Michael Workman: Solo Exhibition

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Michael Workman S o l o

E x h i bi t i o n

Meyer Gallery

Michael Workman Solo Exhibition

M AY 27 - June 9, 202 2

Meyer Gallery

225 Canyon Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 505.983.1434 800.779.7387 www.meyergalleries.com

For his Solo Exhibition at Meyer Gallery, Utah artist Michael Workman presents a new body of work that continues to push the boundaries of traditional landscape painting with modern perspectives and techniques. Workman’s style is rooted in 19th century landscape painting, influenced by master artists like George Inness, but with the contemporary paint application of the early modernists. “What matters are the abstract elements,” he says of the process. “…the quality of the brushstrokes, color relationships, and composition. My goal is to achieve that vibration between realism and abstraction.” The work for his Solo Exhibition is a blend of both – featuring paintings that have a more classical feel alongside those with looser handling of paint or unexpected perspective, and others that embody feelings of both. An example of the latter is the painting titled, “Wild Horses,” and its smaller study, “Wild Horses/Sketch,” which depicts a single horse’s head. The larger piece is more detailed with looser edges, while the study is more abstract in its approach and design. Both beautifully embody the spirit of their subject. “These paintings are traditional in subject matter but have a very contemporary approach,” says Workman of his wild horses. “I thought a lot about color relationships and the image as an abstract shape, fitting within the square picture plane. They are both carefully thought out and designed.” Even with a planned approach, Workman’s “Wild Horses/Sketch” has a spontaneous and effortless feel. “Some paintings are more labor intensive – I have to move things around and scrape and rework until it starts to flow,” says Workman. “But every once in a while, something magical happens and it just comes together.” Such as with the horse pieces, Worman’s exhibition paintings are grouped into collections based on subject, place, or mood. His landscapes depict scenes from Ghost Ranch and Abiquiu in Northern New Mexico, along with farming communities and pastoral scenes in Colorado and Utah. “September Rain” is a piece inspired by Workman’s favorite painting location in his home state of Utah, a farming town called Milburn that he painted from memory for the piece. His “Dove Creek/Big Sky” series is inspired by the southern Colorado town of Dove Creek, which Workman loves for its broad skies and distant views of the San Juan Mountains. -Kelly Carper

Dove Creek/Big Sky


24 x 27

Dove Creek/Big Sky #2


18 x 18

Dove Creek/Big Sky #3


18 x 18

Ghost Ranch


31 x 31

Ghost Ranch/Sky Sketch


6 x 7.5

Group of Horses


8.5 x 8.5

Into Fredonia


13 x 21

September Rain


18 x 22

Small Green Landscape with Black Cows


8 x 10

Small Green Landscape with Black Cows #2


7 x 8

Spring City/ Evening Looking East


48 x 48

Wild Horses


31 x 31

Wild Horses Sketch


8.5 x 8.5

Small Green Landscape with Sheep


7.5 x 15

Ghost Ranch Sketch


9.5 x 9.5

Little Yellow Farm House


9.5 x 9.5

Michael Workman Solo e xhibiton Price list

Dove Creek/ Big Sky


24 x 27


Dove Creek/ Big Sky #2


18 x 18


Dove Creek/ Big Sky #3


18 x 18


Ghost Ranch


31 x 31


Ghost Ranch/ Sky Sketch


6 x 7.5


Group of Horses


8.5 x 8.5


Into Fredonia


13 x 21


September Rain


18 x 22


Michael Workman Solo e xhibiton Price list

Sml Green Landscape w/ Black Cows


8 x 10


Sml Green Landscape w/ Black Cows #2




Spring City/ Evening Looking East


48 x 48


Wild Horses


31 x 31


Wild Horses/Sketch


8.5 x 8.5


Sml Green Landscape w/ Sheep


7.5 x 15


Ghost Ranch Sketch


9.5 x 9.5


Little Yellow Farm House


9.5 x 9.5


Meyer Gallery

225 Canyon Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 505.983.1434 800.779.7387 www.meyergalleries.com

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