Our story began almost three decades ago, when Danish designer Mette Ditmer founded our company. Today the Mette Ditmer designs can be found in homes all over the world.
Who we are
We are design enthusiasts at heart, thriving by materializing new ideas for the modern home. From our homebase in the heart of Denmark, and with our Scandinavian mindset, our collections are defined by a blend of muted colours, natural materials, functionality, and timeless aesthetics.
We are serious about taking responsibility for our impact on society and the environment, and we are constantly challenging ourselves to find new ways to produce our designs sustainably. Nevertheless, we believe that the best kind of sustainability is long-lasting design and quality.
We hope you will find inspiration in our lookbook, added some personal thoughts and reflections from Mette.

The Art Piece collection is based on my own ceramic craftings. It embraces the imperfect; the handmade expression and uniqueness of each item in opposition to the uniformity of regular mass productioin. For me, sculpturing with my hands has opened new doors, and it has proven both mindful and addictive to me.
Giving up the urge to control the process has been an educational challenge, but it brings forward results, which I believe I could not have devised and put down on paper.
Mette Ditmer

I am proud to be a nerd in my field, as every little detail of a product matters to me. When developing a new product I dive deep into the production aspects to understand the full potential, or limitation, in the process in order to achieve the best results.
Mette Ditmer

Idleness is the root of all art.
Asger Jorn, Danish artist 1914-1973

I like to explore unexpected compositions, materials and bold colours, creating a sensorial focus for a modern, yet timeless look.
Mette Ditmer

To me tactility in a product is a must. I believe that the quality should be visible to the eye even before the first touch. Mette Ditmer

way of design thinking revolves around the interplay between complementary and contrasting colours, shapes, textures, and surfaces.
Mette Ditmer

Design is like real life. It’s the small things, the details, that make the difference.
Mette Ditmer

Allow yourself to play with daring and vivid colours as an eye-catching contrast to the dusty, classic colour palette. Dare to play!

Inspired by nature; shells and corals are a perfect addition to any room. Either as a standalone piece, in groups or combined with vases, books or other treasured elements that make a living still life.
Mette Ditmer

I can lose myself completely in colours. I love the timeless, ‘out of scale’ colour tones with the ability to alter an expression and bring a design to new places.
Mette Ditmer

Without us maybe noticing it, colours play a prominent role in our everyday lives. They influence our way of thinking, our emotions and behaviour. In fact every colour has its meaning and can evoke strong feelings or memories, some long forgotten.
Mette Ditmer

The interaction between pattern, colour, and texture is essential to me. Mette

Mindful design
Twice a year Mette Ditmer retreats to an old monastery to create new designs for her collection. This tranquility is reflected in the designs, in the colours, and in the small details which are all part of Mette Ditmer’s design-DNA.
Time for contemplation is very important to Mette –both workwise as well as privately, and she enjoys the unbroken tranquility and silence that allows her creativity to flow freely. Mette sees the home as a base for reloading where time for self indulgence and conscious living is prioritized, and this is what ‘mindful design’ is all about.

I believe in timeless design. Not in the prevailing ‘use-andthrow-away’ mentality.
Mette Ditmer

With my designs I aim to set the stage for people to effortlessly create an oasis of comfort.
Mette Ditmer

Inspiration is everywhere. Mette Ditmer

Time has become a luxury. Don’t forget to press pause from time to time and cherish the moment.
Mette Ditmer

It’s attention to detail that makes the difference between average and stunning.
Francis Atterbury, bishop & politician 1663-1732
Mette Ditmer Design
Mette Ditmer
Klaus with K
Anna Overholdt
Nicklas Lohmann
Susanne Adolfsson
Lea Andreasen
Paulina Larsson
Vojna Andrea
Anthony Tran
Victor Duenas Teixeira
Andrei Lasc
Frosty Ilze
© 2023 Mette Ditmer Design ApS