143 Coopt r, Bob 51, 55, 191 oop r, J ranie 71, 76, 181 Copeland, i\Ir... Ivy 22, 72, 138 O)lt'land 1 Judy 191 fopt•lancl, .1\aucy 166 Coilhtt, :\fr... ortez 35, 43, 76, 131 Coppock, Johnny 191 Corbrtt, Joan 181 Corbin, Chari!' 31, 166 Cordell, Karen 50, 74, 143 Cordt'r, Patty 113 Con.lray, Bili 181 Corneliu", i\larj!:aret 191 ornell, Pam 50, 181 Cornell, Penny 50, 71, 76, 78 Cornell, Pt•tf' 115, 191 Cornell, Phil 181 Cornell, Ro•e \larie 181 Corn('lt, Paul 68, 143 Corrwtt, Phil 191 o... grovr, Carol 181 Coughlin, Jane Ann 27, 143 Coughlin, Linda 181 Coughlin, :'\ancy 12, 166 Coughlin, Thoma~ 47, 191 Coulter, Bob 13, 128, 131, 166 ovington, Gary 51, 181 owlt·~, Linda 28, 181 Cox, Bt'verly 50, 191 Cox, Jeannie 31, 131, 166 raig, <;;haron 77, 181 CraiJ!, "haron 57, 7:1-, 143 Crain, \lat 7-1, 166 Crain, Ruth 63. 61, 70, 113 ran ford, • 'eoma 113 CraH·n..,, !eve 113 Cn•t·ch, Judy 50, 61, 71, 143 Cromwell, Dave 27, 51, 67, 166 Croom, Judy 57, 65, 66, 143 rou-.e, :\lr. L. E. 39, 177 Crowe, Drnning 47, B3 rowe, :'\Ir. Paul 35, 38, ll5, 117 Crumby, Paul 30, 181 rumpler, Pat 17, 30, 166 Culbert, ancy 18, 65, 66, 166 Cummin, Judy 28, 77, 166 Cunningham, Cheryl 191 unningham, Judy 50, 71, 76, 166 unninj!:ham, . ara 57, 61, 70, 143 urh, Tommy 113 urlcy, ~loya Gai 66, 143 urti~, Chri•tine 143 urti", Dawn 181 Curti , Pat 57, 74, 143 Cu-.ter, Carolyn 50, 71, 77, 166
D Dabney, Robin 181 Dale. Ronnie 47, 181 Dancy, Lynnea 57, 143 Daniel, Andrea 50, 191 Daniel, Darla 181 Danit·l, John 22, 77, ll8, 166 Davi•, Allene 23, 166 Da'i', Anne 57, 7.1, 166 Davi, Becky 50, 61, 71, 143 Davi•, \1r. Clayton 34, 35, 112, 117 Da'i~. Eddie 143 Davi~, Gary 166 Da,i•, Jerlyn 57, 76, 181 Da' i .., Linda Jean 111 Da'i , Pat 57, 166 Davi,. anura 57, 166 Davi., ~ haron 57, 69, 76, 181 Daw, Bob 181 Deacon, haron 72, 144 Deal, \like 121, 131, 144 Deal, Pat 191
Dt·rkt•r, Charlotte 191 Dt·ckt-r, Donna 50, 166 Dt•rkPr, Joe 112, 131, 166 Dt·t·n, Tt·rry 191 Dt'llitt, John 51, 191 Dt•llitt, ~like 181 dt·Vallc, France' 50, 181 dt·Valle, 'onja 50, 69, 70, 144 Dt•nwpolo-. Tonia 57, 191 DemJ y, ~larit'l 11-1 Dl"nham, Carol SO, 11-l Dt•nham, Charlotte 74, 191 Dt· ( hamp-., ~fikt• 47 De pain, Richard 191 Dctt•rman, Kan•n 181 Dint••, Carol 191 Dint , Don 141 Dixon, lktty 50, 71, 78, 166 Dixon, David 78 Dixon, ~lary 57, 76, 127, 191 Dixon, Hi('hanl 191 Dolan, Bill 54, 191 Dolt•r, ]t·an 166 Donnell, Glenda Lou 57, 70, 74, 144 Dorman, Shirlt•y 57, 70, 144 Dormon, Pamela 50, 69, 78, 181 Dorrlt'V, \nlen 66, 11-l Dornt·y, Barbara 32, 71, 99, 181 Durri-., Tracey 1H, 181 Doty, Jack 181 Douj!:l'll, ~likt· 54, 166 Doughty, .\li·-.. Alma 37 Dougla", \like 191 Dou~'t'tt, ~li-s ~1argaret 35, 43 Dovlt•, :\lildrtd 181 Dr~birk, Donna 30 Drap r, Oa' id 54, 181 Dunbar, Kathryn 191 Dunran, Dan 131, 132, 181 Duncan, Kokie 111, 181 Dunford, Ann 111 Dunford, Larry 73, 119, 131, 166 Dunham, Judy 50, 191 Dunham, Deni~e 57, 101, 191 Dunlevy, Rick 112, 114, 131, 144 Du Pn•r, Gipp 115, 191 Durft·t·, Dalt· 68, 166 Du ..kin, Bob 191 Dye, .ary 71 Dyer, Bohh~ Ill
E Eaglt'ton, Bob 51-, 181 Eamt·<.t, Kay 55, 191 Earn ... t, Jan!' 191 Ea ... ton, Lf't' 50, 191 Ea .. ton, "ay nr 111 Ea. um, Diane 181 Eaton, :.\Jr..... ellie B. 42 Ecton, ~Ir..... 'ellie B. 38, 51, 71, 77 Edt.lin ... , Billv 191 Eluil!, Patrick 67, 181 Eist'h n, Tom 144 Elledge, lien 54, 191 Elledge, Jayne 57, 74, 144 Elliott. Deanna 32. 71. 97, 181 Elliott, JerrY 72 Elliott, Linda 181 Ellis, Caylc 57, 77, 166 Elli., John 57, 62, 78, 144 Ellis, Judy 71, 76, 181 Elli~, ·andra 57, 67, 72, 76 Elli , \1r. teve 34, 54, 71 Elli~on, Jan ice 57, 191 E!Lworth, Paula 57, 191 EL wick, Jim 47, 166 Embry, Dianne 57, 71, 74, 166 Embr}·, iYian 166 Emt•r•on, Tom 114, 181 Ender,, tev·e 40, 46, 47, 166 Engebret. en, Kenneth 191 Engebretsen, Tommy 30, 166 English, Loren 78 Engli. h, Lynn 145
F.no~ . .\lnry 57, 167 f:rik en, .\Ir. Gordon 36, 13, 51, 178 En in, Bcwrly 50, 64, 76, 115 Ei~du·n. Tom Ill E~kridgt·, L•·na 28, 167 vterlinr, Bob 191 E~t<·~. Bnt•rl) 50, 79, 167 E-.tt'~• .\Iar~aret 181 F.wrgard. Ronald 181 F\t>rt'lt, Linda 57, 70, 71 E'"ing. Jani('t' 50. Hi7
Fabian. Jim 191 .Fahian, Pat 167 Fagala. Bill 115, 191 Fagin. Honald 47, 191 Fair, Barbara 145 Faraghl'r. Gan 167 Farha, Carolyn 57, 191 Farln. Jim 1(>7 Fari< Carohn 57, 78 191 Farn•ll, Car;•h n 191 ' Fauk~. teve . 191 Faulknt'r, Panwla 167 FaH•r, Clifford 115 FaH•r. Kathy 181 Frrgu~un. c·lt·rHia 181 Fcrgu~on. \likt• 191 Field~. Pat 1 13 File, Ann 50. 73, 131, 181 Filippo. Wt·ntlell 191 Finrh, Bob 181 Fintll), \Ir~. EH·Iyn 22, 59, 71 Finl'frt•ck. Pat 57, 181 Findrork, '-'u~an 50, 191 FinJt.,, Iun 57. 191 Fi·rher. .\lartha 181 Fi~h. John 181 Flanagan. llt•nt• 76, 181 Flatt, Da\id 145 Flatt, Sharon 126. 131, 167 Flt·etwood, Jane 50, 115 Flt•i,rhman. Billie 57, 191 fll'mming, Jack 53, 5·1, 68, 72 Fleming, J ud) 57. 72, 78. 115 Flon·nct, J canine 50, 167 l1o)d. Judy 77. 78. 191 Floyd, Roland 167 Flynn. "'onclra 50, 181 Fondn·n. '-'teve 191 Ford, Boh 115 Ford, Carolyn 50, 78, 145 Ford, \lrkt• 51. 66, 191 Forgue. Linda 167 Forn·~tt•r. \nn 55. 71, 73, 167 Fo~tt·r, Carolyn H5 Fo~tt·r, Lon 118, 131, 115 Fo~tc·r. Lorl'tta 167 Fo•tt·r. l'hrl 167 Fo<.ter, cotty 27, 47, 67, 167 Fowlt r. Ct'rri 50, 71, 181 Fowl('r, Jtrri(' 50 76 181 Fox. Cynthia 57, '69, '71, 115 Fox, Iho.ight 191 Fox. Ha~kt'll 181 Fox, Paul 72. 73, 145 Frazirr, \ irginia 191 Fr('dcrrcr, \nnctte 191 Fm-. \ rr~tinia ] 91 .Fn·<·man, Oa\id 181 Frerman. Jim 72, 146 F rrrrnan. 1une Ann 57, 126, 116 Freeny, Pat 17, 67, 145 Frt•('ny, _ara Jo 18, 50, 63, 61 Freeny, Tracy 119, 181 Fretwt'll, Judith 50, 72, 182 Friedman, Jane 57, 167 Fro t, ~lary 167 Fu~on, Charle.. 192
G Gamhril, Bmmit• 116 Cambril, !:'lwrry 167 Gangwt•r, Virginia :iO, 116 Gappa, Ronald 182 Gardner, Clmda 71, 167 Garlick, .\1yrna 71 192 ( .annan. lt'\t' 72. 97, 167 Garon. Bt•vt·rlv 57 J.16 Camtt. Bill 72. Hi2 Garrt'tt, Sandra 192 Garri~on. Da\ itl 167 Garri~on, Don 51, 192 Garri~on. John 11, 66 Ga~par, lt·onard 116 Ca~~c·i, John 182 Catlin. "'} dne) :iS. 50, 71, 182 Gm in, Flaim· 50. 192 Gay• .\Ir~. Ethd 37 Gt·c·, Bt·\ erh 116 Ct e, Honnit: 17. 182 Gt·i~t·r. ~har011 57. 182 Gt'i~t·ndorf. Larry 12·1, 146 Gih~on, Chark" 167 Gih~on, David 28, 64, 77, 146 Gib~on, \li" Katlwrine 37 64 G!h~on, Roht·rt 73, 78, 182 Gtlht•rt . .\lark 116 Gill, Eddie 182 Gillt'~pit, Jam• 57, 192 Gilmore. "'u-.an 57. 72, 77, 182 Gil•on, \Iayo 17, 64, 146 Gimlin, Bt•th 57. 71, 98, 146 GiH"ns, Judy 50, 73 76 182 Cia •c·r. .\!art in . 28, 'm '116 Glazener, Dor~ey 167 ' Goforth. Chuck· 51, 192 Goldt·n. Wilda 116 Good, Gloria 50, 146 Good, Jim 182 Goodell . .\Ian 50, 182 Goodman. ;na 50, 182 Gordon, \li~s Bernice 38 70 77 ' ' ( .oodrich, Kaye 192 Gon•, Dirk 192 Grabc·r, Valt-ric 147 Craham. Juanita 50, 182 Graham. Pat") 192 Graham. Hichard 114, 182 Grant, Eddie 117 Grant, Ruhy 182 Gra\itt, Chri ...tit• 50, 192 Gray, Judy 57, 167 Gray~on, Bt•H•rly 182 Gnt•n, Donna 117 Gn•nig(·r. .\ti ..-. Carol 36 59 78 ( .n·t•n, Gt•rald 17, 167 Gn·t·n, 1a\ 182 Cn·t•n, Su-· an 57, 70, 117 Gnw, Hank 167 C:rt•gof). \like• 53, 55, 67, 147 Griffin, :\lr.... Eulita 42 Griffin, Linda 50, 192 Griffi~. Linda ll7 Griffith. }lt'rn 50, 192 Grigg~. Glt·n ·53, 117 Grigg-.. J inuny 51, 182 Grimt·~, Don 115, 192 Grinll'~. \likt- Ill Gully, .\1r-.. Patliciu 27, 13 Gunning. Robin 28, 61, 77, 117 Guynn, "'andra 167
H Hatlawav. Jern 115, 192 lladawa}, 'an H7 Haff. ~ly rna 30, 117 Haffrwr, :\Iarcia 50, 182 llagc•r, \licki 126 147 Haggard. Brurc 1G7 Haight, Carolyn 50, 68, 70, 147 Hale, :\lr. Charlt-s 21 Halt•, G1·orgia Ann 30, 57, 167
Hall, Barhara 57, 182 llall, Cary 47 182 Hall, I incia 182 Hall . .\likt• 11.' 117 Hall, ~t11.y l1, 57, 76, 182 Hall. S)hia !:'ut• 57, 65, 66, 167 Hallc·nlu·t'k. Phyli~ 57, 167 Hallmark, Karc·n 61, 65, 147, 162 llaJJu·~. Duarlt' :m. 167 Hamt·'· Jan in• 50, 182 Hamilton. CtTily (,5, 68, 70, 147 Hamilton, Chark.. 54 57 182 Hamilton. \tr-.. I>oruth~· 42 41 138 Hamilton. Kmt 192 ' ' llarnlrn, John )(,7 Hamlin, ancy 192 llamm, Jud~ 167 Hammack, Jim ] 11, 119, 182 Ilamnwtt, Jim 28. 47, 182 Hammond. Jimmv 57 167 Hammond, .I udy · 182' llarnnwnd, \\all · :> 1, 192 HaJJIJH·r, "In e (>8. 117 HarnnU'-, J uclith 50, 7·1. 147 Hamou .., Kara Sut• 182 Hanrork, Clwlin 50, 70, 147 Ilanrork. Rn 192 Hancock. roianda 50, 192 llankin~on, Bill :> l. ] 92 Ilanky, ;\fr:s. ~tar) 31. 39, 42 Hanna, Can l 92 Hanna. J ant~ 57, 192 Harholt, Bc•th 50 192 Ilardagt', Kay 50,.182 Hardin, Jt•rr) 182 Hanlin, Kay 57, 71, 76, 167 llarkt·>. Ct·nt Paul 112, 114, 131, 147 Harlt·y. Carl 51, 147 Harmon. J n 192 Harri--, Bolrhv 192 llarri•. Chtlc; 51. 111 182 Harri". \1~~- Delma Harri~. T inda 182 Ilarri", Scott 192 Ilarri,on, Charlt•np 40, 57, 68, 71, 167 Harri-on, Dan 30, 12·1, 131, 147 llarri~on, Da,id 17. 192 Ilarri-on, Don 68. 70, 73, 131, 132 147 162 , •
Ilarri~<•n. Donna 117 Harri,on, Dwa\ nt' 168 Harri-.on, 'an~y Joyce 182 Ilarri-.on, Rich 79, 111, 119, 131, 182 llarri-.on, Stan 62, 63, 61, 112, 114, 124 Bl. 117 ' Ila'-t, arnlt· 30. 11, 57, 66, 79, 182 Ha-.tie. Barnt'\ lll. 182 Hawk, Tomm} 115, 192 Haw kin-.. Br!'ntla 192 II a) c·~. John 30. 51. 182 lla)t'•, Linda 12(>. l.'H, 168 Ilayt'"• :Stt'\t' 51, 1()8 lla~nt·-.. \Ir. ]err} 35, 43, 100, 115, 117, 119 Ill'ag). Jarqut• 28. 57, 69, 70, 148 lll'hi•c•n, fl<·nalre 57, 168 Ilt·bi~c·n. \an('v 192 I Mit-), 1 arl 28. 16, 17, 96, 148 Ildflin. Carol 71, 118 Hl'inq, Gary 47, 182 Hc·inrich. Dorotlwa 69, 79, 98, 131, 148 Ilt·itman, Karrn 50, 74, 148 llddl'fman, Donna 28, 50, 69, 148 Ildm, Honwr 182 Ildm, Randy l15. 192 Ht'lluy, Ken 61, 77, 148 ll<·ndt·r-cm, \my 57, 192 Hf'nder~on, Judy 118 Ht•ntlt-r•on, Lou Ann 192 llt•ndrick", ~ti ..., J o Alice 23, 74, 189 Hendrick'-, Rirky 17, 182 llcndrick"on, Tommy 90, 118, 138, 118 Heneghan, Galen 50, 66, l 82 Henline. Don 51, ll t, 182 Hc·nry, ;'\Ir.,, Be~. ie 14, 189 Ilen~ley, Don 47, 182
llt·nc.on, J udv 50, 76, 182 Ht·plt r, Cu~ · :~2. 148 Ht·rald, Tt•d 114 lit·", ~ara (1:;, (19, 70, 118 Ilt·•tt•r, Judy 27, 57, 77, 168 llt•<tt•r, Tt•r r} I tJ2 llt·.. t,,otHI, Bnrct• 168 Iif'llwrin~ton, Shirlt} 168 llt•u .... l • .\1 r. C. ll. 21. 2(1 Ht•wt , Haydt·n 17, 111, 18:~ llil'k .., llt·an li, 183 Hid..... , Kan·n SO, 7~. 168 Hick-., Linda 192 Ilicock, Linda 57, 79, 192 Ificock, '\ancy 50, 71, 71, 168 Hit-h. su ..an M llit·N·ht·, J t'rr} 79, Ill, 183 Ilil!don, Judy 50, 70, 71, 118 Hilt•man, Larry 168 Hill , \nn 57, (18, 71, 168 Hill, Becky 50, 71, 72, 183 Hill, Bill 121, 131, 148 Hill, EuJ!.t·nt· 1(18 Hill, ant'} 32, 57, 79, 99, 183 Hill, Pat 118 Ilil!l'y, Pat 57, 183 Hinchey, Sue 50, 65, 74, 148 Hindman, J dff'r} H18 Hind ..., Paula 183 Hint·•, \nita 168 Hint· .... Bill n, 118 Ilin•haw, Ikt• 71, ll8 Hin ... haw, .\larit• 10, 57, 65, 168 lliwl), Jannit• 11, 57. 65, 168 Hodam, Carol :>7, 77, 99, 118 llodl!t', L) nn 27, 168 llodg:t·.., Jim 183 llodgt·... J tH' 183 Hokt•, .\lr. David 25, 33, 128 Holdridgt·. Jut!} 57, 192 Holland, \li .... Blandw :H, 70 Bolli-. J Prr) U9 Ilolli , .\laril}n 57, 7:~. 183 Holloway, Florrie 192 Holman, Lois 50, 168 Holman, Ruth 28, 57, 66, 192 Holmlwqr, Loretta 57, 126, 131, 168 llo} ..t•y, Bill 192 Holt, CharJc.. 47, 18:~ Holt, Vic 119, 183 Hom .. ey, Richard 51-, 119, 168 Hoopt•r, Judy 168 Hope, Tommy 47, 149 Ilomr, Diana 50, 192 Ho•hall, Tommy 72, 119 Jlo.,tt·r, Kan·n 50, 68, 77, 168 Ho<tf·tter, Pat 50, 61, 65, 119 Houchin, John 51, 192 Houchin, ~ancy 51, 78, 168 HotN', Donna 51, 71, 168 Howard, Paul 111, 183 How art!, Paula 63, 68, 70, 149 Howard, Phil 51-, 183 Howdl, Cht•ryl 57, 183 Howt"ll, Da,id 62, 61, 68, H9 Hrbacek, \icki 58, 71, 192 Hubbard, Crcil 17, 183 Huddlt--ton, J uth HIB Hudgin•, :'\likr .169 H ud.,on, Fn•d 183 Hud on, Linda 58, 183 llud-on, Paula 51, 192 HU(J .. on, Ron 100, 119 Hun, Eddit' ll8, 131, 119 Hughe , :.\lr. Bill R. 36, 43, 71 Hughe .., Bob 183 Hughe-, Kathleen 183 Hume, David 192 Humr, John 28, 149 Hunt, Barbara 192 Hup;he.., , u an 58 Hult't, \ li-• Rrtha Wave H, 178 Hulett, kip 114, 183 Hunt, Gerry 58, 183 Hunt, Linda 58, 169
Hunt, Honald 112, 1U, 131, 119 Hurl• , Holt~•rt 115, 1CJ2 llur-t, Horrnit• 18:{ llutchin on, \[, lrllh 28, 192 Ii)dt·, Dudl•·y 1)(), 131, 132, 18.1 II) d••, Linda 119
T ~8. 192 Irnlt ·, lla\id !it, 192 Imlt·, Bob S3, ;;:;, 73. 119 Jn:.:li-lr, l."n·n 119 I ngli-lr, Lorna llCJ Inirw, {'arol 58, 7(,, 18:~ In ing, L• \\ i.. 27, 51, 119 lnin g, ~ant.!} Ill I min, \lr. Ht·x 35, 38, 112, 117 !min,!{.. , Jr. 112, 111, 169
In•, ('urol Jo
J J ahara, !:'am 17, 77, 183 Jack, \Jan 190 Jackman, Ct·orj!t· 192 Jackman, Pattt· 58, 70, 99, 149 Jack-on, Chan 66 Jack-on, ~likt• 192 J ack-un, ~tNt' 58, 119 J al'oh-un, Fn·d 192 Jacob-on, Cary 1W Jamt -, Johella 50, 53, 72, 119 Janu·... Kt·nrw th 18.1 Jarnt··, l.}nn 58, 192 J UIIH' • Phil }(IIJ J anw-, ~ u•an 192 J anoia, Edt! it• 150 Janota, Clrarlottt· 58, 183 ]a)nt·, Jt•rry 169 Jt•nckt'-, Claudia 51, 183 ]!'nkin•, \nn 192 J tnkin,, Jan 58, 192 ]t'nkin.., ]t·ant·nt· 76, 192 J t•nkin-., \liclwllt· 58, 74, 169 J l'nkin , HonniP 150 Jt·nkin .. , Ton} 28, 183 Jinu nt>z, Pat 58, 79, 169 J ohn-mt, \dana 58, 150 John-on, \nn 192 J ohn-.on, Barbara 51, 192 J ohn-.on, arl 192 John-on, Darr}l 169 John ..on, (;a,lf' 51, 61, 71-, 150 John-on, J arta 28, 58, 72, 105 John on, .I ana C.. 72, 183 John-.on, Jant'l 58, 67, 71, 150 John-on, J t·rry 1:)0 John-on, Jimm) 16, 17, 6-l, 150 John-on, J o.\nn 18:3 John-on, Joan 28, 58, 192 John-on, John 150 John-on, :\larilyn Sl, 150 John-on, Ronald 183 John-on, :\lr. A. 1.. 29, 32. 138 John-ton, Brrtt 18.1 John ..ton, Row<·ll 169 Jom·.., Car} 183 J one-, Janice 28, 51, 79, 183 June-., Jan}t't' 51, 183 Jont'", Karen 58, 69, 192 J one·.., Le... 111, 131 J ont··, Luanah 7•1, 150 Jom·-, Ro~:er 183 Jont·•, '-'andy 28, 29, 58, 150 June~ Suzanne 51, 169 Joyc~ linda 71,169 June, Doreen 58, 192 J u•t, Eric 28, 51, 72, 183
K Kalmon, Ted 47, 192 Kalmon, Winn 41, 51, 71, 183 Kamp, J\nnt' 58, 183
Karnp, !'t•gl!.} I r,<J Kam p, \\all> 53, r,r,, 09, 150 Karr, I Ia\ id Ho1J Ka pn, C:loria Jean 192 Kn Jll'rl'it, Don ~0. l!iO Kuuffrnun, KatlrrHt :il, 192 Kf'fft•r, .ht\ J., t' 17, J(,IJ Ko ll••r, J>a,itl 183 K• ll•·r • .larwt !ii. 5:i, r,J, ISO K•·ll•·r, l'at 18:{ Kt·mp, J rrdy 71, 151 Kuti on, Cbri- 51, 193 Krnn••dy, 'tt·plwn 1:)1 K•·nt, Bill Ill, 169 K• nl, I>on 151 K• nnurd, 1{, x 17, lO l, 169 Knn•, ( in<h :i!l, 66, 79, 1(il) K• tdwm, J~r11 t 58, 71, 76, 169 K•tdwrn, Jtuh 58, (13, 71, 169 K•·) , J uti) 61, (15, 66, 1.)1 K•) , Kart n 58, /(,, 183 Kimlwrlin, Lindu r,;;, 61i. 71-, 169 Kim• n r, u~un 2H, :11, 79, 183 Kr" "''), Diann•• 51:1, /(,, 193 Kun ..q, l'lryllrrw 72, 96, 99, 169 Kincaid, Cail .il, 193 Kinl'aid , ~lanin 10:3, IW King, Judy 58, ](,f) Kin ~. Kath :18, 193 Kin", Pat 28, 181 King, ::-h 'f) I 58, 7(1, 193 King, Tt·rry 111. 131 Kinnan, l'arn :il, (,8, 151 Kirdrrwr, '.Iartha 5L 193 Kirkhuff, Kip !i'{, Ill, 151 Kir kpatriek, Dt·an 151 Kirkpatri ck, Ed,, in 151 Kirkpatrirk, :'\1ar}· 71-, 151 Ki-• , Carla :iL 7(1. 99. 169 Kitclun,Kann 51.181 Klaffk•-. Bt•tt) 58. 70, 71, 151 Klt•in, l'h} IIi.. 27, 105, 151 Klt·n k, Carol 'u•· 21J, 77, 18-l Klinl'lolw, Ddmar 131 Knott, Kan•n 27, 58, 72, 169 Knoll, 'lorn 11, 17, 66,169 Kr1' x, Doug 115, 19:3 Knox, Kathnn ,)1, 193 Kot"nig, \li-~ Olga 36, 13, 78, 178 Ktwppt'i, 1kth 58, 70, 7-1, 151 Kot'ppt•l, Tanny 76, 127, 131, 184 Ko-tt·d, ( arol}n 58, 18-l Ko•t<·d, Paul 18-l Ko-tf'(l, Phil 151 Kraft, Annt· 58, 193 Kranwr, Fn·d H11J Kratina, Kartn 51, 79, 181 Kurk, \ altrit· 181 Kurll, anq 169 Kuu, Pt•l!g} 71, 77, 127, 169 K}lt, ~ick 151
L Lan, Sht rr. 7.3, 76, 127, 18-t Lan;irand, fler-hd 72. 73, 103, 151 Lan~. "arden 51 Lan~dr), Bonn) 51. 193 Lang-ton. \laur\' 17 Lang .. ton, Rickry 51, 193 Lankford, Kit 58, 19:3 Lanyon, "-all} 38, 181 LaPointt, 'harnn 30, 58, 181 Lappin, \1)ra \nn 193 Lawrence, '-u ..an 51, 76, 79, 181 Law-on. Ddorl'- 151 Law-on, Linda 58, 76, 100, 169 Law -on, Ru ....tll 119, 18-l Law-on, Walt 112, 1H, 131, 151 Leaf, Pat 58. 169 Leake, Bob 97, 18-t. Leaming, .\larilyn 51, 76, 193 Led .. inJ!:er, Jeanette 169 Ler, John 169 Lee, Roger 29
20 1
76, 184 51, 58, 76, 194 Ma~uire, Larry 170 1ahan, Judy 58, 74, 194 lait•r, Judy 28, 58, 69, 184 ~lain, Ronald 73, 152 ;\fain, ue 78, 184 Mainard, Carolyn 58, 184 ;\Ialone, \1r. J. Frank 12, 43, 97 \1aloy, Jim 152 1ane!'-", Bob 170 fane .. , ikki 51 :\fan kin, Jerry 152 \lann, Elizabeth 73, 76, 152 :'\1anna•, Paul 55, 184 :'\tape~, Roy 153 ~1arcotte, ~1r. Leonard 36, 122, 124, 132 Marcum, Dudley 55, 184 Markham, . herry 58, 71, 72, 170 Marko, Annie 28, 184 Marko, Mike 153 '\1arler, Wanda 22 \!arlin, Marcia 184 Marr.., J o 184 '\1ar...h, Jim 194 ;\far-.hall, Carolyn 170 \lar...hall, Linda 153 \1ar...hall, Billi Loui~e 184 \1arten~. Don 115, 194 :'11artin, Pam 51, 69, 71, 74, 184 Martin, Phil 119, 184 :'\lartin, Sheila 78, 127, 131, 153 Martin, Taini 51, 181 Martindale, Bill 170 Mart.r., \tary 30, 170 Ma hore, . ue Lynn 51, 71, 76, 184 :'llason, John 66 :\1athio;;, Jerry 30, 170 :\1atthew... , Billit• 58, 71, 76, 184 \latth ws, Gale 153 \latt hew'-', .\lack 129, 170 fauldin, Jerry 170 :'\lay, Gwen 74, 170 .\lay•, Donald 191 .\leadow", • tt•ve 153 Meek, Howard 184 l\Iei-.ter, , tuart 112, 114, 131, 170 Merkle, Sally 51, 68, 74, 170 Merrill, Terry 170 Merriman, Hal 47, 131, 132, 153 ;\ferz, nna 78, 158, 184 ~1erz, Jerry 73 Meyer-., Leeann 51, 74, 184 \1iddleton, harl s 170 :.\lielenz, Darlene 51, 71, 72, 171 .\1ilam, Jan 194 Miller, Andy 55, 171 Miller, Beth 191 ;\Iiller, Betty 58, 71, 76, 171 Miller, Brent 30, 51, 171 Miller, Edward 47 Miller, Fred 131 :'~filler, ]arne-.]. 17, 74, 194 :'\1a~ruder, Joanna
:'llcBryde, :\lax 152 \lcCain, Jay 46, 64, 71, 152 :\lc- an, haron 35, 58, 185 :'llcCandle-., Karen 58, 185 :'llr ant-., Carol 193 f cCarter, Carol 193 .\l cCarty, Dave 66, 67, 72, 152 McCarty, Jim 115, 131, 193 ::\IcCarty, John 170 McCarty, Larry 115, 193 Me arty, ;\like 131, 152 :\lc lain, Dean 124, 193 :\lc lain, \lax 121, 152 \1cClure, fax 185 \lc ·ollock, Mike 119, 185 \lcConnell, Richard 152 \lcCord, Joe 28, 55, 103, 170 l\lcCormack, Don 170 ::'llcCown, Janey 193 Me own, teve 185 Me oy, Kenneth 72, 114, 170 i\lcCullar, Roland 152 McCulley, Donna 193 i\1cDaniel, Larry 47, 193 \lcDowell, George 114, 119, 131, 170 :'\1cDowell, Joyce 185 \1cEwin, Vicky 193
.\Iiller, Larry 55, 171 lillt•r, \tartha 58, 126, 131, 153 :.\Iillt•r, ~Iichelle 191 Millt•r, Mikt· ll2, ll8, 138, 153 l\Iillt:r, Ralph 153 Millt'r, Stan 181Milligan, Terry 28, 47, 78, 184 Mill~. Bill 73, 171 Mill~. Gary 191 fill~, Johnny 47, 153 .\fills, ~Irs. '\ladgt• 36, 64, 68 .\tills, Rod l8l l\Iill", Tommy 191 Milton, nn 58, 194 .\lim., La nita 51, 65, 71, 171 Mi~kov«hy, Carol 27, 58, 72, 171 Mitchell, Bewrly 22, 51, 77, 171 \litchell, Carol 184 :'\litdwll, Don 191 1itchell, Jim 171 i\litchell, '-,ue 51, 64, 77, 153 lock, Vicky 14, 41, 51, 171 ::'llon'crief, Vince 131, 132, 171 Moodie, Randy 47, 77, 171 lontj!:onwry, Larry 184 Montgomery, Robert 171 \1oodie, nn 51, 191 Moodie, Bob 55, 171 \1oodie, Bruce 181 Moody, Dec Ann 51, 194 .\Ioody, Mr. Homt'r 24 Moore, Barbara H, 153 Moore, James 191Moore, Larry 171 Moore, Lyman 55, 194 ;'\loore, 1r.... ola 42 Moore, Okee 55 .\Ioore, Ralph 184 .\loore, Sandra 32, 51, 69, 153 .\1oore, uzanne 58, 153 !\forelock, Diane 58, 194 .\forelock, ~ tne 112, 114, 131, 153 Morey, ~ andra 51, 184 Morgan, Connie 51, 194 Morgan, Donna 58, 171 Morgan, Iri Kay 184 Morgan, Karen 51, 185 Morgan, Marie 58, 191 Morin, Brett 68, 74, 118, 153 Iorin, Vic 171 .\1orri , ] im 191 1\torri., Judy 51, 55, 71, 171 1orri~•• andra 51, 76, 185 1orrow, Don 153 to...eley, Claudia 171 Mo~ , Ray 129, 194 Moutray, David 171 Muir, ue 28, 185 Mull, Janice 58, 154 Mullenix, Bob 171 Mulligan, :\like 115 ;\full in~. Joan 58, 154 Mun•ingrr, Lynn 58. 185 1urphy, Don 47, 185 \lurphy, Judv 51, 154 Murray, .\Irs. Winnie 20, 65, 91 l\lurray, Dan 171 Mu•allam, Janet 51, 194 Mu allam, ue 51, 66, 77, 78, 100, 171 1uzny, Barbara 58, 194 luzny, B<'lty 58, 171 ~lyer.-, Barbara 185 Myers, Homt•r 47, 171 l\lythen, Jim 154
ance, Barbara 58, 194 Nance, Bill 114, 171 ance, Gene 185 ance, !arion 27, 65, 101, 171 ance, Paula 51, 70, 154, 162 Nance, Vickie 171 ay, David 45, 55, 102, 185 Nay, Jan 45, 51, 74, 154
33, 41, 76, 140
.St. Dizier, :\lr. Rodney 38, 73, 77 ~t. Dizier, Cheryl 59, 196 St. John, Jay Ill, 187 tcadley, Jane nn 52, 70, 131, 158 Stt•adley, Kathryn 71, 127, 131, 175 ~team•, Larry 65, 101, 175 .._te le, Pat 59, 78, 187 ._ teelman, David 6l, 77, 158 Stt"er, Twylla 52, 195 ~ tt·inbrck, Loui e 52, 71, 175 Stephenron, David 158 Stcphcn<~on, Ronnie 55, 175 Steven , George 90, 117, 131, 175 tnen", Joanna 76, 78, 175 , tevt·n~. John 52, 114, 187 Sten:n", Lawrence 196 ._ teH·n~, Ron 196 Steven!<, ~ haron 66, 187 Ieven<~, Tom 61, 77, 158 Stewart, Bobby 187 tewart, Fred 1H, 187 tewart, . hirley 59, 77, 175 Ltewart, Sue 59, 196 , tewart, ue 126, 131, 175 '-llk-, Ronnie 78, 175 tone, Carolyn 59, 76, 78, 187 ~tone, Owen 187 tory, Wanda 52, 70, 159 Stott", Virgil 187 Strahl, J a me· 55, 159 trand, Judy 52, 78, 159 tratton, Ray 159 trickland, Lonnie 175 trong, . teve 55, 124, 159 ._ ty It--, Janet 187 ugg", Tinda 159 ullhan, Tre"a 27, 72, 73, 175 utton, • ancy 59, 187 wa1m, Mike 196 wain, Anne 59, 71, 187 wain, Lynne 73, 74, 89, 159 wartzendruber, ue Ann 59, 196 wift, \lary Ann 196 wihart, haron 196 Syke , Becky 76, 187
Tanner, Carolyn 71, 159 Tatum, Kay 27, 55, 63, 159 Tatum, Linda 52, 63, 187 Taylor, Betty 59, 73, 78, 159 Taylor, ~li<~ Dori N. 36, 43, 51, 177 Taylor, ~lr<~. Dori 42 Taylor, Judi 79, 188 Taylor, ~1iss Lucile 39, 64 Taylor, :\lary 52, 77, 175 Taylor, Ruth Anne 52, 175 Taylor, ._ cott 196 Taylor, Win ton 175 Teague, ancy 52, 68, 74, 159 Teed, Bill 55, 72, 159 Teet , Philip 46, 64, 72, 159 Teigen, Bill 76, 112, 117, 159 Telford, u..,an 59, 71, 188 Templin, Don 196 Terrell, ::\1ary 52, 188 Terry, Karen 59, 188 Thoma. , Denni 188 Thoma., Donna 196 Thomas, Edna 175 Thoma!', Melinda Jo 28, 64, 68, 159 Thoma•, Pat 59, 175 Thoma , ue 52, 196 Thoma<~on, Bill 175 Thoma on, Richard 115 Thomp on, Anita 52, 74, 175 Thompson, Beverly 59, 188 • Thomp on, Beverly 175 Thomp on, Clarrie 196 Thomp~on. David 55, 63, 79, 188 Thomp!On, Dean 59, 74, 196 Thompson, Donella 59, 196 Thompson, Judy l96 Thomp•on, Julie .52, 196
~ghcim, ~) f!, Dan
Gayle 59, 196 55. 188 Ytmn)!. ma 59. 126, 131 .....-.r.cv · t+Ull~. Tri-.ha 59, 61, 61, 162 ) mmg, "oOd) 77, 79. 131, 132 Yount Joe 7(\ Wade, Jerry 160 Wade, Judy 175 Wade, Paula 59, 196 Wacle, Phil 188 Wagner, Judy 7-1-, 84, 99, 160 Wa~~oner, Victor 175 Waldrip, Mike 196 Waldrop, Luann 160
z ZdhH'ger, "lurley 196 Zilar, Da' id 188 Zmn. Tim 55, 1% Zuko,,-.ki, Billir 188
. """