--.. --
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High School
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Face of the Campus Refl cts Th fac of orthw t Cia n' campus is ever growing in tature. Th increa ing upply of !'tudents i increa ing th d mand for more building . A new 5350,000 addition i" "lated for compl tion some tim n xt year. Expre... ,ion which make up th fac of a chool ar con tantly changing. By hiah hoo] tandard", ~orthwe ... t Clas~ en i a large ~chool. But in the cia room and on the campus. each tudent i. an individual, pur,.,uing know] dg in hi own way. Concept- gained now will be om a part of u in later year , ju t a the happening of today will b com memorie-. n the following page , reflection- of the tudent ¡, portrayina their variou mood;.. hallenge-, and a hi vement - are r cord d. The are record d not ju t for an in tant, hut for all time.
Rich Experiences at NWC Page 1-13
creating, absorbing, socializing, verbalizing
Faculty-Curriculum Page 14-41 exchanging, teaching, learning, thinking
Page 42-51
performing, singing, marching, inspiring
Page 52-93
Features plaJing, crowning, dancing
Page 94-123
serving, leading, following, planning,
Page 124-147
Pep Clubs supporting, applauding, cheering
Page 148-183
Sports winning, losing, practicing, training
Page 184-288
giving, receiving, belonging
The Heart of the School Is Its People
porting fancy footwork and classy patterns, Knight ba ketballers drill through lengthy practice sessions preparatory to the season's opener December 1.
What better way is there to improve relations in a troubled world than to make friends with people from other lands? One hundred twentyfive Knight and Ladies met a plane August 15 bearing their new exchange tudent, Malene Kalkar, from ak kov, Denmark. Warmly greeting Malene were her American ,i ters, Jan and u an Bowerman, with whom he Jive , and Cindy Che tnutt and Kerry William , fir t erne ter pep club prexie..
Symbolizing the living spirit of Knightland are the loyal upporters of its teams - win or lose.
Firelight Ignites Flames of Spirit
Companionship kindled by the warmth of the bonfire and pep rally leaves Knight s with th e good feeling of 'belonging.'
Majestic Landmark ...
orthwe t Cia n tand maje tically on a gently loping hill, urrounded by a beautifully land caped campu that rival many coli ge ! It incorporate unique architecture combined with modern, utilitarian de ign on the interior a well a the exterior. Phy ical facilitie and equipment are uperior and are con tantly beinu improved. But Northwe t Cia en' true beauty i more than brick deep. There are many other qualitie which contribute to its per onality and character. A top admini trative staff and faculty, plu a pirited, proud tudenl body, produ e an atmo pher which promote active participation in ev ry pha e of chool life.
" Th ese lun ch periods aren't half long enough !" The cafeteri a, whi ch double as a , ocial center, minute lunch period.. l ore than 2,000 tud ents ea t here each day.
crowded durin g th e ix
taggered thi rty
--Days Are Jam-Packe
"Did Liz Taylor really start this way?" wonder model Pat Buyher. Girls in the fa•hion cia s strive for pro¡ fessional sketche and recognition.
"In that country I lost my luggage!" Carol Riley tell of her ummer AFS trip abroad to tud nt Council AF committee members Charlotte Denham, Dick Gore, falene Kalkar, exchange student from Denmark, and Doug Powell.
Thi the cro -section of a student' everyday activities ... hi studies, hi fun, hi life. High school years are not easily for<Yotten, a fact we are often remi~ded of by parent . They are good year , and they are important formative year . Believing that knowledge comes from experience as well as textbooks. and that all activiti are potential adventure in learning. we pur ue our common intere ts. Budding arti t and mu icians trive for form and order. A foreign exchange program has created pecial interest in history for ¡we tudent . In the quietn of the library or in the mad frenzy of a chool election, the hool i a center of learning. Man ha been learning ince the day he was created, and he will continue to learn throughout the centurie to come. Only by this con tant quest for knowledge and truth can he be free. But man mu t be endowed with more than knowledge to urvive. He mu t acquire gentlene , compassion, wisdom, and understanding. The e human qualitie are reflected in this book by the depiction of orthwe t Cia en tudents who a pire to create, to di play beauty, and to portray the trong emotions of the human race. Yet the e are mere glimp es of the re pon es of students to the challenge of learning and living at orthwe t Clas en.
---- ---
"We lucky little people drew a class in the annex." Hun¡ dreds of tudent journeyed out to cia es in the annexe~ added last summer to alleviate crowded condition . .
With Spice and Spontaneous Variety "One more mistake like that and you can JOin the foreign legion." Director Art John on conducts hi mu icians.
"Where have all the tuba players gone?" The instrument room is forlorn and solemn at the end of the day, but tomorrow seven grand tuba will lead the big parade.
"Viva la Bullwinkle!" wa the cry as over 2,000 ¡we fan signed a petition in the student tore to bring fter di~patching the petition to back their favorite TV program which had been dropped by the network. the proper authorities, Knights di covered the program had been picked up by another network.
!(nights Create, Socialize
"And let me tell you what she said to him ..." At 3:30 each day sociable Knights and Ladie hurry to see and be seen at their fa~orite drive¡in.
"How about a bleeding shot running across the gutter?" Thoughtful Journalism III students put their heads together on yearbook problems.
Verbalize, Pantomime
"This means you, bud!" Traditional is the pride taken by Knights in beautification of the campus. C building and grounds committee post signs.
(Upper photo) "/ wonder if this thing will bite." (Bottom photo) "Where's the panic button?" Highlighting the program at the PT A welcome luncheon for NWC' staff at O'Mealey's Augu t 30 was Mrs. Steve Burton's sensational poof of a teacher showing a film to her cia s.
Curriculum taff that learning i a two-way treet. Faculty member and and xp rience . Advanced and pecial cour e to fit a wide ranae offered here. ority of thi chool i reflected in the number of NWC tudent who comp tition. Thi year ix of the twenty-hvo City tudent to r ach ¡p emifinal were from NWC. Five more won letter of comm ndaCity high chool in the number of la t year's graduate entering colllmlen<:ally ( 408 of 500) and percentage-wi e. m1 trator , ix coun elor , a tivitie dir tor, nur e, ten ecretarie , taff member hold many top po ition in profe ional ormber- of the faculty, by rea on of out tanding achievement' in their and cholar hip for advanced tudy. ine we teacher trav-
Our Leaders Dr. Parker, at 36, i one of the younge t uperintendent in the City chool y tern's history. Under hi direction, tremendou progre i being made in hool con truction, teacher evaluation and training, and curriculum development.
W. F. LOTT Ward III,
DR. J CK F. PARKER uperintendent of School Oklahoma Cit}' mu hrooming school y tern serve over 70,000 tudents in 101 school , staffed by 2,596 certified per onnel and 857 ecrelarie and maintenance men. All deci ion affecting the chools are made by the board of education who e five member are elected by school patrons. This governing body includes a hou ewife, oil company attorney, indu triali t, experimental farm uperintendent and banker. Four of the member ar elected for four-year term the other one i a member-at-large, who erve two year .
PHIL C. BE~~ETT Member at Large
FOSTER ESTES Ward IV Vice pre ident
MR . WARRE WELCH, Ward I , Pre ident
Are a Top Combination
DR. L RRY HAYE , i tant Principal
tudents chat with friendly principal at halftime. A former coach and game official, :\1r. :\Ialone i an avid sport fan - especially of orthwe t Cia.~ n' teamâ&#x20AC;˘.
A _chool may only function properly through efficient I ader hip. Reflecting the philo oph) that the chool i "student centered:' we admini trator "ork toward perfecting a chool program that will benefit all tud nl . That the admini tration ke p abrea t of new trend in education i evid need by the additional course added each ~ear to the curriculum. :\Ir. ~1alon ha al o been in trum ntal in the con tant impro' ement of :WC' ph) ical plant.
"Just what the doctor ordered!" Danny Ha}e putt under the expert direction of his father Dr. Larry Haye and hi three brother : Jimmy, ~lark, and Larry, Jr. ll well known in golfing circles, the two older bo}' have won numerouâ&#x20AC;˘ trophic~ in state and local tournament~.
Sp cialists Steer Students, Direct
lll, l l l \ \'I \H. llli.EI 'I t·nth ~: r aclt roun r lo r
HIL l! \ HI) \II I CHEL L 1 (•nth J:radc- coun . . e-lur
0 1. \ \I \l, 0 \ld; ~ \ nth ~:ratlt• coun do r
G \YU:\ '1'1\ Ll, \ (..E :\ 1nth ~:rade t·ounsdo r
Ill \'If. \HI\E,Kl
Tl\ f' lfth J:raclf" roun"f"fo r
orthwe t la n i fortunate in having guidance peciali t '~ho pro\ ide individual couns ling, maintain a ~trong testing program. and uppl) colle"'e bound tudent '1\ith scholar-.hip and entran ·e requirement infonnation. The small percentage of our tudent who do not plan to attend <.oHeg are not O'lerlook d a coun elor concentrate on pre-enrollment each pring. Keeping complete individual records on ach tudent is a complicated proc ss. but ncce« aq for an effi i nt coun ling program. The guidance ~ taff doe:; mu h to formulate policy concerning the welfare of the tudent body. and hold periodic meeting to eli cu. s problems \\ hich arise.
It mu t be Friday! Thi cheerful trio are among the VIP' which abound on WC's campu . Mr. Dick .Mitchell, counselor and debate coach, and ~tis Iartha Truax, Engli h teacher, erve a president and vice pre. ident of the Oklahoma City District O.E.A. Another top profe •ional post is currently held by ~ir. Duane Weinert, counselor. He head the Oklahoma •ociation. ity la .. room Teacher '
"You mean I need more credits?" ~lark Creekmore, junior, is eager to check hi records with Counselor Berniece We ter. he wa elected secretary of the tate Coun elor ' A_ ociation at OE meeting October 26.
Coordinate Activities
Mr ¡. .:\lary Anne Chronister, ecretary to a . sistant principal ; Mrs. Lauretta tauffer, secretary to .:\lr. Malone.
Mrs. Doris Taylor, financial ecretary; Mrs. Delma Harris, attendance; .:\Irs. Abbie Phillips, registrar.
Chronister erve as "Girl Fridays" for Mr. Malone and Mr. John on, a they help keep the school operating smoothly. The "moneyed lady" at :\WC i Mr . Taylor, who ha the enormous re ponsibility of checking in fee money, keeping all school account , and writing check for bill . he also ell ticket to games. Departmental ecretarie as ist team teachers, mimeograph material , and help keep record .
Departmental ecretaries: Mrs. Iona King, math; .:\Irs. Florence cudder, Engli h; Mr . Martha Green, social studie .
New Library Hours Accommodate Students
"So I could tuite my ou:n book." Lucky librarian, :\Ir-. Ethel Gay, went to Europe la,t summer where •he met the•e young Italian boys on the boat to the I~le of Capri.
AL"A DOLGHT\ Ht""ad Librarian
"That u:ill be a 1874 fine for your ourdue book, PLEA E !" Tweetie Knox, La Deana Bullock, ::\fr•. Gay, and Richard Rile) ena<'t a {'ommon •cene in the • we library.
:\OL\ \JOORE School ·ur ~
ETHEL Gn A-. .. i~tant Librarian
It \1 a announced last fall that the librarY would remain open until five o'clock e\er} da}. Thi n~'~ poliq ga\e student. mor tim to u. e th libran than thev had ever had b fore. · · er four hundred ne\1 'olumes were add d. making a total of more than 1-.0 0 book of all kind and , uk riplion to more than 75 magazin s.
"No, you can't go home from school. Your temperature's only 105." 'ur-e !!IH's Coach Jerry Hayne a profe. ional diagno. i .
.ola :\1oore
I l l / \Ill Ill l H\1'-TO\
Di>partmcnt Jf,.ad \ rt
ortll\1 c't Cla-,-,en ·~ \ rt Department i-, usual I) im oh ed in a<"Li1 itie~ and proje<"ls going on around th • ~ehool. If it."' not decorating the buildin« during Ch ri,tma". it"" pr<n id i ng :--tudent Council 11 ith publicit) po-.ter .... \Vith t110 crualified in,truetor:-. the art department pro1 ide" C\.eellent facilitie" for the numerou-. and 1aried pha"e" of arl. Cour~es offered include fundamentals of design. commercial arl. figure drtl\1 ing. fa-,hion de,ip:n. enamics. S('ulpture. and) carlwok art. "Won't the basketball boys be surprised?" Christmas decorators Farris, u an Gilbert, and Alice Hinikcr prepare buttrrflil'' and beads.
andra Garrett, Carolyn
Artists Enhance School Scene
"I think I'll call mine mother." culpture students, Cheryl Rodgers, Tommy Hawk, Diane Ru~sell, and Don Wallis make original piece from terra cotta clay.
"Just paint by numbers, kiddies." Posters for all occasions are drawn by commercial art students Lynn ands, ;\like Violett, Bob Bender, Carolyn Brooks, and teve McFarland.
HELE'i BOl:RKE f.n~li h
B~RB\RA r.~\ I\1\ CK
Eneli h
HELE:\ Clt:\E Engli h
DO'i GARD:\ER Eng}h.h
rtatin~ \1;
Language om incing tudent that Engli h i im aluable a a tool for I arning and Ii,ing i th major concern of the"Engli,h department. Becau e the killful u e of language i achie\ed onl) through tud) and practice. much attention i ghen to the m hanics of writing and peaking. The tud} of lit rature link the pa t to th pre ent. It erve a an introduction to other culture and cultivate a broader horizon. The language art curriculum i contantl} being r vitalized a Engli h teacher tri\ e to improve communication kill .
"One potato, tu;o potatoes, three potatoes ... four!" The witche of '1acbeth: Linda Thompson, Sandi kinner, and u Brooks tir their brew in l\Ii Dori Taylor's . enior Engli h clas .
MADGE \!ILLS Engli h
ID:\EY OH\I~RT Engli h
\I IRU . I' \HI\: 0 f'part mr.nt llt·acl
LI:\DA SI\.ID\IORE Engli h
\IARTH \ TRVAX Crt'at Boo k
RIJTH WARR~ \ 1 English
Arts Basic to Living
"Beauties and the Beast?" :\1r. Erik en crea tes a itualio n to slir the imagin ati on of hi ~ rea ti'e writin g clas .
B ing a " bookie" is an important part of Miss Beve rl y :\1ays' daily routin e in teaching English. Each Ene:lish teacher maintains a " room library."
llf:TTY \J.I.RE!) ""p rt•rh
TED :\ICHOL Dtopartmrnt Head
RICH \RD \II I Ulf.l I. Dt·h•lf·
. p•rch
" omeone ha to hold this durin!!/ the play! " Jeanene Jenkins, :--te' e Herndon, and Bill Pqtts·rwg membe r-. of the tagecrcw cia-., add final touche, to the -et of ";'\ight of January 16th."
record number of tud nt enrolled in peech cia .. e at W thi ) ear. To accommodate th in rea ed enrollment, thre new clas~e. \\ere add d. D \eloping \Oi e quality. correct diction. poi e and confi of the peech department. tage pr :;ence dence are purpo and acting methods are improved by drama in truction. defending Oklahoma tate· \ational Forensic League Champion , WC participated in ten sp ech tournament. ihi~ chool year. t the ha Tournament. peaker took . ix firo;;t place and weep take . The stage crew and drama cia es contributed to the production of the thre all- chool play by constru ting ceneq and reating li"'hting effect . Beginnin"' spe h Ia e pre ent demon tration , pantomime . and dramatic interpretation . The memor) work required for cia and tournament participation is helpful in other a pect of chool life.
Speakers Repeat Sweepsta1 es Victories
"Write this doun, jellas, the mamma bear said,' omebody's been .1 itting' . . . " WC debater-. who rated national a wl'll a- local honor are Judy •ed, Don Templin, Charlt•, Bruton, and Ru-ty Holloway.
Pu bing to beat deadline become. . econd nature to publication . taff . R porter and y arbook taff r. attempt to record and portray the activitie , achievem nt.. and per onaliti of the year, upply pre . relea e . and try to a hieve good public relation for 'orthw . t la . en. Publication ~ taff att nded conference at 'C. hicago. ribe wer repre nted at Oklahoma ociation meeting each Inter chola tic Pre m nth. Journali m I i compo ed of beginning tudent who rna ter three t xtbook a well as making contribution to the hield. In the pring, this auxiliary cla compl tely produce one hield i ue. Journali m II and III are n wspaper and y arbook staff . In pile of all th h. tic exp rienc involved in publication work, the per anality trait developed in journali tic endeavor are invaluable training for the future.
\1 RY ELIZABE;TH BUROE;Tn. J ournali m
"Eten if tt·e don't get thi book out, it's been fun!" • hirley Polk, "enior Round Table editor, points out a humorou" mi-.takt• to Jennifer Lamb and pon or, :\Ir... Burdt·tte.
Journalists Strive for Perfection
"I swear that editorial is aimed at me!" own mo•t avid readt·r•.
are their
"Girls, you can't print thi !" 0 U tudent, Larry Gibb•, coun el" Linda Ridgeway and Janey pear at a yearbook clinic in ~ tillwater.
\'111.1.1\" \ :-.DRi.\'l!'i Frrn h, Hucr; ian
U.IZ\IIETII t.. E. DAI.I, Ct>rman
\'I II." \ BIRD Latin
\1 \ H Il Y.' i COHE Y Spani h
LEO \ \ RD \ I \ RCUTTL French, Wre tlinc
BI LL Il l,;G H ES
F r ~ nch
' I \RY . KOlGE Spani h
Language Takes on
"You're cute, but you don't know your French." Mr. Andrews enlivens hi French cia• with a spelling b e.
ew Significance for
"Well, you made a 'D', too." Miss Coffey delights some, disappoints others as he return pani•h te t paper .
In this age when ro ket. have hortened the distance b tween nation , the study of foreign langua~es has tak n on a new and important meaninf'. we students have a varied langua~e program ,~hich includ .., Latin. pani. h, French, erman, and Ru sian. ot only ar grammar and pronunciation "tudied. but a! o th' literature, culture. and origin of th languag . Individual in truction made po ible by equipment in the languaf'e laboratory, alon"' with tap recorders, films. and slide have proven ucces ful in the rna tery of language. t lea t two )Car-, of foreign language i. requir d for admi ion to many c lieges; some r quire a much a. fi,e year we offer four y ar in all languages except Ru . ian. \\ hich "a added Ia t year. Language, whi h wa on e a much of a barrier between people a problem. tud nt a di tance, i now rapidly becoming le find language a challenge in today'· modern age, inc communication mean th difference b tween friendly or ho tile relation between peoples of the world. Th increase of world travel and u e of variou languages in movie and modern novel ha facilitated greatly the ease with which tudent can rna ter the language . 0
College Bound Students "I don't know much about boats, but I'm sure this is the mast," German tea her Mrs. Kendall promote interest with models.
Tinker Field technician, Raymond Mayfield, brought souH·nir~ of his World War II experiences to show German ria'•<'•. He displayed hi collection of azi weapons, m rnwntos, and the swastika.
BOB Ill \ C!.:Bl R:\ \ udm· \ 1 ual ~ ona l .!"iotudic
JERRY H \Y:\E. Ollalu
a Jli.,tor) rwrt
\"1.1 \ BRF\"\fl\ ~ocial
C! \Y Ill\ I» St>t·ial ShHiic•
l f. !-i. IIi tury
Social Stuclu•
"\R\1\ I F. \I II ~ocial ~t udit•
ocial !"tuclic· St•urt..,
inl :;otudif' Spt~rts
GLE:\\ Rlt!.:S U. S. Hi"'tury
World Problems Probed
"\'ou: tie it." \ i~ual aid, in~tructor, :\lr. Bla khurn show Don Duncan, Richard Prrnticr, and Larr} Walker how to opnatl' a proj etor.
"Trade )OU this fur for those beads." John 5-laughter tell of old Indian relics to Oklahoma llistor) cla"matrs.
JEA'\'\F. RIPPEE l . ~ - Hi to ry
;\~'\'\ ROARI-: ~ uda l '-\tu 1Hr
"llf' P,\RD
D1·pa rtrn rn t
Hra cJ
S . ll 1 to n '
110'\ \ ' \
POOl St ucl ir Ba k• thall
~ oda l
P \l ll'\F: \1. \l.lo..t:R P vcholn~v Social ~ tu,Jit"S
IH.TII \1. r q o ia l ""' tu1 li ("
lncrea ing turbulence in \\Orld affair place added re pon ibilit) on the ocial !'tudie!' department, which endeavor to train tudent for hett r citizenship. By looking back into the past, student gain appr ciation and under tanding of their h ritage which will h lp them to become u. eful citizen of tomorrow. tudents are encouraged to de,elop an attitud of re ponibilit} and become h •tter adjusted to their muonment.
Social Studies
" I cannot tell a lie. I did it zdth nn littll' hatchet." arolyn Farha eneas thr j!:Uinra pig: "lwn \[r. Woodrum, F.B.I. Jmt·-tig:ator, demon-.tratr-. thl' lie detector to :\lr-. ·walkl'r'~ cla•'C".
"You mean the new addition t<ill be right in here?" Hi~lory student, Jimmy han~, give. a rla~s report.
P ATR ICio\ BRA :\DT Chemi try
T \ LBERT BROW :\ Chemi tr y c ience eminar
CHA RLE CARPE :\ TElt Ele-ctr nirs
Space Age It is expedient that cientific education maintain a highly accelerated tempo to meet the growing demand for cienti t . cience department ha met the challenge by adding laboratory equipment and expanding cour e material. Biology tud nt develop an under tanding of th ir place among living thing , and how they are related to their environment. More ambitiou tudent take chemnewly developed i tr} , phy ic , and cience eminar. cour e life cience, i open to ninth grader . "Watch it jump uhen I poke it." l\Ir•. Jenning and her biology students Richard Riley and lui Re)nold• •tud y a tin} amoe ba.
"It may be white today, but last night it was brown and had bat wings: ' Tim Zinn and Chuck Bay experiment with white rat in cience . eminar.
" I swear it comes out tasting like Malt 0-Jfea/." Jane Law on, Mr. Brown and Larry Hod on work out a new formula.
Drpartm ent H ead P hy ice
JO H\' P DD Biology
Bmlogy l.1 fe Seieore
Triggers Expanded Science Program cience tudent take advantage of facilitie out ide of chool, often taking tour of lo al installation having ientific interest. In laboratory work, which a companie all theory cour es, tudent can di over and pro\e for th m elve that the law in the book actually work. nd there, ab tract idea become clear through practical demon tration . we tudent excel in local and tate cience fair competition. Thi year, a tele cope wa con tructed, with tudent grinding the len â&#x20AC;˘ in the eminar cla
""-:.. ~ k_r.__.
"Aw, class, giu me one more chance!" Biology in tructor, :\Ir. :\Iabrey, exhort hi
PAuL CROWE 'hthematics Sport
;\Ia thematic tudent at ha\ e a wide choice of cour e , ranging from the expect d algebra, the newly-in tailed geometry, and trigonometq to an advanced tudy of probability and tati ti al infer nee. In advanc d cla e concerned with the higher form mathemati , the ba ic relation of math to other cience and branche of knO\~ledge i tres ed and developed. The e cour e provide training in rea oning and in perception of spatial and numerical relation hip . In general and ba ic mathemati Ia e , tudent learn fundamental pro e e and kill \\hich are e entia! to all peopl in modern ociety.
New Procedures Mal< "Let's start with our twosies." Janice 'owlin and Ricky Manner collaborate on a geometry explanation.
"That's a cute angle." In :\1 G ( chool ~lathematic tudent get u ed to the new techniques.
~tudy Group)
class, Mrs. Hanger helps geometry
\!OLLIE MAE DAVID ON Mathematics
RAF; MILLER \l,thtmatica
Dt>partment Head
HELEX WILLI:\GHA\1 \lathf'matict
Mathematics More Challenging
"Who, ME, officer?" Mr. Rodney
t. Dizit>r manipulate the twelve witche on the da,h of his 1950 Ford in which he ha inve led around 4,000. The math departm nt head has installed mo t of the fancy gadget himself.
Taking a one hundred year old teapot from her exten ive collection of Havilland china is Mr . Alice Cheâ&#x20AC;˘her, granddaughter and name. ake of Alice Havilland, who e family originated the fam¡ ous china. !\1r.. Che~her maintain a "matching ervice"; he buy and ells 11pecial pieces, helping people to replace and add to their dishe .
I\ Y
C OPEL~:\0
Bu in
THl RG \S DILL Bu int-
F.Yfl.Y:\ H\Ol.Y D f' partm t- nt li n d
nu inc
Ty pinc
L CILE PA:\!11 Bu . in
Business Classes Provide Practical Training, "\WC provid students with comprehensive cour e d . igned to prepare them for ucce. ful entrance into the world of complex economic . \lany launch their career upon high chool graduation; other enter college to become peciali t in the busines world. Typing, a popular course among all student , i taken for vocational and per onal u . Practical information i gained in u h cour es a bookkeeping, bu ine ~ Engli h, bu ine; law. and bu ine machin . Future retarie rna ter intricate drill to acquire peed accuracy in shorthand.
"How about a walk around the block, cutie?" \fi , Dill' scottie, "Plea. ," di•approve of the •tack of paper• she bring home to ~rade.
~ mall ymbol mean many thing· to \lr•. fir t year horthand tudent .
"Vou: iz the t}me for al gppd nem tu cum tu thi aod pf tjiti kpumttu." The fir-•t year team typin!! cia-- •trive to perfect their technique.
Prepare Students for Specialties
"Why don't u:e try using a pencil and paper thi time?" comment Copeland and Judy Bowman during their bu•ine< machine cia<•.
haron Ead
to :\li••
ical Edu atlo n
CARROLL S\!Et SER D "' part m~n t
"Northu:e t ide tory" pre~ent .. dan ce cia••, Diane Dyer, andra practice a routine.
H rad
Ph)!liral Ec.1uC'a tion
\IARGI E ~\liTH Girl Ph)· kal EduC"ation
Developin« good port man hip and a healthy body are goal of WC. The d partment the phy i al ducation d partment at trive to d v lop in each tudent an awarene of the importance of good health and the plea ures of competitive porL. With 0 ' Bud Wilkinson heading the national phy ical fitne program, local educator have tre s d a wider approach in phy ical edu ation. Development of athletic star econdary to the off ring of varied activities for all tudent . Per onal health. nutrition, and hygi ne are taught. Intramural and competitive port tres port man hip and teamwork. Teacher give in truction in the fundamental of the variou popular port '\hich are o much a part of the American way of fife.
Physical Education Stresses Good Health
"517, 518, 519 ... "
Boys keep fit by daily exerci<e in gym cia .
"Don't just stand there, kill it!" Girls' participate in competithe team port .
m cla•se
That being a good hom maker i a rewarding and hirhly kill d achiev m nt i an accepted fact toda). dutie of a mother and hou ewife 0 longer do th ~ m unimportant and monotonou . \1odern homemaking cia. are de ign d to pr pare "irl to . afeguard the health and happine of the t:> family. Problem of adequate food, clothing, hou in g. afetv, re reation, re<;t, and social adju tment are conider'ro. The all-important family budget and hou ehold e onomic are tudi d. our~ offered by the Home Economic Department are ewing, cooking, child care, home nur ing, home decoration , and family relation . Each )ear WC homemaker participate in national and local conte t ; thi year top honor were won in the Lennox China conte t. In addition to preparing girl for the role of hom maker, prof ional career are not overlooked a information is pre ented concerning po itions in the home economic field.
~SCRF. DELA HAW Home Ec-onomics
E THER :'iORTO. Hom.- Et'onomic
"Maybe we should haLe tried tea towels first." Girls learn tailoring technique" in fir t } ear sewing class under :\fr,. Delashaw.
Homemaking Arts Emphasize Happy Living
".'Vow, girls isn't this better than color books?" Randy Williams ~ves Lynne Reynold and Diane \!cPhail, child care tudentâ&#x20AC;˘, the late t coop. Thi one¡ eme_ter course utilize a mall nur,ery group for observation.
J \\IE::; COX ~
CH \HIt.· H \I.E De-partment Head Auto '\1echanics
Clll\1.0 Hf.t:SEL Indu trial Art
HO\IEH 'IOODY lndu ~ tri al Art
CAllY YORK lndu ~trial Art
~~Tools of the Trade" Utilized in Industrial A,...-,...,. IW students ha\ man) opportunitie to experiment with "tool of the trade" in the hool' \Vel! equipped lndu trial department. our_ demand imagination, The \\hether creating. building, or repairing. Cia se in woodwork, printing, photograph}. auto 111 chani s. and architectural drawing imoh learning 111 hanical . kill in addition lo arefully plann d le. on in theor}.
'·Just twit 'till that 'birdie' comes out again." 'lr. Gerald Heu•el, photography and apt. Heu el of the 45th DivL ion' architectural drawing in tructor, doubles a harp hooter' team which ha won numerou medal and trophic in national competition.
"Teacher's pet?" :.\1r. Heusel gives individual attention to architectural drawing ~tudent .
"Hey, fellows, there's something missing." \fr. Cox checks a woodwork project for Don Holloway and Earl Frost.
"Careful, the monster may bite!" Auto mechanics pro\·e practical for Curt Curti~, Don Elli , and Ronny Von coy.
KARfS B u \IA:\~ Voca ti onal Ed.
HORACE BROOK Df' partme nt Head
Vocat io nal Ed .
tudent enrolled in D. E. and D.O. pend half of each day on a job in an apprentice hip capacit) ; the other half i pent in the cia sroom. In tructor upervi e while their student get "on the job training." Be ide the required courses enrollee , in taught by trained techconcentrated cour~ nical per onnel, tudy economics, health and afet}, principal of income tax problem and public relation . In truction in method of applying for position , proper employee attitudes, technique of selling, and tore organization i given through cia room tudy and upervi ed work experience in D.E. D.O. give training in technical and skill po ition in trade and indu try.
"No, dear, she dues not haLe a Chatty-Kathy string." ::\li• Baumann upervi e vocational tudent, herry Abdoo a• <.h e •ells toy in a department tore.
Some Students Earn as
"Think it'll hatch?" Mr. J effrie and Mr. Brooks represent in the city wide :\len' Faculty Bowling League.
Wheel of Fortune i di<played by vocational education •tudents who hope to succeed in the indu<trial world. Trainee lien Elledge and Karen :'\lain are directed by :\Ir. Brook-.
DAVID HOKE Drivers Education ports
Driver Education cover driving law , cau e and pre\ention of accident , and proper attitude toward other drher . tudents drive three hour behind the wheel, take thirty hour of cla room work, and twelve hours in the Drivo-trainer . Police record how that teenage drivers who have taken a one- erne ter cour e, uch as the one offered here, have fewer accident and pay fewer fine for traffic infraction than the youthful driver without uch training. "Smarts, doesn't it?" Prize driver ' education student Barbara Bishop get a 1 s. on in tire changing from her talented in tructor, :\1r. Hoke.
Safety Is Watchword for
Breathtaking is the view of the patio in wintertime from the second floor balcony. Mr. Gerald Heu el, photography teacher, took thi picture to add to his large crapbook of dramatic building photo .
Hungry students received lunches on time a a variety of menu elections was prepared daily by these ladies on the cafeteria taff. ROW 1: Helen towe, Zealin Lowe, Elizabeth ~1cDonald, Jessie Darst, Freda Ethridge, Ruby McKee, Loi Bo well. ROW 2: Vedah Treanor, Jewell ewton, l\1ary Cragg, Anna ~farie cebe k, Lillie Porter, nn \linden, Bea RollÂŁ, Goldie Booth. ROW 3: Marjorie Hawkin (mgr.), Irene England, Gladys Fergu~on, Julia Wallace, Opal cott, Florence Fields.
NWC Noted for Hospitality
''You say t~e've just tcon the Betty Crocker au:ard?" Cafeteria manager :\farjorie Hawkins smile at Helen tow e.
ince W ha been a howplace for vi itor ince its beginning almo t nine years ago. pecial empha i ha been placed on keeping th building and campu in tip-top hape. ready for official in pection at all time . The Knight ' ho pitality ha been commended by numerou gue t . Pride in maintaining a beautiful building and ground oon became a tradition a Knight have continually enhanced the school by adding attractive acce orie . o special gratitude i due the custodial and cafeteria staff who o ahly contribute to thi big effort dail}.
Agreeing that keeping taff. ROW 1: Everett ROW 2: Elzie Terry, Ba il Weldon, Roscoe
Knightland clean and warm is a tremendous ta k is the custodial Thoma , Ruth Riggle, am Teague, Ivan Beeson, Herman Forga. Wayne O'Donley, Ellis Kimbrough, Raymond Baker. ROW 3: Beaird, Dougla Roden, Harvey rawford, Gene Cro~ .
Music Under th dir tion of Mr. John Platt, rorthwest Clas en' vocal mu. ic departm nt topped orne eighty-five chools from all OY r the tat at the Edmond we p take Conte t, winning all ix of the trophies offered, which included: weep¡ take . for recei' ing the mo t rating point. ; Outstanding las hoir, ry lur ; Out tanding mall n. emhle, Boy Quart t; Oubtanding mall En. ernhle, irl ' xtette; Out tandina \1al Vo alist, Forre t Lorey; Out tanding Female ocali.;;t, irginia Lipe. Jerry Hadaway r eived an individual award. In the final of the 0 Di trict and 0 onte t , WC boa ted the oYerwhelming di tinction of winning uperior rating on all the fiYe choir and thirty olo entered. Cry lur , composed of top vocali t from all mu ic cia e , meet from 7:30 to 8:20 a.m. for cia . ::\fost CryJur member are those who plan to continue in the field of mu, ic. In thi p ial cia,. they learn the importance of group coop ration, obtain experience in performing, and gain poi e. The hour of practice before and after s hool form the ba i for many clo e friend hip among tud nt with a common intere t. ontest ar n t th only activitie of th vocal mu ic department. During the bu y holiday ryslur , Girl and Boy choruse take time out to go caroling to ho pita! . Mu ic group performed for the Rotary Club and the merican Choral Director . demon trated voice control for th 0 Choral Clinic; gave a concert at B thany azarene College, combined with Capitol Hill' chorus for a city concert, and presented the annual pring concert at WC May 2.
MAJORETTE won fir t place in the Kilgore, Texas, trammg chool and the 0 Clinic last summer. howing off their trophy are Wil on, Beverly Wilki~on, Linda Voegelein, Nancy :\lc ew (head majorette), Lee Ann Welch, and Carol Picken ..
Drum Iajor teve Ritter collaborated with Director Art John on on half-time entertainment at football game in addition to leading the band in parade . pieing up program with their nappy ong arrangement were the mixed quartet: Jim laughter, Diane Koonce, Forre t Lore), Cher)l WetwLka.
CRY L R : Accompani,t, B. Ree e. ROW 1: J. Friend, J. Taylor, P. traley, i\1. \lurphy, P. ~fu•grave, J. Bowerman, G. Fine, T. haw, M. Rapp, K. Phelp., . Burch, P. haney, C. Riley, A. Gibb•. ROW 2: J. Barkett, D. Koonce, . need, J. prouls, D. Rucker, J. jodin, J. bney, D. ~hultz, F. Lorey, D. Jone , J. :\Iiller, E. tephen , C. Pruitt, . Rutledge, C. Denham, C. Wetwi<ka. ROW 3: . Wall, W. A. ~Ioak, W. Gorga•, K. Thoma. on, J. laughter, E. Hagj!ard, P. mith, . Davi., D. , pann, T. Welborn, J. Hadaway, D. A. Lee, L. Wade, J. Bremer, N. Hebison, L. Walker. ROW 4: A. Bently, C. Ice, L. Poa~t, . Way, A. Hall, D. Vrooman, C. Elder, J. Tatum, . McFarland, D. Whitte, D. Wallis, D. Powell, W. Thompson, L. Ponder, L. Hill, :\f. Alillcr, U. Rothenbu ch.
Cry slurs
Symbol of Culture at NWC
''N-E- -T-L-, . . . FORRE T!" Forre•t Lorey, Jim laughter, Terry Welborn, and Ken Phelp•, member of the BOY ' QGI, "TET, clown during energy break.
GIRLS EXTETTE, fir<,t place winn r of girl mall en emble in the tate conte t at Edmond, is composed of uzanne Wall. Wynn Anne Moak, Karen Thoma on, Marsha Murphy, Pam Musgrave, and Peggy Chaney.
Sweep Top Honors 1n State Contests
"It's uperman!" GIRL ' TRIO member heryl Wetwi•ka, Diane Koonce, Wynn Ann :\!oak are starry·eyed after winning a uperior rating in di trict conte t•.
"Who's tops on the totem pole?" a. ks Judy Barkett, Leigh Ponder, Carla Way, and Aly on Hall (bottom to top), mem· bers of the GIRLS Q ARTET.
"Are you an alto or a soprano, Sir?" que tions Mr. Platt, vocal mu ic director.
BOY CHORU The goal set by member of the Boy Chorus call for genuine interest and hard work. ROW I: R. Murray. ROW 2: tamps, R. Kizer, D. Bawcom. ROW 3: M. Lakey, J. oble, J. Whitley, G. Leascher, C. Thompson. ROW 4: J. Huffaker, J. Baugh, D. Ratcliff, K. Kamees, Manske, G. Fine, E. Haggard, H. T. Munday. ROW 5: D. Broach, Bawcom, E. Robin-on. ROW 6: J. tarr, D. pann, W. Thompson, J. Baurnhaft, T. haw, R. Dean, D. Lee.
FRE HMAN GIRLS CHOR Freshmen girls have high hopes of becoming member of Cryslurs. ROW I: L. Moak, B. Brown, D. Geiger, J. chrantz, G. ha <', • Lake, G. Childress. ROW 2: J. Lehman, . Ol•gard, P. Burri~, C. Miller, . Butler, :.\I. Bowling, P. treck, R. Kincaid, J. Hall, :\1. Lowe. ROW 3: J. Riley, L. Wade, T. nelson, A. Gowin, C. Graham, D. Lee, C. Green, J. Bremer, . Black, K. William•, :\1r. Valentine. ROW 4: A. Harri , K. Harry, G. :\1a oner, L. Mattox, C. Coppedge, C. Wood, K. Montgomery, C. need, J. prouls, P. Baker, L. Chamber , E. Heller.
GIRLS CHORU ROW 1: . Conway, J. Voorhies, H. Rothenbusch, D. Wilmoth, J. Gettings, L. Martin, L. McEver, C. Hay, L Knox, M. Ki er, J. Arm trong, J. Ridgeway. ROW 2: J. Demaret, D. Wandell, 1. Rush, C. Rutledge, A. Bently, L. Dodman, T. Tripp, J. Woolley, J. Clanahan, 1. Fo ter, L. Dine , J. Thompson, J. Barkett. ROW 3: H. Turner, C. Goodrich, J. Wampler, J. Spencer, J. King, . eaman, K. McCullough, K. Hutcher on, . King, C. Ioore, . Griffin, E. nider, P. Howard, L. nider. ROW 4: . hepherd, F. ummin , D. Pound., R. a. h, M. Winkler, R. Bott , K. Brower, D. Hogan, J. Pickney, . Wall, . Ru .. ell, . Robert~on, C. Way, B. Montgomery, P. Wood.
Choirs Acquire Polish Through Practice
Mr. Platt's students drop in at all hours for a musical gabfest.
"Uh-oh, you hit a wrong note!" Eleanor Palo was treated to an exclusive interview with concert pianist Ralph Votapek, who was guest star of the Oklahoma City ymphony Orche tra February 26.
OR HE TRA-ROW 1: . Petty, A. Northrup, J. Taylor, E. Henley. ROW 2: B. John on, C. Reinke, R. Johnson, P. Beck, J. Scheer, K. lacKenzie, J. Johnson. ROW 3: J. Cobb, A. Hall, R. Wolff,. F. Lane, G. Lowry, . mith, . Kimerer, J. Karhu, D. Rucker, R. Fagin. ROW 4: l\1. Hutchinson, P. NorrL, A. Pollock, W. Rothenbush, R. Prentice, G. Patterson, E. Bierman.
Musicians Point Towards Trip to Galveston
PEP BA 'D livened up a. emblie and ba ketball game with their snappy mu.ic. ROW 1: J. mith, J. Troxel. ROW 2: . mith, J. Rupp, R. Prentice, L. Decker, F. Fedder on, G. Mill, D. Wilson. ROW 3: W. Vanhook, B. Ander on, J. White, G. Lowry, B. Kimerer, M. Brummitt, B. Woolman. ROW 4: D. Ray, G. McKinney, R. Call, T. Fczler, 1. McCormick, D. Griffy.
"Chopsticks once more from the top!" 1r. John on conducts his sixth hour orche tra cia s.
ROW 1: R. Oake~. R. De pain, . Corter, L. Decker. ROW 2: J. Pollock, R. Harper, :\f. Eagin, B. mith, J. Barnard, M. Lara on. ROW 3: F. Fedder en, F. Cox, B. Cooter. ROW 4: R. Kearney, D. Ray, B. hoot, :\1. :\lcCormick, :\1r. Arthur John on (Director), D. Griffy, J. mith, J. Rupp.
Sans Instruments
For four years the band and orchestra have sold magazine ub cription and Chri tma tree tickeL, in addition to . pon or¡ ing the annual weetheart Ball, to raise money for this ummer' plea ure trip to Gah eston, Texa . Thi excur ion i held every four year : in trument are not allowed.
Knights v.ho qualifird for all-state orchestra use every available comer of Knightland to r hearse for the all¡. tate program at OU. They are . Petty, J. Taylor, A. orter, ]. Cole, J. Rupp, R. Faf.!in, ]. mith, F. Cox, F. Fedder.;on, and J. Karhu. :\ot pictured i R. Dc~pain.
THE CO CERT BA:\'D give, pring recitals be ides competing in di trict and tate conte ts. ROW 1: J. John on, K MacKenzie, B. Pearce. ROW 2: R. Fagin, D. Rucker, . arter, . andcr,, l\1. ::\Ia han, . Block, J. B ll. ROW 3: D. Wil on, B. Kellogg, M. Mills, l\1. Barker, W. Wood,, B. Kimcrer, \I. Hinde. , R. Kilman, J. Elliot, . mith. ROW 4: L. Poag, C. Lawter, J. Gilmore, J. Renfrow, J. Kosted, D. Hick , J. White, J. Walcher, J. :\Teeker, R. ammon~, E. keen, R. Brown, B. Whitten, E. Martin, M. Meek. ROW 5: . WiLon, S. Ritter, P. Daniels, L. Fowl r, W. Vanhook. ROW 6: R. Prentice, J. Jack on, G. Patterson, B. :\Ia tagni, J. Vaughn, E. Bierman, H. ears.
Concert Band of Distinctio
:\1is Barbara Pearce Queen of Hearts
Connie WolfÂŁ
1L Marlene im
ROW 1: G. cheer, C. \feeker, B. Woolman. ROW 2: J. Barnard, B. Smith, \f. J. Lara on, D. Little, J. Barnard, 1. Brummitt. ROW 3: J. mith, J. Rupp, J. jodin, J. Chalmer , A. Eaker, T. Allder, J. Karhu, , . Kimerer, B. ear,, G. Lowry. ROW 4: V. McClanahan, J. Lankford, D. Kahn, G. k en, L. \lcDonald, K. Carlton, W. Ke~sler, J. Arm trong, B. Paddock, D. Eck tein, D. chultz, G. :.'\lcKinney, J. forgan, F. Fedder on, F. ox. ROW 5: :\1. :\1cCormick, D. Fezler, D. Griffy, ]. hoot, G. Lynn, B. hoot, F. :\lc ' utt, J. Booth, M. Lewi., B. Cordonnier, J. Troxel, T. Hannah, A. Elledge, S. Gill, T. Killip, B. Ke ler, K. Harper.
Is Pride of All l(nightland
"It's not a bug; it's a tattoo!" :\1ary Brummitt explain
WC's new Queen of Heart., Barbara Pearce.
Features Believing that knowledge com('-. from exp rien e a well a t xtbook., and that all activitie, pot ntial ad nture ir I arning, w pursue our common inter ,.,t;..,, pi in up our daily ro tin i ' a continuou-. round of e\enb. We always look forward to oronation , featuring a mouncements of our king , and queen . Glittering decoration , lamorou dre e and co rful flower-. chara terize all uch produ tion . pe ial a ... s mh featuring di tingu ¡ ~peak r::. '" itlen ~tudcnts' und r tanding and promote brotherhood. The r would not he complete without the pr .., ntation of the top rd recognized for chola tic excell nee, leader,.,hip, and artm nt , gi\ a" ard-; to oubtanding tud nts. Two a, sembli r are pr -.entcd. Traditional events the Cupid Expre.., , at Valentine' , and mum , at homem are trea ured by ight . Inter ;,t alway run high in hool mixers, club pattie , and Chrisbnas fe tivities. variety of activi Li ' ¡ off r d at WC help tudenls develop 11-rounded per onaliti .
\li Linda Thomp on Round Table Princess
:\li Kathy King Round Table Princess
Mi Kerry William Queen of Round Table
Mi Joan Pitts Round Table Princess
Mis "ancy Me ew Round Table Princess
Gil Wright Knight of Round Table
Jim laughter Round Table Prince
Bill Hankin on Round Table Prince
Gipp Dupree Round Table Prince
Joe Dorman Round Table Prince
:\1i<: karen hepard Princess of Football and Ba eball
\li<:s :\1an Dixon Prince. s of Ba ketball and If/ re tling
Mis Cind} he nutt All port Queen
\1i. Dianne Kimsey Prina s of Cros Country, Tenni and Golf
\lis .\1an Ellen rmth Prince 'of Track and zL'imming
1iss Deana Thomp on Key Club weetlzeart
'\lis aroh n Farha Key Club ·Prince
\li Leslie L dden Key Club Prince
\Ii. Janie melser Ke_y Club Prince
\1is Dianne Kim ey Princess of Friendship
Mi Joan Pitt Princess of Friendship
Mi Kerry William Lady of Friendship
fi Cindy Che nutt Princess of Friendship
Mi Karen hepard Princess of Friendship
Mr. Gil Wright Prince of Friendship
Mr. Dick Brook Prince of Friendship
Mr. Jim ::\lcCarty Prince of Friendship
Mr. Joe Dorman Prince of Friendship
1r. Terry Weldon Prince of Friendship
Everybody Cam
"Let me enter-tain-you." PT:- \ ladie :\lr". Walter teph, Mr•. L. L. Gary and Mr•. J. W. Chalmers demon Irate the new phy ical fitne program at the Au12:u t 27 luncheon ho ted hy parent..
For nine month of the year. WC' thirty- ix acre campu a scene of bustling activity. Every hour, from 8:30 until 3 :30. the 83 clas rooms emptj into ei11:ht block of hall a a wift tream of people hurry from one Ia to another. For orne 180 Kni11:ht., the }ear 1962-'6.'3 marked the culmination of four }ear of both triumph and fru tration . For other. it wa only a tarting point. For aiL it wa a wonderful year- tudy, partie sport , gabfe t , friend hip -which make up life in Knightland. "Caught in the act." Be"erly ox. Becky Ree. e, and Charlotte D •nham prepart' fur the umnwr -e•«ion of ~ tudent ouncil workshop.
"Houdy! I'm ..." ::\ ~ •tudent• dance to the mu•ic of the Pacers at the annual "Howdy Mixer" eptember 7 in the <.ocial center.
"Uno, dos, tres confu e us.
"Freshman, don't lose JOur head." Fir~t day eventful but confu ing.
"First of all, it's spelled F-R-E- -H-.ll-Apeak at Fre. hman Orientation Day.
" German club pre-ident, Ronald Fa~in, trie
'WC prove
tudent Council officer
"Look! It's a boy and he's coming this u;ay." ~~~(-fJJle,dl!:ÂŤ~s co-ordinate for "Tacky Day."
"I lo~:e it, Illr. ,l!ember, ir." The crowd cheers as Falcon pledge, Warren ~lorris, pu-he:; a penny aero the patio.
"The Boy's "0" Club is proud to announce the 1962-'63 Sports Queen. he is Miss Cindy Chestnutt." Cindy wa honoring her attendant~, 1i Karen hepard, i\1i Mary Dixon, Miss ~Iary Ellen mith, and i\li Dianne Kim ey.
crowned at a coronation a! o
Romance, Festivities Lent
"Just take the left-overs to Mr. Paden." Judy Vandennieuwenhof allots doughnuts to Julie ewton for the Red Cros doughnut sale.
"April Fool's?" ' WC students Gil Wright, Ronald Fagin, and teve Fondren retrieve yearbook give away chances on the patio. Holder of the lucky number received a free yearbook.
¡&etting in shape for the next mixer, Bill?" phomore "A" quad football player who lettered thi year are Craig Bu ey, Jim Carreker, John Burru , and Bill Grim~. ot een i Randy Fo ter. It i unu ual for four player to make the var ity team in their ophomore year.
Flavor to Fall
"What's 'I do' in panish, dear?" ~ii ~1arilyn Coffee, NWC pani~h teacher, wed Gene Torbett in a fall wedding.
November Was Neve
" ext time, Mason." Bill orenson, Jack cudder, and Bob Daniel rehear e for the fir>'t all·•rhool play, "• ight of January the 16th" pre ented in the chool auditorium ovember 16.
~O\ ember wa launched with a PT clothe drive followed by Career Day. Homecomina fe tivitie ov. 9 highlighted the month. Boy attended an a embly program by Fi her Body Craft men' Guild. Everyone looked forward to the opening of wrestling and ba ketball eason. Wre tlers traveled to John :\lar~hall ov. 29, while the ba ketball team met "orthea tin our gym "ov. 30.
" omeone get .,.,fr. Beeson." tudents gather to erase "Vamp Vikings" painted on the floor for a pirit project.
"It only hurts when you laugh." Doug Knox lo t an elrrtion bet when Governor Bellmon was elected. Hi tory :\1arvin Leach in tructor ene a barber.
"I would like a mum for my mummy, please." Linda Jones purcha es a mum for the homecoming game from Key Club officers Tim Zinn and Bob Duskin.
"We've been such good friends." Toys For Tots queen candidates Barbara DuBois, Karen hepard, Linda Griffin, Kerry Williams and ue Ann wartzendruber say laâ&#x20AC;˘t good-bys to stuffed animals.
"Bye (sob!!), Herbie." Eleanor Palo wistfully drops her toy into the box at the Toys For Tots mixer.
Special Days l(ept
"One picture is worth . . ." Time photo~?:rapher, l\landel :\fatheson, talks to the yearbook staff on Career Day ovember 8 when the PTSA brought consultants to ·we from eighty-seven profe~sions to advi•e tudents.
"Apologize to .'11r . .1-!alone or JOU are off the force." Officer Macdonnald demonstrates his police dog's obedience. tudents divided into groups of their vocational choice for two •essions with experts.
"For what needy organization?" Mr. Paden ays to Jim McCarty. Their advisory topped the school with a tidy 43 for the Big One Drive.
"·Would you please send a pizza to the principal . . ." Bill Stacy fills l\1r. :\1alone's shoes for a day.
Interest Stirred Up It didn't take Ion~! to settle dm~n into a teady i!roove of tu<h, work, and play. fter th ri~or of enrollment and a p riod of ren wing old acquaintance and making new on tudent felt in two week a if they were already ix week behind in their tudi There wa very littl time to catch up. though. Pap r driYe .. p p rallie., p p club pi dging. and picture taking for the yearbook got underway in welcome break in chool routine wa Fair Da\ ept. 21 ept mb r. ,~h n leach r held O.E.A. meeting. port que n wa crowned in a colorful coronation pt. 30. In Octoh r, we began to tak football riou ly aft r thre con ecutive we k of up ettin~ our fo . Honor Group took form a both \1ath and Tational Honor oc1etJ held initiation. ophomor took TEP t t ; uppercla _ m n braced for th batt ry of cholar hip and coli ge board exam.. Round Table royalty balloting took place. hucre crowd of par nt attended the PT Op n Hou e 0 tober ll where memb r hip were report d the high t in chool hi tory. Officer of all club participated in a Lead r hip Clinic. cribe attended publication work hops at 0 and 0 C. tate O.E. . conven d Oct. 25-26, and tudent were treated to a day' vacation. The la t night of the month Falcons held their initiation d inner.
"Hey, Jfable . . ." La
1 year'
tudent from
:\"W , Carol Riley, di. play· foreign beer mu11; · ac<tuired during her <ummer in Gf'rmany.
1ur-e, Cindy he~tnutt has a busy "admini tration rt>plact>ment day." Eaeh year tudent. •t•ne a ity and school officials for one day.
" a.r cheese."
"This isn't so hard." Carl Bu•h, a'•i•tant principal talks to •ecretary, Le•lie Ledden.
Traditiona "Deck the Hall " could well be called in DC<' mber a. the th mesong at art da , club , and organization went "all out" to promote the Chri tmas pirit.
bulged Hall , offices and di play ca with colorful bauble . The main office boa t d a thirty-five feet green tree abtractl) decorated with butterflie . Knights recei\ ed the gratification that re. ults from thinking of other a they enthu ia tically carried out numerou senice project . Key Club bo) coli cted fourteen ba ket of food for the needy. The annual Red Cro s ock tr in the library wa the largest ever, and everal hundred pairs of o ks were delivered to the ah at ion rmy for Chri tma di tribution. Boy ' "0" Club, with proceed from a pap r drive d liver d a 120 check to th Children' Convale ent Home. Girl ' "0" Club entertained Cuban r fug e at a Chri tma party. Red Cro member went caroling to Veterans' Admini tration Ho pita!.
" I just love Christmas!" Art Cla s •tudent Pat haffer, Diane Joe Owenby decorate WC'. Christma• tree in the front hall.
haw, Cheryl Rodgers, and
oliday Air Envelops l(nightland Y-Tern" old oap dogs and bought gift. for Crippled Children's Ho;;pitaL AF sent a 19-feet Chri tma card to Ia t }ear' exchange tudent, and advisories collected money for thi year' exchange tudent to call her parent¡ in D nmark. The Horizon Club pon ored a bake ale for their benefit project. Paramedi joined with other medical club from all over the City to gi\e a party for the County Home D ember 22. Advi ories held afternoon partie where food wa the main form of entertainment. Pizza, French frie , hot dog , and ca e of pop were moving through the hall at a rapid pace. nd then came the be t Chri tmas pre ent of all-a ten-day vacation. But Knight went home for the holiday with the ble ed, warm feeling that come from the un lfi h, generou giving of oneself to other , which per onifie the true meaning of Chri tma .
WC majorettes roller-~kated in the Oklahoma ity hristma parade by invitation. They are , haron Wilson, Linda Voegelein, head majorette; :"liancy \lc ew, arol PickenQ, Beverly Wilki on. and L e nn Welch.
"\ WC Winter Wonderland." December can be the mo~t beautiful time in the world on the school court yard.
"The office Christmas part}." Teacher breakfaQt, December 17.
gather for the annual faculty Chri~tma~
Interviews Exchanged,
"You mean you hme hot dogs, too?" ~ HIELD reporter, Ruth ren and F •tudent, \falene Kalker, exchange •torie. for re-pective •rhool pap r~ concernin~ Chri•tma~ customs in their countrie . ::\Ialene's 0 nmark r hool paper ran her interview at the ame tim e Ruth's wa featured in the HIELD.
"A real American charm bracelet!" \lalene Kalkar xclaims to :\li•Kathleen Owen and Janev mei-er. , tudent ouncil feted ::\lalene on her birthday with a urpr{ party.
Teachers Volunteer for CD Training "Kentuckeeeer" Linda Pedicord Langley t a( the DE tyle how.
"Oh, )OU lucky girl ," quip~ Gipp Dupree a. he e~cort:; :\1iâ&#x20AC;˘s Linda Thomp-on and '1b Cindy hestnutt in the DE lyle how.
"Help ... Help ... help! . . . " Diane :\lorelock and Alice Hiniker li ten to echoe in the underground fallout shelter at WC. The Cuban criâ&#x20AC;˘is increa ed national intere t in civil defen e.
et er too old to team" Twenty. five W tracher took a 12 hour cour-e in Civil Defense and are now certified to t!'a .. h c]a,-e,.
Arriving to pay his last re pects to the_ late enator Robert S. Kerr wa Governor J. Howard Edmondson. Funeral services were held January 4.
Pre ident John F. Kennedy, received by
Memorabl Moments 1n State History Recorded Oklahoman 'viii long remember ew Year's Day, 1963, when all eye were glued to Lele, i ion et awaiting the 0. .labama Orange Bowl cia. h. uddenly an announcer interrupted to inform !'tunned Oklahoman that enator Robert Kerr had ju t died in Wa hington, D.C. Only fourteen day later \1r. Henry B llmon, fir t Republican to be lected Governor ince tatehood wa proclaimed in 1907, wa slated to take office. In an unprecedented ituation, Go\ ern or Edmond on resign d, Lt. Governor George igh
Congratulating new Republican Governor Henry Bellmon are new pep club pre idents Kerry Williams, Coronet vice pre ident, Linda Griffin, Coronet pre ident and Nancy Hebi en, Cygnet president.
moved up to the top po iLion, then appointed Mr. Edmondson . . enator to s ne enator Kerr' remaining two-year term. For the fir t time in tate hi tory, a Pre ident came to Oklahoma to attend a funeral. Tribute were paid to enator enate" by national Kerr, the "uncrowned king of the leader . Oklahoman mourned the lo of their dedicated champion, aid to be the Ia t of the nation's leaders to have been born in a log cabin.
"One coke and tu;o straws, please." Junior favorite , Robert Roark and Jan Turner celebrate th ir new title on a coke date.
·\ "This is better than a drop!" ay Dianne Teen Gil Wright's All· tate letter jacket.
about enior Top
". . . And now he is a hundred and ninety·seven pound weakling!" exclaim phomore Top Teen Cindy Patter on to Bill Grime .
Shield Sponsors Top Teens
"On this next hill don't drag your feet, Ann," Fre.hmen Wayne Gary and Ann Steff bicycle by two .
Tru Love Tells All1n Cupid Expr ss February . . . th month of romance, when ecr t admir r ar re\ealed in the annual Cupid Expre. alentine sale. Basketball ea on i in full wing; musician and peech ter bring new honor to Knightland. Junior wi. h there were a way to prep for \lerit cholar. hip te t , while enior keep changing their mind about \\here the) 'll go to college. Coun lor keep talking about pre¡enrollment for next year. A ian flu run up the ab ntee li t. nxi ty about grade. mount as mid. emester exam loom big. February i lipping a\;vay-only three month until ummer vacation. Thi mean different thing to different people, especially seniors. \\hole ra h of mixer , banquet , partie are on tap. De pite the rainy and chilly weather, chool pirit tay at a peak. "You are so right, .Ur. President." Congre~sman Bill tacy, upreme Court Ju~tice Dick Pounds, and Congressmen Ron te,en and Larry Roberts agree with ~1r. ~!arvin Leach, elected Pre ident by hi two . Government class~. :\lock court wer <'Onducted in these two cia ses, patterned after the national ses ions of the judicial, legi !alive, and executive branche of government.
Cupid Express agent delivered Valentine messages February 14 to eager Knight . Student Council delegates Lynn Blalock, Barbara :\Iuzny, harlotte Denham, and Malene Kalkar assi ted in this unique tradition which netted AFS over 400.
!(nights' Tropl1y Cases Swell ''If that's our bus, I'll u路alk!" Debaters Don Templin, Linda Rommerman, Judy Sneed, and Kent Humphrey wait in the cold at 6:30 a.m. to travel to da to a tournament.
Receiving trophie won by Knight . p akcr路 at the Edmond peech tourna路 ment are Larry Beleele, herry Ca well, Mark Creekmore and Rusty Holloway. Bob Lineberry, tournament director, make the pre. entation.
"Hold it right there for the picture, Don." Fiberglass poles are a new addition to WC. Don Grimes likes 'em.
I 路we debater and peech tudent broke chool record thi year by winning fhe weep take trophie , along with qualifying for more event in the tate tournament than any other chool. Rating top in all meets. Knight , howe\er, perform d perhaps their most pectacular feat when they entered debate team in two tournament the ame weekend and came through with all the fir t pla e trophi .. Three of the five senator from various state tudent Congres e who rec ived nomination for the 'ational tudent Congre were from W : Don Templin, Jim Warr n, and Rusty Ilollo"ay. The ational Congre. will be held at Rice In titute, Hou ton , Texa , thi ummer. ollecting honor for Knight trophy ca es were the following tudent : ll- tate pla, ca t: herry a well, Forre t Lorey, Darlene cree and Bill or n on: three debate teams: Jim Warren, Charle Bruton, Ru t} HollO\\ ay, 1ark Creekmore, Don Templin, and Judy need; Foren ic winner : Judy need, Don Templin, Charle Bruton, herry Ca. well, Kerr} William. nn Gibb_, Charlotte Denham, Jim Warren, Linda Romerman, Robert Holt, icki Ray, Rusty Holloway, and i'\1ary Chroni ter.
"If they don't announce it pretty soon, I'm not going to feel so friendly!" say Cindy Chestnutt, Joe Dorman, Karen Shepard, Terry Weldon, Dianne Kim ey, Gil Wright, Dick Brook , Kerry Williams, Jim :\tcCarty, and Joan Pitts as they wait for the BIG announcemPnt of Knight and Lady of Friend. hip.
Top Performances Turned 1n by Players "Romeo?????" questions Ann Gibbs as Charle Bruton make plea. This skit was a highlight of the Valentine's Day a. embly.
"I'll git¡e you back your yo¡yo when you . . . " bargains Kerry William with Ridge Hooks, a they play the parts of Corliss Archer and Dexter Franklin in the all.school play "Ki. s and Tell."
long with eight to nine thou and admini trators from fifty tate and ix foreign countrie , Mr. Malone attended the 17th annual convention of the ational Asociation of econdary chool Principal February 8-14 in Pitt burgh, Penn yhania. A a member of the ational Advi ory Council, Mr. Malone erved a a panel leader in a group meeting at the convention. NWC' principal play a prominent part in professional and civic organization . He ha h ld the po ition of secretary of the tate chapter of the econdary chool Principal 'A ociation ince 1955. Mr. Malone hold offices or committee po ts in the following organization : , tate â&#x20AC;˘ ' orth Central oc1ahon Committee. Oklahoma urriculum Planning Commi ion, Oklali.oma Committee on Dropout and Graduation Requirement , tate Committee on Teacher Certification, Governor' Committee on the Handicapped, ~C Informal Education Committee, and the Rotary Club International tudent Proje t Committee. Mr. 1alone' profe ional achievement have been reflected in the high tandard he ha helped establish at Northwe t Cia. en. He ha worked tirele ly to improve phy ical facilitie , a emble a uperior taff, and to provide for the students here an outstanding curriculum.
and Principal "Be good, Knights," says !\fr. J. Frank !\Ialone, while departing for Penn¡ sylvania, to repre. ent Oklahoma at the comention for the ' ational Association of econdary chool Principal .
"Keep going, Tommy. That was only number twelve." Knights compete in a pancake eating contest during the DE Pancake upper, February 5.
ymbol of choo) ~pirit are the cheerleader - and there' no ub,titute for that pirit! pring practice for cheerleader i a treat for aro)yn :\leek, Jan Turner, :\Iary Ellen ~ mith, Joan Pitt~. Dianne Kim ey, :.\Iary Dixon, and Kay Lewis enjoy the fresh air aâ&#x20AC;˘ well a' the exerci. e.
Spring Fever Epidemic "Just one more time, John, and I'll fix your Little red uagon." Look like econd childJ10od for lui White and John ulbertson.
pring fever alike. tudent than in class. tart tudent open window .
i a plague of tudent and teachers
would rather be almost anywhere nd so would the teacher when the day dreaming and gazing out the
heryl Webster ettle an Holmes on the golf cour~e.
Brea1 s Out Girls bring out la t }ear horts while their male counterparts are till huddling in jackets. Weather get warmer and tudie get colder. Everyone know final will come again, but when the un hine o brightly, who care ?
"/ want you to meet my mother." 1t11ng in the park on a favorite pa time of Bob Daniel and Rae Hancock.
pring day i
"Who peels your grapes?" A enior find great plea ure in reading poetry on the green.
"I didn't bring the ball. Does the captain have to do everything?" Ronald Fagin question hi Fagin's Frogs David Grime , Greg Crum, David Elledge and Mike Tate. ot hown are Larry Gatewood and David Gibbs. The Frogs are the oldest intramural team in the school history, having ~ntered tourney play for six years. Ronald's brother David fir t organized the team in 1956. Four former Frogs have developed into starters on A·squad basket· ball. "In ten minutes I should be well done." Sunlamps do the pre· swimming suit trick for Pat Blakely.
"Girls, hands off!" Jim Conner follows Joei Barr, not so willingly, for Dog Patch Week.
". . . and the last rush begins." Racks of rental robes await seniors for the final walk.
The Final Whirl Memorie of a chool year re emble cene in a kaleido cope. word, ge ture, or even a certain dr , s, bring back thoughts of people and events. Each tudent will have hi own particular memory of the chool year 1962-63 at NWC. For orne, it will be a certain club, cia , friend, or teacher; for others, a favorite pot, or that certain omeone with whom preciou moment were hared. All of these ingle impre ion , acquired from countle vivid experience during the chool year, blend together to form that big picture of Life at orthwe t Cla en.
"/ still have to take a bath, make up my face, press my dress . . ." Running a little late for the prom is Mary Dixon.
"Mary u;i/l open the door looking beautiful, and . . ." Terry Weldon faces the dilemma of every boy on prom night.
Graduation at Last!
Carol JoIce
Bill Hankinson
Classen Medal of Honor
Classen Medal of Honor
Top Students Tapped for Classen Awards Award presented in the fir t of the two annual awards a emblie and foundation
in recognition of achievement in pecific field .
are contributed by civic group , individuals,
cholar hip
are offered to further
chola tic en-
deavor:;. The CJa en
ward perpetuate the memory of Anton and Ella D. Classen, Oklahoma City '89ers and early civic
leader . When the e award
were e tabli. bed, Mr. Cia en
ing promi ~e of worthy contribution to the progre
tipulated that the award
would be given for "out tand-
of the world, by rea on of trength of character, record of chol-
ar hip, activitie of leadership, and all-around achievement."
Phi Beta Kappa Daughter of
merican Revolution Award
Daughter of American Revolution Hi tory Award merican Revolution
Chri Keni on
John Coppock
merican Legion Award
Ray Mo . Leslie Ledd n
Danforth Foundation Award
Jim 1arsh,
Lar en :.vlu ic Company Award
nne Kraft, Connie Wolff Ronnie Fagin
harp- "ichol Mu ic Company Service Award _
Gary Mill
\lary :\lartineau Memorial Drama Award 1ary
Kerry William
ervice Award
Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow
haron Charle ward __
Bau ch-Lomb Optical Company Out tanding Gaylord Foundation Mathematic and Phy ics
mel er
George DeWood)
Civitan Club Good Citizen hip Award on of
cienti t Award _ ward
Gaylord Foundation Mathematic and Chemi try Award
ancy Ayer
Tim Zinn Tim Zinn
Ronald Fagin
Carol Riley Classen Award
Ronald Fagin Classen Au;ard
Jo Ann Richert Classen Au;ard
Tim Zinn Classen Au;·ard
April 30 Assembly
"I thought it u;as my turn," chorus six Junior Rotarian a~ they vie for the honor of attending Rotary Club meeting. Jon Bla chke, Bill Hankin on, Tom olter, Don Templin, Joe Dorman, and Jim laughter each erved a six-week term representing WC at Downtown Rotary Club luncheon meting.
April Oklahoma City Girl of the \lonth Jo nn Richert admir " the plaque pre ented her by the apitol Hill Bu•ine. and Profc •ional Women's Club. he was elected for superior . cholar~hip, lead r~hip, and character.
Outstanding Service
"Wonder tchere HE's been all year?" Enjoying the pring . un hine while feigning inter •t in tudi are Danforth .\ward winner· Anne Kraft and Connie Wolff.
Kerry William Faculty Au·ard
Tom olter Faculty Award
Tim Zinn, with his cience fair project on ultrasonic effect on atomic •tructure, won one of the two fir t place awards in the Oklahoma City rience Fair. Thi qualified him for entry in the International cienc Fair in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in ~1ay.
indy Che nutt Faculty Award
Don Templin Faculty Award
Rewarded by Pres ntations Oklahoma A ociation for Mental Health .•. Engineering Club W. II. Gaylord Languaae A-E Equipment
Dean McClain . Tom
tueve Award ....•......
.. --··· Carol Riley, Cheryl Leever
omm rcial Art
Carolyn Brook , Ch ryl
B. C. Clark Out
1963 Young Tal nt in
Bob Ramey 1emorial Track Elk
thl tic L ader hip
Gipp DuPree
Gil Wright
Jeff Welborn, andra K. Wells
Jon Bla chke, Joe Dorman, Jim laughter, Bill Hankin on, Tom olter. Don Templin Roby Davidson, Terrye ewkirk, Allyson Hall, Maq~aret hultz
American Field ervice Finali t apitol Hill Bu ine
and Profe ional Women'
lub Girl of the Month
nn Richert
cholar hip Corporation Finali ts Mike Rapp, Bill Hankin on, Ronald Fagin, Carol McCants, Don Templin, Carol Riley
American Legion Auxiliary Girl and Boys State . .... ......... ..
Janie mel~er Faculty Award
Paul Bierman Faculty Au;ard
hirl y Polk
Junior Rotarian
ational Merit
and _
Ron Burdick
ward r
Bob Bender. Gloria Ka per
HO TORABLE MEl\TIO rt Renai ance Club
Joe Dorman Faculty Award
Pat Bremkamp, Judy need, :vlichaelyn Barker, far ha Ray, :\lark Creekmore, Robert Roark
lary Leugemor' Faculty Azcard
Jim laught r Faculty Azwrd
Chri Keni~on Good Citizenship Atmrd
Gay hick Phi Beta Kappa Award
John Coppock ons of American Rewlution Au:ard
"That shirt is three sizes too small," quips Judy need to Pat Bremkamp a they prepare for Girl and Boy !"tate in June. pon•ort-d hy the American Lt-gion Auxiliary, out. tanding junior' are selected annually to repre nt ·we at the week' training in government. Ray l\fo~• American Legion Au:ard
Le. lie Ledden American Legion Atcard
Gt-orge DeWoody DAR History Award
Departmental Awards Recognize Students With The Faculty ward were e tabli h d by memb p.; of the orignal "\ W faculty under the direction of Mr. William H. Taylor. principal. The~e award recognize ervice, leader hip. and achie'>ement. Contribution to the over-all welfare of the chool i carefully con idered in creening candidate . Departmental ward are gi' en by department in recognition of excellence and achie\ ment in pecializ d kill and ubjecL.
ART Department Award Honorable J!ention
Belly lbitz Larry Robert., arolyn Fari•, Bob B<·nder Linda Ridgeway Belly Albitz, andy Garrell, haron Green hirley Polk Charmain!' Tver Tommy Hawk Gary :\tcKinney
Fa. hion Award Honorable J!ention Weaving Award Ceramic A ward culpture Award Honorable .11ention HO ' OR CJE, CE Department Award _
at Baker, John
Keni~n, Ricky Lang ton, Bruce London,
Jim Mar•h, Dean l\lcCiain, Tom 'olter JO RXALI :\1 hield Award Round Table Award
Eleanor Palo Jennifer Lamb
DI TRIB TIVE ED ATIO • Department Award
John Loveland
DIVER IFIED OCCCP TIO. Department ward LIBRARY enice Award LA G AGE French pani•h
Jim Furna h
--- Gloria Ka•per, Catherine Knox, Cheryl Leever, Judy :\tahan, Donna :\1cCulley, Cht-ryl I. Dizier, Donna Thoma• arol Ice, arol Riley Cheryl Leen•r, Bruce London
Department Award
:\Iary Brummill, Bill Fagala
BU INES ED CATIO CI rica! and Office Practice hri•tie Gra\ill, Vaud<•na lark Bu•ine•• :\lachine Diane Kimsey, • haron Bias Clerical Occupations ue Thoma~, Linda O•born Career Club Linda a••ady Bookkeeping Myra Lappin, heryl Hendren, lui•tic Gra\ill Typing :\tary Ellen Smith, Oianc· Kim ey • lwrthand and ecretarial \1ary Leugemor•, hri•ti<• Gra\ill 11-Around Bu•ines Education hristie Gra\ itt Bu ine~• Education ervice ward Su an Reed
"Some folks always get stuck with the dirt) work," moan Gay hick, Phi Beta Kappa Award winner as she puts away robe and other item used in the National Honor O· ciety Initiation 1arch 12.
Dr. and frs. W. D. Bowerman, WC' AF family thi year, were pre ented a plaque in recognition of their providing a home for Malene Kalkar, F ,tudent.
Special Sl ills, Scholarship, Leadership
HmiE.\IAKI'\G .\lajor ;\ward Department
E·ter Barron :\ancy Ayer,, u Brook., Donna chmidt, Evonne Trout, heryl Wet\\iska heila Burnett
VOCAL \lL I rvice ward Out. tandinl! Gir.l Out. tanding Boy Department CO RT JESTERS pirit \ward PEECH Be-t Thespian Be~t Actor Be~t Actre' Be't nnouncer Harri,on t•rvice Debate Award ational Forem•ic~ League ward Individual For n•ic League Award
Jim , laughter heryl Wetwi. ka Forrest Lorey Jerry Hadaway .\1ark \IcGee
Charlotte Denham Bill orenson herry Ca well Charles Bruton Twylla leer need, Don Templin Don Templin harle Bruton
MATHE\! Tl II A' for even
E:'\GLI'H II A's for
eme4ers Paul Bierman, John oppock, Ronald Fap;in, Bill Hankin•on, lui" Kenison, .\1ichael Rapp, Tom ::,olter, Tim Zinn
even eme-ter · .\like Black, John Coppock, Terry Deen, Geor!!e De Woody, Judith Floyd, :\like Ford, Ronald Fagin, Bill Hankin~n, Da,id Hume, arol Jo Ice, Ted Kalmon, Kathryn King, \lar•ha Kirchner, Le.lie Ledden, heryl Lee,er, Bruce London, Jo nn Richert, Carol Riley, Gay Shick, Tom olter, Cheryl t. Dizier, Tim Zinn
0 I L T DIE Pat Breit. chuh, George All A', for seven seme ters _ -··DeWoody, .\like Ford, Bill Hankin•on, Jeanenf' Jenkin,, Le.lic Ledden, heryl Leever, Ray \los•, arol Riley, :\!arty ewell, Gay :->hirk, .\fary Ellen :mith
rend r rvice to the chool and provide opportuniti for rsu th ir p r~onal int re:,t . tud nt ,\ho participate in the e leader::-hip, re ponsihility, and cooperation. Lo . ati fy v ry tud nt' need; int re t club chann l l i ure ¡ . Honorary group in pire able tudent to achi ve greater organization in which he i inter -.t d, but \\hcther on committee " (and ometim it eem that there or contributing our "Upport at m eting. or gam s, w have feeling of ''belonaing."
Student Council's Democratic Process
A in ) ear pa t. the tudent Council, pon ored by Miss Kathleen Owen. ha once again maintained it place a leader of \orthw st Ia. sen' tudent body. Along with the granting of charter for two new club , it ha taken charge of Freshman Orientation, the Howdy Mixer, Homecoming, the erne ter Clothe Mixer, and the Americani m A embly. Through two pap r drive , with the upport of the tudent , over ... 350 wa rai!" d. t the moment committee member are in the proce~ of obtaining a ba eball coreboard for
ec.; Bill Hankin on, pre.; Joe Dorman, v. pre.; Beverly Cox, treas.
NWC' diamond. C' mo t important accompli hment of the pa t year ha been th formation of a Judicial Board. Brought before tudent council and approved, it wa then pre ented to the tudent body. It purpo e is to interpret the chool con titution, the con titutions of the variou club , and to approve or di approve the impeachment of club officer . Five ju tices and one chief j u tice were appointed by tudent council president, Bill Hankin on, and then approved by tudent council.
T DENT CO NCIL APPOINTED OFFICER -\fary Leugemors, corre ponding Kalmon, student tore mgr.; !\!arlene ims, hi t.; Jim laughter, pari.
of Governing Strengthened by Judicial Board
Looking up a point of parliamentary procedure are the newly appointed member of the Judicial Board. The justices are Carol Jo Ice, Ronald Fagin, Don Templin, chief ju Lice; Charle Bruton, Robert Roark, and Tom Soller.
"I don't care u:hat you say I put my hand up first!" Demon¡ st rating how "not to act" during tudent council me Ling are Roby David on and Larry Robert , while Kerry William , Cheryl Parri. h, Becky Ree e, Bob Du kin, and Rosemary Burton look on.
"I don't believe it quite fits," comments Janet Musallam, as Warren herman and C ponâ&#x20AC;˘ored tudent tore manager Ted Kalmon try out their late t . ales pitch.
PTSA EXECUTIVE BOARD-Mrs. J. F. Ryan, delegate; fr. J. B. Brooks, hist. ; Mr. C. K. Woodard, pres.; Bill Hankinson, S. C. pres.; :\Irs. M. J. Ranchette, 2nd v. pres.; Mrs. V. E. Burnet, trea . ; Mrs. C. M. Pape, sec. ot pictured are Mrs. I. M. Reynold , 1st v. pre . ; and Mrs. Don train, pari.
Northwest's PTSA Tops 1n Nation Knights top goal and nation in the PT A membership drive with 3,898 memberships. Mrs. Jim Peck and Jim McCarty admire the bur ting member hip thermometer.
An integral part of NWC is the Parent, Teacher, Student As ociation, not only because it boasts the nation' largest membership, but because of its outstanding achievements each year. First on the year's agenda was the annual preschool luncheon for teachers, August 27 at O'Mealey's Cafeteria. ext, parents assisted with the fre hman orientation program. The tremendou ly succes ful member hip drive was climaxed by the annual Open House October 11, where parents had an opportunity to meet teacher in the classroom. Iovember 8, PTSA members directed "Career Day;" eighty-seven profe sional specialists counseled students concerning pecific careers and vocations. "College ight" was the theme of the January meeting. Dr. E. T. Dunlap, chancellor of higher education in Oklahoma, served as consultant. AI o, in January, three study groups sessions were held for the purpose of informing parents on college requirements, high school courses of study and cholarships. February 7, departmental demonstrations were presented as parents watched students in action. Clothe drives and mixers benefitted the student aid program. The year's PTSA calendar was crowded with events which made NWC a better school to attend.
HI-Y-ROW 1: Doug Knox, pre.; Bill tacy, v. pres.; Jim Hoover, 'ec.-trea .; Bill Da'i on, chap.; Phil Ryan, pari.; Mike 1ulligan, gt. at arm. ROW 2: '\lr. Dwight Johnson, spon•or; Jon Bla chke, Dan Young, Ialcolm Haney, Rig Greer, Art South, Jimmy Chri . ROW 3: Ron teven , Bill Rankin, Ru Bell, Chri Keni on, Phil Cline, David Imle, Dick Pound , Jon Fo ter. ROW 4: Craig Arne., Rusty Kin~, ~like Dougall, Dick Gore, Larry Bell, Robert Holmes, Nat Baker, Chuck Bay, Bill Corbin. ROW 5: :.like Boyle, Charle Bruton, Terry eba, Joe Millar, Ray Moss, Ricky Linn, Kent Hamilton, Jerry Keller, Don Garrison.
Charters Granted Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y Clubs Tewe t club at we are Hi-Y for boy and Tri-Hi-Y for girl . lJnder the direction of the YMC , the purpo e of the club i to promote world fellow hip and fo ter Chri tian attitudes in the community. II tudent are eligible to attend the weekly meeting , ometimes held jointly. Though two eparate club , they operated a a team in February, \\hen the chapter attended a pre-legi lative es ion at 0 . Doug Knox wa elected to erve a Lieutenant Governor during the tatewide Youth in Government held March 22-24 in Oklahoma City. "WC' deleg~te ubmitted fi, e bill in trict legal form to committee for con ideration. During the year, Hi-Y pon ored a carwa h, organized a city-wide Hi-Y ba ketball tournament, and promoted the establi hment of Tri-Hi-Y. Mr. Dwight Johnson i their spon or. Tri-Hi-Y held a p cial meeting to entertain pro p ctive member , ~pon ored a coke bottle collection, and ho ted variou social event . Mis Karen Baumann spon ors Tri-Hi-Y.
"A bill to eliminate park rangers .. .?" Drafting bill for the Hi-Y Pre-Legi lature wa no easy chore for Doug Knox, Jon Bla chke, arolyn Farha, Bill tacy and andy Well-.
TRI-HI-Y-ROW 1: andy Wells, pres.; Carolyn Farha, v. pre•.; ue Ann wartzendruber, .ec.; ::'1-Iar~aret Corneliu•, trea•. ROW 2: hirley Polk, hist.; herry Fausett, '~t. at arm ; Kathy King, gt. at arm ; \Iona Rahill, Janey pear, pari.; Nancy :.Ic ew. ROW 3: Carol tammer, Carol Johnson, Janice Elli on, Tonia Demopoli , Beverly Cox, Judy Bowman, Jackie ;'\laloney. ROW 4: Jeanne Petty, Kathy 0' hea, Diane ~Iorelock, Linda Ridgeway, reporter; haron Ead , Ann :.Ioodie, u Brook_.
Delegate· to the • a tiona) Honor . ciety Convention at Duncan High chool nn Richert, and Chri• in Dec mber were Tom ~olter, \larlene im , Jo Kenison.
' ATIO:-;AL HO:.'\OR , 0 IETY OFFI ER ROW I: Le•lie Ledden, chap.; \larlene immo, ec.; Jo Ann Richert, trea . ROW 2: John oppock, hi•t.; Ronald Fagin, pr •.; Tim Zinn, '· pre,.
To have one' name placed on the ational Honor Society Plaque i one of the highe t honor- one can attain at WC. Be ide cholarship, a member mu t tand high in leader,hip, n:ice, and loyalty. October 18, twenty·thre 5enior were initiated. At a pring initiation, another five percent of the junior and enior cia s were admitted.
Is the Better Part of Valor''
'i;\TIQ:-.iAL 110:\0R SO IETY ~IE\tBER ROW 1: Ronald Fagin, Jo nn Richert, Leslie Ledden, l\1arlene im, Tim Zinn. ROW 2: Mrs. Tyler, \Ir-. \Iiller, \Jr ... Bird, Judy Floyd, arol Arnold, Connie Wolff, Kathy King, Carol Riley, \1yra Lappin, Mary Ellen mith. ROW 3: Mary Leugemors, Judy \1ahan, haron Barfoot, Carol \leeker. ROW 4: Jan Jenkin , Phil Cline, Bill Davi on, Chris Kenison, Bob Du kin, Ted Kalmon, David Hume, \like Black, Richard De. pain, Kitty Keith. ROW 5: Dean l\IcCiain, Terry Dean, Doug haw, Tom ~olter, Joe Dorman, Bill Hankin on, Ricky Lang•ton, Ra) \lo •, Jnhn Coppock, Bruce London, ~like Ford, Gay hick.
HO OR MATH-ROW 1: Miss Mary Wedding, sponsor; Ronald Fagin, pre.; John Coppock, v. pre-.; Carol Jo Ice, sec.; Tim Zinn, trea. ROW 2: Linda Langford, Michaelyn Barker, Jo Ann Richert, Carol McCan! , Le lie Ledden, Jane Johnson, Marcia Ray, Kitty Keith, Carol Choate. ROW 3: Miss fargaret Thompson, pon or; Paul Bierman, Pat Wade, Jim Troxel, Jim Britton, Cris Kenison, Bill Davi on, fike Rapp, Tim Cox, Bruce London. ROW 4: Mr. Clovia Harri on, sponsor; Barbara Worthing, Mike 'ichols, Jim Warren, Jennifer Lamb. ROW 5: Mrs. Helen Willingham, spon or; Stan Rathjen, Bill Hankin on, Kent Humphrey , Pat Bremkamp, Gordon Taylor, Tom Solter, Terry Seba, Mike Rodgers, Ricky Langston, Doug Shaw.
Highest Goals Reached by Honor Groups
Honor lath wa e tabli hed to promote intere t in the field of mathematics and to recognize students who have done superior work. To become a member of Honor ~fath one mu t be currently enrolled in a math course, have at least three semesters of A's and one emester of B in mathematic and continue until graduation. Initiate wear pledge ribbon of two shade of blue, light and dark, which are the club's color . Member hip in Honor Language reward tudents for achievements and encourages them to continue their study of a foreign language. To be eligible for membership, initiate mu t be enrolled in their fifth seme ter of language and have maintained a B+ grade average. Upon becoming an initiate, green, yellow, and white ribbon are presented to them. Initiate mu t pledge to continue their study of the language for a fourth year before they can be initiated. The emblem of Honor Language i an owl sitting on a Roman Lamp. The owl symbolizes wisdom; the lamp reminds member that wisdom i attained through hard work, and by "burning the midnight oil."
HO OR LA GUAGE-ROW 1: Carol Ice, Carol Riley, Cheryl Leever. ROW 2: Tom Soller, Joan Pitts, at Baker. ROW 3: Phil Cline, Bruce Londo!', Maury Lang ton, Ray 1o .
ATIONAL ART HO:\'OR OCIETY (Active ~Iembers)-ROW 1: Jimmy Kinnard, pres.; Larry Bierman, v. pres.; Jan Epper•on, sec·treas.; Donna Hollingsworth. ROW 2: Gloria Kasper, Carolyn Brooks, Alice Hiniker, Jan Harri , Cheryl Rodger~, Linda ~nyder. ROW 3: Don Wallace, Carolyn Fari , Darlene Acree, Lynn ands, Lari Hashbarger, Linda Ridgeway.
des Peintres
Painter's Party''
When requirement are met and an intere t in art is evidenced, a student is eligible for membership in the National Art Honor Society. Eight original pieces of art in three or more media mu t be submitted, while a student wi hing to submit only three pieces of art may become an as ociate member. All must maintain a "B" average in art, plus a "C" average in other cia e . ~WC's chapter held it initiation at the Oklahoma Art Center, December 16, where 13 new members were initiated.
Widespread national intere t was focu~ed on the '·~Iona Lisa" during its stay in the .. this year. Alice Hiniker, Cheryl Rodgers, and Pat haffer arrange a display of reproduction of the famous painting for a school exhibit.
ATIONAL ART HO 'OR OCIETY (A•sociate ~1embersl-ROW 1: andra Garrett, Diane haw, Susan Bomar, Jeanne Cox. ROW 2: usan !\1ullens, Kay Brown, andy Bartlet, Charmaine Tver, Tommy Ward. ROW 3: George DeWoodie, chap.; Jamie Barne5, Pa t haffer, Tim Siber, andy kinner, .'\1ike Waldrip.
"',A.TJO, A.L FORE:-.:. IC LEAG E- ROW 1: \Ir. ~Iitchell, Chari<· Bruton, Don Templin, prr•.; Judy need, Pc.; I ind.~ Romerman, trea~.; \Jr,, Allred. ROW 2: Liz Herring, Jeanette Yeager, Paul ardin, Linda ordell, Kerry William•, \nn Gibh-. RU';ty Holloway, arl Johnson. ROW 3: Charle Deut•ch, Bill Porch, Dan roung, herry Ca ·well, harlotte Denham, andi Walling, ~felanie el.on, Janet Riley, Randy ]arne•. ROW 4: Jack ~cudder, Jim Warren, :\fary Chroni•ter, Carolyn Daley, Jim We•tmoreland, Joe Lankford, Robert Holt, Forre t Lorey.
C. Bruton Chairman of NFL Conference The Tational Foren ic League is an honorar} organization which require member to earn at least 25 point by peaking at competiti"e pee h tournament and for local group . The) must also be in the upper two-third of their speech class and accepted by a majority of the Foren-;ic member . ational The pian .• honorar dramatic organization . i created to promote a better under tanding of the theatrical world. To qualify for member hip, one mu t participate in orne capacity in the theater, receiving ten point for working with the ta"e crew, erving a a ticket eller, or performing an acting role.
THE PI\'\!:-> ROW 1: \Jr. \Iitrhcll, , herry Ca. well, pre-.; Forreot Lorey, \, pre . : Charlotte Denham, ec.; Virp:inia Brewer, trea•.; ~1r ... Allred. ROW 2: Twylla teer, :\Iitzt ~!iller, Darlene cree, Barbara Baker, Kerry William•, .\nn Gibb•, Jeanene Jenkin•. ROW 3: 'harJe, Bruton, Bill . oren-.on, Bob Daniel•, Dan ioung, :\like Ferguoon, Bob Rob!'rt., Ceor~rc Allen.
Working on prop- for the all-. chool play, "Ki.s and Tell," arc The-pian Dale tallinl!•, J eancne ] en kin•, and .\]gene A) cr-.
CO RTE Y CL B OFFICERS A D SPON ORS--ROW 1: . Polk, chap.; A. Kraft, asst. sec.; D. McCulley, pari.; L ands, sgt. at arms. ROW 2: K Earnest, a. t. trea .; . Brooks, v. pre.; ]. Richert, pres.; J. Earnst, trea .; C. Arnold, ec.; ]. Elli on, gt. at arms. ROW 3: Mi fay , 2\lr . Davidson, Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. Creekmore, Mrs. Roark.
Courtesy Club Emphasizes
E lOR COURTE Y CLUB ROW 1: J. Richert, . Brookb, C. Arnold, J. Earnst. ROW 2: B. Thaler, J. Willingham, K. King, . Me ew, B. Lewis, K Earnest, R. Askins. ROW 3: C. eal, M. Learning, C. Farrell, ]. Ellison, J. fusallem, . Garrett, T. Knox, D. McCulley. ROW 4: C. Leever, K. Bond, L. Ca• ady, B. J. Albitz, J. Jenkin , N. Hebi en, . King, . Barfoot, A. Kraft. ROW 5: M. ewell, C. McCants, G. chick, M. chultz, M. True, B. Baker, K. Bennett, L. Griffin, T. Demopolo , C. Gravitt.
Courtesy Club was formed to render ervice to the chool and the community. Open to both hoy and girl , the meeting are held on alternate Monday". Courte y Club member act a guides during PTSA project held at ·w<;:, and a well informed· hostess i alway on duty to conduct visitors on a tour of the building. In ovemher, Courte y Club preented a terling tea service to we. The ix-piece ervice was to he used at faculty receptions and other social function . The fir t annual Courte y Club dance wa held in January. Featuring a gala Mardi Gras theme, the dance wa a fund rai ing project. Courte y Club girl a i ted when the Oklahoma County Polio Clinics di tributed the abin Oral Vaccine for even Sunday at variou schools.
ENIOR COURTE Y CLUB ROW 1: B. Hawkin~. J. pear, S. Woodward, D. Thompson, C. Riley, C. White. ROW 2: S. Swartzendruber, 1. mith, J. Pitts, J. Phinney, L. Ha hbarger, D. Thomas. ROW 3: D. mith, M. Pulling, B. cott, hepherd, S. Ead , D. Morelock, L. ands.
Cheryl Leever, Kathy Bond, and Carol McCants take their dosage of Polio Vaccine. Club members assisted with the Polio Clinics which were conducted in all the city schools.
Service and Responsibility
J IOR COURTESY CLUB-ROW 1: P. Dewey, A. Hiniker, L. Bell, J. Cannon, D. Davis, S. Williams, S. Gilbert. ROW 2: L. Langford, M. Burton, S. Goss, K. Fisher, J. Morelock, B. Hite, L. Romerman. ROW 3: P. Ledden, P. Hopkins, D. Hollingsworth, J. Harris, J. Kahler, B. Rollow, B. Montgomery, L. Haley. ROW 4: C. Daley, L. Hill, L. Hardin, . Green, U. Miner, L. Ketchem, J. Lamb, A. Jones, L. Rosser.
- OPHO\IORE COCRTE Y CLUB ROW 1: L. Laird, B. Be<·be, C. Flemin~, E. ~hadid, G. Baber, L. ~fines, K. Combs, . Abrams. ROW 2: L. Bressie, N. Block, E. E,eraard, ]. Le,in, G. ]one,.., .. JonP', V. Lrforce, . Emenhiser, ]. Rus. ell. ROW 3: L. Aduddell, . Green, K . .\fcCandle , T. \lelan•on, H . .\lcKellar. . \Iiller, .. \lci,trr. T. Elli, ]. Jacobson, ]. Brown. ROW 4: B. Ellison, E. Engle, ]. Kahler, S. arnferdam, .\1. Hen<le}, .\L Kamp, L. Holaday, D. Filson. Irwin, L
Courtesy Club Presents NWC a
• OPHO \ IORE COURTE Y LuB ROW I: B. Rich, \1. Ray, •. Hod~rs, D. Hullett, P. Lon~. ROW 2: ]. Wad worth, C. Tolle, L. Cordell, H. Reinhcimt>r, L. \bram. on, L. Walker. ROW 3: . Patter,on, L. TerT}, ]. Sherman, .• heehan, L. Voegelein, M. Pedigo, D. William . ROW 4: ]. Riley, P. Powell, ]. mith, A. Thorn ford, ~. Vinson, . wick, P. Rune, K. TI1oma on.
FRE H~1A CO RTE Y CLUB ROW 1: . Pear on, J. Thomp•on, P. Holt, J. tewart. ROW 2: R. ew II, J. pear, . Hester, L. Wade, P. Phillip•. ROW 3: L. Welch, . teele, P. Hart, T. Rodger .. ROW 4: P. Palo, tammer, L • Overman, B. Arentz, . Pojezny.
Sterling Silver Tea Service
"They u;ent that·a·uay !" Helen Reinheimer point out a room numher to a new student teacher. Courtesy lub member u•hered during the PT A Open House on February 7.
FRE H~tA CO RTE Y L B-ROW 1: P. Clark, C. Lawson, . Fo. t r, . Fitz, L Hafner, P. Luter, D. Cooley, D. Davi., H. Hammond. ROW 2: L. Leach, J. Dutton, . Han•en, K. Ball, G. ~1antilla, L. Graham, •. Dickerson, . Belcher, L. Hope, C. Barclay. ROW 3: . Halter, C. Carter, T. Black, L. Bateman, A. Houston, C. Green, C. :\1ontgomery, L. Bishop, E. Herrinj!:, R. Cloud, C. Landguth. ROW 4: B. ~lays, ~ponsor; C. Lowe, C. Hill, B. Husband, L. Hodge, D. Bay, l\1. Linn, H. Graham, , . ~!cFarland, . Kent, L. Colwell, B. Danzinger.
Pr . ident Bob Du•kin wields gavel of authority at Key Club officers meeting. Officer are Crail!: Arne~, s c.; Tim Zinn, Hob Du•kin, pres. ; Tom olter, gt. at arm ; Dale iebel, trea .. ; Terry eba, v. pre•.; Ray :\lo. , chap.
r. board member;
l(ey Club Distinguished Key lub i limited to ixt) -fi\ member who haYe b en carefull) "creened by a fa ulty committee. Only ophomor . , junior . and ~ enior who ha\e di tingui hed them elve academicall) and ha\ e pro\'en their leader hip ability are eligible to join thi · ~ ele t group. Key Juhher ' crowded agenda began \\ ith the " Help
Clean-rp the ity ampaign" in which WC's boy covered 116 mile picking up I itt r from city treet . In full force, club member participated in the nited Fund, ahation Army Chri.tma and March of Dime dri\e . B fore Chri tma holiday , member a, embled 26 ba. ket of food for needy familie .
Craig Arne· Gary tkins at Baker Chuck Bay Bob Blackw II Chari · Bruton David apron Jim arreker Jim Cheatham Phil Cline Jim Cobb Mike Cook Bill Davi on Roby David on Dave Dougall Bob Du. kin Bill Echart iike Eischen teve Fondren Jon Fo ter Bob Greer Rig Greer Kent Hamilton Wally Hammond
Bill Hankin on Rex Hefley Jay Hoh('rt'cht Rid~e Hooks David Hume Andy Hu ky George Johnson Chri Kenison Ru ty King Gary Kizziar Ricky Langston Forre t Lorey Gerry Maguire Jim tar h Johnny Mar h Dan Marlin Bryan Maurer Dean McClain Rick Moffatt Jim 1oore RayMo Chri Randall David Ricker Robert Roark Mike Rodgers John ott Terry eba Doug haw Warren herman Dale iebel Bill ilk Tom olter
Jim tacy Jim Troxel Don Wallis Jim Warren Ken Womack Dan Woodard Tim Zinn
by Select School Leaders
"Twenty-six turkeys gobble louder than my mother," say Blackwell as they load Chri tma ba~kets for the needy.
Tim Zinn to Bob Du kin and Bob
A NO CER CLUB-ROW 1: linda Rommerman, Carol Riley, treas.; Ann Gibb , v. pre . ; Kerry William , pres.; Charlotte Denham, sec.; Janey pear, Tweetie Knox. ROW 2: Janet Riley, Liz Herring, Kay parks, herry Ca well, Susan Graber, Judy Sneed, Marty ~IcPheeter~, Mary Chroni ter. ROW 3: Charle Bruton, ~gt. at arms; Johnny Garrett, Bob Daniel, Roby Davidson, sgt. at arm ; Chuck Bay, Don Templin, Bill Hankin. on.
l eeping the Student Body Informed Is Aim "Good morning, Knight and Ladie , thi i your head announcer bringing you your morning announcement ." The nnouncers' Club provide everal tudents each morning to present the daily announcement over Central ound y tern. Members of thi club mu t audition before a club committee at the beginning of each erne ter to become a member. They are judged on the ba i of personality, diction, empha i , and voice control.
"And now /or a SPECIAL announcement ..." Charlotte Denham begins as Kerry William~, Ann Gibbs, Roby David~n, Charles Bruton, Carol Riley, and ~!arty ~IcPheeter listen intently.
Youth of the Kingdom was organized by tudent intere ted in furthering religiou activitie in hool. Every Wedne day morning at 8:10 gue t peaker repre enting different faith peak to th group in a wor hip service in the Little Theatre. Other activitie of the club include giving the morning devotional over C. . . and pre enting devotional before all athletic event .
YTK-ROW 1: Cindy Pruitt, p res. ; Linda Ca sady, v. pre . ; Ielinda Hanraty, sec.; Ed Martin, treas. ROW 2: Rebecca Maudin, Hannolore Rothenbusch, Carol Reinke, Pam Ledden, !arlene im , Le lie Ledden, Linda Martin. ROW 3: Carolyn Fleming, Diane Peyton, Ann Moodie, Carol Jo Ice, Cheryl Parrish, ancy Petty, Wynn Ann Moak. ROW 4: Doreen June, Jim laughter, Bill Hankin. on, Aly. on Hall, Warren Morris, Ur el Rothenbusch, Barbara Du Bois, Twylla teer.
P ARA-:\IEDIC ROW 1: Beverly Barber, pre . ; orma Conaway, v. pre•.; Barbara \lartin, •ec.; Carla :\logg, treas. ROW 2: haron oble, Elaine nider, Loraine nider, Kathy Bray, Jan Kinnick, Jane Taylor. ROW 3: :\lr. Trea ure DeJa haw, pon or; ~~L , 'ola :\Ioore, . pon or; beryl Railey, Algene yers, Judy Pin onneault, :\lr•. Jenkin , . pon. or; :\lr.. Ramah
'n"'· Service
Groups Provide Benefits
Para-Medic wa organized for tho e intere ted in the medical profe. ion. Through their program , the principle of medi ine and nursing are tre ed. Y-Teen are kept bus) each }ear with a program designed for high chool chapter . Under the auspice of Young Women's Chri tian A ociation, th y develop a ~ nse of _ nice to other . Once again thi year girl made oap dog , fashioned out of oap tudents. and wa h cloth . and sold them to Their many project and partie are hared "ith fellow high chool chapter .
Hoping that their oap dogs will be put to good u•e are Y-Teens Lou.\nn Benderon, andra Garrett, Lynn Brady and Darlene Acree.
Y-TEE.\1 ROW 1: Ruby kin•, pre~.; u an Reed, Ruth Holman, committee chaim1an; ndrea Daniels, chap. ROW 2: \lr•. Dorothy Peale, pon or; Lynn Brady, Darlene Acree, :\laria :\!orale , Gail Kincaid, ec.-trea . ; Algene Ayers, :\fr . E•ther Norton, spon or; :\Irs. Hilda Jennings, pon or.
RED CRO ROW 1: Edward Martin, pre . . ; Iichaelyn Barker, v. pre.; !gene Aver~. , c.; David Harri on, treas. ROW 2: fiss Helen Bourke, spon, or; Donna Thoma. , Andrea Daniels, Carolyn Flemming, haron Bia~, David Rucker, andy 1igh, MaxAnne Hine , Barbara Du Boi , orma Conoway. ROW 3: Barbara Hunt, Carol Byler, Vicki Rucker, Betty ue Montgomery, Lmda Small, Martha feek, :\faryke Winkler, Ur el Rothenbu ch, u, an Puttroff, Sharon Ammerman. ROW 4: Lari Ha~hbarger, Ann Moodie, Sandi Skinner, Beverly Wendorff, Boonell Hite, Kay Stump, ancy Petty, Cheryl t. Dizier, Carolyn Flournoy. ROW 5: Richard Prentice, Bill White, RuthAnn Deitchler, Larry Bell, John Armstrong, Nina Hinton, heila Markham, Carol Reinke, Mary Brummitt, Mike Violett.
93 Advisories Participate 1n One of C' bu ie t organization i the High chool Red Cro . With the establLhment of a motor corp , working in the ho pitals around the city, helping during the rna polio immunization, putting together a crapbook to be ent overea , along with the chool che t, member are pre ed for time for chool project . With the annual ock tree and donut sale , iWC's chapter ha rai ed money to carry on the program headed by the county office . Meeting are held twice a month, with repre entative from all 93 advi orie participating.
" If I'd known what I was getting into, I wouldn't have offered to eat the donuts we didn't sell," comments Jim Lytle. Miss Helen Bourke and Michaelyn Barker stand by.
"Who planted the tree in the library?" wonders Kent Hamilton, while he and Carlene Web r add their ad~isory' contribution to the Red Cro_ 'annual ock tree.
Red Cross Projects
RED CRO ROW 1: Hannelore Rothenbusch, Judy Vandennieuwenhof, Debbie Oldham, Bob l\Iayer, Linda wan on, andy Walker, Joan Briggs. ROW 2: Ann Taylor, Laura Knox, Barbara mith, Vicki Leforce, Ruth Ann Travis, Linda Martin, Jo Gettin.gs, Cheryl Cornelison, Carol Reed, Jacque Wright. ROW 3: Diane Kurk, Terry Black, Jeanne Thomp. on, Janet Riley, Cindy Hatchett, Jo Land, Linda Cassady, Marilyn MaLh, Linda Walker, Marcy Eagin, Sandra Walling. ROW 4: Candy need, Ann Thomford, haron Tomlin on, Cheryl Burnet, l\Iike Boy}eg, Jim McCarty, Paul l\Ia .. ingale, Wynne Moak, Debbie Gray, Warren l\Iorri., Ian Loeffler, andra eaman.
CAREER LUB-ROW 1: L. Ca. ~ady, pre . ; . ~lc ew, ec.; P. Hudson, treas.; C. Thomp on, chap. ROW 2: . Reed, D. lcCully, T. Knox, ]. Chapman, A. Haggard, . Holcomb, . tewart, D. Poland, K. hepard, K. Kauffman, ]. Cannon, J. Rutledge. ROW 3: Mr. Ivy Copeland, spon or; . Bia , T. Binkley, :\1. Ryan, C. Byler, ]. ~lalone, H. Birney, A. Arens, C. ParrLh, C. Choate, A. Jones, E. Allen . .JtOW 4: M. Leugemor,, C. Gra\itt, B. A hworth, L. Yanwyngarden, K. Goodrich, B. Baker, L. Hashbarger.
Ambitious Students Prepar for Care rs pon ored by the Bu ine Education Department, the areer lub m et once a month during econd hour. fernher gi\ time to training for competitive field of bu. ines . Gue t peaker dis u with members phases of office procedure from typing to good grooming. Point that are tre ed are the requirement and personality adjuÂŤtment helpful for
future uccessful employment. The main purpose of high chool education i preparation. The Career Club i afforded a wide range of contact in the bu iness world. Appreciation of the importance of thorough training in ba ic busine ethic i tre ed.
CAREER CL B-ROW 1: J. Jenkins, L. Pack, J. Poett, K. Pierce, :\1. :\Ioncrief, . Winters, I. Mu e, D. lcPhail. ROW 2: L. Wrif,!ht, C. unningham, :\1. Jcfferie., P. Phipp., ]. Patton, D. Kim. ey, . Ead.,]. Bowman, H. Grahm. ROW 3: P. fyrick, J. Battem, C. Walkup, F. Turpin, G. We t, P. Ellsworth, D. Hitt, ~1. Turner, ]. Kahler, R. Wagner. ROW 4: L. Bruton, . Wells, D. June, A. ~loodie, R. cott, T. Demopolos, L. Wil on, C. hick, V. Hrbacek, K. Wilson, J. Roederer, W. Poett. ROW 5: K. OJ on, M. Coffman, L. Hick, L. lame , P. lone , B. Pelton, ~1. Haney, l\1. Valentine, L. Roberts, R. Greer, D. Mitchell, R. Reid, L. Rodger .
GREAT BOOK CL B con~i t of the fifth hour Great Book cia which mended hy their junior Engli h teacher. ::\li s :\lartha Truax i the ponsor.
open only to seniors who have been recom-
Great Literature Inspires Groups The Great Book lub wa formed to ,timulate e t in the world' great literature. Bu ine matter during cia time; the meeting are on a call program feature guest peaker 'vho, in turn, di cu ion e ion .
active int rare handled ba i . Club lead p ial
Open to all library aide i member hip in the Library lub. Book review , which feature a ocial hour and trip to other librarie to see how they are organized, compo e the agenda of club meeting . 1embers attend di tri t and tate library meeting .
Con idering which great cia. ~ic they shall undertake next are David Hume and Judy Floyd, members of the Great Book club.
LIBRARY CL B-ROW 1: Ladeana Bullock, Gloria Ka per, teve Reev . ROW 2 Mrs. Alma Doughty, pon or; Cheryl Leever, Kathy Bond, Judy l\Iahan, trea . Mrs. Ethel Gay, pon or. ROW 3: Paul :\las in gale, Cheryl t. Dizier, pre . Tom Townley, Doreen horts.
GER:\1A CLUB-ROW 1: H. Rothenbusch, U. Rothenbusch, R. Fagin, J. Vandenniewenhof, 1. Morris, M. Ei chen, J. Houchin, .Miss Kendall, pon or, C. Riley. ROW 2: T. Zinn, W. Rothenbusch, L. Clark, H. ~Iurphy, J. Franklin, D. Roesch, J. Runka, B. mith, G. DeWoody, . Woodward, L. Knox, T. Dlack, P. Woods, J. Warren. ROW 2: l\1. Lappin, B. Duncan, . Manske, J. Rutland, R. Wolf, F. Gagliardi, F. teele, ~1. Vanl\leter, P. :\Iiller, . oble, B. elhy. ROW 4: T. Green, C. Carroll, A. Meadows, . Helfer, D. Smith, G. Elkins, R. Owen , C. Bay, D. Daniel, J. Cobb, D. Ryan, D. Ricker, .M. Charleston, C. Hay. ROW 5: R. Wiedemann, J. Ukena, K. Parri h, J. Sherrill, D. ~ chultz, D. Hinkle, D. Kyle, ~1. Traska, R. ~tanner, T. Zinn, B. Hankinson, J. :\Ioore, W. Cooter, D. Chew, J. Cox, J. Baurnhaft, B. Brown, K. ~lartin, B. ilson.
Andrews Heads Non-Democratic Club Member hip in the German Club is open to all student enrolled in a German cla or tho e who speak the lanauage. To promote under tanding of the culture of the German people is the purpo~e of the club. It giYes those intere ted an opportunity to u ~e the German language during discu ion groups where only German is spoken. Being the only non-demo ratic club at WC, the Ru sian Club has a three man ruling body known a the Troika. ince all member belong to the third hour Ru ian cla , meeting are held at the cl e of cia whenever nece sary. On December 30, a five cour e Ru ian meal \\a prepared and ~ened at Mr. ndrew ' hou e. It wa decided that eYeryone preferred merican food.
R lA CL B-ROW 1: . K ing, C. Riley, J. Phinney, ~1r. Andrews, sponsor. ROW 2: J. Gillespie, i\l. Lappin, B. Daniel, J. Menninger, A. Anderson. ROW 3: D. haw, T. Knox, M. hultz, N. Hebi en, C. t. Dizier, C. Elder.
J lOR CLA ICAL LEAGUE- ROW 1: K. Li• , pres.; D. Pape, v. pre . ; C. t. Dizier, ec.; C. DeuLch, trea . ; T. Steer, parl.; M. Barker, his!. ROW 2: G. Parker, R. Mauldin, G. Gram, J. Thomas, K. Ball, A. orthrup, L. Cordell, J. tewart, K. Cooper, F. Brewer, L. Knox, C. Teets, D. Liss. ROW 3: J. Bartu ch, L. Bateman, D. Gray, G. Davi•, . Burnet, A. Bell, M. Ray, B. Abram<, J. Floyd, D. teer, B. Cox, L. Herring, C. Junk, K. Aren. , Mr . Wilma Bird, spon or. ROW 4: . Hebi en, V. Brewer, E. Cline, J. Hinton, C. Jenning•, J. 1arr, M. Milburn, M. Iangeland, P. O'Dell, P. Powell, V. Lout, K. Phelp<, D. Michael. on, K. Thoma on, Mrs. Janie Creekmore, spon or. ROW 5: D. Templin, . owlen, B. Babcock, A. Loeffler, M. Blakey, D. Payne, G. :\lcCrigbt, C. Bu.ey, J. cudder, J. Oden, L. Brock, J. hoot, R. David n, C. Bruton.
Ancient Culture Absorbed by JCL Junior Ia ical League memb r mu t be currently enrolled in a Latin cia. or have completed two year of the language. Purp e of the chapter i to encourage an intere t in an appreciation of the civilization, language, literature, and art of ncient Greece and Rome.
Making ure that slaves Becky Davis and Bob Adams remember their stations are plebians Olivia Maupin and Mike Pearson.
Highlight of the year i the Roman banquet February 15, where tudent in fir t vear Latin cia e fill the role of lave . econd year tud~nt provide the entertainment, and third and fourth year tudent act a Cae arean noble .
"Let me have men about me that are fat. He thinks too much; such men are dangerous." Julius Cae. ar (Ken Li. ) . mile maje tically at hi ubject Carol Teet at the JCL Roman ban· quct February 15.
11 3
CJE 'CE CL B-ROW 1: L. Knox, C. Sommerfrucht, U. Rothenbusch, C. 1cCants, J. Gillespie, J. Stewart. ROW 2: R. Despain, T. Boyle, S. Graber, G. Parker, J. Points, A. Ayers, C. St. Diz.ier. ROW 3: T. Brown, sponsor, T. Green, G. beer, D. 1\Iichaelson, 1. Ferguson, I. Nichols, K. Keith, M. Kirchner, G. DeWoody, F. Plater. ROW 4: L. Roth, l\1. Pear on, C. Bay, D. Pape, T. Zinn, L. Walker, B. Hankin on, J. Coppock, 1. Rapp, A. Loeffler.
Sl<illed Technicians RADIO CLUB-ROW 1: M. Black, K. Miller, L. Knox, J . Hays, M. Pearson. ROW 2: R. Lynn, J. Gerke, C. Hafen, P. Bierman.
ELECTRO IC CLUB-ROW 1: C. Hafen, M. Black, R. Bell, D. Knox, P. Bierman, G. Pape, R. Dutton. ROW 2: Mr. Carpenter, sponsor, J. iegel, 1. Wyche, B. Corbin, J. Fallin, T. Griffith. ROW 3: P. Tiernan, G. Varner, T. Reye , . Dupree, F. Roller, H. Luster. ROW 4: B. Keen, K. Barnum, P. Smith, L. Bell, B. Bender, M. Dougall. ROW 5: J. Thompson, B. Williams, J. Elliott, M. Jones, F. Yaeger, J. Satterlee, J. Lytle, M. Me att.
E tablish d to familiarize opportumlie in aeronautic Vi it to aircraft production F.A.A. training center con members.
students with the variou wa the Aeronautic Club. plant , control towers, and titute the program of the
Electronic Club preoent its member with challeng in problem \\hich would be met in indu try and re earch. :\1ember of the club vi. it F. .A. electronic in lallation , and have peaker who pre~ent idea ranging from algebra to computer programing. Available to those intere ted in cience i member hip in the cience Club. With common intere t behind them, students meet in pecial group such as photography, chemi tr}, phy ic, botany, and zoology. Field trip and pecial guest peaker , uch as Detective Bill Mize, who poke on dope addiction, are a part of the extra activitie enjoyed by it member . Organized expressly for those tudents interested in communication and the mechanic of the radio is the Radio Club. With their own radio tation at their di ¡ po al, members are able to communicate with people all over the United tate .
Train for Space Age
AERO A TIC CLUB-ROW 1: P. Knox, rna cot; J. Hoover, pres.; ;\f. Willard, v. pres.; W. Filippo, ec.¡treas. ROW 2: G. Johnson, S. Manske, J. hrode, G. ;\leeker, D. Knox, H. parks. ROW 3: Mr. Conger, sponsor, D. Garrison, A. Polson, J. Fowler, C. Pierce.
Broadca ting from WC's own radio tation, call letter W DFH, are Clif Hafen, Paul Bierman, Laura Knox, Jim Gerke, and :\like Black.
11 5
J\:\E H.\:\"NA D.E. Prince
B Y LA 'GLEY D.E. Prince s :.\1!
J :\ICE JA:.\IE D.E. Princes
JlDY :.\liTH D.E. Queen
D.E. Members Earn While They Learn Di tributi\¡e Education afford tudents the opportunity to learn marketing, ales and services. Between classroom work and on-the-job-training. tudent are able to prepare for the re. pon ibilities of employment. \lember of the DE club pre_ented an all- chool fa hion how December 7 in "hich _enior and juniors modeled clothe -from se\eral exclu iYe shop . Taney Mcr\'ew and Terry eldon narrated the show which included travel cene . Bet\\een the scenes noYelty number were pre ented
by member of DE. The annual Employer-Employee banquet was held February 12 at Val Gene' . Mis Judy Kay mith was pre ented as DE queen. The tate conference \\a held in Oklahoma City the fir t weekend of March at the heraton Hotel. lorthwest' chapter received an award for out tanding achievement. ~1i Karen Baumann i the pon or.
Jerry Avant Karen a Boyle Jane Hanna John Haye Diana Horne Janice James Jimmy Kiser
Bunny Langley Kay Lent John Loveland Ronnie Owens Pam Pierce am tow Mike Zachritz
Each year an award i pre~ented to the outstandin11: tudent in Distributive Education for leader,hip and scholar,hip. Instructor Karen Baumann present a plaque to enior John Loveland, recipient of thi year' award.
J. Loveland Tapped for Top Award ewly reorganized thi )ear i the 20th Century Homemakers Club. Beginning with a con titution committee, headed by Donna chmidt and Jeannene Jenkins, members rewrote the con titution and had it approv d by tudent Council.
With the purpo,e of encouraging intere t in a home economi career. and preparing for family life, program were planned in all pertinent area
TWE TIETH CE T RY HO:\IE.\IAKER ROW 1: B. \lontl!:omery, L. William , P. Hall, L. Tubb, E. Trout, B. ~elby. ROW 2: .\1. :\leek, ]. Boise, . oble, C. Wetwiska, K. McCullouj!:h, J. Jenkins, D. chimidt. RO 3: :\Ir,. Esther orton, spon. or; .\Irs. Treasure DeJa,haw, spon or; B. Barbee, E. Cordon, C. Bin11:ham, P. Toneli , J. Pin,onneault, . Brooks, .\Ir,. Ramah .\[iller, spon or.
lr. Horace Brooks, ponsor Macâ&#x20AC;˘al Bog{!s Betty Brumley Jim Dill Allen Elledge Jimmy Furna. h
Ronnie Gee Margie Haney !ike Jack on Allen Jacob Jim Koel ch Karen :\lain
â&#x20AC;˘ lary McLellan Fred Meyer Gary Miller Larry Oliver Joe Pemberton Don Pennington
1ike Phillips Margaret Ryan John toll Paula Turner John Wyatt
l(aren Main Selected T & I Sweetheart The Trade and Indu try Club wa originated to help train tudents for future job and promote a better relation hip between the employer and the employee. mong it activille thi year wa a fall dance, where Karen Main wa elected weelheart. February 26 the club held it annual Employer-Employee Banquet. trip to Okmulgee to vi it the Oklahoma Technology In titule was made in the pring. The stale weetheart \\a el cted and award were given to the out tanding tudents of the year. l\1eeting are held once a week during cia ; pecial meeting in the form of breakfa t are at near-by re taurant . Di playing the wheel con tructed by T & I student Paul Bierman, are Paul, Karen Main, club weethcart, and Mr. Horace Brooks, instructor.
BA D GIRL -ROW 1: Barbara Pearce, pre .. ; Mary Brummitt, v. pre~. ROW 2: :\Iary Jean Larason, Ginny ch er, ancy Petty, Carole Meeker, Joan Johnson, :\1ichaelyn Barker. ROW 3: Rhonda ammons. Alyson Hall, Max Anna Hinde., h~ron William , ancy Block, Janie Bernard, Anita orthrop. ROW 4: Etta keen, heila Corter, Judy Cole, Peggy Dame! , Barbara Woolman, Charlotte anders, \Iartha leek. ROW 5: '\1elody Hutchinson, Linda Poage, Dale Little, Barbara Anderon, Carol Reinke, Diana Wil on, \lis Jo Alic Hendrick, pon or.
Band Girls' Prexy Rates Queen Title Purpose of the Band Girl i to promote friendlines and a cooperative .pirit among memb r of the band and orche tra. Their project thi year included paper drive and bake ale to rai e mon y for their annual weetheart BalL February 2. Member al o helped on committe for the dance.
Meetings of the Future Teacher of merica an wer the problems and que~tion of tho~e planning to enter teachin"' a a career. The state meeting i alway well attended by delegate from ' WC who are ea"'er to know more of the profe ion they hall oon enter.
FUT RE TEACHER OF A:\1ERICA-ROW 1: Mr. Gerald Jeffries, sponsor; Becky Thaler, Pam lark, Pat y Walter , Iiss Beth We t, sponsor. ROW 2: Gayle Younghein, Cheryl ommerfrucht, Jane Gille. pie, John Coppock.
Publications Pacl<et
"We have found a perfect story!" agree reporters Ruth ren , :'\1ary True, Barbara Bi~hop, and ancy Farmer. ta££ members reread each i. ue of the hield looking for mi take .
"This lead lacks tu·o 'tt's and an 'h' !" Le lie Buchwald, Times corre pondent and Eleanor ,Palo, hield editor, di~cu a story.
Communication i a wide field with new promi_e . There i a great demand for proficency in communication skill in the pre ent profe ional world. student journali t , hield Laff member feel Lh )' have be n a ignificant part in making hi tor} at ·we as well a recording it. Qualities of respon ibility, accuracy. and If-reliance d veloped in journalistic endeavors are invaluable in all future puruit . taff members gained in piration from attending tate and national conferences. Thi year publication packet ale reached an all-time high at we a 2100 tudent paid ix dollar for the Round Table and hield. "You have to learn to read before you can write." Fir t year journali. m tud nt paper for story ideas. In the ~pring this class produced a hield.
read exchange
Sales Reach All-Time High
Adverti ing manager , Lynne Reynold and Mayre roll., confer with photographer Bill White on advertisement for the hield.
"Please, Johnny, I'd rather do it myself." Freddy Fehr, hield port editor, encourages Johnny Gatlin, bu ine, manager, as they hang a mixer promotion poster. ¡
Quill and croll is an honorary a ociation for tudent enrolled in any phase of journali m, art, or creative writing. They mu t be at lea t a junior and maintain a B average throughout high school. ociate member hip are available to tudent who have worked in a pha e of journali m. The ;we chapter, named after Don Blanding, Oklahoma' po t laureate, is affiliated with the national organization. Quill and croll produce an a embly during ational ewspaper Week. Initiation wa held pril 23.
QUILL AND CROLL-ROW 1: Diane Morelock, Alice Hiniker, Linda Ridgeway, Janey pear, hirley Polk. ROW 2: haron Ead , Le~lie Buchwald, Jane Bowerman, Mary True, El a nor Palo, Barbara Bi hop. ROW 3: Jennifer Lamb, Bob Cockerill, l\Iarty ewell, Jim :\1oore, Johnny Gatlin.
Journalists Portray
"F areu:e/1 to OKC !" These member of tl1e yearbook and new paper taffs traveled to Chicago during the Thank giving holiday for the annual ' PA convention: (Bottom to top) Lynne Reynold , Jennifer Lamb, :\!arty ewell, Della Filson, Venita Bettinger, l\!ayre Crotts, Judy herman, Jane Bowerman, !iss Linda kidmore ( ponsor).
"Film? What film? I haven't got any film!': Round Table photographers Bill White and Phil lots of problem~.
hield and utton have
FJA-ROW 1: Jennifer Lamb, Diane ::\lorelock, Linda Ridgeway, hirley Polk, Eleanor Palo. ROW 2: Patty Hopkin , Judy Sherman, Chris White, Janey pear, Gina Pan~ze, uâ&#x20AC;˘an Fulton, Freddie Fehr, Debbie Thomp on. ROW 3: Jane Bowerman, Venita Bettinger, Connie Montgomery, Jan Crawford, Julie Thompson, Lynne Reynold , Judy Dunham, Phil utton, Gary Bouteller. ROW 4: Chuck Bay, Ronnie eL on, Leslie Buchwald, Barbara Bi~hop, Laird Hull, Della Filson, Marty ewell, Pev:gy Palo, Mrs. Burdette. ROW 5: Chuck Chamber, Joe Pemberton, Jim ::\loore, Mary True, Bob Cockerill, Bill White, Tom Mann, tan ewell, 'ancy Farmer, Larry Karns, teve Herndon.
Activities and Personalities of Year at NWC
Pondering the technical a~pect of new and old yearbook ar Janey hirley Polk.
lice Hiniker, Gina Pan. ze, and
Future Journali t of America Pres card IS a ticket to the front of the line at many important event . FJA is compo ed of all intere ted journali m tudent . It forward intere t in career in all fields of communication a well a tre ing the journali tic principle of truth and repon ibility. Future J ournali t attend Oklahoma City Interschola tic Pre s ociation monthly dinner meeting with club from all city high _ hool . Meeting feature peaker and counelor \\ho di cus. journali m a a career. tate meeting are held in conjunction with the OIPA meetings in the fall and pring on the OU campu . Round Table taff member learn that when "it' got to be done, it' got to be done." Meeting deadlines with pages filled with intere ting, unu ual picture , parkling copy, headline that count out, and compo ing difficult picture chedule and clear cutline i no ea y task. The high tandard of WC' fir t rate book mu. t be met and excelled each year. Working on thi ever-growing publication i a challenge to the taff member who has a trong desire to give omething of him elf to hi school. A feeling of ati faction and plea ure is derived from the realization that one ha made a Ia ting contribution to 0VC.
eeming to enjoy their work ar s ction editor of the 1963 Round Table ; Jane Bowerman, Della Filson, Jennifer Lamb, Diana William., and Judy herman.
Pep Clu o can point to , oth r than orthw ::.t lassen, that boast - over on thousand acti e pep club m ho loyally upport all::. hool athletic e\ nh? Pep lub prom -.al to the annual prep pr ,j w, s ll prop:ram at all game..;, and pro ide pe butm~tn"tJ us , kits, for pep assrmhli . yp:neh honor the football boys at a dinner-dance in ; Coronet · fete ha ·kethallcr in \1ar h. Th two cluh · alternate in ho ting the p pi nic. oach - pr -.;ent lellcr to athl tc at th s function. The Pep Coun 1l d of ffi l"i of the four p p clubs, plu faculty ::.pothor • and cheerleade meet to determine and regulate club policie -. ourt Je::.tcr wa - e. tabli hed for p I pirit and training che rlead r-.;. Pep I point to th ir che rl ad r \\ho kn \\On Iirst p1a t\\O con-.;ecu· ti e ea at the ·ng clinic at
another ) ear come. to a , ot<illll(~· 'l~'\ ing that their achie\emen their high !'tandard5. Fir~t cam ygnet · were ned sport!' queen in an all-
pring Cygnetg host d th • wimming «olf, tenni , and wr stling t
·am ..
Cindy Che nutt Pre ident, fir l eme ler
C. Wolff Vice pres.
C. Ice Sec.
B. Reese A sist. sec.
K. King Treas.
•. Hehi en Chap.
J. Buckner
K. Earnest gt. at arms
A. Hall Sgt. at arms
L. Henderson gt. at arms
T. Elli Cheerleader
J. owlin Cheerleader
B. Walk Cheerleader
V. chwab gt. at arms
gt. at arms
1. • pear gt. at arms
A. Kraft Asst. treas.
J. Jenkin Par[.
H. MacKcllcr gt. at arms
need Hist.
L. \line gt. at arms
uram D. Acree
B. ndcr,on D. Ar~o C. A rttâ&#x20AC;˘rburn
J. Austin L. Au,tin V. Au-tin
"Come on, >-'all YELL!" i a most fami liar cry to loyal Kn igh t and Ladie who attend early morning pep ra ll ies.
]. Baitusch B. Baker . Baker
P. Baker
J. Ballew :\1. Barker
I eep !(night Lore Bright
ROW 1 : T . Barne., . Barnett, K. Barrell, E. Barron, K. Bec k, . Bell, ' . Belt, \[. Benn ett, K. Be r~, . Berg, J. Bergqu ist, J. B rn ard. ROW 2: V. Bettinger, L. Bickford, M. Billingsley, B. Bishop, L. Bishop, S. Black, . Block, V. Boaz, S. Bomar, B. Bond, J. Brown, 1. Brown. ROW 3: L. Buchwald, K. Buckley, C. Burnet, M. Burton, K. Bond, S. Bowerman, . Bradshaw, H. Brand, P. Breitschuh, F. Brewer, V. Brewer, J. Brown.
ROW l: R. Burton, D. Bu ch, . Butler, L. amferdam, ]. armony, J. Car on, L. Casey, V. Caudill, . Center, L. Chamber , . Charle , C. hatham. ROW 2: J. herry, .M. Chroni ter, :\I. Clark, G. launch, E. Jig , ]. oil, P. Collin, K. Compton, B. Cooley, D. Cooley, L. Cordell, C. orneli on. ROW 3: ~¡ orter, V. Crea ey, :\I. CrolL, P. rott , . Crumpler, :\1. Daily, P. Daniel , B. Davi , D. Davi., D. Day, J. Demar~!, l\1. DeWolfe.
Banquets to Bus Trips
. Dicker on D. Dockrey P. Doll D. Donee!
K. Downum B. DuBoi P. Dudley . Duncan
f. Eagin
A. Eaves C. Eckel
J. Ellison
E. . C. , .
Eng! Ewing Farha Farmer
"I wish I was going on the Falcon bus." Cygnets clamor for on bus to the Enid game.
B. Fehr A. Fl'rry J. File D. Filon
L. . C. C.
Findley Fitz Flournoy Fonvielle
\!. Fo~tcr A. Fredt•rici ]. Friend , . Garrett
L. Gatewood . Ge~ford ~- Gibbs !:--. Gilbert
Cygnets Lead a Busy Life
" o that's hozv you spell Cygnet." Freshman Debi Thompson, Cygnet flap; bearer, i learninp; orne· thing everyda).
ROW 1: J. Gil•on, K. Goldman, E. Gordon, H. Graham, G. Gram, D. Gra}, . Green, L. Griffin, J. Hada'l\a), P. Hall, :\. Hanchette, J. Hanrat). ROW 2: ::\1. Hanraty, C. Hansen, . Hare, J. :\1. Harris•, J. . Harri", T. Harq, . Hatter, A. Hawkin•, B. Hawkin•, . Hendren, ::-. Hendrick., E. Henle). RO 3: P. Herd, L. Herring, D. Herrmann, L. Hicock, V. Hildebrand, C. Hill, L. Hill, ::\1. Hinde~, A. Hiniker, B. Hite, D. Hitt, S. Hodge•.
D. Iloldrwr C. llomse} P. Hopkins \1. Hou•c
J. Kahler
J. Kahler \1. Kalkur •. Kasper
. Keil
P. Howard ~1. Huckabee J. Humphrie .\1. Hunt
K. Kt>ll} ~. Kent
L. Hunter L. January K. Jenks J. Jerlow
D. Kim<:ey . King . King \1. Kn,c,ek
G. P. . D.
J. ·. . L.
Jone Jone Jones June
K. Keith
Kostcd Kwisto Lambert Lamgford
ROW 1: J. Law, V. LeForce, D. LeGate, K. Lewi~. ROW 2: F. Liebman, L. Lind. ay, D. Little, C. Litton. ROW 3: V. Lout, C. Luca., C. Luckan, D. Luttrell. ROW 4: L. Lutz, J. ~1ahan, J. ~larr, L. '\lar,hall.
" orne circus-four after-dinner speakers!" enjoy them elves at the Cygnet Banquet.
Cygnet,, football players, and
s \Iar,hall ~1artin
] . \!orris B. :\1uzny C. , ·eal
B. \lauldin P. \la)ficld . \lc rear)
. \Ic Farland ]. McLure S. \lc \1ahon . \leek \1. \lt·ek
M. t'l-on I.. • t•ph • 1 orthup
:\1. :\lilburn A. \Iiller C. \lillcr :\1. \liller V. \Iiller
•. :-i<m lin
K. Offutt K. Ol•on
B. \Iontgomery K. \lontgomery E. \looney . \Ior~an L. Morin
Welcome Grads
"Eterybody on a number." The p p club ~ection \\as a \Cry impre,,i,e •ight to those itting on the ea t id of Taft tadium at the Homecoming game a Cygnets spelled out ''\WC.'
K. 0', hea . OH:•rman P. Palo
G. Pan•zc D. Parmeter . Pate
. Patter-on T. Payne B. Pearce " ow this is our plan of attack .... " Cygnet ~pon. or :\fr~. Gay, ~lr•. Willingham, :\1r . Findly I head •pon. or), ~1i~ Coffey, and :\1rs. \lcLauren make plans for the ygnet Banquet. ot
~ . Pear•on ~1. Pedigo
J. Petty
. Petty D. Peyton D. Phillip
Cygnets Give Cindy
A. Phinney K. Pierce J. Pitts
. Pojezny . Polk L. Ponder
D. Pound P. Powell C. Prevett
:\1. Prevett L. Price J. Prince
ROW 1: \1. Pulling, ~1. Puttroff, . Raddi•, T. Ra~chke, .\1. Ray, L. Redlinger, K. Reiffe. ROW 2: . Reinke, . Reynold, B. Richard , P. Robert., . Robin on. V. Rochelle, T. Rodger_. ROW 3: . Roederer, C. Rogers, J. Rogers, T. Rogers, B. Rollow, L. Ro•ser, J. Ru~•ell. ROW 4: . Rutledge, A. R)land, B. Scott, R. cott, R. eehom, . eaman, E. hadid.
ROW 1: . heehan, K. hephard, ]. herman, L. im , L. • mall, B. mith, M. mith, M. • mith, C. ne d, L. meed, B. out hard. ROW 2: J. pencer, C. tammer, C. tan~el. . teinbock, A. teph, L. tephens, . Steven~. P. traley, . ' wartzendruber, . w1gert, C. Taylor, M. Taylor. ROW 3: C. Teets, L. Terry, B. Thaler, J. Thamas, D. Thomp~on, D. Thomp on, K. Thomp•on. C. Tollt>, . Tomberlin, P. Tonelis, R. Travi. ROW 4: . Tuley, J. Turner, D. Vaden, :\1. Valentine, . Vinson, L. Wade, L. Wade, P. Wade, F. Wallen, . Walling, D. Wandel, C. Weber.
a Proud Possession
Di playing her new trea ure i Cindy Ch nutt.
ROW 1: P. Weber, , . Web ter, . Wells, . White, J. Wilker ·on, \ I. Willett. ROW 2: D. Williams, L. William_, ]. Willingham, D. Wilson, L. Wilson, J. Winkle. ROW 3: M. Winkler, . Woodward, J. Wooley, B..Woolman, J. Wright, D. Wycoff.
:\liss Barbara \Iuzny Fa/con Queen Mi<:s arol mold Fa/con Princes
:\'li" Ruby Ac:kin Falcon Prince s
Linda Gatewood Fa! con Princess
:\'lis. Jeanene Jenkin Falcon Prince
Falcon i a familiar name to orth,\est Cia . en Kni"'hl and Ladi s. Falcon , hunting bird of \1ccli '\al time , were remarkable for ability to oar high and alway capture gam . PI dge ea on found thirty¡eight n w mcrnh r being initiated at the annual in. lallation dinner on 0 lob r ~0 in the ocial Center. Jim John on. :\orthwe t las_en' a. sistant principal, wa "'Ue t peak r. D ember 22 marked the 1962 high point in Falcon ocial actintie with the coronation of Barbara \1uzn). club queen. Jim Troxel, pre ident, did th honor and pre. nted Barbara with a white c~t bearing the Falcon emblem. Falcon prince.. e are Carol rnold, Ruby kin., Linda Gatewood and Jeanen Jenkin .
Jim Troxd Pre ident, fir t seme ter
T. Zinn
M. Eiâ&#x20AC;˘chcn Treas.
J. Houchin
J. Bond
]. Marr Sgt. at arms
B. Whit Vice pres.
G. Howard Jr. sec.
C. McCulley gt. at arms
Rathjen Par/.
]. Tatum gt. at arms
Falcons Tal e Inter-Club Title
RO'I 1: J. Baumhaft, T. Boggs, . Brown, J. Clark, B. ole, T. ox, F. oy, T. Fczler, 1\.L Finucane, L. Fitz, R. Forbes, R. Holt. ROW 2: J. Jack•on, \L John<.ton, L. Karn., A. Loeffler, K. Long, J. \ !organ, R. \ 1ason, \ . \leadows, F. \longue, W. \!orris, C. oble, R. oble. ROW 3: B. OliYer, D. Pag:e, J. Pearson, ]. Pear on, ]. Peek, B. Pierson, G. Poteet, G. Power, K. Powers, B. chow, T. ewell, H. mith. ROW 4: ]. E. "rnith, J.. rnith, D. tallin!(•, G. Taylor, R. Teague, R. Thurman,]. Thom)Nm, ]. Wakher, D. Weibel, ~ . White, D. Witte, T. Zinn.
"We'll tdn- We'/1 tdn! Tr e'te neter done it before but rna) be thi time- ." the help of Falcon tackle Bill Wh ite and John Tatum.
nd they did with
''Coronet" wa cho en h l'ause of its a. sociation with in da}S of 1\.nil!hlhoo l. \1 er mall Cro\1 n worn to ignif} a mark of r The oronet Pep ub ne~er lacking. tlil ,oeme. ler activities f ur bu e and filled box lunche~ and O\ ereignt}
Kerr} William Pre ident, fir l eme ter
L. Griffin
l\1. Leugemor. Chap.
gt. at arms
::\1. \Iaddox gt. at arms
orick gt. at arms
K. !-.train Pari.
Learning Trea.
C. Riley gt. at arms
P. Rahill Cheerleader
C. Williams Cheerleader
"lf'e gire a pri:e for the biggest goo e bumps." :'\orthwe ... t at football games.
la•-en is proud of her prize-winning majorettes "ho bra\e the cold winds to twirl
Coronets Conquer Cold
ROW 1: L. \bramson, L. Aduddell, B. Afinowio, ~- \lien, R. Anneler, R. Arens, ]. rmstrong, ]. Askins, L. tchey, G. Ayers, ). . Ayer,, P. Baker. ROW 2: K. Ball, B. Barbee, C. Barclay, , . Barfoot, ]. Barkett, . Barlow, D. Barron, L. Bateman, R. Batter, D. Bay, B. Beebe, ~- Belcher. ROW 3: K. Benn!'tt, S. Bia•, T. Binswangar, T. Black, P. Blakley, L. Blalock, \1. Bogg-, :\Iarsha Boggs, P. P1lton, L. Bowell, .J. Bowerman, ]. Bowman. ROW 4: L. Brady, ~- Bramble, J. Breml'r, L. Bressie, E. Brogden, . Brooks, K. Brown, S. Brown, J. Buch, L. Bullock, •. Burch, P. armony.
ROW' 1: "· Cartt·r, L. Cu--idy, A. Chaney, ::-.. hatham, F. heatham, ] . Cheatham, J. Clara han, \1. lark, R. Cloud, J. ole, • . oilier, L. Colwell. ROW 2: K. Comh•, C. Coopt•r, L. Cornell, B. Cotter, C. Couch, B. Cox, J. Cox, T. Curtis, \1. Dakil, L. Dale, C. Daley, F. Daniel. ROW 3: .\. Daniels, .J. Dansh), D. Davis, C. Dawkin•, J. De ordo,a, . Denham, \1. De• hamp•, R. De Wolfe, L. Dicker-on, B. Di•hman, :\1. Dittman, E. Duckl'tl.
In Service Projects Are Bold C.. Duffy ]. Dugan K. Dunbar ]. Dunham
]. Dutton
J. Earne-t L. Ea,.ton P. Ehrlick
E. Elliott B. Elli•on :. Emenhi•er ]. Epper-on
·. E,eraard C. Farrell ~- Fauand ~- Fau•ell
"Oh please! It's the last one!" beg. :\!art} ewell as shl' trit•s to '-t•ll lwr lu-t basketball prol(ram to Jane Bowerman, a 'ister Coron l.
ROW 1: H. Fenton, V. :Field, K. Finch, C. Flemming, J. Flood, . Foster, . Fulton, P. Caddy, P. Gentry, . Co~s, E. Covin, C. Gravitt. ROW 2: D. Cra), . ,n't'n, ::-.. Green, .:. Griffin, L. Hale), II. Hammond, R. Hancock, . Hansen, B. Harkin~, K. Harp, A. Harris. ROW 3: K. Harry, P. Hart, L. Ha,hhargcr, II. Hendrick on, L. Henninger, L. llodge, D. Hollin"•orth, K. Hollis, P. Hollman, A. Hou ton, J. Howard, K. Hrbacek. RO\l; l: J. Jaroh-.on, L. ]arne-., . Jenning,, S. ]t''-St't', K. John on, R. John•on, ]. Jone,, L. Jones, S. Jones, J. Ju t, M. Kamp, D. Keen.
Have Sponsors G. Kell) J. Kt•nt C. Keoppe L. Kct<'ham
1. Kieftr C. Kin<'aid \l. Kir<'hner P. Klinkc,ick
T. D. L. B.
Knox Kurk Laird Langley
C. Land:wth R. Law C. Law,on P. Lawson
"It squirts!" Kerry Williams, president, pre~ents mum to Coronet sponsors: Mrs. Rippee, \Irs. Ecton (h ad sponsor), Miss Dill, \fr,. ammack, :\1is Taylor, and 1is kidmore.
P. Ledden L. Lct•ch J. Lehman . Lents
:\1. Leugcmor J. Lc,in B. L<·wis L. Loftis
\1. London 0. \1aupin B. \by K. :\lc andlc
R. \lcCoy D. :\lc ulley ~- \1cCu tllC'iOn J. \lcFarland " 'ew uniform, Charlie':'" Enid. 10
Coronets clown "hilc decorating bu
or trip
Coronets Will Travel
RO\\ 1: H. \lcGaughy,
. \leister, T. :\1elanson, l\1. Miles,
. :\1itchell, L.
. :\lontgomery, G. :\lontgomery, :\1. :\lontgomery, 'cal, . I'edbal k, . 'ewton, C. O'Brien, P. . Parrish, J. Patton, E. Pt>arct', P. Pear-on, B. Pelton, C. Phillip., lock,
J. ~forelock, J. Morey. ROW 2: J. !orris, D. :\lulligan, J. :\1urphy, J. Musallem, P. :\lyrick, O'Dt•ll, D. Oldham, L. Pais] y. ROW 3: E. Palo, G. Parker, G. Parnt>ll,
J. Phinney, P. PhiPP'·
1. l'i<·knt•,
J. Points.
;\I. Poland
.. Ht·ed
!->. Heed II. Heinlwimer
ll. He) nolds
]. Pollock ]. Pott'et
J. Pmn·ll
D. H ')nolds . Hicla·rt J. Hiclwrt K. Hi h 1
C. Pruitt . Puttroff \.Hac
J. Hile}
C. Hiley
L. Hom •rman ]. Hobert ·
:.\1. Hahill ~- Ha) J. Rector
. Robertson
P. Robin on H.
ammon ~ hccr
Coronets Cultivate Courtesy,
P. ::,chier D. ~chmidt ~- '-.eaman
haw hepherd heppard hick
hultz igmon ]. imonson :.\1. ims
"And I thought flag bearer was an honorary title." Charlott<• Denham discover~ that there i orne work imohcd in bcin~ oronet flag bearer.
ROW 1: B.• kagg~, J. mith, K. • mith, .• mith, T. ~ moliga. ROW 2: K. nell, K. ~nipe•, K. ~ park,, J. pear,:--. :-.tammer. ROW 3: J. Iangeland, P. teeds, S. teelc, T. t er, E. tcphcns. ROW -l: :--. te\cns, '\. Street, . ~wick, \1. . wift, J. Tayar.
ROW 1: ,\. Ta)lor, J. Ta)lor, "· Ta)lor, J. Thoma, D. Thomp~on. ROW 2: J. Thomp>on, . Thomp-on, P. Tomb r· lin, V. Vahlbt'fg, ..\1. Van \leter. ROW 3: J. Wad worth, ~ Walker, ..\1. Wandt>ll, ~- Webber, J. Web ter. ROW 4: L. Welch, B. Wendorff, K. Williams, K. \\ illiams, ~- Williams.
Cooperation and Capers!
"Are you sure this will turn out to be a shal.er?" Fr ,hmt>n Billie Dishman and Janie Rowton ex pre. s doubt as to their craft,man,hip at thl'ir fir-t 'hakt•r part).
ROW 1: •. William .. , . Wint, P. Woodward. ROW 2: J. Woolley, B. Worthing, J. Wright. ROW 3: J. I t>ap;cr, R. ·I eagt>r, . I t>hington.
\1i. Jane} p ar Lancer Princess
Mi, Barbra DuBoi Lancer Queen
Mi Carol Riley Lancer Prince
:Mi Rae Hancock Lancer Princess
Mis heryl King Lancer Princess
fi Cindy Pruitt Lancer Princess
Lancer launch d their year's acliVItJ~ with "due" ea on a pl dge carried book. and ran errand for memb r . ince JnilialiOn ceremoni O\. 19. former dues ha\e been lookina forward to next year wh n they can mak u~e of th ir pledginrr xp rienc . to help initial' the ne t pi â&#x20AC;˘dae cia . . In charge of the program for th homecoming pep a embly ov. 9, Lancer featured a mock f otball game in their annual caper . For the fir t tim ix in tcad of five queen candidate were ho en: Bar bra Du Boi , Rae Hancock. hery l King. Cindy Pruitt, Carol Ril y. and Jan y pear. arrying out a club tradition, queen hopeful entertained member and their date with a party at Quail Creek ounlry lub De cmb r l. Barbra DuBoi. \\a. cro\\ ned at the annual hri tma formal dance December 15. ft r reigning over the dance, Barbra wa gue t of honor at Lancer function thr ughout the chool year. Don Templin President, fir t seme ter
J. Warren Vice pres.
D. Hinkle Pari.
B. Porch ec.
C. Deutch Corres. sec.
D. Duncan Treas.
E. Bierman Chap.
B. Paddock gt. at arms
. Reeves gt. at arms
G. Maguire Pledge rna ter
J. Elliot Hist.
RO'\\ 1: T. Bacon, G. BcaH'r, J. Bookout, J. Booth, P. Bremkamp, D. apron, ~1. harJe,ton, J. lark, J. Dawkin., ]. Dixon, D. Dunlap, J. Dy. '-art. R0\'1; 2: J. Edward•, B. Eoff, S. Farha, J. Fleetwood, E. Haggard, D. Ilarri on, D. L e, D. Lyne, R. Lynn, V. McClanahan, D. Michael· •on, ]. \liller. ROW 3: R. ~lyer>', D. hipley, J. laughter, J. R. laughter, tamp,, D. ylve ter, T. Thoma., J. Thomp on, R. Van· \o•trand, R. Varner,].\'\; hite, D. Wh)tlaw.
Launch Homecoming Festivities
"Will the delegates please clear the aisles?" Lancers entertained Knight
and Ladie
at the Homecoming pep rally.
The Pep Council i compo ed of the four pep club president , their pon ors, and one other repre:- ntativ from each club. Thi group coordinate the effort of the pep clubs in e tabli hing and maintaining chool pirit and good port man hip. After careful reening by the pep club and tudent body, the hool's head cheerleader is finally I ted by pep council member. Court Jester wa organized by the cheerleader to promot better cooperation between pep club and cheerleader . Through extended practice, girl gain a thorough under. tanding of the hool yell . Member inter t d in becomina cheerleader are chooled in techniques of crowd control. Three girl are chosen by Court J ters every two month to lead cheer at B and C squad games. Each year the aroup pre ents a pirit Award to the tudent who did the mo t during the year to promote sport man hip and uphold chool pirit.
PEP CO Cit. ROW 1: C. Chestnutt, J. Musallam, L. Ledden, K. Williams, D. Kim y. ROW 2: . oble, ]. Troxel, Mi. Kathleen Owen, J. Warren, B. White. ROW 3: teve Elli , Linda kidmore, Glenn Rick , B.1rbara Cammack, Bill Hughes, Jeanne Rippee, Marvin Leach, sponsor .
P ep Council, Court 1esters Coordinate Clubs
OLRT JE TER ROW 1: L. Bi~hop, K. LewL, J. Turner, C. '\leek, D. Kimsey, M. E. mith, J. Rogers, . Ray. ROW 2: A. teph, G. Baber, . Gilbert, . Barlow, T. Ro chke, L. Rommerman, . brams, J. Wolley, J. File, J. Hanraty, B. Di hman, M. London, K. Comb, K. King. ROW 3: . Belt, . Kent, S. King, L. !\line, l\1. Pedigo, G. cheer, J. Levin, J. A kin, E. Shadid. ROW 4: . :McFarland, K. parks, L. Henninger, J, Thomas, J. Ko ted, T. Elli., Y. Ayer , T. Curtis, K. Fisher, N. Jordan, A. Ryland, J. Jacobson. ROW 5: . Puttroff, B. 1:ay, P. Roberts, G. Ridgeway, L. bram on, L. Camferdam, C. Reynolds, S. Walling, B. igmon, J. Petty, Linda kidmore and Jeanne Rippee, . pon ors.
pla , can gr at r opportunity b of porlsman hip ne d not be team play. s, p p ralli ~- aft r-gam mi et"", lllllli.r111HA W:Je.lt in the Knights' achiev m nt help
found to fo ter und r landverbaliz d-a common medp p lub me ting , bu ¡ trip..; d to mak thi an unforget-
the animation of confli t and the baring of anxiety that pell xcitem nt of th athletic vent- in Knightland will long b
"Coming through.'" :\W ' victoq over the Dougla~ Trojans wa~ a highlight of the football
Gridiron Team Produces Knight gridder delighted their fans by rolling into sixth place in tate AA tanding , second in Mid- tate conference, and fifth in United Pre International rating a they fini hed season play with a 7-3 record. Coach Harold Merideth was named Time coach of the week following the Enid game. Gil Wright and Gipp DuPree were selected for the All- tate team. Gipp wa al o named to the ll-City quad. Both boy rated ll-Conference honors along with Joe Dorman, Larry Robert and Jeff Welborn. TOT L GRID
CORER Wricrht DuPre B. Grimes Ackerman Klingsick \ielton Bu ey imon
"Dear, don't keep anything hot for after the game. We're going out to celebrate!" Coach :\1erideth check on the field phone for technical information.
- --- --- --
7 - -- 1 - 1
- --
-- ---
Total point by 'oW Total points by opponents Touchdown pa e Extra point pa ,e Touchdown run Extra point run Pas att mpt Completion ard pas ing Yard ru hing Total point pa ing ___ -------- ------ ___ _ Total point ru hing _
-0 0 --- 0
p T 17 1
TP 65 50 12 6
0 0 0 l l 0 ( afety)
6 2 2 2
175 99 2 2 22
67 28 422
20.'36 12 1~2
DO. 'k\EIL Left End
T0\1\IY THO\IP 0:\ Left Taekle
DRF.\\ ,\ KER:\IA.• ' Fullback
,JPP DuPREE Quarterback All-Conference All- ity II- tate
GIL WRI HT Left Halfback ll· onference II- tale
"All signals are go!" 'wift halfback Gil Wright di play excellent form as he carries the ball against the Enid Plain. men. Due to Gil's "educated to ," WC ambu h d the Plain. men, 7-6.
ew Coach Merideth
iW 53- ELK IT
Racking up an incredible total of 188 ) ard . the Knight opened their eason b~ trouncing the Elk ity Elk . 53-15. Led by Gipp DuPree. who cor d three touchdown , the Knight n \er let up in their fir t 'ictory of the , ea on for new coach Harold Merideth. By halftime the tally wa 29-7, and 1orthwe t Cia en \ta on it wa) to the final score equalling the W r cord for mo t p int in a game.
JEFF WELBOR:\ Left Tackle All-Conference
MIDWE T CITY 11- WC 0 n e timated cro,vd of 8500 looked on a the lidwe t Cit) Bomber hand d 1 WC a 1 J-0 clef at. umerou penaltie . fumble , and a pa interception hurl the Knight . The Bomber took advantage and outgained the maller Knight 285-177 yard .
·we 0 Harding' Eagles pounded out a fir t half TD on a quarterback sneak and made it stick, beating the Knight 6-0. Th Knight showed a potent defen e but an ineffective offen e.
H RDL G 6-
C PITOL IIILL 20- ·we 16 On a rain- oaked field, Harold M rideth and company dropp d their third traight game to the apitol Hill Redskin . The mo t outstanding play came when fullback Bill Grime campered 96 yard in the fir t period for a orthwe. t Ia s n touchdown.
"You don't get more than an inch." DuPree snags a Dougla Trojan behind the line of scrimmage while additional tackler~ are on tht•ir wa).
VAR ITY-ROW 1: Drew Ackerman, Gil Wright, Jeff W !born, Joe Dorman, arl Bu.h, Tommy Thomp on, Larry Roberts, Don fc eil, Gipp Dupree, Don Grime . ROW 2: Coach lay Davis, Mike Valentine, Jame !Hone, Rick imon, Tom Melton, teve Simmons, John White, Denni Klingsick, Dean Wertz, Buddy Field , i\lerrel Willard. ROW 3: Coach Jerry Hayne., Forrest Lorey, Tom olter, Jack Bruner, Larry :\IcCarty, Randy Fo ter, Andy Hu. ky, Terry eba, Roger Ki. e, Ricky Lang•ton, Jame :\lorri . ROW 4: Coach Harold Merideth, Jack Thomas, Gary Recer, Jim Carreker, Pat Bremcarnp, John Burrus, Bill Grime~, Larry :\Iclntire, am Rotan.
weat and Concentration W 9-Pt:T ~~ CITY 0 The Knight finally found the victory trail 0 tober 12, beating the Pirat 9-0. ft r a corele fir t p riod, Gil Wright broke the ice with a :~0-) ard run. The play wa et up b) a 32-) ard pa from DuPree to Don \1c eil. Wright also kicked a 31-)ard field goal. Thi \i tor) upped their conferenc record to 1-2. \IERRELL WILL RD Halfback
T0\1 OLTER Tackle
LARRY \lc 1\.RTY Halfback
DO. GRI\lE~ Halfback
iW 19 JOII M R H LL 12 John ~1arshall' Bear came into Taft tadium, undefeated, but left victim of a 19-12 defeat by the ambitious Knight . Offen ive wi e, orthwe t clicked a nevc:r before, mixing up a olid rushing alta k with powerful pa .. ing. It wa. on!) 7-6 in fm or of the Knight at intermi ion. but t\\O econd-half touchdo\\ n b) Wright and Grime put the game oul of reach. WC 17-DOUGLASS 14 WC up et the econd-ranked Dougla s Trojan , 17-14. Douglas tallied fir t in the game, but Gil Wright kicked a 16 yard field goal on the Ia t play of the fir t half. Ben Hart made it 11-3 on a third period touchdown, only to have a determined band of Knight come back with a pair of touchdown by DuPree and Grime • on four and three yard run . re pectively.
TERRY EB:\ Ri ght Tackle
"If I bile him, wonder if h e'll slop ?" Gipp DuPree hang
on to Ben Hart, fore tailing a Trojan TO with ju t ~ ix minute•, th irty-one •econds remain ing. The coreboard tell th e fin al glorious story: Kn if!hts 17, Tro jan 14.
JOH. WHITE Right Half
J\ K T H0:\1 Quarterback
Typify !(night ' Play 1
WC 7-E 'ID 6 On the strength of an Enid fumble and Gil Wright' golden toe the Plain men were defeated on their home fi ld, ~-6. Outweighing their maller opponent almo_t 20 pound per man. the Plain men cored fir t on a oneyard plunge by halfback Denny Krout. The try for the extra point failed and Enid led at the half 6-0. ·we cam out roaring at the tart of the e ond half as Bill rime ored after nid had fumbled the ball a' ay on their own 12 yard line. Wright then kicked the extra point and the Knights had pulled their third traight up t. WC 33-SHAW ' EE 0 1orthwest Clas en' offen e rolled into high gear and the defen e tight a hawnee' helple Wohe were downed 33-0. Coach Merideth hi b nch clean. and e' eral B- quadder got into action. Backfield had an ea y time of it a the Knight line opened gaping hole again inexperienced Wolve .
TEVE L\1\10 Fullback
ROGER KJ E Halfback
T0\1 \IELTO HaJfback
\:\0\ Hu K\ uard
held wept tar t the
WC 21- ORTHEAST 13 ortheast's or emen, underdog b} two or three touchdown , fell to a revived orthwe t Cia en team by the core of 21-12. Behind 12-7 at halftim , the Knight employed a ingle wing attack in the econd half, de troying orthea t' plan for an up t. Three men: Bill Grime , Ricky imon, and Gipp DuPree handled the Knights' econd touchdown, with DuPree racing the la t 35 yard . Gil Wright ored the fir t and third touchdown on a pass of 87 yard and a four yard plu!lge, respe tively.
"Get that man right there, right there!" time.
oach Merideth bark
in chalk talk at half
P,\ T BRE\1KA\1P Tarkle
\liKE VALE. TI E Guard
pirit and Morale High as All Squad
"Let go, Bud!"
WC gridder returns kickoff to the forty yard line again t the Trojans.
"Neter mind the rain clouds-keep doing tho e pushups!" Coach Paul Crowe commands the C- quad. Fre hmen build mu cle for the future on the practice field.
Exhibit Determination and Skill
"Long arms don't help!" Gil Wright boot the football a hi teammate block when Knights are forced to punt to hawnee on fourth down.
BILL GRI'\1E Fullback
.\RREKER Guard
JOH B RRI Left End
'·B" quad- ROW 1 (bottom): Gary harpley, Keith :\lartin, Jim Hill, Dick Rnd~er', Rex Hefley, Jerry Huddle ton, Roddy Gaddy, tc'e Carter, Da,id Rudolph, Brian !\laurer. ROW 2: tan hristian, Laird Hull, Dare II La,"on, Da~id a , Robin Raymond, Da~e Dougall, John ~pitler, Tim Guest, Tommy Cloud, D nnis Keirn, Jim tacy. ROW 3: Joe Ownbey, mp:r., Jimmy Fleming, Jim Clark, Bob te,es, Jimmy herrill, Jack kagg~, Danny hirley, Pat Reed, Don enter, Gray tkins, Chuck 'Yusson, Bill Willet, a si tant mgr. ROW 4: Coach Bill Parker, Gilbert keen, Bob asc, Willard Wood., Ru ty Christopher, raip: Buse), Wayne \ustin, Ernest Doling, Paul Wilkes, te'e Elder.
"B" Squad Compiles 5-3-l Record
"B""\W '\WC
6 12 26 36 g 12 11 21 20
\lid1~e. t iL) Harding Capitol Hill Carl lberl Thomas Putnam iL} John \Jar hall Grant enlral
'"B''-11 "B''- 0 ''B''- 0 " "- 8 ''A"-38 ~. . B~' 13 "B''- 0 '"B"'-12 "B" 20
The ··B''- quad compiled a 5-3-1 record: in man} of Lh ir game the) enco untered ''A"' squad" from opposing chool , but genera ll} the} played other "B" teams. Gary harp! } , Willard Wood , J rr} Huddl e~ ton, Da1 e Dougall, and Jim taq were ome of Lhe out tandin g pia) er on the quad.
" It takes two to tango!" A Harding Eap:le tries to dump Otto :\lerz on the turf.
"C" quad-ROW 1: D. Pear on, T. Payne, B. Welch, F. Davi•, C. Payne, B. Pace, R. Loeffler. ROW 2: D. imon, G. Booher, B. Hammack, L. Covin, D. Blaney, K. Trout, R. Morri. , B. Allen. ROW 3: J. :\torri•, J. Fagala, J. Henthorn, D. Bla chke, R. :\tim , B. amara, L. Holman, F. Ringwald, J. :\tar h, M. Davi , Coach Paul Crowe. ROW 4: A. Lukehart, E. Blalock, . Hughe_, J. l\1alonee, C. Ogden, J. Bado, W. Gary, 0. Merz, R. Roblyer.
"LI.ttle .rT.(ni·ghts"" F.llllS . h F.IrSt
The " '" quad football team, cono.1stmg of fre hm n and eighth grader from Taft Junior High, had a divided eason a they truggled through #the first four conte t · with a l-2-l record. However, the ''Little Knight '" recover d in time to win their remaining ix game and bring the title of ''Beo.t in Cit)'" to orthwe t las en. Highlight of th ea on wa the Ia en game in which the Knight wamped "Old Ia en" 31-6. Jarman and the '·Little Knight " then turned on a fin clef en ive duel '~ ith th final reading, 0-0. Douglas ' Trojan and outheast' partans then took turns beating the Knight in t\~O ucceo, ive week . Co. h ro'~ 's troop hit th come-back trail, ripping off five victorie · in a row to go into the la t game with rival Capitol Hill, with a record of 6-2-l. IIalfba k Allan Lukehart, guard Bobby Hammack, and tackle Boomer Pace shared tarring role as the "Little Knight " wer~ purred on to down Capitol Hill 11-6, in an important rivalry betwe n the Redo.kin and Knight .
"I want to change from the tango to the twi t." Lukehart, while a John \1ar~hall player han!!' on.
c·t 1 y
triving for tho e extra yards is Alan
ountry- ROW 1: Jim :1-iorgan, Jim Mar h, Chris Randall, Ron tt•ve Fondren. ROW 2: Jim Robin~on, Don Wallace, lui Keni~on, John Mar h, Bob Bender, Kenneth ROW 3: Phil Ryan, Eddie Miller, David Imle, "Ia) \lagnum, Paul Bogg. , Bill Jame~. RO\V"1: Bill urti•, Van Bumpa~, Randy Hall, Larry Hughes, Coach Leonard :.\larcotte, Don Dancy, Alan Loeffler.
ro• Countrymen _warm up for the the fairground~.
tate meet on their daily trek from
"A feast for the t·ictors, /ella ?" ma•cot Lana Lanolin , \\ho \\as re• p.m. traffic on :.\lay venue. nable Lana in oach :.\larcotte' back yard fence. Then it was time for the ~uest of honor? Roa t Lana Lanoline!
The top three CC.men re~t on ued by the team from the 5:30 to find her owner, the team kept until she tore down his cyclone end-of-the- cason barbecue. The
"Nozt for a short jaunt o ~er the countryside." Hill·and·Daler travel two mile in each meet. Competition i Knights' top three men; Chri Randall, Ron Ieven , and Jim far h.
trong among the
Conference Crown, Capture Two Trophie RO
0 !\TRY
eptember 11 eptember 18 ept mber 20 eptember 28 0 tob r 5 October 8 October 16 October 26 0 tober 30 • O\ember 3
I.W. I.W.
1 t pla e 2nd plac .w. 1 t place -.w.c. 1st place 5th place :\.W. \.W.C. 1 t place i'\.W.C. 2nd pla xw. 1st place ·.w. 1 t place 5th place \.
I VIT TIO 'AL :vlEET O.B. . :\1eet ll City Meet O.C. ·.Relay :\lid- tate Conference
WC' Hill-and-Daler ended the ro , ,; ountr~ ~ea<;on \\ ith a total of five win . placing fir t in four inter-city meet and \\inning the \lid- tate Conferen e championhip for the fourth traight ) ear. In th tat meet ovember 3, Knight came in fifth b hind three Tul a team and Oklahoma it)' la . en. Highlighting the ea on wa th capture of two trophies. one at the OC • ix-mile Invitational Rela), October 6, and anoth r at th all-city meet for winning the con· ferenc crO\\ n. Chri Randall turned in the )ear' fa~t st time. 10:56, for the Knight in th 11City \1 et. October 16, placing fifth. The top three men according to timing were hri Randall , Ron te,en", and Jim \1ar-;h. Oth r 1 tt rm n in ord r of achie' m nt were hri Keni on. Jim \lorgan, Bob B nd r, te\ Fondren, and Ronnie lc. eill.
"I tcish this stop u:atch would run," oach Leonard :\Iarcotte depict the perfec t coach ~· ith hi top watch, lip board, and ~hrill whi tie.
Basketball Squad Studded Returning only one letterman from the 1961-62 ba,.ketball team which \\on 18 of its 25 game , the inexperienced Knights managed to finish fourth in the ~id- tate conference. Returning tarter, junior Den¡ ni Kling ick, wa injured and aw limited action in ju t four gam , but with ophomores and juniors OC¡ cupying top po itions, pro pects look bright for coming year . Falling into an early lump, Knight basketballers dropped early verdicts to Dougla , Shawnee, and Enid. Both the Trojan and Wolv thumped WC on their home court , as enior starter Jim McCarty, Dan Marten , and sophomore Bill Grime had harp hands in the coring for the lo er . The Knight returned home, only to he defeated 61-55 by Enid's Plain men. Reeling off three con~ecutive \ ictorie on it home court. the Knight buried Midwe t City, Putnam City, "Look out for the bubble gum!" Knightland' Jay Hoberecht drives past Harding Eagles on the path to coring. Jim McCarty eem worried about the po ~ibilitie~.
"That '/lubber' really bounces you around." Allen .Eaker seems jet-propelled as he fights for the ball. Bill Grime and Jim Ikard appear shocked and urpri. ed by the action. "Think of it as a sugar cube." Roby David on tries out a new energy pill on team statistician, Ronald Fagin.
With Underclassmen and Capitol HilL re~pectively. Jim Ikard performed an oddit) in the P.C. game, hitting all but one hot, and winding up with 15 point . Putnam City' Pirat triggered WC' econd long losing streak, knocking off the Knights 55-52. McCarty tied. his ea on's coring high of 20 point in a losing effort. Dougla . hawnee, and Enid dethroned NWC for a econd time, with the 59-58 hawnee victory being the clo e t conte t. Dennis Kling ick' 14 point output and guard Allan Eaker' feat of gathering in ix point in two econd almost proved enough to up t the Wolves. NWC' Knight fell by the way ide to :Ytidwest City' Bombers. 59-53, and Capitol Hill Red kin knocked off ¡ the Knights 68-57 in the final two ba ketball encounter .
"! sure wish that basket would stop moving!" Jim Ikard ~hoot for a goal a Knights nip Harding, 40-38.
"Is that ref carrying a white cane?" Roby Davidson. team manager, li,tens intently to coach Van Pool during a time-out. DE
Inexperienced !(nights NWC' Knight repre ented the lid- tate Conference in fine t) le while winning _even and lo ing two in nonloop action. orthwe t Cia en, led by Jim ::\lcCarty' 15 point and 12 rebound beat orthea t' iking 11-30 in the ea on opener. The Knight then traveled to the Tul. a Hale Tournament where they suffered two traight defeat at the hand of Tul a Roger and Tul a W b ter. However, coach Don Van Pool' quad whipped Tul a Edi on 76-57 to capture eventh place. Tul a Edi on' Eagle lo t to the Knight for a econd time Dec. 15, being beaten 71-56 in the Eagle ' gym. McCarty and Hoberecht led the coring for the Knight . nother team of Eagle , Harding' , lo t via one and two point in two eparate game . Bill Grime . Dan ~arten , and Allen Eaker were big gun in the two game weep. E tabli hing a chool scoring record in a packed house, "orthwe t Cia en defeated Tul a Edi on 87-43. Leading 52-17 at halftime, Knights broke the record a sophomore Kenny Womack ank the final hi toric free throw . It was the Eagle ' third defeat at "WC's hand . NWC ended it non-conference action the arne way it tarted, conquering Torthea t 55-18 in the lo er' gym.
Jim McCarty wa selected for a po ition on the 1963 Mid- tate conference all-star ba ketball team. Coaches in the even-team circuit make the election for the Daily Oklahoman. "Take it like a man." Team captain for the 'orthea~t game, Jim McCarty i the fir t to break the purple and gold crepe paper hoop.
Coach Don Van Pool, clutching the familiar towel, ge tures broadly.
Plagued by Injuries, Illness, Finish Fourth
â&#x20AC;˘ Ill
A-~Q D B.\ KETB \LL TE.'\l\1-ROW 1: G. Kizziar, R. Roark, J. cult, B. Blackwell, G. Crum, . Eaker, J. Hoberecht, K. Womack. ROW 2: R. Fagin, tatistician; W. Austin, D. Martens, G. Roblyer, B. Grime,, D. Klin{!â&#x20AC;˘ick, J. Ikard, C. Jensen, ]. !\IcCarty, ;\Ir. Van Pool, coach.
"I don't belie~e it," say Dan !\Iartens, a he Ji,t n intently to _tatistic during a half-time in the dres ing room.
"You'll neter get it!" Bill Grime hold defen. ive player.
the ball out of reach of a
we we we we ;we we we we we we we we we we we ' WC
Q AD CHEDULE 43 Northea-t 35 48 Tul a Edi. on 43 39 Doug Ia 40 51 • hawnee 49 43 Enid 47 52 :\Iidwe t City 44 48 Putnam City 46 40 Harding 35 68 Capitol Hill 38 50 Putnam City 52 53 Dougla 46 47 , hawnee 32 43 Enid 51 40 Midwe. t City 28 55 Harding 36 52 Capitol Hill 35 27 Tul•a Edison 36
B- QUAD B KETBALL TEAl\1-ROW 1: Jim Barnard, mgr., Jack kagg., Dan Exte n, Gary Kizziar, Kenny Phelps, Kenny Womack, Larry Rhode , tan Davi . ROW 2: Mgr. teve Ritter, Keith Buchwald, John colt, Larry Brock, Carl Jen en, Randy Fo ter, Mike Tate, Wayne Au tin, Greg Crum, Robert Roark, Coach Jerry Hayne .
B-Squadder Womack Scores Points to Break
"Touchdoun!" ignals the referee. Randy Foster and a 1idwe t City player cramble for the "round ball." Gary Kizzar and Larry Rhode look confu d. "It's now or never!" The ten•ene• of the game enthralls B- quad Coach Haynes and manager teve Ritter.
·we w w we we we
C- Q AD B KETBALL TEA:\1-ROW 1: :\like Page, Dick Pate, Ronald Lawgon, Danny imon, Rod Covington. ROW 2: Terry Kendall, mgr., Dick elson, Jimmy :\Iosley, Lee WiJJiam, Larry Gatewood, David Gibbs, Chri Hughe., Robert Holt, Louie Holman, oach Haynes.
"C" Q 29 17 46 33 39 36 30 32 33 44
HED LE D • 'o rthea t Doug Ia i'iorthea t Putnam ity John :\Iar•hall Harding Putnam ity Doug Ia John Mar. hall Cia en
21 18 31 22 41 23 31 22 25 17
Coach Jerry Hayne commented that thi }ear' B and C squadder were notable for out tanding team effort. "The B team," Coach Ha)ne declared, "compo ed of ophomore mainly, were enthu ia tic, and good hu tiers." In addition to Ken Woma k, \vho made chool hi tory in the Tul a Edi on game, out tanding performance were turned in by Gary Kizziar, John cott, Mike Pate, and Carl Jen en.
{(nights' Scoring Record for Single Game
"No, no, you shoot at the basket!'' Larry Gatewood, in and up for a basket, but the ball's in backwards!
"Take it easy." Jimmy :\losley goe in for a Jay-up shot during a 'C' quad game with Dougla.s.
I night Wrestlers, In Tough Competition,
"Don't anybody mote. I dropped a contact." 'WC' wre tling team worh out in the wre~tling room in preparation for future matche .
"What a time to hold hands." Cipp DuPree work to score a take¡down on hi
Ia en foe.
"Ugh . . . dishpan hands!" Paul Elledge, Larry Palmer, and Bill Jame found it nece. â&#x20AC;˘ary to aid in the kitchen to speed up the chow line at the Geary Tournament.
Won Six Dual Matches Knight grappler , wr tling orne of the toughe t team in their hi tory , came through with ix win and three lo e in dual meet . Wre tiers opened the ea on again t tate champion John Mar hall, being defeat d 19-14. After that, Knight clef ated Putnam City, Ia en, Midwe t City, Tul a Web ter, Grant, and Capitol Hill, while lo ing to tillwater and orman. Highlight of the ea on wa the defeat of fifth ranked Tul a Warrior , 17-14, which boo ted WC' ranking from ninth to fifth place in tate AA. enior Jim Robin on et a new high of 90 in total point for the ea on while al o coring the mo t fall ( ix ) for thi year. He won 23 matche , lo ing only three; he was undefeated in dual meet . Van Bumpa ~ et orne new high tandard for sophomore , \\inning ix out of nine dual , and tying one. Bumpa won fir t place in five tournament before bowing to la t year' tate champion John Martin of Tulsa Edi on in the tate emi-final . Ile went on to place fourth in the tate and wa econd in team coring with 79 point . Junior Bill James placed third in the coring columns, with 55 point , and earned a third place medal in tate competition. The other three men who qualified for the tate meet were Gipp Dupree, fourth in the coring column (50 point ) ; rt outh, and Larry Hughe . Coach Leonard ~1arcotte and hi wre tling squad p nt a weekend thi , pring at Ft. Cobb.
"Oh, that greasy kids' stu//!" Knight matman Jimmy Robin~on, 106 pound~, who didn't lo_e one match in the dual m et, applies pre ur to pin hi opponent in the Grant match.
WRE TLI G TE i\1-ROW 1: Van Bumpaâ&#x20AC;˘, Jimmy Robinson, Phil Ryan, Larry Palmer, Bill James, Joe Ferguson, Dick Pounds. ROW 2: Ir. 1\farcolle, coach; :\1ark Geller, Art outh, Gipp DuPree, Larry Roberts, Don Center, Larry Hughe., Paul Elledge, manager.
"Oh, not again!" exclaims Coach !\Iarcotte with hi hands over eye . Bill James is using hi famous hold on Phil Ryan during a practice ession. Whenever Bill use a point.
this hold, hi opponent slip away and scores
Men Qualify for State Tournament
!embers of the wre tling team await their turn during a match: Art outh, Jimmy Robinson, Bill J ames, Van Bumpas, Larry Palmer, J oe Ferguson, Paul Bruner, Paul Elledge, manager; Larry Robert , Mr. Marcotte, coach; and Don Center.
o other Knil!htland team ha gone . o far with o few facilitie a. have orthwe t Cia en wimmer . Comin~ up hort on point only four time , again t Enid, 50-15; Harding, 59-36; and twice again t Ponca City. 55-10 and -16-10, the Kni~ht compiled a record of 10-1, outswimming Tul. a 1emorial, 49¡ ~6; Grant. 58-37 and 59-36; John \1ar hall, 57-38 and 55-32: Dou "'Ia . , 86-9 and 86-9; Cia n 50-15; Enid, 50-15; and Putnam City, 65-30. 65-30. Though outranked by Harding in ity, 89-79, Knight broke two citv record : Mike ri hoi raced to a time of 2:21.3 in individual medley_ be ting the former record of 2:27.1. Free tyle relay et a record of l: 11.3. be ting the former record of 1:56. Knight prang hack the following week to out wim clo -ranking rival Enid and win the \1id- tate trophy. Knight totaled 111 point â&#x20AC;˘ Enid 91, :\lidwe t City 31, Putnam City 31. apitol Hill15, and Dougla 2. ce wimmer Dave Whytlaw, fre hman, Jack Thoma , junior, and team captain Mike ichol , senior, carried the Knight into tate final ; Dave placing fourth in diving and Mike placing econd in 100-yd. butterfly. I o state ranker were 200-yd. free tyler Joe \1illar, Mark MeG , Thoma , and i hoi , placing fiftn.
"Don't you think ttoe look alike?" a ks wimming coach Paul rowe and "friend" as they watch Joe Millar and Jack Thomas attempt to practice in Knightland's only pool, the fountain.
Swimmers Break Two City Records
WI\f\Ul\G TEA\1-ROW 1: B. Case, T. Kalmon, D. :\lc lain, M. ichol~, M. Dougall, ]. Thoma , ]. \tillar, M. lcGee. RO 2: D. Dougall, . Rathjen, T. Green, W. Turpin, D. Elder, J. Blaschke, ]. !rich, D. Whytlaw. ROW 3: J. tacy, D. ~fitchel), D. Bla chke, R. Moffatt, G. mith, A. Loeffler, D. Pape, B. Pruitt, J. Griggs, Mr. Crowe, coach.
"Look out /or the shark!" With a sweep of hi• arm , Mike strate hi record-breaking butterfly stroke.
tag Jack Thoma•,
:\lid-~ tate free- t}le relay team, a
cond link in the \lark :\IcGee and
Joe :\1illar await their turn.
"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a Blaschke .. . ?" tretched out in a racing dive i Jon Bla. chke. Northwe t won this meet with John 1\Iar•hall, held at the 'orth•ide ''Y."
irhol demon-
Mid-State Trophy
"Oh, my aching back!" Dean McClain is the Knight's entry in backstroke comp tition. "All this fuss o~:er one little trophy?" This "One little trophy" i the :\lid¡ tate trophy won by WC wimmers at Dougla s, February 22. Who wouldn't want to show it off?
Claimed for Second Consecutive Year "Who drained the pool?" phomore David Whytlaw, Knight ' diving entry, soars gracefully through the air in a back layout.
"How did SHE get in here?" enior splashers are Jon Bla. chke, Ted Kalmon, :\lr. Paul Crowe, coach; Don :\1itchell, Rick Moffatt, Mike Dougall, Dean :\IcCiain, :\1ike ichols, and Don Pape.
"Dam grasshoppers." Shaping up the diamond is a traditional chore for fre~hman ba baller at
I night Baseball Team Fac d "Going, going, gone!" ger Bill Grimes goe
ophomore lugfor broke.
19 21 26 29
Capitol Hill Douglas , hawnee Enid
April 2 Midwe t City 4 Putnam City 6 Tul a Hale 10 El Reno 11 Capitol Hill 16 Dougla 19 hawnee 22 Enid 24 Midwe t City 26 Putnam City 30 El Reno :\fay 3-4 Regional Tournament 10-11 tate Tournament
"I'm in," . a)- Rick
imon, '¡You're out!" says the oppo. ing catcher a
for the score.
Here H re There Here There Here Here Here There There Here There Here There There
BA EBALL TEAM; (SEATED): R. Simon, G. Robyler. (KNEELING): L. Rhode, P. Higgins, A. Eaker, B. Lasa r, J. Hoberecht, J. Cheatham, J. Putt, Mgr. D. Ricker. (STANDING): Coach Davis, R. Roark, . immons, D. Wertz, G. Atkins, J. We m, B. Grimes, P. Cornett, J. Givens.
Rebuilding Program This year's baseball team faced a difficult ta k of trying to measure up to the record e tablished by la t year' club of 11 win , l lo s in regular ea on play. Chins up, the Knight looked forward to a giant rebuilding program after lo ing a tarting pitcher and ix regular , one of whom wa '62 AllStater Terry Cooper. Three returning tarter , Gene Robyler, Phil Cornett, and Jeff Welborn formed the nucleu of the team. Top junior performers were Gray Atkins, Pete Riggin , Rick Simon, Jay Hoberecht, and Allen Eaker. Bill Grimes, ophomore, served a utility man. Pro pects are bright for the '6l ea on a Coach Davis lo es only four men. This year's experience hould prepare this ophomore and junior club for next year's action.
"If he hits this, I'll resign." ornett, prepare for delivery.
nior pitcher, Phil
"I hit it! I really hit it!" Allen Eaker drags a bunt down the line.
Golf, Tennis Teams Are Top Contenders
"Hurry up! The garbage men are coming." Lettermen Bill Davi on, :'11alcolm Haney, and Robert Holme have a small problem. The penalty for moving the ball i one troke.
Ray Mos , four year letterman, takes a practice wing to limber up for a match.
GOLF TEAM-ROW 1: B. Bog!(e. , I. Haney, W. Hammond, R. Holmeâ&#x20AC;˘, \1. Fauks, D. Pate, C. :\lead ow.-. ROW 2: R. King, D. herman, :\1. Pulliam, R. :\Io,â&#x20AC;˘, B. David on, :'11. Collin , K. Franklin.
ince thi book went to pre before golf or tennis ea on were underway, a recap of matche wa impo ible. However, pro pects for Coach Carroll mel er' team were bright, with the backbone of la t year's team, fhe lettermen, returning. They are Ray Mo , Dean McClain, Bill Davi on, Malcolm Haney, and Mark Collin . Robert Holme , enior, who lettered in his fre hman year returned to trengthen the team. The fre hman cia s offer orne unu ually fine golfer in 1ike Pulliam and ~ike Faulk . Golfer annually meet all other city chool team , a well a comp ting in State and Midtate tournament .
for Championships as 5 Lettermen Return
:\larch 18 :\larch 20 :\larch 22 :\Jarch 23 :.\farc-h 25 ::\Jarch 27 ,\pril J pril 3 April 8 April 10 April 17
• outhea t Northeast Capitol Hill Invitational Capitol Hill Imitational Cla••en Dougla ... Grant 1ohn ::\far,hall apitol Hill Harding :\lid· tate Tournament apitol Hill
there h re here here here tht"re there here
TE IS TEAM ROW 1: Phil Cline, Jonny Fo ter, Ronnie Jon . , Bill Rankin, Hank Lu t r, Craig Ames, Dan Woodard. ROW 2: Ron Truelove, Mike Cook, Rick Linn, John Durett, Jen Morris, Rodger Dabney, Jim Cobb, Mr. David Hoke, coach.
All five returning tenni lettermen are top potential for champion hip . Senior Bill Rankin wa a member of the 1961 double team which won fir t in the tate meet. The other four top ranking returnee who hope to again bring conference honors to NWC for Coach David Hoke are enior Phil Cline and Ricky Linn, and juniors Roger Dabney and Jim Cobb.
"Are those tennis balls or flash bulbs?" Roger Dabney, the other half of double team, i in a slight predicament.
"Twinkle-toes!" Kni ght fuzzy bailer demon· strates hi backhand on WC's home court. Bill Rankin i the Knight ' out. tanding single player.
"How high i the sky?" Half of the double team, Jim Cobb, tretche to end t-ball on its way.
TRACK TEA \I ROW 1: L. Loeffler, R. Hooh, ]. Fowler, T. Melton, ]. J\Iarsh, L. McCarty, G. Wright, D. Grimes, J. Dorman, R. Ki~e. C. Randall. ROW 2: ~1r. Irwin, coach; R. Raymond, J. Ahtone, F. Lorey, J. Hadaway, B. Bender, D. Logan, C. Bush, D. haw, . Fondren, R. Ievens, l\1. ulligan, J. \Iar,h. ROW 3: . Lukehart, T. Payne, B. ilk, M. Coleman, D. Keirn, R. Truitt, D. Walli~, l\1. Rodger , D. Rudolph, J. Morgan, L clson, W. Wood., . Hen~n, manager.
Eight Seniors Return Prospect for the 1963 track eason loomed very bright for Coach Irwin and team. Member of this year' t am from last year included eight seniors. Particularly outstanding were Gil Wright, who placed econd in the tate 100yd. da h, and Don Grime , \\ho tied for econd in the tate pole vault event. The Oklahoma Federation indoor track meet wa held in orman, February 23. Knight \\ho participated and placed were Gil Wright, cond, 60-yd. da hand Chris Randall, junior, fir t, 600-yd. run.
"The fearless foursome." Louis Loeffler, Jim Fowler, Tom Melton, and Gil Wright comprised orthwe t' mile relay team.
"Going up please?" Don Grime., pole vaulter, come for the lift off.
down the straightaway preparing
TRACK March 8-9 ;"\farch 15-16 March 22-23 March 29-30 April 5-6 April 12-13 April19-20 April 26-27 May 3-4 i\1ay 10-ll
liED LE 1963 Harding Lawton Invitational Oklahoma City InvitatiOnal Edmond-Central tate Duncan Invitational ;\lid- tate OBU Regional tnte-OU 0 U Invitational
for '63 Track Season
"Hippity hop to the trophy shop." Gill Wright steps li~thtly as he crosses the finLh line in the 60-yd. da h at ormnn in the Oklahoma Federation track meet in "Pneumonia Down ."
"Flying high." Roger Kise shows good form as he oars over the hurdle.
"I had Wheaties for breakfast." Tom :\!elton displays the form that i ncces-.ary for n good _printer.
" ow let's see u;hat you can do." Larry McCarty hand off the baton to Jim Marsh during a relay event.
"Charge!" Jet·propelled Gil Wright practices one of his speedy take·off in the lOO·yard dash.
Wright, Grimes Top Contenders "Kick, Chris, kick." Chri the contenders far behind.
Randall, di lance runner, leave
the rest of
"Are you sure this is a short cut to the cafeteria?" Don Grime shows off his pole vaulting form during the Oklahoma Federation track meet in orman.
"This new fingernail polish tastes great!" Girl ' ba. ketball coach, ;\lr . ortez Copher, watches ten ely the 'WCHarding game.
Girls Earn Awards WC' girl ' ba ketball team netted a 3-5 . ea. on, downing Grant, Clas. en, and outheast. , tandout · on the team were andy WelL, cap· tain, and co-captain Linda Griffin and Kathy Wil on. andy wa high point corer in eyery game, netting twenty-five point in the Cia. en game . ..\far ha lark, forward. wa ~ econd with twenty· two poinL. Ruth ;\lartindale wa a] o a tarter at forward. To win a Yolle) ball game. a team mu t take two out of three game to win a match. Coach ;\Iargie mith' girls did ju. t that a they took three out of fhe game_. They defeated outhea t, Grant. and Cia ~en. Kathy Wil on and Judy Jut turned in tellar performance . andy Wells and Linda Griffin earned basketball awards; Kathy Wil on rated the title of out tanding volleyball player.
GIRL 'BA KETBALL TEAM-ROW 1: J. Brown, D. teer, J. Vanden· nieuwenhof, P. Gentry. ROW 2: . Foutz, L. Blalock, . treet, K. Harry, l\1. Murphy, J. Riley. ROW 3: L ~Innlove, L. ~lyer , l\1. Clark, R. )lartin· dale, M. L. mith, R. ~lcCoy, V. l\orick, K. Wil<:on, . Well. , L. Griffin, P. Ell worth .
GIRL 'VOLLEYBALL TEA~! W 1: D. Thoma., . treet, J. Ju.t, L. Hicock, J. Tate, L. Gri££in, D. Wil on, J. Vandennieuwenhof. ROW 2: K. Harry, R. ;\lcCoy, D. Busch, l\1. L. mith, K. Wilson, ;\1. Clark, P. Ellsworth, V. 'orick.
GIRL ' , OFTB.\LL TEA\I ROW 1: ~- Phillip,, . Foutz, J. Rector, V. ¡orick, K Harry, D. Bu ch, L. Myer_, 1. L. mith, K. Wil on, treet. ROW 2: R. ~Ic oy, P. Ell worth, R. :\lartindale, L. Griffin, D, te r, J. \Iarr, . hatham, B. kaggs, L. Hicock, ]. Tate.
Sportswomen Rank High
The oftball team, with five returning enior , turned in a 3-1 ea on, lo ing only to John 1ar hall, and rating the title of orth ide champion. Diane Bu ch, not only for out tanding play, but for port man hip, wa voted the oftball award. Other tandout were u ie Phillips, catcher; Cheryl Parri h, pitcher; Linda Myers and Kathi Wil!'on, outfielder . La t }ear' tate champion runnersup Patty J one and icki Rochelle returned to lead the girl tennis team. Other experienced letterwomen reporting were u an William , u an 1ann, and u an and Gail We t. The e girl entered the City tournament April 17-19, and the tate meet at OU April26. GIRLS' TEN. I TEA:\1 ROW 1: K. Berg, V. Rochelle, K. 0! on, . We t, P. ]one~, L. Jame~, P. Powell, J. Thornton.
. Williams, G. West. ROW 2:
"Who says that pretty girls can't be athletes?" The top . ix badminton player are Jud y Ju t, :\tary Dixon, Loi eph, Lynn Blalock, :\Iary Ellen mith, and Kri s Harry.
GIRLS' BAD:\H TO TEAM ROW 1: L. Manlove, P. Ellsworth, K. Wilson, D. leer, J . Riley, J. Vandennieuwenhof, . igh, L. Hicock, L. Tate. ROW 2 : C. Gillian, . Well, L. Holaday, R. McCoy, L. Griffin, M. E. mith, M. Clark, R. Martindale, D. Thoma. , K. Booth. ROW 3: J. Just, M. Dixon, L. eph, M. E. mith, L. Blalock, K. Harry.
Team Sports Competition
The badminton, table tenni and swimming team were fortunate to have returning letterwomen who excelled in state and city meets la t year. Judy Ju t and Loi 'efÂŁ won first and econd place la t year in the City ingle badminton meet. Judy ha already won fir t place this year in a non- chool tournament. Kris Harry, Mary Ellen mith, and Lynn Blalock are other returning letterwomen. Table tenni and badminton tate tournaments were held at 0 April 26. Coach Margie mith welcomed undercla men Lynn Hardin, Jeannie Thornton, herry heehan, and haron Green a main tay on her wimming learn. indy Green, fre hman, al o hows great promi e. La t )ear Jeannie, Lynn, herri, and haron took fir t and econd plac in the City wimming meet.
TABLE TE NIS TEAM-ROW 1: . Chatham, . Jone. , J. Rector, K. Booth, . Franklin, . Jones, J. Marr, S. Green. ROW 2: P. Gentry, D. Dusch, l\1. Corn eliu~, . Berg, treet, . Foutz, S. Sheehan, D. Hulett, E. Herold.
18 1
GIRL ' WI\1 TE ~\I ROW 1: B. oole), T. Elli~. D. Thoma , C. Green, J. Tate, L. Hicock, ]. Thornton. ROW 2: oarh :\I. mith. ~. Berg. K. OJ on, L. Lind'a), ]. Thoma', P. Powell,'-. Green, K. Berg. C'iOT PICTLRED: L. Herold, D. Hull·tt).
"I thought I u·as enrolled in ping pong." ~u~an ::\Iann report to Coach ~mi th on the lenni• court.
Fairer Sex Fostered Teamwork and Comradeship
G. Wc.t Treas.
GIRL ' "0" LUB-ROW 1: L. Blalock, S. hatham, P. Ccntf), ,rren, K. Harry, L. Hi cock. ROW 2: J. 1u,t, ~. \.lann, L. ~eph, Parrish, ]. Rector, V. Rochelle. ROW 3: B. !:-ka!!g~. :\I. mith, '\. Street, . Wells, . West, . Williams.
"Just lii•P llothPr used to make." Girls' "0" Club officer , Linda Griffin, ecrctar); ayle We t, trea · urer; Paula Ell-worth, vice president; and Patty Jones, pre,ident, discuss the sale of their candy.
G. DuPree President
M. Willard Vice Pres.
G. Wright Sec.
The "0" Club annually pon or the election and coronation of sport queen. At Chri tma time, boy held a paper drive, rai ing 120 for the Bethany Convale cent Home. They donated their ervice at chool mixer and Chri tma partie . Coache alternate a head ponor; Coach Don VanPool directed the group thi year.
"Metrecal? Are you crazy?" querie Jack Thoma. , a. he and John Burru. work at the concession tand during half-time. Tbi i one of the money making projects the Boy ' ''0" Club participate in during the year.
!(night Sportsmen Set Standards High
BOY '"0" CL B-ROW 1: G. Atkin , C. Fagin, B. Field .. ROW 2: J. Fowler, B. R. Kise, R. Linn. ROW 3: J. McCarty, L. :\tillar, R. 1\Io s, !\I. Nichol•. ROW 4: J. Thomp on, J. Welborn, J. White.
Bush, P. Cline, J. Cobb, B. Cockerill, ::\1. Collin, P. Cornett, R. Dabney, R. David on, J. Grime~. D. Grime , 1\I. Haney, P. Hig!!:in•, R. Holmes, R. Hook , B. James, T. Kalmon, McCarty, D. McClain, M. !\IcGee, D. .\1c ' eil, R. Me eill, J. !\iar•h, T. Melton, D. Putt, C. Randall, B. Rankin, L. Robert•, J. Robin•on, T. eba, R. imon, W. nipe., J.
Dorman, R. C. Keni on, Mitchell, J. Thoma , T.
Clas it¡ p ople. They turn the empty building into omething n. The hall, hum with the throb of v ryday life a tudent the xciting onfusion that i Life at orthwe t Cla en. of a :tud nt' activitie or contribution to chool life, each influen e on the chool tradition . Each al o glean value which gath r for a gabfe t before fir t hour at 8:30, to 3 :30 when g "beat" after a jam-packed day, we have the feeling of being
" ecret handshake?" Re olving cla problems are Jim \1cClain, treas.; and Jim :\Iarsh, sgt.-at-arm .
laughter, pres.; Bob Blackwell, v. pres.; Linda Griffen, sec.; Dean
Year Gets Underway With Capable Leaders 1963 ... the ) ear we have looked forward to ince we were Freshmen, eptember. 1959 ... It' here, and we are finally enior , the fourth class of four-year Knights. Our Freshman year was filled with thrills-becoming a member of a Pep Club, initiation. and finally the privilege of proudly wearing our colors, purple and gold. It was our first and last year to participate in the fabulou "Clas ic , Off Guard." Who will ever forget Karen Knott singing "Everything' Coming Up Rose"" and the dance the fre hman girls did, and the way the \orman boys cried when a freak play gave u victory and ~tate A I\ football title? We romped the Red kin for the first time in school hi tory; we cheered a basketball team that lost on!) one game that ea on. As Herald , we rejected the slate of cia officers and finally voted on new voting machine . Heated di cu sions took
place concerning ' ixon v . Kennedy for pre ident. Echo I and our sports teams went into orbit in 1960 we losing most of its games. WC hosted the ational Association of Student Councils Conference the summer before our memorable Junior year. Joe Dorman led the Squire in our first year a upperclassmen. and we participated in developing the Honor System. The years flew by and we faced the final year with mixed emotions-happy to have completed twelve year of school work and eager to sample college life or a new job. We felt orne sadness as we contemplated leaving our friends. We knew it was time for each to choo e hi own way. But all the traditions and mementos of our life in Knightland we take with us, to treasure for all time. 0
enior clas sponsors taking an informal walk aero the patio are Mr. ichols, Mr. Harris, Mr. Weinert, Miss kidmore, Mr. Van Pool, Mr. Ericksen, Miss Cline, Mrs. Allred.
ABDOO, HERRY: Cygnet ; DECA; Caret·r Cluh B EY, JOH : Cry- lur ; atl. The . pian ; F1..; Lit. Oub; All-. chool Play ABR.\\1 0 . , FELICE: Coronet ; FJA; Courtc y lub; Quill and croll; Round Tahir , taff '61, '62 CREE, DARLE E: Cygnet ; Natl. Art Honor odety; atl. The pian ; Y-Teen ; Courte y luh; Court Je ter
ALBITZ, B. J.: Coronet ; Courtc y Club; Nat!. rt Honor ci ty AME , CRAIG: , tudent Council; Key Club, ec.; Tenni ; Fire Chief for a Day \1\IER\IAN, H RO : Coron ts; Cour· tt> y lub; Care r luh; High chool Red Cro ; Band Girl AR\L TRO. 'G, JOH, : C '61, librarian; Fa !ron~; Career Club; High chool Red Cro• ; oin lub
B. J. Albitz
Craig Arne
John Arm trong
R ' OLD, C ROL: Coronet, a. t. ec.; Courte•y lub, ec.; tudent C..ouncil; Honor ri ty; Falcon Qu en andidate yp;net•; Career IIWORTII, BETTY: Ouh A ~ KI • , R BY: Coronet•, ~f(t.-at·anns; Y-Tccn•, v. pre . ; Courte•y Club; Falcon Queen Candidate; wimminp:, '61, '62 AVII. T, JERRY: T and I Oub
Ruby Askin
Carol Arnold
Betty A. hworth
Algene Ayers
Barbara Baker
Beverly Baker
haron Barfoot
E ther Barron
Harry Bawcom
fi.HR . , fi.LGE E: Para \falic•, pre_.; Ilil!h rhool Red Cro•, ec.; Coronets; at!. The· , rienre .luh; German lui)( pian•; Y.Teen ; Courtc•y Club BAKER, Bfi.RBAR Cygnet•; Courte y lub; at!. The pian•; nnouncer Club; YTK; All-. rhool Play B.\KER, BEVERLY: Coronet ; Career lu h: Court 1e-ter~ B\KER, , AT: tudent Council; Key Club; Hi-1; Honor Lan~ual!e; Track; Cro. s ountry at Baker
BARFOOT, , H-\RO. : at!. Honor Society; oronl't'; Courte y Club BARRO. , E THER: Cyf(net ourte y luh; Y-T en BAW 0\f, HARRY B Y, HUCK: tudent Council, exec. hoard; Key Club, exec. board; •. cience Cluh, pr<''·; Falcon•, pari.; Announcers Club; Round Table , taff, '63; II· chool Play; -\F Finali•t
B <\ YLEY, PHYILT : oronets BE>\VER, GEOR ,E: Lancer BED. AR, BOB: J L; Falcon ; Wrr•tling: ro. Country BELL, LARRY : Hi gh ~chool Red Cro ": German Club; tudent Council, alt.; Hi-Y; Wreotling
Phylli. Bayley
George Beaver
Bob Bednar
Larry Bell
BELL, R : Hi-Y; Electronic lub, ec.; German Club; Lan ers BELTZ, HE ' RY BENDAll, JIM BE DER, BOB: tudent Council; Boys "0" lub; High , rhool Red Cro,s ; Cro Country; Track; Football; Echoes of the Knight Cover onte•t Winner
Ru• Bell
Henry Beltz
Jim Bendau
Bob Bender
BEN ETT, KARE, : oronet , atl. Honor ciety; Girls "0" lub; Courte y Oub BE 'ETT, RU ELL BEVI ' , :.\11KE BIA , HARO : Coronets; High chool Red Cro ; Career lub; ourte y Club
BIER:.\fA , P;\ L: Radio Club, pre . . ; Elecfronics Club, v. pre . ; Honor Math BIRNEY, HARRIETTE: Career Club BLA , \liKE: Radio Club, pre . ; Electronic Club, pre .. ; Falcons; at!. Honor ociety; Honor :\lath; 1r. cientist of the Year; Football; Track BLACKWELL, BOB: Key Club; r. Cia• v. pres.; Boys "0" Club; Basketball
Paul Bierman
Harrirlle Birney
:\like Black
Bob Blackwell
BL LO K, LY '. : tudent Council; Courtesy Club; Coronets; Girl "0" Club; Career lub; High , chool Red Cro<s BLA CHKE, JO : Hi-Y; Great Books lub, pres.; wimming; Jr. Rotarian; Boy tate; Oil Exec. for a Day BOCCE , , BOB: Honor Language; Golf BOGG , \1 E EL: Coronets; Para :\1edico, High chool Red Cro, ; T and I Club; wimming
Lynn Blalock
Jon Bla-chke
Bob Bo11:ge •
Mae•el Bogg'i
"Lost tdthout the enior Girl ?" Larry Robert amuse, him-elf with a comic book when the Boy,' "0" Club teams with underclass girl for a charity paper drive.
Senior Boys and Girls, Who Needs Whom? BOLTE, To:\1 BO. D, KATHY: Cygnet ; Library Club, chap.; Courte y lub; Experiment in Inter· national Living BOTT , BOB: German Club; C BOWER.\1 , JERRY: Cry· lur ; Lancer , sgt.·at·arm ; Ba. ball; Football; Ba•ketball
BOW\fA,, J DY: tudent Council; Ca· reer Club, gt.·at-arm ; oronet ; Court Je ters; JCL; High chool Red Cro~s; Tri· Hi-Y BOYLE, ~UKE: High chool Red Cro Hi-Y; Golf BR D H W, TI\1 BRADY, LY : Y-Teen., sec.; Coronets
Judy Bowman
Mike Bo}le
Tim Brad•haw
B('verly Brannon
Pat Br<'it•chuh
Viqrinia Bre\\t'r
Lynn Brady
BRA '0 , Cygnet ; y. Teens; High chool Red Cro s BREIT CH H, P T: Cygnet ; Y-Teen BREWER, IRGI IA: ygnet ; at! The pian , trea . ; 1 L; tage .Crew BROCK, ALA Lancer. ; atl. Thespian ; Aviation Club; ience Club; tage Crew
Alan Brock
BRODELL, JOE BROOK'i, C\ROL'\, ': Honor .\lath; , ' tl. \rt Honor ~ociety; ygnth; Girl St te, alt. BROOKS, DICK: Ba. eball; Cros Country BROOK'i, SU: Court e. y Club, '· pre<.; Coront'f,; "tudent Council; Tri Hi-Y
Joe Brodell
arolyn Brook'
Dick Brook-
~u Brook~
BROW , BARBARA: ommercial Occupa· lions BROW~. BE:'\TO:'{: tudent Council, alt.; High chool Red ro<s BROW!\, GARY: Lancl'r'; Golf BROW , JOE
Barbara Brown
Benton Bro\\n
Gary Bro\\n
Joe Bro" n
BRO~ \E.''I, T0:\'1 BRl \ILE'r. BETTY BR :\l\liTT, MARY: Band Girl,, pr .... ; \!arching Band; on<·ert Band; High Srhool Rt>d Cro<. ; yp:nt>t<; Pep Band B RDI K, RO ALD: Band
Toni Brownen
Betty Brumle~
:\1ary Brummitt
Ronald Burdick
BCR~ETT, SHEILA BCRTO, , LARRY: Track; Football B ·~H. \RL: oph. la .. s gt.·at-arm•; Boy "0" lub; Hi-Y; Football; Trark BYFORD, LEO: Ba,ketball; Ba eball
heila Burnett
Larry Burton
Carl Bu•h
Leo Byford
C.\ '\\0~. JI:\1: Canw lub AP .H-\W, RO'\AI D: Literature Cluh: Announcer Club; FTA; Tenni·; Debate; 'WL ARTER, JI\1\IY A. EY, PALL: tudent. Council, alt.; Hi -Y
]arne Cannon
Ronald Cap•haw
Jimm\ Carter
Paul Ca<ey
"Is ACT test one word?" Thi seems to be the question asked by Oklahoma City niversity in ovember.
as they take the all-important ACT te ts at
College Boards Quiz Seniors CA ADY, LI DA: Coronets; Career Club, pre . ; YTK, v. pres.; Courte y Club; Court Jesters; High chool Red Cros ; oph. Class, sec. CA WELL, HERRY: Nat!. Thespians, FL; Announcers Club; Student pre . ; Council; Coronets; All-School Plays CHALMERS, JEFF CHAMBER , CH CK
Jeff Chalmers
Chuck Chambers
CHAPi\IA , MIKE: Aeronautic Club CHARLES, HARO : Cygnets; 'at!. Thespians; tagecrew; Court Jesters CHATHAM, HERRY: Girls "0" Club; Coronets; Courtesy Club; Y-Teens CHES UTI, CI DY: Cygnets, pres.; tudent Council; Courtesy Club; Court Je ter ; Sport Queen
CHILTO , BOB: Lancers; Football; Basketball; Track CLARK, VAUDE A CLARK, JIM CLI E, PHIL: at!. Honor Society; Boys "0" Club; Key Club; Honor Language; Honor Math; Great Books Club; Tennis
Bob Chilton
Vaudena Clark
Jim Clark
Phil Cline
19 1
COBl R , BILL: Ili-'t; Aeronautic Cluh OC:IIR \\, DI K: amera lub; Wn··· tlinp; OCKERJLL, BOB: Boy~ "0" Cluh; FL; hieltl; Cry-- lur•; Band; FJA; Cro• Country; Wrestlinp: OE, , BOB: Caret•r lub
Bill Coburn
Dick Cochran
J. Coppoc1 Invents New Math System OFF\ I \N, :\IARTIIA: Career Club OOK, \liKE: Kt•y lub; Falcon ; Tennis; AF , emi-Finalist COPPOCK, JOH:\: cience Club, v. pre .. ; FT A, pre . ; atl. Honor ciety, hi st.; Honor :\lath, v. pres.; Literature Club; Great Books Club ORBIN, ROBERT: German Club; Electronic Club
:\1artha Coffman
:\tike Cook
John Coppock
Robert Corbin
\IARGARET: Cygnets; OR:\'ELI , Girl "0" Club; YTK; Court Jeter.; Tri· Hi-Y, treas.; Tennis OR ETT, PHIL: Boy "0" Club; Fre hman Top Teen; Baseball; Basketball CO GHLI:\', THO\tA : Lancers CO , BEVERLY: tudent Council, trea . ; 1r. Cla treas.; Coronets; Courte y Club; FTA, •ec.; JCL; German Club; Court Je ter
:\Iargar t Corneliu
Phil Cornett
Thomas Coughlin
RL , JUHIIE: tudent Council; Hi-Y; Lancer•: German Club; Tenni ; Wre tling ll\'\I\'GHA\I, HERYL: Career Club DA~IEL, , DREA: Coronet ; High chool Red Cro •, a t. c., pari.; Y-TePn•, chap.; Announcer lub; All- chool Play DA IEL, BOB: Key Club; Natl. The. pian ; tudent ounril; Ru sian lub; Announcers Club; Hi-Y; All· chool Plays
Jimmie Cri s
heryl Cunningham
'\ndrea Daniel
Boh Daniel
D\VI~O , BILL: "tudt•nt ouncil; Ili-Y, rhap.; Gt·rman Club, gt.-at-arms; Key \.lub; '\at!. Honor · l<"it'ly; Honor \lath; Honor Lan~:ua1w; Boys "0" Club D \ WKI\<.;, D \ VID DE<\.D\1\\, RO DEE!\, TERRY: at!. Honor , ori!'ly; Honor Lan~:uagc; Key luh; Great Book Club
Bill Oavi on
David Dawkin
Ron Deadman
Tf'rry Oren
Seniors Watched Honor System Grow
DE\IOPOLO , TO IA: tudent ouncil; Cygnet ; Courtesy Club; Career Club; Court J e>lers; Tri-Hi-Y; YTK OE:'iHA\1, CH \RLOTTE: Coron t ; tudent ouncil; ry-.lurs, er.; at!. The · pians, ec.; nnouncer Club, ~ec.; AF ; YTK; FL DE PAIN, RICHARD: atl. Honor Soicty; Ore he tra; Che Club DE WOODY, GEORGE: Natl. Honor oriety; atl. Art Honor ciety, chap.; German Club; Great Books Club; Literature Club; , cience Club Tonia Demopolo
Charlotte Denham
Richard D pain
Geor!(e DeWoody
DILL, Jl\1 01'\iE~. C \ROL: Girls Choru Dl\.0\, \f\RY: )gnets; Girls "0" .luh; Courte•y (]uh; ourt Je-ter.... v. pre . ; 11. rhool Chenlrader; • port Queen Candidatr; Jr. Cia sTop Teen; Fr. Cia., trea. DOL\ , BILL
Jim Dill
arol Dine
Mary Dixon
\1ike Dougall
!\like Dougla
Bill Dolan
DOR\1 \\, .JOE: ~tuclt"nt Council, v. pre•.: \at!. Honor ~nciety; Boy~ "0" lub; Boy "tate; Jr. Cia .. , pre-.; Round Table Rmalt'; Foot hall; Track DOl'G.<\LL, \liKE: Hi-Y; Electronics Club; ""imming DOUG I >\~. \11KE: C.. DR \KE, W \) E: "t·ience Club; Track
Joe Dorman
''This is horc ) ou do it, girls." Head majorette ~anq \Ic \e" d!'mon Irate~ a new routine to the majorette corps.
Senior Spirits Soar DLBOI.', B\RBR~: ,.ygneb; YTK, rhap.; Rt•d ro. •, chap.; Lancer Quern; \Iarine Qurpn Candidatr Dl \ll\R, K\THRY Dl \II \\1, J [ DY: oro net .ourtt'"V luh; Court Je<ter-; areer luh; FJ_\·; • tudent Council; I Par book Dl'PREE, GIPP: Boys "0" Cluh, pn·s.; Football; Wr!'stlin~; Round Tabl!' Royalty
Barbra Du Boi•
Kathryn Dunhar
Judy Dunham
Gipp Duprt't>
DL. KI , BOB: Kry lub, pre<.; l\atL Honor , oriety; Student Council, exec. hoard DUTTO\, ROBERT: Elt·ctronic• Tt•chnology. "P:t.-at-arm'; Football; Track E.-\ D ·, • II\RO\: tudent Council; Coroneb, •p:t.-at-arms; Tri-Hi-Y; Courlt'•} C~uh; Round Tablt•; arecr Club; Red ro-s; Quill and "rroll E.\R\LT, K \I: ourtcsy luh, a•st. trea . ; C) {!net-, •gt.-at-arm ; Court :Je-tt>r•; Girb "0" Club; Queen of Hearts Candidate Rolwrt Dutton
E\R'\'iT, 1 E: oronet ; Courte-y lub, trc.J'.; ~tudrnt Counril EA LEY, ~liTCHELL: Aeronautics Club; Football EA. TO~. LEE: Coronets; Girl:,' "0" Club; Hi~:h • rhool Red ro. ELDER, CHl" : ry. lur·; Ru. 'ian Oub; German lub
R. Fagin Calculates to Conquer
ELLED E, ALL£. : Band; T and I lub ygnets, v. pre-.; ELLI :\, J A ICE: Courte y lub, v. pre ., gt.-at-arm ; ourt Je,t!'r•; Tri-Hi-) ELLSWORTH, PA LA: Girl.' "0" Club, v. pre~.; Cygnets; areer lub; Courte y Club E. TERLI E, BOB: Art Oub, v. pre,-.; High hool Red ro s
lien Elledge
1a nice Elli on
Paula Ellsworth
Ronald Fagin
Carolyn Farha
Danny Faught
teve Fauh
Bob Esterline
F \G \I \, BILl : Honor \l.1th FAGI'\, RO:-. \LD: at!. Honor ciety, pre,.; Boys' "0" lub; Honor :\lath, pre~.; Band, pres.; German Club, pre~.; Orche · tra; AJI. tate \!arching Band, captain; lk ketball; 1udicial Board; l\atl. :\!erit ~emifinaJi,t
FARHA, AROLY:\": Cyp;nets; Court e. y Club; Tri-Hi-1, v. pre.; K y lub weet· heart Candidate F\RJ., C·\ROIY~: J L; yp:nets; Cour· lt''Y .luh; '\at!. Art Honor ociety; Ger· man Club; Hi:d1 School Red ro's
F RRELL, CAROLY : oronets; Courte y lub; areer Club; Court Je. ter FALGHT,D\'\. Y FUXS, TEVE: • tudent ouncil; Hi-Y FEDDER E , FRED: Band; Orchestra; Great Books Club; Pep Band
arolyn Farrell
Fred Fedder-en
FERCl ~0"1, \UKF: Announct•r Uuh, •j!t.-at arms; , tudt•nt Council; l\'atl. Tht• • pians; "cien<'t' C:luh, pari. FILl PPO. \\ E'\ DELL: ..\eronautic•, •et'.· tn)a ....
FJ'\1 Er, Il Cr: (y~:nt't-; "tudt·nt Council FLO) D, J l DY: , tudt'nl Council; Coronets, sgt.-at-arms; all. Honor Society; Honor \1ath; ourW<y Club; J L
\lil..c Ferguson
\\ endt•ll Filippo
Lucy Finlt•y
Jud) Floyd
FO~DRE:\, STE\JE: Boys' Club: Kn Cluh; Carrer lub; ros Country; Track FORD, \liKE : ~all. Honor Society; Honor :\lath; Great Booh .l ub; Electronics luh FRF.DERJ '1, .\ '\"',ETTE: Cygnets Fl R'\A~H. JI:\1: T and I lub, rt'I)()rtt•r; Band; ry - lur>; D. 0.
Fl ' 0'<, CHARLES: "tudent Council GADDY. PATTY: oront>~s G.\RLI K, :\l'l.R. .\ K\TE: ourt J .... ter,; ourtcsy lub; Y-Tt't'n', "l'C.-treas.; .. reer Club; lligh chool Red rOti' GARRETT, SA:\fDRA: Art Club; tud .11 ouncil; Cygnet-; ourte~y Cluh; Y-Teen·
GARRJ~O\', DO'\: Hi-r; Foot hall; Track G \ TE\VOOD, LI\'DA: Cygnets; YTK; Falron Queen Candidate GEE, RO:\ IE: Boys "0" lub; T and lub; ro•s Country; Track; Ba eball GERKE, JI\1: Radio Glub, pre•.
GETTJ:\fG. , J .\ \!Es: Concert Band; Marching Band GJLLE~PIE, J .\"',E: ygnets; tudent Council; FT , v. pre . ; Russian lub; J L; ~cience Cluh; Girls tate GOODRI H, KAYE: Girls "0" Club; tudcnt ouncil; areer lub; High chon I Red .ro•s; Library .lub; oronet ,ORE, DI .K: ~tudent ouncil; Hi-Y; Oil Executive for a Day; High chool Red 6 Cro~ ; Tracl..; Football; \V re tling
Jame. Gelling,
Dick Gore
Dr. E. T. Dunlap, chancellor for Rep:ent• for Hi~thrr L!'arnin~ in Oklahoma, ~poke to pan-nts and t·nior' at PT A ollt·~e i:\"ip:ht, JanuaiJ 10. fter the que tion and an,,H·r !'>' ion, Mr. \Ialone and Virginia Bn•wer chat v.ith Dr. Dunlap.
Apprehensive Seniors Get Advice GOVI , EI >\INE: Coronets; . tud •nt Council; Courtrs) Club; Court 1 ,ter' GRA VITI, HRI TIE: oronet ; ourtesy lub; areer Club; Court ]e ter'; High School Red ro s CREGG, PIIILLIP CRET 1\,, GEORGE
GRIFFI. , LINDA: oronets, pre ., ec.; Girl "0" Oub, ec.; ourte y Club; ourt ]e ter ; YTK; oph. Top Te n; ~tudent Council; Sr. Cia- sec. C THERY, C RY: Track; Cross Country HADAWAY, JERRY: Cry- lurs; Boys "0" lub; • hield • port Editor, '61, '62; FJ ;\; Football; Trark H CC RD, A \IA="DA: Career Club
HALL, vUCKEY H \tiLTON, KENT: tudent ouncil; Key Club; Hi-i; Football HA\1\IO~D. \LLY: Key lub; tudent ouncil; All-School Play; Paramedic ; JCL; Tennis; Golf HA COCK, REY: Co ron t. ; ourte•y Club; Girls " " Club; Lancer Qu en andidate
\lickey Hall
Kent Hamilton
' 'ally Hammond
Re) Hancock
H \ E), \1\R ,JE: Coronrts: D. 0. II \NKT SO'\, BIIL: Studt·nt Cnunril. pn•sidt·nt; '\at!. Honor • ociety; Honor \lath; Key lub; 1\nnouncers Club; YTK; • cit•nre lub, trra .; Round Table Royalty H\ '\'\, G>\RY: Lancer. II\.'\\, J\'iE: Cygnet: DF., pari.: JCL: Court ]t>qrr•: Library Club; DE Qut•t·n Candidate
\largie Haney
Bill Hankin~on
Gary Hanna
June Hanna
II RBOLT, BETTY: Coront•t, H \RRI., R \LPH H\RRI~O , D\VID: . Lanr rs; Hi~h . rhool Red Cros., pari.; Radio lub; J L; • t'irnre Club HA. HBARGER, LI\RI: at!. rt Honor . ci ty; High .'chool Red ross; oronets: ourte y Club; JCL; Career Club
B tty Harbolt
Ralph Harri
David Harri•on
Lari Ha hbarger
HAWK. T0\1:\1Y: Wrest ling; Football· Track: • at!. rt Honor Society H \ WKL , BRE:\'DA: Cygnet ; Courte y lub H YE.! , JOH : Falcons; • pani•h Club; ry- lur ; DECA, reporter HEBL E , A. CY: Cygnets, chap., pres.; Cry- lurs; Courte y Club; JCL; Ru iar Club; at!. Honor. ociety
Tommy Hawk
Brenda Hawkin
'\ancy Hebiso n
: Cygnets, sgt.-atHE DER 0 , LOU A arm•; Y-Teen•, chap. HE. TER, TERRY: Football; Track HI K , U DA: Coronet ; Career Club HICOCK, LI DA: Girl ' "0" Club, hist.; Cygnet ; Court Jesters; Y-Teen
nn Hender-on
Terry He•ter
Linda Hicks
Linda Hicock
H G, CAROLY : Coronet ; Cart>er Club HOLLOWAY, FLORRIE: Coronet ; DE lub HOL\1 , R TH: Cygnet ; • tudent Council; Career Club; Y-Teen, pre.; High • rhool Red Cro• HOLME , ROBERT: Boy' "0" Club; Hi-Y; Golf
arolyn Hogg
Florrie Holloway
Ruth Holman
Robert Holmes
lur~ triumphe<l at the Edmond pring ont~l. Forrest Lorey and Jrrry Hadaway re-
ceive the weep-lakes trophy from \1r. , 'ichols, Edmond horal oordinalor.
"ThP) can't get me nott .'" Exuheranl senior James \foore takes a trial run wearin!!; his graduation ruhe.
Talented Seniors Collect Honors for NWC HOU EY, BILL HOOVER, Jl\1: Aeronautic lub, pre,..; Hi-Y, pres.; tudent Council HOR!\E, DIA A: Co ron 1 ; DE, chap. HO CHI , JOH : Falcons, hi 1.; German lub, 'gl.-at-arms; JCL
Bill Hoi
Jim Hoover
Diana Horne
John Houchin
Paula Hudson
HRBA EK, VI KI: Cygnet•, areer luh, pari.; ourle y lub H D~0:--1, FRED H D 0. , PA LA: Coronel ; areer Club, treas. H GHE., LARRY: Career lub; ro•sounlry; Wrestling
Frf.'d Hudson
H \IE, D VID: ludent ounril; at!. Honor .ociely; Key lub; 1 L; Great Book Club Hl'~T. BARBARA: Coronet•, Court Je lers; ourtesy Club; High chool Red Croo'; German Club; Library lub H{ T HI'\"-; , D \VID Hl!T HI . 0 , \IELODY: Cygnet ; Band Girls; Orch -Ira; German Club
David Hume
Barbara Hunl
\1dody Hulchin
I E, \ROL JO: at!. Honor ~ociety; Honor \lath, t•r.; Honor I..mguag!', r!'p.; (r)-~lur", v. pre•.; Cygnt't", er.; High ~dwol Rt'<l Cru,s; Courtesy ( luh, hi•t.: AFS Finalist; Girls' , tate 1\lLE, DAVID: Hi-Y; Cro AJUntry; Wn•stlin~; Track J \ K, R \ 'r \10, D: Lancer•; Literature luh J \(K...;o , \liKE: T and I luh
arol Jo Ice
Da,id lmle
Raymond Jack
\like Jack-on
Parties, Senior Rings, Announcements
ygnet ; Hi~h ~chool Red ouncil; Court Je ter'; lub; Tenni · at!. Honor
ociety; Ca-
Fred Jacobson
JE KL , J EA E E: Cygnet•, pari.; Courtesy Club; at!. Thespians; at!. Honor Society; Honor Language; !agecrew; 20th entury Homemaker ; Falcon Queen andidate JE:"'KI , \1 JOH , :\1 RY: Cygnets JOH 0 , BARBAR : Orche tra; Marching Band
Jeanene Jenkin
Max Jenkin
Mary Johns
Barbara Johnson
JOH , 0. , L DIA: ygnet ; Girl ' Choru JOH 0 , lOA : Cygnets; Band Girl•, sec.; Tri-Hi-Y; Band; Queen of Hearts Candidate JO E , KARE : Cygnet ; T and I Club; Y Teen ; DO JO E , PATTY: Cygnets; Girls "0" lub, pre•.; Career lub; Courte y lub; T!'nnis; portsmanship Award; Girl "0" Club Plaque
laudia John<on
Joan Johnson
Karen Jones
Patty Jones
JO E:-, P\TRI I\: atl. The-p1an-: "t.Jgc·c·n·w: Hi~rh "'chool Rc·c.l ro-~. alt.: 'tTK .10\F", ~l' \'\,: (yl!nl'h; 't-Tc>en• J! r-.E, OOREE~: Cy~tm·t~; arecr Cluh: rTK; Iligh ~chool RPd Cross; Courte-> Club K I.K \R, :\I LE:\E: \F~ Exchange tu· drnt from DC'nmark; '-,tudrnt Council: ygnet : High "dwol Red Cro-•; JCI ; oronets .\!alene Kalkar
Pat ]one>,
Signal the Approach of Graduation
K\DIO. , TEO: atl. Honor ~ <X'iety; Honor \lath; Boy~' "0" lub; tud nt ton•, mgr.; Swimminj!; KA PER, GLORIA: J L; atl. rt Honor ocicty; Library lub, hi st.; Cygnets KAUFF\1A~, KATHRY KEE ,BOB
Ted Kalmon
Gloria Ka per
Kathryn Kauffman
Bob Keen
KEITH, KITTY: yj!;nc>t., u. hering chm.; Honor \1ath; at I. Honor , ciety; Great Book Club; cience lub; Litt'rature Club KELLER, JERRY: Key Club; High chool Reel Cro•s; Ba•t'ball KE\!PER, H \RLE. KE:\ I 0 , HRI : Honor ciety; Honor \1ath; Boy "0" luh; tudent Council, lub; Hi-Y; Track; exec. board; Key Cro•s· ountry
KE:-. LER, W Y E: oncert Band; \1arching Band KEIFER, ] -\. : hield KI.\1 EY, DIA E: Cygnet'; ourt ] ester , pre•.; areer Club; ourte y Club; Head heerleader; ports Queen Candidate; • oph. Ia. s trea . KI C ID, GAIL: Coronets; Y-Teen
~ ayne
.Jan Keifer
Oianr Kim•ey
Gail Kincaid
Theme for the 1962 Junior, enior Prom was " ayonara." Junior girl entertainers bow in front of oriental Buddha.
Seniors Fondly Remember the Prom, 1962
KI C, KATHY: Cygnet•, trea•.; Tri-Hi-Y, gt.-at-arm ; Courte y Oub; tudent Council; Round Table Candidate KI 'C, HERYL: tudent Council; Courte y Club; Court Jester•, ygnct. ; Lancer Prince•s KIRCHNER, \1 Rc H : Coronet ; tage raft; at!. The•pian ; cience lub; at!. Honor iety; Literature Club KI ER, JI:\1!\UE
K. 'OX, DO C: Hi-Y, pre.. ; J L Oub; eronautic Club, v. pres.; cience Oub; Oil Exec. for a Day; Track; Football K OX, TWEETIE: Coronet ; Courte y lub; Career Club; Ru •ian Club KRAFT, A E: Cygnet•, a st. trea .; JCL; at!. Honor ociety; Honor Math; . tudent ouncil; Honor Roll LA CLEY, B Y: Coronet ; Career lub; DE A Club
Doug Knox
Tweetie Knox
Anne Kraft
Bunny Langley
L.\'\C TO'\, \1\URY: Honor Lan!(uage; Ba. ketball: Football I..\ C 'TO , RICKY: Key luh; Boy '·O" lub; atl. Honor , ori ty; Honor \lath: Football; Oil Exec. for a Day LAPPI , \1YR : High chool Rrd ro. s; Crrman Club; Ru sian lub; J L; areer Club; at I. Honor ciety; AF rmifinalist LA. ATER, BilL: Career Club; Hi-Y; Ba,eball; Cross Country
Maury Langston
Ricky Langston
:\lyra Lappin
Bill La ater
Jerry Lawson
\farilyn Leaming
Leslie Ledd n
Cheryl Leever
LAWcO., JERRY I.EA \H G, :\1 RIL YN: Coronet~, treas.; , tudent Council; Courtesy Club; ourt Je trr~: Great Book~ Oub I.EDDE , LK LIE: Coronets, v. pres.; at I. Honor , ociety, chap.; Honor Math; Pep ouncil; Courte,y Oub; YTK, chap.; Kry Club Prin ess; A st. Principal for a Oav LEEVER, HERYL: Coronet ; Courte y lub; atl. Honor Society; Honor 1ath; Honor Language, v. pres.; Library lub, pre .
LE T,, KAY: Y-Teen, pre.; T and I; Coronet. LEl.GE\10R,, \IARY: tudent Council, c.; Coronet., chap.; atl. Honor Society; areer lub LEWI , B RBARA: Coronets; Courtesy Club; iris "0" lub; tudent Council, alt.; Tennis LI , RI K: Boys "0" Club; Hi-Y; Career Club; Tennis; Football
Kay Lent
\fary Leugemor
Barbara Lewi
Rick Linn
Kenneth Li s
Bruce London
Forr t Lorey
John Loveland
LI , KE ·• ETH: JCL, pre .. ; Honor Language; Gr at Book Oub; Tenni ; Oil Ext>c. for a Day LO DO , BR E: atl. Honor ociety; Honor '\1ath; Honor Language LOREY, FORRE T: Cry- lurs; Key Club; at I. The pian , v. pres.; Announcer lub; . tudent unci!; FL; Football; 11~chool Play LOVELA D, JOH : DECA; tudent Council
1.0\'ELK',, PE ,CY: ygnet~; J L; ourt Jc•tt•r,; FT \ !.) TLE, ]J\1: Electronic Club \I\GRlDER, JOA~~A: Coronet ; Girl "0" Club; Courtesy Club; Career Club; Court Je~ter'; Volleyball \[ \H \ , JUD\: ygnets; Library lub, tn•as.; :\atI. Honor ociety; areer lub
Jim Lytle
Joanna :\lagruder
Judy :\fahan
Don '\lay
Ed \1artin
Larry '\1artin
Carol '\fcCant
Jim '\1cCarty
.McC RTY, LARRY: Boy ' "0" lub; Football; Track Me L L , DEA : at!. Honor ciety; Boys "0" lub; Key Club; r. la•s trea . ; wimminp;; Golf Me OW , J EY: Coron!'ls ourte y lub; McC LLEY, DON A: Coronets; Honor Language; Career Club
Larry '\fcCarty
Dean '\IcClain
Janey '\fc own
Donna '\1cCulley
\1cDA'IIEL, LARRY \lcF ARLA D, TEVE: Round Table taff; ry·, lur '\fcGAHEY, PAT: Career Club '\1cl TIRE, LARRY: Football; Track
Larry '\1cDaniel
teve '\lcFarland
Pat '\1cGahey
Larry '\1clntire
McKI EY, GARY: at!. Art Honor o· ciety; Pep Band; High chool Red Cross; Quill and roll :\fcLELL , :\fARY: Coronets; D. 0.; T and I Club '\1c\1AHA , FRA K Me ElL, DO. : Boys "0" Club; tudent ouncil, alt.; Football
Gary :\IcKinney
'\lary '\!cLellan
Frank \1c\1ahan
Don '\fc, eil
"-urruunded by her loot Iluggage, TV l't, hi-fi, jcwt>lry) Joan Pitt beam her winom~ -,mile wh1ch won her a -,pot in the .\ti T ·cna~e 1\merica on test held in Dalla,, Tcxa,, October 2~- he repre-cnted both Oklahoma and Kan~a~.
J. Pitts Vies for Miss Teenage America Title \Ic ETLL, HARRY \lri\EJLL, RO'\='<IE: Boy' "0'' Club; F.ilron'; ro. s ountry; Track; Ba hall .\1cl\EW, A CY: Coronet ; ITA; Announcer Club; Career lub; ourte y lub; Head Majorette; Round Table andidate McPHAIL, D'L E: Cygnet ; areer Club; Library Club
'ancy \IcNew
Harri .\1c:\ eill
.\IEDLE'r, GEORGE \IEEKER, AROLE: 1 at!. Honor ociety; "Rand Girls lub, trea . ; Library • lub; Band \tE"'rER, FRED \HLLER, EDDIE: Aeronautics Club; W re-tling; Cro~s-Country
Gt>orge .\ledle)"
Carole Meeker
Fred :\!eyer
\ tiLLER, Jl.\1: Cry- lur ; Red Cro ; tudcnt ouncil; Career Club; Lan er lub; cience lub .\tiLL , GARY: Band; Honor .\-lath \1ILL , TO.\H1Y \HTCHELL, DON: Career Club; Boy '·O" lub; wimming
Jim Miller
Gary .\[ill
Tommy .\Iii),
Don \litchcll
MOFFATT, RICK: Key Club; wimmin)!: Foot hall ~IOODIE, A : Girls' "0" lub; CoronetMOORE, JA\1E : Key lub; German Club; Round Table; FJ 1\ ~WORE, L Y.\1A
Jame Moore
DIA E: Courtesy Club; Cygnets; FJA; Round Table taff; tudent ouncil, aiL; Quill and , croll ~!ORRIS, JE. : German Club, v. pre . ; Falcon ; Tenni ::\10, , RAY: Key Club, chap.; atL Honor Society; Honor Language; Boys "0" Club; Great Books Oub; Golf M LLIGA , :\11KE: Hi -Y, gt.-at-arm~
MU ALLAM, JA ET: Coronets; Courte y Oub; Quill and croll; Honor Language; hield taff; FJA; Court Jesters SE, JOH , ~~ Z Y, BARB RA: Cygnets; Courte y Club; High chool Red Cros ; Court Jester ; Falcon Queen; , tudent Council E 0 , RO IE: Falcons; Key Club; Round Table
Janet Musallam
John Mu e
Barbara ~fuzney
EWTO., D01 A EWTO , J LIE I HOL , :\!IKE: Honor \lath; cienre Club; Boys' "0" Club; wimming OLIVER, LARRY: Falcons; D. 0.; T and I Oub; eronautic Club
i hols
Larry Oliver 0 BOR , LINDA: Cygnets OWEl , RO IE: D. 0 .; T and I Oub; Cross-Country PACK, LI DA: Y-Teens; Career Oub PA ZE, GI A: Cygnet~; Courtesy Oub; FJA; Round Table taff; Court Je ters; YTK; Career Club; Tri-Hi-Y
Linda Osborn
Ronnie Owen
Linda Pack
Gina Pan ze
Four brunette seniors proudly display charm bracelet~ 1·ollected durin~ thrir year~ at "iorthwe't. o doubt Kerry William , Linda Ridgeway, onnie Wolf and h ryl King are wondrring what charm college will add.
Seniors Collect Memories With Charms PAPE, DO : J L, v. pre.; cience Club; Great Book A C (alternate); Oil Executivr; PARRLH, Coronet ; Band; YTK; :'I\ , exec. board; Girl "0" Club, chap.; ourte y Club; Red ro ; Career lub, ·~t.-at-arm PE R E, B RBARA: ygnet ; Band; Band Girls, v. pres., chap.; Red Cross; Queen of Hearts PEDDICORD, ~DA: oronets; Career lub; Y-Teen., v. pre.. ; DECA Club, trea . ; DE Qu en Candidate
PELTO:'\, BARBEE: Coronet ; Career lub; Court J sters; Court 'Y Oub PE\1BERT01 , JOE: DO; T and I Club PE , PA\1ELA: Cygnets; tudrnt Council PHILLIP , JOH:'I
Barbara Prlton
Joe Pemberton
Pamela Penn
Joyce Phinney
Pamela Pierce
Judy Pinsonneault
John Phillip
PHI"i EY, JOYCE: Coronet; JCL; Courte-y lub; ourt Je ter ; Rus ian lub, pre . PIER E, PA \1EL : DECA lub PI 0 EA LT, J DY: Cygnet ; Courte y Club; Paramedic Oub; Red Cross; 20th Century Homemaker PITT , JO>\. : 'at!. Honor ociety; Courte y Oub, v. pr .. ; Cy~n t , cheerleader Court Jester , sec.; Honor Language Classics '60; All- chool Cheerleader Round Table Candidate Joan Pith
PO\(,, I I'\ J) \ : :\larch in~ Band; on<'ert Band; Cry ~lurs'; Band Girls PO\GE, Bll L POL.-\l\0, B\RB.\RA: oronets; an•t·r "lub POLK, ~HIRLEY: Cygnets, ·~t.-at-arms; Courtesy Club, chap.; Tri-H1-'r; Round Table Editor; Quill and croll, pres.; FJ \
Bill Poage
Linda Poag
Barbara Poland
Shirley Poll Round Tabl Editor
POLLO K, JOA:\:\E: Cygnet ; High chool Red ross; Band Girl ; Orche tra POL~O'\, \CE: Aeronautics Club POPE, G \RY: Electronic Club, . gt.-atarms; Scit>ncc Club PORCH, BILL: Lancer•, sec.; FL; cien e Club, pari.; Oil Ext>cuti\e for a Day
Joanne Pollock
ce Polson
Gary Pope
Bill Porch POWER ~, ELIZ \BETH:
Coronets; Courtesy Club; Para \ledic ; ] L PR ITT, !\lOY: YTK, pres.; Coronet-; ry- lurs; Student Council; JCL; Great Book Cluh; lli~h School Red Cros. ; Lancer Queen Candidatr P "LLI:\G, MARIA. ~A: Honor :\fath; ygnet ; Courtesy Club P!_;TTROFF, \1.\RCIA: C) gnets; ourte,y Club; High ,chool Red ros~
Elizabeth Power
Cindy Pruitt
:'>1arianna Pulling
\larcia Puttroff
Q "I. 'E, \liKE: Falcons; ~ ience lub; Football; Ba eball; Golf RA:\EY, BILL: rchitecture Award RA:\KI , BILL: Boys' "0" Club; Hi-Y; Tennis RA), DA \ ID: oncert Band; Orchestra; Falcon
:\like Quine
Bill Raney
Bill Rankin
Da,id Ray
RE, KARE : Coronet RE ER.GARY REC.IOR, Jl"DY: Coronet ; Court Girls' "0" Club; Hi!!h • <·hool Red REDLI GER, PHILLIP
Karen Re
Gary Recer
Judy Rector
Phil Redlinger
Gina Pansze Edits Senior Section
REED, A : Coron ts; Y-Teen., treas.; Courtt>-,y Club; Career Oub REESE, BE KY: ygnet., sec.; Career Club, v. pre•.; 'ry- lur ; tudent Council; Court J~ter REE E, JERRY RE FROW, JACK: Falcon ; Band
RICHARD 0 , DO, RI HERT, JO ourt ~y Oub, pre.; atl. Honor ciety, trea . ; Coronet ; Honor iath; tudent Council RIDGEWAY, LI DA: atl. Art Honor ciety; Quill and roll, v. pres.; Round Table taff; Cygnet ; Courtesy Oub; TriHi-Y; FJA; JCL RILEY, CAROL: Announcer Club, trea . ; Coronet, gt.-at-arm ; tudent Council, exec. board; Cry- lun; FL, sec.; Rusian lub; Courtesy lub; Great Books Oub Don Richardson
JoAnn Richert
Janet Roach
Gary Robert
Linda Ridgeway
Carol Riley
ROACH, JA~ET ROBERT , GARY ROBERT , LARRY: ,Boy ' "0" Club, pari.; tudent Council, exec. board; Lancer ; Hi-Y; areer lub; Football, all-midstate; Wrestling, city champ.; Track ROBERT , BOB: atl. Thespian ; Allhool Play
Larry Robert
Bob Roberts
ational :'.ferit , cholar hip emi-Finali ts congratulate each other when the happy news wa• announc d in eptemb r. :\lichcal Rapp and Bill Hankin<:on stand above Ronald Fagin, Carol fcCant,, Don Trmplin, and Carol Ril y.
Senior Scholars Shine ROB I. 0 ', A : Career lub; Courtesy lub ROBI:\. Q,, ]1\1: Boys ''0" Club; Wre,. tlin~; ro• ountry R BL • 0 ., PI\T: oronet•; YTK ROBLYER, GE E: tudent ouncil; Boy "0" lub; Football; Basketball; Baseball
Ann Robinson
Jim Robin son
Pat Robin•on
Gene Roblyer
RO HELLE, VT I: Cygnets; Girls "0" Club; ourtesy lub; Tennis RODRIG EZ, BETTY ROE. H, ILE E: ~cience Club; Courtesy lub; Library Club; FHA RO ER , HERYL: at!. rt Honor ocil'ty; Latin lub; Cygnet ; Roundtable Art taf£
Vicki Rochelle
Betty Rodriguez
Ilene Roe ch
Cheryl Roger
ROT , , A~1MY: High chool Red Cro• ; Lanct•r ; Football; Ba eball ROTHE BU CH, R EL: Para Medics, v. prr . ; German Club, c.; ience lub, trea•.; High hool Red Cro . , a st. ec.; Cry· ~lur~
R KER, DAVID: Band; Orchestra; Pep Band; lligh chool Red Cro. ; Honor Lan~ua11:e
r•el Rothenbu•ch
Dancers Shiver With
David Rucker
, \1 RGARET: T and I Club; Ca· lub RY , PHIL: Career Club; Hi-Y, pari.; Wre. tlinl!, Cross· ountry A. DER, TEVE : Coronets, hi t.; Courtesy AND , LY Club, •l!:t.·at-arm ; Art Club; tudent Coun· cil; at!. Honor iety; at!. Art Honor ciety
Phil Ryan
teve anders
CHI K, CAROL: Coronet,, tudent oun· cil; ourtesy Club; Career Club CH'\HDT, DO A: ourte y Club; Coro· nets; tudent Council; High chool Red Cros ; JCL COTT, BARBARA: Cygnet ; Courtesy Club; JCL COTT, RO EM RY: Cygnets; Courte y Club; Career Club; JCL
Carol chick
Barbara colt
Ro emary
EAR , BILL ELBY,BARBAR EWELL, ~fARTY: Coronets, asst. trea . ; Courte y lub; Round Table ports Editor; Quill and croll; F] A at!. H FFER, PAT: tudent Council; Art Honor ociety; Cygnets; Career Club; Court y Club
Barbara elby
, HAW. DOl ,: Key Club; Ru ian Club; Honor \lath: at!. Honor , orif'ty; German luh: at!. \rt Honor ciety; Track . HEP\RD, K\RE. : arc r Club; .y!(net'; Ili!(h . chool Rrd ro"; ourtesy lub; , port Queen Candidate; Marine Quern . HER\11\. , W RRE : , tudt'nt Council; Key luh; m:y; Health Dir rtor for a Day HI K, , \): • tudent Council; ·at. Honor ~ ociety; Honor \lath; Coronet. ; Courtesy Club
IBEL, DA! E: Key lub, trra .; Football; Track ~ IDE ~ . KE, : Band; tudent ouncil; , pani•h lub IEBER, TI\f: ".;at!. Art Honor ciety; High , clwol Red Cros ; Care r lub; Football , I:\1 , \1ARLE E: tudent Council, hi st.; ' at!. Honor Society, sec.; oroneh; 'rTK; Girls' • tate
, KL ER, • A DI: Courte. y lub; at!. Art. Honor , ociety; Coronet ; Y-Teen LAUGHTER, Jl.\1: tudent Council, pari.; nior Cia. , pre .. ; at!. Art Honor o· ciety; ry. lurs, pre . ; Lancer~; YTK; Round Table Royalty l\1EL ER, J I\ IE: Cygnets; tudent Council, sec.; Girls' "0" Club; Career Club; Key Club weetheart Candidate , \IITH, J DY: DECA, •ec.; Cygnets; areer Club; Y-Teens
l\1ITH, l\f RY ELLEN: at!. Honor o· ciety; Cygnet ; Court Je ters, ec.; Girls' "0" lub; port Queen Candidate; All· hool Cherrleader , OLTER, T0\1: at!. Honor ciety; Honor Language, pres.; Boy ' "0" Club, trea .. ; Key Club, .gt.-at-arms; Honor :\1ath ORE:\ ~.BILL: atl. The. pian PARK , HARVEY: Aeronautic lub
PEAR, JA"'EY: Cygnet•, gt.-at-arms; Courte-y Club; Tri-Hi-Y; tudent ouncil; nnouncer lub; Yearbook taff; Quill and , croll; F J A; Lancer Queen Candidate PIEL:\1A , DO A: Coronets T. JOH , G Y: High chool Red Cro s TACY, BILL: Hi-Y, v. pre .. : Career lub; , tudent Council; 1r. Cla sgt.·at· arms; Principal for a Day; Football
Donna , pit'lman
"That was the year we rocked!" A new paper clipping proclaiming the Knights the top football team in the state, 1958, is posted on the bulletin board for memories' sake by Marilyn Learning, Richard Warner, and Dick Brook.
Seniors Recall Winning Was Wonderful T. DIZIER, CHERYL: ygnets; Litera· ture Club, pre.; Library lub, pres.; JCL Club, sec.; cience Club; Ru sian Club; Chrss lub TEER, TWYLLA: Coronet ; JCL, pari.; atl. Thespians; YTK; tudent Council; cience Club; Badminton; Courte y Club TE E , RO, : Hi-Y; tudent Council; Cro. Country; Track E: Cygnet ; areer Club TEW RT,
TOLL, JOH : DO; T and I Club; Red ro ; Oklahoman and Time cholar hip W 1~1, MIKE W RTZE DR BER, E : Tri·Hi· Y; Career Club; Cygnet ; Queen Candidate for Toys for Tot WIIT, MARY : Coronet ; Courte y Club
\like waim
~ wi ft
n.n \1, TERRr TE\1PJJ , DO : I.anrers, prr•.; FL, pre•.; JCL; Key lob; Ru sian Club; Great Book. Club; at!. :\lerit Finali't TH0\1 \ ,, D "J A: tudent Council; luh; IliJ!h chool Rt•d ro. ; Library lub; ygncts TH0:\1A 0. , RICHARD Terry Tatum
Don Templin
Donna Thoma
Richard Thoma on
THO\IP O. , LARRIE: Career Club, chap. TH0'\1P, 0~. DEA A: Cygnet ; Courtesy Club; .ourt Jr ter ; areer lub; Key Club • wretheart THO\IP. 0 . , DO'\ELLA: Cygnets; Career Club; YTK; Courtt•,y Club; High chool Red ro ; Band Girl THO\IP~ O , r, J LIE: Round Table taff
Donella Thomp•on
Julie Thompson
TH0\1P 0 , LI. D : Cygnet ; Courte y Club; tudent ouncil; Court Je ters; Round Tal)le Royalty TH0\1P. 0 , T0\1\1Y T0\1LI • 0 , RO IE: Lancer. TOU AI T, \1ARK: Career Club
Linda Thomp. on
Tommy Thomp•on
Ronnie Tomlin on
\lark Tous•aint
E: Cygnets; High
Career Club; Cygnets;
Yvonne Trout
Ronnie Truitt
Dick Tucker
Mary Turner
T R ER, PAUL : Coronets; T and I Club T RPI , FRA CE : Coronet ; Career Club TVER, HAR\1AI E: at!. Art Honor o ciety; oronet ; Tri-Hi-Y TYREE, LA A: Career Club; Coronets; Courte y lub; tudent Council; YTK; pani h Club; FJA
Paula Turner
France Turpin
Charmaine T,er
Lana Tyre
::\DEVE. TER. JERRY VIOlETT, \liKE: :.\at I. .\rt Honor I ihrarv Cluh; rt luh WAGO ER, JI~l WALDRIP, l\IIKE: Art lub
~ ociety;
Jerry Vandeventer
\tike Violett
Jim Wagoner
\like Waldrip
T. Weldon Senior Spirit Booster
WALKER, LEROY: tud nt Council; Falcons; cien<"e lub; Para :\1edic WALK P, CHRI TI : Career Club WARNER, RI HARD: Boys' tate WEAK, MIKE
WELBOR , JEFF: Boy "0" Club, chap.; Football; Baseball WELBOR , TERRY: Cry· lur ; tudent Council WELDO, , TERRY: pirit warJ; wimming; Track; , tudent Council WELL, P LA
Jeff Welborn
Terry Welborn
Terry Weldon
Paula Well
WELL , , A DR : Cygnet ; Girls' "0" lub; areer lub WEL , DY: Tri-Hi-Y, pres.; Cygnet WE DORFF, BEVERLY: Coronets; Courtesy Club; Court Jesters; High chool Red Cros WE T, GAYLE: Girl ' "0" Club, trea . ; ygnets; Career Iub
andy Well
andy Well
Beverly Wendorf£
WETWJ~KA, CHERYL: ry-. lur-, chap. WHITE, BIIL: Fa irons, v. pre .... ; Yearhook, ~hit"ld photographer; Pep Council; ro,s; Camera Club, High , rhool Red trra•.; FJ-\: flJ... kt"thall oronet•; Round WHITE, CIIRI"': FJ .-\; Tahle ~taff WILL.\RD, .\IERREL: Boy ''0" lub, v. pre'.; Aeronautic lub, v. pre . . ; Football
WILLI\ \1.. , KERR\ : oronet s, pre .. ; Announcer~ luh, pres.: atl. Thespian , trea . : NF'I: Round Tahle Roy a h) WILLI\ \1...,, RO\ WILLI\ \1-,, T \ ER WILLI.-\ \I .. , TI\I: J L
Kerry William
Roy William
Tanner William
Tim Williams
WIL\10TH, DI \ A: Girl ' horus WIL 0 , KI\THY: Cygnet ; Girl,' "0" Club, sgt.-at-arm'; areer lub; ourte y Club WIL 0 , LI D \: ygnets; areer lub WI KLER, \1\RYKE: ygn ts; High , chool Red rO•<;
WOLFF, 0\1'-IE: ygnets, v. pre•.; 1atl. Honor ociety; , tudent Council; Pep ouncil: Gn•at Book Club; Queen of Hearts andidate WOODW \RD, ... \LL Y: Cygnet ; ourtesy lub; Court J<•,ter"; German lub WRIGHT, GIL: Boy "0" lub, ec.; areer Club; Round Table Royalty; Fr. la pre,.; .. oph. Cla' pre .. ; Jr. Top Teen; Football, II- tate; Track YEL I'iGTO , ROL: Coronets; High chool Red Connie Wolff
Gil Wright
Carol Yelvington
G-\ 1 LE: High , chool Red Cross; Courte•y lub; Cygneh; FT'\ ZACHRITZ, \UKE: Career Club; DEC ; German lub ZI , TJ\I: atl. Honor ociety, v. pre"; Honor :\lath, trea . ; Key Oub, chap.; Falcon•, hi,t.; tudent ouncil; nnouncer lub; Great Book Club; cience lub
Gayle Younghein
Tim Zinn
Junior Officers Plan Prom
"Potato (hips, (ol.l's. ice, ..." J im Cohh, •t•t•retar), plan' rt'fn·-hnwnt•.
"I'd like a corsage, please," orders Dennis Kling ick, president.
" 2,000 for decorations,
5,000 for the band?!" ex-
claims farsha Ray, trea urer.
"It's going to be some party!" proclaims Jim Troxel, vice president.
"Tux, cummerbund, loafer , white sox . .. " Ridge Hooks, sgt.·at-arms order "formal" attire.
Squires Make Their Mark, Too t the important halfway point, quire had ample proof that they had made a ignificant mark in Knightland. It wa evidenced by the out tanding achievement of cia _ member . Junior boa ted the editor hip of the chool paper, th recipient of the City Americani m award. top po ition n the chool debate t am, and large repre entation in port . mu ic nd organization . The College-minded groomed for te t to check preparedne for college. \1erit cholar hip , P T, CT, and TEP became everyday word a juniors anticipated with some anxiety the outcome of t t . Counselor were in demand as
junior ought information concerning college requirements and curriculum planning for their enior year. ~ay will be a month long rem mbered by quir . Junior played ho t to enior for the prom, and long-awaited cia s ring arrived. The excitement was overwhelming! The Ia t few we k of chool junior uddenly realized that friend looked up to for three year were on the thr hold of graduation and that the final tep toward Knighthood wa imminent. quire were about to take their place a ~1io-hty eniors.
Paul dam. B Yerh Afinowicz Terry - lkire Elaine lien Jud\ lien he~ry lien
ndy nder-;on Barbara nder ... on Rita nneler Jim Antone Diana Argo Julie Arm lrong
Gray tkin. Joan Au tin Alan Bahan Larn Bailev Be\ e~l) Ba~ber \lichael) n Barker
Richard Barker Jud\ Bark ll Jim. Barnard andy Bartlo\\ e Linda Bell \lelody Bennett
Junior Sponsors Smile and Say
Junior ponsor l\lr. Clay Davi~, Mr. Bill Parker, Miss Gladys hepard, l\Ii' Eliwbeth rmston, l\li s Bernice Wester, Mi. Doris Taylor, !\Irs. Wilma Ball, \li ~1argarct Thompson, Mr. Bob Blackburn, Mr~. Georgia Teets, and Mr . Pauline Walker linger in the office before chool.
\1ike B n on Venita Bettinger Linda Bickford Erne t Bierman Toni Binkl ~ Barbara Bi hop
Can Blackburn Pau"t Bogg Tom Bogg. u an Bomar John Bookout Kath)' Booth
Jane Bowerman Jane Boxberger Bonnie Brad haw herry Bramble Hannah Brand B ky Brawley
Kathy Bray Pat Bremkamp hri Bricmont Jim Britton Emily Brogden Jerry Brown
It's Teamwork All the Way!
Ricky Bro\~n herry Brown Charles Bruton Le lie Buchwald Kathnn Bucklev :\1arth'a Burton ·
Diann Bu ch Carole Bvler Judy Caldwell Ra~dolph Call Janice Cannon Keith Carlton
Jeannette armony De\1 a\ ne arruth icki audill Don enter Linda hapin Bill hapl
:\like harl ~ton Carole hoate tan Chri tian Caroh n hurch Carter Blue Clark :\larcia lark
Tomm\ loud Jim ~hh u, an Coburn Jennifer .oil \lark ollin Bol? Compton
Squires Spawn Scientists,
orma Conaway Phil Cook ey Rocky Cooper
Brooke Cotter Tim Cox Jan Crawford
Mark Creekmore Vlayre Lee Crott Karen Crumley "Which one's got the T'VT?" DeWayne Elliott admitâ&#x20AC;˘ that chemiotry can be confuâ&#x20AC;˘ing.
andy Crumpler John Culb rt on Bill Curti Becky Davi Darlene Davi Claudia Dawkin
Roger Dabney J an Daiker \1ary Jo Dakil Larry Day Lloyd Decker Ruth Deitchler Carolyn Daley Pe~gy Daniel
Roby David on John Dellitt Mary De champ Charle Deut ch
Scholars, Culture
Roe DeWolfe Margo Dittman Judy Dorney
Kathy Downum Herbert Dubber tein Clydellen Duff
Ricky Dugger Don Duncan Margaret Duncan
Gary Dupree tan Dupree John Durrett
22 1
Carl Duvall Allen Eaker
Mike Eischen Gary Elkin
Paul Elledge DeWa) ne Elliott
"I got rna' man!" boa-.r- ~thâ&#x20AC;¢rful hri-.ty :\!iller as Daze catch, '"Jim Dand}" Johnny Durrett.
br dra!(
in her Dog Patch
Jim Elliott Ronnie Encapera
Juniors Join Readily
Jan Epper on Robert Fano teve Farha Phillip Farri herry Fau ett Ann Fenton
Buddy Field Larry Fi he! Kathy Fi her Carol F onv ielle Jame Forshay Mary Fo ter
Fo. ter andy Foutz Jimm'r Fcml r Re.,..,.fe .,..,.. Fowl r Keith Franklin tephanie Franklin
rthur Frank Judy Friend Johnnie Fritz Donna Ff)er \like Fulton Lonnie amble
Johnny Gatlin ally Ge ford nn ibb uzanne Gilbert Jack Given Elaine Gordon
h rre Go Bob Graham hri Graham ally Gr n haron Green Pat Gr r
1n All Celebrations
Rudy Greer Linda Griffin Dave Griffy Rob Grimmett Jim Haa Linda Haley
ly on Hall Lenora Hall :\1alcolm Haney \1elinda Hanraty Carol Han<:en Lynne Hardin
22 3
Annette Harrm: Janet Harri Kri tin Harr~ ""'ick Hodge Larn Hodcr on Donna Hoilincr worth Ral ton Barn 1\felanv Ha} ¡ Rex Heflev Linda Holloway ue Holcomb Connie Homsey Cher} I Hendren Liz He Artie Hestwood Ridge Hook Patti Hopkin Sherri Hopkin
Darla Hick Tom Hick Pete Riggin
Special Report~ Linda Hill Max Anna Hindes Alice Hiniker
Mar ha House C. B. Hudon Kent Humphrey Dick Hinkle Charles Hin on 1 ina Hinton Linda Hunter Velma l moe Bill J ames Carole Hitchins Boon\e Hite Jay Hoberecht
Linda James Jon Jerlow Linda Jesper en
WC's attractive library i alway filled with students doing research for sp cial cia. pear, Jon Lytle, ancy Peuy, and Tommy Roach.
~~N o
ignmenL. Juniors are Marcia Clark, Ken
Sweat'' for Squires
Carol John on Jane Johnson Man Johnson Linda John ton Fred 1olliff nita ]one
Denni ]one Janet Jones Ken ]one Linda ]one Louie Jone Ronnie Jone
anette Jordan heila 1ordan rtie 1ust Jud~ Ju t ]ani Kahler Larry Karn
Ann Keen Robert Kellogg Gail Kelly Kathie Kendall Jimmy Kennard Don kerran
Lynn Ketcham "\.eil Kimerer Ruth King Dennis Kling ick Kennith Klotz Diane Koonce
Kathy Kopacka Jennifer Lamb Henry Lane haron Lane Linda Langford Mary Jean Lara on
John Law Jan Law on Charle Lawter Pam Ledden Don Lee Virginia Lee
Go-Go Juniors Jam Buses
u an Lehr Ann Lent Kay Lewi Carol Litton Loui Lo ffler Vicki Loeffler
Mary Long Claudia Luca Corann Luckan Henr) Lu-.ter Laura Luther Diana Luttrell
Linda Lutz Katharine \Iackenzie \Iarcia \Iaddox Gerr} \Ia:ruire Toni l\Jahana) Karen :\lain
Ed\\ ard \Iakl r Janet ~fa lone andra \Ialone Jackie \laloney Linda \lanlo\ ~ u an \lann
Tom \Jann James \larr John ~Iar-.h Da\¡id \Iar-.hall Barbara \Iartin Keith ~Iartin
Earl \lasse\ Harley :\1atthew Peggy \Ta) field Chery] '\lcBride :\like' ~TcCarty Val '\lcCianahan
to Follow the Conquering !(nights
Junior go "all out" to upport the football team in Enid trip. In thi crucial game the Knights edged Enid 7-6.
o1ember 2 on the annual pep club
ponsored bus
fary Lou Miller Connie Milligan De Miner Rena McCoy haron McCreary Karen McCullough
Linda Mock Carla 1ogg Betty Montgomery herry McCutch on Lee \fcDonald Linda McEver Jim Morcran George Morris Tom Munday Harriet :\lcGau crhey Mark "\fcGee Mike Me -att
Fred "\fc rutt John McWethy Mike Meador
Charles Meadow Mike Meadow Carolyn Meek
Gerald Murphey Phil Murphy farjorie Murray Martha Meek Richard Melton Tommy Melton Chuck Mu on Pat Myrick Gene ranee Joe Millar Ann Miller Lee Miller
Carol eal Carolyn eal Leroy elson
For Joy! A
\1elanie \el~on Ken \ewman Don \ew. om anch \i:rh harle \oble haron \oble
Vickie '\orick Paula \orri Deborah otle1 Ed1~ ina '\ ull · Charlotte Obermann Ken Ontko
Kath1 0' hea Be1e;h Owen idne,· Owen Joe 011nbe1 Larn Pal~er Elea~or Palo
Flat Tire on Prom Night
"Hurry or we will miss the Grand March," Jane Bowerman plead with her e•rort Gary Blackburn.
Carolyn Pate Charles Payne Jim Pear o'n Pat y Pear on Don Peck Jerry Penland
Richard Perry Jan Petty Jeanne Petty â&#x20AC;¢ an y Petty Diane Peyton Connie Phillip
Diane Phillip Jim Phillip uzi Phillip Charle Pierce Janelle Pollock Karl Power
Jeanne Prater Jerry Putt Leann Quillin Ph,lli Rahill herry Rail y Linda Raine)
Class of '64 Receive Chri Randall Joe Rankin Toni Ra hke tan Rathjen Marsha Ray Robert Raymond
Carol Reinke Beverly Reynolds Lynne Reynold Bobby Rice Perry Rice David Ricker
Joyce Ridgeway Kri Riebel
Robert Roark Cheryl Robin on
Roche ,inda Rodger
Mike Rodgers Sharon Roederer
"I can hardly wait for mine!" exclaims Bonnie Brad haw a she admire Pat y Pear on's cia ring. Both girls ordered their cia~ ring January 24, their birthday.
Priceless Rings 1n Spring
Jim Rogers Becky Rollow Linda Romerman Carol Roo Luretta Ro ser Harlene Rosson
David Rudolph John Rupp Diane Russell Larry Ru sell Jay Rutland Don Ryan
\nita R, land Johnll\ . atterlet• 1\.elh , chmidt te\e chmi tz Jeanne • cott Trrn eba
tan e\\ ell Tim e\\ell ,ar) harple, Danll\ hirle\ \lar~~ret hultz John ie~el
t 'e tmrnon!' Rick imon Ronda imonin Jackie imonson Barbara ka~f! Oa, id loan
AFS Program Makes Dreams Come Linda mall Jim mith John E. mith
John R. mith Kay mith Mary Lou mith
Patsy Paul Ted
Lei~h Ponder Bob \lar hall helia \larkham
F finali•ts Roby David•on, Terrye ewkirk, Aly on Hall, and \farp:ar!'l hultz check lists of es entia) for spending a •ummer abroad.
Judr need nider Elain Loraine nider Phil tack Dal tallinl!. Carol tamm r Warne nipe. Richard oard herl rf ruc-ht Pat teed u an teinbock Bob teve Art outh Ken pear Barbara py buck
True for Squires
' ancy John Deanne
haron tubblefield Lloyd wineford Jan Tate
Mike Tate John Tatum Gordon Taylor
Jean Taylor R os Teague ·ick Tenni
Final •election of reprl' entative i made by F:-. •ati nal Headquarter in ew York; announcl'mrnt of the wmner i made around ] une l.
Berk, TIJalf'r J ark · Thoma~ Warren Thomas Diane Thompson Jirnm) 1 hom]Nlll u;;an Thompson
Roger Thurman Kath) Torhett Tom Townlev \like Tra. ka · Jim Troxt•l \far} True
Jan Turner Donna aden \like Valentine \1' rna Vanmeter Loi Vanw)ngarden Joe Vaughn
What Do Juniors Hope Jeanette oorhi _ Dick rooman Pat Wade Barbara Walk \nn Walker Donald Walli
Jim Warren Carla Wav J rrv Wa\ he~vl Web ter Janet Wege Robert Wiedemann
\ lichelle Wells Phil Well Dean Wertz Alan White John Whit le\e White
Vi,ions of commencement in :\fay 1964 are occupying the thou!(ht' of · u an Thomp•on and Joe :\1illar.
to Be?
Seniors! haron Whittaker Paul Wilke Bill Willett Linda William u an William Judy Willingham
haron Wil on Ron Winkler Pam Wood Pattv Woodward Jan ·Woolley Barbara Worthing
Molly Wo ka Fred Yaeger ]ana Young Jay Youn« Steve Youn« David Zoltner
orthw t lass n Herald approach Knighthood as did Herald of ancient lore. They ri, e from humble Pages to quire and hence to Knights. chola. tically, Herald ground through required ubject . including English, with it verbs, Silas \1arner, infinitives. and Juliu Cae ar. In new math cours we tackled quare , cube , and other figure . Frog and in. ect o cupied our time in biology, while gym cia e centered around volleyball, cageball, and oth r hairpulling, nail-breaking port . ophomore learned. however, that hard work brings lasting rewards. we anticipate becoming quire . we willing!) face new re pon ibilitie . new opportunitie , and new challenge . When we finally attain our cherished goal and become full-fledged Knight , we shall look back with pride and ali faction to thi year.
miling after being notified of election re,ult are new sophomore class officers: Carol Picken•, secretary; Jon Foster, . ergeant at arm ; Kanda Kirkwood, treasurer; (back) Dill Grimes, vice president; and Jim tacy, pre ident.
Heralds Anticipate Upperclass Years
'·Part)? Wh) not a paper drite?" Sophomon• ria" 'flon-or• work clo•el) \\ith !'Ia-- offin•r• on all actnilie>. They arl' Jean Rippe••, Barbara Cammack, Dwight John~on, Retha Wave Hulett, Ruth Warram, Don :\labrey, :\fanin Leach, :\lary :\IcLaurin. ot pictured are Richard Mitchell, Leonard :\larcotte, and Jerry Hayne~.
Lou \nn \,tron C.trol \hnq Slco\1' \ lm") ~11..,,111
I inda hram•on Rita h•ht-r
Kt'nt Ackl'rman Gary Adair Linda ,\duddcll Tomm\ \lldt·r Ro\ ,\ -lien Jucl) Andt·r-.rm
Ruth •' ren' l\ikki Arnold onnie .\rterburn Jean ,J..in' Lenora \ustin Wa)llt' \ ustin
Da'c uter} Barr} Babcock Gail Baber T} Bacon Be,erly Bailey Phil Baill')
Sophisticated Sophs Self-Confident haron Bailey Buz Bain brid ge Paul Baldwin ick Ballin Becky Barbee J ane Barnard
Jamie Barne Kenn y Barnum Kath y Barrett Donna Barron Trena Bas Vic Bate
J o Ann Batten Debbie Bay Karen Beck .\like Beckner Betsy Bee be Ava Beleele
• Bell John Bell \like Benson \nn Bentley Karen Berg , haron Berg
Jim Berry :\faxine Billing. ly Charlottt• Bingham \lark Blakey Pat Blakley :'\ancy Block
Linda Boaz Judy Boc' • Patty Bolton John Bond Robert Bond Jerry Booth
Terry Bott~t·r Ruth Bott' Jim Bowen Ri<·ky Boyd-ton , haron Bradley ~ andra Brad,haw
Sophomore Representatives Serve Glenda Bray Jean Br<'eding Bob Breitschah Lynda Bn·s~ie Franct's Brewer l udy Bridgeford
\\ ay ne Brink Peter Bri{!~s Larry Brock Kathy Brower Jeanie Brown Joanna Brown
l\cil Brown Peggy Brown Ro~cr Brown Wayne Brown Rod Bnm ning Linda Bruton
Jackie Buchner Keith Bu('hwald Pat Bugher LaDcana Bullock Van Bumpas Hal Burba
andra Burch Ro. emary Burton Judy Buâ&#x20AC;˘ch raig Bu<cy Lynn Camfcrdam Becky anunack
David Capron Paul Cardin Jim arrekcr Paula Carruth teve Carter hirley Center
Jahree Chambers Ragcna Chaloupek Peggy Chaney Frances Cheatham Jim Cheatham el on Chitty
1n All School Organizations Ru ty Chri topher :'1-lary Chroni ter Jane Clanahan Jim Clark Johnny Clark Gaelyn Claunch
fyla Clay Rodney Clenney Emma Cline Harlan Coit Judy Cole Pam Cole
Barry Colley George Collier David Collum Kay Comb Karen Compton Cathy Conkling
.ll'.mnt• Con It·\ I .•rrry Cook . lkl'kY Coolt'\ Caroh nl' Co;, per Kri~ti Coopt•r SteH' Corbett
l.inda ( ortlt'll Broc ordonnier ~lwila Corter Fn·d Cox ]t·.rrmt• Cox Frank Co\
rain Janice Crawford \ il'ki r\'3•('} u-an rudup Gn·~ rum Freida ummin , lt'\l'
Transition Complete as Students Deanna Cunningham Tina urtis \lar-ha llailt•v Don llann · Frc<.l<.lic o·ani ·I
arl Da\all Be k} Da,is Linda Da\is , tan Davis Ronnie Day Janice de Cordo\a
Gar} Ue Laughter Jim Demopo)o Ra\ Denham T .;". Deplois Pat Dewey :\Iary De Wolfe
Keith Dicken Richar<.l Dickin on Toni Dickinson orma Dim' iddir Jeff Dixon Allen Doll
Erne-t Doling Diannt• Donrt·t•l D.1w IJou:,!all Ella I>ud.f'!t I'.Jtrit ia Dudley Judr IJu:,!an
])a,id l>unLrp Richard Da\\-on Diant· lh t•r Jot• lh-~rl ~larn Eagin .\nn LaH·-
P.1t Ehrlil'h
Da'e Eldl'r ary Elkins Da'e Elled"e Ti-h Elli .,. Brenda Elli-on
Sarah Emenhi er Jackie Engehret en Elaine Engle
Bob Eoff Rod £,kridge '-'u ir E' eraard
in Swing'' 1n Second Year
Yanre EH·rett Joe Fallin Fred Farha :\ann Farmer Freddie Fehr De rre II Ferguson
Joe F ngu -on Jultt· Ferl(u-on Linda Fergu on Tripp Ft·,]t•r Ste\C Fields Della FiJ,on
Jim Finch Greg Fine \like Finucane Lam• Fitz Jim Fit•(•! wood arolyn Fleming
Jim Flemming arol)n Flournoy Budd\ l•hnn Shan;n F;>rd :\Iaril} n Forrc-t Jon Fo-.ter
Rand\ Fo-.tcr Ken f·rantz Ot' I l'rederiri Jim Gallegl} Paula Gallop Glt>nda Gamble
Glenn Gant Jim Garrett Jack Gary :\ancy Gclino \lark Geller Peggy Gentry
\lark Ccrnhardt Jo cttingti \leg Ghoh.ton Jan Gibson Karyn Gilro} \like Gold
Sophomores Are Serious, Studious Katln Goldman aroi Coodri h \"\en de Corn as '-u ... an Crab~r :\anq rl'cn Tomm) Green
Jerry Greenwood Bob reer Dcnni' Gn·~ory ... haron Griffin Tom Griffith Bill Grime
Da\id Grime teve Cri ...... om Glenn ,room Cathy Grubb Tim Gue t :\like Guy
!iff Hafen Toni Ha~temann Earle Ha{!!!ard :\Iar:zaret lla:z::rard .\rlcn e llaiko Pat Hall
Paula Hallman Randy Hall Tom Hamilton Ronnie Hancock 'i na Hanchett nn Hankey
Ka) Hankey Terry Hanna Donald Harkey Beth Harkin Kay Harp Ken Harper
Friendly, Frivolous, Forceful Jcncttic Harris Bob Hart Cind\ Hatchett }nthia Hay
Jeff Ha)' Jimmie Hendrickson Erna Henley Diana Hen ch
Fred Hen,Jey I kn¡ndcen Linda Herold Diane Herrmann
\ t'rn
Anna :.\Iarie Hill harlene Hill Jim Hill
Linda l!illl'\ Larn llitd;tut'k Dian·a llitt Lana Hock Su-an Ilodl(t:. Roht'rl llod•on
Bahara Hoffer \Iarcia lloffnt·r Liz Holada} ·tuart Holhruuk Terry Holden Kan·n Hollis
Ru~l} llolluwa) Jo • Hom~cy hloe Howard J can Hem ani .\like Howard Paula Howard
Kan·n l!rhart·k \lanJo Ilurkah · • Jt'rr\ Iluddlc·slon Katl;nn Ilud~on Jim Iiuffaker t•nt• llu!!]l('s
Insect Collections Top Past \likt' llu!!hc Da\1 n llull!'lt
Pat llumc L) nn 1[unt
\Iary Hunt Hem ard Hunter
"We'll call it a butter/1_1 :'" John -Cott's outstanding in ect collection containing 137 . pecimen wa c:~.hihitt·d in the cience di~play ca fir~t . eme~ter.
Brad llu•h.1nd \ndy llu•k) John II~ de Katln Ilutchcr,on Jim lkard !::'lt>phanit• Jmin
Chuck Jack !'t·rn Jack-.on Jill jacoh-on Rand' J arne· :-;all) ·Jenning,,rl Jt·n•t•n
!:-and ra J l"••ec Gt·orl!t' Johnson Kav Jolm•on Catln Jones ~kip.John•on
Darql Jones
(; lenda J one• J arm·• J one Larn Jone-. 'like J one• arnm\ t' J one• !:-andl';. Jones
Required Biology • huon Jont•Bill Jm ce Paul .l;>\CC Kav Jufian C.a~oh n Junk Judy Kahlrr
Da,id Kahn 'Iar-ha Kamp Jack 1\..uhu Richard Kearnc' Larr\ 1\.ea' · June. Kce•ter
~ u•ic 1\.eil Dennis Keirn Karen Kcll) Paul Kelly Tern Kerr Ben'e Ke-..Ier
Thelma Killian Ronnie Kilman Brian Kimercr Janelle Kin~!; ·herr~ le King Jan Kinnirk
Jim Kirchner Kanda Kirkwood Ron Ki-.c .\Iajel Ki-.er ~haron Ki, is to Gary Kiuiar
Tim Knott Laura Knox Gloria Koeppe Don Kor-tjen~ Joyce Koqed H~nry Kraft
Jennie Kramer Linda Laird Jo Land Jim Lankford Joe Lankford Ramona Law
Tenth Graders Take STEP Tests, Darrel Lawson Iknni-. I.uw-.on Pam La\\-on \'icki LeForcc Dana Lemon J ulil' L!'vin
:\lark Lewis Ferne Liehman Glenda Linan Darlene Linj!;cnfelter Linda Lingerfelt Dalt> Little
Randy Little \Jan Loeffler \lary London Kt•ith Long Patti Lon~r Candy Looney
Grant Lord Linda Louk Vicki Lout Buz Love Oa\id Lo\cland arol Luckan
. cotl Ludrick Ricky Luton Jim Lutz Jack Lyle Rex Lynn Paul \lacGowan
Helen '\IacKeller Don '\lackey \like '\lahan Johnie .\lahancy Hick \lanner tan \lanske
Gary \lark Judy \larr \larilyn \Iar•h Linda \lar-•hall David \Iartin Linda \lartin
Plot Future Courses and Careers Ronnie '\la•on Paul \Ja,,ing:ale Bernie ,\Ja,tagni Becky Mauldin Olivia .\laupin Bryan '\laurer
Ellen \!au n·r Tht•re a \lcCe II an Kay \lr( lun~J: \like \lfCormick Gcor~J;(' \lcCreight
Charles \lcCulley Janis \kDonald Judv \ldntirc Peggy \!cLellan Janett \k\lahan :--lwrry '\1(0:\lahon
Ri('k \1('\linn Bt"tt} \ll', c·il \lack \lcl\utt \lart} \lc l'lwl'ler• Susie \Ieister Tricia \ll'lan•nn
Lonna \Jcrilatt Dtnid \lichaelson \Icrrily \lilburn \lary Brth Mib :ut• \tile\ hristy \"tille-r
Connie \Iiller Larry \!ills Linda .\1 i nes ,\Jan \Iitclwll Janc·ttc \Iitchc·ll \Iarin \Iitdlcll
\like• \Iitdwll W}nn \nn i\loak Gay It• \lontgnmeq Llc;yd \loon Carohn \Ioorc Donna i\Ioorc
Sophomores Have Learned Importance Jody .\Ion•lock
u~;n :\Ior:zan
raig; .\Iorin \nnettt• \lorri
John \lorri, Karla .\Iorris
"Come into my parlor, 'aid the spider to the fly." other ophomon·-. take- lwr problem to .\lr. .\littchell.
ammie Vinson, like
~ u•an ~lullcn
Dt"idra :\Iullig,m ll.m) :\lurphy :\lar-ha :\lurph) Pam Mu•gra\C Bill \lu-torll'n
:\Iar~art'l \lyatt Linda \h!'rs Rick \ht·r, Katln \t·al cdr~ \edhal·k :\lt>lon) t'ill
ondra twton Jon \orri" Bill orthrutt Anita orthrup ]ani Nowlin Rich Oakl'
ollcen O'Brien Kaye Offutt Debbie Oldhan Bill Paddnl'k \likt• Pamplin Jan Parkt'r
of School's Counseling Service Paula Parker Donna Parmeter Bill Parr Gocn~e Parrish Lynn l'artleton Donald Pa,Jay
Ronald Pa-lay Jim Pate indy Patter-on \lary Payne Terry Payne Elaine Pearce
\lary Pedigo arol Pennington Tanda Perkins ~herri Perry Gary Peter_on Hank Petty
Kenny Phelp Carol Picken Jan Pickney Bob Pierson Frank Platl'r !anne Pont•
Dan Pope Jeri Pott•t•t Debbie Pounds Doug Powell Jana Powell Penny Powell
Carol Proctor u"an Puttroff herry Raddi Tom Rag,dale anq Rainey Robert Ramee
Brenda Rainey Judy Rauh :\1arcia Ray u~ie Ray Linda Redlinger Danny Rce ·
Interests Spur Sophomores te\e ReeYes Vickie RceYes Kaethe Reiff Helen Reinheimer ~lien Renfroe Ton} Reye•
luis Reynold Beth Richard :\fike Richard on Bruce Riddle Janet Riley Richard Riley
te\ e Ritt!'r Peggy Rohrrt~ \Iikr Robert•on ,·herri Robertson Paul Robin on Jack Rne•d1
Di<·k Roger' Jacki Ho11ers Forrest Roller Robin Roth Hannclorc Rothenbu ch ~lar,ha Ru h
Judy Ru<>ell andy Ru~sell ynthia Rutledge u•an Rutledge Rhonda ~ ammons David as
Curtis Ginny 'anq Vickey chwab John colt 1ack , cudder
Seaman hecry eaman Georgia ears Hardy cars ;\like elf Ellen hadid
to Good Deeds \lien ,haw Diane haw Terry ~haw
Doug heat~ley hcrry , lwt>han \larit>tta helton
, u•an , hephard Judy herman Jimmy Sherrill
"Reali), I don't mind carrying him around for a while." sacrifice i' too great for Berry Smith and Jack getting their in•cct collection.
o kaggs in
Pll\ lli' "'hnf,tall Hili ~hnnt Jim. hoot Don•nt• ~hnrl' Larn ~idt• ' Barhara "'ip.mon
Bill ~ilk Jack ~ ka~~ Etta ~· kt· l·n Barn ~ mith Jane. mith Katll\ !:-mith
L\nn . mith P~te . mith ara ~mith Tt·re-a "'mith :\lark :-mock Laura ~ ne d
Karen "nell Connie "ober Bobcttr ~ outhard Dick. pann John parkman Gal') Sparh
Tenth Grade English Courses Kay parks Charlt•' ~pcnccr Janel ·pcnccr John pitlcr ..\litchell • prow. o Jim Lacy
'\oble tanficld Bill tan ford Jane Langeland Do\Ciinc Leer Ellen tephcn Gloria • tephcn on
Joe tewart Kathy Strain Lynn uggs ancy Suggs Robert ullivan Ann. ump
u'-an wick ally wigert \like Tate
Denny Tatum Jayne Tayar Carmie Taylor
Jane Taylor :\lary Taylor :\Ierle Taylor
andy Taylor Linda Terry :\!arty Tes~man
" omeday they'll hate a blackboard my size." Dangling participles are no problem for sophomore u .an Hodges, who goes to great heights for perfection.
Stress Communication Sl ills Tomnn Thoma Karen¡ Thoma on \nn Thomford John Thompson :\Iary Thomp on l\Iike Thomp. on
Warren Thomp on Jeanie Thorton Jack ThraÂŤh herri Tierce baron Todd onnie Tolle
Ruth Ann Travis Ronnie Truelove Vicki Truitt elda Tuley IIarletta Turner Ralph Turner
Wayne Turpin Jay kena
Judy Vandennieuwenhof teve Van Dyke
Wen dell \an Hook Johnny Van Horn
"You take president, I'll take t:ice president." Cindy William , l\Iike ~Iittchel, and Jody ~forelock make a deal for cla s offices.
Heralds Take Advantage of Darrel Van Houtan Randy Van cory Kathleen Vickery Larry Vincent ammie Vin on Linda Vocgelein
Luanna Wade ancy Wade Jenny Wad worth heryl Waggoner Joe Walcher teve Waldrip
Don Walker Linda Walker uzanne Wall andra ailing Jan Wampler Darla Wandell
Don Ward Lawrence ard Tom Ward \like Warner Danny Washa Pat Wat on
Tom \\alter' ~rthur Wt·hh Cary Wt•hh ~u-an Wehh('r Pin lli- Wt•her J W t>IHt·r
u-an w···-t Jim W't·-tmllfeland • hari Wht·eler John W hitheck John White Rick White
John Whitln Da,id Wlntlaw arole Wiihurn Da,id Wildman Jane Wilkt·r-on David Willard
Wider Variety of Elections !len Williams Cindy Williams Diana William Geor~e Williams Jim Williams ~baron Williams
Wil-ey Bill Wil•on Bob Wil,on Diana Wilson Bruce Winston arol Wi-dom
• lt'\l'
Linda Wi-dom Robert Witten Kenny Womack Dan Woodard Willard Woods te'e Woody
Judy Woolley Barbara Woolman Dan Work Jacque Wright :\like ~ yche Ragina ): at•ger
We made it through the fiLt awe ome, fun-filled ) ear at orthwest Cia!< en. How confusing were the fir t day among towering . enior and long halls which led us ometime to the wrong la~:>room! Orientation Da} was an exciting beginning for our high school career. Well we remember the tension that mounted as Bill Hankin on, Student Council president told us some of the thing to expect during our fir t year. Page . we were gue t of honor at the HOWDY \1IXER. a memorable o ca ion. We learned to take the had with the good, to give and take in daily relationship '~ ith cia. smat . . Our ad vi orie , where all grade Je, els are repre en ted, were helpful in learning to under tand the problems and idea of uppercla men. Our fir t }Car wa a great experience and we can hardly wait to enroll next }Car a full-fledged Herald !
"/f you put in a plug nickel, the vice-principal comes out!" Freshman officer : Charles Ogden, sergeant-at-arm'; Tom lac), pre~ident; Charlene Prevett, secretary; Sue :\IcFarland, treas· urer; and Wayne Gary, 'ice pre•ident, joke around the coke machine.
Pages Conquer
"The thing says SJ!ILE!" Gay len Wallace reads over Ola Mae Oake•' shoulder to ~ idney Ohmart, Bill Hughe•, Helen Willin::rham, Glenn Rick•, Jo Alice Hendrick, and Beverly :\fays, fre•hman •pon•or-. "'ot pictured are Henrietta Van Tungeln and Jerry Jeffric,.
Barbara Ahram Bob Adanh Billy lien Bob Alkn John nd •r,on .\like ndrcws
Barbara rentz Stew Arnn Robert Arnold Jan -hby PhY II is A'h ford Lilienc \tchey
\eta Austin ): vonne Ayer John Bado Bill Bailey Bobi Baker '\ancy Bakt•r
Pam Baker Patty Baker Kathy Ball Jackie Ballew onnie Barclay Tere'a Barne
Carolyn Barnett athy Barnett Joei Barr James Barron Jane Bartusch LaVaun Bateman
Strange New World
• • •
Vic Batt'' Joe naumhaft Dean Ba" com Patricia Bt'ck Donna Ike ::-;usan Belcher
'andi Belt huck lkndn Gerald Benedict Jack Bergmann Janet Bergquist 'lartin Berthelot
Lynncttc Bierman Teresa Binswanger Janet Bird Fred Birn<'y Linda Hi-hop Sandy Black
Tern Illal'k Jim lllackhurn Eddi(• Blalock Denni' Blaney D.m Bla-dll,e Yid.i Boaz
\lar -ha llogg• B('rl,y Bond Glen lloolwr \lik(' Booth Linda Bo-well u>-an Bowerman
Kennrth Box Gkn Boyd Ralph Bratton Judy Bremer Joan Bri•ws Ray Bro;dfoot
Lind,t·y Bro k John Brooks Bob Brown Brenda Br0\1 n Bryan Brown Kay Brown
\lar-ha Bnn1n Randy Brown harlotte Brownen \like Buckner .\1ickel Bullald Chery I Bullen
Freshmen Quickly Adapt to Dorinda Burdick heryl Burnet Paula Burris Linda Burton Steve Burton Ferrell Bussing
Rebecca Butler Sandra Butler Jackit• Byers Tom abell .\1arian ampbell Judy apshaw
.\lik • arl•on Paulette Carmony Bobby Carpenter Jo ar on hery I Carter amye Carter
Linda a;.ey Janice Cash .\like Cathey Linda atron Ginny hase Jeff Chambers
Lela 'hamllt'r' nn Chancy Carol hatham Jane hratham Janice Cherry :\Iarr hcH·~
Doug: Chew Gayle Childre' Don Clancy Janie lark Larry lark Pamela lark
Cary Clinton Rita Cloud Kcnnth ochran Karen Colley ~ herry Collier Penny ollin~
Linda olwcll :\Iartin onkling Danna Cooley Cheryl Coppedge orman Cordell Broc ordonnier
Pam Corn Cheryl Cornelison Le,lie Cornett Jim Cotton harlene Couch Rod ovington
l(nightland's Customs and Traditions 'clson C!mart ramer \"Lulo· CtanH 1
Hal Craw ford usan Crawford Pam Crotts
Linda Dale D,nid Daniel \larcia Daniels
Barbara D.In;inger Bill Da\ id-on Darlene Davi~
_1011 br mine?" Falcon due :\lark Johnson propo e,; to Joan Pitts under the watchful eye' of member· Karl Power' and Jim Pear-on.
Diana l),n j, Dou~ D.n j, Fo•lt'l D,n j, C'"·n Da, j, \Jikl' lla'i' ~tu.tJt lla'i'
Jt•rn DawkinDia~t· Da\ Johnn\ Dt•t•• Harold l>!'fehau~h Ril'k} Dt·lann Di"k ()pr rit·k
J anl't Dt•rri"k D.~nn} Dt·upn·<· Bollin Di<-k Linda Di"ker-cm , 'hirle\ Dil'kcr•on Dt•nni~ I>i .. kin•on
Pages Participate 1n Fast Moving Billi!' Di•hman Hichard Dittler Diane Dockre,· ]0\ Dodd · Biil Dot<d, Pah~ Doll
Pat Donnell) lire Doug;ht} Barbara Do\\num Rick Du"'"an Bill Dun~;n ~alh Ducan
Bill Du,kin Joannt• Dutton Doug Du,all
, tew f:a,Jn Connie Erkel J ern F.dward'
Halph Edward' Elaine Elliott Gaq Empie '-,u,ie F.wing John Fag;ala Bill Fair!'hild
Ril'hie Fairchiid C!'nt• Fannin!( tephanit• Farrand Carol Farri" Jim Farri' \like Fauk"
Gar) Fau'" Bunn\ Ft'hr llarri~·t Fenton \nn F<·rr' Vicki Fit•ld Jill File
' \cHI' in th l' counc• ol human c-rt•nt.\ • . .'' Ottn
\lt·rz takt'~ O\Cr hi, \nwrican Hi-ton da,, u' 'tudt• nt~ n•place teadH'r, durin~ \nwri c'· an Edu l'a· tion week.
Pace of Big School's Activities 1\.rm Fint"h ~t• ' "t Fitt Ra} Forbt•, ~u-an Fo,tcr Dann} Fm. Kt·nnt'lh Fox
Carn Frank Joe f·ranklin Ka\ Frantz G.t~} Fritz Jt>rn Fritz . u-~n Fulton
Hill Fundahurk J<'rt'!l Cu:.diardi Ja•·kit· Carrt'lt .lnhn Carn•tt Cn · ~ L.trrin;,!t·r Ut·mt•nt Carri-on
\\.t\nt• Can lh r;m Catt'' I ;rn Catt'\\ood Tom Gaul Donna C<'i!!t·r Da,id Gihh,
Jarw.d (.iJ,nn 1\.t·n Cnddard l.inda Co--t'll Larn Gmin \ !t'l.t Ctm in Lilli Gra .. ia
Cunnit' Craham llt·lt·n Craho~m Linda <.raham ::-allil' Graham Ct·orgia (;ram
Da) na Cra\
horah Cr.n \Lu k Cn·d-t;Hirt' Carol Cn·t·n Cind' Cn ... n Hand\ .n·gor~ Boh Crig~"~ J),
Grirnt·• Bru<'c Grow .loth llad tl \\a} L' n. ·II I lafnt·r Edith Hall Joan Hall
Haltt•r Boh l!amma<'k llarrit•t Hammond Tt•rri IIanna Jan Hanraty Connie I fan..,t'n
Karen Han..,en Ten••a Hardin!( \ikki Hart' \nn llarri' \lark Harri' Hu"'l'l Harri..,,
Trina Harry Pam Hart !\nita Hawkin' Jim llaws Emma flaync' Hobrrt Heart'
Ka\ Heitman Ga~len Ht•itzman layton llt'lms Dl'hhy Belton lwrq II cndcr..,on Tcre•a Hendren
Youngest Class Lends Support, • hera! Hendrich Lr--Iie Hennin!(er James Henthorne Pamela Herd Rita Herendeen Drhorah Herndon
Elizabeth Herring Charolettr He t r Jerry Hickman Rebecca Hightower :'llancy Hildebrand Connie Hill
Dana Hill Jane Hill Phylli Hill y Jean Hinton Richard Hix Luann Hodge
1\.an·n llodkin-on Da,id lloldc-rln llt·hhit • lloldrlt'.r Don llo lin\\ a\ l.ouit• llolrn.t;l ~tnt• llolmt''
Pam llolt Boh llolt Roht•rt llolt Gar) llolthcr~ Linda llopt• I t',Jj,. I lorn
\nn llou-ton Ellt·n llm"ud 1 t•rn II ou,ton J can~e ll<m ard \likt· ll<mard Pat Il<mard
J'oni ll<m.trd Charlt•s !lowell Chri' llmt Bruce }),;,t urtis ll~ff Cluis llug,]w,
Honm II u lett L<•on llumphr ) Jan Humphreys Larr) Ilumphric• ht'l')l Hunt Bt'rky Husband
\ !'rt'tta Husband \rlon Imoc Hon ln~lish Jim hin' Jark Jack-on Jim Jachon
Join Pep Club In Full Force
Sharin~ an amu,in~ 'ecr 'l are '·C" 'quad cheerleader Kathy Billie Di-hman, and onnie :\[ont~omerv.
nipe~. Ann
lt.n .Jark•on
( h:•.-~ •., J aml'l.ind.t EddiP \lil'k} K.m•n
.I anuarv .larrt'lt. .lefft·ry Jenks
Cimh Jenning'
J('.tn~t· .I erlo\1
Karl John-on :\1 rk .lohrhon \Inn John•nn Rob;·rta John-on
El.tinl' Jollt·v Don Jone, . Tom .lone, .lim Julian Dolon·s Kt•t•n Jot• Kemp
Ori ntation Program Launched Frosh I.urn Kendall Tt'fr\ Kendall Judith Kent .u,an Kent c't'ott Kt·r-dtnn Rita kincaid
Steve Kin!!: Su,iP King Rid1ard Ki-er Pam Klinke,ich :\like Ko('!l Tt•n••a Kohlt•r
Richard Kotva ami Kubat tt•rling Kurffer Diant• Kurk Da,id Ku} krndall !:'hamn Lacy
Tom l.agne \like Laham Charlet Lake Suzanne Lamb rt Carohn Landguth Fond~ Lane
Ronnie Lar-on Juanita Law Celia Law•on Ronnie Lawson Can Lra rher lke\nn • Lee
Linda L ech Dianr LeGate Jane Lehman Lynda Lind•ay Marcia Linn David Li••
Fre,hman orit'ntation included a special as-embly "h ·re new students were given important information concerning ~chool organization and routine.
on Purposeful, Constructive Routine Linda Lloyd Ru,ty Loeffler Lynda Lofti. :\Iarilyn Longfellow Richard Longlev Pamela Louk -
laudia Lowe John Lowe :\lartha Lowe Fro. ty Loyd Alan Lukehart Pat Lu ter
Luttrell Don I.\ nt• Caf} L~nn \lark I \on Bud \ l;ngum Jor \ lallonee
lay \ Iangum Robert \lanlove Ioria \!antilla Phillip \ Iarcom Johnny :\.l ar~h "usau \lar~hall
:\Iary \!arlin Tom \ !artin J t'ananne \ lason Lynn \l attox Cathy \ laupin John \laxwell
Jud) \la xwell Beverly \I a~ Bob \1aH·r ,\ Jan \1 ~ urty There~a \l c lelland J rrv \ k allon
!:--uzannt· \lt'\.ortl Rohnt \lc( rae ken !:--alh \I!Cra\ Jant:l ~I c Far.land Sue \kFarland !:--all) \!t-Ct·t•
Janie \IcClure Genrgeanne \lc eil William \IePlwr-on \Ian \lead<m' \Iar jorit• \lee Rich,trd \lei,ler
L)nn \Icrcdith Otto \lerz Kent \Iill<'r \likt• \lillt•r \icki \Iiller Janice \lilligan
=:.hirlt'\ \lilligan Duane. \lill' Roger \lim' Gail \litrhcll 'ihirlt•t• \litchcll Linda \loak
\larih n \lonnit•f Fn·d \lonp:uc Connie \lontgom •ry Karen \Ion I gomcry \lar-ha \lnntgomcry Ewl) n \looney
Frosh Master Solid Subjects, Gordon \loore Linda \Ioore Jill \lorry Ooul( \!organ L) nnt• \Iorin George :\lorri•
Janet \lorris J enna \Iorri Rick ~lorri• Warren \!orris Tommy ~Iorri on Jim \1o,cley
David \[oydell ] ane \lurphy Joe ance Rolene. a•h Dick el•on Larry el•on
::::Iifford igh Allen l'loble Ronald oble herri Linda Janell
l'anwla O'l>t·ll .John Odt•n Chari•·~ O~dt'n
Don Olandt·•t' Boh OliH·r ~u~an 01-~ard
Kris Ol•on \ancy OH·nnan arohn O"en• Kay Owen.., Jack Pan· Dale l'a~t'
Loui•!' Pai•lcy SteH' l'allt•-en Pe""Y Palo Ca~~j l'arri ... h Kt",in Parri ... h Candy Parker
Gt•or"t'tlt' Parker Dick ..Pate Bill Pattt'Nlll Su•an Patter ... on Jcnna Patton Chark ... !'a~ nc
Tom l'ayn • Da' id Pear-on Jerry Pear-on haron l't"aroon ] immie Lynn Penny Bob Peter•
Develop a Variety of Sl ills Jimm) Phillip• \nn l'hinnt·y l't•"g\ l'hipp-
l<.itt\ l'it•rt·t• Hoy · Pit· r-on Hory l'it•l•!'h
Paul l'in .. Jeton Janette (loinb !:iu-an Puj!'zn~
A Jan l'olloc k ,\]] •n Porter Eli'a Porter
'·lf'ho f!.l'l.\ 10 lie!. the pan?''' Jane Hill, Jeannt; Thomp. on, and ... te\a Fitz prt•pare to be homcmakt•r.., 111 frc-hman Food ... !'l.t".
<.t•t•nt'l'n l'o-n Ct•nt• I' ott t'l . I liT\ l'otuHI, l'hil .l'ound' <: m l'm1 t' r ( h;rl .. nt• l'n H ' lt
\larlt•nt• l'rt·lt'll Linda l'rin· J utl1 Print·•· J im;m l'ro!'k Bob ]>ruill Joe l'ry ot
Ro!!l'f l'u!!h \likt• Pulliam Honald l'ullinl! Gt•or!!ia l'urncll Cath~ l'ur-t•l Don~a Quail•
Kathy Quindt \Iona Hahill Hi<'kn HaitH' \ Drew .Rat<'lif( Pamela Ht'ad Carol Ret•d
Academic Challenge Is Great lkbbit· Rt·t'd John !{a\ Heid Lit;da Hei-inl!t'r Bill Ht•nrwr Dian!' Ht'\ nold•
Rog!'f Hn noltJ, \Ian Jarw Hhoden \an;., Hi!'hartl• Carot' Ridwrt Cinut~r Hidcrt'\\a\
Jan~\ Rill'),..
Fn·ddit· Hin"wald .ll'rri Hollt'rt: .lt·rn Hoht·t h Hicl;ard Hoblycr Judy Rodgt•r, Tt'rry Hodgt•r-
\ li<'t' Hot' Jim Rot•dt·n·r l>a1 id Htw-dt l.arr) Hogt•t' \lana Ho"t'r' Halph Ho;t·r-
Hn~Pr ... Donna Rolf •ll Lu" n-nn· Hoth
Tt·n· . . ,t
\\ ilfn·itl Rothenhu•ch Jan it· Ho" ton Eddit• Hug~
Bohhv ~amara Gail ~aundn Paula "dtiet
\rthur Stlunaurh Larn S<'hmidt Brut:t. "dum
··m~. isn't it{" Full of ,t\\t', \likP Ltham and Delon·Kc•.nn- <'lllllt'mplatc their future at \ort)nq·-t ( Lt--en.
for First Year Students Barn ~cott Tom~n ~cudder Beck' ·::-.ealv Ret a· t•elwr~ \like !::-eelev Ramona ~t·~'ell
~hirlc\ ~hadid
Rol)('rt ~ha<'kelford Jim . harp Rand\ "haw Kath; !:'>heppard Lana , hortt
]at·k "Iunde Dwi:rht . hultL ~her)! ~ihc}
Linda • imm'< Danny • imon Diana 'iimp,on
1o L) nne imp. on John ~lau!!htcr L)nnc "melcn Barbara ~mith Bill mith Bruce ~mith
Da\ id \ . "rmth D.nid L. mith Gene !->mrth Harold !->mith Johnn~ !-lmith Rust~ ~mith
:-andy , mith . ut• ~milh Lcs mork Tina moliga Diana moot Jan!' ~nn tlw
Bill ::-need
Can<h !::-rwt'd
John ·~need Terc~a . nelson Kathy Snipe Tom :-olloch
Dick :::-omnwrfrucht :\Iartha .orrells Glen park Judy !->pNr Da,id • prinl(er Jamie :-prouls
Susan t. C •orge Tom Stan ~all) ~ tar;Hnt•r \t•il tamps Judy tan ford Jane tanley
Freshmen Add Color to Scene,
(I no· of the mo~t important tradition in Knil!htland i the appearance of the Knight and Lady on hor eback at home football game. Ratin"' thi honor in their fir,t year were Delore, Keen and Ralph Rogers.
( .h .. n I !:-t.m•t·l Fn·t(-.tt·t•lt· "ut.tnnt · Stt·l'lt· \nn "L•·ph lkllwrl "'"pht·n• arl ~l• plu·n,
~lt'phanit· !:-itt'phens .J tl(h ~It ' \\ art
Katin !:-ittll'ln !:-iu•it; !:-itoul Pam !:-itn·t k
\latlt·hnn "Ln•t•l \like ~l\fOII l'hilhp .:.ullon Linda . "an•on Don -,, h l'•ll'r Frank .Tall•
,\nn T.11lor Torn Ta.1lo1 Jt·--t· Tt;euru•eh Carol Tl'els Ltrr} Tt·rrill !:-ihirlt'} Thacker
Janice Thomas J encc Thomas Carl Thompson Dt•bi Thomp,.on Car} Thomp~on Jeanne Thompson
Make Their Marl( Early John Thtmlp•on Phil Thom(Nlll Rolll'rl Thompson ·rai~ Thomson Pat Tit•rnan Crail!: Tigert
\ltkc Tinnl'n Katl11 Tolle Pam .Tomberlin !:-haron Tornht•rlin haron Tomlin•on Pam Toll(•lis
\ I irhat'l Ttm nsend Pat Trii>P Linda Tuhh \ Iikl' Tucker ~haron Turker John Llrirh
\'i\ ian \ ahlherg \l arih n \ alt•ntinc D..tnn~ \ ann Rand) \ an nostrand Linda \ aughn Richard \ arn<'r
27 1
I Hm \ nlz :-ue \ nurlut·~ I ind.t \\ adt• Hid,, \\ .t~n,·t Hi II \\ ·IJ~gnnt'l l'.tt \\ .tlkt•l
--.lllth \\ .tlkt·l 1-'n·d;lit• \\ .t!Jt.n \J,1rih II \\ Ull<lt•ll Clr, e.\\ arrt·n Pt•gg' \\ drn·n
'-'ht•il.t \\ all•
C'.trlt•flt' \\ ,.,,.., llnh \\ t·kh l.t" \nn \\ t•lch .I 1m \\ lwt'lt•r .It .111 \\ lu·t•lu• Bill \\ hitt·
]\, \ \\ hilt• )\,,.;, \\ hilt• Hnnnit• \\ hilt• Ht·"tn,, \\ ilt•, ( ht'IT\ I \\ ilhn\lt• llt'\t'l h \\ ilki:nn
\l.t1 !!.lid \\ illett ( lini \\'illi.tnh .lnluun \\ illi.un• K,m·n· \. \\ illi:unK n·n "· \\ illiamLt·t• \\ illiam•
ewness Rubs Off, Class Fits In OJ .. ,,a \\ ilham· :-huron \\ illiams John \\ ilson Joanne Winklt• .'ara Wint
Jim \\'i•e Dit'k Wittt• Ronald \\'olff { :ht'l'} I \\nods
Chris \\ oodward l'h i I \"\' ooth\ .trd J immit' \\ ri:.dtt Tom \\ ri!!hl J t'Unnt'llt' \ ('il!!t'l
Virginia \ t'n ]c•s \oun!! .John ) ounghein Larry Zinn Terry Zinn
Alma ll1ater Dear Northwest Classen, brave and bold, We will alway sing our praises To the purple and the gold. Our love will be your glory, Your honor will be our: goal, Though the years go
wiftly by us,
And we travel far apart, The emblem of proud Knighthood Will never leave our hearts.
Dear Knights, At last the 1963 Hound Table ha~ gone to the publi~hcr . .All the long, nene· wracking hour", headache-., heartache!', and laugh ... in putting it,. 2Wl page" together have become ju"t a haz) memor). We could ne\er ha\e completed the IJOok without the cooperation of t\t'r)OIH'. \Ye wi"h to extend :pl'cialthanks to ;\Ir. Ban·lay Curtis of the 'fa) lor Puh)i,-hin~ Company. the Wagner ~ tudio. Curti!'
tuclio. the photograph)
Knight admini ... trator .... teacher", and students \\ ho
tnff. uncler«tanding parent....
\1 en· !'o
gracious and helpful.
The 1963 Round Table \\ill :. n e a~ ) our nwmor) hook for this wonderful year in Knightland. If there ar • mi"t kt'"-· and \\e're
ure there arc, \\e apologize.
This is the fir~t collegiate size book to he puhli~hed at • \\'C. We hope ) ou like it. Your enjo)ment will make all the hard work \\Ortlmhile. incerel},
'hirlc) Polk,
'cnior Editor
Jcnnift>r Lamb. Junior Editor
( J
HOL \D TABU. l'ntOr Editor ]unwr Editor
'"-hirle~ Polk Jennifer Lamb
FACl I rY-Cl'HHI CU \I hirle) Polk ~Jl'. . J(
Jane Bo\\erman Dt•lla Fil~on
FEAT HE Diane .\Iorelod, White
OHG \\IZ \110\ . Linda Hidge''a) PEP C!.l'B J u<h Sherman. Della Fil~on Venita Bettinger POHT \lart\ ewell Churk Bay. Bob
oekerill. Jim l\loore
CL\ SE emors Gina Pan,.ze. Jane~ pear Juniors Jane Bowerman ophomores Jennifer Lamb, Jud) :-;hrrman. Della FiLon Freshmen u~an Bo\\ erman
I,'DEX Diana William. TAFF andra Barnett, Gar) Bla<:kburn, Jan Crawford, ~haron Ead". Patti Hopkin • Perry Jack. on, Tom .\Iann, Honnie 1 ei-.on, tan .;;e,,ell, Julie Thomp~on, Lana T) ree PHOTO ,RAPIIY TA.I'F Bill White. Phil ..:'utton Gar) Bouteller DI\'1 I 'PAGE~ Alice lliniker COVEH DE '1(,\ Carol)n Brook-l\lrs . ..\Iar) Elizabeth Burdette. Yearbook .1tlri. or Mr. Jim Johm.on, /Ju in<''.S Manager
lnd D I' \HT\IF\T\L I\ DE. \,Jmml trat on 17 \rt ~1
Board of • ducat ion 16 Bu n • duC'allon 31, 3S (.a(, trna 11 Cnun .. d r .. 18 ( u tod1an"' 41
Drh r l ducalloo 10 l.nt:li h 22, 2.1 Horn r('()Oomic 3i Jndu trial \rt ... 38 Journa i~rn 23 Lane::ua:~ ~6.
1 ihr ry ::!0 \lath matjr \lu i<" 11-S~
Phv ~.
• f#
30. 31
ri ... 19
111 ""tudi(" "rr .1 :H Yocati
-\rt .. 39
F\ LLT't
\llr.d. Bet" 21, 99, 186 ..\ndrf'w , \'\'illiam 26, 113 Ball, ·yH)nne 22, 218 Bauman, Karrn 39, 111 Bird, \'\lima 26, 96, 113 Blarkburn, Roh 28. :!18 Hourkr, Hdt>n 22, 108 Branch, Patrici:t 30
Brt "'·r, Yela 28 Rro •k ~ H •r:tCf" '39. 118 Rm~n. Talh<"rt 30. II l Rurd ttr, \tan E. 25, 122 Burton, \liriarn 22
Buzh (", Gc·rald1nf' 32 C:ammalk, Rarhar.1 22, 1 n. 1 t7, 236 Carpf'nt r, C:harJ
C:Jw .. Ju·r. -\l&u• 32 Chrnni .. t,·r. \lan· -\nnf" 19 Clint", llf'lrn 22, 186 Cuff,.,. 'Iarih n 26, 63, 132 Coo~er. J. 1!. 31 Coprlaml. I\\· 31, 3~ CnphN, Cortn 36. 179 Cu,, Jamr 38 Crr,·kmor(', Jani,. 26, 113 Crow,., Paul 32, 157, 169, liO na, id on. 'foJlir \I at- 33 Da' j .. , Clav 2R, 173, 218 Dt•la haw, Trea un~ 37. 107 Oil!, Thur~•-• 31, III Oou~ht\, \)rna 20. 111 Felon. '\cllir. l.'l Elli. ""tr't" 28. IIi Erik rn, Gordon 22, 23. 186 Findh·, 1-:\(hn 31. 132 Ganln1·r, O.tn 22 Cav, F.thd 20, Ill, 112 Grf'rn, 'brtha 19 Ha:~ard, B rniece 33 Hair, Charh· .. 38 Hant:tr, Cwrndnhn 32, 33 Harri • n lma 19 Harri n, CJo,·ia 33, 97 HarTi ... Phillip 28, 186 Ha\f' • Larry 1i Ha\n , JNq· 20, 28, 161, 165 l!en<lrick , Jo \lirr 31, 119, 256 Heu d. C•·rald 3R Hokr, Da' id 10. 17~ llu~h.-.. BiiJ 26. I 17, 2:>6 Hulrt, RNha \'\'a'e 18, 236 Irwin, Re'\: 33. 176 Jdfne , Jerald 28, 39, 119 Jenkin , \'a ca 21 ]t·nnin ... Hilda 30, 31, 107 John on, \rt II. 11 John on, Ow icht :ll, 2~6 Jnhn on. Jim 17 K ndall, Elizabeth 26, 27 Kin,-, I na 19 Lr.arh, \lanin 28, 71, 1l7, 2l6 'Iabrey, Donald 31, 236 \Ialone, J. Frank 17, 77 'fan·nttr, Lronard 26, 67, 177 'Ia'"· Bevrrl> 22, 256
'loo1h, II mrr 38 \foorf'. '\ola 20, 107 . chol , Ted 21, 186 rton, [ th r 37, lOi Oak . Ola \Ia. 18, 256 Ohmart, ""idnt'\ ... 3. 256 Ownhn, '\orma 19 Q.,_,cn. Kathleen 19, 117
·al Education 36
'I I aurin, 'hn a-6, 132, 236 'lr·rulrth. llnrold ... 8. l:J2, 151 'lill<-r, Rae 33, 96 'llll<r, Hamah ,;, 107 "•II . \lad&• 21 'htdtrll, H11 hom! lR, ~I, 99
Paden, John .11 Park. 'lahf'l 2:\ Park,.r, '\\ alliam 28, 218 Pealr, Onroth' 28, 107 Ph1llip • \hhir. 19 Platt, Jnhn I';' Hick Glr•nn ~8. 117, 2.j() Hrpp e, J,•ann ... 9, 111, 117, 236 Roark, :\ann 28 ~f'Udtlrr, Flurt·n('f" 19 ~1 pan). Clad\ 29, 218 :-ok Oft', I fn,Ja Z3. 121. 111, Is;, 186 ~k·
.:t·, 'llfr ... 6
l"t·r, <.arrull 36 Snit h. 'lar5:ir. .36, 182 Spann, I ucJI,. :ll Staufft•r, I.aurf'lta 19 ~~ Dizirr, Hmlnr 3.'1 Ta>lor, Pori 1\:. 19 Ta,](lr, Dori~ :\, 21, 111, 218 Trrto;,, Ct·c•q::ia 23, 218 Thomp
Q7, 218
Trua'\:, \larlha 18, 21, Ill T '·r, 'I 'mr. ill, 96 l rn1 ... tun, EJi,aiH·th 21, 187, 218 \ 'an Pnul, Don 29, 161, 162, 163. 186 \"nn Tunj!r)n, Hrnrirtta 26 Wallf'r, Paulinr 29, 218 \\ allut•, Gayl1·n 18, 2:;6 \'\"arram, R1zth 23. 216 Weddinl!. \tan :l3, 97 'Wrinrrt, DuAnl' 18, 186 \'t't ttr, BNnit'<'<" 18, 218 ·\\ hitlt·y, Donna 33 \'\ aJlin~ham, Ht"l1·n 33, 97, 132, 2:>6 York, Can 38
ORG \ "'iiZ \ TIO
\nnt uno f"r r.tub 106 ANnnaut r Club 119 Band Girl Cluh 115 Bm ' "0" Club 18.1 Carr-f'r Club 110 Che Club 115 Court• ,. Cluh 100, 101, 102, 103 Court Jr .. trr 117 Di tributi\e Education 116, 117 F.lf"ctroni<' Club 119 Futur~ Journali t of \mf'rica 122 Ct-rman C:luh 111 Girl'' "0" Club 182 Croat Bool Club II I Jf iRh • d10ol Hrd Cro lOR, 109 lli-Y Club 107 Honor LanRua~~ lub 97 Honor \lath Club 97 Junior Cia iC'al l.raJ:ut! ll2 Key Club 101, 105 I ibrarv Club III ~ational \rt Honor OC'iety 98 i\ational Fon·n,.ic Lf'ague 99 :'\ational Honor ocif'h' 96 ?'\ational The pian .. 99. Para-,fNlic Club II I Parrot Tt"uhrr ·tudt-nt \. ociation 95 Pf•n Council I t7 Quill and . <"roll 123 Radio Club II9 Rnund Tahir "'\ta££ 121 Ru"' ian Club li:J ~rif'n•·e Club 11 ~ Shield Staff 120 . tudent Council 92, 93, 91 Trad• lndu trv 'club liS Tri-Hi· Y lub Iil7 T"entidh Century Homemaktr 117 Y-Toen III Yfluth o£ the Kin~dom 106
A \iron, Lou \nn .. 3;
Ahdoo, ~hcrry 187 \bnn·, ( arol 237 Abney, John 187 \bnt,, .'-tC\f! 237 ..it.bram . Barhara 257 .\hram . ""o an 102. llJ, 117, 237 Abram on, F('hce 187 ~"-bram on, I.Jrula 102, 117, 237 AL h(·r, Rita 237 \dtt'nnan, Drrw 157 Adc.t"rman, Krnt 237 \cr t', Darlt·nr 98, 107, 187 ,\dair, Cary 237 \,Jam~. Paul 218 ,\dam , Hob rt 257 \duddell, I inda 102, 138, ~37 :\finn" Hz, Ut•\ rl)' ]J8, 218 Ahton•. Jim 152, 176, 218 Albitz, B. J. 100, 187 \)klrr, 1 rrq 218 \Jld,.r, Tomnn Sl, 237 .\llrn, BilJy 157, 257 Allrn, Elaine 218 ~llrn, Judy 218 \llf'n, Hnhl'"rt 2;)7 \lien, '<hrrn 138, 218 \m, • Craie 9.l, JOt, 17.5, 187 \mmc·rmao, ""'haron 187 \n,Jn.. on, \ha 173, 218 Andt•r_ on, Barbara 119, 127, 218 \ntlf'r un, Jnhn 237 Anclrrw , \lirhaf'l 257 .\nnelf'r, Hita l3R \ron . Huth 70, 120, 118, 237 \rt•nt7, Barhara 257 \r~n. Diant• 127, 218 \rm .. lrnn.:. Juhn 187 -\rmstron«, Jul1*' ti, 51, 138 -\rnn, Stt·phtn 257 Arnold, Carol %, 100, 137, 187 \rnold, Rnhrrt 257 \rnuld, '\'ikki 237 Artrrburn, Cunnie 127, 237 A hbv, Alan 257 A loford, Phylli 257 A hwurth, Ilrtty 187 A kin , Jrannir 138, IH, 237 A kin , Huby 100, 107, 131, 137, 181 Atchr~·, Lill!'nt' 138, 257 Atkin , Gray 101, 156, 173, 183, 218 Au tin, ~·a) nf' 156, 163, 161 <\u. tin, Juan 127, 218 "..u tin, Lt"nora 127, 239 "..u tin, \'('ta 127, 2'""7 .~\·ant, Jern· 187 Ayrr , Al~rne 99, 107, 138, 187,111 A\'rr , y,·onnf' 138, 111, 257
-BBab o•·k, Barry 115, 237 Babrr, Gail 102, I U, 237 Bacon, Ty I 16, 237 Bado, John 157, 257 Bahan, Alan 218 Bailt-y, Br\'Niy 237
Bailr), Bill 257 Bailr-y, Larry 218 Bailey, haron 237 Bainbridct, Buzz 237 Baker, Barbara 99, 100, 127, 187 Bakrr, Bubi 257 Baku, Bc,·trly 187 Bakrr, :'\ancy 97, 127, 138, 257 Baker, Pam•la 16, 127, 138, 257 Bald¥oin, Paul 237 Ball, Kathcrin• 103, II3, 138, 257 Ballew, Jacqurlin• 127, 275 Barber, Brrkic 137 Barber, Bt,·crly 107, 138, 218 Barclay, Connie 103, 257 Barfoot, haron 96, 100, 138, 187 Barkrr, \lit"harl}n 97, 115, 119, 128 Barkt-r, Richard 218 Barkett, Judy 41, 45, 47, 138, 218 Barnard, Janie 51, 237
Jhrnartl, Jimmi~ 1)1 164, 218 Barn,. . "1 ,.,.,.a 127, 257 Barn,.tt, f.arohn 127, 2:i7 Rarr11 tt, f'ath\' 127. 2)7 Barnum, Jr\rnnrth 217 Barr, Jori 2:17 Barn·tt, Kathv 237 Barron, o,•nna 217 Barron, f thrr 127, 187 Barron, Jarnt• 237 Bortl >w, ~•ndr qa, 138, 218 Darltl rh, Jan!'" 257 Ra . Trf'na 217 Bat1·man, LaYaun, 101, 138, 257 Ratr , \ lc 21f. 2~f Raumhaft, Joe 113, 1~. 2~7 Raw-rom. Ot·an 16, 2~7 Rawrum, H:urv 1R7 Bn, (huck ~o. 9';. 101, 106, II3, I I I, 122. 187 Ra', Df'hhit! 138. 21-; B.-lrv, l'h,lli IRR Brard, Lionf>l Bravt·r, Gt·or~r 116, 1R8 Brrk. J\.arf"n 127, 237 8f't·k, Pat 257 Bf'cknt'r, "ikl'" 237 Bt"clnt'r, Boh 1R8 Bt"f", Donna 257 Brehr, Bet••· 102, 103, 118, 237 Belrher, u an 103, 138, 257 Rrlrt•lf, -\\a 77i. 217 Brll, \n~dn 111, 127, 238 Brll, John 50, 2.18 Bell, l.arrv 95, 108, II 1, 188 Bell, f inda 218 Bell, Ru 9:;, li 1, 188 Belt, andra 127, 117, 257 Bt>ltt, Htonn· IRS Brnclau, Jim 188 Brnd1·r, Bob 21, 11 I, 176, 188 Brnclrr, ChtHif" 2:)7 Bcnrdirt, Crrald 2!;7 Bennf'tt, Karen 100, 138, 188 Brnnell, \lrlodv 127, 218 Bennrtt, Ru .. ell 188 Brn on, \!ih 219, 238 Bontley, nn II, 17, 238 B.,g, Karrn 127, 179, 182, 238 Berg, haron 127, 181, 182, 238 Brrgmann, Jark 257 Bf'rnard, Janif' 119 Btrnard, Tf'rry 127 Berrry, Jim 238 Brrqqui t, Janrt 127, 257 8Nthrlnt, 'Iarin 257 BNtingt·r, Vf"uita 122, 127, 219 fit·vin , '1ikt• IAA Bia•, Sharon 108, 138, 188 Blckford, Linda 127, 219 Bil'"rman, Erne t 50, 115, 219 Birrman, Lvnt'ttf" 99, 257 BiNman, Paul 97, 111, 115, 188 BinJtharn, Charlotte 218 Binllcy, Toni 219 Bin wangf'r, Tf'r a I:l8, 257 Bird, Janf't 257 Birnf'y, Fn·d 257 Birntv, Harrirtte 188 Bi hnp, Oarbara 10, 120, 121. 122, 127, 219 Bi hop, Linda 103, 127, I 17, 257 Blark, \like %, 111, liS, 188 BJaclc, Sandra 46, 47, 127 Blark, Trrr a 103, 109, 138, 258 Blackburn, Cary 219, 229 Bla(khura, Jirn 258 Blarkwrll, Bob 101, 161, 163, 186, 188 Blakey, \lark I IS, 238 Blaklev, Pat 80, 118 Blalock, F dward 157, 2.>8 Blolock, I.•nn 71, 179, 180, 182, 188 Blanrv, Drnni 157, 258 Bla rhko, Dan 157, 169, 258 Bla rhke, Jon 170, 188, 196 Block, C\'anc. 50, 102, II9, 127, 238 Boaz, Linda 238 Boese, Judy 238 Boaz, Vieki 127, 258 Boggo,., Bob I 74, 188 Boggo, Ma• el II8, 138, 188
, \lar ha 138, 238 , Paul 219 , Tommy 116, 219 Boll•·. ·rom 18Q Bolton, Pat 138, 238 Bomar, Su an QA, 1:!:;, 219 Bun•l, Brcky 127, 258 Hood, John 13:1, 21R Boncl, Kathv 100. Ill, 127, 189 Bund, flot.rrt 238 Boohrr, Glt-n 157, 258 Bo~:J:
Bo()knut, Jnhn ll(), 219
n •·th. hrn 51, 116, 238 Booth, Kathy 181, 219 Bm•th. \fid•a•·l 238 Bo ...11. J.incla 118, 258 Ruttgr-r,
r ~rr
Boll , Bobby 189 Boll , Ruth '\nn H, 238 Boutrlltr, Cary 122 B "f"n, ]imm·r 238
R·n•rrman. h.n• 6, 121, 122, 123, 138, 139, 219, 229 Bo....-f'rman, Jrrry 41, 189 Bowrrman, Su an 6, 127, 258 Bo .... man, Juch .'J'~. 138, 189
Box, Kenneth 258 Boxbrrg<r, Jano 219 Boyd, Gl.n 258 B.oyd ton, Rick 238 Boyl<, Mike 109, 189 Boyl<, Thoma• 114 Bradley, Sharon 238 Brad haw, Bonnie 219, 231 Brad haw, Sandra 127, 238 Drad..,haw, Tim 189 Brady, Lynn 107, 138, 189 Brambl<, hrrry 138, 219 Brand, Hanna 127, 219 Brannon, Bnrrly 189 Bratton, Ralph 258 Brawl<y, B.cky 219 Bray, Glenda 238 Bray, Kath)· 107, 219 Broil. chuh, Pat 127, 219 Bnnu-r, Judith ll, 16, 47, 138, 258 BrM i<, Linda 102, 238 Hrt•rnkamp, Pot 97. ll6, 15l Browrr, Fran< 115, 127, 238 Brt\H'r, \ , rc nia Qq, 113, 127, 189 Bricmont, Chris 219 Brid~e!ord, Judy 238 Brigg , Joan 109, 258 Brink, Waynf' 238 'Britton, Jim 97, 219 Broadfoot, flav 2~8 Brock, Alan 189 Brock, Larry 113, 164, 238 Brock, Lindsey 258 Bro<lrll, Jor 190 Bro~drn, Emily 138, 190, 219 Brook , Carolyn 98 Brook , Dick 59, i6, 190, 213 Brook , John 2:>8 Brook., Su 22, 95, 100, 138, 190 Browf'r, Kathy 17, 238 Bro"'n, Barbara 190 Bro"'"• Bt·ntc.n 16, 190 Brown, Br<nda 258 Bro"'"• Bl')·an 258 Brown, Gary 190 Brown, J~anif" 102, 127, 179, 238 Brown, I erry 219 Brown, Joanna 179, 238 Brown, Joe 190 Bro.,n, KO\ 98, 138, 258 Brown, 'far ha 127, 258 Bro .. n, :\ril 136, 238 Brown, P<g&Y 238 Bro.,n, Randy 238 Brown, Ric 219 Brown, Rob~rt 258 Brown, Rog<r 50, 238 Brown, herry 138 Browneo, Charlotte 258 Browoen, Toni 190 Brummitt, Mary 51, 108, 119, 190 Brumlry, Brlly 118, 190 Brunf'r, Jack 152, 168 Bruton, Chari•· 21, 93, 93, 96, 99, 101, 106, 113 Br)ant, Cher)l Buchner, Jarki< 126, 239
nurh"'tltl, "•·Jth 16t Burb..ald, L lir 120, 121, 122, 127 219 Bucklry, Kathryn 219 Buddt")', Tom 258 Bugh.r, Pat 10, 239 Bullald, \lirkoll 258 Bullrn, Chr" I 258 Bulin k, I 1Deana, 20, Ill, 138, 239 Bump , \'.n 167, 168, 239 Burr.,,, Hal 239 Burch, "andra U, 138, 239 Burd~t k, I>urmda .l.:i8 Burnt•t, ( hf'nl 11:., 127, 258 Burnett, Shdla 109, 190 Burru , John 63, 152, l'i5, 11!-1 Burri , Paula 16, 2:J8 Burton, I anda :.!)R Burton, \huha 127, 219 Hurtnn, l un 190 Burton, Ho f'IIUiry 93, 128, 239 Burton, ""'h \ f :.!5R Bu <"h, 01anr. L!H. 179, 180, 181, 182, 219 • Bu h, Jo•h 138, 239 Bu f'\ 0 Craig 63, ll:i, 156, 239 Bu h, Carl 6';', p;2, 176, 183, 190 Bu inr, f.,·f'rdt 258 H~ltltr, Htllf'(C ~.tiH Butll·r, .·andra tb, 128, 258 n,u . Ja J,..j,. 2.)8 Bl fnrd, Leo 190 8\lrr, CaruJ,. 108. 219
Cabrll, Thoma 258 Calclwt·ll, Jtul) 21Q Call, Hllnllnlph :.?19 C1mft·nlam. J., nn 102, 128, 117, 239 Camphtll, \larian 2.58 Cannon, Janw
Cannon, Janict- 219 Capron. Oa,·ill 101, 116, 239 Cap haw, Judith 258 Cnp11IU\\\, Honnl•l 190 Card'". Paul 99 Carl nn, \lik1• 2J8 Carhun, Kf'ith 51, 219 arnu11n, Jc·ancttc 128, 220 Carmonv, Pnuldtr 138, 258 Caqwnlf'r, Rnhnt 258 Carrrk.r, Jim 63, 101, 152, 155, 239 arruth, Dr\\'a}nr. 220 arruth, Paula 239 Car un, Jo 128, 2:;8 Cartrr, Jimmy 190 Cart('r, ~arm r. Rny 139, 238 Cartu, Slu·n I 10.'l, 258 Cart•·r, !-itf·\·e .'iO, 156, 239 Ca r, Buttr 156, 239 Ca. <·y, Linda 128, 258 Ca ry, Paul 190 Ca h, Janin• 2:i8 Ca ady, Linda 100, 106, 109, 139, 190 Ca w•·ll, htm· 75, 99, 106, 191 Catht·\, \lirhac·l 2:}8 Catron, Linda 258 audill, \ rtki 128, 220 C.ntrr, Don 156, 167, 168, 220 Chalmrr , Jrff 191 Chambrr , Churk 122, 191 hambt-r , Jf"f£ 51, 258 Charnher , l.rlia 16. 128, 259 Chan,. • ;\nn 259 Chan.y, Pony 11, 15, 17, 139, 239 Chaplr, Bill 220 Chaplin, Linda 220 hApm:tn, \likf' 191 Charln, haron 128, 191 Chari ton, \lik< 113, 116, 220 Cha .. e, Cinni 46, 258 Chatham, Carol 128 Chatham, hcrri 180, 181, 182, 191 Chratham, FrancH 139, 239 Ch<atham, Jane 259 Ch<atham, Jim 101, 173, 191 Cherry, Janice 128, 259 hf' null, Cindy 6 • .J6, 58, 62, 67, 71, i6, 126, 133, 117, 191 Cheve . \fare 256
Ch•w, Douc 113, 259 ChildN ' . •lHDY 207 Childrr o, Brrnda 46, 259 Chilton, Bob 191 Chitty, :->rl on 239 Choatl", Carulf' 9j', 220 Chri tlan, Stan 156, Z20 Chri tuplu r, Ru ty 136, 239 Chr ni trr, \lary 99, 106, 127, 339 f.hur lr, Carolyn 96. 220 Clanahan, Janie l7 Clancy, Donald 259 Clark, Cartrr 220 Clark, Ja• k 116 Clark, Jam 239 Clark, Janjr: 259 lark, Jim IS6, 191, 239 Clark, Juhn 136, 239 Clark, Larry 113, 259 Clark, \larda 138, 139, 179, 180, 181, 220, 225 Clark, Pam•·la 103, 119, 2:;9 Clark, V aud.ana 191 Clark<, Jamr 156 Clenney, Rodnev 239 Clinr, f.mma 113, 128, 239 Clin•, !'hi! 8.1, 96, 97, 101, 175, 191 Clinton, Gaq 259 Cloud, Hita 103, 259 loud, Tomm) 156, 220 Claunch, Gay 237 Col>b, Jim 101, 113, )7:;, 183, 217, 220 Coburn, ~~~ an 2:.?0 Coburn, U'illiam 95, 192 Cofhran, Dirk 192 Cot'hran, h:t'nnt•th 2.j9 Cock<eill, Bob 121, 122, 183, 192 Ccwn, Hnbt·rl 192 Coffman, \lartha 192 Coil, Jrnni!,·r 128, 220 Coif', Barnf'\' 136 Col<, Judy 119, 139, 239 Col<, Pamrla 239 Coltt"Y, h:art"n 259 Collier, G••orJe 239 Coiiif"f, ~ lu rri 139. 2.j9 Collin , \lark 171, 183, 220 Collin , }Jt·nnv 128, 259 Collum, David 239 Colwell, l.ioula 103, 139, 259 Comb , Kay 102, 139, 117, 239 Compton, Karen 128, 239 Cona"'ay, :\urma n. 107, 108, 220 Conklin~. Cathv 239 Conkling, \fartin 259 Conlt)·, J unnt> 210 Conner, Jim 80 Cook, Larry 210 Conk, \llkr 101, 17:i, 192 Cook <y, Phil 220 Cooln, B•·rly 128, 210 Coolry, Dana 103, 128, 259 Cnol' r, Carol~ nt• 139, 210 Coop<r, Kri ti 113, 240 Coop<r, Ro kv 220 Coot~r. U~Jiliam 113 nJ•pf'dgt", Chern I t6, 259 Coppock, John 96, 97, 114, 192 Corh 11, ~lt·\·f! 2\0 Corbin, Rob~rt 95, 192 Cord II, Linda 99, 102, 113, 128, 240 Cordrlt, i'iormao 259 Cordonnit·r, Broc 51, 2l0, 259 Corn, Pamela 259 Cornf'li on, Chf'r)-1 109, 128, 259 Cornf'liu , \largaret 95, 180, 192 Cornrttf', l lie 259 Corntll, Phil 173, 183, 192 Cort r, Shirla 119, 128, 210 Cottf'n, Jim 2·9 Cotttr, Brooke 139, 220 Courh, Charlrn• 139, 259 Coue:hlin, Thoma 192 Covington, Rod 165, 259 Cowart, :\rl on 259 Cox, Brvrrl)' 60, 92, 95, 113, 139, 192 Cox, Fr<d 51, 210 Cox, Jamt 98, 113, 139 Cox, Jeanne 210 Cox, Timothy 97, 136, 220 Coy, Frank 136, 240
Crain, ttH' 2\1') Cramrr, !"'• ott ..:!:-9 Cramrr, \l;'a1lr. 259 Crawf rd. Hal 259 Cr..,ford, Jan 122, 220 Cr.a"'ford. JanJC(" 210 Cra"' ford, 'u an 259 Cr.a ey, \ icki 128, 210 Cref'kmorr. :\lark 18, 7t, 220 Cr , J1mmit· 9~. 192 Cr 11 , 'layr< Le. 121, 122, 128, 220 Croll .. , l'am•·la 1~8. 259 Crudup, · u an 210 Crum, Gr< 80, 163, 161, 210 Crumby, Karen 220 Crumph:r, Sandra 128, 221 Culb<rt on, John 78, 221 Cummin , ~ ruda 7, 210 Cunningham, Cher)'l 192 Cunningham. D('anna 210 t:urt, .. , Bill ~21 Curti ... Curt 38 Curti-, Tina 139, 147, 240
-DDabnt}, Ho • r 1-:l, 183, - ... 1 Daiker, Jran 221 Daile·~. \Jar ha 1... 8, 210 Dakil, \lary Ju 139 Dale·, L10da 1' 9, !!59 Dalt·y, Carol) n 99, 139, 221 Danq, D·m 210 Danh·l, ~ndn·a 107, 139, 192 Dani<·l. B ·bIll, 79, 99, 106, 113, 192 Danit'l, Doni•l 111. 259 Danit•l, J-n:ddit• 139, 210 Dan i,.J , \I il roa 259 Dan it· I-. p, ~~' 50, 119, 128, 221 Dansbv, Judy 139, 210 Danzin;t·r. Barltnra 103. S9 Da•all, Carl 210 David--on. Rohy 93. lOt, 106, 119, 161, 183, 221, 210 oa,·id un, \l;'illi:tm 259 Davi', B<·ch 128. 221, 210 O,n i", Darl•·n' J. 103, 128, 221 Dni .. , 0 rl•·nc 2-9 Da'i .. , Diana 1.\nn 137, 260 Davi~. Fo tt·r 157, 260 Davio;, c~ •·ntTulin 113, 260 Davi"i. \lichat·l l:i7, 260 Dni-,, Paul 2b0 Da,·i, "tan 1l. 161, 2t0 Da\ i~. ~tuart 2h0 Da,·i<~on, Bill 9.>, 96, 97, 101, 17·1, 191 D... kin , laudoa 139, 221 Da"'ldn. Da,lcl 193 Da"' kin • jerry 1J.6, 260 Da~-.on. Richard 2U Day, Diane 103, 128, 260 Oa,·. Larry 221 Da,·, Ronnie 210 D a,Jman, Hon 191 D ker. l.lovd ~I D Curdo\8, J.lni!i 210 D n, Tf·rq 96, 192 Dto ·... John 2iJ.O Dd,·nbau~h. Harold 260 D~itrhlf'r, Ruth \nn lOR. ~21 Drlancy. RiC"k 260 D lau~htt r. Can. 210 o~lliu, John 221 o~mmarr tt, Jan('t 17 o.. moroli • Jim 2.t0 D mpulo , fonia 9:;, 100, 193 0 nham. Charlotte 10, 11, 60, 7t, 99, 139. 112 D nham, Rav 93, 240 D plui .. or. Trrr) 210 D rrirk. Jant•t 260 Dl•rriC"k. Hirhartl 260 Ot ('harnp , \Iary B9, 221 D pain, Ri•·hard 96, lit, 193 D upn•f', D11nny 260 D ut-ch, Chari 23, 99, 113, 115, 221 D .,.,., Pat 210 DeWolf, 'lary 139, 210 D Wolf. Ho c 128. 221 De\\oodv, George 98,113,111,193
f n.:lf'". f l:tL":\f'! 10~, 1Z8 loff, II h 116.211 f l'l'"r on, Jan QR, 1'3Q. 222 f krhlc£'. Ho•l 211 f trrlin~~ ~ Boh 19) F'rraartl. 'u ir 10..!, 1:\9 f\rrf'tl, \ancr- !!11 F"1n~. "'uzann(" 260
D1< L. Hobut .60 Di krn, Kf"Jth :no Ou·h·r-on, ~hirlf'v 103, 1~8. 260 Di< I.. in oa, Drnni ~60 llt km on. linda 139, 260 Dt k n on, Itt hard 210 D1c to on. Toni ~to Dill, Jam• IJB, 193 Dm • Carol 17, 193 Din""idtiJe, :\nrma !!10 Dt hman, Btlli• 139, 113, 117, 260 Dittman, \lorJO 139, 221 Dilzl r, Rtchard .60 Di•on, JHI 116, 210 lli on. \lar\ '\tt, 1•2. 78, 81, 181, 193 Dodman, L, nn 17 0:-Jclrr), D.1aneo 1~8. _(iQ o,,,Jd, Joy 'Z(,O D. od , BtU 260 D >I an, Bill 193 DolinJ:, f rnt t
nougll'l • \tiki• 191 ught). \lict !!60
D•>""·num, Darhara 260 D••"' num. Kat II\ 128, 221 Drakt, "I\Ot" 193 Uuhh r l•·in, Huhut 221 DL;I;~: • c!ltrhra b5, lOt, 106, 108, 128, 1 Duoko ll, Ula 139, 211 Dt~dJ,.,, Patnda 12R. 2U Dufh, (Jyd ll•n 139, 221 OtJ~an, Jud1 139. 221 Du~gan, Hlrk :no Du~~ r. Hi1 k 221 Dunh:u, Kathnn 139. 191 Duncan, Bill 111, 260 Duncan, Don 28. ll:l, 221 nll¥11'80, \far.:arct 2.!1 ll mr.an, "'.u.l L!S, :.?hO llunharn, Jull" 1Z2, 119, 19i Dunlap, U.nid I u., 2ll OuPrt·1·, (;,,n 221 JluPr,.r, (;Lpp 55, 71. }:;2, 153, 166, llt7. 183, 191 DuPr~t. ""tan Ill, 221 DliPrt•r, ""tn,. r;~
. . h t)l. Q1.
9h, to~. 191,
flu k1n, "11liam 260 Hoh II'· 191 n I in•la 103. 1:\9, 260 niJ\ all. ( arl :!22 ll Hou=l• .60 flHr, Dian~ th, !!U Ih ...ul, Jof" 114-, :!11 n\Lit n, ltiOn,
-Efad~. 'huon 35. 9.i, lZI. 191 f a~m. \lar y IO'l. 128. 211 F.ak• r. \IJ,.n 51. 161, 163, 173, 222 F.al1 . \lik1· 2.!.! f arnr I h::t\ iO, 100. 126, 181, 191 I arn t, Janr 100, 13Q, l9_j Ia .. )t\, \l1tthdl 19.) f a .. J,.,, "'trJ,hrn ::!hO Fa ton, IA"r 11Q, 19.; f a\f 1 \ nn l..R, :! 11 fchorl, lloll 101 Frk1l, ( onni1 128. 260 I tll\&f'll , Jrrn: ~60 Fd"'ard , Halph :!60 Fbrli<h, Pat 139, 2 II I i £'hru, \llkl"' 101, 113, 133, 222 lido r, Chu k II, Ill, 193 f.Jdrr, OaH· 136. 169, 2H Ellrd~,, ~llrn 39, 51, 118, 195 Ellrd~<. Da•·id 80. 211 F.lkin • Carr 113, :!22 f !ledge, Paul 166, 167, 168, 222 f:ll~ott, o,..\\aynt" 220. 222, 211 f.lholl, f lain• 1~9. 260 F.lliott, Jnn 50, II I, 115, 222 Elli , Don .18 Ell! • Ti h 102, 126, 117, 182, 211 Elh on, llrrnda 102, 139 f IIi on, Janie• 9;, 100, 128. 193 F.l\ ;orth, Paulo 179. 180, 181, 182, 9 F.mrnhi ,.r, ~arah 102, 139 F mpir, Can 260 Enuprra, Honnl,. ~22 EnJ!I'hr 1 r·n, Jarki,. !!II
llill 19'\, 210 FaJ:&la , John Iii. lh , 195, 260 Fa Ill, Honald )0, h2, tl:l, 80, 93. 96 q•. 111. lhO, 161, 161. 18.1. 193 . f:ur hlltl, Hirhanl 260 f .lirt hll•l. \'\ dli11rn 260 fallin, Jor Ill. 211 Fann nc, Oarr II 260 Fano, Hnlwrt !!22 Farh•, C t'Hoh.. n 2?, ;; , 9i, 128. 19:) Farha, frrd 2ll F:~rha • ...,11 '1 ll6. 222 f.unu r, '\ann 120, 122. 128, 2ll Farrand. ""'tq•hanl1• l'l9, 260 f.orroll, C:aroh n 100, 139, 193 f arn , ( <iwll !!itO 1-arn, ( arohn 21, QR, 19~ Farn , Jam• .. 260 F rri ... Phillip 22l
Doll, \lion 210 D·>ll, P•t \ 1.8, 260 Donroll, Diano 128, 211 llo)tman. J ro SQ, 76, 92, 96, 152, 176, 18.1, 191. 221 D.,.,~all. n... 101. 111. 156, 169, 2n n.. u~all, \lik·· 93, 1:;6, 169, 171, 193
n ~. ~k i·"·:~i
Ihrw' lQ:l Fauk , \l1k1 r; l Fauk 1 St1 'r" 19:;, 260 Fau .. ("tt, ~hf'rn 11Q lQl, 222 Fau , Gaq 2h0 f,.,J,J r t·n, Furl :11, IQ.) Ft•hr, Runn' 12Q, 260 hhr, 1-rt·thlir 121,122,211 Ft·nton, \nn 222 Ft·ntnn. Harrit·l I iO. 260 Frq:u on, Ot·rrrll 2H Frq:u on. Joe lfli. 168, 211 F('r~u on, Julit 211 l-l'r~u on, I inth 211 Ft·r~u on, \likl" 9Q. 111, 196 F•·rn, \nn 129, 260 Fe1lrr, Tripp '11, B6, 2H f it•)tl, Vir kir 110, 2(,0 Fif'ltl • Bud n2. 181, 222 flt·l•l . ~tf'\r 211 FiJ,•• Jill 129. 117, 260 Filippo, '\\'t'llflrll 1 ];;, 196 l il un . Tkll1t 102. 122. 123, 129. 211 Finrh. Tim 2ll f inrh. J\im 261 Flnr, Crr~ 11. 16. 211 Finlr\i, I.urv 128. 196 fllllH'Rill'•
Fi ht•l, I ~rn 222 fi•dur, lo.:11thy 17. 222 Fitt. ""lc\:t 101. 129. 2()1, 26i' ht1:. I an1• 11'1, 211 Flr~t"' oo,J, Jim 116. 2 tl f lrr tine. I im I i 1•. 212 fh mmin::. C :~r• hn 10.."!, 106, lOR, II'• · 211 fl••urnf\, C1rnhn 108.129,212 Fln.,rl. huh 96. 111, 1H, JQ() 1-'1) nn, n~.~,J,J,· 212 fnnrlrrn. "'''"'f' 62. (!'\, 101. 176. 1Q(, f nm. diP, Cam I J2Q, 2:.!2 Furh • Ha\ 116. 2(11 FC1r•l. \lik,. %. )Q'r Fnnl, ..,h,..rn 212 furr t \ltr.hn 212 f'ur ha\ . r••nr 222 fo ltr, J11nm t)}. 101. t:l. 2:'{1), 21Z f lt·r, \hn 1:", 12Q, :!22 Fn tf·r. \l1k,. ~~1 Fn '' r. lt:lnrh 101. nz. 1.;;, 212 Fn lt·r. """ an 10'\, 110. 2fll Fuutt. "".1111h 17Q, JRO. lRI. 221 Fu\Oilrr, lim 176, 1R1. 22'\ Fu\\)rr, J,.n lO F(owlrr. lttt!J!it 221 Fm:, Fn~.
Orl\ 2M f\:,.nn• th 261
Gan 2(11 Frrwklin, Jnr 111. 261 Fr nldin, Kdth 1Q1, 221 Franklin, "'t('phamf" 181, 221 Frank \r!lmr 221 Frant1, J),.,nna K 2f•l franl7, J\t·nn,th '212 Fr!"tlrriri. \nn("ltr 12Q, )Qr1 Frr1l1 riri, '\m·l 212' Frit ntl. h11h II J::!Q, !!2'\ Frill,(; n 2f;l frill. lHn 261 Frn t, farl 3R Fnu. O•lnna :!21 Full n, \fikt :!:!1 Fultnn, ~~~ lin l tO. 261 Funt),.rf,urk, flill 2(11 Furna'lh, Jim llR. 196 Fu .. tln, rt..arJ,. .. 11)(. f
-GCaclth, Cnald 156 Gatl•h, I' lh I 10, 1% (; li.1nli, • r •lth 113, 261 Gallf'~h, Jam :! 12 Ga1lup, Paula 212 Camhlr, Glt:ntla 212 Gam h),., 1 onn•e 221 G~nt, Clrn 212 Carlifk, \h rna 1\:1\· 196 Carrt"tt, Ja tpu·h n 261 Carn·tt, Jamm., 212 Garrt·lt. Johnn\ 106, 261 Carr1ll, "'antlra 21. 98, 100, 107, I.Q, 191> Carringrr, Grr~ur\ 261 Carri"'''"· Clt·mt·nt 261 Carri .. on, Da"id 2l2 Garri .. on, 0• n 9;, 196 Can, Jark 212 Car,. \'\ a)nC' i:\, 1)j'. 2.16, 261 Gat('~, \\ illiam 261 Catn.oncl, l.nn 16;) C:tli"\\IH)d, l.wd.1 129, 131, 196 Catlin, Juhnn\ 121, 223 Caut, Thoma 261 C('(", Runmr ltR. 196 Ct·i~rr, Donna 261 C'·llnl), '\anr' 2 i2 C1llt·r, \lark lbi, 212 Go ntr), Po·r~• 110, 179, 182, 212 Grrkr, Jamr 111. 115, 196 C1 rnharcll. \lark 212 G .. ford, ""' lh 129. 223 G lllnp: .... Janw .. 1% Gt•ttin6[..,, Ju i7. 212 Chul Inn, \1, ~ 212 Gdtb'l, \nn ):.!, ib. Q9, 106. l:l9, 22.3 G1hh ... Da' 11! 16!;. 261 GJl, .. nn. Jan 212 Gillon!, ""'t.uannf" 21. 129, 117, 22:1 Gill. Samm' 51 G.llan, Luul 181 Gill •t>it, )anr 113. Ill, 116, 196 Gilrnon•, Jnn 50 Gilrm, Kan·n 212, 261 Gil f n, j,_n,.,11 12Q. 261 c~,·tn lark 173. 221 Gotldarcl. 1\:run th 261 Cult!, \lik• 212 Goldman, Kath"· 129, 212 Gonchi<"h, Cnrnl 17, 242 Coculrirh. l\.av1• 196 Gortlnn, F.lalnt 129. 223 Cor,., Did. 10. 9~. 196 Gor~:a . ~ 1 n•lf' 11. 2$2 "ihl"rr 110, 22:1 Co , Virkf'\" 261 Gn\'ln, Fl.t~n•· I tO. 19i' Gm·in, T.arn l.'i7, 261 Go\\in, Bt·tllah 2()1 Grah("r, ~u an 106, 212 Graria. I tlli 261 Graham, Rnhhv 223 Graham, Chri 22:\ Grah•m. Ho·lo·n 101, 129, 261 Graham, Linda 10:\. 261 Graham, ~allif' 261 Gram, Grnr~~a 1 U. 129, 261 Gra' itt. f:hri ti1· 100. 1 tO. 197 Grall, o,ana In. 110, 261 Gron, Dd1orah 129. 262 Grrrn, Carul 101. 262 Grrrn. C.\ ntlri.1 110, 1R2, 262 Cr n, '\ann 102, 212 Gr n ..... tll) 110,22:1 Grrf'n, ~harnn !Rl. 182, 221 Gn~n. Tomn\ 113, 111,169,212 Crr•·ny,oocl, Jnrv '2$2 Gr,.rr. Rob 101. 212 Grrn, Pat 221 Gr''f'r, Huclv f)5, JOI, 22'\ Gn ~~. Phil 197 Gn·~un. Dt·nni .. 212 Gr('~:nn, Richard 262 (;r,..ta . Georct• 1Q7 Griffin, I intla I. f•l. 72. 137, 1i9, IM. 181. Ilk'>. 19o Griffin, I ncla ~. 72. 100. 129. 223 Griffin. har •n 17, 110, 212 Griffith, Tom 111, 212 Griffv. O.nid .'ll, 223 Cri~:J: . R •h,.rt 262 Grim•·'· Bill 61. 71. 1';2, 155, 160. 161, 162. 1r..1. 1;1. 183. 236. 212
c., .... ,
Grim,.,., Da' t1 RO. 2t2 Gnr•u . n. n '"':l, P•2. 176. 1'"'8, 183 Grir , "it, r 262 Crimmrtt, Rnh 223 Grio;;, on, t,..,,. 212 Groom , CJ,.n 212 Cro,·,., Brur,. 262 Cruhh • C.ath' 2t2 Curt, Tim ).";(,, 2t2 Cutht'r\', Carv 197
-HBaa , Jim 223 Hada""ar. }f'rry U, 176, 197, 199 HadawaY, Jody 129, 262 Hafrn, Cliff Ill, 115, 213 Hafner, Edith 103, 262 Ha;::f'mann. I nni 213 HaJ::~:anl. \manda 19i' Hae~:arcl, 1-.arlt.- U, ll6, 213 Ha~:~[ard, 'fariEarf't 213 Haiku, Arlrnf' 213 Hairy, Linda 110. 223 Hall, Aly •m II. ~5. 106, 119, 126 223, 232 ' Hall. Edith 262 Hall, F.liub•th 262 Hall, l.rnnra 227 Hall, \lirkcv 197 Hall, Pall) 129, 213 Hall, Randy 213 Ha1lman. Paula 110, 213 Halter, Su an 101, 129, 262 Hamdton. J.\.t·nt 9S. 101, 109, 19i Hamilton, Turnrn'f 2-13 HammaC'k, H.ohNl 157, 262 Hammond, Harrif't 103, 110, 262 Hammond, \'\all.- 101, 171, 197 Hanrhf'tt, :\ina 129, 213 llanntrk, Hoe o9, 110, Ill, 197 Hanrn(k, Honnir 213 Hanrv, \Jnll'un 9:>. 171, 183, 223 Hanf'v, 'lara:u· 118, 198 Hankf•), >\nnr 21.1 Hankey, Kay 213 Jlankin"'on, Bill 92, 91, 97, 105, 106, 11.1. Ill. 198, 210 Hanna, Can 19K Hanna, Jane 116, 198 Hanna, Tnri P. 198 Hanna, Tt·rry H . 51, 2i3 Hanrah, Jan 129, lli', 262 Hanrat\', \lrlinda 106, 129, 117, 223 Han t·n, Carul 103. 110, 223 Han<t~n. C.onni1• 262 Han ... t·n, 1\.arf'n 262 Harhult, Bttty 198 Hardin, L,·nnr 223 Hardin,::-, TNt·~a 262 Harr, Nikki 129, 262 Hark!'), Onnald 211 Harm11, Annt·llf' 22i Harkin , ll<th 110. 213 Harp, Kav 110, 213 Harpf·r, 1\'rn 51, 213 Harri , Jrnl"ltit> 129, 211 Harri , \lark 262 Harrio;, Ralph 198 Harri , Ru rl 262 Harris, Ruth 262 Harri on, Davi1l 109. 1l6, 198 llarri , Janrt 98, 129, 22~ Harry, Katrina 1 iO, 262 H~r:;: ~r;• 109, 180, 181, 182,
llarry, Hal ton 221 Hart, Dub 2t:l Hart. Panu·la 102, 110, 262 lh .. hh:trt:: r. Lari 18, 110, 198 HatC'hf'tt, C\nthia 109, 213 Ha"k, ·1 ornmv 198 Hawl-in , Anita 129, 262 Ita"" kin • Rrf"nda 129, 198 IIOY, C1nthia 17. 113, 213 Ha". \1,.tonf'y 221 Ha)r"• Brf'lt 262 llayr,, John Ill>. 198 Hnnt· , Emma 262 lla.•. hff Ill. 211 Hrarf", Hotwrt 262 H~J~~.. ·;q;an ' 11, 72, 100, 113, Ho·fl.-, R, 10'\, ll1, 1;;6, 221 Jl,.atrnan, Kay 2(J2 HrJmo;,, Cia\ tnn 262 Hrnd<·r..,nn, Lou Ann lOi, 126, 198 Hrndf'r<~nn, Stu·rrv 262 Ht'ndrf'n, ChNyl 129. 22t llf'ndrf'n, T rr. a 262 Hrndrirk , ~lorral 129. 262 Hl"ndrirk on, JimmiP 213 Hf'nlf'Y, Erna 129, 213 Hf'nni~t·r. I. ..,Jif' 110, 117, 262 H!"n C'h, Dtana 213 Hf"n\o)f'\, Frrtl 213 llt"n lf'y, ~Iinta 102 Hrnthorn, Jam«· 157, 262 Hord, Pam•la 129, 262 H,.rtndf·,.n, Rita 262 Hrrtondrt•n, \'f'rn 213 Hf'rndon, Dt·hnrah 262 Hrrndon, Stf'\'f' 122 Hf"rold, 1 in•la 213
I oz 9'1, 103, 106, 113, 129,
Hrrrmann, Di nnt" 129, 213 II , lv 221 }{,. tt"r, Charulf'lte 103, 262 Hr tt·r, 'J,·rn 198 Hickman, ]trrv 2(12 llkk , Darla 221 !lock • linda 19R Hick, I om 22l Hu·ork, I inda 129, 179, 180, 181, 182. 198 Hi~~in • Pt·l<· 173, 18.1, 221 Hi~:hto\\ rr, H.d•f'<'("& 262 Hiltlrhrand, :\ancy 262 H11l, \nna \lftrir 213 Hill, Charl•ne 213 Hill, Conni 103, 129, 2fl2 Hill. Dana 262 Hill, Jnn•• 2h2, 267 Hill. Jim 156, 213 Hill, I incla U, 129, 22~ Hill•y, Linda 211 Hille,, PhyJ!,, 262 Hind , \In \nna 108. 118, 129, 221 Hinikrr, Alice 21, 71, 98, 121, 123, 129, 221 Hinklt•, Dick 113, Ill, 22~ Jlin on, Chari ]';(,, 221 Hinton, j,.an 113, 2f•2 Hlntou. :\ina 1118, 2:n Hitchc(•l·k. I arn· 211 Hitdtf'n , Carol 221 Hitc, Bnnnir 129. 221 Hitt, Diana 129. 211 Hh, Rirhanl 262 Holu•n·rbt, Jay 105, 160, 161, 163, 173. 221 llodc, l.ana 211 Hucl~··· Lu, nn 10.1. 110, 262 lln•h:e. i1·k 22~ Hml-=:t , Su an 23. 102, 129, 2U Hod~: .. nn, [ l'!rry 30, 22~ Hndk&n no, Karf'n 263 Hod on, Rohf'rt 211 Hnfff'r, Oarhara 21 ~ Hoffnf'r, \1arda 2U Hn~tan, Oianr 17, 55 HOJ:J[, Caruhn 198 l!ola•l•\, I il 102. 180, 181, 22\ Hnllon1uk, ~tuart 21 t Huldf'n, lf'rry 211. Holc-nmh, Suf' 22~ Holflrrbv, David 263 Holdnf'r, Ot·hnrah 130, 263 Hollin~•wurth, Dnnnll 110, 221 Holli , Karen 110. 2 U Hnll•ma\, J>onalfl 26.1 Hollownv, I inda 221. Hollnwav, Flnrrif' 198 Hnll•1"'a'· Hu"t'· 2J, 7:l, 99,211 Hnlrnan, I nUit• l:l7, HlS, 2(,3 Holman, Huth 107, 198 Hnlmt . Hot. rt 78, q;, li1, 183, 198 Hnlrnt·"· !"tt·\ f'n 263 Hoi-n, Bill 199 Holt, Panwla 10:1. 26:1 Holt. Hnhert G. 99, 116, 165, 263 Holt. Huhrrt J. 26:1 Hnlthf'r(t, Can· 26:1 Hom I')• ronnit· no. 221. Hnm ,.., . Jo(' 211 Honk, Hitl~t· S2, 72, i1, 105, 176, 18.1. 217. 221 Homn. Jim 95. 115. 199 Hopr. Linda 103. 263 Hopkln , Patti 122. 130, 221 Hopkin , "'hf'rrif" 221 Horn, Lf' 1if' 26:1 Hnu<'hin, John 113, 13:), 199 Hnrnt•, Diana 116. 19Q Hou r, \Jar ha 110. 221. Hou tnn. \nn 103. 110, 263 Hnu tnn, Trrry 26.1 Ho"'ard, ( harlf" 263 Ho,.ard. Chior 211 Howard, F.llt"n 263 Ho"'arcl, Can· l:'l.) Hov.arcl, j,.an llO, 2U Ho"'anl, \fartha 110. 263 H "'artl. \Ilk,. 211 H '"'nrd, Patrida 130, 261 Ho"'..rfl. Paula 17, 211 Hn"'ard, Toni 263 Ho"'rll. Charlt" 26'\ Ho, t, Chris 263 Ho~ t, Richar1l 263 Hrhacf'k, Kart"n llO. 2U Hrharf'k, Yfcki 199 Hu<'kahf',., \fan Jo 130, 2U Huclf!lr ton, Jt>rrr 156, 2t1 Hud on, C.. n. 221 Hu1l on, Frr~l 199 Hud on, Kathv 211 Huff. Curti 263 Huffok_., Jim 211
HoJhe , ( hn lb;, 263 Ho:JJ:ht·, G nf" 2U llt~J:h" . I arry 167. 19q HuJhe • \lih 2U !lull, I atrd 122, 1'>6 ll•llctt, n ... n 19, 102. 211 llo:Jll It, J: .. fltn 2fo:\
Jon • J n< • Jont , 1 nf', Jont•. j nt• ,
J ordun,
flumr. P
105, 111, 199
Humphrey, f, on 2fl:\
Humphrt li , Jnut't 130, 263 llumphrf"\ , Jo\rnt 73, 97, 22l Humphrir , I arry 263 Hunt, Jh.rhara Jt)f) Hunt, ( hrnl 2fl3 Hunt, l)nn 211 Hunt, \larv 130. 2!1 Huntt·r, Hnwanl 21l HuntN, I in•b 1:10. 21l llu J.arul, Brad 21i llu band, Hr-.JH•cra 103, 263 Hu b.ln«1. Yrn•tt11 ~6::1 H., h. \qdv 101. 10;, 152. la3, 21:; Hutch n on, C:.athi,. 17. 215 Hutchw on, f),nid 199 IJ,It hin nn, \J,·Io«1y 119, 199 Jh,h•. Johnn-, 211
-TJ, r, (awl Jo 9.1, 97, 106, 200 Ikard, Jim 160. 1111. 163, 213 Imlr, Da' itl f).'), ..?()() Imor, .\rl n 263 I mot. ,-, tm11 221 lnt:li h, Ronnir 263 lr"' in. ~It phan e 1fl2, 21.) hin, Jarm· 2'}. 2(,3
- JJark, Churk 21:l Ja,·k, Ha, rn•mtl 200 J.trk nn, Jirn 50, 263 ]Rt'k nn, ]lUnt• 1,6, 263 }ark nn, \like 118. 200 J Rdc un, Paul Jark nn, Pt·rn :.?1; ]at k nn, Ra\' 2(•3 JBt'nh..,on, Fn·cl 200 Jarnh on, Jill 102, 110, 117, 215 Jam«, Bill 166, 167, 168, 183, 22\ Jam,. , C:harlr 263 J amf' , Linda 110, 221 Jamt , f.,nn 180, 200 Jarnf' . Hanch QQ, 21:l Jouwan. t intltt 261 Jarrf"tt, Eclclir 26l jarn·tt, Ran•h ]f'rft·n, \1ickohn .. 6l J f'nkin • \on 20 Jrnldnt~. Jan 9€), 200 Jenkin , ]t"anc·nt• 21. 100, 131, 200 ]f'nkin , \la'C 200 Jrnk . Kan·n 130, 261 J•nninJ. r.,nthl• 113,110.261 Jr.nn OJ: , "alh 215 J<n on, Carl 161, 161, 215 JNln"', J,.anrw 1'30. 215 Jerlnw, Jnn 22~ ]t• IH'r"f'n, J.indn 221 J c·f', . an(lra 110, 215 John , \larv 200 John on. Rarhar~ 200 John nn, Carol 9:-l, 225 John nn, f.lauclia 200 Jnhl'l"fln, G•oqw 10\. 215 John nn, Jant• 97, 225 John nn, Joan SO. 11q, 200 John nn, Karl l)f). 26~ John nn, Kav 215 John on. \lark 2i9 John .. on. \l:~n F. 261 John flO, \lan· 1.. 22:} John"on. Hnllf'rta 26l John.,nn. kip 21:; John Inn. I lntlll :!2) JoiJ,.,, I indft 22; Jolliff, Fr('t) 22;} Jonr , \nita 22:; Jonr , C:ath' 21; Jont • Darnl 215 Jone ... Ornni 22:) J onr. , Frank 26l Jon,. . Clf'ntla 102, 130. 21) Jon,. , Jam 21.') Jonf' , Janf't 116. 22:) Jont" , Karen 200 Jon,. . 1\:t·nny 22; Jon , I.ar-rv 215 J ont" • I inda 65, 223 J nf". Loui ,. 181, 22:} J \(,k• Ill, 2);
n• .
Patty IRO, 182, 200 Pat 201 Hnnn11• 17S, 22:) ....;ammlr 21) ~antly 181, 21; ...;baron 21; Jonl" , u an 201 an
ll';. 22S
....;h~lla 225 Joyc·t•, P ul 21"i Jo)Cf', \\ tll1am 215 Julian, Jam1 2()l Julian. t\:.1v 21; Junt·, llurr,..n 106. 130. 201 Junk. <.arul)n 113, 21'; Ju 1, \rtu: ..?25 Ju t, Judy 179, 180, 181. 182, 22:;
1\:ahlt r, Jam I 2.?.1 t\:ahlf'r, Judy 102, 130, 213 Kahn, D 'lei S1, 21.; 1\:alkar, \bit nr ; 1, 130, 201 Kalmnn, TNI 9l, ()3, 96, 169, 170, 171, 111.1. 2111 Kamp. \1 r ha 102, 213 1\.:arhu, Je k .ll, 21; t\arn , I arry 122, 13f•, 225 Ka ptr, (;lnna 4HI, Ill, 130, 201 KauHman, Knthr'\!n 201 Kt·arnt·'. Hie hard 21.) Krarn , D•>lnrr 269 K_,.a • Larry 215 1\:f'f"n, Ann.al,rllf" 226 Keen. B h Ill, 201 Krf·n, D·•lort· 2f,J, 170 1\.ef· lf'r, Junt• 21; h:f'il, ~~~ u• l.lO, 215 1\.rirn, lhnni I~,~~. 17(,, ~r; lo;rith, ~':•tty IJh, 97, Ill, 130, 201 K.f'llrr, Jrrn 95, 201 Kf'llngg, Bnbln 50, 226 Krlh, Gail 22h Kf"lh, J\: rc·n 1.10, 215 Kf·JI,. Paul 21:i Jo..:,.rnl•· Jn ''l·h 261 Kt·ml•rr, (.harh· 201 Kf•ntlall, ...:.,tin· 226 1\:t"ndAll, Larry 26 ~ Kr·ndall, ·1 I'H) 16:;, 261 K1·ni~>nrl, Chri 9.;. 96, 105, 183, 201 Krnnnrcl, Jimmif' 97, 98 1\t•nt, Judith 2C.l K•nt. an 101, 130, 117, 26~ K.rrr. ·1 f'rr'\' 21:l Krrran, rlnn 226 Krr,c·hru·r, S· utt 261 Kt• ~lt-r, B1·n r :il, 215 Kt• lt·r, \\ .t)rw ;H, 201 l\:f'tchAm, I \nn 226 t\:it'ft r, Jan .201 Killian. Thelma 216 1\:ilrnnn. Ronnit :lO, 216 Kimrn•r, Brinn 216 1\:irnf'rf'f, '\4·il 51, 226 1\.:irn"r'. Dionnt ;)(), .SB, 62, 73, 76, 78, 130. 117, 201 J...in•·aid, Gail IOi, 201 1\:inc·ahl, Hit.\ !!hl Kin~:. ( :uoh n S. :26l 1\:inJ:, lant·llt li', 216 1\:inJ:, 1\:athy 9:;, 100, 117, 202 Kinl!. Hu h 9:l. lOS, 171 Kin~. H11th 226 Kin~. "I· rnlt• 17, 130, 216 Kinl-!. ~l,·nl IQ. 100.130, 111, lt7, 202. :.!0Kinf:. ~tq•h, n I 11, 261 Kinnirk, J.tn 107, 2&6 1\:irchnf'r, Jirn 216 Kirc·hn r. \l.tr ha 1 ll, 202 1\.:uk""ootl, 1\anda 236, 216 1\:i .. f', Ho~:cr 1";2, 1l3, 1i6, 1ii, 183 I\:'"*'• Honnw 2J.6 J...:i~f'r, Jimrnif' 116. 202 Jo..:i"f'r, \lRit-1 1i, 216 Ki<~f'r, Hie-hard 261. Kn·i to, "'hamn 216 Kiniar, C:~n 101, 10:;, 1u3, 161, 216 Klinr: ( ·k, Ot'Tlni 1:l2, 161, 163, 217, . 226 Klink,..,iC'h, Parnda 26~ Klot7., 1\:,.nnf'lh 226 Knr>~f'k, \tan 130 1\..nott. 1 im 216 Kno,, Oou~ 61, 93, 111, 202, 216 lo;no•. T"rrtit• 20. 106, 100, 113, 202 1\.:nnx, Laura 1":. 113, 111, 115, 216 Knox, Pam 11:; 1\.nrh, O:nitl 2h1 1\:nf'pflf', Gloria 109, 2l6 1\.nhlr·r. ·1 en• 3. 261 Ko m f'. Di:tnf" 13. l3. 226
t\.opacka. Jro..atl" ~IJ h:nr tjf'n • D1m 216 lo;oot d, Jo> • I 0 U7, 21~ 1\.oha H1d1ard 2111 J\r £1. \nne 100. l.?fi, 202 J\rafl. Jl, nr., t\ram r, }t·annlr 2U) 1\.ubal. f arul 26' Kur££rr, n~x 26-1 h..urk, Umne ~ 1 1\..,nlc. ndall, D.aHd 261
1\:\ lr, l>t"tllll
-Ll.a y .., 1aron .. 6-1 1 a"""· 1om .. 61 t .ah m, \lit!Hit'l ..?td, 2hf) I a1rJ, I ucla 102, 210 l ak,.., ( harl,.t 26 I l.amU, j, nn1frr: '~ «r;. 1!!1, 12.!, 123, 2 .. 6 I ambrrt, ~ur.anne l'iO. !!&1 I Olnj), Jo 109, 21h [.;~nda;uth, C:aroh n 1 3. 26 J I.~HII,
lunda ... ()1
I an • llf'nn 226 1 nnf', ~uaron .... 6 1 n~ford, I nfla fl .. , fJ9. 130. Z26 I .111 I y, Bunny 71, 116. 21)2 I au~ ton, \Iaury 97, 203 I.:tn~tun. H k-, 9t,, 97, IOl, 10-, l:J:.?, 203 l.ank£ord. )1m jJ, 21-6 l.ank£ord, Joe 2b I 31'J'IO, \h 9<1, 111. 203 lara on, \Jan 11. Itt). 226 l.ar t·n, f n·d 2()l I.R atrr. Bill l'i',, :.?113 I.a"', John 226 l •"'• jtunit:. 110. :!61 Law, Ramona 2'-6 Law on, Cdia 103. 261 Law •1n, Oarn•l 1:"',6, 216 La"" on, Dt·nnl 21f• La"' on, Jan,. 30, 226 I av. un, )trr) 2 :l l.a"' on, Pam{ la 216 l.a"' on, Hunald 1(,:), 2f, l I 111\tolf'f, (.harlr 50, 22(1 l.r•annnJ:, \larJhn 100, 137, 203, 213 l.1•a ri1N, Cary 2h 1 l.t•tftlr n, f.t· liP :;9, 67, 96, 97, 106, 137. 117. 203 Lf·tlcl n, Pam 106, 111, 226 L_., De• \. 261 l.t"t·, D n II(,, 22h Lt"t", \ irginia 226 l.f·t'f h. I in1la 103, 111. 26! l.rt·,·rr, Clu nl 100, 111. 197, 203 !.rf orre, \ 1eki 102, IM, 1.10, 216 Lt>~e:att", Onnna 130, 261. Lf"hm:m, Janf' 111 261 Lf'hr, ll an 226 Lf'ruon • O.ma Z lf• Lent. \nn Ill. 226 L•·nt • K.n II(), ..?03 I.1UI:t mnr, 'bn 92, C)(,, l:'li', 1\1, 203 l.t>\111, Julie 1('1!. 111. 117. 216 Lf'\to&, Rarh:ua 100. 111, 201 I.""' , Ka' iR. UO, 117, 22(1 l.rwi . \lark :;1, 216 t.adun:m, Ft rnr 130, 21-6 I inarn, Glf'nda 211) Lind 3'. 1 'nda UO, lfl2. 261 Lln~:t>nf!!lt,.r. Darlrnf' 216 l.iu~:,..rfl'"h. I inda 216 Linn, \tan i:t 103, 261 I inn, R1ch C)·, 173, 183, 203 Ll , O:t,i•l 113. 261 Ll , Krn 111, ~01 llttl<, Oalt "il, 130. 119, 21/i I ittlf', Handv 216 I itton, Carol 130. 226 LJo,t1, Iwtla 26j l.oefn•·r, \ian 109, 111. Ill, 136, lf>9. 216 l.of'f0rr, J.oui .. 176. 226 I otHif'r, Ru IV 15';, 265 I.orfnt-r, Vicki 226 I ofti , I mcla Ill. 26; I.os:11n, Dnid 1i6 T.onclnn, Brurr %. Q7, 20.'1 1 Pn«l n, \tan 111, 11:', 2l6 Lone, K~ith 136. 216 Lnn~:. \lan 226 l.onc. flattJ 102, 216 l.oncf•·JI "'. \faril) n 265 I •n:l'"", Ri h.artl 2tll I.uonr', f.anch· 2M l f:lrtl, Grant 21; I ,.r,.,, Forrr t n, QQ, 10~. 1:l2, 153, 17~. l'l'l. 201 T ouk, I intla 2l; I ouk, Pamf'lft 26;
1 out \ 1C'k1 113, 130, :2r: I o\r, Huz :.?17 Loveland, Oav·d 2l7 I " land, Juhn 116, :! 3 l .rl . I' ~· 203 1 •l'>f', ( laudaa 103, .!6) lo"''· J hn :265 Lol'> r, \tart h.1 ... 65 I owr). Gr('~ 51 L )d, 1- orr• t 26 Lura , I l•ud a 1JO ~26 Lu1 ktm, C:ar ,J :!ii 1 Uf'k:tn, ( orann 130, ::! .. 6 Llhlr k, ..., 1 It 217 I kt'l art. Hub r 157, 176, ~6S I u trr, II nn Ill, 17'!'j, ... :.:!6 1 ' lrr, Patr {' 103 ... 65 I uthtr, laur ...... 6 I uton, Ric:k ~-17 I uttrrll, Oi na 110. ::!26 I uttrr-11, 'uzann 265 I ulz, lm1 ~1; 1 u tz, Lio1la 130, :!27 I , I , J a k ~a· I "nr, nald 116, ~65 I \lin, C.an ,J, 265 J,nn Rr 111,116,21; LH•n, \lark ~65 I \lie, Jim 108,111, ~03 l) t 1 t', J n ...... ;
\It ( Atlv \lan :!65 \J, I art, J m >9, 66, 76, 81, 109, 160, 161 162, lb3, 18.1, 201 \ld art), L.arr) J ):!, 17(•, 178, 183, 201 \ld arl\, \ldi.t\1< (In in, n an f)tJ, JQj, 169, 170, 171, 183, Ill<>, :01 \id lannh n, \"a I 51. 1 tft, 227 \ld Jf'IIAn, I bur a ~1;, 265 \lrC.Iun~:. 1\:a 217 \ld oUom, J rr} M. 26~ \lr l r•l, Suzann~ ::!66 'ld ormit k, \lik,. 51 217 \J, ( OYiill, Jan«"\ 201 \1 I • '. II n• 111, J"Q, 180, 181, 228 \ld ra k~n, Hoh rt 266 'ld r&) .... lh 226 'lcf.rraq. 'baron 131. 228 \lc<'rf'ight, (, or~: 11,, 21"' \I I ullry, (~arl•· 135, 217 \I ( ull ', Jl, nna 100, Ill, 201 \lr( ullnu~rh. KRn•n 4';', 228 '' l t hrun, 'h~ rn I tl, 228 \I Da.nif'l, I arry .ll, 201 \ldl naif!, Jani :!S7 \Ia Donald, I f'r ~28 \f, l v r. I intla r;, 228 \ld·arland, Jant-t 1 H, 266 \lrl-arbnd ... t \t' 21, 41, 2(};1 \Jrhrlan•l, "•• 103, 131, 117, 256, _(;6
\1 C: he\, l'al 2 I
\I\tac-r. •an, Paul :! r; \Ia 1-:ellar, II I " 10~.
\laC'l\.rnzif', Katharinr .SO. 227 \(a, kr\. n,,n :!17 '1acltlo • \larcia 137. 227 \Ia r drr, In nna 203 \la~uir , (; rn 10j, U~. 22'7 \lah•n. Judy 96, Ill, 130, 203 \lahan, \lik SO, 21; \hhaoa\, Toni ~; \hhanr\, Johni(" 217 \bm. f.\ an 11 'JrJ. llR, : ... ; \hkl('r, E d"'ard :?:!7 \l:tllonrf', Jn ( h l:l7, ... h) \talon~. Janrt :?~7 \lalnnr. ':lnflra 227 'lalonr\, J add,. 9.3, 22\Ian~um. Bucl !!6j 'hnttum, CJa, 26:'; \lanJo,t-, l.intla 1"'9, 227 \lanlovr. R,,}, rl 265 \lann, 'o Rn 18?, 22-: '1ann, Tom l:l!!. ~~7 \lann r, Ri ky 111, :!17 \tan kf" 't:m 11; 'lanulla, Gluria 103 :!6) \fare m, Phi!Jap ::!6"" '1arkham, ....; ala lOR \!arr, Jan1 "' I ....... 7 \larr, Ju1h 110. 180, 181. 217 \larr , G.tn I a\(ar!th, Jim IO'i, 17h, 178. 183, 186, 201 \lar h, John f. lO"i, 157, !!6l \lar h. John J\:. ro. 227 \Jar h, \larihn 109, ~1; \tar halt, D.:uul !!:!7 \lor hall, I inda 130, 217 ~lor holl, '-u n 131. 26S \lartt•ru. Dan 105, 161. 163, 201 \tart n, Barbara 107. 227 \Iartm, Oa\ld :!.&7 \larl·n, t d 50, 106, 108, 201 Mart n, k.ruh 113, 156, 'lart n, Larry !!O.t \lartln, Linda ;, 106, 109, 131. 217 \tartan, :\lary :!6.:) ~lart'n, Thoma .6!1; \I.orund•l<, Rulh 179, 180, 181 \Ia on, Jt"anannf' 265 :\1 on. R naM 1'\6, 2'; \fa t"V, farl Z.i \fa in~alt-, Paul 111, 217 \Ia ta~:ni, B rnif' 1)0, 21\latlhf"" • llarlry \lan "<. \fard('rna !!65 \lau!d n, Rf"ht"t' a 106, 111, 131, 21\faupin, Cathrranr Z65 \faUJJin, Olnia 1~), 217 \faurr·r, Bqan lr~,. 165, 217 \Jaun·r, fllf'n za; \fa~l'ot~U. John ... 6) \fa~wrll, Judith 26.") \lay, fl \(rlv Ill, II"', Z6'i \1a,,.r, Oob 10Q, 26} \tnt" , Donald !!01 \lav . Ronahl 201 \la,fi,.Jd. P1 J:J:" 111. 22; \f('Rridr, Ch, nl ~27 \JcC.andl , 1-:alh' 102, Ill, 217 \Jr( ont , ( ar >1 Q7, 100, Ill, 2~1, 210
\lf'G UJ:ht'l, Harrirl 111, 228 \I<C:.-, \fork 169, 1;0, 181, 228 \f, c:rr, ... lh 260 \fdntlrt', Judy 2'7 \h·lnt '"• l..arr) I. 2, 2 I \lrl\:mnt"\, Gan 51. 201 \f, I t-llan, \laq 118, :001 \It I r1lan. p, ~J:" 217 \ld It(', Jan,. Ul, 266
\1r\1ahan, lrank 20.1 \1 \lahan. Jan I 217 \I \lah n, :-.1 rn 131, 21; \lf"\lln!l. H1 k 218 \lr all. \like Ill, 228 \lr"\ 1l, II ll\ 218 \lr'\ro 1, Dun 152, 18.1, 20l \lr"\1 il, r.rotJ:annt" 26(, \lc ill, IJarri 20:; \lr II. Honni,. 1R.1, 20) \lr •• :\an ' 12, il, (19, 9:;, 100, lRti, 20) \lf''\ull, ~ r11J )I. 22R \k\utt. \lack 21R \1 Phad, J)'f..anc 37, !!03 \1 l'hr-t>l r , \ltrh 106, 218 \lrPh ron \\ llliam 266 \Jr\\ttln. Johnm ~2R \f,.atlor, \like 228 \lratluw , \bn 1 B. D6, 2Mi '' t"ado" , ( harl1 1; I, 22R 'lradn"' • 'Ilk 228 \J,•cllf"y, Gf"or.:e ~0.) \1(',. \ladora~ 266 \11•rk, Car 1!vn 78. 131. 117, 228 \I •·k, \Jorll• ;o, JOH, uq, 131, 228
\lrtk r, ( nrol• >I, 96, 119, 131, 205 \lrt kf'r, Jnhn SO \(, i If r, Hir-hard n. ~(,ti \lei ltr.' .. ,r 102, Ul, 218 \trlan rm Tr· iil J(r.!, 111, 218 \I h n H '' h r•l 22R \J,.Jton,1hnrna 1'i2, 1 :1, 176, 177, 183, 228 \Jf'nnin,;:tr, Jav 113 \Jt'r dith
I \On F.d
\lrr"latt, I nna 218 \IN7. on,.. 1 ;r,, 1l7, 261, 2(,6 \lt>)f'C, frr J 118,
\loc'r", I.inrla 2(.() \foorr, I '\·man 206 \lon·lo('k, Oianr 71, 93. 121, 206 \lorelork. Jo•lv 111, 218 \!orr). Jill 11l, 21>~ 'tnra:an, Dou~la 266 \tor~an, Ji111 )), 1.16, 1i6, 228 \fors:an. 'u an 131, 118 \fcorin, Craig 218 'l rin, L'nnt' 131, 266 \lorri , -\nnf'tt~ 2\8 'lurri , GenrJ.!'" 228 \furri , Jam,. 1';2. 266 \lnrri • Janf'l 131 \torri . Jrn 106, 175, 206 \forri , Jf'nna 1~1. 218 \lord . John 157, 218 \1 •rri • Karla 218 \lnrri , Hichar•l 157, 266 \lnrri .. , \1\'arrr·n 61. 106, 109, 136, 266 :\forri~~oon. Tomrn,· 266 \to ,.J '· JimrO\ u.~. 266 \lo , Hav 9>, l)h, q7, 101, 105, 171, 18.1. 20/i \lm ddt, n \it! 266 \ful11·n , 'u .tn 1)8, 219 \lulli!;::an. n~·i1lra I H. 219 \tullia:an, \lik1• Q), 176, 206 \1untla\, Tom 228 \lurphr ·, G'·rn),J 2:!8 \1 urph), \lar~au·t 2t)ti \lurphy, \far ha 15, 113, 1;9, 219 \lurpln, Phil 228 \turra', \farjurir 2:lR \lu •llam, Janrl 91, 100, 117, 206 \lu f', John 206 \fu ~ran•. Pam ~~. 219 'lu on, C:hnrlt 1'ilt, 228 \11 lNJPn, Rail 219 \lul.n\·, narhara il, 111. 131, 206 \hatt, \Jar~:arf't 219 \lycr , l.inda lo?, 180. 219 \lvt-r . Rh k 116, 219 \hriC'k, Pat !!28
\Jit'harl nn. f) ,jcJ1)3. 111, 116,218 \ljJb trn, \f,..rraly 113, l:ll, 218 \1 , \1 ••h It Ill, 218 \II Jr., '- e Ill 218 \1 l!ar Jnr 95. J61J, 1;0, 183, 2:!8, 21:i
\Jill r. \nn l'll, :!."!R n. 11} \lillrr, C:hri tv 1~1. 222. ~IR \ll!lff, f:onnt,. 102, :!18 \f!tlrr. r,hunl 203 \lillrr, GRC) IJR \lillrr, Jim 14ft, 20) \lillf'r. Kent JI 111, !!(.() \lillu. I rr 228 \Jill r. \l11n I ou 22R \lill('r, \li('ha I T. :!66 \liH r, \fjt,i Q9, 131 \fill r, P.nri ia R. 113 \fill' r. \ if'kir K'. 1:\J, 2(,(, \lillicnn, C:unni,. 228 \filli~an, Jnnirr. 266 \fill ~:an, Sldrlt"'\" -\ 2M \Till. C. rv n. :!fiti ~fill , r.an 20:i \Jill, I nrrv 218 \fi}J, r, ( .H}a
:\till , Tomrn) !!05 Mim , Rog<r I. 107, 266 \liner, Oe 228 \fine , I tiR 102. 117, 21R \fill'hrll. \lan 2Ul \lltdu·ll, Carri1• G. 266 \lit hell, Don 161), til, 181, 205 \litdtrll, Janf'l 218 \lilrh II. \hnm 218 \lilrhrll, \like 218 \litcbrll, Shlrlrr Ill, 266 \lonk, I in1la 2Mt \lnak. W\nn \nn l.'i. 109, 106, 2l8 \lotk, I inda I ~1, 228 \lollall, Rick 105, 171, 169, 206 'lo~~. r.arl• 10;, 228 \lonrrif'f. \hril) n 266 \Jon~r:uc, Fr,.1l 136. 266 \lunta:omrq, Rr11\ '"-ur 17, 108, 131, 228 'hnt~Otnf'ni, Connir 10.1. 111, 2C•Ii \lonta:omrry, Gayle 2l8 \Iont~om n·. Gror.,a:ia 1 U \font~omen, 1\:art'n 111. 266 \1 ntcom ry, 'hr 1ut 111, 266 \loojJi,., \nn 1).1, 106, lOR, 206 \loon, 1.1 "I 21R \loon~\. [l.rlvn nt. 266 lfoorr, Cacohn 7, 21R \{ Of(" 1 n, nna 218 \loorr•, Gordon 26l• \Jo(or,•, Jiru 103, ll3. 121. 122, 199.
·ancy, Crn,. 2:.:'8 ancr, J or 266 \a h, Rcolt"n~ 17. 266 :\eal, Carol 111, 228 \ral, Carol)n 100, 228 "raJ, Kalh 219 rtlh:llf"k, '\r•lra 219 "\etll. \lrlony 219 '\rl on, l.arn· 2(.6 :\t-1 nn, l rrnv 17'6, 228 :"\rl ""· \l .. tnni,. Qf), 131, 229 :'\('1 un, HH·Itard 16:), 266 :\t·] nn, Ronnif' lOR. 113, l23, 2% ~,.ph, Lui<~ 1.11, 180, 181, 182 '\t·l'>kirk, Tt·rr ~ 232 :\f'wman, Krn !!29 :\·,."' om, Don 229 :\1 l'>ton, Dunntt 20() 1\·,·~tnn, Juli1• 62, 206 '\f'wtnn, Sondra 6, 219
:\irhnl , \likr 97, Ill, 169, 170, 171. 183, 206 :'\iglr, Clifford 2Mt :\i~h.
andy 108, 229
nLir, (baric 136 117, 229 :'\nhlf", Juhn 266 :\nblt", Honaltl 136, :!f,f\ ~nl•lf', ""huon 10-;, 111, 229 :\nrlrk, \ il ki 1.17, 179, 180, 183, 229 :\"orri , Jon 211) '\orri , P:ltlla 22l) ~urlh('lllt, H 11 219 :\ rll>rup. \mta 113, 119, 131, 219 ); ,n, y, 01"horah 229 :\ "lin, J.m1
:\2, 211) ""hrrri 11.1, HI, 266 d\\ina 22<) :'\unn, J inda 266 \\ lrotn. Jnnt-ttt• 26f, ;\,,~lin,
-0Oak• , Rirky 219 Ob rman, C:harlnttt" 229 O'Rrien, Coll.-n 219 o·n,.IJ, Pamr}a 113, 26; Odrn, John 111, 267 OHull, """ 111, 219 O~·l<·n, Chorl 151, 2~>6. 267 Olandr r. Oon 267 Oldham. 01·hhi< 109, 219 Oli,rr, larry 118. :!06 Oli>er, n b 13~. 267 OJ ~ar•l, Su an 2t•1 01 on, "ri tin.1 111, 180, 182, 267 Ontko, Kconrth 229 O"horn, J intla 206 O'"hea, "•'h' ?3, 132, 229 O"rrman, ann· 103. 132, 267 Owf"n , B, \. t'rlv 22<) 0"'~", C:arohn 267 0"'('" , Honnir 1 n. 206 O"rn • ""'lu•ron 267 Owen , "'idnr' 229 O"""l' '. Jo<" 68, 229
. PParr, Jac-k l:l7, 2ft"; Pa•·k, Linda 206 Paddork, Rill il, 115, 21q Pagr, Dolt• 13~, 16:;, 267 Pai ],,,I oui t• 267 Pall(' ,.n, Stnf' 267 Palrn,·r, Lnrq 166, 167, 168, 229 l'alo, FlPanor 17, 65, 120, 121, 229 Palo, p, ~.- 101, 121, 112, 267 Pamplin, \fikt'! 2l9 Pan z . Gina 121. 122, 123, 132, 206 Pop<, Dnn 111, 11\, 169, 171, 207 Parkr·r. Ca1uh 111, 267 Parkrr, Gt or~ ·tt~· 111, 2f•7 Parkt·r, Jan 219 ·Park r, Paula 2 t9 Parmrtrr. O·mna 112. 2l9 Parr. Rill 2\9 Parri h, ( arol 2r,PRrrl h, Ch•·rll 91, 106, 182, 207 Parr h, G1 or~,. 219 Parri h, J\:,., tn 113, 266 Partlf"!On, I ynn 2 I<) Pa lay, Donald 219 Pa I "· H nald 2l9 Pat,•, f.arnlvn 112, 230 Patr, Jim 21<) Pat~. Rirhard 165, 171, 267 Pallrr on, Rill 21, 267 Patt r on, ( 1ndv 73, 102, 132, 2~9 Pattf'r on, C;arv 50, 21<) Pattf'r on, ~u :tn 267 Patton, Jf'nna 267 Pa) nr, Chari D. 113, 230 Pa\nr, ( har1 G. 157, 267 Paynr, \larv 219 Pnnr, I rrry 132, 219 Paynt", "I hom.u 157, 1;6, 267 Pt•arcr, Barbara 50, 51. 119, 132, 207 Pear f", Flllinr 219 Pt·n:r on, na,itl l:l7, 267 Pur on, Jrrry 116, 257 Pt ar nn, Jim Bft, 210, 259 Pt•ar on, \1 il{' Ill Pear on, l'•l 210, 2.11 Pt>ar on, Slmr n 103, 132, 267 P<·r k, Onn 230 Pt·ddiC'nnJ. I inda 71. US, 207 Pl'di~o. 'fan 102, 1:\2, 117, 219 Prrk, Jrrrr J:l6 Pt It on, Rn:rltt'(' 207 Pt·n1lu•rtnn, Jor ll8, 123, 307 P('nland, Jrrn· 230 Pf•nn, Pauu·la 207 Pl'nnina:ton, Don 118 Pf'nny, Jimmi(" 267 Prrkln , Tand• 219 Pf'rr), H. It han I 210 Pt·rq, ""'hf'rri 219
Peter , Robf"rt 267 Pt"ttY, Hank 219 Pfll\. Jan 117, 230
Ruchkr, Toni 132, 147, 230 Ratdiff, Drew 268 Rathjen, tan 79, 135, 169, 230
Romrrman, Linda 75, 100, 106, 142,
Pf'lty, Je•nnr 95, 132, 230 P<·ll>, :\an•· 101>, 108, 116, 132, 225, 230 Po) ton, Diane 106, 132, 230 Phrlp , K•·nn> 113, 161, 250
Rauh, Judv 250
Ro•o, Carol 231
Ray, Oavid 208 Ray, \larda 102, 113, 250 Ray, \lar ha 132, 217, 230 Ray, s,, ir 112, 117, 250 Raymond, 1\ob<rt IS6, 171, 230
Ro ,.r, Lur,.Ua 1:12, 231 Ro on, Harlf'nf'! 231 Rotan. Samrm 152, 211 Roth, Lav. rcn f' 1 U, 269
Rf', Karrn 209
Rothtnbu ch, Hannf'lore 47, 106, 113,
Phillif) , Cnnnir 230
Phillip , Dian• 132, 2.10 Phillip , Jamoo C. 230 II. 267 Phill1p1, Jam Phillip , Juhn 207 Phillip , Su an I 79. 180, 181, 230 Phlnn.), JoH• 113, 207 Phipp ' PI 5: \' 26'; Pi krn , Carol 12, 69, 236, 250 Pirknry, Jan 17, 112, 250 Pif'rCt', Charlt- 230 Pif'rcr, Kitt) 132. 267 Pil"r('f', Panu·la 116, 207 Pitr on, Rob 250 Pirr on, Hm· 267 Pirt c-h, Hnr) 267 Pinglf'lnn, Paul 26f Pin onnt>auh. Judy 107, 207
Pitt , Joan 51, S6, 76, 78, 97, 132, 205, 207. 259 Platrr, hank 11 I, 250 Poag, Linda 50, 119, 208 Poage, Bill 208 Point , Jan.ttr 114, I 12, 267 Pn)rzn\, Su an 103, 132, 267 Pnlantl, Jlarh:trll 112, 208 Polk, Shirl ' 23, 95, 100, 121, 123,
132, 208 P .. llock, \Jan 26; Pnllo<"k, Jant11,. 112, 230 Pollot"k, Juannt- 2f'IR
Pol on, \eo 208 Pund r, l.rr 1:), lf, 1.12 Pont, Ionnf' 2.)0 Pnp1·, Oanirl z:;o
Pope. Cary Ill, 208 Pun·h, Hill 99. 113, 208 Pnrtrr. f li a 267 Purtf'r, Thoma A. 2bi Po r\·, C•·•·m•f"n 168 Pntf'f"t, Jar a Potf"rt, Wil on 268 Pound , Df·borah 17, 132 Pound , Cary 268 Pound , l.arn 268 Pound , Hidutrd 71, 95, 167
Read, Pamela 268
Rf'M, Dannv
Reoor, Brrky 60, 93, 209 Rte"r, J ('rry 209 Rr~ f", John 268
teve 111, I 15, 250
Rf'f"Vt- . Vi(·kie 250
Reid, Hayford 268 llrlff, Karthe 132, 250 Rr nhrlmer, Hrlrn 102, 103, 112, 250 Reinh, Carol 106, 108, 119, 132, 230 Rti inger, Linda 268 Rt<>nfrof', "llrn 250 Renfrow, Jack 209 Rtnnf'r, '\\itliam 268
Reye , Tony 11 I, 250 Reynold , Brvrrly 142, 230 Reynold , Chri 132. 117, 250 Rr) nold , Diana I 12, 268 Rnnold , I ynn 37. 121, 122, 230
Pnor, Jur 268 Pu~h. Ro~er
r I" I 106, 108, 113,
Quinf', 'like 208
-RRaddi , Shrrn 132, 250 Rat, Alic·f' 1J2 Ra~
dale, Tom 250 Rahill, 'I on a 95, I 12, 268 Rahill, Phylli 137, 230 Railf'y, Raint'y, Rainty, Rainey, Ramt-r,
Sht'rry 107, 230 Linda 230 ancy 250 Ricky 268 Robrrt 250
Randall, Chri 105, 176, 178, 183, 203 Raney, Dill 208 Raney, llrrnda 250 Rankin, Dill 95, 175, 183, 208 Rankin, Joe 230 Rapp, 'lirhaol 97, 11 I, 210
irnmun , . tt\'f'
153, 173, 232
dl. I.arrv 231
Ru toll, '-i.andra 17, 251
Rutland, Jav 113, 231 llutlrdge, C>nthia \7, 251 Rutlf"•lrt, Janf't 132, 251
Rvan, Don 113, 231 R)·an, \larl!arf't 118, 211
Ryan, Phil 9:;, 167, 168, 211 Ryland, \n ta 132, I 17, 232
212 imonio, Ronda 232 . imon•on, Jackif' 112, 232 . imp on, D1ana 269 1mp on, Jo L,nne 269 ~im , \larl•n• SO, 92, 106, 142, 212 ~jodin,
Jim 51
~kaoo , Barbara I 13, 180, 181, 182, 232 Skacg , Jack 156, 163, 251, 252 . kern, Etta 119, 252 Skeen, Gilbert 51, 156
. k nnf·r, Sandi 22, 212
S]au•hter, Jim 13, 92, 106, U6, 186, 212
. lau;htrr, John 28, 116, 269
Rhoden, ~lary 268 Rhod , Larry 161, 173 Rirr, R b 230
Sloan, David 2.12
Ri<'f', Prrrv 210
Rirhard , Brth 132, 250 Richard , 'nncy 268 Rirhard on, Donald 209
Richard on, \lih 250 Rh·hard nn, .'tuart
Rirhrrt, arol I 12, 268 Richert, Jo Ann 96, 97, 100, 142, 209 Rirkrr, David 105, 113, 173, 230 Riddlr, Bruce 231, 250 Ridgrway, )oyer 47 RidJr"ay, Linda 25, 95, 98, 121, 122, 207, 209 Ric.lJ!f'"'IV, Vir~inia 147, 268
Rilr,·, Janf' 268
RohNt , Larry 7 J, 93, 167, 168, 183,
Robin on, Cheryl 231 Robin on, Jimmy 167, 168, 183, 210 Robin on, Pat 142, 210 Robin on, Paul 250 Robin on, . haron 132
Quail , D,>nna 268 Quillin, "ary 230
imon , Rirh 152, 153, 154, 173, \83,
Ru rll, )tuh 103, 132. 2:;1
amara, BI)L},v 269 ammon .. , Rhonda 119. 112, 251 andf!'r , Charlottf' 119 andtr , teve 211
and , l.mn 21, 137, 211 a , David JS6, 2"1 ~ attNlf'r, Johnny 111,
Saundrr , Caylr 269 ayf'r , Curti
cheer, Cini 51, 11\, 119, 142, 147, 251 Schick, Carol 211 chif·r, Paula 112, 269 rhmauch, Arthur 269 Srhmidt, Donna 1-12, 211
chmidt, Kelly 232 rhmidt, Larry 269 rhmidt, tevf' 232
'chow, llruce 136, 269 chroeder, ~ancy 251
Schultz, David 51, 106 chwab, Vicky 251 cott, Barbara 132, 211 cott, Barry 269 Srolt, j('annf' 232
colt, John 105, 163, IM, 214, 251 cott. Rn f'marv 132. 211 cuddrr, Jack 99, 113, 251 cuddtr. Tommy 269 f!'aly, Bf'c ky 269 taman, Sandf'e 109, 142, 251 eaman, herry 4 7, 132
eba, Terry 95, 97, 10\, 105, 153, 183. 232
. dk, Bill 10:;, 176, 2:;2 tiHy, ~hrryl 269
Ripp, Johnll\ 51, 231 Rush, \tar ha 17, 251 Ru t<-11, Dian,. 21, 231
Robf'rt!lon, \liC'had 250 Robrrt on, htrri 47, 112, 250 Robin on, Ann 210
Puttroff, !"u an 108, 132, 112, 147, 250
, Larrv 252 'ieber, Tim 212 !-iatt:rl, Juhn 111, 232 1cmon, Barbara 112, 117, 252
Simon, Dannv 157. 165, 269
PuttroU, 'farda 208
id,. , ChariMi 252 Su!
• imm , Linda 133, 269
ears, Bill 51, 211 urs, Georgia 251
Pur d, Cathy 268 Putt, Jerry 173, 183, 230
hrodr, Jack 269 hultz, Dwight 269 'hultz. 'larJarrl 100, 113, 1\2, 232 ihrl, Dale 101, 105, 212
!Iudolph. Da>><l 1:>6. 176, 231 Ru~~. Eddie 269 Runka, John 113
186, 209 Robert , PeJJY 132, 147, 250
Ronulcl 268
. hort , Dorene 111, 232 hortt, \lilana 269
11\. 211
Pulliam, \liC'bat•l liJ, 268 Pullint:. \Jaraanna 132, 208 Purnt<-11, Crorgia 268
hick, Cay 96, 100, 142, 212 hlpley, Denny I 16 • hirlry, Danny 156, 232 Shof taff, Phyll> 252 hoot, Bill 51, 2.52 Shoot, Jim 51, 113, 2:;2
Rt<>ynold . Rogf"r 268
Rilry, Janrt 99, 102, 106, 112, 179, 180, 181. 250 Rilry, Ri• hard 2ij, 250 Ringwald, Froddie 157, 268 Rittrr, Steve 13, 161, 250 Roarh, Janet 209 Roark, Robert 73, 93, 105, 163, 164, 173, 231 Roberto, Boo 99, 209 Robert , Cary 152, 209 Rohrrt , Jerri 112, 268
Pruitt, Cin<h 106, I 12, 111, 208 Pruitt, Rob<ct 169, 268
Rotlu·nbu ch,
Rotht-nhu ch, V\"ilfrie 113, 269 Ro•·ton, Janie 113, 269 Rozrll. Donna 269 Ruckrr, Da' ul 50, lOR, 211 Rud,,.r, \'idd lOR
Po.,rr, Karl 136, 230, 259
Pro(k, Jarnr
Rrrtor, Judy 112, 180, 181, 182, 209 RrdlinJrr, Linda 132, 250 RrdlinJ<r, Phillip 209 Rerol, Car I I 12, 268 Rerd, Deborah 268 Rrrd, ~u an 107, I 12, 209
llir),..), Kri I 12, 231 Ril<•y, Carol 67, 96, 97, 106, 109, 113, 137, 112, Ill, 209,210
Prinrr, Jud) 132, 268
Roth, !Iobin 251
Rr('('r, Gary 209
Pov.ell, Jana 11:l Po"rll, Pt:nn\· 102, 113, 132, 180, 182 Pnwrr, Gu) 136, 268 Powt r , Ellzalwth 208 Pratf'r, ]taunt' 230 Pr nt ('f•, H.irhard 28, 50, 108 Prr\'f·tt, Charlrnf' 132, 256, 268 Pr,·Vf'tl, 'IRrl••nr 132, 268 Price, I.inc.la 132
111. 117, 231 Rosenberg, Linda
Roblyer, Gene 161. 163, 173, 210 Roblyrr. Richard 157, 268 Roehr, Tommy 225, 231 Rorhrlle, Vicki 132, 180, 182, 210 RodRero, Judy 132. 268 Rodgrr , Linda 231 Rodcero, \like 97, 105, 231 Rodgrr , Richard 156, 231 Rodg<·r<, Terry 103, 132, 268 Rodri~utz,
Betty 210
Ror, Alice 268 Rof'd<'rtr, Jame 268 Rof'drrtr. haron 132, 231
Roe rh, David 113, 268 Roe rh, llrne 210 Ror ch, Jark 250 Rogers, Cheryl 21, 98, 132, 210 RoJrr, Jackie 132, 117, 210 Ro~rr , Jim 231 Roger , John 156
Rog.r , J.arrr 132. 268 Rog-rr , \larv• 268
Rogrr , Ralph 268, 270 RoJrr , T trf" a 269
Roller, Forrr t 111, 251 Roll ow, Beckr 132, 231
t'ar , Hardy 50, 251
trhorn, Reta 132, 269 t'tlt'y' \likt' 269
elby, Barbara 106, 211 ewell. "arty 100, 121, 122, 137, 139, 211 e" rll, Ram<•na 103, 142, 269 t'Wf'll,
tan 122, 135, 232
eHII, Tim 136, 232 harkrllord, Robert 269 hadid, Ellen 102, 132, 147, 251 Shadid, Shirlev 269 Shaffer, Pat 69, 211 harp, Jim 269 harpley, Cary 135, 156, 232 haw, Allen 251 haw, Diane 36, 98, 113, 113, 231 hn", Dou~ 96, 97, 105, 176, 212 haw, Randy 269 haw, Terry 251
heat ley, Douc 251 Shrrhan, hrrry 102, 133, 251 helton, 'larietta 251
hepard, Karen 56, 58, 62, 65, 76, 133, 212 ht"phenl, usan 4i, 142, 251 hevpard, Anna 112, 269 htrman, Dan 171
herman, Judy 102, 121, 122, 123, 133, 251 htrman, \\'arren 93, 105, 212
herrill, Jimmy 113, 156, 251
mall, Linda 133, 232 Smc·)Cf'r, L\'nn 269 Smf'l f'r, Janir 57, 92. 212 Smith, Barbara 133, 296 !'im1th, BNry 51, 106. 2:>1, 252 Smith, Bruff' 51. 269 ~mith, Oa\id \. 2h9
David L. 113, 269 Crn. 169, 269 Harold 136, 269 Jane 102, I \3, 252 Jim 2.12 . mith, John F.. 212 mith, John F. 136, 269 mith, John R. 51, 136, 232 • mith, Ju•h· 116, 212 mith, Kathy 133, 252 mith, Kav 1\3 • mith, Lynn 252 mith, \larv Ellrn 56, 62, i8, 96, 113, I 17, .180, 181, 182, 212
mith, Smith, , nuth, Sm>th, mith,
mith, \fary Lou 133, 179, 180, 181,
232 mith, Patricia 252
mith, Pat y 232 mith, Pete 11 I, 252 • mith, Ru ell 269 mith, Sandra 269 mith, ue 269 mith, ara 143, 252 mith, Tt'd 232 mith, U illiam 269 ~mock, Lf' lie 269 ~moe k, 'brk 232 Smoliga, Tina 113, 269 ~moot,
Diana 269 .'m\tht, Jant 269 . nrt<>d, Judy 75 ~nf'rd, Wil1iam 269
, nell, Karen U3, 252 nt-ll-lon, Tert a 269 ~ nidtr, Elaine
4i, 107, 233
nidt<>r, Loraint' 1;, 107, 233
• nip
, Kathy I 13, 269 , nipe- , 'Wayne 183. 233 • oard, Richard 233 Suhu. Connit 232 olloch, Tommy 269
olter, Tom 93, 97, 104, 105, 152, 183, 212 ommerfrurht, Cheryl 114, 119, 233 ommerfrucht, R. K. 269 . •lrtn on, Bill 212 orrt'll , 'tart ha 269
, nuth, Art 95, 167, 168, 233 outhard, Bobette 133, 252 pann, Dick 252 parkman, John 252 parks, Cary 252 parks, Glen 269
park , Harvey 212 parko, Kay 106, 143, 147, 252 pear, Janey 25, 95, 106, 121,
122, 123 pear, Judy 113, 269 pears, Ken 225, 233 prncer, Charle 252 ptncer, Janell 47, 133, 252
.. plelman, D•>nna 212 pltl«>r. John 156. 252 Sprin~:cor. Da' icl 269 proul , Jamlt> 269 . pro" o, \litC'hrH 232 P' l.u k, Rarbar~ 23:1 ~ t. Gttorc-e. S u an :!6Q St. John. Gu~· 212
.lark, Phillir 233 tan, Bill 66. 71, %. 212 "-tar , Jim 10'\, !01"1, 169, 236, 252 tan. Tom 256,269 tailing•, Dale 136, 233 . tammf"r, (arol Q5, 102. 133, 233 tammer, . alh· 113, 269 .tamr • ·en 116. 269 Standfir]tl. "\"ohlr 2:12 .Ianford. Bill 2:;2 Stanford, Judy 269 Stan~eland, Janr I B, 113, 252 • tan},.,·, JanP 269 ... tan ,.J. C.hr-nl 133. 2i'1 .t. Dirirr, Chrnl I B, Ill, 213 Stud , Pat 113. 213 Str("]C', Fr,-d 106, 271 tf"f"]f", U7annf' 102, 113, 271 tttt-r, Oo)\"f"linf" 113, 176, 179, 180, 252 .te<r, T .. ,na 106. 113. 113, 213 .teinhock •. u an Ill. 233 trph, ~nn 73. 133, 117, 271 't,-pht·n , Carl 271 teph('n , Dt·lhrrt 271 ~tl·ph,-n • FJI,-n 113. 2)2 11 phf"n , [.,nn 113, 271 Stf"pht-n . uphanit- 133, 271 Strphrn on. Gloria 252 ~tr,en .. , Ron 71. Q:l, 1"~6. 213 Stt·,· • Bob 156. 2.n ... t('wart, Jot" 2:l2 tt·wart, Judy 103, 111, 2i1 tewart, ur 213 Sti,·cor, 'larv 233 tof'hr. Cathy 271 "' II. John 118, 2B ~tout. 'u ir 271 ~tow, 'llm 116. 233 ~train. Katll\· 137. 2:l2 . tr:tlf"\. Paula J:l3. 233 tr cl, Pamela 271 . tr 1"1, 'fatlrhnn 271 . trr 1, an > 113, 1~9, 180, 181. 182, 233 ~t ron~. John 233 !'ituart, Dl"'annP 233 tuhblf'fidtl, <;huon zn !'itump, J\11.v lOR . hr n, 'Ilk,. 271 5ot:t:", [., nn 27i2 .... U~l!~. :\anC\" 2.)2 . olli,an. Roh~rt 2:)2 ~ump, Ruth .\n n 252 'ittll"n• Phal 122. 271 v.ain. 'hcha~l 213 v.an on, I fnd:a IOQ, 271 Swarl7.('ndruh r. ~ue .\nn 65, 95, 133, 213 v.i("k, u "" 102. 1 n. 233 wift. 'l:~n \nn 1 n. 213 wi~f·rt, alh 133, 253 . v.inrfMd, Llovt! 233 vh·r ... t,.r, O(ln 1 t6, 2il
- TTatf", Frank 271 Tate, Jan 1;9, 180, 182, 233 Tate, \like 80, 161. 233 T:ttf', 'likf' H. 253 Tatum. D~nnv 253 Tatum, John 13$, 136 Tatum, Tt'rrv 21-1 Tayar, Janf" 113, 2:l3 Ta)·lor, Ann 109, 271 Ta,1or, Carmi,. 113, 253 T.-lor. G rdon. 97, 136, 233 Ta~·lor, Janf" 107, 253 Ta,)or, han 133, 233 Ta~lor, \tan 1.13. 2.)3 Ta~lor, '1f'rlr 253 Ta,Jor, attJy 113, 27;3 Ta~lor, Thoma 271 Teague, Ro 136, 233 Tf"c-Um ,.h, J,- ~oe 271 Te..t , Gl•nda ll3, 133, 271 T•mrlin, D·>n 21. 75, 93, 99, 106, 113, 115, 210, 2U Tf'nni , " irk 2.13 Terrill, Larry 2i l Tem·, Linda 102. 133, 2:;3 Tf'•"•man, \fart )' 253 Tharkf"r. hirlf"y 2i1 Thal.r, B" kv 100, 133, 231 Thoma , D nna 108, 179, 180, 161, 182, 211
Thom:~ , Jark 1.:;2, 1 'i3, 169, 170, 183,
231 Thoma , Janicr 113, 113, 271
Thoma , Jence 133, U7, 271 Thoma , Tommy 116, 253 Thoma , "'arrttn 231Thoma un, l\:an·n 1.5, 102, 109, 113, 253 Thoma on, Richard 214 Thomford, \nn 102, 109, 253 Thnmp nn, Carl 2il Thonqt nn, (:Jarrie 211Thump on, D ana S7, 133, 211 Thornr' on, D(·bi 12Z, 129, 271 Thnmp .. on, Diane 143, 231Thomp on, Dondla 133, 211 Thump nn, Can 2-;) Thnrnp on, Jrannt• 103, 109, Ill, 113, 26i. 271 Thoml' em, Jimm' 231 Thump on, John R. 253 Thnmp on, Jnn I. 136, 271 Thornp on, Juli,- 1-7, 122, 211Thomp un, Linda 22, 51, 71, 214 Thomr on, \lor) 133, 253 Thom1> on, \1 ike 253 Thomp nn, Phillip 2i1 Thomp on, Rohrrt 271 Thnmp un, Su an 113, 231, 235 Thorup on, Tommy 152, 183, 214 Thomp on, \'l;'arrf"n 253 Thorn on, Craig 271 Thorton, Jeanie 180, 182, 253 Thurman, Ro~er 136, 231 Tirrrt, !-ih!'rri 253 Tif"rnan, Pat 11-1, 271 Ticf'rt, Crais: 271 Tinntn, 'tikto 271 Tocld, ~haron 253 Tnllf", Cunnif' 102, 133, 253 Tnllf", Kath,· 271 Tnmht·rlin, Pam 113, 271 Tomhrrlin, ~haron 133. 271 Tomlin on, Ronni~ 21 t Tnmlm on, ~haron 71 Tondi , Pam 133. 271 Torfwtt, Kath)· 2ll Tou aint, 'lark 211 Tn~nlt·'· Tom 23~ Tov.n 'ncl, \likr 271 Tra ka, '1Jkr 113, 211 1 ra•' , Ruth 109. 133. 253 Tripp, Pat 271 Trip1•. Trulh 17 Truut, Buhhir 2ll Truvl, Jim 51, 97,. 105, 135, 147, 217, 231 Trur. 'fan 100, 120, 121, 122, 231 Truf!'I0\1', Honnif" I;;), 253 Truitt, Hunnif' 176, 211 Truitt, \ u ki 2)3 "I uhh, I m1la 271 1urkt·r, 'likro 2il Tutkt-r. Hit·hard 211 Tu k1 r. ""hawn 2;1 Tulr\, :\, ltla 133, 2:i3 Turru r, Jf:ulr:tta t7. 27i3 Turnt·r, Jan i'.1. 78, 133, t.n, 1.1'-4 Turnf'r, 'Iary 211Turrwr, Paula 118, 2! t Turnrr, Halph 23.1 Turpin, Franct" 211 Turpin, "'ayne 169, 25-t T\('"r, Charmain,. 211T,rr, Tamara 98 T~ r('"{', J.:ana 211
l krna, )3~ 2~1 Urirh, John 169 l.lttt-r, 'lil"hat"l ll9
-V\' adt-n, Dunna 1 3, 231
Vahlbrrg, Vivian 113, 271 \'alf'ntinc, \laril~ n 133, 271 \'alt·ntin(', \like 152, 15-l, 231 \ ·anclrnnit·uv.f'nhof, Jud, 62, 109, 113, 179, 180, 181, 2;1 . \'andt·Hntrr, Jf!'rry 215 \ anch kr, !'\tc,·e 251 \'anhook, "'rndell 50, 251. Vanhorn, J ohnny 251 Van ll outan, Darrf'll 251 Vanrnt'tt·r, \l yrna 113, 143, 234 Vann, Dan 2i1 \ ·an :\o lranci, !\and~ 116, 271 Van coy, Randy 38, 251 Vanv.yngard~n. Loi 231Varnr-r, Gordon 111 \'arnc·r, Rirhard 116, 271 Vaughn, Jof". 231
Vaua:hn, I incla 12, 102, 271 \'ickrt~·. Kathlt·tn 25l \'inC'f'nt, L.arn· 251-
Yin on, Sammie 102, 133, 218, 251 Yiol II, \I,ke 21, 108, 215 Yor~<lrin, ltncla 50, 251 \' oltz, Lrror 272 Voorhir , Jran ttr 1-7, 231 Yoorhir . ~~~ nn 272 Vronrnan, Hirhnrc1 231-
-Wv; atlt•, I inda 103, lli', 2i2 "Wadr, I uanna 133, 251 Wadr, :\'ancy 251 ""adr, Pat 9i', 133, 231 \'l;"ad v.orth, Jf'nny 102, 143, 254. ""aggonrr, . hrn 1 25 ~ ""\l:·ac~tont-r, Bill 272 \~·a~:ner, Ricky 272 Wagoner, Jim 215 Walcher, Jo• 50, 136, 254 Waldrip, 'like 98, 215 ~·aldrip, ~tr,·r 251 Walk, Barbara 231 "\l;"alkrr, -\nn 231 \'l;'alktr, Dan 25·1Walkrr, LeRoy 215 Walkrr, Linda 102, 109, III, 251 U'alkf'r, Pat 2i2 Walkrr, andra 109, 113, 272 \l;'alkup, Chri tina 215 \\"all, Su1ann'· 13, 17, 254 Wallen, Freddr 133, 272 Wallin~. ancli 99, 101, 133, 147, 25-1 Walli<, Don 21, 91, 105, 176, 23·1 Walter , Pat y ll9 Wamplrr. Jan 17, 251 Wandell, Darla 17, 133, 254 ""\1:' andt·IL :\larih n 113, 272 "\\'ani, Don 2.i t ""\l:'anl, l.av.rt'n<"f' 25~ \'f;.'ard, Tommy 25 l \\'arnrr, :\likr 25l \l;'arnf'r, Rh·harcl 213, 215 \l;'arrrn, Cl1 v~ 2i'2 \'l;'arrr.n. Jlm 97, 99, lOS, 113, 145, 11;, 231 v;· arrf"n, Pe~tltY 272 u·a ha, Danny 25t \\'at . on, Pat 25t u·attl"'rot, Tom 255 "Watt , ~hrila 2i'2 Wav, Carla 15, 17, 231 ""\1:"a' , J t>rrv 211 Weak , \Jih 215 "\\'f·hh, .\rthur 25:> \'l;'rhh, Can 2:'i:l \1; t•hhrr, ""u an 113, 255 "\\"rhrr. Carlrnr 133, 272 Wehrr, Ph•lh 133, 255 U'rfl trr, Judy 1n, 255 \('rlt trr, !-'h,·nl 78, 133, 231 wf'~l. Jant-t :!11 \( f•ilwl, Ut·nni 116 We!hurn, Jl'f£ 151, 152, 172, 183, 215 v;·rlborn, Tf"rrv 215 Welch, Bobhv 272 Wc·lrh, 1. .. \nn 12, 50, 69, 103, 143, 212 "U",.JIIon, Turv 59, i6. 81, 215
W dl , \Joch•·llo 231 Well , Paula 215 Well , Phil 211 Wrll , ~andra o\, 95, 133, 215 Wrll , '-'.mdra K. 182, 215 ""\l:'rnllorff, R· \tr1v 108, 113, 215 Wrrn, Dean 152, 151, 173, 23~ " 'e•t, Ga•l• 180, 182, 215 ", 1, Su an 180, 182, 255 Wr tmorrland, jim 99, 255 Wf'tv.i ka, Chnyl 13, 15, 216 Whf'f'lrr, Jamco 272 Whrrlf"r. hrrri 2.)5 "Whf'rlu . J ran 2i2 Whitlw<"k, John 25:; White, Alan 231 White, Bill 108, 121, 122, 135, 136, 117, 216 White, Chri 78, 122, 216 Whitr, John R. 50, 152, 153, 183, 231 White, Johnny H. 116, 255 Whit(", Kf"nny 272 White, Rick 255 White, Ronald 272 White, Shorrilyn K. 133, 272 White, <eve 136, 234 Whit e, William 272 Whitl ey, John 255 "\\"hittaktr, ... haron 235 Whjllaw, D.-·e 116, 169, 171, 255 "\\-'if"df'mann, RolH"rt 231 Wilb urn, Carole 255
"1ldman, Da>id 113, 255 "\\ ile), Rr~ina 2i'2 ""\1:. ilhnytr, Chf'rr) I 2i2 "\\ ilkrr nn, Janr 133 Wilke , Paul 156, 235 W.lk nn, Bt·\t-rh 12, "0, 6Q, 272 \\ illanl, David 255 \\ill ani, \J•·rril 115, 152, 183, 216 "illttt, Bill 156, 235 \\ illt tt, \lar,::arN 133, 2i'2 "William8, Allf'n 255 "illiam , Bob Ill "\\ ilJiam , Cin<h· 255 \\ alliam , Clint 272 \\ uJiam , Diana 102, 123, 133, 2·s \\ill iam , Gf'urgc 255 '\\ illiam , Jirnmi~ 255 William , John 2i'2 '\\'illiamo~., Karf'n \. 113, 2i2 '\\"illiam • 1\.arr-n s. 113, 2i'2 U illiam , 1\.rrrr 52, .St. 58, 65, i2, 76, 77, 99, 100, n;, 111, 111, 207, 216 \'(.'iiJiarn!l, Lf"r 165, 272 William•, l,inda 133, 2.35 U'illiam , "ary 0. 272 "llliam , Rov 216 \' allaam , !'haron J. 113, 272 "illiam , ~harem K. 119, H3, 255 \'\:'illiam , o,;u,.an 180, 182, 235 William .. , Tannu 216 '\\ illiam , Tirn 216 "illingham, Judy 100, 133, 235 v; Jim th, Diana 17, 216 U'il ~>, !-itrH· 2.)5 Wil on, Bill 255 Wil on, Rnh 255 Wil on, Diana SO, 119, 133, 2:;5 ""\l:'il on, John 272 Wil on, Kath) 179, 180, 181, 182, 216 \'\: jJ .. un, Linda 133, 216 \\ rl un, Sharon 12, SO, 235 "inkle, Jo 133, 272 "lnklrr, \lanke 17, 108, 133, 216 \\ inklrr, Ronald 235 "U in tun, Brur,- 27;5 ·wint, . ara 113, 272 U lntrr , :\'ita 272 " i rlnm, Caml 255 \\I ,fom, Linda 255 '\\"1 ,., jimm~ 25.) Wiur. Dkk 272 ""ittf'n, Bob 50, 2:i5 w·,w. Connie 50, 96, 207, 216 \'l;"ulf, Rnnal•l 113, 272 \\ nruac-k, 1\("rln\ 105, 163, 161, 2:;:; \'\:'uotl, Pam 17, 113. 235 "\\'oodard. Oan 17:l, 2;)5 U'ootl . Chf'n 1 272 \\'oocl , Willard )0 J~. 176, 2:15 v; oodv.anl, f.. R. !!72 "\\ ootlv.ard. Path 113. 235 \l;'oodv.-ard, Phillip 272 "oodward, ~alh 113, 133, 216 \\ 00(1). tl'\ f" 2)5 U"no),-,·, .Jan 113. 117, 235 "nolt,, Juch 17,111. 25;) Wnnlrnan, Barhara 51, 119, 133, 25.) ·work. Dan 25) Wnrthln;:, Barhara 97, 11-1, 235 Wo k•, \loll,· 215 Wri~ht, Gil Sl, 58. 62, 63, 73, 76, 93, 1s1. 1.12. 1:;5, 1;6, 177, 178, 183, 216 u~ri~ht, Jarquf! 133 Wri~:ht. Jimmi,. 113, 255 Wrie;ht, Rohf'rt 272 \l;'ri~ht, Thoma 272 U',chf", \likr Ill, 25:; ""\1:\·ro££, Dt'Lhtr 133
- YYar~f'r,
Fr<'ddil' 111-, 235 Yargrr, Rr~:ina 113, 2:';5 Yral!rr, Jf'anrttf' 99. l 11, 272 YtohinJt<•n, Cnrol 216 Y,-n, \'ir~:inia 2i'2 Youn~. Dan 95. 99 Young, ]ana 137, 2.35 Youn~. Jay 235 Yo11nJ. Jr 272 YounJ, lf'\"f' 23.) Yo11n~hrin, Gay),. 216 Y01tnc:hrin, John 272
- ZZarhritz, \likr 116, 216 Zinn, Larry 272 Zinn. Te-rry 113, 272 Z'nn, Tim ·.10. 96, 97, 101, 10.), 113 , Ill, 135, 216 Zflhnf"r. David 23.)
1- -