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PUBLISHER: Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd Murray Dempsey murray@metros.co.nz
GENERAL MANAGER: Tracey Prince tracey@metros.co.nz
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With the 2024 holiday shopping season set to be one of the most challenging on record, Buy NZ Made is urging Kiwis to support local businesses this Christmas. Rising costs, economic uncertainty, and ongoing global challenges have put immense pressure on small businesses across the country, including Canterbury. Christmas is traditionally a peak period for small businesses, although currently the high cost of living is taking a bite out of many people’s disposable income.
Aligned with that and the ripple down e ect, many small businesses are finding it hard going.
While business and consumer confidence seem to be improving, inflation is falling, and it looks like New Zealand’s economy
Lynda Papesch editor@metros.co.nz Ph: 021 073-2786
DEPUTY EDITOR: Nina Tucker deputy.editor@metros.co.nz
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Lucas Pantos lucas@metros.co.nz
CONTRIBUTORS: Barry White, Ben Selby, Cheryl Colley, Coral Henderson, Denise Robertson, Getty Images, Hannah Brown, Jessica Allen, Joseph Harper, Lorraine Quinn, Louise Mackenzie, Nancye Pitt, Rhonda Mitchell, Sue Kingham, Tracy Pope.
is turning a corner, small businesses are not out of the woods yet. Now, it is more important than ever for consumers to choose local products and services to help their small businesses thrive.
Small businesses make up 97% of New Zealand’s economy and are often family-owned and operated, so buying locally will help them stay afloat.
New Zealand Made Day is 21 November so keep that in mind for your Christmas shopping. Buying local provides essential income for many New Zealanders, minimises transportation distances and emissions, and contributes to a more sustainable future. Shop early, and prioritise local businesses when making your holiday purchases.
Metropol is printed on PEFC-certified (No: 40-31-33) paper, from forests that are managed in line with the strictest environmental, social and economic requirements. Certification provides assurance the paper we use is from sustainably managed forests; a forest that will be around for generations to come.
Metropol is published every fortnight, and is delivered to the best addresses in the Christchurch and Canterbury region. It is also available from many selected stores, malls, stands, waiting rooms and o ces. Metropol is subject to copyright in its entirety. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission will result in legal action. Every e ort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within the magazine, however Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in these magazines are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.
Audited circulation by Magazine Publishers Association (MPA) Metropol is the only free lifestyle magazine in the South Island with Audited Circulation. Verified by Magazine 360. This means we print and distribute the magazines we say we do. Assuring the reach and e ectiveness of clients advertising. To view circulation of Metropol and other magazines go to: www.magazine360.co.nz
Our Heathfield Apartments are currently under construction and will offer a range of architecturally designed two bedroom apartments. Located in the heart of Fendalton, Holly Lea Village offers elegant facilities where comfort, safety and care are key priorities. Contact us to book a tour of the village.
Paddy Gower has been in the (news) game for 25 years. He’s done a lot, lived through a lot, and dropped many F-bombs along the way. Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker catches up with the journalist and now author-on-life, bringing a positive lens to news.
Paddy started his career on the graveyard shift at the New Zealand Herald. Working his way up, he became Newshub’s political editor, and then national correspondent. Then, one day, he said that famous quote in the Auckland University Law Library, and became a countrywide sensation and household name. It’s now the title of his book, released in September, and nationwide tour, coming to Christchurch’s Charles Luney Auditorium on 22 November.
While Paddy has been “trucking along” in his work, many things have shifted. He describes the recent catastrophic shifts in New Zealand’s media landscape as “forced change”. “Getting made redundant from TV3 was one hell of a shock. But it meant I was forced to change.” That change would be to completely flip the script on traditional news media and the ‘doom and gloom’ it connotates.
The positive angle he’s taking echoes his journey. “I have needed to be positive and optimistic to get through stu .” Listing stress, anxiety, and depression, Paddy explains that putting a positive spin on something “really works”. He calls it “trained optimism. I force myself to be optimistic and believe in the possible.”
It was a brave reflection of that sentiment when Paddy admitted his alcohol addiction to New Zealand in 2023, and, as a public figure, put himself right under society’s harsh scrutiny. For the most part, the response was “good on you”, from people nationwide, he says. “I’ve been lucky to have Kiwis on my side.” Now, more than 100 days sober, that support, alongside colleagues and friends, meant everything. “Thanks, New Zealand,” he says. Paddy believes his honesty is what makes him a trusted name in journalism. “I’ve reported on a lot of di erent stu , I’ve opened up about personal things. I’ve admitted when I have got things wrong. I have played it straight. I think Kiwis respect that,” he explains. On his Three News series, Paddy Gower Has Issues, Paddy did just that. He investigated the real, big issues that impact New Zealanders daily, such as nurse shortages, and menopause, and put together documentaries on drugs and alcohol. With each topic that passed, if there was an issue of his own in there somewhere, Paddy was the first to voice it. He maintains a friendly presence on social media, connecting with everyday people and searching for stories to share with his platform that inspire, or encourage change. He takes hard issues and makes them ingestible, and is genuine when things get hard.
His book, dedicated to mother Joan Gower who died of cancer in 2007, extends that desire to shed light on typically taboo topics, delving into personal experiences in life. As reviewer and author David Hill puts it, “[Paddy] is most impressive when he’s most vulnerable.”
The change in work has been “refreshing” Paddy says, yet it hasn’t always been approved by society, and in the public eye he faces a lot of opinions daily, positive or not. In his line of work, Paddy’s comedic character was historically unexpected. “I was meant to be a serious political editor guy. But the joker streak would come out, like saying ‘This is the F#$%ing News’ in a library,” he laughs. Regardless, Paddy puts his “trained optimism” to good use, “I’ve made my opportunities,” he says. A book, a nationwide tour mixing stand-up comedy and journalism, and a new media gig shining a light on the good stories and people in New Zealand.
The angle of ‘positive news’ came to him like an epiphany. When he approached Stu ’s Sinead Boucher and Nadia Tolich with the idea of ‘positive news’, a far cry from the usual negatives that news notoriously spotlights, it was welcomed with open arms. “They loved it,” he explains. Paddy puts feel-good journalism at the forefront, broadening positive to include inspirational stories of people overcoming adversity or seeking entrepreneurship. In New Zealand media, he’s doing it di erent.
“I’ve opened up about personal things. I’ve admitted when I have got things wrong. I have played it straight.”
“I honestly want to spread positivity throughout New Zealand. I want to go around making people feel happy. I want people to feel great about being a Kiwi,” he shares. Paddy hopes his shows across the country create that energy, and the positivity lasts another 25 years.
In between the screen, Paddy wakes up early to cycle at the gym. He listens to the news and then starts a day filled with recording shows or interviews, and planning and arranging his workload. “Meetings, brainstorms. Inevitable problems,” come next. So many logistics to juggle, yet Paddy says it’s all fun.
When it’s not work, Paddy is surfing, road cycling, mountain biking, or doing yoga. In late October, he completed the Whaka 25km Mountain Bike Marathon. “I’m usually really tired and like quiet times and being introverted,” he explains. His last show in Waitangi on 6 December will be followed by a summer of introversion to do his favourite things – and he can’t wait. “A big rest over summer. It feels good just saying that.”
Purchase tickets to Paddy’s shows at paddygower.co.nz
Becks Mason isn’t in it for the colour or beautiful clothes her life as a stylist allows her. It’s the women she works with and their fear she helps conquer. The founder of Style4U presented at Apt Collections’ VIP Shopping Night in early November, and Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker finds her ‘why’.
Becks Mason shops and styles for a living. It’s the dream life for many, even though very little of the gorgeous clothes she’s surrounded by end up in her own wardrobe. For the early childhood teacher and high school lecturer turned master stylist, it’s the moments along the way in each styling presentation or smiling client that make it great.
She sources clothes and thus smiles for the woman around her, crafting looks that inspire confidence and flair. Working with her regulars is like catching up with a friend, and she spends her days coordinating seasonal outfits, organising wardrobes, doing colour analysis, body shape analysis, personal shopping with clients, or presenting styling sessions.
To an outsider, it would feel like living inside the revolving, enviable closet of Cher in Clueless For the insider, it’s far deeper than the materialism of it all – Becks explains how the woman are her ‘why’. “I get inspiration and pleasure from seeing woman of all ages embrace their stage of life with confidence and security.”
and her taste, she finds new pieces to “keep it current and interesting.”
Becks divulges that some moments throughout her career can’t be shared, yet one story still makes her laugh. “I had a client trying on jeans, and she managed to get her lace underwear completely tangled in the zipper - to the point of complete destruction of her underwear and the jeans,” she smiles. What followed was a fleeting trip to Farmers lingerie department. “We were both hysterical.”
No job is the same when new clients come to her for guidance. “It really is individual to the person. Some ladies come to me not knowing what suits them at all, and others just need new ideas and a few tweaks,” Becks explains. Keeping the “flame burning” for 17 years has been easy with her expertise. Inceptive presentations at school or sport fundraisers became the catalyst to demonstrating the di erence she could make in real time to people in the audience – which magnified word-of-mouth.
The new career path was a welcome one as her children grew up. “The beauty of owning my own business is that I am in control of my bookings.” When Becks needed to prioritise her family, she could, although the flexibility she has now with grown children is welcomed, too, as she waves goodbye school drop-o s and pick-ups.
“I’m like every other woman out there. My body is changing and my lifestyle too.”
She admits how much it worries her that these ideals might fade away with the rise of social media. “I worry for our younger generation, being fed all sorts of images and pressure to be perfect and forever young. It is a privilege to age and we need to be proud of owning it,” Becks says.
This sentiment echoes the road she walks too. “I’m like every other woman out there. My body is changing and my lifestyle too.” Embrace it, she encourages. Vulnerability is the biggest thing in finding your own style, Becks reflects. “There is a lot of trust and vulnerability that occurs from a client’s perspective.” If updating wardrobes every few years to suit “forever changing exteriors” is what it takes for confidence to flourish, then that is what women should do. “Instead of fighting the ageing process, we need to work with it. It’s inevitable,” she adds.
This causes her personal shopping process to constantly evolve, as well as the advice she o ers her clients. She thanks maturity, too, for her “tendency to think things through before I act on anything.” Seasonal changes mean additions or replacements to Becks’ own wardrobe, while blazers or core pieces remain in her capsule. With a focus on timelessness
Becks finds escape through exercise. “I love the outdoors so often I’m paving the streets on a run with my friends.” Saturdays call their movement to the hills, otherwise she’s fishing and spending time around the water with family, or in the kitchen baking and preserving chutneys. It comes down to a coping mechanism when life bottlenecks. “I know that if I have a challenge, exercise is my coping mechanism. It clears my head and helps me strategise my approach.”
What three garments should every wardrobe have? A flattering dress that can be dressed up or down, a good pair of jeans, and a blazer or final layer to suit your shape. Becks can’t live without: Her family, friends, food, and mascara.
Her pick-me-up meal is:
Salmon,“anyone who knows me well will not be surprised”. The wardrobe Becks would love unlimited access to?
“I love the classics, so if I could get into Jennifer Aniston’s wardrobe I would definitely help myself.”
Now we need to build a new hospice,” says Sue Sutherland of Nurse Maude, who is leading the fundraising to make it possible.
For the past 15 years the Nurse Maude Hospice has operated out of the ground floor of the old Nurse Maude Hospital,” she says, “and while the quality of care remains exceptional it was never designed, or intended, for end-of-life care.”
The new hospice, with dedicated areas for children and ensuite rooms with garden views will also include family areas and be a place where family pets are welcome to visit.
“The cost of building a new hospice is around $15 million,” says Sue, “and thanks to some incredibly generous donors we are nearly halfway there, but we need the help of the community to get it across the line.”
“Nurse Maude has always been about people, not profit. Our commitment to providing care to some of the most vulnerable in our community started nearly 130 years ago in the streets of Christchurch when Nurse Maude established what was to become the country’s first district nursing service.”
The Westpac Rescue Helicopter Rakaia Garden
Scan QR Code for details bit.ly/ZSN24
Fête is a beautiful day out in a botanic setting with more than 110 stalls, food vendors and live music from 10am – 3pm. All proceeds help to fund lifesaving missions, so start your Christmas shopping here. airrescue.co.nz/gardenfete
His story. Our issues. Paddy brings his wit, ripper yarns, and crazy life story to the stage, mixing journalism, stand-up comedy, and motivational speaking. Don’t miss him live at Charles Luney Auditorium. paddygower.co.nz
Visit the iconic Courtenay A&P Show at Kirwee Showgrounds in Kirwee, for a great family outing in this rural town just 30 minutes from Christchurch. Gates open at 8.30am for a fun day for all. courtenayshow.org.nz
Head along to Pioneer Stadium for the premier handmade craft market in Christchurch. Discover the talents of local artisans and craftspeople while enjoying delicious food and refreshments in this unique shopping experience. encraftmentmarket.com
Dux Dine presents Spritz Fest, proudly supported by Aperol and Malfy. In their gorgeous courtyard, transport yourself to European summer with unique Aperol spritzes, an outdoor seafood barbecue station, live music, and more. duxdine.co.nz
Whether it’s Adult Fiction, NonFiction, New Zealand, Religion, Classics, Poetry, Young Adult or Children’s tales, we will have just what you want.
We also specialise in magazines and greeting cards, plus stationery, jigsaws and professional artist supplies.
Australia’s greatest magician, Cosentino, brings his spectacular show to the Isaac Theatre Royal. The true entertainment trailblazer is a must-see on stage. premier.ticketek.co.nz
This timeless holiday classic will come alive, as Convergence Dance Studios present an enchanting performance of The Nutcracker at the Isaac Theatre Royal. premier.ticketek.co.nz
For all those budding songwriters out there, an exciting new music scholarship is available, in conjun ion with a national songwriting competition.
Christchurch-based SOLE Music Academy’s competition is now open to solo songwriters of any genre, aged 15 years and up, from across New Zealand.
Academy founder Sacha Vee says the competition is about discovering and cultivating emerging talent nationwide, and will be judged by world class artists, including himself, Sarena Close (Mousey), and Will McGillivray (Goodwill, nomad).
Entries close 1 December and the winner will be announced on 10 December 2024. The prize package includes professionally producing, mixing, and mastering the winner’s single, plus a one-on-one artist development session to guide them through the release process and create a release strategy. Two runners up will also be chosen.
Previous winner Jaz Paterson from Geraldine has gone on to excel in her music career, completing SOLE’s Artist Release Programme and receiving more than $35k from NZ On Air Funding.
The academy has also announced a new scholarship for its 2025 Artist Development Programme, to be awarded to an aspiring artist aged 16+, providing financial support towards its comprehensive one-year specialised programme. Specifically designed for skilled singers, songwriters, producers, and bands, this programme helps artists build their unique identity, image, and sound. Participants have the opportunity to create original music, elevate their performance skills, and gain professional-level knowledge, networks, and experience in the music industry.
Entries for both are now open, closing 1 December 2024. Enter at solemusicacademy.co.nz
Visit galleries in and around Canterbury and make a day of it.
NOW - 23 MARCH 2025
Have you ever wanted to be someone else?
This unforgettable selection of sculpture, video, photography and more reveals how borrowed or re-imagined identities can help us explore what it means to be human.
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū
IMAGE: Margaret Dawson, Woman at the Catholic Cathedral, Christchurch 1985. Photograph. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 1986.
Contemporary and traditional artworks by renowned Llew Summers, Mike Glover, Debbie Templeton-Page, Matt Williams, and Nigel Brown. The gallery holds a selection of high quality artworks to view and to purchase.
York Street Gallery, 21 York Street, Timaru
IMAGE: Llew Summers
25 NOV – 1 DEC 2024
Paintings that capture the essence of mountain landscapes with minimalist forms, balancing simplicity and detail. Straight lines, geometric shapes, and simple colours create serene, human-free vistas.
Opening 25 November from 5.30pm, and daily until 1 December.
Pūmanawa Gallery, Christchurch Arts Centre.
5 - 29 NOV
Catalogue is an oddly dispassionate title for this exhibition of 20 lively paintings. Everyday objects were a starting point to delve into surface and composition. The tension between illusion and abstraction is evident in every work. These richlycoloured oil paintings are only about the size of a human face, so when viewed at eye level, every brush mark is exposed, confirming nothing has escaped Chloe’s close scrutiny.
PG Gallery192, 192 Bealey Ave, Christchurch
IMAGE: Imitation, Chloe Summerhayes
Spoiler alert: A Chri mas Royal giveaway is hiding in this ory.
Christmas in New Zealand is all about sunshine, sand, and days at the beach. Even amidst the barbecues and beach trips, there’s something special about stepping into the Isaac Theatre Royal for a dose of festive magic. In the heart of Christchurch, this grand old theatre transforms into a wonderland of twinkling lights and holiday cheer – the perfect place to blend that traditional Christmas spirit with the laid-back summer vibes we Kiwis love. “So, grab your jandals and jingle bells and get ready for some festive fun,” marketing and development manager Bianca Lindstrom smiles.
If it’s your first time or you’re a regular, the Isaac Theatre Royal has something magical to o er everyone this holiday season. While you might be strolling in from the beach with the sun on your back, the theatre welcomes you with its warm, festive atmosphere.
This year’s lineup has something for everyone. For those who love a bit of magic, Celtic Illusion – The Magic Returns will leave you in awe with its stunning illusions and choreography. For thrill-seekers, Cosentino: Decennium – The Greatest Hits Tour promises to deliver heart-racing moments, while Come Together - Big End of Year Bash 2024 will have the theatre rocking out in style.
For the little ones – or the young at heart – the timeless tales of Peter Pan and The Nutcracker will sweep you away into a world of enchantment.
Yet the true magic isn’t just in the performances, Bianca says – it’s in the memories you create. Sharing laughter, applause, and wonder with your loved ones will leave a mark that lasts far longer than any other Christmas gift. Why settle for the usual presents when you can give the unforgettable gift of live performance? After all, nothing says “I care” like an evening at the theatre, where the only sounds are applause – and maybe a familiar holiday jingle in the background.
A festive surprise awaits
“This Christmas, we’ve hidden a little surprise in this very story,” Bianca intrigues. “Somewhere in the text are two things that capture the essence of a true Kiwi Christmas. Keep your eyes peeled – when you find them, you’ll know.”
If you can spot them, send an email to marketing@itr.co.nz for your chance to win a special Christmas gift: a family pass to one festive show and a Royal Christmas Hamper to share with your loved ones.
“So, whether you’re relaxing at the beach in your jandals and jingle bells, basking in the summer sun, or planning a night out at the theatre, make this Christmas one to remember at the Isaac Theatre Royal,” Bianca says.
The holiday season is fast approaching, making it high time to stock up on quality reads for gifts, relaxation, and inspiration. Check out some of the great choices at Piccadilly Books.
The Heist by Scott Bainbridge, reviewed by Neville. Our price: $37.99
Three minutes was all it took to subdue the guards on the Armourguard truck and load what was, at the time, the largest such haul in New Zealand history, the equivalent of $1.1 million today.
The van and three (possibly four) robbers left the scene, with the takings of eight or more supermarkets on the Friday before Labour Day, one of the busier grocery shopping days of the year.
The police had a surplus of suspects. The author profiles those thought capable of the heist and those that might collude with them to launder this huge amount of cash, mainly in $10 or $20 notes. Drawing on his own and prior interviews, court and news reports, he describes suspect after suspect, well known and small-time.
Progress was slow and di cult. Those that might have “grassed” were too reluctant, and fantastical alibis were created to explain cash
An English Vision: Traditional Architecture and Decoration for Today
Ben Pentreath
Our price $140.00
This is the first of Pentreath’s books to present his own output in its entirety from his personal residences in Dorset, London, and Scotland that brought him international fame to many old and new houses that he has designed and some of the larger, town-scaled projects.
Zero to 60 and Beyond
Tony Quinn
Our price $45.00
Self-made multi-millionaire and motorsport legend Tony Quinn’s passion for motor racing made him a household name in Australia and New Zealand.
This fully revised edition dives deep into Quinn’s transformative journey – from his marriage breakdown and high-speed crash to expanding his motorsport empire and starting his foundation.
Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers - A Personal History
Anne Somerset
Our price $65.00
Queen Victoria is generally believed to have reigned, not ruled, yet this couldn’t be more wrong. Somerset masterfully traces Victoria’s political evolution, from headstrong teenager to seasoned octogenarian, including her involvement in state a airs.
found or spent.
Step into this book and you step into the New Zealand criminal underworld. When you read it you will be like me, and wonder just how big this world is today. Scott Bainbridge has written here, not only on this 1984 armed robbery but also on just about every notorious New Zealand criminal of the mid-20th century from Ronald Jorgenson to Mr Asia, and has referenced scores of similar crimes by them and their cohorts.
The Heist has been written with verve and races along. The era’s language and slang take some getting used to (a glossary would’ve helped). There’s much more to this story than the title suggests and this aspect intrigued me most.
Where the Nor’wester Blows: Roland and Betty Clark of Staveley
Bee Dawson
Our price $54.00
The story of Roland Clark (aka ‘Nor’wester’), a provocative and entertaining farmer and agricultural commentator, and his wife Betty, who farmed at Staveley in the Foothills area of Mid Canterbury from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space
Adam Higginbotham
Our price $40.00
The definitive, dramatic, minute-byminute story of the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster by New York Times-bestselling author Adam Higginbotham, based on fascinating new archival research and in-depth reporting – a riveting history that reads like a thriller.
Reading Lessons: The books we read at school, the conversations they spark and why they matter
Carol Atherton
Our price $48.00
An English teacher’s love letter to reading and teaching; an eye-opening journey through the books we read at school, the impact they made on us then and what we can take from them now. Each chapter invites us to take a fresh look at these novels, plays and poems.
Kiwisaver entity, The Booster Foundation has exceeded targets with its free, online education and support platform, My Money Kete.
In its inaugural Annual Review, the foundation says its unique programme to build financial capability is helping numerous New Zealanders.
Since 2009, Ngā Tāngata Microfinance (NTM) has been o ering interest-free loans to New Zealanders who’ve hit a rough patch and don’t know where to turn.
The Booster Foundation partnered with NTM in 2022, to build a free, online education and support programme
‘My Money Kete’ that empowers financially vulnerable New Zealanders to learn how to manage their money more e ectively. It’s o ered to NTM’s current client base of low-income New Zealanders with active NTM microloans, and any new loan applicants and users of their website.
‘Kete’ is a Māori term for a traditional woven basket, and Jade Tapsell, outgoing CEO of NTM says it’s a good metaphor to illustrate all the resources it holds; online workshops, videos, social posts and step-by-step guides, including budgeting tools, savings tips and debt management resources.
My Money Kete has more than 2600 members.
A survey of them found:
• 56% of participants have a better understanding of money
• 66% have learnt and improved how to budget
• 49% have started to make regular contributions to KiwiSaver
• 77% understand the di erence between good vs bad debt
• 45% reported increased savings
• 45% have an emergency fund
Race Week is traditionally a big week in Canterbury. Cup Day, Ladies day, Riccarton Races… it’s a week of sunshine (hopefully) socialising and being surrounded by people hoping to make a quick buck.
Now I have been known to attend Cup Day on the Tuesday with the same lovely group of friends who I have been going with for the past 10 years. It’s always a memorable day, however I do go there with a few financial tips.
1. Know your budget, if you are going to have a flutter – make sure it’s the pre-determined amount of cash you have on the day. Or the pre-loaded amount on your TAB app.
2. Don’t be drawn into using your eftpos card to make bets. It can end badly when you go over your budget, especially when alcohol is involved.
3. Can you a ord to lose money? $20 is still $20…
4. Be prepared to walk away. It’s a flutter for a reason.
It is also the time where we see a lot more properties come on the market for sale. Often, it’s that last good nudge before Christmas. If you have been considering selling your home and you require bank lending for the next purchase, get your pre-approval done early. This way you will know how much you can spend on the next house, and start house hunting accordingly. Approvals last a good 90 days, so you have plenty of time to play with. Banks are a little slower than we would like at the moment, which is a reflection of those decreasing interest rates, so being organised is key. The next OCR is at the end of November, and if the predictions are correct, we will be seeing more reductions in those interest rates. So have caution when you are fixing your home lending at the moment. Have robust conversations with your mortgage adviser around time frames and know what your options are. I am always free to have a confidential chat, so be in touch anytime.
Is career change on your New Year’s wish list? Remember, a “goal without a plan is just a wish”.
When you see people who are passionate about their work and lives, seem to have found their perfect niche, talk about their life and work with such enthusiasm, do you ever wonder how you could discover a career and life like that?
At Zestpeople, we’ve helped a wide range of people at all ages and stages, to discover their purpose and set a course for greater career fulfilment. We can do the same for you.
This year, 2024, has seen widespread career change, either through self-initiated change or redundancy. Many are questioning their career pathway, curious about new opportunities which provide greater alignment with their key career motivators. It can be a di cult process to self-navigate, and that’s where Zestpeople step in.
We’ve assisted a wide range of people at every career stage to establish a new direction and find renewed passion for their career. Zestpeople helps address the missing link between career connection and renewed career energy.
Utilising a range of assessment and career evaluation tools, we help design next step opportunities and elevate career conversations.
These valuable resources help individuals identify their motivations and assess how they view their strengths, skills and interests, identify career choices, ‘job fit’ options, redeployment potential, professional development, and career planning.
Zestpeople is a Christchurch-based career consultancy with a depth of experience, resources and knowledge. Our career coaching programmes can be tailored to individual needs and provide a proven framework for e ective career conversations, guided by our specialist Career Consultants who boost motivation and direction. With targeted coaching, we assist individuals to identify workplace alignment, professional development needs, and career planning opportunities. We can help you take that vital next step to ignite your career in 2025.
Event confidence begins with a gorgeous outfit.
It might be a Christmas barbecue, a summer wedding, a New Year’s Eve cocktail party, or a beachside dinner, the desire to look dazzling remains.
For Zebrano’s team of style gurus – skilled at finding the best outfit for you in the latest season’s colours – that desire of yours is fulfilled. “We will help you find the perfect fit and piece for your next event, with sizes 14+ on our shelves from a range of New Zealand, Australian, and international designers,” they say. Find their top tips in feeling confident, stylish, and at ease at any summer occasion below.
1. Choose the right fabric
Opt for breathable, lightweight fabrics like linen, cotton, or silk blends. These materials will keep you cool and comfortable throughout the event.
2. Versatility and layers
Summer evenings can get a bit cool, so it’s essential to layer up for easy transitions from day to night. A light jacket or a stylish kimono can be perfect additions to your outfit.
3. Comfort is key
The final tip is emphasised by the team: don’t forget the essentials. Sunblock to protect your skin, a stylish hat for added shade, and cute yet comfortable shoes. Also, consider breathable underlayers like slips and chafing shorts to ensure comfort all day long.
When it comes to prints and patterns, my muse is Chioma Nnadi, the Head of Editorial Content at British Vogue. Naturally, she has access to an exceptionally fabulous wardrobe, and she wears and pairs prints in an intriguingly effervescent way that will make you eager to try your hand. From sun to shirt dresses, to elegant event-ready frocks, find your favourite and charm away.
In the heart of Rangiora, a boutique of sartorial beauty awaits.
Previously a hair and beauty salon, owner Tracey McMillan always dreamed of giving women a new lease on life through head-to-toe dressing, removing the intimidation of fashion. A few popular pop-up clothing shops were the seed and Tracey made it a reality, bringing TAD Design to life. Quickly outgrowing its first home, the store moved from 199 to 166 High Street, Rangiora (opposite Farmers), a space to browse gorgeous clothes and accessories.
Find an entire wardrobe waiting inside. From earrings, necklaces, bags, and fragrances, to garments that suit every season in sizes 6 to 20, and the latest from leading designers including Trelise Cooper, Zoe Kratzmann, and Kathryn Wilson.
Tracey curates the store with her style in mind, and an overarching mastery of current and future trends in the fashion industry to ensure the best of the best. Then, each garment and accessory is merchandised into a colourful, well-thought-out array.
This is a place where dressing comes natural “from headto-toe.” Those values make the store what it is – with a team of stylists that listen to their customers’ needs and areas of insecurity in clothing with an open mind. “We’re restoring confidence, dressing them in pieces that are timeless,” Tracey explains. That fun, fulfilling experience of shopping is restored too, surrounded by beautiful things in a spacious environment, with four fitting rooms and couches that invite connection as you experiment with new styles. taddesign.co.nz
• Ultra responsive to light
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Continuing our commitment to offering the finest and most innovative products to our customers, NEW Transitions® GEN S™ is now available to all Shamir customers.
Busy women who value style and convenience love having a great go-to boutique where choosing outfits is easy.
In the heart of the city, Cashel Street is home to OFI Linen where head director Wendy Giltrap and her experienced team understand the pressure of finding the perfect outfit, even when time is short. “A customer came in just yesterday with only 20 minutes to spare. We selected some options, and she left delighted with her new outfit,” Wendy shares. “As stylists, we focus on finding pieces that flatter each customer’s body shape and reflect their personality. One style may fit all, but that doesn’t mean it suits all.”
With decades of experience, Wendy takes pride in helping women feel confident in their clothing choices. “Our Oxford shirts in navy and white stripes are incredibly popular, and we frequently have a waiting list,” Wendy adds.
OFI Linen’s current top-selling line is the botanical florals range, inspired by soft English palettes. They are the only stockist of the cotton sateen floral botanical range in Australasia. This range includes skirts, dresses, sun hats, umbrellas, and tote bags, perfect for mixing and matching.
Wearing a checkered garment feels like sitting on a picnic blanket in the sun on a balmy summer day. It’s a pattern that encapsulates that feeling, making it the perfect pairing for warmer weather.
Such a vast range of check patterns exist, each with their connotations, and the history of origin is long and varied. Gingham, tartan, houndstooth, plaid, the multiple versions associated with royalty, and even Burberry’s own signature check pattern that has become instantly recognisable.
Many cases demonstrate the impact a lack of neck care creates – from those who ritually apply sun protection to their faces yet neglect their neck or maintain a faceonly skincare routine. Namely, ‘the turkey neck’ is becoming a thing we are increasingly aware of.
The neck is often forgotten, a secondary thought in our daily cosmetics, cleansing and caring practices. However, it is also one of the first places to reflect signs of ageing, and no matter how much we embrace it, ageing will always be something we like to minimise.
• Neck skin is more susceptible to sun damage, so you should always invest in good quality sun protection products and extend these to your neck daily.
• It is super sensitive, making it incredibly vulnerable to dryness and irritation. Incorrect product use and care or poor hygiene habits can inflame and infect the skin on the neck.
• Thinner and more delicate – about as thin as the skin on our eyelids – if the skin on a neck loses elasticity, it will begin to sag and wrinkle. Opt for collagen-rich skincare products to target this.
• With fewer oil glands, neck skin requires more moisture, so hydration-rich skincare is a must.
A good skincare routine for your face and neck will provide a more balanced and youthful look for longer. Remember to always consult your esthetician or dermatologist before bringing new products into your skincare routine, to ensure they are the right ones for you.
O ering pamper packages, facials, massages, manicures, pedicures, advanced skin and body treatments, laser, micro needling, make-up, spray tan, brow lamination, and more. Buy your loved one a gift voucher today.
Acacia Skin Health & Beauty Ph: 03 360 2244 www.acaciabeauty.co.nz
Experience a luxurious tailored facial designed specifically for your skin's needs. Indulge in this serene experience, combining both relaxation and skincare, for a radiant and refreshed complexion.
• Clear Glowing Skin
• Softens Wrinkles
• Tone & Tighten Skin
• Relax a Tense Face & Neck
• Stimulate Collagen
Face & Body Essentials
Booking: 03 650 0273
77 Williams Street, Kaiapoi www.fbessentials.com
For a lifted, more sculpted jawline.
HIFU is a non-surgical treatment that lifts and tightens sagging skin on the face, neck and body. It uses ultrasound to reach under the skin surface, to the targeted area. As it heals, collagen and elastin is stimulated, resulting in tighter, younger-looking skin.
Mojo Beauty | Nik: 021 666 320 info@mojobeauty.co.nz | www.mojobeauty.co.nz
Meet NanoLaserPeel—the lunchtime peel for a brighter, more even complexion. This erbium laser removes the topmost layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and other skin imperfections. All while smoothing skin, and building collagen. Delivered by a highly trained registered nurse, with dermatologist support. Prices begin at $200 for a full face treatment.
Encore Skin | Shop 3, Centaurus Village, Centaurus Road Ph. 020 423 2024 | www.encoreskin.co.nz
Micropigmentation/ Cosmetic tattooing for lips - creating permanent shape and colour that can last between 2-5 years. Angela is a specialist beauty therapist with 28 years in the beauty industry.
Reclaim your skin's radiance naturally
Try our 5-in-1 Skin Needling Package for JUST $229!
• Expert consult & diagnostic
• Skin Needling for face & neck
• LED Light Therapy Mask
• Prescriptive Skin Treatment Mapping
• Tailored Home Care Plan
$547 worth of value! Limited time offer!
Blush Beauty
93 Tennyson St, Rolleston Ph: 03 347 3080
In the heart of Fendalton village, lies a vibrant pulse of creativity, a sanctuary where skin becomes a canvas and stories come to life.
Welcome to The Doom Room where artistry meets expression. Nestled within these walls is more than just a tattoo studio.
The team of skilled artists, who each possess their own distinctive style and vision, have the expertise to bring any vision to life.
Beyond their artistic powers lies a commitment to safety, hygiene and professionalism. The Doom Room upholds the highest standards, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for every client. From the moment you walk through the door to the final reveal of your tattoo, rest assured that you are in very capable hands.
What truly sets them apart is their unwavering dedication to foster a sense of community. The studio serves as a gathering place for like minded individuals, where stories are shared, friendships are made and inspiration flows. Whether you are a seasoned ink enthusiast or first time visitor, you’ll find a warm welcome and a supportive atmosphere.
If you want to express your individuality, capture a milestone or simply indulge in a tattoo, The Doom Room can make your tattoo dreams come true.
AI in the gym = a stronger healthier you.
Technogym New Zealand’s first AI-driven equipment is revolutionising strength training, making it easy for you to work out. You will immediately wonder how you ever trained without it. Christchurch locals are the first to experience this advanced technology at The Well Studios, within The Tannery. The next location will be Remuera Rackets Club in Auckland, in early 2025.
Regardless of age or fitness level, this equipment allows everyone to develop lasting strength. Technogym’s new equipment line, Biostrength, is powered by aerospace technology.
With this Biostrength circuit, you can achieve results 30% faster, all personalised to your health and fitness goals. This means you are training with the right weight and range of motion, maintaining the correct posture and speed. This is an ideal choice for those prioritising long-term health goals. Biocircuit o ers tailored individual workouts that include options, Start Moving, Lose Weight, Tone Your Body, and Stay Young.
The AI ensures you achieve superior results in as little as 22 minutes, providing step-by-step guidance that is easy to follow, safe and e ective, says Aaron Busch, Technogym Digital Consultant.
Check it out
To help you fully understand your results, the Technogym Checkup is an invaluable tool.
Checkup measures your body composition, balance, mobility and cognitive abilities through precise, reliable tests. The collected data not only informs your current fitness level, it also guides you in creating a customised health plan.
Strength training is essential for everyone, especially as we age. It helps you to maintain muscle mass, supports bone density and enhances overall functional fitness.
This makes daily activities easier and more enjoyable. Technogym’s AI-powered equipment allows everyone to build a solid foundation of strength for long-lasting health and fitness. Biostrength is the new future of strength training.
Beyond Radiology is a New Zealand owned, clinician led radiology practice.
Our team of healthcare providers are driven to provide excellence in patient care using state of the art imaging technology.
Call us on 03 964 7459
Visit beyondradiology.co.nz christchurch@beyondradiology.co.nz
225 Papanui Road, Merivale, Christchurch Appointment only at Dudley Creek Health
Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
Dr Vijayanand
Precision diagnosis and Procedural Management of Persistent pain with a Multidisciplinary approach.
Consultations by appointment: painclinic@dchealth.co.nz
Call us on: 03 666 7447, 03 968 3428 or 03 968 3425 www.dchealth.co.nz info@dchealth.co.nz 447 Papanui Road, Strowan, Christchurch NZS 8164:2005
Our surgeons are accredited ACC and private insurance providers.
• Muscle sparing joint replacement
• Direct Anterior hip replacement
• Natural aligned subvastsus knee replacement
• Paediatric (kids) surgery
• Advantages for self paying patients
Welcome to STRIDE Orthopaedics, the practice of Dr Ramez Ailabouni and NP Amelia Howard-Hill.
Our purpose is to provide the highest quality orthopaedic care so that our patients return to optimal health and function. We are committed to ensuring our patients remain at the centre of everything we do.
STRIDE is the only South Island practice that routinely offers both hip and knee muscle sparing replacement surgery. We will see patients wanting joint replacement quickly within a few weeks of referral or contact.
Level 2, 9 Caledonian Road, St Albans, Christchurch admin@strideorthopaedics.co.nz 03 968 3402
Dr Ramez Ailabouni
Director - Orthopaedic Surgeon Specialists at 9
After a break, people are found to be more motivated, have increased concentration and productivity, and return to work with more energy than before the break.
Anxiety New Zealand says a study of call-centre employees who took regular breaks found that the employees’ enthusiasm and commitment to work increased after taking a break. This also had a measurable impact on the company’s sales figures, showing that rest and rebooting can have flow on e ects.
When you have the opportunity, take a brief walk outside, eat your lunch in the park or in the sta room (rather than at your desk) and perhaps stretch your arms, back and shoulders. If weather permits, go outside, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.
Social breaks such as having a meal or drink with your peers or simply chatting has also been found to be beneficial. These social interactions help us to share experiences, check in with each other and foster feelings of relatedness. This has been positively associated with feeling recovered after the break.
Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic technique designed to stimulate the body’s lymphatic system.
This gentle, rhythmic massage therapy is increasingly popular in wellness routines due to its numerous health benefits. The lymphatic system, often referred to as the body’s “secondary circulatory system,” plays a crucial role in maintaining immune function and fluid balance.
Me Time Wellness owner Vanessa Krambeck shares some of the benefits of the service o ered at her salon: Improved immune function: Helping the body remove toxins, waste, and excess fluids, strengthening the immune system. Enhanced circulation and reduced swelling: Lymphatic drainage enhances circulation through encouraging the flow of lymph. Good circulation means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to tissues and organs.
Detoxification and skin health: By reducing toxin buildup, lymphatic drainage can lead to clearer, healthier skin, reducing the occurrence of acne and other skin issues. The therapy also helps reduce pu ness and improves the skin’s complexion. Supports weight loss and reduces cellulite: Improving circulation and promoting the removal of toxins, this therapy helps optimise the body’s metabolic processes – which can break down fatty deposits and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Lymphatic drainage also alleviates stress and promotes relaxation through gentle, rhythmic movements which stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, to lead to a happier, healthier you. Give yourself that ‘me time’ and book in with Vanessa.
1. Get summer ready with Crywolf, now stocked at Sleepytot NZ! Afterpay and Zip available. Shop in-store at 5b Seven Mile Drive, Belfast or online, www.sleepytot.co.nz, 2. Christmas Cracker Crowns, reusable and fit every head, available at www.jaxandjulz.co.nz, 3. Enjoy our range of children’s products, co ee and littlies play area. Farmhouse Design & Decor, 21 Forest Drive Methven, 4. Modern Smart Kitchen by Hape, from The Playcentre Shop, see online www.playcentreshop.co.nz, 5. Ed & Al, New collection available online now! www.edandal.co.nz, 6. Twinkle Farm, a 12-book box set for joyful, educational summer road trips, www.twinklefarm.co.nz, 7. Butterfly Pendant Teether, handmade, food-grade teethers and garlands certified to NZ Safety Standards, www.babybeech.co.nz, 8. Tangleby 14-piece Tin Tea Set, from www.tangleby.co.nz, 9. Tea Party Recipes with wipeable pages, from www.tangleby.co.nz, join our online Tangleby Kids’ Club.
From Nelson Tasman and Marlborough to Golden Bay, the Top of the South encompasses some of New Zealand’s loveliest scenery, and destinations.
During summer, the Top of the South is renowned for its warm climate, stunning beaches, creative artisans, wine country, and heartland towns, many less than a day’s travel from Christchurch. Marlborough is its southern gateway. From vine-laden valleys to family-friendly bays and beaches in three waterways that make up the Marlborough Sounds, it is brimming with places to see and things to do.
Neighbouring region Nelson Tasman is known for its long golden beaches, eateries, and artistic community, with more than 300 working artists and a plethora of galleries, and boutique craft breweries. Nelson Tasman is home to three national parks, and is a great place to explore by boat, bicycle, on foot, or kayak.
Some of the most spectacular sights are in Golden Bay, a piece of paradise on the southern side of Tākaka Hill. Travel over the Marble Mountain, with limestone outcrops, and sweeping views, down into the valley o ering sandy golden beaches, rivers plentiful for fishing or relaxing by, native bush, caves and natural springs.
IMAGE: www.nelsontasman.nz and Bare Kiwi
Experience biking in and around Nelson with a personal touch. From Tāhuna Beach to Kaiteriteri Beach, we o er bikes, shuttles and tours, on the Great Taste Trail and in the hills. Stay local or enjoy the ‘back of beyond’ with Nelson’s original cycle tour company, The Gentle Cycling Company.
0800 932 453 or 03 929 5652 info@gentlecycling.co.nz www.gentlecycling.co.nz
Discover the Pelorus Region, nestled in the Marlborough Sounds, it’s a realm of Instaworthy landscapes, delectable seafood, and warm hospitality. From Havelock to French Pass, explore the waterways by kayak, mailboat, water taxi or sailboat, discover the wonderful accommodation options. For more details and epic adventures, visit the website below.
Nelsons #1 adventure destination! Set in private, pristine native forest and only 15mins from Nelson CBD. Adventures for everyone. Our one of its kind - Skywire Experience, Guided Quad bike tours, Paintball, MTB park, E-bike hire, animal feeding and an onsite licensed café – Open daily.
The Marlborough region is about worldfamous sauvignon blanc, delicious fresh seafood and diverse landscapes, from valleys of vines to sheltered waterways.
One way to enjoy its scenic beauty is to walk or cycle the Queen Charlotte Track, stretching 70km from Ship Cove to Anakiwa. Swimming with dolphins, sampling the wares at one of the 30 plus winery cellar doors, and discovering aviation history at the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre are all recommended. Browse Sir Peter Jackson’s own rare collection of historical aircraft and memorabilia while there.
Enroute to Nelson, Havelock, the selfproclaimed “Greenshell Mussel capital of the world” is full of quaint colonial buildings housing boutique galleries, and eating places serving mussels.
This is one province that has it all, from wine, food, and craft brews, to golden beaches, scenic waterways, and family-friendly, dog-friendly, couple-friendly activities and places to visit. Its numerous art galleries are a nod to the area’s creative residents, and its smaller towns have a charm all of their own. Nelson, Richmond, and Motueka are the main centres, however many smaller towns such as coastal Māpua, Sarau (Upper Moutere), and Tasman have their own attractions, artisans, markets, and festivals, putting them on the must-do list of places to experience.
With only one road in, Golden Bay is well worth the drive over Tākaka Hill. One of New Zealand’s “best kept secrets”, it comes alive during the summer months as visitors flock to golden sand beaches such as Tōtaranui, in the Abel Tasman National Park.
Other local gems include Wainui Bay with multiple walking tracks, isolated Wharariki Beach with huge sand dunes, caves, and, at the right time of year, baby seals splashing in the rock pools.
Visit one of Golden Bay’s most beautiful treasures, Te Waikoropupū Springs.
New Zealand’s largest freshwater springs and the largest cold water springs in the Southern Hemisphere, the crystal clear water bubbles out of the earth at 14,000 litres per second, dancing with light to create shimmering turquoise hues.
Unique to Marlborough, this truly boutique hotel, is conveniently located in central Blenheim, close to many local cafés and restaurants. Each uniquely modern and stylish room is designed to make your stay as relaxed and comfortable as possible... a perfect base to explore the region, for work or play.
03 972 2727 | 1A Kinross Street, Blenheim www.14thlane.nz
Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of Nelson Tasman at The Suter Art Gallery. With engaging exhibitions, a vibrant café and a gallery store filled with beautiful objects crafted by local artists, The Suter is a must-visit destination for art lovers and curious travellers alike.
One of NZ’s most exclusive and private Retreats located in Ruby Bay Nelson with amazing views, privacy and luxury. The cottage provides fine wines, drinks, delicious snacks and goodies for the complete experience, and only 5mins drive from Mapua wharfs, cafés and restaurants.
027 435 0580 | 42 Aporo Rd, Ruby Bay, Nelson cli tops-retreat@ts.co.nz www.cli tops-retreat.co.nz
Quality and a ordable family owned and operated motel accommodation only 800m from Nelson city centre, and 2km from Nelsons beaches. 22 self-contained unitsexecutive and economy style studios, and family friendly 2 bedroom units. Easy access to Able Tasman National Park and Golden Bay. Book direct for best rate. 0800 745 755 | 26 Waimea Road, Nelson www.admiralsmotorinn.co.nz
Nestled in the heart of Nelson is the independent family run Tern Co ee House where you will find ethically sourced and sustainable co ee. Whether meeting friends and family, having a work meeting, or a moment of tranquillity, we pride ourselves on great co ee and quality food in a relaxing and comfortable environment.
03 922 9329 | 5 Church Street, Nelson www.tern.co.nz
Visit the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre to be swept up in the unbelievable but true stories of magnificent men and women and their flying machines. Omaka is the museum where history takes flight!
Open seven days from 9 a.m 14 Rosina Corlett Lane, Blenheim www.omaka.org.nz
Bay of Many Coves is a luxury five-star resort, set in the heart of Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlborough. Nestled between stunning native bush and our secluded bay, you will enjoy an unforgettable experience. Whether you are seeking world-class cuisine, breath-taking scenery, adventure, or simply relax, you will find it here.
03 579 9771 | enquiries@bayofmanycoves.co.nz www.bayofmanycoves.co.nz
Whether passing through or staying for your holidays, discover the rich history of the Motueka district through the stories of its early settlers. Immerse yourself in captivating exhibits showcasing a rich local heritage. Our summer exhibition includes a highlight of one of the regions hidden gems, Brooklyn.
Open Tues–Fri, 10am-3pm & Sun, 10am-2pm. 140 High Street Motuekadistrictmuseum.org.nz
Discover Natureland Wildlife Trust in Nelson, the top of the South Island’s only wildlife park! Meet New Zealand’s unique animals, enjoy fun, interactive talks, and explore our conservation e orts.
A perfect stop for families and nature lovers. Open daily – connect with wildlife on your next adventure!
03 548 6166 | Tahunanui Drive, Nelson www.natureland.nz
Tee up Christmas with backyard golf gear!
From putting sets to golf nets, our sports equipment is a sure bet
To view our full range, visit our showroom or shop online
03 3666 107
455 Blenheim Road, Sockburn www.perennial.co.nz
Gift Italian elegance this Christmas with Bialetti and Dolce&Gabbana!
This exclusive, vibrant collaboration celebrates Italy’s rich patterns and passion, bringing a touch of Italian design to every brewed cup.
Available at Ballantynes and Total Food Equipment.
Spirits from the earth, made to be enjoyed in good company.
Rifters are makers of small batch premium spirits. Handcrafted in New Zealand using flavourful botanicals and pure New Zealand artesian water. Order online or visit Dudley’s Cottage Tasting Room. 4 Buckingham St, Arrowtown www.riftersgin.co.nz
Melamine Pearl Range from The Bay Tree. Whether you’re hosting poolside parties, enjoying a picnic, or looking for durable yet stylish tableware for the kids, the Pearl Melamine Range has you covered. Plus, they make for fantastic Christmas gifts or a stylish addition to host Christmas brunch.
Order a delicious Christmas ham from us in November and get a free pack of Angus beef sausages.
Whole ham: $20.95 per kg
Half ham: $21.95 per kg
Get in quick!
Bush Inn Centre, Riccarton 84 High St, Rangiora www.pnpnz.com
We welcome you to shop for all things beautiful in our newly renovated and extended store. Beautiful gifts for everyone including those who have everything. Price ranges to suit all budgets. We look forward to seeing you soon.
2/24 Conical Hill Road, Hanmer P. 03 315 5063
Let us take care of your Christmas catering and gifting! From delightful Platter Boxes to delicately delicious Gourmet Bakes, we have everything to make this festive season truly unforgettable.
P: 0210 588 088 www.plattersrus.co.nz
Spend your precious time making memories - while we fill your kitchen with gorgeous home baking this Christmas. We have a huge range of foodie gift ideas, including our popular Christmas Mince Pies made with real brandy!
Open: Mon-Fri 6am-5pm, Sat 7am-4pm, Sun Closed 8 Colombo Street, Cashmere Ph: 03 337 0403
Sovrano Limoncello, internationally awarded Italian Handmade Liqueurs made right here in New Zealand. The taste is exquisite and the experience is divine. Come and indulge in this luxurious range of liqueurs and Gift Boxes, perfect for Christmas and any excuse to celebrate.
Ph 0800 777 270 www.limoncello.co.nz
Cup Week, and events season in general, can be a trying one for our bodies, especially the gut.
In fact, the time we’re inching closer to, dubbed ‘the silly season’, is a danger zone for maintaining good gut health. Days spent indulging in fruity cocktails and classic favourites, delicious spreads and plates of treats with friends and family are so much fun – yet not for your gut. Excessive consumption of fat, cholesterol, sugar, and alcohol can lead
to painful digestive issues, simultaneously reducing good bacteria in your gut which can double-down these pains. Inflammation, unintentional weight gain, and sleep disturbances can too ensue.
It’s handy to have a few recipes up your sleeve that combine simplicity and delicious flavour, and can also be great plates to serve guests. Colour, flavour, and thoughtful variety are key – making our miso salmon salad and Buddha bowl recipes on page 44 and 57 respectively, ideal. These dishes come packed with beautifully disguised health benefits.
Gut-health meal hacks
Pick probiotic-dense plates that can restore gut health and bacteria balance, and help to improve digestion
Intake a variety of whole, unprocessed foods, which is a great rule to live by for overall health, regardless.
Maintain a range of plant fibres in your diet, to allow the microorganisms in your gut to thrive. SEE IN THE NEW YEAR WITH PACIFICA STYLE 31 December 2024
We are now taking bookings for our fabulous New Year’s Eve celebration.
4 course, Banquet-style set menu with a welcome glass of bubbly... Just $110 per person
Limited seats available for this special night! bookings@manu.co.nz
151 Cambridge Terrace CBD, Christchurch 03 421 3887 manu.co.nz
This salad is like an illusion – filled with umami flavours that come with so many hidden health benefits to refuel and restore your gut balance.
Abed of high-fibre greens set the base, while salmon’s collagen, vitamins, and fatty acids boost gut health and help digestion and inflammation. Good fats, fibre-dense, and pro-biotic-packed toppings do added legwork, and the miso drizzle, with beneficial bacteria, provides a health superfood.
Salmon salad
• Salmon fillets (one per person at your dinner table)
• A few handfuls of nutritious leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce
• 1-2 avocados
• Toppings of your choice (halved cherry tomatoes, red onion, olives, nuts and seeds, blueberries, sugarsnap peas)
Tip: For a filling alternative, swap salad greens for whole-wheat, legume, or chickpea-based pastas.
• 1 Tbsp white miso paste
• 1 Tbsp rice vinegar
• 1 Tsp finely grated ginger, or to taste
• 1-2 cloves garlic
1. Make a bed of greens in one big bowl, or per plate.
2. Add toppings of your choice, leaving seeds and delicate toppings to later.
3. Make the sauce by whisking together each ingredient along with 100ml water.
4. Place salmon fillets skin-side down in a cold, dry pan. Turn to high heat and sear until the skin becomes crisp, about 5-6 minutes. Flip and cook for another 5 minutes.
5. Plate crispy salmon fillets atop your salad bed, add any additional garnishes, the miso drizzle, and enjoy.
Restaurant ticks all the boxes
Come and try the new menu at Chalmers Restaurant, with mains priced between $26 -$38. Family favourites including the Beef Brisket Burger and Korean Fried Chicken. We also have steak on the grill with delicious sides. When dining with family, check out our indoor playground and kid’s menu.
17 Carmen Rd, Hornby Ph: 03 349 9026
A short drive from Christchurch, one of Rolleston’s favourite restaurants has become a popular spot for families and friends to gather and enjoy seasonal dishes.
It is so good that everyone keeps coming back for more.
With local events bringing together the community, this restaurant has truly found its place at the heart of it all. Under the leadership of owner Renee Norrell, at The Pedal Pusher the focus is on building a positive team culture while continually refreshing the menu with new options, drawing on the team’s expertise.
“We’re always looking for ways to keep it exciting,” Renee shares, explaining how the chefs are encouraged to experiment and bring their ideas to life. The upcoming summer menu promises even more variety, thanks to input from both the team and loyal customers.
The venue actively supports the community, hosting popular quiz nights and catering for corporate events. “We sponsor Selwyn United Football, Waikirikiri Hockey, and The Pedal Pushers Cycling Rolleston,” says Renee, highlighting their commitment to local sports.
With plans for more live music and the return of karaoke nights, this local gem continues to grow, o ering a dining experience that’s both fresh and familiar, where everyone is welcomed with a smile.
Visit The Pedal Pusher on 55 Faringdon Boulevard, Rolleston.
The Phat Duck Brew, Bar & Kitchen is serving delicious breakfasts from 10am.
Indulge in bacon, eggs and toast for just $12, and add a coffee for only $3 extra. Drop in for a remarkable dining experience at The Phat Duck.
Spiced Orange Roughy served on a bed of gourmet herbed potatoes, maple glazed carrots and broccoli finished with a lemon butter sauce.
360 West Street, Allenton, Ashburton
P. 03 3077032
Find us on:
The Dish welcomes you to experience our Asian Fusion menu.
We offer a tremendous range of entrees and mains. Providing gluten free options, vegan and vegetarian friendly.
Lamb Shank curry is back for limited time only!
Lunch - from $18
Lunch: Mon-Sat 11.30am-2pm
Dinner: Mon-Sun 5pm-9pm
Open 7 days
376 Montreal St, City Centre Ph 03 925 9787
39 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton Ph 03 328 7530
Find us on:
Experience food as beautiful as the Mykonos landscape, and discover Mediterranean magic with every bite. Discover Mykonos Cafe, a genuine Greek cafe offering a taste of the islands. We prioritise quality, crafting delicious dishes with local ingredients, from Spanakopita to Baklava. Experience our warm hospitality and familylike atmosphere, where every meal celebrates Greek culinary traditions.
84D Riccarton Rd, Riccarton Ph. 03 261 9061 www.mykonoscafe.co.nz
As darkness falls, at Pegasus, the glamour of our Moonlight Bar is ignited; enter a world of intricate flavours from an assortment of delectable tapas and exquisitely prepared mixology. Moonlight Bar’s tapas menu has a variety of tasty bites for sharing and pairing with their unique beverages.
Make us your destination for Christmas functions and end of year get-togethers. Up to 80 people seated. BOOK NOW!
8 Tahuna St, Pegasus Ph 03 920 4036
Find us on:
Canterbury’s top destination venue! Make a visit to Thirsty Acres part of a great day out in the beautiful Selwyn District. Whether you are looking for a delicious meal, a light snack, or a few drinks with friends, Thirsty Acres has you covered.
Bar, Restaurant and Functions. Perfect for Car Club events. Gold Card menu available Mon - Fri before 3pm.
Big city style in a beautiful rural setting.
State Highway 73, Kirwee Ph. 03 318 1814
Tasty treats are always on the menu at a popular Mandeville St café, whether you want breakfast, morning tea, lunch, something special to take home, or office catering.
Food is prepared fresh daily at Mandeville Street Kitchen, using owner Sarah-Jane and her team’s tried and true recipes, just like grandmother used to make.
Open 7am-3pm, Monday to Friday, Sarah-Jane and her friendly team o er a changing assortment of delicious sweet and savoury cabinet food, and menu items. Sit down to a sumptuous breakfast, take away a pick-me-up Prima Roastery co ee and cake, or catch up with a friend
Overlooking Lake Pegasus, with our multiple courtyards, kids’ playground and wide open venue designed to reflect the nautical and coastal life of the area. The Good Home Pegasus has a flavour all of its own, when you visit us you’ll notice the enticing array of drinks at the bar, the tempting treats on the menu and the smiles of the friendly folk who’ll serve them to you.
for lunch. Start the day with a delicious breakfast, dine on bagels and salmon for lunch, or sample delicious traditional takes on café food any time until mid-afternoon.
Sarah-Jane and the team also deliver tasty catering essentials, such as scrumptious morning teas, afternoon nibbles platters, and anniversary cakes, for any event.
Now is the time to order your delicious Christmas cake. Sarah-Jane has the fruit soaking already. The team also caters
Discover the flavours at Fig Restaurant & Bar with our new All-Day menu! Savour dishes like tender Akaroa Salmon with romesco and leek or indulge in the Fig Platter, perfect for sharing. From small plates to hearty mains, each dish showcases creativity and freshness—crafted to elevate your dining experience at Hotel Elms.
456 Papanui Rd, Christchurch Bookings: 03 352 4903 or ravi@hotelelms.co.nz www.hotelelms.co.nz
for Christmas functions, so book your favourites now, online or in person. While there, check out the home-made jams, pickles, gorgeous flowers, and other assorted gift ideas on o er.
The holiday season is not far away, so get organised, order early, and enjoy the warm ambience at Mandeville Street Kitchen, 57 Mandeville Street. Call 021 258 9734, or visit their Instagram.
Enjoy a wide range of delicious baking lovingly made in-house every morning. Vegan, gluten free and keto options available, and fantastic coffee as always. Eat in, takeaway and catering available. Easily accessible, with parking directly outside.
4/57 Mandeville Street, Riccarton Ph. 03 343 6394
The perfect spot to unwind or catch up with friends this festive season. There is something for everyone, freshly brewed coffee, hearty breakfast options, refreshing cold drinks and tasty light bites. Get in touch for free venue hire, group bookings and catering for your next function. Head to The Coffee Club at Ravenswood Central.
14 Bob Robertson Drive, Ravenswood Central P. 03 929 0040 www.thecoffeeclub.co.nz
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Dandelion and Clover, the quintessential cafe with indoor and outdoor areas in garden setting.
Our menu is crafted with love and care to satisfy your cravings.
Hire our Coffee Cart and Real Fruit Ice Cream Cart for your event.
Discover the greatest Indian cuisine available, prepared by chefs from all over India. From delicious vegetarian meals to desserts, we have it all here. Come meet the Bolina team and treat yourself to some delicious traditional Indian food, whether it’s a date, gathering, or just a place to dine.
46/8 Falcon Road, Rolleston Ph: 03 421 4757
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Merivale’s #bestlittlelocal. With exceptional craft beers, wines and spirits, alongside our famous pizzas, Sprig + Fern is the ideal (dog friendly) spot for any season. Try our new brunch menu from 12pm-3pm every weekend. Taking Christmas function bookings now!
Open Tues-Thu from 3.30pm, Fri from 2.30pm, Sat-Sun from midday.
7 St Albans Street, Merivale Ph: 03 260 0015 sprigandfern.co.nz/merivale merivale@sprigandferntaverns.co.nz
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616 Ferry Road, Woolston Ph. 03 260 1558 www.smokenbarrel.com
Come see how we do BBQ! Order shared plates for the whole table or pop in for a beef brisket reuben and local craft beer. Quiz nights, movie nights and Sunday Roast Beast run weekly. Find us on:
Our naturally brewed BEE-licious alcoholic soda including the new spicy and feisty Alcoholic Ginger Beer is available from grocery and liquor stores across New Zealand.
BEE stands for long weekends in the sun, BBQs with mates, creativity and individualism. BEE celebrates everything you want to BEE. What do you want to BEE?
Available from select New Worlds, PAKn’SAVES, Liquorlands and more!
Summer, Santa, and the much-anticipated holiday season are preparing for their grand entrance. It’s time to enjoy the social season.
Whether it is a work or social group event, or a catch-up with family or friends, the welcoming atmosphere at the Sprig + Fern in Merivale makes it an ideal spot to meet.
The team has opened a new wing in what was once Speaker of the House Gerry Brownlee’s o ce. They now o er two function spaces. ‘Speakers Corner’ is the largest, seating 20 or up to 30 for a cocktail event. Gerry’s PA Felicity lends her name to the second room, seating 12, or up to 25 for a mix-and-mingle event.
Hired together, 40–55 people can be hosted, with private entry to both rooms. Catering options, screens, and whiteboards are available, and a hire company can be called on to help with special event decorating.
“We have named the entire area ‘The West Wing’ because of its location on the west side of the building, and of course the obvious political association,” says co-owner Wendy Roigard.
“If your group is 55–70 people, we can add in a wing of the pub as well, and we also hire out the entire pub for special events including fundraisers and quiz nights.”
Whether you’re wetting your whistle before heading off to a summer festival, or sharing a few quiet drinks in the backyard with a group of good friends, the drink of the moment is surely a cold and refreshing alcoholic soda.
If you’re looking for something to scratch that itch, then look no further than BEE - a new range of alcoholic sodas with a native New Zealand honey base.
Naturally brewed from honey, it’s available in a range of flavours, including cola and pink lemonade. Previously responsible for Buzz Club, the quirky and delicious range of sparkling, session meads, the team behind BEE has taken inspiration from the natural flora and fauna of Aotearoa and come up with something as novel as they are delicious. With fresh flavour palates and a crisp taste, BEE is unlike anything currently on the market.
Plus, there are the exciting new flavours: alcoholic ginger beer and orangeade. It’s the perfect buzz for sipping on as the days get longer and the first hints of golden summer weather start to show themselves.
Available from liquor stores as well as New World, Woolworths, and Pak n’ Save supermarkets.
Incredible food, craft beer and exceptional customer service, in an idyllic rural setting just 7 mins out of Geraldine. Chef Dion and the team will wow you with their amazing food while Lisa and The Brew Crew show you what top service is all about. Please call or text Lisa on 029 02020 399 to book ahead of time and avoid disappointment.
3 Gualter Road, Geraldine Ph/txt. 029 0202 0399 info@houseofhop.co.nz
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If you are looking for coffee on the go or a gourmet meal, Cafe Mayfield is the stop for you. Dine in or takeaway here as you go through the beautiful Mid Canterbury scenic route. We provide a diverse menu, including barista coffee, all day breakfast, Sally’s homemade sausage rolls, fish and chips, and much, much more. Make us your next stop for the whole family; we even have a playground for the kids!
1992 Arundel Rakaia Gorge Rd, Mayfield Ph: 03 303
Visit Peppers Clearwater restaurant “Lume” and experience the most stunning views in Christchurch. In close proximity but tucked away from the hustle and bustle we provide somewhere to relax, unwind and forget about the big city life. Mention this ad to get a complimentary offering.
42 Clearwater Ave, Northwood Ph. 03 360 1000 peppers.co.nz/clearwater
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RIVERSIDE KITCHEN Central Christchurch
Give the gift of culinary mastery! Enrol yourself and your loved ones in our diverse and fun cooking classes, perfect for a broad range of ages. Hard-to-buy-for? Problem solved. Vouchers on our website!
Upstairs - Riverside Market Cnr Lichfield St & Oxford Tce Ph 021 168 7209 www.riversidekitchen.co.nz
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Tanoshi offers Osaka-inspired Japanese tapas and a ‘build your own ramen’ concept with extensive sake and whiskey lists, and Japanese lagers on tap.
Our signature tapas, donburi bowls and ramens are also available for online orders for pick up and Uber Eats delivery! Open 7 days.
93 Cashel Street, Christchurch www.tanoshi.co.nz
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Enjoy one of our new everyday specials...
1. Hand-Pulled Noodle Lunch Special (11am-3pm), only $15.90
2. Rice-topped dishes (11am-3pm), $12.99
3. Si-chuan Chicken in Red Oil Sauce, $12
4. Grilled Blue Cod, $58
Open 7 days 11am-9pm.
74 Riccarton Road, Riccarton Ph. 03 322 1060
Doughnuts are considered delectable treats; every bite a taste of pure delight. We tend to think of them as soft round balls or rings, but a local baker has come up with a unique take on these popular indulgences.
For the first time in Christchurch there are now doughnut birthday or wedding anniversary cakes made in the shape of numbers,” says Narinder Singh, of Go Nuts on Donuts.
“I first had the idea in Sydney where I spent 10 years making doughnuts, and we have to use special cutters to create the numbers. The cakes can be decorated in any way a client wishes, the more colourful the better. Just order a day in advance of when you want the cake.”
Of course the doughnut cakes are made with Narinder’s signature egg-free dough of flour, water and yeast. “Being eggfree, the dough is especially soft and delicious. The cakes are also
Over 60 years of traditional Thai Cooking experience in the kitchen ensures some of the best Thai food you will find anywhere. Whether you are seeking simple rice and noodle dish, stir-fried classic, Kiwi-Thai fusion or traditional 300-year-old recipes, we have something for all tastes.
Come and meet the Thai Orchid family and let us cook up a feast!
Live Music every Wed & Sunday.
filled with jam, cream, and my special custard containing sa ron to give it a really beautiful taste.”
The two Go Nuts on Donuts shops – in Hornby and the central city – sell 17 di erent types, including the very popular caramel & lime, cookie & cream, and apple & custard with crumble creations. The business has become very well-known in vegan circles for its range of vegan doughnuts, proving yet again everyone enjoys a sweet treat.
Riverview Restaurant is open Tuesday through Sunday for lunch and dinner. Main meals from only $19, beautiful outdoor areas perfect for the spring and summer months, outdoor playground for the little ones. Quiz night every Wednesday, live bands every Friday. We have four different function spaces available and can cater for all events.
50 Colombo St, Cashmere Ph: 03 332 0092 www.cashmereclub.co.nz
We are the donut specialists! Choose from our very special products that are freshly handmade daily. With 17 delicious products to choose from, you are bound to find an old or new favourite. Non-vegan and vegan options available, all donuts are egg-free. We also have customised celebratory donut cakes (made to order).
Uber Eats, Door Dash, and ‘Order Meal’ available.
171 St Asaph Street, CBD
7c Witham Street, Hornby Ph. 03 926 3026
Xbeerience is an independent craft beer shop located in Rolleston. Our mission is to provide an immersive beer experience for our customers, allowing them to explore a wide range of craft beers from around the world. With over 250 different beers to choose from, you’re sure to find something that will tickle your taste buds. Pop in and say hello!
4a 55 Faringdon Boulevard, Rolleston
Ph: 027 458 7946
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There’s nothing quite like the joy of sharing a meal with those you love, of tasting something new, and of rediscovering old favourites. GunPowder’s dishes are crafted with this in mind—meant to be passed around, tasted, and savoured. Come gather around our table, where the aroma of spices and the warmth of good company blend into something truly special. After all, the best moments are those shared with others.
Prestons Shopping Centre
Shop 11/436 Prestons Rd
P. 03 741 8667
Eat - Drink - Play
New Menu - Daily Specials
• Functions • Quiz Nights • Meetings! Superb food, great prices.
Ample free parking! Your new local!
Open 7 Days 10am til Late HNZ Excellence 2023 CANTERBURY
1 Normans Road, Strowan
Ph: 03 355 5345
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Christchurch CBD
Discover in the heart of Christchurch, beside Victoria Park, The Victoria Free House Pub. Indulge tasty food, local wines, craft beers, and curated cocktails in the Historic Lady Issac House.
Family-friendly and kids’ menu available. Open 7 days from midday, serving lunch and dinner.
779 Colombo Street, Chch P. 03 925 9280
pub@thevictoriafreehouse.co.nz thevictoriafreehouse.co.nz
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Host the Ultimate Christmas Celebration at The Hoi Polloi! Looking for the ideal venue for your festive get-together? Whether it’s an office party, a family celebration, or a catch-up with friends, The Hoi Polloi Bar and Bistro has you covered! Enjoy mouth-watering dishes made from fresh, locally sourced ingredients, paired with a great selection of drinks. Located in downtown Christchurch with free parking.
840 Colombo Street Ph. 03 595 6569
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Wherever you are in Christchurch, there is a Cocoa Black just a short drive away. Come in and see what all the fuss is about! Try our famous cheese scones and many other delicacies.
236 Centaurus Road, St Martins.
4 other handy locations:
• 1473 Main North Rd, Waikuku
• Merivale Mall
• Bishopdale Mall
• 110 The Runway, Wigram Ph. 03 974 9198
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Fresh flavours, friendly vibes and exceptional coffee are all to be had in one convenient location, right in the heart of St Albans.
Look no further than Ris’tretto café at 670 Barbadoes Street. Their signature Ris’tretto Espresso No.1 House Blend, roasted by Andrew Weir at the Waikuku Beach roastery, delivers a smooth, full-bodied co ee with sweet spice notes and soft acidity.
“Freshness is key,’ says Andrew. “In the café, our beans are ground to order, ensuring every cup is rich and flavourful.”
Sonya, the café’s manager, highlights the kitchen’s commitment to quality. “We pride ourselves on freshness with everything made onsite. From hearty scones and generous sandwiches to vibrant salads, mu ns, and sweet treats, we have something to suit all tastes. We also cater for gluten and dairy allergies.”
With a sunny outdoor area, Ris’tretto is an ideal spot for a relaxing brunch or a casual weekend get-together. “All our sta genuinely care about our customers,” Sonya adds. “Our team strives to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere alongside our fantastic food and drinks.” Owner Gopi adds his thanks to the St Albans community for supporting the café and its team.
With over 2500 followers on Facebook, the café’s page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with mouthwatering new menu items and specials. Open daily until 3pm, Ris’tretto café is your go-to for great co ee with a friendly vibe.
Bites and Bun, a charming and vibrant café in central Papanui, is renowned for its delectable breakfast and lunch offerings. This cosy spot is ideal for those seeking a super coffee, hearty breakfast and delicious burgers and thickshakes.
Discover the vibrant flavours of authentic Indian street food. Your satisfaction is our top priority, we make sure you leave with a smile every time. We proudly serve Halal dishes with no MSG and limited food colouring, preserving the essence of traditional flavours. Explore new South Indian specialties, savour our ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Sunday Buffet, and don’t miss our musical night once in a month on Friday for a truly memorable experience.
467 Colombo St, Sydenham Ph. 022 154 0044 www.mgroad.nz
St Albans’ most loved community café, offering its award-winning No. 1 fair trade organic coffee, specialising in homemade sweets and savouries including gluten-free/ dairy-free wares, all day brunch menu and featuring indoor/outdoor dining area.
Open 7 days: 8.00am - 3pm. Doordash & Uber Eats 8.30am-2.30pm.
670 Barbadoes Street, St Albans Ph. 03 385 8670 www.ristretto.co.nz
Discover Mifan Chinese Restaurant, the modern gem of Ravenswood Central. Indulge in exquisite Cantonese-inspired dishes with exceptional service.
Perfect for gatherings, we offer set menus and are licensed and BYO. Enjoy dine-in, takeaway, or delivery within 5km via our website and Doordash.
Open daily Midday-2pm and 4.30pm-9pm.
4 Clayton Place, Ravenswood Central
Ph: 03 310 0318/021 0246 3664 www.mifanrestaurant.com
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All our delicious pies, savouries, quiches, and sausage rolls are made here onsite.
Choose from: Mince, Mince & Cheese, Steak, Steak & Cheese, Peppered Steak, Steak & Mushroom, Steak, Cheese & Bacon, Steak, Cheese & Jalapeño, Gourmet Chicken, Chicken & Apricot, Chicken & Mushroom, Chicken, Cranberry & Camembert. Sandwiches made fresh daily using top quality bread and fillings.
Open Mon - Fri 6am - 4pm, Sat 7am - 3pm
7a Normans Road, Elmwood Ph:
Born as a humble food truck in 2015, our culinary journey has evolved, and we’re thrilled to announce that we have opened our first restaurant. Join us on this gastronomic adventure as we bring the spirit of global street food to a vibrant restaurant setting.
The world is our kitchen, and we can’t wait to share it with you at The Vagabond Chefs – where the journey began, and the taste never ends.
6/987 Ferry Road, Ferrymead www.thevagabondchefs.co.nz
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Christmas is just around the corner!
The Japanz team is preparing Cookie Gift Boxes/Packs at various price ranges so there is always a pack that suits your needs. Available from December.
Don’t miss out on ordering your Christmas Cakes too! Follow our FB and Instagram for regular updates.
South City Mall Colombo Street Ph: 03 943 4066
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We make the freshest and best authentic Chinese food to delight your palate and feed your soul. Our food is made with healthy ingredients using our very own recipes. Try our homemade dumplings, made fresh for you everyday. No MSG. Gluten free options available. Dine-in or takeaway + DoorDash and UberEats. BYO wine & fully licensed. Open Tues to Sat 11.30am-9.30pm, Sun 11.30am-9pm.
21a Main North Rd, Papanui Ph. 03 354 6818 www.chinakitchen.co.nz
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At The Golden Mile we offer great range of delicious ‘pub style’ meals ranging from Freshly Battered Blue Cod & Chips, Sticky Ribs, our famous Roast and so much more. Our breakfast menu is also available from 9am on weekends with something for everyone!
Check out the menus on our website/ Facebook page.
Cnr Main South Rd & Trents Rd Ph. 03 349 7022 www.thegoldenmile.co.nz
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Sloe gin is made by infusing gin with blackthorn fruits (sloes), after it being distilled with juniper. The result is a sweeter, fruitier flavour, that’s traditional in the United Kingdom (UK).
The refreshing drop is best enjoyed neat or over ice – you could add a splash of soda water. Just a small addition to the process makes a big di erence.
Humdinger Gin distillery produce an award-winning sloe gin; they’ve acquired Kiwi sloes, which are grown in our very own backyard.
“Sloe gin is very popular in the UK,” Saskia Lewis (pictured) of Humdinger says. “We have our own sloes, which grow in North Canterbury. They’re the only commercial-scale orchard in New Zealand, so they have their own unique taste.”
They’re grown in hedgerows – strips of densely planted shrubs. The berries are similar to a small astringent plum. This year’s crop for Humdinger has been a bumper one, and next year is looking the same.
“Once we’ve been through the first frost, we pick them and put them straight into the gin and leave that to rest for four months. We then back-sweeten it with a wee bit of sugar just
People who truly love great food and drink keep coming back to Laneway Espresso! Food lovingly prepared fresh daily by our in house/owner chef - using the finest ingredients and served with our exceptional Allpress coffee. Experience the memorable customer service from our front of house team, who remember our regulars’ favourite orders. Soak up the sun and atmosphere in our outdoor seating at our great location.
to take away some of the tartness.”
An unmatched symphony of flavours pours out of every bottle.
The sweet fruitiness pairs perfectly with a cheese platter. You can explore Humdinger’s range at their website, or by visiting their new site at 2 Talbot Street in Geraldine.
The home of Paella Sundays, renowned for their authenticity and gastronomic excellence. Enjoy fresh, local and honest food with Mediterranean flavour and flare. Summer hours: Wed - Sun 10am to 3.30pm. To enjoy the legendary paella please book to make sure you don’t miss out! To reserve a table, or talk about catering or corporate event Masterclasses, please call or email below.
Brighten your day with a splash of colour! Humdinger’s handcrafted Pink Gin, packed with locally grown blackcurrants and raspberries, delivers a fruity aroma and gentle sweetness—perfect for a refreshing summer buzz.
Discover your seasonal sparkle in every sip!
3a Talbot St alleyway, Geraldine www.humdinger.nz
Step into The Rabbit, where dessert meets cocktails in a charming setting. Discover our creative menu and enjoy sweet treats and drinks like nowhere else! The Rabbit Ashburton - Where Every Meal is an Experience.
Dine at Formosa for exquisite flavours and a stellar ambience. A perfect blend of culinary excellence awaits you!
110 Victoria Street, Ashburton, Ph. 03 932 7847
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Our fresh, in-store made catering is perfect for those family get-togethers, work shouts, birthday parties, BBQs, or just because! Check out our website and order your catering directly online, or pop in and see us in our new shop.
Open 7 days.
7/346 Halswell Road
Ph. 03 322 4600
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173 West Street, Ashburton Ph 03 308 7874 info@formosainash.com www.formosainash.com
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Built in 1983 Methven Resort is an iconic building and one we, Richard & Sarah Houston decided needed a local touch and took on the management role as of February 2024. With our Patrons Bar & Restaurant now open specialising in chargrilled steaks and tractor drivers special.
51 Main Street, Methven Ph. 03 302 8724
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Showcasing a slice of the international specialty coffee scene here in Christchurch, we offer a selection of fine coffee from New Zealand roasters and beyond. For the non-coffee drinker, our teas and chocolate celebrate some of New Zealand’s leaders in their craft. Pair this with our fresh food and famous home-made foccacia sandwiches and you have happiness served. Good vibes on the house.
1 Treffers Road, Wigram Ph. 021 155 5538 @_sala.coffee_
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Our gluten-free Christmas treats are back! Delicious Christmas cakes, fruity mince pies, buttery shortbread, indulgent Baileys Yo Yos, rum balls, delectable lemon meringue pie, plus decorated Xmas shortbread trees and reindeer. Perfect for gifting or enjoying yourself. Pre-order now and make your holidays deliciously gluten free. Located in PNP Farms’ Butchery, The Provedore, Bush Inn Centre.
Call Lynette on: 022 691 8809 bubblesglutenfree@gmail.com
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Eat the rainbow they say, and a Buddha bowl is a delicious way to do it. They also say you eat with your eyes.
The beauty of a Buddha bowl is it’s ability to be completely customised – meaning you can build your bowl with foods that you love to look at, and eat. It’s a great way to use up vegetables in the fridge, while packing in a range of a nutrients and minerals that are good for the gut. Plus, its fresh flavours and vibrant colours give it an irrefutable summer feeling. Easy, crunchy, creamy, healthy... delicious.
INGREDIENTS - serves 4
Buddha bowl
2 cups strained chickpeas
2-3 kūmara, sliced
1 large capiscum, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
1 cup quinoa, cooked and flu ed
Spices to season, of your choice
1 avocado, halved and sliced
Handful broccoli stems, fresh or steamed
Cherry tomatoes, halved
4-5 radishes, sliced
Handful kale leaves
Microgreens to garnish
Creamy tahini lemon dressing
4 Tbsp smooth tahini
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tsp sesame oil
1 large garlic clove, minced
Pinch sea salt
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. Combine chickpeas, capsicum, kūmara, and red onion, with spices of your choice, and spread out on a baking tray. Roast for 15-20 mins.
3. Create the creamy tahini lemon dressing by whisking the ingredients together in a small bowl, adding water if consistency requires.
4. Assemble the base of your Buddha bowl by placing chickpeas, vegetables, and quinoa in a thoughtful array, leaving space for other toppings.
5. Organise toppings of your choice atop your base, carefully if you’re after an aesthetically-pleasing outcome.
• If you love fresh flavours, leave capsicum and red onion o the baking tray, or only cook half.
• If you’re serving a bunch of family or friends, provide an array of toppings to suit every tastebud.
The weather is warming up and with so many flowers blooming, there is no better time to relax and have a delicious breakfast, brunch or long lunch in our magnificent outdoor setting. Awesome food and coffee and a lovely deck with a charming rural backdrop.
Open Monday to Friday 7am - 3pm Saturday and Sunday 8am - 2pm
We also have an accessibility ramp.
185a Kirk Rd, Templeton 03 344 2052 info@gatehousecafe.co.nz
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Savoire Café of Merivale is located in the buzz of Merivale Mall. Heading in to spring warmer days, blooming flowers and the anticipation of summer on the horizon. With this change of season Savoire Café of Merivale welcomes you to enjoy freshly brewed coffee along with house made sweet and savouries with your family and friends.
Brighton Beach House is a community focused, local cafe, with great coffee, cheeky service.
Open Friday nights till 9pm. With happy hour tap beers and house wine 4pm - 6pm Friday.
Lake Hood - Ashburton
A stunning lake side restaurant and functions venue, open for lunch and dinner. Enjoy our fully covered and heated dining area on the deck for the ultimate in lakeside dining with beautiful views over the lake to the alps. The perfect venue for functions – weddings, family celebrations or a day trip for lunch. 5mins off the main highway from Ashburton.
16 Beach Road, North New Brighton Ph. 03 382 8599 brightonbeachhouse.co.nz
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Try NZ’s first Red Corn Whisky - Clarkville Crimson. Explore the unique flavours of Herrick Creek Whisky, Moonshine, and Gins, crafted in Christchurch. Moonshine flavours include Original, Maple, Apple Pie, and more! Visit us online, drop by The Juniper Collective, or find us at the Christchurch Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood, Ashburton Ph 03 302 6064 info@lakehouselakehood.co.nz www.lakehouselakehood.co.nz
Find us on: 189
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Winner of the North Course 2022 & 2023! Come and try The NC and View Hill Pizzas. Black Beech Wine & Pizza Bar offers a big selection of over 40 wines, 30 mainstream, craft beers and ciders, tapas, and gourmet pizzas with local ingredients in a cosy setting. We also have a dog-friendly area outside. Available for functions and wedding bookings. Check FB for live music and event info.
Unit 1, 46 Main Street, Oxford Ph. 027 312 3338
info@blackbeechbar.com www.blackbeechbar.co.nz
Tiger Baby is one of the city’s best small venues perfect for your next celebration! We offer custom cocktails, premium wines and a great vibe! Whether you need us all night or for a pre or post dinner drinks venue we’re perfectly located in the heart of the CBD hospo scene. Send us an email at roar@tigerbaby.co.nz to book in!
4/150 Lichfield Street, Chch www.tigerbaby.co.nz
Indulge your sweet tooth with a temper tantrum worth celebrating!
Mind Your Temper crafts award-winning vegan bonbons in wild & wonderful flavor combinations. From Black Forest to Citrus Earl Grey & Cookie, experience a taste explosion in every bite.
Order online: www.mindyourtemper.co.nz
Why pay the exorbitant prices of the multi nationals when you can get top quality coffee from your local Coffee roaster. Support small business, BUY LOCAL! Get in touch and see how much money we can save you.
24/B Essex Street, Phillipstown thecoffeeworkshopnz.com
Discover your new favourite meal at Souvlaki Masters. Our perfectly grilled souvlaki, wrapped in soft pita with vibrant toppings, will satisfy any craving. We cater to all special dietary needs and are quickly becoming the go-to spot for many locals. Order platters for home or office gatherings. 18/26 Central Ave, Prebbleton P. 03 926 3612
Order online: souvlakimasters.co.nz
As the holidays approach, don’t forget to add the freshness of sushi to your celebrations!
At omi sushi, we offer a variety of sushi platters perfect for your year-end parties. Come discover your favourite flavours and make every gathering special with our sushi selections.
180 Papanui Road, Merivale Directly opposite Office Road
Country Kitchen Bakery now offers sports supplement drinks with your food for all you hard working tradie or fitness fanatics. Prime, C4, Ghost, Optimum Nutrition, Musashi, GFUEL, etc. All the big brands! Most are priced between $3.30-$6.50
356b Main North Road, Redwood Next to Mobil Garage Ph: 03 352 8111
You will leave smiling like a Cheshire Cat and feel fitter than a March Hare after you’ve had your magical food and quenched your thirst with one of our delicious drinks. Our food is of the highest quality fit for a Mad Hatters Tea Party.
1683 Christchurch Akaroa Rd
Motukarara | Ph: 022 156 7527
Yummy things for humans!
Yummy things for dogs!
Fresh baking is my family’s love language! Yummy homemade treats for humans and dogs from Una Bakery. Relax and let us do your baking. Pop into our great location and indulge in our heavenly baked goods. Delicious pies, bread, slices, biscuits and pastries all made on site.
Serving barista coffee 6 days a week.
73 Centaurus Road, Huntsbury Ph: 337 8214
Enjoy nutritious, home-cooked meals packaged in eco-friendly containers and delivered weekly. Our frozen meals lock in flavour and freshness, ready to heat and eat in minutes.
Perfect for the elderly, busy families, or those who don’t have time to cook.
From hammocks, to love seats, sofas to beanbags, and all types of hanging seats, there are so many outdoor options to enjoy.
Something about the motion of a moving seat makes anyone feel relaxed. A hammock, either suspended between two trees or positioned on a metal or wooden stand, is the perfect cocooned space to take an afternoon nap, whatever your age. For wow factor, a stylish teardrop or egg-shaped swinging chair is an impressive addition to any backyard. These arched, suspended chairs add a touch of boho chic to any outside space, and can easily be relocated indoors.
Having an outdoor seating area encourages you to spend more time outside, whether for relaxation, exercise, or socialising. Fresh air and natural sunlight can boost vitamin D levels and help regulate circadian rhythms, contributing to better overall health. A peaceful outdoor retreat can serve as a sanctuary for stress relief and mental rejuvenation, and heading into the summer holiday season is an ideal time to sort yours out.
An essential part of enjoying good relaxation comes with having comfortable seating.
Many homes have sunrooms, porches, and decks which combined with a relaxation space will foster a sense of goodwill and also a connection with nature. Reclining loungers, hammocks, and sink-into chairs all make seating more comfortable, so you don’t necessarily need to buy new.
Always opt for comfort, in styles that will stand the test of time, and a strong frame and structure built of weather-resistant materials. Cheapest isn’t always best, and it’s usually better to pay a few hundred dollars more for quality that comes with a manufacturer’s warranty.
Here are some suggestions:
• Get your seating proportions right
• Choose a squishier filling or cushions
• Opt for memory foam
• Add soft, deep cushions, or just lots of them
• Choose an outdoor couch you can stretch out on
Warm weather means entertaining shifts outdoors. The pathway you walk, patio you lounge on, and food sizzling in the barbecue area should be robust and exquisite underfoot.
Professional paving is key in creating dynamic, welcoming outdoor spaces. Strength, durability, curb appeal, and aesthetic - paving is the winning material, and Dragon Stone Paving make the winning team. A prestigious track record across both residential and commercial clients, owner Lee Squires and his team are kept busy. Ahead of
An eyecatching feature in your outdoor space can be the first thing you stand on. Clean and classy, paving can instantly update and improve your outdoor living, so you can impress your guests.
the summer season, that to-do list isn’t set to shrink. Their approach to each project is smart, simple, tailored, and clientfocused. “We work with your budget, space, and preferences, and can o er top-end and medium options to craft the ideal outcome,” Lee explains. He shares three residential spaces that can go from drab to fab with professional paving.
Carefully planned and constructed pathways ensure you and your guests can explore your garden and outdoor areas with ease. The Dragon Stone Paving team put the ‘way’ in pathway, to weave around your existing or planned outdoor area.
If you have always dreamed of an allocated space for a ‘barbecue backyard’, there is no better time to get it sorted. Craft the perfect outdoor man cave just in time for the social season, starting with a base that suits your desires.
First impressions count, so they say, and often that starts at your front fence.
If you have one, a front fence sets the tone for the entire façade of the home. An opportunity to really wow visitors, or potential buyers if you’re selling, it brings that all-important curb appeal to your property.
Options are endless, including wood, stone, wrought iron, concrete block, plaster, hedging, and combinations of these.
While it’s important for a fence to provide privacy and security, it also needs to match and enhance the look and the feel of your home, to add curb appeal.
Heritage homes, such as Victorian, Edwardian, and Federation styles, look better with a timber picket or wrought iron fence, while a modern brick house would look best with a brick, aluminium or composite fence. If it’s a beach bach, a driftwood fence may be appropriate.
The idea is to look for a fence that complements your home while considering climate, the level of upkeep, and your budget.
Check out some of these:
Timber pickets – ideal for a period home, they’re traditionally constructed from evenly spaced timber boards attached to horizontal rails in a style dating back to the 1620s. The tops of the timber boards were originally pointed to deter intruders, but modern versions are simply decorative. A square picket fence is one contemporary interpretation.
Brick – if you want a timeless, durable option, brick will do the trick, although it’s one of the more expensive choices, both in material and labour costs. Brick is versatile and can be combined
with wood, and aluminium for a more modern iteration. Bricks can also be recycled.
Concrete – a widely used building material, concrete is a sturdy choice that creates seclusion and privacy. A great match for a concrete house, it will act as a sound barrier, making it an excellent option for homes on busy roads. Pre-cast concrete fencing options make it relatively a ordable, and customisable with cut-outs and curves to suit your home.
Stone – textural and inviting, stone makes an ultra-strong fence, while at the same time its various hues create a warm and inviting look and feel. A front fence made entirely of stone is not for everyone, however using it as a feature in combination with wood, concrete, and aluminium can add huge visual impact.
Aluminium – a strong, versatile option, aluminium is corrosion and rust-resistant, making it an exceptional choice for coastal areas. Powder-coated surfaces require little maintenance or upkeep, and aluminium is also lightweight and easy to mould to almost any kind of application. DIY fence panels in a myriad of colours are readily available.
Composite – usually made from a combination of wood fibres (or sawdust) and plastic, composite fencing is durable and weatherproof, with the aesthetic qualities of wood. Available in a range of colours and styles, it’s an option to suit almost any type of home, modern, or heritage.
Hedges – revamping a structurally sound fence with plants is a lovely green option to add privacy, shade, and act as a sound barrier. Try a classic, manicured hedge or a fast-growing climbing plant.
Sparkling blue water, comfortable loungers, soft music, and a drink or two; picture yourself relaxing in and around your stunning new inground pool.
Summer is just around the corner, and it’s time to make the most of your inground pool. If you don’t have one, then how about an early Christmas present to yourself?
Talk to Chris Thelin and his team at NOVAspace, and in no time you’ll be enjoying lazy days of summer in your own poolside oasis.
At NOVAspace, you will not only get the highest quality swimming pool, but a complete project management service from estimate and installation to landscaping, ensuring you only deal with one person from start to finish.
“We are not a big conglomerate where you get handed from person to person and never know who you need to speak to. I am there with you every step of the way,” says Chris.
If you’re looking for inspiration, Chris and the team have plenty of ideas to turn your outdoor area into something special. With more than 30 di erent shapes and sizes to choose from, and customised options, there’s a pool for everyone.
The AquaTechnics pool shell that the team proudly install is the best quality pre-made fibreglass swimming pool coming into the country. ISO accredited in Australia, with anti-fade ColourGuard embedded in the surface of the shell and a lifetime structural guarantee.
“This pool is 30% stronger than its competitors,” says Chris. “Hands down it’s the best pool shell on the market by far.”
If you are looking to install a pool, Chris is happy to share his extensive knowledge with you. “If it should happen that another product is a more economical way for you to go, I’m absolutely going to let you know
that. I know the pool installation business has seen a few operators come and go over the years so I understand that people can feel a bit wary,” he says.
“I’m all about building trust, and leaving my clients with a brilliant outcome.”
The company o ers a 360-degree service. “I’ve been landscaping my whole working life. The first pool I installed was my own concrete pool 20 years ago,” says Chris. He personally guides clients through all parts of the process, so they don’t feel overwhelmed.
Pool suitability, design, consenting and project management are all part of the service. Get Chris’ expert advice about pool choice, installation, landscape design, and landscape construction, and start your summer oasis.
Talk to the team at Louvre Solutions today to ensure your guests are protected from whatever the weather may throw your way. Make your place the centre of attention all year-round with the
very year we say “This is our best Christmas ever” as we unpack the decorations ordered back in March,” says Terra Viva owner Peter Worsp. “This year we’ve surprised even ourselves. The range and displays are inspiring, and the customer response has also been brilliant.
“Being very particular about what we order has built our reputation for being a Christmas destination. Our main criteria is that the decorations we stock are di erent from those you might see everywhere.
“Each year we hunt out new designs we haven’t stocked before and, apart from a few ‘must-have’ standard lines, we achieve that. The very traditional ‘been-around-for-years’ is also something we avoid so there’s no
old-style red velvet/brassy gold,” he adds.
“We also aim for decorations that, although new, will be easy to mix in with what you already have. So don’t expect weird and wacky turquoise/purple feathery baubles.”
Christmas decorations are just one part (a big part) of what they do at Terra Viva, with Christmas cards, crackers, and Christmas napkins also featuring strongly.
Then there’s Terra Viva Café with its Christmas goodies that make entertaining so easy, and can be ordered in advance. Stu ngs, gravies, Cumberland sauce, stollen, pâtés, bacon jam, nuts, salmon, glazed hams, mint gremolata for roast lamb, oat cakes etc.
“Happy Christmas everyone!” from Peter and the team at Terra Viva.
1. Circa Scents of the Season, candles, lotions and more, available now at Coco Gifts, 2. The Guardian, Troy Warring, Oil on Canvas, 1050 x 1050mm, available at Windsor Gallery, 3. Peter Lorimer handcrafted kitchen knives, available at French Blue, 4. White with navy spots jug. Navy and white Gingham platter, available at The Blue Hare, 5. Everything you need under one roof, Gifts, co ee and a litties play area. Farmhouse Design & Decor, 21 Forest Drive Methven, 6. The Lyttel Kiwi Gift Shop, 15 London St, Lyttelton, or Facebook: The Lyttel Kiwi.
If you are one of those ultra-organised personalities, with itemised lists of gorgeous gifts for each person in your life, and a tick next to each, this isn’t for you.
Christmas gifting can be a nightmare, in a world where it feels there are so many options or just not enough. Lately, it’s impossible to walk through the mall or supermarket without being reminded the holiday is near, with beautifully-styled windows and tempting treats surrounding us.
For many, that also reminds us that time is running out to plump up the underneath of Christmas trees and fill stockings. Children, parents, siblings, extended family, colleagues, pets, and random acts of kindness - there is much to be accounted for.
Often, one big day spent at the shops feels like it will solve everything, yet that is rarely the case.
Secure your gift list by going local, where an in-person experience puts a smile on your face, and gift with purpose for practicality and sustainability.
Support local businesses and artisans: Granted, the cost might be higher, yet the feeling of shopping local is hard to beat.
Each piece comes with a story and an overjoyed business owner, handpicked or crafted by a passionate person. In di cult times, supporting local business is key to keeping a thriving economy. The money spent goes back into the community, and your carbon footprint is significantly reduced. Win-win.
Something you want, need, wear, read, and somewhere to be:
A common rule for children, yet one that can suit all ages or personalities, this five (or one)-gift checklist is easy to follow and ensures the gifts you give are money well-spent, and well-loved by the receiver. Honing in on ideas that serve a purpose promotes sustainability and avoids overconsumption, a habit we can all be guilty of sometimes, which grows in the festive season. If it feels less exciting, try adorning the wrapping with personal touches.
Sixteen-year-old Caleb Byers from Christchurch is one of the country’s rising motorsport prospects, launching his season in the inaugural Bridgestone GR86 Championship at Taupō later this November.
Caleb, (pictured above) will run with James Marshall Motorsport in the new championship, which will feature more than 20 of the country’s top drivers and will race in both the North and South Islands during summer.
Another of New Zealand’s next wave of rising stars, Caleb aims to follow in the footsteps of Shane Van Gisbergen, Scott McLaughlin and more recently Matthew Payne and Ryan Wood into Supercars.
He began racing at the age of 12, although did not follow the conventional route through karting, instead opting for the budget 2K Cup racing series where he secured several pole positions, podiums, and a series win.
At 14, he moved in to Formula Ford to develop his car control and set-up skills as well as sharpen his racing skills in what has been for decades one of motorsport’s best categories for driver development.
The young speedster excelled again in Formula Ford, qualifying on the front row and finishing on the podium on multiple occasions. He also impressed in a one-o start in the Toyota 86 Championship last season at Hampton Downs.
The Bridgestone GR86 Championship will see his return to ‘tin tops’ and that, above all, remains his motorsport passion as he sets his sights on a Supercars career.
“My passion has been tin tops from an early age,” he explains. “I have learnt a lot in Formula Ford and in the 2K Cup, but the Bridgestone GR86 Championship will be the ultimate level playing field. The new car brings an opportunity for all drivers and teams
so it’s going to be a great way to measure my racing skills,” he says. “All the drivers will need to adapt and change their driving styles to match the new car and tyre.
“The teams will also have to learn the new cars quickly allowing the drivers to be competitive. I think the most important thing will be to consistently finish the races.”
Round 01: 22-24 November 2024, Taupō International Motorsport Park
Round 02: 17-19 January 2025, Hampton Downs Motorsport Park (International Layout)
Round 03: 31 Jan – 2 February 2025, Teretonga Park, Invercargill
Round 04: 7 – 9 February 2025, Highlands Motorsport Park, 69th New Zealand Grand Prix
Round 05: 21-23 March 2025, Hampton Downs Motorsport Park (National Layout)
Round 06: 11-13 April 2025, Taupō International Motorsport Park - Supercars
Mercedes-Benz is certainly no stranger to the two-door coupé, with some of its most celebrated models fitting the bill nicely.
However, today Mercedes-Benz have slimmed down its coupé range to what you see here, the new CLE, sitting firmly between the likes of the C-Class and E-Class saloons.
The new CLE is now the only traditional coupé in the Mercedes family, be it with two doors, four seats and a big boot. Rather than a coupé version of the C-Class saloon, it very much sits as its own entity in the range. It is a handsome thing too, with those textbook coupé lines flowing beautifully from end to end.
I particularly like the full width LED taillight cluster and the subtle lip spoiler at the rear. It doesn’t try to assert its presence brashly, instead serving up an elegant look. In fact, the only thing even slightly attention grabbing are the optional 20-inch AMG alloy wheels.
Inside it is equally classic, and the new 11.9-inch tilted infotainment system is a delight to use. Plus, you get all manner of kit including almost limitless levels of ambient lighting, a panoramic roof, wireless charging, a 360-degree camera, the latest generation MBUX voice
interface system, augmented reality navigation with tra c light view cameras, heated seats, head-up-display, Apple CarPlay/Android Auto, the list goes on.
Being a traditional coupé, there is loads of space for the driver and front passenger, but the rear seats are best only used as extra storage or space for your West Highland terrier to enjoy the drive.
You can opt for the CLE 200 or CLE 300 4MATIC. The latter, featured here, gets the same 2.0L four-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine as the 200, but the 300 gets a power boost from 150kW/320Nm to 190kW/400Nm, plus 4MATIC all-wheel-drive to put that power to pavement via a 9-speed automatic transmission. There is also the addition of a 48-volt mild hybrid battery system to aid in extra torque and on-road e ciency, activating the stop/start function as you coast to the next set of lights.
The CLE 300 has a decent amount of poke. Selecting Sport via the Dynamic Drive Mode selector means you can fully exploit all
those 190kW, which increase by 17kW when you apply the extra oomph from the battery. However, wringing its neck at every waking moment is counterproductive to what this car really excels at, the open road cruise.
The softness of the ride is lovely and while it doesn’t seem to enjoy hard charging around corners, the reduction in ride height by 15mm and the revamped sports suspension means it tracks well and true at a relatively brisk pace. Its also worth mentioning that at 100kph under light application of the go pedal, it’s almost electric quiet.
The Mercedes-Benz CLE 300 4MATIC is a delightful grand tourer with a splendid mix of toys, good looks, and driving enjoyment, one of which I could happily live with on a daily basis.
PRICE: $126,700
ENGINE: 2.0L Turbocharged 4-Cylinder
TRANSMISSION: 9-Speed Automatic
POWER: 190kW TORQUE: 400Nm
CO2 EMISSIONS: 169g/km
0-100KPH: 6.2 seconds
WEIGHT: 1838kg
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NZ New Upgraded S Supercharged- 380 BHP, Only 54,000kms!, Black Metallic with Ivory S Performance Seats combination, 20” R Sports Alloys in Grey, Red Calipers, Electric Soft-top roof, Heated/Electric Seats, Switchable Sports Exhausts, Meridian Surround Audio, Touch Screen NZ NAV/CD/AUX/Bluetooth/ Camera, Cruise Control etc. Hard to get a Kiwi new one like this in Black today!
The top of the line D350 Diesel new Range Rover Sport model in Attractive Wine Red Metallic with Black Leather, 23” SV Gloss Black Sports Alloys, Panoramic Roof, Heads-up, Heated/Electric Leather Seats, Black Exterior package, LED Matrix Lighting, Electric Running Boards, Full Virtual Dash with 3D NZ Nav/ Apple Car Play/360 Cameras, A very good spec and colour here!
Factory Black Styling Package/Grills, Upgraded 22” Black Sports Alloys, Red Brake Calipers, Privacy Glass, Black Leather Sports Seats, 360 Cameras, LED Lighting, Lane Assist, Heated/Electric Seats, Ambient Lighting, Full Digital Dash, CD/Stereo/NZ Nav/ Bluetooth/USBs etc.
Low 44,000kms! Silver Metallic with Black Sports Alloys/Privacy Glass, Facelift Q3 revised Grills and LED Lighting, Push Button Start, Audi MMI/CD/Stereo/Bluetooth Phone/Music with NZ Navigation, Reverse Camera, Climate Air, Full Electrics, Multiple Airbags etc. 7 Speed Auto with brilliant 1.4 Litre TFSI Economy!..
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