Metropolis 1069

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Sep 19-Oct 2, 2014  Japan’s Nº1 English Magazine






Looking for English & Chinese speakers Also Japanese, Spanish & French speakers



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SEP 19-OCT 2, 2014 • #1069 Photo: 123RF

Underground Piano (1984) by Shigeo Fukuda. Courtesy of Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art.

Photo by Lorenzo Barassi


07 Baby (Road) Bump: Overcoming infertility in Japan.


Plastic Makes Perfect: FEMM rocks the dollhouse.

Your Lying Eyes: Bunkamura’s art will twist your brain.

Cover design Kohji Shiiki, photography: Lorenzo Barassi (, models: FEMM (




View of the 9/9 harvest moon from Nishi-Azabu, by Christian Walker

Search over 30 million photos 8F Nishi-Azabu Sonic Bldg, 3-2-12 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031 Tel 03-4588-2277 Fax 03-4588-2278 • METROPOLIS is Japan’s No.1 English magazine, founded in 1994 and published for Japan’s international community.

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CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Neil Butler EDITORIAL Mike Kanert (Managing Editor) Martin Leroux (Editor) Wendy Nguyen (Editorial Assistant & Social Media Manager) Lisa Wallin (Editorial Assistant) Anna Cock Gibson (Proofreader) Momoko Mochizuki, Taiichi Izawa (Interns) CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Dan Grunebaum (Entertainment) Don Morton (Movies) C.B. Liddell (Arts) Samuel Thomas (Fashion) DESIGN Kohji Shiiki (Art Director) Davi Azevedo (Graphic Designer) Minh Douangprachanh (Web Designer) James McGuire (Web Developer) PRODUCTION Helen Langford (Production Assistant) ADVERTISING Akane Ochi (Director of Sales) Karl Nakashima (Sales Manager) Yo Takahashi, Maya Oishi (Sales Executives) Ai Hosokawa (Sales Assistant) ADMINISTRATION/ACCOUNTING Jeanette Komatsu (Office Manager) Michiko Anezaki (Adminstration/Classifieds), Keiko Adachi (Adminstration) IT Guilhem Malfre (It/Web Developer)




Reach over 60,000 Metropolis readers. Advertise with us:; 外国人集客なら6万人の読者を持つNo.1ブランド・メトロポリスをご活用ください。詳しくは:03-4588-2277 © Copyright 2014 Japan Partnership Inc. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to edit or delete any advertisement without notice.


upfront CHECK IT OUT

Since 1949


Japanese women rarely step out the door without perfectly applied makeup. But at the end of the day, makeup removal is a four-step regime including cleansing, foam wash, skin lotion and moisturizer— plus optional skin cream. U.K.-based cosmetics retailer Make It & Co. now offers a Face & Body Wash Oil (¥6,800, 200ml) that covers all four of the main steps in one bottle. Made of 100 percent natural oils, the three available variants each promise a specific effect: citrus for sensitive skin, lavender for antiaging and thyme for sebum control. With one bottle estimated to last two-and-a-half months, it can certainly clear up some space by the lavabo. Available at Make It & Co., 7-6-12 Ginza, and Isetan Shinjuku’s Beauty Apothecary.



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Registr A a April 2 tion for 015 term NOW O PEN!

Free trial lesson for groups


Once they’ve successfully concluded their konkatsu (the hunt for Mr. Right), the new next step for many Japanese women is ninkatsu—preparation for pregnancy. With this in mind, Germany-based Marien Apotheke—or Marien Yakkyoku—offers a series of organic herbal tea blends that promise to improve hormone balance and blood flow to make getting pregnant that much easier. Other variants claim to ameliorate pregnancy problems and support milk production. Prices range from ¥3,980-4,480 for 45 bags, while uncrushed leaves are sold in quantities from 60-200g at a range of prices. Available online at (Japanese)

TRY IT OUT For Empowerment of Women (FEW) is inviting all self-identified women to attend its 18th Career Strategy Seminar this October. The event offers a platform for women in Japan wanting to take charge of their careers, presenting an opportunity to listen, exchange information and learn from notable speakers including Lori Henderson, Executive Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Tiziana Alamprese, Marketing Director for Chrysler Japan, and many more. Oct 4, Meguro MG Meguro Ekimae Bldg. See community listings for details.


Get your Neapolitan on in Nakameguro!

Metropolis Members Club THIS WEEK’S WINNER! Kerry Stanley won a Personal Training Session voucher courtesy of Club 360

UPCOMING PRIZE Italian Sporcaccione 1-8-29 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 03-6416-1123



One lucky MMC member will win a Peeling Facial voucher courtesy of Elana Jade

Register for prizes & discounts

Police in Ota-ku suspect a serial poisoner is behind the mysterious deaths of 29 cats over the past five months.


the small print BY STEVE TRAUTLEIN

THERE ARE NO NUCLEAR PLANTS IN NEW ZEALAND, WHICH MAKES MANY JAPANESE WANT TO STAY HERE.”—Hairstylist Yoichi Matsubayashi, who opened a salon in Auckland in 2010 SEE YA ⊲Officials ⊲ at the foreign ministry say that, as of October 2013, a record 1.25 million Japanese citizens were living abroad. ⊲A ⊲ city councilor in Sapporo was forced to resign after tweeting that “Ainu people don’t exist.” He said he quit in order to reclaim his freedom of speech. ⊲Authorities ⊲ at the National Police Agency say 3,281 men reported being abused last year by their wives or girlfriends. In 2001, the number was 55.

UPWARD & ONWARD ⊲The ⊲ government has decided to ease restrictions on the use of cell phones in hospitals. ⊲Public ⊲ and private sector researchers are teaming up on a five-year, ¥8 billion effort to develop a blood test that can detect cancer in its early stages. ⊲In ⊲ a finding that could challenge long-standing scientific theories, Japanese astronomers have determined that the universe’s first stars were “more than 100 times heavier than the sun.”

⊲Three ⊲ Japanese university teams will compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense as a way of developing machines that can help humans respond to disasters.

WORTH THE WEIGHT ⊲After ⊲ a 24-year effort, officials at the Imperial Household Agency have finished compiling the annals of the Emperor Showa (1901-1989). ⊲The ⊲ annals span 62 volumes and take up 12,137 pages of printed text. ⊲A ⊲ total of 112 full- and part-time employees worked on the project. They spent ¥232 million and gathered material in all 47 prefectures, plus the U.S. and U.K. ⊲In ⊲ March, a private publisher will release the first two volumes, which cover the emperor’s life until age 19.

THE KID IS ALRIGHT ⊲Kota ⊲ Morinishi, a 25-year-old grad student at the University of Tokyo, became the first Japanese person to win the annual World Sudoku

at a glance

Ijuu suru (移住する) = immigrate Sonzai suru (存在する) = to exist Ketsueki kensa (血液検査) = blood test Stohkaa jiken (ストーカー事件) = stalking incident Sagi (詐欺) = fraud


220 Number of minors given “correctional guidance” by the NPA after offering sex for money or selling their used underwear online

4.2 KILOMETERS PER HOUR Jogging speed of a bipedal robot developed by engineers at Tokyo University—which makes the machine about as fast as a walking human


Sales of new cars in August, the lowest total in three years, according to industry figures

Championship. ⊲Players ⊲ from Japan also won the team portion of the event, which was held last month in the U.K. and featured 200 competitors from 34 countries. ⊲Authorities ⊲ at the foreign ministry have requested an additional ¥50 billion in their fiscal 2015 budget to help “convey Japanese policies to the rest of the world.” ⊲They ⊲ also want to catch up with China, France and the U.S., each of which oversees approximately 250 embassies and consulates around the world. Japan operates fewer than 200 such offices.


WRAPPING UP ⊲Authorities ⊲ at the justice ministry say police and probation officers prevented more than 50 stalking incidents from developing into “serious crimes” during fiscal 2013. ⊲Officials ⊲ at the National Police Agency say minors have accounted for more than 20 percent of suspects arrested for bank-remittance frauds this year. ⊲Bottom ⊲ Story of the Week: “Six Japanese Scientists Considered for Nobel Prize Over Half a Century Ago” (via The Asahi Shimbun)

Small Print Updated Weekly → METURL.COM/SMALLPRINT News: Parks closed as dengue fever strikes Japan for the first time in 70 years.

Compiled from reports by AP, Japan Today, The Japan Times, Jiji, The Tokyo Reporter, The Mainichi, The Japan News, AFP, Reuters and Kyodo


city life Photo by Yoshinobu Nakamura

in person


More than a half-century ago, Katsue Inoue, one of the artists featured in the College Women’s Association of Japan’s (CWAJ) upcoming October Print Show, fell under the spell of the raven-haired beauties of Edo-period ukiyo-e. While all the other colors in the centuries-old woodblock prints had faded, Inoue noted the luxuriant jet-black hair was still vivid and alive. The hair of these stylish Edo beauties inspired her to pursue the perfect black ink for her own dramatic flower prints. Inoue, now 82, works relentlessly to create this perfection. She makes her own ink, mixing crushed Indian ink sticks with water. Every day for months, she skims off impurities and glue (a binding agent in the ink) and changes the water. She then grinds the sediments with a mortar and pestle 5,000 times, mixes the powder with water and strains it through cotton cloth.

WAFU DRESSING Avoid sartorial snafus at local life events BY HELEN LANGFORD

If you’ve ever found yourself suffering from appropriate-apparel anxiety before a big event, know that you’re not alone. And although common sense feels like a reliable guide, “common” varies from culture to culture in truly unexpected ways—and you don’t want your common sense to leave you in a post-faux-pas funk. While there will be regional (and generational) variations, here is a general (and conservative) guide to dressing for special events in Japan.

FUNERALS: Ososhiki demand black from top


Inoue began her artistic journey as a kimono dyer. She studied yuzen-zome, a resist-dyeing technique that involves painting with multicolor dyes directly onto silk. She was already teaching young girls these techniques when she started to learn woodblock printing from a fellow volunteer artist in her early twenties.

to toe. That includes ties, shoes, purses and almost everything in between. The exception is white shirts if you’re wearing a suit, and school uniforms for kids. Dresses should have sleeves and reach below your knees. Black tights are obligatory; sunglasses a definite no. Shiny things and rings other than wedding bands are out, and a single-strand pearl necklace is the only acceptable white accessory. Otsuya, the ceremony the night before the main service, allows a bit more wiggle room, with dark blue or dark gray outfits acceptable, but ties should still be black. For small kids without uniforms or funeral attire, a nice, dark-colored outfit will suffice—just make sure there’s no red in it whatsoever. Coats, umbrellas and other weather-related accessories should be black or another somber color. All clothing should be simple and without decoration. RITES OF PASSAGE: For children’s life events such as Miyamairi (a newborn’s first shrine visit), Shichi-Go-San (the celebrations for three- and seven-year-old girls and three- and five-yearold boys), or school entrance and graduation ceremonies, most parents will show up in suits, with skirt suits being common for women. That being said, these are places where you can let out some of your personal style, so dresses, skirts and pants are A-OK as long as they’re dressy. If you decide to wear a kimono, follow the protocol for seasonal pattern, color and

style (and if you don’t know what that means, skip the kimono). PANTYHOSE PRIMER: Until recently, skipping pantyhose was a big no-no in Japan. Though times have changed and young women are starting to go bare-legged, for formal occasions it’s wise to err on the side of tradition and hose up. If the event is on the casual side and it’s summer, you can probably go without, but it might be best to ask if anyone else will be forgoing convention beforehand—and it wouldn’t hurt to have a pair in your bag, just in case.

Photo: 123RF

WEDDINGS: Avoid all white or all black. If you go with either, add colorful accessories. Have hemlines reach at least your knees, and cover bare shoulders with a stole or something similar. Avoid black and colored tights, sheer tops, open-toed shoes, boots of any length, shoes without backs and anything with animal print. Summer weddings may allow some leeway, but if there is any doubt, conservative is best.

Katsue Inoue with print Fleeting Beauty

In the 1970s, legendary print artist Shiko Munakata spotted her talent. He was so captivated that he stood stock still, his face nearly touching the print. Munakata took Inoue under his wing. He told her, “Flowers are your thing.” Inoue considers them her lifelong friends. She places her rich, pure-black ink over a woodblock she’s carved with a minimalist floral design, then presses Echizen-washi (handmade paper) overtop. Her flowers bloom as they take on the ostensibly black ink’s hidden colors. Though having gone from multicolor yuzen dyeing to monochromatic woodblock prints, she has never abandoned her colors, but embraces them in her sensual black ink. Inoue’s striking print, Waltz, is available for purchase at the CWAJ Print Show, Oct 17-19 at the Tokyo American Club. See exhibition listings for details.

FROM PATIENT TO PARENT A roadmap to fertility in Japan

LINGOIST SALON SELECTIONS Last time we used the verb suffix “-te kudasai” in school. With a bit of embellishment, it can serve you just as well at the salon, or biyo-in—not to be confused with the byo-in, or hospital!






JP Photo: 123RF

Few things can make a woman feel more vulnerable than medical stirrups. Add the fear of infertility when trying to conceive, and it can feel like the loneliest place in the world. Infertility is typically defined as the inability to conceive after a year of intercourse without birth control, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to live birth. The statistics vary by country, age and other factors. But the crux is that there is no need to suffer alone. “Don’t take it personally,” says Christine Jamplis, an American dealing with fertility issues in Japan. “It’s not a race.” That’s good advice, seeing as navigating the processes and available options can sometimes make you feel like you’re stuck in gridlock. It helps to know what can be done. So if you’ve “tried” for a while with no luck, and if temperature-taking and ovulation kits aren’t producing a big fat positive pregnancy stick, these are the basic steps. First, a semen analysis for your partner and an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) for you, to check that travel of a fertilized egg would be unimpeded. Also, a blood draw at a certain point in your cycle will show if you’re ovulating and sending eggs down the fertilization highway. If not, your doctor can prescribe Clomifene (or similar) for ovulation stimulation. If that doesn’t work, the next steps are shots of hMG (human menopausal gonadotropin) and other pregnancy-supporting hormones. If necessary, forms of IVF (in vitro fertilization) are also an option. While it can be daunting, just remember that you always have options and hope. “If you suspect something is wrong, go get help,” says Windsor Redick, a military service member who’s dealt with infertility and now has a healthy child. “I kind of kept the infertility struggle bottled up socially while we were going through it.” When she found herself getting emotional as yet another friend announced a pregnancy on Facebook—or even when women walked by with multiple toddlers in tow—having an email friend to whom she could vent made all the difference. “She was there for me and would just listen. It was exactly what I needed,” she says. The brightest side of Japanese fertility treatment is its relative affordability. And while not available to everyone, many expats and military service members can access a medical translator. They’re more than interpreters—they’re kind, hardworking professionals who go the

extra mile, advising you on everything from the kinds of sushi that are safe to eat during pregnancy to giving directions to maternity shops. For her part, Jamplis commutes to Yokohama’s Fukuda Women’s Clinic. While the trains are rush-hour mad at any hour, she says the environment of the small but well-known establishment is like being in someone’s home. There’s only the doctor and nurse—and if patients aren’t in the first wave when the doors open, they won’t get a seat in the assembly line of a waiting room. As long as you have a chance at fertility, the key is to never abandon parenthood, and to try to not focus on the money—or that lonely sense of exposure when your legs are spread before virtual strangers, a curtain separating you from the medical staff, your translator a timid parrot at your side. But by the time you’re done, you feel you definitely deserve to be a parent. ENGLISH-SPEAKING OB/GYN HOSPITALS & CLINICS • Seibo Hospital, Shinjuku • Sanno Hospital, Akasaka • Fukuda Women’s Clinic, Yokohama SAMPLE PRICE LIST* • Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) treatment: ¥3,500 (minimum) per shot, approx. one shot per day for 1-2 weeks • In vitro fertilization (IVF): ¥300,000 (first try); ¥250,000 each time thereafter *Excluding consultation fee Source:


Katto wo onegai shimasu. I’d like a haircut/trim. Angelina Jolie mitai ni shite kudasai. Please make my hair like Angelina Jolie’s. Sukoshi kitte kudasai. Please cut just a little bit. Takusan kitte kudasai. Please cut a lot. Mo ii desu. / Daijobu desu. That’s good enough. / This is okay.

Lesson by Alpha Japanese Language Institute. Learn hiragana and katakana free online at












5 A






10 C

Down 1. Cute 2. Easy 3. To favor 5. Hair salon 7. Cram school 8. To thin out

Across 1. Body 4. Boil 5. Beautiful skin 6. To immigrate 9. Go 10. A lot

Solution: A






Look Sharp!

Perfect your hair, smile and body at these hot Tokyo shops


SPECIAL OFFERS • 78% off ThermaCool CPT • 43% off body ThermaCool CPT • 67-73% off Botox & fillers • Photo facial trial: ¥9,800 • Cavitation RF trial: ¥5,000 • Laser hair removal trial (armpits): ¥1,900 *Plus tax, valid until Sep 30, 2014 7F Hagiwara Bldg 1, 1-3-1, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku 0120-005-327 (Toll free) Open Mon-Tue & Thu-Sun 10am-7pm, Wed 11am-8pm Ebisu (West Exit)


As the summer heat cools down and we enter the relaxing days of fall, we’ve added some new items to the clinic menu, including melasma treatment and a DNA test for dieting. A DNA test? That’s right: Your genes are yours and will never change Ebisu throughout your life. Just one simple gene test will reveal whether it’s carbohydrates or fat that causes your problems, and what exercises will give you the best results. We also have a new 90-minute version of our popular Ultimate Slimming Program, giving you yet another choice for body refreshment this season. Or why not come in and try our whitening injection to revive your tired skin and body after absorbing the summer’s strong UV rays? We’ve also got a special campaign for the Titan XL treatment for skin tightening skin and sagginess reduction, and a special limited ThermaCool skin tightening package on specified days of the week. Be sure to check our homepage for our various campaigns!


SPECIAL OFFER • Sign up today and receive free registration (reg. ¥30,000) SERVICES • Four private lessons for ¥38,500/month • Five private lessons for ¥46,500/month Studios in Roppongi, Shibuya and Yokohama 03-6425-7054 Mon-Fri 10am-9:30pm, Sat-Sun & hols 9am-5pm Roppongi, Shibuya, Yokohama


Move beyond your traditional fitness routines with pilates—a holistic approach that utilizes physical strength training and breathing exercises to work both your body and your mind. Stop in at one of Basi Pilates’ 13 studios in Tokyo and find out how 20 million other pilates practitioners worldwide train their minds to control their muscles, build flexibility, increase strength and improve coordination. These unique exercises tone the deep muscles that support your skeleton—not just the surface muscles affected by ordinary workouts. Pilates practice helps you access newfound power from the very first time you try it. To consistently improve your posture and physical wellbeing, the muscle contractions you learn can be managed daily—at home or at the studio. The studio sessions will also teach you how to direct your thoughts inward and use concentration and breathing exercises to help focus your mind—a little like working out and meditating at the same time. Various locations



SPECIAL OFFER • Mention Metropolis and receive four 60-min peeling facials for only ¥42,000 (¥14,000 savings) 3F Latorie Memorial Bldg, 1-5-19 Azabu Juban, Minato-ku 03-6438-9895 Mon-Tue 11am-9pm, Wed-Fri 10am-9pm, Sat-Sun 10am-7pm Azabu-Juban


For a dose of mental, physical and spiritual health, stop in at Tokyo’s most exclusive organic beauty salon. Specializing in facials, waxing and massage, Elana Jade is located on the chic shopping street in Azabu Juban, offering an oasis in the heart of Tokyo. This fall, turn back time with the Ilcsi Organics peeling facial, which uses pure certified organic ingredients and is a favorite among celebrities such as Nicole Kidman and Gwyneth Paltrow. For ultimate results, it’s recommended you have one facial every week for four weeks; after that, one or two facials a year is all that’s needed to keep your skin vibrant and in its peak condition. With no chemicals or lasers, an Elana Jade facial is a must to look and feel your best this fall.



Hada ga karakara shite imasu. (肌がからからしています) = My skin is dry. WEBSITE

SPECIAL OFFER • 20% off our entire service menu on your first visit!

6F, 4-1-9 Azabu Juban, Minato-ku 03-6436-0228 Mon & Wed-Sat 10am-8pm, closed Tue & Sun Azabu-Juban


Gold Salon Tokyo is the first choice for foreign residents seeking a hair salon experience closer to what they might be used to back home. In fact, 98 percent of the salon’s clientele are foreign residents. As English is the first language in the salon, communication—from booking through to consultation—gives Gold the leading edge. Unlike hairdressers who’ve trained or worked exclusively on Asian hair, the stylist/colorists on the Gold team have many years of experience working with the variations in hair texture and myriad color options of discerning clientele from a variety of countries. As salon owner and director Howard Regner likes to put it, “If the U.N. set up a salon, it would pretty much look like Gold!” So if you want a great cut, superb colors or the smoothest Brazilian keratin treatments in town, then we’d like to say to you, “Welcome to Gold!” Azabu-Juban


SPECIAL OFFER • 30% off cut, color and perm for first-time visitors until the end of December 206 The Roppongi Tokyo Plaza, 3-7-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku 03-5574-8844 Mon & Wed-Fri 10am-9pm, Sat-Sun & hols 10am-7pm, closed Tue Roppongi


Hayato Salon just celebrated its second anniversary in its new Roppongi location after moving from Omotesando. Established in New York City back in 1994, the salon opened the doors of its London branch five years back, and its three global branches are now situated in the three most sophisticated hairstyling cities of the world. Hayato guarantees absolute satisfaction. Each team member is completely bilingual, and they all try their very best to create a relaxing, comfortable and classy environment. Our hairstylists are all experts—especially at handling foreigners’s varied hair types. The secret behind our expertise is that Hayato himself, the founder, spent more than 12 years developing a training program for his staff. They only debut as hairstylists at Hayato Tokyo after two years of on-the-job training at Hayato New York, learning to speak English. Come down and enjoy the results of this well-honed system. Roppongi


SPECIAL OFFER • Mention Metropolis to get a cut for ¥4,300, a cut & half highlights for ¥10,850, or a cut & full highlights for ¥13,300. MENU • Cut: ¥5,500 • Cut & half highlights: ¥15,500 • Cut & full highlights: ¥19,000 *Plus tax 2F Porte Bonheur, 5-4-11 Akasaka, Minato-ku 03-6426-5227 Daily 10am-8pm, closed 3rd Mon monthly (Also closed Sep 22 & 29) Akasaka


Kiwa Salon is dedicated to making men and women look their best. Begun in New York, the salon focuses on providing the highest quality of beauty treatment, with the Stateside branches consistently receiving 4-5-star ratings on online urban guide Akasaka Yelp. Now the salon that brought Japanese cutting-edge techniques to the U.S. is coming back home to Tokyo, where English-speaking stylists can create beautiful cuts, colors and perms for both Asian and Western hair. Using coloring agents normally unavailable in Japan, the staff are all highly experienced in creating show-stopping highlights and color gradations in both Japanese and Western hair. Come on by and find out what New York has been talking about!



Hada wo kirei ni shitai desu. (肌をきれいにしたいです) = I want to make my skin pretty. WEBSITE

SPECIAL OFFER • Blow out (includes shampoo) ¥3,500 (reg. ¥5,000). Valid until Oct 20, 2014. MENU • Cut: ¥8,000 (women) ¥7,000 (men) • Color: From ¥7,000 • Straightening*: From ¥20,000 *Consultation required 3F Hirota Bldg, 1-3-8 Ebisu Nishi, Shibuya-ku 090-8558-3382 (Ellie Ishida) Ebisu Daily, by appointment only


In 2002, Ellie began her career as a stylist in Tokyo. She then moved to midtown New York, where she picked up knowledge of the beauty industry and quickly found herself in hot demand. Now back in Japan (as of last April), Ellie offers her expertise in Ebisu cutting, washing and blow drying, as well as Japanese straightening, as she brings a personal touch of enthusiasm and joy to everyone who enters her salon. Makeup and personal ID photo shoot services are also available onsite, combining several professional services in a single convenient location to help you create a positive, powerful image of yourself. With a private and relaxing atmosphere, her salon is located just three minutes from Ebisu station.


Omotesando 5-10-7 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku Omotesando Ginza 3-4-18 Ginza, Chuo-ku Ginza


Shinjuku 3-34-13 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Shinjuku

We create jewelry through the traditional Japanese metalworking technique of mokumegane. Roughly 400 years ago, master metalsmith Denbei Shoami developed an exquisite technique in which differently colored metals were layered, then painstakingly carved and forged to create beautiful patterns in the style of wood grains. Top Japanese jewelry brand Mokumeganeya is one of the few brands in the world to specialize in mokumegane. We use processes that have been handed down since the Edo period, and which have grown and developed over time to add more and more variations to this ancient technique. Your jewelry will be made by highly skilled smiths whose hand-crafted techniques ensure that each wood grain pattern is unique in the world. You’re welcome to drop in any time and check out the jewelry collection at any of our 16 Mokumeganeya stores across Japan. Let our concierges help you find the unique jewelry style that’s right for you! Omotesando, Ginza, Shinjuku

Yokohama Motomachi 1-20-2 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Motomachi Chukagai 03-3408-7863 11am-8pm Mon-Sun WEBSITE

SPECIAL OFFER • 50% off paraffin pack treatment for customers taking services over ¥2,400 (plus tax). Valid until Oct 31, 2014.


Shibuya Premium Store 4F, 25-4 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku 03-5784-5861 Mon-Fri 11am-9pm, Sat-Sun & hols 11am-8pm Shibuya


Major nail chain Nail Quick offers delicate Japanese nail art from skilled manicurists who take the traditional Japanese spirit of hospitality to heart. The chain’s salons can be found minutes away from major stations, including Asakusa, Ueno, Akihabara, Shibuya, Omotesando, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Azabu Juban and Yokohama, just to name a few—and a branch can also be found at Narita Airport. Since its founding in 1996, Nail Quick has grown to become the largest nail chain in the metropolitan area. Feel free to consult the salon’s manicurists for the best solution to your finger and toe needs 365 days a year. The season’s hot recommendation is the popular gel nail course, available from ¥7,000 plus tax. In addition to nail art and care, Nail Quick salons offer imported BodyHonee epilating wax, which is made of 100% natural ingredients, and can be used as Brazilian wax by both men and women at home (also available online). Shibuya, others



Taikei wo yoku shitai desu. (体系をよくしたいです) = I want to improve my physique. WEBSITE


SPECIAL OFFER • 50% off laser hair removal (one-time offer, restrictions apply) plus a free book, New You With Botox 4F, 5-5-1 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku 03-5475-2345 Mon-Tue & Thu-Sat 9:30am-6pm (by appointment), closed Wed & Sun Hiroo

If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, Plaza Clinic, conveniently located near Hiroo Crossing, is an easy choice. Dr. Robert Kure is the only surgeon in Japan certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and was chief resident in plastic surgery at UCLA. As the head surgeon of Plaza Clinic, he strives to make sure it has the very best in modern cosmetic care. State-of-the-art equipment is used for Botox treatment for wrinkles, hyperhidrosis in hands and migraine headaches. Lines are reduced with Restylane and Juvéderm, while blemishes and wrinkles are removed with Retin-A and Obagi systems. Plaza also offers facelifts, liposuction, laser tattoo and freckle removal, and double eyelid procedures. English consultations are offered, and foreign insurance can be used for reconstructive procedures and certain dermatological cases. Once you’ve been to Plaza, we’re confident you’ll return. Laser hair removal is currently 50% off.



For over 20 years, Sin Den has been Tokyo’s go-to salon for innovative cuts, perfect hair coloring and effortless sleek styling. Located near Tokyo’s fashion hub, Harajuku, Sin Den’s rep comes from honest communication, personal attention and the way you feel when you leave the salon: refreshed, fabulous and flirty. Foreigners, celebs, families and locals rave about Sin Den’s team of charismatic stylists. They know all the hottest hair trends and nail treatments, but listen first to what you want. Luxuriate in the last days of summer by treating yourself to Sin Den’s rich Keratin treatment. Keratin “kers” for your hair, repairing sun damage and smoothing strands, leaving you feeling silky and sexy all the way into fall. Omotesando

SPECIAL OFFER • Mention Metropolis for 20% off all hair services • Shellac nail coloring manicure for ¥4,500 or pedicure for ¥6,500; the first 10 bookings will receive a free 10-15 minute mani or pedi massage. (Only for customers new to Sin Den. Valid until Oct 31, 2014.)

3-9-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku 03-3405-4409 Mon-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 10am-7pm Omotesando

Sin Den 1994

Sin Den 2014


SMILE CARE ORTHODONTICS SHIBUYA Shibuya SPECIAL OFFER • Mention Metropolis for a free consultation MENU • Inner braces: ¥1,350,000 • Initial consultation: ¥3,240 • Examination/diagnosis: ¥37,800 • Teeth whitening: ¥27,000 (home)/¥48,600 (office)/¥75,600 (dual home & office) • Fast orthodontics (optional): ¥54,000 *Tax included 9F-A 27SY Bldg, 1-8-7 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku 03-6450-5822, 0120-188-901 (Toll-free) Mon-Tue & Thu-Fri 12:30-8:30pm, Sat-Sun & hols 9:30am-12:30pm/1:30-5:30pm, closed Wed Shibuya

Smile Care Orthodontics Shibuya takes every step to make every one of our patients smiles. And with inner braces, you can keep your confident smile even during your treatment. Inner braces are attached to the inside surfaces of the teeth, meaning they’re practically invisible from the outside—even up close. By coordinating with our dentists, dental hygienists and dental technicians, we ensure that we can deliver the optimal treatment plan for your teeth. We also offer partial braces, which will correct only the area of your teeth you might be concerned about, and 3-D digital inner braces, which use a fine orthodontic wire that’s produced based on a computer simulation predicting the movement of your teeth, enabling us to shorten your treatment period to six months or less. Our patients don’t have to feel self-conscious about their braces or avoid eating certain food. You’ll get a more beautiful smile without having to change your lifestyle.




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SPECIAL OFFER • 20% off home teeth whitening (reduced to ¥36,000 from ¥45,000)

1/2F, 4-21-23 Takanawa, Minato-ku 03-3443-4557; Fax: 03-3443-4558 Tue & Fri 10am-7pm; Mon, Sat & Sun 10am-5pm Shinagawa


A bright white smile is beautiful to see and a great source of self-confidence. Sorriso Dental Salon works with internationally trained dental specialists to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, your dental alignment and Shinagawa your smile. A comprehensive dental exam will be performed by Dr. Ueki during your initial dental visit and at regular check-ups. We also specialize in skin treatment, including dermal filler treatments using collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite and Botox, which rejuvenate facial skin by reducing or eliminating wrinkles, raising scar depressions, enhancing lips and replacing soft tissue volume loss through facial injections. Dorriso Dental Salon will take care of all your needs in a comfortable, private environment. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries.


SPECIAL OFFER • Mention Metropolis and receive free Kérastase hair treatment when you purchase other services over ¥5,000 (first-time visitors only) MENU • Hair: Cut, color, perm, highlights and head spa • Body: Waxing and facials 2F YS Bldg, 2-1-21 Moto-Azabu, Minato-ku 03-6408-6132 Tue-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun & hols 10am-7pm, closed Mon Hiroo or Roppongi


Vip Creative Hair International is there to meet all your hair care and beauty needs for any special occasion. Their team of experts has served Tokyo’s Japanese and foreign communities for many years, and they work Roppongi to provide a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere of pure luxury in their private treatment rooms. Their exclusive tewaza (hand technique) spa relaxes the head and scalp muscles, improves circulation, stimulates facial muscles and enhances your body’s natural healing powers. The salon staff have extensive experience in the U.S. and Japan, and can work with a full range of hair colors—as their many loyal foreign customers can attest. Leave your stress behind, relax and enjoy the VIP treatment at this exceptional hair salon!



SPECIAL OFFER • Mention Metropolis and receive 10% off all hair services (first-timers only) MENU • Haircut by hairstylist Aki: ¥9,720 • Haircut: ¥5,940 (stylist). Gray cover: ¥5,940 • Henna from ¥7,560. Coloring from ¥8,100 • Highlights from ¥8,640 B1 Sun Beauty Harajuku, 3-25-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku 03-3405-1188 Tue-Fri 11am-9pm, Sat 10am-9pm, Sun & hols 10am-8pm Harajuku or Meiji-Jingumae


To visit Watanabe Hair Dressing is to experience the best of Tokyo’s hair salons, where English-speaking staff pamper clients from start to finish, using unique techniques to create sophisticated looks. If you’re looking to discover a great new style this fall, a visit to Watanabe Hair Dressing may just be a step in the right direction. Forbes once called Aki Watanabe “the best hairdresser in Tokyo.” Trained at the Vidal Sassoon and Toni & Guy academies, his own salon, Watanabe Hair Dressing, celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. Aki’s done hairstyling for magazines such as The Face and i-D and worked for brands like Red or Dead. Some of his celebrity clients include Beat Takeshi, architect Paul Tange and Massive Attack. But you don’t have to be an A-lister to enjoy his latest styling trends and techniques—Aki has trained his young staff to provide great coifs at affordable prices for everyone.



FEMM wear cult underground label Balmung from Japanese designer Hachi. The current A/W 2014-15 collection is inspired by virtual idol Hatsune Miku, a blank slate onto which a character is projected—a perfect match for the mannequins of FEMM. As Hachi explains, “So many people use different vessels for different characters’s traits, stories and thoughts of their own, to the point where, depending on the fashion, each observer effectively sees a different character. When I design, I design avatars.” The

Photo by Lorenzo Barassi

designer’s voluminous shapes that envelope and exaggerate the body are in stark contrast to FEMM’s usually figure-hugging attire. Likewise, Balmung’s softer materials contrast with the harshness of rubber, which in turn offers a different interpretation of RiRi and LuLa’s identity. FEMM’s fashion is normally the work of Shoichiro Matsuoka, who operates out of high-tech costumers GM Atelier. Each outfit creates a different character for the duo, so whether displayed as schoolgirls, French maids or clad in kimono, each changes their persona—not just for them, but for the viewer as well. This is accentuated by the use of rubber for their outfits, a staple of the alternative scene outside Japan, but one rarely used to render the standards of the Japanese subculture scene. This unique combination of familiar ensembles in alien textiles gives FEMM a genuine edge in the sea of kawaii fashion worn by their contemporaries. Watch this space.




he global image of Japanese music could be forever altered by the audio-visual explosion that is Far East Mention Mannequin—better known as FEMM. The surging currents of American electrohop, J-electro and Eurotrance that dominate the duo’s refreshingly in-your-face sound

is powered by an even slicker image: FEMM is fronted not by people, but by two “living mannequins” named RiRi and LuLa. The mannequins are in turn represented in public by “agents” going by the monikers Honey-B and W-Trouble. If that sounds like the roster of the next XMen sequel, just wait for the visuals: RiRi and LuLa’s hypnotic, tandem-choreographed music videos feature the plastic duo decked out in

form-fitting rubber costumes designed by GM Atelier, transforming them into shiny schoolgirls, gleaming French maids or Tron-like combat automatons. Lyrics fly across the screen, highlighting FEMM’s second double-take-inducing strength: in a nation notorious for its mangled pop-song English, FEMM’s command of the language is so pitch-perfect it hits like a body check. “I’m



like a hurricane—insane,” the two declare in “Kill the DJ.” “Move—hey, hey—I’m ’bout to devastate.” All of FEMM’s tracks are officially sung by the mannequins. But Honey-B and W-Trouble appear as themselves in the opening of their debut single, “Astroboy”—allowing the agents to share a tenuous moment of discussion through the veil.

“FEMM’s music includes a lot of rapping and speaking kind-of-rapping,” Honey-B says in nearly fluent English, her eyes concealed behind silver sunglasses.“And even in the singing part, the pronunciation for certain words with attitude is very important.” Remarkably, W-Trouble says she’s only “learning” English. “For the little details, to be honest, I don't really want to rely on Honey-B,” she admits in eloquent Japanese. “But the truth is I do.” She continues: “For the musical nuances, it’s listening that’s important: the key is to match the sound and flow. If the nuance reveals a kind of attitude, it’s partly due to the songwriting and partly due to Honey-B.” Released in April this year, “Astroboy” was co-written by Brian Lee, co-writer of two tracks on Lady Gaga’s Born This Way. All nine of FEMM’s original releases to date have been penned by a high-powered team of producers and pop artists from the U.S., Europe and Australia, then mastered in New York by an engineer whose clients include Beyoncé, Adele, Taylor Swift and One Direction. From the all-English lyrics to their attitude and musical style, everything about FEMM broadcasts that their target isn’t Japanese, but global. Yet publicity has been kept to a minimum, and aside from sporadic mannequinwalking appearances around Tokyo, word has spread almost entirely online.

It was the single “Fxxk Boyz Get Money”— uploaded to YouTube on June 26—that projected FEMM onto the global radar. Honey-B attributes the track’s popularity to its strong message, as well as its embrace of a recent dance craze: “This song is for twerking, and it’s really hot right now—this twerking dance style,” she says. “So we thought to have FEMM try these moves.” Mated to a tune co-written by 2007 American Idol semifinalist Nicole Tranquillo, the duo’s robotic tandem butt jiggle went viral on Tumblr, producing hundreds of thousands of hits and a series of incredulous reaction videos. Asked about the two possible interpretations of the track’s audacious title, W-Trouble only laughs. “We'll leave it up to you to decide which it is,” she says.


oney-B and W-Trouble claim to represent the Far East Mention Mannequin’s Agency Syndicate, an underground society aiming to “send out the message to all the mannequins and dolls in the world.” What that message is isn’t exactly clear, but there is indeed something subversive here. FEMM holds a funhouse mirror to the doll-like kawaii archetype of Japanese women, reflecting back a pair of hyper-aggressive mannequins who blast through the glass with a subwoofer-stoked wave of female empowerment. “We look up to all artists in the world who have girl power,” Honey-B says. “This is one of the themes for FEMM: for girls to be strong and powerful.” Her surrogate, RiRi, is billed as a “combat mannequin”—and LuLa, while characterized as a healer, has been known to sport a sizeable assault rifle.




fter amassing more than 1 million online video views, FEMM have finally announced their first full album: the 13-track Femm-Isation, to be released October 1 (¥2,200). The album caps months of anticipation, as videos have been uploaded monthly beginning February this year, and recently accelerated to biweekly. “The mannequins have a hard schedule over a month, and maybe they learn five, six songs,” says Honey-B. Asked to confirm the existence of a cache of new tracks, she promises confidently, “We have more.” “We hope you’re looking forward to them!” W-Trouble chimes in. Claiming a catchphrase that encapsulates everything about the duo’s style, Honey-B adds triumphantly, “Right in your face!” Check out FEMM’s full catalogue on iTunes or YouTube at Far East Mention Mannequin’s Agency Syndicate.


cover Photos courtesy of ©TGC 2014 A/W


Now in its 19th iteration, the Tokyo Girls Collection (TGC) has come and gone for another season, heralding with it the official arrival of autumn fashion for Tokyo, as well as endorsing the trends that will characterize the city’s streets for the next six months. For the curious, the core trend this fall is a return to 1960s monotone chic for the fashionate elite, while the general tone is a return to the 1990s for the casual shopper.

Peach John channels Harajuku street style for its latest lingerie collection

Although the central theme—as ever—was a celebration of Japanese girls’ culture, this season’s TGC was also home to the first appearance of a number of brands from abroad, including Diesel, Kate Spade Saturday and UGG. Trend-based fashion might

Monotone mod chic is back for A/W 2014

side of Tokyo—as TGC has previously done in Osaka, Nara and even as far away as Okinawa—this year TGC will be popping up in Nagoya on October 4. TGC Night in Nagoya promises to be a mix of fashion shows and live performances to rival the core event. It’s never too early to school yourself in fashion Op art hits fashion

Office wear need not be square


have been the focus, but cute kids’ fashion also popped up, as did sharp suits for aspiring OL (office ladies) and salarymen, all next to the surprise appearance of plus-size fashion from Smile Land in sizes from L to 10L. Following the tradition of holding a satellite event out-

Enduring preppy fashion continues to reign supreme

fashion fix


The Tokyo autumn season presents a quandary for even the most seasoned of fashionable Tokyoites—not only because the length of what is considered to be “autumnal” varies by up to a month, but also because the temperature is given to fluctuate on an almost daily basis. As such, the question of investing in light layers to match the season is one closer to a gamble than an investment. The shops may be packed with outers in

paper-thin leather and barely-there cotton and flax, but realistically, how many days are you going to get out of them? For the office-bound, you might even be able to count the hours! The solution is to go for an autumn outer that can double as a layer come winter. So waistcoats, cardigans and gilets are all in—just make sure you can wear them under an outer come winter and you’re good to go.

Photo by Yasuto Kimura

ON POINT Say “Japanese men” and the first image to come to mind is most likely that of the salaryman: a bestragled, besuited figure increasingly devoid of the romance associated with the dauntless gogetter of the 1980s. Turning this state of affairs around is avant-garde salaryman fashion revolutionary Yasuto Kimura, a man who studied fashion part-time while he himself was a salaryman working the daily grind. Even having now graduated from the prestigious Coconogacco alternative fashion school, he’s still bound to the daily grind—that is, until his designs take off. With the vast majority of contemporary Japanese menswear focused away from the tailored suit and toward streetwear, it’s refreshing to see such a progressive designer dedicating himself to the genre, even if his deconstructed and exploded salaryman suits are most likely a leap outside the dress code of most offices.

not-inconsiderable amount of money in the process. From t h e c o n s u m e r ’s perspective, they g e t t h e b e s t of both worlds—but for bricks-andmortar retail that can’t hope to compete with the lower overheads of online shopping, it’s a growing frustration. Offering one solution is new Harajuku boutique Plays! (, which opened late last month with a view to facilitating showrooming rather than hindering it. In-store customers will find a range of imported high brands from MSGM to Rick Owens, as well as local favorites such as Y-3 and Suzuki Takayuki. Shoppers can then try on clothes and receive advice as normal, but when it comes time to complete the sale’ they do so online through partner sites—from which Plays! recoups an affiliate fee. With plans to open similar stores in Nagoya and Osaka, this might well be the shop of the future.


SHOPPING STRATEGY “Showrooming” is one of the most maligned phenomena in modern fashion: the customer visits a shop, picks and tries on clothes, then retreats to the comfort of his or her home to place an order for the item online, saving an often-

Photo by Samuel Thomas

Even though Tokyo might be one of the safest places for experimental fashion choices that might get you ostracized (or worse) abroad, there’s still a separate time and place for indulging extremities—and fortunately next month is positively packed with chances to flex your fashion muscles, as in today’s snap. Chief among them is Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo, which runs from October 13 to 19—so you have plenty of time to get your outfit ready!

FASHION CALENDAR Until Oct 19 | Doll Culture Exhibition Roppongi Hills is home to an exhibition featuring five of Japan’s most beloved dolls. With 6%Dokidoki curator Sebastian Masuda on hand for creative direction, the lineup is a journey into kawaii culture that should explain the origins of much of Tokyo girls’s fashion.

From Sep 19 | The SoloIst x Foot the Coacher Takahiro Miyashita’s iconic post-Number (N)ine brand The Soloist is collaborating again with footwear line Foot the Coacher on a series of high-end leather sneakers. Of the two versions, both costing ¥37,000 plus tax, the distinctive offcenter laced design is sure to be a collectors’s item. Move fast!

Sep 19-21 | Beautiful People menswear hits Aoyama Enduringly popular Tokyobased label Beautiful People shines a light on its menswear line with a limited run in its ordinarily women’s-only Aoyama flagship. The Beatlesinspired collection features many spot-on riffs of ’60s classics, so those in need of a retro fix know what to do.

Sep 23 | Anrealage takes on Paris One of the biggest events in Tokyo fashion isn’t in Tokyo, but rather over in Paris this month. Harajuku-based fashion technicians Anrealage are making their Paris Fashion Week debut—and thanks to the wonders of technology, you can see history unfold live online.

Sep 28 | Moshi Moshi Nippon Festival Foreigners get in free (normally ¥3,500) with a valid passport or residence card at this annual celebration of Japanese pop culture and fashion. It’s a chance to see fashion shows as well as performances from the likes of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and—for free! So what are you waiting for? http://


arts&culture COMMUTER GAMER


Kiwanuka is one of those games that’s virtu- reach an imprisoned compatriot at the end of ally impossible to categorize in an iOS gaming each level. Since the stages are littered with library. While it might be defined as a puzzler, floating rocks and ledges, you have to use your it’s more of a game of strategy. Yet should you mystic powers of follower-manipulation to build become invested in the lives of the game’s “people-ladders” to swing around anchored little wizard-like shepherd and his positions and latch onto distant flock of followers, it’s also a sort outcroppings. Once you humanKiwanuka of adventure. However you slice rope-swing your way to victory, 1337 & Senri ($4.99, iOS) Cirque du Soleil your it, Kiwanuka, developed by CMA you’re treated to a psychedelic way through crystalline Megacorp, is a fresh, fun, unique visual bombardment as your caplevels. little gem of a challenge. tive companion is freed from his Played out across 30 bite-sized stages, you or her prism prison. guide a funky, robed nomad—complete with With a sense of achievement as you figure a massive, glowing staff that gives him con- out each puzzle—and a pretty funky electro trol over his people—and his growing army soundtrack on the way—Kiwanuka is a good of raver-like Kiwanukan followers across, up, choice for breaking up the grinding gridlock over, under and around various obstacles to hours.


Art that bites back at Bunkamura BY C.B. LIDDELL


Courtesy of Sperone Westwater, NY.

The trouble with most art, from the classics to the most avantgarde, is that it sits or hangs there in the gallery, waiting to be seen. In other words, it’s passive. There’s quite a different vibe at the “Visual Deception II” exhibition at Bunkamura The Museum, where much of the art has a life of its own, impacting on the senses in a more instinctual way that bypasses the intellect. Building on an earlier, successful show from 2009, the second in the series contains plenty of art that tries to evoke visceral reactions and sensations rather than polishing socio-political agendas. A good example of this is Daniel Rozin’s Wooden Mirror (2014), a mosaic of flickering wooden squares with hidden cameras that track and instantly represent our movements. The effect is like stumbling upon some natural wonder rather than a work of art, and the experience is all the fresher for it. A similar effect, but with greater humor, can be found in Shigeo Fukuda’s Underground Piano (1984)—a smashed-up, chaotic jumble of broken piano pieces, which are so cunningly arranged that in a mirror next to the work they miraculously come together again to recreate the perfect form of a piano. The effect is visceral and raw, more like a wonder of nature than something that won art council funding or ticked the right boxes for trendy curators and collectors. The exhibition spans a wide variety of genres, including sculpture, hyper-realism, surrealism, op-art and photography—but it also stretches back in time, revealing that art’s ability to pull off simple visual trickery has always had a strong appeal, and may be something that it needs to

Female Stretch, Variation #2 (2011) by Evan Penny.

Courtesy of Flowers Gallery London


focus on more. Some of the earliest works in the show are by the great 16th - centur y Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who created paintings of people made up of various objects. His work The Sommelier (1574) is composed from various jugs, kegs and tankards assembled in human form. Hiroshige and Hughes (2013) by Patrick Hughes. The effect is more comical than visceral, although there’s also an element of the creepy and the surreal. Indeed, Arcimboldo was viewed as a precursor by the Surrealist movement, who are well represented here, with several works by René Magritte, Salvador Dali and Méret Oppenheim, whose Squirrel (1969) is a pint of beer with a squirrel’s tail. These surrealist works, along with the graphic tessellations of Dutch print artist M. C. Escher, suffer from being all too familiar, but are nevertheless rewarding to look at as examples of “art history.” More effective are the relatively unknown works, which become more immediate because you don’t see them through the filter of art history and cliché, such as Evan Penny’s Female Stretch, Variation #2 (2011), a hyper-realistic sculpture of a woman’s head, except that it’s taller than you and incredibly thin and elongated, like a three-dimensional hall of mirrors image. This is art that works best through raw reaction. Once you start wondering if the artist is commenting on anorexia nervosa or the cult of “thin” in modern society, it immediately loses its power. Until Oct 5, Bunkamura. See exhibition listings for details.

Courtesy of Smash


MIGHTY CELTS OF YOUTUBE Skinny Lister craft folk for the digital age BY DAN GRUNEBAUM

When Metropolis reaches Skinny Lister frontman Dan Heptinstall, he’s messing around on a computer trying out ideas for a new song. It’s not exactly what you’d expect of a band whose specialty is pre-internet Celtic folk and a guy who plays something called a “stomp box.” “I use my computer as a tape recorder,” Heptinstall says, denying any suggestion of digital literacy with a laugh. “All our songs start on an acoustic guitar, voice or accordion.” But despite the English outfit’s folk bona fides, the band is very much a creation of the digital era. “There’s a small festival in Germany called Haldern ... we did an impromptu gig for the crowd waiting in front of the main stage,” Heptinstall explains. “A massive party kicked off, and it was filmed and uploaded to the net, and that really helped to break us.” Skinny Lister (named for a high school classmate) launched in 2009 in Greenwich, England, a district of South East London. “There used to be a pub next door where they had a folk night—we were inspired to become part of it,” Heptinstall recalls. “Also, our members Max and

Lorna Thomas [melodeon player and vocalist, respectively]—their father has a folk heritage. He’s been writing folk songs for years, and they grew up being taken to traditional folk clubs with him.” The group began singing sea shanties as well as traditional jigs and reels. They also perform a number of the elder Thomas’ songs live—including a rousing number called “Forty Pound Wedding.” Heptinstall says, “They’ve become singalongs that everyone in the crowd gets into.” The online popularity of roots folk bands like Skinny Lister, Mumford & Sons or America’s Lumineers may be a case in which—to turn an adage on its head—the medium isn’t the message. Audiences are definitely yearning for something organic, and if the medium of distribution happens to be digital, so be it. “We don’t align ourselves with bands like Mumford & Sons—they sound more American,” cautions Heptinstall. “We consciously try to be quite English and a bit Irish in what we do. We love The Pogues, and the subjects and attitude with which they deliver them. We align

ourselves more with that than the current crop of folk bands. But the current folk wave has definitely opened some doors for us.” Skinny Lister’s current invitation to Japan— and release of their forthcoming album on domestic imprint Uncleowen—traces back to what has become a familiar route for bands into the country: a barnstorming debut at the Fuji Rock Festival. “Japan was one of the highlights of last year— it was unexpected,” says Heptinstall. “We knew we were playing Fuji Rock, but we didn’t foresee such a response. We played the pre-party, and we must have had several thousand people watching it, and they were going crazy. Then the next day everyone seemed to come along. It exceeded our expectations and we can’t wait to return.” Fuji Rock offers a release from Japan’s unforgiving day-to-day, blessing bands with ecstatic receptions that can be hard to repeat at a standard club gig in Tokyo. But for Heptinstall there are other rewards to be had than simple applause. “As a songwriter, it’s a cathartic experience to get something out of your system,” he says. “That would exist without me needing to perform in front of people. And then for other people it can be a similar thing—people put their emotions into it. And if you’re feeling good, music can help that along. And if you’re feeling like it’s the end of the world, music can help you work through that, too.” Oct 8, Club Quattro. See concert listings (popular) for details.




Courtesy of The Container, Tokyo

Photo by Takashi Ikemura

TEMMETSU: WONDERFUL STATE Q Butoh dancer Temmetsu is one of a small band of artists to have learned his craft at Asbestoskan, the school founded by Tatsumi Hijikata, the creator of Japan’s avant-garde dance form. For Wonderful State Q, he uses the snail’s shell as a metaphor for the state—but in this case, the state is the interior world of the individual. “The snail's shell forms a mysterious nation to which others are not admitted,” Temmetsu says. “Falling inside itself, the snail’s shell becomes its own country.” The Q, he adds, stands for the “question” of whether this mysterious interior world is an earthly paradise or a purgatory. —Dan Grunebaum Nov 1, 7:30pm, ¥2,900 (adv)/¥3,200 (door). Nov 2, 1:30pm & 6:30pm, ¥2,900 (adv)/¥3,200 (door). Theater Samsa. Asagaya. Tel: 0908516-6005.


Hosted by Ivan Radix, a finalist from the Brisbane heat of Australian Poetry Slam 2013. Sep 21, 5:30pm, ¥1,000+1d. Hilton Tokyo. Shinjuku. tokyoslam


ROBERT WATERS: CHANGE ROOM Conceptual Canadian artist transforms unconventional art space into a changing room via collage, silkscreen, drawings and sculpture. Until Nov 16, free. Mon-Fri 11am-9pm, Sat-Sun 10am-8pm, closed Tue. The Container. Naka-Meguro.

OCT 18-19


Heavy metal warhorses Manowar, Dream Theater and newer-school acts like Arch Enemy bang it out at Japan’s long-running hard rock rave. Oct 18-19, 10:30am, ¥14,500-16,500 (1 day, adv)/ ¥26,000 (2 days, adv). Saitama Super Arena. Saitama-Shintoshin.

Israeli singer-songwriter spans the full palette of his country’s musical heritage, from Europe and the Middle-East to Africa. Oct 7, 7pm & 9:30pm, ¥4,8006,800. Billboard Live. Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133. www.

SEP 22


Techno and house from the worldleading Berlin electronic music scene’s biggest and baddest club, Berghain. Sep 22, 10pm, ¥3,500. Air. Shibuya. http://

OCT 19



NOV 20-26

Fatboy Slim

Pia Film Festival

John Legend

Swan Lake

With Steve Aoki and others. Oct 19, 3pm, ¥9,800 (adv). Makuhari Messe. Kaihin-Makuhari. Tickets on sale now!


Annual showcase of emerging indie cinema talent. Until Sep 25, screenings ¥1,000-¥2,000 (adv)/¥1,200-¥2,500 (door). National Film Center. Takebashi. Tel: 03-5777-8600. Tickets on sale now!

Winner of nine Grammy Awards. Oct 1, 7:30pm, ¥8,500. Pacifico Yokohama. Minatomirai. Tel: 0570-00-3337. Tickets on sale now!

Courtesy of Air

Courtesy of Billboard Live



hot tickets

Jungle Gym (Orange Alert)

Courtesy of Creativeman

Photo by Joe Zanghi

SEP 21


Performed by the Bolshoi Ballet and the Bolshoi Orchestra. Nov 20, 7pm; Nov 24, 5pm; Nov 26, 1 & 7pm, ¥6,300-21,000 (members) ¥7,00022,000 (gen). Bunkamura Orchard Hall. Shibuya. www.bunkamura. Tickets on sale now!


NOV 10 & 22 Asakusa Tori-no-Ichi Fair

Open air market selling okame masks, bamboo rakes of good luck, etc. Nov 10 & 22, all day, free. Chokokuji Temple and Ootori Shrine. Asakusa.


SEP 28, 1PM

"More Than a Feeling" and "Don't Look Back" hitmakers. Oct 2 & 9, 7pm, ¥11,00012,000. Nippon Budokan. Kudanshita. http://meturl. com/boston14


American R&B vocal group with emotional ballads and a cappella harmonies. Sep 19, 7pm; Sep 20, 6pm, ¥8,5009,500. Tokyo International Forum Hall A. Yurakucho. Tel: 0570-550-799. Han-Kun

Reggae and hip-hop MC. Sep 20, 6pm, ¥5,500 (adv). Yokohama Bay Hall. Motomachi-Chukagai. Tel: 045-624-3900. AAA

J-pop septet. Sep 20, 5pm, ¥7,800 (adv) +1d. Yokohama Arena. Shin-Yokohama. Tel: 045-474-4000. Totalfat

Punk band from Tokyo. Sep 21, 6pm, ¥3,500 (adv) +1d. Zepp Tokyo. Aomi. Farm Party 13

Indie rock and more with Naisho, Goodbye Enemy Airship, Servals, and Hippo Disco. Sep 21, 6:30pm, ¥1,000 (adv). Ruby Room. Shibuya. http://farmparty. Sono Ongaku wo Motteiru

Merpeoples, Hotte and more. Sep 21, 7pm, ¥2,300 (adv)/ ¥2,500 (door). Zher the Zoo. Yoyogi. Tel: 03-53584491. zherthezoo/ Mannish Boys

Rock‘n’roll side project by Kazuyoshi Saito and Tatsuya Nakamura. Sep 22, 7:30pm, ¥5,400 (adv) +1d. Akasaka Blitz. Akasaka. Tel: 03-34446751. Sexy Idol Music Festa

Idol groups Pinkey, Million Girls Z and more. Sep 22, 5pm, ¥3,500 (adv) +1d. Club Citta. Kawasaki. Tel: 044-2468888. idolmusic14 Led Zepagain

Led Zeppelin tribute band. Sep 23, 5pm, ¥5,500 (adv) +1d. Ex Theater Roppongi. Roppongi or Nogizaka. Tel: 03-54538899. Mucc

Visual-kei band named after a bright-red children's TV show character. Sep 23, 5pm, ¥5,569 (adv) +1d. Yoyogi National Gymnasium. Meiji-Jingumae.


Moshi Moshi Nippon Festival 2014

Foreigners get FREE entry! If you love Japanese pop culture, don’t miss this! Featured acts include Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and more. Register for tickets here: Sep 28, 1pm, Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. Sendagaya or Kokuritsu-Kyogijo

Buzz the Bears

Fuzzy punk-rockers. Oct 3, 7pm, ¥2,800 (adv) +1d. O-West. Shibuya. Tomomi Kahara

Controversial J-pop singer. Oct 4, 5:15pm; Oct 5, 4:15pm, ¥6,800 (adv). NHK Hall. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3465-1751. Mariah Carey

Club Citta. Kawasaki. Tel: 044-246-8888. Haunted Hearts

Former Dum Dum Girls and Crocodiles members’s new project. Sep 25, 7pm, ¥4,500 (adv)/ ¥5,000 (door). Marz. Seibu-Shinjuku. Tel: 03-3202-8248. Her Name in Blood

Heavy metal beasts. Sep 26, 7pm, ¥2,500 (adv) +1d. O-West. Shibuya.

Singer, songwriter, diva. Oct 4, 5pm, ¥9,000-18,000. Makuhari Messe. KaihinMakuhari. Oct 6, 7pm, ¥9,000-18,000. Yokohama Arena. Shin-Yokohama. Tel: 045-474-4000. http://meturl. com/3z

Sep 27, 5 & 8pm, ¥6,5008,500. Cotton Club. Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555. Tokyo Chutei Iki

Saxophones-only band. Sep 26, 7 & 9pm, ¥3,600-20,400. Motion Blue. Bashamichi. Tel: 045-226-1919. Taylor McFerrin

Producer, composer, pianist, DJ and live musician. Sep 26, 8pm, ¥5,400 (adv). WWW. Shibuya. Chanson Latin Tango

Duo live Satsuki Iwamoto and Masaru Okuyama. Sep 28, 7 & 8:15pm, ¥3,000. Softwind. Roppongi. Tel: 03-68087337.

Japanese boy band. Sep 26, 6pm; Sep 27, 1 & 5pm; Sep 28, 1pm, ¥8,300 (adv). Yoyogi National Gymnasium. Meiji-Jingumae. Tel: 0570-550-955. Goodbye Enemy Airship

Australian rockers with Minami Deutsch, Barry Zogon Band and others. Sep 26, 6:30pm, ¥1,000. Gamuso. Asagaya. Tel: 03-5364-9096. Secret 7 Line

Punk-rock trio with catchy tunes. Sep 27, 6:30pm, ¥2,500 (adv) +1d. Club Quattro. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-8750. Namie Amuro

Queen of Japanese R&B. Sep 27, 6pm; Sep 28, 5pm, ¥8,800 (adv). Saitama Super Arena. Saitama-Shintoshin. Oledickfoggy

Japanese-Irish folk-rock. Sep 27, 6pm, ¥3,000 (adv) +1d. Liquidroom. Ebisu. Tel: 03-5464-0800. Air Swell

Industrial rock trio. Sep 27, 6pm, ¥2,500 (adv) +1d. Daikanyama Unit. Daikanyama.

Tsubasa Nagase


Japanese crooner sings sweet melodies. Sep 23, 7:30pm, ¥2,500 (adv)/ ¥3,000 (door). Aube. Shibuya. Tel: 03-54592896. contact

Luna Sea co-founder, hailed musician and producer. Sep 28, 5:30pm, ¥5,800 (adv) +1d. Shibuya Public Hall. Shibuya. Tel: 03-34633022. No Nukes 2014

Funk and soul band from Ann Arbor. Sep 25, 7:30pm, ¥6,500 (adv) +1d. Club Quattro. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-8750.

Namba69, The Hiatus, Brahman and others. Sep 29-Oct 1, 7pm, ¥3,900-4,900 (1 day, adv)/ ¥10,000 (3 days, adv). Zepp DiverCity. Daiba.


’80s rock veterans from Gunma. Sep 25-26, 6:30pm, ¥6,800 (adv). NHK Hall. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3405-9999. Uverworld

Anime pop-rockers. Sep 25, 6:30pm, ¥6,000 (adv) +1d.

One of Japan's most influential rock groups throughout history. Sep 30-Oct 1, 7pm, ¥10,00013,000. Yokohama Arena. Shin-Yokohama. Tel: 045-474-4000.

85th Saitama Regular Concert

Conducted by Keiko Mitsuhashi. Sep 26, 7pm, ¥2,000-5,500. Sonic City. Omiya. Tel: 048-647-4111. www.sonic-city.

New international jazz group. Sep 28, 8pm, ¥3,000 (w/ 1d). Pit Inn. Shinjuku-sanchome. Tel: 03-3354-2024.

Performing Rossini, Mozart, and more. Sep 27, 5:20pm, ¥1,5007,200. Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall. Minatomirai. Tel: 045-682-2020.

June Yamagishi and Kazumi Watanabe

Tokyo Symphony Orchestra

Night Ranger

’80s rock band from San Fransisco. Oct 5, 5pm; Oct 6, 7pm, ¥7,500-8,500. Shibuya Public Hall. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3463-3022. http://meturl. com/night14 Husking Bee, Dustbox, My First Story and others. Oct 5, 2pm, ¥3,900 (adv) +1d. O-East and O-Nest. Shibuya. www.

Misato Senoo Trio

Jazz pianist. Sep 30, 7 & 9pm, ¥3,600-20,400. Motion Blue. Bashamichi. Tel: 045-2261919.

Performing pieces by Mozart. Sep 28, 11am, ¥3,500. Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall. Kawasaki. Tel: 044-5200200. Special concert conducted by Kazuyoshi Akiyama. Dec 29, 2pm, ¥4,000-25,000. Suntory Hall. Roppongi-itchome. Tel: 0570-55-0017. www.suntory. com/culture-sports/suntoryhall

Grant Nicholas

French Bossa

Group Pianist 2014

Lead singer of Feeder's solo project. Oct 7, 7pm, ¥6,000 (adv) +1d. Club Quattro. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-8750.

Bossa nova in French. Oct 1, 8 & 9:30pm, ¥2,800. Softwind. Roppongi. Tel: 03-68087337.

Marathon Concert II. Sep 29, 6:30pm, ¥4,000. Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall. Shinjuku or Hatsudai. Tel: 03-5353-9999.

Super session. Sep 29, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥5,500-7,500. Billboard Live. Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.

Theatre Tokyo. Hatsudai. Tel: 03-5352-9999. A Chip in the Sugar Benefit Performance for TELL

Alan Bennett’s funny and moving monologue. Reservation required. Oct 3, 7pm, ¥7,000 (w/1d). SuperDeluxe. Roppongi. Tel: 03-5412-0515. Yama

Folktales from Yamagata brought to the stage by theater group Doubtful Sound. English with Japanese subtitles. Oct 8-10, 7:30pm; Oct 11-12, 2:30 & 7:30pm, ¥2,500 (student)/ ¥3,000 (adv)/ ¥3,500 (door). Tiny Alice. Shinjuku-sanchome or Gaienmae. Tel: 03-3354-7307. Mon Père, Giacometti

Contemporary performance group Akumanoshirushi performs a piece about a father-and-son relationship. With English subtitles. Oct 11-12, 1 & 6pm; Oct 13, 1pm, ¥3,000 (adv)/ ¥3,500 (door). Kanagawa Arts Theater. Motomachi-Chukagai. Don Giovanni

Operatic portrayal of a playboy’s inhibited and philandering life. Oct 16 & 24 6:30pm; Oct 19,22 & 26, 2pm, ¥4,320-23,760. New National Theatre Tokyo. Hatsudai. Tel: 03-5352-9999. www.nntt.



Nashville-based pop rock trio. Oct 7, 7pm, ¥5,500 (adv) +1d. O-East. Shibuya.

The Sweetest Sounds tour. Oct 2, 7 & 9pm, ¥3,800-21,200. Motion Blue. Bashamichi. Tel: 045-226-1919.

Skinny Lister

Eddie Palmieri

Rambunctious British folk band. Oct 8, 7:30pm, ¥6,000 (adv) +1d. Club Quattro. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-8750.

Salsa jazz orchestra. Oct 2, 7 & 9:30pm; Oct 3, 7 & 9:30pm; Oct 4, 5 & 8pm, ¥8,800. Blue Note. Omotesando. Tel: 03-5485-0088.

Hot Chelle Rae

JAZZ/WORLD Kyle Eastwood

Popular jazz bassist living in Paris. Sep 17, 7 & 9:30pm; Sep 18, 7 & 9:30pm; Sep 19, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥7,800. Blue Note. Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.

Paquito D'Rivera & Trio Corrente

Latin jazz. Oct 5, 5 & 8pm; Oct 6, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥8,500. Blue Note. Omotesando. Tel: 03-5485-0088.

Game Symphony Japan


Performing Final Fantasy VII. Sep 30, 7pm, ¥6,500-10,000. Suntory Hall. Roppongiitchome. Tel: 0570-55-0017.

Groupe ENTORSE play with sound, space and movement in dance. Sep 19, 7:30pm; Sep 20, 3pm, ¥4,000 (gen) / ¥7,000 (pair). Theater Tram. Sangenjaya. Tel: 03-54321526.

Fumiharu Sumitomo

Solo pianist performing Liszt. Oct 1, 7pm, ¥2,000-4,000. Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall. Minatomirai. Tel: 045-6822020. Bach Collegium Japan

With pianist Masayuki Nakaji. Oct 3, 7pm, ¥3,000-15,000. Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall. Hatsudai or Shinjuku. Tel: 03-5353-9999. http://operacity. jp111th

Pet Metheny Unity Group Ginger Baker's Jazz Confusion

The legendary drummer and band. Sep 21, 5 & 8pm; Sep 22, 6:30 & 9pm; Sep 23, 5 & 8pm, ¥8,500-10,500. Cotton Club. Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555. Volta Masters Band Featuring Sierra

Club jazz. Sep 22, 7 & 9pm, ¥3,600-20,400. Motion Blue. Bashamichi. Tel: 045-2261919.

World tour 2014. Oct 8, 7pm; Oct 9, 6:30pm; Oct 10, 6:30pm, ¥9,800-10,800. Sumida Triphony Hall. Kinshicho. Tel: 03-5608-5404.

J.S. Bach Concert

Blue Mountain Boys

Pierre-Laurent Aimard

Classic country and western and bluegrass. Every third Sat, 6:30 & 7:30pm, free. Cafe Sepia. Shibuya. Tel: 03-3406-1300.

Solo pianist performing Bach. Oct 4, 3pm, ¥2,5006,000. Saitama Arts Theater. Yonohonmachi. Tel: 0570-064-939.


Joined by Nobumasa Uotani and Tatsuhiko Takeda. Sep 23, 3:30 & 5pm, ¥4,500 (adv w/1d) / ¥5,000 (door). Half Moon Hall. Higashi-Kitazawa or Shimokitazawa.

The Lifeworks of Brahms

Concert dedicated to the famous German composer. Sep 21, 2pm, ¥1,0002,500. Sagami Green Hall. Sagami-Ono. Tel: 042-7492200.

Ichigo X Japan

Various musicians. Sep 25, 6:30pm, ¥4,000. Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall. Shinjuku or Hatsudai. Tel: 03-5353-9999.

Japan Philharmonic Orchestra

Tamir Hendelman in Tokyo Third Coast Kings

Pianists Marathon Concert


Backyard Diary KAT-TUN

Prof Dr. Clemens Hellsberg. Sep 23, 2pm, ¥1,000-4,000. Suntory Hall Concert: Conducted by Gustavo Dudamel. Sep 24, 7pm, ¥13,000-35,000. Suntory Hall. Roppongi-itchome. Tel: 0570-55-0017. www.suntory. com/culture-sports/suntoryhall

Performed by graduates from Tokyo National University. Sep 24, 8 & 9pm, ¥3,000. Softwind. Roppongi. Tel: 03-68087337. Tigran Hamasyan Trio

Armenian pianist. Sep 25, 6:30 & 9pm; Sep 26, 6:30 & 9pm;

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Kawasaki: Conducted by Gustavo Dudamel. Sep 22, 7pm, ¥13,000-35,000. Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall. Kawasaki. Tel: 044-5200200. Suntory Hall Lecture: By

Starring pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard. Oct 4, 3pm, ¥2,5006,000. Saitama Arts Theater. Yonohonmachi. Tel: 048-8585500.

Munchener Bach Orchester

Bach-only program conducted by Hansjörg Albrecht. Oct 4, 1 & 7pm, ¥6,000-8,500. Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall. Hatsudai or Shinjuku. Tel: 03-5353-9999. Oct 5, 1:30pm, ¥6,000-8,500. Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall. Minatomirai. Tel: 045-6822020.

Stage Parsifal

Richard Wagner's last completed opera. Until Oct 14, ¥1,620-32,400. New National

Niku no Uta

10 female dancers perform butoh dance. Until Sep 21, various times, ¥2,500 (adv)/ ¥3,000 (door). B1, Dairakudakan Kochuten. 2-1-18, Kichijoji-Kitamachi. Kichijoji. Carmen

Retelling of Bizet’s opera in ballet form, under the direction of Tetsuya Kumakawa. Until Oct 26, various times, ¥6,000-18,500. Bunkamura Orchard Hall. Shibuya. Tel: 03-53539522.

Clubbing FRIDAY 19 Ageha

Big Party. All mix: DJs Kaori, Hal, etc. From 11pm, ¥3,000(m), ¥2,500 (f). Shinkiba. www. Air

13th Anniversary. House, techno: DJs Ishino, Sunahara, etc. From 10pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya. Daikanyama Unit

The Bug x Actress. Bass music: DJs The Bug, Actress. From 11pm, ¥4,500. Daikanyama. Module

Extra-C-C Can't-U-C. All good music: DJs Obuchi, Nozaki, etc. From 11pm, ¥2,000 w/1d. Shibuya.



Daikanyama Unit

Deep Secrets. Jazzy deep house: DJs Kevin Yost, Kabuto, etc. From 10pm, ¥3,000. Deep Secrets Tokyo Launch. From 10pm, ¥2,500 (Facebook discount)/ ¥3,000 (door). Omotesando. Tel: 03-64340968. events/826868197346219/

Throwing Snow. Trip hop DJs Ametsub: Live: Throwing Snow and more. From midnight, ¥3,500. Daikanyama.

Sound Museum Vision

Power. Electro, techno: DJs Osawa, Tanaka, etc. From 10pm, ¥3,500(m) (w/1d), ¥2,500(f) (w/1d). Shibuya. T2

Global EDM. EDM: DJs Dantz, Wildparty, etc. From 10pm, (m)¥3,500 w/2d, (f)¥2,500 w/2d. Shibuya Mixx. EDM: DJs Various DJs. From 10pm, ¥3,500(m) (w/2d), ¥2,500(f) (w/2d). Shibuya. Tel: 03-5428-8692. The New Matrix Bar

Matrix Friday. Old school hip-hop, west side, south side, all mix: DJ Ykk and more. From 6pm, ¥1,000 (after 11:30pm). Roppongi.


Wag. Techno, house: DJs Ed Davenport, Sinzin, etc. From 9pm, ¥3,000 w/1d. Shibuya. Sound Museum Vision

Classics. Hip-hop DJ Southpaw Chop and more: Live: Nice & Smooth. From 10pm, ¥3,500 (m) (w/ 1d), ¥3,000 (f) (w/ 1d). Shibuya. The Room

Champ. Funk, jazz: DJs Tominaga, Oibon, etc. From 10pm, ¥2,500 (w/ 1d). Shibuya.

Mori Art Museum

Lee Mingwei and His Relations. Mixed media artist with an interactive style. The completion of his works relies on the participation of his audience. Sep 20-Jan 4, ¥500-1,500. Jacob Kirkegaard. Sound and video installation on Fukushima by Danish sound artist. Sep 20-Jan 4, 10am-10pm / Tuesdays, 10am-5pm, ¥1,500 (general) / ¥1,000 (uni/high school) / ¥500 (4 years-junior high). Open Mon & Wed-Sun, 10am-10pm, Tue 10am-5pm. 6-10-1 Roppongi. Roppongi. Tel: 03-57778600.


More More More. EDM, house: DJs Osawa, Taku, etc. Sep 27, from 9pm, ¥3,500. Shin-Kiba. Air


Daikanyama Unit


Tri Beat. All good music: DJs Bunchi, Shikushiku, etc. From 9pm, ¥3,500 w/1d. Shibuya.

Ron Trent. House DJs Ron Trent, Stock, etc. Sep 27, from 10pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya. www.

Nanatasu Gallery

In Business. Funk DJs Jin, Kuroda, etc. Live: The Funky Twin Peaks and more. Sep 27, from 11pm, ¥3,000. Daikanyama. www. Liquidroom

Chaos. Techno DJs Fumiya, Cabanne, etc. Sep 27, from 11pm, ¥3,500. Ebisu. Tel: 03-5464-0800. www. Module

Echo Patrol. DJs Eree, Hiro, etc. From 11pm, free. Shibuya.

Veta. Techno, minimal: DJs Okuda, Takahashi, etc. Sep 27, from 11pm, ¥3,000. Shibuya.

Sound Museum Vision

Ruby Room

Rdms. House, techno: DJs Tanaka, Daishi Dance, etc. From 10pm, ¥3,000 w/1d. Shibuya. com

Slow it down. DJs Harsoul, Drew, etc. Sep 27, from 11pm, free. Shibuya.

Ruby Room

Sound Museum Vision

Saturday Night Fever. Hip-hop, R&B, reggae: DJ Ykk and more. From 6pm, ¥1,000 (after 10pm). Roppongi.

Sounday Joint Pre Party. Reggae, hip-hop: DJs Mighty Crown, Kentaro, etc. Sep 27, from 10pm, ¥3,000 (w/ 1d). Shibuya. com

The Room


Magic. Disco, house: DJs Kawasaki, Endo, etc. From 9pm, ¥2,500 w/1d. Shibuya.

Arpa Showcase. Techno DJs Sodeyama, Mold, etc: Live: Skudge. Sep 27, from 11pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya. Tel: 03-5459-0039. www.womb.

The New Matrix Bar


Marble Night. Techno, house: DJs Para One, Bobmo, etc. From 11pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya. Tel: 03-5459-0039. FRIDAY 26 Ageha

Inside Out. Hip-hop DJs Hazime, Nobu, etc: Live: Aklo. From 11pm, (m)¥3,000, (f)¥2,000. Shinkiba. www.

Exhibitions AKASAKA/ROPPONGI 21_21 Design Sight

Image-Makers. Mixed media portraying a world of images and fantasy. Until Oct 5, ¥500-1,000. Open Mon & Wed-Sun 11am-8pm, closed Tue. 9-7-6 Akasaka, Minato-ku. Nogizaka. Tel: 03-3475-2121.


Make or Take. Hip-hop DJs Souljah, Chaki, etc Live: Flatbush Zombies. From 10pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya.


Roppongi. Roppongi. Tel: 03-6271-3350. http://

Lilith. Techno: DJs Three, Serizawa, etc. From 11pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya. Tel: 03-5459-0039.

Tri-Bute. Techno, house: DJs John Osborn, So, etc. From 11pm, ¥3,500. Shibuya. Tel: 03-5459-0039. www.womb.

Super Bikini Night. House, EDM: DJs Mitomi, Daishi Dance, etc. From 11pm, ¥3,500. Shinkiba. www.

Young photographer Kohei Fukushima captures the wildness of nature with a presentation of a mountain waterfall, making optimal use of space to recreate the raw power of a natural scene. Sep 27-Oct 12. Free. Open daily, 12-7pm. 3F Ogura Bldg, 2-12-4 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-6419-7229. Nogizaka.





Bridgestone Museum of Art

Time and Painting — 24 Episodes. 160 works ranging from ancient art to Rembrandt, Renoir and Monet. Until Sep 23, ¥500-800. Willem de Kooning: From the John and Kimiko Powers Collection. Dutch-born American artist and one of the founders of abstract expressionism. Oct 8-Jan 12, ¥500-800. Open Tue-Sun & hols 10am-8pm, closed Mon. 1-10-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku. Tokyo. Tel: 03-5777-8600. www. Ginza Graphic Gallery

So French. Posters by Michel Bouvet. Until Sep 27, free. Open Mon-Fri 11am-7pm, Sat 11am-6pm, closed Sun & hols. 1F Ginza Bldg, 7-7-2 Ginza. Ginza. jp/node_19876/hana-hito-tokyo Idemitsu Museum of Arts

The Room

Wah Wah. Rare groove: DJs Kuroda, Ryuhei, etc. From 11pm, ¥2,500 (w/1d). Shibuya.

SEP 27-OCT 12

Fujifilm Square

Great Railway. Works by railway photographer Seiya Nakai. Until Oct 1, free. Open daily 10am-7pm. 9-7-3 Akasaka,

Ito wo Kashi. Mami Itagaki portrays the lives of people through sculptures using material from the Paulownia tree. Until Sep 21, free. Open daily noon-7pm. 3F Ogura Bldg. 2-12-4 Nishi-Azabu. Nogizaka. Tel: 03-6419-7229. Suntory Museum of Art

The Radiance of Stillness and Motion: Bohemian Glass. Exclusive pieces from the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. Until Sep 28, ¥800-1,300. Koyasan 1200th Anniversary: Treasures of the Sacred Mountain. Figures carved by some of Japan' most celebrated Buddhist sculptors, including Unkei and Kaikei. Oct 11-Dec 7, ¥800-1,300. Open Wed-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun-Mon & hols 10am-6pm, closed Tue. 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku. Roppongi. www.suntory. jp/sma The National Art Center, Tokyo

The Birth of Impressionism— Freedom in Painting: Masterpieces from the Musée d’Orsay. Impressionist masterpieces from Paris. Until Oct 20, ¥800-1,600. Open Wed-Thu, Sat-Mon 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-8pm, closed Tue. 7-22-2 Roppongi. Nogizaka. Wako Works of Art

Nellie. Photography and film by Fiona Tan. Until Sep 27, free. Open Tue-Sat, 11am-7pm, closed Sun-Mon. 3F Pyramid Bldg, 6-6-9 Roppongi. Roppongi. GINZA/KYOBASHI/ TOKYO 59th CWAJ Print Show

Japan’s largest exhibit and sale of contemporary Japanese prints. Oct 17, 11am-8pm; Oct 18, 11am-7pm; Oct 19, 11am-6pm, free. Tokyo American Club, 2-1-2 Azabudai, Minato-ku. Kamiyacho. Tel: 03-4588-0381.

National Treasures of the Munakata Shrine: The Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Holy Treasures from the Shrine. Historical items from a sacred island in Fukuoka Prefecture. Until Oct 13, ¥700-1,000. Open Tue-Thu 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-7pm, closed Mon. 9F Teigeki Bldg, 3-1-1 Marunouchi. Tokyo. www.

Kitanomaru-koen. Takebashi. Tel: 03-5777-8600. www. HARAJUKU/AOYAMA Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum of Art

Ueno Royal Museum


Mt. Fuji. Katsura Endo’s portrayal of the ever-changing symbol of Japan. Permanent exhibition. Until Nov 4, ¥300-500. 10am-5pm, closed Tue (9am-9pm Sat from May to August). 1300-432 Goura Hakonemachi, Ashigarashimogun, Kanagawa. Gora. Tel: 046-02-2717.

Bunkamura: The Museum

Visual Deception II: Into the Future. Art that plays tricks on the spectators’s eyes. Until Oct 5, ¥500-1,500. The Dream of French Paintings: From Impressionism to Ecole de Paris. Select works by Monet, Chagall, Cézanne, Foujita and more. Oct 18-Dec 14, ¥500-1,400. Open Mon-Thu & Sun 10am-7pm, Fri-Sat 10am-9pm. 2-24-1 Dogenzaka. Shibuya. Tel: 03-5777-8600. www. SHINJUKU/IKEBUKURO

Félix Vallotton—Fire Beneath the Ice. Swiss painter influenced by Japanese woodcuts. Until Sep 23, ¥800-1,600. Wed-Fri 10am-8pm, Tue, Sat-Sun & hols 10am-6pm, closed Mon. 2-6-2 Marunouchi. Tokyo. Tel: 03-5405-8686.

Sompo Japan Museum of Art

Noh Masks and Costumes— Look, Learn and Compare. Discover the meanings behind the different styles of masks and extravagant stage-wear. Until Sep 21, ¥500-1,000. 7F Mitsui Main Bldg, 2-1-1 Nihombashi-Muromachi, Chuo-ku. Mitsukoshimae. Tel: 03-5777-8600. Nagoya Commerce and Industry Center

The Mirror Ginza. The true nature of the coming era reflected in artwork. Oct 16-Nov 9, 1-9pm, ¥1,000 (lecture is extra) / reservation only. 1-9pm. 4-3-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku. Ginza-itchome. National Film Center

Le Monde Enchanté de Jacques Demy. Behind-the-scenes photographs from works by French New Wave director known for The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and other films. Until Dec 14, ¥70-210. Open Tue-Sun 11am-6:30pm, closed Mon. 3-7-6 Kyobashi. Kyobashi. Tel: 03-5777-8600. Pola Museum Annex

Playing with Sound. Interactive installations by sound artist and designer Yuri Suzuki. Until Sep 23, free. Open daily, 11am-8pm. 3F Pola Ginza Bldg. 1-7-7 Ginza. Ginza-itchome. Tel: 03-57778600. www.po-holdings. The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

Hishida Shunso: A Retrospective. Works by a Meiji period painter and innovator of nihonga. Sep 23-Nov 3, ¥400-1,400. Celadon Now: Techniques and Beauty Handed Down from Southern Sung to Today. Modern ceramic art. Until Nov 24, ¥300-900. Open Tue-Thu & Sat-Sun, 10am-5pm, Fri, 10am-8pm. 3-1

National Treasures of Japan. Artifacts gathered across various genres and periods. Oct 15-Dec 7, ¥900-1,600. Open Tue-Sun 9:30am-5pm. 13-9 Ueno Park. Ueno.

Specters, Ghosts and Sorcerers in Ukiyo-e. Traditional prints of ghastly ghouls and creepy critters. Until Sep 25, ¥600-900. Utagawa Kunisada: 150th Anniversary of His Death. Collection of prints by one of the great ukiyo-e masters. Oct 1-Nov 24, ¥700-1,000. Open Tue-Sun 10:30am-5:30pm, closed Mon. 1-10-10 Jingumae. Harajuku.

Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum

Mitsui Memorial Museum

Tokyo National Museum

Normandie: L'Estuaire de la Seine—L'Invention d'un Paysage. Paintings by Eugène Boudin, Raoul Dufy and others. Until Nov 9, ¥700-1,100. Tue-Sun, 10am-6pm, closed Mon. 42F Sompo Japan Bldg. 1-26-1 Nishi-Shinjuku. Shinjuku. Tel: 03-5405-8686. museum Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery

The Way of Painting. Works by new artists from 2000 onwards. Until Sep 21, ¥800-1,000. Open Tue-Thu 11am-7pm, Fri-Sat 11am-8pm. 3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku. Hatsudai. UENO

Hokusai: From the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. One of Japan’s most famous ukiyo-e artists of the Edo period. Until Nov 9, ¥400-1,500. Open Sat-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-8pm. 1-2 Ueno Park. Ueno. OTHER AREAS Hakone Museum of Photography

Hara Museum of Contemporary Art

Art Scope 2012-2014: Remains of Their Journeys. Results of a Daimler Foundation-created artist exchange between German and Japanese artists. Until Oct 13, ¥500-1,100. Open Tue-Sun 11am-5pm, closed Mon. 4-7-25 Kita-Shinagawa. Kita-Shinagawa. Tel: 03-34450651. Hoki Museum

Hito Omoi, Hito Omou. Painting. Lifelike portraits by contemporary artists. Until Nov 16, ¥900-1,800. Open Mon & Wed-Thu, 10am-6pm, Fri-Sat, 10am-7pm, Sun, 10am-5pm, closed Tue. 3-15 Asumigaokahigashi, Midori-ku. Toke. Makuhari Messe

Space Expo 2014: The Great Challenge of NASA/JAXA. Extraterrestrial exploration from 1897 until modern times. Until Sep 23, ¥900-2,500. 2-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku. KaihinMakuhari. Miraikan

Edo-Tokyo Museum

Tokyo Olympics and the Bullet Train. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. Sep 30-Nov 16, ¥670-1340. Open Tue-Fri, & Sun 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat, 9:30am-7:30pm, closed Mon & hols. 1-4-1 Yokoami. Ryogoku. Tel: 03-36269974. The National Museum of Western Art

Ferdinand Hodler: Towards Rhythmic Images. Paintings by one of the best-known Swiss artists of the 19th century. Oct 7-Jan 12, ¥800-1,600. Open daily, 9:30am-5:30pm. 7-7 Ueno Park. Ueno. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

Art as a Haven of Happiness. Mixed media. Rich harmonies and vibrant colors by artists born with Down syndrome. Until Oct 8, ¥400-800. Ancient Egyptian Queens and Goddesses: Treasures from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 200 masterpieces, including jewelry made for Pharaoh Hatshepsut and images of deities. Until Sep 23, ¥1,0001,600. 8-36 Ueno Park. Ueno.

Toilet!? Human Waste & Earth’s Future. A playful explanation on “what goes in, must come out” and how it affects the environment. Until Oct 5, ¥600-1,200. 2-3-6, Aomi, Koto-ku. Telecom Center station. Tel: 03-3570-9151. Okada Museum of Art

Spirit of China: Masterpieces of Jade. Exquisite works of art made from ornamental rock. Until Sep 30, ¥1,800-2,800. Open daily, 9am-5pm. 493-1 Kowakudani, Hakone-machi. Kowakidani. Tel: 0460-873931. www.okada-museum. com/en/ Shoichiro

Dead Animals. Symbolic photography by Richard Misrach. Until Sep 20, free. Open Tue-Sat 11am-7pm, closed Sun, Mon & hols. B1F Sansho Bldg. 3-2-9 Nihonbashi. Nihonbashi. Tel: 03-32751008. The Container

"Change Room." Canadian artist Robert Waters' exhibition. Until Nov 16, Open Mon-Fri, 11am-9pm, Sat-Sun, 10am-8pm, closed Tue, free. Mon-Fri, 11am-9pm, Sat-Sun, & hols 10am-8pm, closed Tue. Hills Daikanyama, 1-8-30 Kami-Meguro. Naka-Meguro.

Tokyo Fuji Art Museum

Genius and Ambition: The Royal Academy of Arts, London 1768-1918. Oil paintings by Turner, Constable and others. Until Nov 24, ¥400-1,300. Open Tue-Sun 10am-5pm, closed Mon. Yano-machi 492-1 Hachioji. Hachioji. Tel: 042-691-4511. www.fujibi.


●●Asahi Beer Silver Star vs. Taiyou Cranes. Sep 21, 2pm, ¥1,100. Kawasaki Stadium. Keikyu Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-244-2931. ●●Lixil Deers vs. Bulls Football Club. Sep 23, 11am, ¥1,100. Amino Vital Field. Tobitakyu. Tel: 042-440-0555. ●●Fujitsu Frontiers vs. Tokyo Gas Creators. Sep 27, 2pm, ¥1,100. Kawasaki Stadium. Keikyu Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-244-2931. ●●All Mitsubishi Lions vs. Bulls Football Club. Oct 4, 11am, ¥1,100. Kawasaki Stadium. Keikyu Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-244-2931. ●●Fujitsu Frontiers vs. IBM Big Blue. Oct 4, 2pm, ¥1,100. Kawasaki Stadium. Keikyu Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-244-2931. ●●Lixil Deers vs. Taiyou Cranes. Oct 4, 10:45am, ¥1,100. Amino Vital Field. Tobitakyu. Tel: 042-4400555. ●●Nojima Sagamihara Rise vs. Meiji Yasuda Pirates. Oct 5, 5pm, ¥1,100. Kawasaki Stadium. Keikyu Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-244-2931. BASEBALL Central League

●● Yomiuri Giants vs. Tokyo Yakult Swallows. Sep 19-21, 6pm, ¥300-6,100. Tokyo Dome. Suidobashi. Tel: 03-5800-9999. ●●Tokyo Yakult Swallows vs. Hiroshima Toyo Carp. Sep 23-25, 1pm, ¥500-4,600. Meiji Jingu Gaien. Shinanomachi or Gaienmae. Tel: 03-34010312.

Course. Kamatori. Tel: 043-291-1111. JLPGA

Fujitsu Ladies. Oct 17-19, 7:45am, ¥3,000. Tokyu Seven Hundred Club. Toke. Tel: 043-294-0700. Morinaga Ladies. Oct 31-2, 8pm, ¥5,400. Morinaga Takataki Country Club. Goi. KARATE All Japan Championship

Oct 25, 11am, ¥4,000. Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. Sendagaya. Tel: 03-54742112. RUGBY Japan vs. New Zealand

Nov 8, 2pm, ¥500-10,000. Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium. Gaienmae. Tel: 03-3401-3881. Top League

Suntory Sungoliath vs. Kobelco Steelers. Sep 19, 7:30pm, ¥300-3,600. Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium. Gaienmae. Tel: 03-3401-3881. TENNIS Rakuten Japan Open: Sunday

Sep 28, 12pm, ¥2,500-4,000. Ariake Colosseum. Ariake. Tel: 03-3529-3301. Rakuten Japan Open

Sep 29-Oct 5, various times, ¥1,000-13,500. Ariake Colosseum. Ariake. Tel: 03-3529-3301.

Festivals Nezu Matsuri

One of the three biggest annual Shinto festivals in Tokyo. Sep 20-21, all day, free. Nezu Jinja. Nezu. Tel: 03-3822-0753. Fukuro Festival

Mikoshi shrine parades, taiko drum shoes, lion dance performances and more. Sep 27-Oct 12, all day, free. Ikebukuro, west side. Ikebukuro. www.yosakoitokyo.

Pacific League

Narita Hanabi Taikai

●●Chiba Lotte Marines vs. Orix Buffaloes. Sep 28, 6pm, ¥800-4,900. QVC Marine Field. Kaihin-Makuhari. Tel: 043-296-1227. ●●Chiba Lotte Marines vs. Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters. Sep 23-26, 1pm, ¥800-4,900. QVC Marine Field. Kaihin-Makuhari. Tel: 043-296-1227. ●● Saitama Seibu Lions vs. Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles. Sep 28, 6pm, ¥600-4,600. Seibu Dome. Seibukyujomae. Tel: 04-2925-1141. ●● Saitama Seibu Lions vs. Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters. Oct 2, 6pm, ¥600-4,600. Seibu Dome. Seibukyujomae. Tel: 04-2925-1141.

Boom Factor: 10,000. Award-winning fireworks for their unique designs and performances. Oct 11, 7pm, free. Inbanuma area (Chiba). Narita.


Luau Extravaganza

Carnival on Ice

Oct 4, 7pm, ¥6,000-24,000. Saitama Super Arena. Saitama-Shintoshin. Japan Open

Oct 4, 1pm, ¥4,000-23,000. Saitama Super Arena. Saitama-Shintoshin. GOLF JGTO

Bridgestone Open. Oct 23-26, 8am, ¥1,000-3,000. Sodegaura C.C. Sodegaura

OCT 8 - DEC 10

Forums & Expos Tokyo Game Show 2014

Changing Games: The Transformation of Fun. Sep 20-21, 10am-5pm, ¥1,000 (adv)/ ¥1,200 (door). Makuhari Messe. Kaihin-Makuhari. http://meturl. com/tokyogameshow2014

Community Charity event in aid of Shine On! Kids with raffle prizes including tickets to the Maldives, Guam and more. Sep 27, 5pm, ¥25,000 (donation per seat). Tokyo American Club. Kamiyacho. Tel: 03-45880381.

Grief Support Group You don’t need to be alone when grieving the death of a loved one- we are here for you. Interested in joining us? Every Wed 7-8:30pm, Wesley Center, Minami Aoyama. Omotesando. Email: FEW’s 18th Biennial Career Strategy Seminar

Make new connections and turbo charge your career. Open to all self identified women. Oct 4, 10am-5:30pm, ¥10,000 (members & non-member students)/ ¥12,000 (guests)/ ¥15,000 (door). Compass Offices. MG Meguro Ekimae Building, 2-15-19 Kamiosaki. Meguro. public.relations@ Stitch-n-Bitch

Meet fellow knitters, crocheters and sewers to talk, share ideas, eat, drink and create. Every first and third Tue, 7pm, free, Cafe Respekt. Shibuya. TokyoStitchandBitch Half-Fast Cyclists

Bicyclists of all treads meet for slide shows, lectures, ride-planning, etc. Every second Wed, 7pm, free, The Pink Cow. Roppongi. Tel: 03-6434-5773. cowmail@ Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School

Burlesque models pose for art stars and sketching newbies alike with arty socializing. Every third Wed, 7pm, ¥2,000 w/1d. Studio and Space IVVA. Meiji-Jingumae or Harajuku. www.drsketchytokyo.

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Learning Cider Seminar

Tasting of five French ciders, coupled with seminar on historic background. Oct 19, 4pm, ¥2,500 (members)/ ¥3,000 (non-members). Brasserie Ripaille Motomachi. 2F Wistaria Motomachi, 4-179 Motomomachi. Ishikawacho. Nihonga Class

Regular classes and one-day workshops on basic Japanesestyle painting techniques. All classes in English and Japanese. Weekdays 6pm, Sat 11am & 3pm. Email for details on flexible class times, 4B Maruoka Bldg, 5-49-7 Jingumae. Meiji-Jingumae

Other Events Tokyo International Bar Show

Bartending championships, demonstrations and samples. Sep 20-21, 11:30am-6pm, ¥5,000 (1 day)/ ¥9,000 (2 days). Tokyo Dome City Hall. Suidobashi. Tel: 03-58009999.

A Purrfect Autumn Night for Heart

Fundraiser with a live show and raffle to support animal shelter Heart. Sep 28, 7pm, ¥1,000. What the Dickens. Ebisu. Tel: 03-3780-2099. http://meturl. com/purrfect1


movies featured movie


DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES It’s a rarity for a sequel to improve on the original, especially when the first flick was pretty good in itself. This exciting, thought-provoking movie deftly picks up where Rise of the Planet of the Apes left off, with a small band of apocalypsesurviving humans in San Francisco facing off with top chimp Caesar’s group of perspicacious primates, which has set up an impressively civilized camp in Muir Woods. But the almost Shakespearean conflict is not so much between man and ape as it is between warmongers and moderates in both camps. Of course it’s allegorical, but the touch is so light that you’ll be caught up in the suspense and action before you ever realize it’s delivering a message. No mean feat. Not enough good things can be said about Andy “Gollum” Serkis as Caesar. Also Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman and Keri Russell. The film does not preach; the awesome CG support the storytelling; it’s intelligent and viscerally thrilling. And James Franco’s not in it. Best Apes movie so far. It also pulls off the even more rare feat of making me anxious for the next installment. Japanese title: Saru no Wakusei: Rising. (130 min)

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movie news

cinematic underground

While the s tor y may seem overused by today ’s s t an dards, its history is fascinating. The novel this flick is based on (of the same name, which By Rob Schwartz literally translates as When I Sense the Sea) was released in 1978 and depicted in detail the steamy affair between a teenage schoolgirl and a senior at the same school. It was highly lauded and won the Gunzo Newcomer’s Award while at the same time scandalizing Japan. The kicker was that the female author, Kei Nakazawa, was only 18 when the book was published. One day, rebellious Emiko (Yui Ichikawa) is cutting class in the school paper room when she runs into Hiroshi (Sosuke Ikematsu). He immediately hits on her and they enter into a hot and heavy affair that consumes her life. She falls heavily in love with Hiroshi but he declares it’s only about sex. Though they break up and get back together, Emiko follows Hiroshi around, basing her life around him­— even taking up work at a flower shop just to be near his university. In all, this is a well-acted depiction of both naive love and clueless obsession. (118 min)

The last time Metropolis caught up with Ryohei Suzuki, he was a presenter for Fox Japan variety shows. Now he’s the lead in a Japanese film, generating a good deal of buzz with two other features in the pipeline. Tokyo Tribe, based on a manga by Santa Inoue, is set in a near future where riots in Shibuya have led to the formation of rival tribes (Check our review online). Suzuki and Hokkaido-born rapper Young Dais play former best friends who are set to square off when members of their tribes begin offing each other. “I was thrilled to work with director Shion Sono,” Suzuki says. “I pulled together all of the skills I’ve developed in order to make myself ‘Sono material’ from head to toe.” Since the tribes in the film battle it out with both violence and freestyle rap, Suzuki’s preparation was physical and verbal. “It was the first time for me to do sword fighting, so I was swinging a wooden sword around every day to prepare,” the actor recalls. “For the rap scenes, I shared ideas with some pros and worked with Young Dais. Every free minute on the set or in the car, I just kept my mouth moving.” Tokyo Tribe is now playing. Kevin Mcgue

After decades of being unavailable in any format because the negative was misplaced, the 1971 Australian thriller Wake in Fright (pictured) has been tracked down and remastered, and can even be seen on the big screen from September 27 at Cinema Qualite (3-37-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku; The longlost film starts with a school teacher arriving at an isolated outback town for a little R&R, but nothing goes as planned… The French romantic comedy Un plan parfait (aka Fly Me to the Moon) proves that the genre can still be romantic and even funny. Diane Kruger struggles with a family curse that causes all of its women to end their first marriage in divorce, so she marries a random stranger instead of ruining things with her boyfriend. Playing from September 20 at Human Trust Cinema Yurakucho (2-71 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku; The multimedia event Century of Film and Dance is running September 20 to October 3 at Image Forum in Shibuya (2-10-2 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku; In addition to live performances and Q&As, the schedule features eight programs ranging from compilations of jazz numbers from Hollywood films to documentaries on contemporary performers. KM



More reviews and theater details:



DELIVER US FROM EVIL Lazy E xorcist retread has Eric Bana (trying on a hilarious Bronx accent) as a cop-turned-demonologist haunted by the acts of Mephistophelean mayhem committed by some GIs who apparently left ajar a door to hell while in Iraq. It’s “inspired by actual events,” which is movie-speak for “this stuff never really happened.” Note to filmmakers: dim lighting alone does not make things scary, just hard to see. Looks like it was shot and edited on an iPhone. The demons are gross but never scary. The background music is by The Doors. Really. Hopelessly hokey, dreadfully derivative, and mercifully missable. Japanese title: NY Shinrei Sousakan. (118 min)


FRANKIE & ALICE Frankie is a black ’70s go-go dancer who suffers from multiple personality disorder, sharing her body with a precocious seven-year-old nicknamed “Genius” and, get this, a vicious southern racist called Alice. Stellan Skarsgård is the psychologist who diagnoses and documents her disorder. Halle Berry, trying perhaps a bit too hard for a second Oscar, does what she can with the bland material (based on a true story, etc.) but never really disappears into the role(s). As a whole, the movie is mildly interesting, frequently lurid, a tad cartoonish and never truly engaging. (101 min)

LE WEEK-END On what was to be a n o s t a l g i c a t te m p t to celebrate 30 years of complex but affectionate marriage, Brits Jim Broadbent and Lindsay Duncan (never better) travel to Paris to revisit the scenes of their honeymoon. The trip reveals both their strong bond and some halfburied fissures. As movies about the gently aging go, you could view this as an antidote to fluff like The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. It’s well crafted, intelligent, mischievous, melancholy and even profound. A memorable dinner party scene in which things come to a head is alone worth the price of admission. Also a superb Jeff Goldblum. Japanese title: Weekend wa Paris de. (93 min)


GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY With no less than two H an Solo t y p es , t his irreverent, self-satirizing space romp has rebel swagger to spare. One’s a raccoon (voice by Bradley Cooper). The other, played by career goofball Chris Pratt, is a self-mythologizing space rogue who listens while doing his banditry to a ’70s mix tape on a vintage Walkman. He and a surrogate family of misfits come together to stop the villain from taking over the universe, etc. They comprise a blue Zoe Saldana, a literal-minded Dave Bautista, and the voice of Vin Diesel as an Ent-like tree creature. It’s self-aware, silly, funky and thoroughly enjoyable. (121 min)


FRANCES HA Noah Baumbach’s (Kicking and Screaming, The Squid and the Whale) tale of a 27-yearold woman struggling with impending maturity (now termed a “quarter-life crisis”) stands way out from a seemingly endless parade of Gen-X dreck. Greta Gerwig, who co-wrote with the director, brings along her gifts for physical comedy and off-kilter timing. An aspiring dancer, Frances misses social cues, ignores advice and talks too much. Her complacent life is derailed by the impending marriage of her roomie Sophie (Sting’s kid Mickey Sumner; great). Exuberant, poignant, wryly funny and offbeat without cynicism. It’s honest. (86 min)

NIGHT TRAIN TO LISBON A stuffy Brit academic (Jeremy Irons) who describes himself as boring (he’s right) impulsively walks out of his Swiss classroom and hops a train to Lisbon to find out more about Portuguese poet and doctor Amadeu de Prado. In a movie so titled, you might think you’re in for a little noirish intrigue instead of this low-energy historical detective story. Lots of flashbacks, exposition and philosophical mutterings. It’s not terrible; the prestigious cast includes Mélanie Laurent, Jack Huston, Tom Courtenay, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin and Charlotte Rampling. But the characters never really come alive. Japanese title: Lisbon ni Sasowarete. (110 min)


TIME IS ILLMATIC A p e r k o f rev i e w i n g films is watching music documentaries about performers and genres you don’t, um, commonly follow. This one is about one of hip-hop’s most intellectual artists, Nasir “Nas” Jones, celebrating his influential debut album 20 years back. Man’s a poet. Using archival footage (helpfully subtitled) and talking heads, the film links what was happening in the recording studio with the politics and policy at the time of being black in America. It’s brisk and stylish, and avoids hagiography. Fans will love it, and neophytes can learn something. I did. Still don’t like hip-hop. Japanese title: Nas: Time is Illmatic. (73 min)

NON-STOP This is the moderately suspenseful if credibility-stretching tale of an alcoholic, over-the-hill U.S. Air Marshall who has issues. But we trust him immediately and completely because he’s Liam Neeson. One of the passengers on his red-eye flight is messing with his mind, texting threats to kill a passenger every 20 minutes. And as a bonus, the mystery messenger is framing Liam for his/her planned $150-million heist. Glaring plot holes, numerous red herrings, some dull stretches. Serviceable thriller is forgettable, but among the better efforts in the actor’s ongoing spate of quickie actioners. Also Julianne Moore. (106 min)

STORIES WE TELL For her third directorial effort, Sarah Polley tries on a documentary about her mother, who died when Sarah was 11. She interviews family members in an attempt to get a better picture of what made Mom tick. But this is much more than talking heads. Each viewpoint is slightly skewed. It soon morphs into a dramatic investigative mystery, and ends up being nothing less than an examination of storytelling and truth itself. You’ll enjoy this most if I tell you little. This is brave filmmaking, but Polley approaches her emerging material with a strong sense of personal ethics. Well done! Japanese title: Monogataru Watashitachi. (108 min)

ZULU This police procedural offers little new to the genre, but the acting, production values and ever-fascinating backdrop of South Africa’s Cape Town bring it up to the entirely watchable level. Forest Whitaker and Orlando Bloom (not my favorite actor, but he does well here) are mismatched cop buddies tracking down a new drug that’s killing off African youths. It’s fairly unflinching in its brutality and paced like a roller coaster, but it finds time to promote the concept of the necessity of forgiveness. Directed by Jérôme Salle and adapted from a novel by Caryl Férey. Japanese title: Cape Town. (110 min)

HOW I LIVE NOW Kevin Macdonald’s clumsy marriage of a YA romance and a harrowing WW III survival saga is far from original. But the ever-surprising Saoirse Ronan (Atonement, Hanna) provides the glue that makes it all work. A snotty American teenager is unloaded for the summer with her English cousins (including the dishy George MacKay). She eventually lowers her barriers and comes to see this fragile, unsupervised group of kids and teens as the family she never had. Then someone nukes London and the film morphs into a fashionably begrimed thriller, in which the story effectively adheres to her POV. Well worth seeing. Japanese title: Watashi wa Ikiteikeru. (101 min)

LUCY Euro-schlock producer Luc Besson latches on to and runs with the debunked urban legend that humans use only ten percent of their brains’s capacities. The result is a pulpy, preposterous, action-packed yet mildly contemplative and never predictable blend of 2001 and Charly, with a dash of The Matrix. Pseudo-science aside, it also happens to be a total blast. Does a superb job of feigning depth. Scarlett Johansson’s spot-on in the title role of a party girl forcibly drafted as a drug mule who suffers a massive dose of a new mind-expanding drug and turns into an existential superhero. Insanely fun. (90 min)



Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: © 2014 Twentieth Century Fox; Deliver us from Evil: Sony Pictures Entertainment; Frankie & Alice: © 2009 F&A PRODUCTION SERVICES INC. All Rights Reserved.; Le Week-End: © 2013 Free Range Films Limited/ The British Film Institute / Curzon Film Rights 2 and Channel Four Television Corporation.; Guardians of the Galaxy: © Marvel 2014 All rights reserved.; Frances Ha: © Pine District, LLC.; Night Train to Lisbon: © 2012 Studio Hamburg FilmProduktion GmbH / C-Films AG / C-Films Deutschland GmbH / Cinemate SA. All Rights Reserved.; Time is Illmatic: © COPYRIGHT ILLA FILMS, LLC 2014; Non-Stop: © 2014 TF1 FILMS PRODUCTION S.A.S STUDIOCANAL S.A.; Stories We Tell: ©2012 National Film Board of Canada; Zulu: © 2013 ES KW AD-PA THÉ PRODUCTION -LOBSTER TREE-M6 FILMS; How I Live Now: © The British Film Institute/Channel Four Television Corporation/ HILN Ltd 2013; Lucy: © 2014 Universal Pictures





Photo by Rodger Sonomura

Photo by Tommy Pham

Famed for 430 years of authentic French cuisine, La Tour d’Argent now celebrates its 30th year in Japan with a world-class feast at its New Otani location. Executive chef Renaud Augier serves up the Paris branch’s exquisite signature menu, including Caneton Marco Polo au poivre vert (roast duckling with green pepper) and Mosaique de Saint-Jacques et legumes au caviar (scallops with vegetables and caviar). Hotel New Otani, 4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku. Lunch Oct 16-Nov 16; dinner Oct 15-Nov 30. Nagatacho.

Not quite Japanese and not quite Thai, Yami Yami Curry blends the two cuisines to create delicious fusion curries that are sure to hit the spot when you can’t decide on what to eat. The restaurant also lets you custom create your own curry—and if you’re looking for a chili hit, choose the extra-spicy option! Prices typically range from ¥720-860, but can go up depending on your customization. English menu available. Branches in Iidabashi, Jimbocho, Nakano and Waseda.

The backstreets of Shibuya are home to W.P Gold Burger (pronounced "Whoopi"), a laidback burger joint with a menu as pun-tastic as its name. The shop serves up such gems as the Whoopi Goldburger (natch), the Kevin Bacon Burger and the Sarah Jessica Burger (it sounds better when you try it in katakana). All punning aside, the burgers are as huge as their namesakes’ names, and served with mashed potatoes or fries. Vegetarian burgers available on request. 1-9-4 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku. Shibuya.

organic soy milk options, a variety of organic juices (¥700), yogurt smoothies (¥850) and a small beer and organic wine list, with amber brews including Kronenbourg White from Alsace, Germany’s Schöfferhoffer Grapefruit (¥950 each) and a seasonal American IPA (¥900). Desserts include caramel crunch banana bread, a peanut butter and jelly bar (¥600 each, with homemade whipped cream), and— get ready for it—an apple and rhubarb crumble with ice cream (¥680) made with homegrown rhubarb. Also noteworthy is the cherry pie (¥600, with whipped cream), which is neither too sweet nor too tart, and is wrapped in a

tender yet flaky pastry crust. Every thing on the dessert menu—and more—is available to take home from the bakery counter, and we left with a bag packed with corn bread (¥380), chocolate chip scones (¥250) and some more apple rhubarb crumble (¥380). The selection changes daily, so there’s always something new in store. The Bake Shop is just five minutes’s walk from Jiyugaoka station’s main exit, taking you past a delightful selection of confectioners, lifestyle shops and niche toy stores that will give you plenty to do on the way. 4F, 2-16-29 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku. Jiyugaoka.


Rhubarb pie in your eye TEXT AND PHOTOS BY MIKE KANERT

So much more than a typical panyasan, the Jiyugaoka Bake Shop opens its elevated fourth-floor expanse to present a bright and fully serviced café. Light pours in from the floor-to-ceiling windows—and more illumination can be found on the 17-seat open-air terrace past the tempting bake display, a cozy spot for a mid-afternoon nibble. The ample food menu offers everything from asparagus and bacon risotto (¥1,100) to eggs benedict (¥1,260), while New Yorkers might enjoy the sight of potato knishes with salad for ¥850, proof positive of the bakerowner’s time in the Big Apple. The aesthetic presentation is impeccable— though sometimes the visuals raise the bar a little too high: As nice as it looks, the Bake Shop Full Breakfast (¥1,500) is essentially just an artistically arranged collection of ordinary eggs, toast, fried potatoes and nearly-noteworthy sausages shored up by a limp salad. The true excellence of the Bake Shop arises from its drinks and desserts. There are ten teas on offer, including wild raspberry, hibiscus and berry “super fruits” and even “Red Dusk” Rooibos tea for any homesick South Africans out there (¥700 each). The “Passion & Beauty” passion fruit tea treads the perfect line between sweet and strong without any need for sweeteners. There are also eight kinds of Guatemalan coffee (¥400-680) with decaf and


Start to finish: 12 hrs (active time 10 min) Servings: 4 1. 100g silken (kinu) tofu 2. 200g drained fat-free yogurt 3. 80g cream cheese 4. 4 tbsp sugar (1 tbsp = 15ml) 5. 1 tbsp lemon juice 6. 1/3 cup (80ml) espresso 7. 1 tsp rum (optional) (1 tsp = 5ml) 8. 5 hard biscuits 9. 1/3 cup fresh okara 10. Cacao powder to dust


Yes, tiramisu can be healthy! Just use tofu, drained fat-free yogurt and a small portion of cream cheese, complementing layers of crushed biscuits with okara. You can get fresh okara at the supermarket or at a specialist tofu shop. It spoils quickly when refrigerated, but lasts well frozen—just microwave it for a few minutes when you thaw it. Okara powder is a reasonable substitute when you can’t get it fresh.



DIRECTIONS 1. Leave 450g of fat-free yogurt on a paper towel or coffee filter in a strainer in the fridge overnight. The result will be about 200g of drained yogurt, with whey drained out below. (If you’re in a hurry, you can substitute unsweetened Greek yogurt or mascarpone cheese.) 2. In a deep mixing bowl, combine the tofu, drained yogurt, cream cheese, sugar and lemon juice. With a blender or whisk, blend to smoothness. Put the mix in the refrigerator. Briefly microwave the okara to remove excess moisture and allow it to cool. Crush the biscuits and combine them with the cooled okara. Add espresso and rum (optional). Toss to allow the espresso to be absorbed evenly.



In 2007, a self-described “Jewish Kid from Long Island” opened his first ramen restaurant in Tokyo. His restaurant, Ivan Ramen, serves a new, original kind of ramen—a fusion of East and West. Located in Setagaya, the decor of the original Ivan Ramen is minimalistic, with wooden counters and stainless steel accents. The restaurant is identifiable only by a simple “Eat Ramen Here” sign near the entrance and a board explaining the history of the founder, Ivan Orkin. The counters sit in an L-shape, facing the kitchen, so you can watch all the detail put into your meal. On weekends, there’s typically a line of businessmen waiting to get into the famous “foreigner ramen shop.” The menu is simple, allowing the shop to specialize. It offers shio, shoyu, spicy red chili and roasted garlic ramen, along with shio and chili, sesame tsukemen (ramen dipping noodles) and a “ramen of the day.” Flavored rice bowls are also available for those who

want a little extra. On a bustling Monday night, our ramen of the day was cold ramen with chicken, lemon and tomato (¥950). It was served in a chilled broth of savory tomato sauce with pulled chicken, a topping of seaweed powder and a lemon garnish. It’s not your typical ramen broth, and to our surprise, the noodles in this dish weren’t the standard wheat-based ramen noodles, either. Instead, the noodles at Ivan Ramen were the texture and consistency of linguine noodles with a subtle hint of “ramenesque.” These noodles are Ivan’s own recipe, prepared by U.S. artisan noodle maker Sun Noodle. From the atypical broths to the custom-

beauty tip You don’t have to throw out the whey: you can drink it with lemon and honey, cook bread or rice with it, or mix 1 tablespoon of whey, 1 tablespoon of sake and 10 tablespoons of purified water to make skin lotion. Just be sure to use it at night, not in the morning—it’s sticky and doesn’t smell great! ( Those with sensitive skin should consult with a dermatologist before trying this.)

3. Fill 4 small cups to about 1/8 with the creamy mix from the fridge. Then fill each cup to halfway with the crushed biscuit mix. 4. Place the rest of the creamy mix in the cups and cover this with the rest of the crushed biscuit mix. 5. Refrigerate for about 1 hour. Dust the top with cacao powder before serving.

Rieko Suzuki Rieko blogs bilingual recipes at

made noodles, Ivan Ramen serves an experience different from any other ramen restaurant in Japan. The chicken and tomato ramen was more like a savory tomato and spaghetti soup than a Japanese ramen dish. We continued with the roasted garlic chashu ramen ( ¥1,050). It was served in a steamy, thick broth, topped with a nest of onions, garlic and seaweed powder, four slices of slow-cooked chashu pork and a roasted clove of garlic. The dish was also served with Ivan’s signature noodles, suspended in the intensely flavored, creamy garlic broth. Drinks include “beer of the day” (¥600) and apple juice. Most evenings, you can also order homemade ice cream. There are two Ivan locations in Tokyo and two in New York. We went to the original Ivan Ramen on the border between Setagaya and Suginami; the second shop, Ivan Ramen Plus, is in central Setagaya. Don’t hold your breath to meet this ramen star, though: Ivan now resides in New York, where he runs Ivan Ramen New York and Ivan Ramen Slurp Shop. 3-24-7 Minami-Karasuyama, Setagaya-ku. Hachimanyama.


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LAW OFFICE IN KAWASAKI (next to Tokyo), member o f t h e Yo k o h a m a B a r Association. Legal service in English for traffic accidents, divorce, inheritance, bankruptcy, business cases (contracts, establishing a company, trademarks, etc.) and other legal problems. Email: www. TO ADVERTISE IN M ETRO PO LIS, Jap an’s N o.1 E n g l i s h m a g a z i n e,

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the official metropolis classifieds blog The whiny buzz, the itchy bites... There’s a lot to hate when it comes to mosquitoes, and even more since the return of dengue fever. But before you go slapping a drugstore’s worth of anti-mosquito products on your delicious, blood-filled body, have a look at what’s considered useful and what’s considered not-so-much:

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Over three months ¥5130-/ day. Tax, utilities included. frontdesk@azabucourt. com w w w.azabucour t . com/ 03 -3446 -8610 KANAMACHI GUEST HOUSE. Brand-new furnished share rooms, separate male and female floors, all rooms w/d i g i t a l l o c k s , a i r co n , fridge, 1min walk from Kanamachi stn, Chiyoda line ¥40,000/m. room@ 03-5876-4575

2.2 RENT UNDER ¥200,000

CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. Specialists in branding, web design, photo/ v i d e o p ro d u c t i o n . D r a w ing A Crowd: a new approach in design. Get in touch. info@drawingacrowd. co


Blog post

BRIGHT PRIVATE ROOM IN LARGE LUXURY RESIDENTIAL VILLA IN ASAKA, 14min to Ikebukuro, huge bathtub, big TV, etc., free furniture available ¥48,000/m. Utilities, internet, cable included. No key money. 09063491296

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ICHIGAYA, IN CENTRAL TOKYO. Furnished, 25sqm, w/south and north balconies, cherry blossom trees in Japanese garden, sunny and quiet, 5 -7min from Akebonobashi a n d U s h i g o m e -Ya n a g i c h o subway stn, very convenient to Yotsuya/Shinjuku by bicycle ¥100,000-. Tel/fax: 03-33417875 w w w.itto greencorp.html

ICHII CORPORATION. Over 600 affordable, qualityfurnished apartments in central Tokyo locations. No key money/guarantor/agent f e e r e q u i r e d . N e w, c l e a n apartments, simple contract system, full English support. Call us today! 03-5437-5233

0 TOKYO APARTMENTS. Your one-stop housing solution throughout Tokyo. Providing s e r v ice d , fu rni s h e d a n d unfurnished apartments, for both long- and shortterm stays. Also providing relocation services, furniture rental, property m anagement and sales. Please call 0120-957-920. S PAC I O U S , W E S T E R N - S T Y L E HOUSE, less than 30min to Shibuya, 4LDK, office space, all rooms internet- and T V-ready, Bose speakers, Secom security system, lots of storage space, solar panels, two parking spots, good for families with children. noemi. ht tp: //


CREA-UN UENO. Furnished p r i v a te r o o m s , w/d i g i t a l locks, near Asakusa, Ueno, Skytree. Safe area, femaleo n l y, r o o f to p g a r d e n w / nice view, BBQ space, free bicycle. From ¥56,000/m. Utilities included. No key money/guarantor. crea-un. http:// w w w. s akura - ko - b 03-6912-0692 GREAT LOCATION & SUPER CLE AN. Private furnished rooms in Roppongi, Akasaka, Azabu-Juban and Minami-Shinagawa, all 2min from stn, ladies-only floor available, weekly cleaning service, free i n t e r n e t , a i r co n , f r i d g e . From ¥ 49,0 0 0/m. No key money/guarantor/agent fee. 090 -2405 - 0022

PRIVATE FURNISHED A P A R T M E N T S . O d a k y u l i n e: M u ko g a o ka Yu e n / Yo m i u r i - L a n d - M a e , 20/30min from Shinjuku. Keikyu line: Hatcho-Nawate, 15min from Shinagawa. 1K~2LDK ¥58,000/m~¥120,000/m. Tel: 0 4 4 - 93 3 -7 0 0 0 E m a i l : m h @ www.

SERVICED APARTMENTS in a quiet residential area of Hiroo. Studios and suites. 4min from Hiroo stn. Rates: Daily ¥7800. Weekly ¥6850-/ day. Monthly ¥5700-/day.

JAPANESE LESSONS for serious students of any level from experienced, volunteer te a c h e r n e a r t h e Ya m a n o te line in Tokyo. Free. Please call Setsuko at 090-1210-9285. Email:

3.5 LANGUAGE EXCHANGE English and Japanese. Hi, I'm an AsianAmerican male, 30. I'd like to improve my Japanese for use at work. I'm seeking someone who can meet weekdays (morning/afternoon) on the west side of Tokyo.

is mild. I want to practice speaking E and become friends with someone who wants to learn J. Shall we teach each other? English and Japanese. A gaigokujin walks into Pronto for lunch and asks for "hentaiko spaghetti." The staff looks at him strangely. He looks back at the staff, puzzled. That gaigokujin was me. Welcome to strange life in Japan, me! English and Japanese. Seeking a language exchange partner. I'll teach you E in exchange for J around Akishima/ Tachikawa. If interested, mail me. English and Japanese. Well-educated single black American guy, 35, 180cm, seeking E/J language exchange. Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama. eddywillson33@ English and Japanese. Japanese lady would like to have a native speaker of American English as a language exchange partner. Please drop me a line if you are interested. Any age, M/F ok, but please be serious. English and Japanese. Black American male, 32, seeks Japanese for language exchange. English and Japanese. Group language exchange every Wed, 7:30-9:30pm, at coffee shops around Ginza. Most members are 20s and 30s. We switch languages every 30min. Fun events on weekends. Free to join. ando.andy@ German and Japanese. JF seeks Ger/J language exchange partner. Seit Sechs Monaten lerne ich Deutsch aber ich spreche Englisch. F/M ok. If interested, drop me a line. gardenstate2005@ Italian and Japanese. Would like to learn basic It from a native speaker who wants to practice J. Possibly near Shibuya on weekday evenings after 7pm. Korean and Japanese. Japanese male, 41, seeks a native Korean speaker for Kor/J exchange. I like music, reading, cooking. I hope we can learn from each other and have some fun. astralsky@ Spanish and Japanese. Soy un varón japonés, 26, viviendo en Tokio, buscando una mujer y los compañeros españoles por hacer intercambios de idiomas. Hablo japonés. Quiero aprender español. Entiendo un poco español. riku_hiroxx@

3.9 TEACH ME! Wine teacher in Tokyo. Teach me about French wine in Tokyo on weekends. Prefer a native teacher with teaching experience and a wine qualification. Will pay for your time.


English and Japanese. SJF seeking Japanese language learners. Drop me a line if you're interested in doing a language exchange with a student teacher.

Light, NEC ceiling, in good and clean condition ¥2000. Pick up 7min from Hirai stn, Sobu line, or Higashi-Azuma stn, Kameido line.

English and Japanese. I'm a Japanese female living in Yokohama seeking a language exchange partner. I like to hang out with my friends. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. blenda0406@

Mattress, Span America Medical Systems Geo-Mattress Pro, queensized, orthopedic, shipped from the US, w/special washable cover, clean, in excellent condition ¥30,000/obo. 033467-9106

English and Japanese. Hi, I'm Shogo, male, 22, living in Shibuya. My character

Sofas, leather, one seats 2.5, the other seats two; child's bed; three bar stools;

tall standing lamp; wooden stool; all items in good condition. Pick up Yoyogi. http://tinyurl. com/k87qgtw

4.2 APPLIANCES Aircon, in good condition, wellmaintained and cleaned: room, two available ¥5000/each. Living room aircon ¥8000. ¥15,000/all. x_mikky_x@ Fridge/freezer, Sanyo SR-B18J, 175L (fridge 123L, on top; freezer 52L, in three drawers), silver, '05, good for one-two people, in excellent condition ¥10,000. View Shinjuku. Can arrange delivery for extra cost. metropolisclassified@ Gas stove, Rinnai, Toshi gas, used six months ¥37,500. Free delivery in Tokyo. Vacuum, Twinbird Cyclone, powerful but silent, washable, easy-to-clean filter ¥2000. Pick up 7min from Hirai stn, Sobu line, or Higashi-Azuma stn, Kameido line. h http://goo. gl/NvIO7Y

4.3 SAYONARA SALE Sayonara sale! PC and monitor, in good condition ¥12,000. Oak desk/table ¥3500/obo. Deluxe floor chair and small table ¥5000/both. Humidifier ¥3000. Panasonic ceiling lights ¥1500/each. Sayonara sale! Ikea goods, electronic goods, brand-name chihuahua clothes, etc. Pick up or COD. Yokohama, Motomachi. Sayonara sale! Kickboxing, judo, ski wear sets; Christmas tree decorations; futon mattress and sheets; pots; digital photo frame; waterproof boots and suit; cordless phone; books; DVDs; PlayStation 3 games; PlayStation Portable and games. Details available. yannu@

4.6 FOR KIDS Books, Japanese, picture, six available; one hardcover Pikachu book ¥500/all. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available. Car seat, Aprica Bettino, seat/bed, rotates 360° and folds flat as a baby bed, in very good condition, no marks or stains, w/ instruction book, DVD and box ¥10,000. Coats, blue and gray, size 130cm ¥500. Brown, size 140cm ¥300. Items for winter. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available. Windbreaker, Puma, black, size 130cm, in good condition ¥1000. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available. housetsu@

5 HOBBIES&INTERESTS 5.1 CAMERAS Digital camera, Canon PowerShot C1, as new, hardly used (only 50 shots), w/ all cables, manuals, etc., carrying bag ¥6000/obo. Pick up Tsurumi. rsd91750@ 0455064415

5.2 SPORTS EQUIPMENT Kickboxing, judo, ski wear sets. Kickboxing set: gloves, bandage, leg protectors, two pairs of short pants ¥1000. Adult judo set, suitable for around 175-185cm ¥1000. Ski wear set, suitable for around 170180cm ¥2000.



5.3 MUSICAL EQUIPMENT Electric guitar, Fernandes, and Ibanez bass, used for recording, both work well ¥5000/both. Must buy together. Pick up only Ebina or Sasazuka stn. earth_travel_ Headphones, Shure SRH1540, closedback flagship model, lightweight, hardly used, boxed, w/spare pads, spare cable, carrying case ¥40,000. rsd91750@nifty. com 0455064415

5.4 BOOKS/CD/DVD Japanese learning materials. Pimsleur Japanese I, II, and III, in original package, as new, w/16 CDs, booklet, guide ¥24,000/all.


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7 GENERAL 7.1 PHONES Fax/phone/answering machine, Sanyo/Panasonic SFX K-12, thermal paper-type, clean, work s fine, one cordless handset, PDF manual downloaded (Japanese) ¥8000/obo. Pick up Tsurumi. 0455064415 iPhone 4S 32GB, Australian, officially unlocked and SIM-free, as new, w/box, accessories ¥49,750. Pick up Shinjuku-ku. Smartphone, Nexus 5, black, 16GB, SIM-free, used less than three months, as new, w/original box, accessories ¥30,000/obo. Meet in person only. kizuki.

Sponsorship. Ten years’ experience in cafe/bar work, including working at international hotels. I’d like to open a cafe/bar, but need sponsorship. Individuals and companies are welcome. Please, if interested, let us come to an agreement. samueladonkor@gmail. com 090-6152-6274 Want to open small, Melbourne-style, coffee shop. Melbourne-trained barista who wants to open a small espresso café seeking advice. Please contact me.


7.2 FASHION Coat, Kent, size L, cream ¥600. LL Bean long-sleeved shirt, gray ¥300. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available. housetsu@

Shoes, women's flats, silver, size Japan 26/US 9/EU 40, in fair condition, some wear on the front, not leather ¥500. Pick up Koto-ku or meet central Tokyo.

A p r o n, b r a n d - n e w, l i n e n k n i t (L76xW40cm), various colors, w/pocket inside ¥800. Pick up around ToritsuDaigaku or Jiyugaoka stn, Toyoko line.

Exit 4, Nagatacho stn Supreme Court

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Akasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu

National Diet Library

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10.1 HELP ME

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THE JAPAN HELPLINE, 24 hours a d ay, f ro m a ny w h e re, a b o u t anything. From emergency assistance to simple questions. Visit and press “help,” or call 0570 - 0 0 0 -9 11 . To volunteer or support, please contact www.


Visa and immigration

Establishing a Company & Branch office

10 HELP!

Models wanted for photo project. Seeking open-minded people for art photo project in Tokyo. Anyone - M/F, any race/age welcome. Provide prints for your time. Great opportunity to be part of a unique art exhibit. Serious only, please.

Sandals, women's, beige, w/silver studs, rubber platform (3.5cm/1.25"), size Japan 25.5/EU 40/ US 9, very soft, in good condition ¥1000. Pick up Koto-ku or meet central Tokyo.

We can support you with: Intellectual property rights (Patent, trademark, copyrights)

Tablet, MS Surface Pro 3, bought in US last month, unpacked, 128GB, i5 Core, w/original packing and accessories ¥100,000.

PlayStation Portable, w/five games ¥2500. PlayStation 3 games, eight available ¥2500. Details available.

Raincoat, Cecilene, size M, ivory ¥600. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available.

Reasonable prices. Free first time consultation

Router, broadband LAN and wireless, four LAN ports, supports PPPoE ¥1500.

Cat-sitter sought for 12 weeks for clean, sweet, healthy Birman cat. He gets lonely, so he will have to be looked after in your home. All food and cat litter provided. Will pay reasonable fee.

Dress, Jenevi (Shibuya 109), mini, black, w/blue detail, Japanese free size, in great condition ¥1000. Pick up Koto-ku or meet central Tokyo.


8.2 HARDWARE Laptop, S am sun g Chro m e b o o k XE303C12, 11.6", 2GB RAM, 16GB SSD, 768p resolution screen, keyboard and battery in excellent condition.

PlayStation 3 games, some French, some English: Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Ridge Racer 7, GTA 4, GTA: Episode of Liberty City, UFC 2009, Uncharted 2 ¥2500/all. yannu@

Dress, Heaven and Earth (Shibuya 109), gray, w/chain detail and matching gray tank top, Japanese free size, in great condition ¥1000. Pick up Koto-ku or meet central Tokyo. E-mail: 3-5-3-1402 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023


Imperial Palace

Cleaner, for pet fur, dani, futon, sofa, etc. ¥500. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available. housetsu@gmail. com File folders, size B1, three available, w/cute designs ¥ 750/all. Pick up or chakubarai. Photos available.

7.4 ITEMS WANTED Bicycle sought for a reasonable price. 自

転車を安く売ってくださる方を探し ています。

WEST PAPUA: ONE SOUL, ONE PEOPLE . Fif t y- one years ago, West Papua should have been an independent country. Since 1969, West Papua has been invaded and the people robbed of their rights, culture and country. Help support West Papuans’ desire to be free. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS TOKYO. If you have a problem with drinking, we can help. English-speaking meetings daily. 03-3971-1471 inquiries@aatokyo. org

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J A PA N I N T E R N AT I O N A L PARTY - AUTUMN SPECIAL. Sat, Sep 27, 6:30-9pm, Devi Fusion (Roppongi). Japan’s biggest international party. 250 people expected. All-youcan-drink and free snacks. Japanese men: ¥ 4000. Others: ¥3000. Mobile: http:// http:// w w w.get your frien / 090-1735-5405

J O I N TH E B I G G E S T, B E S T, M O S T P O P U L A R I N T E R N AT I O N A L PA R T Y ! Great people, drinks and food! Meet new friends and party with nice people in a friendly atmosphere. E ve n t s i n To k yo (G i nz a , Azabu, Roppongi) and Osaka. ¥1500- ¥2000.


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Executive Sales Training in Japan One that really achieves results!

CHAT HOSTS AND TEACHERS WANTED BY LEAFCUP in Tok yo, Iidabashi, S h i b u y a , Yo k o h a m a . S e e k i n g enthusiastic, prof icient English, French, Spanish and/or German speakers who can teach and lead lively conversations. ¥1000-¥1500/h. A p p l y o n l i n e : h r @ l e a f c u p .co m

SALES INTERN. Metropolis is seeking a bilingual (E/J) intern to join the most successful English-language advertising team (Restaurants & Bars) in Japan. Great opportunity to learn in an exciting environment. No pay, but transportation provided. Please email METROPOLIS is seeking motivated bilingual (E/J) sales assistant s, support staff and interns to join its advertising and marketing team. Send E/J resume to

I N T E R N AT I O N A L PA R T Y AT LEAFCUP. Come join us and have fun. Men: ¥3000. Foreigners/ women: ¥2000. All-you-candrink and eat. Every Sat night from 7:30-10pm at all café locations ( To k yo, I i d ab as hi, S hi b u y a , Yokohama).


AMERICAN FOOTBALL. N ihon Unis ys Bulls , X league Central Division, seeks fit players w/ US college football experience for all positions. Practice every Sat/Sun from 10am-3pm (including meeting) in Tokyo/Saitama (time & v e n u e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e) . Attendance at practice must be over 60%. Please contact for tryout info and send your profile to team admin. A L L - N AT I O N A L I T Y TO U C H FOOTBALL. Non-contact tag rugby (OZ tag) and Rugby League players. We play ever y Sat from 1 0am in Tatsumi. M/F and beginners welcome! Good exercise and fun! Many other activities, such as

YOUR KEY TO THE SUCCESS! INTERNATIONALLY PROVEN S E E K I N G R O O M A DV I S O R . O u r co m p a ny p r ov i d e s re a l e s t a te brokerage ser vices focused on foreign customers. Join our sales team full-time to accommodate foreigners for the best apartments in Tokyo. Japanese/non-Japanese ok, but must have conversational Japanese and English. Salary from ¥3.5 million/year. Send E/J resume to www.flat-japan. com Tel: 03-6455-0796 OPERATION MANAGER NAQUINGS has an operation manager position open. The employment scheme includes three stages: 1. Provide us with your resume. 2. Display your readiness to work for NaquinGS at the interview with our managers. 3. Show your best professional and personal skills and prove you are the best candidate for us. If you have any questions related to employment, contact our managers in the HR department.

BBQs and drinking parties! Email for details. tokyorugbyleague@ ht tp: // tokyo13warriors

groups on weekday evenings. Beginner and low-intermediate also welcome. No entrance or membership fees. Reasonable participation fees. tokyo.

A M AT E U R R U G B Y L E A G U E PLAYERS. Japan ANZACS Rugby League team is seeking Rugby Le a g u e p l aye r s f o r J a p a n e s e Ru gby Le a gu e of f icial g ames from Apr to Sep. Everyone welcome. Contact for more details.

Badminton club in Tokyo. Small international group seeks players from abroad. If you know basic footwork, strokes and play seriously, you could definitely enjoy playing with us. http://www.

FUN WITH TOUCH RUGBY! Join us for social or competitive touch rugby ever y Sat at 2:30pm by Ariake stn, Yurikamome line. Any age, sex, level ok. Please email for details. ht tp://w w where-we-play/ P L AY R U G B Y. T h e To k y o Crusaders are a friendly but keen international rugby club. D evo te d to t h e g a m e a n d i t s social side, the “Cru” welcomes all players and supporters. Established in 1990, the Cru plays in the Shuto League 1st Division. crusaders www.tokyocrusaders. com TA M B O U R E L L I . U n i q u e n e w s p o r t f ro m S cot lan d . Usin g a tambourine-like instrument as a racquet, players hit a shuttlecock. We play two or three times/month on weekends in Meguro with many socials. Join us! More details: www. info@tamjapan. org All-level tennis group in Tokyo. Serious and motivated tennis players sought by active tennis group to join their weekly sessions in central Tokyo. We have advanced and intermediate

CORPORATE OR INDIVIDUAL TRAINING Improve your sales by 20% minimum Full day course: 9AM to 5PM Weekend or weekdays For more information or inquiries: Tel: 090-6456-1596 (9am - 5pm)

Frank A. Kasala, President & CEO of Future Technologies International, has over 40 years of international sales experience and 17 years as a corporate sales instructor.

Basketball in the Yokohama area. Want to play b-ball in the Yokohama area? Mostly Japanese players play intermediate games every Mon and Wed night at a local school’s gym. Feel free to come. Please contact for further details. Futsal players wanted by a very friendly international team. Practice is in Tokyo and Kanagawa on Sat. Details available. Interested in tai chi? Then why not start now? Take a step to counter the stresses of daily living. Practice is in Toyama Park on Sun mornings, near Takadanobaba stn. International football club. Five-aside, 11-a-side, on grass fields. Two or three practices/matches on Sun. All nationalities welcome. Happy and friendly club! We have many socials. Teach me martial arts. I’m a Japanese man in Tokyo. Please teach me martial arts for free. Hope to hear from you soon. Tennis in central Tokyo. Active group of tennis friends in central Tokyo welcomes serious/motivated new players. We play on weekday evenings and weekends. Different levels (sorry, no beginners), fun training sessions and games with great people from all over. tennis.


Triathlon training partner. I have this crazy idea to attempt an Ironman race next year. I have no experience other than a few marathons. Anyone interested in training with me? M/F ok. It could be a good adventure. Volleyball Club Intervoll. Japanese and foreign volleyball players gather in Takadanobaba to enjoy playing. Have volleyball experience and want to play volleyball in a friendly atmosphere? inter http:// Women’s football club. Five-aside, 11-a-side, on grass fields. Two or three practices/matches on Sun. All nationalities, experience levels, beginners welcome. Happy and friendly club! We have many socials. djnorio@

13.2 LEISURE MACARTHUR HEIGHTS. Ta ke a b r e a k w h e r e G e n e r a l Douglas MacArthur did! One hour from Tokyo by car or direct train. Beautiful cabins on the ocean, w/onsen, beach, shopping. Let's cook together. Why don't you come over to my kitchen (Japanese woman in Shinagawa) to learn how to make yummy home-style Japanese dishes? Washoku, Western food, Chinese, etc. Only pay for ingredients. Women only. cookjapon@

13.3 ARTS Love Shakespeare? Amateur group in Tokyo, meeting once/month to celebrate our love of the Bard. Come to read, or just to listen. All nationalities welcome, no experience necessary! rchrd_schwartz@ group/Shakespeare-sama/

13.4 MUSIC Japanese drummer seeking musicians. Guitar and bass player sought for rock, pop, blues, jazz, etc. Melody is important. Hopefully, we can have gigs so everybody can dance! kosuke1016@ Musicians wanted to play northern European/Scandinavian music together, especially accordionist. Rehearse a couple of times/month in Nakano. We are two violinists, flutist, bassist, guitarist and pianist. Singer or singer-songwriter, M/F ok, sought by JM guitarist. Perform around Tokyo or Yokohama. Pop, rock! Avril, AAR, FOB, GD, Snow Patrol, BEP, Fergie, 1D, Taylor Swift, etc. kamikaze_vibe@

13.5 MIND, BODY, SPIRIT Diamond Way Buddhism Tokyo. Do you want to explore your own mind? Guided Buddhist meditation every Sun, 6pm, near Azabu-Juban. International practitioners, beginners welcome, Japanese spoken. Please call 090-3598-3072 for more information. http:// Zen meditation (Zazen). You’ve always thought it would be interesting to try it - why not now? Join us Fri evenings at Tokuun-in in Ueno. Make arrangements in advance by email, and check our home page.

13.8 PROFESSIONAL Tokyo Traders Club. International club for traders and investors. Discuss opportunities in stocks, commodities and forex. Many regular events, including FX trading workshop. New to trading? No problem: beginners also welcome. You can also learn to trade. Join free! http://www. 080-5681-1321

13.9 INTERNATIONAL Intercultural activities. JII (Japan Intercultural Institute) is a non-profit, member-run organization that sponsors activities (seminars, cultural events, conferences) for those wanting to further develop intercultural competencies


and meet other interculturalists. yuko. www.

14 PERSONALS 14.1 FRIENDS American male seeking friends. I love living here and I'd love to meet more people. I'm really into music, dancing, BBQs and exploring new places. Eat Korean with me. Seeking some people to hang out and eat Korean food with. I'm not Korean, but I lived there. I'm male. 日本語でも韓国語でも大 丈夫. Fellow Japanese learners. English guy in Tokyo learning Japanese. I'm seeking other people who are also learning Japanese to hang out with, share language tips and resources, and share occasional frustrations. My Japanese isn't great (yet!). New here. Feels weird to try finding friends online, but with work, study (Japanese), exercise, I thought this could be a way to meet new people. I like going out, travel, photography, and have a very English sense of humour. onzeetop@ Seeking friends, Japanese M/F ok, 21-29, for long-distance communication. I'm a Filipino male, 26, who loves Japanese culture, food, soccer, kendo. Friendly person. Seeking friends. Japanese guy in Tokyo. I'm seeking new friends. I like soccer, anime, listening to and playing music, reading comics. Coffee/tea or karaoke, CD store - I'll show you around Tokyo, etc. Let's go, friends! riku_hiroxx@

14.2 MEN LOOKING FOR WOMEN SUBMISSIVE SJM, 36, cute, is seriously seeking a woman who is into, or interested in, dominating men. I am so submissive, with seven years’ experience, that I am happy to take whatever and serve you in any way. slaveintok yo@ American surfer style. Consultant, 38, from Culver City (near Beverly Hills), in Mita, Minato-ku. Love restaurants, suits, colored handkerchiefs and ties, dancing, R&B, hip hop, reading, art. You: live/work in central Tokyo, willing to try something new. Are you my sunshine? Seeking a sunbeam to share days of joy. SWM, 50, 177cm, fit. Art tour. Professional artist, 44, visiting Tokyo alone in Oct, seeking company to visit galleries, concerts, cafes, etc. Native English speaker, conversational Japanese, 181cm, 77kg, blue eyes, gray/brown hair. Divorced. Happy to exchange photos. greysydney@ Attractive Japanese man for married woman. Tall, handsome married Japanese businessman, 38, seeks Western or Japanese woman for discreet meeting. Attractive JM for SWF. Seeking attractive Western female with a nice smile. If you are interested in chatting over coffee or nice food, please contact me and let me know. I am looking forward to your contact. Just try once. Attractive single Japanese male seeks a nice Western or Japanese female for friendship and possibly more. Nonsmokers preferred. I am confident that I can create fun times for you. If you are ready, email me. cioinjapan@ Bilingual date. Single Japanese man, 37, in Tokyo, seeks a bilingual lady for a date. I am fun, fit, financially stable, and lived in NY for ten years so can communicate in English. Please write me and let's start talking! British-Australian gentleman. Hello, I am an Oxbridge-educated British-Australian gentleman seeking a single Japanese lady for friendship and marriage. I will be in Tokyo and

Kyoto in Nov and would like to have an email exchange beforehand. stjdavid@ Calm, gentle JM seeks someone special for a serious relationship leading to marriage. I am 42, nonsmoking, don't drink. Any nationality ok. If interested, please contact me. Let’s start with a cup of coffee. Canada? Hi, I am seeking a woman to move to Canada with me. You must be serious, 40+. martin_coman@hotmail. com Caring and cute JM seeks attractive, hearty, nonsmoking Western female for friendship. I simply would like to share fun, interesting and great experiences with you. If you feel the same way, just drop me a line. Casual daytime fun? Canadian MWM, 30s, educated, professional, fit, attractive, kind, seeks attractive Japanese/Asian lady for passionate casual romance (not just friends) in Tokyo. Let's meet regularly weekday/weekend daytime - sorry, no evenings. Coffee first. Casual friendship. Seeking a lady for a casual relationship. I'm a guy from the UK, 30s, and I live and work in Tokyo. Married/single, any age ok. jjey10@ Daytime passion? Attractive North American WM, 30s, clean and safe, seeks attractive lady, 20-49, for passionate hotel encounters weekdays or weekends (day time only). Ikebukuro, Shinjuku areas preferred. Can last a long time. You will feel good. 121quantum@

Long-distance relationship with a SJF. Seeking a SJF who wants a serious relationship leading to settling down with a family and kids. If you're interested, please reply. No gamers. Serious only. Long-term affair. I am seeking a married woman in a similar situation: married with children, love family, no intention to divorce. Long-term relationship and possibly more. Bilingual clinical doctor, late 20s, seeking a kind and serious woman, any race, age, looks, interested in having nice and possibly regular massage exchange. I like traveling, sports, watching movies. Lunch friends. English guy seeking lunch friends near Otemachi. I already have a busy social life in the evenings, but if we get on at lunch maybe the occasional after work hangout could work, too. No marriage seekers/smokers. scottish1_@ Married woman? Intelligent and kind American, early 40s, married, white, slim, educated, seeking one special woman in the same situation. Do you like exploring new restaurants, fun conversation and a bit of real romance? Any nationality. Nihongo mo ok. Mature and sophisticated Japanese, some have said charming, seeking an elegant, passionate, kind SWF. I dream about wild nights as well as sharing the simple pleasures of love. Is that you? Movie buddies. Seeking someone to enjoy going out to movies, doing exercise and going on romantic trips. I am working in Tokyo. I'd prefer someone who uses Ueno stn or who lives nearby. love.

Discreet and mutually beneficial friendship sought with an open-minded woman who has a great attitude and can provide a girlfriend-type experience. I’m a very open-minded and down-to-earth middle-aged Asian. Please reply with your photos and contact info. I’m a wellcultured and traveled gentleman who wants some naughty fun. paul00702@

No English? 銀行で働いてるイギリ ス人が日本の女の子探してる。英 語分からない女の子欲しい。 vint.

French and English. French businessman, 35, tall, good-looking, is seeking a female native English speaker for language exchange in downtown Tokyo.

Older Japanese women are so beautiful. As Japanese women age, they become more and more beautiful. I love ladies in their 50s and 60s.

Nice gentleman seeks a mature Japanese woman, 50+, to enjoy special sweet moments together, with respect and good manners.

Is this you? I am tall, British, 30s, working in a proper job, living in Japan permanently. 日本語もできる. You are Japanese, around 165cm, slim or medium weight, relaxed, happy, working but have free time. uk84@

Outgoing black male seeking attractive girlfriend, 20-55, over 160cm, who is fun and seeking intimacy in the Tokyo area. I'm 36, smart, 183cm, shaved head, athletic, from NY, working in IT, living in Ota-ku. Please send photo! goldfinger726@

Japanese male desu. It's hard to communicate in English, but I'll try to do it as well as I can. I'm a SJM, sweet and cool, love rock music, seeking a new relationship with a nice single white female.

Pocchari JF? I'm an African currently residing in central Tokyo. I'm seeking a pocchari Japanese lady for a serious relationship. No jokes, please. Serious emails only.

Japanese male, 42, single, seeks sincere, warm, open-minded white female for friendship and romance. I am generous, nonsmoking, like traveling, reading, philosophy and enjoying my life. Japanese man seeking female. I would like to make some friends, chill and chat with you. I'm easygoing. Let's have fun. I am a musician and play the drums and piano. I like to sing karaoke, too. Kissin' the moonlight. In an open relationship and seeking a female kissing friend. I want to go to a park or somewhere else. riku_hiroxx@hotmail. com

Language exchange with benefits. Haven't got time to sit down at your desk and study Nihongo? I can teach you in bed. I'm a Japanese guy, AKA, a sleeping dictionary! You will learn more effectively and quickly.

Proposal for SWF in Tokyo. Attractive SJM seeks attractive, spiritually mature, thoughtful SWF for a meaningful relationship. Shall we begin to talk? I think this opportunity will be a great one for us. Ready for adventure? Passionate, good-looking, athletic, highly creative, cultured Western man, early 40s, in Tokyo for at least the next six months, seeking a good-looking, cultured Japanese lady for passionate, temporary romance. Seeking a cute Japanese partner. I'm a SWM neuroscientist, 31, from Manchester, UK, seeking a well-educated Japanese partner, under 25, for a long-term relationship. Seeking chubby, serious JF. European guy, 40, open-minded, easygoing, honest, faithful, seeks a JF who can meet up soon (not too many emails) for a long-term relationship. Let's meet up over coffee and talk. Seeking female swimming mate for occasional practice after work and on weekends. I am a JM, 40, working in central Tokyo. Western female under 45 preferred. Seeking German female for sauna date. Japanese male, early 40s, younglooking, is seeking a German female for a sauna date. I just visited sauna in Germany and was really impressed. I want to do it privately.

Seeking girlfriend. Cool guy, 40, kind, seeks mature JF, 40s-50s, for romance in Tokyo. Let's meet up for coffee and talk. Serious only, please. munesan50@ Seeking Parisienne. Affluent and excellent Japanese architectural engineer is seeking an attractive Parisienne who can speak English. I visited Paris last Dec and would like to learn more about the city. Give me the hot info on Paris now. Seeking romantic relationship leading to marriage. If interested, respond with photo. Japan residents only. smartguy@i. Seeking SJF for company /fun / relationship. I like travel, nature, movies, concerts, dining, festivals, hiking, onsen, beaches. Me: single Asian-American, 30s, professional, from western America. Let's enjoy a good time together. Life is short. Serious only. Kind, mature Japanese man who feels lonely is seeking a woman who feels the same. Any nationality, any age, any color. I am open to all your fantasies. Let's meet for a coffee and see what happens. Share my life with someone. I'm from San Francisco, California. I've been living in Japan for four years. I love it here and I want to stay forever. I also want to find someone to spend life with. Single Italian seeking JF. I'm an Italian professional, in the wine business, seeking a JF for a serious relationship leading to marriage. Hope we share interests: art, travel, dance, opera, wine, dining, concerts, etc. SWM veterinarian traveler, 25, seeking a SJF, 20s or 30s, to show me your culture. Tattoos or piercings? Seeking a woman with tattoos or piercings, 20s, able to meet in Tokyo. I'm a man from England. 日本語でも英語でも大丈夫. uk84@ Tea or beer in the park. Seeking some people to spend a sunny Sat/Sun in the park. Japanese/foreigners welcome. I'm English. I hang around guys at the office, so just want to chill with some female company. White guy, tall, blue eyes, would like to have fun with a friendly female, hopefully have a serious relationship. I am single, kind, honest, warm, educated. I speak some Japanese. alexinjapan1@hotmail. com


S I N G L E S - O N LY D AT I N G EVENTS EVERY FRI NIGHT for foreign men and Japanese women. Leave the event with a new date! Always more women than men. FREE if signing up in advance! Other wise, ¥2000. info@ www.

JAPANESE OR WESTERN MAN WANTED. 外国人女性、魅力的、優 しい、日本語ok、金持ちとやさしい loverほしい、上品、慈善、楽しいだ け, 素敵な男性over 45. 最初のデ ートは素敵なレストランに行きまし ょう。Let's enjoy! あそぼう! Mail: から いばりする人、くらい人、けちな人メ ールしないで。 Big and beautiful black woman from NYC seeking someone to have some fun with, maybe leading to something more serious. If I am what you are seeking, I would definitely like to hear from you! Any nationality ok. tkydivine@yahoo. com Casual but respectful partner? SJF seeking a man, late 40s or over, for having fun. Hopefully, it'll become a long-term relationship. I am 30s and have a kid. I want just one respectful partner. Elegance and sultriness are definitely not mutually exclusive. It takes intelligence and class to deliver sex appeal gracefully. Evaluate me to see if I have what it takes. Gentle, beautiful Japanese, 45, seeks articulate, fun, professional, mature single businessman. Experienced man for intimate time. I'm a SJF, late 30s, inexperienced, seeking a gentle and experienced man to guide me. Please contact me if you can help me explore my sexual side. Send photo and details. Meaningful relationship. SJF, fun, kind, sincere, kind, active, seeking someone, mid-30s-40s, preferably from the UK, to share nice time together after work, weekends. I like to keep fit, so someone who likes that would be nice. Serious only. Seeking single man. I am a Japanese female, 40, seeking a SWM. I work in central Tokyo. I hope to meet you in Tokyo. I prefer you speak Japanese and English. SWM, 30s, sought for serious relationship, if possible, marriage. I'm a sweet, kind SJF, 30s, drama-free, very happy. Hope you'll reply. Please let me know your nationality and age. Tall, well-built SWM. Seeking single white professional, 35-45, who is seeking a tall, feminine single female to enjoy each other's company. Preferably over 6' tall. The special one. Seeking a SWM for a serious relationship, and if possible, marriage. I'm a SJF, 30s, sweet, caring, honest, positive. Please mail me your details, photo. Let's go eat something nice together! You will enjoy my class, intelligence, beauty, and lots of love. Sensible yet playful, 40-ish, nice figure, overseaseducated, seeks a single business professional, up to 60s. I won't disappoint you if you're what I'm seeking. Trust me.

14.5 ESCORTS ESCORTS have gone online. To f i n d a l o v e l y l a d y co m p a n i o n , v i s i t h t t p: // category/personals/escorts.

14.6 AND OTHERS Feminine white guy, 34, 178cm, 74kg, living in Tokyo, seeking straight male boyfriend.

15 JOBS LAVISH DATES AND INDULGENT NIGHTS - WE CR E ATE O PP O RTU N ITI E S for elite foreign males to meet elegant Japanese females. Start with a luxurious dinner date,take the night where you w a n t i t t o g o. Fr e s h , y o u n g women join our club every day. Tr y our free one - month trial offer: first date is on us! 0120675 - 858 (E ) international@ http://

15.1 JOB WANTED NEED A BABYSITTER? My name is Merinda Masuda. I’m 16, great with children and give them 100% attention. Trustworthy, responsible, loving, can do housework while children sleep. Seeking work in central Tokyo. Availab le mos t evening s , S at evenings and Sun.

♥ Love ¥ Money ♣ Luck

horoscope BY CATHRYN MOE



Don’t let the details derail you. View the overall picture. Where do you see yourself? Would you rather have a different visual, entirely? The Sun and New Moon in your relationship sector bring swift potential and great power. Center yourself with gratitude. Someone may change the goalposts or push to move faster than you feel comfortable with. Unhook from the past as you leap into cool waters of your future.

An open-door policy lets you take on new vistas and challenges. Finding it fun to be in the driver’s seat again? Don’t delay in taking steps where you feel called. Your spirit is online and easier to access. The Sun and New Moon clear the way to make astute business decisions. Who has your heart? Is it wrapped in a blue box with a big bow on top? Or does it beat quietly in a leafy park? Let your shadow have its day too.

Mar 21-Apr 19 ♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣♣


Apr 20-May 20 ♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣


May 21-Jun 20 ♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

Jun 21-Jul 22 ♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣

Mercury brings in all due humility, yet you’re still on track to enjoy this week. The Sun enters your romance sector with the New Moon following the next day. This alignment signals a new cycle. If you’re in a relationship, you may introduce something new to the life you’re sharing. If you’re single, you may find it easier to see whose eyes are noticing your special qualities. Go where the support lies to focus on your needs. You will be well received.

Your ideas are heard and accepted. This is a relief, as you may have just about decided to share your ideas elsewhere. Cosmic alignment sets the focus on your strength at home, but enough is enough. It’s time for you now. Luckily, your finances are catching a comet’s tail, which brings more spending power. In addition, you’ll be able to take charge in areas that were previously closed to you. The New Moon whispers, “Take the path less traveled” for your personal delight.



This week’s star power is weighted in your “how do I feel about this?” sector of your chart. It translates to what you want for yourself (not what others push for). Those who ask the least of you are a treasure, but those close-by add motivation and focus. The Sun blesses your connections, bringing success in negotiations. This is especially true if dealing with brothers, sisters and choices about your home. The New Moon breathes fresh air into an old situation.

Venus is enjoying her transit through detail-focused Virgo. You may think, what will I ask of love this week? There are as many definitions as there are stars. Most will agree an inner warmth is a must. If it takes laughter, good food, sunsets or a happy home to get there, Venus is on your side. The Sun brightens your income, with the New Moon following to help you leave one train of thought and engage another. You can accomplish what you have set out to do.



Jul 23-Aug 22 ♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

Oct 23-Nov 21 ♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

Your ruler Venus is in full swing as she balances the details in the shadows. The wisps of dreams you once had now give way to clearer definition. It’s a relief to know you have more than one choice. An important decision is starting to pan out. Give it time. The Sun enters your sign to begin your birthday highlights. Happy Birthday, Libra! This week’s New Moon starts a cycle of beauty you can’t miss. It’s for you.

Your boundaries are firm. Take a deep breath and share your kindness. To a point. Venus moves to gif t gettogethers and best friends. With Ceres in your sign, you may feel strongly pulled to take care of someone. Be aware it’s time for you to be taken care of too. In fact, it’s a requirement. The Sun’s transit combined with the New Moon help you begin a new balance in love and savings.



Your approach determines whether you go to the next level or back to start. Even if you feel things coming from every direction, it’s worth realizing the value you have to others. The qualities and leadership you hold are evident. There are those who wait for your next move so they can follow. The Sun’s transit and this week’s New Moon begin a cycle of friendship that’s deeper and more substantial than you might expect. The details will rearrange to meet your needs.

There’s a shift in the air and you’re likely to notice. The Sun transits to a New Moon which highlights your career. People notice you and sense your even hand of justice. New directions can be easier than they look. This equinox is a time of balance in your friendships. Venus chases the Sun and brings a healthy material aspect to the spiritual infusion you’ve been brewing. Give love a chance. Make sure you gift yourself truth and understanding in the matter.


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Jan 20-Feb 18 ♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

Feb 19-Mar 20 ♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣

Partnership is everything and then some. The Moon, Jupiter, and Dark Moon Lilith combining to help you break the rules ... er, expand your viewpoints. The Sun transits to a New Moon which is both uplifting and encouraging just before the equinox gets ready to knock your socks off. You may find you’re in the midst of just what you dreamed of (but forgot to request the specific date and location?). It’s still going to work out for you. Just breathe.

Swim, little fishy, swim. Play and feel yourself float on the edge of the cosmos. This is a most magical week for Pisces. The Sun transits to connect with a New Moon, adding to your mystical allure. At the same time, the equinox can be especially sexy for you. The realms of illusion (that have kept you from breaking through to where you really want to be) are dissolving just in time for you to land on your feet.


the last word



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She looked at me, and I guess she knew what I was going through. “It's okay,” she told me. “Everyone is scared their first time.” I eventually made it to the bath. I was so nervous, I felt like I was going to pass out. My dorm mom and I nestled in a stone alcove in one of the outside baths, snow gently falling and freezing to the top of my hair. I was stunned by the fact that no one was looking at me or laughing at my body. I’d spent so long hating myself and my acne and my stretch marks that I’d sort of forgotten that everyone has their own imperfections—and imperfections aren’t something to be embarrassed about, because each mark only adds to a person’s personality. Mothers with jagged C-section scars? Proof they survived childbirth. Women with small oil burns along their wrists? Cooking with oil is hard. A skinned knee from falling on a rainy day, permanent blisters from wearing work heels, a sunburn that peeled wrong, scars from surgery—these are all proof that you’ve been alive. I’ve changed since then. I live in Japan again, but now with my husband. I still have body issues, but every year I love my body a little bit more. Onsen help. When the makeup is washed away, when that perfectly curled hair is washed and tied up ... when people are completely naked, something magical happens. I was with my sister at an onsen the other night, and as we were soaking in one of the outside baths, she mused, “I bet girls in America would have much fewer body issues if they could go to onsen.” Japanese onsen taught me to love my body just the way it is. It taught me that no one has the “perfect” physical shape—and that the standards I have for perfection are stupid. When we strip off all the threads and colors we slap on to try to get that magazine look, we find we all look a little more alike than we thought. Illustration by Christi Rochin


I remember hating my body when I was growing up. It’s not that I wanted to be pretty; I just wanted to be “good enough.” If I looked just a little bit like that woman on the cover of the gas-station magazine, I thought I would be happy. Now I've realized it doesn’t work that way. I can’t look like that woman in the magazine because the woman in the magazine doesn’t even like the woman in the magazine. It’s Photoshop, and you can't Photoshop a real person. Now, it’s no secret that most women don’t like their bodies. And living in Tokyo—where most Western women are taller and thicker than their average Japanese counterpart—can absolutely wreck your self-confidence. My Japanese sister-in-law is four months pregnant and weighs less than 100 pounds. I don’t weigh less than 100 pounds. I will never weigh less than 100 pounds. Strange as it seems, the one thing that breaks up the cycle of self-loathing and body image issues for a Western woman in Japan is an onsen—a Japanese spa. In every onsen, patrons strip, wash and then bathe in any number of communal baths. Some of the tubs are filled with minerals; some are icy and refreshing; some are outside; and some have jet streams to massage you while you relax in a chair composed of rocks. The key characteristic of Japanese onsen, of course, is that everyone is naked. You’re face-to-face with a bunch of

strangers’s junk. And no one seems to care at all. The first time I went to an onsen, I was 15. I was in boarding school in Hokkaido, back when I knew absolutely nothing about Japanese culture (aside from anime, I guess) and spoke exactly four words of the local language (“yes,” “no,” “thank you,” “toilet”). I went on a schoolsponsored snowshoeing trip and, on the last day, our group went to an onsen. “I didn't bring a swimsuit,” I confessed to my dorm mom while we were waiting in the lobby. “It wasn't on the packing list!” She smiled. “It's okay, you don't need a swimsuit.” “But, then, um…” I gestured to everyone. “Are we just...?” “Naked,” she clarified. “Everyone gets naked.”

I gulped and followed her into the changing room. As I stepped through the curtains, I was shocked. There were dozens of Japanese ladies in various stages of undress. Old, young, wet, dry, chubby, skinny—everyone was different. As my dorm mom peeled off layers of clothes, I stood there immobile. At the tender age of 15, I had never been naked in front of another person before. The next five minutes ticked slowly by. I fumbled with my clothes a bit, slowly unbuttoning my shirt, then glancing around the room to make sure no one was looking. Before I knew it, my dorm mom was naked, a tiny wash towel slung over her shoulder.

■ Grace Buchele Mineta is an author who also blogs and draws comics about her daily life in Japan at

The views expressed in “The Last Word” are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the position or opinions of Japan Partnership Co. Ltd. or its partners and sponsors.





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