Highlighting climate change adaptation actions Evaluating and Improving the Management Effectiveness of Thailand’s Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MEE) Project Grantee and Partners: Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) in collaboration with IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA) , WWF and DNP through SAMPAN project
Project Background Thailand’s MCPAs are very important assets in terms of biodiversity conservation, economic development and livelihood security. For example, activity generated through tourism in MCPAs contributes significantly to both provincial and national economic development (MFF Thailand NCB, 2008). MCPAs are also important for the livelihoods of many local communities who depend on them for resources such as food and forest products and for employment and business generation.
In recognition of the need to improve management effectiveness in MCPAs, the Thailand Government through the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) is seeking to adopt an MEE system and to evaluate, in a comprehensive, systematic and participatory way, the effectiveness of their MCPA system. It also seeks to better equip Thailand’s MCPA system to withstand negative impacts including from climate change and marine and coastal development pressures.
Content prepared by MFF Thailand Programme with support Oliver Abrenilla, UNEP Seconded Consultant/Photo and layout: Sriaram S.