Increase of Efficiency of Mobile Surveys compared to Landline Surveys

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Increase of Efficiency of Mobile Surveys compared to Landline Surveys MFour

Mobile Surveys: Replacing Landlines as a More Cost-Efficient Option  The landline is quickly being replaced by mobile technology.  Mobile surveys are the more affordable alternative to traditional phone surveys.

 You’ll get the data you need at a price you can afford.

Meet Your Survey Panel on the Go  Mobile surveys allow you to gather more diverse data from panelists who actually fit your target demographic.  With surveys on the go, you will pay for respondents who actually want to give you feedback.  Mobile marketing research allows you to get more accurate data because it is recorded as your panelists shop.

Target Your Desired Demographic  When you use surveys on the go, you have access to an engaged group of panelists, saving you more money on each survey.  You can target the right demographic and know that you are paying for qualified panelists, which saves money over landline surveys.  Your results are accurate because you won’t have to pay for inattentive panelists or invalid responses.

Tailor Your Surveys to Meet Your Business Needs  GPS market research allows you to get survey results while panelists are in the store.  Create surveys that provide you with detailed feedback on your terms.

 Use point-of-decision surveys to give you better results about what your business needs to improve upon to succeed.

Surveys on the Go  With mobile surveys, you have access to a broader range of respondents, making your survey more cost effective.  You won’t pay excessive fees for landline surveys that don’t offer qualified candidates.  Your data will be accurate and your costs lower than with traditional phone surveys.

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 714-754-1234  

Description ď‚— Many people may not want to believe it, but the landline phone market is dying. Landline surveys do not have the success that they once did due to the fact that so many people are giving up their landlines for mobile phones. Why not take advantage of this market shift by using mobile surveys to find out more about your current and potential customers?

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