be loved

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In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

‌‌. to be loved A man came to the Prophet, (pbuh), and said: "O Messenger of Allah, direct me to an act which if I do it, (will cause) Allah to love me and people to love me." He, (pbuh), answered: "Be indifferent to the world and Allah will love you; be indifferent to what people possess and they will love you." Ibn Majah The secret of getting people to love you is not to compete with them in their beloved world (Dunyah). If people feel that you come to them for a share of their Dunyah their guard will go up. People love people who are genuine and sincere-those who do things for the sake of Allah and use the Dunyah for the sake of the next life. One thing that brings us closer to Allah and to be loved by Him is al-zuhd (the indifference towards the world). Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was asked one day if someone owns one thousand dinar, can he still be a zahid? He replied yes, if he does not feel rejoice if the money increases and he does not become sad if it decreases. We must not become slaves to our worldly possessions. Instead we should work our worldly possessions for the worship of the One who bestow them to us-we use and spend them sincerely for Allah's sake only. The Dunyah is cursed because it distracts people from Allah. It is a test for us. We either use it in the right way and be rewarded or we use it in the wrong way-compromise principles and indulge in disobedience--and fail the test. "We have appointed all that is on the earth for an adornment for it, and that We may try which of them is best in works." (18:7) "Brief is the enjoyment of this world whereas the life to come is best for him who fears God." (4:77) May Allah love us and make those who love Him love us and grant us righteous deeds so He loves us. Ameen.

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