Great Strides: Winter Edition 2021

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The Independence Center will be closed from Friday, December 24th through Friday, December 31st to acknowledge staff and allow them a period of time to recharge and prepare for the new year. We would like to express our gratitude to all of the individuals who have provided much needed services through a very difficult time. With COVID numbers still rising, staff have gone above and beyond to provide in-person and virtual services to those who need it most. As the weather grew colder, all services were moved indoors to better accommodate the needs of our members. Throughout this time the IC has continued to take the upmost care in serving our members. We continue to practice safety protocols daily which include sanitizing all common areas in between workshops as well as a the end of each day, wearing masks, sanitizing/washing hands getting vaccinated and assisting members to do the same. Without IC staff and all of those other individuals who have stayed the course throughout this pandemic, many people would not have the care and resources they so desperately need. We thank you for your constant dedication and commitment to those we serve.

If you haven’t heard already, MHC’s GROW program (Growing, Recovering and Opportunities for Wellness) began as a vision for Mental Health Connecticut in 2017. Since it’s creation, GROW has developed into a year-round horticultural program for any and all participants who would like to be part of growing, sharing, and taking part in healthy horticultural activities. The GROW program holds workshops every Friday at 10:00 am at the IC and they host a wide variety of fun and creative nature based activities. From flower arrangements, to growing bulbs to making wreaths and IC member Adriano T. much more, our members have benefitted from connecting to nature in fun and innovative ways. If you haven’t joined us for one of these amazing workshops, we encourage you to give us a call and sign up! You can sign up by calling us at 203-756-5772.

This year during United Way’s Day of Caring volunteer event, the Independence Center grounds received a makeover! Thanks to volunteers from St. Mary’s hospital, IC staff and GROW staff, we were able to beautify our outdoor green space. While the weather did not cooperate, this did not deter the team. Bushes were trimmed, mulch was added and flowers were planted. We are deeply grateful to the United Way for coordinating the volunteers and for everyone who put in great efforts to prepare for and follow through on the completion of this project.




We would like to congratulate IC member Joseph C. for winning the Individual Advocacy Award from KTP. Joseph won this award for his relentless efforts to contact and involve his legislator and have her attend one of KTP’s lobby days. Joseph also submitted multiple testimonies, and is recognized as a strong advocate. We thank Joseph for his dedication and determination to advocate for essential services. In addition to winning this award, Joseph was also one of the winners for the KTP Holiday Card Contest and he recently started a new job. Way to go Joseph!

We would also like to give a special shout out to one of our members, Juan P. Due to COVID we needed to create a usable outdoor space for staff and members to meet for workshops and activities. The parking lot was the only viable option. Our facilities team jumped in and created beautiful planters, GROW staff planted flowers and herbs and Juan took care of Juan P. displaying his art beside the plants he cared for the rest. Juan tended to our flower boxes giving them water, food and love. They flourished throughout the entire summer and into the fall thanks to Juan’s dedication and care. Juan has also shared pieces of his visual art with the IC and has helped to create a beautiful environment both inside the IC and out. Thank you Juan!

We would like to congratulate IC Staff Jayne Shea and Jessica McDermott. Both Jayne and Jessica received their recertification as a CT Recovery Support Specialist. Jessica also received her Nation RSS recertification this past year. Becoming certified and maintaining these certification takes hours of training and hands on experience. Both Jayne and Jessica have utilized their skills to IC Staff Jayne Shea help members from day to day challenges to case management needs to running specialized groups and activities. We are so fortunate to have them as part of the IC team and we are proud of IC Staff Jessica McDermott their accomplishments.

Although things are starting to improve, we still face challenges associated with Covid-19. We want you to remember that there are resources that are available. Below is a list of programs that can help.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 1-888-628-9454 (Español) Alcohol and Drug Recovery/ Substance Abuse Treatment Access Line for Referrals & Detoxification 860-714-3700 and 800-563-4086 Sexual Assault Crisis Services English 888-999-5545 Spanish 888-568-8332 CT 211 call 2-1-1,

CT Quitline (Tobacco) 1-800-QUIT-NOW CT Council on Problem Gambling 1-888-789-7777 (Helpline) Mobile Crisis 1-866-794-0021 Regional

Hotline: 1-888-447-3339 NAMI CT 860-882-0236 Helpline: 1-800-950-6264 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) CT 1-866-783-7712 Anywhere USA 1-800-344-2666 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) CT 1-800-627-3543 National Information 1-800-447-6291


We all know that the Holidays can be a stressful time of year so here are some tips from NAMI on how to keep yourself healthy: Accept your needs. Be kind to yourself! Put your own mental and physical well-being first. Recognize what your triggers are to help you prepare for stressful situations. What is making you feel physically and mentally agitated? Once you know this, you can take steps to avoid or cope with stress. Write a gratitude list and offer thanks. As we near the end of the year, it’s a good time to reflect back on what you are grateful for, then thank those who have supported you. Gratitude has been shown to improve mental health. Be realistic. Even pre-pandemic, the happy lives of the people shown in those holiday commercials are fictional. We all have struggles one time or another and it’s not realistic to expect otherwise. Sometimes, it’s simply not possible to find the perfect gift or have a peaceful time with family. Set boundaries. Family dynamics can be complex. Acknowledge them and accept that you can only control your role. If you need to, find ways to limit your exposure. Get enough sleep. Symptoms of some mental health conditions, like mania in bipolar disorder, can be triggered by getting too little sleep.


In November the CT Historical Society opened it’s latest exhibit “Common Struggle, Individual Experience, An Exhibition about Mental Health”. The CHS website explains this exhibition as follows: “Understanding how people have struggled with mental health throughout history helps us support ourselves and each other today. This exhibition explores how society has sought and continues to seek care for Pictured left to right, Mary Ann C., Karen W., Jayne S. the mind and mental health. Letters, photographs, and other artifacts will help share the experiences of Connecticans from the past. Oral history interviews, recorded in 2020 and 2021, will share the perspectives of people today”. IC members Mary Ann C. and Karen W. along with IC staff Jayne S. participated in this exhibit and shared their stories. We are so proud of their contributions to this monumental endeavor. If you would like to learn more or see a virtual tour, please visit CHS’s website at exhibition/commonstruggleindividualexperience/ .

This IC was privileged to host two writing classes based off of the writing program “Write On!” developed by Janet Reynolds. These classes were open to MHC participants either in-person or virtually and were facilitated by IC staff Jessica McD. The Discovering Your Inner Writer: Alumni Class was for participants who have already completed the first Discovering Your Inner Writer class. The Alumni class focused on writing prompts and assignments between classes. One of the assignments included having participants write about their own mental health journey. Participants met weekly and expanded upon the skills they learned from the first course and took these skills to the next level. Here’s what participants had to say about their experience with the course:    

David G.- “Journaling has helped me clear my mind from running in circles.” Joseph C. - “I’ve learned you can get over past trauma by writing about it.” Shawn M. - “I believe that writing is part of my well-being. It helps me control my emotions in a better way like my anxiety for example.” Terrex C. - “You have to have imagination to take you places that you’ve never been before. Also, art and writing goes together especially if your developing your character/characters.”

Practice relaxation. Deep breathing, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation are good ways to calm yourself. Taking a break to refocus can have benefits beyond the immediate moment. Exercise daily. Schedule time to walk outside, bike or join a dance class. Whatever you do, make sure it’s fun. Daily exercise naturally produces stressrelieving hormones in your body and improves your overall physical health. Prioritize self-care. Schedule time for activities that make you feel good. It might be reading a book, going to the movies, getting a massage, listening to music you love, or taking your dog for a walk. It’s okay to prioritize alone time you need to recharge. Find support. Whether it’s with friends, family, a counselor or a support group, airing out and talking can help (you can always call us at the IC!).

Pictured left to right, Jessica McD. (facilitator), Aileen S. (Bloom house staff), Valeri M. (Waterbury Residential participant), David G. (IC), Shawn McKinstry (IC). On Screen, Brian R. (Danbury participant), Terrex C. (IC). Participants Doug N. and Joseph C. not pictured.

Pictured left to right, Joseph C. (IC), Gus U. (IC). Not pictured Darryl H. (IC) and Brian R.

The second offering was Discovering Your Inner Voice which ran as a 6-week series. During the class the participants were able to watch a 15-minute video with Janet Reynolds speaking about her experience with writing and the participants were then given writing prompts. Participants would take some time to write based on the prompts and would then share their writings with their peers. This series was open to any MHC participant who wished to join, regardless of their past participation or experience.

If you are interested in participating in future offerings, contact IC staff Jessica McD. Classes will resume in February 2022

Spend time in nature. Studies show that time in nature reduces stress. Eat well. With dinners, parties, and cookie trays at every turn, our eating habits are challenged during the holiday season. Try to maintain a healthy diet through it all. Eating unprocessed foods, like whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruit is the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Eating well can also help stabilize your mood. For more resources, visit NAMI at


Disclaimer: Articles which show “submitted by” are not written by an IC member. They are articles that our members came across, were inspired by, and brought in to the Center to inspire and encourage other members. Often the authors of these articles are unknown. The opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Independence Center’s members, the staff, or the Editor.

We would like to wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe Holiday season and a wonderful new year! This year the staff at the IC are cooking up a something special for our members. On December 22 and 23, the IC will be delivering a delicious homemade meal with all the fixings, fresh baked cookies and a little gift right to your door. If you are interested, please reach out to staff at 203-756-5772 by Tuesday, December 21 and sign up.

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