Hong Kong Neighborhood Navigation

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Geography 8 Design Technology Integrated


AOI Community & Service

Source: http://www.northcarolinafca.org/Websites/northcarolinafca/images/ROB.jpg

GUIDING QUESTION What is my ideal neighborhood? How can I use video to communicate my ideal neighborhood to students new to CDNIS?


The Challenge How well could you use video to tell a newcomer to CDNIS about how great a neighborhood is and how to use the public transportation in Hong Kong? Every year we have new students joining CDNIS and they often know little about Hong Kong, the districts that many of us live in, or how to get around. Historically, each neighborhood was established with careful consideration of natural geographic features/ boundaries. Today, these areas have become famous for particular charms/attractions.

you should provide information that new students will find valuable and interesting such as places to see, eat, and shop. Try to “sell” your neighborhood to them as a wonderful place to be. Also give them clear directions on how to get from that neighborhood to CDNIS by the best route, i.e. most direct, easiest, cheapest, on public transportation (bus, minibus, MTR, tram).

Working in a team, your challenge is to produce a 3 minute ‘Visitors Video Guide’ for new students that will be uploaded to the CDNIS Student Video Guide group on Vimeo. To check the impact of You will create a video guide for your video on your target audience you will need to a new student who just moved to Hong Kong. The video guide conduct a short and simple must contain comments on the test, a survey, that asks people to evaluate the effectiveness of key attractions of a your work. neighborhood. For instance,

How will this be marked? This will be marked as a Design project with 6 criteria (A: Investigate, B: Design, C: Plan, D: Create, E: Evaluate, and F:Attitudes) as well as a Geography project with 2 criteria (C: Skills, and D: Organization and Presentation). The Design marks will be based on your individual Design Journals. The Geography marks will be based on your group video and its mapping elements and analysis. See the rubrics on Moodle for task specific requirements.

What tools will I use?

Expectations for Investigation Due: 20/21 September In this stage of your process, you are required to research facts about the attractions of the selected neighborhood, the technical skills demanded of your role, and the tools you will need to do the job. To successfully complete this stage, you must provide: a) Revised Problem Statement (max 75 words) b) Design Brief (template provided) c) Design Specification (template provided) d) K-W-L-H Chart for the neighborhood your are investigating and the technology associated with your role(template provided) e) A short survey to test the effectiveness of your video f) A citation list developed with NoodleTools g) An evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)

In Class Activities A quick MOODLE POLL on your role in the last video project (Grade 7 Humanities) An online MOODLE DISCUSSION on

Google Earth, Pages, Moodle, Garageband, iMovie, GoogleDocs and Vimeo

the different roles available, and role you would like to assume in your group A group discussion on the neighborhoods you live in, and the selection of ONE neighborhood you would like to investigate further


Design Brief Template The Design Brief is a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it for. You must also design an authentic 'test' to evaluate your product against the design specifications. You may use the following sentences to guide your writing, or you can write your own paragraph that covers all of the following points. I am going to design and make a ___________for ____________ that will ____________. The ___________ will include _______________ using technology and applications such as ___________. The ____________ will ___________ to learn about ___________through ___________. To test the effectiveness of my design, I will ___________________.

Technology K-W-L-H Template WHAT I KNOW (K)




iMovie is used for editing videos

How can I reduce the speed of a video clip?

The clip inspector allows me to change the speed

Apple iMovie tutorials

Challenge K-W-L-H Template WHAT I KNOW (K)




Sai Kung town has many types of eateries (places to eat )

Are there any self-serve BBQ pits nearby?

Sai Kung Country Park is located 10-15 mins from the town centre and is teaming with BBQ pits. Minibus number xxx departs from outside the McDonalds in the town centre

Leaisure and Cultural Services Department website (http://www.lcsd.gov.hk)

Design Specifications ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS



ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES GoogleEarth Guru Key responsibilities include: a minimum 30 second GoogleEarth segment that shows: - longitude/latitude for the neighborhood - neighborhood boundaries - different “views” based on elevation, tilt - 3 prominent landmarks with placemarks - at least 3 street views - a transportation route from the neighborhood to CDNIS - external images of key attractions or transportation (self-taken or cited from the web)

iMovie Guru Key responsibilities include: - opening title and closing credits - appropriate transitions - insertion of supporting video clips/imagery (from the GoogleGuru) - coloration and pacing (speed) - export of film using Vimeo recommended standards - upload to the CDNIS Visitor Video Guide

Essential Features -

The duration of the vide is 3 minutes


Include a 30 second Google Earth segment


Opening title and closing credits


Insertion of supporting video clips


Coloration and Pacing


Export of film using Vimeo recommended standards


Sensitive adjustment of sound (no clipping or distortion)


Upload to the CDNIS Student Video Guide Vimeo group

Deadlines Working of a video production is an demanding exercise that requires carefully planning and preparation. The duration of this challenge is 4 weeks or 10 classes. Depending on how well you manage your time, you may be required to work at lunchtime, after school and at home. The final version of the video MUST be uploaded to the CDNIS Student Video Guide group on Vimeo by:

OCTOBER 4th and 6th Final Deadline is (when the Evaluation section is due)

OCTOBER 12th Specific due dates for each of the deign cycle stages are listed below:

GarageBand Guru Key responsibilities include: - approve the final script - recording the final script voiceover with proper sound and pacing - source appropriate, royalty free music for soundtrack - source appropriate foley and soundfx - sensitive adjustment of sound (no clipping or distortion) - import video from iMovie Guru to score with sound




September 21st and 22nd


September 26th and 27th


October 4th and 6th


October 12th


Criteria A - Investigate Level

Level Descriptor


You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

☐ I have not achieved any of the standards described below

You attempt to explain and discuss the problem.

I have demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding and include:


You investigate the problem identifying appropriate sources of information and attempt to give credit using MLA formatting. You attempt to design, with guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification. 3-4

You describe the problem, mentioning why it is important. You investigate the problem, identifying sources of information and give credit using MLA formatting. You design, with guidance, tests to evaluate the product/ solution against the design specification.


You explain the problem, discussing why it is important. You investigate the problem, identifying appropriate sources of information and give credit using correct MLA formatting. You design, with minimal guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification

Task Specific

☐ A problem statement with little or no detail on why it is important and how it relates to my life/and/or society ☐ A completed design brief explains how the problem is going to be solved (using design brief template) ☐ An outline of the design specifications in list format ☐ An average attempt at citing, ideas, diagrams, graphs that are not my own correctly represented in MLA format using NoodleTools with bibliography included as part of submission of Investigation stage ☐ Limited or no evaluation of your learning and progress

I have demonstrated adequate knowledge and understanding and include: ☐ A fairly detailed problem statement on why it is important and how it relates to my life/and/or society ☐ A completed design brief explains how the problem is going to be solved (using design brief template) ☐ The design specifications includes a table of essential and desirable characteristics and features the product/solution will meet. ☐ A K-W-L-H table is completed for either the challenge or the technology ☐ A good attempt at citing information, ideas, diagrams, graphs that are not my own correctly represented in MLA format using NoodleTools with bibliography included as part of submission of Investigation stage ☐ Made an attempt at developing a test relative to the design specifications ☐ Evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words) I have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding and include: ☐ A detailed description of the problem is provided in paragraph format as well as an explanation of why the problem is important and how it relates to my life and/or society (max 75 words) ☐ A K-W-L-H table is completed for both the challenge as well as the technology ☐ A completed design brief explains how the problem is going to be solved (using design brief template) ☐ All information, ideas, diagrams, graphs that are not your own are correctly cited in MLA format using NoodleTools with bibliography included as part of submission of Investigation stage ☐ The design specifications includes a table of essential and desirable characteristics and features the product/solution will meet. ☐ Statement of intended testing method is clearly defined (max 50 words) and appropriate test questions (survey) relative to the design specifications have been developed ☐ Evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)


Design In this stage of the project, you are required to develop a final narrative script as part of a collaborative team task. You will use this script to tell a story about your chosen neighborhood. Remember, that a good story is sequenced into a beginning, middle and an end. Individually, you will develop:

Expectations for Design/Plan Due: 26/27 September Design To successfully complete the DESIGN stage, you must provide:

1. A narrative script, outlining the the sequence of your video production In your groups, you will develop: 2. A FINAL narrative script based on the individual scripts developed by each group member 3. A Video Shot list

Plan In this stage of your process, you are required to evidence your efficient use of time and resources. Each of you are expected to submit an ordered list of tasks needed to fulfill the creation of your video. You then need to create a color coded collaborative group calendar which provides an overview of each group members responsibilities. In doing this, you will develop a basic time line with your own deadlines based on the role you have in your group, as well as looking at the bigger picture through the use of a Google calendar. Not all plans go according to plan! This is a normal and acceptable part of a design process. Therefore, it is important that you reflect and answer the following questions: • Was the plan detailed enough and why? • Have I used all the resources available to me? • Any modifications made are justified.


a) An individual narrative script using GoogleDocs b) A final narrative script based on contribution from each member of the team c) Your completed script d) An explanation of why you chose your transportation route over two others e) An evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)

Plan To successfully complete the PLANNING stage, you must provide: a) an ordered list of tasks you must complete as part of your role for the creation of final video b) a shared public google calendar showing color coded responsibilities over time (tutorial) c) a reflection on the details of your plan, resource used and any modifications made d) an evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)



In documentary filmmaking it is often necessary to make decisions about the following on location. That said, you should plan to use a variety of the these shots. Too many of one kind will get boring.

Being aware of the following may improve your documentary. Actually using them will improve your documentary. A masterful editor knows when and how to use transitions effectively

Angle Low Angle Eye Level High Angle Flat Angle Oblique

Cut on Action Hide cuts from your audience by cutting on action. This has to be planned ahead of shooting.

Skilled editors know...

Late In Out Early

Content Establishing Shot Reaction Shot Waister Up Method Tripod Handheld Distance Long Shot Medium Shot Close Up Extreme Close Up

Don’t tell your audience what to think or feel. This is a film show them!

Form Cut Join two shots by ending one scene on a shape that is similar to the first shot of the next scene. Wipe You can join two shots by wiping from one to the next. This can transition can be useful if you want your audience to be very aware of the transition. Cross Dissolving Two shots can be blended together with a soft cross dissolve. This slowly reveals the second shot through the first.


Resources • Media College - Shot Types

Criteria B - Design Level

Level Descriptor


You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

☐ I have not achieved any of the standards described below


You have one design, and make some attempt to justify this against the design specification.

I have demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding and include:

You have more than one design and justify it, fully evaluating it against the design specification.

I have demonstrated adequate knowledge and understanding and include:

You have at least three designs, each evaluated against the design specification.

I have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding and include:



You justify the chosen design and evaluate it critically against the design specification.

Task Specific

☐ An inadequate/incomplete individual script, with little or no attempt at demonstrating sequencing ☐ An incomplete or poorly developed group narrative script ☐ Little or no attempt at explaining why you chose your transportation route over two others ☐ Limited or no evaluation of your learning and progress (max 75 words)

☐ A good attempt at the individual narrative script, with a good understanding of sequencing ☐ A fairly cohesive and sequenced group narrative script with contributions from all members ☐ A good attempt at explaining why you chose your transportation route over two others ☐ A good attempt at evaluating your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)

☐ A completed individual narrative script demonstrating a clear understanding of sequencing ☐ A completed and cohesive group narrative script based on contribution from each member of the team ☐ A strong attempt at explaining why you chose your transportation route over two others ☐ A detailed evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)


Criteria C - Plan Level

Level Descriptor


You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

☐ I have not achieved any of the standards described below

You produce a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required.

I have demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding and include:

You produce a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time.

I have demonstrated adequate knowledge and understanding and include:



You makes some attempt to reflect on the plan.


You produce a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of both resources and time. You critically evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

Task Specific

☐ A limited breakdown of tasks/task list in order to fulfill the creation of your video film ☐ An individual timeline and calendar of tasks/responsibilities to be completed ☐ Limited or no evaluation of your learning and progress (max 75 words)

☐ A fairly detailed breakdown of tasks/task list in order to fulfill the creation of your documentary ☐ A shared Google Calendar showing responsibilities of each member of the group ☐ You have attempted to answer the following questions: ☐ Was the plan detailed enough and why? ☐ Have I used all the resources available to me? ☐ Any modifications made are justified. ☐ Evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words) I have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding and include: ☐ A step-by-step plan showing an outline of individual tasks that need to be completed in order to fulfill the creation of your documentary ☐ You have included a task list and your plan factors in the individual submission dates of each stage of the design cycle. ☐ A shared Google Calendar showing responsibilities of each member of the group ☐ You have answered the following questions: ☐ Was the plan detailed enough and why? ☐ Could the plan be followed by someone else and why? ☐ Have I used all the resources available to me? ☐ Any modifications made are justified. ☐ Evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)


CREATE In this stage of the project, you are required to create your video masterpiece! Each member of your group is required to document the use of software applicable to their role, through a process journal. The process journal is a working document in which you explain or justify the decisions you have made through the use of screenshots with descriptive summaries (approx. 50 words). The descriptive summary should include explanations of how you are using tools, functions and techniques within the software application. You should include between FOUR and SIX screenshots within your process journal. A major part of your learning is to communicate the quality of your thinking processes and understanding. Through the process of completing your process journal, you will: • Provide evidence of your understanding of the elements and principles of design • Provide evidence of innovation • Provide evidence of how you solved complicated or awkward problems • Demonstrate how you are reflecting on your ideas • Provide evidence of how you had to correct your plan Carefully follow your plan, ensuring that you are following the elements and principles of design as you communicate your message. Refer to your production plan and calendar regularly, following your planned schedule. While working on creating your video, you MUST keep a process journal. Essential to your work is the process journal. Your process journal will be helpful when writing the product evaluation (final stage of the Design Cycle). Write down all the changes that you have had to make to your plan as you design your poem. Keep track of the tools and techniques used in the design of your video. Describe how you used the tools in your design. Any changes made to the final design must be justified in your


Expectations for Create Due: 04/06 October To successfully complete the CREATE stage, you must provide: a) A process journal containing between 4 and 6 screenshots of the create process relative to your role and associated software application b) Reflection on any changes made to your plan c) Upload the video to CDNIS Student Video Guide group d) An evaluation of your learning and progress so far (max 75 words)

Instructions The iMovie Guru’s need to signup for a VIMEO account registering with their CDNIS email address. Once they have signed up for an account, join the CDNIS Student Video Guide group and upload your video. The Title of your video should conform to the following convention: Neighborhood - Name 1, Name 2 and Name 3 Homeroom e.g. Central - John, Alex and Mary 8E

Criteria D - Create Level

Level Descriptor


You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

☐ I have not achieved any of the standards described below

With guidance, You consider the plan and create at least part of a product/solution.

I have demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding and include:

You use appropriate techniques and equipment.

I have demonstrated adequate knowledge and understanding and include:

With guidance, You follow the plan and mention any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

☐ A fairly descriptive process journal demonstrating a good understanding of the tools and create process, with a minimum of 4 screenshots and a reasonable level of detail in the descriptions (approx. 75-100 words per entry) ☐ A complete video production ☐ A reflection on the plan, mentioning any modifications made ☐ Uploading final video to CDNIS Visitor Video Guide group on Vimeo ☐ A good attempt at evaluating your learning and progress so far (approx. 75-100 words)

You competently use appropriate techniques and equipment.

I have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding and include:




With minimal guidance, You follow the plan and justify any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

Task Specific

☐ An incomplete process journal including 2 or less screenshots with little or no description ☐ An incomplete video production ☐ Little or no reflection on the plan ☐ Limited or no evaluation of your learning and progress so far (approx. 75-100 words)

☐ Detailed process journal including screenshots and descriptions of create process, with 6 screenshots and a detailed descriptions (approx. 75-100 words per entry) ☐ Tools and techniques used in the process of creation are explained. ☐ A complete video production ☐ Any changes to the time plan have been justified. ☐ Notes regarding changes made (e.g. added an element, changed the order, changed the technique, used another resource, didn’t need a resource, didn’t finish what was planned etc...) are included in the process journal. ☐ Notes regarding personal performance, problems encountered, and use of time are included in the process journal. ☐ Uploading final video to CDNIS Visitor Video Guide group on Vimeo ☐ Thorough evaluation of your learning and progress so far (approx. 75-100 words)


Criteria D - Evaluate Level

Level Descriptor


You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

☐ I have not achieved any of the standards described below

You consider the product/ solution or your own performance.

I have demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding and include:


You make some attempt to test the product/solution.


You consider the product/ solution and reflect your your own performance suggesting improvements. You test the product/solution to evaluate it against the design specification.


You consider the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on testing, and the views of the intended users. You reflect on your own performance at each stage of the design cycle, identify what parts you found difficult, and suggest improvements.

Task Specific

☐ minimal or no results from my evaluation used to test the documentary with the target audience ☐ a very brief reflection on how my own performance could have been improved ☐ less than satisfactory summary on the impact of the video on yourself, others and/or the environment I have demonstrated adequate knowledge and understanding and include: ☐ some results from my evaluation used to test the documentary with the target audience. The results are not analyzed ☐ a satisfactory reflection on how my overall performance could have been improved. (approx. 75 words) ☐ a satisfactory summary on the impact of the documentary on yourself, others and/or the environment. (approx. 75 words) I have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding and include: ☐ analyzed results from my evaluation used to test the documentary ☐ a strong reflection for how each stage of my process could have been improved. (approx. 100 words) ☐ a strong summary on the impact of the documentary on yourself, others and/ or the environment (approx. 100 words)

You consider the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.


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