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History and Photojournalism

Documentary Photography

Photographer Profiles

Influential Photographs

Contemporary Photographer

The Impact on History and Society

Reference List

Snapshot album of photos taken on an original Kodak Camera


Photography, unknowingly, played one of the most prominent roles in documenting and shaping history. Whether it was adventuring to Antarctica, life-changing speeches or groundshaking protests, it has all been documented in one snap of a shutter Everything from the good, the bad and the ugly is captured somewhere by someone.

Before photography officially became known around the mid-1800s, people had discovered the basic principles of lenses and the camera. The first instrument used for photo processing was the Camera Obscura (Latin for the darkroom), which was used a few centuries before the photography we know today came about [Envato Tuts, 2019].

Considering the technicality of taking a simple photo with this camera, it confused and frightened people during this era

The camera obscura wasn't widely known when it was first invented in the 15th century It wasn't until 30 years later when Italian scholar Giovanni Battista published an essay outlining how to use this camera to make the process easier for individuals [ Encyclopedia com, 2022] However, considering the times and how this had a tendency to concern and frighten individuals, he was forced to drop his simplified idea after he was arrested and prosecuted on a charge of sorcery [Envato Tuts, 2019].

Very few renaissance artists admitted they used the camera obscura to assist with their pieces such as live drawing, it is believed that the large majority of them did. The reason for not openly admitting this may have been out of fear of being arrested and charged like Battista or purely for not wanting to appear to be “cheating”.

Diagramofhowthecameraobscuraworked. Illustrationofthecameraobscura


Capturing historical images has been around since time began, as seen in cave drawings, traditional tapestries and artwork, but the practice of photography is relatively modern.

The first recorded permanent image was taken in 1825 in France by French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce Joseph used a portable camera obscura, using a technique known as heliography (something he invented himself) to capture a photo, now famously known as “View from the Window at Le Gras”, or the oldest surviving photo. Despite this being the first of the many photos taken in history, it wasn't until 10 years later that the practice of photography became publicly recognised as a medium for capturing and communicating a moment

From this point onward, the camera continued to rapidly develop and transform with the first camera prototypes being experimented with in 1841, the celluloid roll film being developed in 1887, the first Kodak camera models being built in 1888 and 35mm film cameras being commercially produced in 1913 However, towards the beginning of the camera's evolution photojournalism emerged around 1948-1865.


Photojournalism is the practice of communicating news through photographs, especially in magazines [Oxford Languages, 2020]. This practice came about as a result of the June Days Workers revolt in France (1861-1865), the Crimean War (1853-1856) and the US Civil War (1861-1865) [Photography Talk, 2019]. During this time, these photographs were purely used to enhance the body text rather than lead the article, but eventually, hand-crafted illustrations and written journalistic descriptions were replaced [Photography Talk, 2019].

Photojournalists adopted the style of capturing raw and candid moments during the 1930s, mainly thanks to Henri-Cartier Bresson This has been a key element within the field of photojournalism, helping to bring reality into the press which is something that it often lacked. Using this technique allows for the practice to remain honest and impartial which is key when it comes to journalism as a whole [Tate, 2017].

The most recognisable benefit of photojournalism was the sudden push for social change by highlighting the problems within society. Photojournalism was the first medium to illustrate this to a mass audience using various publications such as magazines [InfoRefuge, 2007]. It also created new opportunities for photographers, creating a more meaningful and important use for their photos

Top: June Days Workers Revolt - Photographer Unknown Bottom:Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare - Cartier-Bresson
PhotographyBy:JosephNicéphoreNiépce View from the Window at Le Gras PhotographyBy:W.EugeneSmith Photojournalist whos photos depict the harsh reality of war and the toll it takes on soldiers [InfoRegue, 2007] PhotographyBy:PhilipDelamotte Disassembly and reconstruction of the Crystal Palace - 1850's


The other form of photography that has played a crucial role in creating history is documentary photography. Unlike photojournalism, which focuses primarily on breaking news events, documentary photography targets an ongoing issue or story portrayed through a series of photographs [National Galleries of Scotland, 2012]. These photos draw attention to world issues that may be difficult or dangerous that require action to be taken by society in order to be resolved or fixed.

This style of photography provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people, places, objects and events and has often recorded various important moments

When the twentieth century rolled around photographers began using the camera as an important tool for creating and kickstarting social change. This was mainly a result of viewers being presented with powerful images that were providing them with an accurate depiction of reality and the real world whilst exposing them to injustice, inequality and side-line aspects of society [Tate, 2017]. It highlighted issues that people weren’t necessarily aware of, promoting, informing and convincing the public on various societal topics, from suffragette movements to the first successful airplane

TopRow:Photographers Unknown|MiddleRow:Photographers Unknown|LowerRow:Philip Delamotte 9.


Photography throughout history took all sorts of shapes and forms, from war photography to music photography to photographing different cultures - no matter its focus it all makes up a large part of our history.

PhotographyBy:FrankHurley Ice mask, C T Madigan


Australian-born and raised photographer Frank Hurley, was an avid adventurer and pioneer photographer during the 20th century [Shackelton, 2022] He would go anywhere and do anything to get the perfect photograph, the risk was always worth taking Hurley is most known for his iconic photos from multiple Antarctica expeditions - one where he was forced to smash over 400 glass plates from the 600 he rescued when the ship went down. Hurley also snapped shots in the jungles of New Guinea and on the front line of the European battlefields where he was appointed official Australian photographer during both world wars Hurley was also known for his composite images. He argued his intentions behind this were purely to communicate and represent the reality and scale of the horror and suffering experienced on the Western Front [Darcy Moore, 2011].

ASelectionofphotographsbyFrankHurley 13.
“OverTheTop”:Composite Photo - became one of his most recognisable photographs. PhotographyBy:MaryEthelMuirDonaldson Black and white glass plate negative of George MacDonald of Bunacaimb, wearing semi-formal Highland dress


Lesser-known English photographer Mary Ethel Muir Donaldson was a key documentary photographer for the small communities of the Scottish highlands in the early 20th century Donaldson, who preferred the title MEM or ‘Herself’ (a Scottish term of respect for a lady in the highlands), went against the norms. Her motive was to follow up on her roots and help the people of the highlands. She was not only a photographer but an author publishing around seven books of her findings. MEM has been labelled as an unconventional ethnographer, capturing disappearing aspects of rural life during this time [Wikipedia, 2022] She was among some of the first ethnographers to photograph the traditional way of life in the highlands of Scotland that eventually vanished between the first and second world wars [OrnaVernum, 2022].

AselectionofphotographsbyMEMDonaldson 15.
PhotographyBy:AnselAdams Monolith, The Face Of Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, 1927


Ansel Adams became one of the most important landscape photographers during the 20th century. His work was devoted to what was or appeared to be America's remaining fragments of untouched wilderness, with a focus on national parks and protected areas [Britannica, 2022]. In addition to his work, he was a passionate leader of the conservationist movement. The importance of Adams’s work wasn't recognised by many at the time as people believed that his work should be focused on more important matters like his competition such as well-known American photographer and photojournalist, Lee Miller This was because their work was considered more ‘of the moment’ in comparison to his [Britannica, 2022]. However, the next generation was the ones to recognise the importance of the health of the natural landscape which to some was deemed the highest priority Adams’s work was a constant reminder to society of the landscapes that needed to be protected His published works aimed to raise awareness of the issue at hand which, along with others, reawakened the conservation movement in the 60’ and ’70s [Britannica, 2022].

AselectionofphotographsbyAnselAdams 17.
PhotographyBy:JimMarshall Black and White of Bob Dylan


Jim Marshall was the photographer who helped define the music industry of the early 20th century, photographing many of the most influential artists of the time including The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan. Jim Marshall was highly regarded within the industry, building trust with artists that they knew he would never break. His pictures established a new level of intimacy in the relationship between entertainers and the photojournalists documenting them [Buzzfeed News, 2019]. The main reason for his fame was the way he managed to capture such big names as normal people, capturing moments with noticeable humanity [Buzzfeed News, 2022]. Marshall's intentions, unlike most music photographers of the times, were to capture and document pieces of history to preserve them for the generations to come - making him stand out from the crowd. He portrayed the human parts of these god-like musicians all whilst remembering to still give them their moment of glory with extraordinary and dramatic shots of their live sets. In his archive of photos there are pieces of civil rights, poverty in America and protests from around the country, but instead chose to go against the grain and focus on the music industry with the hopes to inspire and preserve.

LowerTwo:The Beatles' last performance and two girls at a music festival TopTwo:The Rolling Stones | Bob Dylan & Suze Rotolo 19.


Just a snapshot of the millions of photos that influenced and shaped todays society

Migrant Mother - prompted authorities to transport 20,000 pounds of food to the encampment where Florence Owens Thompson was situated 21.


The Hindenburg Disaster - German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock, resulting in 35 deaths - 1937


The Warsaw Ghetto Boy - young boy holds his hands over his head while SS-Rottenführer Josef Blösche points a submachine gun in his direction- 1943


Bombing of Hiroshima - Aerial view of the bombing of Hiroshima, taken aboard the B-29 - 1945


PhotographedBy:AlfredEisenstaedt Nurse and Sailor kiss in the streets in celebration of the victory over Japan - 1945

PhotographedBy:BettmannArchive Rosa Parks siting at the front of a bus in protest against segregation - 1955

PhotographedBy:GeorgeFreston Citizens of Aberfan attending the mass funeral for 81 of 190 children and adults who died when a landslide engulfed the junior school - 1966


PhotographedBy:WilliamAnders Photo of Earth rising over the lunar horizon - 1968

PhotographedBy:NickUT Phan Thi Kim Phuc running down a road in Vietnam, after a napalm bomb was dropped on the village of Trảng Bàng - 1973

PhotographedBy:Alamy Peace protesters encircling the perimeter fence of RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire - largest female-led protest since the women’s suffrage movement in the 1900s - 1982





"Tank Man" - Man blocks a column of Type 59 tanks heading east on Beijing's Chang'an Boulevard - 1989 Young man sits atop the wall between East and West Berlin - 1989
Child being prayed on by a vutlure in Sudan - stressed the cruelty of the famine in Sudan - 1993


Contemporary photography refers to the work that is currently being produced However, with the rise of television and rapidly developing technology, there is less of a demand for published photography [Tate, 2019]. Nowadays, photography can be seen on various viewing platforms such as Instagram or just on google. There are alternative ways of recording and analysing events that are currently taking place. The need or impact of photography on individuals is much less than in the earlier parts of the twentieth century as we are currently constantly being fed images and other documentation sources of the goings-on today. Subsequently, the content of the photographs is much less earth-shattering to us than compared to individuals that were experiencing everything for the first time, not having seen anything like this before

PhotographedBy:NanGoldin 26.


Cameras, arguably, has been the most important invention since the printing press in 1434 [Britannica, 2022], capturing evidence of almost every aspect of history and defining, altering and impacting the way we remember things Without photography, key information regarding historical events, people, cultures and environments would have been lost and forgotten forever. Photographs have reinforced aspects of the past with visual evidence, providing us with more reliability than illustrations did [LightStalking, 2020] Unlike illustrations, photographs don't require as much deciphering making them more accessible and relatable to the viewer.

Despite being such a beneficial practice, photography has its downfalls. Even though it is much more reliable and accurate than illustrations, photos have the ability to be manipulated to draw attention to specific elements or portray a completely different story. This has been a trick of the trade for many years with one of the first recorded instances of photo manipulation being in 1860 when a photograph of John Calhoun was manipulated to have his body with Abraham Lincoln's face, to make Lincoln appear less ‘ugly’ to the public Joseph Stalin was also a primary user of photo retouching for propaganda purposes [Wikipedia, 2022]. Photo manipulation is still prevalent in today's society. Thanks to technology, the process of editing a photo is much easier and more accessible, which questions the reliability and accuracy of the photographs being published today

Photography has been a predominant factor in the reduction of individuals' privacy, with the rise of the cult of celebrity and the excessive use of social media The paparazzi have been detrimental to photography as an art form and contributed to diminishing levels of privacy. A key example of this is the death of Princess Diana. The constant pressure of the paparazzi to get the latest celebrity photos ultimately lead to her death.

Photography's impact on modern history has been both positive and negative. Despite the magnitude of its negatives, it is important to recognise the crucial and beneficial role that photography has played in our history. It has increased the awareness of many significant events and issues on a global scale and created a push for change Photography has enabled humankind to reflect upon its actions and adopt new approaches to avoid replicating mistakes from our past. It also documents the positive progress we have made as a global society and how, in some instances, we have changed for the better.

Top: Photographer Unknown Bottom:Abaca - Flynet Pictures Lincoln'sheadheadplacedontopofCalhoun'sbody
SallyMann:"Candy Cigarette"


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