Chieftain Yearbook, 1962

Page 1



CH EFTAI 1962 CAPITOL HILL HIGH CHOOL 500 .\V. 36 treet Oklahoma Ctt , Oklahoma


1 'E E11-I CARTER nd nnual Juntor nior Prom.

rol Hi

a k th

I adcr of the ltm light r

to ign their program at the

CRO I G of Jud R d Band u n mong the year's highlight for Htll mu tcian .

W e Came Searching For Knowledge and Friendship

turn to thumb on take the GATB putud tc t g•,cn to nior.

T R 1 PAP R time bnng tud kno\\ I dgc m th CH H libr n .


from all cl

You came to C.H.H . . . . . You, the a\\ed ophomore, enterincr for the first nme, the hard-\\ orkmg JUnior f•lled with expecran ; the If-a ured emor re d, t:o t ke our pl ce a a leader. rching for kno\\ ledge. You cam You found qu. hf1ed mstructor who tned to tee ch \ ou not ju t facts but the method of rea onmg It out for our elf. You came ear hmg for friend hap and found it. Tea her , well as our fdlo'' tud nt be arne our friend . \Vith orne ou h. red a common inter t, \\ ath oth moment of happin or di • ppomanent. For \\ hatevcr r wn \our friend hip a fom1 d, 'ou'II h\ a\ be glad that it ' a 1


arch for

' WE \VA T A tou hdo n 1 ' to pc tators t

h lfb k 1tkc pc ttlt '\\ ith r md



HH football g m


a cry famth r

W e Came Bursting With Youth and Enthusiasm

TH PRIDE of p1tol H11l d1 pia th marchmg form uon that ha \\On th m t te ad fam




n th Htll tht f II

one being pon ored before alma




evcrv gam

HA GI G TIG ¡R a th center of interc t th c fetcna JU t h for the tate pia off.

You c. me to C.H.H . . bur nng With outh . nd emhu ia m . . . read\ nd detenmncd to m ke thl a better pl ce becau e ou were here. Tiu as the big ear . . . the ear of all-out chool p1rit 1 Th fo tb ll team made a cum-about after lo ing it f1r t two game , nd \\On c1 ht m row. Thi \\ the team th t could do no wrong when the\ took the M1d- tate Crown an th b tde \\ 1th ¡md. And, chi me team put up. great f1ght before lo ing to orman m th tate pia off g m , 12-6. It a good \ear . . . and no m tter \\ h1 h moment me. n mo t to ou, ou ame to .H.H .. , and ou're gl d ou came 1


We Came To Pledge Ourselves to

Former Pre ident E• nhower gave thi w rmng 111 1956 'Competition for men' mmd begin when the are tudents ... the mu t be tau ht to dt criminate be tween the Amencan form of government and the oviet form. \Vhen th have II the fac , I am confident they wtll make the correct choice, a thC) have done for the past 181 years." u e of th Commum t threat, our youth mu t b deepl grounded m the background , tr dttton , and thcon of our dcmocrac . Thi ear th re ha b en a renewed vigor among Hill student m honoring th flag. We maugurated fl rat mg nd lowenng ceremonie and da1h pledge of allegiance m homeroom . \Ve, the Citizen of tomorrow, daih pledge our pride m our country. our lo"e of her Flag, and our pra er for world peace.



A 'D fan can b

at d in th Red km t dmm ~hich i

the c n of all home g m .

We Came To The School n The CAPllJRI G THE H ART of hundred of high un hang d ince 192 .


hool tud n

th mam bUJldm of

pitol H11l ha remamed VIrtually


ED I ' I J0 b

bualdmg i no

FFA member

th agri ulture

oc upa d b oth r cia

raou trad

a offered

in the\

eart Of The Hill . . . B 11 T I

1954, th ul

mod rn fa ld hou


This We Found ate of II

p a cmbltc

mdoor port

and the baccalaureate.



She Came To Cap· tol Hill n 1937 The 1 2 CHIEFTAI ' 1 ded1caced to an m tructor ho came to CHH t\\ enrv-f1vc ear go, and leave With da of '62. Thou and of girl h. vc le: rncd ba ic nutnnon, food preparation, ch1ld guidance, home nur mg. and home d oratton from her during the Ia t t\\O and a half decade . \Vhen he lea'e chi pring, h take w1th her mcmorte of car \\hen he pon ored tht> Ka Y1 Pep club. Ch1ef mong th out-of- tate trip mad tn the 1940' "a th chartered train cnp toM aco Ctt h h pon ored. Unu ual cia room h ppcnmg will al o be t ndout m her memori . For example, there' th time that the II cabin t cr hcd to the floor during a cia . . . m hing china, cry tal. and tlver ervicc, and lcavmg b hind a vel) nenou te cher. Or pe.rh p he will remember the time, JU t du r, wh n h If the coffee pot dt appeared after luncheon rv d to the princapal . That m ten a t11l unsoh ed.

Probablv her mo t heart armmg memon wtll b of tho e tud nt whom he has pr pared for pl. ces a home econom1 , homemaker , w1ve , and moth r . A knov.lcdge of their happin nd ucce will be her reward for car d d1cated to helpmg them.

If "work 1 love made '1 1ble" then surely i Blanche math ha b ov.ed a great deal of lo\ c on h r tudents m the Ia t quarter of centUI'). nmh, a ou lca\e the H1ll, we " ant 1i to JOin the rank of tho c who sa "\Ve' re glad ou came to CHH . Come back to ce us often."

We Came To Listen And

To Learn





Ph1l C. Bennett

Vice Pr ident

Dr. J ck Parker upenntendent of chool

Dr. Jack Parker Is

1r. V. arrcn \Vdch Ward 1


ew Superintendent Of Schools

Mr. Otto Thomp on Ward 2

r. William Lott

Ward 3

Mr. Fo tcr te Warn 4


tm mg to kc p • pha c of chool t.fc It apttol Htll on :t !ugh level arc • 1r. C B 1 rctthaupt prmc1p I 1r. Alonzo Roop \1 c pnnctpal 111 ch. rg of dt Clllm • nd 1r. I . Y. lrn tn, vtcc 1nncip I m charge of Ill truct1on. Wit hmg 1roccdurc of enrollment, • nd adoptmg the IB 1 m thod . , a han died b' Mr. lrwm. Kcepmg abrea t ' ad1 the tame and m do com ct v1th th tud nt bod', 1r. Roop rcalaze: nd fulfall ht dune • • ch e~plmc m. ant mer. Recurnmg ' 3 tudent wtll m1 th guad. n of an o!d friend a 1r. Roop r ttrc at th do c of thi hool term. B lte mg that pttol H 1ll c. n onI progr Mr. Brcuh upt ha r cognized th need for good public rdatton , o acal Ill tha tim \\hen Amcncan ideal md cduc non are on orld-\\ ade tnal.

1r 0 r nee B. Breithaupt Principal

Mr. Irw ·n Accepts Vacated Slot In Hilrs Big Three

1r. I. V. I m Vi c Principal

Mr. Alonzo Roop Vic Princip:~l 17

Students Flock T o Room 101 For Counsel, Guidance

George Atwood

Gl dys Been LIBRARY AID , Sue Green and Rita Grigg , help Betty Picken check out a book

Della choolmn

0 . R. William on

Myra Cunningham

Lois Hill

GEORGE H. AT\VOOD, Counselor, 1 ational Honor ociety, Junior Cia , 1\1.A.; GLADY Y. BEE , Counselor, M.A., M.E.; D LLA A. SCHOOLI G, Coun dar, Professional Committee, 1.Ed.; 0. R. \VILLIAMSO l, Counselor, M.A.; MYRA CUr I GHAt-.1. Ltbrarian, Dewey Decimal , M.L.S.; LOIS WYN HILL, A ociate Librarian, English, B.A. 18

A big chool is a bu v chool and requires a large taff to carl) out it detatled work. Four coun elor combine undertanding • nd wisdom wtth the offenng of a helping hand to Red km ' ith a problem. A revamped library provid a quiet h 'en for tuden eekmg knowledge. Alwa' on call to handle emergencie , 1rs. Ltllian , ander look out for tudent health and handle hool in urance. Other t. Her required are a large offtce taff, a cu todial taff of 14, and • crew of good cooks who handle cafeteria dutie .

CAFETERIA STAFF FRONT ROW: l11clma Horn. Geneva Bo d Ro i Brittain, Willi Campbell. Alice Coffey. ROW TWO Geneva Gatton, R da Hcneri k on Zelma Cobh, Ma Harv , Gra c · tcp, u ie H r tt, Mad lime Driver. ROW THRE OJi, e Dona\ an, B atrice Craig, Viola Pcnmngton, Vivian John on, I dna Morgan, Thelma Poteet, Dorothy Kicr, and Jcnni \Vatt .

Ehzabcth Hartman

I·lva Ch dwell

lrcn Horn


nd r

G neva Wtlham

1a Harv

Irene Taylor



Staffers Record Redskin Health, Wealth, Attendance



of c ch


Plulltp Hau

1ab I Km d

English Teachers Dish Daily Diet Of Language Arts




Jacque Harman


ttic L '"

Ri hard

P g Pttt


Balan mg gramn1Jr on one hand and Ch uccr on th oth r 1 no c \ ta k. But tuden lc.1rn both und r th \\3t hful of Fngll h t her . After r 1 mg th ba 1 t\\o ar of reqUired I ngl1 h 111 th tenth and cle,enth gr I , cmors m choo c bern ccn bu 1 nc Engl1 h . nd a • dcmt l·nglt h. B It mg 111 th unporon of br akmg down the 1 n uat:~ barn r, fJ uln m m b r of th l.m ua del artm nt m c to unpro c . nd mamum the d 1. rtm nt' h1gh 1deal . h n h, German, p m h :md L. tin • rc th f rc1gn lan~;ua~ offered


BY US · 0 A 1AP Mrs Km d pot 111 Engli h hteratur . 20


lu ton I

PA I H T DE T ¡ XPI RIE 1CED n~,.. .. \ of learnm rhi , c. r. With u of the pani h laboratory th rc bl to listen co tap , record , and d1etr tea her, 1r . h nk, o~ r their earphone .

Student Laboratories Are Aids To Language Studies ~-

helma Col man

Paul H ndri



OTHER 'tn:a un:' I bought v. htl I 1m 1r. I man.




Employers Clamor For H ·11 Secretarial Stu ents Practtce make perfect and the girl of CHH an fulh a ure ou th. t th \ p tl c, pr. tice, pra ace. \\ heth r 1t b t pin , c.lculating, or km d1 tatton . kill i formed. The Bu in Dep:utm nt t he tu dent to de\ clop them cl' e for a future car er m the bu me \ orld of tomorro . pmg, bookkeepmg, and honh. nd, bu me m. hm are onl a fC\\ of the ubJe t • tudem ha t her fmger-tlp . It 1 • well-known f. t th. t th bu In men of Okl hom:t pre£ r H1ll tuden b :tu e of the1r thorough tr:tmmg.

pl in th Fed ral

JOH H. B ·Ll, Bu me .1ath, Record Keeping, T e:tm , ophomore Cb , B. . , A T \V. CO DR . Office Practice, horth nd, Commerci.l L w, ·BLA, B.. ; ODIE FIELD , Bu m Math, Bookkeeping, Cieri .I I r uce, FBLA. B.. , OBA E. FRE CH. Con umer Econom1c . honhand, Bookkeepmg, YTeen, FBLA. 1.B. d.; DO ALD R. GA ETT, T pmg, Bu ines !lath, Bookkeepmg, B:t 1c Bu me , FTA co. pon or; iformng Inspiration co. pon or, B.. ; MAXI 1E K. HARRY, Bu ine ifachines, T\ pmg 1., Bookkeeping, ,atJonal Honor ocie , Y-Tcen , 1.B .Ed.; LOUI E A. HILL, Bu me s Englt h, T)pmg, Ki Ya Pep Club. B..• EU IC JUDD, horthand, T pmg, FTA copon or, B..

Donald Ga ett 2Z

Maxin Harry

John Bell

Ann Condren

'oba French


H 1ll

l uni e Judd

Courses Geared To Space Age Cha lenge Redskins

Emtt Br dford



Ruth J n

John Pr)or

II Hampton

PREPARI G FOR A CHEMI TRY pen ment r n A h lock, Dan vanoff Lo\li ell H rtl ~ B ty an-

d r


nd 1r. Epperl

k Wm

A th orld gro~ more tonu mmded, the profe tonal fteld of m th and i n e grow more Ill demand. The men behind the rocke , mt tl and atcllttc are trained m themattc1an nd t nti t ~ho h,\c h.d man 'ear of chooling dunng their ltfenme. In tructor of the Hill math and cten e cia re preparin ntden for th e fi ld m both cien e nd m. th cia es. All Red kin tud n rc reqmred to t ke t lea t one e r of m th. Cia range from bu an math to tn onom tn . tone cred1t in tence 1 required, al o. Ia \ ary from biolog to ph 1 in th tence departm nt.


Algebra, Geomctn, Htgh A.B., G\V D LY HA GAR, 1. th An h 1 , Geometn . Tngonometn, AI ebra, .1u Alpha Thet • B.. , FELl ' A. KI BRO 'GH, Geometn, Biolog'. B..• JA K \VITI, Alg br., Hioh hool 1ath, Jum r Ia , Bo Pep lub. B. . 2J

Courses Aid In Understanding Our Changing T imes

REFERRh G TO THEIR Bib! , tudent of Btble Hi tory, Barbara Reid, Lo,\ell Hartle and Janet Grable find that 1rs. ummer \\a correct, u ual.

Jl 1 BROADHURST how l.cro Bol n the correct to fold flag a part of a tudcnt Council project.

L. H. B • GT 0 , Economic, Government, lnternation I Relation , T earn , ·conomics Club, Bo, ' '0' Club, Honor ocietv, M.S.; WOODRO\V BU EY, Hi ron, 1 .. ; HAROLD \VARRE ' CRO LEY, World Hi tot'), Team, Bo ' '0' Club, nior Cia , B.A.; A l. 1 TIE 1YRICK, octolog', P choloiD, U.. Hi ton, Juntor Cl s , B.A.; HEITYE R. UM 1ER , U.. Htston, Btblc Hi tO"), ornmg In piratton, attonal Honor o ie , M.Ed.

L. H. Bengtson

Annette li ynck 24

Hett c Summer

Who? \Vhat? \Vh n? \Vhere? Ho\\? \Vln? The e que tion ma ound ltke beginnmg cour e m journali m, bur \\hen applted to the origin of our Ct\ tltzanon the pcll the goal of the oci, I tudte Department. Bv pinning back ttmc, rudent of \Vorld Htston learned about the n nnd fall of natton on all p:trts of th glob . American Hi rorv helped student ~ppre­ ciare rhe value of libeme the often t. ke for granted.


\Varh more trophac and ccrtaftc te of honor than troph case nd w lis wtll hold, the activit department 1s repreented m almo t even conte t held m the t te and m man natton I event . Mu 1c festival at nearb univers1des and colleges alwa s rate the Htll b nd and chotr t th top for both group and olo vork. Pia productton and foren ic tudents . rc bu on man weekend during th car, matching abtlttie and w1 ag in peech tournam nt competitOr . A Hill rud nt has b en entered m th nattonal cont t for the p: t two car . ew paper and earbook taffs al o rate h1ghl ' tth collegiate, tate, and natton l ratmg crvtce which m a ure them again t other publication from chool of lake izc. Cont ar far from the onl mter t of th group . Th 1r pnma goal i to gam k1ll and knowledg nd to provide cntertammcnt nd enlightenment to th tudent bod through embltes, play and the }'tinted word. 1A d oration u ing tin can lids are Penni Trclo r and D1 nna Burl on of the rt cia .

tudents Combine Talent And Skill n Creative Arts


1chm I


ARA RUTH COHE • Activit\ Director, PI Production, Th pian , Pep Coun 1l, rudent Council, .A.; JO 1DRA C LP PPER. Journali m, peech, Kt ) 1 P p Club, O.C.I.P.A. Red km Arrow, Chieftam, B.. ; LUDVIK J EPH EMROD. peech, Debate, U. . Ht ton, ation, I Foren ic League, 1.Ed.; 1ELVIi LE\VI • LEE. 1u 1 Theon, mg Band, Band. 1.Ed., ALB RT C. 0 E KOP, 1t ed Choru , Con en Choir, Girl Choru 1. 1u . Ed.; DOROTHY 1 YE , Freehand An, Commerci.l Art, Ponen, Interior Deco • uon, F hion Drawmg, n • Cr fr , Art Club, 1.A. 2S

A. D. Jacob on

Jo Ann • 1c. iillian

Don Mcth n

A. D. JA OB 1 \ Ph si al du ation, Team , Head pon or· enior Cia , Athletic Director, Bo, ' "0" lub, .~1.A., JO At 't l 1c. 1ILLAt \ Ph, ic.l :ducation, Team , Girl ' "0" Club. Jumor Cla . B.. ; DO, 1 1ETHE1 1Y, Ph, •cal Education, Basketball, Bo ' "0" Club, , 1.A.; CHARLE \V. 1UR· DOCK, T cam , Ph, iolog), Fir t Aid, Ph~ ical Education, Kcv Club, Bo) '"0" Club, enior Cia , 1.A.; 1ARY HARO, 1 TEVEt 1 , Ph, ical :ducation, wimming, Engli h, Y·Teen , Girl ' "0" Club, • 1ermaids, B. .



haron tevcns

Phv ical and mental growth are both gt\en p cial attention 111 the Hill' pln t cal educatton department. Both mdoor nd outdoor por rc cnJO\ ed. uch acti\ iti a b dminton, \!Olle, ball, imming, tcnni , b cball, ba kctball, hufflcboard nd table tenni rc enjo~ ed b both the gtrls and bo . T eachmg tudem to r pe t and take care of their bodi wa a fulltime job; but in tructors al o found the opportum to tres the importance of good port • m n hip.

Muscles, Sportsmanship Are Developed By Coaches

MRS. 1c 11LLIAN' fir t hour gym girl li en reading of the daily bulletin.

fR. MURDOCK EXPLAI S functions of the body to his physiology tudents during a lecture pc:riod. 26

AUS1BE1 'ICS PROV · daily activiti



to play an imponant pan in th in each of th boy ' gym eJa es.


ecipes, Blueprints Are Department Tools

Lctla Frnz1 r

A 0 li htin

AG _ T, 1r . Knapp. 1ve a demonstrauon of hom to hom t"Conom1c tudent in cia

Kent Cooper

W.L. Conner

Bl n he mith

Pattern , penc1l , saw and blueprints are unponant f ctor in the future of home econonu , drafting, mech nical drawing and woodworking students. \Vhether producing a "dream home," h. nd orne furniture, or a baked casserole, CH rudent ha\ e the benefit of rhe nece an equipment and guidance. As bo\ plan for their respective career fadd , g1rl learn the ba ic fundamental of nmnmg , home. Each prepares for hi own pl ce in ociet) with the ecure knowledge th. t he ha received the best instruction.

H. L. Littlcf•eld

LEILA . FRAZIER, Home Econom1c, Future Homem, ker of Am ri , Jumor Cl. pon r, 1.. ; BLA CHE 11TH, utrmon, Adv. Food , Ch1ld C. rc, Hom Pl. nning, F.H.A., B.A.; K • lT C OP ~R, General hop, Auto .1 hani , B.. ; \V. l. C lER. 1echamc I Drawing, High hool Math, Ki Yi I cp Club, 1. . , H. L. LIITL ·FIE D, \Voodwork, B. . HO\VI 'G JACQ I PERKI ho\\ to con tru t a circle on an ohtu e i 1r. Phillips of Drafting, D igning. 27

Vocat·onal Train·ng Prepares Students For Careers


Ra,mond Fi h

l..o\\ II Don I v


m r n

Eug ne Fi h r



Eldon Hall

\VAO R HI. TG A D Ri hard Its prov th t bo can se too th9 cam up an uphol tel) fabn



nd Mr Fa h tud nt


n Trades, ndustries After High School Graduation

W 0 Hawkm

Don ld Plulhp

Lc n Lmton


Corn lm




lnk tm k for


nd Bm e Park Jrep rt" a v cuum n f nd r Jtop

p mun m the Bod


al"\ cr

V oc tton I trammg ures mam tudem of • J b ftcr graduanon. Placem nt m good-pa\ ing JOb 1 h ndled b, the Dt tnbutt\ e Edu anon and Dl\ erstfted . apttol Hill bu ine cup:mon Ia men and th oc non I d. mamtain a do e rdanon. Lee hool 1 the 'ork hop for m m mbtuou oung people prep. nnb for futur oc up non m etther pnntma or \iart-n ping. bl m tru tor tea h teen ho,v to turn out \\ell-mnnmg c r , upholstered funmurc JUntor lugh \ e rbook nd get unu u I u f coon from job 'ell done. 29

We Came Full Of Sparkle


And Spirit

Campus Life

We Came To The Hill From Al Directions \Ve came to HH~ . . . re.d• to a cept th challenge of nior High . . . retdv to ad.tpt ourselvc to a new pattern of life. As new Hillmen, we carried the Redkin name proudl '¡ Our athletic team were upported to the rna imum; we accepted our win , a well a our lo es, with good portsman hip.

\Vc brought ro the Hill the fun of fad . \Vc met new p oplc, . nd became the be t of friend . \Ve dated, laughed and enjoyed ocial activitie together. On the following clC'\ en pag we see the tO!) of our ) ear in campus activitie , howing how we e1mc . . . we loved . . . and we lea\ e CHH .

We p¡Iled The Silence Of The Halls With Laughter

We Filled the Emptiness Of The Rooms With Life

We Welcomed Our Visitors With Friendsh¡p Thi car \\ c he rd peechcs on Ameri~ ca'~ future and atomic power. We receiv d rookie ha~eb.ll pia, cr and A1r Force Colonel ' ith cqu I friendship. \Vc c. rried our friendline with us a \\C traveled to repre em CHH m c1 , tate, nd nation~widc acti\ itic .

BA EBALL' Rookie of the Year, Don Schwall, changed uniforms to perform tudent~teachcr duties at the Hill.

PEP ASSE 1BLY for the State Football Championship found Grant and outhca t yell-leaders backing the Hill.

JERRY SA 'DERS, State Student Council Pre ident, poke to us in J?ecember

EXPLORATIO of the Shedd Aquarium was one of the hi blights of the journah m trip to Chicago

JUDY MURPHY board the greyhound bu takin her to the State Student Counal Convention in Tulsa.


ur r. Beng on of his vote, a he accept card from the c ndidate for Lieutenant Go\'cmor.

We Carried The Redskin Name To Different Places

A FA th


r ' f1 t¡ n

n et -a


loading of the R d kin bu b

Hill athl t

ROY \VIL 0 1, T omm Griffith, and Georg ifanck confide th t th •'rc on their wa · to e a u d car d I r.

LOYAL ra coon clad 11ke te\ rt a k , "I n't anydy going to \\atch the gu) practice?''

We Came In Our Kookie Cars and Crazy Clothes Along

1th :moth r hool e.1r came th ':tried • nd cra:n fad of the tccn:tg t.

A the h m lm

\\ ru up. the blou

I ngth came do\\ n. ar of C\ en hi:IJ>C. 1ze, :md ol r m d th ene at the l 11l.

1 rtJt1on rang d from hin and new to kook1e and old. ur tran




E Jimmy Babe, n' hke thi . . . ." quip 'Co ch' Cantley to Jim Shahan in a fun-filled as mbly. 6

C01 Dav1d T








· RTIBL S re a mu


lor and Jo Anderson.

for fre h air cnthu ia t


We Poufed Our Hair and Adopted the Twist Craze

Rl D KI OT a h "mg of th 'pouf d' h:ur do , poise and co ordm tion of "vi icing during a pep a cmbly. portr.t d h re b fcmmmc ? Economic clubb

Torth\\est Qa en cheerJe der ,"

A bru h, comb, and hair sprav pro\ id d the ct-up for the pouf hair-do' . The top craze for the '62 on wa the d but of th t\\ ist. A tO\ cl or reducing machine nd the lat t record \\cr mu ts for the beginner le rning the new d nee.

THE TWIST came on trat d b

rong at the Hill as demonJudy and L) nn Albright.

SXT STOP the 1alt hot," laughs 1artha \\'alter as he learn th Twi t \\ith the aid o reducing machine. • 1


DO. CHOLL readil • accept hi piece of \ ictory cake' at the p p ouncil- pon ored football receptiOn.

PROUDLY accepting the Cia AA Runner -Up tropln arc co-captain ftk pcegle and Jim Whipple. CRO\\ 11 TG'- OVER-and new Ki Yi King. John Stark h lp club prcstdent, Pam \\'illiam , into h r av. aiting car.

We Gained Recognition; and Glowed With Pride

fIVE ROYAL attendants surround 1.fiss Linda Lee, v.ho was elected from the group to retgn as Princes of Print for 1962.

Capitol Hill climbed upward on the ladder of 1rc~tige tlu \ear in man wa . Besides our football honors, we landed the po ition of ecrct: n -ho t for tate student coun il com cntion. Ralph \Vi'er \\a named to the All<-irare band for the ccond 'car, and Pat Wright, Jim hah.m, Tom Clark, and rddic Knight made All- tate orch tra. Lcwi D. \Cnport scored a a emifinali t in the 'ational fcrit cholar hip c ¡am, and Don \Vhcclcr and 1ike Fuller received letters of commendation on their cores. Of course each club had it own ro ralty, and .. era I all chool honor \\ere handed out. But, whatever our recognition , we accepted them with modesty and ju t a touch of pride!

'IP \VOODRUFF'S appearance at the lave ale used a ra h of bids . . . gro ing ix cents.

• 0 )OU b1g b d ha"n \\ If ou can't ha\c m ba kct' eric httle Redskm Riding Hood

\ict ry

Life for the Hi lmen Was Hectic But Always Fun

EG D 1 n ln\3 1011 f Mau 1.tu ta d a pep a cmbl ppcaranc .





pica! reaction that th abo\e-picture group of Jo,elies brought on when they

We Went In Couples, Doubles, and Sometimes Stag Keeping up\\ ith our f t mO\' ing \\orld ' a no trouble for a ti' Red~km . Our entertainment ranged from bowling date to long, eriou talk b) the fires1d . Movie for • nd about teenagers \\ere a pas ion for all. Th gU\ <i 1ghed o' r l rt I bbie \Valle and the gals mooned O\cr hand omc Troy Donahue. Double d3tcr \\ere often ecn enJO mg a pizza after g.une , and all g1rl hopp1 g partie \\ere arranged for aturdav afternoon. Coup! hared the fun of bemg \ oung 1 together. 1 o m.ltter \hat th time. place, or scene, we Red km alwa, had a bb t ... m couple , doubt , or just plain tag'

movies, dater Harold Jones and 1i kov k • hare "munching" treat

STRIKE? Double-dater Donna Mulker, George Spiva, 1ike Carroll and Cathey Steven hope It wil be. 40

BIGG. T PROBLEM for Tier Ann Gtllemot, Sharon Woodruff, and Bilhe \Veil i deciding what not to buy.

GA 1G of all ize gather t the ne rest pizza place for rving of gab, ''goo'' nd giggles. n after gam


ould you mind?"

"AHHHH, wonderful'"

CRACKLh 1G fir and pi ant company make an evening u c ful for D1 na Ford and Bobby Roger . -41


T ,

1U I

bubbl gum, and laughs put fan mpaign kit

"IT BIGGER than the both of u ," remark Ron Huff to Jamc Arm trong, ·amtmng thi unu ual pair of Levi' .

There Were Times For Laughter

OBTAI I G A hair from a boy's leg h lpcd nett the Ki Yi title of Best Pledge. 42

in Linda Ben-

• • •

MR. "OZZIE" 0 enkop practic for hi 'twi t number' in the 'PTSA program.

PPRE IATIO pbqu from the thl t gh n to r tgmng coach hade 1urdock.




f dt appointment flo fr cl • after the nnan m th tate Champton hip gam

And Time For Tears . . . Fun-ftll d da m. de lugh chool an m titution of fri ndsh1p • well a an intitutton of kno\\ ledge. Ga campaigm. 1lcdgmg, , nd club Ctl\ ttt m de !tfc at :tpttol H til great \ ith capttal G. harcd bughter bct\\cen friends bee me a ftxed memon of the Hill' armth. Alwa read to pro\e that "laughter mak the Htll go 'round," \\Cr facult\ members \\ ho lent thetr t len to valle mblt . hall game , ktt , and A we l ugh d together, \\ e I o cried at ttme . ad moment uch a our lo to arm n ere met wtth courage. Happ times al o brought a mi t to the e es of tuden a radiant qu ens , cceptcd their crown. Graduation dav arri'cs all too soon, and goodb e re :tid to fri nd • nd to \\Onderful high chool d.\ . Every I 2 graduate will leave the Hill with a ~mile on hi lip and • tear in hi c c.

" 0 LO. G," btdding oodb

ay Uo


Warren and Yolanda Young, al o

to their htgh hool

e:~r .

We Came To Meet And

To Mingle





Jo Anderson

Miss Chieftain



Eight Outstanding Seniors Share Scholastic Spotlight Cho n m an II- hool cl ction on Janu. rv 31. Jo Ander on and K1p Woodruff \\On the mle of M1 and 1r. CHI ¡FfAI from c1ght competitor . The p 1r \\. cro\\ ned t the nnu l e rbook revelation a embl 111 m1 1ay.

Lue n Land



1a \ \

hi on

As Runners--Up For Mr. and Miss Chieftain Honors ll \\eel


run for tlu


ro aln

Five Beauties Reign As All,Sports Attendants II 1 rt

ur n



r l.lti' eh ne\

Ito n b, the ntirc tudcnt bod

rO\ :1ln on th H1ll, h:l\ ing b gun in I I. Llrth. V.trg.t , ref r cnting the footb:tll te. m, \On the fir


• n cl ti n on I ebru.u 5, tlu

of c:mdid:ttc r.m. do race\\ ith 1 • thern b ing '1 tonou .

ro'' n.

Darlene Brown


Karla Ha\c



Shicla Hull



ar' f1cld


Football Princess All.,Sports Queen

T nd II

Homecoming Queen





tudcnt queen.

Attendant to 1 rlcn \\ere Emtl ut Tt rs Ann Gtll m t, Jenntfcr Btrdwcll nd Darlene Brov. n.

Pr¡ncess of Pr.nt

Student Council I c.\{lcr !up .md abtllt\ h.n c ontttbutcd mu h co the :1 complt hmcm of tht tudent oun tl tim 'c:u. Bc\tdc unpto\ mg on tr.1dtt1on:tl proJC t~. the ounol mtro lu ed Quttt \\ cek .md port nun lup \Vcck tht 'car. i\lorc chool lc.1dcr \\Ctc gl\cn d1an c to dcciK.ttc thcar cncrgtc~ to C \\hen the meeting \\ere lunged from a thard hour ci.l e ton to 7 30 a.m., on ~1ond:l) s.

John Belt ¡tudent Council President

Alice Terry ecretary

fcrlcne Tendall All-School Cheerleader

Jack Kendall Vice-Pre idcnt

Claudia Thomas Assistant All-School Cheerleader

Jim Broadhur t Parliamentarian



eights In Leadership and Service

Darlene Bro n, Jo Anderson, Don Whttkr, J•mmy B M

. Chamne s L Green, S. Leeds

ROW Robb

D Cantrell Chap, C Renfro Rep; M. Alh n, Treas, L Conner ec T Whne, Pre , M Carroll V1ce Pres, m th Ht t, J Cook, Pari RO\ T\\ 0 F Ma nard T Reed T Gardner, J. Crouch l Domer, E. mnh, R LtHngston T Bond H Cox D Jone RO\\ THREE S Inzer, C Ve1tch ' Bro..,mn , J Pmman G Harrell J McCord B La n R Blemmel, M Bo..,lmg \ Ragland E Qumt ro A Bnnlee ROW FO R Cn pl, M Henshall, R oh, M. Gtlhland, D. hom1ck D (.a tee! F \\ tlkm on B Moran L Sanders, T Hale M Riddle ROW FIVE D Baker, D Landrum F. Qumtero, B Hall, T Cook J Hod en D te\\art H Rector, J Fnzzcll L Force L. B«n, L Gtlmorr, E F1cklm, T Kmg.

T I Cl B FRO:NT ROW D Grabo" E Davt, R Lmle, J. Dunkm, B Co<Xie). J Walker, J Levcnch B W•gn;aU, K Rob1ruon ROW T\VO J ul..,cll D Charle , E Eckds T Lmngston, J unley, D. e\\lun, L. Anders, D Brotherton, J 1cCathrcn, J Roberts R Anderson. ROW TI-IREE L W Wallace D Louderback, F M)er D. Houlton, W. Sm1th, L. Hen b, J \\ Combs F McCoy, l. Shtdl r, J Oem, M. RCJd RO\\ fOUR R \\ood, C Bro n J AHr \ Peck, B Parks J Bo..,Jegs, D Pn e. R Lofu, R \\dis ROW FIV J 1-ftll, B M II n, C Youn er G Ro B E ms, R herrell, R Oldaker, P. le\an, J Ba er, E Holder, R Kukuk, D Hudler, J Webb.


T& Queen

eaches Finals n Homecoming


l·nule Couture, r ignmg queen of the Trade and lndu tr lub, va crowned and pr~ nt d wtth n emblem jacket durmg th nnual lui una D:mcc. he as al o m ng the f ur runn r up of the Hom mmg Queen Conte t. mb r , tudcnt enrolled m .II type of \o ltlon.l trammg cia , \\orkcd togcth r nd turn d out a float th t pi ccd c ond 111 the ongm ltrv dtvt ton of the Hom mmg D P radc. Th them td 'a 1cmon r m d of du ... " h tr pbnmng conumttcc heduled a wemcr roa t for tob r and b. nquct lat ron 111 the )C r. The Trade and lndu tr) Club ha long be n r ogmz d • one of th I rg t group m chool. Tht car the h d enrolled 161 mcmb r . " 1Y THESE hot dog are good," agree the annual ptcnic h ld at Rotary Park.




•I member at

FRO 1 the 20' to tl1e 60' re hown on the "Mcmon are Made of Thi ."

~ I float named


D 0. CLUB FRO :T RO\\ Fr~d Emry. andra Hanna, Kay Pollard Pr , K th~r)n Chilton, V P, Bonm~ o~~n Treas, lr~n~ R1nc·hart k•p Port~r ROW nvo D~ann Montgom~n. Conm~ harp Lmda Flurl'). Bubara M~urd,, Sharon Harrdl G:ul obi Jud) anna dall Mr E C F1 her Sponsor RO\\ THRI·E Earlm Da~son, Ros~ Re)nold B tty Da\JS, Mary Hu sc , Dororhl. Hamilton, K ren H n n RO\\ FOUR R1ta \\oma k, bn Jane Epper on, Rosal~e 1ayo, Rita Rutled~, hnlev Park, roll tovall, Suk1 \\alkcr, Fa)e Harmor RO\\ riVE , 1~rl Gordon, 11kc: Bearden, Jamc Schul~r. Danny Engh h, Verbm Dcck~r. B1fl Farner, Larl') Dunkm.

D.,Q Clubbers Combine Fun, Professional Training; Oi\cr ificd ed \\ ith :m tudents to kill . Guc t

Occupations club i organiz:tcccm on oppormnin for de, clop their o cup:mon:tl pcaker , dances, :tnd • b.m-

quet arc m luded in their bu chcdule. The 'c:tr' highl1ght atrr:t non \\ :t the formal crO\\ mng of Barbar. 1cCurd) rcignmg D- Queen 01 lE OF THE duti of Connie harp. doctor's as i tant, is preparing yring for hots.

Barb r:t McCurdy


D FIRST PRIZF. m th cl1\ 1 1on


Hom comina p:uad ' captured b, th D E entry.


D--E Club Bags Fourth Annual Homecoming Trophy "It' gemng to b .1 lulm ' ould be the theme ong of rh D E lub a~ it h:t \\on the b aut\ troi In m th Homccommg Par.tde come r for four tr.u~ht 'earo;. Dmnbumc du :man offer tr:uning opponunltlcs for career 111 m:trkenng and d1 mbmion. D E CLUB FRO. :T RO\\

The club pon or\ 1t1cs dc~igned to prO\ ade opj ortunitie for grO\\ th and tudem de\ cloj m nt tn le:tdcr~hip. It gi\C 1r:tctl :tl taJllllng to tudcnt who \\all be cmplo ed in ret.1al ,,hole :tic, .nd en 1 c e t< bla hrncnt after gr:tdu:trion, • nd for olleo- boun tud nr

BA 'D K 'I Ell 'G Barbara Am \\O«h, Roma Cra1g, Manl n Gra\Jtt EA fD CE ITER Ra mend Aduddcll, Jud Reed. Larry Taylor IIR T RO\\ Jud\ Cummm Kc1th Bam }cJnmc Lucbkmg G:arv Ru sdl Tro\ Green, Cvnth1a Ale and r ECO. D RO\ Joy c WJS(:lv, Jack1c Oark Paula Trantham I) C I d\\ard lo1 Ballard rol Cole, Chari Pndmore, Dalla Mclvm THIRD ROW Larr Ha cr, R1chard Toumb • haron Carter, Jam Moon Dolph \\ clborn Joe Hendon )arne Br k l ddte alyer, John \\ 1lham , Jack Claymore, Jerry Whitney, Ronmc Ams\\orth Da•1d tc\\a" FO RTII RO\V l1m l ·l!llman, Mat Hudson Ro Cook R1 hard Bro n, Ivan lorton, Lonme \VIIkcrson, Lonmc tmmons James Clem, A D froman, J•mmy Ram , George McComb, Crandell, Sltcf\\ood Clark STA 'DING Mr Lee, Sponsor, Lmda Wood , Ann Mcado" .

Band Members Find That Practice, Drill Make For

Jud, Reed BA D Ql EE


Perfect Performance On Parade and In Concert H. rd \\Ork nd carh morntng hou~ '"ere not 1 nt m 'a111 tl11 \car for the band of C. p~tol H 11l H •gh hool, better kno' n • "The Pnde of apltol H11l." I llcnt 1 rfornun e under th dJrectJon of , 1r. 1eh m Lee, d1r tor, and Ra\ mond Aduddcll, tu nt dtre tor, ha\e won r. 'e nott e from the tudent and f. culn. Mtdd, oate , \\ho •~ 11 1 jor tte of Okl. homa, helped rn 1rl the band to fame. The band ha generated hool pint b, pia mg m :t mbl1c and t football game . The I o p rtJctp ted Ill t te w 1de come t , :tt tate coli gc . The llmg of H.llo\\eCn .md\ 'a the onh monc -m kmg proje t end 3\0red tlu 'ear. Band queen, Jud Re d '"a cro'" ned t the C.1pit I H1ll h \11 c g me b• Larn T 3) lor, dmm major. MIDDY COATE tl\irled her ay to fame to win the ud of 11 MaJorette of Oklahoma. 61

Jud\ 1urph CHOIR Q 'El , C.HOIR FRO. 'T ROW J mnh P Buchanan K }a\ C \\ oodmff P ~bcrg~r J HaU ROW T\\ 0 C Ennque, L H1ck~ L Barr B Rud G \ arronc G <..ra'e D hdton ROW THRFE 1 hort"s J Cla.mor~ T Routon G Pulham, B Mulhn J Damd J Hunt u RO\\' l 0 'R L \\'dch P P1ttcc R Ad 1dd~U . D \\ h~l~r. J R1chardson \\ R~~cr G R~,nolds J Wh1ppl~.


Singers Vocalize For Entertainment and Enjoyment Top m mb r of th onccrt hoir attended the All it\ h ral I e tiv.l h ld at h n H•gh ho I, r ebru:uy 22, ] 2. El \Cn !ugh ch ol p. rtt •P· ted and out of th 132 vot e group. 22 w rc from p•tol H11l. A nation. I figure, Dr. I ra Hoggtrd, ho \\J \tth I red W. ring's orgamz. non for ten \Car-;, directed the f i\ .I. Along wtth the Chotr, the Bo, ' and G1rl ' Glee lub al o took part 111 the D• tn t Conte t h ld t 0. . . Thev had to recciv upcrior r tmg t Di trict to quahh for the c. tc onte t at 0 . . U. Perform. nee 111 a emblie nd at b. nquet • nd luncheon \ ere al o • part of their bu hedule. CHOIR SOLOI TS K y Ja • and John Gage sing the title song from th mu ical "Okl homa", c omp ni d by Judy Hall.

CHOIR fRO T RO\\ J Murph} E H nes L Fredttt k, M tlton R Ru II McCuUou h ROW TWO C Bacon S Gri ham, L Strtttman C Ma n~al , l m th, J Clark L Cumby. A 0 senkop D•rector ROW TiiREE B Bam , D Otesnut, John n, J Philpot. T h•dlu ) Ga e RO\\ FO R R Pappas J Garrett, • Woodruff, • Bud r L Rt rd G Luas


Pep Council, Boys. "0.,., Cheer Redskins To Victories hool

pmt reached the m. unum

l ak th1 ' ear • the hcerlead r


Coun 1l, . nd Bo, ' " " lub ba ked th pep a tl\ 1t1e and port of CH H . Th Pep Counc1l took it pi e a a le dm club "'hen n parked Red km p1rit b pon onng pep emb!.e pep c rd b, nner and bonfire . I


' ne of th top . tl\ 1t1e f the l lub \\ helpmo- to orgamz th Bo, P p lub. The lettermen from n • t all g m . differ nt port \\ere




E. tted and happ\ about the ou tandhool 1Jrlt of ' 1-1 21 th Red km

cheerlead r led th ch cr cheer cheers. I






H·11 C eerleaders oost School Spirit To AA Rat·ng

HE RLEADER . FRO T ROW leader, Judy Fcrgu on. RO\V TWO

1 rlene T nd 11, 11 Ruth andcr Diana

Thoma . A!. 't. 1arl ne Da\i.

11 chool Ch r-

FBLA Sponsors Bank, Promotes Business Careers ot m m teen rc blc to am c penence m bankmg. but the Htll' Future Bu tn I c der of Amen a mcmb r get ju t that. Thetr T ccn aving B. nk en. bles tudent to ave monc\ for p cia! occa ion or for college. I


Anoth r ervice th y provide is opera ing th ping paper machine in the busin d pamnent. Oubbers li ten to men in all pha e of bu ines at their meetings, nd th ir car' highlight was the state convention at O.U.

P t




njoy Banquet , Act As Alumni Guides

uturc Homemaker of America promote c r er in homcmakinu and pon or the annual v. ccthcart Banquet.

Upholdmg hool tr dition and plannmg th • nnual Alumm Da are the two mam objccu cs of the Jr. Alumni Club.

Jo \Vtggin JR ALU 1 I \\ ETHEART


B 't.S PEP ll B K 'HUNG D uth,,dl T lauderdale, G. \\oo lc\, T. Robertson J Booth, G. ance, J Wh1te, D holl D Baker J \\ h pplc RO\\ 0. I: G Hank, D hanoff. P Rc)nold J , J tark J Belt, B. Badk) B Moran, J Ro~rt, R lmle E m1th R 1Hrs J Kendall RO\\ T\\0 D M1ller, B Hdckl man, L O"m, P UJI!m, F. Ma,nard M Shccklc, R Vlam B Devall G W1l Harraman R I atrba1 k R Cable I hambcr C mk G Reynolds M 1ullmgs D • rause, L Hcnsle}, Mr E Bradford ROW THRE B \rnonds B Br \er, D Brad ha\\, 1. R•g b) B Emcr on R Kukuk, D tover L Uhl. J Robert on, J Jones, J. Shahan M Cantley obb C Drumm T Clark, J Farquhar, l l.aHelle ROW FO R F Collm , H DaVIS, E Collm , I.. R1kard J Walker, G Bou M R•dgcll. M lknnett l Holl n head J I r JO, J Rmehart, C B rkenb1lc J Harn B l-n cl, \ . Reece, l Barber, C \\ oodruff, F Qmntero R tatharn RO\\ Fl\ E G Ander on J Arm trong rnnh, J Broadhur t, l) Johnson, J R1chard n, • \\ oodruff L Merrell, J 1evar, J M•ze C Ga uneau l. Albn ht R L DaH~nport l urnmers R D. Rod ers, T Bro\' n M te\\ art, J Jdfrc) s, C. Qumtero, R Huff, J D Worn k, J B \\ nght

Boys Reactivate Pep Club, Boost School Spirit Reactivating a dead pep club is no small ta k, but it was done thi rear with the help of Hill lettermen. Filling the void left b 1 the demise of the three previou bo ' pep group , the new group wa organized on an informal ba i , with no du , and no official uniforms. Their cheer tole the how at mo t pep as embli , and influenced other mal to join in the yelling, too. Throwing confetti became a trademark of the dub, as did their favorite yell. "Rah, Rah, Ree, Kick 'em in the knee!" Darlene Brown

BOY ' PEP CLUB S\VEE'n-IEART BOYS PEP CLUB FRO IT ROW B Rodgers. P. Pennmgton S. Cobb, B. Bro :n, T. Brown, B Scholl D. Scott. P. Qe,dand, F Lehenbauer, C Osborn T. pencer, B tnckland G dson RO\ T\1. 0 D Ja k n, D Gum r, D. Carpenter, J Ballard, 1) McEivany, M Hunssken, G Manek, D Hackett, B 1ler, R \\1lhams R Hou ton, L Davenport, M Mulhn, S. Smnh ROW THREE. J. freJO, M Ste\\art. R t"\\num, J Roberts E \\ ea\cr, ). Mager R Gentry M G1bson, B. Barnett, S H~mlm, T. Bond, R. M1Uer, L. Bolen. ROW FO :R. J. Wahncc, R. Raper, W 'oakes, J H gh l. umrncr R Huff, R D nrus, J. Armmong, L Merrell R. Harns, T. Hmklc, K. Butler, J. Wilson, L. Bdchcr, L Albnght, J Booth, M M1 kouky, D. Raper ROW FIVE N H•ll. A Albm, D. Ste"\\art, T. Clark, J. hahan, M. Cantley, I. De ker, K Bu hanan, K 'elson, V. Reece B. Barnes, D hdby, D Hudson C. Grc ham, T Lauderdale, T. Phi111ps, D. Bntton, L. Arnold, R Jones.


DIA A MEALY and Ruth andcrs r cru1t member for th lub dunng the Red km Roundup.

G1rl ' '0 '

Club Stages Faculty--Student Volleyball Game pon oring a f cui '- tudent voile ball game, two pep as emblies, and the ale bo " of Chri tmas Card were of 2 project of th Girls' "0" Club. I roceed went tow rd bu) ing gym blou , wimming robe , tennis wcater , pep tags, a

foldmg tret her for th clinic, and a contribunon to the Umted Fund. Gtrl mu t ha\c a "C" or higher grade \C c and letter m tv.o sport . ike Gtrl ' 0" Club "Budd\" i pceglc, h:tlfb, ck on the football team.

1AJORE1TE . Barbara Ain :worth Ro ita Craig, Marilyn Gra\ltt, uc Kincaid, K th · C cy, Carol Hi .

Majorettes, Swing Band Perform For Skin Activities Freezing weather, rain, leet, or snow couldn't top the CHH majorettes from demon trating their twirling kill at gridiron battle or pep a emblie . "Ri e and hine" for 7:30 band practice wao; one of the b\ -word for these 1 · energetic girls.

vel) thing from the mu ic of Glenn 1iller to that of Chubb, Checker wa heard piping from the field hou e during after- chool practice of the Red kin wing Band. Directed by 1r. 1eh in Lee, the· swing band pia\ ed fo1 formal dane . ock hop , parties and a emblie .

WI. ~c BA '0. FRO IT ROW· Gary Bo d, Gmtar; Jerry teph n , T nor ax; Ralph Wi~er. Alto ax; Larry Ha r, Alto ax; Bill Stine, Baritone a·. RO\V TWO: Larry Taylor, Trumpet, Bill Hackleman, Trumpet; Ronni Clayton, Trumpet, Richard Gregorv, Trombone, Danny Ch nut, Trombon ; K ith Kilpatri k, Trombone. RO\V THREE. Melvin I ee, Director; John Belt, Drum , Tom Oark, Ba


Chari \\cck


Honor Club Adds Members; Red Cross Makes Chest Rc 1 mg an c tra honor tht e. r v. r mcmb r of the anonal Honor oct t). 1l1 m mbcr ' name w r pi ced in vith th Honor tet\ emblem. h v. Tht v. til remain on dt pl ' throughout th ho I 'car with . m new member b mg dd d to the list.

Gt\ mg id :tbro:td and here at home wa th go I of our HH Jr. Red Cro . A h t ' as ftlled v. tth 'er)-da need nt to :1 foretgn countn. Th en to b rollmcnt fund wa u eel to bu nulk for th n d . 1an\ of th club memb r pJrttctp:ne m \oluntccr v.ork tn ho pit:tl .



ECTIO 1 FDITOR Dt na Ford, Ronm B liard, and g number "ith Ind F.dttor 1artha \Valter check 1 1anlyn Rippee and Pete Munoz.

KAY • ELI , Dar! n Bro\\ n, and Jo' c 1ibl tt talk 0\ cr id a to be u d in thcir uons of the CHH·FTAl. 1

GEORGIA SAGER Pam William , \V nona Landrum, Kar n Tutor and Diana Dillon check pictur for th cia cctton


"SMILE PRETil', a Daml\ Wlutecotton to the ubj t a Btll • C\\ num prepar th cam ra.

Chieftain Staff Plans, Produces Best Yearboo Yet Chtcftain t H r y.orked hard plannmg Ia •out , wnnng cop\ , nd taking ptcturc to produce what the\ b lteve 1 one of th fine t e: rbooks y t. It wa not II work . nd no plav for the t Her . and work hop , B td attendmg variou p rti orne of th m participated m a nanonal convenuon held 111 Chtc. go. Ilhnoi , m lovemb r. Edttor J. n wafford 1anagcr }o\ cc tblett acult , Acad mic Di nna mith chool Ltfe D rl n BraY. n Ka elf Orgamzation lom1a Placker Artist Pam William mor Ronmc Ballard tstant \V nona I andrum G orgta agcr i tant K rcn Tutor Barb ra Bern , Diana Dillon M rth. Walter Girl ' port Bill 1cwnum Bo\ ' port , Ph ographer Dann' Wlmcconon A i t nt Ph to raphcr 1anl n Ripp c Ind dttor Pete 1unoz lndc A 1 tam Ph IIi Dri ktll Circul. tion •n g r her Dri ktll Circulation A nt Lind • 1cClell n, Cop \Vm r lorma I lacker Jo ondr Culpepper Advisor


lhng publtcauon p c.kcu nd taking p • Dri kill Ph lh Dri ktll nd Barbar Bert).

S\VAFFORD edt tor, rC\ 1




ndra Culpepper, taff dowi or.

COPY\VRITI G a i nm nt arc gt\cn to Lind Pia kcr b, f cult ection editor, Dt nna 7J

Yolanda Young

ECO OMICS CLUB QUEE PUU.ING CAPITOL Hill. to victory in their super wagon, cl1 c dubbcr al o announce ilieir float.

Members Send Christmas Cheer To South Korea Eighty member of the Economics Club pooled all their nickels and pennies and were able to end 2400 pound of food to outh Korea at Christma . Another project was the annu 1 Birthday Calendar, which they produced, edited, and sold.

Although no out-of-state trip were taken, there were parties, which took the form of western, hobo, talent, and floatbuilding parties. Frequent trip were made to Lake T exoma where member enjoyed tenni , swimming and horseback riding.

!ECONOMICS CLUB K 'EEU 'G i Tcndall, J Murphy, J Btrd~c:ll, E McCathc:m l Taylor, J Rc:c:d, J tark, J Kendall FRO, T RO\ Mr l H. Bengtson ponsor D Smith H1 t, K Self, Ht t; \Voodruff A s't Sec., Y Youn c: Dacon, V P; G hort, Pres; P Wtt n Trc:as, J hahan )gt at Arms R D nm, -at-Arms, J N1gh, Chap. ROW T\\0 J Col man l lc:c: J mtth, tc:phc:n M Ra ltn K 'a oung. R •hll r, T. Blakc:nc:} S \\ ooll\c:r, G Thompson, B Olsm, L Thomp n T Clark J Mtzc:, l M1lhc:an. ROW THREI A Mead w l Cox, D. Me 'allv M Bc:lt, C Schrock, C McCorm1ck J Mornsc:u, M. hror hrrc:, J Thoma, B Bruml~, M Em1l. B Cc:bulc: ky. K Tutor J Hc:nson RO\ FO R L i ally. Z Pmkc:rton ROW FIVE V. Robc:rts, Bryant, R \\ rlkac: D ptva, B Htll, D Gnmc:s, K Coy, J. Craft, P. Ruth, B. \ dis, G Nance:, R Gc:tslc:r, P Coyle: L H1cks, W McGc:c:hon, C Thomas, J Cullen ROW IX D Taylor J And r n K Moore:, K Pncc: D Ford, R Aldndgc: J Ferguson, M Yc:ck, l. Frc:dnck, • Hc:nry, J Armstron , C. Shc:c:ts, W. Rc:c:cc:, P P1c:rcc:, R W&Sc:r, i . Candy, K '1lpatnck, B Magno\losky


F ench Clubbers Sponsor Peasant School In Alps pon orship of a peasant chool in the rcnch Alp wa th ou nding accomli hrnent of the French Club thi ear. In order to earn money for the project, the group ld doughnu and Redskin car bumper tag , nd spon ored choolwide paper drives periodically.


Ka If lCH CL B B


Clubbers bought the first club sweater thi ear, and de igned an embl m to complement them. A 'Parisian Indian' holding palette and bru h and v.earing a beret g c the b ck of each hitc cardigan. embers built a float, al o, and planned a } ear-end trip to Colorado.

Redskins Meet Weekly For Morning Devotionals A dedicated group of ) otmg f cople arri\e earh each nday mornmg for a b hort de,otional penod before cbs gin for the day. Orgamzed in 1946. the B1ble H1 tory Club under the pon or h1p of Mr . Hett e ummer , the club changed 1 name to Morning In piration Club Ia t year. \Vith an acti\e membership of 75, the non denominational club enjo hymn ingmg and hon: addre es by mini ter of variou outh ide church . One of thi car' highlight was the talk g1\en b Youth Evangeli t Johnn Bi ango at one of their regular meeting . oc;al function of the club was an initiation dinner at Dodson' Cafeteri., honoring their new member . Fund-rai ing project was the ale of cripture text lui tm. card . Club pre idem, Barbara Reid, \\c sal o elected queen for 1%1-62.


fOR, I, G ), 'SPIRATJO, . FRO IT ROW Mn Shank, ponsor; B R 1d, Pre ; M. 'ichols, Treas, P. Pnce, 11 1 tant Sec; C. Ma smgalc:, Sec; •. Woodruff, Son Leader, A. Terry, Hut; J Grable, 2nd V P; C Pndmore, I tV P; J. Gage, D!:'ottonal Ch'm, Mn ummc:n, Spans r, Mr Gassett, ponsor. ROW 0 J Scnn, G Thomp on Dauthlt., C McCorm1ck, K B Bennett, L. T1pt n, G Wtlson. B Tipton S Funk, J. O'Brpnt, B. Stubbldtcld, 1 Gothard, 0 Adam, Dacon, J tt C. tephc:ns C Ward, V mglc:ton ROW THREE C Allred, L. Hughes. G. Anderson, C. Bro\\e, L Lee, G Wmgftcld, • Jay, L Holbnd, J. Murphy, Hmes, D Graham, L. Cubmy, L McClam., K Young, T. Blakeney, Z. Pinkerton, J. Cornett, C. Case, P lc:\\1 , K. Barnes ROW FOUR B B nc:s, G Grove , L f1lhcan, C Dav1s, P Whttson, B Lc: tc:r, R. fcAnulty, T. Shelton, J. Reed, J Blrd"cll, M Belt, J Cumrrun , L Rnchc:y, J Oldham 1 trc:c:tman, L. mtth, S. kmnc:r, Mtll· ood, J 'tblett, H. Brown, B cal, Pntnc:r ROW FIVE J. Rtchardson, J Broadhurst, E Coli ns, F Collm, K. Butler, J. Brc:\\c:r, B Brc:\\ r, \\'. Reece:, V. Rc:c:cc:, T. Hm ·lc:, J Soos, W Jordan, L Bolen, B. Bro\\11, J. 1gh, L Hammack, D. Hackett, C. Bc:rbc:nhllc:, J Soos. J. Farquhar, C. Ed\\ards.


; Joan Ma r Ot p, Pamda Mtddlcton, Mrs Harry, ponsor, Mtss Frrnch, ponsor,

Trra Mrs

Chr.stian Principles, Service Are Creeds Of Club Y-Te n , a branch of the YWCA, en the community by working hand in hand with the YW on charity • nd ocial projects. 1anaging th rodent bookstore al o took up much of their time. The had two formal aHair thi 'ear, one to cro~ n the Y-Teen "Buddy," and the other to install new member and oHicers.

Hi-Y' w rc kept on the go thi year b' a "\Vorld en¡ice Program." The project was a mane\ -rai ing endeavor to help CA recreation centers in other finance countries. In , rch, the bo participated in a model legislative program, known as "Youth and Government" week, taking over tate governmental positions.

Hl-Y CLUB FRONT ROW George Bou Treas. R hard GenU), gt t Arms, Gerald 'ance Pres, Gerald Woosley, Sec; Darrel Ba er, V.P.; ROW T\\ 0 Ra m nd H u ton Mtke Mullm Gco R Hanks, John Rinehart, Gal) Reynold ROW TH E Richard Lutke, Gary Taylor, Mtke pc I l.conard Arnold Terry Laud rd , Ronm Ham

Dt:tn:t Dtllon



Thespians Stage Assemblies, Sponsor Twirp Dance "Curtain going up ... " Thi phrase is the cue for the Hilt~· Th pian group to take their places on tage. Thespians this 'car spon ored the T wirp Dance, a pep a embh, and Thespian l ight, when thev pr ented the

plav "Inf:tnt4 ," formallv initiated new club member , and crowned Bill tine and Diana Dtllon a King and Queen. The group al o pre ented kits, reading , pantomime , • nd one- ct pia during chool a emblie'i and at banquets.

THESPIAt 'S FRONT RO\\ Betty Claxton, H1 t , Grace \\ mgf1eld V P , B11l unr:, Pres ; Onnda Adams Rep , D1ana D1llon , Larry L'hls, Pari, 1 'ancv Sh1pl y. Chap. RO\V TV. 0 Juhe Ketchum, Bettv Dav1 , Sharon \\'at on brtlu Bdt, Pat y I.e:~•, Lmda loMe Karen Tutor, Patnoa Barton, Cathenne Bennett, M1 s Sara Cohen pon r RO\V THREE Cathv Turner Betty Lake\, Ton\a Soh D1ana Ford haron Gn • ham, Jan K1rk, Sandra Clancy. haron Sha\\, Laura Rn hev Kay Ed~ards, Barbara Berl) ROW FOUR Harold Hammrtt l.arry Barber, Bob BrowQ, Charles Woodruff, Le~u Davenport, Robert Luttrell Kenneth Bucha1:an Wa)ne R1H~, Ja k Kendall, }1m Shahan, Brll Hackleman, Larry Holhngshead, Raymond Houston.


FRO T RO\V: Mr. unlock, ponsor; Glenn Bes inger, ec.; G orgc: piva, Pres.; Jim Garrett, V. P.; John Gun h Tre ROW nVO: AI rt H rraman, Robert F irb nk , G ry P bu. Walter o kes, Robert Ta lor, Robert Dcnni. ROW TI-IR ·E: Glenn Fo t r, Don Wh ler, Llo d Warren, Jim hah n, Ronnie Harri. ROW FOUR: ~ ott, Don outhv.dl, D n McEivany, John Thoma , John Bdt, Cecil ink.

Speakers Form NFL; Key Club Helps In Community h nng the honor ho t to the di trict conv nnon ' Ith eight other loc.l club w th highlight of the , e r for member of the Ke Club. Among th tivities of th club w ponsoring the Th nk giving b ket drive nd working in the chool book tore.

Gi, ing debates, dramatic reading and original orations t state nd invitation.l meets occupied mot of the ttme of FL members thi year. 1emb r hip i based on participation in the eight divi ion of the speech fidd.

.F.L FRO T RO · Jod Bryan. Mr. Semrod. pon or; 1 it Rid nour, ec., Jim Schuler, Pres.; Caroline McCormick. ROW nvo. 1arie mith, low na cCart ·. u Ha kin. Janie \Vright, Betty Lakey. ROW THR E: Larry L ughlin, G n Ru ell, S ndra Hendrix, Robert Luttrell, Harold Hammitt.


FTA FRO. 'T RO\\ Donald Go~ tt pon or, Barb ra le ter Pre , henan Hme ec, B rt\ Boucher Treas, Eum e Judd pon r RO\\ T\\ 0 Pat \\ r ght, Ernestine Gett} Kn \\ mton Coli n McCorm1ck, hac n t.U-..ood RO\ THREE: Mar} ue 1• ko~ ky, Bob Brown, T1ers Ann Glllemot Kathn.n Youn .

FT A Members Endorse "Apple For Teacher Day" An apple for the teacher is an old cu tom, but the Future Teacher of America dub member revive it each ·ear, pro' iding a hin ', red apple for each member of the CH facult).

FTA bring too-ether .II tudents e ted in teaching. It purpo e it to the opportunitie in teaching and to vate the qualiti es entia! in a teacher.

inter· how culti· good

Beck} Waul MI FTA



Van Vranken, Trea ,

Clubbers A ¡m Toward Futures In Medical Field Future edtc filled in the f1r t pag of their club' hi tOC) ' 1th two f1eld tnp to medic 1 cent r thi ear. Etghtccn member v1 iced c.

Anthon\' and Crippled Children' . Each member also spent IX to nine hour wcckh doing \oluntecr v.ork t the Veteran' Ho pita!.

ELVA \ an V rank en da pb, s the Future 1edi c lubic at Red kin Roundup Da .

J hn Stark 'I YI Kl 'G

DURI 'G THF Hom ommg PJtJclc th 'KI 't t offtc r foun out 'dn gr.mdml \\Orl a du ret :md gt.uulp:t \Or goggl

Ki Yi's Back Athletes; Aid Community Projects 'e,er a pare momenc need be had b~ am member of the Ki Ya Pep Club. Although at mam purpo e 1 to upport all athletac e\ em , time a al o found for other acri' itie . Thi \ear the orgamzanon w:ts the onh¡ high hool club an Oklahoma Cat\ to ell popp1e for the Di a bled V cteran .


To earn mone\ thev en e at ban quet , u her .1t 1\.lumcipal Auditorium, and ell program at gam . The pring Formal held an Apnl h1ghl.ghts th 'ear, • officer for the folio\\ mg \car < re . nnounccd and th gucen cro\\ ned. A cholar hap 1 given at the doe of the 'e:tr to the b t Ki Ya.

Fledskin i\rrovv Staff Fourteen \Vcdnc d.1\' out of the' car find Red skm Arrow ~taffcrs • t hool \cr. carh foldmg p. p r , 1rcpanng to dmnbute them to home room . F.nnreh a tudent l rojcct, the paper 1 pbnned, 'Mitten and cdncd b, Red km JOUrnal• t . STAFF

READY for a trip to the punt r' to JC:Jd proof on the paper . r "Chief'' Culpepp r, Linda McClellan nd 'anna Pbcker.

T num rec he~ picture a ignment from page editors D1anna Smith and Orinda Adam .


Linda McClellan Edttor -111- htcf orma Plackcr • ew P.1ge Editor Dianna mirh Edtton.l P. gc Editor Grace \Vmgftcld Fc.1turc Page Edttor Ormda Adam ports P. g Edttor Gerald nee A i rant port Ed•tor G raid \Voo ley Bu inc Man.gcr Pam Wtlliam Photogr. phcr Bill wnum E ch. nge 1-ditor Ph lit • 1adden Reporter Donn McClanah. n,Chen Elliott, P. t \ Lew• , Cectlta Pritn r, Robert Reed, K. th Barn , Jud Cullen, Kenneth Ha . Charlene . dbcrl), Donna Hill, Pat ~am I. uc \Vooll\er. Advi cr 1r. Jo ondra Culpepper

FIL of pa t i sue ar cxammcd by Pat~y l..c Judy Cullen and Grace Wingfield.

rovides Up.,To.,Date

ews Coverage For Redskins

mu t b marked daily and Donna Hill, • dd n do an ccur t J b


plain d to Donna 1cCianahan • nd Ccc lia Pntner by ad manager Pam Williams.

II G 1th a he dim ar K nn th Ha dl rry and Kath • Bam .

nd Woo I

get pi tur

Robert Reed and Pat


LA TJ ' CLCB. FRO 'T RO\\'. Ann 1 ado\\ , Ph} IIi Pennin!!ton, Era mae Baker, Ellen Dall. s, Barbara Bone , Pat \\ n lu. Carol E·nnque. RO\\ T\VO Jo Ell n nmh, L dia 1 lain hem 1ovak, O\\ana icC n , Gcncv Jon Janet ha'', Bett\ Bou her, Marlene Oa, 1 , Linda B nn tt RO\V THREE· Jud Cullen, Paul ti kne}, ue H wkm harron Cb, ton, Pat \ LC\\ i Gra c \\ ingfidd. Ru II \Vatti , Ri hard ott arl nc Bro\\ . ROW FOUR Ra Ru II, andra H mmond, \\ ilm ( Kerl y, I inda Pi kl Juanita "ear ngin, I oretta treetman, Gloria Gra' , Carol} n Ia\ ton. RO\\' Fl\ E Charle B rkenbile Kenneth Bu h nan, 1t•rl Hun akcr, Johnnv oo , Tom Hinkle, Robert Luttrell, Ketth Butl r, harl Dn1mm, John Thoma , Bill 1c\\num.

Latin Pupils Mix Pleasure and Work In New Club Hi ton wa m:tde thi \ear , fir t , nd tudent orgamzed the chool' fir t Latin Club. Purpo e of the new club was to timulate more interest in the Latin language and cu tom . 1aking the fir t \C:tr -..en acti\e one, the clubber planned and parttclpated m • L tin Dinner, Latin Dav and Latin \Veek. sc~ond 'ear Latin

11embers wore apl ropnate co tum~ and con umcd Roman food at the Ides of Mar h dmner which wa highlighted b, a , tiri al program. I tin \\feek wa a real t t of the clubher ' k11l in u ing the language. Durmg tim wne meeting were conducted entire), in Latin.

FRO. 'T ROW. hirle Fitzgerald, Kay Jav, Paula Drvden, Penn Price, Danford, ponsor; 'ita Ridenour, Glend Lo J..., Emma Ruth tcphen. ROW T\VO: B th Knight, \Vynona Landrum, 1ary Jon Emil , Barbara Ccbule k , Marilyn Giffn1d, M rgaret Con ti n, Orinda Adam , haron haw, B 'erlv Bruml , Pat Baird, Judy Hall, Linda Lee. RO\V THRE ·: Lmda Lowrc , Ga e Thomp on, Be.. erl mith, Lmda a~ r, J ri 'anc \Vilkcrson, Jean Ed\\ard~. Ja kie Clark, Paula Trantham, uzanne Da"i, Jean Dunlap RO\\ FOUR 1att Hudon, larry Gene Ru ell, • tc\c Hamlin, Ma · chmidt, Albert Harraman, G orge Rcvnold , Da,e nelgrov , Robert patrick, Larr Ta)Or, 1ik Fuller.


Swimmers, Stage Hands Create Two New Clubs 1ernl.ltcl '' 1 the n. me cho en b, th wrl . \\ 1111 t am for thetr orgam7.:ttl011 form d tht \ "np to AAU and collcg ' tm meet w re highlights of the ' .1r, lmu d b, thctr pre cnt. tion of the annual \\. ter b:tllct

Bchmd the ccne t C\cn taged e\ent . rc mcmb r of th Htll' cage crew. The group 1 re pon tblc for designing • nd on tnt nng all et . The al o h:tndlc ltglumg. 1c t.ll effect , ound and toragc of equipment.

I rr~ \\ alkcr, Pre .; Ermc Bruza. V.P.. Garland mtth , Hubert Rector, Trca .. (r Jure\ t. t Arm , Ton Zink Jerr no\'., Lam B mar \\'il n, Don 1. \\ II, Tra\i Bro\'on, Ronm T te, \\end II W lker, Jtm Rumbaugh. Jerry



• 1U ALPHA THETA. FRO, IT RO\ andra Dacon, cc.; Mrs. Hanger, pon or; Mike Fuller, V P.; Dona Scickn . RO\ V TI\ 0 \Valt r loake , Rob rt Fairbank , Fred Emry, Don \Vhet"~ ~

Hillmen Plan For Tomorrow In Math, Science Club 1u Alph Theta, the Honor • 1. th Club, \\a fir t organtzed in 1947 b, a olid geomet~ cb . It boa t of on of the far t charter ghen b, the national organization. An initiation banquet each pring 1 the big ocial C\ em of the 'ear for tha group. An expert on mathem tic 1 the [ eaker for chi annual occa ion.

Parttcapating in the con tntction of a cloud chamber, a obr tclc ope, • nd an anti- mog mufner were the . em ane of du \e. r' chapter of rhc •gm. Cht [ora. F teld rnp and atrendancc at the cience Faar plu variou ocial gathcrmg were added to the om ide-of- hool acuvm for chi a ti' e clan.

IG 1A CHI IOTA. FRO, IT RO\V. Phylli Pennington, e .; Virgil Rec c, Pre.; Dean hdby, V.P.; Lo\\ell Hartley, gt.-at-Arm . RO\V T\VO: Jam Ba ham, 1 rl Hunsaker, 1argaret on tien, John Hood, Mr. Hauser, pon or. RO\V T HREE: 1r. Eppcrley, ponsor, ndgro,c, Gary Ru II, Pub. i 1gr.; Bill) Whcatlcv, Puh. Mgr.



ecimals, Art Club Share Showcase Duties

1 kmg Chri tma v. rcath v. one of pttol the orth '' h1l act1v1tic of the H11l Art Club. Art dubbcr were tn charg of llannmg nd rrangmg d1 pia c. e for ch hall . 1cmbcr mu t h. \C a B \'Crage and da pia\ artt nc mtcrest'i and t: lent.


ifarch • meenng 1 held for L t kl homa tate L1bran Aid 1ar h Red km ophomore Jud Hall wa cle ted tate presid nt. To timulatc intcre tin books, librarianhap, and n trend in the hbr f) r.cld the chief goal for the De,,~ Dec1m I .

DEW Y DF IMA FRO IT ROW unningham, f n r, Ern un G tt , c.-Tr a .; George Re nold , V.P.; B rbara Tipton Pres· Mr. Loi Hall, pon r. RO\V TWO· Barb ra tubblcfield, Gloria Maddo , Pat Wright, h rron ton, na ti kn , , Jud Hall Ph lla I bill. RO\V THRE Laurie 1cGrout '• Ro Cook, Gerald Ro . mith, Lind Holland, Rep., Tier Ann Gall mont. 'ot pictured: Rita Gri g, Su Green Rog r Eaton, Bob Bro\\n L Chari Dun n, Gloria King Patricia Lo\\C, Janell Pre\\ett, Bobb} Rod nd haron Hen hall.



We Came To Grow And

e e e

To Graduate

Seniors Juniors Sophomores

HAVI 1G A SE TfOR PICTURE taken is a big proJeCt, o ~emor pre id nt }m1 Henry, secretary, and Larry Mullins, vice pre ident.


hahan get a helping hand from K thy

Class Of '62 e111or , at b~tl F. Ieven c. r of chooling ha\ gone uno m 1kmg that phra a real•t for the cl.1 of ' 21 And th ~cnior e r Ius been the be t of II. Tlu car we h tve en k1rt get hortcr hm-dm g t pmaf1cr, • ncl the d nces mor tr nuou s. Our t 1 t in mm1c revolved around the I re t clmcc cmz , the T wi t. F voritc re ord rc th "I cppcrmint T wi r," · I er' T i t A g:un," • ncl even the " other Go Tw1 t." On th mor ~eclat 1cle, we listened to the f1r t org m mu 1 to p al from th n '" aud1tornun organ. And we w the inauguratiOn of qui t '" ek for c am . In th nataon I ccnc th1s was t:he) ear of th 1 tronmt, th Bcrlm ri i , Pre 1dem Kenn d ·~ f1r t 'car 111 off1 c, and Mr . Kenn d gam topped th ' Be t Ore d Lt r. \\'c ho the theme \Vond rful if m one for our gr.1cluarion a m itie . . . the 1rom, th br akf. ~t. In al. urcatc, and fmalh com men cmcnt. To teal a Ime from Bob Ho1 ' th me ong, \\C :n, "Goodb, c, CHH , • nd thank~ for the mcmorie 1"

Ahtn Albm

Hayden Allen

Jean Alkn

M nha A h.son

EconomiC Ch 1")1 Allred


De c D

H, y

Judy Albn ht

lub, Bo 'Pp

\. P. Bo



HIEFfAI • taff P 'Club





lub Club Bo

lub Hat Ki y,·. un 1l Pr

. Kc I nn Albr ht

Janet Ander.son


Bruno Badtllo



Class Of '62 CATHFRI 'E BE ~. 'EIT Th p1an . Gl E 1 BF I GER Kc, Club Sec. WIU..IA. i BLAKELY 0 E Club Chap. n\'A A BLA 'Et ~EY tudent Coun i:, Fconom1 Oub, 1orning In pir:mon. CHARLF BLOU IT - Tc I Club. TOMMY BO '0 T I Club, Bo~ ' Pep Oub. JERRY BOOTH - Bo ' Pep Club, Football, Wr thng. JOH 'Y BO\\ LEG - T ·I Club. ETHEL BOX FBLA. CI· BRIDGE Girl ' Choru . JIMMY BROADHURST Honor oc1etv Pre ., tud nt Council Pari., Bo ' '0' Club OA VID BROTHERTO - T ·I Club. CAROL BRO\\ 1 D E Club Pari. tud nt Council, opho OARLE 'E BRO\\ c, Pep Counol Pre , Jr. Alumni, more Cia CHIEFfAI 1 taff, Bo~ ' Pep Club \\ecthcart. Hf:. RIFLLA BROW Morning In piration. Band. JOH 1 BROW 1 T I Club RICHMO D BRO\\ ' Band. SHARO ' BRO\\ FHA Chap. BE\ ERLE Y BRUMLFY 1orning lnsptration, Honor 1cty L1tm Club, D E Club, Econo m1c G:.lub. ERNIE BRUZA 0 E Club, tagc Cre\\ V. P. PATRICIA BUCHA A. Honor it , Concert Ch01r, En cmblc F-BLA. MIKE CA 'TLEY Econom1c, Boy' Pep Club cc , Pep Council. 94

Sharon Barber

Robert Bartl tt

Elame Barnes

Betty Barton



Mtke Bard n

R ta Beauchamp

Jerrd Beaven

thenne Bennett

W R Berl)h II

T anna Bl keney

B 11 B!a ely

Paul Blue

Tomm e Bo

Pat lka~ rs

John Bet

}arne Btlt s

M ke Bet

Rtchard B mm I


B ount

tght H I

O\ t:r

Do)le Blu

a m rc raduatton drc to Dianna mnh

o I



Tommy Bond

Bob Brown

Sharon Kay Brown

Johnny Bo\\lc:g

Ethc:l Bo

Carol Ann Brown

Darlc:nc: Brown

Patricia Bro n

Richard Brown

"YOU HEAD 'em off :.t the p:. , ' :.y Coach pccglc a he and Mr. Murdock dir ct the Prom' gr:.nd march. 96

uc: Bndg

J•mmy Br dhum

John Brown

Tom Brown

I rm Bruza

Bc:vc:rly Brumlc:y

Patrac•a Buchanan

Gl ri Cambron

Ehe Me


M1ke Carroll

Su Campbell




M1ke Cantley



Davuf Cantr II

Glenna Ca uthron

Class Of '62 T I Chap. TER Y-Tecn



V.P. T 1 Club. Honor OCtet • Girt' Rep, FHA, Th pian Hit.

Sharon Clumbers

Teena Chesnut


'0 Band

Ki Ya Pep ec., T ·I

Oub Gmg r Cl e

Betty Claxton


Middy Coates

iclissa Condit

Btlly Cochran

Ahond3 Coker

Jame Coleman

Ag!;!e Collyar

Linda Conner

BtU Coody

Ted Cook

Alan Corn tt

Class Of '62 LE\\ I DAVE 'PORT Thesp1an • Bo ' Pep Club, tudent Council. CHERYL DAVI tud nt Counc1l, FBLA, French Club, Red Cro , . 1orning In ptration, Junior Alumni. EL I R DAVI - T ·I Club. 1ARY LOU DA VI T ·I Club. A. 1 DRA DA VISQ, Junior Alumm, FBLA. EARL 1 E DA\\ O. T T ·I Oub, D-0 Club. IVA DECKER Bo, . Pep Club. VERBI 1 DECKER - D 0 Club. Ll DA DEIB L - Ki Yi Pep Oub Program Capt., French Club, FHA. JE 1 IE DEMARS - FBLA, Honor ocict). ROBERT DE \ I Key Club Board of DIrector . Economic Oub gt.-at-Arm , Boy ' Pep Club. PATRICIA DEPRIEST - Girl' Glee Oub, FBLA Honor Society, FL. JERRY DEA DU KI - T&l Oub. TOMMIE EAD S - Kt Yi Pep Oub EARL ECKELS - T I Oub, Stud nt Council. ROG ·REDDY D-E Club. D. C. ED\VARD - D-E Oub, Band. FREDE 1RY D 0 Oub, Mu Alpha Th ta. MARY }A1 1 E EPPE O, 1 D 0 Club. MIKE I· TLACK T ·1 Club Sgt.-at-Arm DALI EVERETT- T ·I Club. ROBERT FAIRBA K Key Club, Bo 'Pep Club, Bo s' '0' Club, 1u Alpha Theta 9

Waktta Co how

Luelle Coughran

Emtle Couture

Lmda Cox

Roy Cn s

Carolyn Cro land




Lmda Davadson

Betty Davu

E rlane Da\\son



() M r

R lxn D nm




1\'lln Decker

\VAU of th Acth it fi e tell the tory of th back m mon for cnior T ruh \\ hit on.

oa. .is



ear and bnng




Ro er Eddv

W1ham Engel

Sharon Dobbs

Arm~nd Edelm~n

Mary Jane Epperson

Jerry Du gms

D C. Edward

Dale Everett

HICKS came to the a1d of Johnny Stark in h1 campaign for the enior cia .s pre.s1dency. 100

Jerry Dunkm


Tomm1e fade


Fred Em!'\

Raben Fa1rbank

andra Faller



Barbar Foote

Jame Fnzz

M1 e ful er

LmcU Fulla

ndra Funk

Jtmmy G


Class Of .,62

Charles Gasunau

Jack e G1lbert

Ronald Geisler

T1crs Anne Gtllemot

M c Gb n

haron G•lllum

F LLER FHA, K1 Y1 Pep Club tudent uncd . • 1ARY ARQUHAR Futur Med• Club Pre . BILL FARRIER D 0 Oub. LI 'DA FL RRY 0-0 Club. LARRY FOR E T ·I Club. II DA FR DI·RICK Economi Club, Choir. JOH1 lr FRf·EMA French Club Pre. Ki Y1 P p Club. LE 'A ffiEEMA 1 T.:: I Club. JA 1 FRIZZELL T ·I Club. L1 DA GAIL F U..ER - D-E Club. 11K FULLER Mu Alpha Theta V.P., Laun Oub. A1 ORA FU 'K - Art Oub Rep., Morning In piration. JIMMY GARRETT- 'cv Club V.P., Ch01r V.P. CHARLF GASTI FA Bo '0' Club, Bo 'P p Club. RQ, ALD DEA GEl L R- Economics Club. T ·I Ouh. JA 'II· GILBERT Til A ' GILLE 10T - FHA, 0 we 0 1mal FfA, Junior Alumm, 0 ey 0 cimal Club Qu en. HARO. KAYE GILLHA 1 French Club. MAR\'I G E GILULA D - Red Cro , tudcnt Coun 1l, T ·I Club Board of Dirccto BARBAR GOFF T I Club. CHARLE GOOD 1A ' - Band. 'E GRAB£ E Band Color Guard, JA 'ET FBLA gt. at-Arm , 1oming In p•ration V.P. 101

1ary Gtllthan

:-.farvin Gilltland

Shc:lia Goodman

Barbara Goff

Charles Goodman

Jo,cc: Gordon

Class Of ,62 Bo • • Pep


oct ', KC)

Th pian , tud nt Council Comnuttec Chairman, Band Chairman, Pep Council, Boy ' Pep Club. ROY OWE 1 HAL T ·I Club. MARY 1.1 'DA HALEY - Girl ' '0' Club, FBLA. DOROTHY LOUI E HAMILTO 1 - Jumor Alumni, Y-Tccns, 0 0 Club. A ·oRA HA1 'A- D-0 Club. HARO , HARR Ll. - D-0 Club LOVELLA HARRIS - T ·1 Club. RO ~ 'IE HAWP D 0 Club, Bo} ' Pep Club. KARLA LEE HA YE - Economic Oub, Girl ' '0' Club V.P. KE 1 ,ETH HAY RED Kl ARROW Staff. PEGGI JO. 1 ES tudcnt Council, Jumor Alumni. Morning WALTER PAUL JORDA In piration. MARY HELE HEMBREE - Girl ' '0' Oub, forning In piration, FBLA. 102

Donna Graham

Ty Gray

Larry Gramltn

Lola Green

Manl) n Gravm

Troy Grc n

Marcdla Gr


Jo r


H t


Sharon Harrell

R nn c: Ha IX

Troy Grove:

Lovdb Harn

L)nc:tte Ham

A T OCCUPATIO \\ an occa 1onal fall,

Bc:nn Hamson

L hazard of commg to hool m Janu rv 1la La\\ renee can t uf 103

Kenneth Hay

Und:a Henlev

Kathl} n Henry

l.ce H n lev

Dallas Hen lev


Jan H n n


.. •



' '

Barbara Herman

Btll Hibbard

Dons Htbbcn

JUKEBOX music was forbtddcn during qmct week o Bctt' Barton and Pat mith prepare to lock up the 'offender.' 104

Carol Htx

E I ne ll•m

henan Hmcs

J hnn c



Ron Huff

H rn

ammy Hulin

u Hudd ston

Betty H rm k

Jo cc Hul

Jack Hum r

Class Of ,62

Concert Choir, Jumor




lub, 'i )

tudcm Coun tl, cp Club Umform

pt, FHA.

Ru 5dl

J hn





JA K K DALL tudent Council V.P., Th p1an Bo ' Pep Oub, Band, Economi Club, Pep Counetl. Ll DA 1ARIE KERR FBLA. KARO ' KILPATRICK- T I Club. lOS

James Jo~


\\alta Jorcbn






Barbara John

Donna • ellcy


Jack Kmd II

Carole ·err


Carol Jord n



Class Of '62 P T KIT 0


Ki Yi P p

lub, Junior

Club Chap .•

Unda Kerr


Earl 'tdd


ndra 'tdd


til n sw nh

Karen Kilpatn k



he e-r

lma Jean • ratz


n l.tlly

Robert Unle

'eva Kmg

fo ce 'trkham

Luenna Land

Pat Kttson

Jeann Lane

plaming a


Tommy Livingston

iorris Lu

Glenda McCool

Glenda Lock

Doranna 1 O\te

Manlyn Lutts

Rita McAnulty

Kathlcm McConnaughy

Patnaa Lowe

Evel) n McCathern

Amos Lozano

Ltn<b McCldbn

James McCorma

''WHAT A big head you have," quips }e41n Allen as he measures Roxanna 1tllcr for her enior mortarboard.

Joe McCnl1.

Barbara McCurdy

l.aune McGrouty

Billy M 'ean

Eu en Martm

Jerry M rtm

Joan Ma ar

8 rbara Ma n

Lou Ann Ma en

Ro 1


Earl Markley

Ann Meado s

Class Of '62 LOREITA fBLA

D E Club, tud nt Coun-

Kt y, Pep Oub V.P ..


htrlq M ller

Loretta MilliCan



Jimmy Mize

Lmda Montgomery


James Moon

Chn une Moore

Robert Moore

Richard Morava

Class Of '62 KATHLFE 1 1cCO, '. 1AUGHY FBLA. JA 1E McCORD T I Club. MARCIA COLLEE1 1 1cCORMICK - French Club Rep., FfA. FREDDI McCOY T ·I Club. JOE 1cCRAW Jumor Alumni. HARO. KAY 1cCOLLOUGH Concert hoir. FBLA. BARBARA DIA. 1 E McCURDY FBLA. Junior Alumm, D 0 S\\e theart. BILLY DO 1 1cDA 'IB.S D-E lub. LAURIE ALLE ' McGROUTI' - Dcwe Decimal Club. RED KI 1 ARROW GERALD A CE port Editor, Hi-Y Pr ., Economtc Club, Bo\ Pep Oub, tudent Counczl. Art Club, tu· LORETTA JA 1 E NEELY dent Council. BILLY DEA EIMA 1 - Boy ' '0' Club. DEA E\\ LU - T I Club. Laun Club, RED Kh BILL 1 \ \ 1UM ARRO\\' CHIEFfAI YEARBOOK Staff . tud nt Council, OCIP A. 1ARY 'ICHO 1orning In pirauon, Trca ., FBLA. JERRY IGH Mommg In ptrauon, Bo ~· Pep Club, Boy ' '0' Club, Economtcs Club up. KAY DELORO 'IX Art Oub. WALTER 'OAKES Key Club, 1u Alpha Theta. 'A l TOVAK Y-Tecm, FBLA, 1orning In ptration, Stud nt Counczl. 110

loretta Mose

leon Mo

Bill Mulhns

Janey 'edy






B 11




e '(lOrt



'RAH, RAH, REE, ki k 'em m th kn of the bo) ' (?) pep dub.

" chant the m mber


\Valter • 'oakc

Nan • 'ovak

Judy Oravetz

tha Orr

Oleta Parham

Bruce Parks

Jennie O'Bn ant

Maunce Oden

Robcn Page

Raben Pappas

Shtrley Parks

TWISTERS Polly Ann Lauderdale and Lucnna Land perform the last t dance craze during a pep a sembly. 112

tcH Parks

John Paul

l nn Oldham

bel) n Parker

Pat Pdtter n

June l'ncn

R bert Pm

Mmme P1lgnm

Don Perce

Class Of ,62



Kay Pollard

Larry Don Pogue

Gal) Pulh m

I rnc


Qu ntcro

B B PAGE Bov ' '0' Oub, Bo ' Pep Oub. BOB PAPPA Honor octcty, 1u Alpha ThctJ, Concert hoir. OU:TA VIRGI. lA PARHA 1-Y-Tcen V.P., tudcnt Counctl, T I Club, Y-Te n cethcart. BRU E PA ' T I Club Red Cro HIRLI Y PARK - D-0 Club. EVfL MARIE PARK R 't Yi Pep lub, FBLA. PAT PAlTERSO FBLA H JSt., Junior Alumni. \VE 1 0 LL PECK - T ·I Oub. PHIL PE ' I GTO! Boy ' Pep Club, Bo) ' '0' Club. RALPH PERKI '5 - Honor Society. CH ·RYL L t PICKETT- FBLA. DO ' PIERCE - D-0 Oub. RQBERT PITT - Band Clap. JOH ' PITTMA - Boys' Pep Club. 'OR 1A PLACKER - RED Kl1' ARRO\V Editor, CHI EFTAli ' taff, tudcm Counol, Time T ccn Corr pondcnt. 1ARILY 'AY POLLARD - Concert Choir, D-0 Pr . GARY DALE PULLIAM - D-E Oub. ER EST QUh 'TERO - Bo · ' '0' Club, T ·I Club, Bo • ' P p Club. ARY RAWLh ' - Economi Club, Girl ' '0' Club, Latin Club, Red Cro . JOH RAY-Bo ' '0' Oub, iu Alpha Theta. HUBERT RE OR T I Club, tage Craft r "\\. 11)

rvdla Redden

\Varren Reece

Jud Reed

Robcn Reed

Barb ra Rc: d

Class Of '62 ARV LLA REDO N tudent Council. \VARRE1 , LEE REECE - Concen Choir Pre ., 1orning In piration, Economi Oub. JUDY REED - Economics Club, Future Medics Club, 1ormng In piration, Band Queen. BARBARA REID-Concen Choir Sec. · T reas., 1ornina In pirauon Pre ., 1orning Inspiration Queen. JOY BETH REID - French Club Hi t., Junior Red Cro . CARLA JEA• 1 RE1 1 FRO - T ·I Club Rep. BILL REY1 10LDS- T ·I Club. ROSE EITA REY OLDS - D-0 Club, Fr nd1 Club. MIKE RIDGELL - Bo · ' Pep Club, Red Cross. JOH, '1 ~y RAY Rh 1 EHART- Concen Choir. Ll1 1 DA RISE, HOOVER - Ki Yi Pep Club. LAURA RITCHEY - Thespian . Morning In piration. \VAY E RIVES fund, Thesptans. JERRY ROBERTS - T ·I Club, Bo • ' Pep Club. HARO. ELAI 1 E R ERS - T ·I Club, FHA. SHERRO. 1 GALE ROW A - Morning lnpirauon. Jl 1 RU 1BAUGH Stage Craft Crew. LA 1ETHEA RUTHERFORD FL. Economics Club, French Club Trea. RITA RUTLEDGE - D-0 Club. BRECK RYKER - D-E Club. LARRY A 'DERS - T&l Club. NEIL SA DERS - T&I Club. 114

Joy Rc:•c:l

Rose Ena Reynold

Mike: Rc:•d

Carla Renfro

Mike Rid dl

I rene: Rmehan

Johnny Rmdurt

linch Risenhoover

Laura Rnch


crry Rttch y

Donna Robcns

Carol Robmson

haron Rogers

C nth a Ro lans

h rron Rov. n

ron Rowland

J•m Rumbaugh

Ann Runnds

Rita Rut! dgc

Danny Samp s

\\ d Rushin


u sell

La c-thca Rutherford

"THI IS ju t peach fuzz, my dear bo ," brag B1ll Hackleman, combing Harold Hammitt' beard. I If

Roger anchez



Jim Shahan

larry ander

Kay Self

Conme harp

Nc1l and rs

Ann Sargent

Donald Schom1ck

lkrnadctte &peda

Paul Se ell

Audna hackclford

Bob ShcrrcU

Lonme Shidler

Charles Shecu

MY WORD! Didn't the chool board ban knee-ticklers and weatshirts for campus ..,ear? 116 Sh1dds

Glenn Short

M1kc Shrop hire

D1anna m1th

Don Skidmore

Donna uc m1th

Sharon Skmncr

Ed Sm1th

C D. Slo\cr



Charles Sm1th

Lmda Sm1th

Class Of ,62

P t


Phvll1• mnh

Patnoa m th

mut m1th

Pat y Sm1th

iuy Lou \Ute

DO ALD SCHOLL - Bo , ' '0' Club, Boys Pep Club. DO 'ALD CHOR '1CH- T I Club. CHARLES SCHROCK - Economtcs Club, Art Club. Jl 1 CHULER- 'FL Pres. IKE EATO ' - Economi Club. RICKEY SEBREE- D-E Oub. 'A Y ELF - French Oub V. P., Ki Yi Pep Oub, Pep Council Rep. Pep Council Sec., · onomi Club Hi t., French Oub Belle. B R 'ADElTE ST PHA 'IE EPEDA -Y Teen . PAUL EW "LL- Bo ' Pep Club, Bo ' '0' Oub. AUDRIA H CKELFORD - FHA. Jl 1 HAHA, 1 -Economi Oub gt.-at-Ann, Th ptan , Key Club, tudent Council Committee atrman, cnior Oa Pres., Bo ' ' Pep Club. CO 'IE HARP - Honor ociet '• D-0 Oub. CHARLI HEET B nd V.P., Economic

tudcnt Council, hoir. GLI· T HORT Economi Oub Pres., 1u Alpha Theta Pr , Honor iety, Bo ' '0' lub, Junior Mar hall. 11KE HROP HIR. - E onomi Club.

Kav Swydm

Dav1d Ta lor

BtU ymonds

Larry Taylor

Carol Taylor

Carol} n Taylor

Robert Taylor

haron •ay Taylor

Merlene Tendall

Ahce Tem

Claudia Thomas

John Thoma

Gerald Thomp n

Lmda Thompson

haron now



Class Of ,62 HARO, 1 KI, 1 'ER - Morning In piration, FBLA. CHARLE MITH - Band. DIA \ rA 11TH - Economics Oub Hit., Student Council, CHI EFTAI taff, REDKii 1 ARROW Staff, OCIPA Hist. DO. 1 'A UE SMITH- T •I Club Hit. ED MITH - T ·I Oub, Boys' Pep Club, tud nt Counctl. GARLA rD S 11TH tage 0aft Crew ec. Lit 'DA J A ' flTH - FBLA T reas., Morning In piration . HTH - FHA Pres., FHA PATRICIA A 1 Queen. PAT Y A 1 ' 11TH-Honor Soci ty, FBLA. PHYLLI LEE 11TH - T I Club. AM 1Y 11TH - T&I Club. SMUT SMITH - Boy ' '0' Club, Economtcs Club. MIKE PEEGLE - Boys' '0' Club S c., Girl ' ·o· Oub Buddy. GEORGE SPIVA - Key Club Pres., Bo ' '0' Club. CAROLY PRADL11 ' - D-E Ouh. JEA STACEY - Student Counctl. JOHt 1 !Y LE STARK - Boy ' '0' Club, Boy ' Pep Club Pr .. Economic Oub, Ki Yi Kmg. CATHEY JA E TEPHE $-Concert Choir, FBLA cc., Morning Inspiration, Choir Encmbl , Mi FBLA. EMMA RUTH STEPHEN -Economics Club, Latin Club. II

Gene Sopher



Barbara T p on

Carol\ n

Jan Staccv


Jan S111-afford

Carol Ann Stovall

M1ke Todd

" URELY ou can make room for JU 1tll r, cmg cluttered lunch table.




:nl Pam


Carolyn Tolson

Sandy Verrier

G M \\ails

Anhur Trapp

1ary Vanstckle

Frances Voer ter

Patsy \\ adc:

Larry Walker

Ourlene Ward

Gram Ward

Larry Ward

Terrv Ward

Llo d \Varrcn

htrlcy \ a son

" HHH' TI1e high\\ay patrol doesn't knov. there ar eight of u m here," \\hi pers Yolks o~\ncr, Jane


felva Van Vranken

ftll r.

Pat Walker

Don :vh ler

Jamc Wh tc

Jane Wh1te

Ted White

Class Of ,62


Br ly Wrgnall


J \\


pcncer \\1




Jo Waggms

DO SfE\VART - T&I Club. DO A STI K T Y - Ki Yi Pep Oub U her Capt., ifu Alpha Theta, Honor Soctety, Library Oub. JOH T ffiL WELL - T ·I Club. BILL STI 'E - Thespian Pres., Band, $'1\ing Band, Thespian Kin~. 1 CAROL A STOVALL - D-0 Club. \VILUAM ULLIVA - Stage Craft Cr LEDA SWADLEY - D-E Oub. MARY LOU S\VAT K - FBLA. KAY S\VYDE - Red Cros . HAROLD WJLLIA 1 Y 10 ID - Future Medi Club, Pep Coun i1. A ITA JA WAFFORD - French Oub, tudcnt Council, CHI FTAh Editor, 0 IPA. JIMMY TALKI 'GTO - Bo ·' '0' Club, Boys' Pep Oub. DAVID TAYLOR - Bop' ·o· Club, Boy Pep ub, conomic Club. LARRY TAYLOR - Band, Economics Oub, wing Band, Drum 1ajor. tudent Council, Key ROBERT TAYLOR Oub. HARO T KAY TAYLOR - FBLA. U IDA 1ERLE ,E TE !DALL tudem Councal All- hool Cheerleader, Pep Counol, Economic Club, Honor ocict • ec., Prine of Print. Homeconung Que n. ALICE TERRY tudent Council ., D-E ec., ifoming In piration Hi t., FL, D-E Club Qu n. 121

Chtni \Vslham

Btlly Wshon

EIC"anor Wilham

Glenda Wil on

CLAUDIA THOMA tudcnt Council A t. All-School Cheerleader, Junior Alumni Trca ., Pep Counc1l V. P. JOH. IE THOMA - Key Oub, Economtcs Club, latin Oub. LYNDA THOMP 0 ~ Economi Club, FBLA, Jumor Alumni. ARTHUR TRAPP - T ·I Oub. MARY KATHRY VA ICKL FHA. 1ELVA VA VRA KE - Future Med1cs Trca ., FHA. A. B. VAUT- Bo ' '0' Club. A 1DRA KAY VERRIER - Gtrl ' '0' Oub, Mermaids Pres. FRA C EU.E VOERSTER - ~ ·I Club. PAT Y WADE- FHA Treas. LARRY WALKER - Stage Craft Crew Pres., D-E Club. LI DA WALKER - D-0 Oub. G. M. \VALLS Stage Craft Cr . CHARLE E WARD - FBLA, Morning In.piration TERRY WARD- Junior Alumni. LLOYD W ARRE - Key Club, Bo • ' Pep Club. - D 0 Oub, Student MARGO W ATSO Council. BECKY WAUL - Ki Yi Pep Club Trca ., French Oub Sec., FTA V. P., Art Oub c. WILMA WEEKS-Girls' '0' Club Pres., Honor odety, Pep Counc1l. BIU.IE WELLS- Economic Oub. DO ALD WHEELER - Key Club, Chmr, Honor oc1ety, Mu Alpha Theta, Sigma Chi Iota Sec., Student Council. 122

Darlene Wsllou hby

Pamela \\ sll am



Ktp Woodruff

<;haron Woodruff

Urub Wood

Paul Woodson

Gerald Wood y

Don Worthy

Manlyn Ycck

JI 1 1Y WHIPPLE - Bo · ' '0' Oub, Choir, Boy ' Pep Club, Choir Kin~. JAMES WHITE - Boy ' 0' Oub, Boy ' Pep Oub. MARIA JA E WHITE -- Red Cro , FBLA. FTA, Honor icty, French Oub Parli., Girls' '0' Club gt.-at-Arms, Mermaid V. P. TED WHITE ~ I Club Pr . PATRICIA A 1 \VHIT 0 Honor caety V. P., 1orning In p~ration, Economi Club Trea. JO \VIGGI - French Club, tud nt Council, Junaor Alumni Pre., FBLA, Junior Alumni

s. . cetheart.

Yobrub Youn

Charhc Youn cr

Ceo! Youn cr

Gl nda Zanola

Class Of '62

1AY 31 .....11 Ion b rcmcmb red b the cia of ' 2 a the end of tileJr hagh chool e nd th beginnin of "tomorro ."

BIUY WIG AU - T ·I Club. P CER \VILCOX - Boy ' Pep Club. CH RYL WILLIAM - FHA, Y-Tecns ICC Rep. ELEA OR WILLIAMS - Thespi n . PAM LA JEA \VILLIAM 'j Yi Pel Oub Pr ., Girl ' '0' Oub Re ., Pep Counci , CHI EFTAI taff, RED "I ARROW taff, tudent Councal, OCIPA. D01 1 WILSO 1 - ~ I Oub. GLE 'DA JEA \VILSO - D · Deomal, M1xed Choru , Morning In piracion, Student Council. LARRY WILSO '-Art Oub, ta Craft Cr . ROY \VILSO T - Boy ' '0' Club. VELMA WILS01 - Student Council, Honor ociety. RALPH \VISER - Band Pres., S ing Band, Economics Oub. RITA \VO 1ACK - ~ ·I Oub, D-0 Oub. KIP \VOODRUFF- ornin Inspiration ng· leader, Bo ' '0' Club, Student Coun il, Choir tud nt D1rector, "ey Club, Red Cro . Bo ' Pep Oub. HARO, 1 \ \ OODRUFF - Economics Oub, Concert Cho1r, Jr Cia ec., tud nt Council. ll 1 DA WOOD - Band Color Guard, Future icd1c . French Club. PAUL \VOOD 0 tudent Counol, Band. GERALD \VOO LEY - Bo ' '0' lub Pr ., Hi Y cc.• Bo ' Pep Club, Pep Council, RED" I ' ARRO\V taff. DO \VORTHY Bo ' '0' Oub. 1ARILY A YE conom1c Club. YOLA 1DA YOU G Economi Club Economi Club Queen. CECIL WILLIA 1 YOU 'GER - ~ ·I Oub. 12}

BIG CAMPAIG igns paid off for Grace Ann \Vingfi ld, ecretary; Barbara Berry, vice pre ident; and D an McEivancy, junior class president.


Class of '63 Onnd


Raym nd Adudd U

L nda Alkn

&rbara Au " rlh

Danny Allred

B vcriy Akm

Jane Amo



Raymond Anderson

Ourlotte Arnold

usan &rr 11


Joe lkrg n

Rcth Bl


\\ bur

ar Bcrrv



Ramona fku han

Jo Bed

cnncth Bl




Class of ,63 Barb ra

Ma c BO\\lmg

Gary Bovd

Darrcl Brad haw

D;nid Bntton

Charl~n~ Brow~

Curtu Brown

Daanna Burleson

Lmda Burr

Mona Brazacr

Thomas Brown





lktt) Bou her


Ann Buu:

Judy Burk

D nna Burrell

Knth But! r

Ra hard Cabl~

a1 d (.adddl


Castle Carroll

Harold Cart~r

Johnny Calhoun

Elune Campbell

Don Carpenter

Phillap CaSC)

Charles Cavcndar

Harvey Chadwell



Edgar Cham~rs

David Charl~s

Dannv Chc nut

Mane Burknt

Kav Carter

Tom Chaldcrs

Betty Dav1

Marl nc Dans





pro-. c ocltcrw i .


John Da\

Da\ld Doonkeen

Brian Emerson

Jack Ddtnck

Roben l)oonkeen

Carol Ensey

Carol) n D


Jams Dot)

Danny Engh h

Carol Dods n

Johnn) De per

Lmda Doyle

Carol Ennque

Charle Drumm

Shirley Drake

James Euns

Judy Ferguson


OVER the parking lot att ndent? ' qu tion Linda Allen.

Kendall FrcJo

Sh1rl y F~tzger d

D1ana Ford

berry Flatt


Lloyd Doner

Larry Frost

Class of ,63

Torn Gonz.ale



Fd s Hal

Danny Gunter

Barbara Harre I

Hu h Harrell

Vddon Ha'l\pc:

Larry H


B 11 Ham

Jam sHa e

G" en <:.ood n

lknn GraveJ

Da td Gra

Georgta Grov

Ronn e Gro\ es


Jud Hall

Donna Harmon

Jamce Hamson

l.o dl Hartl y

James Hay

Albert Harram:m

LaVonne Harve

Ste'lc Healy


Gu nn

Alvm Ha~ I

DaVJd Hostetter

Herbert Hedgecock


Class of ,63

Teddy Jay


Johnny Jeffries

Ray Kordeluk•

Carol Kendnck

Julie Ketchum

haron Ktle

Flora 'trkham


l.rnda Lee

Mary Lopez


\\ ) nona l.andrum


Frank Lehenbauer

Don Lo ccby

1 nru Luca



Jo Knox

D n Loud rba

Donald Lawson

Paul Levan

Patsy le\\u

Jeanne Lucbkt

Mamtc: McCampbdl

8 rbara Lmd

Carolyn McClam

• ay McCullar

Ray McCul ar

Dean McEivany

Roben M




" THE DO NOT admit li t get I nger nder n he e amin the unpopul r li t.

er dav," I ugh Ruth


Donna McNally

Conme McNutt

Barbara Man ell

Mar aret Marunez

Bob Moran

Phillip Mathe n

Ph)lh Madd n

Mary Maddo

Earl Markle\

BJI fartm

Carolyn Martm

Estella Martm

Rudy Marun

Charle Maxe\

LouAnn Mav

Jame Ma nard

D1ana Meal)

Dalla Mclvm

\\ lima M11ler

'T Burleson's friend as h 132


Lonn e M1lls

tart ull tomorrow,' caution Diana Larry Merrill.

John Magers

haron Mills

Tommy Mandrell

Diana Montgomery

George Man k

Esther Morgan

Dale Mornson

J1m Mornson

Glenda Morton

JudyMo Icy

Margie Moyer

Donna Mulkey

Class of '63 Pete: Muno

Karen Murphy

Fr nk Myen


Sherry ' v.1k

Lan.a Paaval

Alta Pen

Zelma Pinkerton

Johnny Puckett

Margaret Porter

ry P bu

Jandl Prewett

Fr nk Qu nt ro

Jacqui Perkms

Ed sol Pn c:

Ma ineQu nt n

Bett Ann P1ckens


Pn e

Charle Terry

Ra P1 kc:tt

Penny Pnce

Lmda Ram

Richard P1erce

Charks Pndmore

George Re nolds


.tndra Robb



Bobby Scholl

lmda Rogers

Barbara Ro

Christine alaur


Georgia Sa er




Jumor R

Patnck .:am I

Ga1l Seales

Helen .:ander



Lu Ann Sdken

Beverly Sherman

Dean h lb\

JOHt l Y $00 really going Diana fcaly and Penni T rcloar~ lH




1argtc Moyer,

Wayne Shields

L) 1 n Sharp

311C) hlp! y

Bobby Stier

Class of '63

Mary n der

Rosalce prad mg



Jerry Stephens

Don tover

Uo d ummcr

trl y urf



Rtclurd Soh

Bob lee pea s

Tonp Sohs

Larry rcphc:nson

D Vtd te\\-art

Paul to e

Loretta tr unan

Mt e Ste\\art

John Stuck

Mary Teague

Murl Src: -art

Edith Summcrhtll

Glenda T emphn


Class of ,63 Gaye Thompson

Penm Tr l ar

Karen Tutor

Johnny Trott r

Larry Uhl

Patnca Wade

l.a\ena V. akenun

Sharon West

Btllte Wilkeuon


Owen VanVranken

Van Ttdmore

Jane Tull

Gloria Varone


Vtola Trammel


Paula Tra tha




Martha Walker

Martha Walters

Linda Whalen

Sandra Whtte

Jerry Whttnev

Ehzabeth Whaley

Forrest Wilkerson

Frances Wtlltams

Ja ie Wtlliams

John Wtlltams

Danny V.'ard

luron Watson

Judy Weaver


Ltnda Wtley

Paul Williams

Robert Wtlhams

Wanda W1lliam

andra Williford



GaryW 50n

)1mmy Wal50n

Jame.t Woo ems

Sue Wooliver

Carolyn Youn

Jam s Y unt

R nrue z~~,,nz

hd H1l

"YOUR B OK 1 a she n ak

"I JU T HFARD that J mtors !aim }tm


et paid for pt km


up tra hi"

1 7

PLANS FOR the Sophomore Picnic are underway • Jody Bryant, vice president; Caroline McCormick, ecretary; and president Mike Mullings check v.ith caterers.


Class of ,64

0 en Ba er

Pet Ba er

Johnny Ba! erd

Mervon Bang

I 9

George Boule

"ILL TAKE A TEAK medsum rare, ) Harold H m mm, ord ring hi lun h at th tee cream tand 140

Peggy Cart r

Sharon Carter

Mardteta Chappell

Carolyn Cogg ns

Class of '64

fredd e Coli ns

Dorothy Coli ngswort

Roy Coo

Gary Coon

Howad Cooper

Gary Cranda I

Suzanne Dav1s

Cerolyn Decker

Judy D


Terry De Moe

Mary Denson

B lly O.v e

obert Oaw

Peggy Dean

Carolyn Dodson


Jommy Ford

Carolyn Golmore

Sandra fortune

louos Go ns

Glenn foster

londa Gold n

Grecoe foun!a n

Son1a Georg

Gary Fran

Joyce Freeman

Pat Freese

Rochard Gould

loos Graham

Brenda Gram long

Dorothy ful enon

Sammy Graves

Class of '64 Danny Gravo!l


Cal von Gray

Doros Gray



Charles Grisham

Bonne G bson

Tommy Gr ffot

Rota Gr ggs

Howard Guneach

Charles Gunter

:Mndra Hammond

John Hammons

C erry Hampton

Dana Hay s

Merl Heel

John Gut

Del Heston

Barbara Holt

J mmy Helm

Donna H II

Donna Gr mes

Carol Hogue

Bob Ha


Barbara Ham ton

Jerry Ham lton

Sew Haml n

George Ha s

Haro d Hamm II

P y Is Harg

Donna H nderson

Norman Holt

T m Hollman

l nda Hodo

Caro yn Holland

luc lie Holland



Roger K Jby

laOonna K ng

"BUT THERE must b ome mt take ' cri Carolin Me~ mick to Mr. Ja.cob n a he di covers a light error tn her schedule whtch placed her in boy ' gym

Carol Klepoc



K ng

Beth Knoght



Judy Kratz.


Aur ce Konsey

Kenn th ruta

Class of '64 B fly Kuep

Jerry Laud rda e



le ma

Calv n Lon

Jane Loyd


Berty La


Sh rley lauderda


Janet leek y

Jud th Lueb

Danny landrum

J m L ver ch

Carol lew'

Gl nda Leug I n


Charlet long

Nancy Long

Judy Loon y

Glenda lummut

Ivan lorton

C e a Lut

Carol ne ~or,.cl<.

lei nd McElroy

Dor 1


enn th lkGraw

Danny Lowe

ichard llll e


Wanda tk ay

Olemery Lew s

L nda Lowe

obert Lut rell


Patr caL ne

Jeanne te Lowe

Robert l v ngston

Jenny ~re ght

W•lma Me urly

Carol Lloyd

Carolyn lov n




Don McCollough




Forrest Mayn.rd

M.. eMs ovs y

Jerry Mann ng

Pat Mooney

Douglas Moore

Class of "64 Judy Neal


G ne


eoth Nels0<1

Dora Ann Newman

Jerry Moore

M.rv nNe son


ewv1 le

M keN chols

Pat N cho s

lest rOw ns

James Pittman

Duan Pntchard

R taP tzer

Cecet.a Pr Iner

Peggy Pledger

Nancy Pr tn r

l nda Porter

larry Puc ett

l nda Par s

Tommy Port r

Jac Pug

Donna Presson

e Puree I

VIC e Pneto

larry Pnce

Paul Ou


ny Ou ntero


Velma Rob rts

Oevod Roder

Kenneth Robonson

Terese Rodroquez

Sherry Rc»

Jc»eph Rodgers

Jody Ross

Don oger

Renee Rouueau

James Rogers

Joyce Rowden

Donna Rodroquoz

Norma Roy

R chard Ruth

"PERFECT, OW WE'll run off a few hundred," ay Sharon Wonhy to haron haw as they put the mimeograph machine into usc 148

Charlene s.dberry

londa Sag r

Edd e Salyer

Linda Sammeltnger

Class of ,64 Judy Sanders

Sharon Shaw

Gloroa Sanchez

Orvoll Sh w

0 ana Sp va

O.rlene Sanders

M e Shores

Jerry Spurg n

Donne Sanders

0 lores Shockley

Edd e St Hens


Sand rs

Troy Short

Edward St pps

Jom Shuff eld


Beverly S egfroed

Elozabeth S fen

Barb ra Stubbl foeld


Class of '64 Pat Webb


Fran Weber

larry Welch

Dolph W I born

Robert Wei s

Randy W

J rry W


M e Wi

Judy Woods

eren Woods

Sharon Wol n


Sharon Wor y

Arvetta Wroght

Jan c Wr g t

J m Bob


athy Wr g t

lecresha Wynn

Susan Young

Wesley Orabe

0 ana Younger

Carolyn Oo y

Joan Cr n


hs Rit Pttzer on h r penCil.

' TQ\V I LL PROBABLY get mdig tion 1" lSI

We Came, Bringing The

e e

Will To Win

Boys¡ Sports Girls, Sports

Mermaids Present Swim Show, Enter Contests

A bat, a voile ball, • ba ketball, a badminton birdie and a ping pong paddl in addition to a lot of ore mu des wer u cd in the ca onal port of the gtrl ' team class. Girl were competiti\e with oth r ct high hool wlule carne th tf} ing to earn a letter for their thletic achievement . The organization of a ne\ immm club, 'The erm id ," dtfferent tate and local \ 1m meets nd the annu l water ho\ erved to take up mo t of the wimmer ' time. cnior alai Jane \Vhitc and andv V crricr both received top rating for thetr p rformance t tate contests. "PRACTICE \\ ood ,

1AK • perfe<:t swtm formation ," ay Judy andra Verner, Nadine \Voods, and Jane \Vhite.

JUDY WOODS and Gloria Varrone practice a routine for the nnual v.atcr how.

GIRLS' S\VIMMI G team tri new movements on "dry land" before trying them in the water. IJ4

ktll arc exhibited by Jane White as she prcpar

Girl Athletes Enter City;'Wide Sports Competition

E ' PREVAILS A5 the te m a n Compton' p1k at th b II.

\\ IL 1A WE K A D


the outcome

\Voollver a nit th r bound of Sandra

Dacon' jump hot dunng thnr dail



ECil G THE BAT with the ball

seemed to be no problem for Pat Beav~.

POI E A D BALA 'CE are ~ hibitcd b crmaid Ka , Grubb a he practices modem d nee. lH

FRO. 'T ROW: D. ofc1 ~allv, P. Green, K. Pcreida, J. Bryan, 1. Chapp II, D. andcr . R. Sand r , D. 1ealy, P. \Villiam , D mith, B. Yatc. V. Ramos. ROW TWO: l. Doyle, \V. \Vcck, 0. Adam, L. Marlar, J. Compton, L. Bennett, 1. Waite P. Lauderdale, . \\'ooJa,er, B. Gcver, J. Hatcher, J. Craft, B. Quinton. ROW THRI·E: C. Heud, J. Hul ey, D. Henderson, G calc. J. \Vhitc, J. \Vood, G. Varrone, . Verrier, • 1. tone, . Meadov. , 1 '. Evan.

Individual Sports Are Also Emphasized For Girls

Mr. Jo Ann Me 1illan

Mr, Sharon



RETURi 'I G A SERVE dunng a badmmton tournament anders, a teammate Pam \Vtlli. m look on.


A. B. V




Kenneth Bl


Dou Tu ker

Golfers, Cross Country Team Place In Mid--State PR PER GRIP here by Co ch

th club 1 B pc lc.


tmport nt

(I m n tr ted

John Ra' nd A. B. Vaut, three }ear lettermen, were the only bo' to return for the 61-62 golf ca on. Ra placed a Runnerup in 1id- tate, while th golf team claimed econd in Mid- tate • nd eighth in t: te. \Vinding up rh a on, the Capitol H1ll cro -counm t m came in fourth in the 1id- tate Conference meet. lndi\ idual honor for the Red kin team \ere captured b) junior R1chard Cable and semor Robert Fairbank .


1 Co ch Murdock, Ri hard Cable, Lal'l) La, i II , Robert Fairbank , Albert H arriman, John


Skins Win Mid--State Title, Are Second In State Pulling up from the bottom of the football polls, the Capitol Hill Red kin squad regained the nearly-lo t gridiron reputation this rear b ' grabbing the title of State AA Runner -Up. State hopes fell with a era hing blow for the Red kins Thanksgiving night, a football power 1orman pu hed past, 12-6. ea on record toad at an 8-3 mark for Capitol Hill. One not- oon-to-be-forgotten game was the dash on Enid soil. This 34-8 win clipped the Mid- tate crown for CH, although predictions made us the underdogs. Half-hidden at the tart of the '62 season, Redskin determination won individual acclaim for six gridder . Jimmy \Vhipple, defensive end, notched spots on three polls; All-State, MidState, and the Daily Oklahoman's All-

Mr. C. B. Speegle Coach

City. Jim Broadhur t, center, placed on the All-Conference team and received honorable mention on All- 'tate, a did quarterback, Jim Talkington. 1td- tate honors came to John tark, 1ike Speegle and George Spiva. 118

JOH T Y STARK trcak pa \\ith the ha\\nee Wolves.


number 34 during a tussle

Jtmm Whipple End

Jimmy T nlkington Back

Jim Nicvar T ckl

David Taylor End

Jim Broadhurst Center

Johnny Star · Back

Whipple Makes All--Conference, All--State Teams

Donald Scholl Back

Paul Oeveland Back

GAl I. G A ftrst down for H b fore being uckled by a 1 orth\\ t Ia n m n 1 Paul lev land.

Olen Arnett

Frank Lehnenbauer


Gu rd

AFTER A IZABl E gam for th Red kin , brought do\\n by t\\O Putn m City players. 119

Speegle Awards Letters To Twenty--Six Gridsters;

Ron Huff. T klc

Gerald \Voo I ,., Back

mut mith. End

Bob • 1oran, Guard


T ommv Griffin, Back

G tin au. Guard

Jamc Am1 trong, Tack!

FRO. IT RO\V: D. Ruth. H. Harrell, G. V-loo ley; ROW T\VO: F. Quintero, B. Mitchell, R.D nni, J. Baver, J. Talkington, J. Booth; ROW THR E: Coach 1urdock, A. Albin, B. Strickland, L. 1crrill, B. 1oran, T. Brown, J. Woma k; ROW FOUR: J. Broadhurst, L. ummer, J. Arm trong, D. Miller, D. Taylor, J. tark.


Redskins Triumph With Eight Wins For eason


Rl' H to • td Johnn'l

w tth Tuls.t \\ til Ro

r •

tark during th cl h

DOCTOR TO 1 Burl on ch ck PJul for po tbl 111Jlln


I nd

FRO. n· RO\\ . G un au, F. Lchcnb ucr, T. Gnffm, D Brad ha\\ ROW TWO P. Cl eland, D. ott, D I an ... D. holl. 0. Arnett. RO\V THREE· B. Bad! y. P. \\ II, J. \Vhipple, R. Ta ·lor, B. Rogers, G. pi~ a. Bell. ROW FOUR . mith, K. Woodruff, M. pee I , J. r R Huff, V...'. ulliv n, Co ch Speegle.

b ck




Coa h Don Ucthenv, Don Ha kctt, Jim Talkington, 1ike C rol, Dan Miller, J. D. \Vomack, Fori' t Wilkmson, \V I Drabcc. Bobb\ Ro . George .1. nek, Ro. w.l on, a t1 Carroll, Edgar Chamber Tommy Grtffin, Coach A. D. Jacob on. I

Redskin Basketball Team Chalks Up Grim Record; Capitol Hill had a grim season thi year, winning ix of the twenty games played. Grant wa defeated twice 39-37, 49.42. outhea t wa downed 49-45 and 71-50. Dougla s forfeited both game becau e of an illegal pia cr. Jim Talkington and George l\1anck have been the highest rated member of the team. :Manek rated as econd highest scorer in the cirv, with a 16.5 average per game. Although ream member lacked experience, their pirit was high and the margins of defeat were mall.

RETUR I 'G LElTF:R 1A J•m Talkington Jump forth ba kct to core for Capitol Hill. 162



J•m Talkington

team m mbcr tartlllg JUmp.

f n

nd off1ci I

ROY \VI 0 d fend th Midw t Cn go I a Cap 1t I H11l r am th b II

Displays Good Sportsmanship During Competition 1 then ' Rcdskins were defeated by El son, Reno :;7 43 m the fir t game of the and 1 tcr m the ar with a ore of 52..33. 1tdw t ity \\On their ftr t match with the Htllm n, 62-46, hut the econd game do cr, ending 54 45. Putnam City w boa ted of 4 42 • nd 54-45 win ; htle Enid won 43-33 • nd 63-33. Ocher vtctor O\ er the Red men were Duncan, 52 4 , . nd Chtcka h. , -39. hawnee \Volve nppcd u rn icc, 3-61, and 62-42; nd the orchwc t Kmghts w n rn o dashe , 50-45 and 54-46.



\ \ il on

Don Hack t

G l G for • Ia up tandout J•m Talkington



Red km



four to



It~ opponent



HAl K up


h p n lu op ncn

Four Stand--Out Wrestlers Set Pace For Matmen; Red kin m tmen worked their wa ' through th toughest competition in the tate thi 'e r onh to clo e the ea on with . In the regional two win and eight lo held at dmond, F~bruary 16-17, Hillmen

John Mager 164

grabb d t\\O f urrh nd two third place m d I . AI , pia ing in d1e All-C•tv T ourn rnent hcld in the CH ficldhouse were Lch nbau r, 'ie\ar, Mager • nd Rob rt.

I any Robert

I , Johnic SOO , Jam Ha e , ievar, Jtm Bob \Vright, Davtd ott, Frank Qumtero.

Place In All,City, Regional, Mid,State Tournaments I ted the top four men on th Capitol Htll wre ding quad for '62 were Frank l ehenb u r, P. ul Cleveland, John Mager nd Larn Roberts. The four men were lectcd on th b. i of their kill, individual

Paul Cbeland

poin nd port man hip. Headmg the li t wa junior, Paul Cleveland, who took fir t place honor . t th Mtd- tate 'M eet. Thi ts hi econd .) ear on the quad.


hcnbauer 16J

FRO rr ROW Edgar Chambers, Ra Packett, Dan 1aller Dv.a)n Handke, D n Hackett Don choU, Ca tic Carroll Dv.ight Ka, Tomm Grifftth. ROW T\\0· Coach Don Mcdtcn). 1&ke Ridg II, 1&ke Carroll, J.D. Womack, George 1anek, Jim 1 i~. r, Gary· Phallip, mut Sm1th, Jim Talkington, Ro Wil on I

Metheny Replaces Pryor As Head Baseball Coach; Cheer , Cl) , and ream were heard over the Red kin campu • s th Hill ba eball ea n rolled around. In the carli r da, of practice, new faces appeared on the practice field. Becau e of the rettremcnt of Ia t ca on' coach, John Pl) or ba ketball coa h Don Mcth ny ably followed in the foo tep of Pl) or and took O\er the co ching job. Don 1ethen pla) ed ba ball in high chool and college. He rved the Hill as • i tant coach Ia t year.

A SUM I TG all ba eball coaching duties, Coach Metheny i responsible for all nee ary equipment. 166


"YOU'RE a he tag J•m

hou thard ba eman, Roy Wit on in a practice game.




E lOR a h m

'IE holl e th ball cunou I to cat h a foul b 11

Three Lettermen Return From Co--Champion Team Graduatton to k the enttre lme-up plu id- tate ever. I r en c from the I I Conference Co- hampton . Returning lettemlCll for the '62 ea on are senior , Don holl and Ro\ Vltl on and junior George 1anek. Obt inmg a 13-6 record a n ea • chore 1idfor the '61 ba b.ller . h rmo- th tatc crown tth Pum m Cit\ was the tc.1m' onh dt ppointmem. One team member, catch r Jcm 1orrow, recct\ed recognition for m km the All- tate qu d.


h hit ht

WAR 11 TG Up befor; a gam G orge 1an , tar pit her and the team' onl junior I tcrman. 167

S'\vimmers Place In City· Free;'Style Relay Contest r

our rcturnmg lettermen formed the nuclcu of this 'car' \\ 1mmmg team. Two \ear lettermen were Jim Lc\ erich, John Jcffrc\ , • nd B.Il t 1eiman, the t am' top d1ver. nior Don l one three 'car letterman, \Vortll\ , lettered in the medic , back troke, . nd free-st\ le rcla . The Capitol Hill w1mmcr placed f1fth Ill the Cit\ meet, after an otherwise un uccc~ ful sea on. \ Vith 13 jumor • nd ophomores lcttcrmg thi 'car, Coach John Bell has high hopes for next 'car' team.

A FORWARD dive i executed b , Billy! 'eiman.

COACH BELL congratulate Worth , Leverich, formance m the free- tyle relay. 16


rc a race are Leverich,

'eiman, and Jeffrey on their per-

'eiman, and Boyd.

TOP FOR 1 on the forward somersault i ui ~played by ieman.

I 1MI G TEA 1 RO\V 0 E: B11l eiman, Bruce Bo d Don Raper, Bobb Barnett, Jghn Walker, Jim Leverich. ROW T\VO· Lcrov Rinehart, Ru II W ttie, Kenn th Wad, Lcro Bol n, Larry Yo t, Pat Young, Robert Well RO\V THR I Coach John B II, Bobby Ma h II, Johnny }dire 11ke 11 kov k), Larry 1errdl, Dana Hayes, Don Worthy, D nald uth"dl.

l VERICH eli pla

the butterfl · troke.

GAl ER i moothl ·

ecuted bv diver Jim ~erich. 169

TRACK TER . ROW O, ~E: L. Arnold, H. Davi, L. Balm. D. Tavlor, R. Fairbank, R. Hamman, R. Cable, G. Taylor, G. W}re. . ink, L. A hlo k. ROW TWO: D. Bur~ct, R. Hurdon, '1. 1ulhn , T. Hillman. J. Kendall, L. Belcher, L. laHdle, J. Broadhu t, M. pceglc, J. tark, G. Grc nro •d, L. :11ith, R. Ha n , . bb, J. oo , B. 1itchcll, D. Evanoff, D. Hudon.

Burget Replaces Murdock For Hill Track Duties;

JOHN STARK, third place kill at high-jumping. 170

mner at '61 State Meet, hows his

JIM BROADHURST th di cu he ha ju


t n ely watch thrown.

the flight of

1 h cr;l k of gun, combmed with en p .ttmosl h rc gu• kh warm th t the tr. ck on 1 :t} proa hmg. Th R d km I ked forv.. rd to th new a on \\ 1th t:h . 1d of e•ght: rcturnmg letterIll n Jn • h, 1r. D n Burget. Th , t ran tr D.n 1d T :t\ lor, John ark, Rob rt I mbank M1ke pe gle, Albert H 1rnm n, Rr h. rd hie. R nd\ tatham, nd l arn l vrelle. h hrt~hlrght of th R d km on ' :1 ho nng th rd tJtc T r. ck Meet.


CHEDUU arch 17 M rch 24

1 rch 27-28 April 6 Apnl I4 Apnll9 Apnl28

I· 'H IBITI G TOP fonn Gl n F ter ea tl cl a

the low hurdI

ay 4-5

Redskin Cindermen Host Mid;' tate Track Tourney

LEARED 1 TO• 1 IE \V er, ghd

o-. er the cro




Htll polevault-

0 F TO A good t rt, Robert F trb nk record dunn da1l pra tic


to beat the broadJumpmg 171

l) . FRO. 'T RO\V: Jody mith, Barbara Hill, Dianna Spha, Kath~ Co •, Karen 1oore, Beverly Akm, Luenna Land, Karla Ha\ c,, rol Thcmas, Pat Co ·lc, Linda Hig~in . RO\V TWO Linda Lee, Barbara Bon s, Jean Dunlap, Marilyn Ander on, 1ary Jon Emil,, 'uzanne Da\i • Carol n Ia ton, Vel na Robert , Pat \Vebb, Barbara Cebul ky, \VIlma McGcehon, Donna Grim , . ir. L. H. Bengtson.

TE. '

Tennis Squad Hosts Invitational Tournament,

Karla Ha) , Girls' Capt.

Charles Sheets 172

Lucnna Land, Girls' Capt.

Jody Smith

D on Jackson

Bill Magirow ky

Diane Spiva

L H. Ben



Welcomes Players From All Schools In Oklahoma ' ingmg r ckets, cha mg tenni ball and ent rmg tourn. ment h kept the Hall ten"' team bu thi ar. The team pon ored the ap•tol H1ll Invitational Tourney, Apnl 6-7. An ou tandmg rc ord ha b en compiled b\ the g•rl ' team, which ha lot onl one dual m t in four ' ar . [ uenn Land and K ria Ha\ rc the top two girl nd hare rh ude of team captam. Karla also reign a tcnnt pnnc Jeri) agh~ top m n on the bo , team, • l o erve it a captain. 1


Barbar H11l

Alan Cornett


•gh, Bo ' Capt

Carol Thoma

1tke Cant!·

James Jones 17

11 RSO S D IVE-1 For Good Food - S


s. w. 44th

Sho s For Th




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own rs



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* best chicken in town *milk ice cream *soft drinks *hot dogs • hamburgers 19c



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ME 2-0322


17 6

Student, Faculty, Organization Index -A-

Abner, Barbera, Soph , 77, 139 Abn yj lr n , Soph , 77, 39 Abshur , Sharon, Soph , 139 Adams, D'anna, Soph • 139 AdamsL ,Orinda, Jr., 76, 78, 114, 86, 125 Adudd II, Raymond, Jr , 60, 62, 64, 125 Aduddell, Sandra, Soph 1 139 A nswort , Barbara, Jr , 60, 70, 125 A nsworth, Ronnie, Soph., 60, 139 A'nswort , Sue, Soph , 139 Ake, Carolyn, Soph , 139 A era, Noel, Custodian, 19 A In, Beverly, Jr., 69, 75, 125, 172 A In, larry, Soph, 139, 173 Albin, Alv n, Sr., 93, 160 Albright, Judy, Sf., 37, 93 Albroght, Lynn, Sr., 37, ss, sa. 64, 68, 93 Aldr~d , Rynda, Jr , 83, 25 AleX1nder1_ Cynt a, Soph, w{ 75, 139 A xander, ana, Soph, 139 All n, H yd n, Sr , 93 Allen, Je n, Sf., 93,


AI en, Judy, Sop , 139 AIJ.n, Linda, Jr., 67, 125, 128 AI n, Marlett , f 20 AI en, P gy, Soph, 139 All son, a, Sr , 56 93 Allred, Che yl, Sf , SS, 66, 676 76, 93 Allred, anny, Jr , 89, 12S Amos, Jan , Jr, 125 Andres, Larry, Soph, 139 Anderson, Ga I, Jr., 66, 75, 76, 125 And rson, Guy, Soph , 68, 139 And raon, Gw n, Soph , 139 Anderson, Jan t, Sr., 93 And raon, Jo, Sf , ~6. ss. 66, 71, 74, 82.94 Anderson, Ltnda, Sf , 94 Anderson, Marlyn, Soph. 139, 172 And rson, Raymond, Jr., 125 Anthony, Romona, Sr, 94 Arch 'I Larry, Soph , 56, 39 Ardazon , M e, 139 Armstrong, J mea, Sf , 42, 64, 68, 74, 94, 160 Arn tt, 01 n, Sr., 64, 94, 159, 161 Arnold, Charloll , Jr., 125 Arnold, Leonard, Soph , 77, 139 Art Club, Ashlock, L on, Jr., 23, 125 Atwood, George, fee , 18, 71 Attocknle, Phyllts, Soph., 139 Autrey, L on, Soph, 139 Ayers, Jimmy, Soph, 139

be rd, Patsy, Sr, 81, 94 Be rd, St v , Jr , 125 Ba r, Darr I, Sr , 56, 58, 68, 77, 94 Ba r, Eramae, Sr , 55, as. 89, 94 Ba er, Dean, Sol)h, 139 Ba er, J B, Jr, 125 Be r, Pat, Soph, 139 Be r, Robert, Sr., 94 Beles, Pat, Soph , 67, 69, 75, 139 Bellard, Johnny, SoDh , 139 I ard, lo s, Jr , 60, 125 ard, Ronn e, Sr • 72 Barber, Larry, Sol)h , 68, 78, 139 Barber, Sharon, Sr , 94 Barn s, Bobby, Soph, 139 B rn 1, Brown e, Jr , 63, 125 Barn s, Ele'ne, Sr, 94 Bernes, Judy, Soph , 139 Barn s, Kathy, Jr, 71, 76, 85, 125 Barn , Ke th, Soph , 60, 139 Barnes, Lyd a, Soph, 139 Barnes, Shirley, Soph, 139 Barrett, Susan, Jr , 125 Bamentos, Sher , Sr • 94 Berr entos, odn y, Soph., 139 Bartlett, Robert, Sr., 94, 173 Barton, Betty, Sr , 94, 104 Bartone. Mar lyn Soph , 75, 18, 139 Bertoni Pat, Sol)h , 67, 78, 39 Barton gy, Soph, 139 6 ball, 166 s am, J mes, Sop , 139 I! etball, 162 Bass, J net, Soph, 139 Bay~ss, Dav•d, Soph •

• Sr. 66 78,

'"on, Jr, S sen, Jr

Cese, Conn e, Soph , 76, 140 Cas y, Kalhy, Soph 61, 70, 75, 140, 179 Casey, Ph D1 Jr, 126 Castee D1v o, Jr 56, Cav -;;d. r, ChiT es, Jr, 126 Cauthron, G enna, Sr , 97 Cebu s y Barbare, Soph., 7A, 83, 141, 172 172

B I, Sr

Chadw II, Elva, Off•ce 19 Ch dw I, Harvey, Jr , 126 Chaff n, Veta, SoD , 141 Chambers, Edgar, Jr , 68, 126, 162 Chembers, Sharon, Sr ,


Don • Sop





larry, Soph

Dana Jr 25 32 Everet C SoDh



Staff, 72

Chnd n, Tom, Jr, 1'6 Ch ton, a hryn, Sr , sa. 59 Ch on, Mary Bet Soph. ~~ 63, 141 Ch s olm, ::.naron Sop.., 141

c 140 75


62, 63

Clancy, Sandra, Jr, 71, 75, 78, 127 Clark. Carolyn Jr , 56, 127 Cler , D'ane Soph , 75, 141 Clerk, Jack'e Jr 60, 63, 82, 127 Cl rk. Jacque, Jr 89, 127 C1 rk, L nda, Sop , 56 Clark, Sherwood, Jr ,


Clark, Tom, Jr, 68, 7S Cia • ton, Betty, Sr , 78





Cha ness, Sharon Sr S6 Chal)man, ennet , Soph,S6 ChaDD II, March ta, SoDh. 69, 83, 140 Charl)es, Oav d , Jr , 126 C t..d rs, &5 C ena t, Bonn e, Soph. 141 Chesnut, Danny, Jr, 61, 63, 70, 75, 126 Ch nut, Trena, St, 58 Chew, Carol, St , 58, V7


Bengtson, L H Fae , 24, 3s, 71, 74 1n. 183 nnet, Barbara, Soph , 139 Benn 11, B II e, Jr , 76, 12S Bennett. Cat er ne, Sr , 78, 95 Benn I, Linde, SoD , 83. 139 M e Jr 6

Carter, Sharon, Soph , 60, 75 140 Carver, Corne us, Fee, 29


Bean, Gerald, SoD , 139 Bear, L nda, Soph, 139 Be rd n, M e, Sr , 58 59 94 Bees ey, Cheryl, Soph, 139 Be uchamp, R ta St , 95 Beavers, Jerrel, Sr , 95 154, 160 Beav rs Pel, Sr , 69, 7.41 95, 155 DOOO nof eld, ren, St. 95 Be n, Gladys, f , 18 en, Larry, Jr, 56 Belcher, lou s, Jr, 125, 165 Be , Dann s, Soph , 139 Bell, Don, Soph, 139 Bell, John, fee , 22 Be 1,~. ancy, Jr , 75, l:lS Be t John, Sr , 54, SS 64. 68, 70, 75, 79, 95 183 It Martha, Jr, 61, 74, 76, 78, 125 M rv n, Sol)h,

Beton, Cheryl, Soph , 63, 139 Badtllo, Bruno, Sr 94 Badtllo, Feltx, Sop'h 139 • Badley" Btl!, Jr, ss, 68, ''· 75, 125, 161 L nd , Soph,, 62, •d, Pat, Soph, 139



Clarence y



s Sop

l!os e Cef 18 Barbara Jr

ay, Jr, 126 Peggy, Sop ,

Claxton, L nda, Soph , 141 Clavmore Joe , Sol)h , 60 62 141 Clavto Caro vn Soph 83 141, 173 Clayton, onn e Jr 61 70, 127 C11ytonl Sharon, Jr , 56, 8 • 89, 127 Clem, Jam , Sr , 60, 97 Clem, Joe, Soph 141 Cl veland, Pa I SS 64 127, 159, 161, 165 Cl fton, ay, Soph, 75, 141 Cltn , G nger, Sr 97 Cluck, Carolyn F , 28 Coa , defy, Sr 61, 98 Cobb, S dn y, Jr , 68 Cobb, Zelma, C f t r a 18 Cothren, lly, Sr, 98 Coffey, AIJCe, Cafe e, 18 Coffman, Sh'rley, Soph,, 141 Coggtns, Carolyn, Soph., 140 Coh nt. Sare, Fac , 25 55, T8 Cok , Alvonde, Sr , 98 Cole, Carol, Jr., 60 Coleman, Jan , Sr 74 81, 98 Coleman, Judy, Soph 141 Colem '!I Thelma, fee , 21, 7;, Coli ns, Barbera Soph , 141 Co I ns Edd Soph

68, 76, '"'

Co ns, fr dd e, Soph, 76, 68, 141 Co ngswort , Dorothy SoDh, 141 Co v n, K nnet Jr ~ Co var, Agg e Sr, Qq Coml)1on, Jean, Jr , 69 86, ISS Cond • M IU, St' 67, 98 Condren, Ann, Fie • 22,66 Conner, L nda, Sf, 56,

Cor1n r, W. L, Fee, 27, 3 Conste n, rgaret, Jr , 86 co;;Jy, B II, Sr, 98 Coo , James, Jr , 56, 127 Coo , gy, Soph, 60 89, 141 Cool<, Ted Sr , SS, 56, 98 Coon, Gary, Soph, 141 COODer, Howard, Soph , 141 Cooper, Kent, fee, 27 COOl*', Sue, Soph, 141 Cope, Carol, Sop , 141 Corley, G nda, Sop , 140 Corn II, Alan, Sr , 98, 173 Cornett, J ntc , Soph , 76, 141 Cornw I, Thelma, Jr , 127 Coshow, Wa ta, Sr , 58, 98 Couey, Charles, Jr, 127 Couch, Pair c a, Soph , 141 cwhran, luc lie, St • Coss y, Patroc·a, Sr , V7 Coutre, Em le, St , 55, 56,57,98 Cowns, J m , Soph • 141 Cox, Harvey, Jr , 56 Cox, ay, Soph 76 83, 141 Cox, Ltnda, St, 74, 98 Cov Ka! y, Jr, 74, 75, 172 Coyle, Pat, Jr, 74 127,


Craft Judy, Jr 67, 7A 127 Cra g, Beatr ce, Cafet T a, 18 Cre g, l!os'ta, Jr, 60, 70, 127 CrandaU Garv Soph , 60, 141, 173 Crawford, Pet, SoDh., 141 Cr ws Qu eta, Jr 127 ry Soph Cr bbs,


Cr Sl) c Jr S6 Crss gy Sr,98 Croc ell, Delores Jr 127 Crosley, Harold, Fee , 24, 16S Cross.Country, 157 Cross and, Caro yn Sr , 6698 Crouch, J mmy Jr • 56, 127 Croy, Barbara Jr, 82 127 Crun , Joan Soph , 83, 151 Cryer, L nda, Jr, 127 Cui en Judy, Soph 74 83, 84 86 141 Cu pepper, Jo Sondra Fee , 25 73, 83, 84 C mby La ra SoD , 63, 76, 141 Cumm ngs Mary Soph 141 Cumm ngs Mod ne, Soph. 141

Cumm ns Judy, Sr, 60, 76 99 C nn ngham E leen Soph 141 Cunn ngham Ann Sr 99

Cunn no em yra, fee, 18, 89 Curt s Pat Sr , 56 99 Cyphers, Berber Soph. 141


Dacon Sandra Sr 69 74, 76 99, ISS 177

Stud nt, Faculty, Organ ·zation nde Dallas E I n Jr 86 89 127 Danford Marguer te, Fee. 21, 86 Dan el John Jr • 62 Darrough M c ey, Soph 141 D ught ry londa, Jr • 127 Dav nport D vod, Soph., Ul Dav nport lewos, Sr , 55 68 78 99 173 Dav dson l nda Sr 99 Dav 1 Betty Sr 58, 59 99 Dav s Betty Jr 78 127 Dav s Cheryl Sr 55, 66 67 76 99 Dav s Elm r, Sr 99 Dav s Flora Soph 141 Dav s Harry Sop 68 141 Dav s He en Sop


Dav s Marlene lr 56 64 65 2 86, 127 Das rySr99 Dav s Patroc 1 SoPh


Dav s Suzanne Sooh 64 83 86 Ul, 173 Devos Tanya Jr. 61, 75 127 Dav son Sandra Sr 62 99 Dew obert Soph , l.Cl Dawson Earl ne, Sr • 58 59 99 D v, John. Jr 128 D-E Club, 59 Dean Pe gy, Soph l.Cl Dec ~r. Carolyn Soph l.Cl Dec ~r. Ivan, Sr, 99 Deck~r, Judv Soph , l.Cl D c ~r Verb n Sr 28 58 59 D bel l nda Sr , 67, 75, 82, 99 184 D tr ck, J ck, Jr , 123 D Marrs Jeannoe, Sr , 66.99 DeMoe, Terry, Soph, 141

Denn s, Carolyn, Jr • 56, 128 D nn s, Robert, Sr , 7 4 99, 160 D nson, Mary, Soph , 141 OePr est, Pat, Sr , 66, 71, 100 Desper, Johnny, Jr , 128 Dev le, B I y, Sop , 75, 141 Dewey Decimals, 19 D erlOn Mar lyn, Soph 83, 141 D on D ana Jr , 64 71, 72, 75, 78, 128, 176 D-0 Club, S Do bs, Sharon Sr , 100 Dodson, Carol, Jr. 128 Dodson, Carolyn Sop , 141 Doffs, AI n Custod an, 19 Donavan 0 v , Cafeter a, 18 Doner, loyd, Jr, 128 Doney, lowell, Fac , 28 Doon een, David Jr , 128 Doon een Robert, Jr, 128, 165 Dotson, lem, Sr , 99 Dotv, Carolyn, Soph 151

Ooty, Jan ce, Jr, 128 Oouth t, Sandra, Soph 76, 141 Dowse, Robert, Soph, 61 Doyle, l nda Jr , 128 Drabek, Wes ey, Soph, 151, 162 Ora e, Sh rley, Jr , 128 Dr scoll, Don, Sop , 142 Dr s II, Phylls Jr , 73, 128 Dr s II, Sherry. Soph 142, 73 Dr ver, Made ne, Cafe ter a, 18 Drumm, Char es Jr 68 86, 128


PltUI Jr 66 86 128 l)uqq ns, Sr , 87 100 Dun n J rry, Sr 100 165

Dun on. larry Sr 59 165 Dunlap J an Jr 86 128, 172

58 82


Eades l nda, Soph 83 142 Eades Tomm e Sr 83 100 Eaton Rog r Soph 89 142 Echols Charlotte Jr , 81, 128 Economou Club, 74 Eddy, Rog r Sr 58, 100 Edelman Armand Sr 100 Edwards Ch rl ne, Jr , 76 128 Edw rds D C , Sr , 58 60 100 Edwards y Jr 78 86 128 Egg eston, De n Soph 142 Ehl rs R chard, Fac , 20 35 El ns, B y Jr , 128 Ell nberg Paul, Sr • 100 Ell ot, Cher , Sop , 83 85 142 Ember! n Doug, Jr 56 128 Em rson, Br an Jr • 68, 128 Em non Carl fac , 28 Em Is, Mary Jon Soph 74, 83, 86 142 172 Emry, fred Sr, 59, 74 88100 Eno I Will am Sr , 68 100 Engl sh, Danny, Jr, 58, 59, 128 Enr qu , Carol, Jr , 62, 86, 128 Ens y, Carol, Jr, 83, 128 Ensey, Ohnna, Soph, 142 Epperly. Charles, Fac ,


Epperson, Mary Jane, Sr., 59, 100 Epperson, Tom Soph , 142 Estep, Grace Cefeteroa, 18 Est a , M Stephen, Sr,56 Evanoff, Danny, Soph, 23 68, 142 Evans, James, Jr • 128 Evans, adene, Soph , 83, 87, 142 Everett, Oa e Sr , 100


Fa rb.n s, oberr, Sr • 64, 67, 68, 79, 88, 100, 157 fa rb.n s, Tawana, Soph. 55 67, 71, 142 Fa er, Sandra Sr, 100, 183 fire;. ar, John Soph 68, 76 142, 157 Farquhar Mary, Sr 100 Farr r, B II, Sr, 59 F rguson, Judy, Jr, 64, 65, 74, 82, 128 Ferg son, Marolyn, Soph • 75, 142 Ferr n, R chard, Soph 142 Ferr s, J mmy, Soph. 142 Feser, Dana Soph, 75, 142 Fockl n, Ern 11, Jr , 56 f elds, Edd , fac, 22, 66 Fonnell, D wayn , Soph. 66. 142 F pps ay, Soph, 142 F sh, Raymond Fee , 28 F h r, Eug n , Fee • 28, 58,59 F h r, Jam 1, Soph, 142 F t6f reid, obert, Sr • f tzg ra d, Sh rl , Jr , 86 128 F tzpatrick Sandra Soph 83, 142

f all Sherry Jr 12 Flem franc , Soph 83 Floyd, Sue, Jr , 128 flurry londa Sr , 58 59


l nda Soph 42 f-tball 15 Foote, Ellen Soph, 142 Foote &r ra, Sr 100 Fore , l rry, Sr 56. 101 Ford 0 ana Jr 41, 64, 72 74, 75, 78, 128 Ford J mmy, Soph. 142 for ne, Sandra, Soph , 142 Fost r Gl nn Sop 142 Four'lta n Grac e Soph , 142 frang GarT Soph 83 Frar er, le a, Fee, 27, 67 Fred r c l nda Sr 63 74 101 Freeman Joel Sr , 101 Freeman Johnn e, Sr , 75 101 Freem n Joyce, Soph • 142 Fr~rnan l na, Sr 56, 101 French Club, 75 fr se Pat Soph 142 fr o James Jr , 64 68 165 Fre o Kendall, Jr • 128 French Noba f c , 22, 6677 fr zze I, Jam s, Sr 56 101 Froman A D Jr 60 Fr~t larry Jr , 128 Fu enon Dorothy, Soph. 87, 142 Fuller, l nda Sr, 101 Fu ler, M , Sr , 86 88, 101 Fun , Sandra Sr , 76, 89 101


Gage, John, Jr , 63, 76, 128 Ge ndo, Hope, Soph • 142 Gardn r, T p Jr, 56, 129 Garner He en, Jr , 129 Garrett, J mmy, Sr. 63, 101 Garc a V rg n a, Soph 142 Garrett, Emma Soph • 142 Gassett, Donald, fee. 22, 76 80 G at ne o Charles, Sr • 64 68, 101, 161, 160 Gat v, l rry, Soph. 142 Gatton, Geneva Cafe 1 r a 18 GetS r, Ron.ld Sr 74, 101 Gentry, D c e, Soph,


G orge Son~ Soph 55 142 Gettys Ern st ne, Jr • 75 80, 82, 89, 129 Gey r, Betty, Jr, 129 G bson Bonne, Soph, 143 G b•on Mac Sr , 101 G fford Marolyn, Jr , 86 129 G bert, Jac e Sr • 101 G I emot T en Anne, Sr • .co, 50, 67, 80, 89 G ley, Janel, Sop 142 G am, Sharon Sr , 75. 101 Goll an, Mary, Sr, 102 G II land, Marv n, Sr , 55, 56, 102 G !more, Carolyn, Soph • 56, 129 G !more, leroy, Jr, 56, 129 Girls' ''0" Club, 69 Goff, Barbara, Sr, 102 Go ns, lou se, Soph , 142 God n Char es, Soph, 1A2 Golden, linda, Soph , 83, 142 Golf, U7

luc e Soph

Gonza es Tono, Jr, 129 Goodm n, Charles Sr 61, 102 Goodn ght Kay , Sr 102 Goodman She Ia, Sr 102 Goodson, Gw n, Jr • 129 Gc-•oion rl Jr , 53 59 Gordon, Jove , Sr , 102 Gossett, Gayle, Sr 102 Gothard, Mary Jan , Soph. 76, 143 G01.o d, R chard, Soph • 142 Grab! J net, Sr , 24, 61, 66, 76 102 Grobow, Dona d, Sr , 102 Graham Donna, Sr , 55, 66 76, 102 Graham, loos, Soph , 142 Gram! ng Brenda, Soph. 142 Gr ml ng larry, Sr, 102 Graves, Benne, Jr , 87, 129 Graves, Gloria, 62, 82 Henderson, Donna, Soph. 87, 143 Hend non, J , Sr , 104 H ndon, J , Soph , 60, 143 H ndrox, Paul, fee , 21 H ndrox, Sandra, Soph , 143 Hen r c son, eda, Cat t r a Ill Henly, linda Sr, 56, 104 Henry, Alma , Jr., 130 Henry, Danny, Soph, 143 Henry, ethryn, Sr, 66, 74, 82, 92, 104 H nsley, Dallas, Sr,

ry Soph


77. 78, 147 lester, Jr • Edd e


Haymond Sr

104 104



Holl, orman, Soph 143 • H lm n, T m, Soph , 6/), 143, 165 H mes, Eolen , Sr , 63 67, 104 • Hones, Mary, Jr., 130 H nes, Sheroan, Sr , 76, 80, 83, 104 H n le, Tom, Jr, 76 86, 130 • H x, Carol, Sr, 4, 61 70, 104 • Hi-Y's, 77 Hodg , l nda, Soph , 143

Hodg , James, Jr , 56, 130 Hogan Rosemary Jr 66, 130 • • Hogu~. Carol, "-h 143 ~~ • Holland, Carolyn J 130 • r. Ho and, Caro yn Soph. 143 Holland, londa, Sr 76 89, 105 ' •


Gray, Dav d, Jr , 129 Gray, Oor s Soph, 83 4l Gr e loa 102 Gr n Pat, Soph , 143 Gr n SIH!, Soph., 142 Green, 102 Greenroyd G an, Soph 143 Gr ory. chard Jr , 61 70 Gr i{ n Cheri s, Jr , 129 Gr ff n l z, Jr, 129 Gr ff I Tommy, Soph. 36 64 143 160, 162 Gr ff th V rg noa, Sr 103 Gr ggs R Ia Soph , 18, 67, 143 Gr g by rce a 103

Hensley, lee, Sr., 68, H nson, Jane, Sr , 58, 74, 82, 104 Henson, ar n, Jr 58, 59, 130 H nthorn, M e, Jr , 75, 130 H rman, &rbara, Sr , 104 H rron, Sharon, Jr , 130 H rr ng, Eva Soph , 143 Heston, Del, Soph , 143 Hobbard, Boll, Sr, 104 Hbben, Doros, Sr, 104 H cks, londa, Jr , 62, 74, 130 H•gg ns, linda, Jr , 130, 172, 175 Hole, Christ nell , Sr , 89, 104 Holt, &rbara, Soph, 69, 7.c, 143 1n, 173 H I, Donna, Soph , 83, 143 Holt, linda, Jr , 56, 83, 130 H II, los, fee, 18, 89 Holt, Louose, F , 22

61 Gra es Sa y 61, 75, 142 Grav II Oa y, 56 42 Grav " Mar yn, Sr , 60 0 1 2 Gray Ca v n, Soph,


lnyer 144 lsb I lrw n lrw n 71

Scott Soph , 56, Phyl I Jr 130 B lly, Soph, l.C.C l V, Fee, 17,

-JJac s Carol, Jr , 130 Ja son, Don Jr 130, 172 173 Jee son Mart ne Jr 130 J c son, Patroc a Soph. 144 lac son, Robert Soph ,


Jacobson, A 0 Fec.., 26 64 144 162 James, AI c • Sop , 144 James, J s e Soph 144 Jam son, James Sr , 105 Jay, Darl n Soph, 144 Jay ay, Jr 62 76, 86 Jay Teddy, Jr 130 Jeffcoat R•ta, Soph • 89, 144 J ff reys, Johnny, Jr , 64, 68, 130 John Barbera, Sr 55, 106 Joh 1, Glor a Jr 130 Johnson, Ann, Soph , 144 Johnson Ann II Jr 77, 130 Johnson, Dona d Soph 68, 144 J h son larry Soph • 144

Gr m s Donna, Sol)f! 74, 75, 143, 172 Gr sham, Charles, Soph. 142 Grosh m, Sharon, Jr 63, 78, 129 Gr ssom, aren, Jr , 129 Grovt!s, G org a Jr 66, 76 129 Groves, Ronn e, Jr 129 Groves, Troy, Sr., 103 Grubb, ay • Soph , 87, 143, 155 Gu nn 0 anna Sr , tJ • 70, 81, 83, 103 Guloc , John Soph, 61, 143, 173 Gunesch Howard Soph. 143 Gun ch, John, Sr , 79 103

Gunter, Charles Soph 143 Gunt r, Danny, Jr, 75, 129 Gu nn Betty Jr , 129 Gu nn, R ss Jr, 129


H dell, Don Jr , SS 76, 127, 129, 162 Hackett, Earl, Custod an 19 Hac I man, B I Sr 64, 68, 70, 78 103 115 Hadl 1 J m, Soph ,


Hale, Ted, Soph, 56 Hal floy Sr 56 Hal y, fel 1, Jr, 129 Haley, Mary, Sr, 66, 69, 95, 187 Hall, B lly, Soph, 56 Hall, Eldon, fee , 2 Hall, Harold, Custod an, 19 Hall, Judy, Jr , 62, 86 83, 89, 129 Ham Iron, Barbara Soph , 75, I 43 Ham ton, Dorothy, Sr 58, 59, 103 Hamohon J rry .,__._ 143 • .......,.. Haml n Steve Soph 86, 143 • Hamm 11, Harold Soph 55 78 79 115, 140, 143

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Student, Faculty, Organization Index H mmod, larry, Soph. 76, 1-'3 HemmOI\d, Sandre, Soph , 83, 86, U3 Hammons, John, Soph , 143 Hampton, Cherry, Soph. 1<13 Hampton, Sally, Fee, 23 H ncoc , D"rla, Sr , 103 H r, Gweodolyn, Fac., 23, 88 Han , Bob, Sop , 1-'3 H s, George, Soph., 68, 77, 1-'3 H nne, Sandre, Sr , 5 , 59, 103 H rtf man, Melv n, Soph. 1..C3 Herell, Sua , Cof ter a, 18 H rg s, Phyl s, Sop , 1-'3 Hermon, Donna, Jr , 129 Hermon, J cque, Fee , 20 Harmor, Fey , Sr, 59, 103 H rper, Dwayne, fee, 28 Harram n, Albert, Jr , 6<1, 68, 86, 129, 1 7 H rrell, Alv n, Jr , 75,

Jones, Bruce, Jr , I J s, Dav d, Jr , 56, 130 Jones, Gen ve, Sr., 81, 86, 105 Jones, Hero d, Sr , <10, 67, 105 Jon , Jemea, Sr , 68, 106, 173 Jonea, l nda, Soph , I« Jones, Mary1 Sr, 106 Jonea, Peggt, Sr , 55, 67, 106 Jon , u , Fee~ 23, 71 Jones, Vernon, Soph, 1"" Jordon, Carol, Sr., 106 Jordon, W, Sr., 76 Jun"or Red Crou, 71 Jury, Ow g t, Soph, 87, I« Judd, Eun ce, f , 22,

159 H rr II,

rbare, Jr , 55 129 H rrell, Gary, Soph, 1<13 Herr II, Hugh, Jr , 56, 129, 160 H rrell, Sharon, Sr , 58, 59, 103 Herr s, B II, Jr , 129 H rr s, Don, Soph , I <13 H rr s, Jerry, Soph , 68, 1<13 H rr a, louv lie, Sr , 103 Hartley, lowell, Jr, 129 Herr s, lyn It , Sr , 56, 103 H rr s, l!onn e, Soph , 77, 79, 1-'3 Harrison, Benny, Sr., 103 Herr son, JaniCe, Jr , 75 129 H rrlson Norm , Sop 83, 1<13 • H rry, xine, Fe , 22, 71, 77 H rtley, lowell Jr , 23, 2<1, 129 Hartman, El z Off ce, 19 H rvey, larry, Soph , l.oC3 Hervey, leVonn , Jr , 129 Hervey, May, Cefeter


1L 19

t 1191, ry, Soph, 56, 77, 1<13



Hey r, larry, Jr 60 129 Hays, ennet , Sr 85 10<1 H ely, Seve Jr 129 Hedgecoc H r rt, Jr, 129 H I, I, Soph , 1<13 He rd Carolyn Jr 87 130 Helm, J mmy, Soph, 1<13 H bree, ry, Sr , 10<1


l nv le T rry, Soph , 1<15 l le Robert Sr , 69, 107 l t ef eld, H l , Fee ,




Hewpe, onn e, Sr, 103 Hawpe, Veldon, Jr 129 Haves, Dana, c:-..:1. 1-'3 ......... Hay s, ria Sr , 50 69, 10<1, 172 Hayes, J , Jr, 129,


Lehenbauer, Fran , Jr, 64, 127, 131, 159, 161, 165 l hmen, Reyn ne, Soph. 1<15 l m ng rbara Sr., 58, 107 lest r, Barbera, Jr, 66, 76, 80, 131 levan, Pa I, Jr, 131 LeveriCh, J , Soph, 1<15 lew s, Carol, Sop • 1<15 lew s, N tt e, Fee , 20 lews, Patsy, Jr, 71, 76 78, 83. 8.<1, 86, 131 lewiS, asemary, Soph. 83, 1<15 L ly, Joan, Sr, 67, 75, 107 l nd, Bar ra, Jr, 56, 131 l ne Patrte Soph , 1<15 l n an loen F c., 29,


Ha cher, tty, Soph 1<13 • Hatcher, Jo Ann, Sr 103 .• Hau r, Ph II p Fee, 20,118 Hawk na, Sue Jr , 79 29

y, t!etty, Sop , 78, 79 Leckey, J net, Sop , 83, 1<15 lambert, c y, Jr, 131 56, us lend, luenno, Sr , <IS, Landrum, D nny, Sooh, 69, 107, 112, 172 Landrum, Wynona, Jr , 72, 83, 86. 131 Lane, J nne, Sr , 66, 107 Lanier, Jamea, Sr , 58, 107 L Cl , leuderdal , Pollv Ann, Sr 67, 69, 82. 107, 112 leud rdal Sh rlev. Soph. 1<15 lauderdale T rry, Soph • 68, 77, 1<15 l ughlin, Gl nda, Soph. 1<15 laugh! n, l D , Soph , 55 1<15 lev I e, larry, Sr , 68, 107, 157 Lawr nee, G ra , Soph , 83. 1<15 Lawrence r tta, Jr , 131 Lawrence S las, Sr , 58, 103, 107 lawaon, rnard, Sr , 56 lawaon, Donald, Jr , 75, 131 luds, Svlv a, Sop , 77, 1<15 l al, Carmel Sop , 1<15 l ford, onn e, Jr 131 l l nde, Jr i 38, 7<1, 76, 82, 86, 31, 172 l , Melv n, Fac., 25 60, 70 Lee, R c y, Soph, 1<15 Leeds, Sylv a, Soph ,



Hawk ns, W 0 , Fee





71, 61

l"v ngston Rober Sop 56 1<15 llv ncnton Tommy, Sr, 108 lloyd, Carol, Soph , 1<15 loci: G nd Sr • 86, 108 loft s ov ta Jr , 79,


La;1Y N ncy, Soph, looney, Judy, Soph , 83, 1<15 long, Calv:!'.t Soph , Soph


lTh Char es, ~. Lopez, ry, Jr, 71, 131 lorton, Ivan, Soph , 60,


louderbac , Don, Jr ,


loveday..c. Don, Jr, 131 lov n, uralyn, Soph , I <IS lowe-, D nny, S<.ph ,


Lowe, Linde, Soph ,

us low , Jeannene, Soph , us

lowe, Patricia, Sr , 108 Lowrey, linda, Jr, 78, 83,86 loyd, Ja , Soph, 1<15 lozano, Arnoa, Sr, 1no lucas, D nn s, Jr 131 lucas, George, Soph, 63 lueb, Jud , Sop , 1~5

ng, J ann , Jr , 60, 131 Lummus G eode, Soph. us lua , Cl ta, Soph , 75, 1<15 Lusk, Morrts, Sr , 1 lut e, Richard, Sop .., 77, 1.cs luttre I, Robert, Soph , 78, 79, e6 1<15 lut a, r lyn Sr , IO"l lu

Me McAnulty, Rtta, Sr., 55, 66, 76, 108 McCampbell, Mam , Jr., 131 McCarty, Fred, Soph,


McCarty, Nowena, Jr.,


McCathern, Evelyn, Sr ~ 51, 7<1, 108 McCet ren, J , Sr , 97 McCia n, Carolyn, Jr , 131 Ian, lyd a, Soph, 76, 86 len n, Donna, Soph • 85, 1<15 McCie len, l nda, Sr. 55, 71, 73, 8<1, 108 McClendon Sh rley Soph., 83, 1<13, 1<15 McCullough, Don, Sohp • 66, 1<15 McCollough, Sharon, Sr., 66 McConnaug y, at Jeen Sr.• 66 10 McCool, Ella, Soph , 1<15 McCool, Glenda, Sr McCocd, Joel, Soph 56 108 McCocmec , J me , Sr , 108 McCorm ck, Carol ne, Soph • 55, 75 76, 79,

138, I""· 7~.




80, 108

n, Sr,

McCay, Da e, Soph, I <IS McCay, Fredd , Sr , 108


• Will


Sr , 67, 108 McCr g f. J ny, Soph. us I r, ay Jr 56, 131 McC ar, ay Jr 131 u loug Sharon Sr,63 urdv, Barbara Sr , ,59108 McDow II rrv Jr 131 Down Jerry, Jr , 56 Erav, Pa rca, Jr., 131 McElroy, le and, Soph. 1<15 E veney, De n Jr, 64, 79, 12<1, 127, 131, 161 McEwen, Oor a, Soph , 45 Me<; , Edw na Jr , 58 hem Wo ma, Soph , 75, 83, US, 173 Mc.G rt, frertCeS, Jr , 131 Mc.G rt, obert, Jr , 131 Mc.Graw, enn Soph, 1<15 Mc.Grouty, leur , Sr, 109 Me ay, Wende, Soph., tfJW,



Me un B I y, Sr, 109 Me An ta, Soph , 83, 1<15

McKone, George, Soph. 1<15 Me urly, W lma, Sop 86, 1<15 McMillen, Jo Ann, F 26, 69 McM II n, Su , Soph , 1<16 McNa , Joyce, Soph 83, 1<16 McNelly£ Donna, Jr 7<1, 7:J, 132 Na ly, l nde, Soph , 7<1 1<16 Me utt, Conn , Jr , 66, 132 Me a v. l nda, Soph , 74, 1<16 Sp r t, ar , Soph, 1<16


Madd n, Phyll a, Jr , 75 85, 132 Maddox, Glor a, Soph , 89 1<16 dox, Mary, Jr., 132 Ma rry, Betty, Sop. 1<16 omb, ancy, Soph, 1<16 Mager, Joan, Sr, 66, 77, 109 Mag a, John Jr , 6<1 132, 165 Mag a, Lou Ann, Sr , 109 'ore 70

lory. GICKII, Soph • 1<16 Mandrell, Tommy, Jr , 61, 132 Men , George, Jr , 36, 55, 6<1, 132, 162 Man m, Mary, Sop ., 1<16 Mann ng, Jerry, Soph, 1<16 Manse I, Barbara, Jr , 56, 132 r ar, londa, Sop ~ 83, 1<16 rkley, E rl Jr 1'>2 Mart n, 8 I, Jr , 132 rt n, Carolyn, Jr., 132 rt n, Est lla, Jr , 56, 83, 132 Mart n, Eug ne, Sr , 109 Mart n, Jerry, Sr, 10? Mart n, e, Sop , 1<16 Mart n, udy, Jr 132 rt nez, Paul, Soph , 1<16 Mart nez, Margaret, Jr

132 rt nez,



55, I <16

on, Barbera, Sr , 109 soner, Jarrlce, Sop 1<16 aopust, ry lou, Soph. 1<16 Mass 11<1 I , Carolyn, 63, 76 Met eson Ph I p, JJr 132 165 Ma a James, Soph., 1<16 Mallage, Gatl, Soph., 1<16 Matt , Gary, Soph ,


ffh , Pa , Soph , 1<16 xey, Char , Jr.. 132 xey, Sh , Soph

lton, m, Soph , 1<16 lv n, Dell , Jr., 60,


Melv n, M e, Soph , 61 Melood, rry, Soph , 61



rr II, Ch rln,



errtll, l rry, Jr, <16, 68, 75, 132, 160 Me henv, Don, Fee, 26,


64 162

dd: ton, P , Soph , 75, 77, 1<16 0 row. y, Sooh. 7<1, 1<16, 172,


173 11 r, 0 n, Soph., 68, 1<16, M I r, 109, Miller,

160, 162 Jan , Sr, 66, 120 urry, Soph.


ller, ldr , Soph., 66, 83, 132 M ler, P Ia Sr., 66, 109, 119 II r, J nelle, F 20 M I r, oxena, Sr., 66, ""· 77. 82, 106, 100 ller, Sh rley, Sr., 109 M ller, e1ma, Jr. 132 M lite n. lor a, Sr , 74, 71, 76, 109 M lla, lonn e, Jr, 132 Molls Sh ron, Jr, 58, 132 M llwood, J rry, Soph, 1<16 M llood. ron, Sr , 76, 80, 110 nyard, H rl , Soph 1<16 M skov y, Mary Svoo. Sr.. .co. 67, 69, 80 110, 183 s ovs y, M e, Soph, 1<16 chell, Gaol S· 1' M tch II, Jan a, 110 M tchell, Mary II, Soph 1 1<16 M"tchell, ay, Sr., 58, 110 M tc II, obert, Soph, • 1<16 7e, rnmy, Sr , 68, 7<1, 110 Mortt~erv Diana, Jr , 58, 59, 132 Montgom ry, linda, Sr, 110 Moody, at, Soph, 75, 83 , Jam s Sr 6(1 110 Mooney, Pat, So.1<16 Meore, Christon&, Sr., 110 Moon, Doug! , Soph •


Moore, ~ry. Sop , 71, 1<16 Moore, • Soph , 83, 1<16, 172 MDore, leon, Sr , 58, 110 Moor. Moor.


Moran, Bob, Jr , 56, 64, 68, 132, 160 d, Sr.


xwell, Donna, Soph~ 83, 1<16 Yr lou Ann, Jr., 132 yoerry, Betty, Soph., 1<16 Mayes, Dorot y, F ~


M4yes, M ry, Soph., 83, 1<16 Maynard, Form!, Soph. 56, 68, 1<16 yn rtf, J , Jr .. 61, 75r 132 yo, C , Soph, 61, U6 Mayo, osa , Sr • 28, 58 59, 109 Me;;dovya, Ann, Sr., 55, 60, 74, 86, 109 ly, D na, Jr., 55, 64, 65, 69, 82, 132.


Iton, Ger ld, Sr., 109

Sr. 66, Soph.

irley Sc~l. 1<16 ey Judy, Jr I 132 Mou, leon, Sr 1r Mayer, Merg Jr , 82, 132 13<1 Al a T 1, I ev Don , Jr,

ss. 82

Student, Faculty, Organ ·zation ndex M

n~ M e Sopt. 68 77 138 146 ns B I Sr 62


ns 111

larry Sr , 92

Os ne M dr d Soph 147 Os en op A bert Fac • 25 Owen Joh nv Jr 133 Owens Bonn e Jr 59 Owe s onn e Soph 147 Ow s les•e Soph 68 147 Ow ns Sendr Soph , 147 Owens Truman Jr 75 133


Fr n tr, 111 l nda Jr 133 Pat, Sr, 111 Anne! e F c., Robert


~jr <

Mvr o 111

Soph ,

onn e, Sr Mer e


68, 6


ance Gerald, Sr , 68 74 77 85 111 Nat 1 Forens c league 79 • Nat I Honor Society, 71 eal Barbara, Jr., 76 133 eel Judy, Soph , U6 Neely Janey, Sr 89 111 • elson Gen , Soph 146 elson eoth Soph 75 146 • rv n Scp't e son, Tommy, Jr, 133 Newl n Dean, Sr, 111 ewmen, Bobby, Sr , 111 Newman, Douo Ann Soph. 146 • Newn m, B II, Sr , 72, 84 86. 111 ewn m, Robert, Soph. 146 eport Charles Sr • 111 ewv I , Biirbera, Soph 147 ewv e Jerry, Jr, 133 ell Joyce Jr 72, 76 83, 133 o s, Mary, Sr 66 76, 111 N cho s M e, Soph , 147 cho s, Pat, Soph , 83 147 N eman B II, Sr , 111 ever, J mmy, Jr, 68, 107, 133 159, 161, 165 N gh, Jerry Sr , 76 111 x ey Sr 89, 111 Oil es Welter, Sr, 49, 79 88 112 Nob es Ge I, Jr , 58, 59, 133 Norman Carolyn Jr , 133 orve , B I, Soph , 147 an Sr , 66, Nova 77 112 OVil Sherry Jr. 133 Nuc o Is Carolyn, Soph 66, 147

- 0 0 Bryant J!!nn .,, Sr , 76 112 Oden Meur ce Sr , 112 Og esbe!! Berber a, Soph. 147 0 d em Jean e, Soph , 76, 147 Oldham, l nda, Soph , 83, 147 Oldham, lynn, Sr, 112 Orveta, Judy, Sr , 112 Orr, Atha Sr, 112 Osborn, Charles, Jr , 133


Page ob rl Sr 112 Pappas Pa I Soph 61 147 Pappas obert S 6 112 Perha 0 eta S ;, 77 112 Par lynda Soph 147 Par e Evelyn, Sr , 83, 112 Par e Go d e Jr 133 P er W am C stod an 19 P r s Bruce Sr 2~ 112 Per s l nda Soph 147 Pl!r s Sh r ey, Sr , S8 59 112 Par s Steve Sr , 112 Pa ton Den se Soph 147 Panerson Gayle Jr • 75 83 133 Palle son Pat, Sr , 6~ 67 112 Pa John, Sr 112 Payron Joyce, Soph , 147 Peace Jac e, Sr, 112 Peed Jo n Jr, 61 Pemb r Dar ene Sr , 71 113 P a A Ia Jr Pend r9reph Jr 56 133 P "" ngton Ph I, Sr 113 Pen ngton Phyl os Soph. 67, 85, 88 147 Penn !>gton Sarah, Soph, 75, 147 F'enn ngton Voole, Caf eter a, 18 Perc val lana, Jr 56 69, 133 P eda, eren, Soph 69 147 • Per ns, Jacou , Jr , 27. 133 Per ns Ralph, Sr , 113 Peters June Sr • 113 P e ps Sandra, Soph 83 89, 147 Ph ps Barbara Soph' 147 Ph ps, Charles, Soph , 147 Ph ps, Done d, fee , 29 Ph II ps, Joan, Soph, 147 Ph ps, enneth, Soph. 147 Ph PS, Tommy, Soph, 147 Ph ps, V rg n a, Soph. 147 Ph pot Jerry, Soph 63 147 • Ph pps, Darla, Soph , 83 P c ens Belly Ann Jr 83 133 • P c en, Cheryl Sr ~ Poe ett R•y. Jr, 41 75 127 133 • Poe e l nda Sop 86 61 1<17 • Perce, Don, Sr 113 Perce, Fran e c:.~ 147 • ~~ ' P crce, lenn e, Soph , 147 Poerce, Ph I, Sr., 62, 74 113 P erce, R ch rd, Jr , 133 P g Jay, Fac , 29 P gr m, M nn e, Sr , 75, 113 P n erlon, Zelma, Jr , 74, 76, 83, 133 P per, Carolyn, Sr, 113 P tt, Peggy, fee, 20 P II, Robert, Sr , 61, 113

P 11 an James Soph 147 P tt an John Sr 56 113 P tzer R Ia Soph , 83, 147 151 P c er Norma Sr, 49, 55 73 84 113 P oer Peggy Sop 147 Pog e larry Don Sr 58 113 Po rd ay Sr , 59 59 113 Porter l nda Soph 147 Porrer Mergar 1 Jr 75 133 Porter S p Sr 59 59 Porter Tomm e Soph 147 Portrey, He en Jr, 56 Pot I Tt.e me Cafeter a, 18 Presson, Donne S pt. 67, 147 Prewett Janel! Jr 133 Pr ce Edysol, Jr 133 Pr ce e th Jr 61, 74 133 Pr ce larry Soph 1 n Pr ce Pe"'ny, Jr 76 86 133 • Pr dmore Charles Jr , 60 76 133 Pr eto Voc e Soph 147

Pr tchard D ene Soph 147 Pr tner Cec I a Sop 83 147 Pr t er Nancy Sop 76 147 Pry r John Fer ?3 Puck"ll, larry, S:lph 147 Puc ett, Johnny, Jr 133 Pugh Jac Soph 147 Pull am Gary Sr , 58 62, 113 Purcell, M e, Soph , 147 Pybus, Gary, Jr, 79, 133

-QQu en, Robert Soph 56 Ouo I nf Paul Soph 68, 47, 173 Qu ntero, Ernest Sr , 56 64, 68, 113 Q nt ro, Fran , Jr , 56 68, 133, 160, 165 Qu ntero Johnny, Soph. 147 Qumton, Max ne, Jr , 69, 133


Rac ey, Sh rley, Soph , 83 148 Radel ff Sendr• Sr 75 114 ader, Dav d, Soph, 56 Ra nes, John, Soph , 148 a es, l nde Jr 133 R ~•nd W I lim, Jr , Ramos V rg n 1, Soph , 69 Ramsey, J mmy, Soph, 60, 1..8 Ran n, Jan Sr , 114 R per, Don, Soph , 75, 148 Raper Ron Soph 55 148 • Rawl ns, Miry, Sr, 69, 74, 114 ay, John Sr 64 8 114, 157 Readnour, Bobby, Soph. 148 Reames, Phyll s, Soph , 148 Rector, Hubert, Sr , 56 87, 114 Redden, Arve Ia, Sr , 114 Redd n, Orv I Custod en, 19 Redskin Arrow Stiff, 14

Reece, V rgol, Soph, 76, 148 Reece, Warren, Sr , 62, 68 74, 76, 114 Ree~ J mmy, Soph , 148

75 114 114 Sr 56,

Roop A o zo F1c 17 R per Jan s Sopt. 148 Rose Barbara Jr , 56 134 Ro e S rry Soph 75 148 Ross Bobby Soph 162 Ross Jody S ph 89 148 Ross J nor Jr 134 Ro ssea Renee S 148 Ro ton Terry Jr 62 75 134 Rowan Sherron Sr 115 Rowden Joyce Soph 56 148 Row a S eron Sr 115 Roy France a Jr 134 Rov Norma Soph 148 Roy Rona d Soph 75 148 R m a gh J m Sr 115 R ne s Ann Sr 11 5 R sh g Wade Sr 28 115 Russell, Barbera, Sr 115 Russell Gary, Soph, 60, 88 Russell, Gene, Soph , 79, 86 148 Rune I, larry, Soph, 29 Russell, Ray, Jr , 63, 134 RU1 Darrell, Soph , 148, 160 Rurh, ochard, Soph , 148 Rutherford, laNethea, Sr., 115 Rut edge ta Sr, 57, 58, 115 Ryburn, Jess Jr , 134 Ry er, Breck, Sr, 58


Sedberry, Chari ne, Soph 83 85, 14 Seger, G org a, Jr 72, 134 Seger, l nda Soph 83, 86 148 Selllar, Chr st ne, Jr 134 Say r, Edd e Soph 60, 148, S.mmet n9er, l nda, Soph • 75, 148 Samples, Danny, Sr 115 Samsel, Patr c , Jr , 85 Sanchez, Gloroa, Soph 149 • Sanchez, Roger, Sr 116 Send rs Betty, Sop 23 Send rs, Dar ene Soph., 55, 69, 83, 149, 187 Sand rs, Donna, Soph , 67, 149 Send rs Edd e, Soph 149 Send rs, He en, Jr , 134 Senders, Judy, Soph 149 • Send rs, larry, Sr 56 116 Send rs ltll 1n, N rse 19, 81, 147 Senders, Ne I, Sr 116 Senders Ruth, Jr , 55, 64, 65, 69, 82, 131 134, 183 S.nd rs, Sandy, Jr 134 S.pp, Sendr , Soph , 149 S.rgent, Ann, Sr , 116 S.walz y, Doane, Soph. 149 Sawyer, Gale, Soph, 83, 149 Sch efersteon Donol1, Soph. 149 Schm dt, Max, Soph 86 149 Scholl, Bobby, Jr 61 134 • Scholl, Donnoe, Sr 38, 49, 64, 68, 116, 159, 161 Schooltng, Della, Fac.~ 18 Schorntck, Dona d, Sr , 56, 116

Schroc C a s Sr 74 Schu er James Sr 58 59 Sch tz Wa 1 Jr 13-4 Scott, D v d Jr 79, 134 161 165 Scoll Jer Soph 86, 149 Scoll, R hard 86 Scott 149 See es, Ge Jr 7 134 Se r e 62 75 8 Se ee 1 83 149 Shder l 25 63 116 Sheds Pa y 16 Sh ds Way 134 Sh P ey Ne y 75 78, 134 Shoe ey De ores Soph 149 Shores M e Sop 62 149 Short G e n Sr 64 71, 74 16 173 S ort Troy S h 1 9 Shropsh re M 74 117 Sh ff e d J S ph 56 149 S egfr ed Beve y Soph 83 149 S fers E zabe Sp 149 Sogm1 C o Iota 88 S ler B by Jr 64 134 165 S mmons lonn Soph. 60 145 S mon Fredd e Soph 149 • S on Tedd e Soph 83 S arGdysfec 20 S eton V de Jr , 76, 135 S n , Cec I, Soph 68, 79, 149 S non, Ray C stod an 19 S dmore Don Sr 87 117 Sk n er, lo n Soph 149 S nner, Sharon Sr 66, 67, 117 S ee er Barbara Jr 135 Sentz, J dy, Jr, 135 Slover, C D, Sr , 117 'im ley, Hez Fee 23 71 Sm th, A brey Jr 75 • 135 Srn th, Bilrb ra, Jr , 56 135 Srn th, Beverly Soph , 83, 86, 149 Smoth, Blanche, Fac , 12 13 27, 67 Srnorh, Carol, Jr 85, 135 Sm th, Charles Sr 61, 117 Sm th, C eyborn Custod an, 19 Sm th, D ana ,Sr 49 73 74 84 117 55 Smoth, Donna, Sr 56 117 • Smoth, Donne Soph, 149 Srn rh, Ed, Sr 56 68 117 Sm th, Fran Jr 135 Sm th, G~rland Sr , 87 Sm th, Gera d Sr 117 Srn th, James Custod en, 19 Sm th, Jean, Soph 62 1..9

Sm th, J mm e Jr 135 Smoth, Jo El n Jr 41, 69, 74 86, 172 Sm th, Judy, Soph 149 Sm th, larry, Sop 89 149 Smoth, l nde, Sr , 63 66, 76 117 Sm'th, Marge Soph 75, 79, 149 Sm th, Maroe, Jr 88 135 Sm th, Marv Jr 135

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Student, Faculty, Organization Index Sm rh, Par, Sr , 67, 104 117 Smoth, Parr a Sr, 117 Smolh, Patsy, Sr • 66, 71 117 Sm 1!, Pegay, Jr 135 Sm rh, Phvll s, Sr 117 Sm rh, Shorl Y Saph 149 Smoth, Smut Sr , 64 68 117 160, 161 Sm th Wollard, Saph 149 Sneed, Tereu Saph • 83, 149 Sne grove Dav d Jr • 88 135 Sebree c ey, Sr , 58 f, Key, Sr., 64, 74, 75, 82, 116 ten, Lu Ann, Jr., 66, 75, 134 Selhng, M e, Sr., 58 Semrod, Ludv , Fac.. 25, 79 Senn, J enette, Saph , 76, 149 Sepde, Bernadett , Sr , 67, 77 116 Sewell, Paul, Sr , 116, 161 Shac I ford, Audr~a, Sr, 67, 116 Shac I ford, J w I, Saph. 149 Shahan, Jom, Sr , 36, 55, 68, 74, 78, 79, 92, 116 Shan , Lucy, Fee, 21, 71, 76 Shannon, Bobby, Saph, 149 Sharp, Connoe, Sr , 58, 59, 71, 116 Sharp, L nde, Saph , 149 Sharp, Lynn, Jr, 75, 134 Shew, Janet, Jr, 86 Shaw, Orvolle, Soph , 149 Shew, Sharon, Soph, 55, 78, 83, 86, 148, 149 Sheck Is, Monty, Saph, 68 149 Sh;d, Gl nde, Soph., 61, 75, 149 Sh ts, Charles, Sr, 74, 161, 172, 173 Shelby, Dean, Jr., 134 Shelton, Ann Soph 75 Shelton, Dons, Soph , 62, 149 Sh lton Twyle, Jr , 55, 58, 76, l:-,4 Sherman, Ann Jr , 83 Sh rmen, Bev rly, Jr, 83, 134 Sherrell, Bob, Sr., 116 Sherrod, Earl, Soph , 149 Snow, Jerry, Soph,, 87 Snow, Sharon, Sr, 118 Snyder, James, Saph., 149 Snyd r, Jan, Sr , 119 Snyder, Mary, Jr, 135 Solis, Rochard, Jr. 28, 56, 135 Solos Tonya, Jr , 78, 135 Soos, John, Soph , 76, 149, 165 Soos, Johnny, Jr., 55, 68, 76, 71, 86, 134, 135 Soph r, G ne, Sr., 119 Soules, Janet, Soph , 83, 149 Southwell, Don, Soph , 68, 79, 149 Speaks, Bob Lee, Jr , 135 Speegle, C 8 , Fee , 64, 96, 157, 161 Speegle, M e, Sr., 6, 37, 64, 67, 69, 77, 159, 161 Spencer, Jan t, Fee , 29 Spence, T rry, Soph , 149 Spova, Diana, Soph , 74, 82, 149, 172 Spova, Georg , Sr , 40, 48, 79, 119, 159, 161 Spradlon, Carolyn, Sr , 58,119 Spradlong, Rose e, Jr , 135 Spurgon, J rry, Saph, 149 Stacey, Jean, Sr , 119

Ste e Crew, 87 Ster , Johnny, Sr , 38, 64, 68, 74, 82, 119, 159, 160, 161 Statham, andy, Jr , 64, 68, 135 Steffens, Eddoe, Soph , 149 Sreph ns, Cath y, Sr, 40, 62, 66, 76, 119 Stephens, Emma RU1h, Sr, SO. 74 86 119 Steph ns, Jerry, Jr , 6 I, 70, 135 Steph nson, Larry, Jr , 135 Stepps, Edward, Soph, 149 Srev ns, Sharon1 Fee , 26, 69, 77, 117 Stewart, Dav d, Jr , 56, 60, 135 St wart, Mo , Jr, 36, 68, 135 St wart, Murl, Jr , 135 Srockn y, Dona, Sr, 71, 82, 89, 119 Sr ckn y, Paule, Jr , 82, 135 St lwell, John, Sr , 119 St ne, B II, Sr, 61, 70, 78, 119 Stoc ton, Elton, Fee , 29 Stone, Jom, Jr , 135 Stone, Martha, Saph, 87, 149 Ston Olio , Fac , 29 Stovafl, Carol, Sr , 58, 59, 119 Stover, Don, Jr, 68, 75, 135 Stover, Sandra, Soph, 83, 149 Stow , Paul, Jr , 135 Streetm n, Lor Ita, Jr., 63, 76 86, 135 Stroc land, Barn·e, Jr, 137, 160 Struck, John, Jr , 135 Srubblef eld Barbara, Soph. 71, 76, 89, 149 Stu 1, Davod, Soph , 1SO Student Counctl, SS Sulloven, B. W., Soph, ISO Sullovan, Gary, Sr, 119 Su Iovan Wolloam, Sr , 87, 161 Summerholl, Ed th, Jr , 135 Summers, H ttye, Fee , 24, 71, 76 Summers, llovd, Jr , 68, 135, 160 Surface, Sh rlev, Jr, 135 Sutton, Donna, Saph, ISO Sw dl y, Leda, Sr., 58, 119 Swafford, Jan, Sr , 55, 73, 75 119 Swate , Mary Lou, Sr , 66 117 Sweareng n, Juan ta, Jr, 82, 86, 135 Swimming, 168 Swyden, ay Sr , 118 Symonds, B 11. Sr, 64, 68, 81, 118

T aoue, Mary, Jr, 135 Tedford, C rolyn, Saph, ISO Teeters, G neva, Soph • 56 150 T mplon, Gel nda, Jr , 135 Tennos, 172 Tendall, Merten , Sr , 54, 64 65, 83, 118 Terry, Af c , Sr., 54, 55, 58, 76, 118 Terry, Chari s, Jr, 133 Thespoens, 78 Th mas, Carol, Saph , 69, 150, 172, 173 Thomas, Claud 1, Sr , 54, 55, 74, 118 Thomas, John, Sr, 74, 79, 118 Thomas, Leroy, Soph, ISO Thompson, Gaye, Jr , 67, 74, 76 136 Thompson, Gerald, Sr, 118 Thompson, londa, Sr, 74, 118 Thompson, Patsy, Soph, 67, I SO T ce, Dana, Saph, ISO T dmore, Van, Jr, 136 T ms DeeAnn, Soph , 75, 83, ISO T pion, Barbara, Sr , 76 89, 119 T lpon, L nda, Soph , 76, 89, 150 Todd M e, Sr, 119 To son, Carolyn, Sr , 66 120 Tooman, Eug n , Soph ,

- T-

Van Curen, Joann, Soph, ISO Vennosdall, Judy, Jr, 58, 59 Vans ckl Mary, Sr , 67, 120 Van Vran en Edna, Soph, ISO Van Vran en, Melva, Sr. 81, 120 Varrone Glor a, Jr , 62, 136 154 Vaughn J m, Soph, 150 Vaut, A B, Sr , 64, 120, 157 Ve tch, Charles, Jr , 56, 136 Vela Samm e, Soph , 150 Veman, Ronald, Soph , 150 Verr er Sandy, Sr , 69, 87, 120 Verv nc , Danny, Jr 136 Vesta, Bobby, Soph , 61, 150 Vonyard, Janice, Soph,

Tal ngton, Jommy, Sr, 64, 159, 160, 162 Tate, Ronn e, Soph , 87, ISO Tare, Sue, Saph, 150 Taylor, Carol, Sr, 118 Taylor, Carolyn, Sr, 118 Taylor, 0 v d, Sr, 36, 64 74 159, 160 Taylor, G ry, Soph, 61, 77, ISO Taylor, lr ne, Fee, 19 Taylort.. Larry, Sr., 60, 70, 74 Taylor, Leon rd, Jr, 135 Taylor, Perry, Soph , ISO Taylor, Robert, 118, 161 Taylorc. Robert, Soph 55, /9, 150 Taylor, Sharon Kay, Sr, 66, 118 Taylor, Tono, Jr., 56, 135 Teaqu , Art, Custod an, 19


Tomp ns, Joyce, Soph, 150 loth, Ed rh Soph, 1SO Toumbs, R chard, Soph , 60 ISO Track, 170 Tramme I, Rodney, Soph, ISO Trammel V ala, Jr , 136 Trantham, Paula, Jr , 60, 81, 137 Trapp, Arthur, Sr, 120 Treat, Judy, Soph, ISO Tre oar P nno, Jr , 25, 55, 82, 89, 134, 136 Trev no, Benny, Jr, 136 Troffer, Johnny, Jr , 136 Tuc er, Doug, Jr, 157 Tuc er, Roger, Sop ,


Tuet n, G orge, Jr, 136 lull, Jane Jr, 136 Turner, 811 e, Jr, 136 Turner B lly, Soph, 56 ISO Turner, Cathy, Soph, 78, ISO Turner, Lew s Jr, 61, 136 Tutor, aren, Jr , 72, 74, 78, 83, 136


Uhls, Larry, Jr , 68, 78, 136

- V-


Voenrer, fr~nces, Sr, 56, 120 Vo mar, A en, Jr, 136 Vren en Owen Van, Jr, 186


Wade, Parr c a, Jr, 136 Wade, Patsy, Sr, 67, 120 We emen, Lavena, Jr , 136 We er, Jan , Jr, 56, 83 We er, John, Sop , 68, 75, 150 Wa ~er, Jun or, Soph,


Wa er, larry, Sr , 58, 87, 120 We ur, Martha, Soph, 150 Wa er, Martha, Jr , 136 Wa er, Pat, Sr, 120 Wa ker, Sharry, Sooh, ISO .JJ ~e , S lu, Sr , ~8, 'i9 We ker, W nde I, Soph, 87, 150 We ace, Mary lou, Saph ISO Was, G M, Sr, 120 Walters Martha, Jr , 37, 56, 64, 72, 136 Ward Danny, Jr, 136 Ward Grant, Sr , 120 Ward, Jac , Soph , ISO Ward, larry, Sr, 120 Ward, Charlen , Sr , 76, 120 Warren, lloyd, Sr, 43, 79, 120 Wasson, Sh r ey, Sr , 81, 120 War rs, John, Soph , 150 Warson J rry, Soph, ISO Wauon Margo, Sr , 121 Watson Par, Soph , 55, 150 Watson, Sharon, Jr , 78 88 136 Wart e, Russell, Soph , 68, 86 150 Watts Jenne C feter e, 18 Watts, Tony, Saph, ISO, 165 Watts, Morton Sr 121 Waul Bee y, Sr, , 121

Waul, Ronn e, Saph , ISO Weaver, Edw<n, Soph, 150

Weaver, Judy, Jr, 136 Webb, Pat, Snph , , 83 ISO, 172 Weber Fran Soph, 150

Wee • W lma Sr , 64, 69, 71, 121, 155 We ch, larry, Saph , 62 ISO We lborn Dolph, Soph 60 ISO Wells, B II e Sr , 40, 67, 74 We s Roberr Soph ,


West, Sharon Jr , 1'6 Whalen, Londa, Jr , 56, 83 136 Whafey, Ann Jr, 67 \\'haley, El zabe•!-o lr 136 Wheatlev B II, Saph , 88, 151 \\'heeler Don Sr , 55. 62, 71, 79 88 121 Wh'pp e J mmy S.. 38 62, 64 68, 159, 161 Wh re, Grady, Saph, 151 Wh te, Jane Sr., 66, 69, 71, 87, 154 Wh re Ja., 1, Sr , 68 121 165 Wh'te, J m, Saph It' Whole, Sandra, Jr., 136 Whole, Ted, Sr., 56 12 1 Wh recotton, Danny, Sor.h. 72, 151 Whot y, Roy, Sr.. 121 Whotn y, Jerry, Jr., 60. 136

Wh rson, Parr c a, 48, 71, 74, 76, 83, 99, 121 Wh rson, Sharon, Sop 75, 151 w gg ns, Jo , Sr , 55, 66, 67, 121 Wgna I, 8 y, Sr, 121 w lcox, Gary, Jr, 136 w born, a. ly, Sop • 151 W lborn, Darl ne, Sopt.. 151 W ox, Spenc r, Sr' 121 w ey l nda Jr, 136 w t. re Sh r ey, Sr • 121 W kerson, B e, Jr 66, 75, 136 w kerson, Forest, Jr • 56 136, 162 w kerson Lonn e, Saph. 60 151 WI erson Nancy, Soph 86, 151 W e Randy, Saph • 74, 75, 83, 151 w 1 ams. Cheryl Sr • 67, 77, 122 w ams Eleanor, Sr , 122 w ems Frances, Jr , 136 w ams Geneva fac 19 w a s Jac e Jr. 136 W I ems J rry, Soph • 151 W II ams, John, Jr • 60, 136 W I ams at Y. Soph • 61, 75, 151 w IIams, Kat ryn Saph. 151 Willems, Pamela, Sr • 64 69, 72, 82, 85, 112 W: 1 ems, Paul, Jr 136 W IIams, Roberr, Jr. 136 WI ems, Sandy, Sop , 151 W II ems, Sharon, Soph, 151 w; 11 ms, Sharon, Soph. 151 W I ams Walter, Cvstod an, 191 56 Will ems, Wanae, Jr., 137 w; 1 mson, 0. R , Fee • 18 W II ford, P II p, Sr • 122 Wo I ford, Sandra Jr • 55, 66, 82, 137 Wills Char es, Saph • 151

w lloughby

Darlene, Sr. 77, 122 W111oughby, Leroy, Soph. 151 Wilson, 8 lly, Sr • 122 W lson, Donna, Saph , 83, 151 Wo son, Gary, Jr • 68, 157 Wilson Glenda, Sr , 55, 76 122 W son, J mmy, Jr • 137 Wolson Larry, Sr, 87, 89, 122 Wolson, M e, Saph • 151 Wolson, Roy, Sr, 36, 64, 122, 162 Wilson, Velma, Sr , 55, 122 W ngf eld, Grace Anne, Jr , 71, 78, 84, 86, 124, 137 Woofers, ar n Jr • 137 Wooton, Kay, Jr • 75, 80. 137 W rtz, ent, Sr, 122 Woseley, Joyce, Soph., 60, 151 W11er, Ra ph, Sr., 61, 70, 74, 122 Wr ers, V c '• Jr., 137 Wort, J c , Fee , 22 W11ten, Sharon, Saph , 83, 151 Womac , Charlotte, Sr 122 Womac J D , Jr , 68, 137, 160, 162 Womac , Rota, Sr , 59,

- Y-

Yande , Joanne Saph. 151 Ya!es, Bobb e, Soph 151 Yeck Merlyn, Sr, 74, 123 Yost, larry, Soph, 151 Younes, John, Sop ., 151 Younq, Caro yn Jr, 137 Young athryn !;op 74 80 82 151 Young enneth Sr 76, 123 Young, Par Saph, 151 Young Susan, Soph 151 Young Yolanda Sr , 43, 74, 123 Younger, Cec I Sr, 123 Younger, Chari e, Sr, Younger D ana Soph , 123 Yount, James, Jr, 137 82, 151 Y-Teens, 77

- Z-

Zano a, G enda, Sr 123 Zbab'rel B I, Sr, 123 Zw rrz Ronne, Jr 137


I f






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EPILOGUE \Ve came to C.H.H.S. in the fall of nine months.

1%1. and staved for

We searchecl for knowledge, joined with pride, burst with ~·omh, cheered the teams, and grew together. Now we leave again. Some of us, through graduation, will join thr. r:mks of the alumni. Others will return in September. Before the Chieftain staff can go, however, we must say "Thank you" co those who h;l\"e made this book possible. John Clark of American Yearbook Com pan~· helped us over many rough 'JlOts with advice and help. Facul~· members were understanding and cooperative. And , our advcniscr.~ made the book financiall_v feasible. To each of these groups goes a bouquet of thanks.

\Ve hope you, our readers, will enjoy reviewing the golden da_vs of 1%1-62 ;a~ ~·ou scan the CHIEfTAIN'S pages.

\\'e all came

the hill . . . and now we leave, thm '>tarting again the \'Carh· C\·cle of those who C0~1E TO C.H.H.S. to

c a p i t o l hill

h i g h schc::>ol

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