19 ,
Capitol Hill High School 500 S. W. 36 Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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Whether Planned
e fr m cr n . W e'l t e d f b M ., b rr wed
b +ed ., t e re e cefeter e ·s u e y re Lendr rn edds ore e co cfor.
S uden rfe a Cap· o H"ll ·s by no mean dt. . Its the li e th"ngs ho a e he mono O"'Y ou of he do"ly routine. This re "ef doesn't always ' ·Lo happe . ' It · wor ed for and panned for. The 100-p"ece band wor s long hours beg·r>'1·ng hab"t uo y at 7:30 a. m.-ra·n or sh"rte- o r"'a.nta· h"q level of performance. s·x peppy. tr"m cheer eaders pr c "ce and prac ·ce some rr.ore to coord· nate t"nes. Activ" y direc or Miss Sara Cohen has a ac+·v· y offce full of s udents from all acfv"fe checsu ·ng the"r part·cular events o avo"d conf "ct . There ore many other groups who wor just as hard as those mentioned to bring us entertainment at its best.
or Spontaneous, Entertainment Is Tops ..
"Oh thot isn't o horsey" muses Jim Nievor d;~r"ng he Reds "n Roundup progrom. The onnuol event introduces sop omores to e"r new school home.
Dorlere S t e moor
T .,Y G t t"c' es Ed.,ond's r1.nner os Cop· ol Hi open d e o on w +h d ~.m. Heo Is g~t heovy os Red k"ns ended e eo on w unexpec •d o es.
48 8 v· ory i'1 the Hi I S o
Redskin Spirit Thrives With Addition of E her seepy or w"de-o·woke hoppy Red~"r.s re rn ho.,e from the Ardf'l'lore gome of er w"tn ss"ng o 21-7 v"ctory. Busses ore usuo y chortere to to e fons to out-of-town gomes.
R dsk''ls L'nda Echo's end Mary Jon Em'ls return he f at w en ro'n cone I ed he Homecom'ng Pored .
Boys' Pep Club During the first semester all eyes turned toward foo ball. The coach selected his squad, the team ~ad i s pep tal s, ond everyone was ready for the fr game. Reds in Sp'rit was high and the new boys' pep club h lp d sharpen enthus'asm. Fans turned ou 'n larqe crowds o cheer he team to v'ctory. Pep a embl es were planned o qenera e pep-a"d they did. Ski s were humorous and fight yells were loud and I'T'any. The Homecom'ng Parade was cal ed off because of ra'n and the ha s were fled w¡ h downhearted Reds 'ns. Mon hs of plann'ng and wor were was ed. Spiri s 'vened though when Cap¡ ol H'll won the game aga'ns Northwes 20-16. Busses were chartered for the out-of-town games. Cheers were numerous and spirits lively but everyone was sleepy on he return rip. Bas etball, baseball, trac , tennis and sw'mming were also top ran ing sports at Capitol Hill. The Hill is l"own state-wide for its ou standing ability in the field of sports.
Get re dy r s you're on ex wes cheer eader D ana Mea ey bee s age a
s'gre g'ven by e e pep as e~b y.
Footbo I p eyers of th or hwes Kn'gh s ere n rod ..ced d..1r ng e humoro s pep essemb y on the dey of he game.
Variety Sparks Educational Opportunities Educational opportunities for Hillians is seldom excelled by a high school. In addition to a well trained faculty interested in the students, the Hill boasts of modern equip· ment in every department. , Educational training is available not only in academic subjec-ts, but also in vocational subjects, including offset printing, upholstery, cabinet m ing, auto mechanics, electronics, elec tricity, welding, body and fender, cosmetology. varityping, and drafting and design. For cooperative training, distributive educ tion and diversified occupation programs, students get credit for hours spent on a commercial job. Research and reference materials covering practic lly any subject are quickly found in the school library. Numerous scholarships are offered for able Capitol Hill students every year.
S uden s s~er the dey by c(ving the pledge of e leg"ence to the Americen fleg end the Amer"cen wey of I fe f !lowed by e devot one end preyer Mrs. Jones del"g~ts ·n emus·ng her b·o ogy c es es w h her exper·ments. Four of h r s uden s T rry ewell, Cerl Ben on, Mery Cerpenter, end Angel"e McMenus seem enchen ed w·th the process of turning sugM blec end me ·ng it "grow."
be•e y g
he he
ere crowded d r·rg
d e to e treff c ·
e seven m ut
bree s between c esses. Often s udents
P~ys s c .~nder tf.e pe!V son of Mrs. Selly V n f nds the m esur"ng of l"g~t reys in t e f tb I f d fesc·net ng.
s·x t o~osar.d far-s CM be seated ·, the Reds ·n s ad urn. Pc"n ed t games. It "ncludes •he c"nd r course u ed for track meets.
chool co r
maroon end wh" e, it ·s the scene of c
ho e fo tbo
Hill Campus Undergoes Beautification Beeutificetion of the cempus wes one of the projects sponsored by the Student Council. Shrubbe was well ept, lawns encouraged, litter col ected, end rooms painted to edd dignity during the OASC convention. The main building of the cempus de es bee to 1928
when the school was built. More prestige wes added wi h the building of the modern field house, designed to supplement the stedium. To complete the review of the campus, we present the agriculture and vocation buildings that house students in vocetional +reining.
U rc modern "s he word for the fed house des"gned for indoor sports pep euembl es end bcccclcureo e. At fmes non schoo' vents ere held here.
S•udents n tredcs de s leorn end wor n e voce ·one bu"ld"ng. Upho stery cosi'Tieto ogy
He I to A me Meter! Cep to Htll eround w 'ch educe on end ex rec rr c er ec vt es ere cert red stends e I end prowd ebove ro d g sry !'le. Tho ends heve pessed t.nder the erc~weys end e I heve eft e per+ of hems ves.
'Welcome to CHHS" greets the s'gn on e ogr'cul urel bu'ld ng lown. A green o1.se end nursery ore loce d on the southwest corner of the com pus. o o mec er cs e d w d"ng ere omo g the s b'ec s e1.ght there.
.. 12
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Dedication ...
Cohen Plans, Guides, Executes Activities Wh n I g + my col ege education, I m going to be e ecfv"ty d"rector right here at Capitol Hi 1," thought M" s Sere Cohen over thirty years ago when she herself was a h"gh school student. In those days her favorite pa tim w s a sisting the acfv"ty director with numerous chores inc'ud"ng runring her legs off. Fort..mately, she hasn't run her legs off during her twenty-nine consecutive years on the faculty, but the v"vac"ou ac ·v·ty director measures less than five feet to . Although qua ifed to teach Eng ish, speech, end drama M"ss Cohen an OU graduate, spends most of her fme d"recting end coord"nating the many ex racurrcu or oc "vities of the school. Thes diversified ocfvifes include sponsoring the Stude'lt Council, Pep Council, end Thesp"ans. In addifon to th"s she d"rects ell he schools plays, which mea s she comes o school very of en as early as 6:30 a. m. and stays in the evening till all hours. Teaching classes in speech and play producfon seems incidental in a schedu eli e this. It is apparent from the foregoing why the 1963 Chieftain steff takes great pleasure in dedicating this, the '63 Chieftain, to Miss Sara Cohen.
M 55 Co e'l's f&.,.. I &r siT' e ·s fte'l 5e n g•eet ng & v 5 or +o ec+ v ty off c c& d n t e fr n+ of cefe er"&.
• F
Mrs. Warren Welch Word I
Mr. Melvin P. Rogers Word 2
Mr. William Lott Word 3
Mr. Fost r Estes Word4
School Board Elects One New Member Mr. Jack Parker Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Phil C. Bennett Member-ot-Lorge
In cherge of production at Cepitol Hill are Mr. C. B. Breithaupt, pr'ncipal; Mr. James Wal ace, vice principel in charge of discipline; and Mr. Orel Pea , vice principal in charge of instrucfo'l. Faces changed at the Hill with Mr. Roop's retirement Md Mr. Irwin's trensfer. Filling the void left by their leaving are Mr. Walla o d Mr Peak. Ta ¡ nq on the tos of whether or not to " por the rod and spo'l the child" was Mr. Wo aces main worry. Mr. P o was left with the tos of enrolling 2099 students. s~r'ving for higher goals in their competiv nu or age is stressed stro'lgly by r. Br 'th upt and his colleagues. Sup r'n endent of city schools, Dr. Joe Por r complet d h's second successful year in hot position. Wor ing with Dr. Por er, as members of he Boord of Educofon, hove been Mr. W illiam Lot, president, Mr. Foster Estes, Mr. Phil B nnett, Mrs. Warren Welch, and Melvin Rogers n west member. Mr C B. Breithaupt , 'ncipal •
Hill Welcomes Two Mr. James Wallace Vice Principal
ew Principals Mr. Orel Pea Vice Principal
v·tal to +he hub of bu · e arred on at t'le Hill are ts large staffs w"· h carry out '11 ny e enfa dut e . T e fo r o r e ors offe~ adv"ce 0" pe•sona p•ob ems a ong w· •h choo and co ege adv e. Facts. boo s ana up +o the '11 n te period"ca a•e fauna "n t~e a way bu y b•ary. He p in genera ·s found n the c ·n c as Mr . L" an Sander e p ett e heal+h and sc"oo "nsurarce worr"e . l,.,c uded n t e huge taff re ttte five off ce wor er c .. s od"a off and t e caf eter· a s+aff.
Advice, Assistance, Service Perpetuated
by Capable Staffs
TWO. Ec r
v E! rge .
Moriette Allen
R"chord Ehlers
Jocque Hormon
Phillip Houser
Poulo 1-:toyt
Literature and Grammar Still Inevitable
Don R cer
Glodys Sincloir
doydreom"ng or "n everydey conversotion. Members of Mr. Reccr's c oss scorch for informo¡
l cy S
L" ero y c oss"cs ore teomed w路 h grommor in he Eng "sh Deportme'1t Eng ish and Amer"con li era ure ore pondered, quesoned, bu f nal y earned by studen s. Gromm r remains o chore o o hers, bu i , too, is leorned desp路 e oil he obstocles. Upon comp e "ng two years of requ路red Eng "sh 路n he en h ond eleventh grades, seniors may se ec either bus"ness Eng ish or ocodem"c Eng "sh. The word ge s smol er every day and H" men realize his in he language courses offered o he H I . A s uden may choose o his or her interest, French, German, Spanish, and Lo in.
Mory Jane G
o ore gn angt..oge s o bo o d o Po e' on o d M ~e Hen+ orn eorn
ord to M ss
Variety of Business Courses Satisfies All
Fu ure secre ores ~rd bus· ness e ecu ·ves ~re devels wh· e rece·v·rg cred·t in he·r op·ng her bus·,..es respec ·ve courses a e H .. Cons ru ·ve earn·,..g ·s mp Ted whe" ~be ·nstructors are a w~ys on hand to end their ass·s~ance. Studen s ·n e•es s v~ry in a he departrrents, business be· g no e cep ·on. Courses reng·ng from typ·ng to c er·c~ prac ce are eva· abe to sefsfy a .
Math, Science Help for Challenging Future
Know'r.g f.. we t~e cha er.ges of a f1..ture full of ery and pu bu ton economy, the math and e e depar ments prepare t~e¡ r students to accept rea 'z fon. Breath ta 'ng str de in the fe ds of science orad ave added to the hopes and asp'rofons of H e a d mat s uden s. u reme" 'nc ude one year of ma~h. one e ecve our e and one year of b'o ogy.
e eM
Staff Teaches Ancient to Modern History
A I the woy from one· en c·vi zotiol"ls to World Wers I ond II ore the phases of history studied and pondered by soc'ol s udies students o the Hill. To ing World H'story o!'d Americon H'story, s udents eorn to ossociate the past wi h the prese!' ond the future. See'ng o clearer picture of the post, students learn o I the governments ll'ld woys of life in the histories of the world.
L. H. BE GTSO n erne ore! re e• ons eems Eco nomics cub Boy's 0 club Honor Soc e y, Sophomore Cless M.S.· WOODROW BUSEY U. S. h s ory soc"o ogy M.Ed.· HAROLD C.ROSLEY U. S. h s ory word h"story, eems Boy's 0' club M.A.· A NETIE MYRICK U. S. h s ory psycho! ogy teems G"rl's 0 cub Aque ens S nor Cless B A.· LLOYD RUMBAUGH U. S. h's ory teems B.S.· HETIYE SUMMERS U. S. h s+ory B be h"s ory Morn· ing lnspiret on, e "one! Honor Soc'e+y M.Ed.
S uden s ·s ened eeger y es e v deo sere n fles ed he'r h"s ory lessons deily. ed I ve ec ures TV h story s•uden•s spreed h use of edu·
lloyd Rumbeugh
Het y Summ rs
Hill Activities Consistently Rank High
Drama, mus¡c, or+, and speech ron high and second o none o he Hi I. Vo"ces ring clear and no es pure from he op-ro ed band and choir. Speech and drama s uden s pro"ec and de iver he"r fines poss"b e olen s o c1 y ond state tournaments. Journo ism s uden s of en nee deep in m producing the yearboo and school newspaper, manage to pace high in comporotive ra ing services. Ooro hy Moyes
H'll s4-udents heo th ond phys'que ore ro'ned ond benefited by the phy 'ca educo 'on deportment. Vor'ous phy ico oc v'4- es c d ng bodm'n on vo eybo sw'mrr~ ng e 'l¡s bo e bo ~uff eboord a d tobe ter:1n's ore poyed by bot~ exes. Wh' e b t 'ng hot bo or co'Tlp e g boc stro e, studen uncon c'ou y eorn g od por ship olong w'th o t~e fun.
Phys. Ed. Courses Stress Fitness, Health
Vigorous Training Prepares Hill Graduates
En erng ~he demond"ng fed of arch" ecturol engir.eer"ng ·s roug~ bu for H" ro"ned studen s in "ndusr·a ar s courses, it s simp Ted hrough a v"gorous bu~ compreheri ·ve program. Fu ure arch" ec s ore found drow"ng he fu ure s yscropers and moss"ve bu" d"ngs, under superv"sed ra"ners. Abundon oppor un· ·es or"se at he Hil for hose s uden s in~eres ed in h"s fed. Lost year the depor men he ped draw up pans for revamping the "ourna "sm room. Future homema ers ta e such courses as coo "ng, ew"ng and ch d core. Proc ·c·ng he"r fu ure roes as homema ers, he g·r s ·n he home ec. depar ment earn many s il sand ab" i ·es.
BO E UCI-iA A o e e o'loM cs FHA M.S.· LEILA S. FRAZ ER ol"''e ecor E T COOPER gere•c sf.op BS.· W. l. CO ER drcf+ ng ;h sc ool me · Y pep c b M S · H. l l TILEF ELD w odwor~ S n"or C css B.S.
Co p r
W l. Co e•
H l l
ef e d
Corolyn Cluck
Vocational Study Prepares Students for
Vocationa studen s prepare for the future by ta ing such var'ed courses as cosmetology electron'cs and upho s ery. Veri yping and printing students perform the'r du ies nearby Lee sc~ool wh' e the VO ca ionel bu'lding is he bus'ness spot for a other voca 'onel students. Upon gredua ion s udents are ready e'ther to go o wor immediate y or to serve shor appren icesh'ps in their chosen felds.
Roymond F sh
Eugene F sher
Edon Hell
Dwayne Harper
Future Positions Leo y p pes ord fcucets ore ·"st some of e roubles exper enced by opprentice p umbers, Johnny Jeffreys ond Bobby Rogers.
W. 0. HAW INS body ond fender, M.S.; DONALD
PH LLIPS, dro~ ang ond des gn olgebro, CHHS Techn co Soc e y B.S JA ET SPE CER. cosmoto ogy T&l cub B.S.· E. J. STOCKTON, offset pr'nting; OLLIE STONE rnccl,'ne shop T&l club B.S.; E. B. VAUGHAN. d str b tive educcfon, B.S.· COR ELl US CARVER dr versed Sofe y Counc· BA.· JAY P GG dr vers ed. B.S.
Corne us Corver
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OASC Brings Student Council Representatives Cop' o Hi Reds ins were host o fve hundred student de go es, represenfng the'r home schools, ot the 0 lo~omo Assoc'o 'on of S udent Counc'ls convention November twenty-n'nth through December frs . A w rm we come" was ex ended to the delego es. The Reds ins offered he'r homes, hong ou s and friends to hese studen s. A very fu schedu e was fo ow d by he qroup. There were he usuol group d'scussions, a god and whi e banquet and do11ce a he Hillcres Country Cub, and he convenfon was highligh ed with a
Hawoiian uau. We were very apprecia 've to have he honor of the OASC convention. A gr at d al of wor wen in o th planning and preporofon of this even . The Chief ain' s aff would li e o ex end a very warm and deserving congra ula 'ons o Jennifer B'rdwell, secre ary of he 1962 OASC conven ion and Miss Sara Cohen, sponsor of Capitol Hill's student council, who made this sess'on one o be long remembered by Reds ¡ins ond by de ga es of h '62 conven 'on.
for Meetings, Buzz Sessions, Luau, Ball
d'nc g crd ec ng we•e on e eg de e pe m 1"'18 edd d by B
g o c n C l"'lents for
e e d
+yp·ng end r.o+ c ng were some es for •~e OASC q des.
F r
P ,.,P OASC v
eer eodeâ&#x20AC;˘5 ore in loud t on p pro y
That Redskin Spirit Sparked Weor¡.,g o wee bon'le+ rno5c + e p5 erou e gem
qJeen wo5 O'l "mpor et1 !Men ogr es th 5 w 5 o g d
Team Work
Holidays Hold Highlights of Happy Times
Pom Gr ns eod O'ld Cece ·o Pr ., r prepore for t Cf-r s+Mos h.ncf-eon g"ven by the urno S'TI s off
The B"q Boys" on comp s wo•ch the Chr"stMos doncers w"th nostol~·o remeMber r>g mony mory yeors gone by
T e B de ~~~d e C r b ys ore reody o s g ony ·'T'e onywl)ere even o t e T & I Do'lce 11-ey werer • e h gf. ·gf. of the eve'l·,g but tl,ey l"vened W qs up.
Christmas brought mon"y gay and fun-filled hours to the HI. Tw'sters Twan Fa'rbonks and Rodney Barr'entos captured honors as outstandirg twisters at the T & I Christmas dance, Sonto Clous tolked with the Capitol Hill Cheerleaders, ond the Jour.,olism department surpr'sed the faculty with a Christmas luncheon. Faculty members and studenfs enjoyed the eleven day vocation. But o I were g!ad to return to school and to the'r fr'ends. The returning of school brought the end of the semester o'ld final exams.
Under +~e Chr +l"''as +ree E 'e " M&r+ n T & I Sw e e&r+ r ce'ves r&d. 'onal swee e&r s we& eâ&#x20AC;˘ ro es &'ld r s frol"'' J&mes Cook.
F rst I w&rt " shor+ d&rK &nd h&nd ol"''e bov' re" es Ruth S&ndeâ&#x20AC;˘s to Sor+& &s sf-e f rgers oH her Chrslm&s s+.
d R
prof s r
y o w of Cof"''pus."
Entertainment Split Sides, T c r ts'ld Ozz e w bot comedy ts'ld seâ&#x20AC;˘ 01.1
d c ed n e r ew B ez ~ nte o nment ot nsp rot onol
Talk about variefy of entertainment! There were times when faculty and students spli the"r s"des laughing at comic el'tertainment-like the six love y cheerleaders (with those mascu'ine looking knees.) Somefmes the entertainment was not so we orgon"zed-as when clowns from among th rabble dec"ded to attract attenfon by getfng caught in the ve.,d"ng ma h"ne. The en~ertainment was not always on the light s"de e"ther. There were just as many "mes when the crowds eft on assemb y all cho ed up with mov"ng emotion--especially after the award-winning choir gave re1ig"ous Tha-:~ksgiving and Christmas programs. There were the usual but exciting out of town tr"ps-and best of all were he dates-e pecially trips to Sussy's with gang.
Drew Tears 0 "' h s cup won c IT'e o exc e rns Terry Spe'lce o on oo ers.
d pâ&#x20AC;˘of e 'ld d
The halls at CHHS ar f lied each day with many and varied happenings. From the classroom pran ster to the ser'ous fmes at assemblies, the theme is olwoys the same: good times, hard work, and many rewards. We p edged our serv'ces to stud'es, special events and one ano her and we learned that those who gave also received. Good times and bad were shared and friendships were made to last a lifetime. Smiles, tears, and I ughter-mostly the laughter-will rem in 'n our memories of the halls of CHHS. Behind the scenes, es usuel, is M'ss Sere Cohen keep'ng s udents ce m end co en essemb y 's presen ed. It seems shes elweys ther w e., o s uden needs ~er.
cted befor
Anything Can Happen Down Around Halls
end s uder s p edge to o1.r Red 'n sp'r' es yp'fed by R'cherd Kerr, Me e Pendergrep C eel, Edwerds c'1d Judy Peese.
You s ou d see e other g y s e e." sc s J.B. spor ¡ g h's beck eye. He e d fe ow H' ~e., se e beck o e'l'o CHHS C r s 'TieS essemb y.
C r 5 me5 "me.
ng el er
e ¡o y
d S rry Or 5
urned w e seems d
hot con never be forqot en-er wn'ng e I George 0 ono Don Es e o ond Edgor s+ond
one rno•e yeor o go ' soys Barboro o Joe o'ld · goes so q c ly. I ~ope we hove os IT'.Jch f n next yeor os d d
ms os ·; · of
oI 63.
In the fall of 60, the Seniors of 63 begon their wonderful. eventful yeors at CHHS. As sophomores, we entered with wide eyed enthusiasm for our new home in the "heort of the hill,' os juniors, we begon to to e shope os leoders, ond closs rings put excitement in the year. The lost yeor, of course, wos the best, ond now os we beg'n o realize thot oil good t~ings must come to on end, ond os we go our seporote woys in odult life-we leove o part of eoc" of us ot CHHS . . . But o greo deol more goes with us; the spirit, spor le, life, loughter, troubles, tears, flirtations, friel"dsh'ps hot wi never fode in our memories. All these things mode our school he best. We bel'eved in ond l'ved tho Red in Spirit for three years ond so we will continue even though for o while we sholl soy forewell . . .
'0 ono. do'l t cry. Be o b'g g'rl" in t~e'r eyes)
jo~e Koren ond Borboro
(w'th teors cy s ort to cleon ou t~e loc~cr for t~e lost fmo.
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loo '19 o• co
ge c
Bever y Ak'., but p r
Ker p
Three Most Wonderful Years Must End
I• ·s o '1
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• e f +1.1re.
eo •
oyalty Organ ·z tio s
Jenn fer B rdwe
Miss Chieftain 46
J.D. Womec
Mr. Chieftain 47
Diona Mealy
Richard Coble
Mr. and Miss Chieftain, Runners-Up Among the leaders on the Hill in citizenship. scholarship, and sportsmanship ore Mr. and Miss Chieftain, J. D. Womac and Jennifer Birdwell, and their eight attendants: Diana Mealy. Richard Cab e. Martha Wolters, George Mane , Marlene Davis, Charles Ber enbile, BetMartha Wolters
ty Boucher, and Don Hac ett. Although Mr. and Miss Chieftain ore the yearbook royalty, hey are selected by the student body. Only niors with a high grade average who do not hold ono her royalty are eligible. George Mane
Mar ene Davis
Char es Ber enbile
Hold High Ideals as Their Future Goals Among the finalists for the Chief oin honors ore two boys who plan to become min"sters, Don and Charles. Miss Chieftain erse f plans a career in religious service. Mr. Ch"eftoin, Don ond George ore bas etboll players, and Richard is trac star on the Hill. The girls ore Be ty Boucher
also active in sports. Both Diona and Betty ore in girls' teams. Martha has supported oth efcs as president of the Pep Council, and Mar ene was cheerleader her junior year. All ten ore loyal Reds ins! Don Hac e t
Football Princess Wins All-Sports Crown Five happy gir's the"r senior year were linda AI en, swimming princess; Jody Smith, basketball princess; Beverly Akin, trac princess; Borbor Berry, wrestl"ng princess, ond Ruth Sonders, foo bol princess. Happ"est of a I was Ruth when she was selected by the student body Beverly A in TRACK PRINCESS
in o Jonuory election to be All-Sports Queen. An ovid sports fon, Ruth wos ossistont oil-school cheerleoder and o Student Council representative. She was also in girls' teoms. All contestMts had comparable qualifications. Barb r Berry WRESTLING PRI CESS
Ruth Sonders
Football Princess All Sports Queen 51
Darle.,e Sanders
Miss Howdy Homecoming Queen 52
Jody Brya'1
Princess of Print
Jen,¡fer B rdwe OASC SECRETARY
Student Council Plans Varied Activities, Supporting the relations between the student body and faculty and raising school standards ore some of the club's various oc ivities. Leadership, ability, and willingness to wor have contribu ed much to he council. The club had one of its most successful years by uniting forces and striving for one goal-the student body. The greatest honor of the year come from the meeting of the Sta e Conven ion of OASC at Capitol Hill for four days. Delegates were housed by students at
J",.., evor VICE PRES DE T
Cf.or ene Browe SECRETARY
Capitol HH and neighboring schools. The guests hod a well-planned tour of our school and the various activities inside the doors of CHHS. Guest spea ers at the convention included many prominent men in our state, such as Dr. Hesser, from OSU; Dr. Jac Par er, Superintendent of School~; J. D. McCarty, Robert Luttrell, and the presiding senior officer, Carl Ste elenberg. Jennifer Birdwell represented CHHS as secretary of the convention.
Hosts State Student Council Convention Dov d Sco
OASC de go es weory of er c g d y's br ef y for o co e o'ld food n the bord room
oro rd CHHS s op
T & : ROW 0 E: Cf.or es W s v 'T'my Hogo'l l 11do Ro nes Genevo T e e Po Wo Of' Donne McCoy Judy S eftlz ... wo'lc Fc'r bon•s S e c f-t Es e o Mor ~ Joon "g Jo'le Du'lf' lee F sh sp n or. ROW TWO· fdd So yer l'ndc Crye• S rry Mor+ n Anne e Joh!'!sol" Do+ty Dee Foetor Conn e Green Dor s Arne Sl,e B Ho r Judy Co erncn J~ody lueb lo ., e W •e on lorry W1 I orrs Do;Jg EIT'ber n D. l. lo'ldr.Jm. ROW THREE: Derny Word Dof'ny Grovitt Jcmes Hodges Osccr Berry Pot Breeden, Ellen oncy Mocor'l Gory R. Mo+f.ews Eug 'le Toomer Dov d Jon s Joe C er'l Robert E. M I er n'l tf. Rob',. Foo+e Mcry An'l Sm' h son. ROW FOUR: Dov'd Cos ce Teddy Joy e on Brown ng Tor'lff' rg l eRoy WI ug by Rober l v''lg +of' Lorry J nson Pou McComb B I orve Do'lry Sw t< Owen VonVro'l en Don Sm +h L yd Domer Jorn Ro nes.
s r O'l' Mort o Wo ers +reos r r Lo Down Cor repor e•. ROW TWO: M ke Mer n sg+ T & : Off cers ROW 0 E: Joyce R wdel" v ce p•es'de" Go•y Mo rews por em ., or' en. o+ orff' · Borboro'! Ro e c e o•y· Jor'le Coo pres'der+· Bo•boro Mo., e T & I. ROW 0 E: Robert Yourg Rodrey Borr'el"tos John Corter .,., dd Lee So nders Jcmes Bohen enne Joyce Freemon Sof'dreo S over lou Ann S n'ler cren McSper t Sh rlcy Mos'er R 'lr e W e ey Dov d Bor'os Bob Breed n lorry Borror J-4. E don He sponsor, ROW TWO Rcy J-4o~os+on Terry ewe George T~oe • f' of.n H Pou Bu lngton Dcv'd Bo~ • Coo yn Cord lof'o Perc '(CI Vc o Choff" Borbcrc L'nd Es•rcr Mo•gon Arve to Wr q + Jo., e Wo r L rdo W o e'l Lo Don'lc "9 Sv v o leeds com Bu•ne+ . ROW THREE: J r'lmy Lever cf. Edd e Senders Dof' Ro ... rd ree George Byrro.Jgl,s Ru se R per Gory Love ess B ly T.Jmer R'c.,ord 0 doker Fronk Myers Do11 Louderbod Leroy G rrore ... un or Wo er Lorry Crowley Joh'lry Bo lord. ROW FOUR: Vernon Jones B'l y E 'rs Horry Young Rober We s Morv n Meod Do'lf'Y Horf'ett Joh.,ry Herrandez.
Borboro Mor e Joyc Rowden, ord Mortho Wo ters expre s pons ond entl,~os osM over the T & I S o e f e d doy w +11 spo sor Mr. H
T & CLUB QUEE E e o Mor r
T & I Has Exciting Year of Varied Activities
Studen s ond members enro ed in a types of d'sp ayed the'r s i aga'nst studen~s f~om var'ous par s of he s a~e dur'ng compe i ions at the'r annual D'str'ct Fed Day 'n May. The Trode and hdus~ry cub, ong recogn'zed as one of he arges g~oups 'n school, suppor ed some of ~he'r more fr'vo ous ventures such as 'n' ¡a ion of o d and new members and he a nua p'cn'c and banquet. A so a fed r'p to Sti lwater and the annual Chris mas Dance were 'nc uded in the busy schedu e of he c ub. Pres'd''lg offcers of the c 1.1b are e ected from delegates and alternates from morning and even'ng c asses. Es e a Marfn, re'gn'ng as queen of the T & I c ub, was crowned and presented with an emb em jac et at the annual Chr's I'T'as Dance. She was also among he runnersup of the Homecom'ng Queen contest.
Co 9 t ., t e oc 'r er woâ&#x20AC;˘
r w
gs of e cor
orel' nouse L rdo Mor or J~.ody M ey ond S 0 0 C Jb were n + !l•ed os new f c rs o onr> o bor-q"'e•.
0 0 CLUB QUEE oren 'lOU e
D-0 Makes Ready for Future Occupations Whether it be doc Of lawyer, merchant, ch"ef, the plirpose of ~he D"versified Occupations Club is to further develop the re ations"ip between employer and employee in t~e business world. The members gai'l actual experience by working pad of the day.
On the brighter side is the club's social life. To start the year right, they had an old-fashioned hoyrac ride. They also hod a class outing later in the year. The initiation of new members and officers was held at Catt emen's Cafeteria.
ROW 0 E S~.z·e MeG pres de.,+ · Judy Mose ey v·ce pres"den• · L rdo Mer or sec~e ory erer nou e reosJrer sweetheort Ph I Brown repor+er· E. C. Fs er spo'lsor. ROW TWO: Coro S+ro+l,er erer> W n•e•s Judy B r DeWoyne Hondke Mery Lopez 0 onn Mo., gorre•y C e•erce Meyo. ROW THREE: OcWey'le Pot Bo er Gwen G d O'l 0 r s Groy Go I ob e Tonyo Sols Cheryl Boco" Oeborol, K'lo~.ose. ROW FOUR: Jemes Evens Lo•ry Pr ce, Jo nny Jeffreys W o en Wood Gory Boyd Mev"n We e•.
D-E Members Get ''On the Job'' Training
It s not a I wor and no ploy when it comes to D.E. students. The cub held on onnuol emp oyer employee bMque ot wh"ch he emp oyers of e vor"ous D.E. s u-
DE CLUB QUEE Twy ~ She on
den s ore treated to o dinner out at the expense of the students who work. In arch, he club a ended o S o e Leadersh"p Co!'l¡ ference held at the Sheraton-0 lahoma. D. E. clubs o I over the state porticipoted for various honors and roph"es. An even loo ed forward to every yeor is he annual Christmos Porty ond dance to which D.E. students ore ol owed to bring dotes and " wis he n"gh away.' yb rn ~ d c~ro , '1 ey ~re ~'~" o D E Conve on B~'lque+.
~ g~y mo
BA D: MAJORETTES: S~.oe K'ncode, Gole Sowyer, Sh'r ey Ker ey Sondy H'x. ROW 0 E: Oovid Stewort, Jon K'rk, Roymond Aduddell. ROW TWO: Jo Ann w·tten, Jomes Broods Peu e Tren horn Ke' h Bo•nes 0 on'lo l~.oebking. ROW THREE: LoHy fioyer, Shoron Frorc's, Cyn h'o A exonder, Keren Cole Ele'ne Bol ord, Jed C oymore ROW FOUR: Dolph Wei born, Doretho Pitt, Georgie McKone, Ronn'e A nsworth Rondy Webb, Corlos Reyno ds Jomes Meynord Dorre Wood Donny Mercer Gory CrondoM. ROW FIVE: Connie Boswe Joseph Herdor, Richord To~.ombs Met Hudson lvM Lortor, Vernon W ks, Jerry Wh' ney, Potr'ck Fuller, Chorles Lewson Ronn'e Houdrr ., G e'ln McCuon M' e Greer Mr. Lee sponsor· L'.,do P de co or guord· Jed'e Clor color guerd.
Pride of Capitol Hill Beats Rhythm for SOLO TWIRLER HEAD MAJORETTE Berbere Ainswor h
Under he direction of Mr. Melvin lee, bond director, the I0 I piece marching bond, better known to many as the "Pride of Capitol Hill," completed another outs onding year. On the busy band schedule was playing at football games, pep assemblies, ond marching in many parades. The social life of the bond varies. At the beginn'ng of the school, they had a picnic honoring the sophomores. The purpose was to acquaint the sophomores with the o her me bers in the band. They also had a Christmas party for their parents and then went caroling in various parts of the city. In order to make the planned tr'p to Colorado Springs this summer the bond sold Ho 1loween candy and chocolate candy at Christmas. The crowning of their queen, Jon Kir , occurred at the Capitol Hil -Enid football game. She was crowned by Raymond Aduddell, drum major and student director. Barbaro Ainsworth is this year's solo twirler and head majorette of our eight twirlers. The band uniforms ore the traditional West Point style and are maroon and white. The eighty-piece concert band entered many statewide and regional contests at various towns and colleges where they too many honors and trophies.
BA D: MAJORffiES: Donno Ooy e L ndo Allen Al''fo Gr'ssoi'T' Ko hy Cosey. ROW ONE: Lew's Turner, Borboro A'nswort~. Jerry Stephers. ROW ...WO: O'onno Toylor Tonyo Dovis Nodro M..1rdoc G endo Rober+s oren Woods. ROW THREE: Chorles Pridmore, Anthory Oev'ro Toryo Coste lo, Oo'lh's Verv'nc Jo'l'les Schroeder Elwood Bowermon, Edd'e Jo'les. ROW FOUR: Jol,n Pruett Mi e Me v'n Pou Poppos Kenn' h Rob'nsol' Bob Yes o Dorre Wyo Rober Dons Jerry M !wood John Peed Do'l Ches;ru . ROW FIVE: Jeonne lueb 'ng co or guord; Ko hy W 'oms color g.Jord· S erwood C o•• Roy Bor O'l G er.do Shed Morgoro ''lg Jerry Wor· rro.J h lorry Es;es lor'l e Do'lre• Oo'l Bowmon 8 y o'+~.
School Functions, Captures Numer us Honors BAND QUEE Jon K r
DRUM MAJOR Roymond Adudde
CHOIR: ROW 0 E: Mory Beth CtJ' ton li'ld~ Boer oy Pr'ee More Burkett, Sondro Hommond, Corol Thomes, Dorlus Dover. ROW TWO: Mor yn Furguson, Jody Sm't~ Judy Peose Oof·s An'le Sh'r+e Nevo Sue Perk'ns, Loretto Streetmon. ROW THREE: Corolyn Cogg''ls Glor o Vorrone, Gloro Groves Joe Angel Joe H gg'nbo h,m Lowrenee Peop es, Jerry Philpot. ROW FOUR: M'ehoel S ores Edd'e G' bert Joe Cloymore Horry Wed Te•ry Rou on S•eve Johnson, Roy"Tlond Aduddell.
Choir Shares Talent by Singing for CHOIR QUEEN Koy Joy
CHOIR Kl G Roymond Adudde
~ - !ยงftams direct\ln' o came from the op ( nown to e ryone Along w"th prac 1 i was ept quite bu sem es, banquets, and uncheons. They gave r:ne~us performances at the Than sgiving and Christmas ~emblies. Participating in contests was another of the choir's activities. Each year, the students with the most outstonding vo"ces were chosen for the concert choir. Some of the studen s are sophomores, but mos are the more e perienced juniors and se.,iors.
Tiny Six Spark School Spirit Over State
'Tc e c V· cdd en I· try c C· TORY! v·c ory· V c ory· It's Vic•ory ton·ght!' Cheerleaders exercise the·r cbility end cg·l y cs they forl!1 c pyrcm·d wh e do·rg c f 9 ye dur ng c p p c mb y. P n Tre ocr •ops + e p rcm·d w·th Dcrlere end R...th Scrders o·cnc Mec ey Cere yn C cy on end Bc•bcrc H benec+h
''0'' Club, Pep Council Support All Athletics Bo
w o w'sh IT"embe•sh'p in the Boys' 0' Club must e te• ·., one of the varous spor s offered a Cap· o
fr H. T e purpose of he cub is to eep he boys and o promote bet er re ations w· h he s ude Soc'o ocrv· 'es inc uded a banquet in the w ·c ne'r pore s were guess, a d a p'cn'c o"e amu emen par .
organ'zed body. spring o a Spring-
PEP CO NC L: ROW 0 E: Pern T e e• c e r ed r v ce pre de t Twy o S~e o
leading the school 'n pep and spirt is the Pep Counci. Th's year the pep council sponsored pep ogs and p'ns for footboll gomes, sold pep ribbo11s for foo+bo gomes chor ered buses to out of to n, gove pep assemb 'es, ond sponsored o donee after he footba game. The pep council also participated in the homecom'ng ac iv' 'es by bu' ding a f oo . Their homecorn'ng quee~ condido e was sen'or Diana Ford.
D eno M e y
Mer he Wo t rs pres d 'lf' D ene Ford ever T m H f"''M S ror Sl.ew.
Kl Yl PEP CLUB: ROW 0 E: Dorene Sanders D 0'10 Meo y Co•olyn C oyton Borboro H Ru+h So.,ders, Penni Treloar. ROW TWO: Mrs. Bel ard, sponsor· Jeon Dunlap cl,op ~·n: Sh"r ey McCier-dor~ reporter· Ernest ne Gettys de·mer"+ capta"n; Don'lo Mulkey, president; Pau C evelond K" Yi Kirg; So'ldy w· iford v"ce pres" dent· lvlarg"e Moyer Secretory· Ve 1 rn~ Roberts, por iamentar an· Linda Lee, reosurer· M•s. Louise Hil, spo!'lsor. ROW THREE: Judy Fre'lkl n ~on for., cap o"n· Dorio Pl'pps usher copto'n; Lerette Kimmel, usher cop+o"n; Sue Woo "ve•, program copto"r-· Mor"lyn A'1derson Pep Co.Jr>c represer- ofve· M dred M I er, sg . ot orms· Mar ere Davis, p edge m'streSS" Sharon Wi ten, un"form copto"r. ROW FOUR: Sol y Vernor spo.,sor W. L. Connor sponsor· Ze rna Penkerton, sgt. ot or'T's Paulo S+'c ney, sec "on cop a·n· Barbaro Croy u'l"form copto·., Judy Looney uniform c~pto"n· L".,do Oldham.
Girls' Pep Club Backs Team, Ushers, Serves KI-YI PEP CLUB: ROW 0 E: R" o Fox Jo A.,, S orr Po Cor Pam De Looc J..~dy Rycrof, Po sy nompson Theresa Rodrquez Po~ Freese Mory Jon Em"ls L'ndo Ec~o s Jore Frosh Be y Broc Seve• y Sm" h. ROW TWO: D"oro Yo~.znger, Joy Wheeler, Mary Jone Lou•hon, Mory Moyes, Ernes "re Fi.,c!J S~erry Hu Morc"o Love ess Conn"e Johnso'1 Sandy S+ewort, Lindo Heard Andrea Groy, Jon'ce McPherson Lyrn Foste•, Borboro Stephens Joe e Yount. ROW THREE: L"ndo W II orr-s, Barbaro Hunt ey Mevo Sue Perkins, Ool'no Jenn"ngs Sharon Byrd Jowor-o G"vson Joe "e Fos er, l"ndo Woo "ver Charlene G osgow, Pot Webb, Barbaro Cebu'esky, o•h'e Turner Sondra McCulley, Theresa Sneed, Diona Sharon Tl,or'lpson Judy Cullen Jo.,·ce Cu en. ROW FOUR: Ko hy Bornl,or Don"el Sondy Hun er Doni o Abs•on G "ndo err-oghon Shoron Ph ps W mo McGeehon Donno Gr mes Hozel Poyre, Sondro HomMond Po+ y W"l born. ROW FIVE: Dee AM Tims Coro yn Peck Mory Ann Srn"+h Condy Johnson Carol Carl" e Georg"o lawrence, Jo'l"ce Wr"gh+ Judy w· sor Peggy Sumers, L"ndo Tucker Cheryl A111es Pam Grins•eod Shodro Pic ord Pam Webb, Anne+ e B"ll"ngsly.
be'nq cr w d a
Promo 'ng schoo spir't wes he mein ob'ective of the
路.y路 Pep Club. The ectivi 'es of the cub th's year was usl-er'ng e c'v'c funcfons, represen 'ng Capitol Hi I at spor ac 路v路 'es end a he 'c games, sponsor'ng p 1edge teas e d p a'ln'ng pep assemb 'es. The K'-Yi Pep Cub also sponsored a spring dance, t which the new officers end cheerleeders were Mnounced. Initiation ceremonies for approx'rna+e y 100 g'r s was he d in the cefe eria in
December. The pep club attended two out-of-town games, in Ardmore and Tulsa, on chartered busses. The c 1ub sponsors a cheerleeding eli ic annua y, o he1p gir s learn ye s, in order o try out for cheerleader. This yeer the organizefon was the on y high school club in the Oklehoma City area o se I poppies for the disabled veterans.
Boys' Pep Club, Girls' '0' Continue to Grow W h a grow ng at enda~ce he boys pep c ub is one of Cop"to H" argest cub . Head"nq the"r "st of ac~"vities was the ponsoring of pep a errb ·e dances after the g mes and t~e crownng of e"r q een pret y enior Es e a Mar "n. 0 her ac "v" "es il"c uded cheer"ng a foo ba a d ba etbo g me s amped"nq down he ha a d ry""q o out ye the g"rl pep club at pep asserr.b ·e . Le d"nq the ye s ore Loyd Summers, ~ead c eer eade• cheer eader. 0 her offcers "nc ude, and Dav"d Sco Dean cE vaney as P~es"den+ al'!d J"m N"ever as V"ce Pres"de .
A pep as emb y focu y vo eybo game, WKY bac: e~ bo gai'T'e, and the OASC wa~er show a•e on y a few things the G"rls 0 cub ~as sponsored t~·s year. Each year at ~he Red "n Roundup a represen+a~·ve recru" s me,.,.,ber for the c b. The qua Tea "ons for mem ber h"p "nc ude a+ ea t a C qrade average and a etter · two por+ . In e cub ~he g"r par "c"pa e ·,... var·o ... s po• s such as sof ba , sw"mm"ng enn"s vo eyba , ar.d bas etoa . Th" ear the g"r were named so+ ba champs and eco"d ·" vo eyba .
Maiorettes, Swing Band Swing and Sway i
sw p
Belting ol.lt their music at the annual CHHS Howdy Hop and other donees throughout the city ord state were the main p stimes this year for the CHHS sw'ng b nd. Fund rois'ng pro'ects 'nc uded the se ing of chocolate candy bars. Come rain or come sh ne dur' ng the footba I season the CHHS w'r 'ng team was found every single morn· 'lg ot 7:30 sharp wor 'ng ol.lt dance rou 'nes and marching steps. Twir 'ng in pa~ades cone ~s ta en shows, porfes, and a the VA hosp'tol too o ma 'or port of the team s schedu e. Even twir ers have to a e lessons ond brusl, up on new 'dellS, and CHHS twirlers did so for a wee t~ ·s pos summer ot ormon. Every summer the Troup ·s found vaca 'on'ng in Colorado, m'x'ng business with pie sure. AI hough twir ·ng seems oil wor and no pay he team spends hours prac icing nd perfecting moves and steps which, when viewed, seem li e pure fun.
H r D rn s Verv ck Jom s Br ds ROW TWO Jo P d F d Fu e• B b Ves o Lew s T~orner Mo H d
Honor Society, Red Cross Give Service R'ng'ng Chr's mos be s for he Women s Pi o Cub pro'ect for ~e Solva 'on Army ept the Honor Soc'ety members scrambling around 'n octivity. Duncan, 0 lahoma was the site for the fourth onnuol state-wide Natio.,al Honor Society Convenfon to which Copitol Hi I sent Richard Cable, Chorlene Browe, Kothy Coy, Dean McE vany, and sponsor, Mrs. Mabel Kincade os de egotes.
The Cop'tol H' Ct>op er of he H'gh Schoo Red Cross have been engaged ¡n many activ' 'es h's yeor. Neor y every ma'or hol'day was accomponied wi h o project by the Red Cross. On Ho loween the group too sue ers ond stuffed onimals to Bethany Ch'ldren s Convalescent home For Christmos o carol'ng party was held which coro ed Cr'pp ed Ch' dren's Hosp' al. A chest was a so prepared ond sen overseos.
FBLA Leads Business World of Tomorrow Reodying s uden~s for the business world is the chief purpose of the FBLA cub. Tf,e cub does much in prepor"ng its members. Vorious bus"nessmen speo o he club to ocqouint them wi h busi-
ness customs. The club olso sponsors the typing paper moch"ne ond the Teens Savings Bank. In April, the club ottended the State FBLA Convenfon a Normora, 0 lahomo.
FHA, Jr. Alumni Help Serve in Community
Fu ure Homema ers of America prepares he h"gh schoo girl for marriage. Food preparafons, sew"ng, and to ing care of the home are the main th"ngs taught "n FHA. Gir s may a so earn decorating and chid care.
The Junior Alumni club loo s forward to p ann"ng Alumn¡ Day each year. Keep"ng up schoo trod" "on hey "nvite a A umni o v"sit their A ma Ma er for a day. Tawana Fairban s is this years swee heart for he cub.
Gay Paree Lures Hill French Clubbers Au revoir, 0 'ahoma¡ Bon"our, Poree! The French club has p onned a trip o Europe his summer w"th their sponsor, Mrs. The ma Co eman. Be"ng o France twice herse f, she has made her Fre!1ch classes twice as interesting wi h the details ond exper"ences of her trips.
The group, along with Capitol Hill Eng "sh eocher, Mrs. Mabel Kincade, will leave 0 lahoma C ty early in June and re urn twenty-one days later after o tour of Fronce, England, Switzerland, and Scotlond. They ore fly"ng from New Yor to Scotland.
Economics Club Promotes Study of Politics
The two
studen ni'Y'IoAron,.....·ng dar. n boy,
s th"s gorne Also, Larry
w~ ace, w· h food and clothing. Spar ling Kathy Coy w~s e 1ected Econom"cs Queen at he beginn"ng of he ye~r and served as the clubs candidate for homecomi~"g
queen. b
day c e dor s on y > p r C po•e M
Large Group Inspires Religious Devotion
rne otl,
their various activities and exert pep and good fellowship toward the student body. Sponsors of this organizafon for Christian teens and those who wish to worship and unite with o+hers are Mrs. Summers, Mrs. Shank, Mrs. Mayes, and Mr. Gassett.
e rr rr rg devo onol over ~e PA sysâ&#x20AC;˘em. Th"s "ects porsored by he orn"rog lrsp"roVo.,.
v e pre H rnbec
Teens Give Service, Swim Way to Honors Grow h in +he Y-Teens is bo h sp'ritual and soc'al. TheY-Teens is a money ma 'ng organ'zation. They sponsor the s udent boo s ore where absent-m'nded s udents can rep en'sh their schoo supp es. The organiza 'on 's a branch of the 0 lahoma YWCA and at el"!ds many parties and activi 'es sponsored especia y for heJTI by the . They are a so al owed to use the fac· · 'es of the Y for their mee ings and part'es.
Each year he aquateens, w' h he he p o+ in erested mascu 'ne sw'mmers presen a wa er show. Syrchron'zed sw'mm'ng o mus'c the aqua eens' spec'a ty was beau ·fu y execu ed 'n he theme of ' Pages of H's+ory." Ba hing sui s froJTI re 1920 s to 1963 were d spayed. The Aoua eens swim every even'ng, working hard. Mrs. Myr'c the'r ins fUC or, stays w' h hem push'ng and ~e p."9 hem o synchron 'ze.
AQUATEE S: ROW 0 E: There o Sne d G r Vorr ~e L n'l F t r D Donro Owen Oo'lno Jenn''lgs Err.es e F I'Cf. Mory C rp +er 0 grove J dy 8 rd org Be• y Sonde• De o Perdue 0 e 00"1 e J rr.T
'lo R seou. ROW TWO· Meq n Y ng ROW TH EE· L'l'do Sm • V •g'e Sre-
Thespians Train Future Actors and Actresses L"gHs, camera ac~ion . . . And so begc!ln ano her yeaoc fu'l of ac "vifes for the CHHS Thespian Club. The T esp"ans th"s year sponsored a pep assemb y he schoo s arnuo w¡ rp donee a Christmas progrom at the o d fo s ~ome Md furn"shed en ertainment for assembl"es.
The high "gH of the year wos Thespian N"qht. Here he play "Sisters Moc~ntosh ' was given, a so s "ts, music and reod"ngs. The even"ng was c "maxed by he crown"ng of he "ng and queen.
Key Club, NFL Serve and Take Trophies
Co lee · ng over 25 bas ets of can goods and $150 in fresh vegetables and meat for needy families dur·ng he wee preceding the Thanksgiving holiday was he main pro·ect of the Key Club. Sporsored by Mr. Eddie Fields. Mr. G. H. A wood, and Mr. Dan Recer, the Key Club is a chapter of he Ju ·or Kiwanis Club. Its purpose is to insf I leadersh·p and serv·ce into its members that they may more benefi the community.
The a ·anal Forensic League ·s on honor soc·ety for speech students. Some of the un· ed S a es' pres·den s and polifcians have been members of this associofon. As a member of NFL, a s udent goes ~o he co ege speech tournaments and par ic·pa es in differen even s. Some of these even s ore drama ic interpre ofon orig·na oracry, s andard ora ory, poetry, rad·o spea ing and debate. In participating in these events, the students receive po·n s wh.ch me e he'll ergib e for membership.
Latin Club, Bowling League Enioy Activities S "mulating interest in foreign and class·cal language is on objective of the Latin Club. The students must be enrol ed in o Latin class or hove competed two years of La in. The club studies he cultural and cus oms of Latin.
M c
Three s ri es and you ve got a tur ey! means nothing to non-bowlers, but o lot to the CHHS Bowling League. Competition in local ond state reg"onal championship games ept the bowling eo ue busy ond up to heir arms in bowling. Ac ivi ·es inc uded o we"ner roast and party.
pre d
• ROW Ver,., "
Amigos Speak Espanol, Crew Sets Props
M <e Berne ng· Cero 're McCorm'c p es'de · o•. ROW TWO: Lynn Fos er, Po~ Coy e Dore Newme ROW THREE: B c y Bor'os, L'ndo H'gg'rs Mery Jon o s S r ey C ffmer. ROW FOUR: Ofcl Rodr'q>Jez
Meeting every frst end hird Wednesday, the Spanish Club hod o fuL schedule of business and guest speo ers. Even though this is the'r first year in ocfon since they were d'sbanded 'n 1959, hey have hod no troub e in genera 'ng a endance and en hus'osm. T~eir candidate for homecom'ng queen his year wos a peppy 'urior, Caro ine McCormic .
r J c B • r· M e M' ov y s rgeo o C es A e.,, ROW THREE
Beh'nd he scenes o oil school func 'ons ·s he Cap· o Hi I s age crew. A I assemb ies in the auditorium and fie d house are hrough he d'rec effort of he crew and heir sponsor, Mr. Joe B'ggs. Th's year hey have contr'bu ed to he success of the a -schoo ploy Our Town, w· i s mo'n effec s in 'gh 'ng, o he pep assemb ies, where m'crophones are tremendously importon .
We de
lorry H
rg eod
Future Teachers Observe Professionals Reg'stration of he OASC Conventio" was one of he many ac 'v'fes 'n wh'ch he FTA members parfc'po ed dur'ng ~e schoo year. In addifon ~o ~h·s he gfoup v'si ed the Un'versi y of Tu sa in October for +he FTA
e d
Leadersh'p Wor shop. Apri was the month when the c ub vis' ed the Cerebra Posy lnsti+ute 'n Nor'Tian. Also, during th's month, the club gave an apple to each +eacher at CHHS.
Ken e h BJchonon Mrs. Judd spo'lso•· e er L'ndo Boer.
Future Doctors, Nurses Gain Experience
crd s o y O'le of the cs s perform d b 'ld F re Med cs rre-nber every do
sc oo nwrse
In the early spring the Future Med·cal Careers Club attended numerous conven ions, lectures, and conferencesal"l"ong the mos ·mportant be·ng the sta~e-wide convention of the Fu ure Medical Careers Cubs in 0 lahoma Ci y. Some of e·r o her ac ·vi ·es were se ·ng firs a·d 1 s
and n .. nning diabefc tes s for s~udents and teachers who were unab e o see he·r fam·ly physicians o ge o e. Dur·ng he Chr·s mas Season, some of the·r ac ·vi ·es inc uded sel ing mist e oe corsages, ta 1 ing Chris mas g·fts o tre Coun y Nursing Home and to o her hoiT'es, ·n he area. sponsor· S cr•o'l C c o Broo s Jone Co o+e Po+
New Club, Math Group Have Active Year
p ot.
e Bonn t
The Jun·or Engineer·l"!g and Technoogicol Soc"ety was ·us organ "zed his year. I is the only one of i s ind ir'l the c· y and one of wen y in he state. The cub is i the process of finding a profess"onol eng"neer to wor with them, especially on their projects for he s o e-w"de convention. A mo h a'ld sc"ence s uden s in erested ·n eng"neering ore e igib e o ·o·n the cub. MU ALPHA THETA: ROW 0 E· D pres den . ROW TWO o Rd C or ere Edwc'lrd .
Mu Alpha Theta, CHHS's honor moth cub, is composed of students who do outstanding wor in the field of mathematics. The Cap"to Hill chapter is one of the firs charters g"ven by the notional organizafon. The club s special event of the year is the initiation banquet held in the spring for new members. The guest spea er ·s usual y on authority in the fie d of mo hematics.
ART CLUB· ROW 0 E: Jone S e r por er J cq e C r o re M Doro hy Moyes sp n • ROW TWO: r C u l-ro-1 L".,do T p on ROW TI-IREE· 0
secre+or McMon s
Artists Decorate, Librarians Collect Fines White ond gold, leis and palm trees were the order of the day os Art Cub members busily prepared decorafor.s for both he OASC white ond god ba I ond Hawai"an Luai. Art C ... b ocfvities o so included trips o the 0 ahoma Art Center, o Mexicon dinner, Hoi oween and Christmas parties for the members and sponsor, Dorothy Mayes.
The purpose of the Dewey Decimals Club is to stimu ate "nteres in boo s "braria sh"p, and he new re ds 'n the "brary fed. Jon ice Wright was e 1ected treasurer of the 0' lahoma Ci y S uden L'braran Associa io .• George Reyno ds, cub pres"de , is chap a'n of he 0 ahoma Sa e S uden Libraran Assoc·aron.
DEWEY DECIMALS: ROW 0 E: P y s I b Get y v ce pres'dert· George Reyno ds pre d . ROW TWO: Jor ce McNobb, Mory Hoi !lnd ency Co~er Cleud e Scrbner Shorron Co •
r spo or· Erres ne S e Greer Joyce
Yearbook Staff Produces Award Winner T~e h"g "ght of the year for t e C 'ef~o· off wo the at endance ot he o~·onal ScJ..o as 'c Pre s A oc'afon convent'o" he d ·,., Ch"coqo. o en ered e Ch"ef o'n ·... a+e w'de o d The s off not'on w'de conte Recreo "on 'nc ~..ded he onnu Dead . e r o d t~e c'ty wide In s 'ngers B .
d p
ce. G
Cece o Pr • er ord S e Wo ver Arrows ond o rg , to dve
Do.,ny w~-o· eco •on plon'led by P m Gr Groce W., fed Po sy Lew"s end Mrs. roemer see"" o hove found someth . .,q fun" obo.~• f.e Reds~·n Arrow loyo P • ops Or"l'ldo Adol"'ls s pi- n nq fo• e p.
Sor·o G o e
•1-e Reds ·., Ar•ow or o
oc w
o se . T
es of
d es n o .
por• p c r
lnkslingers Raise Circulation by Hundreds Wor ! Wor ! Wor ! But jour,..o ·sm ·s not o I wor o"d no p oy. To prove it, he Reds ·n Arrow staff hod a party hort y after the frsf- poper wos iss..red. Fr e beg·nn·ng of hoo U" • of er the ost p r wo ued, the +off ho been bu y prepor·ng t o Red ·n Arrow for b. wee y d. ribu ·on.
St de • Sen·ors • Juniors • Sopho ores
Jody Smi h. secretory, end Sondy WI iford, vico¡presid nt help Lorry Uhls pres'dont, prepcro his speech for groduct'on.
Seniors ...
Orinda Adams-REDSKI ARROW Ed' or T esp'on Rep. La 'n C .. b Ho"or Soc'e y. Raymond Aduddeii-Bond, Co,.cert Cro'r Cho'r K',.g, Pep Cou c', Jun'or A u~ni Drurr~ Ma'or. Barbara Ainsworth-Ma'orette French C .... b Econof'!"'cs Cub. Beverly Akin-G'r s 0 Cub C op. S uden Counc Econom cs Cub V.P., Pep Cub, French Cub, Pep Counc' Chap. Rynda Aldridge-K' Yi Pep Cub Econom'cs Cub. Linda Allen-Ma'ore e Ki Yi Pep Cub Ju 'or A umn' Fu ure ed'cs Cub. Danny Allred-Art Club, D-E Club S tJdent Counc'. Linda Anderson-Morni"g lnsp'ra 'on Red Cro s FBLA FTA S uden Councl Bill Badley-French Cub, Boys 0 C .... b, Student Counc', G'r s 0' Club Buddy Boys Pep Cub, Morni'lg lnsp'rafon, Red Cross Treas. Brownie Barnes-Sophomore C ass Pres. Thesp'ar1 K'ng S uden CotJnci. Susan Barrett-Morning lrspirotion, Red Cross. Larry Been-T&I Cub. Nancy Beii-FBLA. Martha Belt-Student Cou'1ci, Economics Cub, Thesp'ons, Band, Mor,.·ng lnsp'ro+io" Billie Bennett-Morn'ng In p'ra 'o .
Seniors ...
Mike Bennett- onor Soc·e y "' A pho The a Span'sh Cub Boys' Pep Cub. Charles Berkenbile-FBLA Morn'ng lnsp'rafon Pres., ...a in Cub, Red Cro ho or Soc'e y. Barbara Berry-CHIEFTAI S aH Jun'or C ass V.P., Thesp'ans, Studen Cou""c·. Oscar Berry-T&I Cub M'x Masers. Jennifer Birdweii-Sop omore C ass V.P. M'ss Howdy, S udent Counc· Mor ·,.g In p'ro ·o OASC Sec. Econorra'cs Cub, K' Yi Pep Cub, Pep Counc . Wilbur Blackburne-Germon C ub. Joy Bledsoe-CH EFTAI S off. Becky Borjas-Morn'ng lnsp'ra 'on, Spon'sh Cub. Darrel Bradshaw-Boys 0 C .. b Boys Pep C ub. Betty Boucher-G'r s' 0 Cub Pres., FTA S uden Counc', Ki Yi Pep
Billy Brewer-Mor'l'ng lnsp'ra 'on, Econom'cs Cub, Boys' Pep Cub. David Britton-Red Cross, Key C t..b Boys Pep Cub. Charlene Browe-Red Cross, Morn''lg lnsp'rofon, Student Counc'l Sec .. Lafn Cub Sec. Jun'or Marsha Honor Soc'e y Sec. Marie Burkett-K' y· Pep Cub, Fre,..ch Cub Co.rcert Cho'r. Dianna Burleson- · y· Pep Cub Ar C b Pre FBLA. R
Curts Brown
Leroy Brown
Ann B.:e
0 .,.,
B r eson
Seniors ...
Carolyn Butler-FHA, Ki Yi Pep C <.~b. Ke th Butler-Concert Cho·r, Lafn Cub, Morn·ng Inspiration. Richard Cable-Mu A pha The a Pres. Ho'lor Soc·ety V.P., Key Club V.P., Boys 0 Cub, Boys Pep Cub. Sandy Caddeii- K. y· Pep C ub. Nancy Cain-Morn·ng lnsp·ra~·o .... Mary Cantu-Spa'l"sh Cub. Don Carpenter-French Cub, Econom·cs Cub, Boys Pep Cub, T&l Castle Carroll-Boys 0 C ... b, Boys Pep C ub. Edgar Chambers-Honor Soc·e y, Mu A pha The a, Boys 0 Cub, La· C Sandra C1ancy-Morn·ng lnsp·ra ·a... Red Cross, T~esp·ans, Student C n 1c-n C ub, Ki Yi Pep C ub. Carolyn Clark-T&I C ..sb. Jacqu·e C1ark-Ar Cub, Ki Yi Pep Cub. La Dawn C ark-T&I Cub. Sherwood Clark-Band. Tom C.ark-Sw·,..g Band, French Cub, Economics Cub, Boys Pep c~...
... B
Sharron C1ayton-Frerch Cub, Student Counc"l, Future Medics, Bond, Lafn C ........ , Dewey Dec·mols, Honor Society, NFL, Morning lnsp·rotion. Dovid Costeel
Chores Cov nder
W o cou d s t reesome be? L s e + ey ore o t e woy f verfon Moun o . I+ re emb P .,r ... re oor R Sonders ond
Ronn·e Coy on
Shoron Clayton
Sh rron Cloy on
oM o .
Poul C eve ond
Seniors ...
Ronnie C layton-Band, Sw'ng Bond. Sharon C layton-K' Yi Pep C ub, T&l C ub. Paul C leveland-Boys 0 C ..1b, Ki Yi K'ng, Jets Treo., Boys' Pep Cub S uden Counc' , Key Cub. Eileen Coffman-FBLA. Jean Compton-G'r s' '0 Club, Latin Club. Margaret Constien-S'gma Ch' lo o, Lofn Cub, Honor Society. James Cook-T&I Cub Pres., Student Council, Governors, Boys' Pep Cub. Harvey Cox-T&l C ub, Boys Pep Club. Kathy Coy-French C ub, Economics C ub Sec., Economics Club Queen, G'r s '0' Club, Morning lnsp'ro 'on, Honor Society, Ki Yi Pep Cub. Pat Coyle-Girls' '0 Cub, Economics C'ub, Morning Inspiration, Spon'sh C t..b. Judy Craft-FHA Sec., Girls 0 Club. Karmen Crews-FHA V.P. Deloris Crockett- orn'ng lnsp'ration, Red Cross. James Crouch-Boys Pep Club, T&l Club, Morning lnspirc!ltion. Barbera Croy-Ki Yi Pep Club Sgt.-c!lt-Arms, FHA. Ellen Dallas-Honor Society, Latin Club, Art Club. Betty Davis-Thespians. Marlene Davis-Sophomore C ass Sec., Cheerleader, Pep Council, Latin Club, FTA.
De or s Câ&#x20AC;¢ c e
Jomes Crouch
Corolyn Denfs
Jomes DePue
Johnny Desper
Diono D·llon
Corol Dodson
Seniors ... John Day-Boys Pep C ub. Carolyn Dentis-T&I Cub. Diana Dillon-Thesp"ans, French Cub. Ki Yi Pep Club, Pep Council, CHIEFTAI Bus. Mgr. Red Cross S udent Counci. Lloyd Domer-T&I Cub. David Doonkeen-T&l Cub. Janice Doty-Student Council, Ki Yi Pep Club. Phyllis Driskiii-CHIEFTAIN Circ. Mgr., REDSKIN ARROW, Student Counc路. Jean Dunlap-S uden Counc路 Ki y路 Pep Cub Chap .. La in Cub, Girs 0 Cub. Charlotte Echols-Morn"ng lnsp"rafon, Honor Soc"ety. Fu ure Medics. V.P. u A pha The a Sec. Charlene Edwards- u A pha Theta Honor Soc"ety, Morn"ng lnsp"ra ion. Kay Edwards-Thesp"ons, Ki Yi Pep Club, Latin Club. Billy Elkins-T&I Club, S udent Council, Red Cross. Sharon Elliott-Span"sh Club. FHA S uden Council, Red Cross. Douglas Emberlin-T&I Cub. Brian Emerson-D-EC ub, T&l Club. Bette Engel-Thespians, Dewey Decimal Club. Carol Enrique-La 路n Cub, Concert Choir, D-0 Club. James Evans-Pep Councl Boys' Pep Club, D-0 Club. 0
g Emberl
D'ana Ford
Judy Fran lin
James Fre"o
larry Frost
John Gage
Seniors ... Maureen Faubion-lofn Cub Morn'ng lnsp'rofon. Judy Fergerson-K' y· Pep Cub Pep Counc , Econom'cs Studen Coun · orn'ng lnsp'rafo Cheer eoder, Red Cross. Judy Fran lin-K· y· Pep C b Red Cross Span'sh Cub. John Gage-Ho or Soc·e y orn'ng lnsp'rafon Red Cross Concert C or A p aT eta. Helen Garner-Morn'ng lnsp'ro 'on. . Ernestine Gettys.--K' Y Pep Cub Por ., Dewey Dec'ma s V.P. French Cub Sec. FT A, Student Cou'lci. Leroy G ilmore-Boys Pep Cub. Gwen Goodson-D 0 C ub. David Gray-Boys Pep C ub. Richard Gregory-Econorn c C b Je Pres. Boys Pep C ub Band Sw'ng Bond. Jimmy Griffin-T&l Cub Sharon Grisham-Art Cub The p'an Pres. FBLA Concerf C or T e p'a 0 ee". Karen Grissom-Morn'ng lnsp'ra 'on. Bennie Graves-Je s Spon'sh Cub, Boy Pep Cub. Georgia Groves.--Morn'ng lnsp'ra 'or!, FBLA Por ·. S uden Counc·. Ronny Groves-Boys Pep C ub. Danny Gunter-Econom'cs Cub, T&l Club, Boys Pep Cub Key Club. Donald Hackett-Boys 0 Cub, Morning lnspirat'on V.P., S uden Cou'lc· .... ets, Honor Soc'ety, German Club, Boys Pep Club. Georg e Grove
Sue Howkin s
Terry Hozelwood
lorry Hoyer
Jomes Hoyes
S+eve Heoly
Seniors ...
Dwayne Handke-D 0 C ub, Boys' Pep C ub. Alvin Harrell-French Cub Mix Masters. Janis Harrison-French C .. b. Sue Hawkins- FL K" Y1 Pep Cub, Latin Club. Larry Hayer-Band Sw"ng Band S i.ldent Counci Je s. James Hays-Boys 0 C ub. Steve Healy-T&I Cub. Carolyn Heird-Thesp"ans Red Cross, Mermaids. Mike Henthorn-French C ub. Sharon Herrin-K" y· Pep Cub FBLA, Spon"sh Cub Red Cross. linda Higgins-G'r s 0 Cub, Spanish Cub. James Hodges-T&I Cub. Rosemary Hogan-K' Yi Pep Cub, Red Cross, Student Counci , FBLA. John Hood-Sc'ence Cub. linda Hughes-Morn'ng lnsp"ration Treos., FTA, FBLA. Sheila Hull-S uden Cou"c', Ki Yi Pep Cub, Wresting Pr'ncess T&l Cub, Jr. A umn·. Ruth Humphrey-Ki Yi Pep Cub. Carolyn Hunziker-FBLA, Honor Soc"e y. Phyllis lsbiii-Red Cross, Dewey Decimals. Carol Jacks-D E C ub, Stude,..+ Council. Don Jackson-Boys 0 Club, Boys' Pep Club. Teddy Jay-T&I Club.
John Hood
leI r How d
Mor eno Joe son
Seniors ... Annette Johnson-T&I Club, Y-Teens. Johnny Jeffreys-Boys' '0' Club, Boys Pep Club, Econom"cs Club, Art Cub. Mary Johnson-Ki Yi Pep Club, FBLA. David Jones-T&I Cub. Robert Jones-Jets, Lotin Club. Dwight Kay-Boys 0 Club. Julie Ketchum-Thespians. Sharon Kile-FBLA. Lenetta Kimmei-FBLA, Ki Yi Pep C ub. Jan Kirk-Thespions, Morning Inspiration, Band Queer, NFL, Pep Counci. Deborah Knouse-D-0 Club, Red Cross. Karen Knouse-D-0 Club. Ric;hard Kukuk-T&I Club. Wynona Landrum-CHIEFTAIN Jr. Section Editor, lotin Club, Ki Yi Pep Cub. Linda Lee-Ki Yi Pep Club Treas., Economics Club, latin Club Queen, Lotin Cub, Morning Inspiration, Prncess of Print, Girls' '0 Club, Honor Soc"e y. Barbara Lester-FTA Pres., FBLA Treas., Morning lnspirafon. Barbara Lind-T&I Club. Mary Lopez-Red Cross, 0-0 ctub, Student Council. Shoron
Tommy King
Jeon Kirby
Conferr'ng wi h Koren Tutor obout the long shirt to•J fod ore Borboro Berry ond o·ono o·llion. Th·s is just one of the mony fods for th·s yeor.
Richerd Ku uk
Wynono Londrum
Don Leuderdole
Ronnie Ledford
Seniors ... Linda Lowrey-K' Yi Pep Club, Red Cross, Latin C'ub, Thespians, CHIEFTAIN Sop!->. Sec. Ed'tor. Jeanne Luebking-Band. Phyllis Madden-French Club, REDSKIN ARROW Staff. John Magers-Boys 0 C ub, Boys Pep C ub, Key Club. George Manek-Honor Society Pres., M.J Alpha Theta. Barbara Manseii-K' Yi Pep Cub, Student Council, T&l Club. Carolyn Martin-Mor,ing lnsp'ration, Student Council. Estella Martin-K' i Pep Club Red Cross, Student Council, T&l Club Chap. T& 1Swee heart. Louise Mason-Art C ub. Carolyn Massengale-Morni'lg Inspiration Sec., Red Cross, Concert
Dennis lucos
Je11nne luebk'ng
Lou Anne May-D-O Club, Ki Yi Pep Cub. James Maynard-Band Sw'ng Band, French Ch.. b. Nowana McCarty-NFL Y.P., Student Counci, Latin Club, Morning ~d Cross. lnsp'ra Loren McC eave-D EClub. Kay McCu~1ar-T&I Club. Ray McCullar-FBLA, Student Counc'l Pres., Economics Club. Jerry McDown-T&I Cub, Boys' Pep Ch.. b. Dean McEivany-French Club, Boys' '0' Club, Student Council. Key Clt.b Pres., Boys Pep Club Pres., Junior Class Pres., Mu Alpha Theta Y.P., Honor Society.
Lou Anne M y
J&mes M yn rd
Now11n11 McC&r y
Loren McC e ve
Seniors ... Edwina McGee-D-E C ub. Carolyn Mclain-Ki Yi Pep C ub. Donna McNally-Economics Club. Connie McNutt-FBLA. Diana Mealy-K' y· Pep Cub G'rs 0 Club V.P., Red Cross, Studen Counc , Pep Counc' AI-Schoo Cheer eader. Michael Melvin-Band, Swing Band. Larry Merreii-Boys 0 Cub, Boys Pep Club, Mu Alpha The a. Wilma Miller-Red Cross. Diann Montgomery-D-O Cub. Esther Morgan-T&I Club. Jimmy Morrison-Red Cross. Judy Moseley-D-O Club. Glenda Morton-T&I Cll.ib, Art Club. Margie Moyer-Ki Yi Pep Cub Sec. Donna Mulkey-Ki Yi Pres., Ki Yi Queen, Pep Council, Student Council. Pete Munoz-French Club, Thespians, CHIEFTAIN Fac. Editor. Karen Murphy-Ki Yi Pep Club, French Club, Pep Council, Economics Club Treas. Frank Myers-T&l Club, Boys' Pep C ub. Barbara Neal--Morning Inspiration. Joyce Niblett-Ki Yi Pep Club, Morning Inspiration, CHIEFTAIN Staff, Economics Club, Student Council.
11 0
Lerry M {fe I
Rober M er
Vernon Myrick
ewv'1 e
ible â&#x20AC;¢
Seniors ...
Jimmy Nievar-Student Counc'l V.P., Boys Pep Cl .. b Pres., Honor Soc'ety M... Alpha Theta Boys 0' Club, latin Club. Gail Nobles-D-O C ub. Sherry Novak-Latin Cub, Econom'cs Cub. DeWayne Nutt-D 0 Cub. Charles Osborn-Bond, Boys Pep Cub, Economics Club. Truman Owings French Cub, T&l Cub. Gayle Patterson-FTA, Ki Yi Peo C ub, French Club Pres., French Cub Be e Thesp'ans. Melanie Pendergraph-T&l Cub. Lona Percivai-G'r s 0 C ... b T&l Club. Jacqui Perkins-Ki Yi Pep Cub, T&l C Jb Sec., Jets. ~ay Pickett-French Cub Econom'cs Club, Boys' 0 Cub, Boys' Pep ).
Ze ma Pinkerton-K' Yi Pep Cub, Honor Society, Econom'cs, Morning ro on. Margaret Porter-French Club. Helen Portrey-T&l Club. Ronald Powers--Germa'l Cub. Janell Prewett-Morning Inspiration, FTA , Home Economics, French r ). Kay Price-Fre,...ch Club V.P., Concert Choir. Penny Price-FTA FBLA, laf" Club, Morning Inspiration, FHA. Charles Pridmore-Bond Chop., Morning Inspiration Chop.
11 2
Lore Perc vel
Jecque Perk '1s
Johnnie Pett'nr"dge
Roy Pickett
Not every senior owns o Cod"l oc "nclud ng Donny Hou on. But he does own o go ort hot he won "no s o "ng con es .
Seniors ...
Frank Quintero-Boys Pep Cub, T&l Cub. linda Raines-Art Cub, T&l Club. George Reynolds-FTA, l~fn Club, Dewey Dec·m~ls V.P., Morning lnsp'ra 'on Concert Cho'r, Econom'cs Club. Albert Richmond-Boys' Pep Club. Nita Ridenour- FL Pres., Honor Soc'ety, Student Council, Lafn Club, Spanish Club, Mu Alph~ Thet~. Mi e Rigsby-French Cub, Economics Club, T&l Club. Marilyn Rippee-Ki Yi Pep Club, CHIEFTAIN Sr. Sec. Editor. Barbara Rose-T&I Club, M'ss Offset Printing. Terry Routon-Concert Choir, French Club. Barbara Russeii-T&I Club. Ray Russell-Concert Choir V.P., Morning lnsp'r~tion V.P., L~tin Club, Spon'sh Cub, S udent Council, Honor Society Rep. Georgia Sager-CHIEFTAIN Editor. Ruth Sanders-$ udent Council, Asst. All-School Cheerle~der, Pep Council Sec., Girls' '0' Club Sec., Ki Yi Pep Club, Spring Formal Queen. Bobby Schoii-T&I Club, Boys' Pep Club, 0-E Club. David Scott-Boys' '0' Club. Boys' Pep Club, Mr. Howdy. Gail Scott-Ki Yi Pep Club, Merm~ids Treas., Girls' '0' Club. Phyllis Seberger-Ki Yi Pep Club, Concert Choir, Mu Alpha Theta, French Club. Mor lyn R'ppe
Sondy Robb
Chris "ne S&lezer
Ruth S&nders
Sendre Senders
Bobby Sc oil
Devid Scott
Seniors ... Lynn Sharp-French Cub Hist., Rep. Twyla Shelton-D-E Club, Morning lr.spiration, Pep Council, Stu 'ent Councl Ann Sherman-Ki Yi Pep Club, FBLA, Economics Club, French Cub. Beverly Sherman-Ki Yi Pep Club, Economics Club, FBLA. Nancy Shipley-Thesp'ens, French Club Chap. Bob S'ler-Boys '0 Club, Boys' Pep Club. Barbara Sleeker-FBLA, Morning Inspiration. Judy Slentz-0-E Club, T&l Club. Aubrey Smith-Mix Masters. Carol Smith-Art Club, Morning Inspiration. Jim Smith-0oys' Pep Club. Jo Ellen Smith-Honor Society, Girls' '0' Club, Latin Club, Concert Choir, M ng Inspiration. Mary Smith-T&I Club, Ki Yi Pep Club. Peggy Smith-FBLA. Y-Teens. David Snelgrove-Jets, Latin Club. Tonya Solis-Thespions, D-0 Club. Johnny Soos-Latin Club, Morning Inspiration, Red Cross, Student Council, Economics Club, Boys' Pep Club. Jack Stephens-T&l Club. David Stewart-Band. Mike Stewart-Boys' '0' Club, Boys' Pep Clu b. LoreHa Streetman-Concert Choir, Latin Club, Economics Club.
11 6
Aubâ&#x20AC;¢ey Sm'th
Jo nny Soos
Joeâ&#x20AC;¢ S ep ens
Jerry S ephens
Seniors ... Edith Summerhiii- Mu Alpho Theta, T&l Club Sec. L'oyd Summ~rs-Boys' '0' Club, Boys' Pep Club. Sh"r ey Surface-Student Council. Juanita Swearengin-Ki Yi Pep Club, Lotin Club, FHA. Dan Swick-T&I Cub. Mary Teague-Morning lnspirotion, FBLA, D-E Club Chop. Richard Thomoson-D-E Club. Gaye Thompson-Honor Society, FL, Economics Club Pres., Latin Club, Morning Inspiration. Viola Trammei-FBLA. Penni Treloar-Art Club, Ki Yi Pep Club, Student Council, Pep Council, French Club, Cheerleoder. Karen Tutor-CHIEFT AI Org. Editor, Thespions Parli., Student Council, French Club, Ki Yi Pep Club, Pep Council, Economics Club. Larry Uhls-Thesp"ons Parli., Boys' Pep Club. Gloria Varrone-Concert Choir, Girls' '0' Club, Morning Inspiration, FHA, Student Council, Mermaids Pres. Charles Veitch-T&I Club. Danny Vervinck-Boys' Pep Club. Allen Vollmer-Boys' Pep Club. Martha Walker-Ki Yi Pep Club, T&l Club. Martha Walters-Pep Council Pres., Student Council, T&l Treas .. CHIEFTAIN School Life Editor. Danny Ward-T&I Club. Ton· Toylor
11 8
Mory T oque.
.AI en Vollmer
Loveno Wo emon
Jon¡e Wo ker
Mortho W o ers
Donny Word
11 9
Seniors ... Sharon Watson-Thesp'ons FBLA, Art Cub K' Yi Pep Cub. Ann Whaley-FHA Pres., FHA Sweethear~. Jerry Whitney-Band. Billie Wilkinson-Ki Yi Pep Club Economics C ub. Gary Wilcox-Key Cub, FBLA, Boys Pep Cub, M Masfers. Jackie Williams-Ki Yi Pep C ub. Robert Williams-Boys Pep Club, Key Club. Sandra Williford-K' Yi Pep Cub V.P., orn'ng l"sp'rot'on S udent Coul"'c'l. Geary Wilson-Boys' Pep Cub T&l Cub. Grace Wingfield-Jun'or C ass Sec. H>esp'ans V.P., Horor Soc'efy, , "' Cross Pres., St ... denf Counc' Morn'ng lnsp'ration Sec. REDSKIN ARROW Co-Ed'tor. Karen Winters-D 0 C o..~b. James Woolems-D 0 Club. Sue Wooliver-Ki Yi Pep Clo..~b, G'r s' 0 Club, Econom'cs Cub, Stut Counc· REDSKIN ARROW Bus. Mgr. Carolyn Young-D E C ub Rep. Ronnie Zwirtz-FBLA.
Geary Wâ&#x20AC;¢lso'l
Sue Woorver
Jim Wilson
Sandra WyfJ r
CfJrolyn Young
James Youn
Ronn"e Zw"r z
"euch, you stepped on my little toe," exclaims Lorry Akin, junior vice-president, to Linde Golden, junior secretory. Enjoying the show is Dele McCoy, jun'or president.
Irene Abney Sheron Abshure Deene Adems , Sendre Adudde I Ronnie A"nsworth
lerry Ak"nJ rry A "now czCyn h"e Alexendetlene Alexendet. Judy AI en
June A en Gwen Amerson lerry Anders Merilyn Anderson Key Archer
• • •
l onerd Arnold Phyl is A toe ~·e Cheryl Becon Fel"x Bed"llo l"nde Beer
Ann Bei ey Pe Be er Johnny Bellerd Gery Berberc Wes ey Bcrk
Judy Bcrnes Ke"th Berns Rodney Bcrren os Merilyn Ber on Roy Bcr on
l"ndel Berycm Jomes Bcshom Mory Bough Dcv"d Boy ess Gera d Beon
Chery Beesley Denn"s Be Morv"n Benge Borboro Benne linda Benne t
V c y B ggs Vernon Bighof"l Arno d Bloc bufn Bcrbcrc Bloc burn Bet y B oc burr~
Cc•o yn Blc"r Rodrey B eke Donne B c erey I ene B ue l oyd Boc+men
lorry Bof"ler DeWcyne Bosewe I George Bot.se Bruce Boyd R cherd Soyster
• • • Mcrgcre Box Po+ Bre den Jcmes Brewer Be y B•ock Jcmes Brooks
Lynn Brooks A bert B•own Ccro Y'l Brown G en Br wr~ Gofy Browr~
Me vc Brown Sh"rley Brow'l 'Nelson Browning Jody Bryon B I Bryso'l
Kct~leen Bund"d
Key Lorry Reymond Bob
Burgess Burgess Bufgess Br ede'l
Lorry Bur e com· Burnett Gene Burroughs Jcnice Byers Sherol'l Bynum
C e Ce e Ke y Ce ey Berbere Ceb~o es y Vete C eft '1 K ry C epmen
Mere e e Cf.eppe I Bonr e Cf.e'leu t Mery Beth Cf. on D ere C erk D"er.e C erk
Jec C eymore Cero yn Cleyto~ L" nde Clexto'l Joe C m Sh"' y Coffmen
Ce o y., Cogg"ns J dy Co emon Berbere Co l"ns Edd"e Col ins Fredd"e Coll"ns
Rey Cook Sendre Coskey Cero Couts ey Cox Werren Cox
Gery Crende I Pe r"c"e Crouch Joen Crunk Mergeret Cruz Judy Cu en
Borbo•o Cyphers M'ke Devenport He en Doves Horry Dov's R to Dov's
Robert Dews Peggy Deon Corolyn Dec er Judy Decker Moy Denson
B I Devo I Morilyn Dickerson Jerry Di I Corolyn Dodson Corolytl Doty
• • • Sondy Douthit Dono d Or'scol Sherry Dr's i I Jone Du'le L'ndo Eodes
Roger Eoton L'ndo Ec~ols Deon Egg eston Sherri El 'ot Mory Jon Em'ls
Nodene Evons
Towe no Foirbonks John Forqul,or J'mmy Forr's Mori yn Ferguson
Dono Fesler Dewoyne Finnell Sendro Fnpotr'ck Elen Foote Shoron Foote
J·.,.,y Ford S11ndro Fort rc Glenn Fo fer l Fo e• Rog r Fo c•h
Gory Fro'lh Gr c Fo rfo''l Jo ce Fr emon Pot Freese Jorres F' sher
y F kerson Fred Fu mer H p Ge ndo Emma Gerr f Lerry Gettor
D'c 'e Gentry Son'e George Rey Gill Jene G lley Cero yn G' more
Jesse Go~ e louse Go'ns l ndo Go den l'nde Gonzelez Mery Goâ&#x20AC;¢herd
R cherd Gould Los Grehem Brende Grem 'ng Glore G{eves Lynde Greves
S:~mmy Grevcs Celv'n Grey Dor s Grey Denny Grev' Lerry Green
Sue Green G en Greenroyd Conn'e Grene Charles Gresham Ri 11 Gr'ggs
Donna Gr'm s Howard Gunesch Ted Hole D'enno Hoi Rex Homes
Steve Hom 11 Lorry Hoi'Tlmack Herold Hommit Sondro Hommond Joh'l Hornmonds
Cherry Hompton Bob Honk"ns George Honks Me v"n Hordmon Don Horris
Jerry Horr"s Normo Horr"son Lorry Hervey Betty Ho•cher Lorry Hoyes
• • • Donne Henderson Tress e Henderson SJe Herdr"x Donald Henry R"c y Hes end
Johnny H"gg Borboro Hill Mer H"ll ormon Hi I Tim H"l men
Joseph Hu•1ton Billy Joe H xon Cofol Hogue Corolyn Ho end Luc" e Hoi and
Mory Hollond Lorry Holl"ngsheod Eddie Hou et e Pou House Roymond Houston
Robert Howser Denn"s Hudson Matt Hudson Shirley Hulsey Groce Humphrey
Dor e e Joy R'to Jeffeoot Lorry J ll'lson
Don M ler 's ecught by Mrs. Hoyt when he d'splcys whet the students do when e eceher 's out of the room.
Ver'lon Jones
A1.r'ee Kensey R'ehcrd Kerf 1'1"11'1
ng Mcrgcreâ&#x20AC;¢ ng nncmon cthryn epee C~HO Bet~ 'l'gh
rc z B y uep er Be y lee ey
Jcne Lee ey Denny Lc'ldr m
• • •
Doe McCoy W e
Jeonn McCr; t Do~ McC gh Le ord McE oy
W mo McGee on S z e MeG K nn McGrow Brod McHenry Ar· o Me e
M M"s ovs y Bobby M ch S r y Mo er Pe Moody Do g es Moore
De ,eM rrey Eer Myers Robert Myers J..1dy ee Gene e son
e th Ne son Dor11 ewmol'l Robert ewnurl'l Robert Newton B~!rborl! Newv· e
L nd11 0 df.orn Je11n e 0 dhem J11y Or11hood M' dred 0 burn Don'l·e Ow n
Lester Owens Lorry Por er L'rdo P11rker Sherry Porker L'ndo Por s
• • • Phyl ·s Pe.,n'rgton Sor11 Penn ngton Lowrence Peop es K11ren Per'cdo Ly'ldl! Pers!J
s p~· 'ps Jeon Ph' 'ps Tommy Ph' 'ps Jerry p~· pot
Peggy P edger Lonn'e Por r H11rry Po ey v·.g·,·~~ Pot er L11rry Prce
V d'e Pr'e o Duone Pr'tchord Cece o Pr tner oncy Pr tner Lorry Puc eH
J rnrny Ro ey Do Roper Ro., Rop r Normo Roy B bb R d
Bobby Re d'lo!Or Morgie Rec or V'rgl Reece J'm Reed Tommy Reed
R'c ord Reyno Gory Rey!'lo ds Pou Reyno ds Joe R'chordso'l Leser R ofd
Leroy R re~ort Core yn Rippee Shoron R' chey Jomes Roberts Dov'd Roberts
Jerry Rober s Ve mo Robers Bobby Ross Corel Rousseol! en e+h Rob'nson
Shoron Rob'nson Roy Rodr'guz T reso Rodr'quez Jon'ce Roper S erry Rose
Jody Ross Renee Rousseou L'ndo Routon Joyce Rowden Gory Russe I
S ·• y Roc ey Cor R Dorr R h Edd e S r l"ndo S m'Tle~ nger
G oro Se'l ez Ded ne S nde•s Don'le Senders Edd"e Sende•s Sf.or n Sopp
D"or S w z y Gole Sewyer G n Sc 'Tl"dt James Schroeder J rr" Scott
• • • R"c ord Scot Ke h 'le S bree Jeene S rn l 'lde Sl.erp Sheror S ew
Glende Shed Mo'l y S eeke s Dor"s She on Eer S eHod S'l"r ey S "p ey
M"cf.ee S ores J"'Tl S U e'd Beverly S"egfr"ed L"z S fers Cec" S"nk
lon'l"e S"rrrrons Tedd"e s·'TlO'lS lou A~n Sk"rner Beverly Sm"th Donn"e Sm"th
lerry Srr" h L'ndo Sm"•h Merg'e Sm ~h Tommy Sm th Therese Sneed
e Star s Edd"e Steffans Rober S+ephans Edward Stepps larry S oker
Barbara Stubblef"eld Dav"d S+uc s B. W. Su !"van Denno Su+ on Ronny Ta+e
Sue Tate Gary Taylor James Tay or Robert Taylor Caâ&#x20AC;¢o Ledford
Geneva Tee ers Carol Thomas Patsy Thompson Dee Ann T"ms l"nda Tip on
Jay Temp "n Eugene Tooman Ed" h To h R"chard To~.ombs Judy Tree
Bi y Turner Cather"ne Turner Ann Van Curen Ed~a VanVranken Bob Vesta
Jo ce eyord Po+ Wode De 'l"O Wo Ker. J Wo
W de W •er Mery Wo ece D rr Wo ers Jec e Word Jer We n
Pot Wo+son
R se We ·e To y Wets Ronne Woul Edw'n We v r
• • • Pot Webb Fron Web r Lo Do p~ W b •'I Robed We s B W ee+ y
Grendy White De ny Wh · ecotton Rober W · h11rst Shor n Wh" son Der e W born
ems oms ems
C~erles W ·s Lee Roy W oug ey Donno W son Jerres W son leW on
S eron W ten Dorre Wood Jo ce Wood We en Wood d w d
Koren Woods Soroh Woolord Sharon Wor hy
Arvetto Wr'ght Jon'ce Wright Jim Bob Wr'ght
Pot Wr'ght locresho Wynn Shoron Yarbrough
'"Chew Chew Chew those gummy MILK DUDS:' Hcv'ng e herd time do'ng it ore Cecel o Pr'tner t~nd Lynde Rush.
Joh'l Yonnes lorry Yost Harry Young Kothryn Young Pot Younq
Susan Young D'cne Younger Denny Zoeller D y Eve Merv n ee on C o l sk
o·splcy ng the'r fevor'te pes ·me of c own ng ere Lorry Ho 'ngshecd R chord Lu e end lorry A ·n. They hope to go on t e s•age!7!
Hev'ng fun decort~ ing e Red Cross Homecom'ng flot~t ere Barbero S 11bblefeld t~nd John Soos. The theme of he'r f oc wos "l'd ~e Knights."
The sophomore officers, Sandra Stewart, secretary¡ Tony Greeson vice-president: and David Holland, president, "peek" at the camera.
• • •
Be v Bea es
Dav d 8 oty Tonyo Be c er
Fed B Key Be A C Ben et
Bvrd S e o C4 bel De de Copps
C4ro C4 e G e do C4r ey Jon ce C4rney Mory Carpenter
• • •
ems bu y w r ng mey be n for qo~ e e
d Gb
e d
• • •
Sophomores b He on a Hesta d Be y H bben
J dv H L t e• H 'o'l
Sand•e H x B ddv Hodges
• • •
c n s
l"'les be
• • •
• • •
no e from 0 ·v·o Doon een o s o Ieos not f I after Mrs.
• • •
Joyce Wrg t OS e Wr ght Derre Wye+t onn e Wye• De y Yende Jerry Young Judy Young
Meqan Youn; R c y Yo ng
Robert Young Karen Youngblood Joe e Youn Debra Z ~mermen
• • •
Jerry Wer oth Georoe Wo e•s Jo 1\t>y We s Pem Webb le te• Weese Peu Wed en Pet W born J dy W pp e Je es We s Betty Wes Ia e Jan ce W ee er
lew"s Z nk Jo n ~ pp
And here I thougH the gfeet pump ·n wes just a "o e" says G"nger Owen to Tommy Vollmer.
Too old for te::tdy bears and too young for wolves is e s"tua "on feced by sophomore She ron Byrd es she looh over "wo ves" Alv"n Herre I end Mi e Brit· tenhem.
â&#x20AC;¢ Gi Is' por s Boys' Spo s
FRO T OW: lyrn Fos er De"lo Perdue Denno Jenn ngs l odo Sm" IJ Judy B rdsong Dono Don Is, Thereso Sneed J"mm'e Rodgers Mory Corper er Judy Woods. ROW TWO: Bet y Sonders G • o Vorro"le Don"lo Owen E=rne t ne Fmch, D"one Morr"s Ren e Rousseou, V d"e B"ggs Megon You119 Virg'e s~e grov Don,o Sond r ROW THREE· Borboro P r'og.Jo l z Moor Oro Furr, B verly Unruh, Pot fe Gr en Jody Bryon Pen.,·e Tr eor Ru h Sond •s. ROW FOUR: Joyc Scf.roder Debro Z mmermon Shoron DeSh'e ds She lo Grigsby Conn e Moson Dono Sutton Jeon Gorde'ler Po H od B ty Bo cher Es her Green Gl ndo Lough 1n Judy Croft, W1 rr"IO Dov"s Mor eno Jodson l"ndo Wool ver lyn., B eed eve L do Do e Su or D v s V c "e Pre o l ndo Benne , V"d" McE voney, Dorlene Sanders.
Girls' Teams Capture Championship Titles ' Be prepored ' s e rno o of L rdo B rne os she wo cf.es her eo!T'mote Dorlene Sonders serve d;~r rg o proc ce bodrr"r on gome.
Swinq'ng hard for o home run, jump'ng high to ma eo bas et, chasing bird'es and p'ng pong ba Is were 'ust o few of the fun-loved problems faced by the sports minded girls forming the girls teams. Runn'ng, 'ump'ng, ond chas'ng balls with jus the tenseness ond cheering of the crowd urging them on hese girls perform hopp'ly and gracefully. The'r main ob'ective is competd'on, and no matter how they score ' with other teams the losses ore accepted grocefu y and the winning just comes naturally! As a result of o lot of hard wor and sore muscles, they proudly display the ' letter" they earn for each individual sport. Games of boseball, bas etboll, vol eyball, and badm'nton ept the teams scor'ng the year around.
(ou con never be too good" soys Ru h Senders end Pot Green os they spend edro t me brushing up on he"r bosebol.
"Where's the boll?' s ms to be the qu sf on os ed by the g"rls' bos e bol teem os they wo m up for o gome.
Poy"ng strct attention to Miss Gonn col ng ro I is he g"r s' bosk tboll teo'TI because they now one should olwoys listen to the teacher.
It took c greet deal of penning end wor to pu I off the OASC water show. Donne Owen end Judy B'rdsong help with c f owery wreath whi e J'mm'e Rogers Diane Den¡ iels, Denno Jennings, ond Therese Sneed decoro e c tree.
D'cne Don' Is gets c heod start on the oth rs of the swim teem, D'cne Mor's Deno Perdue, l'nd
Girls Devote Many Long Hours to Learn Denno Jenn'ngs, Judy B'rdsong, V'rg'e Snelgrove, end Dor.no Owen beg'n one of the'r many exerc'ses to l'mber the'r bod'es for synchron'zed swimm'ng.
Many long hours ond many gu ps of water go nto c good water show as Renee Rousseau end Donne Sonders soon discover.
a er S ow. T eresa Sneed and
Much practic must be pi.l into he perf c Judy Woods ar d'splaying the ballet log
nd Donna Sanders es they pracfce d'v'ng to help perfect the wa r how.
Synchronized Swimming Oan'el a'ld Mary Carpen r d 'Tionstrate the'r re b f oat r1 he CHHS poo . Par c'pon s o{ he ow 'nc .. ded members of e earn wor 'ng , so os d ets ard gro p Som of e s 'lgs ¡ c ~oded T e Ye ow Rose of Texas" the heme from Go1e W e W nd" a d S dewa s of New YorL'
W ~ aI t sw'mm g a
be p n p g'r s wo
four of the g'r s'
GOLF TEAM: Coach Speegle Kenneth Blewett. Robed Wallace, R'chard Gentry, George Han s, Steve Speegle.
Golf Boys Warm Up With Spring Weather Coach Speegle ¡ ustrates ~he proper way to hold a golf cli.. b es he to es e practices 'ce wit~ e seven iron.
Returning help for a successful '62-'63 golf season were Kenneth Blewett end Doug Tucker, with the help of other members, Steve Speegle, George Honks, Richard Gentry, ond Robert Wallace. Having claimed the title of second in mid-state and eighth in state the previous year, the golfers ventured forth into another year to maintain this high honor. Practice sess'ons for the Capitol Hill golfers were held after school at various golf courses. Kenneth Blewett te es Coach Speegle's edv'ce about the proper go f stance and dec'des to practice on his own.
Cross Country Team Races to Top Honors
Is A b rt Herremen che "ng ~·s shadow or runn"ng cross country? He sa modo of p d powe~ eAd gr ce (?).
After sweating through a season which saw their top runner seriously injured, the cross country team finally got st rted on a successful year. Richard Cable, star letterman and recipient of numerous athle ic scholarships, pul ed a tendon in midwinter and it loo ed for a while as if he would not run again. The season was sc~IVed when his leg healed rapidly. With the aid of fe low teammates Marvin Benge, Albert Harraman, Terry Blac burn, and John Farquhar, the team secured a successful season. CROSS COUNTRY TEAM: Marv·n Benge
The camera focuses o speed f r cr s cou'l fy.
R c erd Cab e as he prac c s run•1ng and
c ard Ceb e A bert Harwnan Terry B ac b m John Farqu ar.
Gridsters Record Another Successful Year Be t boys rqes Merty Edwerd es he te es fme out from c eer"ng o ob erve f.e Redsk"ns on the gr"d"ron.
G v"nq e ey vo got o•e tho rr gfJty Red ·n gr dsters es the Ard. more T ger ere sen f.orre w· hou v ctory.
FRO T ROW: Oern's Hudson Pt~u C evelt~'ld Dt~v"d Sco Deor McE. vt~ny ToMmy Gr ff h. ROW TWO: Lloyd Summers, Jim Bob Wright. Lt~rry Merrill, B I Devt~' Ji'll N evt~f. ROW THREE: Dt~n M e• Jerry W • or Dt~n Evt~noff B. Bt~dley, J. D. Womt~ck. ROW FOUR: Ronn'e Wt~ul, Russell Wt~•t'e, Me<! H"l Frt~nk "e Qu"ntero Gt~ry W ROW FIVE: Mon•y Sheck es, George Bouse Glen, Foster, Dt~vid Br"tton
Speeg e.
Getfng off to a rousing start, the 63 Reds in lineup strea ed past Edmond for a 48-8 victory over the Bulldogs. The gridsters followed the Edmond win with a 21-6 victory over the Ardmore Tigers. The Red ins went on to win their homecoming game 20-16 over long-fme rivals, the Nortk"west Kn"ghts. The l"!ext two wins on the gridiron were victor'es over t~e Shawnee Wo ves, 42 13, and Souths'de rvals, the Grant Generals 7 0. · The first cr'tical defeat for the team was handed out by the Midwest City Bombers with a 14-37 score. Pt~u
C evelt~nd
W'th hopes r.igh and sp'rits still not dampened, the squad went "nto the Pt.tnam City game with full force, challeng'ng the Pirates on their home feld, com"ng out wi+h a 0-0 tie. Prepar'ng for he'r hardest test of the season, the Redsk · ns went up agamst the top rated Douglas Trojons wi h a 13-22 loss. The last two games of the season proved to be losses, scores being CH 0, Tulsa Wi I Rogers 17; CH 0, Enid 33.
d Scot
Jim Bob Wright Md on unid ntified ployer corry Dov"d Scott off the f eld offer he wos injured in o gome with Putnom City. Joe ie Medford ond Mike M"s ovsky stond by to ossist.
Coocl, Speeg e
Capitol Hill gridsters closed the season by bringing individual honor to members of the team. This was just one of the many h"ghlights en"oyed by the team as a whole. Senior gridsters Paul Clevelond, Jim Nievar, David Scott, and Frank Lehenbauer succeeded in securing places on several honorary football teams. Bringing home most of the honors was CH toe le Jim Nievar, who was honored by positions on the All-Conference, all-city, all-state, and he was also named city lineman of the year. Fran Lehenbauer, Redskin guard, was selected for all-city, all-conference, and the second team in all-state. Being chosen for all-conference and honor¡ able mention in all-city were Paul Cleveland, bac , and David Scott, back. Fired with determination were coaches C. B. Speegle and Willie Edwards, who coached long hours for victory for the Capitol Hill team with the help of a new coach, Don Burget. Cooch Edwerds J"m
Cooch Burg t Deon McEivo'ly
Bill Bodley
J.D. Womock
Players Place on State, Conference Teams
S eve Speegle
Bob Moren
Whe her i 's e w"nning k"ss or e Reds "n boost Eoweno Pe ers sup· por s her fcvori e gr"dster Leonerd Arnold. CHHS ~8 CHHS 21 CHHS ..20 CHHS -42 CHHS 7 CHHS 1-4 CHHS 0 CHHS 13 CHHS 0 CHHS 0 Chebon Dccon
Edi'T'ond Ardmore Nor rwes Shawnee Grent M"dwes C"ty Pu nom C" y Douglass En"d Tu so Rogers
8 6 16 13 0 37 0
foo be I ecm
Help"ng hcnd defect to Ccp"to H I opporents cfe hese H"l gr"ds ers Peul Cleveland end Deen McE veny.
33 16
Den M"l ef
Dribblers Mark Up Best Season in Years
Heoded for he R d 'n g o o scor o o er two po'n s. for the Cop· ito H' teo,.., · one of o~.or f s~ speored bosketbol s.
H men Bobby Ross ·u,..,ps h'gh for e bes e g"'erded heovily by on oppos .,g eof"'l m mbe•.
As the first few games of the season breezed by, the Cap· itol H'll bas e ball team was way out in front. But as the stiff wall of exper'enced opponents in conference h"t the new dribb ers, they e per'enced some very heartbreo ing and hard-fought tilts. These gomes gave much-needed experience to the Capitol Hill team, and as the se son wore on, it plainly showed +hot they had observed ond used points p"c ed up in other gomes. It seemed as though as quic ly os they began losing, they started winning again. One of the highlights of the'r yeor was reach"ng the firals of the M'ami, 0 lohoma, tournoment. Also the tremendous win over the conference champions, Douglass, was o great boost!
FRO T ROW: Do!'l Hoc e Cos e Corro Chebo., Oocon Don M I er Jerry Horr s Edgor Chombers. ROW TWO: Cooch Mehtony, Gory 's G en Fos er, Fores w k' SO'l J. 0. Womoc Bobby Ross Wesley Orobe George Mene Dole McCoy, Cheri $ Ph'llips.
B bby Ro s
Georg Mare CHHS 52 CHHS 57 CHHS 59 CHHS 40 CHHS 34 CHI-iS 62 CHHS 36 CHHS 49 CHHS 43 CHHS 41 CHHS 59 CHHS 53 CHHS 54 CHHS 36 CHHS 44 CHHS 36 CHHS 68
Cf.ebon Dacol'l
Graflt 50 S +h ast 44 Pu narn c·ty 60 0 ;.~g oss 52 Shawnee 43 Er·d 56 Northwest 52 M·dw s+ C y 54 Pu nam C y 32 E Reno 43 Oo;.~g oss 57 Sf.awnee 55 E Reno 52 En·d 47 Grant 45 M·dwest C"ty 70 Nor l,wcst 57
Or bb ng pas f.·s opponen+ ·s sophomore star Che· bon Dacon head·ng for t e goal. Cooch Me e'ly
Coocl, Speeg e
Pro ec ing the bo I for the Reds n sq od ·s Geofge Monek of er fel ow eoiT'smon Forres W1 k·nson o 4emp ed o fr e sl-o .
A Tribute .
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
A great coach, a dedicated teacher, and an avid water sports enthus!ast, John Pryor will say goodby to Capitol Hill after 21 years of servrce. An educator many years before he came to CH, Mr. Pryor was superintendent of schools at Terral, Hastings, and Claypool, Oklo. He came to the Hill as bas etball coach in 1942 and produced championship teams from the start. From 1945 until 1961 Mr. Pryor was Capitol Hill's coveted baseball coach; during this period it was unusual if his teams did not toke state or mid-state titles. In addition to this, he had a record number of Pryor-trained boys who signed contracts to play professior-al baseball. Among his boys in the big leagues now are Don Demeter and Tom Sturdivant. His outstanding record as coach is recognized by the foct that he has been a Dodger scout for years and still acts in this capacity. The athlete-at-heart finds much time to spend with his four grandchildren and his only son, Kenneth, who is an engineer in Bartlesville. The whole family enjoys woter sports, especially skiing and fishing. For the service he has given to Capitol Hill, for the high scholastic standards he has maintained, for the encouragement he has given to numerous alumni, the Chieftain staff takes great pride in poying tribute to a great coach. Lecturing fondly to his b'ology classes has always been a favorite forl"'' of teaching for Mr. Pryor. Always the dedicated coach Mr. Pryor coached the Junct'on City teem during the Sl.immers 1948 through 1953.
to a Great Coach Sports of all kinds, especially fishing end watersk ing, ere enjoyed by the Pryor family. Mr. Pryor, left, and his brothers, leo, Did, end Ben d'splay one of the'r smcl er cc ches.
Tracksters Perform Feats With Excellence
CH roc sters bounced boc in form for o very successful '63 season. Adding s rength to he team were three returning lettermen, Richard Coble, Rondy Stathom, and A bert Horromon. Cooch Don Burget proudly reloted the accomplishmen s of the eom. Senior R'chord Cable won firs in
'Proc+ ce f"''O es perfec 's d IT'O s ro+ed by 'Jn¡o M ke M.; rs os prepores for e rod seoson.
mid-sta e in mile run, while Randy S a ham secured he honor of second in mid-sa e in shot put. Also Alber Horromon ron he 880, 440, ond 220 relay. 0 her c'ndermen composing the '63 eam were leon Ashloc , Marvin Benge, Terry Bloc burn, and John Farquhar.
FRO T OW: Robert Henson John Forq "or leon Ashloc Morv r Be'lge A ber Horromen "chord C.,ble, Bill Rendelu~. ROW TWO: Chores AI n, Bobby M" c e I leonord Arno d Rondy So om Cec S Tomf"''y Cose Terry B oc~burn, Cooch Burget.
Ge~ry wres er he L~r y 8 e n c •ev p b p r. T e f .,~1 sc e we C~p +
le t e r y 15.
e wa 1 c e f r c
Horo d Cro ey
Bil y Devc I acq "res r d ng me w er. Cop" ol H I wo!'l th s ma'ciJ w"'
on un"d n+"f ed Norman wres· e orrro., T gers
Pin him! Pin him! wos the e cited cry"of wrestling fons os the CH wrestlers ventured forth into onother yeor. Competition in tournoments held by other schools kept the team io good condition. Leorning ond experiencing holds ond grop· p1es were the objects of the squod. The Hill's top motmen for the yeor were seniors Fronk lehenbouer, Poul Clevelond, Jim Nievor, ond Bobby Doon een. These four were clossified os hustlers" and were the moin reoson for the teom's improvement. They were se· lected on bosis of skill, sportsmanship ond individuol po"nts. Bobby Door een hos oc Se s of Gecr n o h t ne son w + c body press. Bobby dec"sioned Sells 9 3
Matmen Prove Strength in Rough Season
on on U'l· 165 b
rnorner. 'n c rc e .
FRO T ROW: To y Wo s R'c &rd To+e J N evor, Edd'e Coll'ns Pf.'l'p Moth or.
., Moger
P& I C eve 11 d
bby 0
ROW TWO: Oon&ld L&'ld s B y Oevo·
Boys Plunge Headlong Into '63 Season
Ron Roper l roy Bohlen. ROW TWO: Gory "Brown Gory ROW THREE: Mr. Jacobson, Kei h Barnes, Russell Wot "e Topno ch sw mmer end exce ent d ver Gory Frords ·s shown com ng ou of o "ock kn fed ve w ~~ xce nt form.
The Capitol Hill swimming team, composed of returning lettermen Bruce Boyd, Leroy Bo en, Mi e Mis ovs y, Jim Leverich, Pat Young, Russell Wattie Don Raper, and eight o her members, swam to a fairly successful 1963 season. The highlig"'ht of the year was he w"n over Douglass by a score of 20 o
8. Cooch A. D. Jacobson
FRO T OW: L'rdo L e, Jeon Dunlop Do.,no Gr'Mes W Mo MeG O'l o hy b r H Po W bb Pot Coyle Jody Srr tfJ. ROW TWO: C r ne M C r L• b e y, Borboro Hu.,+ ey Sondro Pic erd Roweno Corr, Mor yn And r S or Mory Lou l,on Borboro S ephens Rose Horper Sherry H~ol Corel Fo d Pernye Be gs~o.,.
C y Ve mo Roberts Bever y Ak'ns D"oro Spivo Bor· do L rd Coro yn Young Borboro Mossey Borboro Ce. P ps Koren Chesn~<t. ROW THREE: Dolores Bet+s, gor er So~e Arnold, Porn Gr msteod, R'to Fox l. H.
Netmen Swing for High Honors and Trophies Ma "ng a vo ey and exh"bTng good form were the mo"n ob"ec "ves of the Cap· o H"l tennis team. Forming th"s successful ond hard to beat team ore the rae etsw'ng'ng s udents at Cop'tol Hil. The g'r s tennis team, defeoted in dual meets only two fmes ·n fve years, were sw"ng'ng a 'mean' tenn's roc et to mo"nta"n the title of state runners-up.
The boys captain, Bi I Mag"rows y went into the saoson wi h a good chance to to e he s ate champ"onsh"p in AA c oss. He a so ma"nfair>ed the honor of being one of he top four "n he state. Composing the successfu tenn's ea!'fl were the threeyeor let ermen, Beverly A 'n, Pat Coyle Kathy Coy, Barbaro H'll, or.d B'll Magirows y. ·
F 0 T ROW: B rert Wodde M e Ro s Bob Bcr e'lb e, B I Mog r w y e h B r Lorry A 'n, Lynwood Broo s, Glen Brown, Denn"s Dobbs Gory Crondo Don Joe son. ROW TWO: Mr. Bcngtsol' Ro., ld Bo e+ R chord D~obo"s Kenneth Mogness, Poul Quil'n, George P Leoqure G en Sc m d+ Gene Russell Roy Diln op Gory loc•e R cho d M rp y.
Ke +h But er
Pot Webb
Lynnwood Broo s
Borboro H
W mo McGeehon
G n Browr
D'ono Sp'vo
L. H. Bengtson expo ns to Borboro H I + e correct procedure for gripp'ng her tenn's â&#x20AC;˘oc et on e new courts w cl, were p:.~rc osed by o bond issJe. L. H.
Kotf>y Coy
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of F.D.J.C.
"Bank For The Young At Heart"
It's every chicken's dream to be broasted at
4207 South Western
~~!Jisf~rrl) Minttt:o:nl)s STUDENT ACCOUNTS INVITED
• • • • • •
MU 5-2 055
best chicken in town milk ice cream soft drinks hot dogs hamburgers 19c
81, 82,
139 A• d Jr 124 Be ty Jr. 124 Terry So ph. 80 141,
73 83
r De n S p . 139 Go Sr. 71 76 93 n Mer yn Jr.66 123, Arder on Sondro S p . 139 Arg Joe Soph. 62 139 Arne by Chery Soph. 139 Antf.ony Mle Soph. 139 Arc er Key Jr. 123 Arnold Chor ~ e S•. 93 Arno d Go' Soph. 139 Arn d J yce Soph. 139 Arno d Leonerd Jr. 65 69 79 80 123 162 169 Arno d lirdo Sopf.. 139 Arroe Mo e I S p . 139 Ary Den'lis Soph. 139 Ashlod Leor Sr. 93 169 Atteberry L'ndo Soph. 139 Atto k.,e Phy 's Jr. 123 Nwo d G orge Fcc. 18 71 79 Au ry Leo'l S pf.. 139 A~< • r LoM Soph. 139 Ab ton Don'to Soph. 139
Be 174 B ugh M ry Jr. 123 B xte• Dov d S pf.. 56 139 By Dovd Jr.l23 B • y S p . 76 139 B ., Ger d Jr. 123 C r Jr. 123 Bo B y D v d S ph. 69, 139 B e G d F c. 18 B e., L rry S•. 94 B c, r Lo~< s Sr. 94 B c r Tonyo Soph. 139 B k De n· Jr. 123 B Fred Sop~. 63 139 B I Key Sop . 139 B I N~~ncy Sr. 72 94 8 • Mer 'lo Sr. 55 94 B ge Morv r Jr. 123 161 169 B g+ ., L. H Fcc. 24, 71, IH 175 Ben'le•t A C. Soph. 68, 139 B nn t• Borboro Jr. 123 B nne•t B I e Sr 94 Beronett Freddy Sop h. 81, 141 B nett L''ldo Jr. 69 123, 156 Bennett M'ke Sr. 68 71, 81, 84 94 Ben+or, Cor Soph. 8, 141 Bergc'l Dor Sr. 94 Bergen Joe Sr. 81 94 B rke'lb le Bobby Soph. 65, 71 76 141 174 . B rke'lb c Cf.orl s Sr. 71, 76, 94 Berry Borboro Sr. 13 39, 87, 94 107, 176 Berry J dy Sopf.. 141 Berry 0 cor Sr. 56 94 B •t 0 Soph.67, 141. 174 B cf.ow Rom Sr. 94 B'dwell Fred Soph. 141
Br wn Brown Br w Brown Brown BrowI' Brow" Brown Br wn Brown Br wn Brown Br wn Brown Browr Brown Br wr Brown Brown
Bu'e Arn Sr. 95 Bu'e Judy Soph. 140 B~. ng on PelJI Jr. 56 Bu lod Denno Sopl,. 140 B mgorn r Pen'lye Soph. 140, 174 B~.nd'c Kelt een Jr. 73, 124 Bund Rely Soph. 140 Burgess Ivy C st. 19 Burge s Kely Jr. 124 B rgess elrry Jr. 124 Bu •gess R ymond Jr. 124 B rge D ., F c 26 162 164 169 Burk J~.dy Sr. 58 B rke Lelrry Jr. 124 170 Bure+t Mo're Sr.62 95 Bur eson D"oMo Sr. 55 72, 85, 95 BJr eson Evere• Cust. 19 Burnett Dorre I Soph. 140 Burnett Noomo Jr. 56 124 BJrns Fr ddy Soph. 68 140 Burr Lyndo Sr. 96 B nc Dornel Sr. 96 Burrougf.s George, Jr. 56 124 B rrow JoAnn Soph. 140 Busey W. C Fcc. 24 B • er Coro yr Sr. 96 But e• Doro hy Soph. 140 Bu• r Ke tf. Sr. 63 65 76 96, 174 175 But e• Lee Soph. 140 e• Sonny Soph. 140 Bybee L"ndo Sopl,. 140 Byers Jon'ce Jr. 67 124 Byr .,., Sho•on Jr. 124 By•d Shoron Soph. 55, 66, 140
a. .
Sr. 66 SO S9,
Jr 63 76
Sl 0
Sr Sl 96 Sr. IS 65 96
b n S p . 65 162,
165 166 167 "s E e'l Sr. 71 99
o., so 0
e F c. 21.
Arnold I nsu ranee Agency
Ch I Sausage Mushroom *Olive * Gr. P pp r
Fire -
Automobile -
3109 S. Western
ME 4-3377
J. R. ARNOLD ME 2-6753
Meal Souc
Four p rsons may split a r gular 14" Pizza for as little as 40c apiece.
For Good Auto Parts and Dependable Service
B. JOHNSON AND SON S.W. 29th and Agnew
ME 4-6633 and other d licious Italian foods: Lalagne, Ravioli, Egg Plant, Parmigiana, Veal Specialiti s, Salads, Poor Boy Sandwiches, tc.
4513 South May
30 14 South Western
2422 S. ROBINSO 3133 N. E. 23RD 9014 N. WESTERN
5701 S. PENN.
MU 5-2256
3133 N. E. 23rd Street
Acres of Free Parking Local d in Suuy'sâ&#x20AC;¢ 3133 N. E. 23rd Note to Adults Th r is a KING' S ClUB in Suny's for you, tool Completely separol from Teenagers
4101 S. Western - Reding Shopping Center 2105 S. W. 59th - Country Club Shopping Center 11
0ur Best Advertising is Not Written . .. It's Eaten"I 181
h 9'-Yâ&#x20AC;¢ end gols go her ot
THE HAMBURGER SPOT 26th and S. Western 182
Ho er Lorence Sopf.. 72 He r Pf. p F c 20 Hew S e Sr. 74 79 103 I 6 W. 0 F . 29 60 6 70 78
Fo"rbon s Twono Jr. 56 72, 73 126 Fol or Jeon"o Soph. 142 Fo.,non Bobby Soph. 142 Forq ~~H Sordro Soph. 67 76 Forr J rrmy Jr. 126 Forqu r John Jr. 65 69, 72, 76 126 161 169 Foub n Mo r n Sr. 72 101 F der Jo~n Soph. 68 142 Ferg~oson J"dy, Sr. 55 101 F rg n Mor lyn Jr. 55, 62, 72 126 F er Dono Jr 74 126 F c n Ernest Sr. 101 Fi d Edd e Foe. 22 79 F nch Ern st ne Soph. 33, 66, 77 142 156 F nnel Dewoyne Jf. 126 F"sh Reymond l e Foe. 28, 56 F sher E. C. Foe. 28 58 F s r Jemes Jr. 127 F sher Trudy, Soph. 85, 142 F zp tr ck Sondro Jr. 67, 72 F zgere d Sh"r ey Sr. 101 F o erty Lonell So ph. 142 Flem ng Joy. Soph. 142 Fowers L"r!do Soph. 142 Foot Ele~ Jr.56 126 Foo S~eron Jr. 126 Ford Corol Soph. 174 Ford Done Key Sr. 43 65, 67, 87 101, 105 Ford J mmy, Jr. 126 Foremen, L"ndo, Soph. 142 Forshe Nodin Soph. 142 Fortune, Sondre, Jr. 80, 126 Fos r. Glenn Jr. 65. 126, 163, 166 Fos er Jeck"e. Soph. 66, 85 Fos er Lynn Jr 66 76 77, 81, 126 156 Fountoin, Grec" Jr. 127 Fountoin, Ronn"e, Soph. 142 Foutch Roger, Jr. 38, 126 Fow r, Pe Soph. 74, 142 Fox R"to Soph.66 142,174 Fronc s Shoron Soph. 60, 143 Fron lin. Judy Sr. 66, 71, 81 Fron s,Gery,Jr.81.127, 173 Froz" r, Kris Soph. 143 Frez"er, Leilo S. Fee. 27, 73 Freemen Joyce Jr. 56, 127 Freese Pet, Jr. 66 127 Fre"o Jomes Sr. 65 101 Fr"ne , John Soph. 142 Frost Lorry Sr. I 0 I Fulkerson. Doro hy, Jr. 63, 127 Fuller, Petrick, Soph. 60, 142 Fulmer, Fred Jr. 70, 127 Fulton Jec "e Soph. 142 Funk Denne, Soph. 76 143 Furr, Ore, Soph. 143, 156
Gege, John, Sr. 63, 71, 76, 77, 101 Gofford, Cero "n Soph. 143 Goley, Cerol, Soph. 143 Golindo, Hope, Jr. 127
Herr Herod Jr. 74 77 HoMm d Sendre Jr. 62 66 12 HoMmonds Jo~n Jr. 128 Hemp on Cherry Jr. 128 Hompton Cherry Soph. 145 Hemp on R chord Sr. 103 Ho d e Dweyne Sr. 58. 103 He ey None Soph. 145 Hen ns Bob Jr. 128 Hen ns Jen"e Soph. 145 Hen ns Revoce Soph. 145 Hen s George Jr. 65, 128 Hordmon Mev n Jr. 128 Hormo'l, D"ono Soph. 145 Hermon Jocque Fee. 20 Hormor Jo~nny Soph. 145 Hermon Donne Sr. 103 Herne Donny, Soph. 56 145 Horpcr, Dwoyne Foe. 28 Horremen Alber Sr. 69, 79, 103 161' 169 Herre Alvin Sr. 74, 79 Herre Gory Sr. 103 Herr s B"l y Sr. 56 I03 Herr s Don Jr. 128 Herr s Georgeo Soph. 145 Herr"s Jerry Jr. 79, 128 Herr son Joris Sr. 103 Horr"son, Normo Jr. 67, 128 Horry Mox"ne Foe. 22. 71 Hortmen Be y Fee. 18, 19 Hof¥ y, Lorry Jr. 128 Hervey Moy Cof . 19 Hervey Ted Soph. 145 Hort ey, More to, Sr. 103 Hotcher, Betty Jr. 128
For The Fastest Pick Up And Delivery Service One Day Shirt Service Complete laundry Service We Operate Our Own Plant ME 4-4073
Seniors From
4400 S. Walker
Bobbie's Beauty Shop PHONE ME 4-2821
ME 2-8938
"For The Best Hair Style In Town"
Custom Upholstering 1308 s.w. 29th Oklahoma City, Okla.
I I t~.e.... •1 1109 P.... II~ •J-IIJ ....... • • • • II (.........._ • J-JJOO ..._... ._....., ll a.......
••-un .....,.. •....__
Try Our Big Steakburger -
520 I S. Western LOVIE MILLER -
II 0 I Linwood Boulevard
Adell's Beauty Shop Individual Hair Styling
- s & co. -
MElrose 2-9048 1504 So. West 29th
933-8 South West 44th
Reding Plaza Shopping Center MIKE FINA, Owner
Shoe Re-Styling
ME 2-4401
d Jr. 38 56
R a d S ph. 75 P y s S 5 105 v y NGd ne Jr. 129 r
J Caro Sr. 105 Oo'l Sr. 105 174 Do., S•. 65 68 Lorry Soph. 145 Morena S•. 69 105,
Roymond Jr. 129 Robert Jr. 129 Jac o V rg o Soph. 145 Jacobs Lus+er Soph. 145 Jac ob O'l A. D. Foe. 26 Jomes Jess'e Jr. 129 Joy Dar ene Jr. 129 Jay ay Sr 62 63 76 Jay Teddy Sr. 56 lOS Jef coat, R' a Jr. 129 Jeffreys Jo rny Sr. 29 58 69 105 Jer ns Fred Sr. 105 Jen,·ngs Donrc Soph. 55 66, 77 145 156 IS L nde Soph. 145 A ce Soph. 145 Anr t Sr. 56 106 C II d II S. 106 C dy Soph. 66, 145 Conn'e Sop . 66 Darre Soph. 190 Do o y Soph. 145
Mac e nora Soph. 146 Maco 11ncy Jr. 56 Mcdde Ph s Sr. 89 108 Moddox Gore Jr. 131 Moddox Mof}' Sr. 108 Mcgor Marva Sop . 67, 146 Magers Jo n Sr. 65 79 109, 171 Mcgress er Sop!-!. 68 146 Mag rows y s· Jr. 65 79, 131 175 Mo gan Sue Soph. 146 Mo e G :>rge Sr. 34 55 71, 84 109 166 167 186 M!l'l s Mery Jr. 131 Man'l Jo ce Soph. 146 Mon Borbaro Sr. 56 57 109 Mar cr L'nda Jr. 58 131 Mar ow Shery e Soph. 58 76 82 146 Morshc Larry Soph. 146 Mer 'n Ccro yn Sr. 55 76 Mor 'n Dcv'd Sr. 109 Mer n E te e Sr. 37 55 56 57 67 68 109 Lcwarence Soph. 146 M e Sop . 56 146 P11wl Jr. 131 Roy Sop . 68 146 Marin Sherry Jr.56 131 Mer ez Margaret Sr. I 09 Mer s Co n e Soph. 146 Meson, Co!ln·e Soph. 67, 69 146 156 Moson L'ndc Soph. 146 Mcso'l Lo ·se Sr. 109 Mas ngc e Coro n S•. 63, 76 109 Mo erso'l P · 'p Sr. 109
Sue How ng hos found ore styled ot
hot he best ho'r styes in town
Pou C evelond BUCHANA 's.
O n Economy Corner 59th and So. Western
axon .. hop
Natural Shoulder Clothing \\'hether you plan or. ,going to college, or entering the busines world, you'll look your best and be correctly dressed in a natural shoulder, axon hop styled uit from Park . \'V'hy not come in for a fitting soon?
Gozing odm'r'ngly ot hopeful grodue ion gifts ere Bobby Rodgers end Mertho We ers.
From $50
PARKS REDING S.W. 44th & Weste rn
Open e very nite ' til 1 :30
408 W. Commerce
ME 4-6739
0 Br"er J
my Sop 149 Oden Dan.,y Soph. 149 Od f-4a S 149 0 da • R c d Sr. 56 0 d a G r e Sop . 149 Od am J a'l e Jr. 132 0 dh l nda Jr. 66 132 Oral,ood Jay Jr 132 Osb rn M dred Jr 132 Orsb;.rn S aron Soph. 149 Or "z Be Sop . 149 Or~z L cy Sr. 112 Osb rn Crer es Sr. 112 Osb r11 Cha• es Soph. 69 0 erkop A. C Fac 30 63 Owe'ls Donne Soph.67, 77 149 156 158 Owre G"nger Soph. 76 149 Owen J mmy Soph. 149 Owens Leser Jr. 132 Owens R"chard Soph. 149 Owen Ronn e Jr. 132 Ow ngs Truman Sr. 112
68 131.
Paden M Soph. 149 Pamer Sre•ry Soph. 73. 149 Pan"agua Barbara Sopl>. 149 Pan"ogua Ga e Soph. 67, 149 Pappas Pa11 Soph. 61 Po• John Soph. 68 149 Parke• Go d"e Sr. 112 Per er larry Jr. 132 Per er L"ndo Jr. 73 132
Pew 113
4 85
R Jr. 65 68 134 162 S• 116 e Jr. 67 73,
S 'r ey Jr. 134 Ot~rn S p 69 149 L rdt~ Sr. 56 Rt~'n Jo~n Jr 56 133 t~p r Do Jr.65 6 71 74 133 172 Rt~per Ron Jr 69 133 Rt~pe• R se I Sr 56 114 Raw o~ Ot~v d Sop . 149 Rt~y ori'T'a Jr. 133 Rt~y Ro ad Jr. 133 et~d o r Bobb Jr. 133 Ret~dnour Johnry Soph. 149 ecer o., Ft~c. 20 76 79 Rector Judy Soph. 149 'Rector Mt~rg·e, Soph. Jr. 71, 85 133 Re ce V rg Jr 133 Reed J m Jr. 133 R ed To,My Jr. 133 R d B Sop 149 Reeves Be y Sop~. 149 Reube Ken Sop~. 149 Reyrt~ R'cht~rd Jr. 133 Reyno ds Ct~r Soph. 60 Reynolds Gt~ry Jr. 63 68 Reyno ds George Sr. 63 76 85 114 Rey'lo ds G endt~ So ph. 149 Reyno ds Pt~ul Jr. 133 Reyno d Thomt~s Soph. 149 Rh'neht~rt Wt~yne, Soph. 149 Rhot~des Joe Sr. 114 Rhot~des S~.ost~n Sr. 114 R'cht~rds p., r'cit~ Soph. 149 R'c t~rdson Jt~c Jr. 63, 133 R cht~rdson Jt~ck'e Sr. I H R'cht~rdson Robert, Sr. 114 R chmo d A bert, Sr. 114 R'chmond Le t~nd Sr. 114 R'denour N " Sr. 55 71, 79, 80 84 114 R'ggs John Soph. 149 R gsby, Ct~rol, Soph. 55, 149 R'g by M ~e Sr. 68 75 R'kt~rd Les er Jr. 63, 133 R'nehart, Leroy, Jr. 68, 133
POOL MORTGAGE CO. From the man across the street, Congratulations, Graduates!
36 and South Walker
Commercial Loans Home Improvement Loans
Home Loans FHA Loans Insurance
ME 4-6321
933-G S.W. 44th
Buy Your Genuine "LEVI'S" at ANTHONY'S
Cleu n Stor - 26th nd Class n Blvd. Grant Square- S.W. 44th and Penn. Meridian Store- N.W . 16th and Meridian Perk Pl za Store- N.E. 36th and K II y Penn Square Store- N.W . Expr sswoy and P nn.
In Your Reding Shopping Center
C. R. ANTHONY'S 42 15 S. Western
Congratulations, Seniors! W 're Glad You Made lt.
272 I S. Western
Phone CE 2-81 18
LANGSTON'S Friendly Department Store Where PRICE TELLS and QUALITY SELLS Capitol Hill Store 327 W. Commerce
ME 4-2483
ACME LAUNDRY "Service and Quality are our only products!"
CE 6-8666
2208 So. Robinson
WHAT! You m on to soy you d·dn' CHIEFTAIN edver. ers?
shop w·th the
STOCK YARDS BANK "Bank Where You'll Be Known" 230 I Exchange Ave.
PHONE CE 2-7506 0 lahoma City, 0 I homa
RHOADS RED BUD FOOD CENTER Country Club Shop 6025 So. Penn. MU 1-1777
Choice Meats Quality Groceries 2407 SOUTH CENTRAL
West Side Reding Shopping Center 44th and South Western ME 4-7278
Hillcrest Color Center
Benjamine Moore Paints Country Club Shopping Center 2116
Open 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. westside Reding Shopping Center
Passenger -
Truck - Trailer Foreign Cars New and Used
Jim Lookabaugh Tires, Inc. 4510 S. Shields Oklahoma City
ME 4-4666
Best Foods Are At
'Sure I shop w"th t~e CHIEFTAIN edvert sers. Been do"ng for t es~ 50 yeers '
Sr. 66 71 72,
w w w
7S Soph. 73
u 88 U lcrry Sr. 78 92 119 Unruh Bever y Sopf.. 156
T Tete R chcrd S p . 63 69 ISO 171 Tete Ro ny Jr. 81, 135 Tete Sy Jr 135 Tcy or Gcry Jr 69 13S Tcy or Gere S ph. ISO Tcylor JcMe Jr. 13S Tcy Of L rc Foe 19 Tcy or Perry Sop h. ISO Tcy r R"dy S p . 151 Tcy or Robert Jr. 135 Tcy r Ton· Sr. 118 Tcylor D c'lc, Soph. 61, ISO Tecgu Art F c 19 Tecg Mcry Sr. 118 Tedford Cor Jr. 13S Tee+ers Genevc Jr. 56 13S Terr e Ronde I Soph. ISO Thomes Ccrol Jr. 62 69, 80, 135 Thompson Donny, Soph. lSI Thomp on Gcye Sr. 71, 75, 79, 80 119 Tf.ompson Hope Soph. 75 lSI Thompson J m Sopf.. lSI Thomp on lcrry Soph 81 Thomp or Po+sy Jr. 66 135 Thompson R chord Sr. 119 Thompson Shcron Soph. 66 Thre •e d D 'lo Soph lSI Thorn on S eron, Soph. 55 Tigr t+ Der e Soph. lSI Tigr tt Roy s~. 28 T ey nn Soph. 151 T ley Cher o e Soph. lSI T ms Dee Ann Jr. 66 74 T pto., L"ndc Jr. 85 135 lock y Cher es Soph. lSI Tolbert Curt's Soph. lSI
oms Fro'lces Sr. 120 "oms lcrry Jr. 56 O!T'S Gerev foe. 19 ems Jec e Sr. 120 errs L rde Soph. 66 ems Kc hry., Soph. 136 ems Ko hy Jr. 61 136 "ems Pc Jr. 136 CI"'"IS Robert Sr. 79 120 ems S ero:"l Jr. 136 "ems We'ldo Sr. 29 "emson 0. R., Fcc. IS
w Wodd I B~ren+ Soph. 55 65 lSI 174 Wcde Pet Jr. 136 Wcde Rcndy Soph. 68, lSI We emcl"' Levene Sr. 63 119 Weldon, Joey Soph. 68, 81
z Zr
l w"s Soph. 68 152 Z"Mmerrno" Sop • 152 156 Zw"r z Ro n"e Sr. 79 121 191
F r "9 con be dongero~.<s s ff b.J Sondy S ewof d Hegords the hezords rwo ved w e Toll"my Ph' ps fe s v c m to her choâ&#x20AC;˘ms
' R-, n ro'n go owoy u'l"bre o beorers Don S
wos obv ous y not the mo o of end D 0'10 Sp've
ormen or B ord J m
Fun, Fare, Frivolity W stf.J br de be S oron Coy or pr por ponders on her g w ord ve seed n.
er J
e wedd ng os s e
' Hmmmm yummy ard P n'l Tre or a
c ~ey
Reds ¡n ferr~mes Barbara B 'les, D cna Mea ey, murch deep "n+o e"r dr pp 'lg ce cream cones.
Capture Spring Thoughts Balmy days brought small but lasting joys during tha season when the m"nd and feet are prone o travel-that was spring!! Reds ins were seen in the season when a young man's heart turns to fancy. eating ice cream cones, see"ng the s'gh s at amusement par s, ta ing long wal s in he rain, or just sitting and meditating on the past, present, and the future. Despi e spring gas wars, semes er e ams. senior activities. the President's phys'cal fitness program, and the cold war, CHHS Reds ins managed to make it through safely and were all ready o a e on summer. Ff een love sp s e w nr 'lg score for e'lr s ma es l McE va'ley os ey recup ro+e from o prev'o~os gam .
do lee a'ld Deon
The<e s g B Bodey
oo s neor.
o b o woy o + of re! cr'es spr"ng v c "m ok 'lg dro c eo res o assure escape
more penc s no rr:ore boo s ro rrore eoc ers' d dy c o s or C are e Browe os grod o "on urh
Autogr.,ph hounds mobbed o.,nny Willi.,ms for to en souven rs bac • st.,ge .,fter t e "I city h'gh school t.,!ent show Tf.e Toast of the Town. L"ughs rol ed out the CHHS cud" or·uM "' the h orious group coiled the "Misters' n er a'ned he s udent body hril ed w· rece v ~9 l,e"r ye.,rboo s " doy eor y s t e Ch'ef o"n s .,ft "s ey s'gn on~uels ot Mrs. Kroemer's house
Accepting roy.,lty honors w'th pr"dc o,d d gnity "re Miss Chieftoin, Jennifer B rdwell Md Mr. c~·efto'n
w th songs end "o es et leâ&#x20AC;˘e Mey.
e '63 Jo me srn essemb y "n
J. D. Womcc . Nowher cou d you f nd e l"lore honored end cherm'ng oo 'ng coup! â&#x20AC;˘
Crowning of the Queen wes e Me'or h"gh "ght of the feculty bes e be gel"l .
"But boys s b' e on y o ds so meny ' pleeds despere e Mcure n Feub"on ry"ng o ge her messege ecross o he rec eem.
Quick on the feld but sf found lingering in the dressing room ere pitcher George Menek end fellow teemm(!te J. D. Womeck.
Skin Baseballers Snare As inevitable as hot dogs and ice cream cones is the cry, "Let's ploy ball." Baseball season hit the Hill with mighty force os the team swung into a successful season. The season saw Hillmen hitting themselves to first base by winning the regional championships and taking second in Mid-State. Graduating lettermen for the year were George Monek, Don Hockett, Castle Carroll, Edgar Chambers, Roy Pickett, Jim Nievor, J. D. Womack, and Dwight Koy. There ore seven returning lettermen to compose next year's team.
Looking up from the bullpen, third besemcn Roy Pickett s1..rveys some of the ection on he field.
lit le rows the crowd o~ the loneliness e bell pleyer exper'ences out there on tf.et vest f eld weifng for their epprovel.
Edgor Chombers, Chorles Greshom, R'chord FRONT ROW: Chorl s Ph ll1ps Roy Pickett Dwight oy Don Hoc et Cos e Corro Ph1l ps. ROW TWO: Benny Morrow Chores P'ckord George Mone Ronn'e Dobbs Cf.ebon Docon Donny M ller J'mmy 'evor Joe B'gg s G&ry W ·s Co&ch Me hMey.
2 6 IB 20 2
5 I
2 -4
5 6
Northwest U. S. Gro'l S. Mory's Doug loss Shown En'd Anodorko M'dwes c y Putnom C y Nor hwes Doug loss
It's o h O'ld ere goes cr'es he h'ndco cher.
3 5 I
20 0 8 3 6
0 0
Edmond Woodword 3 En'd 3 Gerber 3 Shownee 7 5 Pu+nom C y 5 M'dwes c ty En'd 0 U.S. Gror. 5 12 John Morsho I lowton 0 II
r H men o f rs bose.
OW fU'l
0 -4 I
4 3 2
It o woys helps o guy 0 now ho roo .,g for h M on ~e s'de nes.
spec'ol g·, is
Athletes' Feats .
• •
Thr' ed o be o w'rner g11'n Ru h Sond rs foo b11 occep s e A I Sports Ouee!'l · le.
pr ncess 'Gee she's o becu " gr'ns J m owoy w· h he Bes A Arourd '
vor cs he wo s le e oword
A high point of every spring is the annual sports assembly at which ou standing a hletes ore recognized ond the All Sports queen is crowned. This year the best All Around athletes were Jim Nievar and Bet y Boucher. Jim had excelled in football, wrestling, end baseball. An outstanding member of the girls teams doss, Be ty e ce led in oil sports. Of the beauties contesting for All Sports queen, footboll princess Ruth Sanders was victorious. The other candidates were Linda AI en, swimming princess; Jody Sm'th, bas etball princess· Beverly A i!1, +roc princess, ond Barbara Berry, wres l'ng pr ncess. Top athle es in the respective sports os named by Hi I coaches are on page 9 in doc wise order: I. Jim N'ever, best All Around a hie e ond leading tac le on the footbo I eom. 2. Bill Magirows y, top mole tenn's s ar. 3. George Mane , number one mon on he bos etbal court. 4. Don Roper, high scorer on the swimming team. 5. Fran Lehenbauer, a 165-pound wrestler. 6. Paul Cleveland, o 124-pound wrestler. 7. Richard Coble, +roc· star ond high scorer. 8. Roy Pic ett, baseball third baseman.
''Brains'' Acknowledged
Proudly eccepting her scholorsh"p +o OCU is Jt.n"or Pot Wrigl,t.
Don Hoc et+ rece"ves h"s Civi on Cifzensh"p oword from Mr. Br"etho.Jpt. The Civ"+on oword is g"ven on'luo y.
J;.mior Morshols reolly hove to wor ot heif "obs. Serving ot l'umerous school functions Junior Morsl-ols Ve mo Rober s ond Bobby Mitch never hod o dull moMent.
This yoor's Moth eword won to recen rec"p"ont of A'll"opol"s scholofsh"p, the first ever et Cep"tol Hill Mi e Bennett.
With Awards; ''Brainless'' Win Laughs
Capturing high scholastic honors was the goal sought after by those who were awarded at the onnuol Scholastic awards assemblies. As it would be quite impossible to list all the winners, the Chieftain staff would li e to congratulate wholeheartedly all the winners, for they carried out their igh ideals in their education to their own and their school's advontage. The satirical Senior Assembly went all out this year. The onnual event devised and written by members of the Senior doss will be remembered for its cleverness and never-ending "slams" at everything at CHHS.
Af er p ecd"ng for c men w"th ' Hcppy Tclk" Key Jcy fj. nclly gcve up on R"chcrd Ccble with "reject."
'"Now, clcss there wi I be enough of theâ&#x20AC;˘!' exclc"ms Mrs. K"nccde ( crcy Shipley) to pro esfng members of her clcss.
ow you see i . ow you don't. Co ec~or of f re s ver Bobby Rodgers mereges to borrow e few cho'ce p'eces of tf.e scf.oo s f e wefe fof l,'s re'lowned col ection.
'Honey p eese! I d ra+~er do · myself!' Mery Beugh to de+e Forest WI erson.
rea es
Decore 'rg l,e Zebre Room for the J ..m·of-Sen'or Prom 's never en easy +es . Dele McCoy Larry A~in C'ld
Seniors ''Eat, There 's 'us+ 'lo~h'ng l"ke food end w~e., ·• comes t me to eat Redsk'ns wi e weys be found f rst n Ir-e. The ser'or brea f11s meont ge+t'ng o school by 7:30 e.m.
ge c r• d ow
nes y J D. Womoc o'ld
Co•o ne McCorm c try to dec"de on how m.Jch tope where to put · ond o IT'O e thot op os "nconsp"cuous os poss"b e.
Drink, Are Merry'' "I could have danced all night' was heard echo"ng through the night, May 24, Prom night. Held in the Zebra Room of the Mun"cipal Audi orium, he annual Junior-Sen"or Prom was attended by 800 CHHS s uden s and the"r guests. g
o f."ng e o br g + r d bo n to o'ld p c p o fred r ssp r s The c p e ·s Lorr U so d S oro'l S ow.
We IT'oybe · s o o+ of fu'l. An ore core o o"n c·v·c ce'l er fot.n o"n?
em n the
o'ld S e y Adorns. (P.S.
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We'll Remember In the fall of 1960, the class of '63 entered Capitol Hill Senior High School with total awe and edginess about things in general. Going down those long, dark halls, the sophomore class seemed to be aware that they were somewhat different than their upperclassmen; they were sophomores. Despite their unsteadiness they entered a whirl of social and scholastic commitments which wasn't to end until the spring of '63. The sophomore class e 1ection came foremost with hard campaigning the bearing factor. Among the several capable-running candidates, they chose as their officers: president, Brownie Barnes; vice-president, Jennifer Birdwell; and secretary, Marlene Davis. Soon the sophomore picnic came and went along with that worrisome adjustment to that first year of high school.
Hov''lg o ''+ e troub e ftting the'f gowns ore class clown Loyd St.mmers o'ld Borboro Russell. They f. nol y got ft ord loo ed ' perfect."
Look'ng ser'ous about h's respons'b'lity os j,mior morshol Bobby Mitchel leeds the graduating class 1963.
Always ... Graduation Day Being juniors brought o long list of resolu ions ond demands: selecting doss rings, to ing college entrance tests, boosting that winning football team to take State, and accepting the team's loss to the Norman Tigers. Never ones to lag behind, Reds ins were soon nee-deep in preparation for heir senior year, their final year. At las seniors! The senior class • '63 was finally at a point of no return. The year brought to the Hill the OASC s ate convention, the disappointment of the rained out homecoming parade, the fret of making term papers, enough credits, the all-school play, Our Town, last minute preparations for final days at the Hill, the Senior Banquet, the Prom, the baccalaureate, the brea fast, and then the grand finale ... graduation!
'Mother end Doddy h's 's -the long owe ted moment" dreoms Done D O'l os she end er po•en s leove for coMmencement. Whot s here to soy? Th's bus ness of groduo ·ng s o oo serous. At this porfculor moment, no o srn'le coi.lld be found omong he groduo es.