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MGs on Track
Finally, after a long and uncertain winter for all of us, things appear to be gradually edging towards normality and we are delighted to see enthusiasm for track days appears undiminished. Despite the slightly delayed start to the track day season, we have now enjoyed excellent events at both Cadwell Park and Goodwood.
We were blessed with the weather on both occasions and the eagerness to get back on track was demonstrated as both events were quickly sold out. Cadwell Park took place on April 12 and coincided with the lifting of some significant restrictions in England. Despite the obvious temptation to spend the whole day in a pub garden wearing hats and overcoats, the track day was fully attended. The “mini Nürburgring” of Cadwell with its exciting changes of elevation and twisty, narrow bends provided an appropriate start to this year’s series of events.
Goodwood delivered fantastic weather and, as ever, some interesting cars and great driving opportunities. Dave Pearce made a nicely understated arrival in his 465hp MG SV-R, one of only around 82 produced. Meanwhile, Michael and Alice Baggs, who shared the same session with me, quickly appeared in my rear-view mirror before being courteously invited to pass in their beautiful 180hp Frontline Midget.
During May we visited Snetterton, and I look forward to reporting back on this event in the July issue of Safety Fast!. On June 21 we make our first visit this year to Castle Combe. At the time of writing this event is sold out, although the reserve list remains open so it is worth registering your interest if you can make it. Castle Combe is a friendly club circuit with two chicanes, technically challenging corners, and some high-speed sections. If you can’t make it this time there will be another opportunity later in the year, as we will be visiting the circuit again on September 8.
Bookings for the Leicestershire Circuit of Mallory Park on July 1 are open. Mallory is a short, fast course with Shaw’s Hairpin, the tightest corner of any circuit in the UK, and Devil’s Elbow, a blind, downhill lefthander.
August 9 sees us visiting Anglesey which competes with Brands Hatch as my personal favourite. Anglesey is beautifully positioned with spectacular views of the coast and Snowdonia National Park. On a track day, however, you might want to exercise caution when choosing your moments to admire the scenery. The Circuit may well be familiar to fans of Fifth Gear who use the Coastal layout for the “Shoot Out” segment of the show. A wide, open circuit with some fast straights and the technically challenging “corkscrew”, Anglesey is a real pleasure to visit and to drive.
Some Covid-19 restrictions necessarily remain in place, meaning we can’t offer helmet hire for the moment, and second drivers and passengers need to be from the same household as the main driver. However, a big step forward has been our ability to return to offering in-car instruction and coaching with Association of Racing Drivers Schools (ARDS) Grade A qualified instructors. It’s well worth taking advantage of instruction and it is beneficial for all levels of experience. It can be particularly useful if you are new to track driving to help you get comfortable and build confidence.
While not a substitute for time with a qualified instructor, if you fancy some homework while looking forward to the next event, there are some excellent resources available. Haynes, familiar to us for their workshop manuals, produce a Track Day Guide by Mike Breslin which offers useful advice on basic car preparation and circuit guides for most of the venues MGoT visit – well worth a read. There are many other publications around and some of the circuits feature videobased guides on their websites. Great if you have never visited a venue before. These guides are helpful in acquiring overall familiarity and the briefings on the day ensure you are fully aware of any variations to layout or procedure. The combination of all these things helps ensure you have an enjoyable, safe and rewarding day on the circuit.
We look forward to seeing regulars at future events and always welcome newcomers. We will keep you up to date with our regular newsletters and encourage you to keep an eye on the website for bookings opening.