World is changing rapidly, so does fashion Technology is going to disrupt the global fashion supply chain in less than a decade time. Do we have enough preparedness to face the future? What should be our strategy if we are to sustain? The second edition of Bangladesh Fashionology Summit 2019 shed lights on future fashion trajectory. The summit endeavored to enlighten the industry by a resourceful gathering of global tech gurus, to unlock its future prosperity. MOSTAFIZ UDDIN
Founder & CEO Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)
“Fusion of fashion with technology is the foremost requirement to retain the leadership position of Bangladesh in global apparel export market in the coming days. Through Bangladesh Fashionology Summit, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) endeavored to strengthen the country’s position by making the bridge between the present and future.” MOHIUDDIN RUBEL
Managing Director Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) & Director, BGMEA
“One of the objectives of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) is to promote Bangladesh as the sourcing hub of premium apparel products through technological advancement and supremacy in innovation. To achieve this very objective the BAE brought together the latest innovation and technologies of the entire apparel world under one roof at Bangladesh Fashionology Summit.” MEZBA UDDIN
Director Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)
AC TRAALL NS FOR FOR DIG I M T 42 ATI AL ON speakers who are global leaders in their respective fields gathered together from 20, countries and shared their views, insights and thoughts on some of the most cutting edge technologies and innovations that are disrupting and will continue to shape the future of apparel industry.
Through the summit, Bangladesh Apparel manufacturers & other stakeholders emphasized on below issues: • To adopt technology for developing service oriented capabilities of apparel manufacturing facilities of Bangladesh. • To adopt technology for cutting cost, lead times & bringing innovation • To adopt technology for building transparent culture & single source of truth • To increase collaboration among innovative, sustainable materials & technology development companies and product designers for efficient apparel manufacturing. • To ensure collaboration with relevant International organizations, Local organizations, Government organizations, multilateral parties for upskilling billions of labors specially women for the era of fourth industrial revolution.
SESSION 2: TRANSPARENCY IN GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN 1. Bangladesh has achieved praiseworthy achievements in terms of transparency & workplace safety. Industry leaders must take initiatives to reposition Bangladesh as a transparent apparel manufacturing hub. 2. Factories needs to get transparent to build trust among their buyers. Without transparency Factories cannot thrive & get work orders as it involves risk from the buyers end. 3. Factory owners needs to get benefit against the investments made for getting more transparent. 4. There are external & internal pressure on organizations for building transparent culture. Progressive companies are re sponding positively to this pressure. Other companies & factories need to comply with the demand of transparency. SESSION 3: INNOVATION IN THE ERA OF FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 1. 2.
AN PROGRESSIVE EVENT THAT FACILITATE ACTION The story of a largely basic RMG manufacturing country facing the challenges of 4th industrial revolution will have many eye opening & exciting aspects.Thousands of progressive manufacturers understand that revamping the total RMG industry is a must but finding the Proper pathway is not an easy task. Their eyes are open but there are far too many not so tested solutions. There are many risks that manufacturers needs to carefully analyze. There are a lots of ground works that needs to be done. So in this large conundrum, Bangladesh Fashionology Summit has become the platform where manufacturers meet with experts, innovators from various sectors to learn answers to the problems. To gather insight into the possibilities. To find the best technology & innovation from their perspective.
Manufacturers needs to develop process & adopt technology that ensures circularity in apparel manufacturing. Technology is available in the market but efforts needs to be made for making the technologies scalable & affordable.
There are positive response from the consumers end regarding innovative & sustainable
products like C2C products. But all the fashion manufacturers, retailers needs to come forward
& embrace such kind of manufacturing processes.
The cost of sustainable & innovative product development can be brought down by using digital
networking technologies
Bangladesh needs to automate the business processes so that they can reduce cost & create
more value added products
In any case of job annulment due to automation, workers must receive all the entitled facilities
& salaries. They must not lose their job on the first go. Workers must get opportunity to get
training on new technologies.
Women workers are not getting enough opportunities to acquire skill sets required. Women
must get the opportunities to acquire necessary skill sets.
Advanced factories in Bangladesh are already investing in upskilling women labor force. Other
manufacturers need to invest in the same way.
Bangladeshi Manufacturers can avail new opportunities by developing partnership with
sustainable materials development companies.
RECOMMENDATIONS SESSION 1: DIGITALIZATION OF APPAREL SUPPLY CHAIN TO CUT COST & REDUCE LEAD TIMES 1. Manufacturers, retailers & other stakeholders of the supply chain needs to develop a new collaborative mindset to reap the results of advanced digital solutions. 2. Larger manufacturers already have ERP systems (from various providers) in place but to enhance the positivity of digital technologies we need interoperability between software providers. 3. 3D digital design technologies can help apparel manufacturers to cut cost & reduce lead times significantly. 4. Apparel manufacturers needs to change their mindset so that they can cope up with the new style of short lead time & small quantities
Bangladesh needs to develop a future plan regarding the development path of Bangladesh Apparel Industry.
Business associations like BGMEA, Manufacturers should have active participation at defining
policy for developing & managing workforce in Bangladesh.
Manufacturers needs to change their mindset. They have to understand that investing in skills development
of the workforce is investing in the future.
Different methods like apprenticeship system can be applied in collaboration with technical
education board of Bangladesh for developing skills necessary for fourth industrial revolution
among the works.
T h e f ashion industry wi l l be c omp le t e ly t r a nsf o r me d b y t he int e r ne t & di g i ta l te c h n ology in n e xt 5 to 10 ye a rs or e ve n le ss. The c ha nging ne e d of e nd c ust o m er s c a n o n l y b e achiev ed by the di gi tal te c hno logie s. The most a d va nc e d ma nuf a c t ur er s a re a l r e ad y working wi th the c utti n g ed ge t e c hnologie s. But Bangladeshi manufacturers need to take such technologies very seriously.
The Recent Increase of wages and cost of production has made it unavoidable for apparel manufacturers of Bangladesh to focus on value added products. Technology, digitalization & innovation are the three major components which can lead us to production of value added apparel. Throughout the summit experts from different leading organizations has discussed on these components that will help Bangladesh to solve its current problems & move forward.
MR. MD. SHAHIDUL HAQUE Sr. Secretary, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Govt. Of The People’s Republic Of Bangladesh
H.E. MS. RENSJE TEERINK Ambassador & Head Of Delegation, Delegation Of European Union To Bangladesh
H.E. MS. WINNIE ESTRUP PETERSEN Ambassador, Embassy Of Denmark To Bangladesh
MR. FARUQUE HASSAN Honorary Consul General, Consulate Of Greece In Dhaka, Bangladesh
MR. MD. SALIM RAHMAN Managing Director, KDS Group
MR. MD. MOHIUDDIN AHMED Director, Pioneer Denim Limited
MR. MD. TIPU MUNSHI, MP Honorable Minister Ministry Of Commerce, Government Of The People’s Republic Of Bangladesh
DR. RUBANA HUQ President, BGMEA & Managing Director, Mohammadi Group
MR. MD. ATIQUL ISLAM Mayor, Dhaka North City Corporation & Former President, BGMEA
MR. NASIR UDDIN Chairman, Pacific Jeans Limited H.E. MR. H.G.J. HARRY VERWEIJ Ambassador, The Kingdom Of The Netherlands Embassy, Bangladesh
CHA N G E EM PHASIZ E D I N MI NDS ET OF MA N U F A CT URE R S Fast Manufacturing, Dealing with smaller quantities, coping with fast changing fashion trends, cloud based management of manufacturing, applications of 3D design in apparel ma n uf act uring, be tte r m an a ge m ent of o t he r e le me nt s of t he sup p ly c ha in la r g el y dis c us se d at the session one of Bangladesh Fashionology Summit 2019. This session reveals that technology is enabling first tier manufacturers of Bangladesh e n h ance t heir s e rvi c e del i ve ry ca p a b ilit y . M a nuf a c t ur e r s a r e b e c oming more capable of responding to the quick changes at the trends & buyers expectations.
MANUFACTURING IN THE CLOUD With the development of digital technologies like ERP solutions manufacturers can interact with customers in real time & gather data from the retailers end to prepare for new order irrespective of the quantities. At Panel one Mr. David Leprovost, Channel Sales Director - Asia & South East Asia, Lectra explained the functions of ERP in digitizing apparel supply chain. With ERP solutions manufacturers can connect with the customers in the US, in China and in Europe or anywhere. They can collect the order directly, they can visualize the stock, they can visualize the best seller, so that they can anticipate the fabric purchase, deposition planning. Manufacturers can receive notification from their buyer for request for quotation by accessing data specification on the platform, where it’s the only single version of the truth. Manufacturers can download the data; accesses the data, access the e-pattern file, modify online without having a license on their desktop. They can accesses online applications to modify the patterns to do the grading, than after automatically request 3D simulations of patterns. Notify automatically the buyer’s before approval, Manufacturers can make some comments for change. Than after once they get the order confirmation from the cloud, you can create the planning simulation for specific orders, if you confirm this planning, you can automatically push to factory for automatic cutting.
NEW KIND OF COLLABORATION NECESSARY To harvest the results of Digitalization of apparel supply chain, we need a new integrated collaboration between the buyers and the manufacturers, logistic partners, textile manufacturers. Panelist Wendy Jo Werner, Country Manager, International Finance Corporation, Mr. Asif Zahir, Director of Ananta Group emphasized such kind of collaboration.
MR. ASIF IBRAHIM Vice Chairman Newage Group MODERATOR
MS. BROOKE ROBERTS-ISLAM Co - Director, Brooke Roberts Innovation Agency
MS. WENDY JO WERNER Country Manager International Finance Corporation
MS. SHWAPNA BHOWMICK Country Manager Marks & Spencer
MR. DAVID LEPROVOST Channel Sales Director - South & South East Asia, LECTRA
MR. ASIF ZAHIR Managing Director, Ltd. Deputy Managing Director, Ananta Appreals Ltd.
Apparel Manufacturing is a fragmented industry. There are a lot of different customers and different manufacturers involved, even manufacturers in Bangladesh have their own supply chain which are quite fragmented. This is a global scenario.Brands and Retailers also have their own choices regarding technology. To create better collaboration, the panel emphasized that interoperability between software providers should be possible and the factory should be able to adopts any system what that means everyone involved from merchandisers to supply chain specialist at the factory level, the inventory warehouse people. So every one need to understand what the ERP supposed to do , what benefit it is supposed to achieve.
TECHNOLOGY ENABLES MANUFACTURERS GET SERVICE ORIENTED In this panel titled ‘Digitalization of supply chain to cut costs & lead times’ Ms. Shwapna Bhowmick, Country Manager, Marks & Spencer brought the perspective of buyers. As explained by MS. Shwapna Bhowmick, the buying pattern is changing. Now the buyers want smaller quantities in shorter lead times. To do that we need change in the mindset of manufacturers as well as in capabilities of manufacturing. In this perspective technologies like 3D design is helping manufacturers show the buyers what particular style may look like in different styles. By cutting down the time spent at product development stage, Manufacturers might be able to manufacture it in just 7 days or even less as opposed to taking a month to take the materials and make a sample.
T h i s session ana l yzed tra nspa renc y f r o m d if f e r e nt vie w p oint s. The ma nuf a c tu r er s u r g e d glob al p l ayers to c re a te a tr a nsp a r e nt c ult ur e t ha t f it s in a ll t he r e g i o n s o f th e world , so tha t th e m an ufa c tur e r s ge t a le ve l p la y ing f ie ld . The t r a nsp a r en c y a c ti vist s hailed th e ac h i eve m ents B a ngla d e sh ha s ma d e a s e xe mp la r y f or t h e o th er r e g i ons of t he worl d. T h e p rominent statem ent from th e se ssion w a s t ha t B a ngla d e shi M a nuf ac tu rers are working to bring transparency as their inherent necessity to develop their own business. Other industry stakeholders also echoed the same message. Every organization n e e d s t o d ev el op tran spa rent c u l tur e f r om w it hin t o t hr ive in t his e r a o f di g i ta l r e vo lut ion & enha nc e d c om peti ti on .
T R A NS P A R ENC Y: T H E IND U S T R Y H A S D O NE A L O T ! P a n el i s t M S N a u r een C h o w dh u r y , P ro g ra m M a n a g er ( Ba n g l a de sh ), C& A F ou n d ati on h a i l ed th e tr a n s pa ren t m a n u fa c tu r i n g c u l tu re Ba n g l a des h i s patron i z i n g. A ccord i n g to N a u reen C h o w dh u r y , T h er e h a v e been a m a z i n g dev el o pm en ts comp ared to th e rest o f th e c o u n tr i es i n th e w o r l d i n o pen i n g u p i n du s tr y i n ter m s o f ach i ev i n g th e safety s ta n da rds , en v i r o n m en ta l a n d s o c i a l c o m pl i a n c e bu t s ti l l th i s cou n try d on ’ t get th e c r edi t. We n eed to po s i ti o n a n d r ebra n d o u r s el v es c el ebr a ti n g o u r a ch i ev emen ts i n terms o f br i n g i n g tr a n s pa ren c y i n s u ppl y c h a i n th a t i s u n pr ec eden ted an d th at cou l d b e Ba n g l a des h ’ s s el l i n g po i n t.
T R A NS P A R ENC Y C O M ES W IT H IN According to Panelist of the second session, MR Basirun Nabi Khan, Relations and Public Affairs Manager, H&M, Transparency comes within. H& M is a huge o r ga niza t ion, fr om t he s i z e, th er e a r e a r o u n d 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 peo pl e i n th i s o r g a n i z a ti o n . A pa r t from oth er p eop l e, I n - h o u s e peo pl e o f H& M a re v er y k een to k n o w w h a t i s g o i n g o n wi th i n th e comp an y, h o w do H& M c o n du c t bu s i n es s es ? T h er e a re a l o t o f dem a n d c o mi n g from th e b u yers a n d a l s o th er e a re pr es s u r e g ro u ps , th e m a j o r dr i v e i s c o m i n g f rom wi th i n , from th e to p o f th e c o m pa n y . The same answer come from the manufacturer’s point of view. As described by the other panelist Mr. Jonas Wand, Managing Director, Foursource Group. Building transparent culture help manufacturers to create trust with the other business partners by showing what they are capable of, by being visible to the market. Panelist MR Veit Geise, Ex. Vice President, VF Asia echoed the same insight. Manufacturers n eed to g et tra n s pa r en t to th e bu y er s . Bec a u s e th e m a n u factu ri n g l an d scap e i s c h a n g i n g , i t’ s g etti n g m o re c o m peti ti v e. S o th e bu y ers n eed to k now th e ex actl y ab ou t th e c a pa bi l i ty i f th e m a n u fa c tu r er s . I n th i s g l o ba l l y c o n n ec ted worl d you can n ot d o bu s i n es s w i th o u t bei n g tra n s pa r en t.
MR. LARS DOEMER Co - Founder GoBlu
MR. VEIT GEISE Ex. Vice President VF ASIA
MR. DAVID HASANAT Chairman Viyellatex Group
MR. JONAS WAND Managing Director FOURSOURCE Group Gmbh
MR. BASIRUN NABI KHAN Relations & Public Affairs Manager, (Bangladesh) H&M
T R U S T & B U S INES S S ENS E: T h e pa n el i s t D a v i d Ha s a n a t, C h a i r m a n o f V i y el l a tex Gr o u p pu t a v ery d i fferen t pers pec ti v e o n th e i s s u e o f tr a n s pa ren c y . A fter R a n a pl a z a tra g edy, wh en th e cu stomers r ea l i z ed th e m a n u fa c tu ri n g pl a c e h a s to be s a fe, th ey i m m e d i atel y taken acti on . They found accord & alliance. From that pressure the interest for bringing transparency in a ppa r el m a n u fa c tu ri n g h a s been r en ew ed. I n a ddi ti o n to th a t Di gi tal tech n ol ogy l i ke R FI D c a n en s u re tra c ea bi l i ty o f th e pr o du c t bu t tra n s pa r en c y o f th e su p p l y ch ai n i s qu i te v a s t. Y et tr a n s pa ren c y i s po s s i bl e. Bu t ev ery th i n g h as a cost. S o , s o m ebo dy m u s t pa y th e c o s t i n c u r r ed by th e i n i ti a ti v es to b oost tran sp aren cy. T h er e M u s t be tr u s t a m o n g di fferen t s ta k eh o l der s . A n d th ere mu st b e b u si n ess po s s i bi l i ty . T h e M a n u fa c tu r er s w h o h a s bu i l t tra n s pa r en t c u l tu r e i n factory sh ou l d get a dv a n ta g es i n r etu r n .
MA N U FAC TURERS N E E D TO PR EPARE FO R T H E CH A N GE In n o v at ion for the 4th i ndu stri al r e volut io n d oe s not simp ly me a n b uy i n g a n d i m pl e ment ing m ore te c hnol og y - it me a ns a p p ly ing e xist ing k no w le dg e a n d te c h n ology in n ovel wa ys - for e xa mp le C r a d le To C r a d le ( C 2 C ) d e si g n a n d ma n uf act uring, el i m i na ti n g wa ste from p r o d uc t io n c y c le e t c .
SMALLER ORDERS FOR LARGE MANUFACTURERS FINDING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Innovative companies like Gerber technology are working on developing technology that can enable manufacturers a respond to the smaller orders. According to panelist Mr. Michael Lock, IT, Business Development & Management Executive, Gerber Technology, Technology is there but making the technologies scalable & affordable is the challenge. Panelist Mr. Syed M Tanvir, Director of Pacific Jeans Limited said the changing retail sector is making it obligatory that Manufacturers regardless of the scale of the factory should start thinking about dealing small orders. Mr. Syed M Tanvir rightly echoed the mindset of progressive manufacturing. Now a day, a manufacturer cannot only think about manufacturing in a green way only. Now they have to think about developing the right product for the right customer. So they have to think about creating customized products for the specific needs of the customers. To do so the whole business model of manufacturing & retailing needs to change. Data from the booth end needs to be exchanged in a collaborative manner to make sure that 1-2 week lead time is feasible & the right kind of product is manufactured.
BANGLADESH IN THE ERA OF INNOVATIVE & SUSTAINABLE DESIGN THINKING C&A Sourcing has introduced their first ever C2C certified denim in Europe manufactured in Bangladesh.One of the frontline apparel manufacturers Pacific Jeans Limited has manufactured Cradle to Cradle (C2C) certified denim for C&A sourcing. According to Panelist Mr. Suman Bethapudi, This is a design concept in which product are made in accordance to the ideal circular and principles. And it all depends on the five different areas first is materials health ware. We will assess each and every component every fiber which is going to the product in micro level in a scientific way. Next is material retaliations where eliminating the concept of waste, third is renewable energy, the product is made using the complete renewable energy. The water which is using for the products are brought back to the water condition and finally the social awareness to ensure work certificate fairly by following the local rules and regulations.C&A sourcing has received positive support for this product & customers are willing to pay higher price for sustainable product like C2C denim. Like Pacific Jeans Limited, other manufacturers of Bangladesh has scope to explore new market opportunities by incorporating new design thinking like C2C manufacturing at their manufacturing units.
MR. MOIN ROBERTS-ISLAM Technology Development Manager Fashion Innovation Agency
MR. SUMAN BETHAPUDI Cradle - To - Cradle Manager C&A SOURCING
MS. ANN RUNNEL CEO, Reverse Resources
MR. SYED M TANVIR Director Pacific Jeans Limited
MR. MICHAEL LOCK IT, Business Development & Management Executive Gerber Technology
Large brand are calling out 100% circularity by 2030 and thinking about continuously rolling of materials through the supply chain. Circular manufacturing & complete elimination of waste requires to set up a process where technology can fit in & create efficiency. According to panelist Ann Runel, CEO, Reverse Resources, circularity is all about setting up new process of organizing waste flow through the supply chain. “We are creating the waste trading sector (in Bangladesh) in the present supply chain in a legal and transparent way. Our innovation actually lies of the reinventing of the supply chain using the technology we use.” She expanded on this to say “we realized the fashion industry does not want blockchain, it does not want technology, it wants trust and to share waste information securely and not be afraid of the business causes (consequences) of it”. This is where Reverse Resource innovation lies - to make the data flow securely and to facilitate business.
SO CI A L REVOLU TIO N LIE S IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF LABOUR FORCE Co l l ab orat ion betwee n a l l stakehol d e r s t o t a c k le a ll t he f a c t o r s involve d in s ec u ri n g b e tter work opportuni ty for m i l lions o f la b o r s & e nvir onme nt is ne c es s a r y . B a n glad esh appa rel i ndu stry l arge ly d e p e nd e nt up o n t he c o nt r ib ut io n of w o m en w o r k f orce. As th e tre nd of a utom a t ion is going st r ong, w ome n a r e ha ving le s s er j o b s e c urit y .
MANUFACTURERS NEED TO BE PRO-ACTIVE Panelist Petri Alava, CEO of Infinited Fiber explained how innovative & green technologies are creating new opportunities. Innovative technology is enabling apparel manufacturers to ensure environmental sustainability. Responding to the call for greater environmental sustainability will help manufacturers to boost their own business also. Front line buyers want to manufactures are opting to use sustainable materials like regenerated fibers. Innovative companies like Infinited fiber can manufacturer regenerated fiber from agricultural & textile waste. These materials take less water & as comfortable as cotton. These materials are environment & business friendly. But there is a missing link. Manufacturers and their pro-active role is the missing link.
INVESTING FOR UPSKILLING WOMEN LABORS PAYBACK Panelist Sofie Nordstrom, Co-founder, QuizzRR has vast experience of working in Bangladesh & upskilling labor force. According to Sofie Nordstrom, the beginning point for upskilling millions of women workers the attitude of factory management. They need to understand that they should build the capacity within the workforce. There are factories and company that are giving training of their female workers. Female workers become line supervisor and also provide train to work in the knitting department. So, it means, they are trying to building the capacity within their current workforce and not just losing them. This is happening because the particular company sees the value and putting the resources to women. And they know that the investment in women actually an investment for the whole society. So, that is happening.
WORKERS MUST RECEIVE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR TRAINING One of the Panelist at the session Mr. Rana Alok Singh, Regional Director (South Asia) of Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) says workers must receive the opportunity to get unskilled. Automation is not going to be large scale in terms of complete elimination of workers but to a large extent automation would replaces existing workers and that will be challenges for us. This is where, we will be looking to match the skill set of existing workforce and the technological environment. Basically, Ethical Trading Initiatives position is when digitization and machines are coming to replace workers, somewhere we need to see that worker do not loss out immediately. There has to be a process where in the manufacturer need to speak out with the worker and the worker community organization with regards to the process. We need to support worker for their up-skilling, what create some other rules that current workers can take up. So, industries need to invest in up-skilling worker from their existing workforce rather than hiring from outside.
MR. RANA ALOK SINGH MS. BROOKE ROBERTS-ISLAM MR. PETRI ALAVA Regional Director South Asia Co - Director CEO Brooke Roberts Innovation Agency Ethical Trading Initiative Infinited Fiber KEYNOTE SPEAKER
MS. SK JENEFA K JABBAR Director - Human Rights & Legal Aid Services BRAC
MS. SOFIE NORDSTRĂ–M Founder QuizRR AB MS. NAZMA AKTER Executive Director Awaj Foundation
UPSKILLING LABORS IN A GENDER BIASED SOCIETY? I n th i s era o f fo u r th i n du s tr i a l r ev o l u ti o n w e s ti l l h a v e g en der d i scri mi n ati on , says N a z m a A k h ter o f A w a j Fo u n da ti o n . T h e s u m m i t m a de a n o pen cal l to u p root th e g en der bi a s . A c c o rdi n g N a z m a A k ter, th e l a bo r l ea der fro m Ba n g l ad esh , Most of cases th e h i g h tec h n o l o g i es o r th e m a c h i n es a r e r u n by th e m en n o t th e women . Most of th e fem a l e l a bo r a r e do i n g th e l o w er l ev el w o r k l i k e th r ea d c u tti n g a nd assi sti n g an d some o th er k i n d o f th i n g s . T h es e l o w er l ev el j o bs a re bei n g di s pl a c ed b y tech n ol ogy rap i d l y. I n th i s reg a rds , I th i n k w h a t a re i n c ry i n g n eed o f u ps k i l l i n g w omen l ab or force. I t i s n o t a o n e pa r ty res po n s i bi l i ty w e n eed to be w o rk ed to g eth er gov ern men t, b ran d s, s u ppl i er a n d o th er s ta k eh o l der s . A c tu a l l y , l ea rn i n g n ew tec h n ol ogi es i s n ot d i ffi cu l t j o b fo r th e w o m en , bu t th e a tti tu de, m en ta l i ty a n d c u l tu re n ot on l y i n B an gl ad esh bu t a l s o ev er y w h ere n eed to c h a n g e to g et pr epa r ed fo r th e er a of fou rth i n d u stri al r ev o l u ti o n .
I N D U STR Y NEED TO LE AD THE DRIVE TO CREATE FUTURE SKILLS T h e r e are immense tal e nt i n th e fac t or y f loo r of B a ngla d e sh. The y just ne e d to g et tr a i ned & f eel c onfi de nt a bout tec hno logy . The ind ust r y sho uld t a k e t he l ea di n g r o l e in t raining th e m to g e t p r e p a r e d f or t he up c oming na t ur e o f s m a r t manufacturing. Not to mention that the reward for meeting the challenges of future skills d e v e lop ment is enorm ous.
MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONS NEED TO PLAY THEIR ROLE The number of skilled workers for the textile sector falls short of the requirement. When the technology is changing, we need labors with competency to use the new machines. The industry needs to play role in shaping the countries policy in skilled worker development & the whole skills governance system, said panelist Mr. Kishore Kumar Singh, Chief Technical Adviser¸ International Labor Organization. Their participation at every level of skills development is required, because they now what are the competencies required. If they are not participating it will not be a successful journey. From the perspective of the RMG manufacturers & their associations, Working on future skills development is investing in future. If they do not capitalize, they will be like dinosaurs, they are not going to be around. The whole skill governance needs to be revamping in Bangladesh. Presently the industry’s participation in skills delivery & skills governance is very minimal. There is a role of the association to make an assessment on skills requirement & competency requirement. The Industry associations need to co-operate with the Bangladesh Technical education board. Most importantly the government & trade bodies need to focus on apprenticeship system. These system can really help acquiring future skills that are needed in an effective way.
PUTTING THE PRESENT SYSTEM INTO FUTURE To assess what kind of future skills we need Panelist Dr. Jürgen Bischoff, Senior Advisor, GIZ asked policy makers to see the world from a futuristic attitude. How we want to see our industry evolve in future? How we want to deal with unsustainability problems? How do we want our industry to deal with scarce resources? How do we want products to be consumed? These are the questions we need to answer. Our answers to these questions will tell us what skill we need & how we can use our existing facilities to acquire these skills. As a representative of the one of the largest multinational Bank Mr. Naser Ezaz Bijoy, CEO of Standard Chartered Bangladesh also panelist of the session expressed confidence on this countries capabilities to meet the challenge of future skills development. The government & RMG sector entrepreneurs are working on finding a pathway to develop skillset necessary to thrive in the era of fourth industrial revolution.
MR. ANIR CHOWDHURY Policy Advisor a2i - Access To Information KEYNOTE SPEAKER
MS. BROOKE ROBERTS-ISLAM Co - Director Brooke Roberts Innovation Agency MR. THOMAS POPE Office Director, Office Of Economic Growth USAID, Bangladesh
DR. JÜRGEN BISCHOFF Senior Advisor GIZ - The Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit MR. KISHORE KUMAR SINGH Chief Technical Adviser - B-Sep Project International Labor Organization MR. NASER EZAZ BIJOY CEO - Bangladesh Standard Chartered Bank
TECH INNOVATION ZONE In collaboration with Fashion for Good, this Tech innovation zone has been organized to make a way for disruptive startups to meet with their ultimate beneficiaries: the manufacturers. The objective of this tech innovation zone was to patronize disruptive startups by helping them to present themselves to the apparel manufacturers. In addition to that we believe such kind of initiative will help to build a culture that host, develop, and facilitate disruptive ideas to solve the pressing problems of apparel industry.
Our Finnish, honest engineer minds have created a carbon positive closed loop. We have the guts to make this fiber technology the new normal. We are the only ones who can turn waste into new cotton cost-efficiently.
We believe that virtual traceability of resources is the ultimate key to unlock the extensive business opportunity of circular economy in textile industry. We provide a one-point software solution for win-win cooperation on closing the loop for spilled fabrics and fibers from garment production.
TrusTrace is a BlockChain powered collaboration platform that helps establish Transparency and Product Traceability between various stakeholders in the Fashion Industry.
Shimmy Upskill is gamified, AI-based training application that teaches digital patternmaking and 3D modeling fundamentals to garment workers. In developing Shimmy Upskill, we researched how gender disparities will pay out as automation and digitalization transform the global apparel sector.
EXHIBITION ZONE At the second edition, Frontline technology manufacturer, Companies Working for digitizing Supply chain Management, Technology & Innovative solution providers, Sustainable Material Development Companies, Automation companies, Government & non-government organizations working for digital workforce development participated. A total of 18 exhibiting partners has taken the opportunity to network with their targeted Audiences.
Pivot 88’s cloud-based business intelligence and analytics provide its clients with full visibility and integration of the entire process and data, allowing them to audit their supply chain in real time. Initially the company helped businesses cope with remote quality management challenges. In 2012, Pivot88 was spun out of this bundled solution, and has developed into a full suite of game changing cloud-based Quality and Compliance Management tools. Now, this company provides services to over 5000 factories from 38 countries. This company’s mission is Bring efficiency, transparency and collaboration to quality & compliance management. Their vision is creating a better and more sustainable world through digital connection.
SIND ABAD .COM L TD . Ltd. is a business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce enterprise that provides one stop purchasing solutions. This company brings the best of products at the best value right to your office doorstep. In its 3 years lifespan, has grown rapidly and is serving over 500 corporate customers, 800+ SME customers and the number is increasing daily. This company provides One Stop Purchasing Solution for All Industrial Products.
Lectra is a technology company headquartered in Paris, France. It operates in 30 countries with 32 subsidiaries. Lectra specializes in CAD software and CAM cutting-room systems for industries using soft material such as leather and textiles. The company develops software, hardware, consulting and associated services for organizations in industries including fashion and apparel, automotive, furniture and others. Lectra’s breakthrough innovation for industrial excellence is propelled by far reaching investments in R&D and close collaboration between our R&D, production, and call center teams located in Bordeaux-Cestas.
PACIFIC ASSOCIATES Pacific Associates established in late 1988. The company started the business with industrial sewing machines and fast moving spare parts for supplying to the export oriented garments industries.Through negotiations and subsequent agreements, we became representative in Bangladesh of some world-famous brands of machines.
Gerber Technology delivers industry-leading software and automation solutions that help apparel and industrial customers improve their manufacturing and design processes and more effectively manage and connect the supply chain, from product development and production to retail and the end customer. Gerber serves 78,000 customers in 134 countries, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies in apparel & accessories, home and leisure, transportation, packaging and sign & graphics. The company develops and manufactures its products from various locations in the United States and Canada and has additional manufacturing capabilities in China. Based in Connecticut in the USA, Gerber Technology is owned by AIP, a New York based, global private equity firm specializing in the technology sector and has more than $3.0 billion assets under management.
CEAE CEAE was founded by 3 fashion industry professionals - sharing a common passion: To make the fashion industry more sustainable. We partnered with ethical production factories, co-developing our unique engineered recycling processes, in the only GRS certified, zero water discharge, 100% recycled cotton paper making factory in the world. Inspired by the need to reuse textile waste and to create a fully sustainable, range of products, we transform cotton waste into the finest and strongest packaging products as a direct alternative to paper and plastic. “Fashion is our roots, Sustainability is our goal. Together we are making fashion circular”
Four source is a B2B apparel sourcing network headquartered in Berlin (Germany) with its technology and development center in Portugal. The platform helps buyers and clothing manufacturers to gain global market transparency and to manage their business relationships more efficiently. For manufacturers, this company provides access to a global database of verified buyers, help finding new business opportunities that best match factories expertise, Increase their online presence and digitize offering, spot customer demands and get in touch directly.
This company provides innovative training solutions to advance corporate responsibility and capacity building in global supply chains. QuizRR digital training solutions are based on customized film dramas, followed by quiz questions. The films cover real life situations in factories, always in local language and in local setting. It is a fun, fast and engaging way to learn about employment rights and responsibilities. Workers do the training individually or in groups on user friendly touch screen tablets. It takes less than an hour to complete a training. All training results are saved and displayed at the QuizRR web portal, making it possible for suppliers and brands to measure and share their progress.
BRAC BRAC is a global leader in developing cost-effective, evidence-based programmes, and has been ranked the #1 NGO in the world for the last four years consecutively by NGO Advisor. BRAC’s vision is a world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination where everyone has the opportunity to realise their potential. Founded in Bangladesh in 1972, BRAC acts as a catalyst, creating opportunities for people to transform their lives in conflict-prone and post-disaster settings in 12 countries across Asia and Africa. BRAC uses an integrated model to change systems of inequity, through social development programs, humanitarian response, social enterprises, socially responsible investments and a university
SNV started in Bangladesh in 2006 to design impact-oriented and future scalable programs to help turn poverty into prosperity. SNV has extensive experience of engaging with business communities to promote responsible and inclusive business. This organization is working for more than 50 years. Now they have operations in 26 countries including Bangladesh. SNV works intensively for apparel industry workers wellbeing. As the private sector in Bangladesh is recognized as a strong partner in economic growth and development, SNV focus on private sector engagement along with institutional development, and local ownership of programs.
Social Responsibility Asia (SR Asia) Bangladesh is the wing of SR ASIA - an International Organization and a professional network resulting from e-learning and trainer led program at ROC Taipei by APO Japan and NPOs of member countries. SR Asia Bangladesh Campaigns for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development. SR ASIA Strategic partners are APO and NPOs member countries, Government agencies and work partners are International and National organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Academic institutes and Business Support organizations. SR Asia Bangladesh works closely with policy holders and organizations to design socially responsible process in value chain.
SARATHI - SWISSCONTACT Sarathi is funded by MetLife Foundation and Swisscontact. Sarathi - Progress through Financial Inclusion aims to build an ecosystem where wage digitization promotes financial inclusion of Ready-Made Garments (RMG) workers, while also benefitting RMG factories and building a commercially-viable bus iness model for the commercial banks that participate in the process. The project has a target to open bank accounts of 60,000 RMG workers through 3 commercial banks and reach 200,000 people through financial literacy training and awa reness programs by 2020. Sarathi facilitates its partner commercial banks in developing ADCs (agent outlets, ATM booths, biometric devices, RMG Digital Banking Booth, etc.) in strategic locations in and around RMG factories to ensure sustainable access to financial services for RMG workers
Truck Lagbe is the largest online truck booking platform in Bangladesh to hire pickup, Truck, Covered Van or Lorry for business or personal use through app. Truck Lagbe started with only 25 vehicles back in July 2017, with a vision to create an open and transparent platform for shippers and owners/operators where they can find each other without the interference of anyone else. Within a span of less than a year, TruckLagbe has created the largest and the fastest growing online truck booking platform in the country. Thousands of verified vehicles have registered in the network from all over the country.
GoBlu is the sustainability accelerator for apparel and textile companies, providing brand-level, supply chain-level, and communications services to clients around the globe. Their mission is to accelerate clients’ ability to operate in a sustainable way, empowering and working with them to achieve and exceed their goals. They provide services including sustainable strategy development, tailor made skill development training, industry insight, chemical management etc.
In earlycavehuman; we only know RMG industry and determined to serve its business fundamentals. With the vision to equip Bangladesh Garment Business to embrace 4IR in the most sustainable way; we are relentlessly innovating Holistic Business Solutions. Our project “PO Conso. Solution (PCS)” develops software capable of extracting data directly from customer pdf POs to excel or other compatible formats.
RUD HOL M GROUP Since 1951, Rudholm Group (R&H) have grown from a family business, to a global leader, producing garment accessories, offering state-of-the-art solutions for variable data and providing logistical services for the textile industry. We care about the work place and the environment and make sure all of our offices, factories and supply chain requirements meet and exceed legal requirements and regulations relating to sustainability and social responsibility.
Qbuzz is a live trivia game show that you can play on your phone or tablet by downloading the app. Once the game starts, the host of that game (they change hosts pretty often) will appear on your screen and start talking. Usually, they crack a few jokes, explain the rules very briefly, and then start asking you (and the hundreds of thousands of other people) questions. The question along with the three potential answers will pop up on your screen, tap on the answer you want to choose, and if you get it right you move on to the next question. If you answer all 12 questions correctly you will win real money
a2i - ACCESS TO INFROMATION Access to information in Bangladesh (a2i) is a UNDP and USAID-supported Access to Information Programme ran from the Prime Minister’s Office of Bangladesh. a2i currently spearheading the movement of digitalizing Bangladesh and building culture of innovation in every aspect of national life. Through this program a2i has undertaken a number of initiatives for bridging the gap of future skills development in apparel sector as well as creating service delivery mechanism for millions of apparel workers in Bangladesh.
SMART APPAREL MANUFACTURING AT BANGLADESH Bangladesh Fashionology Summit, in its mission to help entrepreneurs to go up in the value chain, we organize Digital tech Runway show. At the second edition, we have displayed smart apparel produced at a local factory, Denim Expert Limited. Smart apparel as value added product is a good option for Bangladesh. Bangladesh has proper infrastructure & resources for starting to work on smarttextiles. At the second edition of Bangladesh Fashionology Summit, Summit Fashion Technology Expert Mr. Moin Roberts Islam from Fashion Innovation Agency, London College of Fashion has explained how Bangladesh can start manufacturing value added product like smart apparel. According to Moin Roberts Islam, working with smart textiles is not a kind of far off possibility for Bangladesh. The more you play, the more you experiment, the more you innovate, the more you learn, it will be morerelevant to the community to make a start. With the support of existing infrastructure Bangladesh can start experimenting on smart textiles & Apparels. There are a lot of very skilled, very bright people in Bangladesh. So Smart textiles is perfectly considerable for Bangladesh at this stage.
A SILENT BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA LABELEDBY., the organization behind curating the digital tech runway show of Bangladesh Fashionology Summit 2019, has worked over a month to develop smart outfits at Denim Expert Limited. Denim Expert Limited, A pioneering Factory from many aspects has taken the challenges of smart apparel manufacturing using its capabilities. All the sections like sewing operation, design development, sample development etc of the factory has to come up to make smart outfit locally. In the end a total of 20 outfits were developed at the factory. After working with Denim Expert Limited Team, Fabienne Van Der Weiden, Co-founder of Labeledby. Described her experiences.
“I think it’s great that Bangladesh is exploring this topic of smart apparel manufacturing. We explored it together with denim expert limited. Though we do not speak the same native language, but it was quite possible to execute the proceedings. Because we talked about fashion, we talk about garments & we talk about textile.” The outfits developed LABELEDBY., were showcased at the digital tech runway show 2019. To facilitate Bangladeshi Manufacturers, Bangladesh Fashionology Summit has been sharing the knowledge details of smart apparel manufacturing to the interested organizations.
PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK “ Bangladesh garment industry is an example, and we are setting up as an example to the rest of the world. This kind of event will definitely help to increase the image to the rest of the world.” MS. SHWAPNA BHOWMICK Country Manager, Marks & Spencer
“ Summits like this are necessary to share knowledge to each other and to tell people what development in the future will bring to the whole business. It’s necessary to understand the digitalization and things like development can help the whole industry to become, after better to make better revenues and at the end to make a better product.“ MR. DIRK LEHMANN Publishing & Sales Director, Sportswear International “This kind of summits brings the global thinkers in technology related to garment industries or apparel industries together they get their thought process what to become for manufacturing point of view. I think it’s very important for they are thinking and is our thinking aligned with them.” MR. MD. SALIM RAHMAN Managing Director, KDS Group
The good thing about the summit is we have got all the key stakeholders for the sector here. We have brands , workers , unions, a government, and factory manufacturers all here talking about the issue that effect the garments. MR. THOMAS POPE Office Director, Office Of Economic Growth, USAID, Bangladesh
This is a very big event for the country not only for the country but also for whole region. I think today is related to have our stakeholders is an opportunity for us to discussed to be inspired and to learn from here. That’s a lot of innovation happening here and this is the platform where we actually bring these things to a discussion. MR. JACOB KAHL JEPSEN Head of Trade Section – Commercial Counselor, Embassy Of Denmark To Bangladesh Connecting to the Fashionology I think it’s a very fantastic event. I think the best part of what I see here is bringing in different players it could be innovators, could be brands, government, manufacturers from around the world and sharing the best practices. Looking at new technologies, Looking at the new innovations, and the process of networking between each other to actually support and collaborate together to take the sector to a great level. MR. KIRAN GOKATHOTI Sustainability Manager (Bangladesh), H&M
PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK I think it’s a very important summit. Notably the topic of this year is digitization. Because this summit gathers whole industry. Manufactures, the brands, the innovators, and the actives that are involved in compliance. It’s very important to showcase to the world the progress that Bangladesh Apparel industry has been making in the past few years. ANNA- LAURE HENRY- GREARD Program Manager, International Labour Organization (ILO)
Events here create awareness from all participants they creating network, they creating understanding of the other side in this case of the manufacturer or might case of the retailer and its it creates the awareness which is stand the first step to implement the change. MR. VEIT GEISE Ex. Vice President, VF Asia
I think Fashionology Summit is an excellent platform. Where you are being able to show the latest technologies, the new innovations that are happening and there is discussion point from all the challenges. So I think its a really good initiative that has been done by Mostafiz Bhai and I think it should continue because we are going through a major transformation the industry and the meeting of minds are necessary from all over the world to advance to the next level. MS. SK JENEFA K JABBAR Director - Human Rights & Legal Aid Services, BRAC
It’s tremendous. I think the biggest challenges that the country faces brands. And I think events like this bring a lot of capability for the country and the industries all across the world. MR. NASER EZAZ BIJOY CEO - Bangladesh, Standard Chartered Bank
“I think the Fashionology summit here in Bangladesh is very important to bring the massage across the lot things are happening here in this country and I think it’s also very important that more and more international visitors and speakers are invited. So when they go back to their countries they can also write the massage that the lot of things is going on and that’s really developing and the Bangladesh fashion industry is very keen on moving forward.” MS. SABINE KÜHNL Editor in Chief, Sportswear International
PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK “I have no doubt that an event of this quality of this size and the high profile attendees will benefit the industry. It will serve to promote Bangladesh and its industry and it will serve to promote the ideas of digital transformation which ultimately will help Bangladesh and the clothing industry.” MR. MICHAEL LOCK IT, Business Development & Management Executive, Gerber Technology
Bangladesh Fashionology summit is a great initiative where innovators across the global coming here and presenting there innovations. And this is definitely helping the suppliers of Bangladesh understand the new technology and adopt so that they can develop more and more successful manufacturing factories in the future. MR. SUMAN BETHAPUDI Cradle - To - Cradle Manager, C&A Sourcing
“We are not in the world where you can innovate alone. And these types of events Bangladesh Fashionology Summit is an opportunity for people to come together and share their ideas so that we can innovate together and we can go faster.“ MS. SARAH KRASLEY CEO, Shimmy Technologies
“I think it’s a really great platform for delivering the massage that what are the new alternatives for example in our case we are delivering the massage that the sustainability is really kind of something.” MR. PETRI ALAVA CEO, Infinited Fiber
The Summit has brought together a lot of innovators, industry leaders, and various other stakeholders, this can be really important to bring up the change in the industry. Innovators like us providing traceability solutions other companies providing training solutions to workers. It’s a completely integrated platform where different people can come together share their experiences of how they are transforming the industry to become better and these learning will be extremely helpful for the manufactures present at the summit. MR. SARAVANAN PARISUTHAM Founder, Trustrace
PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK I think this is really unique event that you bring so many people all over the world and express views on different topics all together in one room. I think this has never happened in Bangladesh before like this event and I think people can get so many information, on technology in one room its fantastic. MR. LARS DOEMER Co - Founder, GoBlu This is one of the very good initiatives taken by the organizers here that it is going to help put Bangladesh on the international Map what the industries are doing and also to showcase all the initiatives which the industry has been taking and the international world they are not aware of it. Bangladesh is one of the stable and safe sourcing locations. MR. RANA ALOK SINGH Regional Director - South Asia, Ethical Trading Initiative “ By bringing speakers and innovators from all over the world to Bangladesh this is a fantastic opportunity for factory owners and managers see what’s on the rise & what’s coming in the future and make sure the Bangladesh is best prepared for in the future.” MR. JONATHAN ZORNOW Inventor, SEWBO First this event is amazing compared to all others events that I have seen worldwide so far. The apparel industry in Bangladesh is the second largest worldwide. So this means there is a lot of reasons to organize these kinds of events and to build a platform where professionals, Manufacturers and also brands can exchange, and share their vision on how to improve technologies how to bring innovation into the industry in Bangladesh. MR. JONAS WAND Managing Director, FOURSOURCE Group GMBH “ This event is great for a renaissance. It gathers different type of peoples from buyers, merchandisers and it’s important that all together they listen to the same information at the same time. And that this really start a new collaboration with integration so congratulation for this event .That’s the right place with the right people and that’s great for our renaissance.” MR. DAVID LEPROVOST Channel Sales Director - South & South East Asia, LECTRA Events like Bangladesh Fashionology I believe that it really help the industry to accelerate change actually I think what industry needs is a good example of this best practices cases on what other companies are doing, what other markets are doing and that in general what is out there you know what sort of tools can I graps and get use to change. The main beneficiaries from events like Bangladesh Fashionology Summit. MS. SOFIE NORDSTRÖM Founder, QuizRR AB