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Dear Northwest. Classen 1 bral'e and bold, We will alu:a s sing our praises To the Purple and the Gold.
Our love will be your glory, Your honor will be our goal, Though the years go swiftly by us.
The emblem of proud Knighthood
our heart.~.
Published by: TaylorD Publishin g C ompany alias. Texas
One of the plea ant after-hours chore that come to teacher i checking: in new book for the department. \1is Kathrine Gib on. :\1r. idney Ohmart. \1r . Hazel LiYin:r ton.
\1i. Ann Whitehead, and \1r. Gordon Erik¡ en are all . mil a th ) add \ olume to the Engli h department librar). orne 2.000 new \ olumes replenished the suppl) thi. ) ar.
Pre-game spmt never hits a ~nag. Traditionally players emerge through a hoop of purple and gold. :v.~ Phyllene kim C). head cheerleader. print on to the fie!clfJ"'
followed b) the yellinge. t yeller that ever yelled a Knightland yelL Jerl)n Davie;, Betty Dixon. Jeanie ooper. J ud, Elli , aria Ki. . Linda La\\ on.
~t-f ,
pirited pep rallie!': 2.000 voice . some deep and hoomin:r. others shrill and piercing - blend to produce a din which stimulate excitement. gu to. and lo) alty. Book". Je._ ons.
and other \\ orrie are momentaril · pushed a ide a!' fenent Knight and Ladie embolden their tt•anh to f! reater t•xploit-.. \t•ar tlw t·lo'-t' of tht' da~ rallie-. re\ i\1· la~~ in :r Jo~ alt).
High chool day time. A they peed - graduation, each new and fuller life.
are a race agam t toward the climax enior dream of a . ew \ i ta bloom
with increa ed happine , but greater re pon ibilitie . Tew face and new friend flood in dimming fond memories, hut ne\ er changing them.
Truly this i our 1ear to remember. To have been cho en to host the 1961 ational Convention of tudent Council bring an honor and a privilege to Oklahoma, Oklahoma City high schools, and orthu·est Cia sen's tudent Council that comes but once each 50 years. In appreciation of the goals achiet·ed and the high tandard of leadership demonstrated by our stuilent council, the Round Table staff dedicates the 1961 edition to this energetic organization. This elected body, under the dynamic direction of Miss Kathleen Ou·en, in six, short, action-packed years has conceived and brought to succes ful fruition many project that set 'orthwest Classen apart and above being just another school. tudent government, as repre e1zted by tudent Councils, means that each student has q voice in directing ll'hat goe on in his school. Thi is democracy in action.
In A.nightland elections are taken seriously. Ez·ery effort is made to elect competent student leaders to create new cu toms. carry on e tablished ideals and traditions, and as ume respon ibilities inherent to A.m~htland. Great inspiration has been imparted by the prospect of being ho I to student leaders from throughout the land. ELeryone in Knight/and has tried to do just a little better than his best in preparing for the 25th annual A C conclave. Leaders from other Oklahoma City high schools shared in planning the conference and filling committee positions. The entire community entered into the excitement attendant to this momentous occasion. lVew impression of Oklahoma zure carried at~ay by some 800 delegates from distant places. It's our fondest de ire that one of these will be a lasting memory of the friendliness of Oklahoman • and \ W Cia en.
Three Oklahoma !'.chool youths wield decL ion-makin~r j!a\eL, Larry tearns, Pre ident A C ; David emecek, Capitol Hill High chool, Pre~ident S \ C ; D a\ e Landholt, lloldcJnille High c h o o I, Pre,idcnt Oklahoma \-.-.ociation.
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Early in the year tudents made th.tf: i iofo and promote Honor in their dailyl.lh: at orthwe t Cia en. Our Honor y tern' va t oenefits to each of u became a meaningful realit} a. the months pa. ed. Our intere~t in community program, extracurricular activities, and the athletic program brought pride and friendline.s to our. chool. When we leave orthwe~t Clas en we will hold many memories. Perhap the fonde t i thaf of achievement. The 25th Annual Conference of rational k ociation of tudent ouncils, during June, 1961, will be a la~ting
o th tal wart â&#x20AC;˘ o"rtn\?est Cla.sen and Oklahoma. W-')~ We ~ dn- 1on ~ur our mdiual de tinie inspired by the example of a . tudent body earne tly . triving for a finer future. It ha been the de\"oted effort of each of you that ha made 1961 truly '¡OUR YEAR TO REMK\1BER." When and where\er we rna) meet a"'ain, I . hall know you by your mile. God ble~ you.
Re pectfully.
tudent-body pre ident
Views That Stir Memories
In geometric preci'IOn. rectanglf¡~ catch lighh and ~hadO\\' and hlt-nd the tone~ of green and huff on the halcon) ahow
the homemal.ing area. The iron lace hannistt'r lend-. intere ting pattern-. ~hen ~unlight fill the area.
and lie listening
In "harp relief against the blue, the tall white chimney of the heating plant dominates the ~kyline.
The Summer Scene Simmers Silently
hielded from street traffic on all sides, thi~ laboratory, journalism, speech, mu~ic, husines
Awaiting Life and Laughter
In memory of Jackie Wrij!;ht, in~piration for the .\lillion-Penny Canct·r Ht•st•arch Fund this plaqut' hil-(hlip:hts' our \lt'morial patio.
Behind the symmetry of this dapper front lies the physical education plant. All student!; partiCipate in S01Jlt• for111 of ph}sical fitnt•ss, f!)lll, h}l-(it•flt•, or spoil'. Jt (1111\itft•, st•ating for 2000, and is the scent• of Jlt'JI rallic•, IJa,kcthall games, and graduation.
Patio Plantings Show Fine Growth d
creep ~hnlly aero-... the patio, ger longt•r on the trek between patio providt.. a popular «hort
cut. The Ill'\\ fountain contrihutt•.. to the gnm ing beauty of the ~pace. It spla~he .. in tundul rhythmi!' lan{!:uor that prinkle.. stardu .. t on the air.
Here Nothing Stands Still orthwt:-.t Cla-.-.en face .. '-<mthwc-.t with th..: main entrance accented by a pylon of red synthetic •ranite, prominently di-.pla}ing a clock. ~trong,
11uare -.pace make a striking pattern between the "hadow~ parallelinl! the wall of the .. hop building blendin~ l!rt't'n and huff.
~ the moment at the conclusio~ of home games when our ~ -' 1 r
l'l.'flf».KJ~r...'"~~ I d~ • 7 ~-
. a.
hundreds of Joices blended in singing Alma Mater. ~ ./ I ./ ~J ,t.-t......,.vr) our staff members have worked earnestly to pro-
r y ' duce a comprehensic·e record of the 1960-61 school
~ .~
. t remem ber.I' 'Jear-"0 ur 'year
WJ..~WL.f-£1:'.;1 ~~-
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starfdi'JJI achievement , But we feel this 'y ear in which
,......-c-zt.e ho ·ted yo'uth leaders from far arzd near zrz the
1,--<- ~ tuenty-fi{ih \ 4 t· corzferenc/
~ ~ ~ L4
, L verJ year sees our;-
1- ~ Jefo...
~; if,./ /I
brought rzew experiences
Lfo in confidence. A production the size of the 1 ()1 .fl_ozm4 Table,
tchich is the large t yearbook we hate had, repre ents some eighteen month of dedicated zwrk and planning with
in mind. Many of the taff member have
contributed their fourth year to the endeavor. This devotion represents a sacrifice for them since this work mu ·t be done without credit toward graduation after tu:o ')ear of journalism . But man) events that have influenced our lives during this )ear zrould fade from memory but for being perpetuated in the pages of the Round Table. It i our purpo. e to help you remember events that made this. - "0 ur
1 ear
to renzenz ber.I''
J. FH\\"
\1\1.0\~~ .
orth\\t''' ua~-t ·n llr~h ( hool
\lr. Otto F. Thompson, Ward Two, Pre~ident, Board of Education
\lr. Phil C. Bennett, \!ember-at-Large, Vice-president
\fr... Warren F. Welch, Ward One, :\!ember
\lr. William F. Lott, Ward Three, .\lcmbcr
Dr. .\!elvin W. Barne,, uperintendent Oklahoma Cit} Public ~chool~
Mr. Luke F. kagg~. Jr. Ward Four, \lember
ORGA \IZ \.TIO:\ -~inn 1\.almon. Editor. Judy PEP CLLB
-Tom Knott. Editor. Pat ) Loeffler. 1\.aren lack
Vicky Mo k. Editor. \ancy Ell worth, Judy He ter. Ann Huckabay
E K\IGHT -Linda 1\.imherlin, Peggy pi\ey QLIRE - Jemm L)nne OJ on. Jackie Tillman HER \.LD all) Brady. Janet ieber P \GE -Linda \nderson. Jo ,\nn Johnson. Barbara Wilki on
John Garri on. Rex Kennard. Editors.
\lr.. en a artin. Publication director \lr. h in Bq an. Bu iness manager \lis Elizabeth rm ton. Art director
WE WILL ALWAY Or[!.anizatwn s
Cia. ses
I DE\.
acuity - Curriculum By interpreting tht' pa-.t. explainin" the pre ...ent. !'haping tlw futurr. facult~ ancl curri<"ulum pia~ an important part in the formation of ~tudent•: pt•r;;J>eC't h t' of the world.
Q \LITY rf'cognition education. Education"
EDUCATJO orthwe-.t C 1 a "en has received ... tall• widE' and nationally for. it program of quality Parent·T •achf'r· tudent sociation cho e "Quality a-. thi- }Par', tlwnw.
· Dear Northwest Classen,, ,
• • •
Rt>cHJ!nition of our faculty i-. -.ho\\n h} tht' PT ' \ -.pon'-Ored faeult) appn·ciation dinner.
r\1R. C. OLE.
GREETI'\G . f.... IGHT
A. D LADlE :
I am privileged to ha\ e thi" opportunity to greet you and \\i. h ) ou . . uc·c e . . s in all your enclea,·or!'. E,·en though I ha\ e heen as. ociated \\ ith you for a hort period of time. I feel a ... if I haH' known )OU much lonaer. From the 'ery fir t day of . hool I ob erved and en-.ed the friendh attitude that JHC\ ails here at \orth\\e ....l Cia sen High chool. Thi 1. truly an out· ... Landin" attribute of our . tudenL. incerit). combined "ith friendline'- . 1 what disLin!!ui ... hc our tuclenh from other.... ) ou approach ever) La k with poi ~ e. dignity and inceril). You are en~aaed in the fine t educational acti' ities of any . chool an) where and it i the re ult of your willing· ne« lo \\ ork tog ther and \\ ith teacher in '- •lecting and completing worthwhile objective . When I refer to
educational acti\ itie I include all pha. e" of OtH school program. ;nduding the academic area . . extracurricular acli\ ities. and ,porL. I am confident that our ucce, individually and a a . chool i ('nhanced b) the fact that \\ • have a purpose or \\ orthy goal. Out tanding r ognition does not mert'l) happen: in tea d. it come" to tho \\ ho plan \\ ith a purpo e. value high ideals and appreciate the finer a"-J>C<.l of our !'ociety. Our "chool pro· gram i !;treamlined to meet the ne d. of today' ~tu denl . It i rich in learning opportunitie;.. leadership outlet and the privilege of practicing "ood citizen, hip. \V hale\er your life goa),. may be ) ou ,dJl find ample mean for development.
Our competent coun~eling taff i" rompo~ed of \lr. Frank James, Mr. Duane Weinert, \li Rrth.t \\ aw llult•t, and \Ir. Jim John-on.
Vigilance and Devotion Truly Characterize Our Counselors dequatl' guidance coun elin!! i e<.•mlial to a program of quality echJC'ation. ·nder,.,tancling each indi' idual as an incH' idual i eli ffiC'ult in tocla~' complex \\ orld. Test..: aid in plaring !'tudent~ \\hc•n• the~ \\ill arhie\P. to fulle.-.t capacity emotionally. aC'ademicall~. and ociall). Te t are at o given upon request of <;tuclent". parent.. or teacher to help indiYiduals make proper adju<;tnwnt'-'. Coun-.elor" help plan "checlule" to enahle graduates to go to collecrc ucce-. fully. or enter the profe... ion of their choice \\ith confidence in succe .
\ti Berniece We~ter, Junior Coun elor, new to Knt!-!hts and I tdit•s this \t'ar. came to U• from Central High chool which. ha~ been her home for 17 years. Five of those 17 years :'\Iiss '\\'e~tcr wa<: a coun<>elor, the other 12 year· were pent in the ph} sieal education dt•part nwnt.
Tn·ichler, erretar) to llr. Labor
\lr . Laun•ttu Iauffer, ecretary to llr. l!alone
Courtesy, Friendliness Encouraged by Office Staff Help Newcomers
\Ir . Delma IIarri , Attendance Secretary
:\Iaintaining a file on the three A·~ - Accompli~hment~. Aptitudes. and ttitude · of each hnightlander, compiled ~ in<'e the time he "a~ in elenwntaq "chool. demand:; careful chec-king. Thi information. a\ailahlt· for college· ~tudent plan to allend or to pro~pective cmplo~ n~ upon requc"t. i~ kept up to dat<' by a taff of dedicated secretarie~. A copy of each ~tudent \, program i on file ;,o that he <"an he located. if neces;-ar). at any time during the day. A "eekly bulletin i~ compiled Lo inform ~tudent-., and tea<" hers of the program for the following week. Checking daily allendance and di ciplinary case i~ \ita! to a \\ell conducted daily program.
:\Jr.... :\lary llankl"), Rt•gistrar
Mrs. Dori Taylor, Financial Secretary
Activities Abbreviate the Day ~ti"'" Kathleen o~\ en, Director of < lJVJties. co-ordinate all
extracurricular ~vent to make a smooth-running ~ocial pro~ram. Last ummcr at the ~ational As~;ociation of tudent Council Corn ention. \ti.... Owen had the honor of being elected "Mi tudent Council. U I\." ocial activitie ha\·e been designed to impart to Knight and Ladie"' a certain amount of poi. e and . elf-as~;urance \\hich will be imaluable in dealing with other person as they meet life.
"Knight~ Korner" or "!\li Owen'., little rornt•r of 1\'WC" i a popuhr place for Knight and Ladie~ to congregate. Brenda ·walker and I inda Gatewood "<·rm to ha'c topped Mi% Owen to how and remind her of that \('11' special date, JL E 18, 1961.
\ fl KA TIII EE B. OWE'l: Director of \ ctivitic~; member, Pilot Club, • tudcnt cthitie~. Public Relation~. Publicitv, Honor tud\ Hall, Fund Rai~ ing, A"s~mhly committee~; sponor, tudcnt Council, Pt>p Counc-il. \li~~ 0\\ c•n attc·ndrd the '60 \ \~C Confc·n·rH;c• at Jane~\illt•, Wis., ~tate tudent Council work hop at . tillwater, Okla., Nat'l. Leadcr-.hip Conference at E te-.. Park, Colo.. la t ummer.
.\Ieeting '~ith \Ir. Gerald :\1. \ an Pool, foremost authority on ~tudent activitit•.., for 'tudt•nt council.., are nwmhcr-.. of thr PT._, \ . \ Ir. Van Pool v. as gue--t -..peaker at a meeting to plan the ational A"odatinn of tudc·nt Council .omention. June 18-22, 1961, at orthwe,t Qa..scn.
Those who keep Knightland a clean and afr place in which to learn are Raymond 1\fayfield, Jame~ Keith, Harvey Crawford, Bcrmlcy "imm , Roscoe Braird, Landon mith, front rott·; am Teague, Ivan Bre~on, Ruth Riggle, . C. Philpot, Herman Phillip. , Roy Bland.
keeping four block of corridor clean and warm and 2000 kids "ell fed is the goal and duty of the custodians and 1·aft•teria staff. nder t h c direction of \1r . Katherine Price, upenio;or of cafeteria. the staff prepare a variety of menu -.eler.tions -.cned during the fi\C lunch period (ach da). ixteen flootmen. unclc·r the supen·i ion of \1r. han Bet•...on and hi. a sistant. \Ir. am Teatrue. clean and maintain the . chool in \\orking condition all through tht> ) ear. The campus i kept up through the ummer month" and knightlander are proud of their \\ell-kept campu \\hen \ i it or come.
Cobweb Chasers and Culinary Creators, Unsung Guardians
Mrs. Katherine Price, cafeteria manager, plans and prepares weekly menus, ordt·r~ supplie~, and <ees that all thin!!~ "food·wi~t·" run ~moothly.
One thing that's nice about eating at schoolthe di<he are done afterwards! Krrping the kitchen !'>potle s i~ a demanding ta~k. which, neverthele~s, i done very well.
Beside the privilege of going to a •chool that's kept ~pic and span, Knightlanders an• a].,o wt'll ft·d. Ll\ t'll.t \ o.,.,, J,•.,.,it• Dar., I. \\ aiha \ustin, Julia Wallace, Amy Kirkland, Zelia Lowe, Vera Cowan, Anna check, Iatilda Tilly, Ida check, Eli7ahrth Butlt'r, \ t'!tie ) oung are :\I r~. Price' able a sis t an t ~. The modern kitchen expedites ta~b.
~IR~. CORTEZ < OPITER: \lc·rnlwr, Tc•aclwr Courte y Club, 0 \HPER. "afc•tv, \c·tivitv comulittc·c·s: pon•or, Court Jc• tc r ; Girl"' "0'' CluJ;. '-'umnw~ activitie included trip through the \\ ~·.
\IN·-, \1 \RG \HET DOt'-~ ETT: ~lt·mher, OAHPER, ~AHPER; -..pon-..or, ourt Jc• ... ter-..; GirJ...' "0" Cluh. ~ummcr ucthitie included workin~r ,,.., -..c·nior n·cn•ution lc•lldt•r ,It 1\tc-Kinlc•v l',u k. :\11{
C\RROLJ "-\Ill I·H: :\lc·mhl'l. 0\IIPEH, "IIPEH: tn('l•er continued working .Ill throuJ!h thl' ummer.
Physical Education Offers a Break 1n the Day E, er~ hour of an~ cht) ai1) one "ho happens dcm n corridor... • unci D can hear "ound" of crarking honl'"'· . training mu"l'le ... and hanrrin« hodie" of future athletec;. Becau"e of the fac;t pare of prc,ent day li' in~ and the emphac;i" on academic "ork. tucknt heeomc ho~gPd-do\\ n and find it difficult to make time for phy ical exercise. Qual it~ EduC'ation t>xt1•nds ht') oncl acadl'mic achieH'nwnt to ph) !--ical fittll'"'-· 11w ph~ >-iC'al education department offt•rs tht> folio" inf! cour--es: a re~ular actiYity program for ho) s and girl.. hC'ginning c;port . and ad' ancecl "Port .... modern dance. tumhling. and ln giene. Intramural ... are a I .., o 'er) popular amon~ 1\.ni~ht. and Ladit•s. Bo,._' athlt>tic prof.'Tam include·... ha~c·hall. basketbaiL cross c·ountl'). foothaiL golf, S\ imming. tennis. track and \He ... tling .•\ch an!'C'd program for femme di' ided into t\\o clas._c.... individual c;port and team port..
La t umm('r the latt· t craze wu" the trampoline center. ..WC'.. Phy ical Education Department has it. own trampolinr· rl'ntn. Pictured on tht• trampolint• arc Florrie Hollo· way and ~ ue Tlwmu .
Coach Don \an Pool t·cm., to ~ay, '"1\e heen teaching the~e boy I had that 70 foot <-hot wa~n 't 'bad, '-onn) ."
better than I thought
Contemplatinp: past and future games and actnitu•s is Knil!htland'-. coachinp: -.t,Iff. :\lr. D,nid Tiokt•, lt>nni'; \Jr. Carro I '-mt 1'-t'r, athletic" director; Mr. Jerry Hayne-., football; ~Ir. Rt·x Irwin, football und tra!'k; .\lr. Don VanPool, ba'<kt>tball; \lr. Leonard :'\Iarcotte, wre,..tling; ;\1r. Cia; ton Davi', ha,..ehall; and Mr. Paul Crowe, swimming.
Coaches, Nurse Combine Efforts ~ hether it'
a ~kin ned knee. mea.,.le . mump . a math test. "Pring f., cr. or ne d of melling a It" after deadlines or rehear..,aL. \1rs. ola \1oore i. alwa) on hand. Taking care of the ick and injured L not all "he doe-.. Other duties in('lude !'Up<•ni..,ing dental in"JH'Ction" for all ninth grader. and helping owners locate lo. t item . . Being a coach i not an ei~ht hour-a-da) propo. ition but extends into many after-~chool hour" and through all !'Ca. on .. Patienct•. under..,tanding. and per-.c\ crane<' characterize orth\\ e.t Cia en' mentor~. o athlete is entrusted to judge hi mHl degre of ph) sica! fitn s. Any evidence of les than tip top health is reported to the nur--e. Player mu . t have health clearance.
Paper work i only part of .\Jr... Nola \loon•'" dutie-- as school nur't', memhl'r of "aft>!}. I.ork<'r', and "tud<'nl \Vt'lfare ommit · tees, and "pon"or of Junior \1edic Club. Buying a farm in Arkan a wa" among hl'r activitie Ia. t "umm<'r.
MISS GLADYS HEPARD: Spon or, "enior cia s. fi~ hepard attended ~ummer chool at Colorado tate college, Greeley; NEA conference in St. Loui this fall.
OPHELI\ BY\RS: :\ft•mher, A UW, Delta Kappa Gamma, ·c . , Women Dinner Club; pon.,or, Coronet., Pep rounril, ~ umnwr activitic included a tour of South America. :\IR. CL Y DA VI : pon,or, Boy~· ''0" rlub, Junior rla~ . Mr. D,n i., pent hi ummer workin~ on the Y\IC Ba eball Program. ;\lR. 'TEPIIE ELLI : \Iemher, OCSS, Calendar Activitie committee; !ipon or, Falcon . ummer acthitie~. work hop, CPntral tate Colle~r.
;\fR. JERRY H \ 'r E : \1embcr, Parkin~, tu· dent Welfare committee ; pon or, Boys' "0" club. IR. . DOROTHY \' i~ual committee;
Elli Robertson
PE LE: 1\lemb r, Y-Tecn.
MI . JEA E RIPPEE: Icmher, ocial com· mittee; ... pon ...or, YTK, Y-Tc ·n , ophomore cia ..
1R . PAT ROBERT. 0 : It·mber, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Alpha Theta, Delta Phi lpha, Kappa Delta Pi, :\Iortar Board; "POn ...or, oronet , • tudt•nt council. 1R. DO. \A POOL: Member, Okla. tate Coache ~'-n., Profe,.-.ional committee; "POll. or, Boy·.' ''0" Oub. :\lr. Van Pool taul!ht urruner -.chon! at Central High chool la t ummer.
hepard Haynes Van Pool
Byar Peale Walker
Davis Rippee Wallace
:\fR "· P \l I I E WALKER: '\lember, Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Lambda Theta, lpha Phi igma, Library, Honor study hall committee·; ponsor, Junior cia . MR. GALE W LLA E: Member, C. , Faculty, Planning, Guidance and Coun eling committer ; spon,or, Falcon". '-,ummer acthitie , graduate work at Central 'tate 'College.
Perspective Formed by Study of Past Aim of the ocial tudie department i to help tudent adju t to political, . ociaL and economic condition they will meet in a democracy. By lookinn- hack into th pa t. tudent gain appreciation and under ... tanding of their heritage which \\ill help them to become u. eful citizen of tomorrow. our. e offer an under tanding of today' event and en· courage an attitude of respon. ihility in upportin~ mer i c an in titution . Cour e offered: Oklahoma hi tory, chic , World and American hi tory, world and ocial problem . p ychology. Jane Lawson and :\Ialcolm Haney look through Oklahoma 5craphook prepared as cia projt•cts by Mi~ Lucile Taylor' Oklahoma hi tor> class of 1957 and 1958 and pre· ented to the Oklahoma room of the library.
BBB; librarians Solve Problem "Bring back Book " wa. th • .logan used by librarian when they launched the program to try to rec<ncr . ome 600 book which were mis. ing from . helves at the be~innin~ of school Ia t fall. The plan did not bring in all books hut did add ome donation and lost hooks to our shelve. . ome 1391 ne\\ book were added thi . ummer. \\hen knight and Ladie-. returned to s( hool la. t fall ..,uch new book a-, the he t -.elling "'Hawaii"' and "Ad, i"e and on. en t., \\ere on the she he-.. uch reference book. a. the 5 I 'olume et of "Great Book. of the \\ e-,tern World,'' ''Van \'o. trand Chemi,.tr) Dictionary." Life \Ia;.razine'!-1 ··~ orld'!-i Great Religion.," .. Britannica \\ orld Lanrruage Dictionary." and ·· mith. onian Trea Uf) of c.ience" were added to the -.hehe . Facilitie of the library and en ice of the librarian are alwa~ aYailable to tudenl . Tho e on the library , taff are reach lo as i. t in any way they can a student ha on!) to a k for help. Resources of the lihrar} include more than 15.000 book of all kind and sub cription lo more than 65 magazine .
Doughty MR . '\LMA ian; Member, Library, Great Committee ;
Keeping new magazine out on the ruck und old one~ on file i~ quite a ta k. Here Donna Thoma and :\largaret Duncan file old i...... ue~ for future reference . .:\lagazine are kept on file from three to fhe )Car~.
Memorial Room Holds Treasures
Gay G. DO GIITY: LibrarDelta Kappa Gamma, Book., tudent ouncil pon or, Library lub.
. ETHEL G Y: A~ ociate Librari,m; member, Okla. ity Librarian~, PEO, Great Boob, Libra!') ommittee-.; . pon or, OSL \, Libra!')· club. ummer acthiue~. trip through the -.uuthern '-late~ and the Bahama ..
City library rna} ha\e it!'; Charlt'~ France room, niver...ity of Oklahoma may have it-- DcColyer collt-rtion. but ortlnH'~t CJa.,,t•n ha., its -\nton H. and Ella D. Clas~en memorial room. Here ~lr .... Alma Duu~ht} and .:\lno. Ethel Ga} look over the "Portrait Book of Pre:,.ident._'' in the memorial room.
ttve Ender-, 1 WC for a fir .. t plat· • I" it. • of bv the Oklahoma Banker Hi 300 word C"-U) on .. \\h) I'm Proud to Be an Oklahoman" wa~ drost·n by the Engli-.h dt•partnwnt lb WC\ entry in the cont t. !:'tall' judging will he handlt>d h) the ...'<"hool of Journalism of the l ' nht·r,ity of Oklahoma. tevc gained encouragement and aid from Mr . Hazel Lhing ton.
Rourkf. Gih..on Oakt>s
~ Theme Approach ' Keynotes City
High School English Departments
~11 ...., HEIr BOt RKF· Mt•mbt r. comnuttt·t•: "pon,or. Jr Rt·d Cro,~.
dwl.rr,hip and
:\IR•. \liRL\~1 Bl' RTO. ' : \lemlh'r, OE~. Dt•lta Delta, OCTE, Kappa Kappa lot Proft.>'innal. Gnat Books t·ommittee ... ~IR.
(,ORDO FHIK E'\: \lembt r, tudt•nt Counr.il, Planning, Arh and Dt·t·or tlllllh t'ommittt es: -,pon,or, F1kon-..
\11.._..., K\TIIEHI\E GilbO\: \lt>mlwr, tltolar.. lup anti Award", \at10nal Honor <H'lt t~ committee'; --pon-.or, ational Honor odt'ly. \fi.,.., (;iJ.,on tra\t'kd thrnul!h eu-.tern { nitt•d "tales lao;t '-UI mer. \IR....,, II \/Fl Ll\'1\(..._1 0\: \lt•rnll<'r, Dt'lt 1 Kappa Gamma, CTE I '' ,urnrnt·r \Jr... I h in!!,lon atlt'nded r "\t \\-.paper worl..-.hrp at l nht•r,it\ of Iowa. ~IR".
\lADGE ~III .I : \lt•mber. "tudt nt Council, Library commillet,: -.pon-.or, 'I TK. \ational Honor iet).
MR . OL \ ~IAE 0 \KF": \lt·mber, Ar.th it it·,, "tutlt·nt Council I'Ommiltt·t .. ; -.pon-.or, Courlt''Y luh. junior d.r ..... :\IR. ~JD\EY OH~I \RT: Member, "<CTE, OCT£, '\utional Honor O('it'l) committee; !ipon"'r, Lancer-.. !:'iummer activities included ~raduate work at Central ~tate College.
Erik .. t"n till.;
Burton Li,in g-.ton Ohmart
\lH" . .\1 \BEL P \RK: Mt•mlwr, A \UW, Wonwns Dinnt•r Cluh, romrnittee.
Re~ i•·"'t' r" Cott·rit· Book Cluh, cholarship and Award ~ummcr acti~itie included a trip to the ''...'rookies."
:\II ' L!:'I.U \ ':>KIU.\IORE: l\Icmbcr, Mortar Board, Kappa llt'lta P1, Sigma Tau Delta, Phi Alpha Tlwta, OCTE; pon. or, Coroneh, Ire hman dass. Mi..,s Skidmore wa playground director for Okla. City Park Department la t summer. ~11 ' S DORI TAYLOR: .\I ember, Ddta Kappa Gamma, Phi :\lu, !::\tudy Club; "ponsor, Coronet~, "enior rlas-.. ' ummcr activi· tic included a trip to the Grand Canyon.
MR . GEORGE TEET : Member, OCTE, Profcs ional commit· tee; "ponsor, junior clas~. WARRA~l: :'\lemher, National Honor ' ot:iety com· mittt·c; . pon..,or, JCL, FTA, sophomore dass. La~t sumnwr Mr... Warram tra\cltd in California and Oregon.
:\IR . R TH
A WHITEHEAD: ~lemher, PEO, Dt•lta Delta; spon or, Court Jc-.tcr•, "ophomorc cla ... -. . .:\li-. Whitehead taught at Central High ~chool la~t ~ummer.
kidmore Warram
Park Teeb
Ta}lor Whitehead
English Cultivates the Mind
Convincin~ tudent. that the skillful
w•e of language i achiewd
through study and practice and improving their ability to think and communicate i a major concern of the Engli~h department. Headed b, \li s Katherine Gihson. the English department is WC' larrre t. Knight and Ladie cannot e cape Engli h -hut \\ ho would want to \\ ith the cour. offered at -orthwe t Clas en. Be~ide "regular" Engli~h cia .. e , tudent are offered bu ine~ . Engli h. creative writing. Great Book and journali m. Thi year for the fir t time orthwe t Cla en equipped four Engli h 'cia~ . room with an out tanding upply of fiction reading material and teachers are empha izing the theme approach. Thi i different in two way - student have reading material in the clas room, and the experience method i stre ed by involving tudent in more writing. In Engli h, time i given to the tudy of language mechanic , or grammar, including . entence tructure, punctuation, pelling and vocabulary. Literature occupie · a great deal of a tudent' time. When a Knightlander graduate , he ha a ound knowledge of author· including cott, Poe. O'Henry, Dicken , Browning. hakespeare, \lilton. and Eliot. Quality Education and a quality Engli h department aid in e tahli hing a quality curriculum.
One of the plea ant after-hour-. chore that come• to teachers is checking m new books for the department. 2\liss Gib~on, \Ir. Ohmart, ~1r... Lhing,.ton, Mi,. Whitehead, and Mr. Erik. en are all ... mile as they add ,olume to the English department library.
"~arge'' call-. the pla)" in the auxiliary class as students listen intently.
'\ew idea" and undt·r--tandin~ t•nlarge.., their outlook a
future journali-.t-..
£._lin!!:t'r watche-. 'ports editor, "'onny Childer, draw up hi pa~e layout.
Organization and Creativity Combined hirley Riley, Lynda Baumgarner, Ann Huckabay, John Garrison, and Chri Cahell, news writer-., c;;tudy the head '-chedule before writing headline for their to ric .... If heads don't count, head roll.
Tho e eager bea\er. often een currying down the halL , pencil and paper in hand, are probabl) HIELD taffer out for la. t minute torie to fill a hole gaping at them from page one. Ho\\e\ er, eeing tudent can page of the HIELD i a reward in it elf. .:\lemorie of tho e long, tediou hour are never forgotten. Journalist mu. t po es a mountain of ambition, a ton of imagination, a keen en. e of humor, a love of people, and plenty of tamma. Without the HIELD, orthwest Cia. en \\ ould be like a man without a voice. In state, national, and international competition, the hield ha received ten top award in thr e years. Intere ted exprec;;. ion appear on the face of Joe Aker and Mike ichols as they ob. ene Larry Chee\er, HIELD cartooni,.,t, at work.
JeanettP. Rrrvc~. new-. rditor; Kathy '\orris, a. r.istant new editor; "ue :\lus~al¡ lam, feature editor, tudy layout-. and read exchange~.
:\larie Hin ... haw, advcrti ... in~ manager, Beverly McQueen, ing manager, design an ad layout.
tC\C Peter,
istant advertis-
~ Sarge,'
Our Heads Don 't Count
Rummagin:r thruu:rh '-oun·e material for nt" 1dea-. i~ a daily rxerci ... e. •\d\ann•d ... tudcnt ... de~t·ning ... cniec har-. are \hi.t Hall 12), nn ·mith (4), Linda Kimberlin t2J, Barbara Wilkison 12), Tom Knott 12), and ''Sarge" ( '? J, fir-.t \ice-pn•-.ident in charge of confusion.
1rs. ·en a lone artin arge"
MR EVV \ ... ARTI \ : .:\fernher, :\. L W, Wall . trect Journal Fellow. OAJD, 'I PA, C ·P A, Public Relation. , Publicity, Fund Raising committee ; spon. or, OCIP \, FJA, FTA, Quill and '-troll. Member of Go,ernor\ Committee of OneHundred on Youth; named one of ten outstanding women of Oklahoma in 1959, by Theta ...·igma Phi. Summer activity wa ~chool at ni\ rsity of Colorado, on a Wall treet Journal grant.
"omt• -.Laffer ha\e witlhtood the hazard-. of H'arhooking for as many as four year-.. Repeater... are: \'ick\ M01·k t2), Winn Kalmon 12J \ann Culbert t:3J, and \ erna Auer 1:1). Con-.olation i the di ... pla> of a\\.trd-. that hedt·ck tlw \\;all ... of tht• journali-.m department.
Journalism Brings Words New Meanings
"Don't put hi face in the ~utter!" "Bleed that picture." "\lake ure there are no widow in that copy!" '·Ho\\ many character in that line?" \Vhen the'-'f' and imilar expre!''-ion. greet new )earhook staffers. they gasp. "I thi. j ournali m ?" Be~ide a ne\\ "lingo.'" a new \\ ay of life i adapted. o longer do ) ou go home at 3:35 or 1 or 1 :30 or e,·en 5 p.m. It's clo!'er to 5 a.m. Time. trouble. and tear combine to meet deadlin .• a . taffers draw layout.. write copy. and index endle. li. t.. The Round Table i entered in four competition each year. In four ) ear it ha. \\on eleven fir t place and highe_t honor certificate .
Knightlandn find out what "work" really is when they berome members of the Round Table staff. The rnmpo,urf' on the'e face~ i appropriatt• to hel!;innt·r~ who have nt•vt r lwt"n throuj!:h tht· trt·,~ and "train of a deadline. Judy Ilt",ter, "usan Gilmore, Felice Abram,on, Ann Huckabay, '\ancy Elbworth, Pam Volz, Judy Elli~. and ue Lyn Bumpas rt'fu,e to get neitrd.
Annual lnk-.linger' ball give journalists from all chools in the city a chance to compare idea . Reprt'"rnting ·we a Prince and Prince~ of Print were Rex Kennard and yhia Hall. Gathered around tlw hor~e ... hoe to collaborate on idea· are Jackie Tillman, Tom Knott, Linda Kimberlin, Barbara Wilki~on, Ann mith, Peggy . pivey, Jemme Lynn Olson, Linda nder,on, Pat. y Loeffler, Jo \nn John on, . yhia Hall, Karen , lack, ally Brady.
MRS. WILMA BIRD: !ember, American Cia.; ical League, Scholarship and wards committe'; o,ponsor, Cygnet , JCL, • ational Honor Society. Irs. Bird taught at Central High ~chool last ummer. :\IR. VIRGIL CALDWELL: :.\lember, Profc-.sional, Publicity, committees; :-pon... or, German Club, Honor I.an~uagl'. "iurnnwr activitie included a trip to ten We t Coast and Rocky .:\lountain . tales. \II AROL GRE J(,ER: lember, ij!ma Delta Pi, Social and CourtCs), Planning committee ; ~pon or, Cygnets, Band Girk La;.t ~ummer :.\li-.s Gn·niger attended ~ pani h Institute at 0 .
"1R. BILL H GHE : Member, American ~soc. of Teacher of French; spon ...or, Lancers. Mr. Hughc. attended .;\lodern Foreign Language Institute at l'nhersity of Colorado this urnmer.
.:\IR. LEO.:', ARD :\1 RCOTTE: .\fembcr, Alliance Francaisc Club, afcty and Health committee; pom.or, Boy ' "0'' Club, Honor Language. ~umnwr acthitie!S included attending ·l'cond Le\el Go\ernment Language In titute at Hollin Coll·ge, Virgmia. \II HE RIETTA 0 T -...GEL : pon-.or, "'ational Honor Society, Honor Language, frco,hman cia""· Bird Hughes
Caldwell Mar<.:ollc
Greniger Von Tungcln
Languages Are Passport to People and Places !-..night and Ladie realize that an important pha e of college preparation i tudy of one or more foreign language . Foreign language i not required for graduation, but at lea t l\\ o ) ear ' \\ ork in thi field i nece~"ary for admi. sion to man\ college . French, German. Latin and pani h are included in the curriculum at orthwf'st Ia en. During the fir..,t two ) ear . tudent learn ha. ic grammar, vo abular) and phonetic. . Third and fourth year tudents read nO\ el and com·er. e in the language. Attention
al o given to the country' cu tom and culture. even member language department , under the direction of Mis Henrietta Von Tungeln, make u e of modern equipment uch a tape recorder , film , . lide and the indi' idual in truction equipment of the language laboratory. Recent ad\ a nee in tran portation and communication have placed a growing importance on the undertanding of oth r people and their language , and . orne appr ciation of other cu tom e _ ntial.
Examming a di ... pla) of modds made h) Latin tudenh to depict life of the Ancient Roman E ... te ..., ondra Fl)nn, K!'nneth Li-. ... and :\lr-.. Wilma Bird, Latin in ... tructor.
are Margaret
:\IR. R. T. ~ICHOI : .\It•mbt•r, Communic•,ttion ..., A-. ... c-mblv rommittec-.; ;-,pon ...or, Announct'r ... ' Club, ... enior cJa....... I.a-.t ... umnwr \lr. C\ic-hol., attc•ndt•d 1 "pt·c•rh Educ.t· tor ... ' \\ork-hop at Ol 111d tiU\cled in Colorado.
Theatre Arts Exhibited 1n Drama Pt imary ohjecti\(~s of tlw , p<'eC'h departnwnt an:~ de\elopment of poi e. \Oice quality. good die tion and other C'haraf'teristics of a good peakt-r. Headed ln \h. R. T. 1'\ichol". , 1wech department offer a varict~ of cour<:e for "tudent" intere:.ted in peech. p akinp: and writing experi('tH'(' i ::rained from lwginninp: "Peech cla. s :-. Drama C'our-.e giH' :.tudent a kr!ow ledge of ter.hnique. of the amateur and profes ional theatre. a background of dramatic literature. and experience in actin.., ;nd directing. Other cour e:specialize in debate or hack ~tagc \\ork.
PaintinJ.( ... , t'llt'f) for tht• nt'xt ull--.rhool pia} are st.Ip:t• cn·w nwmlu·r-- Da\C Cronmell, Larr} Lemon and Rand) Lu-.k. John Pt•rf} and Tn· a ulli\ an uo..c a color frame to check -.hadt·o.. of paint.
"uund cfft'ch for tht• pia) ··Our Town'' re taped in ath..tncc and run during: tht' pt'rfnrmanre b; John Pen).
Performmg an cxpcrirntnt in the clwmi ... try lab are Sally .\lcrkl • and \ ince Moncrid. ncx· pecttd re-.ult were hilariou .. Fir~t place at tlw Oklahoma ( tt~ <"it•nn· Fair and top honor in the Junior [)i, i•ion ut tht> Oklahomi.l '-tilte Fair wt'r • amon~ the award-. \I ike Black won la-t t•ar. :\Iikt• dt•mon'-tratc•-, hi-. pmject to \lr. L. E. ( rou-.c.
Science Provokes Thought and Investigation Through the w-e of modern teaching device and \\ell equipped lab~. \ ortlH\ e ... t Cla<:~en '. <"ience department. heaclccl In \Jr. Jame Conger . i. producing ... tudent~ who are ''inning national a\\ard<: and recognition. In biology c;tudent<: de' elop an under tanding of living organi. m.. La"~ and principle that go,·ern the inanimate '' orld are em ph a. ized in phy ic. . Chemi try Conger Paden
i. the "tudy of the compn<:;ition and propertie, of . ubtances and the changes the~ undergo. tudt•nb tak a<hantage of facilitie out ide of . rhool.. . UC'h a the rec ntly completed planetarium at the Oklahoma City fair grounds. Through ne\v de,elopment . new discoverie and nC\\ imentions that make life ea!'ier and "-afer. <:cience has a continuing effect on e\eryone' life.
\lR. J L\1 C0 GER: ~lrmher, oual and Courtc-y committf•('; pon-.or, A \lation Club. L.t-t -ummcr :'llr. Congt•r 'i-.itc·d '-an Franci-ro and Lo AngeJe .... :'llR. L. E. CROL E: :\lt'mher, Kappa Ddta Phi, humber of Commt•rct•, RO .\ Profc...-ional committt-e. '-un mt•r ucti' itie, includt•d graduate' work and u trip to Alabama Jnd Florida. \IR. JOH \1. PADE ·: \1cmher, Okla. \eadem} of :--< it•ncr, '\IABT, STI\, 0. Tl\., VFW, Lihrar}, ational Ilnnnr ~ot il't}, Sdwlarship and 1\ wardo.., Planning committee; . ponsor, ~ cirnce Club. !->umnwr acti,ities indudt·d work in laboratory. ~1R
. BETTY RICHARD: \It rnber, Audio -Vi~ual, Honor tudy Hall <·omm•ttce-.: "l'on-.or, '-cH nee ( luh. ;\lr-.. Richard ~tudied at '\i.itioni.!l cience Found. tion '-ummcr Jn,titutc Ia-t o..ummer. \11'- Ll CILE T .\\LOR: \lemh<'r, Delta Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta Pt, '\'IT\, '\ational Honor ~o< iety, Cuidancc and oun"elin~ committee-.. La~t ~umnwr \li"" Ta}lor complett•d a ~ourcc book for biolog} teacher ..
!\fR •. GERAIDT F. B{ 7BEE: :\lt>mher. Dt'lta Kappa Gamma, Honor Sturly H dl rommittrr•: pon,or, 1 'ational Honor Society, Honor \fath. La-.t ummer Mr.;. Buzht•e travrle-d to . outhrrn Texa.
1R•. ALICE CHF'-iiiER: \It mllt'r, turlent ctivitir·... commit· teP: pon-.or, Honor 1\{ath "ummt r Jcthitie ... irwluclr-d a trip to :\liami Beach . .\IR. P \UL CROWE· pono;or Boy ' '·O" Club. :\lr. Crowe attcndl'd a work-.hop on ~ \lSC·tt·nth grade and trawlt•d to the Wt·-.t ( oa<>t ]a..,t ummt•r l\1H~.
EI LIE ECTO · Mt·mlll'r. Pt·p Council: "pon<-~1r, Honor \lath, Coronet.... ~umnwr arthitie-. includt·d graduate work.
\11::-.S BER IECE GORDO : \1t'mher, ationul Council of Tt•acllt'r'- of \lath, ~ cholar... hip and \ward-. rommittet•; pon or, Honor \lath, ourtt'') nuh, -.enior cia-.-..
l\lH". CI OVI \ H \HHT 0\:
pon-.or, Honor
l ath, "ophonwre
MH. REX IR\\ l "--: \lemhn, \thkti c cnmmittt•t•: "ron or, Boy-.' ''0" Club, senior da-.-.. :\1R. ROD\El ST. DI7IER: :\lemher, Communication", Locker mmrmttt·t· ... ; ..,pon-or, H tdio Cluh, C:he...... Club, \~iutinn Club, llnnor \1J.th. La-t ..,ummt·r .\lr. <..,t. Dizit•r tra\clt•d to the Ea ... t Coast.
:\11 -.. \L\RGARET THO \I P"O\ · .\femher. dwl.tr... hip ,md ward" I'Otnrnittee: -.pon-.ur, Honor \lath. junior cia-. ....
:\11{. PHILLIP Till R TO\: "-pon-.nr, Honor :\lath. -.nphomore cia'-'·
'ummer acti\itic indudt d graduate work ut Ol '.
1\Il S \1AR1 WEDDT\G: Mrmher, . rholar... hip and w,mJ..,, Pro· fl''"ional committt•t• ... ; -.pnn..,or, Honor Math. La-t ..,umnwr Mis · Weddin~ vi ... ited elt'\Cll Europt•an countrie ....
MR. . HELE:\ WILli GHA\f: .\femht'r, Pep oundl, Guidance and C.oun,clin_, ttuft.nt Council l'ommittt·t·,; -.pon-.nr, Hon!lr .\lath, Cygnets, fre ... hman ria-.....
Math Provokes !ide rule. template. compa. , ruler. protractor, and a good reliable era r near at hand. - the e are the mathemati( ian · fundamental tool . ~\\ \1ath department. headed b) \lr. Rodney t. Dizier. i continuing to work rlo el) \~ith the ational ci nee Foundation in revi. ing cour content. Thi year all ninth graders are required to take algehra. Realizing that tudents' abiliti vary. cour~e work in algebra i plann d to uit the neccL of in eli\ idual group". Interested student usually continue with plane geometry. econd year algebra. trigonomctr), olid ~eometry and math anal) i . Tenth and eleventh grade math have been a\'ailable the last two year . Tenth grade math combine plane and olid econd ) ear algebra geometr) and ele\ enth grade math and trigonometf) . VIa thematic i fa t becoming a field · in it O\\ n right, a \\ell a a supplement to cience and enginecrin~. \1athematician are finding an ever increa ing number of challenge a old procedure are replaced.
Ruzbee Ecton Irwin Thur-.ton
Cordon t. Dil.ier Wedding
CrO\\C Harri-.nn Thnmu ...un Willingham
\lr. Paul CrO\\C explain' a problem tn hi-. Jtf'Ometr~ cia...-.. ~tudt·nh' rea-.onin~ proce~se" are cultivated through geometry.
Brooks \Vc~t MR. HOR \CE C. BROOK" Dht'r~ified Occupations; "JlOll'Or, Tradt• and lndu ... tri II dub, Kt·} club. BETH \V E~T: Di-.trihuti\ e Education; mt·mlH'r, Pt Ep-.llon, Dt•lta Kappa Gamma, proft'. · t·ornmilll'l'-.; ~pon-.or, DECA. :\li \Vt·"t lltt'ndl'd rom t•ntion-. and conferenn• in ::-an J)j, go, Lo" \n!!l'lt·~. and Honolulu la~t -.ummrr.
~ \!H~T. Delt.l -.wn.d, ~pon'tlr
Earning While Learning
An t''\amph- of ont• of thl' 108 pn~1t10n-. fillt•d i~ the dental a"i~tant. Tt·t•hni•·al training in the ~pl'tified field enable man} to find joh~ "itlwut a l'ollt·g•• education and yet realize tlw \\orth of an 'dtu•ation \\hi('h ha-. made po~. ible the job.
!:lherry Gambril practice retail training received in DE a
Di. tributi\e Education and Di\er~ified Oc upations repre,ent that part of a qualit) education "hich train !-iludenb for Lhe bu!:iinc~!' and commercial world. Procedure.., u ed in di ... trihution of the "orld' good ... are learned in DE. In truction in method. of applying for po~ition". proper employee attitude., technique of elling, tore organization, adverti · ing, and design i given through clas room tudy and supen ised \\ork <' perience. DO gi\e training in technical and skill po iLion in Lrade and indu~try. A per-.on wishing training in an) one of lOB occupation may recei\e it in DO. Enrollees . pend half of each day on a job in an apprentice hip capacity. The other half is spent in the clas-.room taking required cour-. . Po ition tudents in thi program currently fill are tho. e of dental a<;sistants. auto-mechanics, florists, cabin t maker . tleaner-. and d)er:-o, cheL. In addition to trade kills. students also study economics. health and safet). general principle of income tax prob· lem . public relation
:\IR. ,\1 \I BRY \ ': Bu~int· .... manager, Round Tahlt•; mPmlwr. ,\udi<Hi u II. Communication , Public relation , Publit·it} mmmittc••. \lR~.
[\) COPEL\ D: .\lt·mber, cholar~hip and A\\anl• compnn-.or, Career Club, Honor "'otict~, "•·nior clu ~-
:\lR "'· E\ EL't \ l ll'DL Y: :\lt·mhcr, Okla. Bu-.int'"· f.d. A ~n .. Okla. Cit) T, flln -.rud) committee, Planning, \ .... t•mbl) commill<'!'~; pnn-.or, C)grwt-., Pt·p Council. • umnwr acti,itit· , 'I\ tt'at hin '• trip lu Chicago, \lichigan, and lndian.t.
\11 ..., .10 ,\LICE He \DR!< K : :\l,·mbcr. l IlEA. l>•·lta Pi Ep~ilun,
S!'hol.tr-.hip md awJrd-. conunitte••; Band girl-..
pon;,or, C.trcer dub,
1R"'. LUCILLE • P \ '\ \: Sponsor, Jr. Red Cross, Care ·r Club. ,\lR~. \l \XI \E T'i LLR: '-'porN•r. Honor ;\lr-.. T)lcr ~pent the summer in California.
ol'id}, Cncer dub.
Guidance and Opportunity Offered Through Business
Bnan llt:ndricb
<.opel nu ~pJnn
To people of other countrie.... the word meriea mean. hig huc;ine... \ ~ C prm ide tudenh '' ith <·our-. s dec;igned to prepare them for uccec; ful entrance into the '' orld of complex economics. Future ~ecretarie learned principles of <"lerical practice and acquired knO\dedgc of horthand. t) ping. and hu..,in<' " machint· . Bookkeeping emphac;ized the accounting fundamentalc; for potential "figure men:· Bu irwc; leader~ of tomornm profited from the pral'lieal information obtained in bu ine. s Ia\\. knighL and Ladi '" making daily trip. into these cla c;e encountered alien ounds-tappin~. clicking. ringing-and foreign word : comptometcr. dehentun·. 0\erhead - \\hich they '"ill need throughout their lw'>ine~- career". \lastering intricate drill aided . tudent to acquire '-'peed and accurac·). qualitie. pro.· pecthe emplo}er:- demand. \._ trainin~ \\a. comph•ted. some apprentice \entured forth to become leader in their fields. ther:-;. by going to college. continued to gain knowledge to further develop their ability to gi' e their maximum to the busine world. TH>ing, a popular rnur... t• among all studt•nt.., i taken fur \o<·ational and pcr"'nal u-.c.
Bu~ine-.~ murhin(' clu"'" cre~ituation-. that studenb will uctu,tll) meet in lm~inc....,
cmplu} men t.
MRS. R :\IAH MILLER: Member. Nat'!. Home Eco. nomic A""oc., Okla. Home Economic-. \s-.oc., \.\ W, Kappa Omicron Plu, ·cholarship and Award ..., Cafeteria committcc>o; ·pon•or, Junior 1cdic'-, Nat'l. Honor ocicty. Imagination and ,1 good t')l' for t•olor t'omhination-. nn· t'"t'nlial in planning intt•rior drroralion ... Carrie Abernuth). Linda Hankin, <..urn! l'rt'hlt'. llt·H•rl) Thomp-<ln. Huh\ Crant, .J,rni .. Hamc-.. Ann Hu-.o)m,-.ki, Jknnie Jo Thomp-.on, Jani-. ]tmt•-., memh ·r.., of the Home Decorations cia-.-., ..,tud~ the dfeets of "ariou" color,., and pattern-.. l\lr.... Miller lt·nd guidancr.
Family Life Training Gained in Homemaking Health and happincs of tlw indi\idual or family are clo ely related to the problems of adequate food, clothing. · housing, safety. recreation. rest. and. oeial adju lmenl. Home Economic:; Department leache the pupil to choo e, prepare. and ene food; to select and make clothing; to plan and furni"h an attracti\e, afe home: to care for and train children: and to allain ali factory relation hip in a present or future home. Cour:ses offered by the Home Economic Department are ewing. cooking. child care. home nur. ing. home decorations, .:ii!ltfitiiiimlJ,!i.L~ and famil} relation . tudent. in Child Care da-..., oh-.cnc child behavior through a one-way panel and record oh-.1·rvation .. "Gue-.h" at a n•ccption held in Ad,anced Food cia-. are .\Irs. Trea ure Del a. haw and Carolyn 2\lar...hall. Serving punch are Judy Burleson and ancy Coughlin.
cason change are no problem for the girl in sewing cia" . Cheryl nnefeld, aided by Becky yke., will '-OOn be !epping. forth in a new spring frock.
Cox IR. GEH \LU B. JIE SEL:. ,\tembcr, Okla . .L->ational Guard ssor., Phi l)pJta Kappa, Okla. City Chamh!'r of Comm!'rce, 15th lnf. Div. Assoc., Red, Red Ro~P, Co. Comnunder HQ Co .. 120th Engr. Battalion, Okla. City Gun Club, Natl. Hifle A"oc·., Audio -Vi-.u.tl, Cafl'lt'ri.t rommitt<'l''; spon--or, Lancers, IIi- Y club. "IR.
IJi.Y club.
Honald Whittucrc, .\likt• Dougall, KokiP Dunr.tn proudly display their fini-.ht·d pmduf'l... \\ oodworking i-. .tn t•xacting !'our.. r. Thin!!;~ rnu-.t IH' mea-.un·d to fit \o l!ttcs-.1\ork, proper and -.af • u-.e of hand tools is empha~ilcd in woodwork. :\lachine tools are available for perfecting intric.1te model .
Skill Is Developed 1n Industrial Arts Thou••h camrra tours are confi;;'ed to the campus, shutters flutter at unexpected moments and unsu peeling mobs. If there are chce e cake tendencies among the crew, they are good at keepinj!; it under covt•r as none of it r!'aches light via the "SIIlELD" or "HOU D T\BLE." Wayne Ford looks for a candid shot while (;ary Jacob~un and David Zilar make nece.,sary adjustments on their camera.
Looking O\er Da\id <ney\ and Carl llaf\ey's project i~ Tim Zinn. \rrhitt·ctural drawing essential to anyone planning an engineering career. tudrnt enrolled in printinl-( learn somt• of the skills and operatious of the printinj!; trade, and the terminolng} u-.cd in the print «hop. The student al o learns the needed theory necessary to trade printing. Bill Henthorne and Larry Robin on operate the press.
Rcpresentati\e J. D. .\lrCarty exhibits a -.milr of pride while Bill William' and Jerry William-. pre,ent to him a new plastic ga\ cl, rt'plaring tlw one he broke while calling the 28th es-.ion of the House of Representathes to order.
Understanding Enlarged by Expanding Frontiers Beyond Text Book Matters \lr. Ahin Br}an, director of AudioVisual d ·parlment, is re::-ponsihle for ordering. r •c •i\ ing, sho\\ in~. and r •turning film for all dt•partmcnts at \\\- . Training tudenl to run the pro jet lor i al o his clul). II •re. ,\Jr. Bryan e~plain the technique of tlu •ading the projector to Jack \o,"lin.
Proper Training Makes a Safe Campus Dri\er~ blucation co\er dri\ing law , cau~e and
pre,·enlion of accidents, and prop r attitude on the part of the drh er to\\ ani other u<:er of the highways. tudent clri\ e three hour behind the \\heel, thirt) hour of clas~room work, and t\\ehe hour in the Drivo-trainer . Hokt• \11{. J) \\II) HOKE: "ft•mht·r. K.1p1 1 "•~rna, Phi Ep-.ilon Kappa, "aft t). Parking !"ommittt'P. \Ir. linke tau~ht '-Unl· mer -d1110] and wt•nt to lW10 -.]cl\\-pitch ,ofthall tournament, Toledo, Ohio.
TdPntific·a-tion of the ht"ginning driwr j, propt•rly di-.pla\ed nn all Driwrs Education Par... h\ till' -.igns likP tht• on~ .J ud) FrdwC'll and ll ant') Sparks art• admiring.
\IR . CH\RIE" H \I.E: .\lcmlwr, !'>oc-ial Jnd Cnurtt·,,, Profc~'ional cnmmiltt't'~; ~pon•or, \matt•ur Hadio club, Caml'ra club.
New Equipment Promotes Perfection \t'w equipnH'nl t"parkled in the t•lt•c·tronir~ department thi )t'ar. The new Ele<'-Troni<" raclio kit~ an• u~t·d in leading rt'"earch anrl de\ t•lopment lahoratorie-.. The .;et pro\ ide~ blank ha"C... "ith \\ hid1 tht• :-.tutlents ma) learn teC"hnique:-. of radio enginet>ring. It is pos-.ihle for t•ach stucknt to build his O\\ n radio !'el. l>ic·k 0-.horne. Greg PourHk James mith \\ ork out C"omplex problem~ in Electronic..
The mo't modt>rn t·quipment i~ u~ed in tlw Drht·r~ Education departmt•nt. Practicin~ driving on the Dri\(l·trainn' undt•r the din•ction of ~1r. Da' id Hoke, an• Linda Grave~. Terl') Tatum. and Patty Tucker.
Da,~kin-., Dick Tuc·ker, and Philip mith go nut of the Auto·mech,mic, garaj!e. Kni!!hb t·nrnllcd in \uto-nu-chanic, learn that an automobile i' not an im ention dt·-.il!nt·d for cmlH·nicnre hut a triumph of eni!int•t•ring and mechanical -.kill', contriH·d of hundred' of parh as-.t'mhled into a <mooth functioning unit.
It rna) ht> <orne time before Dadd chu~ging
Working hard on the Christmas !'>taincd glass window for the front entrance arc art students Georgia rhroeder, Danny Hakt•r, \ina 'I oung, :\like \lartin, Ralph teed', J immit• I .t•e Kennard, Rex Kennard, John Carri,on and Tom \roo man. \IR::--. \\I\ \IE \ll RR \1 : :\!ember, Art and Decoration, CJa,~ir~, "ooc-ial and Courtt·~) committee"; '-POn,or, \a tiona! Art Honor '-.ot iety.
\1!~.'- ELJ/ \BETH l H \l~TO\ : \lember, \\ e,._tt•rn \rh \-.-.oc. \ational -\rt Education ,\,,..m·., Delta Kappa Gamma, ocial and Courte~} committt·t•; spon-.or, '\ational \rt Honor ~ociet}.
Art Classes Advance Students' Artistic Abilities A program of Quality Education would not be complete without faculty member capable of proper!} directing and de\eloping arti tic talents. ~orth\\e!'t Cia en's Art department aims at stimulating natural talent and abilities to permit students to expre. them. elve creatiYely. Art to the arti t mean- hours of patient work at a creati\e endeavor which may h a\\arded recognition. Art tudent de'velop under tandinp; of the pa t and pre ent in art. A 'ariet} of cour e ranging from commercial art to tage designing and including fa..,hionc;;. fine art , ceramic!'. creative crafts and painting are offered. kill in figure drawing. ilk creening, block printing, magazine co\er and indu trial designing are de\eloped.
Ronnie Gappa and Dann} Pogue listen to •wulptre' emphasizes the importanre of detail in sculpture.
Orville .:\orton, holding the Chri~tmas card ht> de,igned, watches as John !:iibley demonstrate::. to the clas-. the ~ilk »creenin~ proce~s which will be used to produce the card.
MRS. BESSIE HE RY. Coun elor. 1958-1961 In a program of quality education each chool pon ored acth ity i de¡ igned to impart to the tudent certain ideals to aid him in becoming mature. Upon graduation the tudent i not an adult although academic skill gained can be applied in the year. to follow, in the home. at college. or on the job. ocial activitie have been d igned to de\elop poi e and elf-confidence. port contribute a feeling of accompli hment and of belonging to ornething big. Team loyalty help the tudent find him elf. Club and ervice organizations contribute to him a feeling for other . Appreciation goe to our admini tration for p nding many hour organizing. cour e , conferring with parent , and co-ordinating faculty and tudents toward a common goaL education. We are devoted to our faculty for encoura"'ement. ideal.. and challenge that dominate the thoughu of our youth, and the unpaid hour they pend m aiding u to under tand a well a appreciat our le on .
Throughout our waking hour more time i pent with faculty a ociate than with our own familie . They are among our mo t important contacts throu"'hout our formative year . Without them our change from adole cence to adulthood would be difficult. From their in piration our a piration are formed and ideal fa hioned.
CRY LlR Row 1 · "· Hall, B. Rrrce. J. !\dum~. J. Boura~ "a, F. Lorey, C. Denham, J. hildrr,, Mr. John Platt. Row 2: B. E~te', C. Ice, \. \lcF.win, P . Ehril!, R. "illiam,, C. Barrett, C. Rilev, B. \liller. Rou 3: J. Taylor, B. ~elby, T. ullhan. R. ·Hom'• '· J. llada"a', D l\.tuH·n·. \'. I.ipe. K. Ca ~adv. Rou 4: A. Hall, I.. Palmore, \. mith, C. Truett, D. La~g~ton, L. Weldon, J. hock, \f. Haffner. Row 5: D.
Carol BaJTdt i wnndt'rinl! if Carolyn Farha can ever grow into that rolu . Fach choir m• mlwr i' rob d ut tlw lwl!inninl! of the year. '\eat appearance is Ire •ed in all the vocal !!roup . Other' are D. C. Rilt·y, Charlotte Denham and nn hri~tcn~on. Robe are purple and gold crepe.
"mit h. J. \hnt•y, J. Ra~lp, \f. Rapp, T . \ rooman. B. Thomaon, J. laughter, R. Cornell. Row 6: J. Pryor, P. Favor, D. Riln, D. \lc"\ril, D. fhPt'\t"'· J Bo,.,.•rman. P. Cornell. Row. 7: '\eedham, . \ hmore, K. Favor, D. Harne•, E . Tern, K. Knott, L. Jmct•, " Crai~r. Rou· R: . \n•lt·r,on. K. ~orri<:, R. helton, F.. Ju t, R. Bond-., L Poag, P. Hallenbeck, \1 '\ancc
We'll alwav remember a unri. breakfa t in Lincoln Park . .' . sore mu. cl s and mudg) hand after summer paper dri\e-. . . . grueling. after . chool rehear-.al . . . concrratulation a f t e r a fine concert . . . partie-. and after-performance get-tocrether;; . . . hristma as-.emhlie. . . . bringing h o m e trophies from conte t . . . the . enior banquet . . . our Ia t performanc - graduation. The e are memorie ry lur \\ill cherish. Few orf!anization. in 1'-.nightland ha\e tie-. . trong as tho<:e that hind the ry lur oncert hoir. zero hour _ hedule. ju t to h a part of a great singing group. demands consideration and acrifice from ach member. '\e\\ uniform made tlwir first appearance in the annual Freshman Orientation emhly ptemher l. 1960. " hadrack" and "Battle Ilymn" wer performed skillfully in the annual Fall Concert. It \\a quite an honor to he invited to ing for the Penn quare hopping Center's fir t hri .. tma eason. econd seme-.ter ''a dominated hy conte t . Cryslur recei' ed outstandi n~ rat i nt!s at the entral tate Colle~e Contest at Edmond. Di trict Contest at 0 ,l and tate Conte-.t at Ol. The annual c;pring banquet in Ga~ lord Hall. Y\1C \. honored '-cnior memherc;; of the choir. \lr. Platt. director. "as pre ented a gift of appreciation from member for a , ucce . ful year.
Bill Thoma-.on. Rirlmrd Runck Forn·~t Lorry and D. C. Riley call thf•m-.t•ht•-. '·Tht' l :\lo-.t." Tht·ir -.ingin~ -.pc<'ialty i~ barber'-hop harmon). \!though t lwy look likf' loafrr~ they are the mo-.t acthl' t'll'•·tnhlt• in tht• \twal mu"il- department.
udirnrr-. fall pn•y to win-.omc mi]r.. and winning ,·oice-. wht·n Kan·n Knott. \nn '"-nuth. ht•rilt•a \ndt·r-on. and Pln·J. li HJIII nhrck. all .. rnior-., 'ng. Thi-. j!roup know' that ho~r of practice haw mad1• tht• ~irl-.' quartet one of the very Jw-.t of high ·-dwol mu..,ic cn•t•mhJc,,
Girl ..," "'lxtt•tte: Katln Fa\Or. '"-u-.re Hal. "-harem Crail!. Janie Pryor, v ir~inia l.ipe, ian Adam".
Janie Pryor, Jan dam, virginia l.ipe. all junior". make up the girl ..' trin. They rrcrhrd '-Up! rior rating" at Edmond Conte-.t, Di-.trict Conte-.t at OC , and tate Conte-.t at 0 L.
'"Do we -ound n•cordinp: and Forrt·'-t Lon·); tenor, Richard
like that'?" Tlw-.e vocali'-1~ ha\e learned that li"tt'ninp: i~ the lw-.t way to improve. Ba ~. altn, Kart n Knott; -.oprano. Ann mith: and Bond-. will enter conte--t~ a a mixed quartet.
A Cappella Choir Row 1: A. Chri. ten~n, . Main, V. Rucker, E. Terry, B.\\ a). J. \lr\lahon, D. Riley, 0. \\oodrow, P. Jones, V. ,\lcEwin. Rott 2: D.~ mith, . Ru~h, . Rot hen bu. ch, . Lowe,
R. :\1c\1amee, D. Baker, . Hall, C. lee, J. Vaughn. Row 3: R. Cornell, . Davi., ~L Winkler, P. Crumpler, L. Long, oe, T. Leonard, L. Harri~, K. Collin'<, P. Cornell.
Practice, Polish, Perform Kni!!htland's vocalist~ are much indebted to Kathy orris, Paula Hud"on and ;\fary Clark...on, accompa· ni. t.. Kathy play durinr; zero hour for the Cry,)ur . Paula accompanie, a eappella choir fir,t hour. Mary prc,ide for the rcond hour GirJ...' Chorus.
nder,tanding and applying the ba ic fundamentals of music i" the aim of mu .. ic theory. Thi include., ear and rhythm dictation, the fundamentals of ound, part writing..., harmony, and even the "lower slobovian" scale. Theorist<, :\like . choap, Richard Bond., Rhoda helton, Forre~t Lorey, ylvia Hall, and Judy Cum· mins look dt•eply absorbed in writing •cale uch as the ham10nic scale. Popularity of the cour..e i c;hown by an enrollment double that of Ia. t year. :.'\1r. John Platt, in!o.tructor, hopes to have a econd year theory class. \fusic majors would greatly benefit.
~IR. J 0 II 1 PI.\ TT: ~fern her Blue Key " ational Honor Fraternity; Phi Mu Alpha infoma National ;\lu ic Fratt·rnity; member A~ cmbly Committt'C; .. ponsor ry-.Jur and fn ....hman cia ~.
GIRL ., Row 1: B. Reece, . Wood\\anl, C. Denham, J. C. Wood, P. Carter, J\1. We tfall. Row 2: J. Fo~tcr, G. Brady, . Hendren, G. Lawrence, N. eedham, K. Crumby, C. John..,on. Rou.: 3: ]. Taylor, D. Drahcck, E. Coffey, J. Barkett, Roederer, J. :\lathis, K. Bray. Row 4: . Davi., B. .:\tontgomery, M. Long, D. Koonce, L. Ponder, ·. Frank, J. Rt"ctor. Row 5 B. Harholt, R. .\1cCoy, J . Jt•nkin•, C. ~ ay, T. mith, . Green, L. Jasper on. Row 6: . Bomar, T. Binkley, T. Bernard, C. Oberman, L. Hill, \. Hall, \1. 'mith.
Carols Carry Christmas Cheer
Yuletide would not be complete without joyful carolers in the· hall of .:\'ortlmc· t Cla••l'n.
Diane Koonce, Judy Barkett, Jean Taylor and Mary Smith \\ere .. elected from the ninth l!radc choir to form Kni~rhtland' first Freshman Quartet. During thi year they strove to improve tonal blc·nd, rather than do actual performing.
CO:'{CERT B \ \D Rou 1 R Fagin. R. :\lc\Iain', L. Co,, lt·'· P. \(·~tlt•rndr. \L Crott'. \mnwrm.m. C. :\lt·t•k. R. Pt>.tret•, J. John~nn. L Wil,on. Rou '2: :\L Van Hook, R. Pitt'. D. Rucker. J. ~ltt•r. J. \lairr. D. Thomp•on. \. Lilt·-. D. \ll(lt•r-
~on. . .Knnt n·r. I.. Vf'rrltln \f. BIUmmitt, H. Ho'l\ard. !:'. Sandtr-. J Barnard. J mith. Nou 3 · C. :\lill-. J. Elliott. G. Carlton. L. Poag, J I t'l\'on, K. Ca «ady, C. \"an Hoo-er, R. hirlev, R. Brown, .1. \rm,trong, M. Bloe,t•, R. Burdick,
PEP BA:\D koll' I: :\J f hnap, C. \'an Hnn-t·r. I Woodard. Rou 2: ] . Mitchell. J. Hamnwtt, H. Shirlt•\. .I "'rmth, B. mith, A. Lile~. D. Rurker, L. Vernon. Row .1: I Wil ...on, B.
Pitt , B. :\lt•\luin-. "'· "'•ndt·r-, J. < onkin D llit•J.. ... , C. Carter, R. Bond-, J. Boun"a. Ruu 1: ll. Ra}, J John--on.] . .\lurgan, J. Troxel, T. Welborn, ]. Cockerill, B hick, E. Ju~t.
W. Kt·~ If r, C Cartt•r, I. Woodard, A. Bahan, D. Hill, A. EaJ.n. C. Kn..,tt·d, D. Jlil'k-., .T. mith. J. Boura,~a. Rou• t: l\1.. rhoap, J. Conkin, P. J>anirl , F. Wood~. E. J u ... t, D. Da}, J. malley, ]. Robin-.on . .J. Cockrrill, ]. Tnm•l, J. :\Inrj!an,
H. Elledge, A. Ju-.t, R. IIeflr\, c;_ Battt·n, R.
t\lt·-. ]. Miller,
J. J\vant, :'\1. Ca-.t'}, B. Schit:k. Row .5: ] . • attl'rlei·. R. Pn·n· tice, . .J. Hammt·tt, B. PnH'k, \. \larko, Arthur John on.
'Christmas Festival"
WOODW I D El\SE\ lBLE Flutt•: Joan John ...on; Clarinet: Jim Smith; French Horn: l..oul"'t' \ern on; Oboe: Rnhert Howard; Ba . larinet: .:\Iartha Van Hook.
'->TRI'\ G TRIO Violin: L1·e Whitwell; Piano: Melanit> Hutchin-.on; t•llo: J o.\nne Pollock.
7: 30 A .M . Comes Early but We March tel )
l" '
flash of <'nlor and ull t')t'"' turn to tlw majorrtlt·~. Pur· ple, gold and white uniform give vigor to arena performance. With la~hing flag>- and ~ilver haton~ in serpentine undulation , routine receive undivided attention. Annually at homrrominp: tht• girl prr-ent a flaming baton pectacle during half time ceremonie . Regular practice time i~ i:30 A.:\1. and after chool, but thi.., does not preclude findinl); them practicing almo<;t anywlwre, anytime. Tlwy march with the band in parade , perform in pep rallie and j!ame half time~, and enter contest and clinic". Rae Our · i. head majorette. Other are Deanna Elliott, ancy Hill, Barbara Dorney, ancy \lc ew, and Jolern Humphrey'~.
Northwest Classen Marching Band Drills Regularly for Precision
1R. ARTHUR JOHN 0 : Member merican _chool Band Director's A sociation; member enior Committee and A ~emhly Committee. Per-onnel :\1anager Oklahoma City ymplwoy On·ht·-tra.
\liTH - Drum :\lajor
Haydn ... Handel ... Hammerstein ORCHE TRA Row 1: L. Whitwell, J. John~on, A. Hall, Reinke, R. \tal one, L. Decker, J. Pollock, R. De. pain. Row B. Johnson, . Petty, P. orris, B. Bradshaw, J. Barnard, mith, L. Wilson, B. Pearce, \1. Waldrip, ;\1. Zachritz. Row
C. 2: J. 3:
J. Jones, \1. Ilutchin~on, B. Howard, . under'-', R. Fagin, M. Van Hook, A. Lile~. D. Cinder..on, W Routon, L. Vernon, T. Poynor. Row 4: ]. Hammett, A. l\larko, D. ::\titchell, E. Ju t, \1. Ca'-1"\, T. ~cllhorn, B. chick, R. Cobb, L. Woodard, J. Boura.,,a¡. :\lr. \rthur John on, director.
Chivalry is at it<; h~o become tense and ri ry endea\¡or to maintain d Charley hor'e', sprai ¡ tured ... kulls are wo~chh honor and glory to o ~o
Weather Was Ruff ...
Freezing weather i. no hindrance to Knightland' Cro s Country team. Row l: Hyde, Hughe , ) oung, Miller, \loody. Row 2: Lu k, manager; Harris, ;\loncrie£, Gee, Duncan, pear, King.
;\lr. Leonard \farcotte, coach. Another ~fid- tate trophy wa added thi ~ra-on to Kni~rhts' p:lowing howcase.
Cross Country Cops Crown Knip:htland' two mile torture cour e i~ continually rising in popularity and perfection. as rorthw t Cia n' Cro Country team captured ils . econd straight \lid- tate Conference victory with 39 point . Per i tent two-miler~ again climbed high on the tate ladder h~ placina fourth. Hard work paid off. and the Cro. Country team paced its way to a uccessful eaon. \~inning fivt• out of eight meets and taking third and fourth in the other three. In the ,eason opener. a quadrangle meet at the Fair;.rround _ Knight edged
Cia. _en for fir t pia e. 28-29. low core winning. The hawnee meet at OBC found hill-and-daler topping all other OK team , although TuL a Edi on took top honors. Deep in the . a on. Knight" again \ ied again t the close city favorite. Cia ~n, to pull a 42-42 tie. of the ea on neared. Knights prepared for the 11City Cro Country meet. and came in third with the help of individual fir. t place \~inner. Vince \1om·ricf: a ixth place from Dudley Hyde: and ninth place. Fred \1iller, adding another to Knight achievements.
Forming a winding caravan against the horiwn, thin clad race over a rain-soaked, two-mile cour-.e tn that eagerly awaiterl fini h and approaching victory.
... but Tearn Proved Tuff \J ud· pl.ttlt'rc·d \ iru·t• :-.Jnucrit•f i first in line to recdve hi fir'-t place mt•dal in tht' \II.City Cm--· Country meet. Third in lint• i Dudley ll)tlt• who fini.,lwd t·c·oud for Knight ..., and <.ixth in ow•rall tanding.... Gnod howing, ho} ! At the City meN held at the Fairw indt·d Vinrl' \lonnit•f ne.tr the fini h line aftt·r running through mud and o v c r rough j!TOund of tht• two-mile tretch.
!! round•,
Excited fan~ ehel'r incoming runnu~ a~ Fred \ filler complete-, his run. At th ~ met'! in hawnt·t· at OBU, ht• wa~ fir.,t for WC. \ t \1 id-~ tate he capturNI third plaee. Fret!, a ~enior, jO!(!!t•d many a milr for NWC
We Got Ours-
Good -.port-.man<hir' j, important to tht·-.t· \- quadder-.: Row 1: Dunford, \\'olft•, f>t·ck' r. \In rill. Pt•rn. Hit·r-.cht•. Irwin, O'Hara. Row 2: Duncan, '-'on, Bucklin . ..:nipe , Mei'-lt'r, tev-
t•n-., DuPnT I.ockt. '-'i~mon . Rou 'I 0\t r-.tn·t•t, Pelton, EmrrStuart, '\ance, Roblyer, Dorman, olter, Hammack, Ackerman. l ntlt·rcla-.-.nwn hold kt·y to futurt• '-UC'<'t'''e .
DREW ACKFR\IA : Fullback FIH ll Bl < KI I\· Fullback JEHRY Bl' HBRIDGE: End JOE DECK! R: Tat·kle JOF. DOR\1 \~: Guard KOKIE Dl \( \\:Halfback
U.HRY IH .\'FORD: End G I PP Du PIU F · Quarterback T0\1 F\IFR 0'\: End DI(K CR \II \\1 : Guard JI\1 HA\f\1 \CK: End HI< II\RD 11\HRI...,O'\. lu!'klt•
BAR EY H \ TIE: Fullback H \DJ- HF\\ F"': Guard JERRY HIER'-CHE: Center PIIII IIO\\ \I{J) Tackle REX IR WI : Center BII L :Kb I : End
JOH LO KE: Halfback I -\HH\ \IcC \HTY: Halfback KE "' ETII \lcCOY: Center LEOR<.I· \!,DO\\ ELL: End DO'I \lt·'\1-. ll L: End T ART \lEI TER: Fullback
-You 'll Get Yours !
R01t 1: (.raham, R. !Iarri•on, P. Harri'-'On, \IcDowell. Row 2: Burbridge, Hastie, \\right. RoK :1: Thomp•on, :\leG ill; :\lr. Clay Davi , :\1r. Don Van Pool, :\1r. Rex Irwin, coaches.
"Ta~k force" for Knights mu t keep equipment in tip-top shape. Jack Tucker, Oiff
Boren, and Paul Chapman check detail~ as ht·ad manager Eddit· \\ ilke-. tighten cleat~ to keep them in shape for the upcoming game.
Buddy O'Hara and an unidentified grid-.ter vic for the ball as it «piral toward O'Hara's waiting fingertip while teammate-. clo•c in to help.
1960 Knights !\.night Knights Knights Knight Knights Knights Knights Knil!hts
0 12 0 0 12 6 20 6 6
Wichita Falls \1idwest City Harding Capitol Hill Putnam City hawnee Dougla s Enid ortheast
29 46
8 0 46 14 28 28 ·20
Football i n 't all glory as K(•nnl'th Perry will gladly tell you. Running throu~rh a ~oggy field in freezing weather, only to be hit by a Greyhound Bus, can become a little
di-.roura~inf.!. t'a~(· tlw pain,
Dr. eal Holden and Cliff Boren try to tn '-('rHI Pt•rry hack tn t lw pia} ing fiPid.
At Least We're Consistent!
KEN ETH PERRY: Guard I \RR\ ROBERT . Cuanl IG\10'-. · Halfback IPES: Halfback
GEORGf If n '-. Fullback TO:\E\1Y THO\IP.._,O : Halfback JEFF Wf I llOR : C-uard MERRILL WILLARD: Halfback GIL WRIGHT: Halfback
B-~ QUAD member-. art•: Row 1: \lc\eill, Dorri., Bu«h, Pickens, \1cCoy, Welborn, Robert", Henline, Seba, ;\fulligan, J. ;\lc arty. Rou 2: Uwve•, Boever-., Willard, I.. \lcCart}, "'im-
pey, orenson, teven., Car on, t. Clair, Hewe•, Hawk. Row 3: Pit"rcr, Brunn, Knox, • outhard, \lcH ·nry, Herndon, Garri-.on, facKellar, Kent, Grime , Irving.
If Practice Makes Perfect, Keep Practicing!
Fir-.t down! Thi« all-important <-ignal could pell the difference hetwt•en victory or defeat for the ironmen.
It' only inche hort of a fir-.t down. In '-e\ eral battles, not being able to pound out tho-.e 10 yard-. in four trie everely hampered Knight chance".
Ritual of to. ing the coin precede each game Team captain" Kenneth Perry and Joe Decker meet w.ith opponents and referee to decide who kicks off and who receive . Heads or tails~
Spirit Soared, Coaches Roared
· 'hn•e t•h·nwnt' of 'Port- pia, t•r. !'ht't'rlt·adt•r, and roa<'h arr rrpre,t•ntt•d by Bill ..:;nipt·', Phyllrne KinN'). and :\lr. Rt•'l. In, in. H.t•al'tion' an• no douht t·quall) a' \ariPd .
Can )OU find tlw hall i J u't a quick glann· mi:dH indicate a battle royal for the pi:r. kin at the extn·me right. Actual!}, Gil Wright toting it in a '-\\t'l'JI around ri!dll t·nd "hilt• grid,tn- an• hafflt·d. too!
It' a race for th6 ball as Gil Wright approachc- to '-\\l't'P it up before it hit the ground.
Trving hi be'-t to !!:t'l around th~t r e f e r c t' • dett•nnincd George teven~, add yard.., to Knight '-t&tiqic- again'-t Capitol Hill in an arch·rival duel.
C-. QUAD contains the . tars . hirley, Wertz, Bn•mkamp, Hefley, Rudolph, Klin~sick, Row 2: King, Elkins, Putt, Valentine, Hiersche, , imon,
of future team . Row I: Field , White, Grimes, Thoma. , Seba, Day, immons, Kise, DuPree. Center, Roark, Gaubetz, Atkins, Gamble, Husky, Fo. trr, fcGee,
Fi he!, ~Ius on. Row 3: Taylor, Frazier, Hallmark, ~furphy, Martin, Ricker, :\1ayfield, Cobb, Carrol, Cloud, Reed, Ontko, Culbert on, Daly, Pierce, Mangum, Boggs, iegel, Taylor. Row 4 : Gimlin, Mr. Paul Crowe, Coach, Mr. Jerry Haynes, Coach, Leonard, Wilkes.
Football Fights to Floundering Finish "'ine busloads of yelling Knights and Ladies whizzed to Wichita Fall , Texa , to witne s the Knight.' seaonal kickoff. Inexperience jeopardized Knight hopes a they were devoured hy the powerful Coyote , 29-0. Thi wa our fir t lo ince that tubborn Ada battle in the '58-'59 eason. lidwe t City's tough line cracked Knight ' offen e and defen e to tally another Bomber victory, 46-12. Brighte t moment for Knights was a 33-yard pa for six point . Harding Eagle pecked mighty hard at Knights' glowing armor to take home an 8-0 victory. Harding pounced on a Knight fumble to et up the ingle core in the Ia t of the econd tanza. Knight worked hard to hit back in the fourth quarter but Eagl ' beaks clung tenaciou ly to !\.night kin . tati tics reveal that Knight , although ending with a 0-0 tie, outplayed Capitol Hill' Red kin . In the final seconds of the conte t, fans aw we come within one yard of victory. Knights marched all the way to the one, then were piled up hort of the goaL Although rated to lo e by at least two touchdowns, Knight grid ters pu hed the Red kins all over the field, topped them in down , ru hing and pa ing yardage, and left the field with two penetration to Capitol Hill' one. In spite of the core, Putnam City had to fight off a pirited Knight team in a brui ing battle to tagger WC, ·16-12. Each club cored a TD in the Ia t 21 econd . Pirates, fighting off dangerous pread pa sing attack, cored an 85-yard TD in the Ia t two minute . Hitting back on a 50-yard pa , and connectina for the Ia t even yard , Knights got their la t tally :ith 21 second left. But the game wa n't over.
Pirate galloped 50 yard for a final TD and the game' last play. Another pine-tingler wa that encounter with Shawnee. coring with 1:19 on the clock, hawnee cinched the game. But Knight weren't ready to call it quits. Kickina off with 1:17 left, Knight tarted clicking. triking like lightning, we had a fir t and ten on the Wolve ' 28- only three econd remained. Knight fan went lightly mad at thi point when John Locke caught a Gipp DuPree pas ju t a the gun went off. Locke crammed to afety in the endzone but was tackled three yard hort of the goaL Homecomers , aw Knight hope end a hawnee came out 14-6. "Wild" i the only de cription for the Dougla s~ WC battle. Trojan held it at 20-0 until the Ia t of the three-quarter mark. uddenly, Knights were paying repeated vi it to the goal line. Three speedy TD' tied the core until Trojan made it 28-20. DuPree wa a victim of circum tance in the Trojan's winning TD. Dougla s pa ed a long one which bounced off DuPree' che. t into the arm oi a Trojan who didn't stick around long. Threatening to tie aaain, r.,wc reached Douala ' 17-yard line before being caught twice for lo e . Kniaht traveled to Enid to be defeated, 28-6, by the Plainsmen. ·we cored in the econd quarter with a 70-yard punt return. Although Enid clearly dominated the game, Knight fought hard. we ended this ea on with a 20-6 lo to ortheast. Bigge t play for Knight was a 40-yard pa s from DuPree to Wright. Occurring in WC' march to that eva ive goal line, thi put the pig kin at. the Vike ' 20-yard line. It took only four plays for Wnght to break through from the one.
Practice, Action
Only six seniors will be lost in BA, KETBALL. Row 1: Holt, Law~on, Walli~. fcCollorh, Powell, Duncan, Wrip;ht, Freeney. Row 2: Harri'-on, manap;Pr; Kinp:, Warren, Daniel,
ponhaltz, Fleminp;, Pelton, Homsey, \fr. Don Van Pool, coach. Although Knight ended frequently on the hort end of the . core, ~pirit remained high.
1960 SCHEDULE WC .___________ 48 WC ----- ----· 52 we -- 44 WC _________44 WC 37 21 NWC NWC 39 WC 54 WC ____________49 WC_____ ______ 48 NWC 52 We ___ 41 we -------- 50 WC ________________ 47 WC _____________ 45 NWC 58 NWC _ __ 31 WC __ _ 51 NWC_____________ 56
Knight roundballer, Terry Kin~r, dribbles the ball away from a \1idwe~t City Bomber. Underrla~~mt•n, "l'asont•d hy a tough chcdule, arc n·ady for next )Car.
John Mar hall 54 Harding ------- 40 orthea t --- 57 Capitol Hill _____ 63 Tulsa Edison 35 Douglass 47 Shawnee -------- 42 Enid ----------· 64 Capitol Hill ____ 57 Midwe t City _ 53 Putnam City _ 70 Douglass ___76 Midwest City _ 61 Harding _ _______61 Shawnee _ _ _____47 Putnam City ___ 62 Northea t 42 Enid --· 56 Tul a Edison 51
Danny ponhaltz gets off a jump shot over the outstretched arm of Taft's Bill Grime~ in the conflict between orthwest Classen's Pages and Taft Junior High chool.
Roundballers' opener was a hotly conte ted 54-18 lo s to John Yiar hall. Many fouls were called on the Knight , re ulting in unea iness among WC fan . Fir t victory came when Harding Eagles fell to the Knight ' sword , 52-10. Both team fought hard up to the final whi tle. Seasoned ¡ ortheast glided its Viking ve sel by Knights, 57--1-1, in another closely fought game. First Mid- tate Conference game wa the WCCapitol Hill tilt. Redskins tore into Knights' full court pre in the second half to mear we, 63-41. Downing another team of the Green and White, Knights ed~ed Tulsa Edison 37-35 on their home court. Dougla s Trojans smacked WC to the tune of 17-21 in the first game of the new year. Shawnee's fighting pack of Wohes were held to a 12-39 win as Rusty Fleming led the Knight attack with 13 points. Despite a full court press in the third quarter by Knights, Enid's Plain men rallied to a 64-51 victory. Although eager had a 19-19 half-time tie, Capitol Hill Redskins scalped u , 57-49. Tracy Freeny led a second-half rally and scored 20 points for game honors. Bomber came close to being shot down from their fir t-in-state rank as we gave them the scare of their live . \1idwe t City finally refueled to turn the table on WC, ending Midwest City, 53, WC, â&#x20AC;˘18. Only a narrow margin prevented an up et.
Hand-clasp ymbolizing unity, spirit, and sportsmanship ghes a feeling of being a team with a common goal.
Knight really walked the plank at Putnam City. Pirates jolted u , 70-52. Gerald Warren led Knight scoring with 19 points. Dougla Trojan trampled WC, 76-41. Freeny cored 15 points to rank as orthwe t Cia en' high point man. Knight B-ballers fourth-stanza rally failed to materialize as Midwe t City, fir t-ranked in AA standings, gave us a 61-50 defeat. Warren took scoring honors with 19 point . Knights were unable to break their losing treak a Harding's Rick Berry tallied 28 points for a final score of 61-!7. In a nerve- battering battle, Knights were edged, 17-15, by hawnee. Wolves led by nine points in the third quarter. Knightland's maplers held them to a tie until a two-pointer in the la t three seconds put the Wolves over. Putnam City' Pirate shaded orthwe t Cla en, 62-58. This neck-and-neck battle wa the fir t and only overtime in the ea on. Although ortheast Viking outpointed WC' Knights, Gerald Warren held Bill Howard to 14 points. Thi wa the Viking ace's lowe t out-put of the ea on. Despite high pirit Knight fan aw Enid's Plainsmen tip WC 56-51. WC backers crowded the gym as roundballers thumped Tul a Edi on 56-51 in the Ia t game. Only Eagle fans were di appointed at the outcome. As the seconds ticked, and it was apparent :.\WC wa to be the victor, spirit really erupted. It was a great wa) to end the season. 67
Hoopsters Met Tough Competition
"Raring to go," B-, quad members are, Row 1: Fa!-(in, Hohcrerht, Wallis, Phillip, eba, Roark, Givens, Eaker. Row 2: Mr. Jt·rr> Ila}nt's, coach; Blackwell, \Iarten.,, Bush, Wiles, Klingsick, ponhaltz, \ IcCarty. \ Ianagcr is Ronald Fagin. Early beginnings insure futur • sucres. es.
Terry King goe high in an effort to tip the ball to teammate Dick Powell as Knight Gerald Warren look on in the Knil!;htTrojan tilt. ··Grab it, Terry!" -
Last game of the ea on. For _orne, la t ever to be played for ~orthwe t Cia. en. Hilariou ly happy after the Edison victory, Knight roundballer", it eems, hurriedly abandoned their dre. sing room to celebrate. Rich Harrison, manager, linger to make ure all i retored to order.
Pages Prepare for Coming Seasons
Pages hold a 14-1 rerord and thf' orth idt· League Champion<;hip. Row 1: Wallis, Eaker, IIobererht, Shirley, Rhoclt·~, Chen,. Row 2: Hinkle, eba, ponhaltz, Kling ick, tkins, Rourk. Coach Jerry llaynt•s explainfundamental of the . port to interested neophyte .
Dick Powell fi!-(hts for a rebound during the :\lidwe-t City cla-.h to tim art a Bomber rail}.
Come on , John , Sink It!
Gerald Warren is topped <:hort of u lay-up by a tourrh Trojan a teammate ;\like \lcCulloch looks on. Gerald' tenure ha. hren long and faithfuL
J ohn Daniel, 6' 4" enior, pau ...e~ to "ink a free-throw.
Although 80 boys went out for wrestling, the core of the team i compo ed of: Row 1: Colt•man, manager; B. John ton, R. Johnston, Robert..,on, iken, Carpenter, 1cCarty, DuPree,
Jacob. on. Row 2: Lu. k, manager; \1c ' ew, Robert , Ackerman, Pogue, Hup;hes, Hewe~, anrl', :\1r. Leonard :\1arcottt', coach. Grapplers postrd a 3-3-l -.ea ...tm thi ... year.
Matmen Mangle Harding
J. W. Robert ·on, junior letterman, trie to break down opponent with a double leg tretcher. Doe n't thi-. look likr fun"?
Bill Aiken, 120 lb. . enior, truggle for better ad\antage in All-City wre tling ·o wonder Aikt-n has an tournament. anguished look. Hi~ opponent ... eem to be u ing a tooth technique that Aiken ]I failed to lt'arn!
What, No
"The winnah!" proclaims an official after Rowell Johnston pinned hi man in the Harding match.
Resembling a Tibetan idol, a John Marshall "Bear" use路 a cro~s-body ride on Rowell John~ton in an attempt to put him on his shoulder-<.
Junior Brett Johnston proved to be an outtanding 106 lb. wre tier for NWC in the '60-'61 season. He ~cored 71 points through路 out the season. Brett took 1st in Regionals, 1st in 1id路 tate, 2nd in ity, 3rd in the
Geary Tournament, and establi~hed himself .a 路 a scoring all team points scoring five other team
2nd in tate. He one man team by for Knights, outin the State meet.
Padding? Wre tling i a . port where the plan of attack and the ability to adju t to certain . ituation are left almo t completely up to the individual. Personal succec;s mean team . ucce". . ince it i the team' core \\ hich determin the victor. earh member of the team must strive for per onal victory. The will to win combined with loyalty and hard work i the backbone of a \\inning team. ~ 's \He tlin« tt•am ha di played thee trait again t J>O\\erful team thi y •ar to tally a uccc.ful" a.on. V\ ing again"t one of the . tate' top rated teams, John Mar halL knig-hts were defeated. 29-3. in their opener. Coming hack to claim a 21-13 victory O\ er onnan. \HC tier plunged into a alt-andpepper ea on. Kni~htland' grappler were ho t to the ity tournament where they were held to a second place h) champions, John Mar hall. Matmen )ielded to tillwater' Pion er. 20-12. Journeying to the Geary Invitational Tourney to compete ·w ith om of the tate' mo t highly regarded team. Brett John on and Bill iken placed third in their re pecthe weight . 103 and 120. Knight downed Clas n, 20-12, before taking on Midwe t City for the lone tie of the y ar, 15-15. Tulsa Web ter visited ·we to mear Knight . 27-9. Bouncing hack, matmen hit Harding, 28-10. Knights placed third in Mid- tate. Brett Johnton placed fir ... t at 106 lb_., and J. W. Robertson, econd at 123 lh . At Regional., medali ts Brett John ou, J. W. Robert on, and Gipp DuPree earned lot on the tate Tournament bracket. Robert on, unable to go becau. e of injury, wa replaced by Bill Aiken. John ton reached final , and nailed econd place in tate.
""\o, not that!" plead~ a t1llwater Pioneer a-. Knight Dann\ Po~uc o..ron•-. a take-down in an effort to "in another hard fou~ht match.
Wre-.tlin~ require A-1 phy ...ical condition. Le~-1ift play an important part in a v.cll rounded caJi,thenic program. Thi prepare grappler., for gruelling matches.
Smash! lob! Slice! Chop!
Only a deluge has been known to ~top the e racqueteer~. :\lanag<>r, David Crom~cll, checks . tati~tic~. Rou· 1: ~lr. David Hoke, coach; Barnes, Cline, Rankm, Cromwell. Row 2: eba, Shoehotham, Ly aught.
Evening un catche tenni ter pooped from practice.
Lo\·e, to most people. means an affair of the heart. But to Knightland' netsterc;;, it mean they better tart cramming tho e balls do\\ n their opponents' throatc;;. A Round Table \\Cnt to prec;; • dates for matche had not been c;;et. haky knee , tired feet. and aching mu. de are more bearable \\ ith high goal-, in mind. For the fir t time the tate Championc;;hip meet wa held on \ WC' court . Racqueteer have a fine record.
'either windy weatht>r nor immering sun disht>arten femme fuayhallers. Row 1: l.t·wi~, William~, Woodward, OJ. on, i\lann, Hancock. Row 2: \1rs. Cortez Copher, roach, We t, Jone~. Dorney, orndiu , Cox, Albert-..
Hole in one is the goal of eH·ry golfer. Row 1: .Mr. Smebcr, coach; Matthew-., Davi..,on, Pt·mherton, Haney,
Birdie!!! Par! Bogie Golf hall . oared through the air. along the ground. and into the rough a \orthwcst la .. en' golf team practiced long hour throughout the year. Technical ituation create prohlem. for golfer·: electing proper cluh" hitting the \\ ith correct technique , ball earching for lost balk and cleaning muddy ones. Competition included the City Round Robin Tournament, in \vhirh each city school play t\\O matche . \1idtate and tate Tournaments.
Ray Mo. • faith in Lerald Warren mu t parallel that of William Tell and hi o,on. Wonder why he cracked up! "What would am need do in a ca~e like thi '!" que tions Robert Holme-..
man. mon.
Flirty Females Flaunt
Basketeen;' opener wa" a 39-36 lo"s to orthea t. Femmes al·o compiled a tring of victorie : Grant, 59-38; Doug]a.,s, 40-27; outheast, 52-16; Classen, 52-47. ext was a 47·37 lo s to John Marshall. Three games remained at final yearbook deadline with a 4-2 record.
'othing help~ like a diagram to ~implify tho,e invohed maneuver in B \ KETBALL. Row 1: ·nyder, mith, tcwart, Chance, Holmber~. Row 2: Griffin, Ames, :\forgan, :\lunsinger, Runka, Young, Bruner, mel er, Wilson, :\Irs. Cortez Copher, coach.
Softball team had a 2-2 season. Row 1: Chance, Young, tewart, mith, Holmberg, forgan. Row 2: Ames, taple , Mun inger, Miss Margaret Dou "Ht, coach; Bruner, Cody, Runka.
Finesse NWC softhallers were defratro. 3-2. hv ~ortheast hut came hack to outplay Classen. 8-4. Good hitting helped to defeat Harding. 13-5. Long to be remembered i the 3-2 lo to John Mar hall. Beck} taple ' homer which tied the conte t, was ca11ed illegal because John \1ar hall claimed he mis ed third base. Volle} halter were overpowered, 15-5, h} Capitol Hill and 16-6 by 1ohn \1ar hall before ea il} downing Central, 15-l. Ladie fell, 15-1, to Harding hut edged Grant, 10-8. Although defeated h} \orthca t. ll-3. ~ WC defeated Dougla . 9-5. outhea t beat ~WC, 11-8, before the Ladies ended the eason with a 12-9 win over Cla ¡ en and a J-5 ea on.
'"Lemme ha\e it!" pouts Carolyn nydcr as Loretta Holmberg scowl that o;;he' not about to! Practice game prepare roundhaller for future frays with other femmes.
"Who shall we send to the tournament?" Miss Margaret Dous. ett asks as Mrs. Cortez Copher checks a ladder to see who i eligible. Mrs. Copher coached tenni~. table tennL, and basketball. Miss Dou ett was mentor for oftball and volleyball. Both supervi ed badminton.
A and B team5 were created in OLLEYBALL thi year. Lettering were: Row 1: mith, Holmberg, 1 oung, tewart, Chance. Row 2: Elliot, nyder, melser, :\forgan, ArneÂŤ. :\Iiss :\Iargaret Doussett coached the team.
When Tempers Flare, Sportsmanship Despair
Abovr: Judv Given~ and Ann \1oodie receive the hall from Diane Bu~ch and Ann File. Double team of Billie :\fatthcws and Ann File raptured TABLE TEN . L . tate Trophy last year and chance look jl;Ood for rcprated uccr ~Below: City and , tate titles were won h)' ue :\1c\furran la t )'ear in BAD\11 TO . Row 1: Hardin, Ju~t. Harrv, Dixon, Thomas, Jone~. Row 2: Thompson, Parri~h, Blalock, Muzney, Brannon, Kratina, Gatewood.
Iri forgan shove the volleyball OYer the net a intent teammate , , ue tewert, Linda Chance, and Janie Smeler, stand by to offrr their a" istance.
JoAnne Arne ~tep a ide to get out of the path of a high ball in that disputed John Mar-;hall conflict.
Oops! There Went The Necklace!
Woody Young display the Mid- tate Conference All- port trophy that Knight have won for two years.
Two thou~and howling Knight~ and Ladie-, were rolling in the ai~le when Bill ¡nipe--, with tlw help of George \IcDowt'll, went all thumb~ trying to fa ~en porh Queen Betty Dixon' necklace. Twenty thumb were too many a 1t lipped to-er-place unknown. To everyone' gratification, it was privately recovered later, however.
Biggest money earner for Boys' "0" Club is the conce~~ion adjacent to the boy ' gym. "0" Oub member fill cup with ice to prepare for the on. !aught of half-time fans.
Splash! Splutter! Glub!
enior Alan Ric hard~, Rex Kennard, Chris Booth, Ken Hughe", and John ibley a\\ait the startmg gun.
Jerry Hier... che and Mark McGee cheer Rex Kennard as Jay t. John fini!"he hi leg. This free· tyle relay came in first in City and Mid· tate, and fourth at tate. City, Mid· tate and tate title were copped by ~phomore Mike ichols in the 100-yard butterfly and 20Q. yard individual medley. One of two double winner at tate, ·ichols set a new tate record of 2:17.7 in the individual medley.
For a wimming team \\ ithout a wimming pool, Knightland's mermen do pretty \veil. Only three lo:;~c. w re recorded in regular meet we fell to Tul a Roger twice and Enid once. Knight turned the table on Enid. howe\er, and out warn them in tate, and com1uered Harding, John Marshall. Capitol HilL and Grant. !\.night \vam away with the All-City trophy again thi )Car \vith 96 point . Clo e. t rival was Harding. with 61. \-like \ichol set a city record for the butterfly al 1 :0 l. mall mi"take . b} we added up to heartbreaking 117-lO<J lo~s to Enid for the \lid- tate title. In ten e\ents. Enid look first place in fi\e events and \ W . fir . . t in the other fi\e. ichol and Rex .1-..ennard were the onl) double\\ inner . "'...e\er before ha \ W placed in the top three in the tate. nly Tul~a Edi on and Bartle ·ville hold higher rank . ndercla. smen made a fine howing and pro pe ·t look fine for next year. \ichol and the 200-yard free- tyle relay team \\ ere medali t for 1\orthwe t Cia en.
Hey, ... Pass the Soap!
City champion. for the second straight year, wimmer are: Row 1: Booth, Ilughe~. , ihley, Kennard, Richards. Row 2: R. Hirr~che, Dougall, St. John, Gib~on, Kalmon \fr. Paul
Crowe, coach. Row 3: :\1illar, McGee, iclwJ.,, McOain, J. Hier~che. Row 4: Bla chke, Weldon, Thomas, Moffatt, Men· ninJ~;er. If thi ... continue~, tlwy may gl'l their own pool!
l. wim eaptain Chri-. Booth paddled to a fir~t place in the 100-)ard stroked "troke in the City and Mid-. tate ml·et-.. 2. Dean ~fcCiain '-pla-.hed to a ixth place in the 100-\ard bacbtrokt• at tate . •l John ible\ '._ back di\e ht•lped to win a -.ccond place in ity and :\{id- talt·.
Cindermen Dream of Future ...
Emulating Grt>ek athletics are cindermen Row 1: pear, Du nfnrd, \li llt>r. .\l.tcKellar, :\lerrill, ~nipcs, r oung, H) dr. Rolf 2: \I. Grime,, Locke, Powell, Wri!(ht, Harri~on, O'Hara, "tt•tl heimn, .'-ihlcy. RoU' 3: ~Iar,h, Boe' t·r~, Dorman, '\ ance,
Roberts, .\IcCart), Duncan. Row .J: \Ir. Rex Irwin, coach; D. Grimes, Sherril, Kise, Weldon, Kennison, Duane Harne , manager. \lodern adaptations of ancient "ports demand more stamina if record;, are to be crashed repeatedly.
''What a time to remember the law of gravity!" high jumper Dick Powt•ll shudders. But he ckared the 5'8" !wight with room to spare!
Pole balance~ in the background as Larry Dunford soars O\Cf the bar.
Olympics? or K. U.?
tarting down the final stretch in their dailv con titutional around a quarter-mile track are ~eniors, Fred i\lilier, 880; Joe â&#x20AC;˘ tl'Ltherimer, mile ; and Woody Young, 410.
He\ sittin' prtâ&#x20AC;˘tty! Broadjumper Buddy O'Hara hangs suspended in mid-air before plopping in a pile of sand.
indermen opened at the Fort Worth Invitational hut only miler Joe tellheimer qualified for final . Knight sped pa t Harding, 76-16, in the fir t dual meet of the ea on at 1\ WC. Knight winner were Gil Wrif!ht, winning 880 relay and fir t in 100 and 200)ard da he : Fred \tiller. 880 and mile rela}; Woody Young, quarter and both relay ; Larry Dunford, pole \aulL and HRO r Ia}; teltheimer, mile and mile rela}; Dick PowelL high jump. knights hcmed to La\\ton for their fir t dual meet los , 321;:!-8- Fir t for Knight were Miller, Young; and the mile relay, composed of tcttheimer, Bill pear, Iiller, and Young. tile rela) ranked a the mo t exciting and frenzied e\cnt.- Lawton led by 20 \ard until anchorman, Young, grabb d the baton. Gaining on every stride, he nosed out in a . izzling 50.7. Kni~tht finished ninth among 45 chools in the Third Annual Lawton lm ita tiona!. tandout in thi first major e\ent of the ea on \\ere tetlheimer, econd in mil<': \Tiller. second in 880: and Younf!. third in 110. In 0 Relay . both the mile and distance medley relay placed third. \1eets remaining after Round Table went to pre were the Duncan Invitational, Central late. Bison Rela) . OKC lm itationaL \lid- tate. Roger Relay . Regional , and tate.
Jim :"\lacKellar ~how~ good stylr us he flies O\Cr hurdle!'.
Baseballer showed good promi. e of achieving pa. t team ' accompli. hments. Row 1: \lr. Clay Davi~, coach; Arnn, Freeny, Duncan, Pace, Hammack. Row 2: Britton, McGill,
Wimpey, King, .\tkin-., Given . Row 3: "igmon, Jones, Walli-,, Purdy, Roblyer. Do Knightland' ¡ diamondaire~ hold tht: key to future major league succe es?
Rain, Flood, Hey! Where's Third Base? Knight and Ladie can really hout about their ba eballer . For four year . Knights have been near the top in state listings. Top year wa 1957 when Knight took tate . â&#x20AC;˘ WC' diamondaire reached final in 1958 and emi-final in 1959. In 1960 ba~men advanced once again to final b fore meeting defeat. Thi ea on' opener was a 10-1 heartbreaker to Capitol Hill. Red. kin were kept plent) worried a a re. ult of Terry King' long triple ,\hich hoved Knight ahead, 3-0, in the first inning. Tracy Freeny, te\ e Pace, and King cro ed home to lead, until the Hill accumulated eight run in the fourth and fifth inning to urge ahead. Capitol Hill plugged a WC rally in the eventh after Freeny bla ted a double and wa followed by Pace's single which ent Freenv home. Then ra.i n, rain, rain, reigned! Pace, Freeny, and Bob Purd lammed ball out of the park in the hawnee game to help pu h we to a 10-1 victory. In the Enid encounter. Knights edged Plain men, 5-1. Gray Atkin , fir t freshman ever to tart for WC. pitched a no-hit game until the fourth inning and '\as relie\ed h) Dave Walli in the fifth. La t game before final )earbook dead line wa a 10-7 win for Knight over ~lidwe_t Cit). 84
1961 B March 14 17 21 28 24 1arch 31 7 April ll 13 14-15 18 25 28 May 5-6 12-13
Capitol Hill _ 10 Douglas -Rain 4 we 10 Shawnee we 10 lidwe t City _ 7 we 5 Enid - --------- 4 I COMPLETED Putnam City Capitol Hill Dougla ha\\nee Duma, Texa Enid Vlidwe t City Putnam City Regionals tate Tournament
Pitcher Boh Purdy and catcher teve Pace hold an important conft¡rence to determine the condition of the hall.
Kokie Duncan catches a Tracy Freeny pitch as they practice for a double-play.
Or a Boat? Terry King wield hi mighty bat to iron out wrinkles in hi~ batting eye. With hi foot on fir~t ba~e, Gray Atkin.., catche the ball to put an end to the hort tay on the diamond of Capitol Hill', :\lorrow. De pite ~ond fielding, we lo t that game.
Lettermen - Time, Toil , Talents
Thi-. "ea of golden jackets represents long hour~ of hard work by ho) ... of the ·'O" Club. Row 1: Hichards, D. Duncan, Harri,on, O'Hara, Snipe,, Perry, Young, \iken, Decker, Over· treet, :\lrDowell, J. \IcCarty. Row 2: ;\k\eil, G. Thompson, Pace, Kin~r, Howard, Coulter, Purdy, Hyd1•, Hammack, pear, Linn, Cline. Rou: .1: "on, ·t. John, Warn•n, Daniel, Carpenter, < ance, Kennard, Welborn, Ha-tie, \ Jo,,, Rohl)er, Lusk. Row 4: tettheimer, ~loodie, Robert-on, Willard, L. \frCarty, Holme,,
Girt ... · "0'' Club ad<lt-d unneeded calorie- to Knight-. and Ladie ... b} -~·llin;! !'and} to finance a '-Pring trip to Quartz ;\fountain "tatt• Park. Rou I: Big:::-. It \\art, \ounJ!, Holmberg, Ba), mzth, Prater, Co it, teadlt·y. Row 2: !Io... ter, .\Iutthe~ ...,
T. Thompson, Ackerman, Wright, DuPree, Wilkes, Booth. Roll' .S: \1ac Kellar, Warren, Ly aught, Hughe~, Gee, Irwin, I.a~-on, Kt•nt, '\ferrill, Ballard, Robert ... , ichok Row 6: Dunford, ~frClain, Dorman, John ... ton, Graham. Grime ..., Pounds, Burbridge, Boren, Lo!'k(•, Walli ... , ~ impey. Row 7: Tucker, Bucklin, ·t(•ven~. McCoy, Pelton, Powc•ll, .\fcGill, K. Duncan, .Freeny, 'igmon, Emer-on.
Hicock, J. inefrock, Lewi .... Ilancock, OJ ...on, taple , Arne ... , Preble. Rozv 3: ollar... , Koeppel, Lac}, Kutz, \I bert, Cox, P. Finefrock. Chance, \1< \Iurran, Loeffler. Rou.: 1: MT". Cortez Copher, \Ji, ... Margaret Dou" ett, coache .
rganizations We Will Always
tng Our Praises
.\lan} or;!.tnit-ttioth fornwd at '\ orth\\c't Cia ...en gi'e 'tudt•nh the opportunit) to learn more ahout the ... ubject ,,hich intere't them mo. t. \lt·mht•r, of \-ttinnal Fort•n,ic' l.t>a!!Ut' not onl) learn the fine qualitic of acting, hut practice all field of the theatre. :\lr~. Patricia Gulley illus· tratc~ on Ruth Bre. ie the caution which mu ... t ht• tN·d in !Itt· applil-ation of make-up. \ anq et"dham watclw the long and tediou. joL with intere<.t, "turing knowledge for the future.
Larry t<•arn i nn active, examplc·"t'tting • tudent Council prt'~iclcnt. "t·lling cu-hion• which are helpfully comfortable at athletic nent · i. one of l.ar!J \ many acthitic• y,orked into his bu. y •rhedule. ally \It rklr, <tudent "tore manager, work with Larry m the ale o cu-bion , al-o •old in Knightland', "tudcnt tore.
Charline Harri ..on Vice-president
Student Legislature Lays Foundation potlight of the nation is .,.Jowl) turning t<mard the central portion of our country. and hy June 18. 1961. it will he radiant!) .hining above Oklahoma Cit). This "ill he the opening date of the ational "~ocia tion of tudent Ccuncils Conference extending through June 22. Hosting the twenty-fifth annual \ \ annual conference i perhaps the highest honor yet bestowed on orth\\e. t Cia . en and Oklahoma high chool . Proce of I>reparin~ the cornention began three year. ago and continue up to the openin~ day. orne fifty committe<'S haH' been formed under the recommendations of the steering committee and clewr idea. administered by tudent. and activities director all O\er the country. The e committee are set up to take care of any difficulty which may arise and to insure the comfort of each delegate \\ho \\ill attend the convention. Larry tearn.. pre-.ident of orthwe t Cia.. en tudent council, is the pre iding officer. Thi po. iLion demands re. ourcefulneo;;s, re ponibilit • and plenty of patient time. l nder the leader... hip of the Executive Committee. \\hich emer~ed from the teering Committee. and with the O\er-flowing pirit of the tudent hod). it is our hope that ~orthwe t Clas en will gi\e the be... t \ational s. ociation of tudent Council Convention ever held in its thirt) -)ear hi tory hirley Biggs ( orresponding ecretary
TUDEl'<T CO();.; Cl L nwl"ling are held regularly every Tut>~day and Thur~day. :pt•t>ial ct•rnmittee meeting may bt• callt•d on othrr ~rhool da~~- Ht•prc•t·ntatiw- from rventy-~ix advi oric an d nwmher-. of tht• E'\t••·utivt> Cornmittt• are pre ent at regular meeting .
Voting in the realm of Knightland i. done in precinct . Advi or• are di,idetl into ei~tht prt'cinct , accordin~ to alphabetical ordt•r. Voting prol't•dure... are outlined to tudrnt O•uncil mt•mllt'r Charline Harri~on and Jim :\lacKellar hy "tudcnt acth it it•• dirt'ctor and . C. o;pon'-or, :\Jj._., Kathleen Owen.
for Leadership Powwow Thi ~ear the ~tudent ho<h ho\\ed it~ upport of 'orth,\e t Cia, en' TL DE T COl \CIL h) appro,ing th • de~elopnwnt of an Honor }'tern. Council members \\ill take the wheel in building the } tern, while '-'tudents at large ht•conw hack-seat driver , ahle to ghe suggestion. and being helpful in carr} ing through the development proce it elf. This proce s \\ill take si more )ears, the fir- t tep of the even-step plan, honor stud} hall'-', initiated thi }Car, econd emester, are well accepted. ludenl Council has proposed a Point \Stem which enahle. stud •nts to adj udp_(' them. lve \H>rth) or eligible for recognition in Knightland. Certain amount of \\ork points and honor point are given for each office held. for participation in athletic . for queenships. for repre entation in tudent CounciL and for memher ... hip of the hield or Round Table . taff. T\\ehe point. of \\Ork and t\\ehe of honor. per )Car. are maximum for orth\\est Cia .en student. Thi distribute rt>..;pon ihility.
Vinet' ;\lonrrit•f Parliamentarian
Ann Hill Historian
ally \lcrkle tudt•nt 'tort' lftwa!{Pr
Society Scholars Uphold Honor Good grade alone do not in. ure an imitation to 1\.ni~htland'.., chapter of \ \TIO AL HO\OR 0 IETY. Before being con. idercd. a student mu<.t "how leader-.hip. '-<'nice to otllt'r-.. and dc-.irahle ideal . Tradition'i. -.uch as an honor S\. tem. make loft) grades harder to maintain. Th.ose \\ho . ucceed in upholdin~ the S)Stem are persons de irahl for a proud alma mater' Honor ociety. Thirt) -t\\-0 JW\\ rn('mh('rs \H're initiat<'d 'w' ember 17, 1960. These tud nts are the top ten per cent of the smior da!'s. Juniors in the top five per cent of their cia are a<.ked to join , t•cond . erne ter. Official head ~ pon or i \fi udrey Albert . In her unexpected ah--ence. re-.pon ihilit~ fell upon the capable "houlder-. of ,\lr". \laxine Tyler. '' ho took oYer emeqrenc) d utie and led Honor ociety member. through a fine )Car. \\ orkin~ \\ith h<'r arc other . JH>n'-ors ''ho rcprt•sent each pha e of chool curriculum: \lr . Geraldine Buzbee. \fi" Katherine Gih on. \lr. . Ramah \tiller. \Jr.,. \fadg<' \1ilk \Jr. idney Ohmart. \lr. John Paden. \li s Lucille Ta, lor. \li. " Henrietta Von Tungeln, l\1 rs. Ruth \\' arram. and Mr . Wilma Bird.
i\'ATIO \1 HO\OR "'0( IFTY members an• proud nf thl'ir di~ play window. Each hanner i. repre entativt• of a qualification for enterin!! the organi1.ation cholar-hip ha~ it• lwginnin~ in a textbook; Leader-hip i hown hy the j.!avel nf a prt• ident; rnice to one's fatherland i -.ignificant nf the third quality; and Character, perhap more e• ential than the other•, is built by -.tudy of the Holy Bihlt>. '1r•. :\laxint• T) lt•r i• •l'lf-a ppointrd caretaker of the window. In hrr emergency ~pon~or~hip, unfamiliar dutil'~ "ere thru~t upon her; Mr~. T}ler ha p ·rformed her ta~k \\ith gent ro~ity and effect he dedication.
Vice pre ident, nn Hill, econd from left, offer a thoughtful ~Uf.!.!!t'qion a" ... cretarv, Kay Bell, ri~ht, jot down nntt·•. Thinking the matter throu!!h a r e :.\lartia ~ingleton, tn·a~ur er; Vince 'foncrief, pn··idl'nt; and Rolwrt 01-on, chaplain.
System and Establish Tradition
Returning member~ of the ATIO AL HO OR 0CIETY Wt'rt' C'ho•t·n a~ the out,tanding member~ of their junior cia. in the year 1959-60. Row 1: K. Adam ... , Janet f...t·tchum, K. Bt·ll. 1'. \('rt'l', C. \Iel'hPt·tn--.
. Bil!l!: . Rou 2: "· mith, . Cu-ter. 1 ud\ Ketchum. \. Hill. "· \Jt•rklt. \I. "inl!leton. I.. Riel'. Rou 1: \'. ;\foncricf, G. Borrell, R 01-on, R. Floyd, 1. Rapp.
Honor Society Honors Scholarship
HO.:\'OR ..,0( IET't initiat•·, \\ore multi-t'olnn•d rihbmb the many a. prcts of the honor afforded them. Ruu I: G. l!ult'. ~1. \ikt·n. P. KinN'\, ( "I; orthin~. B Wilki on, .\l. Bomar, P. t••tlt'rodt•, K. Hoster. Rotc 2 · G. EJJi..,, B. £qeo, L. Holmberj!, 1. Kin~!. . Price, '\. ~ignifying
Oake--, C. Kern~. J. Ilt·-lt'r, P. Wl'rnrr. K. (a,,ady. C. llarri,on, \ ( ullu rt. 1'. F.rulknPr. C. ( lnt land. "· Jl,tll. R. A. Taylor, J. ummins. Rou -1: ~fr... ;\faxine 1\ler, B "hock, L. \lrCuin•. B. Thoma-on, ] . Dan it' I. R " t b.r, J \ahlirt'rg. \fr,. T)lt•r i.., ht'ud •pon-or.
Paint-Brush Crowd Practical Contributors
ART HONOR OCIETY members were initiated at the Oklahoma City Art Center. Row 1: \li. Elizabeth Urm ton, J. Epper-on, ·. Jone•, B. Butterworth, M. 'ance, Mr. Winnie Murray. Row 2: T. Brad-haw, B. E-tl'Tiinc, R. Kennard, J. Carri-on ot pictured are . Bowerman, R Lonf!:, and B. Wilki on.
!\ational requirements met and a ~enuine interet in art entitle. a tudent to he initiated to TIO'\AL ART HO OR IETI. Fete de Peintre , th name gi"en the local chapter. mean. Painter' Party. The chapter wa e tabli hed in 19.:58 and ha · hecom a popular acti\it) in Knightland. Member hip include participation in the Oklahoma ity Art Center, demon · t~ation by reco~nized artist , and exhibit \\ hi ch ht>lp and encourage young arti ts. Each )ear the ational rt Honor ociety Award goe. to the out tanding art tudent. ociety member are eligible for an award pon, ored b) the rt Renai ance Club of Oklahoma itv pr~ented in the annual awards a emhly. tudent enrolled in an art cla may join Knightland' ART L B. There are no schola tic re triction other than genUJne artistic achie\:ement in departmental project . The orrranization represent man) field : Fa hion, Fine rL, Commercial rt. eramics. Creative Crafts, tage Designing. reati\e De." igning. and Painting. ART CL B member repre ent varied type of arti tic talent. Row 1: P. Bennet, L. Hardin, B. Burterworth, . Gilbert. . Hetherington. Row 2: B. Thomp-on, L:
Bierman, J. Epper. on, . ]one., . Pettitt, M. Nance, J. Hammond, R. Kennard. B. F-tt rline, J . 1. Kennard, J. Garrison, T. Bradshaw, C. Lytle, M. Violett.
Blue and gold ribbon were worn by initiate of QUILL AND :::'CROLL. Ro11. I· . ( ulllt'rt, \\. Kalmon, \. mith. L. Kim· berlin, . Mu.,allam, L. \lims, J. Ande~on, . Hall, G. Eslin·
QUILL A D ROLL ha an excellent program of upplementing curriculum offering . \1ember of the Don Blanding Chapter. named for Oklahoma' poet laureate, meet on unda) afternoon once a month for di u ion of current book , manner . mu, ic, opera. philo ophy. teen problem and activities. tudent of 1unior cia,, le\el enrolled in journali m. art. or creati\e writing and maintaining a B average throughout high chool are eligibl for membership. ixteen new member were initiated f i r s t emester. , sociate member hip are available to journali ts who have demontrated out. tanding lo)alty and deYotion to publication over a period of years. 1r . ena arlin pon or the club' activitie-s. teward. are ~ancy Culbert, president; Winn 1\.almon. \ice-presidel')t: Ann Smith, recording ecretary; Sue Muallam, corre ponding cretary; Linda Kimberlin, t rea u r e r : Judi Anderon. chaplain: le\ e Peter. historian and Sylda Hall, program chairman.
ger. Rotc 2: P. Loeffler, A. Huckabay, ::\1. Hin•haw, P. lemon., B. Wilki on, J. Tillman, . Brady, L. Anderson, J. L. OJ~on. Rou :J: K. "la(.k, J. llt·-tt>r, "'· (,ilmon·, J. Elli-., P. pivey, . L Bumps , C. Cabell.
Quill And Scroll Initiates Staffs Talented Toilers
A"'>Ociate memht•r-hip;, wt·rc offt>n·d thi-. yrar to give all journali m student the opportunity for member-hip in QLILL \ D CROLL Row 1: V. ::\.fock, R. Kennard, J. Reeve , P. Volz. Row 2: J. Garri•-on, B. ::\kQueen, T. Knott. Row J: R. Long, V. uer, J. ~· Johnsbn.
Enrollment and Eligibility Mark Membership
HO. OH I \ \Cl \CE initiatt·-. almthl douhlnl the ... izt• of thi ... Kni~htland < H~.tni1.ation.
Rozc I: P. l>or nwn. L Kt·nb, . Kurt1, . Price, P. ~Pi' e', \I. \[arlin. Rozc 2 \\. Kalmon, B. :\l.tt·
P. \, n e, "· Lo' ing, L.
Rou· ~: ]. Fret"ell, B. E-.tt· ... , . . Smith, :\I. \an Hook, C. Bt:tbon. Roze 1: K. \dam ..., ~I. \alht\ K. Bolt--., . l>.n i.... G. :O.nt·t•d. Row 5: P . .I imt'll('t, E. t'' t•rin. 1\.. "lark, ]. Booth. Row 6: •. Culhert, ]. Boura"'a. T. Babcock, D . • cro~ gin, 1>. Cromwell, P. Wilt•-., P. Ehrig, J. Pate.
HONOR LA rep 1\GF Cluh re" aro lan~uage students for arhie' emenls and encourages them to ronlinue slUO) of the lan~ua~e of their choice. To he eli~ihle. one must he enrolled in the ixth erne. lcr of a single lan~uage and ha\e a B+ or 3.6 a\erage. Initiation is held each spring for tho e '' ho are qualified. Initi ates ''ear ~reen. yellow, and · '' hite ribbon . The ) ell ow i. S) mbolic of cholarship. the green of desire and ambition. and the white of puril). The cluh' emblem i an owl iLting on a Roman Lamp. The owl tands for ''i dom: the lamp remind member that wi dom is allained throu~h hard work. and "burning midnight oil." \Ii s Henrietta on Tungeln, Mr. Bill Hughe , :\1r. Virgil Cald\\ell. \li" \laril)n Coffey, l\lr . Wilma Bird. \Ir. Leonard \farcotte. and \li s Carol Greniger . pon or HO\OR L \ GL <\GE. Officer · for the l<J60-61 --chool )Car were \ ancy Kurtz, president; usan Price, \ice-president; and Cind) 1\.ern .. ecrelary-treasurer.
tudenl attempt... to clog the wheels of knowled~e h} littering; ling;ui-.tic lahoralorit·.., are to no a'ail. Janitor-forthe-da}, Kenneth Pt·rr) come-. to the aid of spon..,or-indistress, \li-.s \luril}n Coffe}, ' pani-.h in~tructor, and clt•ar the clutter.
HO\OR MATH \\as •,..tabli hed to promote intere"t in mathematics and to recognize those who do well in thi field. \lain activities are t•mt•-.ter initiations with out tandin" mathe. . k e matH·Jans a. gue~t . pea er:-;. The club initiated twenty-eight member in the fall. 1emhen•hip require. three ~t'me,.,ters of A's in math and continuing in math cour e. until graduation. maintainin~ a B a\era~e. ponsor are Mr . "ellie Ecton, l\1r. Rodne} t. Dizier. \liss Bernit•ce Gordon. \1r-.. lice Che her, 1is \1ar) Wedding. \lis \1argaret Thomp on, \lr. Rex Irwin, \1iss Helen Willingham, Mn>. Geraldine Buzhee, l\1r. Paul Cnme. and l\.1r . lovie Bani on. Vin('e \Ionerie£ wa pre ident for the 1960-61 school ) ear. Other officer. \\ere 1ohn Daniel. \icepre ident: u an Gilmore. secretar): and Gary Borrell. treasurer.
Initial of HO OR \1ATH wear ribbon. of dark and light blue. RoK 1: ] . Reber,]. Booth, . Buchnt·r, R. A. Taylor, V. Kurk, J. Fretwell. Row 2: P. Dom10n, . Craig, J. Childer~. L. Rice, K. IIo ..ter, K. Bell, P. Kutz, :\lr... ellie Ecton, \[I.... \lary \h•dding. Rort J· J. J aynt>, . Enclt•r.., J. ~. Robertson, D. Frt>eman, T. Bean, . Holt, J. Boura !'a, 1r . Clovie Harri. on, i\fr. Rodney t. Dizier. Row 4 : J. Keffer, J. Daniel , B. Finch, R. Law on, W. Pearson, B. Howard.
HO OR \1 \ TH recognize, top '-ludent in orthwe t Cia. en' many rollt•l!t' preparatory math cnur'c'. Row 1: C. Ben. on, L. Holmberg, P. Faulkner, K. \dam ... C. ;\JcPht·ttt·r.., P. pivey, . Davi , J. Reber. Row 2: P.. tfcle, \I. \an Hook. J. Cummm', . Biggs, T. Prater, . ferkle, N. Kurtz, \1. •·inglcton, K. "lack, "· Gilmore. Row 3: R. hirley, E. Ju t, D. Harri,on, L. \leGum•, \V. 't nung, D. Walli., B. Thoma. on, . h ·rman, G. Borrell. Rou -S: D. "rrop:::,in', T. Babcock, J. Elliott, . Jabara, V. \loncrief, J. \'ahlhng, R. Flo}d, R. eba.
Member of i\'OU.t\"CER CI.t;B an• ,!lH n he opportunit} to ~peak via C for a one-week Reynold", "!!t. period. Rezt· 1· at arm~; J. Given., hi~torian; C. Barr(' II, I Tl'a~tm·r; J. Helwr, '-tTretary; G. Allen, gt. at arm~; Garman, pre.. idt'nt. Row 2 Romerman, J. Taylor, A. Jordan, . Lawrence, J. Cooper, C. Brook, B. Hill. Rozr .1: J. Pool!', C. Riley, A. File, J. Au tin, J. (oJwland, J. \kt-r. Row 1: ]. "-aunder.., N. Woodard, A. Danwl•, R . Bn·.... it•, B. \latthev. .., T. Babcock, D. roggin. Row 5: 1. Kincaid, J. Boura~sa, :\1. Water., C. Bruton, R. Davidson, T. Zinn. Rou n: S. \larkham. \.William... D. '\1ielenz, L. Cheever, P. pivey, K. Slack, D. \ndrl'v. ... Row 7. ]. lox, K. Knott.
Who i re_ponsible for the cheerful bit of ne\v that come. mer the Central ound } tern each morning informing C\ eryonc of doing of 1\.nightland for the da). lndt>e<L none other than member of the A'\ 0 '\ -
Thi )Car the club expanded its dutie to include presiding over an-· nouncements at athletic function . Often excitement at athletic encounter pre ented a challenge to announcer who found it hard to keep their voice at a moderate tone. But who \\ants to be moderate? Out of sixty \\ho auditioned at th' year'· beginning. forty \vere accepted for actiYe member hip. ~Ir. Ted '\ichol spon or the group.
C Engineer .. are helpful in all broadcasts via Knightland's CentraI ~ ound votem. At lea.. t one i. on. duty each hour of the .. chool day. Left to right: . cotty Fo~ter, am Reynold .., \lr. C. Olen Labor, :\like Dougla-., B o b Coultel', DeWayne Andrew .., \lac Crain. eated J'- teve Garman.
to Do 1n
YTK membt·r~ are cho-t•n to giw dnotionu)._ "~>ht•nncr one j.., nee ~ary Row 1: B. Pierce, B. Butterworth, J. Taylor, C. Rile,, K. Bell. -· .\lu-.ullam, W. K.dnwn, ~- L. Bumpa..., ::\eedham, \. Huckabay, - · Brady. P. Loeffler, N. Hicock, C. Pruitt, .\1. !:-im.... Rorc 2: C. Wood. C. \\ nrtlnnJZ. J. fill man, \1. :-.ingleton, A. Hill, C. Hurri-on, S. \lerklt·. K. Ho ... tt r. "· mith,
Advisory- Try Listening
L Rice, J. Vore, L. ' tcinbrck,
-\nder...on, K. Hardage. Row 3:
J Troxel. K. Humphrt·)•, J Br Jra•-.a, '. ::Oit'\\art, "· Green, \. Woodard, P . lknnctt, C. Cu ...ter, R. Long, L. Holmberg, L. (,nffin, L. Thump-on. Ruu 1: S. Rt•}rwJd._, J . Ife-tt•r, U. Harri. on, A. Bowerman.
Combined \\ ith rholastic achievement i. the piritual de,elopment of l\.ni ~htlander!'. YOC1 H OF THE KI\GDOM \\a originated by and i strictly a student organization. This )ear marked the b ginnin~ of a \\eekly chapel held on Wedne day morning . Gu t speaker repre enting a uriety of faiths ~hare these meeting·. Other acti\ ities of the group include giving the morning devotional over Central ound \. tern and at all home football games. ba ketball games. and wrestling matches. \1ember are preparing grace~ for noon time meal. to he gi,en in the cafeteria. pon oring the group are Mr . \1adge \1ills. \1r . Jeanne Rippee. and \1r . Ruth Warram.
\nnounCl·menh during advi ory, including administration new~, .pirit lmo•ter-, de,otional•. and tlw t·alt•ndar for the day. an• bcnt•firial to '-tudt•nt-. in a big, bu y chool -.uch a" orth,~e-t Cla~en. Pictured here are, left to right: Jon Boura•a, Ginger Allen, .\1 i k t' Reeve•, and .\fr. C. Olen Labor, a-... i-.tant principal.
Senior, of the CO RTF-,'! CLUB find Pnjoynwnt in rendering "f'rvice to the many activltie found in Knip:htland. Row 1: ':l. \nder..on, V. Emhry, P. Cornrâ&#x20AC;˘ll, B. Wt'lch. R. Our-., A. Forrestor, :\1. Aiken, R. Rice, J. Belt, R. haw, J. teven~. S. Pinbton, D. Embry, D. :\1iPit'nz, rrdham. A.. Huckabay, J. AndersOn. Row 2: B. F.ste., J. Tillman, C. Worthing, N. Mangum, M. Clark-.on, ]ant t KPtchum, ]. Reding, P. . Allen, B. Dixon, Judy Ketchum, J. He.. ter, J. King, L. Holmberg,
C. Miskov..ky, , . Bigp:s, K. Bell, P. Kutz. Row 3: P. Davi., C. Treece, J . Childer~ P. eal, L. Rice, . rnith, L. Mirns, K. orris, 5. \1usallum, J. L. Olson, R. Winkler, R. Long, C. Cu ter, A. Williams, P. Kim ey, . Alberts, J. Cox, N. Whittaker. Row 4: P. Bennet, A. Bowerman, B. Wilkison, A. Hill, L. teinbeck, J. Andrews, K. teadley, C. Harri on, S. \farkham, J. Biddy, B. Hcbi-.on, K. Hardin, J. Morri., L. Arnn, B. pigener.
Courtesy Club Continues to
COURTESY CLUB wa honored when the offer to u~her at "Fiorello" was presented. Broadway produced a fine play and an opportunity for member to . ee some of their favorite celebrities. Enjoying conversation with other ushers before the c10wd arrive are, left to right, Barbara Butterworth, haron mith, Carlean Wood, . uzanne mith, and Toni Raschke. Ushers were cho-.en on a volunteer, first-come-first-serve basis.
Thi year' be"inning marked a time of great expan, ion for one of Knightland' oldest and m o t acthe organization , CO R1 E Y L B. Member hip welcom Knight. and Ladi from all cia . and all activitie . \ ·w member are greeted with teas, . ocial meetin" , committee to join, and job of all . orts. Th e include u. hering at chool activiti and public function ; planning <.;(•n•ice project ; and pla}ing ho ts to school- pun. ored com:ention . ourte-.y luh memhcr are lookin~ for\\ard to aiding delegate to the \ational " ocialion of tudent ouncil Conference herwhen they \ i it 1\orthwest Cia . n. ing at pia) uch a "The nder onville Trial" and "Fiorello'~ pre nted the opportunity for member to hobnob with Broadway celebritie , plu an e ening well \\-Orth their effort. Added allraction to m mherhip in ourtt' y luh are ilver or gold bracelet charm .. bearing the emblem of the organization. Leading in club operation are officer 1anet Belt, president; 1oanna te\ en., vicepr ident; Ruth Rice. ~retar} : and Randy haw, trea urer. Working with the:;e girl are pon or \1i Berni e Gordon, \1r . Ola \1ae Oakes. and Mr . Mabel Park. Row 1: B. Butterworth, . Thompson, P. Be;,t, T. Knott. Row 2: J, Roesler, l\1. Bomar, . Brady, C. Wood. Row 3: S. L. Bumpa'<, 1. \lrKI'IIar, :\1. R!'t·ve~, . Garman, \1. \latthew~, J. Daniel., P. Loeffl r, Mrs. Ola 1ae Oake , \1i. Berniece Gordon, . Hayes. Row 4: l\1. Crain, K. Perry, ]. :\lcCarty, . mith, R. Johnson, T. chwab.
Perform 1n Courtly Manner f·
Juniors are actiw in all projf>ch and meetings · of COURTESY CLLB. Rott I: L. Been, C. Jacob, P. Volz, . l\lcCan, . onnenfeld, G. Allen, J . Reber, J. ott. Row 2: . Ell worth, J. Booth, G. need, B. Barber, W. Kalmon, T. Koeppel, L Booker, M. Goodell, J Reeve", ;'\1. . choenthaler. Row 3: . \lorris, W. Au tin, K. Hardage, J. Jon e... , J . Graham, . Lacy, E. Elliot, B. Dorney, P. pivey, P. Brown, . Gilmore. Row 4 : J. Cooper, B. latthew , A. File, . L. \la ~hore, ]. Au"tin, C. Ci" ne, . utton, L. Agee, K. l\lcCandle~., J. choole), . ·. Perrin, B. Hill, K. lack, R. Chamberlain, J . Ghens. Rott 5: B. \loodir, D. Nay, J. John on, A. Wei'<iger, S. Telford, T. Ruff, A. \lagruder, oe, R. Mills.
member of the KEY CLUB repre!<ent tht• fint·~t t}JlC of boy at 1\orthw,·~t Cla~~en. Row 1: C. :\fiddleton, G. Borrell, .. - hennan, G. Car· ter. J. Carnahan, J. Price, \lr. Horace Brooh, J. Flemmin,:t. J. Pate, L. :\lcGuire, T. Knott, D. Durft-e, D. Cromwell, \'. ).Iorin. Rort· 2: G. mith, J. Carri-on, :\1. Dc~Champ~, J. Rapp, L Crain. R. Flovd. C. Booth. D. Powell, J. Wood· ward, R. eb~. B. Kent, Garman, S. Irving, D 'ho. hotham. :\I. Water-.
For young men \\ho find . atic;;fac· tion in renderin" en ice to other • kE1 CLL B b an organization suited for them. pon~ored h, Kiwanis Inter· nationaL it i~ found in mo. t of the large high · ·hool of Oklahoma. Each year '\orthwe:-.t Cia. en', chap· ter ponsor:; a hri tmas·ba ket drive. Homerooms prepare a basket of food for a famil) from a list of nam uppli d b) the ah at ion \rn1). \lembers of the Club delher these. To raise mone\ for other civic and ocial n·ice pr~ject they man con· ce..sion -.tands at the Junior League pla} . \lr. Horace Brook and ;\h. Frank Jam are the cluh'.
"Distingui~hed" is the ideal word to u!'e in de cribing the appearance and the honor afforded the'-e Kni~rht~. Leadin!!: the KEY CL B in it~ activitie are Dale Durfee, president; Tom Bean, vice-pr . ident; Terry Arnn, . ecretary; Forr~t White, trea urer; Larry cott, gt. at arm ; Nick Woodard, junior repre~ent ative; Tim Zinn, ophomore repre entative.
Key Club Knows Needs, Fills Them
ndercla~smen an• invited to join KE'l CL B at the beginning of the "chool year. Row 1: R. Robin on, B. Du~kin, C. \mt·-. P. Chne, J. Boura-.-a, J Barm·-.. J. \\'. Robert on, C. Holt, L. prou~, D. haw, T. Arnn, R. Cobb, '\ Woodard. Rort 2· C. Bay, T. Deen, B. Hol-ey,
P. Wile,., . R. EH:rard, I "cott. J Hamma<'k. T Bt·an. D. Thomp-on, . Reynold~, J. aunder~, L. Lemmon, . Jabara, \L Ca ey, R. Lang~ ton, \\. Hammond, C. Keni-.on, D. \l c(.lain, B. Blackwell, T. Iter, D. Anderson, T. Zinn.
Y-Teens Tackle Grease Monkey Project
Girls eag r to di cover new idea about living. while having profitable, whole• orne fun, and doing generou en·ires for other .. and making Ia ting friends join Y-TEE S. Under the auspices of · Y.W.C. .. group member" hare re. pon ibility and appreciation of God-given endowment with imilar ~roup around the world. Mr . Ola Mae Oake-; and 1r . Dorothy Peale pon or Knightland'. chapter. Thi ) ear they raised chapter fund by having rar-wa h service. Appreciation of the vital role of education in democracy' urvival is demon. lrated by tudent who join F TURE TEACHERS of AMERI A. Their Chri tma dinner and charity basket are tradition . Thi }ear they establi. hed a teacher memorial plaque to be plared in the Oklahoma room of the library. To tart the year off right a tea wa held in the ocial center with pro pective member attending a ~u t. of their faculty pon or. . ~ight meetings followed bringing peak e r from many pha e of the teaching field. Their information wac; a. varied as the ubject and area in which tudent member are planning to teach in the future.
): -TEl• \ i~ mad • up of l!irl~ from all c·la" Inc] .... Rnu I: ~Jr~. llmoth~ Pt•.alt>, D. Dunham. \ Graham, K. Dunbar, J. )one~. Rou 2: B. Worthing, P. ElL worth, B. Langh·}, K. Hardage. Ror~; 3: L. Buchwald, K. Lent ... , J. 01a•e, R. Holman. Rou 4: , . :\lann. K. )onc• ... , M. Well-., I.. Hardin, I.. £-linger.
Democracy Beckons Future Teachers
Social get-togethers are enjoyed by member· of FUTURE TF \ CHI:R-. OF \.\lERIC \. Home of mt•mlwr Chen! , omnwrfrucht wa. the ~ite of the hri-tma. dinner an"d club project. Left, pre~ident ~ tnc Petc·r prc-.ents to .\lr.... Richard Ghol~ton, repre,entath·e of a group helping de'-t·nin" Indian~. Chri-.tma~ gift-. from FT \ mt•mher~. hove, "· Hall, C. ommerfrucht. J. Rc·cH''• .. 1.. Bumpa-., J. l.ind-.a\. Pt·tt r. D. . ro\H', I II unt. \1 \ ann•, and ]. WooliC} wait expectantly a ... \lr. J. R Sommerfrucht manipulate· the food. :\lr". evva artin i~ head pon'-Or aidc·d by Mr~. Ruth Warram, and \Ii .. · Glad)" '-hepard. Orw-di .. h dinner~ markl'd ncning nwt"ting....
JU lOR RED CRO repre~entative deliver report. to their advi. ories the day following Wedne~day meeting . Row 1: B. ~Ioni!!Omery, J. Fretwell. F. de Valle. B.. ka~g., •. Booker, R. llolman, F. Farri~. H. Kin~, D. Vandrr-.lice. Row 2: J. Coyle, B. "elh), C. Barker. . Hicock, J. Allen, J. Law~on, J. Deal, L. \lanloH', . Brady, . Bia., B. Pierce, P. Reinbold. Row 3: C. Kern., C. :\IcPheeter, D. June, .
Well~, B. Wilkison, J. \rmstrong, S. :\Iartin, J. Elli-.on, :\I. Garlick, . Perrin, \. Ell-.worth, :\L Wade, . Cu-.ter. Row ·1: B. Ilo\\ard. J. Bour.J'-'-.1, P. Oormon, :\1. I .• ·mith, D. Harrison, T .• leer, \I. Well , K. Jone.. Row 5 · C. t. Dizier, C. \lacKenzie, . Gilmore, D. Cromwell, . Garman, J. Lind,ay, \1. Zackritz, J. 'ander-., . Woodard, M. 1c· .Main!', . Reynolds.
Medical Methods and Planned Repre ntatives from 76 advi ories attend, hi-monthly, meeting of JU~IOR RED CROSS. An active club in Knightland, Junior Red Cro pon or and carrie out many service projects, uch as program pre ented at Veteran' Ho pita!, gift hoxe or che ts nt over ea . Donut ales during the year are al o pon ored by thi organization. Mis Helen Bourke and Mrs. Lucile Spann are pon or of Junior Red Cro s. pring of the chool year 1959-60 marked the launching of an organization lOR MEDICS. new to Knightland, J Mr . ola \1oore, school nurse, and Mrs. Ramah \Iiller, homemaking, pon or the group and lead discu . ion .
Each year . tudent take time out from diet and indulge in a donut treat. Junior Red Cro. spon~or the . ale of donuts in ad vi. orie to rai. e money for project . hove, Pam Martin hand repre. entative Jim and e r donut money as Don Elli makes a flavor deci ion. Right, ancy Nichols, Dave Cromwell, and Jon Bourassa upervise the ale. Proceed go for an over eas chest.
Row I· C.. J. Ice, . Daniel, A. Graham, P. Wade. Row 2 J>. Lot ffler, C. \lrCee, C. Ci~~nt•, .". II all, J. Rt•ctor, K. Wil~on. Row 3: . AndeNm, L. Holmberg, J. L. OI~on, . 1\lhert~. C. Cabell, K. Terry. Row 4: B. £qer· line, K. Kratina, D. ~forelock, 1\1. , avage, L. :\lim~. Row 5: . Sigmon, G. Ynungheim, . Ru<-h.
Projects Charge Chapters
] 1\IOR .\1EDIC pay heed to KniJ!htland' nu~e. :\1r,.,. ola \loore, a. «he gives them a few helpful hints. Rou 3: M~. \loore, ] . Houra ....a, B. Howard, B. Brum· l·y, ]. Huddle~ton, D. Daniel, C. Casady, . Gilmore.
Intere. t in becoming a nur~ and in the field of medicine '-PUrred Judy Maier, the daughtt·r of a nwdi!'al doctor, to ~hare with others her future hope, and to organize a club in which Ill tho<.e of likt> intt>rt•<.t !'ould !'OJJH' togt•tllt'r. Thi" chapter of Knightland, ] • ' lOR :\lED I ·s, under the directwn of Judy, has grown into a IH"ndicial outlet for "tudrnt~. , hown here, Judy review· pamphlet -.he hac; collected which help her and fellow members choo ..e a -uitahlt· rart·cr in n1edicinr or follow individual hohhie .
Rou.: 2 : Mr... Ramah :\Iillt:r, Jehu).. , S. Raile}, C. Beauo.ang. Rou- 1 on floor· P. Cornell, . :\larden, K. Brav. :\ft·mhers gatllt'r to prt'parc J.andagt• .. and nwdi· cal- uppJie.., to c;end oH"r ..t·a ...
FORE IC LEAG E i. an hon· orary organization for out. tanding debater and speech tudent . By appearing before large audiences and by participating in peech tournament. , peech , tudent obtain twenty-five point required for member. hip. Three of our mo.t out. tanding peaker-.. \irk Woodard. Dan Young, and Don Templin, attended .F.L. Invitational Tournament at Miami Beach, with ick and Dan winning fir. t in Debate, and ick ' inning fir t in Extempora· neous peaking. The debater thi year re ·olved that the nited ations hould be trengthened. K. Kay Brande . 1960 graduate represented our .F.L. chapter at ational Tournament in an Diego, California. Ia. t ummer. Tho~e attending this tournament were the mo t out. ta~din~ peech tudent of the nited tales. Mrs. Patricia Gulley pon or orthwe t Cia. en' chapter. \fember of FORF IC I.E \CUE are Knip.htland'.., lw-1 tournament repre entath e". l.t>ft to rip.ht: \. Woodard, \. \'eedham, D. Younj.!', D. Templin, J. \hncy, \. orion, K. Knott.
Dramatics Train and Entertain
A T I 0 A L THESPI . honorary organiza. tion for e-.tablishing and ad· vancing the tandard of excellence in all pha,e of dramatic art. created an acti,·e intere t in drama among the tudent thi year when it. member produced everal all- chool plays. a ational The pian service organization which provide expert advi ory services to it member~ in all phases of play production. Ten point required for member hip may be acquired by participating in all pha s of dramatic work. Thi year' spon or i Mr. . Patricia Gulley, peech teacher.
.··········" .... 8 I I II I I
I I I I alI I tl 11 I I I I I I I I I • • • I I • • • • ~~.....,~, t I I II I I I I I I _W!III..._......;.J.........:CII
THE PIA or~anization feature dramatiC leader. in allschool play and peech tourna· ment . Row 1: C. Barrett, C. Miskovsky, N. Needham, D. Mie· lenz, \f. :'\farlin, K. Knott. Row 2: orton, J. Childrrs, C. Truett, B. . ance, J. Givens. RoK .1: ;'\Irs. Patricia Gulley, . Garman, J . McCord, f. Kincaid, D. Andrew , . Fostrr.
Science Wizards Learn Whys, Wherefores
Cll Cf_ CLUB. ~pun~ort'd h} \nrthwt·,t Cia srn' •rience department, i« open to any pupil intcre,ted in ~cience. , tud!'nt with common intrn·~ts m!'et in ~uch prcial p:roups as photography, chemistry, phy"ic~, botany, and !Oo)uf!y. Fit•ld trip, to m.tn; intt•restinj! exhibits or nature tudie~ in Oklahoma are enjoyed by mt•mher~. The planetarium located at Oklahoma . tate Fairground i. a favorite Yi itinp; ~pot. ity widr projects and nn.!ani1ation• art• ~uppnrtf'd h~ Knil,!htl ,llld's cirnct•
Club. Actin~ a' head -.pon•or of thr nr~anization i ;\lr. John Padrn, who wnrh with other '-Cience tt·acher \lr•. Bt•tty Richard, :\Ir. La¥.rence rou~e, Mr. Paul wan, and \1i"" Lucile Taylor. :\1embers meet on alternat!' Wednesdays to disru<.s topics of intt'rcc;t in Knightland's science program. . tanding are officer Jerry Elliott, pre ident; Jack Flemming, vice-pre ident; usan Gilmore, ~ecretary; Beverly Este~. trea urer; Mike 1c\1ain', parliamentarian: and :\1r. John Paden, pon<:Or.
Chess Club Challenges Cunning
Che~s. the thinking man' game, has an oro-anization, ne\\ I) -founded in Knightland. I ntere t in the game of bishops and rook . a great amount of patience and concentration ar the only requirement for entrance. rrivin!! at ria-. late after lunch oc<'a ionall~ the n"-'ult of a ti~ht game.
CHI<~. CI l B nu mbt•r-. indulge in the p:ame of wll. St•att•d: . Garman, H. Fagin, J. Elliot, E. Just, \1. \ldhin~. tanding: . Hcynold , J. Ma~on.
Boy outnumber g i r I in the GER 1AN CLUB. Rou· 1: J. Car· mony, J. Floyd, B. Cox, R. Gibson, R. Bell, R. Robinson, C. Bay, R. Cobb, Col. \ irgil E. Caldwell. Row 2: C. Cabell, J. L. 01 n, M. Black, T. :\1illigan, P. • e tierode, G. Guthery, J. Warren, D. ,\ndrew~. P. Ehrig, T. ,\rnn. Rou 3: R. Long, S. Ander~on, J, Ma· '-On, B. Chaple, J. \van t, J. Jerlow, . Gray, E. ' nidcr, C. Holt, B. Enter. Row 4: B. Garrett, K. ewman, . Reynold , C. Ham· ilton, L. irn!>, J. Car•on, J. Saun· der., W. Robert., \1. .Mc\tain., B. Reiff. Row 5: D. Boyle, . Loving, J . Corbett, D. David on, J. Vahlberg, J. Coppock, J. Taylor, J . Chalmers, L. Bell, E. Ju l.
Language Students Any tudent in a German cla or anyone who peaks the language may become a member of the GERMAN CLUB. An opportunity to use the German language i offered to all member . Purpo e of the club i to promote under tanding of the culture of the German people . Col. Virgil Cald,~ell pon or the group and lead member in activities. Partie and project , di. cu. ion group where only German is poken are organized and directed by Col. Caldwell. Tale o£ Col. Caldwell's adventurou army life park classes and GER\1A CL B meeting.-. Row 1: B. ~1urphy, J. outherland, J. Boura.~~a, H. \~bite, J. Aker. Rou 2: E. Bierman, D. Rucker, J. \linninger, . Tennis, R. Henrick.. Row 3: B. Boll. , C. Kosted, . Kimerer, J. Barkett, A. GibiL. Row 4: ]. Flt·mmmg, J. Moore, H. Dubber~tein, J . Harne~. L. Bailey. Rou· S: P .. tcele, M. Zachritz, G. Borrell, :\1. Hutchin!'<ln, B. Hunt. Row 6: W. Rout~, ]. Lee, E. Brady, R. Wiedermann, C. McClure, P. Howard.
Jl lOR CL \ . IC \L LEAGUE, one of Knightland'" large t organization., i<; compo. ed of speaker of a suppo edly dead lan~ua(!C' Row 1: B. elby \L Point'-. L. Holmberg, T. Ro~e, C. Wolff, M. im<;, . Finefrock, M. ichol«, V. Brewer, P. Jacob-on, E. Owens, Haffner, P. Finefrock, T. Coughlin. Row 2: . Perrin, H. O'Leary, P. Loveless, K. King, M. F.. mith, . King, ~1. I.c>aminp;, J. Earn t, C. Ice, F. Turpin, M. ~ewell, J. Richert, J.
Gillt> p1e, \L Lappin, :\1. [,te,, L. Vernon. . Davi~. C. Truett. Rou 3: L. Coughlin, 1\. Chri tian on, K. Ca«sady, ~- Kinwrer B. '-trontz, T. 'itetr, ( Farha, J. Garri,on, C. Riley, P. Rt·inbnltl, J . tettlwinwr, \. Houchin, C. Iknham, II. Tra,ka, J. Rapp, D. Harri-on, J. Houchin, D. Hume, D. Pape, \\. Pear,nn, D. Ander-.on, D. Confer, R. hirley, K. Li "• R. Cobb, J. Davi .
Study Countries' Customs \1embership in J lOR CLA ICAL LEAGUE is offered to all who are currently enrolled in a Latin clas or who have completed two year of the language. Purpo e of the chapter i to encourage among young people an interest in a n d appreciation of the civilization, language, literature, and art of n ient Greece and Rome. and to give them orne under tanding of the debt of our own culture to that of clas ical antiquity. Highlight of the year i a Roman Banquet, where tudents in first year of Latin fill the role of lave . econd year tudents provide the entertainment, and third and fourth year tudentl act a Ca arean noble . ponsoring the club is \lr . Wilma Bird. Officer are Carol \1cPheeter . pre!'ident; Donna Decker. vice-pre ident: Ka\e Boles, secretary; Su an Price, trea urer; and Tommy Babcock. parliamentarian.
Latin 'peaking is 'implified h) mt•mber,hip in JCL. Row 1: ]. Allen, D. Minor, J. Johnson, . Fuller, G. Laurence, B. Bi«hop, J. Hanna, C. Pate, E. Palo K. 0' hea, \1. Bennett, l\1. Barker, J. Lamb. Row 2; D. '-piva, R. Hicr,che, J. Tatum,"· \\oodard, T. Babcock, C. Kerns, D. Decker, C. McPheeter~, K. Boles, ~- Price, \lr'. \\ ilma Bird, T. Bean. D. , croggin, M. ingleton, R. A. Taylor. \1. Miller. Row 3: D. Draper, L. Hackler, P. Putt, A. ullivan, D. Knox, C. Goforth, R. Jack, C. Fari , G. Kasper, P. Pearson, C. Abermann, C. Pruit, L. Ridgeway, C. tammer, A. Hiniker, C. t. Dizier, ]. trttheimer, R. Linn.
Performing the honors during the cnemonial ]{ TOR CI \ ICAL LEAGUE initiation is Tommy Babcock, as Don croggin, Tom Bean, and Carol \IcPheeters watch. The organization's t•mhlem is imprinted on the table covering. Initiation of new League member took place October 14, 1960, in orthwe t Cia. en' Little Theatre.
Music Maids Find Baking Fascinating
Femme member· of the band are known a the BA D of the band who wish to aid in pro j e c t and have fun with girl of like int re•h may become member of the group. Each year, al s of home-made cookie. an d candy rai e m o n e y for their activitie~ and for the band. GIRL~ organization. Member
:.'\fi s Carol Greniger and :\1i-~ Jo \lice Hendrick" cosponsor the group. Row I: P . e tlerode, L. Cowie!>, A. \farko, . Cas-.ady. Rozc 2 : I Wil<on, ;\li Jo \lire Henrick., C. Ko. ted, J. John on, L. Vernon, L. Poe, B. Pierce, I.. Whit well, C. ~lt•t•krr, \1 Brummitt, P . "tt•<"le, 1i Carol Greniger, :\1. anHook.
Library Aides Live Literarily
Member.,hip in the LIBR RY L B i open to all lihrar) aid s. ~!ember haYe book re' ie\\ . \\ hich feature a ocial hour and trip to other librarie. to how they are organized. In t u r n . pupil from other . chool r turn the 'i. it . Di trict and tate library me ting are well a t t n d e d hv the e De,\ey dec i m a I y te{n fan . i\1r<;. Alma Doughty and \1r . Ethel Gay. Knightland' librarian . pon or thi group.
LIBRARY CLUB members gather behind the desk counter for a group picture. Row 1: M. Violett, C. \1eeker, B. Zukowski, B. Hunt, M. Taylor. Row 2: C. Reever, K. Terry, ]. Palmer, G. Kasper. Row 3: L. "teams, C. t. Dizier.
F T RE JO R. ALI T strive for brighter copy and better picture . Row 1: . Church, P. Volz, R. John~on, J. Ander~on, J. Mu. allam, G. Maupin, B. Wendorff, A. Huckabay, K. Riley, C. Cabell. Row 2: J. Elli~, J. Reeves, . Ellsworth, . Brady, B. Wilkison, J . Tillman, L. Mim , . fusallam, D. Wilson, S. Gilmore, K. ~ lack, P. Loeffler. Rou 3: L. Baumgarner, L. Buch-
wald, R. Long, I. nderson, J. ¡ her, J. L. OJ on, W. Kalmon, V. Mock, L. KimhC'rlin, A. mith, K. Norri~. Row 4: D. \forelock, J. He tcr, S. Hall, J\.1. tivers, . Culbert, J. Lamb, B. Bi'-hop, P. pivey, . L. Bumpas, . Werner, E. Palo. Row 5: C. Kelley, T. Knott, J. Garri on, R. Capshaw, B. 'ance, 1. \1c\fain~, 1. ichols, M. Kincaid, L. Cheever.
Deadlines and Headlines Keep Journalists Active
J ournali m enrollment offeL not only opportunitie for dewloping one' in ight and interest in his el1\ironment. hut. al o. membership in F T RE J l R \LI T OF \ \1ERIC \. Organized in 1958 by th<' Lniver~itv of Oklahoma chool of Journali;m, the organiz~tion has pla) <>d a large part in attracting repre:-;entati\e student~ to journalism careers in all fields of communication. Future Journalists attend Oklahoma Citv Interscholastic Pres . ociation monthly dinner meeting with journalists from all city high chool. The"e meeting feature peakers and counselor \\ho discu. journali. m a a career.
Fini hed product of a hard-workin!!: taff, the Round Table is ~urvcyt¡d by the critical t')t' of .\Ir~. 1\evva arlin, journali"m director. It must be meeting her fancy because " arge" is signing the book, otherwi-:e he wouldn't.
For These Each Day Is Divided Between
Di\er. ified Occupations give· training in technical. trade, and indu trial po!'ition .. In the DO program . tudcnt pend half of each da} on jobs as apprentice:-. in. orne commercial' or prof . ional e tabli~hment. The other half is spent in chool taking regular cour e . Positions students in thL pro"'ram fill include dental a~ istant~. medical technician . printer-.. auto mechanics. flori t . cabinet maker , photographers. a n d en~raver . There are 108 trade or indu tries f o r \\ hich training is available through the DO program. !Jr. Horace Brook. i. in tructor and spon or of the TR DE \ D
Row 1: \fr. Horace Brook-., D. Bt'verly,
K. Butler, B. Carroll, L. Crawford, B. Duncan. Row 2: \1. Frost, l Grif!!(s, H. Hall, B. Hestwood, K. Hich, . Hieb. Row 3: J. Hively, B. Jame~, C.
Jcnckcs, P. Kamp, ]. Loper, D. \fcCormick. Row -1: . 0' t•il, G. Pemberton, J. Rutlt•dgr, J. Ryden, B. trahl, F. \\all. Row 5: A. Wi!li,un•, J. \\J!son, B. Woodward.
Aeronauts learn to Fly by Flying \ERO\ \l TIC" ( LlJB was or;...anizt·cl in Knightland to promote intere~t in aviation. tudent enrolled in Flight Training, offen-d first '-eme~ter, or econd·. emester cia "• "·a,igation, may join the chapter. Flight Training da-.s is ron ... idnt•d nt'Cl'"-Ury preparation and mu~t precedt• l'rirollnwnt in ' ,1\ igatinn, in \\hich qudenh individually plan flight~ to cho•rn dc ...tination~. Five hours fl~ mg timt· ma) he attaint•d h) thi- flight, made in a 1 rthwe-t Cia< en-owned e" n a 140 two-seater.
.:\Ir. Jim Conger pon. or the group. Officer thi year were Jim Woodward, pre. id ·nt; Doug Knox, vice-president; and Janie Pryor, e creta r y. AERONAUTIC CL B members pau e to listen to pre-.ident Jim \\'ood,\ard a~ he points out an inten·-ting idea. Left to Right: B. Garrett, M. Boevers, J. Green, L. ).foorr, V. Ilill, L. OliH·r, R. I.u-..k, J. Pr}or, \lr. Jim Conger, J. Woodward, D. Knox, E. Miller, W. Robert,, J. Petty.
Education and Experience
Distributive Education i a program that trains tudents for entrance in the field of di trihution or elling. In. truction i offered concerning methods of applying for jobs. proper job attitude;. technique of elling, tore organization, adverti ing and de ign. Earning while attending . chool is offered in this pro~ram. ince two of five high . chool graduates become retailing emplo)eC. , pupiL get an early . tart at bu. inc and have e tahli hed record. of practical work experience upon completion of high school. tudents enrolled in Di. tributi\e Education became member of DECA, or DE L B. Getting together with member of other club . they compare idea and learn more about retailing. li.. B th W~t. ponsor of the group. ha. built an organization that i r ognized for it. out:-tanding achie,ement throughout the . tate. Row 1: B. blc, J. Eoning, J. Jordan, D. Loyd. Row 2: . \lcCatee, W. 1arler, L. larshall, G. father . Row 3: J. :\laudlin, M. Mobley, D. \furray, B. \fuwey. Row 1: J O'Toole, D. Pennington, ~· Picken,, L. Robin on. Row 5: . Ro . , J. chell, J. taal, P. WalL. Row 6: \l. William ...on, D. \v ilh ...
RADIO CLUB wa organized expre · ly for tho e tudent interested in t h e mechanic of, and communication by, radio. orthwe t' call letter are WSDFH. "Ham" licen d operator a r e David Roll ow. Gary Robert . Robert Powell, Ed mith, and Dean Oldham. Each ha a call letter.
Regular meeting of Radio Cluh a r e held on alternate Wedn day morning , in the cia , room of the ponsor. ::\1r. Rodney t. Dizier. President David Rollow ha loaned some of hi equipment to the chool. and together with the chool'. equipment, the boy are able to communicate with people all over the nited tate .
HHams " Hobnob With Faraway Friends
Radio Club nwmber,., have their own small room in which to "ham it up," if only through short wave radio. tanding, L. to R.: D. Rollow, presidt'nt; G. Roberts; R. Powell; E. ·mith, engineer; J. Lind ay; 1\1. Black; J. , tettheimer. cattd, L. to R.: R. Lee; R. Bierman; R. Corbin, and D. Oldham, ccretary.
Learning to keep calm under difficult, and . ometimes embarra. ing condition , i one of many qualification of :rood employee . Members of C REER CL B :ri\C attention to training them elve for po itions in the competith e field of busines.. Once a month. during . econd hour. member meet to di ·u topic . uch ·a. job requirement.. offic procedure.. desirable perc;onal characterL tic.. Gue-.t ~peakers attend meetings and tell of opportunitie and demands of Yariou commercial enterprise . long with the gue t. , the . pon..,ors, \lr . h \ op land. \Jr.... \Iaxine T\ler, 1\ti Jo Alice Hendrick , and 1\ir . Luci"le pann. gh e plenty of good advice. Meeting. give each tudent a little more confidence. . areer Club ic; an organization of the bu in s education d partment. Among departmental offering are: t} ping.. horthancl. tenographic course . office practice . bookkeeping. hu.ine math, bu in EnglLh. Preparation i the main purpo. e of high hool education. The areer Club make po _ihle a wide ranrre of contact and appreciation of the importance of thorough training in ba ... ic bu ine c; ethic .
Career Courses Qualify
ervin~ a an•t•r Club officer~ are, left to nght: !:-andra Ander~on, pre!'ident; ~ht·rilt·a Anderson, \ice-pre~idcnt; anc} Whittaker, ~t·c n•tary; Glt•nda Gardner, parliamentarian; Kay Bainbridge, . ergeant at arm ; Ro. e Marie Winkler, hi torian; Diane Embry, trt'asurn; !:lharon Pinksttm, "t'rgeant at ann~; and J ud} Cunningham, chaplain.
L. Acree; L. A~ee; . Anderon; . K. Ander on; K. Bainbrid~c;
B. Barron; •.
B st.
. Bigg ; L. Booker; M. Bomar; B. Bowen; J. Bragg-.; W. Braun: F. Canada; G. Carlton. ]. Carnahan; C. is ne; P. Clemon ; C. Cleveland; P. Cornt>ll; P. Crumplt•r; .I. Cun· ningham; C. Custt·r.
A. Davi ; ]. Doler; J. Dunham; J. Dyer; . Ead ; D. Embry; C. Farrell; C. Fi"ht•r.
• . Fl}nn; L. Forgut•; J. Friedman; L. Fo tcr; L. Gallagher; G. Gardner; . Gatlin; , . Glynn.
L. Goslin; J. raham; P. Hallenbeck; L. Hall; D. Harne-.; J. Hamm; D. Harri~on ; . Harri. on.
B. Hebison; R. Hendrick on; ·. Hcthrington; . Hicock; M. Hinshaw; T. Holiday; L. Holman; D. House.
(. lln\\o·ll: I. lluJ!h• : :--. lluglw-.: C. lhdt•n; C. Jacob: I .Inn, .. ; \\. K.drnnn: \. l\. llllp. Kimllt'rlin; J. KinJ!: T. l\.nott; C. Koh.tn; B. Lang(,' 1'. l.o•,tf; \ 1.1'111': :-'. Lowt•.
I . Ln,•·•·:
I. \l.lllf,.,,.: I. \lartin: T. \lanin: J. \fat hi,: C. \Ia): '1. \lo+:'" m: I. \li· l.uu. f). :\a,. H :'\o•) ... nn. l\
t·ll: D.
\t \\·
L. \orton: .1. f.. ()J,nn: .1.
::-.. l'amwnlt·l : H. l'inJ..-.ton: l'ink-ton: J. Pnnlt•: T. Prater: L. H.mkin: B. Rc•t·,,.: ..... Ridl!t'\\Uy.
\1. Hifc·\: "· Hnl • 11,111: " Ro...... ; T. H) u • "antic r .... \T. avaf,!t•, K . ~hadid; K. "hepartl iehrr: J mei-er; n. "rnith · "'· "1nith; ( "mdt·r: P 'I horna-: P. Tucker; J.
'\\ad e.
C. \'\'are: \. \'\hittakt•r; \\1 d: H \\ orthing.
\\ inJJ,.r:
Practice Prepares for Positions in Business
Fnthu-Lt-tic '-pnn nr-. nf an·~r Club, left to right. \Jr .... \la,ine l'\lt·r. \Ir ... Ivy Copeland, :.'11T"'. Lucile pann, and \li-.. Jo \lit•t• llc•ndrit'k-.. an , h" \\ n preparing rcfre-.hmenb for the nlt'mbt•r....
Pep Clubs
To the purpl > ancl the aolcl (._
~ 1
Go ! Go;
orthwe t Oa
On to Victory
~ 1
Go! Knight , brave and bold ~ For Purple nd GoldLancer and Coronets C-. Falcon and Cygnet., we're with you. Go! Knight , Iignt, fight, fight, For Victory!
Lancers "GO! GO! GO!'' ) ell the Lanccor~. Tlw t' l',ager h awr initiated l7 membn~ thi ... )L'8L Joining fun and pirit cn•ate~ the enthu~ia~m di ... pla)ed by i'l'Jl club~ for Knighttmd activitie~. Traditional Chri~tma.., and ">pring Formal-, OJH'n to all Knightlander... , were attended hy a rtTonl number. • ' ominatin" five senior ~irl-' club <JII<'<'n candid.ttt·~ i a eriou tlt•libt'Tation each fall. The girl- are .., lected on ba..,i,., of per...onality, beauty, intere..,t in ... chool affair... , and !!'ader-hip. During the eight week campaip:n period candid.ttes attt•nd regular mt·etings of the club. \ominet•.., were Judi \ndt·r-on, Kath) orri , Rat• Our", Ann mith and Uryanne \\ elrh. Finally the awaited moment arrived and \nn was crowned <JUet•n by ick Woodard, prc..,ident, December 20 at Lakc~it•w Country Club. Lancer, preo.ented "lr. Gerald Hcu-el, nt•w "Jlonsor, and ~lr. Bill HufZhe and :\lr. idncy Ohmart, returning sJHm..,or•, gift in appn·ciation of their dL·\otion, Nltrifice, and guidance.
\1i-.<; Ann Smi th Lan('t'r Quef'n '60-'61
P. Walker
R. l\Iondie
. Jabara Treasurer
Nick Woodard President
L Rainey Corr.- ec.
Roberbon Pleg. Jla t.
oe Hist.
L. Robert gt. at Arms
Row I: R. Austin, J. Avant, T. Babcock, G. Beaver, R. Bell, E. Bierman, P. Bierman, ]. Blo chke, C. Buch, .\1. Buchwald, J. Bookout, E. Cain. Rou 2: .\I. Cruey, ~f. Charle ton, R. ha. e, T. Coughlin, K. Craig, J. Cri..,..,, U. urti~, R. Dale, R. David-on, C. Deutchc, .\I. Ik-< hamp..., D. Duncan. Row 3: J. Dunn, B. Du. kin, J. Elliott, B. Fa gala, R. Fagin, K. Fa ire ..., . Farha, H. Fite, . Fo ... tcr, ~l. Fulton, D. Griffy, T. Harold.
Rozt 1: D. Ilurri•on, G. Heine, R. Hendrick~, D. Hensley, C. Hen-on. H. IIPwr·~. D. llirk~. D. Hinklt·, C. Hin-on, T. Holiday. C. Holt, L Hull. Rou 2: ,\, Jack, K. Knight, T. Knott, D. Kyle, L. Lemon, D. I.r·o, II. I r·~tf'r. D. I.o~<an, V. .\!c-Cl.mahan, 1.. \kl>aniel. R. \[c "'anwc. J. \Ja-on. Rotc 1: D. \[aye~, C. \[eadows, J. :\filler, R. \lorri ...on, B. Porch, "'· Hathjen. W. Hobt rt•, J. Rupp, !:5. <::.andrr.... K. . chmidt, . ~chmitz, L. . d1roeder. Row 4: L . . cott, D. hiplt·y, J. laul!htl'f. B.. rmth, F.. mith. J. outhland. R_. ~Jlt'ar~. B. '-t<'wart, J. ~Iron~, D. Tt•mplin, . Tennis, J. Vahlberl!. Rotc .5: J. '\\arn·n. B. \\a). R. Wig~in•, C. Britton. J. Gatlin, D. Turkt•r
Lancers Initiate 4 7
Lancer qucr·n candidate ... , Ann nut h. J...athy \urn-. Judi Ander-on, Rat• Our~. and Bryanne Wt•kh hopt·fully t•xudr charm-.
\lr. Bill Hul!hr~. I.anct-r -J>On· -or, ... rem- ju-t nhout tn rt'arh the punch lint• of hi... latc-t anecdote. Li-tcning i... co·•pon· sor, Mr. G. B. Heu~el.
11 7
Coronets "W't \c got tlw dub that we· know j, ht·-t! '' Vhaciou gold clad Coront"t nwmlwr... a•-un• crowd ... th,tt tlll'y\c "got th • pt•p," and tht-y've "got the "pirit'." Coront·t• gn·t'lt·d tilt' )t)(,Q football <t•a•on hy ch,~rtering four hu't'• and o\t'rflowing them 1\ith enthu i,t ... tic upporter, box lundw-, and chaperone<, and lraH•llt·d to Wiehita Fall', Tt•xa... , for tlw opening game of the •t'a... on. "t•ptemh r 29 "311 130 proud girl-, 11 ho h,ul t•n t~l .t< junior mernher• for a wet:k, initi.ttt·d into tht· pep duh. ,\t tht• t·onclu-ion of the fir-t Coront•t nwt·ting initiatt· wt n• eutertaint•d in the auditorium and "t'rn·d refn·-hnwnt ... on tht• patio. Charity drive-, t•apt•r... for pep a-.-.t·rnhlit·-. and u-hering for cormnunity function .. neatt·d a full time aftt·r- chool and wet·kt•rul t·ht~lule for mcmlwr-. ,\1! of 1\.nrp.htland looh forward to the annual ha•kt-thall banquet whirh Coronet .. plan ,llld dirt·!'l, lb-.kethall pla)er• arc dincu, danct'<l, ant! cntt·rtaint'd a" wt·ll a awardt:d tt'<lln kttcr... Coadtt'• and ...pon-or~ art· '-PCCial guc .. t. •
Tht·-e are the momt•nl' of ~lory for a pep dub officer. Di... pla}ing the traditional 11hite t·oat of oronl'l pre ... itlt-nt is Br)annt• Welch, flanked by ut \1u-allam, trea,un·r, <Uld ally .\lcrklc, vicc-prc,idrnt.
. \lcrklc 1zce-pres.
\lu ... allam Treas.
B. ykes Cheerleader
P. Cornell Asst. Treas.
R. Rice Pari.
C. Barrett 'gt. at Arms
K. Bell gt. at Arms
G. Allen Recorder
llryanne Welch ent
K. Coit
B. Wilki. on
A. William• Historian
C. Brook Cheerleader
J. Roe>-ler gt. at Arms
. Whittaker gt. at Arms
K. dam Flag Bearer
L. Griffin K. orri gt. at Arms Sgt. at Amzs
Row 1: C. Abernathy, F. Abram~n, J. dam~, L. Agee, N. Ager, P. Allen, J. Andrew~, R. Annt•ler, J. m1•trong, C. Arnold, V. uer, J. Au<tin. Row 2: A. Ayer-., ~- Bagg., J. Baker, L. Baker, Beverly Barber, Billye Barber, "· Barfoot, J. Barkett, i\1. Barkett, B. Barran, C. Battle, L. Baumgarder.
Pep club and pep rallic~ are practically one and the .. arne. 'ually clad in gold weater the~e Coronet "hed them to e,.;cape the ninety degree heat that ri~e~ quickly when some 2,000 ~piritcd Knights gang up for a pep rally before a grid battle. Oh, for an air conditioned gym! Row 1: ]. Belt, K. Bennett, P. Bennett, Bia~. Row 2: L. Blalock, K. Bole._, K. Booth, A. Bortzfield. Rou 3: A. Bowerman, J. Bowerman, ]. Boxburger, L. Brady. Row 4: Brady, . Bramble, . Brook , . Brown.
Row 1: . Bryant,~. Bumpa~, C. Butler, B. Butterworth, G. Capnon, ]. Cannon, :\1. Carmicheal, K. Ca._ady, L. Cas~ady, L. Chapim, . Chatham, J. Cha,e. Row 2: B. Church, C. Church, J. Oark, P. Clemon , B. Cody, ]. Copeland, J. Corbett, P. Cornell, B. Cotter, J. Cunningham, C. Custer, J. Daiker. Row 3: M..Daiker, C. Daly, A. Daniel, D. Daniel, B. Davi~, . Davi., D. Decker, K. Deegan, F. de]Valle, \1. De"charnps, R. Diexler, M. Dittman. Row 4: P. Dorman, B. Dorney, ]. Dorney, C. Duffy, i\1. Duncan, J. Dunham, I... Earnst, L. Ea'ton, J. Edl!ar, . Ell worth, J. Epper~on, B. Estes. Row 5: ]. Ewing, C. Farrell, . Fausett, G. Ferguson, J. Floyd, . Flynn, S. Finefro('k, S. Gatlin, G. Gibbon~, J. Given~, M. Goodell, A. Goodman. Row 6: K. Goodrich, J. Graham, C. Gravet, B. Grayson, 'ally Green, Sharon Green, ¡. Griffith, . Go. s, E. Govin, M. Haffner, L. Haley,]. Harne~.
Rozc 1: R. Hancock. B. Harbolt, K. Hanlaj!<". L. Hanlin, K. Harrv, \1. HawPv, J. H1•n•on. . Hirock. I.. Ilick~. B. Hill, C. Hitrhen", D. Ho:;ran. Row 2: I. liollnway, L. Holman. . Hopkin". ~- Houchin. 1\. n;zckahay, B. Hunt, D. Tn:;rram, C. Jacob, L. .Tamr~. J . .Tt·nkin~. C. John-on, Jane .Tohn,on. Rotf 8: Jnl\nn .Tnhn"on, Janet Jnnl''· .Tanire .Tone~. Janyce .Tonr-.. Linda .Tone<. Loui•P .Tone". . Jonf'•, L. .Toyer. .T. Ju<t. W. Kalmon. K. Kauffman. \. K<"en Raze 1: T. KPtrhum, c:;;_ Kimerrr. G. Kinrary, R. Kin~!. \f. Kirrhn<"r, \. Ki-e. T. Knox, K. Kratina, V. Kurk. . Ian . . . Lanr, B. l.an:;rl1·v. Rou- S· G. I a\\n·ncr. . Lawrrnr<". T.. J.rddPm, P. Ledclf•m, 1\. Lent•. B. l.r-.owitz. \f. Lt·uj!emor-. B. Lrwi-.. \. I il1·~. A. I.ovelacr. "· I.owf'. \f. \frflrllen. Rou fi: J. \1rCmn, R. :\fcCoy, D. :\fcCulley . . . \frCutrheom. K. \lcJnt)re, K. \lcKinney. C. \lc\fillan, "· \lcNPw, C. \Ic:\Tule} . .T. \la::rrudt'r, J. \Ialone.
Three-hundred fifty acti\l' girl~ require murh guidance and coun--elinj!. Coronet "pon"or.., Mr". Pat Robert•on, \Ii-~ Ophelia Byar", :\li~<; Doris Taylor, and :\Ji-~ Linda kidmnn• .tre honnn·d and re~pccted by each j!irl. Out of coffee <;C""ion", and re!(ular meetin:r with officer", rome plans for bu.. trip-. community project", partie~ and banquet".
Honwl("-.-. children? o. Tht-e younj!-ter- tried out for Coronet :\Iascot. Tryout-. are held annually and an} pep club m1·mber can tnter a candidate between the aj!es of three and <-even. It's amusing when conte-.tanb actually do yell- with action.
s. 2\ttlonc·. . \fann. . \1arclc·n. \. \larko. T. \lartin, D. \lu lc-nz. \Incl... /(,11 2. \ \loudic·. \lort'), .I \hNtllam. L. \c -on. \. :\rvH·II, II. O'Leary. I.. Olim. Row .1 · C. Oli,e. "· OJi,c·, J. Ord, L. 0-~oocl. I Pc•rrin, S. Philip-, J. Pollock. Row 4: ]. Potret, J. Prater, T. Prater, ..., B. Reyno)cJ,, I.. Reynold-.•. Reynold-.
Rou 1:
J \[dam. Beth \[II c·r. Brc nt \lilic r. J \Tim ~, L. \fork. \ . L \n,kirk, J. \ewton, \. \lidwl-, \ .:'~cotton, 1'. O'Kc·dc·. J> mon•. E. Palo. C. Parri-h. P. Pl r-on. B. Pelton. . Prirc•, J. P~Jor, L. Quill!'n, P. Rahill, J. Rc·ctor, J. Rc·eve--.
Rou; 1: ]. Richert, C. Riley. . Riley, . Riley, P. Robin on, B. Roger'. . Ro~-.er~. L Romerman, C.. Ro"', \I. afdi. L. . and-., J. , choo· le). Rou: 2: \I. hultz, B. Scott, Barbara elby, Beverly lby, \I. Pwrll, E. ~everin. R. haw, G. hick, J .• hield, J. imon!'On, ~1. • im~. K. ·inclair. Ror~ 3: B. kagf!s, . kinner, K. ~lack, G. ~mith, K. "mith, L. . ollar", \I. ~ teed , T. ~ leer, L. . teinbeck, J. :teven-., . trwart, \1. ti\er. Row 4: . treet, P .. ullivan, M. wift. L. Tatum, J. Taylor. R. Taylor, V. Thoma~, J. Thom<.On, B. Thomp-.on. . Thomp,on, C. Torbett, K. Torbett. Ror~ 5: C. Treece, \1. True, P. Turner, F. Turpim, \f. Walker, :'\I. Well. , B. Wenclorff, P. \\ l'rner, "i. Willet, K. William , D. Wil-on, "· \\ il-on. Rort 6: R. Winkler, _:\. Wei ... iger. . '\\ ood. P. \¥ oodard. L. Wood, C. Worthing, B. Worthing, J. l:oung, J. Vore. B. Dixon.
Falcons Falcon are ea ily identified by purple corduroy jacket with the club emblem on the back and individually de igned monogram on the front. Each year Falcon ' elect five Ladie they consider prettiest, most talented, and be t uited to rule their club. After careful con. ideration one i chosen Queen. Mi Kay Bell wa elected 1960-'61 Queen. Court member were Princesse ' hirley Bigg ·, Ann Forrester, ancy eedham, and Brenda Walker. Qu n Bell wa crowned December 9 in the 1irror Room during the annual Christma Formal. Falcon club member as Lt in promoting activity pro· gram . ale by volunteering to sell program befon game , come hail or now, rain or leet.
Miss Kay Bell Falcon Queen '60-'61
M. McMain Vice-pres.
]. Flemming Sec.
D. Durfee Treas.
Steve herman President
T. Bean Jr. Sec.
]. Boura a Pari.
M. Reeve
L. Miller Pledge Mas.
R. Lang ton D. Marcum S8t. at Anns Sgt. at Arms
Row 1: ]. Abney, C. Ames, J. Arm trong, A. Baham, N. Baker, C. Bay, B. Bednar, L. Bierman, M. Black, K. Carlton, R. Cobb, B. Coffey. Row 2: ]. Cole, D. Confer, ~1. Cook, T. Cox, D. Cromwell, K. Decker, T. Dendau, B. Dolan, J. Durrett, l\1. Ei~chen, A. Elledge, P. Farrk Row 3: l\1. Ford, D. Garrison, G. Gimlin, L. Hardin, J. Haye , . Hayes, T. Hicock, J . .Houchin, G. Howard, R. John ton, L. Karns, R. Kise. ·
Falcon poru.or, ;\fr. teve Elli (right) tap. on the table to empha,.ize a point while Mr. Gaylen Wallace and l\lr. Gordon Erik en give undivided attention. Would that ~tudent followed the example!
In pecting the late t magazines in a group before the fireplace are nominee 1960¡61 Falcon queen. <Left to right) Bell, Brenda Walker, Nancy Needham, Forre. ter, and hirley Bigg,..
cozy for Kay
Queen 's Party Goes Beat
Row 1: W. Lang, C. Lawter, T. Leonhard, J. McCord, C. 1c0ure, B. Mc:\lain , R. ~fc.:\lain., J. Marr, \1. \leador, \I. \lerrill, A. Iiller, J. Morgan. Row 2: D. ay, R. 'el!'On, C. oble, L. Palmer, J. Pear~on, D. Peck, J. Peek, B. Pitt!!, J. Ponder, K. Power, ~1. Quine, J. Randle. Row 3: D. Ray, R. Reeve!', . Rende!, J. Renfrow, D. Rollow, . Reynolds, J. Royer, D. Ruan, J. ¡aunder", . ~ewell, D. hoebotham, B. ilvemail. Row 4: L. irns, John E. mith, John R. mith, A. outh, B. ponhaltz, D. ponhaltz, L prouse, J. Tatum, G. Taylor, D. Thompson, J. Troxel, L. Walker. Row 5: W. Wallace, A. White, B. White, . White, A. Whitten, L William , L. Woodard, J. Young, T. Zinn, J. Gregg, R. Linn.
Cygnets Keep Traditions Bright
"To the 20! 10! 5! TOU HD W ' ! ! ! !" !\.night . port:; fans man el at the . p1rit femme pepster~ create. Gold pon1pums against a fteld of purple is a stirring sight. C) gneb cheer Knights not only in battle. hut honor gridmen at a banquet and dance each ) ear during which coachc preent pla~ers '~ith team letter". Banquet finance thi ) ear wa aided hy . elling gift Mapping ribbon. C) gnets participate in m•hering and ocial service projecb such as Big ne and hip. for Polio. C)gnet junior member ''endured" a week during "hich the) "ore colored ock • foreswore liptick, and bought hig si. ters a ten-penny gift.
If a finj!:l'r were a !!Un them choruq, "We're going on a rally. or'ea~trrs are callru t
]. Kt>tchum 1 ire-pres.
\. Forrester ecretary
l\1. Aiken gt. at Arms
lwtter run! Enthu-iaqtic Cyl!net< ng hunt!" at the :"Jorthea t pep Viking«.
B. Walker
~- Ander,-on
Asst. • er.
]. \nder-.on • gt. at Arms
\f. ingleton .'igt. at Arms
Janet Ketchum President
• . Lanyon ~1. Clark <;an Asst. Treas. Parliamentarian
K. Earn«t Sgt. at Arms
\1. Dixon Cheerleader
J. Reding llist.
P. Kim"ey Cheerleader
.. Hall Chaplain
B. Miller gt. at Arms
C. leek Flag Bearer
Row 1: . 1\bdoo, D. cree, . Albert, J. Allen, J. me,-, B. Ander-on, I.. \nder-on, . \nd!'r•on , C. Atkin•on, W. u-tcn, J. u~tin, K. Bam bridge. Rot~; 2: E. Barron, P. Beal , L. Been, .M. Bennett, C. Ben <;an, . Be-t, V. Bettinger, L. Bickford, B. Bi,hop, l\1. Bomar, . Bomar, L. Booker.
Row 1: ]. Booth, B. Bowen, H. Brahn, P. Breit..,chuh, P. Brennon, \. Brt•wer, P . Brown, .. Brown, \1. llruncr, '. Buchner, L. Buchwald, J. Burden. Row 2 : . Burrus, \1. Burton, D. Busch, A. Butt, R. Chamberlain, J. Chapman, !--. Charle,-, C. Chesnut, A. Chri.,tenson, C. Cisne, i\1. Clark, . Clay. Row 3: C. Oeveland, "· Coburn, J. Cook, K. Copacka, \1. Corneliu ..., V. Cottman, Couj!:hlin, L. Couj!hlin, L. CowJc,, J. Cox, , . Craij!:, \L Crooth. Row 1: " · Crumpler, D. Dahan, C. Dawkin-., . Davis, J. Davis, andra Davis, haron Davis, L Dickinoon, ]. Doreen, K. Downum, D. Elliott, G. Ellis. Row .S : J. Elli-., P. Ellw;orth, D. Embry, V. Embry, \1. E~erman, C. Farri", C. Farha, K. Farri , \. Fenton, P. Finefrock, L. Finlt>V, K. Fisher. Row 6: C. Fon\il'!lt•. J. fo .. ter, \I. Foster, , . Franklin, . Fredcrici, ]. Friedman, J. Frit>nd, L. Gatew:wd " · Gt•i ... t•r, . ·Gilmore, J. Gillespit•.
Gym ~ite heap bi~ powwow! Cygnet', above, and Tina Ro~e, right, dre~ ed a Capitol Hill Red,kin~, enl!aged in an hilariou" mock battle with other fern~ dressed a Knights in a pep a" embly before real clash hetween Redskin<> and Kni~ht<;, arch rhak
Row 1: E. Gordon, . Ge,.ford, G. Hale, A. Hall, B. Hall, L. Hali, . Hall,]. Hammond,]. Hand,]. Hanna, ~1. Hanraty, C. Ramen. Row 2: C. Han!'oOn, ]. Harri~, K. Hardin, C. Harriwn, B. Hawkins, B. Hebi-on, L. Hender>-on, A. Heniker, . Hen!'oOn, ]. He,.,ter, L. Hicock. Row 3: A. Hill, L. Hill, M. Rolli,, R. Holman, L. Holmberg, C. Homsey, P. Hopkin~. D. Horne, L. IIo,.,., C. Howell, . Hughes, ]. Humphreys. Row 4: G. Hunt, L. Hunt, C. Ice, C. Irving, C. Janota, L James, ]. Jenkin,, \1. Jenkins, J. Jolmson, 1. Johnson, R. Johnson, K. Jones. Row 5: l\1. Jone;., P. Jones, S. Jones, . Jordan, D. June, J. Kahler, A. Kamp, G. Kasier, K. Keith, K. Kendall, C. Kerns, K. Keys. â&#x20AC;˘
Row 1: K. King, K. Knott, D. Notley, C. Kohan, B. Koeppel, C. Kosted, A. Kraft, R. Kurlcnder, P. Kutz, J. Lamb, L. Langford, B. Langley. Row 2: . LaPointe, ]. Lawson, V. Lee, C. Litton, P. Loeffler, C. Long, M. Long, R. Long, P . Loveles , C. Lucas, C. Luckan, D. Luttrell. Row 3: L. Lutz, . .McCan, K. McCandle, , C. :\1cCant,, V. :\Iclntire, B. \Iclntyre, C. McPheeters, B. :\1cQueen, A. ).Iagruder, ]. ~1ahan, J. :\1aier, . :\lain. Row 4: C. Mainard, L. Manlove, . \farkhan1, â&#x20AC;˘. \Iarkhan1, 1. :\1arlin, R. ;\1artindale, B. :\latthew", P. \1ayfield, \1. \leek, . \1einke, A. ~!iller, M. Miller Row 5: C. \lilligan, C. \ti~kovsky, B. Montgomery, 1. Morales, M. :\forgan, L. :\fun!>inger, B. M=y, Betty Muzny, P. Neal, . Needhan1, L. ord, trom, P. orri~.
Row 1: L. orton, C. Oberton, M. Oliver, G. Panze, C. Pate, B. Pearce, .. Pettett, J. Petty, •. Petty, D. Peyton, . Phillips, R. Pinkston. Row 2: •. Pink ton, ]. Pitts, M. Points, K. Pojezny, . Polk, J. Pollock, i\1. Pulling, . Rahill, L. Rankin, T. Ra hke,' J. Reber, B. Ree e. Row 3: C. Reinke, L. Ridgeway, C. Robinson, I. Roe~ch, C. Roger,.., L. Rogerti, B. Rollow, . Rowe, T. Ruff, l\1. Runka, . Rush, J. Rutledge. Row 4: A. Ryland, . amara, M. Sall~trom, \1. ~choenthaler, J. ott, L cudamore, K. hadid, P. haffer, R. helton, K. hepherd, J. hirk, J. ieber. Row 5: A. ingletary, J. laughter, J. melser, D. mith, G. mith, Margie mith, Mary Lou rnith, haron rnith, Suzanne ' mith, G. need, J. need, C. nyder.
Row 1. . Sonnefeld, J. pears, D. poeth, C. tarnmer, . tewart, C. tone, . uiebart, . utton, . wartzendruber, J. Tate, . Telford, B. Thaler. Row 2: P. Thomas, D. Thomas, J. Tillman, . Traswell, Y. Trout, P. Tucker, M. Turner, D. Vaden, M. Valvee, D. Vanderslice, M. VanHook, L. Van Wyngarden. Row 3: P. Volz, P. Wade, P. Wade, B. Walk, . Wallace, C. Ware, \1. Waska, C. Way, D. Web•ter, L. \\eldon, . Wells, G. West. Row 4: V. Whiteturkey, K. \\il"<>n, L. Wilson, :\1. Wilson, J. Wheelahan, A. Whitwell, :\1. Winkler, C. Wolfe, 0. Woodrow, . Woodward, B. Wooten, N. Young. Row 5: G. Younghein, B. Zukow.ki, J. Cooper, L. Lawson.
Pq1 Council j, in char.,. of plannin~ Kni~htland •pmt activitit••. \lemlH·r, 1 lt·ft to nl-!ht I an•: Phil \\ alker. ;\like \lc \lain .., B~anne \\ekh LouN .:-t •nlwck, !:iam Rt·)nold•, Judy K~,:tchum,
\J,,, Kathlt•t•n Owm. Jant t 'kt tchum, 1\li-~ Ophelia B}ar--, 1\lr. Gordon Erik-en. \Jj,, I inda "-kidmore, \1,~, Dori~ Ta}lor, :\1r•. E1el)n hndl), -'lr ltlt' Flli-., and ~Inc "-herman.
~;tr:~~ ~4'h ~~r. "'l-' c~a. e ~ ~~ -.. /I., ~~ ~
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Knights Captured 1959-60 All -City Sports Award
~,._. ~c-z..,{ 'v4J
~ ~
ouncil is <'omposed of sponsors. president of each Pt>p lub. and one other ·lected repre .. entatiYe. \lain function of tlw organization i .. to coordinate efforts of Pep Cluh.-. in e-.tabli .. hing and maintaining "( hool '-pirit. "J>orbman..,hip. and "C hool lo) alty. It i al o in charge of the hecrleader:, and intcr-. chool athletic function . C:ourt .J;•,It·r--. :.:mt•ttwd h) dwt'rlt•;Hit•r,. prm ick a hack log \\hich furni-.hc:- new )elk '-'ong--. stunt. and pro-.p<•cti\ e ehccrlead<'r'-'. Each ) ear they prc~ent an award called the ··'"'pirit \\\ard" to the per on, who, during the ) ear did the mo. t to promote true port · man .. hip and uphold spirit. 'lhi )ear· acti\itie \\ere highlighted b) a bu. trip to \\ ichita Fall<-. TP:-.a . Ten hu!-. loads of enthu ...iastic pep club member-. accompanied the team and ~hared the k night.. fir.. t defeat. Over rooftop~ for orthwe~t Cla-..en cheerlt ader go Jerilyn Da,i-., Betty Dixon, Jeanie Cooper, Ph}lt·ne '1\.Jm-.ey, Jutl} Elli.,
Carla Ki â&#x20AC;˘ and Linda Law,on. In competition at tate trammg clinic the-e pcp-ter jw11pt:d to the top of the cla~s . Knightland
Ladie demon~trate good-sport. man. hip by leading opposing school yell in pep rallieâ&#x20AC;˘.
Our Love lf1ill Be Y ou.r Glory. Yoztr Ilonor fflill Be Our Goal..
The j!allop of Knif!:htlund'.., proud Knil!ht and Lad} arnund Tuft !:-tadium 1 rior to home football gumt·, j, a Knil',htland tradition. Km~ht. Da,id Nar, don-. a golden helmet and ro}al purple tloak hearing tht' \orthwc-.t emblem. and carrit•.., hi!!h .1 '-Jlt'.tr '' ith purplt ant.l gold -.trcamt•r-. ripr)lin!!: from tht• -.pt•arlwut.l. The Lat.l), .\lur} Ann :\lower>, is bcdl'd.ct.l in W} al purplt• gtmn and glimmt•ring golden crO\\n and ma..,k.
I 3I
GE RGIA <\. \ \ If \ LE. Round Table Queen Princess of Friend hip
Round Table Queen candi(lilte, "all) Merkle, di~m<~ntle~ (·ampaig:n po~ters aftn tlw Hound Table Royall} cl(•ction.
B ' DDr O'II \H \. Princ·e of The Round Table Prince of Friencl-.hip
Elatc•d candid.ttt·~ CrorgP .\1cDowt·ll, Budd) O'Hara, Georgia 1\nn Hale, Dirk Powell, ::-ially '\lt•rklt•, Bill ~nipt ~. I ind.t Lm-.on, (.('nrge ::-tt•q•ns, \larl) \ikt•n, and "uzannt• Thomp-.un anticipatt' n••gnin~ 0\l'r tht• -.tupcndous Round Table Ro}alt} Coronation and "ignature ~wing.
BETTI DI 0'\ Queen of port Prine s of Friend hip
~port Queen candidate>. Carla Ki-.e, Phyllene Kim ey, Bt•tty Dixon, • herry \Iarkham, and Rand; . haw attempt to calm fluttt'ring butterflies and ,1dd a final touch hdore the coronation.
Knight of Friend hip
Lady of Friendship
PAT BYRD 1959-60 D.E. Queen
JA IE REDI G Queen of Hearts
1960-61 D.E. Vueen
~ H\W
Pnnct·-. of Football
/ cARL.\ KJ E Prince
of Wrestling and Baseball
PH1 LLE E Kil\1 EY Prince.. of Cro~ Countr}, Track, and ·wimming
Prince ... ~ of Heart
Prince-. of Heart
Prince-.s of Bask!•thall und Tennis
BILL AIKE. Prince of Friend lup
<:; <\ TLY MERKLE Round Tahir Prinrr~s
GEORGE MrDOWELL Knip:ht of The Round Tahir
\ '\! E THO\TP ON Round T.1hle Prinrr""
M.\RTY \TKF"\ Round Tahll' Prinrr~Q
LI"\D \ I.\ W"O\
Knip:hh of Thr Round Tahir Prinrt• of Frirnd~hip
Round Tuhll' Prinrt'"' Prin<'t'"' of Frit·nd~hip
JE \
Prince"" of Hearts
PE. \ 't COR ELL Princt>s of Heart
HIRLEY BIGG Falcon Prince.
KATH): :\ORRI Lancer
Lancer Prince.
Princes of Friendship
R E 0 R Lancer Princess
Falcon Princess
BRYAN E WELCH Lancer Princess
Falcon Prince
BRE DA WALKER Falcon Prince. s
I Kay Bell radiant bt·C'aU'-t' ~he has just been crowned Falcon QUf•en, or did the ''special" attention from Dale Durfee and ~ te\e , herman cau'-e that winning milt''!
Royalty Reaps Rewards
No obstacles deterred ick Woodard, Lancer President, from hi appointed d.uty, a he welcomed the new Lancer Queen, Ann mith. Who'. enjoying hi part in the annual ~ ports Queen Coronation? We bet on Bill nipe .., a he kis es All ports Qut·en, Bett} Dixon, while George 1cDowell enthusiastically ghes his bJe,sing.
What? This is Friendship and no ki s? Knight and Lady of Woody Friend. hip, Young and Charline Harrison seem to be too busy flashing smile , clutching trophies, and holding rose· to indulge.
Top Teen Contest Is Sponsored
by The Shield
and Jim Troxel
Freshman Top Teens
George ~I<'' ens and G<'orgia Hale enior Top Teens
Linda Griffin and Cipp Dupree
ophomore Top Teens
Elli~ and
Dudley Hyde
Junior Top Teens
Classics '60 Was tOff Guard ' In 1%0-(>1 Cla-.sic. the all-. C'hool \Uri ty ho\\. \Hitten. dircet d. co. tumed, taged, and produced by tudent wa u pended. In it place an accelerated tudy program and the conference of the ational ~ ocialiun of tucl<•nl Councils ab~orhecl the lrenwndou. energy ~tudenl u uall) e:xpend on thic; cxtra,aganza. n exec·uti-.,;e hoard to plan the propo ed Cia ic '62 had regular meeting m which they arranp.ed for the chool pia) . and kept the pirit of Ia. ic alive.
;\li~~ Ka} Hardin pl,l}~ Rarhnwnino/t' Prt·ludt· w (# minor hl't\\et•n art~ in Cla~ ~ic~ '60.
"Pop !!:0<'.., the wt•a el!" Villa!(t.r,., are caught "Off Guard" a... Crourho ( cottv Foster) pop» out of a bouldt·r. ·
Tre~a ullivan hur~ts out in son!( a. habitanh of a ~\\1""> \illage Ji..,ten.
Dt d·t•nd kid~, Jud\ \[nrri~. Rill nipc~, (aria Ki-.e, ' ancy \\ hitt.lkt·r-, and Charlt·~ Pelton prepare to dt'mon..,tratc their ballet ahilitie~ in C]a..,..,ic~ '60.
Classen Awards Mark
(, \R) llORRELL Cla;sen lledal oj Honor
VI\CE".;T \10\CRIEF (lassen Au:ard
CL \ E \ ~ ARD perpetuate the memory of nton and Ella D. Cla en, Oklahoma City '89ers and early ci\ ic leaders. The a\~ard are . hared with Cia en High chool. \lr. Clas-en tipulated that the a\\ard are gi\ en for "out<;tanding promi e of worthy contribution to ·the progre, of the world,
.\W RD
German Languagt• A ward Gcrm,m Lanj:!uagc \ward Hi~rht·'t Honor-. .i'i a tiona! Fir' I Pl.tce
A International Fir-.t Place "uperior D \R Award fJii,tory)
by rea on of tren~th of character, record of schol· ar hip, acthities of leadership, and all around achie\ement." Other civic group , agencie. , and individuals contribute to furthering chola tic endeavor by offering a \\ ard .
rt Renai-.«ance ommcrcial Art Ilomcmakn of Tomorrow Out-.tandinp: \thlctc BPOE \thlctic .hard BPOE Athletic ward Lar ..cn \lu ... ic Award harpe·:\ichol enice \ward
\\ HILL Classen Awurd
~uzanne Jone~
Larn Woodward Curti Van Hooser
Rt•n,u".mre Club A-E Equipmt'nt ,nmpany Bt•tty rnckPr Food B. . Clark Jcwdt'r Elks Lodge \ o. 417 Elk Lodge \ o. 417 Lar,en \lu-.ic ompany "harpt "ichol" :\Iusic Company
Bob "'hick
"h tq)('- kiwi-. \l u,ic Comp.my
Jon Bourassa Pat Ehrig ROL \0 T\BLE ROL D T\BLE ROl \ D T,\BLE TilE HIEI.D THE ~HIELD Robert OJ,on, Lynn Royston
Herman C. chrider Ilt•rman C. "rhnl'ider OkJ,tlwma { niH•r-.ity C:olumhi.t l niver-.ity ation.tl ~rlw)a ... tic Yearbook A n. Quill·. rroll Tul-.a l niH•r-.ity Dau~rhtcr ... \merican Revolution
Rt>x Kennard, John Patri('ia Thomas Bill :-onipe Charle~ Pelton
~ue "te,~art
Scholastic Excellence
ALLY :\1ERKI.E Classen A ward
\\ard IHitonl
110\0R \BLE \1E~TiO\
CIHl ...,.
T \ TE '61
Danforth \,,ard (;ood Citi.r.en<>hip A"ard Amt'rican Legion Award Phi Ikta Kappa • cholar,hip Award
H\RO"-; ~\liTH Pht Beta Kappa Award
ROBERT ~ Ill K Uaso~en Award
C \ROL McPHEETER. . Classen l!edal of Honor
Kay Bell, ancy Culbert Ann Forre ter, ue ~ tewart
Ginger llt>n, , ally Loving, del gates Ann File, Jill RebCr, Alternate~
American Legion Auxiliary
y !via Hall, lark Pelton Larn tearnc~ Judy Ketchum, Robert Ol~n haron ·mith Sally \lcrkle
Danforth Foundation ivitun Club American Legion Phi Beta Kappa Alumni ear , Roebuck & Company
American Revolution
L\RR1 TE\R'\f Good Citt:en htp Atmrd
Service, Loyalty and Leadership l -nder direction of \Ir. \\ illiam H .• Ta) lor. fir-.t principal. and dedicated author of \orlhwest Ia .... en. the foundin g facult~ of the institution {'Slablished 'I liE FAC LTY \ W \HD . The"c H\Hnds reco!!nize sen ice. ~an ificc. leader hip and achie\ ement for the mer-all "l'lfare of the '-chool. \ \\ard are gi\ en by departments.
Cor I lilt n i.il \rt 110\0R tBLf. liE\ T/0\: Dep.trtmt·nt \\\ ,trd 110\'0R tBLE l!E\T/0\':
Ct r.unir .. HO\ORABLE liE \TION: ."'t ulpture l/0\0RABLE l!ENT/0,\ ': Bookht pin~ Bu.. int•-.. \lachine Clt•rical Occupation Offrce Practice t'C n•tarial T} pt writin~ DEC\ Cluh Rero{!nition
D E Uuh HO\OR4BLE l!E\T/OV Out--tantling !'-tudcnt ALL A CcrtifiratP~
John Garri-.on, :\Iunon 'lance, Ralph teed-., Tom Voorman, \ina Youn~. \I arion \.met'. Charlr Hydt'n, ~ uzannp Jone , Ann Wri ..iger. 1'\.rncv Culht rt, uzanne Jont· .. , Ruth Rice: Barbara \'\-ilk in on. , tevc Randel Dianne Emhf), Vivian Embry, Larry Stearns. \!arion ·mce. Rex Kennard, Win-.ton Taylor. Pam Faulkner, Linda Rice. Phyllt•ne Kim-.ey, Ro~e \lari • Winkler. Lois Holman, Judy Shield. Loui"C Booker, Glend.t G.rrdnt•r. Judy Kin{!, Pam Ne tlcrnde. Ph) lit nt• Kim--ey Kann \anDtvrnter :\like William. on Jerry \lauldin, , hirley Perkins Beartrire arroll Patricia Acree, Marty Aiken, Kay Bell, Gar} Borrell, Carolyn Cu.,tcr, Beverly E~te .., yhia Hall, Judy He... tcr, Ann Hill, Lorrtta Holmberg, Cynthia Kern. , Ketchum, Judy Ketchum, Jant"t Phyllenc Kim'-cy, Jud} Kin~, Carol i\IcPhectcrs, Sally :.\lerklr, :usan Price, Linda Rice, \Iartia in~lrton, haron !-\mith, Patricia Weaver, Carlean Wood-..
Bu .. ine-.. Education
DiH•r .. ified En~;!li<>h
Keynote Faculty Awards DO\OR
~litdu:ll )t-nkin~
:\l.tjor Award
Janice Ewing, h,trlint• Harri~<m, Aline Out~tantling Joumali tic Achievement Lilt·•, \ancy Oake , ~hirley Olive. Judi \ndn,on, Verna Auer, ~larie Four Ycars on 'taff llin•<lam, I.unitu :\lim-. nn Smith ~HJH'~ CuiiH'rt Three Yt•.tr~ on ~ taff
Homt 111
Year "taff
Journ.tli-m Department
'h ia Hall. Tom Knott, Linda Kimber-
li~. Vick) :\lock, ~ue \lu. allam, Kathy
Yt·.uhook Cover '61 Year hook Art
FRKVU! GER l1A \ (Best fir-.t year .tudent) LATIV PA\1 H \LL \ Certificate
Team port· (Girl,) Indivitlu.tl . port (Girl ) Bob Ram. cy ward (Track)
IJO\ORABLE .UE TION: Recognition Certificate
l\atwnal Foren.ics Debate BeRt nnouncer Be~t Actor B t Actres Bet The pian Senice Award
\orri , Barbara~ llktson, Steplwn Pt·tt·r, Larry Cheen·r. John C,trri~on Rex K!'nnard Bt>wrh E"tt·-. Pam :i\t•,tlerodt•. Carol \lcl'IH'etcr-., .Mary ~~ue Price. Sharon "mith Gary Borrell, Lally :\1crkle, Vincent \lonnie£, :\lartin 'ingleton, Julian Vahllll'qr. Sharon ...,mith ~haron \)bert, Jean ox. Fred :\1illcr Woody Young Donna Abraham, Marty Akin, Ann Bmn·rman, Kathleen Ca ~ady, Da,id Cronmt•ll, Be,erly Este., 'ylvia Hall, Loretta IIolmhcrg, Carol McPheeter , Salh ;\lerklt•, Pam estlerode, . u~an Pricf', Linda Rice, Ed ander,.;, Randy eha, \1 utia inglcton, haron mith, uzannL "mith, Patricia Thoma , Bill Thomp,on, Carol Worthington. Jim ander... ick Woodard, Dan Young. Stt'H' Garman Joe \lrCortl anc\ ecdham Bill ~ance De\\ a)nc Andrew
Language Department
Department TE E. IIERMA
Athl tir Department ocial tudic Department
peech Department Announcer' Club pecch Department Announcer' Club
A~ student~ take over for a day, Buddy O'Hara, in Mr. :.\!alone\ sho<·s, conducts important bu~ine~s with a <;mile and a friend!) hello.
"The.e matter... must he taken care of immediately!" ~a} .'\lr.... "'ane) Trc·ich!t·r, to Gt'orgt tcwn•, :\lr. Olen Labor, a~s• ... tant principal for a da}. George al!rccd with her a she continued, "Cuts an• ju t not Jlt'rmitted!"
Martia ~ inglcton and Bdt\ :\lill!'f take thlir coun ... eling work '-eriou ...Iy ·as they help ally Bowen plan her career.
"• 'ever again will I b1• a litter bug!" exclaim ... Kenneth Perry, obviou ly profiting by the experience of replacing head cu'-tO· dian, :'llr. Ivan Beeson, for one day.
'·"a} Ahhh,'' qy.., Randy haw, \1t1r..,e ~loore' rcplac!'ment for a da}. Adele Butt ohtdicntl} w1gglt-~ her ton..,il•. Uadd ilia} \\ate he appr!'ilt'no.,i~d} as ydney Pt•rrin bandage~ ~ uc Brook\ finger.
Activitie Director, Ruth Rice, il!n a hall pa for John Arm,trong after o.:.on..,ulting him about tudcnt Council bu ... ine''· Ruth i ... e'identl} enjo}ing her da} \ work a Mis Kathleen Owen.
Drama Tests Talent
£,eryone low" a wending md lnd a chancl' to 'l't' just that 1n orth· west's pn'•f'nt It ton of "Our To\\n." tarring anc' '\t·f'dham a' F.milv and ]f'rn .Ja\ne a~ (;por!!t'. i\Ta~ vin Kincaid.· Emih ', fatlwr. t'"· corh hn dQwn thr ·ai~lf' "hilt• the town looks on.
Rain adds to tlw drearinl''' of Emil)'., funeral in "Our Town."
, ound f'ffpct• are an important part of any play. Tht'\ arr t,tpf'd prior to dramati~ production~ and run dunng the ·how hy Jimmy Grigg', Steve Carman. and . colt) Foster.
Joyou' a caprwlla Choir mrmlwr '-Prt'ad Chri-tmu~ •pirit with a •on~. •tundinl! by tht· fini--hed product of the labor of i'lorthwt·~t '._ art da'-'t'"· \lt·mher~ of tht' art departmt'nt ( bclo\\ I begin h} hanJ!inc: hu)IJ, on the han• trre.
Variou... ('Oion·d ti-~ue paper inlay'- crealt> a Chri<.tma ... mural for tht• front window.
"Dear '-anta, ·would
he •o kind ... ?"
Kay Bainbridge n·ad.., her lonp; Chri .. tma<. Ji._t as other Cyi!nN t>h t''l look on in amazement during Cygnet Banquet entertainment.
Contributions Unlimited Bn·nda Walker, Larry J\ltller, and Oli\ia Woodrow, coordinator bet wet n \\ (' and John ;\lnr hall, chat \\ith four )Car old I inda Hrcc,c, i\ ttional Polio Po ... ter Girl.
"Hey there, no fair adding people to the paper~," 'crramt•d 'l'nior~ and fre~hmtn, who went on to win the fir~t paper drive of the year.
:\1 RTA VALV:t.E American Field , cr. ice Exchange ,·tudent from Argentina
"I live here." explains Marta pointing to a map of Ar~entina during -\F ~t:mbly.
all-. chool a. -
an ad from \F, hri~tmas cards, 1arta wonder, lttm many :;he can . ell.
"What\ m) cut of the haul!'' dt·mand · Gary Born·II .rs he and !)..de Durft'c, Key Club member~, help \\ith the S.rhation .Army's Chri~t ma rollection. "He~, ho\\ far doe.., eharity go?" yowls Fred Bucklin a ... Pam Dormon, Jerry Hier,..che and Counic \\' olfc reque..,t a donation.
uck..,, ,..oek~ and mort• "otk"! The PTS\ and Junior Red ros comhiue tlu·ir cfforh to m rkt• thi... contribution to ' tudent Aid. "orne 500 pair ... uf ~oeJ..:.., adorned the tree.
A ancy ichols, chaplain, and Jon Boura" a, tn·a-.urcr frantically count donuts for the annual J uniur Red Crus "ale, Da\l' Cromwell, president, huugrily eye a sample. .Ad,i-.oric and club... filled ba-.kcb to he di trihutcd at Christmas hy Kt} Club members.
Time out from a hu~y routint• to read the late t "hield arc our popular majon•tte~, \ancy ~Ic ew, \ olel'n
Humphrie-., Rae Our-., Deanna Elliott, Barhara Dorney. Top hat>. and rane-. make nappy routine.
So Much to Do - So Little
Of all the coaching chore~ thi" i-. probably the ea~ic-.t as Don Van Pool, Clay Da\i", Jerry Ha}nt'"• and Rex Irwin relax in the gym laundry.
Charge! Joe Decker manfully makes his way throug:h the traditional crepe paper wall prior to a home game.
Pep clubs vic -with each othrr in game program
Time to Do It{ To encourage good public relations between rival teams, Knight clwerleaders often entntain the cheerleaders of an opponent prior to a game. hawnee cheerleaders rest during a building tour escorted by our cheerleaders.
Bob \\ ay, Phillip Wimpey, and hirle\ Bir,:g... prompt Jim ~lat Ke-llar as he "ind~ the goal po ... t. Fon·-.t \\ hitc perfech the job.
Billie \I itdwll ,tnd .\largo :\liller, ma ... tot.., ... how remarkahlt• <~bility "ith t•normou~ '-haker....
t·urtain~ for Buduy O'Hara a-. lw Ji-.ten-. tu hi-.tor~ teacher, tc\e EIJi-.', in-truction-. for u•c of u 111'\\·fan~lcd \uting machint·. ··Where do I put my • ··~" querit•, Budd) I right I, mw of tlw pri\ ilt'l!t'd u-.t•r-. of \Olin~; machine~ cmplo) ed for da-- and nation<~ I dec lion-.
Democracy 1n
tudenh -.tand in long line~ ( alww) awaiting u-.t• uf the voting mac hint's. ;\l r. Ca\ lt•n Wallace calls out in ..tructions O\er tlw mike. ~orth\\c-i·... )Jrt•citl!'l \Oiing lril!hl) i fa-hioned aft, r -.tall' \oting prun·dun~. Knil!ht-. lwuld he well trained \\hen the} reach 21.
All e}e focu~ed on til\' "tage a. the line formed and the cia'-~ of 1960 pruudl} recched their diploma .
Graduation Daze
" ll up! Two! Three!" :\lr. Rodney t. Dizit•r help~ harline Harri•on and Bett} Dixon keep '-l mors in step. The e 1960 junior officer fulfill traditions hr leading enior to their place!> in the enwr A~~embly.
Parent , grandparenl.l;, and friend filled the g}m to wi>-h the Class of 1960 "'Good Luck and God peed! ·• Here the cia_:; pau~es for the flag alute on this, their Ia t night a students of Northwe::;t Cia en.
Courses Offered at Northwest Classen High School B
I' p writinO' horthand Bu..,ine"s Ll\\ Bu ... i lll'"'s l•xonom ic" lerical Practice Office Practicl' 'l'ransnipti on Bookket•ping Bu..,ine!-s ,\lac·hint•s Bu-.ine ...... \rithnwtic· Bu ... ine..,~ English lerical c·c·upation...
C l\1,\ll
It \TIO\
Journa)i..,m peech Drama Dehate Radio-TeJc., i. ion Plav Procluetion ~tageeraft
:tnp.)i ...h 1 \ear" reati'e v; tiling pee ial Eduralion FI E \RT Commercial \ rl Fa.,hion. Art Year book A rl \rt \ppre iation Ceramics Art and Craft onc·crt Band Orche!-lra 9th Grade Rand
Dane Rand Cry- lut·.., a Cappella huir Girl< ,horu" Mu ic Theon Rovs· horu~ 9th Grade Choir
11th Grade .\lath I ~kG) Trigonmnelr) Geomelr) II \lath Anal)-.i"
Pll L
uto i\lechani , Elertricit) Printing Printing Trade Photography ~ ood,,ork \lechanical Dra\\ ing \rchitt'clural Dra\\ ing Diver~ified Occupation Di.,trihutiH• Education Homemaking Clothing Food. Famih Relation-. Child 'care Home Dc·coration Home ur..;mg
L 1\Gl r\GE French 1 ) earo;; German 4 year..; Latin years pani h -1 years \fATHE\1 TIC Algehra I 9th Grade \lath ( \1 G) lOth Grade \lath ( \1 G) Algebra II
(Ben.) Ph) ~ical Educ a lion Beginning .~port... chanced port... 1Girl-.) Ph, -.ical Education Da.nce Tumhling lndi' idual ~porh Team porb
CIE CE Phy. ical cienre Biulog~ T Biolo~n
Chemi-.tn Ph, ... i(' \ eronautic-. Flight Training avigation Health Elrctronic R ..;earrh ei!'rH'<'
OCJ \L Tl DIE Oklahoma Ili ... lor\ ancl Ci, ic·s ~ orld .Hi.,ton · . . Hi'ltOr) . Go,ernment P:;)Chology ocial Problems World Problem
All Work, No Play Would Make Jack a Dull Knight Student Activities eronaulical Club mateur Radio \nnourH't'r"· Cluh Audio i ual Band Girl-. Bo\\ ling Club Bo, ...· · · Cluh Ca~eer luh (h ...... luh Coron<'l Pep Cluh ourte ) Juh Court Jec;ter Cn..,Jur C · Engineer
) p.net Pep luh DEC Falcon. Pep Club Future Journali t..; of \merica Future Teacher of America German luh Girls' '0' Club Honor Language Honor \lath Junior Clasc;ical League Junior Medic Junior Red Croc;~ Key Club Lancer Pep Club
Lihran luh ation.al Forcn..;ir League \a tiona) Honor oc it'l \ 'ational Thc ...pian. · OCIPA Pep Council Quill &. croll cienc<' Cluh pani. h Club tudent ouncil Trade and lndu. trial Club Y-Teen ): otlth of th<' T\.inl!dom
The Past ... a Light to the Future Orientation Day wa an exciting beginning for our high chool career. Well we remember the ten ion that mounted a Larry team â&#x20AC;˘ tudent Council pre ident. told U!'i !'orne of the thing to exp t during our first year. At the HOWDY MI"'<ER we made many new friends and learned that senior know every thing. oon the football ea on hegan. and \\e were expo~ed to chool spirit for which orthwe t Classen i widely known. We elected cia. offic rs with the highe. t voting percentage in the chool. nd going to meetings of all the organization we had joined wa endle-. . Then "e received our fir t copy of the HIELD and attended our fir t pep-rally. One of the most memorable events wa the crowning of the . port Queen- not due to accidents either! The gym \\as hcautifully decorated. Tho. e first nine weeks \\ent by like a flash. Our class will be the fir t to graduate with four year of the IBM y. tern of clas placements and grading- unles the ' tem fails u .. Jo . ooner wa football ended until ba. ketball wa m the air. Hardly anyone could tand the suspense of
waiting to . ee \\ho the pep-club queen would be. Thankgiving and Chri tma a. emblies were truly inspirational. We had no ~ ooner returned to school after the Chri. tma holiday than fir. t ~erne ter had pa sed. ~ econd ~erne. ter wa dedicated to rai ing grades. After all. good grade meant succes in life. In addition to ha. ketball we found there were other activitie equally exciting. The Ia t quarter \\a an anxiou one. for spring fever hit full-force. Tho. e final exam were beautie , and tho. e nighL spent at study we hall never forget. We had waited all year for ROC'\D TABLE ROY LTI to be revealed. ow we knew! Our ROUND TABLE i great! An exciting climax to our fir t year wa the ROU D TABLE IG TURE WI G. We ~ igned each other yearbook hoping that next year would repeat the plea. ure of thi year. What we had learned would add to making u better tudent. . Ye . we had next year to look forward to; in our dream \\e . aw that an exciting venture lay before us. All we had to do wa be ready for it.
Paul \dam~ Be\!~ rh \finowiez F.laint: \lien Jud,· \lll'll :3an;m, Allen Rit•k \lm ck Barh.tra \ndcr-on Paula Andt•r-on Rita ,\nndcr J ulic ,\rm-tronl! Grav \tkin~ Joa~ ,\u-tin Alan Bahan Bt·\ crh Barb"r Jern iJarham Jmh. Barker ;\Jit:haeh n Barker Richard· Barker Jimmy Barnard indv Battle Lind.t Bt'll l\leloth Bt•nnett :\like Ben-on Ten·-a Bernard
Class of 1964 Teams With Knights Jan Berrett Venita Bettinger Linda Bickford Erne-t Biem1an Larry Bierman Barbara Bi ...hop Jamb Blackwell Paul BoJ.(gTommy Boggs u. an Bomar John Bookout Kathy Booth Jane Bowerman Jane Boxhurjl;er Bonnie Brad-.haw Eddie Brady herry Bramble Hanna Brand Becky Brawley Kathy Bray Allan Brigg~ Chri Bri-.mont Charle Briton Emily Bn.. lgt•n Pat Bremkamp Eric Bnm n ht'rn Bro\\n . hen:) Bnant Gale BT)n"er Le ... )ie Buekwald . tanley Bulle J rannl't te Burden Ca10l Burn , ur Burri\lartha Burton Dianne Bu...ch Carole Ihler Janice ~nnon Kieth Carlton \ l ikt• Cam1ichael Jeanette am1ony Don Center Bill haple Linda .haplin hapman J eann :\like harle-ton Janet Cha e Carole Choate
Carohn Church Blue Clark :\larcia Clark Tommy Cloud Jim Cobb ·u,an Coburn Bob Coffey Jennifer Coil ;\lark Collin Donnie Cook :\lichael Cook Phil Cook~ey Rocky Cooper Dewayne Carruth John otncr Brooke otter Vicki Cottman Tim Cox Ken Craig David Creek ;\layrc roll'-' Karen Crumby andra Crumpler John Culbert•on
and Wins All -School Paper Drive Tim u hman Roger Dabney Jean Daiker ~lary Jo Dakil Carol Daley
Carolyn Daley Pe!!f."Y Daniel Roby David~on Becky Davis Darlene Davi
baron Davis laudia Oawkin . Larry Day Judy Deal Ken Decker
Lloyd Decker Ruth D itchier ~fary De,champ Ro. e DeWolfe Margo Dittman
Lazy uppercla .,men find fre~hman "due," come in handy for carrying tray in the cafeteria during "due" ~ea on. ick Tennis finds it diffi· cult to fulfill pledge dutie . Judy Dorney Charle-, Deutch Kathy Downum Herbert Dubberstein Clydellen Duffy Ricky Dugger Don Duncan ~fargaret Duncan Warren Dunlevy Jimmy Dunn Gary DuPree tan DuPree Johnny Durrett Allen Eaker Jackie Edgar Mike Eichen
16 1
pau--e in the front hall to compare IB~1 ~ched ult"·- Left to n~t are \1akolm Hanc\. Terrv eba. Jack Thoma , and "teve ~ immon. · -
newcomer,;, Jane Bowerman, have not yt't learned to read.
Bomar, and Barbara Worthing,
Freshmen Say, HI Blame Machine! " Gary Elkin Paul Elledge Dewayne Elliott Jim Elliott Ronnie Encapera Jan Epper~on ~1elva Everman Karl Fairie teve Farha Phillip Farri herry Fau. ett Paul Favor nn Fenton Buddy Field Larry Fi~hel Kathy Fi~her Harold Fite Carol Fonvielle Julie Ford baron Fore Judy Foster Mary Fo_ter Mike Foster andy Foutz Jim Fowler Regj!ie Fowler Keith Franklin tephanie Franklin ue Frank Richard Frazier Judy Friend ~like Fulton Richard Furbee Denni Gagliardi Lonnie Gamble Johnnv Gatlin ally Ge furd Ann Gibb~ Suzanne Gilbert Carol Gillan Gregg Gimlin Jack Given Robert Goode Elaine Gordon herre Go. ally Green haron Green Pat Greer
Rudy Greer David Griffy Rob Grimmett Terry Grind taff Jim Haa Jay Haberecht Cindy Ilaig Lynda Haley Alyson Hall Curti Hall I.enona Hall :'\1alcolm Haney Janice Hand .\Ielinda Hanraty Carol Han~en Lynne Hardin Annette Harm Janet Harri Kri Harry l\lelany Hay Rex Hefler Cheryl Hendren teve Herndon Tom Hicks
to Parents' Queries Terry Hicock Rudy Hiersche Pete Riggin Linda Hill Alice Hiniker Dick Hinkle Charle Hin on u~n Hinson ina Hinton Carole Hitchens Boonell Hite Bobby Hob ..on Larry Hodg. on Diane Hogan Donna Holling worth Linda Holloway Connie Hom ey Willie Hooker Patti Hopkins herrie Hopkin Elizabeth He.s Gary Howard Tony Hudgin Charle ¡ B. Hud~n Laird Hull Joleen Humphrey Kent Humphrey Linda Hunter Velma !moe Bill James Linda James Linda Jasperson Jon Jerlow Carol Johnson Jane John. on Mary Johnson Linda Johnston Anita Jone Janet Jone Kenny Jone Linda Jone Loui~e Jones fadelyn J one Ronnie Jones anette Jordan Bill Joyce Artie Ju t Judy Just
Jani Kahler Larry Karns Annabelle Keen Clint Kelll'y Don Kenan Kathy Kendall Jimmy Kennard Artie Kennedy Lynn Ketchum Neil Kimerer Ru ty King Ruth King Roger Ki. e Dennis Klingsick Pam Knox Diane Koonce
Pages Appear at Polls Kathy Kopacka Ruth Kurlender Jennifer Lamb haron Lane Linda Langford Richard Lang>'ton Gloria Lawrence Jane Lawson Charles Lawter Pamela Ledden Virginia Lee Ann Lent Tony Leonhard Kay Lewi Carol Litton Loui Loeffler Vickie Loeppler Mary Long Claudia Lucas Corann Luckan Henry Luter Diane Luttrell Linda Lutz Val :.\lcC!anaban
Rena 1\lcCoy Karen \lcCullough herry :.\lcCutcheon
Lee \lcDonald Harriet \1cGauhey Charlene :\lcGee
Mark McGee Kathy \lclntyre Richard Mc:\1ain
Jennifer :\lc\lurry Robert :\lcName Mike McWatt Pre-clas patio p p-rallies appeal to fre hmen to help create for the game.
Kathrine Mackenzie Gerry ~laguire Karen :.\lain Edward ~lakier Janet ~Ialone Rita Malone andra Malone Jackie :\1aloney Bud \langum Linda :\lanlove Tom :.\fann , heila ~larkham James Marr John Marsh Barbara Martin David Martin
and Outvote Upperclassmen Keith l\lartin Ruth Martindale Bonnie :.\laupin Gerry Maupin Pe~tgy Mayfield :.\like l\leador :\like Meadow Carolyn :.\leek \lartha ::\leek u an \leinke Richard ~felton Tommy 1elton Jay Menninger ::\like l\ferrill Joe Millar Ann Miller Lee Miller Marilyn Miller Connie Milligan Deanne Miner Linda Mock Carla Mogg Betty Montgomery David Montgomery Marie ::\1orales Jim Morgan George Morri Mary Ann :.\lowery Tom :.\Iunday Phil l\1urphy ::\1arjorie ::\lurray Chuck Mu. ~on Patricia ::\lyrick Ben ance Melanie el on Loi Neph Cheryl Newkirk Ken ewrnan Don New.om Charle oble baron Noble Vicki Norick Paula Norri Deborah Notley Edwina Null Charlotte Obermann ~1ary Ann Oliver Kenneth Ontko Kathy o~hea Joe Owenbey Beverly Owens Larry Palmer Eleanor Palo Carolyn Pate Jim Pear...on Pat y Pearson
Don Peck Jerry Peek Jerry Penland Richard Perry huron Pt·ttett Jan Petty Jeanne Petty Nancy Petty Diane Peyton Diane Phillip U"an Phillip Janelle Pollock Marjorie Ponder Brian Porter J a Re!"a Poteet ~u-.ie Pott Karl Power Jeanne Prater Marilyn Pulley Jerry Putt Lc Ann Quillin Phylli Rahill berry Railey Qui Randall
Rugged Schedules Slow Page's Pace John Randle Joe Rankin Toni Ra~hke tan Rathjen Mar--ha Ray Robin Raymond Pat Reed Carol Reinke Beverly Reynolds Lynn Reynold Bob Rice Perry Rice David Ricker u an Riley Robert Roark Tommy Roche Linda Rodger haron Roederer Jim Roger Mike Roger Becky Rollow Linda Romerman Carol Roso Harlene Ro .. an Nita Rowe Joe Rover Vicki Rucker Johnny Rupp Don Ryan Margaret Ryan Anita Ryland Marci afdi Lynn and Johnny atterlee Barbara aye Kelly • chmidt teve . chmitz Jeanne Scott Terry eba Kenneth eibel tan ewell Tim ewell Denny hipley Danny hirley Donna hrier Margaret hultz John iegel teve immon
"Due" drag to dawn duties. Left to right: teve Schmitz, Gerry i\Inguire, Jim Elliot, Laird Hull, and Val McClanahan re,pond to members wi. hes by doing early morning exerci es.
Pages Support Honor System
.ed mith There-<a mith Judy need Elaine nider Lorain nider Wayne. nipe Richard Soard Cheryl ommerfrucht Art uth Jim outherland Ken pear Danny ponhaltz Barbara pybuck Phjl ~tack Dale tailing Carol tammer tarlyn tarr Bob teeve::. usan teinbock \ lary ~ ti\er Robert "itone Nancy treet John Strong Jim tuart
haron - tubblefield Ka} tump Lynn Sugg Karla ¥.anson KennPth wan_on Lloyd , wineford Jan Tate ..\1ichael Tate John B. Tatum Dick Taylor Gary Taylor Gordon Tavlor Jpannc Ta;lor ick Tenni~ Jack Thoma~ Warren Thoma nn Thomp on Jimmy Thomp,on Kathy Torbett • parky Trawick Jim Troxel \fary True andra Truette Connie Truitt
Knighthood , -
One Step Closer Jan Turner Donna Vaden \like Valentine Joe Vau~hn Jeanette Voorhie Richard Vrooman Pat Wade Jim Wagoner Barbara Walk Wayne Wallace Don Walli Allene Walter Jim Warren Molly Wa_ha Carla Way Jerry Way heryl Webster Janet Wege Michele Wells Kenneth Wertz Mary . ue W tfall Carl Wheatly Alan White John White teven White Verna Whiteturkey haron Whittaker hirley Wilcoxson Paul Wilke· Bill Willett Nancy Willett Larry Williams Linda William Judy Willingham haron Wil.on Patty Woodward Janice Woolley Barbara Worthing Loi Van Wyngarden Freddie Yaeger David Young Jana Young Jay Young teve Young David Zoltner
Yearbooks provide a good opportunity to remim!'Ce as well as plan ahead for cla s officers, Gil Wright, president; Carl Bu ...h, rrgeant at arm~; Diane Kimsey, treasun•r; and Linda Ca-. ady, ~rcretary. ot picturt'd is Drew :\~;kerman, vice·prc~idt'nt.
Heralds Hail Halfway Mark! orth\\est Cia en Heralds approach Knighthood as did Herald of ancient lore. They rise from humble Pages to quire and hence to Knight . Dutie included making proclamation and delivering me age : pre iding over tournament ; and tud) ing about heraldry. chivalry, and knighthood. Dutie of 'orthwe t Classen Herald are similar. We proclaim d loudly, and proudly. undying loyalty to our chool; !'pirit d upport for our athlete on playing field : opinions m tudent Council; and enthu ia m for all· chool play . paper drives, mixer , and other activities that are o much a part of life at orthwe t Oas en. At tournament Herald played an important part a athlete . Gipp DuPree, Gil Wright, and everal others carried our color· high, and pep club member proudly
bore :\orthwest Ia sen' emblem on their uniform . tudying and learning. however, were our main activitie . We have learned that hard work bring la ting reward . Herald are well repre. ented on Knight's Honor Roll. Drama and publication received our upport and effort . A goodly number of u erved a officer of club and organization .. We ha\·e been ably led by cia officer : Gil Wright, pre ident: Drew Ackerman, vice-pre ident; Linda Ca. ady, secretary; Diane Kim. ey, trea urer; and arl Bu. h. ergeant at arm . As we become Squire we willingly face new re pon ibilitie , new opportunitie • and new challenge . When finally we attain our cheri hed goal of full-fledged Knight we shall know we have erved well.
pon-.or meet regularly to check progre,- of their student~. Here having coffee while they work are l\li~, Retha Wave Hulet, )lr. Phillip Thur.. ton, :\tr... Jeanne Rippee, and l\li s nn Whitehead. Not pictured i Mr~. Clovie Harri--on, detained by a math meeting.
herry Abdoo John Abney Felice Abramson Drew Ackerman Darlene Acree George Allen
Am~ ~barron Ammerman Carl Andcr~on
John Armstrong Ruby A kin~ Jerry Avant
Heralds Acquired School Spirit
Algene Ayer Barbara Baker
Beverly Baker Nat Baker
Carolyn Baker barron Barfoot
Ether Barron
Sandra Barnett Lynda Baumgarner
Phyllis Bayley George Beaver
Bob Bednar Larry Bell
Ru Bell
Jim Bendau Karen Bennett
Rusty Bennett John Berrinkle
Mark Bevin
Henry Beltz Bob Bender
CLASS OF '63 Sophomores have done out tanding work in every department at orthwe¡t Oassen. Bill Dolan, Allen Elledge, Robert Mallory, and Terry mith excel in photography under the direction of Mr. Gerald Heusel.
0-ooh! Right 13; left 4; right 31.
Hurry! They're slipping!
Oh, darn! That's the wrong locker.
Paul Biem1an baron Bia Mike Black Bob Blackwell Lynn Blalock John Bla. chke
~like Bloe>'e ~lae. el Bogg
Bob Both Jerry Bowerman Carol Bowlin :\like Boyle
Virginia Brewer Beverly Brannon Pat Brrit. chuh Joe Brodell Carolyn Brooks Dick Brooks ue Brooks Barbara Brown Bill Brown Gary Brown Tony Brownen Betty Brumley
Mary Brummit Jack Bruner Hart Burghart heila Burnett Larry Burton Carl Bush
17 1
Leo Byford Jr. Mike Calvert Jimmy Carter Paul Ca~ey Linda Ca ady ~ herry Ca well
Jeff Chalmers Chuck Chamber Mike Chapman Paul Chapman barron Charle ~ herry Chatman
andra Cheatham Cindy Che tnut nny Childer Barbara Church Jim Clark Vaudeanna Clark
Phil Cline Bill Coburn Dick Cohein Bob Cockerill ~1artha Coffman Jimmy Cole
Heralds Reject Officers
CLASS OF '63 Mike Cook Judi Copeland John Coppock
Margaret Cornelius Phil Cornett Tom Coughlin
Beverly Cox Don Cozby Cheryl Cunningham
Bob Daniel Andrea Daniels Bill Davison
We felt we knew the library pretty well. herry Abdoo, herry Chatham, and Sue Stewart confidently explore the shelves to find a book.
David Dawkin Pat Deal
Charlotte Decker Terry Deen
Charlotte Denham Richard De~pain
Linda Dickin"'n Jim Dill
Carol Dine \fary Dixon
Bill Dolan Tonia Demopolis
Joe Dorman like Dougall
Wayne Drake Kathryn Dunbar
for Second Year 1n a Row
Denise Dunham Judy Dunham
Gipp DuPree Bob Duskin
Robert Dutton harron Ead
Kay Earnest Jane Earnest
Mitchell Ea. ley Lee Easton
Allen Elledge. Janice Ellison
Paula Ell worth Bill Enter
Robert Esterline Jim Fabian
Bill Fagala Ronald Fagin
Carolyn Farha Carolyn Fari
Carolyn Farrell ~ teve Fauk
:\like Fergu~n Wendell Filippo
uzan Finefrock Lucy Finley
Judy Floyd teve Fondren
Mike Ford
Charles Fu on Myrna Garlick
We Started New Fads
Don Garri on andra Garrett
Linda Gatewood Jane Gillespie
Chuck Goforth Kaye Goodrich
Elaine Covin Chri tie Gravitt
Linda Griffin herry Griffith
Don Grimes Gary Guthrie
Jerry Hadaway Carolyn Hogg
Wally Hammond Kent Hampton
Rey Hancock Yolanda Hancock
Jane Hanna Gary Hannon
/ / ·~
]{avid Harrison To~my Hawk
o~(Jbk Jd~t9--
~largie Haney Hankin~on
Betty Harbolt Steve Hargis
Brenda Hawkins Bill Hawkinson
~fodel Sandra Garrett's plumb line makes it easier for arti t Deni•e Dunham and Carrie Abernathy to sketch.
and Revived Old Ones
:c:--~ Vicki Hrbacek Nancy Heb on Randy Helm Amy Hender on Lou Ann Hender ·on Terry Hester
Linda Hicks Linda Hicock Dan Holder F'lorrie Hollowa} Ruth Holman Robert Holme
Bill Holsey Diana Horne John Houchin Paula Hudson David Hume Barbara Hunt
Melody Hutchinson Carol Ice David Imle Raymond Jack Fred Jacob on
Lynn Jame Ann Jenkin Jan Jenkin Jeanne Jenkins Barbara John on
Claudia J ohn. on Joan John on Karen Jone Pat Jone¡ Patty Ann Jone Doreen June
Tt"d Kalmon Gloria Kasper Kathryn Kauffman Kitty Keith Chri Kennison Wayne Ke~ lrr
Dianne Kim ey Gail Kincaid Kathy King ht"ryl King Maroha Kirchner Jimmy Ki er
Kenny Kni(!:ht Dou(!: Knox Kathryn Knox Anne Kraft Warden Lang Bunny Langley
David Lang ton Rickey Lang~ton Myra Lappin Bill La ater :'\1arilyn Learning Don L e
D . Kimsey Follows in Sis 's Footsteps
Cheryl Leever Leslie Ledden Kay Lent 1ary Leugemor Barbara Lewi
Kenneth Lio; Gary Lockett David Logan Fore. t Lorey Johnny Loveland Alexi. Loveless
Peggy Lovele> Danny Loyd Rick Lynn Linda tackillican Dean \1cClain Carol \1cCartcr
Jim McCarty Larry :McCarty Donna :'\tcCulley Larry McDanirl Carol .:\lcCant
Two gues. es Kennedy or Nixon? Thi was popular conversation durin~ 1960. \!any heated debate¡ and cia room discussions centered on individual likes and dislikes. Heralds took an active part in election held at chool. Politics were top topics when
students gathered after lunch for brief chats like this one with Mary Dixon, \lerrill Willard, Phil Cornett, Janice Ellison, Gene Roblyer and ue Brooks.
Some Assemblies Were Fun Vicky fcEwin Frank McHann Gary McKinney Mary l\fcLellan Connie McMillan
Ronnie \1c eill Nancy '\1cNew Carol teNuity Joanna Magruder Judy Mahan Jim Mar h
Dan ~Iartin Larry Martin Don ~fay Carole Meeker Jan Milam Eddie Miller Jame Miller fichelle Miller barron :\tiller Gary Mills Tommy Mills
CLASS OF '63 178
CLASS OF '63 Don ::\Iitchcll Rick ::\loffatt
Cheryl Montgomery Ann Moodie
Dec Ann Moodie Jame~ Moore
Lyman ::\loore ::\larie ::\forgan
Diane :\Iorclock Jim Morri
Danny ::\lorri~on Ray l\lo
Mike Mullij!:an Janet ::\lu"l!llam
Barbara \1uzny Ronnie el~on
While Others Were More Serious
Donna ewton Julia ewton \like â&#x20AC;˘ ichols Mike Owen Leah 0 good Linda o~born
Lee Olim Gina Pansze Don Pape Cheryl Parrish Ba1 bara Pearce Linda Peddicord
Barbee Pelton Pam Penn John Phillip Mike Phillips Joyce Phinney Joann Pitts
Bill Poage Linda Poag Joanne Pollock Bill Porch Marlett Potter Robert Potter
Elizabeth Power Tommy Poyner
Micheal Price Cindy Pruitt
Marianna Pulling Mike Quine
Harry Ral ton Bill Raney
Bill Rankin Michael Rapp
David Ray Judy Rector
Ph1llip Redlinger u"'!n Reed
Becky Reese Ronrue Reeves
We Contributed Our Share of Talent
Pat Reinbold Jack Renfrow
Linda Richards Don Richard on
Linda Ridgeway Carol Riley
Larry Roberts Don Robin. on
Gene Roblyer heryl Rogers
rsel Rothenbu. ch David Rucker
Ru ty Ru ell Dorinda Rutherford
Phil Ryan Marilyn all trom
teve ander Carol chick
Donna chmidt Barbara cott
Gary ear ¡
Barbara elby ~fartha ewell
Pat haffer Dougla haw
Karen hepard Gay .hick
Edd hortt Dale ibel
Tim ieber Bill imp~n
and Captured State Rankings
Marlene ims andy kinner
Jane laughter Jim laughter
Janie mel er John miley
Gayle mith Mary Ellen mith
Tom olter Bill oren on
Donna pielman Larry prou e
Bill tacy Cheryl t. Dizier
Ron tevens ue tewart
Paula ullivan \like waim •·haron . wihart Terry Tatum Jame~ Taylor
Don Templin Donna Thomas • ue Thoma Richard Thoma on Clairie Thomp~n Donella Thomp on
Linda Thomp. on Tommy Thomp,on lark Tou aint :\like Tra ka E,·onne Trout Ronnie Truitt Karen Turner Lana Tyree Frances Turpin Mary Turner Jerry Vandeventer :\1ike Violett
G. Wright Guides Heralds
CLASS OF '63 Leroy Walker Don Wall Ozell Walton Richard Warner ~like Week Billy Welch
Beverly Wendorff Gayle We~t \lerrill Willard Kerry Williams Tim Williams Diane Wilmoth
:\1aryke Winkler Don Winslow Kathy Wilson Connie Wolfe ally Woodward Peggy Wool ey
Gil Wright Tim Zinn hirley Zellweger Mike Zachritz Gayle Youngheim
Hardest climb is still ahead but the reward is in view. Leaders of the Junior Cia. are Jerry Hier che, sergeant at anns; Dan
Duncan, treasurer; Judy Elli~, secretary; Terry Amn, president; Dudley Hyde, vice-pre ident.
Squires Square Off for Soiree uddenly it wa '60! We were QUIRES! We tood at the halfway mark. Ru ell Law on had pulled us through Pagehood and Phil Wimpy had herded us along the way as Heralds. This year Terry Arnn was Squire supreme. It was now or never if we were to make our mark in Knightland. omewhere along the line the Greek idea of the pur uit of learning a man's noble t idea got sandwiched in. Mo t of u are college-minded. We must convince ourselve , and other , we had college capacity. Two hours of gri ly PSAT te t made u take a new look at BA's, MA' , and PhD' nonchalantly inf'Cribed behind names. Extracurricular a signments were suddenly vital. Preparations for the 1961 NASC national convention were in progress and we found ourselves right in the middle. Then there wa the SHIELD and ROU D TABLE to be taffed; DeWayne Andrews was helping hold the
Class sponsors helped plan one of the best formals of the year, the Junior-Senior Prom. 1r. Gordon Erikson, Mrs. Georgia Teets, Mrs. Ola Mae Oake , Mr. Don Van Pool, Mrs. Pauline Walker confer on plans. Not pictured i head sponsor, Mrs. Bessie Henry, detained by illness.
"CLAS I " Executive Board together; Casey Truett, ick Woodard and Danny Young brought in peech awards: Bob Daniel tarred in "OUR TOWN"; Jon Boura a, u an Kimerer, Sam Reynolds, and Karen Slack were nominated for AFS exchange student; Junior Girl ' sextette garnered uperior rating; the band and Cry- lur warmed with Squires. And in athletics the three H's--Harri on, Hiersche and Howard. along: with Johnny Locke and Pat Sigmon, were put through thei~¡ pace . Thing didn't even slacken for pring-fever time. From our rank would come the 1961-62 all- hool pre ident. This demanded sifting. Then there were our obligations to the Cla s of '61 that was leaving us in charge. Our Junior- enior Prom mu t be the be t yet. My, there's a lot to do when you get to be a Squire-we hope to hear, "Well done, good and faithful Squire , you have earned the right to be called Knight!"
Adam, Jan Agee, Linda Allen, Ginger Arne , Joanne Ander on, Da\ id nder. on, Jerry
ndrew~. DeWaHle Ard. Chri ¡ Arm. trong, Richard Arnn. Terry Atkin. on, .Carol Au tin, Judy
Au tin, Ronald Au tin, Wanda Babcock, Tom Baker, Carolyn Barber, Billye Barne!', Jim
Jeanne, Jerlyn, and Judy Ba ham, Dewayne Bay,Charle Beal , Pamela Bean. Tom Beau ang, Cathie Been, Linda
Ben on, Carolyn Bevin_, Bob Bittner, Jim Boevers, Mike Boggs, Dalton Bole, Kaye
Boren, Clifford Boura . a, Jon Bowen, Barbara Bowen, ally Brace, Charla Bragg, Janice
Brande. , herry Brennan, Patty Bre~ ie, Ruth Brook, Connie Brown, Benny Brown, Penny
Brumley, Doyce Bruner, \1ary Bryant, haron Buchner, heryl Buchwald, Mike Butler, Cathy
Butt, Adele Butts, Jame Cabell, Chri Cain. Eddie Camp, Ann Carroll, Maxine
Car on, Jack Carter, Glenda Carter, Richard Cartmill, Colleen Ca ey, Mike Chamberlain, Ruth Ann
Do Jolly Jumps for Juniors
One of these beauties may be the 1962 All-Sports Queen. Judy Ellis, Jeanne Cooper and Jerlyn Davis, junior cheerleaders, chat before the Sports-Queen coronation in which they participated.
Chapman, Diane; Chase, Robert; Christenson, Ann; Ci ne, Carol; Oark, Connie; Oark, Judy; Claw on, Peggy; Clay, andra; Cobb, Reed.
Cody, Barbara Coleman, Mark
Cowell, Keith Cook,Jud
Coppage, Troy Corbett, Joan
"Egad ! ! Will I meet that deadline?" buried in a mound of Round Table work.
Class of '62 Tops 400 Mark --~--
Cordray, Bill Cornell, Pam Cornell, Phil Cornell, Rose Marie Cowan, Carol Cowie , Linda
Craig, haron Coughin, Linda Covington, Gary Dale, Ronnie Daniel, Darla Davi , J erlyn
Davis, Sharon Davison, David Daw, Bob Delitt, Mike Del Valle, France Denham, Gene Dormon, Pam Dorney, Barbara Dorri , Harold Draper, David Duncan, Dan Duncan, Kokie
Eagleton. Bob Ea. urn. Diane Ehrig. Pat Elliott. Deanna Elliott. Linda Elli". Judy
ElL worth. anC} Emig, Larry E~linger. Greg L tes, '\largaret E\eraard. Ronald Farri., Katherine
Favor, Kathy Fergu on, Glenda File, Ann Finch, Bob Fi cher, Charle Fi h, John
Squires Eagerly Await Knighthood Flanagan, Eileen Fleming, Ru ty Flourney, haron Flynn, ondra Fowler, Gerri Fowler, Jerri
F rederici, Annette Fretwell, Judy Freeman, David Garrett, Bill Garri on, David Gatlin, ydney
Gee, Ronnie Gei er. haron Gibbon .. Gay Gil on, eal Given , Judr Goodell, Mary Goodman, Arna Grant, Ruby Gray on, Beverly Green, Jay Griggs, Jim Grime. . ~like
Hackler, Larr) Hall, Barbara Hall. kip Hall. Linda Hall. uzy Harne , Janice
Hamilton, Charle Hammack, Jim Hammond, Judy Hardage, Kay Hardin, Jerry Harri. , Linda
Harri on, ancr Harri on, Rich Ha tie, Barney Haye., John · Heiney, Gary Hendrick, Rick
H nline, Don Hen. ley, Don Hen on, Judy Hewe , Hayden liick , Dean Hiersche, Jerry
Cars Carry Colors in Contest Cavalcade
Gayly adorned vehicle in a parade in the park· ing lot launched Home· coming fe tivitie Octo· her 14. Joanne Ames and Iris Morgan straighten the purple and gold crepe paper on the top of their entry while Patsy Loef· fler look on with approval.
Winn Kalmon Edits Yearbook Section Hill, Becky Hodges, Joe Haffner, \1arcia Rolli , .:V1arilyn Holladay, Terry Holt, Charle
Holt, Vic Herndon. Charles Howard, Paul Howard, Phil Howard, Robert Howell, Cheryl
Hudon, Fred Hudson, Linda Hughe, Bob Hullett, kip Hunt, Jerry Hyde, Dudley
Ingram, DeAnn Irvine, Carol Jabara, Sam Jack, ancy Jacob, Charlotte J arne , Kenneth
Janota, Charlotte Jencke , Oaudia Jerlo, Tom John on, J ana John on, JoAnne John on, Ronald
John ton, Brett Jones, Gary Jone , Janice Jones, J anyce Jone , Le Jone, Roger
Ju t, Eric Kalmon, Winn Keller, Jerry Ketchum, Bill Key, Karen Kimerer, u an
1\.ing. Terry Kitchen, 1\.aren Koepp<â&#x20AC;¢!. Tann~ Kirk. Valerie 1\.o. ted. Carohn Kratina. Kare~
Lan. herry Lanyon, aily LaPointe, haron Lawrence, u. an Law:-;on, Ru. "ell Leake. Bob
Lemmons, Jim Lemon, Larry Lipe, Virginia Locke, John Lofton, Arthur Long, Carolyn
Long, Judy Lott, Chuck Loving, ally Lu~k, Randy Lytle, Carole McCan, haron
Juniors Puzzle Over Prom Plans McCandles , Karen McClure, Cleve \1cColloch. like Me own, teve McDowell, Joyce McEntire, Kay
McGill, Jack McHenry, George Mcintyre, Vivian Mcintyre, Betsy McMurran, ue Me tew, Ru
McQueen, Beverly Magruder, Arlene Maier, Judy Mainard, Carolyn Manna, Paul Marcum, Dudley
Marko, Annie Marlin, Marcia Martin, Phil Martin, Taini Mashore, ue Lynn Matthew , Billie Jo
Meek, Howard Meyer , Leeann \<tiller, tan Milligan, Terry \'fill, Rod 1\llitchell, Carol
Montgomery, Larry Moodie, Bruce Moore, Okie Moore, Ralph Morey, andra Morgan, lri
Morris, Sandra Mun inger, Lynn Murphey, Don Myers, Barbara ance, Bo ay, David
Class Rings Top Squires Tradition el on, Linda el on, Roberta ichols, ancy idell, Dianne oe, teve ord tron, Linda
owlin, Jack Oldhen, Dean O'Leary; Helen Owen , Evelyn Palmer, Jackie Palmore, Lynda
Parker, Dee Pear on, Walter Pendarvi , Don Pernalete, Margaret Perrin, ydney Phillip , Bob
Pier on, Dixie Raelene
Poole, Judy Pott, Vicky
Pitt , Bill Point , Mar ha
Power, Jane Preble, Carol
Pol on, Ace Ponder, Jim
Pryor, Janie Purdue, Marilyn
Patio Pauses Lend Welcome Breaks Putt, Phill Qualls, Pam Rahill, Pam
Randleman, Julia Rainey, Lewi Raney, David
Rankin, Linda Redlinger, Barry Reeves, Jeanette
Reynold , Sam Riley, Mary Ann Roach, Ron
"Ya know, Jill, I'm mighty proud to be a part of Northwest Cla,sen!" Jill Reber and Jerry Hier che like to reminisce and look forward to their senior year.
Roberts, haron Robert on, J. W. Robin on Larry Robin on, Randy Rollow, David Ro.e, Tina
Ro olowski, Ann Rotan, Darlene Routon, Vickie Routon, Wendel Runka, 1arite Ryan, Terry
t. John, Jay amara, haron an ing, Bill aterlee, Phil a under , John avage, Merry
awvell, Jon choap, Mike hoenthaler, Mardi chooley, Jodi Scott, Judy
No Paper- Dollies Needed Here
On October 29 Squires and Herald competed against Knights and Pages in an all·school paper drive. From dawn to du. k! At the end of the day each felt that he had lifted the 63,000 pounds collected. Help· ing load paper are Phil Walker, Marcia Haffner, J. W. Robert· son, Marlene Sims, haron amara and Linda Griffin.
ott, Larry roggin. Don ~udder. Jim lhy. Beverly everin, Elaine ~ herrill. Alan
Shirley, Ron hnell. Dori hock, J o Anne ibley. Larry igmon, Pat imms. orry
Years Come, Years Go, im,, Larry lack, Karen malley, John mith, Eddie Smith, Ginger Smith, Jim
Smith, el on Smith, Terry Sneed, Gini Snider, Edward Sollars, Linda Sonnenfeld, Sheryl
But Oh, That Junior Yearf
Ever been so shook you couldn't remember your own address? This is the way Sam Reynolds, American Field Service finalist, said he felt. Finalists were Jon Boura a, Susan Kimerer, and Karen Slack. They were chosen from twenty-three junior applicants on the bajs of maturity, ,cholarship, per onality, and congeniality.
JUNIORS Spaeth, Donna pear, Bill
pen e, Don Spiva, David
Spive}, Peggy taal, Jerry Working a problem by slide-rule are Dudley .Markum, Dianne Chapman, and Rich Harrison.
tamp , Janice taples, Becky teele, Pat tettheimer, Joe teven , John tewart, Bob
tone, Carolyn tone, Owen ullivan, Alan utton, ancy Tatum, Linda Taylor, Judy
Telford, Sue Terrell, 1ary Terry, Eddie Terr}, Karen Thoma , Dennis Thompson, Bennie Jo
Thomp on, David Thrower, Beverly Tillingha t, John Torbett, Carol Tracewell, ue Truett, Ca ey
It Was a Long Climb, but Tucker, Dick Tucker, Patsy
Waldrop, Mike
Turner, Linda Van Hook, Martha
Walker, Marilyn
Vaughan. Jerrie . ue Vernon, Loui e
Walker, Phil
Volz,Pam Wade, Phil
Walker, Shirley
classmen at Last! Ward, Inez Wallace, andra Walli , David Ware, John Welbourn, Terry
We t, Sherry Wheeler, Valjean White, Bob Whittacre, Ronald Whittaker, Iris
Whitten, Robert Alex Whitten, Zelvia Wiggins, Ronnie Wildman, heryl Wile , Phillip
"I'll bet my candidate wins," say Squire Sam Jabara, Jim Hammack, Tom Emer on, 1\like Buchwald, Pam Rahill and Ruth Ann Chamberlain, a they cast ballots for cia~ officer<>.
ally Lanyon, Charles Holt,
Wilkes, Eddie William , Bill William , Lynn Windle, Karl Wolf, Bill Wolfe, Joe
Wolfkill, Kenneth Wolyd, Danny Woodrow, Olivia Woodward, ick Wooley, Karen Wooten, Betty
Young, Dan Zilar, David Zukowski, Billie Cooper, Jeanne Martin, Pam Ruff, Toni totts, Stanley
Politics, Polls and Khrushchev's Shoe
Buddy O'Hara, President
Dick Powell Vice¡pre ident
\fary Clarkson ecretary
:\lr. Duane Weinert
l\1r ¡. Ivy Copeland
Rex Irwin
Carol Barrett Treasurer
Onl} in memory will we, th 1961 Knights. again walk through orth\\est Clas en haiL as tudent . Coveted diploma ymholize four year of work and play begun a frightened Page. . We leave behind privilege and opportunitie which we feel ha"Ve been made more secure by our ojourn here . . . wild cheering at a football game on a fro ty night: homecoming, and the renewing of old friend . hips: school play : the once in a lifetime thrill of the Juniornior Prom; excitement and eagerne of choir, band, peech conte t ; publication deadline ; victory partie ' ; gobbling lunch to make it back to cla s on tim~; the relaxed enjoyment of being in the cla of a favorite teacher; and many, many more. When we return for our cia<; reunion in 2011, how many of u will know and greet each old companion by name? But let' look at what we hall take with u~ . teve herman, A tudent, vi ited weden in 1960. Gary Borrell, Steve Enders, Sally Merkle, Randy Mondie, John Rapp, Randy eba and David hoebotham reached emi-final in the rational 1\.Ierit cholar~hip Te ts. In our junior year we defeated the ~orman Tiger to take tate Football Champion hip. Knight athletes received the All- port Trophy two con. cutive year , with trong prospect of making it three. During our tay, TV cla se were perfected, and the honor y tem
Mr. Art
R. T.
Mis Glady
Will Linger 1n Class of '60 Memories
ue :!\1u. allam ·ergeant at arms
was launched. Funds from the 1959 all·school talent production, 'Cia<~ ics,' h lped pay for the fountain and bronze Knight which enhance the patio. Our continental acquaintance wa<> extended to four countrie . Chri Pajanen. Finland, Joan tree£. the '\etherlands, Doro Heinrich. Germany, and Marta Valive. Argentina, exchange . tudents through the year , are warmly remembered. Our 1959 Round Table wa dedicated to the Fir t International Geophy ical year, when putnik had its heyday. Echo I roamed at will among the tar . and the \ ogue of forty-yard petticoat., three deep, with tood the rage of . ack dres e ancl kn('(' tickler kirt<~. moking on the patio wa di · continued and the proctor y tern. which involved court procedure , fell into di. u e.
enior Cla~s president. His officer ecr<'lar) ; ue \1u allum, sergeant Mi
Doris Taylor
The IBM Method Overtook Us, but
A: Cygnet ; Honor
ACREE, LEROY: Wre tling; Cia •ic ; Career Club; Cros -country
ACREE, P TTY: ty; Honor Math; ADA\1 , JANE: Coronet ; JRC
at'!. Honor ocietudent Council YTK;
Cia . ic ;
ADA~1 , KAREN: Nat'!. Honor ciety; Coronet ; cience Club
AGEE, N A CY: pella Choir
AIKEN, BILL: Key Club; "0" Club; Wre~tling; Cro -country AIKEN, ~1ARTY: Nat'J. Honor ociety; Cy~net ; tudent Council; Round Table Royalty candidate
ALBERT , HARON: Cygnet ; YTK; JRC; "0" Club ALLE , POLLY: Coronets; Court Je. ter ; Courte y Club; Cia ics AMER ON, CAROL: Career Club
A:'-<DER 0 , JUDI: hield editor, '61; Cygnet , ~gt. at arms; Quillroll; Lancer Queen candidate ANDER ON, LINDA: Cygnet ; Band; Band Girls; Round Table '61 ANDER ON, A DRA: Cygnet , as 't. ec.; Career Club, pres.; Courte y Club; tudent Council
We Have learned , and loved learning
A.. DER 0. , HERILEA: ygnet ; Cry-. Jun-. hi~t.; Career Club, vicepre,.; YTK
A DREW , JUDY: Choir; Courtesy Club; Career Club ~R , LY : Key Club; Club; Basketball; Track
R0~ 1
A KIN , JAME : cience Club; YTK AUER, VERNA: JRC; Coronets; Courte y Club; Round Table '58, '59, '60, '61 BABCOCK, TONY: Career Club
Cygnet ;
Courte y
BAI BRIDGE, KAY: Cygnet ; Cia ic ; Career Club; Courte y Club BAKER,DA
BAKER, JUDY: Coronets; Courtesy Club; Jr. Medic BAKER, LINDA: Coronet BA
Sacrifices and Devotion Soon Will Be
CLASS OF 1961 BARRETT, ROL: Cry·'-lurs, trea ~.; Coronet. , . gt. at arm ; Announcer•' Club, trea~.; at'l. The pians BARRO , BRE DA: Coronet ; Career Club; rt Club BAY, ANDr: "0'' Club; Cygnets; Honor Language; ourtec;y Club
BELL, KAY: Nat'!. Honor ociety, ~ec . ; Coronets, s 't. at arm. ; YTK, hic;t.; tudent ouncil Exec. Board; Falcon Queen BELT, JA ET: oronet ; Courtesy Oub, prec;.; tudent Council; Court Jester·
BE ETT, POLLY: Art Club, chap.; Coronet ; Courte, y Club; Cia. ic BE T, ANORA: Cygnets; Club; Courte-;y Club
BIA , DO BIDDY, JUDY: Cygnet BIERMA , ELAI E: JRC; Council (alt.)
BIGG , HIRLEY: Student Council, corr. sec.; Coronet., a 't. sec.; "0" Club, gt. at arm ; at'!. Honor ciety; Falcon Queen candidate B0:\1AR, l\1ARILYN: Cygnets; Career Club; Courte y Oub; Nat'l. Honor ociety BOND , RICHARD: Concert Band; Cry· lurs; Falcons
Entrusted to Those Who Follow,
CLASS OF '61 BOOKER, I.O J E Cygnet Career Club; Courte~y Club
BOOTH, CHRI : "0" wimming; Lancer~
"Pa sing of the word" i an tabli. hed tradition. Pre ident of the Cia~ of '60, Jerry Bednar, pre~ent the word to the Junior Cia s pre:-ident, Charline Harri. on.
BORRELL, GARY: at'l. Honor ociety; Honor Math; Boy ' State, tress.; NA C leering Comm. A : BORTZFIELD, Career Club; Courtesy Club
BOWERMA , ANN: Coronet~; Nat'L rt Honor Soc.; Courte y Club
BOYLE, DAVID BRADY, GLENNA: Girls' Glee Club; Cygnet ; Career Club BRADY, SALLY: Coronet ; YTK; Courte y Club; Round Table '61
BUCKLIN, FRED: "0" Club; Foot· ball; Ba eball; Key Club E LYN: Coronets; CourBUMPA , te y Club; YTK; Round Table '61
World, - Here We Come!
Nancy Needham portrayed the part of Emily in "Our Town," fir t all-school play of the year.
BUTTERWORTH, BARBARA: Nat'L Art Honor c., pre . ; YTK; Coronets; Honor Math BYRD, PAT: DECA Queen, '59-'60 BYRD, WILLI M: Orche tra
CAIN, BOB: Cro. -country; Track CANADA, FREDA: Cygnets; Career Club; Courte y Club; YTK CAN ON, GLE DA: Coronets; Courtesy Club; Career Club; Office aide
CARLTON, GAYLEN: Concert Band; Band Girl ; Career Club
CARL AHA , Career Club
CARTER, G RLAND: Band, First Lt; Falcons; Ba. eball; Key Club
Some Will Pull , Others Will Push, Others . . .?.
RTER, PEGGY: Cia ic '59-'60; a cap pella Choir; Gennan Club; Girl ' Glee C'lub (. UY, KATHlEE . Band Girlâ&#x20AC;¢; Cry-slur ; Coronets; Nat'!. Honor ociety CHA\IBER , JE Choir
H 1\
E E: a capprlla
E, Ll DA: "0" Club
CHEEVER, LARRY: Falcon ; Archery Club; hield Cartooni t HILDER~, The~pian. ;
: Honor ;\lath; Nat'!. Cry-.lur ; Cia . ic '58,
'59, '60
CLAIR, LEON CLARK, GARY: Cro.. -country; Wrestling CLARK 0 , MARY: Cygnets, pari.; tudent Council, Exec. Brd.; "0" Club; Girls' Glee Club, pre .
LEi\10 , PA tELA: Coronet ; Court J e~ter ; areer Club; Cia ic CLEVELA D, CLEOLA: Career Club; Nat'L Honor ociety; Cygnet CLO CE, DA ID: "0" Club; Golf
COlT, KARE : Coronet., chap.; "0" lub,
CLASS OF '61 CO'iKI , Jl\1: Concert Band; Dance Band OOK, WILLI \1 CORBI. , CH RLE
COR ELL, PE. Y: trea•.; Courte~y Club; cil; Court Je ter
Coronet~. ~ tudent
as 't. Coun-
COR ELL, PHYLLI : Career Club CO GHU , ANCY: Cygnets; Team port ; "0" Club; Library aide
0 LTER, BOB: "0" Oub; Tenni ; Cia .ic '60 COX, JEANNIE: Cygnets; "0" Club; Tenni ; Announcer·' Club CRAI , MAC: Career Club; Track;
CRO\IWELL, DAVE: Falcon ; Honor Language; Key Club; JRC, pres. CR '\IPLER, PAT: Courte. y Oub
CULBERT, A CY: Quill- croll; Nat'l. Honor ociety; FJA; Round Table '59, '60, '61.
We Craned Our Necks to Watch Echo I CU\IMIN , JUDY: Honor Math; OrNat'l. Honor ci,.ty
CUNNINGHAM, JUDY: Coronet ; Courte y Club; YTK; Career Club CAROLYN: Coronet ; CU TER, at'l. Honor ociety; Courte y Club;
TER, JI\1: Career Club
DA . IEL, JOH, : Nat'!. Honor ociety; Honor :\lath; "0" Club; Basketball DAVIDGE, DAVE: "0" Club
DAVI., ALLE, E: Cy![net ; Career Club; office aide; rt Club DAVI. , AN E: Career Oub DAVl, GARY
DAVI , PAT: Cygnets D \ VL. ANDR : Cygnet ; a cap· pella Choir DECKER, DO NA: oronet ; JCL, vice-pre~.; AF exchange student ho t '60-'61; NA C Comm.
DECKER, JOE: "0" Club, hist.; Football; Career Club; . tudrnt Council DE. CHA\IP , \liKE: Lancer.., at arm ; Archery lub, pre...
DIXON, BETTY: port Queen; Jr. Top Teen; Cheerleader; Courte y Oub
Election Year Debates Sizzled
DOLER, JEA : Career Club; FT DRABEK, DO NA: a cappella Choir; Girl ' Glee Club DUNFORD, LARRY: "0" Club; Football; Ba ketball; Track
CLASS OF '61 D RFEE, DALE: Key Club, pres.; Falcon , tn·,t•. ELLIOTT, JERRY: ~ ience Club. pre . ; panh.h Club, trea . ; Announc-e~'>' luh; Honor ~lath ELLIS, G "-YLE: Cygnets; Cla~~ic '60; cience Club; Nat'!. Honor ociety
: Lancer:;
DIBRY, DIA E: Career Club, trea . ; Cygnet ; Courte. y Club E\IBRY, \lVI.\ ': Cygnets; Courte y Club; Office aide
ENDER , TEVE: Lancers; Town"; hield; Clas ic '60
E 0., MARY: Cygnet ; Career Club E KRIDGE, ART: Flight Training
ESKRIDGE, LE A: Courte y Club; Orchestra; JCL E TE , BEVERLY: Cry-slurs; Coronet ; Nat']. Honor ociety; ience Oub, trea. E\\ I G, J 1\ ICE: Coronet ; DECA; YTK
We Watched the Honor System Grow
FABIAN, PAT FAULKNER, PAMELA: Coronets; Honor Math; JCL; Nat'f Honor Society FLATT, Club
HARO : Career Club; "0"
FLE 1MI G, JACK: Falcons, sec.; Key Club; Science Club, vicepres; YTK
FLORENCE, JEANINE: Coronets; Career Oub
FLOYD, ROLAND: Honor Math; Nat'l. Honor Society; Key Club
Never before and never again will they experience the delight of the JuniorSenior Prom! Kathryn teadly was waiting with bells on when her entranced beau, Forrest White, called for her at 8 o'clock.
FORGUE, LINDA: Career Oub FORRE TER, ANN: Cygnets, ec ; Falcon Queen candidate; Courte y Club ; Cla ic '60 FO TER, LORETIA: Career Club; Cygnets
CLASS OF '61 FO TER,PHIL: DECA FO TER, COTTY: Cla~sic Exec. Brd ; Lancer ; · tage Crew ; Announcer~· Club, purl. FRIED\IA , JA E : Cygnet.; JRC; Car er Club; Orrhe~tra
FRO T, MARY: DEC!\; Career Club GAMBRIL, HERRY: DECA; Cygnet GARD ER, GLE DA: Coronet · ; Career Club
Knightland Election Returns Recorded on Voting GAR~1A , TEVE: tage Mgr. '61 ; nnouncer ' Club, pre ; C Chief Engineer; Boy ' tate '60 GARRETT, A : Career lub
GARRI 0 , JOH : at'l. rt Honor , oc.; Quill-, roll; J CL; Key Club; Round Table '60-'61; hield '60-'61
GRAVE , LI DA GRAY, JUDY: Cygnet~; Career Club; tudent Council; , Ia. ic GREER, HANK: Falcons; Key Club; Cla ic '58
GUY , ANDRA: Career Club; Coronell; HALE, GEORGIA: tudent Council, ec; Cygnet~, hi~t; Round Table, Royalty candidate; Girls' 'tate '60; Nat'!. Honor ociety HALL, HE. RY: Aviation Club; DECA
E: at'!. HonHALL, YLVIA or cicty; Cygnet., chap.; Round Table '60, '61; Quill- roll, prog. chrm; J."TA; FJA HALLENBECK, PHYLI : Cryslurs; Cygnets; Ca'reer Club; Courtesy Club HA"'E., DUANE: Cry-.lur~; a cappclla Choir, pr ; Lancer·; Career Club
Machine: Nixon I 164; Kennedy 417 .
HI\ \1\1, J DY: Career Club H \l\11\10 D, JI\1\IY HARD!~. Kn: (}grwh; Court .lt·-.tt•r-., (ourlt·,, Club: C.tn·t r lub
HARRI ,COLEMAN HARRI 0 , CHARLINE: tudent Council, vice-pres; YTK; Cygnet. , sgt. at arm ; at'l. Honor ociety HARR1 ON, DUAYNE: Career Club
HAYES, TEVE: Falcon ; Cryslurs; JRC; Cia ic HEBI E , BE ALEE: Cygnets; Career Club; Courtesy Club;
Tests, Tests, Tests! Aptitude, College CLASS OF '61 HE THORN, BILL: "0" Club; Cro • country; Wre tling cience HEROLD, TED: Lancer ; lub; Football; ~ wimming HE 'TER, Jl DY: Cygnet.; i at'!. Honor ociety; tudent Council; Round Tablr '61
H.ESrnOOD, BR CE: DECA HETHERI1 GTO , IIlRLEY: Career at'l. rt Honor oc. Club; HICK , KAREN: Coronets; T and I Club; areer Club
HICO K, CY: Coronet ; Library Club; panish Club; Career Club
HILL, A : tudent Council, hi t; Cygnet:;; YTK, vice-pre ; at'I. Honor ociety, vice-pre~.
Hi- hooler everywhere, ~ince the beginning, look forward to the time-honored tradition of the Junior· enior Prom.
Board, - No Unexplored Areas Remain
HJN, HAW, M RIE: hield, '58, adv. mgr, '59, '60, '61; Cygnet ; QuillScroll; Career Club; FJA HIVELY, JA NIE; Cygnet ; Round Table, '60; Quill-Scroll; Art Club : , tage Crew HODGE, LY
HOLMAN, LOI : Coronet ; Career Club HOL\1BERG, LORETIA: "0" Club, chap; Cygnet ; Nat'!. Honor Society; Cia . ic '60 H0\1 EY, RICHARD: Cry- lur ; Ba. ketball; Falcon ; Key Club
HOOPER, JUDY: Career Club; YTK; Jr. Red Cro ; T and I Club HO TER, KAREN: Coronets, sec; Nat'!. Honor ociety; Student Council;
YTK, sec-trea .
HOUCHIN, NANCY: Court y Club; Coronet ; JCL
HOU E, DONNA: Coronet", sgt. at arm ; Career Club HUCKABAY, ANN: Quill- croll; Coronet ; Round Table, '61; Courtesy Club; Shield, '61 HUGHE , KE : wimming
HUGHE , U AN: tudent Council; Career Club; YTK; Cygnets HUNT, UNDA: Cygnets; YTK; FTA; Play Production HULL, EUGENE
CLASS OF '61 HYPE , CHARLE : Career Club; Art Club IRVING, A DY: Key Club; ~ tage Crew; Falcon.; Football IRWIN, REX: "0" Club; Football
JACKSON, CHAN: tage Crew; Career Club JACOB ON, GARY: Wre tling JAMES, FRED: Career Club; Golf
JAYNE, JERRY: cience Club; Aeronautic Club; Debate Team; "Our Town" JENKIN , MICHELLE: Cygnet ; Art Club; Courte ·y Club; Career Club JIMENEZ, PAT: Honor Language; Cygnet
JOHN 0 , DARRYL: Key Club; Courtesy Club JOHN ON, JOANN: Courtesy Club; Round Table '61; Cygnets; Nat l. Thespian JOHN TON, ROWELL: Wrestling; Falcons; Science Club; panish Club
As the Universe Shrinks
JONE , UZANNE: at'!. Art Honor Soc; Coronet JOYCE, LINDA: Career Club; Cryslurs; Coronets; YTK KA.\1P, PEGGY: T and I Club; Cygnets; JRC
KEFFER, JAY: Honor Math; Lancers KE. .. ARD, REX: "0" Club; wim· ming; Nat'l. Art Honor oc ; Round Table '60-'61 KENT, BILL: Key Club; Courtesy Club; Football
KERN , CINDY: Honor Language; Cygnets; JRC, pari ; Nat'!. Honor Society KETCHU.\1, JANET: Cygnets, pres; Nat'l. Honor ociety; tudent Council; Cia ic Exec. Brd. KETCHU.\1, JUDY: Cygnet., vicepres ; Nat'l Honor Society; tudent Council; Clas ics Exec. Brd.
KEVIN, KERIN: Career Club; Cyg· net ; YTK; Courtesy Club KI\IBERLIN, LI DA: Round Table, '60·'61; Career Oub; Coronet ; Quill· croll, treas; FJ A KIM EY, PHYLLENE: Head Cheerleader; Nat'l. Honor Society; Coronets; Court Jesters, pres; Sports Queen candidate
KI G, JUDY: Cygnets; Career Club; Court ·y Club; at'l. Honor ociety KINCAID, MARVIN: nnouncer ' Club; Nat'l. The pian ; Debate Team; "Our Town"; hield '59 KI E, CARLA: Cheerleader; Sports Queen candidate; Court Jester, sec; Coronets
Knights Find New Fields to Conquer. KNOTT, KAREN: Cia ic · Exec. Brd; Oa . i · '58-'59-'60; Cygnet ; Cry- lurs, gt. at arm KNOTT, TOM: Lancers; Courtesy Oub; Key Oub; Round Table, '60· '61; J RC; FJA KURTZ, NA CY: Honor Math; Honor Language; Girls' Glee Club
CLASS OF '61 KUTZ, PEGGY: tudent Council; Cygnet ; Honor Math; "0" Club LAWSON, LI DA: Cheerleader; Court Jesters, treas; Round Table Royalty candidate; Cygnet LEAF, PAT: Career Club; Cygnet
LED INGER, JEANETTE: Cygnet.>; Career Club LEE, JOHN LE OWITZ, BARBARA: Coronet ; Career Club
LILE , ALlENE: Coronet ; Concert Band; tudent Council (alt.) LIND AY, JAMES : ience Club; FTA; JRC LISZEO, lLOYD
It Wasn 't Nice to Have Laughed , but
LOEFFLER, P T Y: "0" Club; Round Table, '61; Cygnets; JCL, sec: FJA
LONG, RU ANN: Cry· lurs; Cyg· net ; Nat'L Art Honor Soc; FJA; Shield '61 Who will it be? Thi i probably tne topic a Larry Dunford, tuart Mei ter, George McDowell, George Stevens and Kenneth Perry, escorts, await .the annual ports' Queen coronation.
!\fcCORD, JOE: Band; Falcon ; Nat'l. Tht··pi.•n :
Cla~-i~ · ~
McCOY, KENNETH: Football; Science Cub McDOWELL, GEORGE: "0" Club; Football; tudent Council; Round Table Royalty candidate
McEWEN, TANYA: Career Club; YTK; Coronet ; Courtesy Club Me fAIN , MIKE: Falcons, Vice-pres; German Cub, Pres; Quill-Scroll; hield '59-'60; FJ A McPHEETERS, CAROL: Nat'l. Honor Society; Honor Math; Cygnets; JCL, pres.
MacKELLAR, JIM: "0" Club; Track; tudent Council MAGUIRE, LARRY: Key Club; Ba. ball; Honor Math; Nat'l Honor Society MAIN, PERRY
MANGUM, NIKKI: Coronets; Courtesy Club; Student Council; Career Club MARKHAM, HERRY: Cygnet ; port Queen candidate; Nat'l. Thespians; Court Je ter MARLER, WANDA
Coronation Fumbles Can Be Funny
MARSHAll, CAROLYN: Coronet ; Career Club MARTINDALE, BILL: Career Club MARTZ, MARY: Y-Teen ; Coronets
2 17
CLASS OF '61 MATHI , JERRY: Cygnet ; Career Club; Girl ' Glee Club; a cappella Choir 1ATTHEW , 1ACK: tudcnt Council; Golf; Bowling Club M ULDI , JERRY: DECA
:MAY, GWEN: Coronet ; Career Club; Office aide MELAN ON, :MIKE 1ERKLE, ALLY: Round Table Royalty candidate; Coronets, vice-pres; Nat'l. Honor ociety; tudent Store, mgr.
We Took Defeats Without Grumbling,
MERRILL, TERRY: "0" Club 1E INGER, BOB: "0" Club; Football; Ba. ketball; cla pres. '58-'59 MIDDLETON, CHARLES
fiELE. Z, DARLE E : la ic~; Coronet ; Courte y Club; at'l. The,..pian MILLER, BETTY: Cygnet, gt. at arms; "0" Club; Courte y Club; Court Je ter \IlLLER, lmE:\T: Coronet ... ; Cn.,lur.,: CirJ.,· '-t .ttt· ·r,o : '-tudt·nt Coun· cil
MILLER, FRED: "0" Club; Track; Cross-country l\flLLER, LAnRY: Falcon", pldg~ rna ter; tudent Council; NA C teering Comm. MILLS, BILL: Aeronautics Club
, J NITA: hield, '58-'59, '60'61; mgr Pd '61; Coronets; Quillroll; FJ A; Cla!'~ic '60 MI KOVSKY. CAROL: Cygnets; Clas~ic ExeP. Brd; at'!. The pian ; tudent Council HTCHELL, JIM MI~f
Would Others Do as Much
MOCK, VICKY: Coronet ; Round Table '6().61; Courtesy Club: FJA
Repre•enting the never-flagging •pirit of WC tudent. • loyal Lady, Darlene Mielenz, cort Knight, Kenneth Perry, off the field. ~10NTGOMERY,
MOODIE, BOB: ~-country; Baketball; wimming; Falcons; Shield, '61 MOORE. LARRY: Track MORGAN,DON A
C LASS OF '61 MORI , VI : Football; Track IORRb, JUDY: Coronet ; Court Jesters; Courtesy Club; tudent Council :'\IOUTRAY. DAVID
:\I z, I , BETIY: Cygnet MURRAY, D ~ : DECA :.'\1 LLA 1, UE: Coronet , treas; tudcn t Council; Honor Math; Quill- croll; hield '60-'61; FJA
Strains of HPomp and Circumstance" \1YER , HO\IER: Cro. -country; Track; Courte y Club NANCE, BILL; Nat'l. The pian ; tudent Council; German Club : Classic NANCE, !\fARI Exec. Brd; â&#x20AC;¢ at'l. Art Honor Soc, sec.-trea ; Cry- lurs
NEAL, PAMELA: Cygnet ; Courtesy Club; Court Jester ; pani.h Club E TERODE, PA:'\1ELA: Band Girls, pres; . at'L Honor iety; tudent Council; Career Club EWELL,
ue 1\fusallam and Kathy orri bolster --chool spirit at a haker party prior to NWC Homecoming. Pep clubs greeted grads with elaborate di play of purple and gold.
ORRIS, gt. at am1 te y Club; hicld
K THY. Coronet-.., ; Quill路 croll; CourCry路 lur , accompan'60-'61; FJA
NORTO , LI DA: Cygnet ; Carrrr Club ORTO~. NA CY: Coronet ; NFL; at'!. Thespian ; Courte y Club
NOVEY, DAVID: Career Club OAK~,
'CY: Coronet ; Nat'!. Honor o<'iety; Courtesy Club O'HAR , BUDDY: "0" Club, vee-pre ; tudent Council, (alt.); Round Table Royalty candidate; Clll' pr . '61
Point of No Return
OLIVE, HIRLEY: Cia. ics '58
OLIVER, CAROLY : Coronet ; Career Club; Library aide OLSO , JEM\IE LY : Cygnet 路 "0" Club路 Round Table ' ' '61; Court6Sy Club
OLSO , ROBERT: at'l. Honor ociety, chap; Knight' Honor Roll ORE, JE E: Coronets; Career Club; Library Club 0 BOR , DICK: , cience Club; tudent Council; Key Club; Announcer,.' Club
O'TOOLE, JOHN OUR , R E: Coronets; fajorette; Courte y Club; Lancer Queen candidate OVER TREET, BILL: "0'' Club; Football; Ba. ketball; Student Council
CLASS OF '61 PACE, TEVE: "0" Club; YTK; Nat'!. Art Honor c; Key Club PAGE, CAROLY : . ience Club PARKS, BUDDY: Ba kctball; tudent Council; Key Club
PARMETER, HARO : Care r Club PATE, JI~t: B;u,kctball; Baseball PEA E, ALLE : Aeronautic Club, pres, vice-pres.; Golf
CHARLE : Ba,ketball; tudent Council PEMBERTON, GEORGE: Courtesy Club; T and I Club PERRY, KENNETH: "0" Club, treas; Football; Baseball
"0" Club;. Football;
PETER, TEVE: Cry- lur ; Cla ics; FTA, pres; Quill- croll; hield, bu . mgr. '61; FJA PHILLIP , JIM: Football; Wre,;tling; Knip;ht' Honor Roll PHILLIP , E: Coronet ; YTK
Those Gruesome IQ, Scholarship, Dexterity,
PICKENS, HIRLEY: DECA; Girls' Glee Club PICKLE, CLAUDIA MO ELY: Coronets; Career Club PIERCE, ARCHIE: Falcon ; Career Club; Cry-~lur ; Oa ~ic '58 '59 '60
PIERCE, TO\f: !\eronautics Club, sectrea.. PI K. TO , , HARON: ':itudcnt Council; areer Club, . gt. at arm ; Cygnet ; Court y Club PITT , JIM
POGlE,DAN. Y POJEZ Y, KRL TI: Cygnet!-> PORTA, CHARLES: wimming; Cros -country
POU D~, GREG: Wre~tling; Cro scountry POWELL, DICK: "0" Club; Key I ub; Ba ketball; tudent Council; Round Table Royalty candidate PRATER, TERRY: Coronet ; "0" Club, sec; tudent Council; Honor Math
PRICE, JACK: Lancer,.,; areer Club; Key Club; Fre:-hman Top Teen PRI E, ·u A : oronet ; JCL, treas; Honor Language; at'L Honor Society PROCK, BOB: Band
and College Entrance Exams- Whew!
PURDr, BOB: "0" Club; Baseball RAPP, JOH : Cry-.lun;; Key Club; at'l. Honor ciety; J CL REDI G, JA. IE: Cygnet~, hist; Courtesy Club, vice-pre ; tudent Council ; Clas. ic '59-'60
CLASS OF '61 REEVES, :\.fiKE: Falcons, chap; YTK pre ; Clasdc ; Announc-ers' Cluh, pr ; NA C teering Comm. RENDEL, TEVE REUTLI GER, BOB: Golf
RICE, LI DA: at'l. Honor Society; Honor Math; tudent Council; Oasics '60 RICE, R TH: Coronet , pari; Courtesy Club; "t'C; at'l. Art Honor oc. RICHARD , ALA : "0" Club; wimming
RILEY, D. C.: Cry-lui"', chap, tudent director: a cappella Choir, pre.. RITTER, MIKE: Football; Courtesy Club ROBERT ON, ALL!: Career Club
A Philosophy of ~~Togetherness " Emerged
ROBI 0 , \liKE: Concert Band; Marching Band ROE LER, JA : Court y Oub; Coronets, gt. at arm ; tudent Council ROGER , CAROLYN: Coronets; YTK; hield '59; Oa o,ic
RO , HIRLEY: Career Club; DECA ROWE, EDDIE: Track; Cro -country ROY TON, LYN :Basketball; Track; Orchestra
â&#x20AC;¢ OLUTIO.
RUTLEDGE, JAME R TLEDGE, JOA : Coronet ; T and I Club AILOR, JIM: Wre~tling
A pr A Car
DER , EDWARD: Lancer ; Band, ; Orche tra; Care r Club . DER , JUDY: Cygnet ; YTK; er Club
CHROEDER, GEORGI : tudent Council; "0" Club; Coronet CHWAB, TO Y: Falcon ; Student Council; Courte y Club CHWOERKE, ROLA D: Hi-Y
COTT, KARE : Cygnet ; ~ tudent Council; Courtesy Club EBA, RA. DY: at'l. Honor ociety; Key Club; Honor \lath; Football HADID, KAY: Cygnet ; Courte~y Club; Career Club; a cappella Choir
CLASS OF '61 H W, RA D'r : Coronet ; Court y Club, treas; Court J e ters; port Queen candidate ~ HER\1 \ • STEVE: Fa Icon , pr ; 1\F. Exchangt• . tudent '60: , tml nt leering ouncil, Exrc. Brd; • A ( omm. ·mcK, BOB; . at'l. Honor ociety; cicnce Club; Honor lath; Marching Band
~ HIELD, Jl. DY: Honor Language; Coronet. : Career Club HIRLEY, ~HERR I: Coronet ; Honor \lath; Career Club; Jr. Rrd Cro , HOEBOTH \\I, D \VIU: Falcon ; "0" Club; Key Oub; , ience Club
lEBER. JA ET: Career Club; Cyg· n t<;; Round Table, '61; Courte y Club; FJ • IG\10~. \t!KE: Golf; pani~h Oub; YTK; Cia~ ic~ '59 I\L , HE RY : Career Club
l GLET\RY, A ITA: ygnet ; Courte y Club; Court Je>.ters; 'tTK '1. GLETO. , \IARTIA: C}gnet~, egt. at arm ; at'l. Honor ociety, trea ; YTK, pari; Honor \lath · : Cry-Jur~, pre ; Cyg\11TH, net ; Round Table, '58-'59-'60-'61; Lancer Queen; Quill- croll, ec.
During Senior Week We Donned Grey Robes
\HTH, BRUCE: Lancer ; Band; TenCareer Oub • \11TH, DE.\:"l:"'A; Cr>-~lurs; Cygnet~; a cappella Choir, trea . ~ \11TH. GEORGE ni~;
\liTH, JF \'\ f _ \11TH, H \RO\: "0" Club, tn·a ; tudenl Council; C) •net•; at'l. Honor Society S\IIfH, '-'LZ\\\F· ygntt'-'; Courtl'•Y Club; Camr Club; 'i:TK
!---. IPE , BILL: "0" Club pre-; tutknt Council; Football; Track S\)DER, \ROLY : Cygneb; Career Club OLL>\R , JOEL: Career Club
0. , Jl\1\lY: Football; Track OREl\SO. , GREG: Football; ';. rc•tlin~; Cro --country SPEAR, R DY: Lancer
~PEED, TO\Y SPICE ER, BOB : "- rc•tling; Caret'r Club ' PIGE ER, JUDY: arcer Club; Cygnets
and Hovered in the Halls Like Shrouded Shadows
B RT01 : Falcons; Ba•ketball PRI\GER, \ ER;'-;A: Career Oub 'TEADLY, K.\THR'i::\': Coronet:.; ··O" lub, pre.-, chap; Courte'y Club, ec; tudt•nt Council Exec. Brd.
One, - Two, -Three, - Four!
365 X 4 == 1460 Days CLASS OF '61 TE R~ , I :\RRY: ~tudt·nt·hody pre. ident; tudent Council; .1. at'l. Art Honor ~oc; YTK TEED , R \LPH ~TEI ..... BECK, LOL I F: ...:tudent Council; YTK, chap; oroneL; thletic Program, editor
, TF.PHE , 0.....,, RO Track TEVE , , GEORGE: ball; cla~· vice-pre'. Teen TEVE! , JO \ A: tesy Club, vice-pre~; YTK
Falcon ;
"0" Oub; Foot'59-'60; Jr. Top Coronet'; CourCourt Je ters;
TEWART, ~ HIRLEY: Cygnets; Honor Math TE"'ART, E: Coronet; "0" Oub, . gt. at amu;; tudent ouncil exec. Brd; YTK TO T, PATRICIA: Coronet
TRAHL, BILL TRICKLA 0, LO IE TYLE , RO IE: Career Band; Gennan Club
LLI\ A:\, TRE A: at'l. Honor ciety; Cry-~lurs; Cia ~ic Exec. Brd; at'l. The•pians, hi't. TAILOR, fARY: Library Club, pre ; Coronets; Little Theatre; Nat'l. Honor ociety TAYLOR, R TH: Coronet ; JCL; Honor ~lath; at'!. Honor • ociety
My, It Happened Fast!
T YLOR, WI~STO. TH0\1\.• ED A TH0\1\., P\T: Cyj!nl't ; Career Club
TH0\1 \ 0'\, BILL: at'l. Honor ~ ociety; Honor \lath; Cry-. lui'. THO\IP ·o , \NIT : Carc<·r Club; Coronets THO\lP'-\0 , BEVERL't: at'l. Art Honor oc; Courte~y lub; Jr. Red Cro~~; YTK
THO\IP. 0 • ZA E: Round Tahll' Royalty candidate; Coronet~; tudent Council; Courte~y Club TILL\1>\ , JACKIE: Round Table '61; at'l. Thc,.,pians; YTK; Cygnet. TREECE,CO. IE
T CKER, JA K: "0" Club; Football; Ba~eball
V HLBERG, J I I \ '\: at'l. Honor "ocill\; Lancer~; Honor \ lath; tu· dent Council \ \. DER LICE, DE.\ \: }gnet-.; Career Club; Jr. Red Cro~
VALLVE, ~1 ARTA: F~ Exchanj!e tudt"nt from Argentina; "oroncts; Cyf!nt·t'; \ . C Comm. V\ DF\ F TER, K.ARF''c Cotom·t-.; ) TK; Career Club; Court<'"Y Club V • HOO ER: Band; Pep Band; Cla'"ics
Tears Mingled , but Didn't Mar Our Happiness
CLASS O F '61 AUCH'., RO'.'.IE \'ORE, JO); 0 · ) I K; Coronet VR00\1 \ , T0\1: C!]·•lur
W\DF, Jlf])):· Jr. Red Cro ..-; Career Club; 'I:TK; !:'pani•h Club W \CCO. ER, IC: German Club; , cit·net• Club W\LKER, BRY.~O\: C}grwt•, tred; tudt·nt Council. a-.-.ernbly !'hairrnan; \nnounccr ' Club, vice-pre-..
WALL, FRED: T anti I Club ~ AI.LS, PA'l: DE ; Tratl W,\RE, C\ROLY : C}gnet"; Career Club
WARRE\ , CER \LD: , tudt·nt ouncil; Ba-.ktthall; Golf; "0" luh W \TER~. JOH \ 'l:: Wre-tling \V \ TER , \ 11KE: Announct·r•' Cluh; Key Club; "Our Town"
W \):, BOB: Career Club; Lancer"; a tap[lt !Ia Choir; ~~ udent Council WEI IC,ER, \:'1: F : tudent Council; Courte-v Club; \ rt Uub; oront•t ... W ELCH, BR): \ ~ E: CoroneL, pre·; Courtt••y Uuh; Lancer Qut·t·n randitlatt'; ~tutlent Council
as Our Days 1n Knightland Ended
\\ HL"i, D \\ l \ WER F.R, PATTI: Coronets; Can:er Club; YTK; . at'l. Honor · ciety WHlTE, FORREST: Key Club, trea. Falcon~. j!:t. at arm
WHITE, ROS ~ IllTT KER, A CY: Coronets, s~t. at anns; Career Club. Qec; Courte~y Club; Court Jester· WILK!'-10 , BARBARA: Coronet,, hi~t; at'!. Honor ciely; Quill, roll; . at'l. Art Honor ociety; Round Table '60, '61; FJA
WILLI\ \L , ALL : T and I Club WILLJ A\I , N: Coronets, hi t; Court 1e "ter ; ourte y Club; Announcer~' Club WILLJ!\\L, CAROL: Career Club; Coronet
WILLI \1 , JERRY WILLI \1 , ROGER: Cry- lur WOOD, CARLEA : Girls' Glee Oub, lib; Coronet ; Honor Language; tudent Council (alt.)
WOOD, L1 DA:· Coronets; Career Club; Courte'y lub; Office aide WOODARD, LARRY: Band; Faloons; Cia ~ic '60 WOODWARD, BILL
As Alums We'll Come Once More ...
WOODW \RO, Jl\I: \t'ro-
n..tutic.. Cluh, Club
oront'h: YTK: (ourte•y Cluh; at '1. llnnor "'cl<·il'ly
pn•,: Kt·)
YOU G, WOODY: :tudent Council. trca~: ··o·• Club, chap; Honor :'\lath; Track
Acknowledgments When it come time to write the la t block of copy for the hook of the 'ear a hit of <lad ness pervade the ta. k-a mild kind or" hitterne«s. We <lee o man\ thing that could have heen done better. We realize too late, the importance of that earl~ sprin~ planning \1r<;. arlin o de.... perate!) tried to get u. to do. tudent . upport of the 1061 publication. topped n· ord... "ith .ale:-. of 87 ''i: of «tudent population. Re ording an authentic hi tor) of the . chool ) ear i not an undertaking hc ... ct \\ ith ~lamor. It' plain hard work .. ome 527 hour. of extra time is alread) recorded by c;taff member:.. '"ho caught the seriou ne«s of their obligation to 'ou and the purpo c of the Round Table. To pep club alone \\ ent «orne 1QC) hour~ in o"ertime. To the facult) and admini. tration go our gratitude for a. sistance and under.tanoing of picture . chedule. and other interruption.. To Rembrandt • tudio who an wered our beck and call for pictures on . plit second notice; To \1r. Barclav Curtis '"ho un cramhled impo.. ible layout and brought order out of chao ; To Taylor Publi hing Company for their patience '"hen \\e con. umed copy . heels with the gusto of a Texa whirlwind:
To taff member who willingly acrificed weekend activitie for the call to duty, a resounding "Thank you!'~
To \1is. Elizabeth rm ton of the art department to whom )earbooks were a '"holly new project goes a whooping ..-ote of gratitude for her willingne s to ad, vi. e and direct: To ML Dori Taylor. financial ecretary, who accepted the near ·to never-ending payment for yearbooh; To Mr. Ahin ._BDan, bu. ine. manager, for keeping the record traight .and organizing di tribution procedurec;; To Joe ker. tudent photographer, who got napped at and napped all the crazy thing we thought we wanted in picture ; To l\1r. Ivan Bee on, and hi . taff of cu. tod·· n , for providing light and heat and watchfulne wH n we worked late; To the hilariou DJ' \\ho helped make o~ 1 ature wing the year' bigge t event; \ nd Ia t and mo t to " arge," who on the project, goe our ympathy an May he recover in tim to launch tbc '62 incerely,
Your 1961
Th emblen~ ofproud Knighthood Will never leave our hear,
\clnunl trahon ll 20 \rt 46 Bu Inc f duration 10
( ar t ~ ria :!1 Coun f'lor 21 { u tod1an 21 f.ngh h 30, 31 Home l onomlc 12 lrulu trial Art 43, tl, 45 Journal! m 32. :>3, 31, I.Angu e 36 Librarian• 29 \lathcmatlc 39 :'>1u ic 18-55 Phy leal f duration 211 .· icncc 38 'cr tarie :.!2 !'OCiaJ "tudt< 28 Spe<ch 37 \ u all ·
122, 160
Raiahridgr-, Kay
Barham, Pam
Barker, Carolyn 102 Barlicr, Judy 160 B rk-r, \li<harlyn 107, 160 Bark r, H1rhnrd 160 Rarkcu, Judy 51, 106, 118 lla r I, \lary 118 Rarnarrl, J•mmy 160 Barn• , Jim H, 100, 106, 181 Barnf>tl, . andra
FACULTY INDEX Bird, \lr , \\ ilma 6, 107 Bourk.., Mi llelt·n 30 Brook , \lr. Horace 11, 100, 110 Bryan, \lr, Alvin 10 Burton, \lr, .\Iinam 30 Buzbee, :\lr • C"aldine 39 ' il)ar , \li Ophelia 28, 120, 128 Ca1dwcll, \Jr. Vir il 36, 106 Ch hcr, \ln. Ali<e 39 Coli y, :\li '11anlyn 91 Con~:.r, \1r. J1m 38, 110 Cop Jan.!, \lr . Ivy 40 Copher, 'lr . <-c~rtez 26, 74, 76 Cox, \lr. Jim 13 Crou c, :'>lr. L. f., 38 Crowe, \lr. Paul 27, 39, 6S, 81 Davl, ~1r. Clay 2;, 28 Drla haw, \lr . Trc.a ure 42 Doughty, \ln. Alma 29 Dou ctt, \1 \larcarf't ~6. i'6 Ecton, \lr . ~ellie 39, 95 Elli , \lr, "tevt• 28, 123, 128 Erik en, \lr. Gurdon t, 30, 123, 128 Fmrl1y, \lr . f '" 10, 128 Cay, \ln. f the! 29 Gih on, ~~~ Katherine 4, 30 Cordon, \li ll<rnlc<e 39, 99 Cresug r, \l1 Car2le 36, 108 Culley, \lr • Patri .. a 87, 101 Hale, 'lr. Chark 15 Hanky, \11"8, \lary 72 Harri , :llr , Delma 22 Harri on, \ln. Clovia 39, 95 Ha,nr, \lr, Jerry 27, 28, 65, 69 Hendrick , \11 Jo Alicc 10, 108 Hrnry, \lr . Ilr• ic 17 I \lcrnorial) Hcu cl, \lr, C. B. 43, 117 Hoh, \Jr. David 27, H, 1-1 Hu~h , \lr. Bill 36, 117 Hulet, \li Ro·tha Wave 21 Irwin, \lr, Rr·• 27, 39, 61 Jam..,., ;'\lr. Frank 21 John on, \lr, \rthur 53, 51 John on, \lr. Jim 21 Lalwr, \lr. <:. Olrn 20, 96, 97 Livin~t ton, \lrt, Haul 4, 30 .Malon.,, \lr. J. Frank II ~fan·ottt, :\tr, l.r.onard 27, 36, 58, 71
121., 201
llahr, Barbara 170 Baker, Bcvrrl) 170 Hahr, C.arolyn 170 llak r, Danny SO, 201 Balter, Judy 201, 118 Bak ..r, Linda 201, 118 Baker, :\at 122, 110 llallar•l, Jrrr 86 Ban9on, f arl COl Harh,,.., lltvcrly 1 1111, 160 Barber, B1llyc , 118, 181 Barloot, Sh rroa I Ill, 170 Ilarham, J crry 160
Barrett, Carol 18, 96, 101, 202 Barron, Brt•nda 118, 202 Barron, f lht·r 170 Bahan, 161 Ilattlo•, C:irul 118, IIJO Banmgaruer, L) nda t12, 118, 170 Bay, thule 100, 1{.16, 122, 181 Da', anoly 202 Ba 1 ley, l'h In 70 Brahmcr, Car I ~02 Bra! , Pa •Ia 121 B• n, Toll' 100, 107, 122, 18-l Bra ung, Cathie 103, 181 Bf':.avf"r, Gt"'rcc 116, 170 Bednrr, Bob 122. 170 Been, l.lmla 99, 121, 181 Hell, t.:ay 90, 91, 9~. 0~ Brll, ~rrv 170 Rrn, Linda IOh, 160 Brll, Hu 106 116, 170 Bdt, Janrt 'lR, 119, 202 Bo•ltz, ll1·n 170 Ht·ndau, J m 170 Bt·nd r, Bob I 70 Brnnctt, J..:ar<n 170, 119 Brnncll, \lr·lo•ly 107, 12.4, 160 Rcnnrll, Polly 91, 98, 119, 202 Brnncll, Ru ty 110 Ben on, r... rol) II 91, 95, 121, 181 Brn on \hlic 160
Art Honor Sorirt) 92 Hand Girl 1011 Car~tr Club 112·113 {h ( luh 105 Court ,. Cluh 98-'l9 Dl trJbutivt I du("ation Forrn k I ra~u" 101 f uturc Journali t of \mrrira 109 f uturr lcaeh•·r of ~mcrica 101 German C:luh 106 Honor l.angua~•· 91 Honor \lath 95 Junior Cia kal Lra;uc 107 Junior \lcd1r 103 Junior Heel Cro 102 J..:cy Clulo 100 J.ihrary l.luh I ~ational Honor ~oCif't ·ational Th.,.pian 1M Qurll anti Scroll 93 Radio Club Ill
Y·T••·no Bo)a "0" Club 86 Cirla "0" Club 86
Ard, Chri Arm.trGOf, Jolin 122, 170 Arm rong, Juli~ 102, 118, Arrrutr ng, Richard 181 Arnn, [.)nn QR, 21)1 Arnn, Trrry 9.{1, 1 , 18~ 'rnold, Carol l18 Araold, R n 201 A hlcr, C a d 201 A bl It, ]lm 201
.Autr, Vf'rna
Au.-tin, Joan 121, 160 Au. tin, Judy 96, 99, 118, 18~ Au tin, Ronald 116, 184 Austin, Wanda 98, 122 81 A•ant, Jorrv IOI1, 116, 170 Ayo·r , Algo·ne 118, 170 Babrock, Tom 95, 107, 116, 1M Babcock, Tony 91, 201 Baber, :';ita 201
Brrrinkl~, ~>hn 1;0 B• I, ,rtindra 99, 121, 202 R ·llllfl:<r, \ •nrta 121, I B•·vcrly, Don llO, 02 Bruns, B b 181 n" in • \llkr 1;o Bia , Dun ~H2 Bia , . haron 102, 119, 171 Bickford, Linola 121, 160 Riddt, Judy 98, 202 Bit·rcnAn, I:l me 106, 202
Bierman, f.mt·at 160 RirruJall, 1..-rrv 122, 160
Ilu n n, Paul 116, 171 Bicg , '-'lurln 88, 91, 138, 202 Bi'hop, Barbara 107, 109, 121, 160 Bittnt•r, Jim
38, 106, 122, 171
lllarhell, Bob 68, 100, 171 Blackwell, Jam 160 Rlalork, I \nn 78, 119, 171 Ilia rhke, John 81, I If>, 171 Bloe e, \Ilk~ 17 Bo.-rr, \11kr f> , 110, 181 !log.:•, Dalt 1&1 !loll!: , \Ia 118, 171 Bog I' >I 65, lhO Bu~&; ,
D••lt , !\:aye 91, IU7, 119, JR.; Bomar, \luihn 91, 99, 12~. 20:! Bomar, S.. an I~ I, 160 llon<l , Richard 18, 19, 52, 202 Book< r, I out c 99, I 2. 121, 203 Bookout, John lib, thO Booth, l hrl 81, !ki, 100, 203 Booth, Ju<h 91, 95, 99, 125 n <•th, KathY 119, 160 !loren, l>ff<>rd Ill. 62, 83, 181 llornll• .Can 91, I , 106, 201 II rtzhrl•l, \nn ll'l, 203 Boll , II ~ 106, 171 Doura a, Jon 52, 100, 1~2. 184 llo...-en, Barbara 12S, IIH n.,.. en, "ally lSI llowermao, \nn 97, 98, 119, 203 llowrrman, Jane 19, 160 Bo.. rnnan, Jtrry 8, 171 B ,.Jm, Carol I ;J Bo,Jt, 0 'id I , 203 Boylr, \Ilk•' ;s, 171 n. tbtrg<r, Jane 119, 160 Braee, Charla 181 Brod haw, Bonnie lf•O Brad), l ddie 106, 160 Brady, Gltnna 203 Brady, Lyon 119 Brad , "alh 99, 102, 119, 203 Bragg, Janie~ 181 Braml· ··, 'ih< rry 119, 160
0d.YI • Sharon 125, 186 Da' n, Bill 75, 1;':.!
01\l n, Oavid ]1)6, IR6 naw, Uoh 1116 !Ia" kin•, Claudia 123, na .. k tn•. ()a, i<l 173 Dar. Lorry 65, 161
Brand. H.tnna 125, 160 Brand.· ... ""hf"ny UH
Brann••r.. B,·vrrly 78, 171 Br un, \land :!0:1 Bra-..l •y, Brr k) 160 llra), l.:ath) 103, 160 Breit rhuh, Pat 125, 171 BrN> ie, Ruth 87, % Brook, Connie 96 Brown, 99, 181 Brurulq, BO'ltv 101 Hrunnrr. \fan 7h Bruton, Chari·.,. 96 Buchnf'r, Shcny 95 Bucklin, Frrd R6 Bumpa , s,,.. I yn 9;, 99, 101, 109 llurhrid~e. Jerry ~l Bu ch, Carl 68 Bu ch, Daanne- 7 Butl<·r• Kathie 110 Buttrrworth, Barbara 9 , 98, 9 119
99, 123, 183
nutton, Bolo
I 3
Imo,., Velma 163 Ingram, llcAnn 120, 189 I rmb, IJaVJd I 75
1-nwlcr, l o" lrr,
!}.;, 100, 189 117 18'J 175 120, 189
Garn on, n.nid 63, 187 Garro on, John 92, 93, 107, 21l Gatnvood, L10da 78, 1:!5, 174 Gat I , Johnny 162 Gatlin, !->dory 119, 187 Gaubctt, \lok•• 65 C «, Honnac 58, So, 187 Gt•i!lrr, Sh ron 12.>. 187 Gc lord, !-all) 162 CII>J.on , Gay 119, 187 GiLl. , Ann 106, 162 GiJ, on, Chari 210 Cot. on, Robert 81, 106 Cill.t"rt, Suz nnt• Q2, 125, 162 Gillan, C•rul In:! Coli• poe, JaoU' 107, 125, 171 Cilnonrr, Su an 93, 95, 105, 125 Cil'lon, :\t•al 187 Gomlin, Gregg 6S, 122, 162 Gi>en , Jark 68, 69, 162 Coven , Judy 99, IOl, 119, 187 Glaz ntr, l>or..l 210 Godfrey, \larl 210 Col• rth, (huck 107, IH Coo,Jt•, Hobcrt 162 Coodt•ll, \lary '1'1, 119, 187 Goodman, \rna 11'1, 111 Coodnch, ll:&)t' 119, 71 Gordoa, llatnc 162 Go , "hrrre 119, 1 2 Covin, flaine- 119, IH Graham, Dick 60, &1, 8.1 Graham, Juanita 99, 101, 103, 119 Grant, Hulo) 18o GraH , l.onda 210 Gravitt, Chn ti" 119, 171 Graj, Judy 210 Gray on, B "rly 119, 187 Gr•rn, Jay 110, 187 Gr<.,n, " llr I l'l, 162 Grrrn, "haron 97, 119, 1~2 Grrrr, Hank 210 Grrcr, Pat 162 Grrrr, Rudy 163 Griffin, linda 97, 118, UO, 171 Griffith, Sherry 119, I H Griffy, Da>id 116, 163 Grigg , Jim 110, In, 187 Grim , Bill 65 Grim • Don lol Grim..,., :\f.ke 63, 83, 187 Grimmett, Hob 163 Grind laff, Tt·rry 163 Cuthrir, Gary 106, 174 Guynn, . andra 211
Haa • Jim 163 llal••rechl, Jay 163 Ho• klcr, Larry 188 Hadaway, Jrrry 32, 18, lol
188 Hendrick on, Roo 211 ll<'nlh.r, Don 63, 188 II• n kr, Don II; 188 Hen on, Ju•lr 18R, 120 H ntl)om, Roll .12 Hrrnd n, Stc• e 63, 163 H rulrl, Ted 212 Jl,.t•·r, Judv 93, 91, 126, 212 H trr, Trrry 175 }f, lwood, Bruce 11 • 212
!lick , Kan·n, 110, 212 Hiclui. :Linda 175 IIi ell., 1om 120, J63 llm•fk, 4·~da 126, 175 llo k, :'lano y 97, 102, 120, 212 Hicock, Terry 122, 163
Honucy, Connie 126, 163 Hom cy, Hicbard lll. 66, 213 llooko r, \\ illic 163 Hooper, Judy 213 Hupkin , Patti 126, l(JJ Hopkin , h~rrio 120, 163 llornolon, Charles 189 Hornt·. D1ana 126, 175 II • U lab th 126, 16.1 Ho ler, KarCJJ 91, 95, 97, 213 Hou,\hfn, John 107, 122, 175 llou loin, :\ancy 107, 120, 213 Huu ,., Donna 213 Ho.,.ard, Cary 122, 163 Howard, Paul 106, 189 Jlo .. ard, Phil 60, 61, 86, 189 Howard, Hobert 53, 95, 102, 189 llowdl, Ch<·ryl 126, 189 Hrbactk, \ icki 126, 175 Huckabn, \nn 93, 109, 120, 213 Haddl ton, Jud) 103 Hudgin , Tony 163 Hud •>n, Char).,. B. 163 Hud on, Fn·d 189 Hud on, Linda 189 Hud on, Paula 50, 1o5 H u~hca, BQb $8, 86, 189 Hucbco, Ke11 80, 81, 213 llughe , I.arr~ 71 Hugh , ~~~ an 126, 213 Hull, f:ugcne 213 Hull, Laird 117, 163 Hullttt, "kip 189 Humo·, Davit! 175 Humphrey, Jolrt"tl 126, 163 Humphrcyo, Krnt 97, 163 Hunt, Harhara 106, 108. 120, I 75 Hunt, J~rry 189 Hunt, Linola 101, 126, 213 Jluntt'r, Linda 163 Hu k), \ndy 65 llutchin on, 'fdody 53, st. 106, 175 H),),., Du,Jley 58, 59, I tO, 189 H)dt•n, Charlt"5 21 t Ic .., Car I t8, 107, J2b, 175 Irving, '-•n•IY 63, 100, 2ll In< in, Hex 60, 86, 21 t In inc, Carol 126
Jone , Janet
June , , • ,
120, 163 99. 101. 120, 189 3l, 120, 189 102, 126, 176 163
Linda 120, 163 I oui e 78, 120, 163 Mado·lyn 126, 163 Pat 50, H, 126, lo6
Jon , !'>azanne 92, 120, 126, 214 Jordan, an<tte 95, 96, 126, 163 )oyc.,, Roll 163 )O)C<', lonrla 48, 120, 21l Juor. Dorrrn 102, 126, 1;6 Ju I, Arlie 163 J u t, f.ric 18, 95, lOS, 189 Ju t, Judy 51, ;s, 120. 163 Kablrr, Jan• 126, 161 Kalmon, ·It'd 81, I;; Kalmnn, \\inn 93, 109, 120, 189 ll:amp, \nn 126 li:amp, Pc~G'' 110, 21l Karn , Larr) IZ:!, lbl ll:uprr, Glona 107, 108, 177 Kauff10an, Kathryn 120, 177 Krcn, ~nnabdle 120, 161 Keffer, Jay 95, 215 Keuh, Kotty 177 li:o·llcr, JHry 100, 189 Kelly, Clint 32, 109, 161 K~nan, Don 161 ll:ondall, Kathv 126, 161 Kenison, Chrio 100, 177 Kennard, Jtmmy 9!, 161 Kennard, Rex 81, 86, 92, 215 Krnnrdr, rtie 16l Kent, Bill 60, 86, 100, 215
r/'rl \lr\la
n, Connie
161 120, 178 190
\11':'\ral, llnn 4H \lr:'l mr, Hubert 50, 117, 164 \lo:\ril, llon 116 \lo:\e~ll, !lonnie 60, 63, 178 'lc e11t, :\anq 120, 178 \Jc:\cw, Hu 71, 190 \lc\u ty, ( arol 120, 178 I, 107, 126, 217 ' 93, 126, 190
Love),.., Ptg£V 107, 126, 177 Loving, "•llv 91, 101>, 190 Lowe, "herry 50, 120 Luca , Claudia 126. 16~ Lnckan, Corann 126, 16·1 I,u k, Ha01h 58, il, 116, 190 Lu ter, ll~nry 117, 16l Luttrell. Dianr. 126, 161 Lutz, linda 126, IM
178 103, 190 \lo10, Karrn 165 'lam, Perq 21; \lain, :-ut• SO \lainard, Carol)'n 190 \lakier, f'dward
Koeppel, 'I anny 99, 190 Kooncr., D1ane 48, 51, 16~ Kopacka, Kath) 161 Kooted, Carol) n 106, 108, 126, 190 !\:raft, .\nne
12b, lii"
Kratina, 1\:arrn 78, 10J, 120, 190 Kurlandrr, Huth 121>, 161 Kurtz, :\anc)
9t, 9.>,
Kutz, Pq:gv 78, 95, 126, 216 Kyle, D . 117 Lacy, ~herr 99. 1:!0, 190 Lamb, J<'flnllcr 107, 109, 126, 164 Lane, "naron 120, 16l !.an, \\arden 121, 1;; I.anxf rd, llnrla 126, 161 101, 120, 126, 177 -l8
, Dnnna 120 )lf<Gullough, Kan•n 164 \lcCut cheon, hrrr 120, 164 'fcDanid , Larry 117, 177 )llcDonald, Lr~ 161 lcDowrll, George 60, 61, 83, 217 lcDowtll, ]n)ce 190 ,J,F.anto, Carol 177
1 run, Kt:atb \tartm, Larr} \fan in, \1 ike 48 \tarim, l'arn 10., 197 \lartin , Phil 191 .'\!arlin , Taim 121, 191 \larlindal•·. Bill 217 \lartmdalt·, 1\uth 165 :\tart7, \larq 217 '1a hort'!, ~u,. L' nn 99, 191 \Ia on, John 105, 106, 111 \lathi , J ern 218 'latthew , Billie J<> 91, 96, 99, 191 \htlh<"'· \la ck ;s, 99, 218 \huldin, )'11)' 218 i\laupm, C rq 109, 165 Maupin , Honnle 165 \lay, en 218 Ma)lield, Fro ty 65 ""' fi•ld, Pe~gy loS \la1 , Don 117, 178 \leador, \like 1:!3, 165 ~leado" , Chn 117 :\!~.ado" , \like 165 \le~k, ( arolyn 165 :\leek, lluward 191 :\leektr, Carole 108• 178 \tr.i ttr, tuart 60 \!elan on, \like 218 \lennin'"· Jav 81, 106 \lerkle, ~ally 89, 95, 118, 2 \terrill, Terry 60, 62, 116, '\It· ing_., !lob 218
c ..
Leonhard, Tony 50, 65, 123, 164 L ...owitz, Barbara 120, 216 L~uJemor , \fary 120, 177 Lrwi , Barbara 71, 120, 177 l ,,.;,, Kay 161
\lcH~nry, Ct!Orge 63, 190 .\fdntyrr., Brt y 126 120, 161 .\lrlntyre, Kathv \frlnt rr, Vivian 126, 190 \fdo,.inn~y. Car) 178 \I•·Kinnr.y, 1\: 120 \ld .aln, Dt•an I ;s \I d .ellan, ~laq I ;a ~lr\fahon , Jnhn SO \lr\laln , Bill 123 Mr\hln, \lik. 105, 106, 122, 217
""'""· Barbara 191 \leytrs, Lrann 191
\li~lenz, llarlrn~
96, lOt, 121, 218 Jan 121 1711 Joe 81 \nn 121 Hetty 121, 2IR Jlrr.nl 18, 121, 218 Eddie 110, 17R Fred 58, '>9, 218 Jamr 117, 178 I.arr) 122, 218 \larilyn 107 \hchrlle 178 sharron 178 Stan 191 \lilli~an, Trrry 106, 191 \lila, Bill 21s \!ill•, Gar' 178 \fill , Rod 99, lfll \!ill, Tommy 17R \l•m , l an !Ia 93, 109, 121, 219 \finor. D··r. 107 \li c, Hub) 219 \li kov ky, Carol 98, 101, 219 \litrhdl, Cuol 191 \litch~ll. llon 179 \lil rhel , Jam 219 \lock, \ irky 9.3, 109, 121, 219 \!nllatt, Hi k 81, 179 \loncrid, \ inc• 59, 89, 90. 9; Cheryl 179 Larry 11)1 Hobert 219 'r, \nn 78, 121, 179 \loodi e, Bob 32, 219 \loodie, Br"'{• 58, 116, 99, JQI 'I d v, lloe \nne 179 .J.ameo 106, 179 ,. 110, 219
\lilam, \tillar, \!illtr, \Iiller, 'llllrr, \hiler, \Iiller, \faller, \lillrr, \!iller, \lillrr, \Iiller, \lilltr,
H.-nold , "am lite~.
Hu-:t-, Prrry
llar~ ,..l{uth
, Ho I
96, 100, 123, 19 •
'18, 118, 8~.
arol • \Jan
180 1~7.
'low, Dnad
123, 193 Homf'rmau, L1nda 96, 121, Rotr, lina~;, 125,19/3 Ro o, Car• I , 166 Ro ;ru't,Jll, A 193 u
, 1 urlq
n, Harlrne 166 otan, Uarlto:ne- 193 othenbu ch, L: r el 50, Routon, \ Jdr.l• 3 Routon, W~nj 106, 193 Ro~t>. l.#'¥ 2Zl Howr
127, 166
Sl ri r, Uonna
, Joe
123, 166 2
RupJ•. Johnny 117, 166 Ru h. "" an 50, 101, 127 Rutl~d~t'. Jame 225 Rutl•dc•. Joann 110, 12:', 225 Ru orll, Hu ty 93, 180 Huthrrf<ord, Dorinda 180 R,an, non 166 R)an, \lorgarrt 166 Run. Phil 180 R)an, T.rn 193 R•land, \nita J~ !'t. Clair, Da n. ;(f.! .'-t. Dimr, C bi~GJ 102, 107, 108 St Juhn, Jar~. 83, 193 "aida, \lar~:!21, 166 alor,
Pit!rrt-, Tom Pitr nn, D1xif!
223 192
Pinkoton, Ra~lrne 192 Pink ton, Sharon 98, 223 Pitt , Hill 123, 192 Pitt , Jnann 179 Pitts, Jim 223
Rrynoldo, Re)nolds,
attM"Iee, Johnny
166 166
Ualo• 181 '-al.lo·), John Rl Sibley, Larry I 91 Sarber, Janet 109, 127, 226 ieber, Tim 176, 181 Sirgel, John 65, 16(, Sirmon, \lilt" ;s, 103, 226 Sigmon, Pat 60, 62, 8.1, 191 .·ihemail, Bill 1~3 *"'immon!!i, ~tr,·e 65, 166 . imrm, \orn 75. 100, 101 S1mon, Riclq 65, 167 • imonln, Ronda 167 Simon on, Jaekir 121, 16o SHnp on, Bi I 75 Sin , Hf"nt) 226 .., w '· Larry 106, 123, 191 ..._ r• , 'larlt•nt- Q;, 107, 1:!1 ~am . "'an,Jra 167 ""iinr'lair. Ka · 121 ~
inglt:tary. Anita
90. 97, 107, 226
lr.agg , Barhara 102, 121, 16; '-'kinnt'r. 'andy 121 '-larlr., Karrn 99, 109, 121, 191 . lau~hter, Jan~ 181 '-lau,hter. Jim 18, u; Sl·nan. David 167 "mallt- , John 19\ ,. tr. Jani~ 76, 77 'in ~', Juhn 181 S ,.,, Pat) 167 'mllh, \nn 18. 109, II:', 226
:--mtth, Jud) lb7~ .... math, ~ay 1~1. Th7 "mllh, I ' nda 16 "mllh, J\lar~t 167 :o-mlth, \Jar) ~ 11<'11 "rr.llh, !'>mllh, ....,mith, 'math. ""math,
\\ adrn, ahlhtrg, Julia - 1)1, 106, 117, 229 \'a! r>.tint•, \ltk 65, 168 \all "· \Ia ria 91, 229 \ an• ic<•, Dranna 10;1-, 229 \ •• On ruler, J<·py lij~ ~n 229 108, 196
\Jan I ou ~· 02, '\o•l on/:i <II Pat y lilt 'haron 77, Ql Q9, !!27
..,n1p , :->napC' , 167 ""n)df"r, Caro1ra i6, 77, 227 !"-oard, Richnrd 167 ~o,oiJar , Jot•l 22i
"'ollan, I inda 121, 191 '-ohor, lorn (>0, 100 ~ .. l•cht,lhrnl 101, 167 60, 83, 227 :-.or• ~ I, "'h ryl 99, 191 ~,.' IJ U t t Dill 63 . . ,: •ren on, Cn-a: 2~7 -.~ •t,, \rt 123, 167 ... , ard, John 63 o.;, t erland, Jun 106, 167
.... nHhland, John 117 "'paeth, Donna 195 "'p<'llr, IIlli , 83, )Jt. "'pear, Rudy I 7, 2~? an, Krn 167 :o-p.•rd, Tony 227 _
181 98, 2.?7 ...., nt"r, Jutl) 2... 7 'Pi'a, l>a,id 107, 195 '-1'"'>'• Pe~:gy 91, 96, 10'1, 195 "'ponh.altz, Burton 66, 123, 227 . ponhaltz, Dana) 68, 69, 123, 167 ~II
nan, l><Hma
nt r, Bob
::Opnnger, \ rrna :!27 !:iprou c, Larq 100, 1!!3
!'>pylouck, Barbara <.t al Jerry 1'1~ "ta• k, Phil 167 -.,t , Bi I 181 n~:
'tammer, Carol lOi, 167 ~tamp . Janice 193 \oootaple • s~ck\ 70, 195 .... tarr • .:--tarl) n lt); !-tradlr), Kathnn 98, 227 !'>to arn , Larry 88. 108, 228 !"tt\f!n , Ron 181 !'tr.cd • Ralph 228 Stetle, Pat 9:;, 106, 108, 195 . tr.~r, T .. ylla 102, 107, 12\ "'te•e , Bob 167 ~temheck, Lout e 97, 98, 121, 228 "~einbock , "'uoan 167 St•phenoon, Honnic 228 <.tett ~rimrr, Joe 83, 107, 195 Stev<·n , Grorge 60, 62, 110, 228 <.;tt·' n , J<>anna 98, 121, 228 ttven , John 63, 195 "te"art, Boh 117, 195 !-tt,.·art, Shirley 228 lt'wort, Sut' ;;, 97, 121, 228 <.,tiHr, \lary 109, 121, 167
Tate Jan ~ , \li chael 168 rfatum, John B. 107, 123, 168 Tatllm, Linda 121, 195 Tatum, 1 Nry 182 Taylor, Bruce 65 Ta, lor, Bohh 6; Taylor, Dick 1(>8 Taylor, Gary 123, 168 Taylor, Gordon 168 Tador, Jame• 182 Taylor, Jeanne 51, 106, 121, 168 Taylor, Judy 19:; Taylor, \lary 108, 228 'I avlor, Ruth 91, 107, 121, 228 Taylor, "JOl..ton 2:!9 Telford, "ue 99, 195 Templin, Don 117, 161, 182 fcnnt , :\tck 106, 117, 168 Terrell, \Jar) 193 Terry, Eddie 18, 50, 195 T<·rry, Karen 103, 108, 195 Thomaa, Denn11 195 Thorn o, Donna 182 Thoma , Edna 229 Thomu, Jack 65, 81, 168 Thoma , Pat, 229 'l'homaa, '-u~ 182 "I hom a , \ an~ie 78, 121 "I horruu, V. arr"' 168 Thoma•on, B11l 18, 91, 95, 229 Thoma on, Richard 182 Thomp on, ~"nita 229 Thompaon, \nn 168 1hnmP!'nn, B.·nni Jn 195 Thomp•on, Bnttly 92, 121, 229 Thompoon, Clairie 182 Th<>m,p o , Da,lol 100, 123, 195 Thomp on, D nella 182 'l'homp on, Georae 83, 86 Thomp on, Jimmy 168 Thomp on, Juoly 121 Thnmp nn, Juh• 78 ThnmJ'MO, Linda 97, 182 Thomp on, Surannr. 99, 121, 229 'l'homr•on, 'l'ommy 61, 62, 83, 182 Throv.:t-r, 8f"vtrly 195 Tillingha t, John 195 Tlllman, Jarkie 93, 97, 109, 229 Torbett, Carol 121, 195 1 orbctt, Kathy 168 Tou aint, \tark 182 'l'rarr,.•ll, !'ue 195 Tra<ka, \likr. 107, 182 Tra,.irlc, . rarky 168 Treeu, Connie 98, 121, 229 'l'rout, E'onne 182 Troxel, Jim 97, 123, 110, 168 'l'rue, \lary 121. 168 Truett, Ca ey 18, 101, 107, 195
\ aughn, Honnir 210 \ ernon, LoUI c 53, 107, 108, 196 \ iolett, \Joke 92, !OR, 182 \'olz, !'am 91, '1'1, 127, 196 \ oorhlc, J ranrtte 168 \ore, Joyce 97, 121, 230 \room an, Rtch.ard 168 \ roornan, Tom 18, 230 V. aolr, Juoly 230 Wadr, Paula 103 Wade, Phil 196 V. adt•, Pat 168 '\\ aggconer, \ ir ~30 V. aKoMr, Jim 168 V.aldrop, \like 51, 196 V. alk, Barbara 168 Wa!kor, Brenda 12~. 12l, 138, 230 V. alktr, hanli 75 \\alker, L<"toy 123, 182 "a'ket, ~lara! 121, 196 V. a kcr, Phil 196 ~alker, !')hirley 196 V. all, Doll 182 V. all, fred 110, 230 Wallace, "an<lra 196 \\allact, \\avne 168 \\'alii , Dav1d 66, 83, 95, 196 V. alii , D•Jn 68, 69, 168 V. a I , Pat 0 Walttr, \lien ~ 168 V. alto a, Ozell 182 Ward, lntz 1% V. art, C~~rol1n 230 \\are, John 196 V...-nrr, Rirhard 182 '\\ arren, Benny 83 Warren, Gerald 66, 75, 83, 230 V.arren, Jim 106, 117, 168 '\\a ha, '>lolly 168 Watrr'8, Johnny 230 V. at en, \like 96, 100, 230 Way, Bob 50, 117, 230 Way, Carla 168 V. ay, Jrrry 168 Wtb ter, Sheryl 168 w...,ks, !\like 182 Wtge, Janet 168 Weioiaer, Annt 99, 121, 230 Welborn, Jeff 62, 61, 83 Wdborn, Terry 52, Sl, 81, 196 Welch, Billy 182 Wtlch, Bf)anne 98, 118, 138, 230 Weldon, I.e he 18 Well , Davi Ann 231 Wello, \llrhele 102, 121, 168 Wendorff, B•,erly 109, 121, 182 Werner, Patti 91, 109, 121, 231 W rrtz, Dean 65, 168 w.. t, Gayle 182 Wet, '-herry H, 196
\\ e tla I, lary u 168 \\ heatly, Car 168 \\heeler, \a J an 196 '\\ htl , lao 123, 168 \\ hite, Bob 123, 196 \\ htte, t orre 1 100, 231 '\\hue, John 65, 168 \\ h.tc, Ho 231 V. hue, te' n 123, lh8 \\ hlteturk y, \ erna H. 165 "hlltaker, In 196 \\ hmaker, anry 98, 118, 231 \\ hutakrr, h ron 168 '\\ htttare, Ronald 196 \\ hlttt n, lex 123, 196 V. bitten, Ze >Ia 196 \\ h1t"e'l, I o 53, .,1, 108 \\tggm, Hannie 117,196 \\ ilcnx on, "-~hirlr.y 168 \\ tldman, -.beryl 1'16 \\tie , l'hllhp 68, 94, 100, 196 \\like , 1- ddte 61, 83, 197 V. tlke , Paul 65, 168 \\ tlki on, Barbara 91, 98, 118, 231 \\ 11lard, \lrrrlll b2, 63, 83, 182 " i!l .. tt, IIIli 16H \\,lett, :\aney 121, 168 \\ tlhams, Allan 110, 231 \\ tlham , \nn 'l6, '18, 118, 231 \\ tlham , lhll 197 \\ tlliam , (.arol 231 V. ilham , Jerr} 231 V.tlliamo, Kerry 121, 182 V.tlham , Larry 123, 168 \\ tlham , Linda H•R \\ tlham , I ynn 100, 197 \\ llliam , Roger 18, 231 V. tlliam5, 1 im 182 \\ tllin~:ham, Judy 168 \\ almoth, Diane 1112 "1l on, D· nna 109, 121 V. tl on, Kathy 76, 103, 182 "tl on, Lillian M, 108 V. il on, '-heron 121, 168 V. iml>e)', l'hll 63, 8.1 V. 1ndle, Karl 197 '\\inkier, \laryke 50, 182 \\ Inkier, Ro e \lane 98, 121 \\ tn low, Don 182 V. oll, Ball 197 \\ olfl, Conni•• 107, 182 V. ollr, Jo~ 60, 197 V. ollkill, K nnetb 197 Wood, Carleen 98, 99, 121, 231 "ood, Lin<la 121, 231 \\ ood rd, l.arry 52, 51, 123, 231 V. oodard, :\ttk 96, 100, 107, 197 \\ oodrow, Olivia 50, 197 \\ ooolward, Bill 110, 211 V. ood.,ard, Jim 100, llO, 232 V. uo.J,.ard, Patty 168 Woodward, Sally H, 182 ~tooley. Karen 197 Wooll.,·, Janice 101, 168 V. uol ey, Pqgy 182 Worthing, Barbara 121, 168 " orthin , ( arol 91, 97, 121, 232 ~·ooten, Betty 197 WriKht, Gil 61, 62, 83, 182 Ya•gar, f red<lie 168 Young, Dan 101, 197 Yountt. Ua,id 168 Young, Jana 168 Youn~:. Jay 123, 168 Young, :\'ma 76, 77, 121, 232 Young, Stove 168 Youna. Woody 58, B.'l, 88, 232 Younahein, Ga,le 103, 182 Zaohritz, \like 102, 106, 182 Zdweg~r, Shirley 182 Ztlar, Dand 197 Zwn, Tim 96, 100, 123, 182 Zoltner, oa,ld 168 Zukuw ki, Btlhe
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