Ms Amanda Cosco Electric Runway

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FASHIONING THE FUTURE WITH TECHNOLOGY Presented by Am a n d a Cosco Bangladesh Fashionology S u m m i t 02.2018

Technology is a u g m e n t i n g our bodies, extending our senses, a n d enabling us to cross a threshold into a new kind of existence

Neil Harbisson

M ission We provide expertise & insights to help brands understand and anticipate the future of fashion

# MarleneGlows by the

House of ElektroCouture

#FASHIONTECH Wearable Technology Smart Fashion Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence

The Store of the Future The Customer of Tomorrow Manufacturing Robotics Bio - Technology Parallax Dress by Lina Wassong

We're c h a n g i n g our clothing, a n d in turn, our clothing is c h a n g i n g us Smoke Dress by Anouk Wipprecht

Yeah, right

In order to understand the future, we m u s t first understand the past


"Clothes are not for triumph but defence" ~ Thomas Carlyle


In every society, there are certain a c c e p t e d standards of dress t h a t are considered "right," "proper," a n d appropriat e ~ Marilyn J Horn


"Fashions fade, style is eternal" ~ Yves Saint Laurent

Miniaturization of computers Innovations in Bluetooth & sensor technology Personalization & portability of c o m p u t i n g devices

Parts from four early computers , 1962, Showing the trend toward miniaturization .

Prote ction

W e a r a b l e light for visibility LED Sneakers by Electric Styles

Running Jacket by VX360

Panic devices for personal safety

Wisewear Bracelet

Ripple Personal Safety Device

Heat-conducting ink jackets

Heated jacket for Team USA by Ralph Lauren

S mar t fashion as second skin

Skiin Smart Underwear by Myant

UV-Sensing Bikini by Spinali Design

W ear ables for sun protection

Con n e ction

Super Bowl Fan Jersey by Wearable X

Connected fan e xp e rie n ce Connected fan jerseys by NIKE

Tra n sla t ion w e a ra b le s

Translation Earpiece by Waverly Labs

IOT Jackets

Commuter Jacket by Levis X Google

Connected e xp e rie n ce s

Bright Bmbr by Rochambeau

Fundawear by Durex

On e - t o- on e con n e ct ion

HB ring by The Touch X

Exp re ssion

W ear ables for sharing emot ion GER Mood Sweater by Sensoree

AWE Electric by Sensoree

Expressing n u a n c e of the f e m a l e body Spider Dress by Anouk Wipprecht

Smoke Dress by Anouk Wipprecht

Light-up dress for collective expression Twitter Dress by Cutecircuit

Karolina Kurkova Met Gala 2016 Dress by Marchesa

Expressing the inner self

Vision Quest by Joanna Hir

Only Angles Have Wings by Nikoline Liv Andersen

THANK YOU! Am a n d a Cosco Fashion Tech Expert w ww.electricrunw a m a n d a @ e le ct ricru n w a

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