Metropol - 31 August 2023

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Metropol August 31, 2023 3 TRP MINZ 1098 The only thing that delivers greater peace of mind than our long-lasting appliances, is our commitment to customer care. Miele Moments Last Visit your new home of Miele Now open at 2 Cathedral Square, Christchurch Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 10am – 3pm


Supporting the Christchurch City Mission’s Back to School Programme since 2019

4 August 31, 2023 Metropol


Bayleys Plate Up for a Purpose has underpinned the Christchurch City Mission’s Back to School Programme since 2019. Helping families in need meet school costs for uniforms, shoes, and stationery.






Bayleys wants every child in Canterbury to have the tools they need to go to school with confidence and get the best possible start in life.

Every child in Canterbury should have access to an education and the ability to turn up looking and feeling like everyone else, it really is that simple. It is a big goal, but one the Christchurch City Mission is tackling head-on with their Back to School Programme.

Removing barriers to participation in school can have profound positive benefits for our community, especially for our tamariki, our goal is for every child in Canterbury to thrive at life.


Choose one (or more) of our partner venues and make a date to visit.


Order the Bayleys Plate Up for a Purpose feature dish from the menu and enjoy.


A donation from each Bayleys

Plate Up for a Purpose feature dish will automatically be made to the Christchurch City Mission’s Back to School programme.


All the money raised goes to the Christchurch City Mission’s Back to School Programme, covering the cost of such items as uniforms, shoes and stationery for Canterbury families.

Metropol August 31, 2023 5


6 August 31, 2023 Metropol 62 23 74 8 Contents
PAGE 8 SEE PAGE 34 03 379 7690 | LAWYER@SAUNDERS.CO.NZ | CITY, WIGRAM, PAPANUI, FERRYMEAD | SAUNDERS.CO.NZ We’re honoured, humbled and proud as punch to have had the trust of Christchurch for a century. For expertise that celebrates you, let’s talk. It’s our hundredth birthday. A billion thank yous. 61. WITH 62. | to Christchurch let’s

Editor's Note

Wild fires, flooding, and cyclones have all wrecked havoc far and wide, and it’s not over yet.

El Niño is o cially here, and with it comes a change from the La Niña weather patterns New Zealand has experienced for the past three years.

When La Niña finally gave up the ghost in March this year, global sea surface temperatures were suddenly the highest on record as the tropical Pacific abruptly began to warm.

Record high sea surface temperatures in the extratropical North and South Pacific were partly a signature from La Niña and partly a sign of climate change. The resulting “atmospheric rivers” delivered devastating torrential rains to New Zealand.

Weather report

Most of us are glad to leave the cold of winter behind, and bask in the added warmth of spring and summer. Granted there are still a few cold, wet days ahead of us, yet often just the thought of hotter temperatures will lighten a mood and bring a smile as we plan upcoming outdoor activities.

The last few years have seen some dramatic natural and climateassociated weather disasters in New Zealand and abroad.

Our country tends to experience stronger and more frequent winds from the west in summer during El Niño, bringing with them dryness in eastern areas and more rain on the West Coast, with generally cooler conditions overall. El Niños tend to peak in December, although their biggest atmospheric impacts may not be until February.

The warmest surface temperature years are the latter stages of El Niño events, and while 2016 is the world’s warmest year on record, predictions are that 2023 could beat that record, and that 2024 will beat it by a lot.

Hot, sunny days are on the horizon, yet so too may be droughts and wild fires. Be prepared.

PUBLISHER: Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd Murray Dempsey



Ph: (03) 343 3669

EDITOR: Lynda Papesch

Ph: 021 073 2786


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CONTRIBUTORS: Barry White, Ben Selby, Céline Gibson, Cheryl Colley, Daniella Judge, Daryl White, Denise Robertson, Getty Images, Ian Knott, James Brito, Jessica Allen, Lorraine Quinn, Louise Mackenzie, Nina Tucker, Rhonda Mitchell.

ADDRESS: 15a Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, CHCH 8011. Postal: P.O. Box 9362, Tower Junction, CHCH 8149


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Metropol August 31, 2023 7
CARE CENTRE NOW OPEN Rest Home & Hospital Care - Memory Assisted Care. NowOfferingRespiteCare TELEPHONE 03 351 7764 HOLLYLEA.CO.NZ

A pageant’s impact

Tessa Nicholas

8 August 31, 2023 Metropol one on one

Recently crowned Charity Queen at the Mrs Aotearoa 2023 grand finale in August, for her work in making the country a better place, Tessa Nicholas is the epitome of tenacity. Tessa made a return from her younger years competing in pageants and taking crowns to contest for Mrs Aotearoa 2023, an opportunity she didn’t expect. “I never thought at this stage of my life, it was going to be possible again.” But it was, and Tessa was able to make a di erence for herself and her community. “A lot of hard work and dedication goes into preparing for these pageants. The enjoyment I had from working with charities has been life-changing for me.” Tessa’s e orts with charities 0800 Hungry, The Brave Foundation and the Women’s Refuge, alongside random acts of kindness to the less privileged earned her the Charity Queen 2023 status.

Tessa alluded that her career as a hairdresser has become a great tool in nurturing the well-being of others, using hair as a catalyst. “I try to be a good listener and navigate through whatever they have going on while making their hair look its best.” Gaining empathy from years of experience, and understanding the conditions, both in the hair and beneath, that can diminish self-confidence, Tessa has applied her position to heal others through kindness and creativity.

“I am always in somebody’s physical space and they’re in mine. I can feel if they’re having a bad day or a good day.”

In lockdown, Tessa su ered a nasty dose of Covid-19, followed by long Covid, chronic fatigue, panic attacks and anxiety. Like many, travel plans were cancelled and hope started to fade. “Then, it was the financial strain of owning a business and not being out to work and make any money. I was deciding whether to close the doors or go back and fight for it,” Tessa remembers. It took “working every hour possible,” to keep her beloved business alive, an “extremely taxing” time. This became the start of a long journey of selfhealing, to return to what she had always loved.

As many endeavoured out of the lull that was lockdown, Tessa approached it with determination and spirit in reigniting her passion for pageants. She recalls year-long e orts by herself and a “whole team of people” helping along the way, from the beginning to August’s grand finale. With hard work came great reward, Tessa says the pageant “revived” her confidence. “From a woman that couldn’t even get out of bed or leave the house, now I’m performing, singing, cat-walking, public speaking and doing podcasts. It’s truly unbelievable really, I feel very proud of myself.”

Tessa has a full schedule, running her business and travelling to Auckland on weekends for pageantry practice. She’s only comfortable when she’s busy.

Amongst it all, Tessa still finds time to exercise and eat well. “It’s challenging, but it’s a challenge that I’m up for. The more I have on my plate, the better I function,” she adds.

At 17, Tessa entered the Miss Canterbury pageant and fell in love with the experience. She says it brings purpose and creates more to life than home and work. Learning about skincare, hair and makeup, nutrition, finding the confidence to speak publicly and care for your community, pageantry, Tessa says, comes with numerous benefits outside of physical appearance. “It builds your self-esteem. It’s an encouragement for women to try new things.”

She reveals there’s still excitement to the charm of it all.

“I particularly love the glamorous side of it and being on stage.” Everything considered, Tessa says the best part is having the opportunity to do what she loves.

Many in the pageant industry have begun voicing change against society’s stereotypical perspective of beauty pageants, Tessa a rms the industry and behind-the-scenes work goes so much deeper than what the public sees. “Pageantry has never just been focused on outer beauty. It’s made up of many components.” Listing the professions and pure dedication of so many pageant competitors, Tessa said all are welcomed in the industry, and diversity is embraced. “As humans, our perception of beauty is di erent from one person to the next, just as our taste in colours, or foods. What one person sees as beautiful, another may not.” From doctors, nurses, vets, and dentists, to hair stylists, real estate agents, social workers, stay-at-home mums, and beauticians, pageants see humans from all walks and ways of life, coming together for themselves and their communities. “It’s our sport, that’s what we love.”

Tessa won’t stop here, determined to continue this journey. “I want the public to see that this is a wonderful opportunity for women. Enhancing beauty, building confidence, starting new sisterhoods and experiencing something totally di erent from our lives at home.”

In mid-August Tessa was also crowned Mrs Elite Earth New Zealand and will go overseas next July to represent New Zealand.

Metropol August 31, 2023 9 one on one
Glamour, poise, outer beauty. There’s more to those who take the pageantry stage than meets the eye. Metropol writer Nina Tucker talks with Christchurch’s 2023 Mrs Aotearoa candidate, Tessa Nicholas.
“I want the public to see that this is a wonderful opportunity for women.”


When the International Federation of Body Builders (IFBB) Pro Show takes place in Hawaii on 18 November, Leah Reuben from Christchurch will be amongst the international competitors. Metropol writer Céline Gibson looks into the world of bodybuilding.

Posing before a panel of rigorous and exacting bodybuilding judges is a far cry from Leah Reuben’s day job as the owner/operator of a Parklands hair salon, but she has trained long and hard for this day. Her vivacious personality and warm manner give little idea as to the extraordinary focus and steely determination behind the woman.

When first competing in hairdressing competitions, Leah not only scooped up awards but went on to become spokesperson for New Zealand Hairdressing - a role which saw her fronting television cameras, mingling with MPs, and attending big hairdressing events nationwide.

This kind of exposure in public speaking and performance has stood Leah in good stead when competing, and no

10 August 31, 2023 Metropol one on one

doubt it was this same apparent confidence in the gym which prompted someone to tell her she would do really well in the bikini category of bodybuilding. “That’s when my competitive streak showed itself, and I became really serious,” Leah says.

So serious, in fact, that she won overall in the National Association Body Builders Amateurs (NABBA) bikini nationals held in Auckland in 2020.

“Initially my plan was to use NABBA to gain more selfassurance posing onstage – because posing takes a lot of confidence,” Leah says.

Supporting Leah through her initial preparation for NABBA was Adrian Rios, who became her coach and life-partner. “I’m fortunate having Adrian as my coach. He keeps up with the bodybuilding scene overseas and does his research. He’s tough when it comes to training but he’s kind to me,” she laughs.

Following her NABBA win, Leah won in the IFBB overall bikini category in 2021, and in 2022, won in her bikini category at the IFBB nationals. That same year, Leah won her pro card in bikini category at the IFBB, held in Wellington.

To win a pro card is considered momentous, allowing the winner to represent their country internationally. Alongside prize money, winners of international IFBB Pro Shows qualify to compete in the highly coveted Olympia competition (held in either Florida or Las Vegas), which is Leah’s ultimate goal.

Integral to competing in such events is sponsorship, and Leah and Adrian say the Hawaii trip is very much thanks to local health and disability support business LifeLinks, of which Leah’s brother, Jacob, is a client.

Craig Hutchison, CEO and owner of LifeLinks, got to know Leah through his partner, Ali, who had been training with Adrian for some years. Ali often mentioned to Adrian that Craig liked to help emerging talent through sponsorship, and before long a sponsorship plan eventuated.

“Jacob has autism, and what makes me feel even closer to LifeLinks is seeing how he has blossomed since he has been with them. I’ve seen huge changes in him - his confidence and personality has expanded so much,” Leah says.

The LifeLinks logo appears on a t-shirt range recently released by Leah and Adrian. The 1950s pop art style t-shirt depicts various bikini-type physiques. Proceeds from the t-shirt sales will help provide a bodybuilding training programme.

The t-shirts also come with a barcode, which takes the purchaser to an app of Leah’s YouTube training programme.

Alongside bikini, the other women’s bodybuilding categories in New Zealand are wellness, sports and figure.

“Though many of the younger generation’s interest is in the sculpted body, equally there are young women interested in bikini bodybuilding, because it’s a more feminine look than figure bodybuilding, for example, which is a lot more muscled,” Leah explains.

She adds that there is a lot of misinformation around bodybuilding. “Many people tend to think it’s unhealthy. I am a true believer that if you’re doing it right and you have expert coaching, that is far from the case.”

Adrian expands on this from a coach’s point of view: “If people fail to prepare early enough, they tend to take more drastic approaches to reduce body fat, which means less energy, which, in turn, means there will be an e ect on the metabolism.”

“Going through an all-fat loss in a fast way like that causes the body to rebound in an unhealthy way and people put on twice the weight. An unhealthy approach is doomed to fail.”

Good nutrition is crucial in bodybuilding and Leah knows what works for her. “Call me holistic, but I’m a true believer in wholesome, organic food. I find that everything needs to digest really well in order to work really well.

“When I research the girls that stand out in bodybuilding, they all adhere to a similar diet.”

In 2022, Leah gained her personal trainer qualification in order to help other young women interested in bodybuilding.

“I want to give knowledge to girls. It’s like the di erence between being trained by a good or bad hairdresser.

“If I can pass that knowledge on – it’s going to save health problems; it’s going to make them a better athlete, and ensure we have the best people representing New Zealand.”

Closing with a message she hopes will inspire others, Leah encapsulates why she has such a passion and belief in the benefits of bikini bodybuilding for young women.

“The bikini athlete doesn’t just mean the bikini girl - the bikini athlete aesthetic is all about a toned and sculpted look that every girl might aspire to. It’s not too di cult to achieve – it’s a baseline to looking good and healthy. We believe there will be a lot of fans for the bikini look.”

Metropol August 31, 2023 11 one on one
“The bikini athlete doesn’t just mean the bikini girl - the bikini athlete aesthetic is all about a toned and sculpted look that every girl might aspire to.”


Premium Touring with Insight, Luxury Gold and Uniworld River Cruises

Tuesday 19 September 6:00pm - 7:00pm

The Piano, 156 Armagh St

Off the Beaten Track

Egypt & the Middle East with Adventure World

Wednesday 20 September 6:00pm - 7:00pm

The Piano, 156 Armagh St

Off the Beaten Track

South America & Africa with Adventure World

Wednesday 20 September 7:00pm - 8:00pm

The Piano, 156 Armagh St

We look forward to seeing you

12 August 31, 2023 Metropol
our exclusive You’re invited
us and hear from our experts. Expect to learn how to get the best out of your next travel adventure.
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What’s on

Check out these exciting events in and around Christchurch during the coming months.



After a three month break for winter, The Ferrymead Night Markets are back.

2 September is the first spring market for this year, promising to be full of food and fun.


Illuminating Hearts is a fundraising concert for Nurse Maude’s new hospice and will be held in the UC Music Recital Room at The Arts Centre. - Search Illuminating Hearts


Punt rides from this location travel past Te Pae Christchurch, the Christchurch Town Hall, Victoria Square, and Margaret Mahy Playground, showcasing the evolving central city.


Mt Hutt’s Peak to Pub is not just for the hard core, this race is achievable for anyone who is interested in challenging themselves physically and mentally. Anyone seeking fun and personal triumph is sure to have a blast.


It’s happening again and it’s bigger and better than ever. All the nostalgic 80s, 90s, and 2000s geeky goodness you could want in one space. 10am-2pm at the Lyttelton Recreation Centre. Facebook - Cheap Thrills Pop Culture Market


Immerse yourself in a captivating celebration of all things French at the Akaroa French Festival this year. Featuring vibrant markets, entertainment, and more.




Coming soon


Christchurch’s biggest quilt exhibition in on this October at Riccarton High School. View a variety of members’ quilts and two guest exhibitions. You can buy from six merchants, and enter the fabulous ra e. Entry $5, children free.


The show will be packed full of traditional animal competitions along with exciting entertainment, trade, and market stalls for the whole family.


Metropol August 31, 2023 13


Indulge in pure bliss at Bodyhaven Spa. Unwind in our tranquil oasis, where expert therapists pamper you with rejuvenating massages, luxurious facials, and blissful body treatments. Experience ultimate relaxation today at and embrace a journey of revitalisation like never before.


Located smack bang in the middle of Wellington’s cultural precinct, The Intrepid Hotel is THE place to visit for the adventurous traveler. Revel in the personalised touches, fabulously stylish décor, uber-comfy beds and complimentary delights throughout your stay. | 04 830 0996

Experience culinary delight at the iconic Nikau Café and enjoy locally sourced, organic dishes. From hearty breakfasts to our Nikau Nights, our vibrant ambience and friendly service create a memorable dining a air. Visit us in the Civic Square by the Wellington City Gallery.

04 801 4168 |

Civic Square, 101 Wakefield St, Wellington


Discover the world and writing of internationally acclaimed New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield in her fashionable childhood home, a Category 1 Historic Place in the inner-city heritage suburb of Thorndon that inspired some of her most famous stories.

04 473 7268 |

25 Tinakori Road, Thorndon, Wellington

60 Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington


Explore the Parliament buildings, learn about the Parliamentary process, and find out how you can participate in our democracy. During our tours, you will see some of the many artworks and objects from the Parliamentary Collection, and get to know the details behind the iconic architecture.

04 817 9503 |

Book online:


West Plaza Hotel is the perfect blend of a ordability and a great location, with rooms that are smart and comfortable. Located a 5–10 minute walk from the TSB Arena. Book now and experience WoW in the heart of the city. | 04 473 1440

110 Wakefield Street, Te Aro, Wellington

14 August 31, 2023 Metropol

our city’scapital vibe Enjoying

Attending the world-renowned World of WearableArt™ (WOW) Show is often the impetus for indulging in all that Wellington has to offer. The 33rd iteration of the show is set to be one of the biggest, boldest, and brightest yet, featuring a whopping 120 designers from 22 countries, and the opportunity to see more of Wellington.

This year the show, with the theme BEYOND, features the return of the beloved WOW category, Bizarre Bra, unleashes a huge cast of spectacular performers, and sees the TSB Arena dripping in ‘Gold’ in the feature section of the same name.

The global wearable art competition provides a unique opportunity for its finalist designers, many of whom prepare for years to be included in the line-up.

The breathtaking stage show, which unites art, dance, aerial performance, music, and mind-blowing stage design and e ects, delivers an experience like no other for its audiences.

More than $185,000 of awards and prizes are up for grabs in 2023, across three recurring sections, Aotearoa, Avant-garde and Open, and three additional sections, Mars and Beyond, Gold, and the iconic Bizarre Bra.

“Once again we find ourselves in awe at the level of creative ingenuity, craftsmanship and pure inventiveness that designers bring to the WOW Competition,” says WOW Head of Competition Sarah Nathan. The winners will be announced at the 2023 WOW Show Awards Night on Friday 22 September at TSB Arena.

Aside from the annual WOW show, Wellington is home to a myriad creative

businesses, from stylish fashion boutiques, to amazing cafés, restaurants, and bars. Likewise accommodation options vary from luxurious to sublime, quaint to minimalist and contemporary. From markets to museums, walks to WOW, there’s lots to do.

WOW 2023 takes up residence in the TSB Arena in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington, from 20 September to 8 October 2023. Due to overwhelming demand, an additional performance was recently released, for Tuesday 3 October.

Metropol August 31, 2023 15

Theatre New Zealand,


by Christchurch City Council, presents eight of the best from Aotearoa’s community theatre groups at TheatreFest National ShowCase.

The festival takes place 9 -10 September in the Christchurch Girls’ High School Auditorium. Community theatre teams have been vying for a place at ShowCase in keenly contested preliminary festivals across the motu since early July. More than 50 theatre companies have performed their plays and musicals to win a special place in the Ōtautahi Christchurch national festival. Running alongside the ShowCase will be workshops led by experts in their fields.

“Those selected to assemble in Christchurch represent the best in

community theatre,” says Paul Percy, President of Theatre New Zealand.

“Don’t think amateur, these teams will shift your perception of what community means to theatre (and what theatre means to community) up and down the country,” Paul says. Theatre New Zealand has an 80-year legacy with the ShowCase held in many cities, towns, and provinces.

Ōtautahi Christchurch last hosted the national festival in 2000 when the local team Oily Rag Theatre Company gained top performance. More recently, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School shone in the ShowCase in Wellington 2018 with

Girls Like That by Evan Placey. The TheatreFest process welcomes any theatrical production, regardless of genre, style or author and can include music and dance. Innovative and challenging content is encouraged, and cultural and ethnic diversity is celebrated. All performances are commented on by accredited members of the Association of New Zealand Drama Adjudicators. This is intended to be a constructive and educative process for both the teams and the audience, allowing for growth and development as teams progress from year to year.

Venue - Christchurch Girls’ High School Saturday 9 September 6-9pm to Sunday 10 September 2-6pm Tickets for ShowCase and Workshops are available through Eventfinda.

16 August 31, 2023 Metropol
out & about

Arts News with Warren Feeney


Amajor survey and touring exhibition of Dame Robin White’s (Ngāti Awa, Pākeha) paintings and prints over five decades, Te Whanaketanga I Something is Happening Here is a collaboration between Te Papa Tongarewa and the Auckland Art Gallery. At last, it acknowledges artist Robin White, the significance of her early hard-edged regionalist paintings and her wider perspective on life in Aotearoa and the Pacific, merging ‘Western art practice with Pasifika ways of getting the job done.’ It is an approach that pays due attention to the Pacific and its communities in Aotearoa, Kiribati, Fiji, Tonga, and more.

Portraits from the 1970s initially shaped her reputation as an accessible

contemporary artist, both popular and challenging. Curated by Sarah Farrar and Nina Tonga they have rightly included White’s popular A Buzzy Bee For Siulolovoa painting, the subject of this and many works, revealing and celebrating the small and intimate details of our experience of life, time and place.

A follower of the Bahá’í faith, in White’s art there is a tangible sense of her subjects as the detail of a wider context about humanity. From the 1980s, White’s practice increasingly centred on tapa painting, realised in collaboration with Fiji Island residents, Leba Toki and Bale Jione, their attention to interiors as places for rest, eating and sharing in the company of others, reminding us of how such daily

rituals are as essential as they are profound.

Among these works is White’s Living in a Material World, 2017, an interior in which the table, and domestic ware, (teapot, food, lamp, jug and other items), serve as evidence of sharing time and space with others, White referencing the contents of these spaces as evidence of our faith in systems and a consciousness of them as also about processes of change.

DETAIL: Robin White: Te Whanaketanga

I Something is Happening Here

Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, corner Worcester Blvd, Montreal St, 22 July – 5 Nov

Developed by the Auckland Art Gallery

Toi o Tāmaki and Te Papa Tongarewa.

Metropol August 31, 2023 17
IMAGE: Robin White et al, Living in a Material World, 2017, barkcloth, earth pigments, natural dye, 210 x 330 cm



of Pacific peoples living in Aotearoa, its attention centred upon education and enhancing health, wellbeing, and social outcomes for the advancement of Pacific people. Its strategies are summarised as ‘Pasifika in STEAM’, and steam is an acronym standing for: ‘Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math, all events and programmes utilise Pacific arts, language and culture to drive vocational skills and opportunities for Pasifika people.’

Humphries states, ‘STEAM is in Pasifika people’s DNA.

Pasifika ancestors built glorious Vaka that sailed by the wind and navigated by the stars across the world’s largest ocean, creating complex irrigation systems that reached the highest of mountains. Tagata Moana Trust is dedicated to connecting Pacific peoples back to their past, to see the potential in their future.’

Nina Oberg Humphries is an artist, and the Executive Director of FIBRE Gallery in Ōtautahi Christchurch. She describes the gallery as an education and advocacy resource for Moana creatives, commenting that it is the first of its kind in Te Wai Pounamu.

In 2020, Humphries was the Macmillan Brown artist-inresidence at the University of Canterbury, and in addition, she has a background in management, project design, community education, and arts and Pacific heritage material. She is committed to a future in New Zealand where Pacific peoples are valued, have equitable access to all things and are uplifted to achieve anything and everything imaginable.

Located upstairs at 385 Cashel Street, FIBRE Gallery is dedicated to community-engaged, digital and heritage artworks by Moana creatives, an important element in its education programme realised through the Tagata Moana Trust, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the advancement

She describes the gallery’s current exhibition, Tuitui Tangata as ‘reflecting the role Tivaevae occupies connecting time and space, intergenerational teaching, and connections between Cook Islands people and the natural world, showcasing a wide range of creativity, highlighting the limitless possibilities in designs, colours and vibrancy.’ Tuitui Tangata: The art of Tivaevae features 11 tivaevae, generously provided by local Cook Islands community members and their families: Tamapua Pera, Stephanie Oberg, Josua Temaru, Holly Oberg, and Nina Oberg Humphries.

DETAILS: FIBRE Gallery, Tuitui Tangata: An Expression of love. The art of Tivaevae, level 1, 285 Cashel Street, Christchurch Central, 4th August – 15th September, Open Wednesday – Friday 10am – 4pm.

IMAGES: 1. Moeroa (Rangi) Oberg, Tivaevae tataura, late 1980s. Nine pansies tiare in red or pink colour with leaves on blue backing. 2. From left: tivaevae manu by Diana Houghton, Tiare designs in green, stitched on yellow and green lining, and right: Moeroa (Rangi) Oberg created this tivaevae manu showing designs of white tiare, leaves and wreaths on red.

18 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Robin White This is me at Kaitangata 1979. Collection of Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, purchased 1979 Robin White: Te Whanaketanga Something Is Happening Here Now open | Free entry 66 Gloucester Street Whakawhanaungatanga 31st August - 30th September


Peaks and Troughs o ers an extravaganza of contemporary New Zealand photography.

Abeautiful new body of work by Conor Clarke is accompanied by the work of 23 others. These are friends and mentors, invited and wrangled by Clarke, grateful for the company and inspiration o ered her along the way. This is a rare opportunity to scope recent work by many of Aotearoa’s best photographers: Mark Adams, Edith Amituanai, Chris Corson-Scott, Solomon Mortimer and Zahra Killen-Chance, Haru Sameshima, Jae Hoon Lee, and Tim Veling are in the

house. In the image above John Collie catches memories in the red zone (his are the lonely but laden apple tree and treeswing photos). Roberta Thornley captures in haunting detail eerie light down a fenceline.

Greta Anderson’s painterly still-life geranium is far from what it seems, and Tia Ranginui’s spectral male and female figures look both ecstatic and supernatural. Many di erent approaches to photography are on show here – and certainly something for everyone.

DETAILS: Conor Clarke and 23 Others, Peaks and Troughs, Jonathan Smart Gallery, 52 Buchan St, 19 August - 16 September.

IMAGE: Peaks and Troughs, installation image. Photograph: Vicki Piper

31 Aug - 1 Oct 2023 including works by Neil Dawson

Zara Dolan

Hannah Kidd

Elizabeth Thomson

Michel Tuffery

Metropol August 31, 2023 19 JONATHAN
The Central Art Gallery ENCORE SELECT STOCK
192 Bealey Avenue 366 8487 12 Sept – 6 Oct SEFTON RANI [Crossroads] PG Artbeat_Sept2023.indd 1 22/08/23 4:37 PM
Neil Dawson On Reflection (Boats), 2017 Powdercoated steel, 800mm x 900mm x 100mm



Have you got medals sitting in a drawer from a family member who gave service to our country? The expert team at Windsor Gallery can carefully frame medals, along with photographs and other memorabilia to honour your loved one. Do you have photos from momentous moments in your life that you are yet to frame? Reminisce on these moments by having them framed on the wall where you can remember how special that moment was. Have you put huge e ort into achieving a qualification, but have left that degree or certificate sitting in a folder? Celebrate your achievement by framing it and keeping it in a prime position, then you can feel proud of your achievement when you look at it everyday.

DWere you drawn to buying a piece of art because it moved or delighted you?

Windsor Gallery takes care to assist in framing your art in a way that further enhances the artwork you have that great connection with.

Owner Tracey Wynands says, “The spaces you spend the most time in need to have personality and there is no better way to achieve this than by purchasing beautiful artwork from our gallery. We have sculptures, photography and paintings from leading New Zealand artists and artists from as far as Dubai. The variety is huge, so come and take time to browse in our contemporary gallery - you might just fall in love with an artwork. And you don’t need to pay it all straight away - art can be purchased with a time payment.”

Windsor Gallery, 386 St Asaph Street,

03 366 0724

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturday 10am to 1pm

20 August 31, 2023 Metropol
A place that o ers both contemporary art and pi ure framing services is solid gold. IMAGES: Details from left: Mixed-media painting by, Miles Dover and ceramics figures by Nachiko Schollum. Details for painting to the right: Joel Hart, Blue Lady, mixed-media.
12 September – 2 October Refraction
Hayles Exhibition Open Daily, 10am – 6pm Free entry 2 – 16 September 152 Hereford Street, Christchurch Opening Doors for Young Artists

Recently opening at the Ashburton Art Gallery, Ngā Hau Ngākau is a touring exhibition curated by Nelson’s Suter Art Gallery. Its initial opening was in 2018, and it has su ained its presence nationally in galleries that have included Te Manawa, New Plymouth, and the Otago Museum.

Ngā Hau Ngākau is a multi-media experience with the work of its three artists; Brian Flinto , Robin Slow, and Bob Bickerton, in an exhibition that honours the ‘ancient whakapapa of ngā manu’, prioritising a perspective that invites a reconsideration of human experience in Aotearoa in 2023. The exhibition encompasses 34 carvings by Brian Flinto , 36 paintings by Robin Slow, and a soundscape and video by Bob Bickerton, Ariana Tikao, Holly Tikao-Weir, and Solomon Rahui.

Opening in the Otago Museum earlier this year, in an interview, Slow expressed his aspirations for those who encounter Ngā Hau Ngākau

‘‘I hope visitors come away from it with a greater understanding of the interrelationships of all the ngā toi, a Māori celebration of life through movement and its many expressions.

I want visitors to see how they all fit together from the purakau [stories] to the sounds of the taoka pūoro and the marks that are made with carving, a snapshot of life and the pattern of thinking of Māori.”

DETAILS: Brian Flinto , Robin Slow and Bob Bickerton, Ngā Hau Ngākau Weaving the People Together, Ashburton Art Gallery, 327 West St, 12 August – 6 October

Metropol August 31, 2023 21 URBAN ART SPECIALISTS 54 Hawdon St. Sydenham FIKSATE GALLERY Ph: 03 365 0763 PROJECT 21 EXQUISITE CORPSE 12 AUGUST - 08 OCTOBER 2023 THE PLATFORM STUDENT GALLERY PH: 03 354 4438 465 Papanui Rd •
386 St Asaph Street 03 366 0724
Bruce Mortimer 1400 x 1630mm IMAGE: Robin Slow, Waraki, 2017, acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, courtesy of the artist.



Honours graduate from the UC School of Fine Arts, Katie Hayles’ post-impressionist symbolist-inspired paintings comprise an evocative and tangible experience of the natural environment as sublime as it a reality, making Refractions a treasure of an exhibition. IMAGE: Katie Hayles, Resonance, 2023, oil on canvas.


“My inspiration ranges heavily, from renaissance portraiture to photography and lowbrow pop surrealism. These influences can be seen in how my works incorporate both traditional and contemporary techniques”. Jesse Rawcli e describes her practice, (NZ Opera 26 May 2021). IMAGE: Jessie Rawcli e, Variation of a Theme 4, oil on board, 520mm x 515mm.


Describing himself as a scavenger, photographer Maurice Lye documents the open-ended nature of how we live day by day, singling out our curiosity for the natural and built-environment, territory that informs his practice, providing fertile ground for investigation. IMAGE: Maurice Lye, Yellow Road, Selwyn River, Type C print, 1000 x 800mm.

August September


A group exhibition from six emerging and mid-career artists, Eastside Spring includes new works from Lyttelton artist, Antoinette Wastney, the cinematic imagery of her portraitures centering their attention upon inner and outer worlds.

IMAGE: Antoinette Wastney, Gloriavale, 2022, oil on canvas.

OUR ARTISTS: MEHRDAD TEHAN WINDSOR GALLERY, 386 ST ASAPH STREET, PHILLIPSTOWN Based in Ōtautahi Christchurch, Mehrdad Tehan is acknowledged as a finalist in the prestigious Cranleigh Barton Drawing Award. A landscape and portrait artist, he maintains his commitment to atmospheric impressionist landscape paintings centred upon our relationship with the land.

IMAGE: Merhdad Tehan, Interplay of Light, oil on canvas.


Among the highlights of Ravenscar’s legacy of Susan and Jim Wakefield’s art collection is Wellington painter, John Drawbridge’s (Interior With Matisse). A pioneer of modernism in Aotearoa, Drawbridges’ reference to Matisse, announce the significant local influence of European artists. IMAGE: John Drawbridge, (Interior With Matisse), 1985, courtesy of the John Drawbridge Estate. All rights reserved.

22 August 31, 2023 Metropol



Visiting Cellular Memory on four occasions I can confirm that each visit felt like a first-time experience, Thomson’s iconography and the colour, materials and spatial relationships essentially added up to far more than the comingtogether of its various elements. One of Cellular Memory’s most recent works, Amritsar, was as certain as it was open to questions. Thomson commented, “Amritsar has a contoured substrate [material substance], a topical translation of the image... sculpted and shaped... the relief forms subtly animated/imbued with a living, breathing quality.”

The Central Art Gallery, The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora, 27July – 26 August. IMAGE: Elizabeth Thomson, Amritsar, 2023, cast vinyl, lacquer on contoured and shaped wood.


Drawing from the gallery’s permanent collection Perilous is a userfriendly and confronting survey exhibition. Certainly, the agenda of the Gallery’s curators, Felicity Milburn and Melanie Oliver’s Ia Tangata, Ia Hanga Every Body, has a humour and reality that makes it a highlight within Perilous, a self-contained ‘sub-exhibition’ that considers the body’s, ‘beauty, sexuality, di erence and vulnerability,’ all represented by Maungarongo Te Kawa’s, (Ngāti Porou), Rangi Takere Hau, a memory to friends and men who died from HIV/Aids, Te Kawa comments ‘A tohu of peace, connection, forgiveness. For all the ones that didn’t make it.’ IMAGE: Maungarongo Te Kawa, Rangi Takere Hau, collection Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 2022.


No O ence...But?™ might best be described as a story of two halves –an oblique a rmation and deconstruction of the Ilam School of Fine Arts’ (SFA) education agendas that have informed lectures and tuition. Post-graduates Bailie Piebenga, Charlotte Dowle and Hazel White’s attention is upon the post-2018 period, the SFA “operating with a Western lens and predominance of Pākehā lecturers.” Yet, a direct encounter with the exhibition is also an experience about a rich abundance of found objects, paint skins, photographs and found materials generously distributed on the gallery’s floor and walls, rationalised and qualified in the catalogue essay by Lucy Jessep (Ngāi Tahu), nicely positioning two questions, What communities may we be serving, and who we may want to engage with next? 16 – 25 August. IMAGE: No O ence...But?™, exhibition opening, 15 August, Ilam Campus Gallery, Instagram.

Whiria te tangata: Weaving the people together

This exhibition celebrates 150 years of the University of Canterbury through the objects and people that have shaped both College and community.

Pūmanawa Gallery, The Arts Centre 20 July – 9 September, Free entry

August 31, 2023


1 PGgallery 192

Contemporary New Zealand Art

192 Bealey Ave, Central Chri church

Tues-Fri 10.30-5pm, and Sat 10.30-2pm

2 General Po ery Clay art, supplies and classes

27 Essex St, Phillip own

Wed-Sat 10-4pm www.generalpo

3 Fibre Gallery

A di in ly Moana Gallery

Lvl 1/285 Cashel St, Central Chri church

Wed-Fri 10am-4pm

4 The Central Art Gallery, Contempory New Zealand Art 2 Worce er Blvd, City Centre

Wed-Sun 10-4pm

5 The Physics Room

Contemporary Art Space

The Arts Centre Regi ry Building, 301 Montreal Street

Tues-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat-Sun 11am-4pm. h ps://

6 Chri church Art Gallery

Te Puna o Waiwhetū

Chri church’s Public Art Gallery

Cnr Worce er Blvd & Montreal St

Access from Arts Centre Market Square

Mon-Sun 10-5pm, Wed to 9pm www.chri

Linwood Arts Ea side Gallery

Local Chri church Arti s & classes 388 Worce er St, Linwood

Tues-Sat 12-5pm

8 Jonathan Smart Gallery

Contemporary New Zealand Art 52 Buchan St, Sydenham

Wed-Sat 11-5pm

9 Windsor Gallery

Contemporary Art & Framing

386 St Asaph Street, Phillip own Mon-Fri 9-5pm, and Sat 10-3pm

10 Fiksate Studio & Gallery

Urban Contemporary Art 54 Hawdon St, Sydenham

Tues-Wed 10-2.30pm, Thur 10-5pm, Fri 10-8pm, and Sat 11-4pm

City Art Depot

New Zealand Art, Speciali Framing 96 Disraeli St, Sydenham

Mon-Fri 8.30-5pm, and Sat 10-2pm

12 Ravenscar House Museum House Museum, Art & Furnishings 52 Rolle on Ave, Mon-Sun 10-5pm

13 Chambers Gallery

Contemporary New Zealand Art 80 Durham Street South, Sydenham Tue-Fri 10.30am-5pm, Sat 11am-3pm

14 COCA Toi Moroki

Centre for Contemporary Art 66 Glouce er Street

Tue-Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm

To include your gallery on this page, conta Murray Dempsey - 03 343 3669

14TH SEPTEMBER 6.30-8.30PM


To purchase tickets to the event or donate to the new Canterbury Cancer Centre Art Project please email


Make a day of it, and visit these galleries beyond the city of Christchurch.



Celebrating the history of chairs, artist upholsterer, Nigel Cook, makes paintings and sculptures of chairs telling stories, revealing his knowledge of their history, including the Laceweb chair - a classic Canterbury design he calls “the Rolls Royce of chairs”.

IMAGE: Nigel Cook, Elephant Chair, mixed media. Art on the Quay, 176 Williams St, Kaiapoi



Longing features paintings and sculptures that Harré describes as ‘looking at love, longing and the continued need for courage,’ also with biblical references.

IMAGE: the Upper Room, acrylic on paper.

Rangiora Chamber Gallery, 141 Percival St, Rangiora.



“...The randomness of material staged for photographic a ect intrigues me as the randomness of relaying a degraded ‘information discourse’ via social media.

IMAGE: And Now Less Leaks, 2023 oil on canvas (detail).

McAtamney Gallery and Design Store, 49 Talbot St, Geraldine



Commemorating Geraldine potter, Audrey Wallace’s four decades of work as a studio potter, publicly recognised for her work, some held in the collection of former Governor General, Sir Paul Reeves (1932-2011)

IMAGE: Untitled ceramic

Aigantighe Art Gallery, 49 Wai-Iti Road, Timaru


Apremier creative fashion event, North Canterbury Wearable Arts features unique wearable art designed and constructed by artists and designers, young and old, and in 2023 focusing on Aotearoa New Zealand’s culture and innovation.

IMAGE: Thianga Vihi, Highly Commended Student Open, 2022,

Saturday 9 September 2023, 7pm For tickets and more information:




A collaborative event and exhibition, exploring connections between earth, rain, and human emotions. The Terrasol installation blends scent and ceramics through a multisensory encounter.

IMAGE: Taare & Salmon, Terrasol, perfume, ceramic, gouache. Stoddart Cottage Gallery, 2 Waipapa Avenue, Diamond Harbour

Metropol August 31, 2023 25
Vic Raha Sales Consultant 027 3100 369 Melissa Davenport Client Service Manager 027 728 0180 Grenadier Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008. LOOKING FOR AN AGENT? TRUST US, TRUST YOUR PROPERTY FIERY PEAK ECO-RETREAT Luxury couple accommodation.
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Metropol has partnered with many of Canterbury’s successful and longstanding businesses during the past 25 years. As we celebrate this milestone, we want to highlight some of the people who have trusted us to provide a direct line to their customers. To our valued clients and readers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude, and eagerly anticipate bringing you many more exciting magazines in the future. A huge thank you.

“Celebrating a powerful partnership with Metropol magazine has been an incredible journey. Their authentic storytelling and unwavering commitment to excellence have elevated our brand’s visibility and connected us with a broader audience. “Through their platform, our successes have resonated within our community. Their skilled team has crafted compelling narratives that showcase our core values, opening doors to exciting collaborations and growth opportunities.

“As we toast to powerful partnerships, we eagerly anticipate the continued journey with Metropol as our trusted ally and advocate. Together, we stand firm, celebrating achievements and amplifying the spirit of collaboration and excellence.”

“We have been working with Metropol to promote our musicals in Christchurch for five years. It’s been a great vehicle for us to gain exposure for our productions. In a noisy and competitive market, it’s important that we get our advertising in front of the right audience and Metropol allows us to do just that. The team does a great job of communicating with us and really understands what we are trying to achieve in our advertising. Metropol reaches our target market with every issue. We always see an increase in ticket sales on the dates our Metropol advert hits the market.”

“We’ve collaborated with Metropol for just over 10 years and have seen fantastic results throughout this time. Our advertising in Metropol has been great at generating new inquiries. I’ve even had people come in holding a cut-out of our advertisement from the magazine in their hand. Having two advertorials has been a good way to focus our marketing on di erent topics of our business. The advertorials are a cut above competing publications and are great value for money.”

26 August 31, 2023 Metropol
P: 03 343 3669 I METROPOL.CO.NZ | 15a LESLIE HILLS DR I RICCARTON I CHRISTCHURCH Join the success: Contact Tracey Prince - adver�
National Multi-Award Winners 2013 - 2022


Pūtaringamotu / Riccarton Bush is a place of huge cultural and ecological significance both to Māori and Pakeha, and both locally and nationally. For Ngāi Tūāhuriri/ Ngāi Tahu Pūtaringamotu was a site of one of the many kāika (settlements) established between Waihora/Lake Ellesmere and the Waimakariri River, and an area frequented by Ngāi Tahu tohunga (healers) and was significant for Mahinga Kai/food gathering. This place is also central to the European settlement history of Christchurch, the Deans brothers being very early European settlers of the Canterbury plains.

Pūtaringamotu / Riccarton Bush and its surrounds tell the story of the Deans family through the existing buildings, but it is currently much less e ective in conveying its cultural history. Its Mana Whenua cultural narrative has been developed by Matapopore Charitable Trust, the cultural design and advisory consultancy established by Ngāi Tūāhuriri, in whose rohe Pūtaringamotu is located, and for whom the place has huge significance. It’s a place rich in flora and fauna, and while some signage is in place to support learning and to grow an understanding of the culture and heritage of Pūtaringamotu, so much more can be done in this area. The plan includes the

development of a waharoa – a traditional entranceway/structure for the bush outside its predator-proof fence, sharing the cultural narrative of this special place and inviting people into the bush to learn more. Information boards, installations and artworks planned to be placed throughout the bush aim to foster a deeper understanding of the usage and importance of particular plants and wildlife by Māori for healing and for kai.

The Riccarton Bush Trust is seeking funds to develop the waharoa, and redevelop paths, entrance gates, seating and gathering areas to make these safe and user-friendly for all. Irrigation and fire protection infrastructure will be upgraded, and interpretation and signage upgraded in a cohesive manner that engages all senses and explores culture and context, flora and fauna, values, and knowledge, supporting interaction and learning.

Together, the components of the Master Plan are strongly focused on unlocking the cultural and heritage potential of our whenua, Pūtaringamotu / Riccarton Bush, and in doing so, improving wellbeing by enabling participation in a heritage, culture and environmental experience in the outdoors and building understanding and knowledge of Ngāi Tūāhuriri and their history in the area.

Certain areas of the boardwalk have started to deteriorate, the concrete paths have become uneven, posing a tripping hazard. Additionally, the signage is outdated, providing visitors with limited information on the cultural importance of this special place.

The Future

The Enhancement project aims to achieve the following objectives:

Integrate Ngāi Tūāhuriri values, associations, and narratives into the design, art, entrance experience, and interpretation of Pūtaringamotu/ Riccarton Bush.

Improve the track system and infrastructure.

Develop the Grove area to accommodate larger groups visiting Pūtaringamotu/ Riccarton Bush.

Provide educational interpretation that encourages engagement and participation.

Donate Now

To ensure the future of Riccarton Bush, a total of 2.4 million is needed to fund the Enhancement project. Your donation can help protect, conserve, and enhance this important landmark for future generations.

Metropol August 31, 2023 27
The Riccarton Bush Enhancement Project will encourage public interest use and participation and will promote the natural and cultural heritage values of the site.

Greening New Zealand

With our stunning natural environment and evolving urban city and neighbourhoods, we are primed to be a city for the future. We can be climate ready, surrounded by healthy waterways and trees and where everyone has a warm, a ordable home and enough to put food on the table.

The Green Party has a track record and a plan to deliver change for people and planet. We have driven more action on

climate change in the last five years than the previous three decades. We have delivered New Zealand’s first ever plan to eliminate family and sexual violence. The Green Party has been active in moves to stop seabed mining. But the pace of change is too slow.

Too many people are struggling, native plants and waterways are under threat, and climate emissions growing. Aotearoa needs a Government that will take bold action to build a cleaner, fairer future for all of us. To

do it, we need your support - Party Vote Green this election so we can have more Green MPs and truly shape the direction of the next Government.

Authorised by Miriam Ross, Level 5, 108 The Terrace, Wellington

28 August 31, 2023 Metropol
We’re your Green Party candidates who are ready to help Christchurch take a lead in tackling the challenges we face.

A pivotal event for New Zealand is unfolding on the political horizon.

Scheduled from 2 October (when voting papers are mailed out) to 14 October 2023 (Election Day), the 2023 General Election is your chance to have your say in who will govern for the next three years.

During the election, eligible New Zealanders, aged 18 years and over, get to vote for the parties and candidates they want to represent them in Parliament.

Voting starts on Monday 2 October at voting places around the country. On election day, Saturday 14 October, all voting places will be open from 9am to 7pm. Information about the locations and opening hours of voting places will be available from mid-September on

No ID will be needed for enrolled voters. At a voting venue, you will go behind a screen so you can mark your voting paper in private, and then slot it into the ballot box.

To prepare:

Enrol to vote in the election via the website.

To enrol and vote, you must be 18 years or older, a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and have lived in New Zealand continuously for 12 months or more at some time in your life.

If you are sight-impaired or have a physical disability that means you can’t mark your voting paper, you can vote via a telephone dictation service. If you’re overseas, you can vote by downloading your voting paper, marking it with your voting ticks and sending it back. Someone can also come to collect your voting paper if you are unable to go to a voting place.

Votes are counted by hand and a preliminary result is released on election night. An o cial count is then completed, which includes special votes (such as those cast from outside your electorate, including from overseas), and released 20 days after election day.

New Zealand’s MMP System

The Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system is New Zealand’s method of electing representatives to its Parliament. It was introduced in 1996 as a response to the desire for a more proportional representation system that better reflects the diverse voices and opinions of the electorate. Unlike the previous First Past the Post (FPP) system, where the candidate with the most votes in each electorate won, MMP aims to ensure that the distribution of seats in Parliament aligns more closely with the proportion of votes each party receives.

There are 120 seats in Parliament, including 65 general electorate seats and seven Māori electorate seats. Māori can choose to be on the general roll or the Māori roll.

New opportunities

Between 2013 - 2019, I served as a Christchurch City Councillor and was Chair of the Finance Committee. During my time, I led the Council’s finances and insurance settlements, laid out our post-earthquake strategic direction and regularly engaged with Central Government. This experience has helped highlight the unique challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Christchurch.

I want to use this experience to advocate for Christchurch in Parliament. Our city is starting to thrive again, but there’s still more to do. I have proposed a $1 billion investment package for Christchurch, called the Christchurch Plan, and this will be a bottom line in post-election negotiations.

The plan provides a suite of

investments to deliver key services residents can be proud of including 150 new Community Constables, a South Island Comprehensive Cancer Care Centre and a Heritage Repair Fund to finish restoring our city’s damaged heritage buildings.

This October, I am seeking your vote in Ilam. I will work tirelessly on behalf of our city and together we can make a real di erence for the future of Christchurch.

Metropol August 31, 2023 29
Authorised by H. Cargo, 90 Crawford Street, Dunedin
Our city deserves a much stronger voice in Wellington, and this election, I am standing in the Ilam electorate to be your representative - Raf Manji.
Advertisement feature

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Full of gorgeous spring blooms, lush green grass, and plenty of walking tracks, the park is great for all ages. Pack a picnic or visit the café for refreshments.


Listen to the sound of the surf, the native birds, and the joyous laughter of children while enjoying the fresh air.


Christchurch and its surrounding regions are chokka with week day and weekend markets, including

Gather Family, Whanau and Friends.

The Lodge at Lansdowne Farm is an elegant glass and steel Common House with a chefstandard stainless kitchen. Sited above the Pacific Ocean on a campus of six immaculate,

One guest group at a time – a perfect place for reunions, travelling friends, retreats, meetings

Lansdowne is private, luxurious and exclusive. Kaikōura. AV, fast internet, solar-powered, clean air and water, with as much splendid isolation

Walk or bike, fly a kite or shoot skeet, tour our pastoral farm, throw a party, read a book or watch a movie on the big screen. Whatever

pastures and natural bush along the Pacific

Have a look at our website please:

Christchurch is full to the brim with exciting events and activities, and with the arrival of spring it’s time to wake up, get out there, and enjoy life. Here are some ideas from Metropol:
out & about
If you’re a licence holder, you need to register your firearms.

Style isn’t just for grown-ups - check out some of the coolest goodies and gifts for the little ones, available in and around Christchurch.

Metropol August 31, 2023 31
4. 2. 5. 8. 7. 3. 9.
1. Flexiflask mini 400mL, available from, 2. Little People, BIG DREAMS - Pablo Picasso, available from, 3. School Holiday Destination, at TenForward Rangiora, see online, 4. Happy Hen Activity Box by Classic World, from The Playcentre Shop, see online, 5. Harker Herbals, natural syrups to keep kids well, available from, 6. Sunday Funday umbrella, available from, 7. Sleepytot - for all your baby, children and mums’ pregnancy and postpartum needs. Pickup available 5b Seven Mile Drive, Belfast., 8. On Bonn - super soft, NZ made baby clothing, ZQ merino and organic cotton from, 9. Moana Road Rainbow blocks, available from
32 August 31, 2023 Metropol

fashion & beauty Make Dad’s Day

Celebrating dads and male parenting, this Sunday (3 September) is Father’s Day. For many families it is a time to treat dad and thank him for all he does. Here are some fashionable suggestions for you to consider:

Metropol August 31, 2023 33
1 2 3 4 5
CURATED BY LYNDA PAPESCH 1. Risden boot, 2. Sorrento Ute Bag, 3. Hastings Key Fob, 4. Rider Jacket, 5. Bellfield Sweater. All available from R.M. Williams stockists.

Details: Bloom for Improvement floral fibre dress Find Me: Trelise Cooper

Details: Vally Solid Blanket Scarf Find Me: Acne Studios

Details: Mini Heart Necklace Find Me: Michael Hill

Details: Amethyst Double Hammered Band Find Me: Rocks O Artisan Jewellery

Details: Denise washed flower top green Find Me: Acne Studios

Details: Lucia Earrings Find Me: DYRBERG/ KERN

Details: Addison Shoulder Bag in Teal Croc Find Me: Forever New

Details: Longitude West Ring Find Me: Kailis Jewellery

Details: Low Loose Jeans Find Me: Levi

Details: Leather Mules Magenta Find Me: COS

Details: Carmela boot in Camel Find Me: REPRESENT Footwear

Metropol August 31, 2023 35 fashion & beauty
Recreating your youthful smile… 03 379 1222 By appointment only, consultation fee applies Member Richard Greenlees Dentures: Implants: Veneers
YOURSKIN'SBEST FR I E N D YOURSKIN'SBEST FR I E N D @colourmesafe Contact: Lorraine Quinn Phone: 03 343 3669 Fashion health & beauty To promote fashion & beauty
Papanui Road, Merivale
merivalemallnz merivalemallnz

Fashion Lookbook

38 August 31, 2023 Metropol
1. Estilo Boutique, The Supreme Pants teamed with Charlotte Top make for a lightweight breezy outfit. 2. Susan Forde Jewellery, Dyed pink jade blue murano & green crystals necklace, a colourful piece that will draw attention. 3. The Wool Company, wrap up and keep warm with merino possum. , AHLEM Pont Mirabeau, make a statement with generous proportions and bold lines. Handmade in France. , these Bresley Dargo heels will complement a simple dress for a brunch date. 6. The Fitting Room, new Lenox Hill Half Padded Plunge Bra by Prima Donna makes a beautiful, bold statement. 4.

The philosophy behind Suzanne Raine’s clothing boutique is “Be your own kind of beautiful”, and as new spring collections of premium labels arrive daily, women can feel excited.

Estilo Boutique excels in curating something a bit di erent, with labels such as Zoe Kratzmann, Italian Star, Cult of Individuality, and Blak the Label, recognised as strong fashion contenders. While fashion constantly changes, the team here keeps updated on both local and overseas trends to ensure the collections always present as fresh, current and a touch unique.

In this warm, relaxing environment, time can also be taken to build a capsule wardrobe of essential staple garments to be worn in di erent ways, thereby always changing up the look.

The boutique provides contemporary, high-quality clothing.

“We want to help our customers find garments they love – the perfect colour and fit for their body shape, thereby creating their own individual style,” Suzanne says.

Conveniently open seven days for customers, onsite and street parking at the door provides an easy shopping experience.

If your preference is online shopping, Estilo o ers free courier service, New Zealand-wide.

100% wool locally made yoga mats

Sustainable. Comfortable. Durable. Natural.

Born in the foothills of the Hurunui hill country, these mats were designed to bring the outdoors and the inner self together.

The wool was grown from Kaiora Downs farm, North Canterbury.

Kaiora Downs Mats

Metropol August 31, 2023 39
As the days grow longer and warmer, it’s time to embrace vibrant new spring looks.
something di erent 1 2 3 4
Spring is here 143 Victoria St • 03 379 8255 Brightening our customers’ days since 1937 fashion & beauty
1. Stilen Cass Bracelet, 2. Faux Fur Slouch Bag, 3. Reality Eyewear Bianca, 4. Nature-Inspired Dandelion Drop Earrings.

Sacred Beauty is here...

Proudly the only location in the South Island to provide skin rejuvenation treatments with the formidable PicoSure Laser. Targeting fine lines, large pores, pigmentation and acne scarring.

Maximum results - minimum downtime. Book in for your free skin assessment

Ph: 021 0885 8458

For brighter, smoother skin

Dermaplaning is a procedure that exfoliates your skin and gets rid of vellus hair (better known as “peach fuzz”). Using a disposable blade, the exfoliation and hair removal leaves your skin brighter and smoother, allowing your skincare to penetrate deeper and use less product. Your makeup will also sit more smoothly on the skin.

Wrinkle removal and rejuvenation using the latest world-class skincare techniques.

Age reverse technologies - scientific and innovative.

Micropigmentation/Cosmetic tattooing for eyebrows and eyeliner - creating permanent shape and colour that can last between 2-5 years. Specialist beauty therapist. 28 years in the beauty industry.

Re exology Massage

• Eliminate toxins

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Bumbusly is an innovative skincare center, unlocking a new level of skin treatment. No matter what your skin problem is (acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, dryness redness, hair loss, and so on), we have the solution for you. If you su er from hormonal, cystic or oily acne, we do Carboxy therapy, high frequency, LED therapy, DPL Hero laser oil control mesotherapy, and many other innovative treatments.

40 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Beauty Report pamper
Brow perfection
of Skin Treatment
Angela Millar | | Ph: 03 379 9467 Mob: 021 280 6860 | Ph: 03 420 1989 | Mob: 021 280 6860 | Ph: 03 420 1989 | 1,
A new level
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41 Sawyers Arms Rd, Northcote, Chch
The Beauty Parlour | | Ph: 03 377 8883 AFTER Sept. Special (30min only $40) Acacia Skin Health & Beauty | Ph: 03 360 2244 |
• Increase
• Pain
nerve function
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Boost circulation
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Relieve sleep disorders
Metropol August 31, 2023 41 10 DAYS ONLY Wednesday 6th Sept – Saturday 16th Sept S P R I N G SALE 70 UP TO More details on Website under 'Current Promotions' Weekdays 9am-5pm | Saturday 10am-2pm

Coco Care

Hair Care

Deep conditioning

Coconut oil’s ability to penetrate hair strands and prevent protein loss makes it an excellent deep conditioner. Apply, comb, and leave overnight, then rinse in the morning.

Frizz control

Rub a small amount between fingers and apply to frizzy areas for smooth and polished hair.

Offering solutions for Varicose Veins

Less pain & less bruising means back to normal sooner, with Laser, Radiofrequency and Venaseal System.

Add shine

Apply a dab to hair ends for a glossy finish.

Dandru treatment

Massage 2-3 tablespoons of warm coconut oil onto the scalp, wait 30 minutes, then shampoo.

Skin Care

Night-time moisturiser

Coconut oil’s antibacterial, antifungal, and moisturising properties make it a popular night-time facial moisturiser.

Face Mask

Blend coconut oil with turmeric, lemon juice, honey, and other essential oils for a nourishing mask.

Makeup Remover

Gently remove eye makeup by applying coconut oil to a cotton ball and sweeping over the eyes.

Eye Cream

Dab a light layer of coconut oil under the eyes to hydrate and protect the delicate skin.

Lip Care

Create a DIY lip scrub by mixing coconut oil, brown sugar, and honey for exfoliation. Also, make a lip balm by combining coconut oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax.

Body Care

Lotion replacement

Use coconut oil as a hydrating alternative to traditional body and hand lotions.

Shaving cream

Replace conventional shaving cream with naturally antimicrobial coconut oil for a clean and hydrated shave.

Massage oil

Enjoy a skin-friendly and moisturising massage with coconut oil.

Body scrub

Create a body scrub by melting coconut oil and mixing it with brown sugar or salt.

Cuticle Care

Massage coconut oil into cuticles and nail skin to moisturise and prevent dryness.

42 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Coconut oil is a versatile beauty aid with a plethora of uses. Here’s a list of its many benefits.
Southern Cross Affiliated Provider 256 Papanui Rd
Peter E. Laws MB ChB FRCSI Phone 365 4502 SPECIALISTS 256 @ 204 Papanui Rd, Merivale P 355 4734 Thai Massage For your wellbeing Ph: 0800 379 4315 Expert Therapists fashion & beauty

health & wellbeing


September is Cervical Screening Awareness Month, a timely call for sexually active women aged 25 to 69 to undergo potentially life-saving cervical smear tests, and to consider other health and well-being checks.

Acervical smear test plays a pivotal role in the prevention of cervical cancer, providing a chance to identify cellular alterations in the cervix at an early stage.

This month can also serve as a reminder to also address other essential aspects of women’s health. Think of it as an annual women’s warrant of fitness. Being proactive and informed about your well-being is one cornerstone of a healthy life, so make the most of the opportunity to prioritise your health. Think about having an annual eye test, and annual check up and teeth clean at the dentist, looking ahead to

regular mammograms, blood pressure monitoring, and blood sugar/cholesterol tests.

Many of these can be achieved with one visit to a general practitioner, who should be able to advise on and schedule appropriate women’s tests.

Women aged 40+ are advised to visit an optometrist every two years, especially if they have a family history of glaucoma, diabetes, or macular degeneration.

Don’t forget about oral health. Prevent problems in your mouth by keeping teeth and gums in good shape and recognising and responding to problems as soon as they happen. Visit your dentist regularly for a dental check-up.

Breasts - Enrol in New Zealand’s Breast Screening programme, and learn how to selfcheck your breasts for lumps.

Bones - For those aged 50 and above, or in the post-menopausal stage, talk to your doctor about bone health.

Skin - Given New Zealand’s elevated rates of skin cancer, regular skin checks and mole mapping is advised to detect any changes early on.

Bowel - The National Bowel Screening Programme is a free programme, o ered every two years, to 60-74 year-olds to help detect bowel cancer.

Metropol August 31, 2023 43


September marks both World Suicide Prevention Day (10th) and Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24th). It’s an appropriate time to check on those around you and seek help if needed.

The Mental Health Awareness Week theme of ‘Five Ways, Five Days’ provides proven tools to boost mental health. Here they are:


Take Notice | Me Aro Tonu

Take Notice refers to the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness can be thought of as open and receptive attention to, and awareness of, what is occurring in the present moment.


Give | Tukua

Give refers to actions based on kindness, altruism, or generosity. Carrying out acts of kindness boosts our happiness, life satisfaction, and overall wellbeing.


Be Active | Me Kori Tonu

Widely recognised as being crucial for

physical health and fitness, being active is also a powerful mood booster. Being active can make us feel good, and also enhances our thinking and learning abilities.

Thursday Connect | Me Whakawhanaunga Connection is the ngākau/heart of our wellbeing. It weaves us together, making us feel seen, heard, and understood. When we nurture meaningful connections with others, we fuel our own happiness.


Keep Learning | Me Ako Tonu

Keep Learning refers to ‘exercising our mind’ – almost like taking our brain to the gym. Any activity that challenges our thinking and expands our consciousness improves our ability to think.

Several vital services exist that can assist those experiencing mental health issues,

In the 21/22 financial year, the rate of suspected self-inflicted deaths for males was 14.9 per 100,000 males, and for females was 5.5 per 100,000 females.

although not everybody is aware of them. The first point of call, if you are struggling, is a general practitioner (GP). They’ll be able to help, and to refer you to local community mental health services.

New Zealand help lines: Need to talk? (1737 – free call or text) any time for support from a trained counsellor.

The Depression Helpline (0800 111 757) 757 or free text 4202 (to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions).

Healthline (0800 611 116).

Youthline (0800 376 633).

The Lowdown Text 5626 for support to help young people recognise and understand depression or anxiety.

Alcohol Drug Helpline (0800 787 797).

44 August 31, 2023 Metropol P: 027 242 6040 | 44 Braddon St, Addington, Chch • Latest Laser Technology for Carbon Peel Facials • Pigmentation Damage: Dark Spots, Sun Spots, Age Spots, Blemishes etc • Onychomycosis (Fungal Nail Disease) • Tattoo Removal/Lightening • Cosmetic Tattooed Brow Removal WINZ APPROVED Fully Insured Fully Certified by NZ Laser Training Institute
Using the CuRAS Laser, the latest leading edge technology. Before After 396 Innes Road, St Albans Phone 03 385 5517 123 Williams Street, Kaiapoi Phone 03 327 0077 Full service Denture Clinic and Laboratory No Obligation - Free Consultation Caldent Denture Cleaner
skin do the talking
health & wellbeing

Your summer

Take charge of your heart health

Yet, in our fast-paced and often stressful modern world, neglecting the health of our most vital organ is easy. Fortunately, in this age of technological advancements, managing and improving heart health has become easier than ever. Introducing CardiAction, an innovative heart screening and intervention management app that empowers you to take control of your heart and artery health like never before.

Obvious signs that indicate dentures need looking at are mouth ulcers, sore gums, or di culties when eating.

Ryan Carlton of Dentures Plus recommends that patients don’t delay in contacting the clinic should any of these symptoms arise.

“The earlier we get on the problem, the better. We want to ensure oral health and hygiene are restored as soon as possible, as well as make certain the dentures fit well and look good.”

As denture technology has increased, patients can now benefit from a higher accuracy in the creation of complete and partial dentures, flexible partials, sports mouth guards and bite splints.

Regular cleaning with quality in-clinic products, such as Caldent Denture Cleaner and TCS Denture Cleaner, helps prevent dentures from looking stained or unsightly.

The team here includes fully qualified dental professionals and skilled dental technicians who all strive to achieve the highest quality of service for patients.

Dentures can take several weeks in both the pre-making and actual making process, so by booking a consultation appointment now, you are guaranteed to head into summer with a fabulous smile.

Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The good news is that many heart conditions are preventable, or manageable, with early detection and timely intervention. CardiAction is more than just an app. It is your dedicated heart health partner. Developed by a team of top-notch cardiologists and technology experts, this cutting-edge app revolutionises how we approach heart care.

With CardiAction, you can now perform comprehensive heart assessments from the pharmacy. We use state-ofthe-art technology to gather data, analyse vital heart metrics, and generate personalised health reports. From heart rate variability to arterial health, CardiAction covers it all. The app provides personalised recommendations based on your screening results, o ering tailored interventions to address potential risks or concerns.

Book an appointment with one of our pharmacists for a CardiAction.

Metropol August 31, 2023 45
The old saying goes, a healthy heart leads to a happy life.
health & wellbeing
Contrary to what people might assume, dentures require regular check-ups just the same as natural teeth do.


Glow Up

Milla Collagen’s highly purified marine collagen with Hyaluronic Acid leaves the skin looking and feeling refreshed and alive, supporting skin hydration. The addition of Vitamin C and E combine to reduce the damage caused by free radicals, slowing the visible signs of aging. Whether you’re looking to improve your skin care routine, or protect your skin from the harshness of winter, Milla Collagen’s range of functional collagen products make it easy to get your glow back.

Unlock your hair’s natural beauty with Holistic Hair

Unleash the power of nature’s finest plant-based ingredients, supported by trichology expertise, for your best hair care routine ever!

Discover science-based, holistic solutions and enjoy 25% off with code METRO25

Get that Keto boost

Keto X is a weight management dietary supplement to help the body enter the metabolic state of ketosis without changing to a ketogenic diet. Used by athletes, bodybuilders, and people who want to lose excess body weight. Ketosis is when the body burns fat and ketones are formed for energy, instead of carbohydrates.

Just $39 for 60 capsules.

KiriGlow Starter Bundle

$100 for your first 3 months

Nurture your hair, skin, and nails like a blossoming relationship.

Our Kiri10 Community revealed the secret: long-term commitment is the key. Embrace patience and consistency, and be rewarded with enhanced benefits.

Join us now and save $95, as we empower your path to thicker hair, radiant skin, and resilient nails!

022 090 1929

Nutrakawa Health Tonic

Made with nature’s finest ingredients.


Known to alkalise the body, support healthy circulation and digestion.


Known to detox and purify the blood, supports the respiratory system.


Known to support digestion, bloating and constipation.


Known to support heart health and blood pressure.

46 August 31, 2023 Metropol
25%off using the code KIWIS
and feeling good go
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has your inside and your outside covered... Wellness SPECIAL
NZ Made Protein Drink
Buy 2 bottles and get the 3rd FREE


Hair and scalp conditions affect men, women, and children. Consulting a trichologist such as Dr Padmaja can help identify the causes of hair and scalp problems, so they can be treated effectively. An honest consultation and microscopic check-up will always clarify any doubts/concerns related to hair and scalp issues.

Dr Padmaja says early diagnosis is key to having a healthy head of hair... “Prevention is better than cure.”


Phone 021 069 0058

As our body’s natural production declines through aging, collagen has emerged as a crucial supplement in the quest for inner health.

Enter Milla Collagen, a New Zealandowned brand that’s just turned four.

Founded in 2019 by Anna and Michael, the company launched with a refreshing approach to supplements by prioritising function over flavour, packaged in a sustainable way.

Derived from sustainably sourced marine collagen, its range of powdered products employ natural ingredients, thoughtfully selected for their proven benefits.

Milla’s commitment to sustainability shines through their packaging

choices, which has consistently remained plastic free.

Once you’ve found your favourite, filled into a beautiful glass jar with gold spoon no less, repurchase any product in home-compostable paper bags, made locally.

Whether it’s in your morning co ee, smoothie or even your water bottle to work, the marine collagen range e ortlessly dissolves in anything hot or cold.

Being both dairy and gluten-free means there’s something for everyone. In a market often saturated with fleeting trends, Milla Collagen shines as a Kiwi brand committed to making products that are good to you, and others.

Restore scar therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on treatment to decrease scarring after surgery or radiotherapy. Less scarring means more movement, fewer adhesions, less puckering of tissue, and less pain.

If you have had surgery or radiotherapy - book in with

Metropol August 31, 2023 47
In an era where self-care and well-being has taken centre stage, the pursuit of healthy aging has never been more important.
boost your collagen
Call 0800 000 856 to talk with one of our team.
48 August 31, 2023 Metropol The BrainTree Wellness Centre is an innovative, world-first facility in Ōtautahi-Christchurch that supports people living with neurological conditions to live well in the community. Come in for a visit, we are open from 8:30am to 5pm weekdays with a café. 70 Langdons Road, Christchurch | 0800 004 288 Level 1, 9 Caledonian Road, Christchurch Ph.03 961 6666 REDUCE YOUR RISK Bowel Cancer New Zealand has the highest rate of bowel cancer in the world. But early detection can help prevent or cure it. A referral to The Endoscopy Clinc for bowel cancer screening
Eligibility criteria apply for Southern Cross members INNOWOPEN MERIVALE Call us on 03 964 7459 Visit 225 Papanui Road, Merivale, Christchurch Beyond Radiology is a New Zealand owned, clinician led radiology practice. Our team of healthcare providers are driven to provide excellence in patient care using state of the art imaging technology. MRI ULTRASOUND INTERVENTION X-RAY CT health & wellbeing
can give


Beyond Radiology presents an unparalleled journey, catering to the needs of both patients and referring medical professionals, ensuring a top-tier experience for all.

“We live and breathe the mantra going above and beyond, every single day with a quality, patient-focused, clinician-lead service to the people of Canterbury,” says Chief Medical O cer and Lead Radiologist Dr Philip Clark (pictured below).

His dream to start a practice, based on ethics, values, and great service, started with his Grafton, Auckland clinic in 2021, which expanded rapidly.

“We have had so much wonderful feedback since we opened in Christchurch in March. The vision was to provide a better experience, which begins the moment you walk in the door. We treat all patients with the same dignity and respect all the way through. Irrespective of their background, every patient will be treated equally.”

As one of the first Māori radiologists to be trained in New Zealand, Dr Clark also practises at his clinics daily.

“I have had my hands on the wheel the whole way, with every detail,” he explains proudly. “This includes our logo, which represents a tree-trunk cross-section with what we call ‘the rings of life,’ representing patients of all ages on all aspects of their health journey. Being so involved means I can be confident of our high-quality service.

“We o er some of the best image quality available with brand new MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and X-ray equipment for diagnostic and interventional procedures.”

For example, the IT suite includes a portal allowing patients secure access to view their own images online.

“Our latest high-end MRI scanner utilises some of the most up-to-date Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, capturing extremely fine bone structures and cartilage detail that could not previously be seen,” Dr Clark says.

“It’s extremely sophisticated and great to visualise pathology and structures in a di erent way.”

He adds that the technology only does so much, however, and it is the amazing team of experienced radiologists who pin-point the answers, providing clarity in the reporting.

Located at 225 Papanui Road and o ering convenient onsite parking, this clinic serves as a hospitable sanctuary for patients. Boasting natural timber accents and a soothing neutral interior palette, design e orts have been invested to create a tranquil and cosy environment that prioritises the calm and comfort of every patient.

Aesthetics aside, Dr Clark says the heart and soul is Beyond Radiology’s people. Contact the team at 03 964 7459 or visit the website.

In the heart of Merivale, an exceptional radiology clinic stands, boasting cutting-edge technology designed to alleviate the anxieties accompanying each individual’s health journey.
Dr Philip Clark

Food for the soul

Being surrounded by great food, talented chefs from around the world, and five-star hospitality proved inspirational.

Sherry Ye’s years in the hospitality industry instilled a deep ambition to create a café that served healthy, energising, and delicious food.

“It was always something I wanted to do,” she says. When the opportunity to open their own café arose last November, Sherry and her business partner took it eagerly.

Their vision for Daily Wonders was simple: healthy, nourishing meals that

incorporate authentic Asian flavours from the experience of their own kitchens. “We’ve introduced what we cook at home, in a café so people get easy access to healthy food. When you go to work, you want to feel energised. That’s what we provide.” Catering for gluten-free, keto, vegetarian, and vegan diets, all cooking is refined sugar-free, and each sweet treat is made in-store, gluten-free and refined sugar-free. It’s all “honest goodness”.

At the heart of it all was a dream to provide healthy, fun Asian flavours as a take-away alternative for her own family, that has now turned into a homely, reliable Christchurch café with food made from the heart. “We just make food our family would like,” Sherry says.

Dine at Daily Wonders, 31 Birmingham Drive, Middleton.


Q: What makes a mad hatter mad?

A: Missing a trip to the White Rabbit Café.

You will leave smiling like a Cheshire cat and feel fitter than a March Hare after you’ve had your magical food and quenched your thirst with one of our delicious drinks. Our food is of the highest quality fit for a Mad Hatters Tea Party.

1683 Christchurch Akaroa Rd

Ph: 022 156 7527



Friday 11am-10pm

Saturday 11am-10pm

Sunday 11am-8pm


Daily Wonders’ mission is to serve the best coffee in Christchurch while making healthy food accessible.

Our head chef is one of the best, specialising in a variety of international cuisines, and serving a plethora of diets from keto and vegetarian to gluten-free and more.


Metropol August 31, 2023 51
us on:
4247 Christchurch Akaroa Rd, Little River To Book: 03 662 9988 ONE NEXT DOOR Little River Located in the heart of Little River, right next to Silostay, The One Next Door is now open for lunch and evening dining. Wood fired pizza, sharing plates, grill, and a fully stocked bar.
Find us on:
Birmingham Drive, Middleton
Find us on: @dailywonderscafe


Don Chen, is the head chef and proud owner of Formosa Restaurant in Ashburton.

Thirteen years ago, Don made the life-changing decision to leave his homeland in Taiwan and embark on a new life in New Zealand. With a burning passion for cooking, he says he dove headfirst into the world of culinary arts at the age of 16. Little did he know that this journey would shape his entire life. Establishing Formosa Restaurant was a dream come true for Don. With no prior commercial knowledge, he relied on his determination and the support of his family to bring this vision to life. He also appreciates the Ashbuton community and their support.

He’s thrilled to announce the launch of his new venture— The Rabbit. Don says this café is a great opportunity for him to share his cooking knowledge and create a space where people can gather, relax, and indulge in food and cocktails.

Don is grateful for the opportunity to bring a taste of Taiwan to the community of Ashburton, and he can’t wait to see what the future holds. Get one of Don’s recipes below.

Stir-Fried Chicken Noodles


150g boneless chicken breast, thinly sliced 200g dried egg noodles

2 Tbsp vegetable oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 small onion, thinly sliced 1 carrot, julienned


Drain and set aside. 1

Sliced cabbage

2 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp oyster sauce

1 Tsp sesame oil

1/2 Tsp sugar

Salt and pepper, to taste

Optional garnish: chopped green onions, toasted sesame seeds.

Cook the dried egg noodles according to the package instructions until al dente.

Heat vegetable oil in a large wok or skillet over medium-high heat. Add the minced garlic and stir-fry for about 30 seconds until fragrant. 2

Add the sliced chicken breast to the wok and stir-fry until cooked through and lightly browned. Remove the chicken from the wok and set aside. 3


In the same wok, add the thinly sliced onion, julienned carrot, and sliced cabbage. Stir-fry for a few minutes until the vegetables are slightly tender but still crisp.


Return the cooked chicken to the wok with the vegetables. Stir in soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and sugar. Mix well to coat the chicken and vegetables evenly. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Add the cooked egg noodles to the wok and toss everything together, ensuring that the noodles are well coated with the sauce and heated through. 6

Remove the stir-fried chicken noodles from the heat and transfer to serving plates. Garnish with chopped green onions and toasted sesame seeds, if desired. 7

Serve hot and enjoy your delicious, stir-fried chicken noodles! 8

FORMOSA Ashburton

Experience the art of sushi at Formosa!

Our limited-time menu features fresh, masterfully crafted sushi creations that tantalise the palate. Join us in Ashburton for a modern Asian fusion dining experience. Book now.

173 West Street, Ashburton Ph 03 308 7874

Find us on:

NEWstore opennowin THECOLOMBO Sydenham


Head west to West Melton for a beautiful winery lunch experience. Melton Estate is the home of Summer Love and 8 other wines. Gather your friends and family for a short drive and treat yourself to stunning local wine and fine fare.

Open Thursday to Sunday 10am to 5pm Taking bookings for Christmas events now!

Cnr Weedons Ross & Johnson Rds West Melton Ph 03 347 4968

Find us on:


Arewà Treats is a candy store created specially for grown-ups offering Gin and Tonic, Pina Colada, Sparkling Prosecco gummy bears and more. These are perfect additions to your hampers, picnic baskets, or enjoyed by themselves.

Shop in our online candy store or at selected stores for cocktail-inspired candies.

GOOD BUY PORK PIE Woolston & The Colombo

We are artisan makers of traditional English Cold Pork Pies, Pasties, Sausage Rolls, Eccles Cakes, Egg & Bacon Pies and Steak & Kidney Pies, (with more coming soon!)

We take pride in crafting the most delicious pork pies using the finest ingredients and time-honoured recipes. Come in and see us at either of our locations for a great coffee. Wholesale options available.

NEW! The Colombo, Sydenham and also at

1/53 Tanner Street, Woolston Ph. 0272 481 410

Find us on:

TREAT NZ Christchurch

Want to ‘treat’ someone special out? Get onto Treat NZ, Christchurch’s coolest foodie club! With over 85 quality local restaurants and with an average saving of $58 each time you dine out - become a member to see what the fuss is about!


The Fine Lion welcomes you to Ashburton with a relaxed atmosphere and a delectable menu for casual dining. Drop in for a meal with friends, a snack or a drink at the bar - check out the full cocktail menu!

Our very popular private outdoor, heated balcony area is the place to be seen all year-round. Drop in and see what everyone is talking about.

Level 1, 152 Burnett St, Ashburton

Ph. 022 487 1883

Use the code ‘TRYTREAT’ for your first month free! Find

Ph. 03 307 0629

Metropol August 31, 2023 53
us on:
Find us on: @arewatreats
us on:



Join us in Christmas Day for a wonderful celebration Buffet Meal Lunch from 11.30am-4pm 12 and over...$149 4-12 years...$65

Infants-3 years...Free Book now by calling 0800 10 99 10 or email

456 Papanui Road, Christchurch Ph 03 352 4903

Find us on:

HOUSE OF HOP Geraldine

If incredible food, craft beer and exceptional customer service is what you enjoy, you won’t be disappointed. Set in an idyllic rural setting just 7 mins out of Geraldine. Chef Tony and the team will wow you with their amazing food while Lisa and The Brew Crew show you what top service is all about. Now open for dinner on Thursday evenings, please book ahead to avoid disappointment.

3 Gualter Road, Geraldine Ph/txt. 029 0202 0399

Find us on:


Casual beachside eatery and bar for brunch favourites and house-made cakes. Dinner of modern small plates to share with friends.

Great coffee, tea and local wines, beers and gins. Check out our website or Facebook page for regular events.

16 Beach Road, North New Brighton Ph. 03 382 8599

Find us on:


Under new management, The Riverview Restaurant is open Tuesday through Sunday for lunch & dinner, main meals from only $18, Kids dine half price every Sunday (t&c apply) Quiz night every Wednesday, Jingo (Musical Bingo) every second Friday alternating with live bands.

• Private functions

• Weddings

• Birthdays

• Fundraisers

50 Colombo Street, Cashmere

Ph: 03 332 0092

Find us on:


Kia ora Canterbury welcome to the pleasures of Seismic Cider.

We are a family run boutique cidery based in the beautiful Horotane Valley producing award winning, modern, new world cider made with hand pressed local heritage apples.

Not too sweet, not too strong, just the way cider should be.

Taste, enjoy and relax.

Find us on:


Eat - Drink - Play

New Menu - Daily Specials

• Functions • Quiz Nights • Meetings! Superb food, great prices.

Ample free parking! Your new local!

Open 7 Days 10am til Late

HNZ Excellence 2023 CANTERBURY


1 Normans Road, Strowan Ph: 03 355 5345

54 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Find us on:


Come in out of the cold and warm up with our hearty, healthy, and filling soups and winter warmers.

Vegan, gluten free and keto options available, and fantastic coffee as always.

Eat in, takeaway and catering available. Easily accessible, with parking directly outside.

4/57 Mandeville Street, Riccarton

Ph. 03 343 6394

Find us on:



We make the freshest and best authentic Chinese food to delight your palate and feed your soul. Our food is made with healthy ingredients using our very own recipes. Try our homemade Dumplings, made fresh for you everyday. No MSG. Gluten free options available. Dine-in or takeaway + DoorDash and UberEats. BYO wine & fully licensed. Open Tues to Sat 11.30am-9.30pm, Sun 11.30am-9pm.

21a Main North Rd, Papanui Ph. 03 354 6818

Find us on:



New to Riverside Kitchen for Christmas 2023 . Spanish Tapas Hands-On Class

This class is perfect for groups wanting to get together before the end of the year. Super fun tapas cooking class with a three course dinner for groups of 4 to 12 people. Book your team today to make sure you don’t miss out!

Upstairs - Riverside Market Cnr Lichfield St & Oxford Tce Ph 021 168 7209

Find us on:

SALMON HEAVEN Bush Inn (inside)

Thinking drinks and social occasions? We have it all - salmon, cheeses, salamis and crackers.

Now selling Chatham Island blue cod, paua mince, Bluff oysters, and scallops. Gift packs available.

The Provedore, Bush Inn Centre, Chch - and124 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland

Ph. 0800 222 811

Find us on:

ARLO CAFÉ Rangiora

Arlo is a relaxed, stylish and welcome addition to the Rangiora café scene. Their freshly baked goods, hot soup, toasted croissants, not to mention their superb coffee only adds to the overall experience. Truly Rangiora’s best kept secret!


Gold Card Lunches Mon-Fri

Mon/Tue Wood-fired pizzas $22

Tues Quiz night - free entry & prizes

Wednesday $18 Burgers

Thursday Rib night $22

Sunday Roast $24

Function Room - fundraisers/private functions

Takeaways available.

Open 7 days: 11.30am-late

Arlington Shopping Centre, Rangiora

Ph: 027 640 8629


Weedons Ross Road, West Melton Village Ph 03 421 6481


Metropol August 31, 2023 55
us on:
us on:

Dining for the Whole Family

Afavourite among locals and visitors alike is Hornby Club – boasting an events centre, family-style restaurant, café and sports bar – it has something to suit everyone, and every occasion.

The Chalmers Restaurant in the club ticks all the boxes, with a phenomenal new menu boasting amazing dishes at an a ordable price point.

“The restaurant was built to be focused

around families and enabling the whole family to dine out,” says Tim Matthews, General Manager of Hornby Club.

“The children’s playground is largely aimed at kids aged from four to 10 and is located at inside the restaurant with lots of natural light.”

The menu includes small and large plates ranging from smoked salmon and lemon bruschetta to twice cooked pork belly. The Chalmers Grill o ers your choice of steak

cut served with potato, salad and sauce.

“We’ve got a couple of fantastic burgers – there’s whole-meat burgers with beef brisket or pork. There’s also a couple of winter warmers for the season with slowcooked lamb shanks or beef cheeks.”

For more information, or to join the Hornby Club visit the website.

Come and try the new menu at Chalmers Restaurant, with family favourites including the Beef Brisket Burger and Korean Fried Chicken. We also have steak on the grill with delicious sides. When dining with family, check out our indoor playground and kid’s menu.

17 Carmen Rd, Hornby Ph: 03 349 9026

56 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Finding a place to eat that’s suitable for all, and that offers an inviting contemporary atmosphere can be challenging.


Stocking the well-known French-inspired J’aime Les Macarons. She Universe Chocolates, Italian Gelato, and mouthwatering freshly creamed donuts. Sweet Société offers a twist of European tea, French Baked Cheese Cakes, meringues, and more. With a wide range of gluten-free treats, you can be sure to find something for the whole family. All freshly baked and delivered daily. Open 7 Days.

356 Colombo Street, Sydenham (inside Colombo Mall) Ph 027 290 0977

Find us on:

SPRIG + FERN Merivale

Merivale’s Best Little Local. Discover our relaxed, dog friendly tavern, with 18 craft beers + ciders on tap, wines, spirits, non-alc, plus exceptional meals. Our two decks ensure all day sun for you and your furry friend!

Takeaways (food + beer) available, Quiz Night every 2nd Tues + monthly events. Open Tues - Thu from 3.30pm, Fri from 2.30pm, Sat - Sun from midday.

7 St Albans Street, Merivale Ph: 03 260 0015

Find us on:

CHEESE BAR Christchurch Central

Discover a cheese lover’s paradise at The Cheese Bar, where culinary dreams come true. Host your next private party with us! Our charming venue is perfect for creating lasting memories with friends and family. Celebrate life’s special moments while savouring our exquisite cheese dishes. Secure your spot for an extraordinary Christmas party at the Cheese Bar.

87 Kilmore Street, Christchurch at Fino Hotel Ph. 027 779 9863

Find us on:

COSY CAFÉ Casebrook

Located on Cavendish Road, locally owned café with a wide range of homemade cabinet food, full breakfast, brunch and lunch menu available. Providing gluten free options and can cater for any other dietary requirements on request.

Enjoy our Hummingbird roasted coffee blend made by our experienced baristas. Open 7 days, Mon-Sat 7am–4pm, Sun 8am-3pm.

24/150 Cavendish Road, Casebrook

Ph. 03 352 0412

Find us on:


MAIA FOODS Christchurch

Discover a world of flavours at our ethnic grocery store. We curate a diverse selection of authentic ingredients and products from around the globe. bringing the tastes and traditions of different cultures right to your kitchen. Experience the vibrant colours, unique aromas, and rich tastes that will inspire your culinary journey.

Mention 'Metropol' when you spend over $100 in store to receive a 10% discount.

(Excludes dairy and fresh produce)

320 Cashel Street Ph. 03 365 8786

Find us on:


Embrace the changing season and come warm up by the fire at Protocol. Whether you’re looking for a romantic evening out or a place to catch up with friends, Protocol is the perfect destination to unwind and indulge.

Open Tuesday to Sunday 11am until late.

2 Colombo St, Cashmere Ph. 03 964 2880

Find us on:

Metropol August 31, 2023 57

MR WOLF Christchurch CBD

Experience the ultimate pairing of hot dogs and champagne at Mr Wolf Wednesday thru Sunday. With a delectable cocktail list and an exquisite bubbles selection, your experience will be one to be savoured.

Friday-Sunday you can also come in for the newest and delicious addition, Boozy Lunch!


Hillary House Restaurant and Bar provides classic Kiwi cuisine including our very popular roasts, alongside all your favourites from around the world. Many of our dishes can be altered to be vegetarian or gluten-free. Just ask!

Our chef has 17 years of cooking experience, and extensive knowledge of Mount Everest. Fully licensed. Open 7 days 11am-9pm.

817 Colombo Street, Christchurch CBD



Fresh beer with battered blue cod and chips! What could be better for Father’s Day?

A great location to bring that loving legend dad for brunch, lunch, or dinner.

493 Papanui Road, Papanui, Chch Ph. 021 0838 5337



Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes excited customers. We have built an awesome reputation at Saket Edgeware, NOW we have also opened a Saket at Prebbleton!

The same mouthwatering dishes from unique Sakeet recipes. Exotic, and spicy authentic Indian cuisine now in Prebbleton and Edgeware.

563 Springs Rd, Unit 14, Prebbleton Village

76 Edgeware Road, St Albans



A stunning lake side restaurant and functions venue, open for lunch and dinner. Enjoy our NEW fully covered and heated dining area on the deck for the ultimate in lakeside dining with beautiful views over the lake to the alps.

The perfect venue for functions – weddings, family celebrations or a day trip for lunch. 5mins off the main highway from Ashburton.


All our delicious pies, savouries, quiches, and sausage rolls are made here onsite.

Choose from: Mince, Mince & Cheese, Steak, Steak & Cheese, Peppered Steak, Steak & Mushroom, Steak, Cheese & Bacon, Steak, Cheese & Jalapeño, Gourmet Chicken, Chicken & Apricot, Chicken & Mushroom, Chicken, Cranberry & Camembert. Sandwiches made fresh daily using top quality bread and fillings.

Open Mon - Fri 6am - 4pm, Sat 7am - 3pm 39

Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood, Ashburton Ph 03 302 6064


7a Normans Road, Elmwood

Ph: 021 144 1059

58 August 31, 2023 Metropol
us on:
us on:
us on:
us on:
Norwich Quay, Lyttelton
Ph 03 328 7530
us on:


The Phat Duck Brew, Bar & Kitchen delights diners with dishes such as Grilled Chicken Salad - Marinated chicken breast that’s grilled to perfection then served over lettuce with bacon, corn, blue cheese, tomato, red onion and cucumber. Indulge in a remarkable dining experience at The Phat Duck.

360 West Street, Allenton, Ashburton

P. 03 3077032

Find us on:


It’s hard to find drinks that have all the spark of a good time yet are alcohol-free. Until now.

Monday makes non-alcoholic adult beverages that taste like your favourite cocktails and look the part too. Sugar Free.


The Golden Mile is a family friendly restaurant in Templeton, Christchurch. We pride ourselves on our extensive menu serving everything from Eggs Bene to Sticky pork ribs 7 days a week!

Follow our Facebook page ‘Golden Mile Motels and Tavern’ to keep up to date with specials, live music, family fun days & more.

Cnr Main South Rd & Trents Rd


If you are looking for coffee on the go or a gourmet meal. Cafe Mayfield is the stop for you. Dine in or takeaway here as you go through the beautiful Mid Canterbury scenic route. We provide a diverse menu, including barista coffee, all day breakfast, Sally’s homemade sausage rolls, fish and chips, and much much more. Make us your next stop for the whole family; we even have a playground for the kids!

1992 Arundel Rakaia Gorge Rd, Mayfield

Ph: 03 303 6210

Find us on:

Find us on:

Ph. 03 349 7022

Find us on:

THE SOUP BAR Central City

COCOA BLACK Bishopdale

There is no substitute for perfect repetition. Another new Cocoa Black has opened in Bishopdale Mall for you to enjoy.


Spring is here and so is the time to post Christmas presents overseas. Be sure to stop by the Soup Bar in Riverside Market and fill up on some delicious soup and collect handcrafted personalised Christmas pressies to post. Christmas is just around the corner so shop early before the rush. Find us on:

1/333 Harewood Road, Bishopdale Mall

Ph. 03 360 0996

Try our famous cheese scones and many new delicacies. Find

Metropol August 31, 2023 59
The Riverside Market Cnr Lichfield St & Oxford Tce

In your kitchen

Yummy things for humans!


For all chilli lovers. We have many award winning chilli sauces from around the world. From extreme to mild and many other chilli flavoured items, including some fantastic rubs, so get ready for the end of the BBQ season.

Shop online or visit us at Riccarton Sunday Market.

0800 244 554 (0800 CHILLI)


The Bikkie Jar offers you gorgeously gift boxed, baked to order yumminess!

Original Gourmet Shortbread, No Gluten Added, Vegan & Keto options available –the ideal delivered gift for someone who has everything!


Yummy things for dogs!

Fresh baking is my family’s love language! Yummy homemade treats for humans and dogs from Una Bakery. Relax and let us do your baking. Pop into our great location and indulge in our heavenly baked goods. Delicious pies, bread, slices, biscuits and pastries all made on site.

Serving barista coffee 6 days a week.

73 Centaurus Road, Huntsbury Ph: 337 8214


Our fresh, in-store made catering is perfect for those family get-togethers, work shouts, birthday parties, BBQs, or just because!

Check out our website and order your catering directly online, or pop in and see us. Open 7 days.

346 Halswell Road

Ph. 03 322 4600


In addition to a great range of dried food ingredients, come and explore the attached cottage where an extensive range of British sweets, Dutch liquorice, Kiwi favourites, handmade chocolates, fudge and beautifully wrapped gifts await you. Open 7 days.

24 Wilson Street, Geraldine 7930

P: 0272 472 863 |


Share traditional artisan smoked goods with your friends and family.

Smoked salmon is our specialty but you MUST try our smoked duck and venison.


Providing hot beverages and sweet prepackaged snacks around the community. We are avaliable for bookings, private events, sports events, markets, corporate events. Also daily or weekly coffee runs to work places. We look forward to meeting you at your next event.

Ph Mel: 022 396 4092


Hitting the Sauce Since 2008

Born in a West Coast pub and craft-brewed locally in Christchurch, our beaut sauces are craft-brewed over time to develop award winning flavours that elevate meats and your BBQ to new levels.

Winners of Gold and 2 x Silvers at The NZ Artisan Food Awards.

@theweesmokehouse screamin-beans

60 August 31, 2023 Metropol
your tastebuds and support a fabulous local eatery or artisan food producer at the same time.
only hard part is deciding where to go first!

& living

say it with owers

Spring is the season for fresh, fragrant flowers such as daffodils, freesias, paeonies, tulips, and roses.

Loosely dropped into a glass vase, or more formally arranged, flowers bring colour and infuse life into any room in the house. They make a visual statement, and add charm.

Fragrant florals provide a homely and welcoming vibe, although not for hay fever and sinus su erers. Having flowers in your home will enhance the room’s aesthetic appeal, and it can also have a positive impact on health, such as helping to reduce anxiety levels, fatigue, and improving our overall mood.

Here are some tips:

For a pop of colour, you may want to try orchids, da odils, tulips, roses, or even hydrangeas.

To add fragrance, try a single aromatic rose in a bud vase, or a bouquet of them in a lounge or hallway. Stick to soft aromas to avoid overwhelming the senses. Spark creativity using flowers in various colours. For instance, flowers that are warm-coloured such as yellow, orange, and red, are known to stimulate the brain, help boost energy levels, and increase creativity and alertness.


Metropol August 31, 2023 61 P: 03 423 3533 | E: | • Residential & Architectural New Builds • Alterations & Renovations • Design & Planning • Project Management • Commercial Construction • Commercial Maintenance • High-End Interior Fit Outs • Custom Timber Joinery • Metal Fabrication • Insurance Work Here at D.G.I. Morgan Ltd we offer competitive pricing and deliver incredible results on schedule. We also aim to exceed our client’s expectations, every time.
62 August 31, 2023 Metropol Details: Apple Airtag. Never lose your keys again. Find Me: 25a Lunns Road, Middleton, Christchurch P. 03 343 0360 | E. Bathrooms I Staircases I Wardrobes FOR ALL YOUR JOINERY REQUIREMENTS IN THE HOME... We Making Life Easy Get your spa or pool serviced by one of our experts • Cleaning & maintenance • New equipment & repairs • Pool chemicals & advice Contact us on 027 233 9191 or visit today. Discover the beauty of Persian and Oriental rugs Persian Rug Gallery Christchurch Wellington Melbourne 231 Brougham Street Sydenham Northlands Mall, Papanui (opp. ASB Bank) The Persian Rug Gallery is Christchurch’s premium supplier of hand-knotted Persian and Oriental rugs. • Area Rugs • Hall Runners • Entrance Rugs • Hand Washing • Hand Repairs • Rug Valuations Open 7 days, or shop online 24/7 Two Christchurch locations! 03 365 7693

Details: Satechi Charging Station. Charge four wired devices at once, plus wireless. charging. Find Me:

Details: Belkin BoostCharge Power Bank 10K

Never get caught out with a flat mobile phone. 40 hours of extra battery life and super fast charging. Find Me:


Details: Spider-Man Bluetooth Speaker. Lifesized, lights up. Find Me:

Details: Sony WF-1000XM5 Wireless Earbuds. Noise cancelling. Find Me:


Details: Tissot T-Race Cycling 2023 Tour de France Edition Find Me:

While awards are nice, we value our clients' opinion above all else.
the Builder - THURSDAY 7.00am-4.30pm FRIDAY 8.00am-12.00pm (Afternoon appointments by request) CLOSED WEEKENDS McDONALD HARTSHORNE

A match made in heaven

Amit says, “I’ve taken up this opportunity primarily for my clients.

“Market conditions have made home buyers concerned about delays, where it is taking up to a year to finish a house.

“On top of that, there are increases in build price, in land, and in interest rates.”

At Mike Greer Homes things are di erent. “The price is fixed and completion happens on time.

“Our more than 30 years of experience in designing and building quality homes provides peace of mind to the home buyer that we will deliver them the home they want.”

Amit adds, “Mike Greer Homes is trusted

to provide homes for a wide range of people, which means great service for my clients. Whatever stage of life you’re at, buying to live in or looking for an investment property, with our range of houses we have the home to suit your needs.”

64 August 31, 2023 Metropol Prime Location Townhouses: Ideal City Living Amit Srivastav Design and Build Consultant 022 076 4631 Explore our range of townhouses in the sought-after locations of Riccarton, City Centre, Papanui and Highsted. Each of these developments showcase the superior Mike Greer Homes craftsmanship and priced from only $639,000. Contact us today to learn more.
Experienced Design & Build Consultant Amit Srivastav is thrilled to announce he is now working exclusively for Mike Greer Homes.

Your dream kitchen

An aesthetically pleasing kitchen is a joy, but the cost can be prohibitive. Never fear, there is a solution and it is made so easy for you.

Award-winning Dream Doors here in Christchurch can give your kitchen the transformation of your dreams, whether it is a few cosmetic touches or a major remodel. Each job is made as seamless as possible using a wide range of quality Aotearoa

product choices in benchtops, doors, and cabinetry. Everything is taken care of right down to the plumbers, electricians and gas fitters.

“Our process is really speedy,” says Dream Doors owner Adrian Kay, “you will only be without your kitchen for one to two days.” The team’s brand-new doors and panels come with a ten-year guarantee.

Adrian says that now is a great time to get started, so you will be all set in your

fabulous kitchen by the time summer entertaining season kicks o . Sitting down with each client, Adrian guides them through each stage of a renovation or new kitchen build from design to installation. “We love helping customers get the kitchen of their dreams without the big-ticket price,” says Adrian.

Metropol August 31, 2023 65
Add value, and enjoy a great kitchen without the huge price tag.
YOUR LOCAL, RELIABLE EXPERTS • Plumbing and drainage • Building and alteration • Decks, fencing and pergolas • Bathrooms & laundry renovations • New housing • General maintenance & upgrades • Free consultation Call 022 640 1261 Be the artist you always wanted to be Let us show you how! 2023 Adult classes: Term 5 begins 16 October Places are filling fast - BOOK NOW! 03 354 4438 • 465 Papanui Road • •
your gathering space
minimal renovation
an entire new kitchen,
can take care of as much,
the renovation
and his team of skilled tradesman take great
in their work and are ready to help you make your New Kitchen or Kitchen Renovation dreams come true. | Ph: 03 338 1081 |
At Dream Doors Kitchens, they believe the
gather, cook, share meals,
friends and family. Whether you require
or as little, of
process as
need. Adrian

Spring into outdoor entertaining

Longer days are already upon us, and before you know it warmer weather will usher in sunny barbecue entertaining. Talk to the team at Louvre Solutions today to ensure your guests are protected from whatever the weather may throw your way. Make your place the centre of attention all year-round with the perfect louvre solution.

Ph: 027 535 6287

66 August 31, 2023 Metropol WE BUILD high-quality DECKS Deck Specialists Servicing the Canterbury Region. Choose a trusted team, renowned for high-quality materials and exceptional workmanship. DESIGN | BUILD | ADVISE 021 029 16627 • • Cliffy’s Flame Grill & Spa - Weber Store Tower Junction Mega Centre Contact P 03 3411220 Matakana Outdoor Wood
Pizza Oven
Fire with
Our promise to youthere simply is no better swimming pool 021 514 288 | by home & living


Men have a variety of different interior design styles for their personal living, sleeping, and relaxing spaces.

Whereas most women gravitate to light and airy colours, spaces, and designs, for many men it is the opposite. Take the man cave for instance. Cave is the operative word. Dark, cosy, and functional is often the order of the décor.

Classic masculine design often revolves around geometrics such as plaids, herringbone, and stripes, and of course, darker coloured solid colours and patterns. Not a sign of florals or pretty patterns.

Usually, masculine design style

features darker hues of blue and green, plus varying shades of grey and brown, as well as black. The key is rich, deep, dark colours with decorative accents in lighter colours creating contrast and a dramatic vibe.

Wood, glass, metal, and stone are to the fore, all considered to be manly. Think wood (real or imitation), cold glinting metals, and marble, granite, or slate patterns. Leather is also a popular choice when it comes to masculine décor. Leather sofas, animal hides, suede, flannel, and tweed all help set the scene.

Tips to achieving masculine décor: Opt for comfort and class – comfy chairs and sofas in dark hues, or various shades of grey.

Pick a colour palette and stick to it. Stick with neutral colours such as black, brown, grey, along with dark green, and navy blue.

Use a focal point (stereo/TV/ bed head/fireplace/co ee table) to bring the room together, and create a natural flow.

Metropol August 31, 2023 67
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5
1. Milan Sofa, 2. Duke Bar Cart, 3. Modern Metropolis Dining Table, 4. Ralph Lauren barware, 5. Duke Bar. All available at Trenzseater
68 August 31, 2023 Metropol RENEWAL KITCHEN REPAINT REPOLISH KITCHENS + FURNITURE Make your kitchen look NEW again Our friendly team can remove all the doors and panels, repair and refinish in a colour of your choice. Lacquered, timber and melamine kitchens refinished. Kitchens or Furniture Call us now to discuss your options 03 365 2159 Before Before After After 03 365 2519 218 Moorhouse Ave Phone 03 3666912 GIFTWARE HOMEWARE COOKWARE APPLIANCES Easy solutions for the man in your life. FATHER’S DAY Fast delivery of amazing plants to your door. Enter METROPOL at checkout to receive a 10% discount Discover why we are NZ’s largest online plant retailer. 4.9 STAR RATING From 72 Google Reviews 0800 843752 Cnr Wairakei Rd/Roydvale Ave P. 03 358 5565 terra viva start up sale start your spring gardening now and save money! trees, shrubs, seedlings, perennials, roses, houseplants, potting mixes, garden care products, tools, pots, homewares, bodycare etc. terms & conditions apply absolutely everything in store 25% off SPRING home & living

new look A Fresh

There is very little in any home that the team at MF Turnbull cannot regenerate. Kitchen cabinets in melamine, paint, lacquer, and timber can be refinished to create a new and modern look.

“We have a great product to go over melamine which is so hardwearing. And a bonus is that it contains Micronised Wax – it makes the surface easy to clean,” says co-owner Monique Turnbull.

The team of 20, which now operates over three Christchurch sites, also rejuvenate bedroom and dining furniture, doors, wardrobe doors, and anything in your house that might be spray painted. They can also do the modern equivalent of French Polishing - staining and clears in polyurethane. “I really like the idea that it’s

an environmentally friendly way to refresh your house. Our approach means reuse of a kitchen or piece of furniture, rather than throwing it out and buying new,” says Monique.

Customer feedback says everything about how the team approach a job and the finished product they produce. Just a few samples of the huge cache of positive comments and thanks go as follows:

“We felt that we should write to express our appreciation for the outstanding kitchen refurbishment. We are absolutely delighted with the outcome and can find no fault whatsoever with either the quality of workmanship or the finished surfaces.”

“Just wanted to say how delighted we are with the paint job, if you can call it paint, it is like silk.”

“It looks frigging awesome! Please pass on my thanks to the painters and installers... and to you and the o ce sta . Such a great job!”

Working with interior designers on a special or much-loved piece that needs to fit with a new scheme is a speciality. Upholstered items with timber parts can be resurfaced and then the piece can be taken to your upholsterer for recovering. The team thrives on challenges and loves it if an unusual request comes in. The challenge can sometimes lie in bringing out of people’s heads the vision that they have. By talking through the end goal using samples and options to clarify, the team is very good at turning visions into reality.

Metropol August 31, 2023 69
With more than 30 years in business, these local experts in paint, stain, polyurethane and polished finishes on furniture and joinery have earnt their place as an iconic Christchurch business.
70 August 31, 2023 Metropol
1. 4. 2. 5. 3.
new things 386
Asaph St. Ph: 366 0724 Bruce Mortimer 1. NZ Made cushions, custom-made or choose from the Farmhouse Design & Decor collection,
9a Normans Rd Christchurch Ph. 355 7545 Contact: 03 3287016 or: 0210318226 15 London Street, Lyttelton 15 London Street, Lyttelton • P. 021 031 8226 Winter Hrs: Mon-Sat 9.30am-4.30pm, Sun 10am-4.30pm Our store has 6 rooms filled with a collection of Arts & Crafts supporting over 40 small NZ businesses Workspace - NZ Design - Gather - Create - Wellbeing Textile Artist Loretta Sloan | Pop up Studio Workshops in: Needle/Wet Felting, Weaving, Spinning, Fibre & more Your creativity starts here! Ph: 021 138 9300 The Hub Hornby, 418 Main South Rd, Chch Methven... the home of Farmhouse Design & Decor Gifts, Homeware, Flowers, Baby & Children’s products • 167 Main St, Methven 6 3 R u t l a n d S t , S t A l b a n s ( o p p o s i t e R u g b y Pa r k ) P h 0 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 6 w w w c o c o g i f t s c o n z Mon- Fri 10am-5 30pm Sat-Sun 10am-4pm G i f t s H o m e wa r e s - J e w e l l e r y
2. Denim Blue Sunflowers (William Morris Design) tray made in Sweden, available at French Blue 3. Rosie Coaster - You The Daddy, great selection of Father’s Day gifts at Coco Gifts, 4. Felted Liquorice, Home Decor, Loretta Sloan of House of Felt, 5. Little Madam, Ceramic, 170H 130W 100D, Nachiko Schollum, at Windsor Gallery, 6. The Lyttel Kiwi Gift Shop, 15 London Street, Lyttelton, or Facebook: The Lyttel Kiwi
french blue

100 top home builds

The Top 100 Homes for the 2023 Registered Master Builders House of the Year Competition include 25 from Canterbury and further south.

Representing the top entrants in this year’s regional competitions held throughout July and August, the Top 100 homes will now be re-judged by the national judging panel to find out who will take out the top spots at the 2023 National Awards Gala in November.

The National Awards Gala will recognise the Supreme House of the Year Over $1 million, Supreme Renovation of the year and Supreme House of the Year Under $1 million, which was a new award introduced in 2022 to recognise the outstanding


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builds within a lower price bracket.

Along with the three Supreme Awards and 15 other award categories, there is also the Pink Batts Craftsmanship Award, two Feature Home Awards, and four Lifestyle Awards.

The homes on the following pages are some of the local award winners from the regional finals.

IMAGE ABOVE: Auckland region New Home of $4M, Kane Build Group. Images courtesy Master Builders House of the Year.


Ph: 0274 907 364

Is it time to clean the exterior of your property before winter? Then call us!


We are your local specialists in House Washing and Moss Treatments, including paths, roofs, decks, and much more. Rejuvenate and prolong the life of your paintwork - saving you money!

Metropol August 31, 2023 71

Jennian Homes Canterbury has several new awards following the Master Builders House of The Year regional competitions.

The competitions recognise the very best homes, builders, and craftspeople across New Zealand. This year the regional competitions attracted almost 300 entries across nine regions.

Jennian Homes Canterbury won the Volume/Group Housing New Home $500,000 - $750,000 category, and a gold

award, for the pictured home in Pleasant Point, South Canterbury, and was overall category winner.

The company also won a gold award for the Allenton home in Ashburton, a silver award for its Huntingdon building in Ashburton, and a bronze award for a home in Rolleston, Canterbury.

Judges say Jennian Homes Canterbury displayed an outstanding combination of favourable site conditions, a compact and e cient floor plan, and impeccable

attention to detail in planning and building the winning Pleasant Point home.

In this group housing category, the judges were captivated by the use of schist stone cladding and the stunning vaulted ceiling in the living room.

“It was an impressive achievement completing the project within the $2000$2500/sqm range and within the specified period. Congratulations on an excellent outcome that certainly deserves recognition in this category,” they say.

72 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Building homes that people love to live in is one thing, recognition of their quality takes the build to an even higher level.
Master Builders House of the Year Awards

Celebrating building excellence

David Reid Homes Canterbury won the Altus Window Systems New Home $750,000 - $1 million gold award for the Canterbury region in the Master Builders House of the Year Awards 2023 for the Casebrook home, pictured here.

Judges say the David Reid Homes Canterbury team ticked all the boxes with this 256sqm mid-century inspired home, nestled behind a solid fence at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac in North West Christchurch. Designed in conjunction with Hierarchy Group architects and the owners,

the floorplan has been cleverly suited to fit the slightly unusual street-facing site. Clerestory windows, skylights and glazed doors that lead to sheltered decks on both sides of the house flood the open living space with natural light. The kitchen has integrated doors that add to the sleek appearance, and a well-designed scullery with enough room for two fridges makes the space ideal for entertaining.

A second living room with moody decor is just the spot if the owners want to go somewhere cosier, and you’ll find an o ce at the end of the hall. There’s a satisfying

sense of solidity in the three bedroom house. Brick used on the exterior, for example, can be found in the fire surround. Fully tiled bathrooms, one a main-bedroom ensuite, provide a sense of luxury.

Metropol August 31, 2023 73
IMAGES: Veronica Wedlake, courtesy Master Builders House of Year Awards
An irregular shaped section that presented build challenges is now home to an award-winning home.


Aregional finalist and regional silver award winner in the 2023 Canterbury section of the Master Builders House of the Year Competition, the Okains Bay home is one of 38 entries from around the Canterbury region entered in the prestigious annual awards.

The winners were announced in midAugust at the Te Pae Convention Centre.

J & M Built’s entry, in the New Home $500,000 - $750,000 category (pictured on these pages) was described as “sublime simplicity”.

An uncomplicated 144sqm rectangular form has been imbued with light, natural flow and exemplary outdoor living areas, thanks to the meticulous craftsmanship of the builders, the judges said.

Craftsmanship examples feature throughout bach in a picturesque setting at Okains Bay in Banks Peninsula.

Reclaimed timber from telephone poles and wharf beams has been used in feature walls, and there are old light fittings, signs, retro hanging scales and a heavenly trio of cathedral glass art pieces. Fun meets finesse.

In the fully tiled bathroom and mainbedroom ensuite upcycled stainless-steel toilet pans have been installed, and old cabinets have a new lease on life as vanities.

“As impressive as these are, this architectural house with a pitched roof and clad in reclaimed vertical shiplap and steel, is about much more,” the judges found.

Smart design and attention to detail, for instance. You’ll find three spacious

bedrooms, a loft, an open-plan living, dining and kitchen zone with fireplace, and separate media space with pivot doors.

Wide doors open light-filled spaces to decking that splays out from both sides of the bach.

An eye-catching and practical aspect of the is that it features more square metres of deck than house, pressing home the point that whether relaxing or entertaining, the owners can enjoy this special part of the world indoors and out.

74 August 31, 2023 Metropol
“One out of the box” is an apt title for this Master Builders House of the Year silver award-winning bach from J & M Built of Christchurch. feature

J & M Built Ltd

AChristchurch-based building company with more than 10 years specialising in architectural new builds and renovations, J & M Built comprises partners Jamie Ellis and Matt Radburnd.

“Our team has extensive experience and knowledge in the industry, allowing us to provide our clients with top-notch services,” says Jamie.

Those services include following a rigorous process for every project the company takes on.

“From initial consultation to final inspection, our team works closely with our clients to ensure that their vision is realised, and that the project is completed on time and within budget,” he adds.

“We o er an end-to-end client experience that includes seamless communication, budgeting, sta ng, on-site organisation, and quality workmanship every time,” says Matt.

“We work with architects and designers to produce beautiful, functional homes.

“Call us today and bring our project management skills and extensive construction experience to your next project.”

Metropol August 31, 2023 75

Kiwis have an increasing love affair with cars, notching up just under 4.5 million of them for a population of just over five million.

The number of new cars registered on our roads continues to grow.

In 2021 there were 112,008 new registrations, and in 2022 (despite supply issues) there were 116,334 new passenger vehicles registered on our

roads. The figure excludes the Ford Ranger (11,577) and Toyota Hilux (9787), the two most popular cars last year, which fall into the commercial category.

While utility vehicles (utes) dominate New Zealand sales charts, 2022 also proved a boom year for EV sales, with a record

New Ducati Multistrada V4

15,670 new pure electric vehicles registered in New Zealand.

More than 13% of all new passenger vehicles on our roads were fully electric, and if you add in hybrids and plug-in hybrids the figure jumps to almost 35% of all new passenger vehicles sold being electrified.

76 August 31, 2023 Metropol
Ruling all roads has never been easier. Express your interest today. Phone: 03 366 4401 6 Gasson Street, Christchurch Mon – Fri: 8.30am to 5.30pm, Sat – Sun: 9am to 4pm Specialising in Ducati and Honda Sales and Service since 1932. • New & Used Motorcycles • Riding Gear • Accessories • Parts & Service • Finance Available



The idea of the driver sitting back and letting the car do all the driving has fascinated the masses and attracted billions of dollars in investment for decades.

The first truly autonomous car was created by Ernst Dickmanss in 1987. This car did not require human intervention in busy tra c or on motorways by using earlier forms of AI technology.

In the last few years, we have seen considerable strides with semi-autonomous technology, from having radar guided adaptive cruise control to cars having tech

which can detect hazards or obstructions and react accordingly, often quicker than humans could themselves.

These help those who have di culty driving due to mobility or vision impairments, however, going fully self-drive still has its risks. For example, there have been fatalities due to issues with the selfdrive modes in some vehicles. Also, despite being aligned with mapping software and

GPS, who is to say self-driving cars won’t be a target for hackers who could very well access your car’s autopilot and information.

Self-driving cars are on the horizon, but there are still plenty of niggles to iron out. Also, as a keen driver, I sincerely hope that I still have the option of doing the driving myself for many years to come.

Metropol August 31, 2023 77
metropol drive
305 Brougham Street, Sydenham, 5mins walk to The COLOMBO Call: 03 379 5412 Book online: Email: • WOF Inspections & Repairs • Auto Electrical & Diagnosis • Servicing and all repairs approved by all warranty companies Your European Vehicle Repair Specialist! Opening hours may vary from store to store. FOUND A LOWER PRICE? WE’LL BEAT IT.* NEW BRIGHTON 175 Wainoni Rd Ph 374 5034 SYDENHAM 17 Beamont St Ph 332 3521 SHIRLEY 7 Shirley Rd Ph 374 5034 RANGIORA 694 Lineside Rd Ph 327 7104 SOCKBURN 477 Blenheim Rd Ph 341 7675 OPAWA 25 Opawa Rd Ph 344 5034 KAIAPOI 98 Williams St Ph 327 7140 BURNSIDE 494 Wairakei Rd Ph 359 9009 * Find a lower cash price and we guarantee to beat it on a same or better quality product. OPEN 7 DAYS WINTER IS HARD ON TYRES, GET THEM CHECKED BEFORE SUMMER MOTORING
78 August 31, 2023 Metropol In Canterbury call 022 658 2957 or on 0800 KERBED 0800 537 233 Contact: Barry White Phone: 027 522 7996 Email: Your vehicles in metropol drive EXPOSE

The Ford Mustang Mach-E is probably the most divisive product Ford has unearthed on buyers in decades. Ben Selby reports.

Some accuse Ford of selling out by putting the Mustang badge on an all-electric SUV. Others say it’s a bold step towards a more “eco-conscious” future for the blue oval’s mainstream models.

The range consists of three spec levels with the entry point Mach-E RWD starting at $79,990 driveaway, making it eligible for the full Government Clean Car Rebate. The mid range Mach-E AWD, my test car, sits at $109,990 and the flagship Mach-E GT AWD is $129,990. The AWD gets an extended battery pack over the RWD which is rated at 98.7kW. Electric motors power both ends, and this means the AWD produces 258kW/560Nm. Electric range is a claimed 550km and it allows for up to 150kW fast charging, giving you 107km of range in a mere 10 minutes.

On the subject of looks, there are tell-tale Mustang design cues, such as the LED taillight cluster, galloping Mustang emblem (naturally), and a swooping rear roofline. While I wouldn’t regard it as a masterpiece, the Mach-E is certainly striking and turns heads, especially in this shade of Cyber Orange.

Enter the Mach-E by way of the E-Latch door system. Simply press the illuminated door button and hey presto, you are in. The interior is one of solid simplicity. Dominating the centre console is the large 15.5-inch colour

touchscreen infotainment system. It’s a very intuitive system and allows to cycle through multiple menu screens with ease.

Standard kit includes 18-inch alloys, heated steering wheel, heated leather seats which happen to be both comfortable and supportive, Apple CarPlay/Android Auto, sat nav and a whole host of smart safety features including a very sharp looking 360-degree rear camera. Interior space isn’t too bad either.

The Mach-E has three drive modes, Whisper, Active and Untamed. All of which are tailored to suit your driving style. I spent most of my time sauntering about in Active which provides good levels of regenerative braking. You also have the option of switching on Ford’s “propulsion sound” which instigates a Star Trek-like murmur playing through the Bang & Olufsen audio system.

Around town the Mach-E is a very supple and while the ride isn’t super soft, the underpinnings make dicing through urban tra c rather entertaining. The entertainment aspect increases considerably when intimating Untamed mode. With everything sharpened up and hunkered down, those after an exuberant drive will find plenty to love about the Mach-E. It’s a hard charger and can cover as much ground as briskly as, wait for it, its

All in all, the Mustang Mach-E, contrary to what I was expecting from the outset, is a fun, practical and very capable performance EV. Basically, don’t downplay this pony till you’ve had a ride.


PRICE: $109,990

DRIVETRAIN: Dual Electric MotorAWD

RANGE: 550km (WTLP)

POWER: 258kW


ZERO TO 100KM/H: 5.1 seconds

BOOT SPACE: 519L Rear/100L Front

WEIGHT: 2182kg

WHEELS: 18-inch Alloys



Be the coolest car on the road in this Iconic American Muscle Car! $249,990

This second Gen SR2 Viper is in amazing condition for a 26 year old car. And as you can see has super low kms at just 27,000 miles. Putting out 450bhp (336kW) the 8.0L V10 will hit 0-100kph in just 4.0 sec. The GTS was the first to have a hard top roof, aircon, power windows and central locking. Previously set up as a track car this has had the roll cage removed and the factory leather seats and new seatbelts have been refitted. A great investment in this magnificent piece of American motoring history.

Andrew Farrow

P: 027 576 5576


Metropol August 31, 2023 79
V8 forebears.
49,500km, 2nd Gen 4.7L V8 Coupe, petrol, Speedshift II a vast improvement on the Speedshift I gearbox, new front pads and rotors, new battery 56,500km, 434HP 4.7L V8 Coupe. This beautiful Italian 2+2 sport coupes takes luxury motoring to the next level. 62,500km, 3.0 Straight 6 Twin Turbo 370HP M-Sport, 7 Speed Dual Clutch, Extensive use of carbon fibre, this lightweight sports coupe is a wee ripper! 3.4L Flat 6 Auto, Coupe, 105,000km. Sought after 4WD 996 in Cherry Bomb Red Wrap (can be removed -navy blue underneath). Hard to find. 2013 ASTON MARTIN VANTAGE 2010 MASERATI GRAN TURISMO S 2016 BMW M2
$119,990 $79,990 $49,990 $49,990 metropol drive
80 August 31, 2023 Metropol

For a while, if you wanted the biggest luxury BMW, you bought a 7-series. This all changed when BMW launched the X7. Ben Selby reports.

Those after the luxo-express titan of the BMW world have lapped it up in recent years, with the X7 outselling the 7-series considerably. For 2023, the X7 has been given a few upgrades and a stylistic nip and tuck.

On the styling front, the biggest change is the inclusion of BMW’s much larger rendition of their iconic kidney grill, one which has proved a divisive styling addition amongst the faithful. This is coupled with slimmer looking LED headlights and daytime running lights. There is a new taillight cluster and a set of simply staggering looking 23-inch alloys.

The range consists of two models, the X7 xDrive 40d, my test car, and X7 M60i with the former, starting at $177,700. Power is courtesy of a 3.0L twin-turbo six-cylinder diesel engine with 259kW/720Nm mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission with xDrive AWD.

The interior is very plush and exceedingly well made. The X7 xDrive 40d comes standard will all manner of kit you would expect in this class. This particular X7 featured the optional Luxury and M-Sport packages. The former package threw in features like heated and ventilated massaging front seats, sky lounge panorama glass roof and BMW gesture control to name a few, while the latter gives you lots of M-Sport goodies like a sports exhaust

system, brakes and a chunky feeling M-Sport steering wheel.

The X7 is a full seven-seater, and you can drop the third and second rows by the press of a few buttons in the boot. Plus, the X7’s air suspension which drops the rear down makes loading and unloading a doddle.

At 5200mm long and 2000mm wide, the X7 xDrive 40d requires your full attention when negotiating tight spaces. Sure, you have an epic 3D 360-degree camera and sensors all around to make it easier, but it was still an effort to navigate The Crossing multi-story carpark after some light shopping during the Ballantynes sale. That said, this new X7 is a seriously capable performer.

The smoothness in which it puts the power down is remarkable, as is that gargantuan amount of torque. The addition of that 48v mild hybrid system can provide you with a snippet of extra power and torque when you need it, all while giving you one of the most comfortable and sumptuous rides around.

Switch over from Comfort to Sport, or even Sport Plus should you want to dial up to 11, and despite its high riding stance, the X7 xDrive 40d even stops and corners extremely well. It’s not a point-and-shoot back road weapon, yet it is still mighty impressive.

It’s not cheap, but in terms of a driver’s

PRICE: $177,700

ENGINE: 3.0L Twin-Turbo Six Cylinder

TRANSMISSION: 8-speed auto

DRIVETRAIN: All-Wheel-Drive

POWER: 259kW


ZERO TO 100KM/H: 5.8 seconds


CO2 EMISSIONS: 230g/km

WEIGHT: 2490kg

WHEELS: 23-inch Alloys

BOOT SPACE: 326L (Third Seat Row Up) 750L (Third Seat Row Down) 2120L (Third and Second Seat Row Down)

H Y B R I D $ 2 , 2 4 2 T E C H N O L O G Y 78 ST ASAPH STREET CHRISTCHURCH CENTRAL 03 940 3001 www honda co nz R E G C 2 0 2 3 Eligible for A Clean Car Rebate Of Stock available now
luxury SUV, the new X7 is very good. A luxo-express indeed.
82 August 31, 2023 Metropol ACCELERATE YOUR SAVINGS PEUGEOT NOW FROM + ORC $35,990 ELECTRIC FROM INCLUDES $7,015 GOVT. REBATE $49,975 + ORC OPEL NOW FROM + ORC $31,990 ELECTRIC FROM INCLUDES $7,015 GOVT. REBATE $42,975 + ORC CITROËN NOW FROM + ORC $29,990 ELECTRIC FROM INCLUDES $7,015 GOVT. REBATE $58,975 + ORC CLEAN CAR CLEAR OUT SAVE THOUSANDS ON EV, PLUG-IN HYBRID & PETROL 161 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch | 03 366 6933 | or shop now at iOWN FROM PER WEEK* $112 iOWN FROM PER WEEK* $89 Lorem ipsum iOWN FROM PER WEEK* $79 iOWN Terms & Conditions: Peugeot 208 MSRP $41,990 minus discount of $6,000 ($35,990) + ORC, deposit $8,398, borrow $28,235.39, 48 Month term, 45,000km allowance, 10.95% p.a. xed interest rate, $636 establishment fee, 7.39 PPSR fee, optional nal payment of $17,635.80 to keep the car, total loan repayments $38,441.37. Opel Corsa MSRP $36,990 minus $5,000 discount ($31,990) + ORC, deposit $7,398, borrow $25,235.39, 48 Month term, 5,000km allowance, 10.95% p.a. xed interest rate, $636 establishment fee, $7.39 PPSR fee, optional nal payment of $15,535.80 to keep the car, total loan repayments $34,051.14. Citroën C3 MSRP $35,990 minus $6,000 discount ($29,990) + ORC, deposit $7,198, borrow $7,676.20, 48 Month term, 45,000km allowance, 10.95% p.a. xed interest rate, $636 establishment fee, $7.39 PPSR fee, optional nal payment of $15,115.80 to keep the car, total loan repayments $37,937.10. Responsible lending criteria & T&Cs apply. Not available in conjunction with other o ers. O er valid until 30th September 2023 or while stocks last.

One of the most sought-after and rare 911s available! Electric Soft-top roof and the 6 Speed Manual Gearbox combination for pure driving pleasure! 19” Carrera S Sports Alloys in Black, Red Brake Calipers, PCM, Switchable Sports Exhaust, Reverse Camera, PSM, Heated Seats, BOSE Surround etc. Imported near new into NZ in 2010. Be quick to secure this car with Summer coming!.

Very latest model Range Rover. NZ New, Soft Close Doors, Heated Seats/Heated Steering Wheel, 22” Factory Alloys in Silver, Radar Adaptive Cruise Control, Panoramic Sunroof, Full Virtual Dash with Apple Car Play/Bluetooth/NZ Navigation, Keyless entry, 3D Surround Cameras etc. The ultimate Luxury 4WD re-imagined yet again. Drive away now with no additional C02 Fees payable.

Factory GT3 Sports Pack. White with Terracotta Leather, 19” Carrera S Alloys, Red Brake Calipers, Low 76,000kms with full Porsche Service History, Heated Seats, Dual Sports Exhaust with Switchable Button, Factory White Dials/Inlays, Cruise Control, Touch Screen Apple Car Play/Bluetooth/Camera/Stereo, ABS Brakes etc. If you’re looking for a very unique 997, here’s your chance!

Audi’s iconic TT Coupe model. Sought after and in-Vogue Audi Nardo Grey, Black Premium Leather Sports Seats, 18” Sports Alloys in Silver, LED Lighting, Full Digital/Virtual Dash cluster, Audi MMI with NZ Stereo/Bluetooth Streaming/NZ NAV, Heated Seats, Electric Spoiler, Multiple Airbags etc. A very good-looking TT in this colour!

Very sought after car and near impossible to buy in NZ in Targa format! Guards Red with Black Leather, 20/21 inch RS Spyder Alloys, 4WD, Sport-Chrono, Switchable Sports Exhaust, BOSE Audio, Targa Bar in Silver, 8 Speed PDK Automatic, Heated Seats, PCM Bluetooth/ NZ NAV/AUX/Camera/Car Play etc. The best of both World’s in Targa format with the best 911 re-sale value due to limited build numbers.

NZ New, High-spec SE model with 22” Sports Alloys in Black, Heads-up, Soft-Close Doors, Running Boards, Panoramic Roof, Heated/Cooled Leather Seats, Adaptive Cruise Control, Dual Rear DVD/TV Screens, LED Lighting, Heated Steering Wheel, 740Nm SDV8 Torque, Towbar etc. A very good-looking Vogue in one of the best colours available!

Flagship 540 BHP RWD! Only 30,000kms. Red/Black Leather R Sports Seats, 20” Black R Sports Alloys with Red Brake Calipers, Switchable Exhaust Button, LED Lighting, Alcantara Sports Steering Wheel, Panoramic Roof, NZ NAV/CD/AUX/Bluetooth Streaming, Reverse Camera, Cruise Control etc. Classic Jaguar lines in a modern-day Supercar!

Turbocharged, Remote Locking with 2x Keys etc. A very smart look!

Fuji White with Black Leather, 20” Gloss Black Sports Alloys, Black Roof and Roof Rails, Panoramic Sunroof, Running Boards, Heated Seats, 3D Surround Camera, NZ Nav/In-Control Aps/ Bluetooth, Ambient Lighting, Factory Roof Racks/Towbar, Daytime Running Lights, Land Rover 4WD Terrain response etc. One of the most sought-after Luxury SUVs around today!

Metropol August 31, 2023 83
250+ 2021 Porsche 911 992 Targa 4 PDK Latest Model $249,995 $259,995 $99,995 $84,995 $44,995 $22,995 $69,995 $84,995 $109,995 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 2006 Porsche 911 997 Carrera 3.8 S GT3 Pack 2014 Mercedes Benz A180 AMG Sport Package 2018 Audi A7 50 TDI S Line Quattro 235KW 4WD Sportback 2015 Audi TT 2.0 TFSI S-Tronic New Shape 2020 Land Rover Defender SE 110 D240 Diesel Black-Pack 2015 Jaguar F-Type R 5.0 V8 Supercharged Coupe 2008 Porsche 911 997 3.8 C4S Cabriolet 6-Speed Manual the european specialists christchurch european 2016 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 SDV8 Diesel SE Black Package $74,995 2023 Range Rover D300 SE Latest Model Latest Model A7 50 TDI Mild-Hybrid Diesel with 235kW! 20” S Line Sports Alloys in Grey, LED Matrix Lighting, Radar Adaptive Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Tech Package with Glass Cockpit/Bang and Olufsen Sound Pack, NZ NAV/CD/ AUX/Bluetooth/Camera, Wireless phone Charger etc. A very hard model to find! Low 63,000kms from new! Factory AMG Sport Package, 18” AMG Sports Alloys, AMG Body Styling, AMG Floor Mats and interior detailing, 7 Speed Automatic, Mercedes Command CD/ Stereo/Bluetooth/AUX/NZ NAV, Reverse Camera, Economical yet peppy 1.6


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