Mexico Aviation & Aerospace Review 2018

Page 339



Mexico’s thriving aerospace sector needs support from all

these discussions, we noticed that many companies bought

its members if the industry is to reach its goal of positioning

components from foreign suppliers. But these products are

the country among the world’s largest aerospace players,

also manufactured in other Mexican aero clusters or even

says Brig. Gen. Rodolfo Rodríguez Quezada, President of

by companies within the same cluster,” he adds. Business

the Mexican Aerospace Fair (FAMEX). He adds that a top-

meetings of this kind are FAMEX’s bread and butter. While

notch industry event like FAMEX, organized by SEDENA, is a

other fairs welcome more visitors, often tourists watching

key component in that strategy. “As the 14th-largest country

the air shows, FAMEX aims to attract business leaders and

in aerospace exports, Mexico deserves an aerospace fair

decision-makers from across the sector. “In 2015, we hosted

that lives up to the quality of its exploits,” says Quezada.

over 3,500 business meetings,” says Rodríguez. The 2017, the event saw the number of those meetings increase to 4,600.

The fair is among SEDENA’s endeavors to aid the country’s economic development, supplementing its mandate to

FAMEX, held every two years, is much more than just a

protect Mexico and support the local population through

meeting place for the industry’s businesses. The event hosts

social development programs, reforestation and providing

several seminars in foreign investment and aeronautical

support during natural disasters. The defense ministry

education. FAMEX 2017, held in April, also hosted the first

also helps promote the industry at international forums,

Mexico-Brazil Synergy Seminar. “This event marks the first

including airshows in France, Dubai and Berlin, Farnborough

encounter between the two Latin American economic

International Airshow and the International Air and Space

powerhouses in the aerospace sector,” says Rodríguez. “It

Fair (FIDAE).

was organized to cater to Brazilian corporations’ interests in Mexico’s aerospace industry.” Brazilian OEM Embraer

Mexico’s aerospace industry exported US$7.2 billion in

was born from the country’s army and eventually branched

2016. The country is the fifth-most attractive destination

into the commercial sector. Its regional airplanes are now

for aerospace FDI, after the US, China, the UK and France.

used by many Mexican airlines. The presence of financial

Quezada points out that in addition to governmental

institutions from both countries, such as Brazil National

support, the sector enjoys the cooperation of academia,

Bank, NAFIN and Bancomext, ensured many business

which is aligning curricula with industry interests and

opportunities for Mexican companies. Brazil and Mexico

allowing recent graduates to slip straight into major

compete in several industries, including automotive and

aerospace companies operating in Mexico, such as Safran,

technology but both can learn from each other, Rodríguez

Honeywell, UTC and Zodiac.

says. “The event’s objective was to create business opportunities and to offer information on financial support

FAMEX’s goal is to promote the growth of the aerospace

that banks provide to the industry.”

industry by attracting foreign companies and investment. The ministry believes it is uniquely positioned to achieve

FAMEX 2017 raised expectations even more than

this. “We have a complete understanding of Mexico’s

its predecessor and delivered. The event welcomed

industry and we are promoters of local aerospace,” says

45,000 visitors and 505 exhibitors, from the largest

Rodríguez. Results speak for themselves. “After its first

OEMs including Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, Embraer,

edition, FAMEX became the second-largest aerospace fair

Gulfstream, MD Helicopters and Pilatus, to their suppliers.

in Latin America in terms of attendees, conferences and

It hosted exhibitions from the US, Canada, Israel, Brazil, the

exhibitors, having hosted participants from 18 countries,” he

UK and France, the second Foreign Investment Seminar

says. FAMEX 2015 represented the first occasion in which all

and the second Aerospace Education Forum. The event

aerospace clusters sat together with FEMIA and the event

also allowed the exchange of knowledge through 107

created unprecedented business opportunities. “During

conferences and panels.


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