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I recently overheard a conversation revolving around a notable piece of street art in the Christchurch CBD.
“Who is that,” the young woman asked her sister, pointing to an artistic rendition of mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary.
“No idea,” came the reply. Their mother chimed in with, “Isn’t that the hill man on the $5 note?”
“No idea,” same the reply.
“We don’t use cash anymore. What does a $5 note look like?”
Discussion continued about who featured on other New Zealand bank notes, and it soon became obvious that many of our younger generations never see or use cash, and have no idea which of the country’s heroes feature on our banknotes.
With moves afoot for businesses and banks to become even more digital, soon the older generations may also be seeing less of the $5 note, or any others, which will be a shame.
Being featured on a Kiwi banknote is a tribute to the achievements and people who’ve helped make this country great, and often a lesson in our history.
Sir Edmund Hillary certainly scaled a magnificent “hill” in his day, and now it seems others will have their own mountains to climb, getting to grips with not having loose change for a cup of co ee, to donate to buskers, or charitable causes.
For me, one downside is the bank (and Big Brother) tracking every cent you spend; and potentially using it to deny mortgages and loans. It has happened already.
Fortunately for me and all our readers, Metropol magazine doesn’t cost a cent so sit down, relax and enjoy the read.
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Since the age of 22, Maria O’Halloran has been running businesses, starting with her own. Now, in an era when department stores around the country are closing, the Ballantynes CEO is breaking new boundaries growing that business. Maria has always been ambitious, shaping her career initially through her own business, then (after several years and starting a family) moving to roles with cosmetics giants Elizabeth Arden and Shiseido.
Both were “fantastic organisations”, Maria says, enriching her professional experience, especially within the dynamic landscape of the business world. “The opportunities and environment they provided were instrumental in my growth and development.”
The downside was the significant travel over many years with a young family, so Maria joined a pharmaceutical company for a year, before the Ballantynes Beauty Brand Manager role was o ered to her. Two years later, and a decade ago, she took the helm as CEO, now responsible for a team of 350.
“I’ve been fortunate in almost every role of my career to date I have had progression or advancement opportunities,” Maria says, attributing this ultimately to a combination of hard work, continuous learning, and cultivating strong relationships.
“I have heard many over the years, with Ballantynes described by some as “their happy place”. For me, every story is a reminder that we don’t just sell our customers things; it is also about how we make them feel. These are the stories that we hear, and I love that.”
Christmas is her favourite when it comes to the store putting on a show. “For us, Christmas starts in February, with concept and design. It’s certainly a marathon, not a sprint.
“Christmas in a department store is a magical time. I recall last Christmas a customer told me her young child saw Santa at another location and asked why he was there? The mother told the child Santa has helpers all around the world. The child replied, “But the real Santa lives at Ballantynes”. Coming from the target audience, that was a huge compliment.”
“I’ve been fortunate in almost every role of my career to date I have had progression or advancement opportunities.”
Her first 10 years were focused on rebuilding the customer base after the devastating Christchurch earthquakes, and conquering the digital transformation wave. Most Ballantynes customers still prefer to shop in-store, with visitor numbers now close to pre-Covid levels.
Retail diversification is now a key factor in the store’s future, starting with providing those who walk through its doors a memorable experience. “Consumers don’t just want to transact with you, they want an experience,” says Maria. “They want to come in and be educated, informed, and entertained.”
Part of that experience comes from the boutique approach adopted by Ballantynes, with retail diversification a strategic priority, she says. That the other department stores are reducing is sad, she says, adding that personally she believes there is a place for them in every main city.
“Who doesn’t want to visit a department store? It’s a one-stop shop. What is important is to constantly innovate.”
Innovation and reinvention are Maria’s secret weapons. “Remain current and relevant to the customer today, without compromising your traditional values,” she advises.
For Maria, it all starts with the customers, understanding who they are, and how Ballantynes can make their lives better. This is at the forefront of decisions about what stock to buy. “If we know the reasons customers would choose to shop with us, our buyers can select products to match.”
As CEO, Maria finds many aspects of her role enjoyable, and one thing that is never lost on her is the willingness and eagerness of customers to share their Ballantynes stories.
With an abiding enjoyment of fashion and beauty, Maria says she’s fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful merchandise. Styling herself, she aims for a balance between fashion-forwardness and practicality. “I invest in quality pieces that are both stylish and functional, that way I can adapt to di erent occasions and settings. The team know me well, and regularly appear with items they know I will have trouble saying no to.”
An active relaxer, health and wellbeing are high on her priorities list, with exercise, nutrition, and sleep at the top. “I am in a team of three women who participate in adventure races. It’s a multi-sport event that typically combines kayaking, running, mountain biking, and navigation over varying terrain and distances. I liken it in many ways to my CEO role, it involves strategy, decision-making, up hills and down, and the all-important teamwork. It keeps me honest, training throughout the year.”
• Build strong networks and seek out mentors who can provide guidance, support and valuable insights based on their own experiences.
• Invest in continuous learning and development. Professional development can come in many forms and places. By continuously improving your skills and knowledge, you’ll position yourself as a valuable asset and increase your chances of advancement.
• In the journey towards success, it’s important to never lose sight of your authentic self and values. While ambition and drive are important, they must be grounded in integrity and authenticity. For me, staying true to who I am and what I believe in has been paramount in navigating the complexities of the business world. beachsidesumner.co.nz
Authenticity is at the heart of what local actress Dea Doglione brings to Neon’s new Christchurch-based crime drama. Metropol writer Alicia Carr caught up with Dea to find out more about her journey to our television screens.
Dea’s character Sally Galletly and lead character Joe, a seemingly innocent cleaner by day and vicious serial killer by night, make a gripping duo in the series Dark City: The Cleaner’, based on novels by Christchurch author Paul Cleave. Dea describes Sally as Joe’s “best friend whether he likes it or not”.
The Ōtautahi native says that coming across as believable is a job made easier because she was born and bred in Rolleston. “Back when there were a mere four houses in the area, and kids would run around in dirt piles for fun,” she laughs.
Dea attended Lincoln High School, as did her mother and grandmother before her, a humble upbringing of stark contrast to her life now.
Dea’s passion for television has always been clear. “When I was a teenager, I used to sit and watch TV all day because I just loved it. I loved seeing characters realised. I found myself wanting to know everything about how they wrote it, how they made it, why they did this, what this meant,” she explains. The chance to pursue a career in TV and “realising that it is an actual job, an actuality for someone who just grew up in Rolleston,” has been a dream since those early days.
like the universe is saying, ‘Yes, this is correct, but don’t forget where you’re from.’”
Dea’s return to her home city was her “mother’s dream”, and an opportunity to reconnect with her roots. Okains Bay, Sumner, and New Brighton are among her favourite spots to visit in the province, saying that having grown up visiting these stunning pieces of water as a child, she now feels a deep connection to them and often returns now, when she needs a reset.
Her deep local roots provide valuable insight into her character in the series. Sally Galletly is “a version of my younger self”. Dea wanted Sally to be real; a bit unconfident at times with a wavering voice, someone viewers could connect with.
In her portrayal of Sally, Dea was inspired by her role model and fellow actress, Olivia Colman, whose determination, honesty, and authenticity are qualities that she believes the TV industry needs more of, and that she tries to embody.
“When I was a teenager, I used to sit and watch TV all day because I just loved it. I loved seeing characters realised”
After graduating from the National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Arts (NASDA) with a bachelor of performing arts, Dea moved to Auckland, searching for opportunities in the TV industry. It was there that she landed the audition for Dark City: The Cleaner – her first ever TV audition – and eventually secured the role of Sally Galletly.
Somewhat poetically, Dea’s breakout role brought her back to her hometown of Christchurch for filming. She explains, “It is so funny that I moved from Christchurch to Auckland for work and then my first job brought me back. It feels very full circle. It feels
Dea’s tips for young actors:
“Work hard.
Learn your lines. Respect the crew and the people around you. Champion your friends. We are all in this together, and they will champion you in return. And just be nice, it’s not hard.”
“I am interested in women that are honest and real, and want to play characters that give other women a chance to be seen for who they are, not for the idealised version of themselves, but for who they are right now. We need more of that.”
Such a raw and real approach portraying Sally may have made her, as an actress, less likely to be seen for diverse future roles, but it was a risk she was willing to take. “It is fun to be underestimated, I have realised, because I can’t wait to prove them wrong,” she declares.
This is a mindset Dea is holding on to as she looks to take the next steps in her career, hoping to expand her horizons by taking her art overseas. Ambition aside, home will always provide a powerful pull, and supporting local creation, particularly in Ōtautahi, will always be a priority. “As the job reminded me, I must always come home. I must always bring my skills home.”
Enjoy the incredible range of entertainment happening in Christchurch over the coming months.
Prepare to be dazzled by the North Canterbury Musical Society’s production of 42nd Street at the Rangiora Town Hall. This timeless classic promises an electrifying experience for theatre enthusiasts and fans alike. iticket.co.nz
Showcasing 2.5 hours of bike films at the Charles Luney Auditorium at St Margaret’s College, it’s all the drama, humour, and inspiration a cycle-centric could want.
Image: Feugo, JB Liautard, Commencal. bigbikefilmnight.nz
Support the Crusaders in their last Round Robin game at home, and only the second time Moana Pasifika have been to Christchurch, at Apollo Projects Stadium. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Ali, Tom and Mike will treat you to a lunch filled with musical genius, a selection of jazz favourites and yummy bites, in the picturesque
This sensational new show is coming to the James Hay Theatre, bringing with it 12 firstclass dancers, an electric live five-piece band, and two vocalists, to create a ballroom
Ask a Christchurch resident what they know of Fiery Peak, and chances are, they will guess a volcanic hot-spot on some far-flung continent. Uh-uh. Guess again.
Fiery Peak numbers alongside the many mountains of our own Southern Alps, and can be appreciated in all its splendour while breakfasting in bed.
Stay Geraldine’s new luxury accommodation, Fiery Peak Eco-Retreat, provides idyllic respite in a breathtaking South Canterbury location.
With 12 acres of spectacular surroundings, an unequalled panoramic vista by day and a star-studded sky by night, this is paradise indeed.
The purpose-built open plan cabin comprises a full kitchen, log-fire, luxury bathroom, and bedroom with a king bed and bi-fold windows.
Feel the bliss of relaxing with a co ee and book while listening to birdsong, rustling up a barbecue on the spacious deck, or sipping a glass of bubbly in the spring-fed plunge pool, beneath a canopy of stars.
“Guests love arriving to a welcoming log-fire, scented rooms, music in the background, and the hot-tub heated and ready,” owner and host Kay Paterson says.
With an additional glamp-site opening in spring (with its own hot bath), leave the passport at home. Nothing in the world compares to this. Visit the website to book your winter sojourn.
If you’re spending the weekend, start a Hanmer hike before the rest of the world wakes up.
Or you can sleep in and enjoy a leisurely breakfast before getting your heart rate up. The schedule you take, and the track you choose to trek, are entirely up to you.
Possibly the most walked of all Hanmer Springs tracks, Conical Hill is a 2.7km loop trail with a gentle climb. Take in the gorgeous autumnal views from the viewing platform once you reach the top. Most will take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete this walk.
A quieter hike, the Chatterton Track starts at the car park from Chatterton Road end, and follows the Chatterton River through beautiful beech forest. Described as moderately challenging, this is a roughly 4km return track, averaging 1.5 hours to complete. Take care of slippery places after rainfall.
Don’t let the challenge of the Hanmer marathon keep you away from the wonderful Mt Isobel track. Start at the DOC signpost from Clarence Valley Road, and enjoy the half-day 9km climb, or simply walk as far as you wish, with panoramic views at the top. If you’re up for a challenge, consider the Mt Isobel Challenge on 25 May, a mountain duathlon for individuals or teams.
Hanmer Springs is known for its many attractions, such as thermal pools, jet boating on the Waiau River, bungy jumping in the Waiau Gorge and many more adventures besides.
So it is hardly surprising that there is a multi-award winning restaurant in the village as well.
No. 31 Restaurant is located in a quaint, charming cottage, converted into a restaurant in 1999.
The food created there is far from quaint. It can only be described as exceptional modern New Zealand cuisine made from the best local produce. Over the years, the restaurant has won a raft of awards from NZ Beef and Lamb Awards, to Certificates of Excellence and Travellers’ Choice Awards.
Paula Kristianty and her partner Vivek Rawat took over the restaurant in September 2023, well-aware of the responsibility with such a reputation to maintain.
Both of them are chefs, experienced in the hospitality industry, and they’re delighted by the positive feedback they have received from their diners.
“For us, it is very important that our guests have the whole experience when they come here,” says Paula. “There must be a warm, inviting ambience to the place, impeccable service and, of course, food that is beautiful to look at and taste.”
There will be a new menu at No. 31 soon. In the meantime, check out the current menu on the website.
Gardens galore, native wildlife, magical movie experiences, culinary excellence, boutique shopping, and trails to suit any exercise level. Wellington deserves more credit than simply its notorious wind.
Head to one of the many spots o ering animal encounters or gorgeous gardens, such as Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne. These experiences often make a great day trip. If staying close to the city is preferable, art gallery or museum-hop, with a co ee in between.
Discover the special e ects and props behind films like The Hobbit at Weta Workshop, or enjoy the scenes that accompany one of Wellington’s many walking tracks. Considered a rite of passage for all visitors, the Wellington Cable Car boasts panoramic views from the red carriages, which have been in operation for over 120 years.
Whether it be a history lesson, a close-up with cute animals, or art like no other, there is bound to be something to catch your eye.
A wonderful day out is made even better when returning to your hotel and cosying up in bed with a hot drink and a movie, or relaxing in the jacuzzi with a wine.
From designer fashion and department stores to knick-knacks and markets, it is best to leave space in your suitcase when packing for a trip to the capital.
Wellington’s ‘Golden Mile,’ connects Courtenay Place, Lambton Quay, Willis Street, and Manners Street, and homes a list of local and international fashion. Cuba Street o ers a funky vibe with vintage stores and eclectic boutiques to get your shopping groove on, and plenty of fun cafés to refuel.
The city holds a market on Friday nights, two on Saturday mornings, and one on Sundays. Sometimes, the markets will be where you find what you are looking for, that wishlist garment or just the right gift.
One thing Wellington may be more associated with than being New Zealand’s windiest city is its food. Many food critics have credited the accolade to its chefs, and the range of cuisines on o er, both close to and a short drive out of the city.
Take yourself on a culinary tour, taste-testing a new restaurant or café each breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If it’s steak, a seafood feast, or the perfect pasta, chances are you will find the right place in this cuisine scene. The range is that delicious, you will consider a flight back for another taste.
Not just top-end restaurants, Wellington is home to some incredible roasteries, such as Supreme Co ee and L’a are, for those in between
Saturday 1st June: 9.30am - 5.30 pm
Saturday 1st June: 9 30am - 5 30 pm
Sunday 2nd June: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sunday 2nd June: 9 00 am - 5 00 pm
Sunday Night 2nd June: 7.00 pm - 9.30 pm:
Sunday Night 2nd June: 7 00 pm - 9 30 pm:
SGCNZ YSC Showcase, Competition Prize-giving & Scene Award Ceremony
SGCNZ YSC Showcase, Competition Prize-giving & Scene Award Ceremony
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Tickets $15-$35 at ticketmaster com
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Group & Weekend passes & Door sales available
The magic and vibrancy of WOW will once again encompass audiences with a truly ethereal experience in late 2024.
Returning to Wellington’s TSB Arena from 26 September to 13 October, the World of WearableArt Show will combine revolutionary wearable art with captivating entertainment. The theme, Dream Awake, will allow audiences to do just that.
Expect to be transported through six awe-inspiring dreamscapes with groundbreaking audio and visual technology, inspired by each competition design theme.
“The creative team will be pushing the boundaries to captivate everyone who takes the journey with us this year,” executive creative director Brian Burke says.
Brian is excited for what will become the 37th show. “We have jaw-dropping performances, unique aerial artistry, extravagant costumes, state-of-the-art 3D projection and lighting, and of course phenomenal wearable art from around the world, all coming together in a visual spectacle you can only experience at WOW.”
Taking on the response of audience members yearning to get closer to each garment, Brian, the international Emmy-nominated television producer decided an upgrade was in order. “We know people love to see the detail of the garments, so are constantly exploring ways to bring them closer,” Brian explains. To that end, the show this year will be accompanied by a newly built stage with live cameras for giant projections, to showcase the intricacies of each design.
WOW chief executive Meg Williams adds that through Brian’s visionary guidance, the show has gone from strength to strength. “What he has connected WOW into is some of the world’s leading theatre technology and stagecraft, to continue to evolve and lift the experiences, and the audiences are loving it.”
With inspiration from the breadth of extraordinary garment designers, both local and beyond, Brian creates an experience like no other, bringing forward local talents in the performing arts industry too.
At the heart of WOW sits its wearable art competition. Over $185,000 in awards and prizes are up for grabs this year, across six sections and multiple special awards. This includes three recurring sections, Aotearoa, Avant-Garde, and Open, as well as three unique categories for 2024: Crazy Curiosities of the Creature Carnival, Natural World, and Geometric Abstraction. Both international and local entries so far have been of phenomenal quality, the team says.
Designers are rising to the challenge of the new Transformation Innovation Award, which requires a design that completely transforms onstage.
Tickets are selling fast to peak performances, but there are still excellent seats, VIP experiences, and exclusive backstage tours available. Book now to get your pick and enjoy an incredible celebration of wearable art and spectacle.
Cosy restaurant bringing authentic Vietnamese experience for your taste buds, served by our friendly staff. Located in the coolest little capital – Wellington. Come on in to try our flavoursome Banh Mi, a bowl of hot Pho noodle soup, or our signature Char-grilled Pork Sirloin.
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The Martinborough Hotel is a luxurious, boutique hotel right in the heart of Martinborough wine village. Enjoy a winter’s evening fireside in the cosy library, a glass of local Pinot in-hand and fine food from award-winning restaurant Union Square.
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Discover the world and writing of internationally acclaimed New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield in her fashionable childhood home.
This Category 1 Historic Place in the innercity heritage suburb of Thorndon inspired some of her most famous short stories.
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We are Wellington’s central craft store, stocking craft supplies for sewing, knitting and crochet, beading, dyeing, and advanced specialty crafts.
We feature Wellington’s largest selection of pins and patches, and other gifts for the crafty and quirky.
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Dreaming of a luxurious escape to Wellington? Our Deluxe Rooms o er a blend of elegance and sophistication with complimentary access to our exclusive Harbour View Lounge. Just a stone’s throw from TSB Arena, it’s the perfect spot for preshow drinks and dinner. Stop dreaming and make your WOW experience unforgettable! 04 499 9500 | 147 The Terrace, Wellington www.grandchancellorhotels.com
Explore a hidden valley home to some of New Zealand’s rarest native wildlife. Located just 10mins from the CBD, Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne o ers you the chance to see tuatara, takahē, little spotted kiwi and more living wild in a regenerating native forest. Visit by day or tour by night. 04 920 9213 | www.visitzealandia.com
Located at the end of Waiapu Road, Karori, Wellington
Add more WOW to your Wellington weekend with a winery or foodie guided tour. Visit world class Martinborough wineries and artisan foodie spots. Small group, private and bespoke options available. Wellington CBD hotel pick up and return drop o included.
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Located o of bustling Cuba Street, Wellington, Choice Bros Ghuznee Street o ers an awesome range of craft beers brewed in-house, FIRE southern-style fried chicken, juicy wagyu burgers, and good vibes all day, all night. Drink, eat, hang, repeat!
04 282 0583 | 62 Ghuznee Street, Te Aro www.choicebros.co.nz
Your one-stop-shop for high quality, designer clothing, footwear and accessories, featuring the best in local and international brands - newborn to teen. Bambini - for clothes kids love! Where quality meets style & comfort meets durability - a shopping experience to WOW you! Parking is FREE. 04 473 7380 | bambini.nz
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Located smack bang in the middle of Wellington’s cultural precinct, The Intrepid Hotel is THE place to visit for the adventurous traveler. Revel in the personalised touches, fabulously stylish décor, uber-comfy beds and complimentary delights throughout your stay.
hello@theintrepidhotel.com | 04 830 0996 www.theintrepidhotel.com 60 Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington
West Plaza Hotel is the perfect blend of a ordability and a great location, with rooms that are smart and comfortable. Located a 5–10 minute walk from the TSB Arena. Book now and experience WOW in the heart of the city.
reservations@westplaza.co.nz | 04 473 1440 www.westplaza.co.nz 110 Wakefield Street, Te Aro, Wellington
The Capricorn Spirit is a crystal haven located in Wellington. Come and spend time browsing the amazing range of crystals large and small, from amethyst to fossils there is something for everyone. Susan is always happy to help you find the exact crystal you need.
021 231 7890 | www.capricornspirit.com
103 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington
Stave off the cold weather blues with a day trip dash to the charm of North Canterbury. Take it easy, enjoying the simple things in life, food and company.
Pack a picnic first, and plan to leave home around 8am. On the drive up, stop for a bite at one of the local culinary delights in Pegasus, or Rangiora and beyond if you drive further inland. Fuel up for the day, with so many spots to choose from in the bigger towns, and a plethora of hidden gems too.
On the outskirts of Oxford and Glentui, find hills and peaks galore to gaze or take a hike upon. If you’re lucky, you might notice a dusting of snow, yet regardless, a gorgeous view. Settle in a grassy area with a picnic table and enjoy your picnic, and a mocktail or two, or find another local spot to dine, and indulge in the retail scene.
Finish a relaxing day by supporting a local craft brewery or restaurant. Tick o taking yourself out of your comfort zone for the day and try a meal or drink you would not normally choose. Alternatively, consider sharing plates with your friends or family to taste a range of new flavours.
According to data from ChristchurchNZ (2022), Canterbury emerged from the post pandemic period as one of the top performing regional economies.
The results of MYOB’s Annual Business Monitor for 2024 also show that Canterbury-based businesses are feeling more optimistic and expecting a stronger performance in the year ahead.
Athol McCully, Business Broking Sales Manager of NAI Harcourts Grenadier, is seeing concrete evidence of this optimism every day. “The business environment in Canterbury is really buoyant and more and more people from out-of-town want to buy here”, says Athol. “Christchurch as we know is a great place to live and it seems that the word has spread.”
With more buyers coming to the market, vendors are being encouraged to sell. “Now is a very good time to either buy or sell, and we are seeing a wide range of businesses being o ered for sale from accommodation to support service businesses and everything in between.”
Athol stresses that the guidelines for marketing a business, as far as the physical and financial aspects are concerned, are the same as for marketing a home. “Aesthetically, the business should be presented in the best possible light and all financial information should be up-to-date, and in good order.”
With the biggest broker team of any Harcourt’s franchise in New Zealand on hand at NAI Harcourts Grenadier, vendors can be assured of advice from experts in a wide range of business types. If you are looking to buy or sell a business, talk to Athol and fellow broker Cecilia Xiao.
Should I buy an existing hospitality business, or take over the lease of premises with hospitality chattels included?
some assurance of continuing custom (and income).
Taking over a lease (with hospitality chattels included) may be a cheaper option, but it can take some time to establish customers for a
newly commenced business. There is no trading record, and there is a risk that the business may not succeed in the way you have planned. You will need to recruit and train new staff, and also may need to purchase additional plant and equipment to ensure that the business will operate properly.
We will be happy to meet and discuss ownership options with you, to assist you in making the best decision for your circumstances.
McCully and Cecilia Xiao
Athol and Cecilia are experienced Business Brokers as a part of New Zealand’s
Athol and Cecilia are experienced Business Brokers as a part of New Zealand’s largest team of NAI Harcourts Business Brokers. If you are seeking to buy or sell a business contact Athol or Cecilia.
Athol McCully and Cecilia Xiao are experienced Business Brokers as a part of New Zealand’s largest team of NAI Harcourts Business Brokers. If you are seeking to buy or sell a business contact them today.
Athol and Cecilia are experienced Business Brokers as a part of New Zealand’s largest team of NAI Harcourts Business Brokers. If you are seeking to buy or sell a business contact Athol or Cecilia.
Athol 0274 338 052
Athol 0274 338 052 Cecilia 021 0256 3311
Cecilia 021 0256 3311
With increased compliance and accountability requirements on trusts, now is the time to review your asset management plans.
Trusts have historically been a common tool for holding assets such as property and investments, and are helpful for estate planning. While trusts can still have a place in modern life, including potentially protecting the assets of business owners from creditors, the changes to the Trusts Act – which came into e ect in 2021 – have some families and individuals questioning whether a trust is still necessary.
Setting up a trust is becoming less relevant, and we are seeing fewer and fewer trusts being created. Often, a well prepared will or contracting out agreement will be more suitable for your circumstances than a trust. Now is the time to determine what other forms of asset protection may be best for you and your family.
If you have a trust, does it still achieve, and protect, what it was intended to when it was first established?
There are now increased obligations on trustees to disclose trust information to beneficiaries and additional reporting requirements to the IRD, not to mention the recent increase to a 39% tax on all trust income. It may be that these changes outweigh any benefit your trust provides to you and your family.
If that is the case, there are several options that can be explored to ensure your trust is still fit for purpose. These options include amending the terms of your trust, so it is appropriate for your current requirements or considering winding up the trust.
The White Fox & Jones legal team are highly experienced in trust law and can advise on the best ways to safeguard your assets and plan for your family’s future. whitefox.co.nz Sam Thorp | Partner
Digital experiences to meet the needs of a hybrid workplace hinge on doing things automatically, and at scale.
In today’s business environment, the digital transformation imperative is embrace automation today, or go out of business tomorrow. In other words, automation is critical to success in the modern world, and those who don’t take advantage of it will quickly find themselves struggling to keep up.
What’s sobering is that over 50% of businesses don’t have clarity around their systems and processes, and they know it’s holding back e ciency.
A lack of automation can lead to missed opportunities for cost savings and process improvements. It can also result in competitive disadvantage, as companies that have adopted workflow and automation solutions can do more with less.
By streamlining workflows and processes through automation, businesses can consistently handle large quantities of information. This improves operational e ciency and eliminates the time spent handling tedious, time-consuming manual work.
I can help streamline how your business completes everyday tasks so your employees can focus on higher value priorities. Getting rid of unnecessary, repetitive work helps employees feel more engaged with their jobs. At the same time, this provides a base for your employees to provide great customer experiences.
Touch base with me so you can focus on your core business and uncover hidden opportunities. Email me at ckiricook@ricoh.co.nz or call me on 027 828 5335.
As winter approaches and the frosty mornings creep their way into our weeks, it’s the perfect time to consider upgrading your home with eco-friendly solutions.
Major banks are currently o ering great financing options, including 1% or even 0% interest loans targeted at clean, green energy improvements such as solar panels, double-glazing, Ultra-Low Emission Burner (ULEB) fireplaces, and upgrading your insulation. For homeowners with at least 20% equity in their property and an existing mortgage with a bank or lender, these loans can provide up to $80,000 in funding for eco-upgrades. This is an excellent opportunity to increase your home’s energy e ciency and comfort while reducing your environmental footprint.
If your current lender doesn’t o er this type of loan, consider switching to a di erent lender to take advantage of these special deals. Keep in mind, though, that moving your mortgage might involve a loan establishment fee. Make sure you give us a call to discuss your options and if refinancing is the best solution for you.
Interested in making your home winter-ready while embracing sustainable living? Our team at NZ Mortgages is here to help. Contact us today at 0800 100 300 or visit our website at www.nzmortgages.co.nz to find out more about these financing options and how you can get started on keeping your home warm and dry.
Qantas is to pay a $100M fine, plus $20M to customers to settle a ‘ghost’ flights case.
Qantas ‘admitted misleading consumers’ by advertising seats on tens of thousands of non-existent or cancelled flights. The airline maintains the cancellations were due to postCovid-19 demand, and IT issues, and not due to games to secure bookings and customers funds for internal and competitive advantages.
Part of it was that customers were not booking tickets to fly on a specific date and time, but merely a bundle of rights. Yeah right! Customers understand that flights and times may change, however it is a basic expectation that an advertised flight actually exists, or that if cancelled, ticketholders will be notified in a timely manner. Comments from Qantas CEO Vanessa Hudson shows the airline has trouble understanding that, and still doesn’t truly get it.
A customer focus means putting your customers’ needs first, understanding their requirements, preferences, and pain points, and then aligning products, services, and strategies accordingly. It involves fostering a culture where every decision and action revolves around delivering value and exceptional experiences to customers.
Continuous engagement, feedback collection, adaptation, and building strong customer relationships are essential to ensure a business remains responsive and relevant to customer needs.
Qantas will survive, but remember customers are the final judges on the quality of your service and products. Building a culture of extreme customer focus across your business is the way to set up for ongoing market success.
To understand how to make your business more customer focused, and di erentiate yourself to win in your market in the sort and long-term, contact EBI for a no obligation review, and no obligation discussion.
We’re here to manage and maximise your investment property, so you don’t have to. Let us take the stress away.
Shiree and Unicia know how to listen. They take great care in getting to know your unique circumstances, your values and dreams for the future. Talk to Shiree and Unicia about your personal financial plan.
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Franchising businesses can now apply to bring in workers from overseas through the standard, high-volume, or triangular employment accreditation.
More than 32,000 franchisees are set to benefit from the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) accreditation programme for hiring migrant workers, after the Government disestablished the franchisee accreditation category. Advantages of the move include substantial cost savings in application fees and enhanced e ciency with a streamlined two-year renewal cycle.
“Franchise businesses can now provide long-term job security to employees under an AEWV, ensuring stability and peace of mind as jobs will no longer be at risk during business transfers. New franchise purchasers can seamlessly apply for
accreditation without a one year stand down period,” says Franchise Association of New Zealand (FANZ) CEO Robyn Pickerill.
“Franchising plays a vital role in empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds to own businesses across all regions of New Zealand.
“These businesses not only create local employment opportunities, they also actively contribute to their communities through sponsorships and fundraising initiatives,” she adds.
A rming FANZ’s unwavering support to eradicate migrant exploitation, Robyn says FANZ provides many opportunities for education and sharing of resources, promoting the importance of compliance with New Zealand employment law and supporting a positive working experience for all employees in the franchise sector, and will continue to do so.
Chair Brad Jacobs and Director of The Co ee Club adds that franchisees can now operate their business on a fair playing field while providing even better employment security for their team members. “I believe all franchisees will be very thankful for these changes.”
The franchising sector contributes 12% of New Zealand’s GDP with a collective annual turnover of $36.8 billion, supporting more than 156,000 jobs, 590 franchise brands and 32,000+ franchisee operators.
need your
the city
is a
The Riccarton Bush Trust is raising funds to provide better access, safer tracks, improved fire protection, and to more effectively tell the story of this very special place. The project will cost around $2.4 million. Your kind donation at the following link will help preserve this nationally significant historical site: christchurchfoundation.org.nz/giving/project/putaringamotu-riccarton-bush-fund For further information contact Shona Willis - manager@riccartonhouse.co.nz
Often, it’s hard to combine denim and colour, because the classic blue shade is just that, classic. So, it’s pretty exciting when denim in bright bold hues comes back into fashion.
You can stray from the blue wash, and only go as far as white, grey, or black styles. Sometimes, this might be the unambiguousness you need to keep in a look. Yet, if you want something fun and statement-making, look to a bright grass green, or a sweet pink colour. Tie it in with an accessory just as vivid and vivacious, to keep the look balanced, and avoid making that gorgeous
denim piece look like the ‘odd one out.’ What feels like it will be the hardest to style is sometimes the easiest. The colour carries the outfit, so the only work is accessorising to suit your needs. For a relaxed day out, style with white sneakers, an oversized tote, and minimal jewellery. If you’re heading to a brunch, lunch, dinner, or event, pair it with striking heels and chunky jewellery.
Details: Pu er suede-trimmed quilted denim shoulder bag Find Me: Saint Laurent
Details: A nity Trench Legacy denim Find Me: Ksubi
Details: Dome sterling silver earrings Find Me: STORM
Details: Denim indigo mini dress Find Me: Scanlan Theodore
Details: Kindsay beige pink sneaker Find Me: Isabel Marant
Details: Canvas Braidy bag Find Me: Yu Mei
Details: Alastor milk slide Find Me: Deadly Ponies
Find Me: Moochi
Details: Vintage mid blue jean Find Me: Acne Studios
The change in weather brings more change with
Warm reds, copper, auburn and brunette shades are the trend this year, as we head into the cooler months. Such wonderfully tonal colours complement those layered, cold weather looks, and o er easy maintenance.
As we leave the warmer months behind, Caro Haar of Haar Design says the team is looking forward to applying the latest seasonal trends and techniques.
To continue the exceptional service and results Haar Design is known for, the team has been engaging in countless education and upskilling courses over the past few months. The salon has also gained another pair of hairhelping hands, with one member currently on maternity leave.
“There are so many things happening, and our team is growing in knowledge and skill and doing a fantastic job,” Caro says.
One of Caro’s second-year apprentices, Gemma Berg, won a spot in the coveted Wella Assistant Programme, which will provide invaluable experience and training for both Gemma and the salon.
Ahead of ball season, Haar Design is o ering free consultations, to craft a hairstyle that suits in colour, shape, and design, and ensures absolute confidence.
To refresh your hair this season, book in with the team.
Rejuvenate the lower face for a smoother, more youthful appearance. Transform Clinic offer high-quality dermal filler treatments to soften fine lines and wrinkles and restore lost volume to beautifully rejuvenate the lower face with refreshing, natural-looking results. Book a free consultation today with one of our experienced appearance medicine nurses.
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Sunekos® is an injectable treatment that’s entirely di erent to filler treatments; this treatment uses a patented formula which combines amino acids (the essential building blocks of elastin and collagen) with hyaluronic acid. Sunekos® acts against the process of ageing in a natural way respecting your natural face contour.
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Now with refillable and reusable cartridges, the Holski Collagen Activation Hydrators are age-specific to bring a youthful glow, reducing the need for unnecessary skincare products, while reducing your carbon footprint.
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Here at Metropol, our team is lucky enough to receive some of the latest beauty and fashion products to try, so we thought we’d share some with our readers.
This issue, I’m suggesting you try a couple of new and exciting o erings, one to improve those fine lines and wrinkles, and the other to envelop you in a fragrant cloud.
1. Emma Lewisham Supernatural Vitale Elixir
Four years in the making, this is “Botox in a bottle”.
A facial muscle relaxant, scientific tests have shown it can reduce muscle contractions responsible for wrinkles by 91% after 24 hours. A silky smooth elixir in a pump bottle, it’s my new go-to, twice a day. The 30ml bottle is compact enough to fit into a handbag, and the elixir has been found not to a ect other cosmetic enhancements such as injectables, rather, it will complement them for enhanced results.
2. Jean Paul Gaultier La Belle Paradise Garden
The latest additions to Jean Paul Gaultier’s Paradise Garden, where youth, passion and flamboyance reign supreme, this gorgeous fragrance comes in his (Le Beau Paradise Garden), and hers (pictured).
Featuring exotic creatures and flowers, Gaultier’s garden was inspired by his 2010-2011 Autumn/Winter show, and conjures up a splendidly captivating Eden abounding with forbidden pleasures. The two exotic fragrances create a sensual, radiant, olfactory experience; La Belle Eau de Parfum bursting with vanilla and splashed with iris and blue water lily, and Le Beau a heavenly woody, aquatic fragrance.
embracing the grey, there is something for everyone. It is a natural process, but it does not have to be a gruelling one.
When teamed with a precision cut, the shade of silver or grey you choose creates a transformative result, explains V for Hair and Beauty master stylist Vicki Odgen-O’Fee.
“Getting your colour undertone is so important and when this is done right it gives your face an instant brightening, lift and can take years o ,” Vicki says. “Get it wrong and you will feel drab and look drained and older. Consultation is key,” she adds.
The team would love to chat about the right colour and cut for you, so pop in to V for Hair and Beauty in Merivale.
Crafting bespoke dentures, fitted to help you feel younger.
Dawn, (shown here), had Lovebite’s Oral Lift level of treatment and is thrilled with the result Richard Greenlees has achieved for her.
If you’re feeling self-conscious about your teeth, maybe it’s time to make a conscious decision to improve your smile.
Richard is a member of the world renowned Group. This group is comprised of almost 100 highly skilled technicians worldwide, who are handpicked by founder Willi Geller (Switzerland). These members are practising at the highest level of aesthetic, functional dentistry. Richard works with likeminded surgeons where necessary.
Dentures - Veneers - Implants.
A new survey revealed that four in five cold sore sufferers in New Zealand feel having the common virus negatively impacts how they feel about themselves.
From feelings of self-consciousness (58%) to embarrassment (46%) and unattractiveness (41%), cold sore su erers are choosing to hide away from social situations and dates, in a bid to avoid feeling embarrassed. The research, conducted by a cold sore treatment company, comprised a nationally representative sample of 2019 New Zealanders, 18-years-old and above.
Most su erers admitted to judging themselves for having a cold sore, and half those surveyed were fearful of being judged by others; some shying away from physical contact, such as handshakes or hugs, or feeling that others were avoiding physical contact with them.
Among su erers, the research indicated Gen Z were the most impacted, with over 80% changing plans or avoiding social situations altogether (60%) when faced with a cold sore.
Pharmacist Amelia Gardner says up to 80% of the population carry the virus which can cause cold sores, so we shouldn’t really be so concerned with what other people think, because it’s highly likely the person we fear is judging us probably has the virus too.
She says that while the virus can be spread through saliva and skin-to-skin contact, basic hygiene practices and limiting intimate physical contact will help to limit the spread.
Amelia adds that it’s an old wives’ tale that treatments like ice, alcohol or even Vaseline will cure a cold sore. “Opting for an oral or topical medication from your local pharmacy can stop the virus from reproducing, enabling you to get on top of the outbreak.”
Visit the New Zealand Herpes Foundation website to learn more: direct.herpes.org.nz
• 69% of Cantabrians surveyed have su ered from cold sores
• 57% of Cantabrians say they feel self-conscious, 44% feel embarrassed and 38% feel unattractive when they have a cold sore.
• 42% of Cantabrians have avoided a social situation, 17% cancelled a date, and 12% worked from home instead of going into the o ce when they had a cold sore.
• 51% of Canterbury respondents said they are not bothered when they see someone with a visible cold sore.
Healthy, clear nails made simple. No pain, no downtime, and no risk.
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At Fertility Associates, we understand the joy babies bring as well as the difficulties faced by many who struggle to conceive.
As medical professionals, you understand the joy babies bring as well a s the difficulties faced by many of your patients who are struggling to conceive .
We also believe that providing exceptional care goes beyond just medical expertise. Our team of compassionate and experienced professionals is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you feel safe, heard, and valued.
By referring your patients to Fertility Associates, be assured tha t they will receive the highest qu ality c are an d t he m ost a dvanced f ertility p rocedures a vailable.
Seeking fertility advice can be overwhelming. With our experienced professionals, you can be sure that you will receive the guidance and information you need to make informed decisions. You can make an appointment with any of our fertility doctors, you don’t need to have a GP referral.
Your patients can be confident that they are being cared for by New Zealand’s pioneer in fertility m edicine w ith excellent live b irth r ates* t hat are am ong t he highest in Australasia.
Early r eferra ls g ive y our pa tients t he b est c hance an d, together, w e c an he lp them achieve t he f amily o f t heir dr eams.
If you feel that you’re not quite ready to book a doctor’s appointment, you can always make use of our Free Nurse Consult service, where you chat to one of our qualified fertility nurses for 15 minutes. They can answer your questions, talk about your unique situation, and map out some possible options.
Get in touch, and start your journey to parenthood today. where life begins SINCE
* Fertility Associates take home baby rates
Two of the most sought-after technologies in the aesthetics market have arrived at one Christchurch salon.
HIFU (or micro and macro focused ultrasound) and Emslim Nova are the latest additions at the Me Time Wellness salon.
Stimulating the production of collagen and elastin through thermal coagulation points deposited in di erent layers of the skin, HIFU promotes a natural lifting e ect. Restoring the skin’s support, in addition to burning fat in a non-surgical way, it can be performed in areas such as the face, neck, chest, hands, abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs.
The number of sessions varies for each patient, however, results can be seen after two weeks, and final results after three months of application.
Emslim Nova is the ideal treatment for those searching for a non-invasive and e cient method to tone and shape muscles.
This innovative machine stimulates deep muscles to contract with high-intensity electromagnetic technology, including radiofrequency, to help with faster production of collagen, resulting in a more toned and shaped body.
Emslim Nova can also improve the muscles of the pelvic floor, changing the life of many men and women that are su ering from incontinence. Six to eight sessions are recommended for best results.
Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand, Metropol has your inside and your outside covered...
Brewed right here in Ōtautahi, our Kombucha is bitsy because it’s Unfiltered & Unpasteurised. Fear not, every bit is brimming with goodness. Crafted with a unique tea blend, aged, naturally carbonated in glass & infused with our cold-pressed juice. Simply irresistible! Find it at New World, Fresh Choice, and Raeward Fresh today! www.bornandraised.nz
that Keto
Keto X is a weight management dietary supplement to help the body enter the metabolic state of ketosis without changing to a ketogenic diet. Used by athletes, bodybuilders, and people who want to lose excess body weight. Ketosis is when the body burns fat and ketones are formed for energy, instead of carbohydrates. Just $39 for 60 capsules.
www.kiwihealth.nz Buy 2 bottles and get the 3rd FREE Ph: 03 377 4318 www.oraltechchristchurch.com Snorex is a proven solution with a ninety day money back Take a look at our Google reviews from many happy clients.
When your brain works better, you work better. You’re smarter, faster, more focused and more productive. You are the best version of yourself! Drink Ārepa for Better Brain Days*, every day.
*Ārepa reduces tiredness, fatigue and helps with normal psychological and neurological function, thanks to the high Vitamin C content in our Neuroberry® Blackcurrants and when consumed as part of a healthy and varied diet.
In a delicious apple flavour, the Vitamin D3 with K2 Drops from Pure Vitality support brain health, cell function, and strengthen bones and teeth. Just two drops daily on the tongue, or with water or juice is all you need. Live
These natural supplements by Brave Face reduce ongoing stress, to help sustain calmness throughout the day. Formulated with adaptogenic herbs to support the body’s ability to handle those stressful moments, Live Calm is a small ritual with a big difference.
Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health.
Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.
Unlike some forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.
Physical activity does not have to be vigorous or done for long periods in order to improve your health.
Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and performed at your own pace. You can get out and walk without worrying about the risks associated with some more vigorous forms of exercise.
All of these are good reasons to include a daily walk in your routine.
Increase the intensity of your walks by going up hills, carrying hand weights, speeding up from time to time, and walking for longer.
You carry your own body weight when you walk. This is known as weight-bearing exercise. Some of the benefits include:
• Increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness.
• Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
• Improved management of conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or sti ness, and diabetes.
• Stronger bones and improved balance.
• Increased muscle strength and endurance.
• Reduced body fat.
If it’s too di cult to walk for 30 minutes at one time, do regular small bouts (10 minutes) three times per day and gradually build up to longer sessions.
Make walking a pleasure by varying where you go, taking your (or a neighbour’s) dog, or walk with friends.
• Pre/postnatal physiotherapy
• Urinary incontinence
• Pelvic organ prolapse
• Menopause education/exercise
• Maternal birthing injuries
• Abdominal /pelvic surgery rehab
• Pelvic pain (incl. endometriosis/ adenomyosis)
• Sexual pain or dysfunction Muscle
Medical experts in New Zealand and Australia are noticing a rise in “sick
home syndrome”, both
at home and in offices.
Sick home syndrome is your body’s reaction to pathogens, mould, toxic chemicals, or lack of proper ventilation. Various reasons leading to symptoms include:
1. Chemical contamination, including tobacco smoke, copy machine fumes, formaldehyde (often present in o ce furniture), asbestos, and gas space heaters, along with outside contaminants such as vehicle and building exhausts.
2. Poor ventilation, occurring when insu cient fresh air is brought into the building from the outside. This causes carbon dioxide levels to rise, oxygen levels to decrease, and concentrations of indoor toxins and pathogens to increase, because they are not being diluted by outside air.
3. Biological factors, such as mould, bacteria and allergens, often caused by poorly-functioning air conditioning and ventilation systems.
Jim’s Cleaning Group CEO, Ali Olmez, says that even though householders clean regularly, they could still be exposed to toxins, pesticides, gases, mites, viruses, bacteria, and mould in the home.
“This may exacerbate respiratory problems and allergies, and cause fuzzy thinking, sleep disturbances, and frequent headaches, fatigue, sore throat, and stomach upsets, triggered by conditions within living spaces,” he says.
The kitchen, bathroom, and hightouch surfaces are breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. Household chemicals and pesticides also pose health risks, with symptoms ranging from headaches to seizures, and dust mites, cockroaches, and mould can trigger allergies and respiratory issues, a ecting household health, he adds.
“The greatest take away is that even though you have a regular cleaning schedule and you’re regular with vacuuming, mopping and cleaning, it doesn’t mean that your house is bacteria and germ free. Taking added precautions in cleaning high touch surfaces and di cult to get to areas can be helpful in preventing viruses and bacteria from spreading amongst family members.”
Preventing sick home syndrome often needs several steps.
1. Removing the source: If the source can be identified, then the symptoms may be reduced easily by removing the source. For example, if your desk is located near a copy machine and you are experiencing respiratory symptoms, try to move to a di erent workspace, farther away, to see if your symptoms improve.
2. Cleaning: A thorough home ventilation and air duct clean many eliminate many pathogens such as mould, bacteria, and dust, so circulating air is of higher quality.
3. Increased ventilation: Better ventilation can also dramatically improve indoor air quality.
A term used to describe situations where building occupants develop specific physical symptoms when spending time in a particular building. Such symptoms often include cough, chest tightness, nausea, light headedness, throat and nasal irritation, and fatigue.
Gordon’s Chilli & Honey Flavoured Pickled Onions …not for the faint-hearted! 1kg - $5.40 - call in to taste!
The Picklery - Retail Shop
Open weekdays 8am – 4pm. 1 Timothy Place, Wigram. Ph. 03 3480 223
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Our classic Aviator IPA (5.5% abv) is armed with Centennial and Citra hops, cruising with local Canterbury malts and comes in for landing with a nice bitter finish. NZ’s
Blackstone Butchery is an artisan butchery selling 100% New Zealand meat based in Wigram. We produce our own line of charcuterie and smallgoods, handcrafted onsite by our expert team.
Hours: Wed - Fri: 10am - 6pm Sat: 10am - 2pm
15 Michelle Road, Wigram 03 662 9106 www.blackstonebutchery.com
Indulge in Makikihi Fries – crafted from exquisite Agria potatoes harvested in Canterbury. Explore our diverse cuts, available at exclusive supermarkets, restaurants, and fish ‘n’ chip shops across NZ. Proudly NZ family-owned, our gluten-free fries promise a delectable experience.
Recycle, re-use, re-purpose. In these tight financial times many of us are looking for ways to eliminate waste and to repurpose materials. It is also surprising just what can be put to another use.
How many of us are guilty of throwing away the juice or brine from a jar of pickled onions or gherkins? The advice from the team at Gordon’s Pickles is “Don’t.”
The brine keeps well and can be re-purposed in several di erent creative ways. Use it as a marinade for meat to go on the BBQ, to spice up your Bloody Mary cocktail, or instead of vinegar on your fish and chips. Pickle your favourite vegetables with it; pickled mushrooms are delicious.
True to form, Gordon’s Pickles has a recipe for reserved pickling brine. Try this:
Mayonnaise (makes 2 cups)
3 egg yolks
1/4 cup reserved pickling brine
1 tsp Dijon mustard
300ml grape seed oil
1/4 tsp salt
1. Combine the egg yolks, brine, and mustard.
2. Whisk while slowly adding the grape seed oil. Then add salt.
3. Store in a jar in the fridge.
The Picklery Retail Shop @ Gordon’s Pickles located at 1 Timothy Place, Wigram is open weekdays 8am–4pm.
Pop in and taste their products before you buy. Phone: 03 348 0223 or email gordonspickles@xtra.co.nz.
Kiwis love their hot chips. From a classic fish and chip dinner to a late-night hot chip run, they are a staple across New Zealand.
Consumers and businesses are always on the hunt for the perfect crunch and salty flavour to top the lists and satisfy that inevitable craving.
The team at Canterbury’s Makikihi Fries explain that the perfect french fry is made with “quality golden potatoes that make a nice crispy exterior while still flu y on the inside.” And, they think they have mastered it, providing a range of quality, snap-frozen fries. Using minimal, high quality and gluten-free ingredients, Makikihi Fries has had a commitment to “keeping things simple” for over 40 years in business. Their famous Agria potatoes grown here in Canterbury are hand sorted and tested for quality before being par fried in beef tallow to provide great taste and that golden, crispy finish like no other New Zealand manufacturer. Bring the “home of the golden fries,” into your kitchen, with Makikihi Fries, available at most wholesale and supermarket distributors.
“Hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast is not just an incredible way to raise vital funds for breast cancer research, education campaigns and patient support services, it’s also a whole lot of fun,” says Ah-Leen Rayner, chief executive of the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
Breast cancer is the most common female cancer, with around 385 women in Canterbury being diagnosed every year.
To provide inspiration for a Pink Ribbon Breakfast menu, Brett has created this delicious new recipe that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Serves 4. Prep time 10 mins, cook time 25 mins.
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup sugar or to taste 1/4 cup cornflour 1/2 cup milk
2 Tbsp freeze dried red berries, crushed 1/4 - 1/2 cup un-cooked tapioca pearls (or chia seeds)
2 cups mixed fresh or frozen berries, roughly chopped, divided 3/4 cup extra coconut milk, divided 1/2 cup blackcurrant juice
1 Tbsp honey or maple syrup (optional)
2 Tbsp toasted granola
Freeze-dried berries to garnish
1 If using tapioca, cook as directed on packet. Set aside.
Combine 1 cup coconut milk and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium-low heat. In a small bowl, whisk the cornflour and water until smooth. Add the cornflour slurry to the saucepan and continue to cook, whisking continuously until the mixture thickens to a pudding-like texture. Quickly add the freezedried crushed berries and combine. Remove from the heat and pour into a loaf pan, or a dish of similar size. There is no need to grease the pan. Cover with plastic wrap and transfer to fridge to chill and set, about two to three hours.
In your blender or food processor, purée 1.5 cups mixed berries with 1/2 cup of coconut milk until smooth. Add the juice and stir until the purée reaches your desired consistency. I like mine a little thick. Add the honey or syrup, to taste. Finally, add the prepared tapioca or chia and let the mixture chill in fridge until cold or until haupia has set.
To serve, slice haupia into cubes. Portion out tapioca/chia mixture into individual bowls, then garnish with cubes, remaining diced berries, granola, freeze dried berries, and a swirl of the remaining coconut milk. Enjoy cold.
To host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast, head to pinkribbonbreakfast.co.nz to sign up. Once registered, hosts will receive a free host kit with ideas and supplies to get them started.
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Feel lucky in every bite! No need to fly to China when you can go to our lucky new address in Wigram or have authentic Chinese food delivered to your doorstep!
Wide range: stir fried, hot pot, snack, BBQ. Free karaoke or games room with pool table (conditions apply), free children’s play area. Open for dinner Monday 5pm-12am and Tuesday to Sunday 5pm-1am. Order on: doordash.com
88 Hayton Road, Wigram Ph. 03 341 5935
Explore Cafe Elia’s charm! Under new ownership and licensed, delight in our delectable on-site cabinet food, mouthwatering brunch, and renowned coffee. Step into our inviting, newly renovated space for convenience and friendly vibes. Easy off-street and on-site parking make your visit stress-free. Join our vibrant community today!
As autumn moves inexorably towards winter, we become creatures in need of comfort and warmth, both in our environment and in the food we crave.
It’s now we seek out local hospitality spots that will satisfy these needs. The Purple Weka Café dishes up warmth and comfort in spades along with a big helping of smiles and a bit of cheek on the side. Owner Stewart McDougall takes pride in the truly old-fashioned, traditional Kiwi fare that is the staple o ering at the café.
“Many of our dishes are just as Grandma used to make. The most popular ones are the savoury mince served with a soft poached egg on five grain toast, or the creamy mushrooms served with bacon on toasted ciabatta.
At this time of year as well, we have some wonderful winter warmers, cottage pie or lamb’s fry and a range of hearty country style soups.
For something a little decadent you can have hot cakes with bacon, banana, maple syrup and lashings of whipped cream”. Purple Weka definitely has the mix right as last year customers voted it NZ Café of the Year.
Purple Weka sells jars of its homemade raspberry jam and marmalade too.
“My grandmother’s recipe,” says Stewart. The café is now also the home of the “Very Yummy Cracker” – long, thin, salty, and delicious biscuits made from nuts and seeds. You can buy them by the bag.
Discover vibrant Middle Eastern flavours at Christchurch’s premier grocery and Halal Butchery. Our diverse selection spans Middle Eastern, Persian, Turkish, Afghan, and Asian delicacies. Specialising in gourmet foods, spices, sweets, teas, coffees, and premium Halal meats, we cater to various cultural traditions and dietary needs. Immerse yourself in a rich and diverse experience with special occasion cuts and an array of serving essentials.
403 Colombo St, Sydenham Ph. 03 332 1897 www.maihan.co.nz
Christchurch Central
Being NZ’s first authentic Moroccan restaurant, we feel a great responsibility to introduce the wonderful flavours and hospitality of Morocco, providing an unforgettable dining experience. Savour the many layers of herbs and spices, infused oils and fragrant waters, the sweetness of syrups, honeyed fruits and nuts, the pungent saltiness of preserved lemons and olives. So, take time to share the pleasure of eating at Mosaic by Simo.
Shop 3/300 Lincoln Rd, Addington Ph: 03 335 0082
Come warm up at Purple Weka Cafe! Indulge in our delicious and hearty homemade soups, blue cod salad & fries, or in the weekend enjoy our popular Lambs Fry. Our cosy atmosphere and friendly service will make you feel right at home. Fully licensed, phone orders welcome, and venue hire/catering available.
48 Fitzgerald Avenue, Chch Central Ph. 03 366 0258
A classic French stew, the secret to a good Beef Bourguignon (also called Beef Burgundy), is a rich red wine marinade, homemade beef stock, and a slow braise. This recipe takes time, but is worth the effort.
800g chuck steak, cubed
2 large carrots, sliced into rounds
16 pearl or small pickling onions
1 fresh or dried bay leaf
3 sprigs thyme
750ml bottle of pinot noir (or other red wine)
3 Tbsp olive oil
3/4 Tsp salt
1/2 Tsp pepper
200g button mushrooms
150g bacon pieces (cut into thick cubes)
50g unsalted butter
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp tomato paste
6 Tbsp plain flour
3 cups beef stock
1/4 Tsp salt
Parsley for garnish
Place the beef marinade ingredients in a large ceramic dish, and marinate a minimum 12 hours in the fridge.
Pour red wine into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium high heat. Simmer vigorously until reduced by half. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan. Pat the beef dry with paper towels, and season with salt and pepper. 4
Brown the beef with oil in a large, heavy-based, oven-proof pot, over high heat.
Fry bacon until golden, and add to the beef. Sauté mushrooms until golden, and remove into a separate bowl.
Sauté the onion, and add to mushrooms.
Sauté carrots, add the garlic and cook for a further 1 minute, then add tomato paste and cook for 2 minutes.
Add flour and cook for 2 minutes, then slowly stir in the stock, and lastly the wine, stirring to keep lump-free.
Add to the beef and bacon, along with thyme, bay leaf, 1/4 tsp salt and pepper, then stir well.
Bring to a simmer on the stove, then cover and transfer to oven for 1 hour, before stirring in the mushrooms and onion.
Cover with lid and return to oven for 90 minutes, or until beef falls apart
Serve with buttery mashed potatoes, and steamed green beans.
Strain the liquid into a bowl, reserve marinade.
Separate the beef, carrots and onion.
Recognised national leader in the verification of food control plans and national programmes across the wider food industry sectors in New Zealand. Our personable team are immersed in this process every day and are here to assist you.
Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast.
East or West - Our food is the best!
Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast.
Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen
Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm
Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast. Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen.
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm
168a Kendal Ave, Burnside
168a Kendal Ave, Burnside Ph: 03 357 4516
Ph. 03 357 4516 027 469 0206
Ph: 03 357 4516 or 027 469 0206
168a Kendal Ave, Burnside
Want to satisfy your winter cravings?
Try our proven and tested delicious Empanada. They come filled with a choice of Chicken & Cheese, Ham & Cheese, Minced Pork & Veggies, or Vegetarian. Combine with your favourite hot chocolate or coffee! Keep warm everyone! 0210 222 5932
75a Mandeville Street, Riccarton www.ellesempanada.co.nz
Auntie Niks brand new coffee and food trailer. Same yummy coffee from Crafted Coffee Company. New grill for toasted sandwiches and bacon butties etc. Also same deep fried chips, hot dogs anything else deep fried. To book, call Auntie Nik: 021 412 746 auntienikscafe@gmail.com
All day breakfast menu and Filipino menu with daily specialities.
Cosy atmosphere with a log burner.
Open 8am-2.30pm Tues & Weds
8am-9pm Thurs-Sun
Closed Monday
1266 West Coast Road (1km past
West Melton traffic lights heading towards Darfield)
Join us in celebrating the 2024 harvest season! Our freshly harvested, in-shell walnuts are now available online and at selected retailers. Enjoy the delicious and nutritious taste of fresh locally grown walnuts. Free delivery on orders over $75!
Come down and try our tacos and loaded fries at 352 Manchester Street. We can cater for any kind of event, big or small. Find us on
Come and try our hand crafted meat pies. Slow cooked shredded meat with Barb’s gravy. Beef, Pork, Lamb, plus Bacon & Egg and our now famous Sausage Rolls. Full range of barista made coffees.
Monday - Friday open 4.30am to 2pm
Waipara Junction | Ph: 021 0906 5268
Have you tried this amazing flavour? Pick up delicious black garlic from: Fresh Choice Merivale, Mediterranean Foods, Piko Wholefoods, Ballantynes, Harbour Coop and Frances Nation. Gluten-free, easy to use. See us at the Motorhome Caravan & Leisure Show at Wolfbook Arena, 18 & 19 May. www.neudorfblack.co.nz
Experience the freshness at Fresh on Kendal! Discover quality, locally-sourced produce in our cosy café, and explore our unique food products. Weekly deals, friendly service, a community-focused shopping experience, and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Don’t wait, visit us today! 70 Kendal Ave, Burnside Ph. 027 389 9666 www.freshon.co.nz
Electric heaters are most useful if you want to provide warmth for a small room, although they’re not as e cient as a heat pump, and are an expensive way to heat. Radiant heaters have an element that shines warmth directly onto you. Convection heaters (which include fan heaters, panel heaters and oil-filled column heaters) provide general background warmth. Using a fan means the room heats up faster and the heat is more even.
Heat pumps are among the most energy e cient forms of heating, taking heat from the air outside your home and using it to warm the air inside, using a process that’s a bit like a refrigerator working in reverse. Controlled using a thermostat, you can set them to keep your home within set temperature ranges at di erent times of the day, and they come in various sizes, from single room heaters to ducted whole-house systems.
Gas heaters release greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, making a heat pump, wood or pellet burners more sustainable options. They can be installed in most places in a home, as the flue on some models can be run down and out, horizontal or vertical. Avoid unflued gas. Fast and responsive, they’re convenient to control and operate.
Open fires are still a feature of many New Zealand households, and while appealing, they’re ine cient compared to a modern wood burner, with environmental drawbacks. Most of the heat they generate goes up the chimney instead of into your home.
Wood burners are enclosed, making them highly e cient, and with a wide range of models available (8kW–30kW), most houses can be heated by a wood burner. If you have a free supply of dry, untreated timber, this form of heating will be your cheapest heating option. Good for heating large spaces, selecting the right size of wood burner is important because they are most e cient when run at full capacity, combined with a heat transfer kit to move excess heat into other areas of the house. They can also be combined with a wetback to provide hot water heating, work even in a power cut, and may be able to be used for cooking.
Pellet burners are typically cleaner and more e cient than wood burners. They burn compressed wood pellets which are made from sawmill waste, so burning wood pellets is a form of recycling. Pellet burners start with an electric lighter and many come with a thermostat and timer. Good for heating larger, well-insulated spaces, they produce little smoke, and can sometimes be combined with a wetback to provide hot water heating.
Underfloor heating should be embedded in a concrete slab when you build a new home or installed under the flooring of a new or existing home. The floor needs to be well insulated or a lot of the heat will dissipate in to the ground or outside. Underfloor heating can use electric cables or water-filled pipes. The pipes may use any form of water heating, including electricity, gas, heat pump or solar. Underfloor heating cannot heat a room quickly and is most e ective when left on all the time over the cooler months.
Central heating involves heat being generated at a central point and piped or ducted to several rooms. Central heating often uses gas or a heat pump, but can also use oil, coal, wood, wood pellets or solar energy. The heating unit is typically located outside the living area of your home. Heat can be transferred using warm air ducted to vents in each room. Or, hot water can be piped to radiators throughout your home. Some systems use combination boilers which heat the hot water for taps and space heating.
Kiwis enjoy the great outdoors even during the colder months, often making the most of their outside spaces thanks to awnings, canopies, and screens.
Entertaining family and friends at home or the bach, is our happy place. Creating all-weather outdoor spaces so we can take pleasure in nature is specialist Canterbury company Shades Direct’s happy place, and its team exceeds expectations. For more than 20 years, Shades Direct provided premium shading solutions across the Auckland area, before the opportunity arose to service Christchurch and the wider Canterbury region.
Canterbury company director Melissa Kennett says a range of solutions are available, including clearspan and outsider awnings/canopies, outdoor screens, and retractable awnings.
“All our products are fully engineered for very high wind zones, roofing is UV resistant, and we use 316 marine grade stainless steel fixings, along with 3mm 6061-T6 aluminium framing,” she says.
“Every order is custom-made on-site locally so you are dealing with the owners, and we do not compromise on quality. Our business stands by its long-established, trusted name,” she adds.
For expert advice on all your shade solutions, talk to Melissa or Andy, and they’ll deliver a bespoke product to enhance your property. Contact Shades Direct Canterbury via its website or Facebook page.
A sense of humour, cutting edge video skills, and a desire to make people happy when buying and selling homes, are some of the reasons why Sam Bowen is a rising star.
Sam’s not your average realtor. His high energy, optimistic approach has just earned him the Harcourts Four Seasons real estate group “Rising Star” award, among others.
Taking the title of top sales agent for the Harcourts Prebbleton o ce came as a big surprise at the awards in early May, as did finishing amongst the top 20 for the company.
“Being my first year, I was not expecting that,” he says. Additionally, the rookie realtor was in Harcourts Canterbury’s top 20 percent of all agents, ranking 91st for the region.
Sam’s enthusiasm for his job is evident as he speaks, a smile in his voice and a desire to help those in the property market.
His humour is one of his trademarks, evident in the house tour videos he crafts for his clients, showing real homes for real couples, families, and investors. At the same time, his competitive nature guarantees that he is not only willing, but wanting to go the extra mile to ensure clients’ satisfaction.
“He makes the process of buying or selling property an enjoyable one,” says a delighted client.
A property owner and investor himself, Sam is keen to help investors climb the real estate ladder, and grow their property portfolio, with an emphasis on a straightforward, and stress-free experience.
“I fight for all my vendors and buyers,” he explains, adding that he has been using his negotiating skills for almost two decades, starting in his school years. “I just love dealing with people. My satisfaction comes from ensuring happy outcomes.”
Sam’s videos are unique, and humour is his modus operandi. “I always have a smile on my face, [sometimes a grin] and I find that people emphathise with the videos, feeling they can live in the property being shown.
“It’s not just me standing in front of a property talking away. We go on a journey together which helps with a memorable first impression.”
“Buying and/or selling property is such a serious process. It’s understandably nerve-wracking, so I like to make it enjoyable, not a stressful experience. It doesn’t need to be that way.”
His focus last year was on learning about his new profession, and he says there is always plenty more to discover. Now his sights are also set firmly on being in the top 30 agents category for Canterbury, and on building his own brand. “I want people to know there is another way to buy and sell, and that is my way.”
As a youngster, Sam followed his property developer parents around, dreaming of the day he could do the same.
Previously from key account management roles, Sam whetted his appetite for dealing with people further, alongside a brief stint in mortgage broking. It was then he realised he wanted even more interaction in the property industry, and opted for buying and selling real estate.
When he’s not working, Sam enjoys staying fit and active through healthy living, sports, and love exploring the great outdoors with his miniature fox terrier, Poppy.
Stop by Piccadilly Books, a store that is celebrating 30 years of supplying booklovers of all ages with literary treasures.
The Gardening Book
Monty Don
Our price $70.00
A genre-defining new book from bestselling author and ‘the nation’s favourite gardener’ Monty Don. A no-nonsense, practical and accessible guide to the fundamentals of gardening for a new generation. The Gardening Book is a refreshingly accessible approach that will help you build a garden which best serves your needs and enhances your lifestyle.
Poles Down South: A Story of the Early Polish Settlers in Otago & Southland, Aotearoa
New Zealand
Paul Klemick
Our price $69.99
“A fascinating array of illustrations complement the text superbly. Seamlessly combining social history, labour history, migration history, and religious history, this book is solidly grounded in primary sources.” This book contains 325 pages with 339 photos and illustrations.
The Tulip Garden: Growing and Collecting Species, Rare and Annual Varieties
Polly Nicholson
Our price $70.00
Tulips are one of the world’s most popular flowers, with over 2500 varieties produced in The Netherlands each year. This spectacular book showcases a unique collection of rare and covetable tulips at Blacklands, the beautiful English country garden of tulip expert Polly Nicholson.
The Team That Hit the Rocks: The Inside Story of the Wahine Disaster
Peter Jerram
Our price $39.99
Told for the first time from a survivor’s perspective, The Team That Hit the Rocks is a powerful account of our nation’s worst modern maritime disaster and the unbreakable bond formed by those who survived. Jerram o ers a riveting first-hand account of their experiences on that day.
The Tucci Cookbook: Family, Friends and Food
Stanley Tucci
Our price $60.00 Italian-American actor Stanley Tucci shares a trove of Italian delights and heritage to enjoy. Brimming with delicious recipes and engaging family lore, The Tucci Cookbook teems with all the robust flavours of Italian culture and tradition. Buon appetito!
Ferarri: The definitive biography of an icon
LucaDal Monte
Our price $39.99
A must-have for Ferrari and Formula 1 fans, this definitive biography makes previous accounts obsolete. Drawing on years of original research conducted in Italy and abroad, this book lays bare the hidden aspects of Ferrari’s career. Revisit all the highlights of Ferrari’s rise to greatness.
Dinner, Done Better: Fast, fresh, fuss-free meals
My Food Bag
Our price $40.00
Make weeknights easy with this collection of My Food Bag’s most popular recipes from the last 10 years. Find great dishes from the sections, such as fast with big flavours, less dishes, fresh and nourishing, weekend winners, meatless options, and essential sauces and spice mixes.
The Survivor: How I Survived Six Concentration Camps and Became a Nazi Hunter Josef Lewkowicz
Our price $30.00
A Sunday Times Bestseller, The Survivor is an unbelievable yet true story of one man’s endurance and his determination to not only survive the Holocaust but to bring to justice those who perpetrated great crimes against humanity.
So much more than a place to sit, a cosy lounge chair becomes a go-to for rest and relaxation.
Unwinding is made so much better with a seat that supports you. Both in posture and warmth, yet also like a companion you return to each day.
Often, singular armchairs are used as accent points to fill lone corners, or another place for guests to sit. However, their individuality and size make them equally tempting for solo moments. A more intimate place to curl up than a couch you get lost in, having your dream chair is a must for each person at some point in their lifetime.
After a long day at work, or a big session at the gym, slumping into an uber-comfortable chair with a hot drink and a good book seems like bliss. Remember that feeling when you’re shopping. Ask yourself if the chair can meet your needs when you want to enter your most relaxed state. If you like to stretch out, tuck into a ball, or you need ergonomic support, find a chair that accommodates that. Think of the edge and shape you might appreciate, such as curved or straight. Once you tick that box and ensure it will suit your space, get out the credit card.
Lounge chairs are used as accents for a reason. If you can, stick to a similar colour scheme as its neighbouring couches, although a contrasting tone often works too, and can add some fun juxtaposition to your space.
Accessorise with purpose. Avoid a cushion that feels rock solid or a throw that is too scratchy, and instead find items that add to the cosy aura, such as plump cushions, flu y rugs, or a lush sheepskin.
Ensure comfort and warmth through your fabric choice, opting for that of velvet or faux fur, or on-trend boucle.
Experience the same luxury with mulberry silk duvets and pillows. With premium long-strand silk, the team at Silk Sensation craft such products to provide unparalleled sleeping comfort and breathability.
“As soon as you use it, you will feel like you’re sleeping in a silk cocoon,” says managing director Joel Blyde.
The all-natural silk duvet inners come in lightweight summer or plush winter weights, and can be combined using the clever corner loops for customised warmth. Mulberry silk delivers cosiness without excessive heat or bulk.
The hypoallergenic silk repels dust mites and allergens, providing relief for those with sensitive skin. Many customers rave about finally getting relief from issues like eczema. The matching silk pillowcases combine cushioning comfort with natural temperature regulation, featuring elegant, piped edges and an envelope opening. Every product pampers you in sustainable silk luxury without harsh chemicals, contributing to overall wellness through sleep and skin benefits.
“We get great feedback from customers who have had their silk duvets for years, and they don’t go back to anything else,” says Joel. You won’t want to either, once you experience sleeping with mulberry silk.
Wallpapers are a door to a new realm, an opportunity to make a room your own.
Intriguing, mystical, and beautiful, a wallpaper and its intricacies are so captivating, yet so simple to hang. Like a drawing, many wallpapers are a blend of imagination and reality. Animals and other creatures, plants, flowers, and everything in between, you can unleash your wild side with wallpaper.
Escape to the Serengeti, a rainforest, or the Hamptons, with a plethora of di erent prints and patterns. Go simple with light designs and stripes, or play with hyperrealism through wallpapers that imitate things like brick or wood. Choose something that excites you instead of overwhelms you, a love-at-firstsight moment.
Often avoided out of fear it will be ‘too much,’ yet wallpaper a ords a feeling you just can’t get with a splash of paint. Wallpapers come with a regal aura, a sense of fantasy with a polished touch. This means you can be creative without worrying it will devalue your space. Plus, you can go all in with four walls of wallpaper, or create just one feature wall.
While considered a form of decorating, it pays to be much more thoughtful when choosing wallpaper than you would be when buying a new vase or throw. Wallpapers work well in moody spaces such as the bathroom, especially if you prefer a minimalist style in the main areas of your home, yet still want to let your eclectic side shine.
If you’re stuck on how to decorate or aren’t quite sure of your style, let wallpaper do the work. Personality and richness come through with wallpaper to add the depth you would otherwise get with multiple decorative objects.
• Favourite holiday images can be made into wallpaper, for consistent reminders of happy memories, and to book the next one.
• Enhance an indented wall with wallpaper, such as around the bed frame or in archway indents, and emphasise with accent lighting.
• Consider the elements of each room when adding wallpaper, and use styles that work with the lighting to set the tone.
While people love to socialise and dine alfresco, the joy can fade when the weather or temperatures change for the worse.
By screening an outdoor relaxation space, it immediately creates an ambience of warmth, cosiness, and shelter from whatever is happening outside.
Outdoor screens beautify not only the outdoor spaces around homes, but around businesses as well, such as bars, restaurants, and cafés, and community facilities, including kindergartens and schools. Other benefits of outdoor screens are that they control airflow, light, and temperature, and also provide flexibility that more permanent structures cannot provide.
Apart from screens, other products are available such as sunblinds, shade sails, lateral arm awnings (motorised or manual), canopies, and custom built enclosures. The screens range from a guided track system, unguided system, spring operation, crank operated, or a simple hand roll-up. Depending on size and fabric choice, some screens can be motorised.
Customers can request their screen fabric choice in either clear or solid PVC or mesh, and longevity is assured through durable materials that withstand the variations and fluctuations of temperatures and weather conditions.
“Screens provide privacy; they provide protection from weather, as well as protection for outdoor furniture; they are completely practical, and aesthetically, they are an attractive addition to any outdoor space,” co-owner Leena says.
Kolorful Kanvas was established in Christchurch in 1975. Its purpose was to specialise in the manufacture and repair of canvas and PVC goods.
When it comes to the team, Suresh Budhia started as an apprentice, then progressed to becoming a partner, and soon became the owner. Suresh is now joined by his nephew, Dharmesh, and Dharmesh’s wife, Leena, as business partners.
Their combined experience within the trade, including design, engineering, and the manufacturing of products, coupled with a sound business sense, ensures that this family business grows from strength to strength.
The business takes great pride in o ering customers “oldfashioned personal service”, in which a close consultation with the customer is paramount to achieving the desired outcomes.
Leena says that regardless of the project, be it residential or commercial, no job is considered too big or too small. “We also work collaboratively with architects, contractors, and engineers to help deliver the dream result for our clients.”
Contact the team to arrange a no obligation measure and quote from an experienced Kolorful Kanvas sta member who happily visits customers onsite to discuss their needs, and o er expert ideas and advice.
‘Success leaves clues’ is a line often repeated in my industry.
Like many before me, I’ve regularly used it, and given the majority of people in business want to succeed it’s probably worth actually identifying what those clues are.
I had a first-hand look at the overarching dynamics of success recently whilst attending the End of Financial Year awards for the brand I am part of. Out of some 468 sales consultants, 30 were acknowledged as being in an elite group of high performers – the most successful professionals in the region.
Now, whilst watching this, several things occurred to me.
First, an element that is often thought of as relating to success, actually doesn’t …
Age is not a prerequisite for success in real estate. Amongst those collecting awards, every age group was represented, from the twenties to the late sixties and, who knows, some of them could have been older. Did any of them care?
No. Not if you take their energy and their attitude into account. Both were finely tuned at a high level, which allowed me to consider these two things in a broader context.
To be successful, truly successful,
in this highly competitive and often difficult occupation you need a cando, solutions-based attitude. It’s refreshing when you meet individuals with this quality, and it’s usually deeply laid down in their DNA.
They will need it because constant rejection, especially in the early days, is hard to manage and a caring peer group, supportive manager and strong processes will go a long way in helping to get through this.
Long hours, massive amounts of information and hearty compliance requirements require energy. The sort of energy that sees you pursue a contract through to its completion, even if it takes days or weeks, as well as weekends that require open homes all day and buyer appointments in between when required.
Until you start in real estate, you never quite understand how exhausting this can be, so retaining high energy and committing to what it takes to sustain this is necessary. That means fitness, healthy food, great sleep and time off.
Yes, all the things I wrote about in my previous business planning article absolutely pave the way for the type of energy that allows you to be successful. Every successful person I know works hard in this area of selfcare.
Surround yourself with good people.
I take this clue from my business partner and good friend Cameron Bailey.
He thoroughly endorses the idea that the person you become in business is influenced by those around you and working with the best in the business enables this. Culture and leadership qualities become imbedded in your work practices, and it also fits with another of our favourite sayings: ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’.
First shared with us by Stephen Collins, this means that in the right environment and with the right people, everyone is elevated. I’ve found this elegant saying to ring true many times over the years and I’ve seen several careers benefit.
Great knowledge specifically applied – not talk for the sake of it or chirpy half-truths.
People need good, current and factual information conveyed in a way that allows for insight and the opportunity to plan, and for the professional relationship they have with their real estate agent to grow.
Finally, I think it comes down to blending an open mindset with a strong work ethic whilst doing everything else already mentioned.
So, there it is: a few words of wisdom, forged in decades of work and rewarded with national and international success.
027 432 0447 lynette.mcfadden@harcourtsgold.co.nz
1. Bespoke handcrafted beds, from The Swann Collective, 2. Beautiful Custom Furniture, expertly made at Gavin Cox Furniture, 3. Nitro Woven Aura Cushions, available at Exquisite Gifts by AJ, 4. Proudly restoring your loved pieces of furniture, Seaton’s French Polishing & Furniture Repairs, 5. Art & furniture with a definite wow factor, available from Belish Boutique, 6. Wrendale design duck jug, available at Art & Frame.
As the cold, wet weather sets in, it can be a struggle to keep your canine clean.
Bathing dogs at home often leads to a mess, with fur and dirt clogging up your bath or shower. This winter, treat your dog, and yourself, to the convenience of the K9000 Dog Wash Systems.
Located at vet clinics, pet stores, and petrol stations throughout Christchurch, these premium self-service stations make washing your dog an easy task. For just $11 you get 11 minutes of warm water shampooing, conditioning, flea treatment, and a heated blow dry, catering to every dog no matter their size.
“It’s such a real convenience compared to washing them at home and making a mess,” says managing director, Damian Curtain. “Once someone uses our washes, they are surprised just how easy it is, and they come back again.”
The Australian-made units feature high-quality mechanisms and use the premium Fido’s product line to clean without irritating sensitive skin. The stations are self-service and open 24/7, so you can wash your dog anytime, stress-free.
Keep your dog looking and smelling fresh while avoiding the hassle of home baths by finding your local K9000 Dog Wash system.
on orders over $100 to Christchurch
Great service (for installing a microchip cat door), the man answering the phone was friendly and helpful, and the serviceman also a top bloke. Very impressed with both the quality of the work and the people.
“We have just had a dog door installed. We were able to get everything organised smoothly and quickly, and our dog door was installed without a hitch, and time was taken to clean the glass and all packaging etc was taken away, leaving our place clean and tidy. Am more than happy to recommend Sharp Glass!”
From rustic cladding, to designer skylights, current building trends offer plenty of scope for designing and creating unique homes.
Exterior cladding sets the scene, and these days there are plenty of options. Here are some:
Popular because of their durability and versatility, metal façade choices range from aluminium to steel and copper.
Aluminium is lightweight and corrosionresistant, making it an excellent choice for high-rise buildings.
Steel o ers superior strength and can withstand extreme weather conditions.
Copper has a distinctive aesthetic appeal as it develops a natural patina over time.
Metal façade cladding systems are also easily fabricated into di erent shapes and sizes, allowing for creative designs, and have excellent thermal insulation properties.
Increasingly popular in modern architecture, glass façade cladding creates bright open atmospheres, letting plenty of natural light into a home.
Float glass is the most common type that provides clarity and transparency. Tempered glass is stronger than regular glass as it undergoes a special heat treatment process, while laminated glass comprises multiple layers with an interlayer that holds them together even when shattered, providing additional safety benefits.
Adding natural beauty to a building, stone is a timeless classic, available in various types, including granite, limestone, marble, and sandstone. Each type has its own unique characteristics, colours, and textures.
Stone façade cladding systems o er durability and require minimal maintenance. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and provide excellent thermal insulation. Stone also o ers versatility in design, able to be cut into di erent shapes and sizes to create intricate patterns or simple designs.
Composite materials are becoming increasingly popular for façades thanks to their aesthetics and functionality. These materials typically comprise a mixture of two or more components, such as wood fibres, plastic polymers, and resins.
Composite façade cladding systems o er the look of natural materials like wood with enhanced durability and resistance to rotting, warping, or fading. They are lightweight, easy to install, and require minimal maintenance compared to traditional materials.
It has been well reported that our country faces some challenging economic headwinds at the moment.
Community groups, businesses, and households are all finding it tough right now. Our council has been hearing this message loud and clear recently as people present their submissions on our draft Long Term Plan.
It’s not easy when costs keep increasing, but we are all acutely aware of the pressures rates put on peoples’ back pockets.
We are not alone here. Councils around the country are coming up against the same thorny issue: how do we fund the delivery of core services when faced with rising inflation, a growing population and aging infrastructure?
One idea I’d like to see the Government consider is returning the GST collected on rates to councils. This would remove a tax on a tax and reduce the rates burden. More importantly, it would ensure that the money paid by Christchurch ratepayers goes towards Christchurch’s roads, parks, water supply, and other key services.
For example, the value of GST on rates for the 2024/25 financial year will be approximately $102 million. If this was returned to the council, it could reduce rates by 15 percent next year.
Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown and I have both asked the Finance Minister to consider this idea. We must look at new ways of funding the core services we all rely on every day.
Right now, however, our council must work with the system we have and make the tough decisions as we finalise our Long Term Plan next month.
How do you create a clear vision and direction for the economic future of Ōtautahi Christchurch?
That’s a question I’m confident we are answering with an innovative citywide framework called the Christchurch Economic Ambition.
At the core of this ambition is the idea of transitioning towards a more regenerative economy, where sustainability is prioritised.
‘Regenerative’ might conjure images of environmental straitjackets on economic progress – but that’s far from the case. Embracing regenerative practices can secure our city’s position in global markets and there is danger in lagging and profit in leading this transition.
We are already seeing the opportunity in leading the way with climate positive innovations from companies like Aspiring Materials, who help industries achieve net-zero emissions through carbon-capture technology and lowemission materials derived from common rocks.
The Ambition has already been endorsed by many leading companies and organisations across the city.
I’m seeing collaboration between private sector, public sector, and nonprofit organisations with one shared goal: long-term economic prosperity for Christchurch.
If it sounds ambitious – it is. If it sounds too hard – we are working on the tools to make it easier. Building capability and providing support for small and medium-sized enterprises to develop regenerative practices is one of ChristchurchNZ’s priorities.
But the true magic lies in collaboration, and that’s why ChristchurchNZ is bringing together businesses to work through this plan, because prosperity is a team e ort.
Situated opposite the University of Canterbury Priced from $625,000
Highly sought-after area in the best school zones. 1 or 3 Bed options.
Architecturally designed by Buchan Group. Completion due July 2024.
Te Papa Hauora Christchurch Health Precinct celebrates its 10 year anniversary in May 2024.
From an inspired vision post-earthquake, the Precinct o cially came into being in May 2014, as one of the first of 18 anchor projects to get underway. It took considerable courage by the founding stakeholders to embrace a new way of collaborating in the delivery of health education, research, and innovation.
Their courage, commitment and conviction has resulted in a unique capability in Christchurch. Nowhere else in Aotearoa New Zealand has the level of cooperation between key tertiary education institutions, health providers and mana whenua evolved as it has here.
Te Papa Hauora is enabling communication, facilitation, and innovation across the local health ecosystem, that in many instances would not otherwise be happening.
There is still a long way to go in the continuing joint pursuit of improving health and wellbeing outcomes for our communities, but we can be proud of the unique contribution Te Papa Hauora continues to make.
More than 200,000 attendees have taken part in 458 events at Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre since we hosted our first conference two years ago, far exceeding all expectations.
This success also reflects the integral role and mahi of our entire local events infrastructure. That includes the council and ChristchurchNZ, our local suppliers and our city’s hotel and hospitality sectors, who have played a key role in putting Christchurch and our region back on the map for business events. The direct economic impacts of business events have been well researched. Each event can bring hundreds of people into our city and wider region to stay for several nights, providing a major boost to our economy and driving increased visitation during o -peak periods.
Perhaps less well recognised, are the broader impacts of a successful events infrastructure for our community. Whether it’s the opportunity to learn from the best in your field or network with industry leaders, or the chance for local businesses to demonstrate their capabilities or promote their products and services to an international audience, the wider impacts of a successful events programme are incalculable.
We’re delighted to have a packed calendar of worldclass events in May 2024, which is traditionally a quieter month for local tourism. In addition to the five international and 10 national conferences, concerts and events, the programme of local events includes school balls, workshops and information evenings. We expect to host over 8200 attendees in May, including 2650 international delegates and 3135 from around New Zealand – an amazing opportunity to showcase Ōtautahi Christchurch to the world.
More than just prettying up your décor, window coverings are functional too, boosting energy efficiency, comfort, visual appeal, and privacy.
That’s why making the right choice is important. For instance, opting for the correct window coverings can help privacy, retain heat and reduce heat loss keeping you warm during winter.
The emphasis on home interior design, often falls on major elements like furniture, wall colours, and flooring. Yet, the choice of window coverings plays a pivotal role in your home’s passive heating. The ideal window coverings not only enhance style, texture, and depth in any space but also o er practical advantages like light control and custom features suitable for any lifestyle.
Chris Swart and the Lohreys team, powered by Canterbury Window Coverings, are renowned for their expert guidance and commitment to enhancing the aesthetic and practical uses of homes and o ces. Sales manager Chris and his team have been key players in the building industry since 1991. They transitioned to curtains and window coverings after a supplier, impressed by their exceptional service and craftsmanship, reached out.
Chris took a significant step forward by registering the business as a limited company, which has since evolved and expanded.
Sustainability is a core aspect of the company’s philosophy. For instance, their supplier, Santa Fe, cultivates its own forests and harvests its own timber, focusing on sustainable practices, a commitment the team proudly supports. “They supply us with quality custom-interior
shutters honeycomb thermacell blinds, venetian blinds, and roller blinds,” Chris notes. A unique advantage over other window coverings is the specifically designed range for New Zealand’s unique conditions.
Canterbury Window Coverings, seamlessly combine style and functionality, further enhanced by their e cient service, a key reason behind Chris’ success. Customer service and satisfaction are paramount for the team. “Our goal is to improve by 1% each day, that’s a 365% improvement each year,” Chris says with a smile.
Constantly refining their methods and focusing on professional development, creates a story for happy clients. The team is dedicated to staying ahead with new technologies that directly benefit their customers.
Canterbury Window coverings also have a range from Curtains, fly screens to security features, original ZipTrack™, and aluminum exterior shutters and panels, positioning them as a comprehensive solution for window covering needs. Chris has a seamless company culture, striving to include a principle of Whanaungatanga, which translates to ‘a deep active sense of family’.
Integral to their service is the in-home consultation process. “We bring our mobile showrooms directly to you, allowing a hands-on opportunity to explore fabrics and materials in the comfort of your own home, tailored to personal style,” Chris elaborates. This approach includes tailored measurements and expert advice to ensure clients’ needs are met.
Attractive, flexible, and innovative, Thermacell cellular honeycomb shades will illuminate your rooms. Thermacell Honeycomb insulating blinds are energy-saving and developed to keep your home warm in winter.
The widespread appeal of Thermacell Blinds across Europe, America, and New Zealand is no surprise, given their exceptional aesthetics and remarkable insulating properties. Chris enthusiastically endorses this range, which includes over 70 colours, five cell sizes, three fabric opacities, and various lifting options, including motorised systems.
Thermacell Blinds are renowned for their child-safe, cordless, and motorised features, along with award-winning designs like SmartFit and the versatile Top-Down/Bottom-Up system. These blinds are not just functional, they elevate the style of any home, making them an excellent choice for heritage properties.
One of the standout benefits of the Thermacell Blind Range is its energy e ciency. The unique fabric cells act as insulation barriers, drastically reducing energy loss through windows, up to 60% compared to single glazing. This means significant energy savings and enhanced comfort inside your home.
As the chill of winter sets in, up to 45% of a home’s warmth can slip away through the windows. That’s where Thermacell Blinds come into play. These blinds fit snuggly against your windows, e ectively sealing the gaps where precious heat can escape. Their honeycomb design traps still air, creating a formidable barrier against the cold.
For those looking for the ultimate in insulation, the Double Cell option o ers an additional layer of air trapping, while the Room Darkening fabrics boast a reflective silver lining to further boost warmth retention.
In the realm of passive homes, designed to be ultra energy-e cient, maintaining a consistent interior temperature is key. These homes significantly reduce the need for active heating and cooling systems, slicing through high electrical bills. Thermacell Blinds are a perfect companion for such homes, minimising heat exchange and keeping the
indoor temperature cosy and comfortable.
Recognised by Consumer NZ, Honeycomb blinds are praised as one of the top choices for preventing heat loss during winter. Not just for cold weather, these blinds keep interiors cool in the summer by reducing the need for air conditioning and fans, which further cuts down on energy bills. Find out more here: www.consumer.org.nz/ articles/curtains.
Canterbury Window Coverings encourages potential clients to experience their mobile showrooms firsthand, and o ers free quotes. “The joy of meeting new people and exploring di erent areas of Canterbury is immensely fulfilling, especially witnessing the excitement of our clients when they see their new window coverings installed,” Chris reflects.
“We are driven to elicit that ‘wow’ response. I vividly remember our first shutter installation, it was a significant undertaking, but seeing the transformative impact and our client’s satisfaction made it all worthwhile.”
If you’re looking to transform your living space into a more energy-e cient and cosy haven all year round, while also enjoying significant savings on heating and electrical expenses, give Chris and his team a call at 0800 100 173 or drop an email to chris@sembelit.co.nz for a complimentary consultation and quote.
Take the step today towards a more sustainable lifestyle and experience the advantages of living in a passive home.
Cedar is known as the Rolls-Royce of cladding systems. Just like any premium product, it requires a premium and specialist level of service to maintain it.
If you own a cedar-clad home or are looking at buying or building, denying maintenance requirements won’t make them go away. Cedar maintenance and restoration is a specialist trade, and that is where local company
Cedar Tech comes in. “We’re not painters who dabble in cedar, nor are we cedar technicians that dabble in painting,” says company owner Craig Douglas. “We’re cedar maintenance and restoration specialists. It’s all we do, we love it, and we’re great at it.”
Craig’s clients agree. “The work was excellent. A very informative quote from how they would clean and prepare the cedar before applying the pigment. Perfectionists!” and “Great communication throughout and very, very happy with the finished work. Kept everything clean and tidy. Thanks, and will continue to have Cedar Tech maintaining the cedar,” are just two of their reviews.
Cedar cladding is treated with semi-transparent coatings. “Nothing can be hidden behind them, so you really do need to get things right. Knowing how is important, but knowing what to do in the first place is even more so. Every job is di erent, so an expert cedar diagnosis is key. There’s little room for parttimers,” adds Craig. The team work all year round, so you can have your cedar treated this winter and looking stunning for your spring and summer entertaining.
Craig finds most new clients have left their cedar too long between treatments, and need restoration rather than maintenance. “It’s human nature to not take action until we really notice something’s amiss. With cedar cladding though, unfortunately by then it’s usually too late and already in need of restoration,” Craig explains.
Maintenance is cheaper than restoration, so having a regular maintenance program in place is smart. “Joining our maintenance program is definitely the way to go, but if your cedar’s already in serious strife, cedar restoration is still substantially cheaper than cedar replacement,” says Craig. “We can bring almost anything back from the brink and save you tens of thousands [of dollars] in the process. Call Craig on 0508 233 278 or email craig@cedartech.co.nz.
Exotic tree plantings are on the rise in New Zealand, as an increasing number of people ask for more wood in their home designs.
From structural timbers to mouldings, hardwood floors to feature walls, kitchen splashbacks to exterior features and cladding, wood has become a must-have in contemporary bespoke homes.
Native timbers such as kauri, rimu and matai are highly sought after, especially for joinery, along with many exotic options. American black walnut, ash, pine, teak, beech, mahogany, rosewood, French oak, cherry, American white oak, American hard maple, Alaskan yellow and western red cedar are all used in New Zealand.
Aesthetically, timbers are often selected for their colours, grain patterns and workability, depending on how and where they are used. From a functional aspect, wood is like a good wine, getting better with age. Cedar is a classic example.
Why wood? It’s strong, durable, and long-lasting, a natural material, and - if obtained certified, e.g. by FSC or PEFC - it comes from responsibly managed forests, contributing to sustainability.
Current trends towards sustainable building practices, and also biophilic design, make wood an even more attractive material for architects and interior designers seeking to incorporate those principles into their creations. Wood is being used in contemporary design in several forms, from the entire structure to specific architectural elements, and detailing within a home.
Interior uses:
Flooring: Wooden floors provide a touch of elegance and additional warmth in a home, able to be laid in a variety of patterns, and materials.
Walls and panelling: Whether indoors for a contemporary bedroom or dining room, or outside for e ect on a verandah, wooden cladding helps create private and beautiful spaces. As a natural material, it instantly adds warmth and natural light to an interior.
Doors and window frames: Wood varieties such as western red and Alaskan yellow cedar are excellent for hard-wearing doors and window sashes, able to be painted over or stained and varnished for a natural look.
Not all importers bring in the same species, but almost all stock kwila, purpleheart, and vitex. Most stock western red cedar and oak, either American white oak or European oak, as well as various hardwoods.
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with a premium selection of finishes.
“We’ve taken into account Sumner’s landscape to ensure each of the six buildings sits beautifully within its surroundings. The undulating facades intentionally play with positive and negative spaces, providing extensive outdoor areas for intermittent gardens that soften the overall structure,” says James Lunday. Jeremy Kelleher, Director of Kelleher Real Estate, emphasises the rarity of this pocket of land in Sumner, facing true north with unobstructed views.
Sales in the development have been impressive, with the majority of buyers being local residents. With the overflow of demand in Anchorage, our first stage, we have commenced sales with the other two waterfront buildings Latitude and Spinnaker to meet the popularity, which is now publicly available. The sales suite is located on-site and is open from 12pm – 3pm daily.
• A 20-metre stroll to Sumner beach, and only 80-metres to Sumner village
• 350sqm rooftop alfresco dining facility
• On-site restaurant and wine bar
• Residences in Anchorage, Latitude and Spinnaker Building are on sale now
• Residents gym
• Secure basement car parking
• Dedicated dog wash facility
• Surfboard storage
• E-bike and e-car charging capabilities
• Resident access to an urban orchard featuring herbs, vegetables, and citrus delights
• All buildings o er single level living, with oversized lifts
• Multiple air corridors designed to optimise views, space and light throughout
For more information visit beachsidesumner.co.nz
architecture is about more than just striking buildings. It is also about the people who use them and the environment they reside in. This principle guides every design from the creative and thoughtful team at Arthouse Architects.
Arecent project combines the extraordinary environment of the Marlborough Sounds, and clients with a very focused vision of their future. “The site is nestled high on a hill face behind Anakiwa Bay, at the head of the Queen Charlotte Sound. This is a bay that the owners had a long connection with, having regularly visited a family bach in the area for roughly 30 years,” says architect and director of Arthouse, Jorgen Andersen.
The clients envisaged a large family home; a place they could share with their children, grandchildren, and host visiting friends. “They wanted a smart yet welcoming house with relaxed open plan living, an interesting arrangement of common spaces all in a design articulated for the site,” says Jorgen. Lead by architect Patrick Avery, the team excelled at the brief.
“We devised an elongated L-shaped layout with the longer side of the house extending along a soft ridgeline, reaching out to the east and the sound below,” Jorgen says.
By elongating the plan, the spaces align and focus on the primary view while picking up on other aspects of the surrounding environment. The longer side of the L forms the bedroom wing, with three guest bedrooms,
a bathroom, and laundry facilities. Flowing on to large exterior decks, the kitchen occupies the heart of the house, while a lounge at the foot of the house shares the spine wall, with a strong visual connection to the immediate landscape. Additionally, strong undulating roof lines characterise the exterior form and interior spaces, explains Jorgen.
“The roof lines rock up and down to exaggerate the site’s topography.” On the interior, the inverted ceiling planes create varying spatial experiences while framing the primary view.
The clients are interested in Scandinavian interior architecture and how these calming spaces showcase their surroundings. The team created a home featuring light timber elements, built-in furniture, and pared-back furnishings, combining to form simple, alluring spaces where the focus remains on the surrounding landscape.
“We are always interested in what motivates the client and we are expert communicators, translating your vision into a practical solution, says Jorgen, “Creating your own building can be a challenging yet immensely rewarding journey. Our team is your trusted partner, providing innovative and practical support to ensure your project meets your needs and stands the test of time.”
New Zealanders want to be back in their homes and workspaces soon after an earthquake event, according to new Resilient Buildings Project research.
The research revealed that Kiwis have higher expectations of their buildings in earthquake events than the structures simply providing life and survival. “New Zealanders don’t just want to escape a major earthquake with their lives,” explains research team member Helen Ferner from the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineers (NZSEE).
“They want to be back living and working in those buildings soon after an earthquake.”
NZSEE and the EQC Toka Tu Ake have published the results of the three-year Resilient Buildings Project, which captures the expectations New Zealanders have of their buildings. It provides a policy framework tool to support engineers and designers to align with these expectations.
“Our approach to the design of new building continues to evolve, and needs always to reflect society’s desires and tolerance to the risk of damage, while also considering the costs of mitigation,” Helen says.
Unprecedented seismic activity in New Zealand showed the shortcomings in seismic performance in buildings, which resulted in the Christchurch CBD being cordoned o for two years, and thousands of buildings being demolished and rebuilt. “Those events highlighted that as well as the direct property costs, there was also significant indirect costs from social distress and economic
disruption,” says Helen.
“This framework will support people to create more resilient buildings without blowing the budget, while also meeting people’s expectations.”
EQC chief resilience and research o cer Dr Jo Horrocks says one of the key objectives of the EQC is to promote stronger homes on better land.
“From what New Zealanders have experienced in the past decade, more focus on preventing or minimising seismic damage to buildings makes good economic and social sense,” Dr Horrocks says.
Ferner says a major American study quantified major benefit from greater building resilience by reducing casualties and damage, but also minimising the loss of function, social distress, and economic disruption to help the speed of recovery.
The same research also found that the cost of increasing seismic resilience in new buildings was very low, in most cases less than 1% of the construction cost, by using new innovations, but also by avoiding fragile designs and focusing on simpler, regular building designs.
The Resilient Buildings Research discovered that New Zealanders have particularly high expectations of hospitals, marae, aged care facilities, and community centres.
FRV Australia and its joint venture partner Genesis Energy, have started construction of the largest solar farm in New Zealand, an hour’s drive from Christchurch, at Lauriston on the Canterbury Plains.
Once operational, by the end of 2024 the 63 MW solar farm will power the equivalent of nearly 13,000 houses.
The joint venture partners are also assessing three North Island sites with a combined capacity of up to 400 MW.
The $104 million Lauriston plant is on a 93-hectare site, and is expected to create more than 50 jobs during the construction phase, along with having three full-time sta when operational.
The joint venture also signed a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Genesis Energy which will take all the renewable energy from the site.
A sod-turning ceremony on site on 23 April saw
Genesis Chief Executive Malcolm Johns and FRV Australia CEO Carlo Frigerio launch construction. Also in attendance were Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown,
the Chief Executive of EA Networks, Onno Mulder, and the General Manager of construction partner BEON, Kieren Lewis.
Malcolm Johns describes the start of construction as an important milestone for the joint venture and for the country, saying for New Zealand to reach net zero 2050, the country’s energy must become 60% electric, 95% renewable, and available 100% of the time.
“Solar has a clear role to play in this transition, and Lauriston is the first stage of the joint venture commitment to build 500 MW of solar capacity throughout New Zealand,” Malcolm adds.
Carlo says FRV Australia and Genesis have worked together to achieve what is a new era with Lauriston, with Genesis focusing on moving to around 95% renewable generation by 2035. Genesis plans to become net zero by 2040.
Our heart rate mirrors our feelings. When someone or something we love comes into view, it can send those beats per minute soaring. When relaxed and secure, the heartbeat returns to its comfortable resting rate.
AHeartland home can have this very e ect on people. The excitement of love at first sight leads to a calm contentment when the ‘home with heart’ is actually yours.
With a collective 70 years plus in the building industry, the team’s integrity and reliability combines with the passion to provide value to customers. “If you opt for a full onsite build, we create your home on your site,” says co-owner Vicki Foster.
“You will see your dream realised, whether it’s a beach house, farm
accommodation, or a forever home.”
The company’s kit set homes leave the plans, pricing, and consenting process with the team, so you or your builder can focus on construction.
Their transportable homes are ideal when trades people are not easy to get or the location is remote.
“You can do some finishing work yourself, or just turn up and collect the key,” says Vicki.
Jump start your heart with a visit to the Amberley show homes, open Monday to Friday 8.30am4.30pm, and Saturday 9am-12pm, or by appointment. heartlandhomes.co.nz
Design, customise, fabricate. Consider it done, all under one roof, with this one-stop installation shop.
In their latest full fit-out package for Cantab Gourmet Chicken in Mairehau, Art Fetiche made and managed it entirely, to produce an incredible result through a seamless process.
The Art Fetiche team fitted out the front of their shop a year and a half ago, so when business boomed and the Cantab Gourmet Chicken owner decided on an expansion, he knew the people to talk to. Consistently spectacular results have built up Art Fetiche’s known tick of approval, leading to repeat clients like these. “He trusts us, he knows we will do a great job,” Art Fetiche’s Brent Brownlee says.
Between initial consultations for visuals, through to specialist guidance and mock-ups, each preference is considered, ensuring the outcome is as promised. Knowing the dedication and significance that comes with each business rebrand or pivotal cultural sculpture, the Art Fetiche team applies the same weight to their work.
Interior, exterior, walls, logo design, adding windows and appliances, digital branding, and more, a shop in need of a rebrand quickly turned into something polished and exceeding expectations.
Plus, there’s no middleman. “We can do everything needed, and if we can’t do it, we know and will organise the tradespeople that can,” Brent adds.
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